#me: man im so affection starved :(
stiffyck · 1 year
I've been bothering people with this in dms so much but that's not enough so I'm sharing my insanity here.
Scar who doesn't need physical touch. He's not exactly touch averse (tho you could see it that way), he just. Doesn't need the affection. He likes the occasional hand holding or a quick hug, but he also likes his personal space and freedom. Hugs and cuddles are too warm and too stifling and he needs his freedom for movement.
He's not sad about this. It's not anything tragic or awful. He likes the idea of cuddling and he loves seeing other people hug and cuddle. It's just not for him.
He also doesn't understand touch starvation. He's never experienced it and probably never will.
In 3rd life, in the desert. Grian noticing scar taking a step back when someone is standing too close, shying away from physical contact and never being the one to initiate it. He stops trying to touch scar, only when it's necessary.
He notices how much more comfortable scar looks after he stops giving him so much physical affection. But... this leads to grian maybe becoming a bit touch starved.
Grian telling scar in the desert he feels a bit touch starved and scar asking him what it means. Grian explains.
After that, grian notices scar holds his hands much more often. It's not much but it means the world to him.
Hermitshipping under the cut
Also. Comedic potential.
Let's take redscape for example (or scarian. Works both ways. Just imagine whichever ship you prefer sjcjdksk). Scar and mumbo start dating. But since scar can't really provide all the physical affection mumbo needs, he goes to grian. Mumbo gets cuddles and hugs from his best friend and he gets hand holding and occasional short kisses from his partner. It works for them.
Now imagine tho. The hermits thinking it's mumbo and grian who are dating. They will often see mumbo and grian cuddle or hug or hold hands. A lot of the times scar is even with them, but keeps distance a bit.
Sometimes scar holds mumbos hand, but that's about it.
It's actually scar and mumbo who are dating but they don't know that.
The mumscarian option where they are all dating. Grian and mumbo get the affection they need from each other and scar is happy to just be with them.
Sometimes, when sleeping on the same bed, grian and mumbo will cuddle while Scar just holds one of their hands. Or not even the whole hand, just have their pinkies interwined.
Also scar definitely has a ton of plushies to hug close at night
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animutate · 11 months
man i dontthink i can be in a real relationship ever again im just starting to process how everyone has treated me HORRIBLY
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me every evening when the usual late evening sadness starts creeping in: by talos this can't be happening
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You were not one to grow jealous, but the knowledge that Lord Stark's favorite pelt cloak was a gift of affection from his old sweetheart inspired anything but affection from you.
Cregan Stark x Reader | 1k+ | cw: fem!reader, wife!reader, jealousy, pettiness, fluff, a bit of angst ig????, etc.
A/N: hey nonnie im honored you like my cregan stuff. this is my first req since closing them. i feel like perhaps this is the world telling me i need to start writing fluff again............ lol HAHAH
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The Lord of Winterfell had just arrived. Normally, I would meet him with a smile and brush the snow from his shoulders before warming his cheeks with the heat from my own palm. But today, neither did I brush the snow from his cloak, nor did I rub his cheeks. How irritating that he did not see to mind or even notice.
I do not fault him for lapping his meal like a starved beast. He rarely has time to have a proper meal when he is working, let alone when his duty calls him all the way up to The Wall for days on end. And yet, as he gobbled up his food, as though he was denied his whole life, my own appetite left me at the sight.
His tongue swiped the corner of his mouth and yet evidence of his meal remained. He chewed eagerly as he reached out for a cup of wine to wash everything down.
I could not help the face I made at the sound of his belch.
Only then did he recognize me. He sets his cup down, "wife," says Cregan, "you are not eating."
I raise my brows and press my lips into a smile, "I am not hungry, my lord."
My lord. Cregan straightens up from his seat and leans back. He clears his throat as his face twists warily, "are you well?"
I do not respond. I rest my hands upon the table. The candlelight between us flickers momentarily.
He gulps and sets his utensils down. He sighs slowly, "have I offended?"
I clench my hands tightly.
Cregan's eyes flicker to them. He wipes his mouth with a napkin and looks up at me. He does not like that my expression remains the same.
"Your pelt... milord," I mutter.
Immediately, the pelt upon his shoulders feel like a tonne. He rolls his shoulders back and immediately undoes it, "forgive me. It is inappropriate to have it on while-"
"Who gifted it to you?"
He freezes midway. He waits for me continue as he slowly places his cloak upon his lap. His eyes widen slightly, in confusion, in alarm. Was it a gift? He does not recall.
His silence is aggravating. I clench my jaw and lean forward, "do you not wish to tell me?"
Cregan opens his mouth.
"She told me herself."
A line forms between his brows, "who?"
"Lady Tallart."
He pinches his lips together. Lady Tallart? It could not be Edmond Tallart's mother who gifted this. It must be his wife... but which house did she belong to before she was wed?
He looks as though he is trying to recall the instance, the exact moment wherein his cloak was given to him. Somehow, the arduous recollection spurs me further into animosity. I growl, "do you truly not remember?"
He shakes his head, "I do not."
I clear my throat and push myself up from my seat.
Cregan stands quickly, so quickly, in fact, that his chair falls behind him with a loud thud, not that he cares. He calls my name out with concern and it makes me snap.
"I would appreciate it if you chose another cloak to wear."
The man walks over to me, forcing me to lift my gaze upon his worried face. I raise a hand at him before he can think to touch my arm. He withholds his touch.
"Cassandra and I had a cloak tailored in your absence. If it pleases you, you should wear it. However, if it is not to your taste, I can-"
"It is my taste," he interrupts. He nods his head, "the pick of my wife is my taste. I will wear it"
The glow of candlelight on Cregan's cheek makes my stomach roll. Bile rises up from my throat as his brows furrow in nothing but further concern.
"I care little for what I wear," he casts his cloak off to the side, "I care more for what concerns you."
My irritation over the matter bursts into embarrassment in an instant. A burning sensation creeps up from behind me, and soon I can no longer look upon my husband. I look back to the candle on the table and rashly gather my food. Before Cregan can speak, I mutter under my breath, "please enjoy your food, husband."
There's little he can do but watch as I rush off. Two wolves battle inside him, one that wishes to chase after, and another that keeps him still where he stands. Just as he is about to obey the former, the servant girl, Cassandra, comes up to him, "milord. Might I speak my piece?"
He watches as his wife disappears and sighs. He turns to Cassandra, "speak it."
She frowns, "milady has spent the three nights you were away making you a cloak herself."
"Has she?" his brows tighten.
Cassandra nods, "but her needlework is not as good as she wished, which is why she bought you this, milord," she hands him a neatly folded cloak.
Cregan takes it from her and sighs deeply. He unfolds the garb and inspects his wife's gift. He hangs the fabric on his arm and releases another breath, "will you show me my wife's needlework?"
Cassandra looks apprehensive, but she obeys her lord.
The next morning, I rouse to an empty bed. A thousand pins prick my heart, but I have no one to blame but myself for the turn of events.
I sit with myself, all lonesome, before deciding to begin my day. But just before I can dress myself, I hear a commotion from outside my window. I gasp when I see that there had been a buck who wandered inside the stronghold, running around in panic.
I wrap myself with a shawl before opening my window, watching how my husband and his men were trying to scare the deer towards the gate. Soon enough, my jaw drops at the sight of the horrid thing resting upon Cregan's shoulders as he maneuvered around the large creature.
Thankfully, it did not take the deer long to find the exit of Winterfell. The men share relieved sighs and laughter amongst themselves, as did I.
"My lord!"
Cregan, who was now calming down one of the spooked horses, does not hear me.
"My lord!" I call louder, gaining the attention of someone else.
Cregan is pat on the back. A man points skyward. He looks over his shoulder, face brightening at the sight of me. "Lady Stark," Cregan smiles, offering me a nod, "did we wake you?"
I shake my head, "what are you wearing?"
He turns to me and adjusts his lopsided cloak. The thing was hardly even worthy to be called one with how one hem barely met the man's calf and how one shoulder was far fuller than the other. He calls out proudly, "the work of my wife's hands!"
My face contorts, "it is horrid! Remove it at once."
Cregan pulls his head back, "I shall do no such thing."
"I bought you-"
"But I enjoy this," he lifts an arm to flaunt the terrible craftsmanship, "it keeps me warm and it suits me well."
"It does not!"
Cregan furrows his brows in challenge, "does it take away from my handsomeness, wife?"
I press my lips into a line.
The men around him chortle or snigger. Even mine own lips cannot help the chuckle that spills out. And though he was far, I could tell Cregan was awfully pleased with himself.
"If you wish to rid me of this, then you must do so yourself," he strokes the horse's snout, "but know you are challenging the Warden of the North as you do."
I roll my eyes and shake my head, "it is the work of my hands, Lord Stark."
"Which is why you must not rid me of it, my Lady Stark."
We stare at each other for a moment. Cregan's lips curl into a lopsided grin that matches his cloak. I sigh and shake my head once more, "we will speak of this later."
He nods, "as you wish, my love."
I clear my throat and close the window, ignoring the way my belly tumbled at the sound of his pet name.
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jinwoosbabyboo · 4 days
So, you did a post of the boys being jealous, but I was wondering how would you rank each guy from most jealous to least jealous/possessive? Also, what kind of jealous are they.
P.S. Xavier's "It's nothing personal" still cracks me up. You're hilarious.
Most to Least Jealous
Who's the most to least jealous among the four of them? Here's what I think.
A/N: had to do a little switcher-roo w/ Zayne & Sylus because Zayne definitely gets more jealous than Sylus & it’s adorable
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Xavier without a doubt is taking first place here. This man was jealous when Jeremiah had his arm around MCs shoulder. He gets upset anytime MC compliments Lumiere. Xavier PLEASE Lumiere IS YOU.
Don't get me wrong I understand the notion of "He wants MC to love him for him not his Lumiere alter-ego" I get that. It's sweet that he's "Xavier .... Just Xavier" with MC.
Aside from him being jealous of himself though even in his myth he gets jealous when Jeremiah touches her or she speaks about Jeremiah he even blew in her eye because she "had a hooligan in her eye" referring to Jeremiah. He wants to be the only person in her eyes, mind, and heart.
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Rafayel is jealous, but he's more clingy/needy than jealous (and I love that) He doesn't like being ignored by MC and gets antsy and dramatic when she takes too long to respond.
He wants all of MCs attention at all hours of the day. He wants to have her attention 24/7, but realistically he knows that can't happen so he just wants as much as possible.
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Zayne does indeed get jealous he’s not as jealous as Xav or as dramatic and pouty as Raf but he gets jealous. He isn’t as expressive with his jealousy but he still has a childlike jealousy vibe. He’s so smitten with MC he just wants all her affection he’s touch starved for heavens sake. He's secure within himself, but he finds the world itself boring and MCs vivacity makes his life interesting. So of course he gets jealous when something else is stealing his girls attention.
Also I imagine him being a little possessive when it comes to doing something for you because that’s how he shows his love. His actions are louder than his words.
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Sylus is extremely secure in himself he doesn't get jealous. At least that's probably what he tells himself. This man isn't "im gonna pout" jealous he's more of flash/zing of jealousy before setting himself straight like "Wait a minute ... she's mine ... I'm the whole loaf the rest of you are the breadcrumbs" and he's back to his confident self-assured sexy self.
If you want to see him get jealous change his pet name for you and when he asks "Am I the only one to call you that?" if you choose the "You should be" answer he's like "Who else is there? that doesn't matter you have me now" or something like that.
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tojisun · 11 months
going feral for toxic!biker!simon or dbf!biker!simon grrrgrrrawrarrara
hhhhhehehe im going feral too omggg!!! and im sorry for how late i replied to this 😭 i was spiralling when i saw it and i couldn’t contain the desire i have for this man ahhhhhh
this got too long (and dark) and i made simon an ass so im sorry! i was hit with a writing bug and i never looked back
!! brief smut - minors dni; age gap (40s vs 20s); dad’s best friend!simon; power imbalance; toxic relationship // biker!simon mlist
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the attraction had been one-sided, you know that, so you wonder why simon's come to reciprocating your affections like this – spoiling you in front of his friends, the ones that you know he kept separate from his and your dad’s usual circle, and lovingly calling you his.
simon sent you the message at three in the morning, when you were still asleep, and it read: I’m picking you up tonight. Dress cutely, you’re meeting friends.
you replied back, asking him what he meant or even where you two were going, but simon had gone back to giving you radio silence, pretending that your messages aren’t coming in. your heart broke but it wasn't like it was anything new – simon offered pieces of himself to you, sometimes as a reward and sometimes as an apology, and you always foolishly thanked him.
then when you ask for more, he pulls away, giving you silence and letting you stew in his sudden detachment. so really, it shouldn't have been a surprise to you anymore. still, you laid on your bed, blinking up at the ceiling as you tried not to drown in the weight of your sorrow.
which is why this is new. unusual, even for simon.
he picked you up from your dorms just like he said, although you were surprised to see him roll in on his bike. he never let you on his bike, always choosing his car when picking you up. you fooled yourself into thinking it was for your safety, that it was for your own good, but you've seen simon bring dates on his bike.
you've seen how he's always brought extra helmets for the pretty dolls he proudly flaunted around whenever your parents invited friends for parties and dinners, possessive arm curled around their waist like he wants to brand his claim on them. or how he's always ignored you when they're around, his attention so sinfully glued to his dates like a man starved of affection. or how he'll sit back and watch as they pat your head and pinch your cheeks because, “well, aren't you a sweetheart?”
simon's bikes are reserved for the people he brings home. people he fucks. so it was never extended towards you. never something you had the privilege to, until tonight apparently.
“simon?” you asked, hesitating to climb up behind him.
simon grunted, twisting until he could see you and you watch yourself from the visor – wide eyes and tensed shoulders – as simon tipped his head down just enough to study the way your pretty dress fluttered as the wind blew. you did not hear it but you've seen the way his chest moved as he sighed. instantly, you felt like a bother, and you curled further into yourself as though it could hide you from his knowing eyes.
he lifted himself from his bike before turning to walk towards you. you averted your eyes from him even though his visor was still up – yet another wall that kept you away from him – before seeing scuffed boots stop just in front of you.
“look up f'r me, kid.”
you did as he told, your eyes flicking up and peering through your lashes. simon's still helmeted, still distancing himself from you, and you wondered what sick power play was he trying to accomplish.
you twisted your fingers together, waiting, obedient – just like how he wants them – even when you simmered in the heavy silence, until simon began to strip his jacket off.
you felt lightheaded, your throat parched with a sudden thirst at seeing the inked arms you have been shamefully daydreaming about. he has a new tattoo, you realized as you trailed curious glances over the fresh ink but not able to properly see it for what it was.
simon huffed a laugh and you startled, blinking up at him again only to realize that he's moved so close – closer than what he's ever allowed before. you stammered on your words, glossy lips parting in surprise, but simon remained unmoved by your clear interest and began to tie his jacket around your waist in silence, tucking your skirt underneath and securing the sleeves tightly.
“there,” he said, his voice a muffled rumble. “now y'r ready for the ride.”
you trembled at the sinking reality; that what had been daydreams and wishful thinking were now laid before you. you bit your lip to stop a sniffle because there simon was, holding your hand throughout as he hefted you on his bike. you felt overwhelmed with the intensity of your affections, trailing your eyes away from him again when he fixed a spare helmet on your head. you jolt when he snapped the visor down, and simon laughed, a pretty muffled sound.
you watched as he climbed in front of you, shaking hands unsure as they held onto his hips. simon, of course, noticed.
“y've gotta hold on tighter, sweet girl,” he said before tugging at your hands and wrapping them around himself. you bit down a broken squeal, feeling jumpy now that you're actually touching him. the purr of his engine blanketed your spiralling thoughts and you held him tighter when he drove off.
“why, aren't you a bonnie lass?” johnny, the one who had been too excited at meeting you, says before snorting when it makes simon wrap his arm around you tighter, pulling you ever so closer to him. “and big man's too possessive, isn't he?”
simon grunts from beside you, taking over when you continued to blink at him in shocked silence. “well, y'said it already, johnny.” you freeze when you feel his lips press on the top of your head. “my girl's too pretty, it's making me greedy.”
your breath hitches, your fingers twitching in phantom desire to fist at your dress if only to ground yourself. my girl, simon said, the lies slipping past his lips easily. my girl, he told his friends as though it is the truth. as though you could ever be.
simon’s hand glides down to your hips, squeezing the flesh, and it makes you squeak. both him and johnny croon, flashing matching grins at each other like you’re not there, while simon’s other friends – kyle, the youngest, and john, the one with a storm hidden in his eyes – snicker to each other.
“little mousy, isn’t she?” john asks, the rumble of his voice stark even amidst the booming music filling up the packed space of the bar.
simon hums, still caressing your hip, his hand occasionally dipping towards the side of your thigh, teasing the hems of your dress, before tugging upwards again.
“she is and it’s endearin’,” simon replies, still continuing the facade. because what else could it be?
simon had given you bits of his attention, entertaining you just enough that you keep running after him and chasing the softness you know he has, but he’s never given more. not an honest touch nor a whisper of affection.
so this – whatever this is – makes you tremble. it makes you ache.
you cross your legs together, squeezing just enough to put pressure in your throbbing core. the action was smooth, almost unnoticeable, and it should’ve been, but simon’s trained eyes catch the movement anyway.
he lets out a quiet groan, the sound bundled around a tinge of pleasure as he presses his lips on the top of your head again. you gasp at having been caught, bright eyes flicking up to see if his friends had noticed but johnny’s body is already turned towards a pretty brunette and kyle is tapping on his phone and-
john’s eyes are on you.
there is a moment when you are reduced to cold dread and static, lost in the smoke hidden within john’s eyes and simon’s possessive touch, before the band snaps and by then, you are on your feet. the action causes the empty beer bottles to clatter against the table which snag the attention of johnny and kyle, but you ignore them all as you sidle away from simon’s side, batting away his outstretched hand, before bolting towards the washroom.
you feel like a fool. like a doll made to entertain their sick and twisted games because that is what it is, isn’t it? simon got too bored with his dates and decided to string you along – someone easy. someone desperate for all he can give.
your eyes blur as tears pool and you barely make it to the bathroom when a hand curls around your wrist, yanking you away from the door.
“kid, stop-”
“no!” you scream, whirling around to look at simon. big and beautiful and not-yours simon. “i’m tired of playing your sick games, si. get away from me!” you try to shake him off even though you know it is futile.
simon continues to stare down at you, his lips pinched in disappointment – a look you are too familiar with.
and it’s that which makes you cry, a broken sob ripping from your throat and into the space between you two. you had hoped at least that the loud bass booming across the bar could drown it out, but you hear your whimper ring amidst the noise. jesus.
simon continues staring. continues to be silent. you don’t know how much more of this you can take.
(more. gods, you can take more as long as he allows you. as long as he is in your life. you know whatever this is between you and simon have long sizzled into something toxic. something codependent. but you need him, no matter how twisted he’s become because simon indulges you, anyway.
you remember the quickies in the bathrooms. the rumble of, “y’r doin’ so good f’r me, sweet girl,” whispered on the top of your head as he fucks his fingers into you. the marking, the nipping. the praises. the growled, “y’r only mine, aren’t you, pretty?” when he licks along your slit.
simon gives in a way that teases the yawning in your soul. in a way that carves more of himself into your very being. so how could you let go? how could you move on?)
simon tugs you towards him and you follow on unsteady feet. he wraps you in his arms, his lips falling onto your forehead. he breathes you in and you crumble, nuzzling your face into his scent – leather and ozone and forest.
“let’s get you home, yeah?” he asks.
you sniffle. “can i come home with you today?”
and simon stays silent, backing away just enough to tug you out of the bar and towards his bike. your lips wobble but you do not ask again, not when you know you can’t come back with him to his place.
the cold wind isn’t all that makes you tremble.
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RUNNING AWAY WHOOP WHOOP!! update: it’s now edited <33 yippeee
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alexisomnias · 1 year
⤷ he'd be a pine tree (— pining trope)
featuring the OVERBLOT BOYS
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RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS         -  knees brushing against each other, leading to deep breaths and giddy feels.
riddle is hopelessly in love with you, to the point its distracting. seriously? how could he let his feelings grow this large to the point he can't even simply go near you without his mind running off to a romantic version of your real relationship. oh, how riddle hopes that daydream would one day become real, but for now. he needs to get back on trac-
"riddle? are you okay?" your voice raises, cutting through and silencing his voice playing loops in his head. he blushes, his hair color blending to his face as his breath catches. stomach churning nervously as he feels your skin brush against his, a blockage in his throat as his head pounds nervously. how much he really wants to hold your hand now, or wrap his arms around you... (when was he so touch starved...?)
"y-yes.. im perfectly fine. thanks for your concern." he nods, gazing away, afraid that even a few more seconds of meeting your eyes would cause the butterflies in his stomach to explode from inside out. why couldn't he just be straight up about his feelings...
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LEONA KINGSCHOLAR        -  taking care of them in the shadows
leona was a blunt man. always straight to the point, and uncaring of others first opinions on him. but with you? oh it seems like nothing that ever comes out of his mouth is honest! its not like he lies to you, its just that he never finishes his full thought. "stop dragging me into trouble" i don't want to see you hurt, "why are you touching me?" you could've asked...
so, what better way of getting out his feelings to anybody but the true object of affection? well simply let himself lie in your shadow. for all those in front of you too gaze and know for, but for you? you won't see the slight affection and care that seeps into his gaze, nor will you know that behind the scenes he is ensuring your life upon arriving to Twisted Wonderland will be nothing but easy and like royalty. for he does not want to ever see you struggle.
so he'll be in your shadow. for him to follow you and love you, for everyone else to see that love except you... until he decides to appear before you once the sun comes out and he's ready to open himself to that level of vulnerability, to step out of the dark and show his face.
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AZUL ASHENGROTTO        -  digging in their interests so that you have common topics to talk about
it was quite well known that azul has many connections, many ways to get information and to utilize it. his office is like an archive for all secrets and importance. but for that section of his brain, it holds everything about you. from silly daydreams, to just everything you like and what could make you happy. he truly had an entire library of thoughts and knowledge dedicated to you only with a key to those who break into his heart whether he'd like it or not. floyd and jade, being two, never left him alone about it.
it was no secret to his two friends that azul was a simp, he'd die before admitting it, but its true! he was utterly floored everytime you smiled at him, everytime you greeted him first. he was down-bad to the point he'd of made it to the bottom of the Mariana trench. Azul only wanted to make you happy, and get to know you better. even if he had no chance to call you a lover, this was far more than enough. so he got into all your interests so he had a common interest with you, no matter how wild, he'd end up loving it because you love it. and he loves you.
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JAMIL VIPER        -  Instant butterflies when you call out their name
"jamil!" you called excitedly, waving him over with a beautiful, utterly handsome smile on your face.
jamil was used to his name being called. from Kalim to the servants in the house. it is common knowledge to know a servant would get his name called, for an order of sorts. to be told. but with you? oh it was so so different... normally everytime his name was called he'd be filled with dread. what would he have to do next? but with you? it is filled with such euphoria. your calling him, you want to talk to him, you want to see him. its such a strange thing to jamil on how his name being called could be so different. from just a simple tone, simple vocal difference. how is it so different everytime you call his name?
jamil would be ready to walk no mattered distance if he could meet you again. ugh.... how did he end up this deep in love? he's merely in high school...
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VIL SCHOENHEIT        - having your every little thing memorized 
vil schoenheit was an actor. master of memorizing lines, and routines of all sorts. and yet, he is also a master of memorizing you. from your lovely smile, to your hair, to your hypnotic eyes. vil has it all remembered as if he's going to chisel an exact replica of you as a statue. this memory of his helps him realize every little emotion you have. your lips are a little bit more curved, are you okay dear? your hair is not in its usual style? what brought up this change? oh you must've gotten new clothes, he's never seen this outfit before.
all of which are in effort of loving you. he truly never thought he'd find the day where of he'd care so much for someone that every bit of them is put into memory. every touch, feeling of skin put into his mind like a note sheet. notes upon notes about every little thing he notices about you... and if you catch him staring..?
"vil? do i have something on my face? you've been staring for a while..."
"oh no, there's nothing there. just noticing the beauty that's made its mark."
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IDIA SHROUD       - dropping everything at their messages
idia wasn't the type for social interaction, in fact any sorts of it he would immediately ditch on. for even if he gets a messaged it would be left on read for weeks, but with you? oh its like theres a personal alarm set for himself! every message, or call you make is received right away. like an update for a game or show, he sees it right away and it immediately leaves him feeling giddy...
for an introvert, anti-socialist, like him. it was unfamiliar to get such a wonderful sensation upon being talked to... being noticed... having someone contact him first, willingly? oh how it felt like the world flipped itself for him, and complied to his wills and wants. and those wants? oh its to call you his... but i guess he got too far caught into the selfshipping delusions for he doubts you'll ever love him above online friend (he's to nervous to meet you face to face. you're so ethereal).
when the notification goes off, the typing bubble immediately comes up. hes not missing your message for the world.
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MALLEUS DRACONIA        - rambling about something you love and all they do is stare at them lovingly
malleus is completely, and totally infatuated with you. every word you speak, every breath you take it has him at the edge of his seat. ready to love and adore whatever you do next. he thinks everything you do is lovely, and worthy of adoration. he especially loves when you tell him about whatever interests you may have. Malleus absolutely adores listening to you.
please, tell him about anything and he'll listen so devotedly. how he loves knowing your comfortable enough around him to tell him and talk about your interests, whether from Twisted Wonderland, or from your world, "earth". anything and everything you tell him he is so ready to listen and learn. its coming from you, its something you consider important. so its only natural he listens.
and when you do rant, he stares and listens. looking at you like your the only thing in his universe, a beautiful sunset of which he's never laid his eyes upon before. a gift given by the world for him to love and cherish. and he'll learn everything about this treasure he has the pleasure of knowing. so... child of man, tell him more.
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diejager · 6 months
4 when requests r open.. How wld u Feel abt a bear hybrid reader who’s slick is .. Honey ? 👁️
Cw: weirdly sweet cum???, smut, oral sex, overstimulation, tell me if I missed any. Honey, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours??
Perhaps you shouldn’t have eaten so much honey, the sweet goodness that you indulged in when it was given to you in abundance, a rare treat to normal bear but a common dish to you. You loved honey like Pooh liked it, always seen with a small jar and lips stained with the sweet treat, tasting as sweet as honey whenever they walked up to kiss you, pressing themselves so close to you and lips devouring any groan from you, tongue lathering your lip to taste the honey from it and steal a taste of you from your mouth.
Gaz and Soap had always liked the sugary taste of you, your honeyed lips, your honeyed tongue and honeyed mouth, every part of you was sweet, a sugary treat to men like them when you were a big and grizzled bear. A Kodiak bear with both size and strength, but a soft and tender heart, and even sweeter lips that Gaz loved kissing and biting whenever he crossed your path, pulling you by the collar and passionately kissing you. A gentle but powerful wave crashing against you for something as simple as a taste and affection, his hands wandering down and holding you against him by the waist. Soap was more eager than Gaz, rough and devouring with his kiss, chaining you to his body by the hips, hands teasingly grasping at your ass and grinding against you to instigate you, push you further into his arms.
Then you found yourself always so, so sensitive, your core spiking in a strong pulse, sharp and boiling. You blamed it on the Scot, who couldn’t hold his tongue after he ate you like a starved man, left to dry out and hunger without food or water, gorging himself on your now sugary slick, the old tangy and salty flavour turned soft and sweet as honey. He shared it with Ghost, who had manhandled you to his room, stripping you naked and spread over his cold sheets while his tongue laved across your slit, the tip teasing your clit with soft circles and dipped into your drooling cunt. He groaned and moaned at the taste of you, burying himself between your thighs, nose bumping your throbbing nub and tongue curling deep inside of you to pull more sweet slick from your warmth and down his throat. 
From Ghost, it reached Gaz, who’s ears practically perked up at the temptation, sliding from one darkened wall to the other until he found you in the rec room with a small cup of honey and a finger in your mouth. He was rather forceful - surprisingly strong against your bear-like strength - in his demand, bending you over the counter, ass upturned and head buried in your arms while you mewled and panted, left a victim to Gaz’s skillful tongue. The way he dove in and curled, swirling your sweet slick around his tongue and drinking it all in, his lips placed firmly around your fluttering hole, drinking your cum like he would water. 
The from him, Price was the last to be aware, ordering you to his office for a taste. You sent his papers and pens to the floor, your flaying arms knocking things over in your search for purchase while he held you down by the hip, groaning when you closed your thighs around his head and fingers pulling his hair, locked in and tugging him closer and closer. He murmured praises, complimenting you for your magical body —one of a kind, he said, to have one’s slick tasting like honey. 
They left you panting and limping, walking around the halls with a powerful throb between your legs after every servings, grumbling under your breath at their insatiable tongues. Perhaps you shouldn’t have made it a habit, now that they made it a show of stocking up your reserve of honey with bigger and larger containers, grins stretching the corners of their lips. 
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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scaranation · 2 years
Hiii saw you had requests open and I wanted to offer some of my Scaramouche brain rot cuz man this guy makes me soft.
Scara being a touch-starved bean that when their s/o first held his face gently he legitimately just sobbed and couldn't stop himself from letting some tears out.
Scara then just not being able to function without their s/o giving him soft kisses on their forehead and being patient and loving towards him and looking like an angry wet cat whenever they are missing or off doing something where he can't follow like he'd like for too long.
Scara grumpily just kinda adopting a pillow of choice as their cuddle buddy for the time apart or if their s/o simply just doesn't live with him (yet). Maybe even stealing a sweatshirt to keep close or wear it if it fits. Just something to be comforted for the time being.
Just Scara getting pampered and loved and him just getting so overwhelmed with happy feels that he doesn't know what to do with himself.
(sorry for the long ask I just really like soft Scara he deserves to be cuddled :') do what you will with the brain rot I just wanted to share, love your work! Please don't overwork yourself! ^^)
THIS IS SO ADORABLE OMG I LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO ADD ITS PERFECT 😭 how do u think like this touch-starved scara is the cutest thing im actually squealing rnnn (sorry for the v late response i got busy ahahah)
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Pairing: Scaramouche x GN!reader
Content: fluff, head cannons, slightly ooc but it’s clingy scara 🥺
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The first time you held Scaramouche's face, you thought he hated it. His face contorted beneath your touch, and you retracted your hands - but his face followed them, his cheeks firmly pressing back into your palms.
You'd stare at him curiously as his eyes crinkled shut, mouth falling agape when tears began to slide down his cheeks. Cautiously, you’d thumb them away, feeling the smooth planes of his face crinkle as he squinted at you through his blurred vision. He was definitely embarrassed, but he couldn’t refuse your touch - it was a form of affection he’d never gotten to experience, and his sobs were almost ones of relief at finally finding someone who’d give him the love he craved.
Once he discovered the idea of physical affection, he couldn’t go without it. He liked to be touching you at all times, and would not-so-subtly sulk whenever you were too busy to give him those fluttering pecks on his face. Scaramouche would shyly put up a display of nonchalance as he pretended not to care, only finding himself somehow in your lap again. It was endearing, how touch starved he was - always craving your attention.
If you dared to go somewhere without him, he’d practically be pacing around during your absence, worrying and fuming at you for leaving him behind. Once you got back, you could’ve sworn he had his tail between his legs, invisible ears drooping as he reluctantly eased back into your embrace. Don’t get him wrong - he’s still mad, but he’s willing to forgive you for a kiss. He wouldn’t let you go for the next day at least, so don’t think about leaving him alone like that anytime soon!
When you were - much to Scaramouche’s ire - busy, he sought comfort through ways that didn’t involve clinging to you and hence risking you avoiding him for the rest of the day out of irritation. You were so tender and patient towards him, but all people had a limit. Scaramouche would sulk as he wallowed in self pity, holding himself close to one of your pillows. Sometimes, he’d take a nap on it, imagining that you were dreaming together - something about him resting his head where you’d rested yours was inherently comforting to him. If you caught him during those naps, he’d angrily leap up in embarrassment and scurry away. His heart would stutter as he fumbled on the spot when you went to search for him, holding him close again as you whispered reassurances into his ear.
“Don’t worry about it, Scara.”
“You’re laughing at me.”
“No, I’m not.”
“You are!”
That was your cue to peck his lips as he froze up, overwhelmed. The poor thing’s barely come to terms with you being his, and reciprocation of that touch he needed made his whole brain judder to a stop. He was so adorable like this, utterly at a loss for what to do. Slowly, he’d kiss you back, wrapping his arms around your waist to keep you close.
Scaramouche would steal any sweaters you made the mistake of leaving unattended - that woolly jumper you left on the couch? It’s gone the next day, added to your lover’s private collection. He’d return them after a while if your scent had faded, acting as though he wasn’t the culprit behind all your missing items of clothing.
At night, Scaramouche wouldn’t be able to sleep without you at his side. Even in the almost unbearable heat of summer, he’d have you entangled in his arms in an unrelenting grip. If you tried to wriggle away, he’d only whine in annoyance and clutch you closer, wriggling to position his face in your neck. Getting up to fetch a glass of water wasn’t an option, either - the vice grip he had on your wrist was enough of a warning. Even if you managed to escape that, you’d find him beside you at the kitchen in an instant. He’d groggily tug at your wrist to lead you back to bed, irritated at the interruption. Why did you need anything else, when you had him? He’d let out a sleepy huff, settling back down on the mattress with you (rightfully) returned to where you should be - next to him.
Although he might act shrewd, Scaramouche loses all rationality when it comes to you. If you’re not in his arms, you’re on his mind, and he wasn’t intending to let you go. Despite this, he’s still so easily flustered - although thankfully, he no longer defaults to crying whenever he’s overwhelmed with happiness. He’d be willing to begrudgingly share all his vulnerabilities with you, slowly opening up. Don’t tease him about it, though - he’s still prone to hissing at you, but he can’t really get mad at you.
After all, you’re the only one who can make him feel this loved.
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mit0bee · 1 year
Hii! Could you write Silver and Jamil with a s/o who is touch starved? In the sense they're not opposed to affection, but aren't that used to it and get kind of startled, but crave it nonetheless? Thank you so much, have a great night!
WHY IS THIS ME???? ill def be making a pt 2 because i love this so much
Twisted Wonderland Boys with an S/O who is touch starved
Stuff you should read: touch starved s/o, a tinyyyyyyyyyyy bit self indulgent because me too anon me too, bulleted post, i didnt use actual grammar/punctuation because i am lazy, once again no beta we die like men Characters: Silver Vanrouge, Jamil Viper, Malleus Draconia, Leona Kingscholar, Sebek Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge
Silver first found out about your touch starved-ness when he accidentally fell asleep on your shoulder
When you shrieked softly in suprise, he shot up, thinking that he might've hurt you.
When you explained to him that you were just not used to physical contact, he sighed in relief.
i kid you not he genuinely thought he somehow headbutted you
And oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh boy when he learned that you craved touch, the boy was so ecstatic (for his standards)
from then on, he was always somehow holding your hand, or had his head resting in your lap or something
(at first, he would ask you or warn you before he would touch you, just so you wouldn't be too suprised or startled, but if you were okay with it, and as you got more comfortable, he'd just go for it)
if you were okay with more romantic displays of affection, he'd nap during lunch with you in the courtyard, with you somehow in his embrace
hes such a pookie i swear (im sorry his is so short idk how to write silver *sob*
Jamil actually found out from a silly little walk to Sam's
he went to hold your hand, and you pulled away, surprised
he thought you were mad at him and when i tell you this man tried to think of a reason why you would be mad at him
when he couldnt think of anything, he decided to just come out and ask if he did something wrong
and then you explained it to him
like silver, he sighed in relief
but not a little sigh
a big one
like muscles relaxing and everything he genuinely thought you were mad at him.
so when you slowly brought your hand to his, lightly squeezing it, you almost killed him
my dude ASCENDED like he actually would die with no regrets
when he figures out that you actually crave touch, he isn't as ecstatic as silver, but hes fairly excited
he'd definitely enjoy showing that he loves you through small physical touches (hand holding, maybe having your arm around his, ect)
Again, like silver, he'd tell/ask you when/if he was going to hug you or something
he wouldn't ALWAYS be touching you, but he would be in private
he himself is kinda iffy on pda but he'd hold your hand or something, nothing like kissing or full on big hugs, but hand holding is a big one for him
you two probably came up with one of those cute systems where its like "two hand squeezes means ily" or something
he found out when, on one of your nightly walks, he tried to hug you and you just...froze in the hug
he just comes straight out and asks, he doesn't want to assume you're mad at him, but he did do something wrong, he wants to apologize
"Child of Man, is everything alright? You froze."
when you explained that no, nothing is wrong and that you just were a little touch starved, he nodded thoughtfully
"Well then, would you be okay if I request a hug, instead?"
^^^ (all of these men are so polite omg)
when you say yes, he is very happy
if he had a tail, it would wag
you know those cute pictures of rlly tall people hugging their shorter friends, s/o's? thats what this becomes. he is just leaned over, hugging you
"tsunotarou....shouldn't you let go now...?"
give him a second
when he learns you crave physical touch HE IS LITERALLY SO HAPPY
i hc that one of his main love languages is physical touch, so he is VERY HAPPY that he gets to show you just how much he loves you
once again, is another who would start with telling you when he will touch you, but his telling phase ends fairly quickly compared to silver and jamil
his main forms of physical contact are those elegant ones like where he has a hand on the small of your back
more than silver
tfym he cant come to your ancient curses class with you when he has potionology? he already knows everything he needs to know anyway, so why cant he hold your hand a little longer :(
will 9/10 times end up sleeping over at ramshackle big spooning you (the big spoon in me wants to big spoon malleus but maybeeeeeeeeeee ill save that for another post)
he puts his head in your lap, and now youre shifting around?
come on herbivore smh smh you cant move so much hes trying to sleep!
when the thought eats a little too much at the back of his mind, he finally asks you whats up
when you explain it to him, he sighs and STAYS WITH HIS HEAD ON YOUR LAP.
but the only reason he keeps his head in your lap is because he knows his herbivore, and he knows all the signs that you're truly uncomfortable with something, so he knows that you don't mind
he breaks the cycle of asking. like i said before he knows his herbivore well, and he knows your boundaries and the signs that your uncomfortable even better, so he knows he won't overstep
i feel like he never had to figure out you craved attention, hes an observer, and just kinda always knew by your lingering touches, even after the shock of the touch
his favourite forms of physical touch are to lay his head in your lap, and basically anything (sexual or non sexual) where your body is on/close to his
hes another one whos main love language is touch, so he is too seen skipping his classes to hang out with you/to pull you from yours to the botanical garden
hes very aggressive with his affection, so when you shied away from his hug after training, he did a Jamil and tried to think of any reason you'd be mad at him
hes kinda sulking for the rest of the day until he decides to just come to ramshackle to ask you
"sebek wtf are you doing at my door its the middle of the night- WHY ARE YOU WET?!"
you had to run and grab a towel because this idiot decided to WALK over while it was RAINING
when you explained everything to him, how you were just surprised, he understood immediately, so, he joins the Polite Cult (tm) and asks you to give you a hug
when he finds out you crave touch, he is a man on a MISSION
he WILL make sure you get what you want becuase he LOVES YOU SO MUCH
(just dont use your power over him when hes trying to protect malleus. he will become crisis'd about what to prioritize)
he loves to hold your hand sosososososo much its such a little gesture that can mean so much
hold his hand.
he went to taze you (yk when you put your hands on someones waist and just pinch/tickle them while going ZZZZZT? yeah that) and you almost died of shock
hes seen many things, when your a prehistoric artifact like him, you know whats up
so you didnt even need to explain, he just kinda knew the second you screamed
hes also like leona in the sense he just knows you arent necessarily uncomfortable or anything
but he still tries to limit the amount he scares you but COME ON....your back is faced to him! its the perfect chance to scare you!
he, again, knew you needed more physical touch, so he's always stuck to you whenever he can be
not like skipping class level like malleus and leona, but he still is with you 90% of the day
another one to come to ramshackle with you, but he wont tell the others where he is so everyone thinks peepaw went missing
get peepaw to take his meds please hes a little deranged
--------------------------- I LOVED WRITING THIS SM but i was cramping the entireee time :( m.list @mit0ee 's work, please do not steal!
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solarrclxud · 11 months
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pairing : multi x reader (wriothesley , neuvillette , childe , diluc ,xiao )
genre: fluff
warnings : not proofread
a/n: doing this while on discord.
requested by : anon
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Wriothesley who flashes u his signature smile when he sees you approach him in the fortress . You reach him and fix his tie slightly as he watches you, his smile growing . You ask his what he's looking at and he just smiles wider , shaking his head and leaning down to plant a kiss square on your jaw and when you smiled he placed some more all over your face . His hands find your waist and he buries his face in your shoulder , taking a deep breath and hugging you .
" you smell nice"
Xiao who is very touch starved and lives for the moments when your hands graze as you walk. it is enough for him to have you then. So when you return from your travels and you both stand by the balcony , he moves closer to you and makes shoulders touch, trying to seek some level of affection from you , expressing his happiness that you're there. You look over to him as his face burns a bright red , he is extending his hand towards your own on the railing. You interlock your pinkies. He tries to hide his face in his other hand but doesn't make an attempt to pull away . His eyes are on your interlocked fingers
" You have..returned...welcome back"
Childe who you havnt seen in what feels like a year but in reality is barely a week .He has brought you gifts like he always does , piled into the ships cargo. When his ship reaches close to the shore you can see his practically bouncing at the sight of you waiting for him at the dock . He leaps of the ship in one go the second he can and runs towards you at full speed , lifting you up and almost knockinginto a poor old man trying to walk past you both. He spins you around thrice before setting you down .
" Im home my love"
Neuvillette who waits for you after every trial beacuse you always manage to cheer his up . His eyes are glassy as you approach him and you smile at him as if you know how he feels . He lets his eyes fall to the ground in remorse. Justice does not always feel like it. It is often painful . You reach for his face , running your thumb over the skin under his eye . You looks at you with all the pain his heart holds and a hint of all the love he has for you peeks out. You tell him you love him an he says it back. The sky begins to clear . He takes your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles .
" thank you my love you are always my sunshine"
Diluc who absent-mindedly cleans the same glass over and over and over again , slightly agitated at your delay. You both ahd made a routine of you visiting him every day at 4. But it was 5 today. He would be lying if he said he wasnt worried . The tension in his shoulders a telltale sighn to anyone who knew him. When you walked through the door , pushing the heavy oak aside with your shoulder , holding a basket of what smelled like fresh bread , his shoulders relaxed for the first time that night. He walked upto you , taking the basket and keeping it on a barstool . He kissed your forehead and then your lips . He can feel you smile knowingly into the kiss . " You missed me?" you asked
" i always miss you...dont be late next time you gave me a fright"
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Caught a Vibe!
Wanted to write some headcanons to boost my motivation for drabbles so enjoy!
Minecraft Diaries vs Suprise kisses from reader!
Feat: Garroth, Laurance, Zane, Vylad, Gene, Jeffory, and Cadenza
Info: G/N Reader.
pre established relationships, Zane and Gene sure are themselves lol. Pretty much just fluff. Reader instead of Aphmau in all except for Jeffory, Zane and Gene. Abby is around 5-6, Sasha and Zoey were supposed to be in this, but I got bored of this one and wanted to get it out- if yall want more or I randomly decide to write a part 2 on my own they will be the first ones in it i promise.
Warnings: (I know i said mostly fluff but im sorry) Zane is for sure his own warning but there is mentions of Jeffory's murder in his part and a implication of threatening reader in the past. Genes also not great, his reader is a little naive and he a little frames them. His powers are used but not against reader.
Requests are still open and enjoy under the cut!
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Oh, Garroth, sweet, sweet Garroth.
He thinks he's so subtle, but he is not.
Your lovely boyfriend is so starved for affection but so unwilling to ask for it.
He thinks it would be improper being a guard... or at least that's what he says, but it surely stems from his affectionless household.
you catch him sometimes watching your hands or his gaze moving to your lips for only a moment.
It's incredibly endearing. And gives you an *incredibly* devious idea.
really, can you be blamed for Garroth being so fun to tease? He's such a pearl clutcher!!
Patrol reports are boring. you fully understand why they need to happen. But there's never anything to report yet. Somehow, your lovely guards can take 20 minutes to describe *nothing* .
and that's where you sit, listening to Garroth go on about the state of the forest surrounding Pheonix Drop. Turning to you asking if you have anything to add. before doing it *again* .
Crystal blue eyes looking to your lips for just a moment before they are averted.
oh, he makes it too easy.
with a simple smirk, you lean across the table to kiss him.
He goes unbelivably stiff for a moment in his shock before positivley *melting* when your hand moves to cup his warm cheek.
He lets out something between a small whine and a groan when you deepen it, His kiss is soft and sweet, with just an edge of desperation. One hand moving to cradle the back of your head a silent plea for you not to pull away just yet. eliciting a small chuckle from you.
but eventually, it must come to an end. And when you pull away, he chases after your lips for a moment a lovesick haze in his eyes, as if the entire world outside of *you* has fallen away from him. A look that warms you from the inside out and reminds you just how much you love the man in front of you.
'No nothing to add,' you coo softly before fully pulling away, looking to your other two guards. Dantes eyes wide and mouth parted, Laurances eyes were wide as well but there was a sense of amusment to it.
You cheerily excuse yourself, letting them know you will be working on some upgrades for the Plaza if they need you. Leaving behind a sputttering malfunctioning Garroth who crashed back down to earth.
You really will be the death of him.
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He's just so handsome.
And his cooking smells so good, His voice is so smooth as he talks about the dish he's making, and you're so in love with the man in your kitchen.
Your relationship is already so affectionate, but will you ever really be satisfied?
You're so busy watching him and fanaticizing you dont even notice that he's stopped cooking to talk to you.
'Hey, you with me?' He asks with a chuckle, snapping you out of the daze.
You look at his slightly crooked smile, giving him a slight smirk, giving you a mischevious idea of your own. His eyebrow raises as he notices the new look in your eye.
You surge forward to kiss him, His eyes widen in slight surprise before closing and leaning further into you. But just before he can move his hands to hold onto you and deepen the kiss, you pull away. He looks down at you with a mixture of amusement and confusion one hand on your hip....
You stare into marble blue eyes for a few moments. Before lifting his hand off your hip so you can dash away laughing, the shout of 'Hey!' and the stove turning off lets you know he's in chase.
'What was all of that about?' he asks, giggling himself as he sets your feet back on the ground.
Even with your head start, you only get halfway down the stairs of the hill to the platform before you feel arms wrap around your midsection, hoisting you in the air and spinning you around with a triumphent shout. Laying quick kisses all over the side of your face as you laugh.
You just let out a contented sigh and turn your head to kiss him for real. Sweet and tender and full of giggles when you remember his shout as you ran.
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Being the spouse of the high preist of O'khasis is certainly....interesting.
you know he cared for you in... some real extent. After all, he went through a lot of effort to ensure your engagement. Sabatoging your other suitors and persuading your parents.
That wasn't all it took to convince you. You're not dumb and know of the vast political advantage he gained from marrying you. You were the hier of a village that rivaled Scaleswind in size. If you were dumb you doubt Zane would hold you in any regard.
But Zane does have small moments that convince you that you mean more than just a political pawn.
You still share a bed. You knew no matter what, you would need to share a room to keep appearances, but if he didn't want you in the bed, you were certain you wouldn't be in the bed.
Most nights, you were already asleep when Zane went to bed. but sometimes you would wake up in the middle of the night, and his arm is draped over your side.
He also can be affectionate at times, mostly in public... but there are times in private his hand will find yours, or a quick kiss will be placed to your temple, hand, cheek or very occasisonally the corner of your mouth.
And in a twisted way. You had to care to make threats.
it wasn't anything overt. It was a meeting for the jury of nine. You were seated on the armrest of his throne at his behest. Which wasn't too odd. Whenever Zane saw the opportunity for a power move, he took it. and you still dont know who it was against. The audience he held... or you.
You're stuck staring at the Corpse of Jeffory the Golden Heart laying on the carpet. Zanes pitch black sword still stained with the fathers blood, tossed onto Zanes desk as he makes his way back to his throne.
He pulls you into his lap as he sits. Arms wrapped around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder.
'Let this be a lesson to the rest of you.' He looks around at the rest of the Jury of....well.. Eight gathered. 'This is what happens to those who betray me.'
His arms tighten around your midsection after that.
It's been a while since then. It's getting late, but as usual, Zane is at his desk going through paperwork. The sound of quill on paper and the crackling of the fire makes this moment feel peaceful.
You don't really know what possesed you to do this, maybe the soft light of the fire off of your husbands cheekbones in his rare moments without the mask.
That is what most makes you feel most like he cares for you.
Getting to see the freckles dusting across his light baby face. A view reserved just for you.
'Yes Lamb?' Zane speaks up, making you jump out of your thoughts. He hasnt moved his gaze from his paperwork.
You steel your resolve and get up from your spot, walking to your husbands side, He turns his head to look up to you, one eyebrow raised. Icy blue eyes bearing into you.
'Just heading to bed,' you mummer, leaning down to press a feather light kiss to the corner of his mouth. 'Good night'
you pull away pretending not to notice the way Zanes face flushes the darkest shade of red you have ever seen. And his eyes are wide in suprise.
It's actually pretty adorable, but you know it would take quite a turn if you pointed this moment out.
you go to leave the room when you feel his hand grip onto your wrist.
'Someones feeling *bold* tonight.'
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Your boyfriend never really grew out of the whole 'Dissapearing act hide in the trees' thing. Even in times of peace, he goes off to watch and brood.
You suppose you can't blame him. He's been through a lot and is still constantly working towards... welll whatever his goal is. He's pretty elusive about it, but you trust him implicitly despite his insistence. You should be more cautious.
But you feel at some point that it has to be unhealthy to live amongst the trees, stewing on past atrocities rather than fostering genuine connections with people. Something you won't let stand.
'Vylad! Vylad, come on, it's time for dinner!' You call walking through the woods, trying to lure your elusive lover out.
He does not come out immediately, but you can tell you're being watched. The tell tale Goosebumps and raise of unease in your chest, The Feeling of a rabbit being stalked by a wolf and the silence of the forest confirms to you that its a Shadow knight.
You let out a huff as you immeaditly clock the game he's playing.
Vylad likes to test your survival skills from time to time. Letting people in was hard for him. A million times more difficult with the romantic context between you. Sometimes, he needed to assure himself you weren't going to do something stupid and die.
'Fine! But this isn't tag this time! I promised Levin and Malachi we would be eating dinner with them and I don't want the food getting cold' you shout out, knowing full well if Vylad had his way he would be slipping around until either you physically restrained him or he took pity on you.
So you get to work hunting through the trees. Actively going towards what causes all your instincts to scream in protest.
You grip onto the tree and swing around to meet his Pine green eyes, looking back into yours.
'A real enemy isn't going to stick in one spot because you have dinner with your sons.' Vylads voice is muffled behind his scarf as you give him a deadpan.
You reach forward to loosen his scarf just enough to free his mouth.
He instantly assumes you just didn't hear him properly and goes to repeat himself. But you press your lips to his before he can... Vylad always takes a moment, surprised that you'd want to kiss him no matter how many times you have. But he always becomes incredibly passionate, kissing you like it could be the last time.
When you finally part for air that... one of you needs much more than the other. Hands still gripping his scarf, you reply.
'Yes, I know, and Im *very* greatful you did tonight now come on they are waiting' you laugh tugging him along with you back to the village.
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Being with Gene means accepting that you never really know when he's gonna drop by, He is fond of you... that's the word he uses. But of course, his plans will always come first.
So, he kinda pops in and out of your life at random, spends Irene knows how long with you, then leaves for Irene knows how long again.
Rinse and repeat.
So you've learned better than to wait around for your hell born partner.
And today you need to go on a trip to the market.
You dont actually live in a Village, you live in a cottage a fairly short walk away from Nahakra.
You make sure to only bring enough coin for what you need and decide to get a covered basket to carry it in that you could keep hooked around your elbow. Trying to minimize the chance of being targeted by any members of the Thieves' Guild. And then you head out!
The walk and most of your shopping goes without a hitch!... the keyword is most.
You had been looking at some blueberries at a stall, You had read about a blueberry tart recipe and wanted to try it out, but with the addition of lemon. Unfortunately, blueberries need much more acidic soil than your plants could handle, so the market was your only go-to.
What's worse is that you apparently weren't early enough because all of the blueberries either were under or overripe, and the ones that were good enough for you to consider taking were way out of your price range.
With furrowed brows and a huff as you stare at the price before putting down the small carton to get your last few items. You're halfway to reaching a new stall when you hear shouting
'STOP you, little Theif!' Well. It is the capital of the Theives Guild. You dont pay it any mind.... until you feel someone harshly grip your wrist and yank
you squeal and grab the wrist of the Stall owner, holding you, trying to pry your arm free from his crushing grip all the while he is screaming obscenities and accusations at you.
Apparently, the blueberries you had been scrutinizing went missing, so he assumed you must have done it.
He's shouting about what the guards will do to you, that you'll be lucky to keep your hands all the while you try to defend yourself. Insist that you didn't do it, but he's ignoring you.
'No one stole anything.' The stall owner goes silent, Gene in the villages armor... somehow? He has one arm over his shoulder and his other hand pressed against the mans forehead, his voice eerily calm. 'You were straightening out your stall, and you knocked the carton over, remember?'
The stall owners eyes are empty. Completely devoid of original thought as he nods, slowly slurring out a yeah.
'Exactly' Gene continues, taking his hand away from the mans face, light slowly reappearing in the vendors eyes as he does.
You always have to suppress a shiver in your spine seeing Gene use his Magicks.
'Now, don't you think you should give this *poor* civillian a apolagy?' He finishes, his arm tightening around the other mans shoulder .
You start to protest, but the man hurriedly apolagizes as genes arm tightens once more,
'You accept that?' Gene asks you. You nod in response, feeling relieved when he lets the vendor go
'There we go all fixed, now why dont you head back to your stall huh?'
It always amazes you how Gene can sound so polite yet so... threatening. The man wisely chooses to run back to his stall.
Gene smirks at you when you're both alone again.
'Wow, theiving, huh? Didn't think you had it in ya Doll' he starts walking away, leaving you stammering for a few moments before you jog to catch up.
You insist you didn't do it, causing him to laugh and pull out the very carton of blueberries from his bag, much to your shock and horror.
'Yeah I know' he hums handing you the offending fruit 'Honestly those prices were *criminal* someone needs to put a stop to that man' he laughs as if he didnt nearly get you arrested???? The audacity???
You proceed to ask him what the *hell* is wrong with him??? You knew he was a criminal, but you had to *live* here! You nearly got dragged to the guards over blueberries!
The man has the *Gall* to look offended, leaning over, so he's at head level with you
'Really Y/N im hurt, I get you those little blueberries you clearly wanted so bad, *and* swooped in and saved you with that guy back there and this is how you repay me??? Not even a thank you for your *Knight in shining armor* Tsk tsk'
You are feeling a mixture of emotions, annoyance, the urge to appease, ..... and a strange warmth. For better or worse, this is the man you fell in love with, horrendous quirks and all.
You lean over and press a chaste kiss to his lips and mummering a small thank you.
He blinks a few times in suprise before smirking wide to egg you on or tease when he notices you rubbing the wrist that man had grabbed, while not bruised it was certainly discolored and sore.
His already lightless eyes darken...
Irene help that mans soul.
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Having just arrived home from the market, you watch from the doorway smiling wide.
Jeffory and Abby are in the den playing pretend with swords. Abby is wearing a hood to show she's the villain shouting out and attacking her father.
You loved moments like these, where the Jury of Nine didn't need your fiancée and you all could just be a normal family together. No expectations or glaring preists looming over you.
Your broken out of your thoughts by Jeffory letting out a shout, holding the sword between his arm and side as if hes been stabbed, dramtically leaning backwards slowly and dropping to his knees monolouging about how evil would never win and he would find a way to save the kingdom even in death before fully laying down on his back and letting his head plop to the side with a dramatic groan.
you can NOT help but laugh at this, You love this man, but he is a SHIT actor, and... the idea of a Jury of Nine member defeated is kinda funny, even if it was just pretend.
That alerts both of them to your presence, Jeffory cracking open one sage green eye suprised, but smiles wide moving to get up and help with your basket when Abby whacks him in the head with a sword
'Gah- Hey!! Abby, not nice!'
'You're supposed to be dead! Lay Down!'
After a quick chastizing about using her words, he does as she asks, After all, he's never reeaalllly been able to say no to her.
She gets back in character, laughing manically and saying the kingdom will finally be hers! Then, walking away from her father laughing all the while
You're getting very caught up in the drama when Abby tosses off her hood and then walks back over to Jeffory's 'body' to gasp in horror
'No!! Sir Knight!!' She cries promising to go and get help when her eyes *lock* on you.
uh oh
She runs over to her toy box and brings you a toy crown whispering to you to put it on.
You obviously do, duh.
' Your Majesty!! Your Majesty!! Sir Knight needs your magical healing powers!! Hurry before it's too late!!' she calls, grabbing your hand with her little one to pull you over to where your fiance lays on the floor.
you hold back a chuckle as you kneel on the floor next to him. " Oh, Poor Sir Knight, I see what you mean, Miss Ah -"
Abby opens her mouth to share whatever wildly elaborate name she has setled on for the game when there is a knock on the door and the muffled shout of one of the neighborhood children.
'Abby!! Abby!!! We are playing pick-up sticks, and the winner gets a sachel of candy! come play!!'
double uh oh
There's a LOUD gasp from the girl next to you. Giant puppy eyes pointed to her father, letting out a series of high-pitched pleases.
he huffs, shaking his head lightly but letting her know she can go but to be back before the sun starts setting.
She runs off , and Jeffory gives a light-hearted eye roll at the attention span of kids moving to sit up when you gave him an amused look.
"I thought you were dead, Im supposed to revive you"
He looks at you with a mixture of confusion and amusment.
you lean down to kiss him, his eyes widening in realization and excitment.
his hands wind into your hair, cradling the back of your head, entrapping you in a loving and passionate kiss.
you cradled his face in your hands in turn, reluctantly turning away when your lungs started protesting, panting for a few moments before chuckling at him.
"Healed you~ Now come on, help me put away the produce," you coo to him, standing up and heading over to your basket, hearing him rushing over to you.
he is just insaciable <3
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You always made sure to have Cadenza accompany you when traveling to Metelli.
Not only for her to visit her father and friends, but because your favorite activity with each other can only be done in her home village.
A short walk from Metelli is a HUGE lush wild flower field.
The very same fields that Cadenza used to frequent before you met.
Always setting aside a afternoon if not a day of your trip to devote to your girlfriend and the flower fields, Picnics, exploring, finding flowers that remind you of the other most, making flower crowns, and to end it all off lying in the field together.
Sometimes, you accidentally find yourselves waking up there the next morning, breaking out into hushed giggles and sneaking back to your group.
You're both sitting down in the flowers, fruit sandwiches rest on napkins at your sides, Cadenza carefully crafting a very intricate flower crown while you read your book aloud to her.
Some fantasy novel you're only half paying attention to, Irene your girlfriend is so pretty. it's no wonder that a village nearly went to war over her, Irene knows you would.
That's the thought that led you to stop reading and just watch her, waiting for her to look up from her craft.
She does after only a few moments, confused and ready to ask why you stopped when you rush forward, giving her a sweet yet quick kiss.
With that out of your system, you look back to your book to continue reading to her.
Cadenza has other plans though, after processing the pleasant suprise she squeals loudly and launches forward, pratically tackling you to the ground and peppering your face in quick adoring kisses, the type you can feel her smile through, full of laughs from both you.
Only after every inch of your face has been sufficently kissed does she properly connect your lips, Her long firey hair curtining over you, completely surrounding you in *her*
And there is no place you would rather be <3
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freyito · 1 year
ᴊᴏʜɴɴʏ ᴄᴀɢᴇ & ᴋᴇɴꜱʜɪ ᴛᴀᴋᴀʜᴀꜱʜɪ + ᴀ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ-ꜱᴛᴀʀᴠᴇᴅ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
this ones super self-indulgent, simply cause im in a bit of a mood and i need comfort. so why not write little drabbles with my HUSBANDS!!!! sorry im still working on requests! my schedule is packed and thursdays are about the only days i get to myself, so im working on them, i swear!!!
for more context, there's a couple different ways people can be touch-starved and how people react. i know some people seek out touch actively, but im one of the people who has an aversion to it. that's why it's written like the reader doesn't quite enjoy it!
also, this was kind of inspired by Kocham Wolność by Chłopcy z Placu Broni
cw: male reader, just fluff really, bonus, proofread
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-Johnny Cage
Johnny's flashy, touchy, and over-the-top. Of course he is, he has to be. With his status, he wants everyone to know exactly who you are and show you off. You're all his, and only his, and he needs every single one of his fans to know.
So when you shy away from his touch, dodge away from his hand, or even keep your distance the very first time, his heart shatters. He doesn't quite know how to handle it. But he doesn't go with the same approach. He doesn't give up, either.
He's a sucker for physical touch, and if he's denied it, he doesn't know what to do with his hands. He quite literally looks down at them and wonders what he can do.
His first thought is that you dislike him, actually. That you hate him. He has a deep-seated fear of rejection, and for his beloved to turn away from his warmth and love, it stings. He overthinks, and he reacts as such.
Johnny is a 50/50 with being logical. It depends where he is and what environment he is in. However, with love, where he is completely and utterly vulnerable, giving his all to his boyfriend, logic does not take place with his emotions. He does not think that you do not seek the touch he seeks, he craves.
But, before he can let that vile, horrid, agonizing feeling in the back of his throat take hold, there's slight reassurance. A soft gaze that mends his broken heart, if only for a moment. That's when he finally rationalizes.
You don't even need to tell him at that point, he silently understands. Besides, he has other ways he can show his love for you. Spoils you rotten, tells you all he loves about you. See, he can find ways to make up for the lack of physical touch!
Johnny makes sure to ask you before any physical encounter. He asks to hold your hand, asks to hug you, asks to hold you, asks everything. And each time you say yes, he has the biggest grin on his face.
One night, while you two were sitting on the hood of Johnny's car by some cliff,- like those stupid romantic scenes in movies- you lean over to Johnny and rest your head on his shoulder. Your arms are touching, his shoulder provides a comfortable pillow. You feel safe. Gazing at the very few stars scattered in the sky, the night sky's beauty stolen by the city below (and by you, Johnny says). Johnny's beaming. He's trying so hard not to show it, he's trying to act cool. But he can't. He's almost vibrating because of the butterflies in his stomach. He's proud of you, he's in love with you, and god, he's so happy. He leans his head on yours, and whisper all sorts of sweet things, 'I love you', 'You mean so much to me', 'You're the most beautiful man I know', and 'Thank you'.
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-Kenshi Takahashi
Since Kenshi focuses on touch mainly in the relationship, he has to re-evaluate how he goes about this without touch. He doesn't start off with it, like Johnny does. But he slowly builds up to it. And when he tries to place a hand on your shoulder, feeling you completely dodge him almost feels humbling.
He's at a loss. But unlike Johnny, his first thought is the right one. Perhaps you aren't ready, you aren't comfortable. And that's okay. He's going to think of different ways to seek out your affection, even though physical touch is the only way he really understands love.
But, he also understands. He knows what it's like to dislike touch, after years of hollow touch and forced affection. And he understands if you just don't trust him enough, he's empathetic.
He'll wait for you, however long it takes. He isn't afraid to admit it's a bit disheartening, but he understands and he loves you and he will always wait for you. He still cherishes your time together, and it isn't spoiled one bit. Besides, he can tell you just how much he adores you. He doesn't have to rely on touch every time.
Like Johnny, he will always ask. But he does prefer that you make the first move, at that point. Any little touch, he also cherishes. Even if it's your hand accidentally brushing against his while walking. You always catch a small smile from him when that happens.
He's happy as is, really. The lack of physical touch doesn't take away anything from the relationship or from you. Simply basking in your presence is enough for you. He adores you, and he knows you're his as much as he's yours. That understanding is really the only thing he craves in the relationship.
He relishes in every little touch you give him, however. Simply holding hands is the most intimate thing to him. He isn't big on PDA, but he loves holding your hand anywhere in public. Even if Sento offers slight guidance to him, he loves knowing you're there to guide him.
The night you finally initiated contact, he fell deeper in love with you. It was quiet, alone, still. In your room, you lay next to him, simply enjoying the pleasures of the mundane. You reach for his hand, and gently trace the ink on his hands. He's calm, collected, but inside burns a fire so bright, that you can feel his body temperature rise. He slowly turns his hand, opening his palm to you. For a moment, your fingers linger, tracing the creases in his hand, before finally intertwining your fingers with his. He turns his head to you, a soft and inviting small on his face. He breaks the silence, whispering an 'I love you, so much', before the silence lay over you two once more.
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-Bonus! Johnny Cage AND Kenshi Takahashi
They both agree not to smother you and take their time with you and your comfort. Since most dates and activities will always center around all three of you, they're specifically gentle with you, and are rather hands off with both you and each other (as hard as that is for them).
Just because they are comfortable with each other and each other's touch, doesn't mean they are going to flaunt it. Kenshi believes the ideal is to slowly incorporate you into events. To suffocate you with the idea of touch is too much.
And they do just that. Johnny follows Kenshi's lead, really. Neither of them can live without your touch, and the idea of turning you away is a mutual fear.
When you found yourself between Kenshi and Johnny, simply "watching" a movie from Johnny Dearest, you ended up placing your head in Kenshi's lap, and your legs in Johnny's. You were tired, that was all. Just so happens you had the most comfortable men to lay on. Johnny gave Kenshi the most bewildered look, before realizing the man was still blind. But regardless, Kenshi almost shared the sentiment. However, Kenshi didn't waste his chance. He places his hand on your head, scratching at your scalp. While Johnny just revels in the fact that you've finally warmed up to them.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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bethanydelleman · 11 months
I rewatched Pride and Prejudice and it's surprising how my thoughts on it changed over the years 😃
When I was a teenager, Elizabeth Bennet was the plucky heroine that I wanted to be (lol) , now I'm older with a mortgage and responsibilities/bills, I'm like what was her plan in life?
Because she wasn't really educated per se (im thinking about how she answered lady Catherine about what she has to recommend her re:drawing, playing the piano etc) so I guess a 'career'(no matter how little it would be available at that time) was out of the question, but accepting marraige to the (admittedly obsequious) Mr Collins was also out of the question as well as Mr Darcys first proposal (which I get why sge turned it down!) ...I guess I'm asking what Elizabeth's plan for her future.
I've heard this from a lot of people upon re-read, "Why isn't Elizabeth more worried about her future?" I think there are a few things to note.
Early 1800s or not, Elizabeth is 20 years old when the novel begins (the average age of first marriage for women was 23). 27 year old Charlotte is in more of a future panic, but Elizabeth is still young. She has done practical thing like learn to play piano, but like most young people, she's probably just hoping for the best. And it's not like there is much she can actually do, Elizabeth is putting herself out there, she's dancing, she's playing piano, but otherwise she can just hurry up and wait. Her mother's marriage schemes are seen as vulgar and mostly backfire, and we would hardly want Elizabeth to act like Caroline. We read across Austen's novel's that women are largely stationary and it is the men who move in and out of their lives.
Also, I think a big part of Austen's point is that women are in a position where they feel the need to accept any and every proposal, because as Mr. Collins says, they may never receive another, but that this leads to misery (just look at the older couples and how many of them are unhappy!). While somewhat foolish from a financial perspective, Elizabeth is thinking about her long term happiness. She has watched her father turn bitter in an unequal relationship, she does not want that for herself. Elizabeth is choosing possible spinsterhood over being married to a person she knows she could not respect. Marrying for love, or at least on a basis of respect, is a big theme in Austen's novels. Let me add this quote from Mansfield Park to illustrate this point:
“I should have thought,” said Fanny, after a pause of recollection and exertion, “that every woman must have felt the possibility of a man’s not being approved, not being loved by some one of her sex at least, let him be ever so generally agreeable. Let him have all the perfections in the world, I think it ought not to be set down as certain that a man must be acceptable to every woman he may happen to like himself.... And, and—we think very differently of the nature of women, if they can imagine a woman so very soon capable of returning an affection as this seems to imply.”
So yes, Elizabeth Bennet isn't being financially prudent but she is being sensible in preserving her happiness. And for realism, we know Austen made this decision herself! She turned down an eligible offer.
Next, Mrs. Bennet is somewhat exaggerating: they are very unlikely to starve or be destitute. While it is never explicitly stated, Mr. Gardiner seems to be doing very well, and would probably very happily take at least Jane and Elizabeth if Mr. Bennet died. Mr. Philips is also doing well for a country attorney, he could take in his sister-in-law and nieces. It is going to suck, the Bennets should have planned better, but it's not the end of the world. We also do not know Mr. Bennet's age, but he may well only be in his late forties. He's no Mr. Woodhouse who may die tomorrow in a stiff breeze.
So what is Elizabeth's plan? She doesn't have one, she's 20. She's hoping life will throw her a man with a decent income that she doesn't hate. It works out in the end, but I don't think she would live to regret either turned down proposal if she had never met Darcy again.
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simp4konig · 1 year
Intimate König headcannons
Gender-neutral Reader
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Word Count: 1246
Was down in the dumps and feeling really guiltt for not delivering fanficgions on time but you really reassure me and make ot seem like its alright for me to take my time 😇 Honestly am forevr used to the stress of deadlines and alwahs achieving expectations always expected of me thay i always feel intense guilt whenever i delay 😿😿 Thank you so mucj for your love and support uour messages are whay have kept me going 🙏🙏💖🫂(and motivated me immediately to write this in <5 hours LOL🤭)
also pls do NOT track my ip address puff PLEASE this is some next-levdl fbi investigation type shit and im honestly SHOOK are u secretly an fbi agent ?????😰😰never poetinf screenshots ever AGAIN ❌🚫‼️
*Physical intimacy (not sex guys🗿) headcannons for before your relationship and during your relationship
Tag List ♡ @simpforkonig ♡ @abysslovesyou ♡ @puff0o0 ☆ @rustic-guitar-notes ☆ @happy-mushrooms ♡ @reyner-lee
König's crush on you was not subtle. At ALL.
My personal headcannon is that he has never had a girlfriend/boyfriend/lover before. :(
I mean, bullied at school, enlisting into the military aged 17, climbing up the ranks to become a Colonel... yeah, to me it doesn't sound like the man would ever have time to find a significant other.
Oh, don't get me wrong, he would devote so much time to a partner (if he had one), would coddle them and cuddle them more than humanly possible and spend every, making the most out of every moment together. Precious hours never taken for granted that he dreamed of while on deployment.
...Yet, having no experience with receiving affection and being affectionate since being a very young boy, when his mother was still around to take care of him before he attended secondary school, up to this point he had ZERO (0) experience.
Still, König ALWAYS had a hand over your body in some way, under the guise of protecting you and keeping you out of harm's way. It was endearing that he cared so much about your well-being. 🥹
Resting a large hand on the small of your back as he guided you down crowded rooms (though that was almost always a pretence, as there would actually be very few people around, and it was only his excuse for touching you).
Leading you out, his hand would be quickly replaced by his arm wrapping around your side and pulling you close, closer even than you had been moments prior.
Truth be told, the way he touched you was the way he longed, craved for someone else to touch him. To long for him and crave him as much as he craved you.
It wasn't like you were oblivious. In fact, you were hyper-aware of the skin-to-skin touch, of every instance his fingers grazed your knuckles when handing you something, of every "accidental" bump of your head into his chest in corridors, of each time he rested a hand on your shoulder. Or on your back for reassurance — though, whether it was for your reassurance or his own, you couldn't tell.
All his touches, his gazes at your from afar and up close, the way his pale blue eyes crinkled in happiness under that long hood of his: all of it; you noticed it all. Every single time.
Obviously, you didn't object. You relished in this attention, so touch-starved that each touch made you melt. Besides, how could you even? You became putty in his hands, and you revelled the feeling of being so loved.
...However, your own intrusive thoughts insisted that you wouldn't be good enough for König, did not deserve such a man like him.
As much as it pained you to do so, you shied away from his advances, always the first to pull away.
And, of course, König noticed it. Every single time.
His immediate thought was that you didn't feel the same way. That you felt disgusted, disgusted by him and his touch.
Did you not like the way he touched you? Did you not like him?
Therefore, for a while, he toned down the touching. A simple pat on the back or a tap on the shoulder would have to suffice, despite his desperate need to feel more of you, touch you more.
Judging your reactions, scrutinising your cues... you weren't disgusted. Not in the slightest, it appeared.
You just looked... flustered. Shy. A hand would go up to hide the blush on your cheeks — nothing discreet about that — stubbornly avoiding his gaze, yet a small smile was on your face, and it made him wonder: what if you really did like the way he touched you? Liked him?
His touches became more daring. Confident.
One day, all of his anxiety ceased to exist when you reciprocated his touch with some of your own.
The hand kept in place of your hip flinched slightly at yours timidly moving to touch the top of his, interlocking fingers over his palm. Momentarily causing König to short-circuit, he became stiff, audibly gulping.
Adam's apple swallowing the dryness of his throat, he looked at you, frantically attempting to read the expression on your face.
You said nothing, didn't look at him at all, yet through that gesture alone König understood it better than had you could have ever said it in words.
For a moment, you regretted it. Even made a move to sheepishly pull your hand away. König, finally pulled out of his daze, held your hand in place, squeezing it three times. You squeezed it three times, too.
Suddenly, it all made sense to him, and, somehow, made sense to you too. You two were meant to be together, regardless of your insecurities.
Now, your dynamics shifted slightly.
Hands held together as you two sat by each other in a room, neither acknowleding the situation in case the other pulled away in embarassment. Never parting ways without a good-bye hug from you, your arms lingering by his own for a moment longer than they should have.
When you two are finally in a relationship?
☠️ Say goodbye to privacy and personal space ig
König is unbelievably clingy, and literally clings on to whatever of you he can reach. He does not let you go. There can be no compromise, and he keeps you in place, despite your protests and squirming, face flushed as you tried to playfully push him off you, obviously to no avail.
At the same time, König's touch is so, so gentle.
Tentative touches on your skin as if your body was precious porcelain, a fragile fine china.
Callous hands that had killed so many in cold blood running across your back, your arms, your waist, your legs, anywhere that König could reach, with a mildness that could have made people question whether it was even the same man and if so, how he could ever be capable of being so soft.
It doesn't matter whether you go to the gym regularly and have put on muscle or whether you are someone on the more petite side, you're so delicate to König. Like you could be broken at any moment.
For that reason, he holds back. Or, at least, tries to, for the most part. Bless his soul, he tries his best, but it's impossible not to cradle your body in his arms. <3
Unable to restrain himself, his resolve breaks after five minutes of going without you under him or on top of him or beside him or entangled with him, and his hands go back to touching you all over again, caressing you with such care and love that tears often brim in your eyes.
No one has ever been so gentle, so attentive, so loving. No one has ever touched you like this before.
And, seeing how you allow yourself to be vulnerable with him, to see you so sensitive, he would wordlessly wipe the tears away with his thumb, your eyes glassy like a doll's.
He'd run his fingers through your hair, whisper sweet nothings in a mix of English and German, often forgetting to speak in English and unconsciously reverting to German, calling you the loveliest things in a tone that expressed his complete devotion to you.
And, as you'd sleep peacefully beside him in bed, he'd admire you, and wonder how on Earth he possibly could have gotten so lucky.
Note: can i please have my own König irl please and thank you🙏🥰 want nothing more than a big beefy man to hold me 🥹❤️❤️(😭 man i need some mentsl help 🗿thays for another day tho am not wbout to get into the catastrophic state of my brain😊✨gonna keep deluding mtself instead !!<3)
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jinkicake · 2 years
~♡ All Night Long ♡~
(( Day #7 )) Barbatos, Lucifer, Mammon, Simeon x Reader
A/N: Doyoung’s beautiful voice motivated me to write.. sigh where my nctzens at? ((im sorry i just liked ay-yo soooo much)) anyway... i hope you all enjoy~ 
SMUTTT // NSFWWWW ((some characters have k!nk warnings lol, some have fem!reader -all listed below-))
WC - 2,049
Barbatos never understands your attempts at seducing him.
He fully understands the swirl of desire in his gut and the tightening of his boxers but, not why you do it. You know entirely too well that the demon will give you the world if you just ask. 
All day, he kept catching you bending over in the shortest skirt he has ever seen on you, giving him an entirely full view of the pretty panties you have on. The butler would have been worried if not for the fact that it was only the two of you inside the castle right now. 
Had Diavolo or any of the brothers been around, he would have locked you away in his bedroom and hoarded you to himself much like a dragon and its treasure. 
Regardless of his confusion, Barbatos enjoyed your teasing. It made pleasuring you so much sweeter. 
“Do you know who I am?” Barbatos watches with a certain fondness as he runs his fingers along your clothed slit, each brush of his knuckles against your clit makes you jolt against the bed. From where he has you pinned to the mattress, all you can do is fondle the sheets in your hands. “I cannot be seduced as easily as the next demon or mortal man,” Despite his words, his cock aches at the sight of you. He can feel a gush of precum spurting in his boxers as he rubs one singular finger underneath your panties. “yet, you have me bewitched.”
“What have you done to me, (Y/N)?” Pure desire lights a fire in his chest as he lowers to his knees and pulls your hips so that your lower half rests off the mattress. Your squeak is muffled by the thick duvet. 
Barbatos pulls your panties down without second thought and gives himself a mere moment to stare at your bare cunt. All it takes is a slight wiggle of your hips, taunting him, for his restraint to break. 
The demon lunges for your cunt like a man starved, instantly greeting your folds with his tongue. His hands find your sides and then your hips before running over your ass. With each swipe of his tongue, he sucks in the taste before running zigzag patterns across your slit. He has yet to touch your clit and instead focuses his entire being on your entrance. A single dip of his forked tongue has you screaming out for him. It drives you wild, his monstrous tongue. 
“Barbatos,” You pant, and your squirming is met with a quick slap against your ass. He hits the skin before soothing running his gloved palm over the affected area, ensuring that the pain doesn’t last for too long. As his tongue reaches further inside of you, forcing you to clamp down around him, his thumb finds your clit. 
The combination is dangerous, the sounds he is making are dangerous. 
One of these days, you’re sure that you’re going to pass out from his overwhelming ministrations. But, until then, you’re going to keep taking it willingly and lying down. 
Lucifer (fem!reader)
“Come closer, my pet,” Lucifer lowly murmurs into your ear as his large hands tug against your bottom, forcing you to lurch forward into his chest. The subtle rock of your hips makes you pathetically moan out loud as his long cock reaches places inside of you that you didn’t even know existed. “I missed you today.” He’s so sweet with his words, with his lips as he presses gentle kisses into your jaw. His lips part with each kiss and his touch is soft enough that you begin squirming for more. 
“Lucifer,” You murmur and gently grind down in his lap, back and forth your hips are moving at a slow needy pace. After a long day, this is exactly what the two of you desperately need. “please, I need more,” You’re not sure what you’re begging for, but whatever he gives you, you will take selfishly. 
“You’re being greedy,” He warns and nips at your throat to calm you down. His touch does the exact opposite of that. “relax.” At once, his hands lower from your waist to your hips. He strongly holds you in place and makes it so that you are unable to move a single inch. All you can do is pathetically grind your bottom into his thighs and try to find another source of release. Lucifer sighs. “Must you always defy me?”
Before you even get the chance to explain, lips already parting in thought, Lucifer slots his mouth over your own. He meets you in a messy kiss, tongue first and he’s eager with his movements. Lucifer devours you wholeheartedly, chest burning brightly with pride, as his tongue fondles your own. Over and over, he laps at you until you’re pulling away and gasping for air.
Even then, he can’t stay away and glues his lips to your throat. His strong hips begin to thrust upwards, bouncing you in his lap. Had it not been for the secure touch on your waist, you’re sure you would have flown off of him because of the movements. 
Lucifer sinfully rolls his hips, up and up until you’re falling back against the mattress. He doesn’t let you go, doesn’t give you time to react before he begins his work now on top of you. 
“Beautiful girl,” His eyes soften in a way that makes you bashful, shy, and you can only stare at the fondness expressed in his gaze. It’s entirely sweet and kind. Nothing like the way he is fucking you right now. 
The way Lucifer’s grunts fill your ears and the slaps of skin sound throughout the room, you know this is his purest form of lovemaking. It’s seen in your reactions and the way that you grasp onto his shoulders and dig your nails into his skin, dragging your fingers down his back as he repeatedly hits that spot that makes you see stars. Lucifer will always take care of you, provide for you, inside and outside of his bedroom. 
“Take it all, my sweet human, I know that you can.” 
“You’re just the sweetest demon, aren’t you?”
Had your hand not been wrapped around his aching cock, exploding from his jeans, Mammon would have been sure to reject this with a snarky remark. But, right now, all the demon can do is gasp for words. 
“S-Shut up, I’m not!” He swears it to be true but, how can you take him seriously as he dips his head back and thrusts his hips into your hand? His throat is bared for you and you lean forward to place the gentlest of kisses on his Adam’s apple. “You’ll regret this,”
“Regret pleasuring you?” You murmur into his skin, now picking the area just under his jaw to suck a bruise into. Through short jerks of your fist, you work the demon into submission. Mammon has all but started to thrash against his couch, eyes screwed shut while pathetic moans leave his lips. 
“Come on, more, give me more-” He’s so greedy that it breaks his words, voice cracking from the pressure. The demon can feel his impending release building in his gut, your touch just feels too damn good. “Fuck me, (Y/N), please, please!” Mammon cums into your mouth the second you lower your face and wrap your lips around his tip, you barely begin to suck before he thrusts and spills himself past your lips. 
You don’t waste a single drop, choosing to dig your tongue into his sensitive slit as he withers against his cushions. Being just as greedy as him, you’re eager to swallow it all. 
“You really thought you could toy with me?” Mammon swallows harshly, eyes darkening as he stares at your full cheeks. Your back is arched into the air as you lean over his lap and the demon doesn’t hesitate to slap the back of your thighs. He hits you just enough that you slightly jolt and feel the pressure against your sensitive legs. “I’m not gonna let you get away that easily,”
Then, he wraps his hand in your hair and pulls you toward him. He moans pathetically at his taste on your lips and thrusts his tongue into your mouth to lap at the cum still resting in your mouth. It’s filthy, and messy and only gets even more so as his fingers dip between your thighs. 
Mammon knows your body, he doesn’t have to see your pretty cunt to find your clit and he certainly doesn’t have to stare to find exactly where you liked to be touched. He knows it all already. 
And as he kisses you, stealing the breath out of your lungs, his fingers push your panties out of the way. Your wet cunt makes him moan loudly and he doesn’t hesitate to drag his finger along your slit, scooping your essence to smear it around your clit. 
“I’m gonna fuck you good after this, got it?” His eyes are blown wide with pleasure and his lips are still slightly parted, ready to kiss you once more again. “I’ll show you who’s a nice demon.”
Simeon (daddy kink, fem!reader)
When Simeon first heard the vulgar, authoritative, pet name fall from your lips, he didn’t know what to do. He simply acknowledged it with a kind smile before continuing his assault on your throat. 
The more it fell from your lips and the more you begged for him, however, the looser his restraint got. 
“Please, daddy,” You whine into the air, chest thrusting up from where you rest between Simeon’s legs. This position is anything but innocent. The angel has one of his hands wrapped around your throat while the other rubs ferocious circles against your clit. His own strong legs are hooked over your own, ensuring that you can’t close your legs even if you tried. 
“I’ve got you, my light,” Simeon murmurs into your ear, his eyes zoning in on your breasts from over your shoulder. His mouth waters at the sight, fingers slowing down completely before he brings them up to his lips. Quickly, he sucks the digits into his mouth and laps at his skin. He moans at the taste of your pretty cunt, sucking intensely on his fingers before bringing them to your breast. With a pathetic moan, you whimper when he brushes over your nipple with his two fingers. Simeon toys with the perked nub, circling it a few times before pulling it beneath his thumb. 
He tries to calm you down with gentle coos at your growing anticipation.
“Daddy’s got you,” His gentle kisses against your shoulder do little to satiate the burning desire in your belly. The angel has an obsession with your body, an unhealthy obsession. He can touch you for days and not grow tired of it, he can indulge in the most sinful acts with little shame all because you request it from your pretty lips. 
Slowly, you’re corrupting him and the angel does not care in the slightest. 
“Let daddy finish, sweetheart,” His soft voice doesn’t match his words but, he does it so well. Simeon continues toying with your breasts, pinching and pulling on your nipples before he migrates his hand south once again. Once more between your thighs, the angel runs his middle finger up your slit. He slowly dips his fingers into your entrance just enough to break a silent scream from your lips before he brings his finger to lazily circle your clit. 
“You’re being so good for me, you’re much more of an angel than I am.” Sweetly, he presses a kiss against your cheek before nuzzling his face into your neck. His puffs of air against your throat make you squirm and the sensitivity of his touch is starting to get the better of you. 
“I wanna cum, daddy, please,” Your gentle begs work wonders on the angel, he can never deny you of anything. 
“Since you asked so nicely, my sweet girl,” All at once, two of his fingers slip into your entrance while his thumb toys with your clit. His thrusts are harsh and steal the air from your lungs, causing you to thrash against him. “Cum on daddy’s fingers, you can do it, baby,"
. . .
2023/02/13 ♡
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