#meditation for relaxation and anxiety
theambitiouswoman · 10 months
i have been struggling with my anxiety more than usual, and there are days where i just wake up anxious. . . do you have any tips on how to help with that? i’d really appreciate it! 🫶🏻✨
Hi angel, I have dealt with and sometimes still deal with a lot of anxiety, so I am going to give you tips and advice that I have learned and work for me. Please remember I am not a mental health professional.
Waking up with anxiety is typically associated with high cortisol levels (stress hormone) which could be do to life stress, bad sleep, substance issues, physical issues or other mental health disorders, to name a few.
You can start incorporating new habits to help reduce your anxiety.
Exercising regularly: Exercise helps alleviate a high anxiety level, by diverting your attention from what’s making you anxious, Activating executive functions in the brain, Decreasing muscle tension, Altering brain chemistry, Regular exercise builds up resources in the body that help increase resilience to erratic emotions. Exercise actually changes your brain chemistry by increasing the availability of neuro chemicals that work against anxiety.
Meditation and breathing exercises: There are different ways to do meditation, and they can help with feeling anxious. Even if you just spend five minutes each day meditating or doing deep breaths, it can make you feel better. Try meditating every morning prior to tackling your day.
Change your diet: The things we eat and drink can affect how we feel and how well our bodies work. Our bodies make chemicals that affect our mood and how we function, and these chemicals are influenced by the food we eat. Some foods can help reduce anxiety are: Brazil nuts, Eggs, Pumpkin seeds, Chamomile (a kind of tea), Yogurt, Turmeric (a spice), Dark chocolate, Fatty fish like mackerel and salmon.
Less TV & phone time before bed: Spending too much time on screens, like phones and TVs, can make your anxiety worse. You should stay away from electronics for 1-2 hours prior to going to sleep. Electronics stimulate the part of your brain that suppresses the production of melatonin, making it difficult to turn off your brain. Additionally, put your phone on DND.
Avoid alcohol and other drugs: Alcohol and caffeine can worsen mood or anxiety. Focus instead on drinking plenty of water. Limit caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening, and consume alcohol in moderation.
Try journaling: If you feel really busy with thoughts when you wake up in the morning, try this before you sleep: write in a notebook for a few minutes. It can help your brain feel calmer and you might sleep better. This might make you feel less anxious when you wake up.
Have a morning routine: If you feel anxious in the morning because things seem messy or you're worried, try making a plan for your mornings. This can help you feel more in charge. You can also make a list of things when you're worried about them. Sometimes, being afraid you'll forget something important makes anxiety worse. But when it's written down your mind can feel better.
Get enough sleep: The worry of feeling anxious in the morning and upcoming stressful decisions might stop you from sleeping or cause them to have trouble sleeping. Sleeping better and getting enough sleep can really help how you feel and your mental health. Make sure you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep.
Have a bed time routine: Having a bedtime routine can make you less anxious because it gives you a plan and things to expect before you sleep. Your bed time routine should include self care activities, this will sooth you and help you feel more confident too. When you do the same things in order every night, your mind and body feel calmer because they know what's coming.
Hope this helps <3
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neuroticboyfriend · 5 months
i know a lot of us knock meditation because we're constantly told to use it in a very dismissive way, but seriously, it can help - if you do it right. i didn't do it for the longest time, because i'd tried it before and it didn't really work out. but i didn't realize, i just wasn't doing the right kind of meditation for me.
imagination-heavy meditations tended to just make my mind run; i'd get caught up on every detail and think too hard about it. ones that focus a lot on breathing just distressed me. but i found Progressive Muscle Relaxation - and a specific hyponsis-style one by Sleep Cove is what's helped me most (check other platforms for it if you dont use spotify.
with this one, there are still imaginative elements (simple ones), and a few deep breaths. but the majority of it is well - you literally can just lay there and listen to his voice. don't think too hard about it - and as he says, "don't worry about getting it right." all you need to do is be open to what he's saying, as he guides you through relaxing your body.
there's no thinking involved, and for someone as anxious and mentally hyperactive as me, having someone to literally do the thinking for me is immensely calming. i never realized how much anxious tension my body holds, and even when it doesn't get me sleeping, i'm still calm - for once.
so yeah. it's okay to do what helps you, it's okay to be open to things. what ableist assholes say shouldn't have bearing on you finding coping mechanisms that work, and obviously, it's completely okay if meditation doesn't help you. we're all different, and sometimes figuring out what's best for us is trial and error. that's ok. just do your best, and be kind to yourself.
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positiveupwardspiral · 11 months
Being willing to recognize and deal with feelings of anxiety is critical. Avoidance, denial and working hard to get rid of the anxiety all have the unintended effect of keeping anxiety alive. Awareness and mindfulness are the first steps towards managing and coping with anxiety. One should develop an understanding of what their personal triggers are, be transparent about emotions in general, seek and accept support and keep an open mind towards anxiety reduction techniques.
Regardless of when or how one experiences anxiety, knowing ways to prevent or calm it can be helpful. Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress; a healthy diet has, too. Calming techniques such as deep breathing, placing one's hands under warm water or meditation can also be effective practices. Cutting down on alcohol, caffeine and tobacco is important as well as such substances often exacerbate symptoms of anxiety. Some different techniques include going for a walk, journaling or thinking of a relaxing place. Distracting oneself from worry with an activity such as watching a movie, listening to music or talking with a friend can also be helpful. 
~ Daryl Austin / Siggie Cohen, PhD
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raffaellopalandri · 29 days
World Meditation Day: A Journey to Inner Peace
Every year on May 21st, we celebrate World Meditation Day, a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the profound benefits of this ancient, holistic practice. This is a day to acknowledge the rich history of meditation, a tradition that stretches back millennia, and to encourage people from all walks of life to explore its transformative potential. Image taken on Internet But…
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kaleidoscopevisualart · 2 months
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3-Hour Gentle Flow: A Sensory Experience for Autism & Anxiety Relief
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 6 months
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Dream catcher 
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Fall Into Sleep IMMEDIATELY Healing of Stress, Anxiety and Depression Melatonin Release
Music to relax, sleep, meditate, study, read, massage, spa or sleep. This music is perfect for combating anxiety, stress or insomnia, as it facilitates relaxation and helps us eliminate bad vibrations. You can also use this music as a background for guided meditation or sleep relaxation classes. Welcome to new relaxing music direct from the Weightless channel. They can leave the video at a low volume and start doing any task, like studying, working, reading... or just relaxing or sleeping soundly. If you liked the live and want more relaxing musical content, don't forget to like. Namaste MISSION relaxation and meditation guided meditations sleep relaxation calm and control anxiety fall asleep and sleep better to study yoga, reiki, spa.
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rubydarkmoon · 10 months
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talktoangel2 · 1 year
Strategies for Dealing with Stress
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Stress is a typical occurrence that may have an impact on both our mental and physical wellbeing. It may affect our overall quality of life, interpersonal connections, and productivity.
 Here are some strategies for dealing with stress:
Identify Your Triggers: Identify the situations or factors that cause you stress. This could include work-related stress, relationship issues, financial stress, or other factors. Once you have identified your triggers, you can develop coping strategies to manage them.
Practice Relaxation Techniques: Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga, can help to reduce stress and alleviate tension in the body.
Exercise Regularly: Exercise can help to reduce stress and improve physical function. Low-impact exercises, such as swimming, walking, or yoga, can be particularly helpful for people with stress-related issues.
Get Enough Sleep: Lack of sleep can make stress worse. Establishing good sleep habits, such as going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, can help to improve sleep quality and reduce stress.
Practice Time Management: Poor time management can be a significant source of stress. Creating a schedule and prioritizing tasks can help to reduce stress and increase productivity.
Seek Support: Talking to a friend, family member, or a qualified therapist can help to reduce stress and improve coping. Online counselling can provide a safe and supportive space for people to express their emotions and feelings related to stress.
Make Lifestyle Changes: Making lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption, can help to reduce stress and improve overall health.
Overall, dealing with stress can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to manage stress If you are looking for a “psychologist near me” to help with stress, talktoangel can connect you with qualified mental health professionals who can provide guidance and support. and improve your overall quality of life. If you are struggling with stress, consider seeking help from a qualified therapist who can provide guidance and support.
to read more :- https://www.talktoangel.com/area-of-expertise/stress
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insomnikat-mused · 1 year
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These niches are like, "what's the agenda today?" Am I happy and thus out and about? Wallowing in self-pity and existentialism indoors? Or a secret third thing?
Bravo, Spotify.
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your-relaxation-hq · 10 months
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raesworld1 · 10 months
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sometimes i just want to simply exist;
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sanguith · 1 year
Weird question but I want to know if it's not just me:
Can anyone else instantly "conjure" real emotions temporarily?
Like, literally. Making yourself *feel* the feeling of euphoria and happiness or any other emotion just by remembering how it feels, and then feeling it. Not as a reaction to something. I don't mean thinking about something that makes you happy, and then reacting to that thing with automatic happiness. I mean conjuring up the actual memory of what happiness/euphoria feels like both in the brain and in the body, and then that exact emotion wells up in me just because I decided to feel it.
It only lasts for as long as I concentrate on the actual feeling itself and focusing on remembering how it feels. But when it appears (though brief, only like a flicker sometimes) it feels exactly like an involuntary emotional reaction. And I do it as easily as conjuring up the image of a red apple in my head just by remembering what a red apple looks like. But it's real and strong and pleasant but not caused by a reaction to something, not synthetic but painted in my brain by me in real time.
It disappears as quickly as that concentration drops of course, and it does take a fair bit of concentration. But I've experimented with it during meditation and I noticed I could just... Do it. (With more or less ease depending on current mental state obviously. Easiest when relaxing as if waiting to fall asleep or meditating).
And I'm gonna practice this skill, because I think it is a skill that could probably be useful. Makes it possible, for me at least, to practice exposure therapy by, say, "conjuring" the feeling of fear/anger/irritation/despair or any other negative emotion we humans tend to want to avoid, and then forcing myself to expose myself to it and notice every little aspect of it and get more and more familiar with it and thus teach my brain to fear feeling that emotion a little less. Or "conjuring" euphoria literally just for fun even if it lasts only a couple of seconds.
Those neurons *are* firing, and because of neuroplasticity, that kind of repeated firing of particular neurons has got to lead to a change in brain-pattern processing with time right? That's my amateur hypothesis anyway. I'm gonna experiment the heck out of this.
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annalouisemay · 11 months
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Solstice Love Light-Codes - Ambient Music with Light-Language for Abundance, Happiness & Peace - https://www.youtube.com/live/TGhaHHlvWYU?feature=share - Streaming now & overnight 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌ #meditationmusic #ambientmusic #lofi #bgm #binauralbeats #ChilloutMix #lofibeats #ambientlofi #enchantedlofi #lofigirl #focusmusic #shamanicmusic #newagemusic #sleepmusic #lightlanguage #spiritualawakening #starseed #5d #ascension #lightcodes #angels #divinefeminine #goddess #vikingmusic #runes #norserunes #galdr
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kaleidoscopevisualart · 4 months
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📺 3-hour Sensory Video, Calming Sensory Iridescent Color Flow
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Watch "RELAXING CALM MUSIC, WATER SOUNDS -- Affirmation Meditation #shorts #meditation #music" on YouTube
https://youtube.com/shorts/6trkznkHttQ?feature=share Rejuvenation at UnstoppablePositiveMindset Channel For more motivational ebooks, posters, printables, ecourse motivational sayings visit here. For Journals and Books click the link: https://Lulu.com/spotlight/jenniferjones
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