#mad scientist vlad masters
bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Everybody always talks about how Danny would be the mad scientist, the one who makes crazy inventions from basically nothing
But nobody ever talks about Vlad doing the same
Think about it, Vlad was right there with Jack and Maddie during their High School days, and he managed to help them build the Proto-Portal in a High-School Lab with barely any resources
Imagine a scenario where Batman/Any Hero was investigating Vlad for corruption, and while they are interrogating him, some random villain attack them.
Vlad isn’t allowed to use his powers while on Ghost Parole, and he wouldn’t be able to either way since there’s a Hero right there. So instead, he takes a bunch of different appliances from the Break Room they are trapped in, and starts ripping them apart.
The Hero asks what the hell he’s doing, but stops when Vlads cobbled together invention activates and disables the powers of whatever villain they are being attacked by.
“D-did you just build a long ranged Meta-Dampener from the appliances in a break room?”
“Not my best work, would have been more effective if I had more Double-A Batteries and a few more nickels”
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ecto-stone · 1 year
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That is Much cooler then i remember. Original Pic:
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The college trio portraits (DP)
i might have blacked out and went crazy with coloring, anyway i had so much fun drawing the og ghost hunting trio and now i feel wayy more comfortable drawing these characters bc of it.
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pricklenettle · 6 months
Only Half Ghosts, Full Fentons
AO3 link
Phic Phight prompt for ghostanimal. All of the Fentons are half-ghost. But they don’t know that their family members are also half ghost.
How did they all meet their grisly ends?
word count: 12266
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tbh i think jack fenton knows exactly who vlad masters is and is unironically into it. now if vlad could just admit to himself that hes very into jack's whole deal. well actually that would be very bad for like all life on planet earth but. my point is that vlad is rly into jack and his obsession with maddie has been jealousy and frankly im embarassed for him
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evilgoosegoose · 7 months
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To make up for being absent for a full week, have two thingies, the first one is for the mad scientist Danny au, still working on his design btw, and the other for the sick Danny au
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"Hello." A dull thwack sound reverberated across the rooftop, leaving the boy who snuck up on Red Robin clutching his head. The boy, a meta if the large animal ears and tail were anything to go by, shook off the pain and pouted up at him, "What was that for?!"
The vigilante was unrepentant, holding his bo staff in a ready position, "You snuck up behind a vigilante at night. In Gotham."
"Okay," the meta conceded, still pouting. "You have a point there. Robin threw ninja stars at me when I tried to approach Batman."
That got Tims attention, "You tried to approach Batman? Was there something you needed?"
The kid suddenly got serious, "My mom went missing. I haven't been able to contact her for almost two weeks now."
Red pulled his arm closer to his face before he began typing on his wrist computer, "Can you tell me her name and date of birth?"
"Um." The other teen fidgetted with his tail a bit, "Okay, so...she's kinda Cheetah."
"...come again?"
"She's Cheetah. The...the supervillian."
Red Robin stared at him, and honestly who could blame him? The bats hadn't even known Cheetah had a son. "So why are you in Gotham? Why not ask Wonder Woman for help? Cheetahs one of her rogues not ours."
The teen shook his head, "She went to meet someone in Gotham before she disappeared. She seemed really agitated before she left, almost scared. I've never seen her like that before." He paused, giving the vigilante time to type before continuing, "I didn't go Wonder Woman since I figured I would wind up needing to talk to a bat anyway since its your turf and all." He said, waving a hand as if gesturing to the city around them.
"I wasn't aware Cheetah had a kid."
The meta grimaced, "she didn't until a year ago."
Red gave him a look, as if urging him to go on.
The meta chuffed, sounding a lot like whatever big cat he was supposed to be, "I'll only tell you my tragic backstory if you promise to help me find my mom."
"I'll find your mom." The bird said without an ounce of hesitation. Tim was a little offended. Did this guy think he was going to leave his mom in danger just because she was a criminal? Appearently so, seeing as the teen looked so relieved at his words.
"Okay, so my bio parents were evil mad scientists. Always a bad start, anyway they were obsessed with the occult and one day they suddenly took me and my sister to Brazil to hunt for some artifact of another. That alone was strange but weirder still was the fact my creepy godfather was paying for it all. He usually only does something like that when he's plotting "
"Plotting?" The detective interjected, "you make it sound like he does that often."
"Yeah. Hes a supervillian." The meta said casually, as if he didn't just leave Tim reeling, but the kid wasn't done yet, "He's had a massive crush on my bio mom since collage and never let it go no matter how many times she rejected him. She even married my dad, his best friend, and this dude just kept simping for 20 years." The teen rolled his eyes, "Hes convinced himself that if he murders my bio dad then my bio mom will fall in love with him and me and jazz will be "his"." He said that last part with fingerqoutes and a disgusted expression.
Tim filed that away for later, "Can I have his name, if nothing else?"
The teen seemed reluctant for a moment, "You're the worlds greatest detectives. You'll find out even if i try to hide it. Besides, I'd probably be better off if you and the Justice League know everything anyway."
Tim was...surprised by that. Most people usually weren't this open with them.
"His name is Vlad Masters, he also goes by Plasmius when he's dressed like a wannabe vampire. He's a ghost who's repossessed his corpse. My parents are Jack and Maddie Fenton, who are obsessed with ghosts and have convinced themselves that all ghosts are evil and must be destroyed, regardless of how much evidence points to them being wrong."
"And your name?"
The meta grinned at him, showing off four very sharp fangs, reminiscent of the large cat he takes after, "You can call me Jaguar. We were exploring a bit when I broke off from my family and got jumped by one of them. Suddenly I was struck by a claw and turned into furry bait. Fluffy stopped trying to make me his lunch and just stared at me before walking away, which was wierd. Then my parents found me, accused me of being a ghost, because thats naturally what someone would assume when thier son sprouts cat ears," he said while rolling his eyes.
"Naturally." Red joked, which had the benefit of making Jaguar smile.
"So my parents chased me through the jungle, shooting all the while, then suddenly a portal opened up in front of me. I'm not stupid, I know there was no way this wasn't a trap. I mean, a portal opening up right after that bizarre series of events and its the same shade of glowing green as the wierd death go my parents are obsessed with? There's no way they weren't related somhow, but I was desperate and jumped through anyway."
"I landed in another jungle, or the same one in a different location, I'm not sure. I tried hunting and foraging but wasn't very successful at either." Danny still remembered the throbbed in his head when he had headbutt that tree after missing his pounce on that pig he had been stalking. "Thats when Cheetah found me. She took me in and taught me to hunt and fight."
Possible plot twists:
1. Danny isnt Phantom in this au
2. Danny is Phantom in this au but is trying to leave that life behind
3. My favorite. Danny has the ability to manipulate and control animals into doing his bidding with the effect of jaguars and other big cats being the most prevalent and he just doesn't realize it.
One of Cheetahs friends/allies realizes cheetah has changed and suspected something and convinced her to leave for a while to see if her care for this kid faded after a while away from his presence. It works and Danny loses another parental figure/possibly attacked by them too.
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ghost-pasta · 11 months
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I am hoping to break containment, no spoilers in the tags or comments if you please.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 10 months
Always a man, a city, and a lighthouse...
"Robin, Red Robin, stay back for a minute," Batman said as he dismissed everyone for patrol. "I have a new mission for you. Dozens of civilians have gone missing around the decommissioned Gotham City Lighthouse." A few clicks and the Batcomputer displayed a map of the Upper West Side, a highlight on the lighthouse. "I want you both to investigate the building. Everyone who's gone missing entered the lighthouse, but nothing has been found by the police. I suspect that the lighthouse is being used for gun smuggling, but we need more information.
"That's where you two come in."
Or, I've been reading too much of @virgamsysxvolumes 's Lucky Rush AU, and wanted a true Bioshock AU for dc x dp.
Underneath the city, in the vast and endless caverns beneith Gotham, lies the subterranean city of Amity. Amity was the pet project of the mad scientist couple, the Drs. Fenton, to investigate the effects of ectoplasm on humans, but with the help of their best friend, Vlad Masters, they transformed Amity into a Technocracy City filled with scientists, and completely lacking in morals.
Or at least, that's how it was ten years ago, before the creation of Plasm (the Adam replacement), a neon green goo that's basically meth that gives you superpowers. Everyone from the top scientists to the lower working class starting doping on Plasm, which gave people the ability to control fire, create hallucinogenic spores, summon bats, etc. Vlad, the mayor, was deposed in a cue let by the Fentons and the city descended into anarchy, with people from the surface getting lured down from the lighthouse so they can continue their experiments.
The Fentons are 100% not good people in this. Jack is in charge of all the technological advances in Amity, while Maddie has created human/ghost hybrids--the Little Sisters of the story--that can naturally harvest ectoplasm from dead bodies to use for experiments. Once everyone's hooked on Plasm, the Little Sisters are in danger from acting Splicers, so she creates Big Daddies to protect them.
Danny is the only Little Brother, and Jazz is the only Big Sister. Vlad turned them both into monsters as revenge against the Fentons for the cue, but the couple didn't really care, with Jack barely acknowledging he has children, and Maddie acting like they were never turned into monsters to begin with. Not sure about ages... Jazz is probably the same as her canon age, but if Danny is still 14, he looks 10, tiny and malnourished and pale.
Tim and Damian are trapped in Amity after an automatic system determines them as good test subjects. The AI filters out any cops, so that's why the police never found anything. The elavator brings them down into the city, showing a sweeping shot of neon in the darkness of the caves, and the boys figure out pretty quickly something is blocking their calls.
Tim gets super injured early on. I think, a Jack Fenton booby trap (that exclaims that it's a Jack Fenton Booby Trap moments before activating, which should be funny, but isn't when death lasers are being launched at him.). Damian gets captured, and that's when Tim is contacted by Vlad, who is our Atlas stand in for the game, only Tim immediately realizes that this man is sketchy af.
But unfortunately, in order to rescue Damian, Tim has to splice himself with Plasm. Maybe its for fire-wielding, or telekinesis but Tim can't get to wherever Damian is being held and, while torn, splices himself to save Damian.
Damian was kidnapped because his exposure to Lazirus Waters made a Big Daddy think he was a Little Sister, so it brought him back to the Casper Academy, which is where Little Sisters drop their harvests off in the care of William Lancer. Lancer looks after the girls because Maddie Fenton is too busy, but it's against his will despite him caring for them all. He's trapped in the building, can't leave or he dies. He's actually relieved to know that Vlad is still alive and trusts him, because to Lancer he was just a good mayor who was overthrown and the Fentons are the real bad guys, just look what they did to their kids!
This is where the batkids first learn about Danny and Jazz, although they don't meet them until a while after this. Danny actually ends up being the one leaving Plasm out for Tim every time he rescues a Little Sister. (Sidenote, they end up killing people while in Amity. While both do have death counts, the problem with Amity is that they have to use stronger and stronger levels of force to get people to go down, leading them to escalating and killing quite a few).
Lancer points them to communications to get their comms working again, and that area is run by Damon Grey.
At some point after comms are back on, the two learn that Red Hood actually came in after them after hours of no communication and has been captured by Maddie Fenton, who intends to turn him into a Big Daddy.
In late story, it's revealed that Jack Fenton was murdered before the cue even happened, and that the Jack Fenton they'd been communicating with the entire time was an AI assistant created by living Jack to keep his work going. The cue was actually retaliation from Maddie and the Jack AI for murdering Jack.
The story would eventually end with Tim, Damian, and Jason freeing all the Little Sisters along with Danny and Jazz.
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aph-mable · 1 year
My Uncle is a Nut.
 Chapter 2
Lex stares down at his computer screen as he looks over the latest news about DALV Co.
Afterall, it's not that often that one of the guests at a Gala takes it upon themselves to save the day before any heroes show up.
Luthor was now interested in the very same young man that achieved this. Daniel Fenton, Vlad's Godson and the second youngest Co CEO next to Tim Drake-Wayne.
Even with a basic internet search on the boy there was plenty of information to find, both about his family and what connections they had.
Daniel's parents; Madeline and Jack Fenton. Doctors in both biology and engineering, working with the government, as well as the most well known pioneers in Ecto science, a very unique study.
They own a weapons workshop together and quite frankly put some of Gothams own mad scientists to shame with their inventions.
There is only one other child besides Daniel, who is quite a bright young lady named Jasmine Fenton, who’s currently working towards getting her degree in psychology.
Meanwhile Daniel Fenton has his own achievements that were not to be ignored. 
He was on the fast track to becoming an astronaut in his early teens, only to have that dream crushed after an accident that left him wheelchair bound and his grades to temporarily suffer, yet he continued to push forward.
There was news articles about how Daniel risked his life to save an endangered species of gorilla, he had been seen at many protests fighting for the rights of metas and the meta adjacent, and with him now as Co CEO of DALV co he was incharge over and currently the main inventor of the technology being made and sold. 
That last part is what caught Lex’s attention the most, especially since he was now a business partner with Vlad Master’s (much to his distaste), yet the man made very high quality technology that has proven him an asset for now.
So to find out it was the man’s Godson who was the one making the inventions provided something he desperately desired, a different person to make a deal with. 
Because in all honesty, Vlad Masters, both as a business partner and a villain in arms, was just horrible to deal with.
Vlad at the best of the times was attention seeking or grumbling about not getting his way, maybe bragging about his achievements as mayor. But at his worst? 
Luthar has seen that pompous dragon get very, very petty. somehow stealing others wealth, companies, even passion projects, just because he wanted to. And somehow, he always got away with it.
Yet at the last gala Lex got a glimpse into how much worse Masters could be. The entire night the man had been strangely territorial over his charge, much to the boy’s annoyance. Lex could have sworn he’d seen Vlad’s eyes go red when he was being held back from reaching his godson later into the night. His protectiveness was not like that of a parent’s, but rather a beast whose treasure was being messed with.
That in itself is worrisome, especially since it will affect Lex’s plans to become business partners with Daniel instead of his godfather. Add in the fact that Vlad is obviously a controlling narcissist… well, lex has always enjoyed a good challenge now and then. For now, all he has to do is schedule a meeting with the young Co CEO at a time Masters will be busy, and go from there.
Reaching for his phone Luthor dialed his secretary’s number as he smugly leaned back in his chair.
“Eve, can you get me Vlad Master’s schedule? I Have a meeting in mind.” 
Danny was busy tinkering away at his work desk, music playing from a small speaker as he hyper focused on his latest invention. 
It was supposed to be an updated version of the phantom thermos, making it not just easier to capture ghosts, but allowing it much more space and durability as well as the ability to catch more than just ghosts.
He had long since retired the fenton thermos back to being a normal thermos for holding liquid, and maybe an emergency projectile if needed. He wanted a much more successful capture device and is slowly trying to move away from using Fenton works weapons all together.
By now all of team phantom made their own weapons and devices, both being much more ecto friendly as well as complementing their fighting style.
Danny still mostly used his powers and hand to hand combat to take down ghosts, but it’s still useful to have gadgets just in case he couldn't use his abilities.
Danny's mind starts to race with new ideas and possible upgrades to various inventions, including some exciting upgrades to his chair when a notification caught his eye, someone had entered the lab.
With a groan he puts his thermos away and dramatically flops further back into his chair just as whoever was planning to bother him approached….
Only to see a bald man in a suit raise an eyebrow as he kept a respectable distance.
Danny pulls his goggles up as he scans the man, he could have sworn he’d seen him before… oh right, the Gala Vlad dragged him to.
Turning his chair, Danny crosses his arms as he got a better view of the man, now remembering his name; Lex Luthor, one of Vlad’s newest business partners that was supposed to hash out plans with his Godfather. 
Mr. Luthor relaxed as Danny gave him his full attention, he even gave out a small chuckle under his breath as he read the boy's shirt that said ‘I’m not a mourning person’.
Not so subtly he switched his chuckle to a fake clearing of his throat as he offered out his hand.   
“You must be Daniel Fenton, I have to say you definitely made a name for yourself, especially after the previous Gala.” he kept a smug smile that he tried to hide as a genuine one. 
Danny took the guy's hand and shook it firmly as he was trying to figure out what, exactly, he wanted. 
“Yup that's me, though I prefer to be called Danny. Soo, who are you and what are you doing in my lab?”
“Straight to the point, I like it.” Mr. Luthor glanced over at Dann’s work bench before taking a much more relaxed slouched, “My name is Lex Luthor, and I’m here to offer a business partnership with you.” 
This made Danny freeze up in surprise, because who the hell is crazy enough to make a business deal with a teenager? Lex Luthor, Apparently! 
His face scrunched a bit as he leaned back in his chair, not fully believing that's what the man wanted, or at the very least it’s not as cut and dry as he’s making it sound. There has to be a catch here. 
“Why? Aren't you already Vlad’s business partner? You're already working with us.” 
Luthor nods as he walks around and explains his reasoning, “It’s true that i'm a partner of DALV co, but the details have yet to be fully hashed out, meaning I’m not quite a business partner with Mr. Master’s himself yet. And I’ll be honest here with you, I really don’t want to deal with him.” 
Once more Danny was surprised, yet he started to relax when he heard Lex wasn’t as friendly with Vlad as he first thought. 
“Really? That must be why he was trying suck up to you all night at the gala, I just assumed that was Vlad trying to flirt.” 
Danny couldn’t help but burst out laughing as he saw Lex’s face scrunch up in disgust after hearing that.
“Noted, and I really hope it’s not the case. I’m already thinking less of him as is, only to have that bar lowered to a tripwire is the reason why I’d rather not deal with him.  Hence why I wanted to come in and make a deal with you instead, since you're less of a.. What's the proper word here?”
“Narcissistic parasite?”
Lex snapped his fingers and grinned, “yes that! At the very least it’s obvious who here actually runs the show when it comes to the technological department. So what do you say, ready to make your first legit big deal in the business world?” once more he offers out a hand.
Danny rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow and staring at the looming man. 
“Flattery will get you into many places, but I want to make a few things very clear; I don’t take deals unless I have control over the conditions. I’m not dumb enough to just say yes to someone who managed to get into my lab without Vlad trailing behind. So my rules or nothing.” 
“Very well, tell me your conditions, I’ll get my lawyer to write up a contract once we both agree.” Luthor mimics Danny’s cross-armed possession as the teen brainstormed.
Danny looked down at his lap in thought as his fingers tapped on his arm rests before he quickly shot back his answer. 
"If we are working together I want lab safety to be a top priority, meaning if I'm calling out something as unsafe you take it seriously. Next is schedules and restrictions.
 I'm still in online school and want to hang out with my friends and family, so no last minute meetings unless I can join in online or barring guests from seeing me, obviously you can look into them to be sure they aren't a security risk but beyond that they are welcomed. 
Lastly, as long as it's not in the lab I can eat whenever and wherever I want, I'm of course putting it on Vlad's tab if it's anything expensive.
Sound like a fair deal?" 
Lex humed for a moment as he tapped his chin before agreeing with a small nod.
"I'll agree to those terms if you agree to mine.
I'll go along with the lab safety protocol as long as you don't question what purpose we are collaborating on, well as long as it doesn't violate the rule of course.
Second is we have to work together at my labs in Matroplas, and I'm okay with meeting online if there is a time crunch or it's trivial, guests will need to be checked by security to be sure they aren't smuggling anything in or out.
Lastly for the budget, whenever we are collaborating it's a 50/50 split unless we agree on otherwise.
So what do you say, we got a deal?"
Lex holds out his hand for Danny to shake, which he does with no hesitation.
"Excellent! Now, how about we get some lunch while we work out travel plans" Luther claps his hands as he leads the way.
"Sure, as long as it's on yours or Vlad's dime I don't care." Danny follows after, placing the security protocol on as they leave.
As they ride the elevator down Danny thinks, Lex may be a nutty billionaire, but he’s not as bad as the fruitloop…
He’s a cheerio.
End of chapter 2 for now.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 12
My job ended so now I'm only part time employed. And I'm on vacation! So you get this chapter early in the day because I have plans later tonight. I think I'll have something to post next week, but I'm not sure. I'll be pretty busy this week, but the people I'm staying with do have work and school and stuff, so I should have time while they're doing that. Idk.
Story Summary: Danny was invited to dinner at Wayne Manor to meet Jazz's boyfriend and his family for the first time. He worked hard to make sure no ghost business would interrupt the evening. But when he arrived, all he could focus on was the ghost of the dead Robin that seemed to haunt Jason. Looks like he was breaking his promise.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
Danny just blinked at him in confusion. “Who else was there? My accident is what activated the portal and started letting ghosts through. My fault, my responsibility. And since I became half ghost, I had the powers necessary to fix it. My parents were incompetent at best. I just did what had to be done. ”
Bruce’s eyes narrowed. “If your parents were so incompetent, who trained you? Who helped you?”
“I mean, at first it was just Sam, Tucker, and I. They were present for my accident and helped me figure out my powers. Jazz figured it out a few months later and covered for me until she eventually revealed she already knew and then started helping more actively. And eventually I made a bunch of allies in the Realms and they started teaching me. I’m learning sword fighting from the Fright Knight and Pandora, diplomacy from Queen Dorathea, medicine from my doctor, and so many more things. It’s why I’m not worried about getting a GED. I’m so swamped with lessons and responsibilities that I just don’t have the time right now. Even if my grandfather is the master of time.”
Surprisingly, it was Alfred who asked the next question. “Do you ever have time to rest?”
Danny grinned. “Absolutely. When it all gets to be too much, I call up my partners or little sister and run away for a bit. My council then pretends I’m harder to find than I am. Or I’ll fight them off if I’m not ready to go back yet. I won my title through trial of combat, after all. No one can beat me.”
Jazz pouted at him. “You could call me up more often for those escapades, you know.”
Danny laughed. “Call up Ms. Responsibility to help me shirk? Nah, you’re where I go when I need to focus and can’t do it anymore.”
She smiled at him. “I suppose I can settle for that.”
Damian tilted his head. “We have conducted extensive background checks on Jasmine after her relationship with Todd became known. You do not have a younger sister.”
“I do,” said Danny. “Her name is Dani-with-an-i and she’s either two years younger than me or fourteen depending on how you look at it.”
“You’ve been cloned?” Tim was staring at him, so shocked he’d even stopped typing.
“Dani doesn’t like being called my clone. She’s my sister and her own person.”
Tim shook his head. “No, sorry, I said that wrong. My best friend is a clone. Superboy.”
“Oh!” Danny grinned. “I get it. Dani would love an introduction if you think he’d be interested. Superboy was also created by a creepy billionaire who was obsessed with his template, right? They’d have so much in common.”
“Wait,” said Jason. “Vlad Masters actually cloned you? He’s not just some creepy rich dude but legit mad scientist?”
Jazz shrugged. “Supervillain more like. But we’ve got it mostly under control. Bruce, if he tries to set up a meeting with you between Wayne Enterprises and VladCo, let me know? He likes to overshadow his competitors and make them sign over their companies. It’s how he became mayor in Amity. But he won’t do anything if Danny or I are there.”
“Overshadow?” asked Bruce.
“Possession,” Tim answered for Danny. “Apparently it’s a basic ghost power.”
Bruce closed his eyes. “Of course it is.” Looking to Danny, he asked, “What else are basic ghost powers?”
“As I demonstrated earlier, flight—well, it’s more gravity nullification, but semantics—invisibility, intangibility. Then there’s ectoblasts—” he formed one in his hands and tossed it from hand to hand “—overshadowing. Um… and most ghosts have at least one extra power directly tied to their obsession. Like, Boxy, er ,the Box Ghost, has control over cardboard boxes. Lunch Lady has control over food. Things like that.” With a wave of his hands, he dissipated the ectoblast.
“And Vlad Masters has used these powers to win an election and steal other’s companies.”
“He also has the power of duplication. I’m working on it, but can only maintain two duplicates at a time and it takes a ton of concentration. Vlad can maintain dozens if not hundreds at once. And each duplicate can overshadow someone. It’s why he’s such a pain to fight.”
Jason raised his hand. “I’m sorry, can you back up for a sec. How long has Vlad had these powers?”
Jazz shrugged. “Since his university days with Jack and Maddie. There was an accident and Vlad got ghost powers like Danny.”
“Uh-huh.” Jason’s voice was tight and a slow spread of anger was filling the room. “And you first met him when you were a kid, right?”
“Yeah,” said Danny. “It was a few months after my accident, so I was fourteen.”
“Did he, a grown-ass man, start fighting you, a kid right from the beginning?”
“Look, it’s fine. He’s a fruitloop. I know that. He wanted to kill my dad and marry my mom and play father-son with me from the moment we met. And yeah, the fights were hard when I was a kid. But I’m way stronger than him now. He’s just got that one trick that is a bitch to account for. I’m fine. Have been fine. And now I’m old enough and disowned so my parents can’t even force me to spend time with him anymore.”
Robin face palmed at his last words and Danny threw his hands up in the air.
“What did I say this time? I’m fine!”
Bruce frowned. “I’m sorry the adults in your life have failed you so badly. I know you said you are receiving training from other mentors, but I do have extensive experience fighting with and against metas and will share my methods with you. Both you and your sister, excuse me, sisters are welcome here any time and I’ll make sure we have some rooms set aside for you anytime you’re on Earth and in New Jersey.”
Damian jumped to his feet, “Father!”
But before he could say more than that, Dick had rushed to his side and slapped a hand over his mouth and began whispering in his ear. Steph moved seats so the two brothers could sit next to each other.
Robin was grinning and pumping his fists in the air. He sent out welcome, family vibes towards Danny.
Emotions that were echoed by Jason who added a protect layer to them.
Duke let out a whoop. "I won't be the only meta around! Promise me you'll come by a lot."
Danny shook his head, but couldn’t stop the smile. “So, you’ve decided I’m not a threat, then?”
“Hn. It seems like you were a child, put into an impossible situation, failed by all the adults who should’ve protected you, and that you excelled anyway.”
Jason pointed his fork at Danny. “But don’t let him put you at ease. He will figure out ways to neutralize you if you end up going evil or get mind controlled. He does it to everyone, even Superman and Superman is his best friend.”
At that, Danny couldn’t help but laugh. “Good!”
Pulses of surprise came from both Robin and Jason.
“Look, I’ve faced both an evil future version of me and have had to deal with mind control.” He looked to Bruce and, serious now, said, “As soon as the Anti-Ecto Acts are repealed and the Guys in White disbanded, I will help you write those plans myself.”
The family is finally warming up to Danny and at least some of them want to bring them in! Damian is the least happy about it.
Tag List Part 1
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @flyingpansaurus, @akintoabitch, @marivictal, @8-29pm, @justreadingthefanfics, @happybear135, @kisatamao, @spoopyspoony, @adorablechaos, @sara0055, @screamingtofillthevoid
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wisecloudnightmare · 8 months
Can we have fucked up, toxic, old man yaoi with Jack Fenton/Vlad Masters please?
It's my brainrot that I can't cut off asdfgh
They're two mad scientists, one's carelessness changing the other's life irrevocably and the other hates him for it enough for murder attempts. Come on. You guys have to see it too.
Vlad wears a mask of a generous self-made man who'd like to reconnect with his long lost friends. But he's not that careful. What if Jack picks up on it and idk, plays a psychological game with Vlad?
What if it ends up as a poly relationship where Jack and Maddie love each other, and with Maddie's consent, Jack pursues Vlad like a wolf in the golden retriever's clothing?
More ideas under the cut
You can:
1. Add identity shenanigans where Jack feels jealous of Plasmius and Vlad's relationship
2. Make Jack act like an excited puppy around Vlad but a hunting hound when sees Plasmius. Jack knows they're the same person. But the mental gymnastics Vlad has to do to keep up the act means he accidentally trains himself to find excuses for Jack's behavior. Like any slipups from Jack's part or Jack's ...advances.
3. Make Jack put up with Vlad's murder attempts because he feels guilty and wants to bond with Vlad.
4. Make him intentionally step into traps because it makes Vlad happy.
5. Make him intentionally DESTROY the traps because Vlad looks really hot (both figuratively and literally) when he's angry.
6. Make Jack play up his clumsiness. When Vlad falls into a lake alongside him and comes out wet and miserable, Jack feels ...something.
7. Make Jack flirts with Vlad but with an excuse like, he's just affectionate with his friend.
8. Add angst to 7. by making Maddie/Jazz/Danny confront Jack about his relationship with Vlad.
8. Make Vlad try to present himself as a better husband to Maddie but make Jack fall in love with him instead.
9. Make them drunk and fall into bed together (need to tag consent issues tho)
10. Adds spice to 9. by making one of them trans
11. Make Danny walk in on them doing domestic shits like cooking together and Vlad feeding Jack to taste-test the food. (Vlad doesn't understand why Danny runs off like he sees something scandalous.)
12. Make Danny really walk in on them doing something scandalous lol
13. Make Danny cock-block them intentionally because he doesn't want Vlad as his other dad
14. Make Jazz sit Vlad down for an invasive therapy session
15. Make Vlad fall in love with Jack in the college and see Maddie as the one who stole him away (make the girls fiiiight)
16. Make Vlad fall in love with both Jack and Maddie but he's a repressed gay. So he pursues Maddie aggressively. Maddie likes him but finds his affection... fake? I mean he blushes when talking to her but there's this weird energy between him and Jack
17. Make it a really dark psychological thriller where Vlad wants a perfect family, using underhanded methods. Jack is less discreet and forcefully taking what was his; his Maddie, his kiddos, his... Vlad.
18. Make both of them halfas and their violent urges need to be met. (Have you ever read fics where sex with non-human is really violence?)
19. Make Vlad unconsciously purrs around Jack. Vlad falls asleep on the Fenton's couch and Jack picks him up, moving him to a guest room? Vlad purrs and nuzzles into his hold. Jack plays with Vlad's hair? Purrs. Sitting next to each other? Purrs. Danny comes back home to see purring Vlad arching his back so Jack can scratch it better, and quietly walks back out
20. Just do it like any other ships from Danny Phantom fandom or dpxdc crossover: create as many plotless fluff or porn (pwp) as you want. I just want to advertise the ship.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
That one time Bruce Wayne didnt adopt a child but got adopted instead
by Pookie_Killer Words: 452, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Danny Phantom Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Multi Characters: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Barbara Gordon, Jazz Fenton, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom), Danny Fenton, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Bernard Dowd, Alfred Pennyworth, Various Rogues, Vlad Masters, Damian Wayne’s many pets Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, mostly through jokes, is it main character death if it happened before the fic x2, Don’t do what Timmy does. He’s vv unhealthy, also don’t do as Danny does. He’s a literal ghost, speaking of, Danny Fenton is a Little Shit, Jack Fenton is hyper and a bit crazy, Maddie Fenton is a tad calmer and also crazy., We love them for it tho, Damian and Tim pretend to fight to get what they want, the rest of the Batman is clueless., except Cass. We love Cass, Tim drake is a freak with his coffee, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Damian Wayne is Robin, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Cassandra Cain is Black Bat, Stephanie Brown is Spoiler, Duke Thomas is Signal, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, danny fenton is phantom, Jazz Fenton Is So Done, Jazz is TIRED of gaining new family via overly-adoptive billionaires, even tho this is only the 2nd time it happened., Somewhat happy Batfam, theres still problems but not big ones ya get me?, Jack and Maddie get mistaken for up and coming mad scientists/Rogues, little do the Batfam know they already went through that phase, Now they research clean energy through ethically sourced ectoplasm, Let Danny Fenton and Tim Drake say fuck 2024. They deserve it, No Batcest | Batfamily Incest (DCU), Author is a night owl so be prepared for late updates., Author is also American so maybe some early updates too, no beta we die like jason todd, Sam Manson Has Plant Powers, She also is a fangirl for Poison Ivy so be afraid, Tucker is probably gonna be butchered so badly. I’m vv sorry, Tucker is a fanboy for Tim Drake tho lol., I don’t know Valerie enough to include her sorry. She’ll get mentioned tho, Mostly as Red Huntress, Platonic Kisses, Platonic Cuddling, The obligatory mention of Tim’s missing spleen, Ecto-Contaminated | Liminal Amity Park Residents (Danny Phantom), being liminal is basically being a meta without the unique powers, None of the Batfam is straight., except Damian. He’s questioning it., Tim and Danny are aged up to be in College, everyone else is aged up as needed to stay somewhat Canon., I’m debating whether Tim and Danny should date or Tim and Tucker should, or if I should just say fuck it and make them poly via https://ift.tt/8Wsf5hH
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
Dpdc Danny adopted by Bruce Wayne is so funny to me bc theirs a decent list of CANON characters with waaay more right to Danny than Bruce Wayne.
Alicia Fenton Maddie's cousin
Jazz if Danny's 16 bc she would then be 18.
Vlad Masters, a rich family friend with the ability to possess people would likely win custody over a stranger.
Tucker's parents. I'm sure his best friend since like elementary schools parents would take him in.
Dani on the other hand is a mad scientists experiment with no relatives other than said mad scientist and a 14-year-old boy. She has no one to take care of her, no life experience, and no legal paper work. RIGHT THERES AN ADOPTABLE KID.
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Cringefail Loser Summit Bracket
The Preliminary Polls have concluded and the winners can now move on to the main event!
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(Bracket was made by @mad-scientist-showdown)
The Cringefail Loser Summit will begin March 27th at 12:00 P.M. EST! You will have 24 hours to vote for your favorite cringefail loser!
If you want to make propaganda, feel free to submit it as an ask or use the tag #cfls propaganda or just tag @cringefaillosersummit
Below is the full match-up list!
Round One
Left Bracket
Group 1 Hamato Leonardo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Lester Papadopoulos/Apollo (The Trials of Apollo)
Group 2 Paul Matthews (Hatchetfield Universe) Chai (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Group 3 Marvin (Falsettos) Jean-Pierre Polnareff (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Group 4 Mitaka Asa (Chainsaw Man) Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Group 5 Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC Comics)
Group 6 Tobari Durandal Kumohira (Nabari No Ou) Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney)
Group 7 Ianthe Tridantarius (The Locked Tomb) Jiāng Chéng (Mó Dào Zǔ Shī)
Group 8 "Black Leg" Sanji (One Piece) Cody Walsh (Dimension 20)
Right Side
Group 1 Mattholomule (The Owl House) Kaidō Shun (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Group 2 Harrier "Harry" Du Bois (Disco Elysium) Arthur Dent (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe)
Group 3 Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) Elhokar Kholin (The Stormlight Archive)
Group 4 Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) Vlad Masters (Danny Phantom)
Group 5 Higashiyama Kobeni (Chainsaw Man) Gilear Faeth (Dimension 20)
Group 6 Tim Drake (DC Comics) Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Group 7 Vash the Stampede (Trigun 1998) Britta Perry (Community)
Group 8 Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) Jason Todd (DC Comics)
Good luck to everyone!
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
Yandere!Count Vlad x Reader Headcanons
🩵 After the introduction of Mina into his life, The Count had decided to spend more time out of the castle and, much to Igor's chagrin, fraternizing with the human populace. However, hundreds of years spent with only other monsters has left him with some anxiety over talking with humans. Kids like Mina were easy. Just play a game or talk about something they like and you've made yourself a friend! But, other adults? Someone who understands social norms and can know when you're breaking them? Someone who could more easily notice abnormalities and oddities, judge him? But despite his nervousness, Count still believed he should try!
🦇 Taking small steps to get out of his comfort zone, Vlad would go out for his own shopping or take Mina to the park, supervising her or joining in a game in between people watching. It was strangely nice to be around people again. There was a small feeling of connection… Just to be around someone, to be in their view, to be in their lives even in such a small manner - and even if it got him unwanted attention, as Igor warned. As The Count found, though, it was rather easy to watch others without being noticed. Apparently a tall, pale man dressed up in a cape and shielding himself with an umbrella wasn't as much of an eyesore as he expected it to be. At least, if you aren't being watched by one consistently.
🩵 Unfortunately, for you, you caught Vlad's eye. He simply couldn't help it! You were stunning! Your voice was melodious! And you were so sweet with Mina, willing to join in for a game when asked or help her up if she fell. And just to be sure you don't notice him, he'll dart behind a tree and shapeshift into a black cat to shadow you… While occasionally coming up to you and Mina for pets. His stalking doesn't stop there, though. Of course not! The Count needed to know everything about you! With how well you got along with his darling daughter friend, he had a feeling you were the one! The one he'd been waiting for for centuries. So, it's only natural that he follows you around town, hiding in the shade as he watches and listens, absolutely captivated and simply dying to know more. If only he could go into your house uninvited…
🦇 Even though he hates himself for it, he'll persuade Mina into putting in a good word for him. Mina will follow you around like a lost puppy as she babbles on about how super-duper nice The Count is and how he really likes playing games and how he's single and always wanted a family! If Vlad happens to overhear, he'll immediately turn into mist or a bat to make his escape. Confound it, he's so embarrassed! Over seven hundred years old and he's made into a blushing madman too embarrassed to even face you - or he would be, if he still had the capacity to blush. Ultimately, it's Mina who has to help him get up the nerve to talk to you for an extended period - and even then, it takes him a bit to not trip up over every other word. He can't help it! You're just so dreamy, it practically rewires his brain upon sight.
🩵 For some time, Vlad is able to write off the eccentricities of himself and his castle and his… Igor. He is one of those "crazy Europeans," as Mr. Harper had said, after all! The coffins, mad-scientist laboratory, vials of blood - all just decoration! But he knows it's only a matter of time before you realize the truth, and all of the hard work he'd put into bonding with you will be all for nothing. He can't let you go, you're simply too precious! One night, he may just ask for you to look deep into his eyes and with every second you become closer to his hold. He'd treat you like an antique figure, dressing you up and taking care of you. One of his favorite things to do is take you dancing in the ballroom, whispering words of love and admiring the glazed over look in your eyes…
🦇 Even though romantic relationships between humans and monsters are strictly forbidden, Igor finds some solace in knowing that his master has returned to at least some of his devious ways. Even if the extent of The Count's deviousness is planning on making you, him, and Mina (and Igor!) into a family! Hmm, perhaps if he can use his hypnosis on Mr. Harper to sign over custody… Then, Mina really can be your daughter! Oh, and she'd make such a beautiful flower girl for the wedding! And Igor can be the ring-bearing. Oh, darling, Vlad couldn't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you.
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