#merthur hurt/comfort
rnmidnm · 2 months
I really enjoy the concept of soft merthur.
After another really exhausting day and constant disapproving glances from his father Arthur is just so tired physically and emotionally. So he walks down the halls and everyone on his way is bowing to him and just generally treating him like royalty (as they should) and Arthur knows it's how it should be, but he's just so sick of it. And then he walks into his chambers and there is this idiot of a manservant who has never once cared for his rank. Maybe Merlin turns to him and jokes, trying to make Arthur smile. And Arthur's just breaks. He says 'Merlin' softly, maybe walks to him. So Merlin immediately senses that something is wrong, but he just hugs him. Cradles his head, rocks him gently, says 'shhh, its okay Arthus'.
And Arthur feels so much better.
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makkis-meanderings · 5 months
I grew up being gaslit and queerbaited by media, now you're trying to tell me that I shouldn't be filtering AO3 by >10,000 words, angst, hurt/comfort, canon divergence, pining??
what do you want from me fr??
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I was talking with my friend about which of the knights would immediately support Merlin’s magic when it’s revealed and which of them would need a little more time.
Then we started thinking about how Merlin reacts when Arthur is threatened, and how he doesn’t care who it is but he’ll fight anyone to protect Arthur.
And because I love angst too much, I brought up how hurt Arthur would be at his best knights and closest friends assuming the worst of him.
I’ve had this stuck in my head for a few days so thought I’d share:
There’s some sort of emergency, either a magical creature or bandits while the knights, Arthur, and Merlin are all on a hunting trip. Arthur’s life is in danger so Merlin acts without thinking to save him, revealing his magic to everyone. (Only Gwaine and Lancelot know, but Merlin doesn’t know that Gwaine knows yet.) Merlin is left standing in front of Arthur with his hand out to stop the threat while the gold leaves his eyes.
Arthur: You have magic…
Lancelot and Gwaine both come to Merlin’s defence, saying something like
Lancelot: *standing protectively by Merlin* Sire, he’s done nothing worthy of punishment.
Gwaine: *grabs his sword and stands protectively by Merlin* if you hurt him, and it’ll be the last thing you’re capable of doing.
And seeing them both defend Merlin over his magic so easily, the rest of the knights join in too. Leon knows Merlin and Arthur are as loyal to each other as they come, and Elyan and Percival have both seen magic - good, bad and indifferent - outside of Camelot from their travels so while it took them a second longer, they do side with Merlin.
Leon: Arthur, think this through,
Elyan: *holding his sword* I can’t allow you to hurt him.
Percival: *puts a hand on Arthur’s shoulder threateningly* Merlin’s as loyal as they come, surely he deserves a chance to explain himself.
Arthur isn’t even holding his sword, he dropped it during the fight which is why Merlin had to save him. He’s just looking at Merlin with hurt in his eyes, then at the knights looking something close to betrayed but also hurt for them believing he could ever hurt Merlin. The thought never crossed his mind until Gwaine said it.
Merlin stops looking at Arthur and glares at the knights, stepping away from Lancelot and Gwaine to make it clear that he doesn’t want them to side with him. He then magics Elyan’s and Gwaine’s swords into flowers so they aren’t threatening Arthur. Then he stops holding anything back so his ‘Emrys filter’ disappears and Merlin gets to be threatening while being openly protective.
Merlin: All of you, stop. If anyone harms a hair on Arthur’s head, I’ll reenact every attempt on his life that I’ve stopped since coming to Camelot on you all, but this time they’ll be successful. So help me gods if you hurt him, I’ll hurt you enough that your great grandchildren will still be feel that pain.
Arthur: …
Everyone is stunned, Arthur feels overwhelmed by everything and isn’t exactly processing, but he’s hopeful when he sees Merlin still caring about him.
Merlin: *turns to Arthur* I’m a sorcerer, I have magic. I use it for you, Arthur. And whatever you decide for my fate, I’ll accept it willingly.
Arthur: We’re going home. You’ve got a hell of a lot of explaining to do, Merlin.
Merlin sighs, relieved that he isn’t about to lose his life, and immediately goes back to his servant duties, handing Arthur his sword and getting the horses. The knights collect their things, murmuring to themselves and subtly watching Merlin and Arthur while they talk too quietly to be heard.
Arthur: Thank you.
Merlin looks over, confused and raising an eyebrow in a way he really shouldn’t at his king, but it’s reassuring to Arthur that they’re still Merlin and Arthur despite the magic.
Arthur: For not assuming the worst of me.
Merlin: You’re too good for that, Arthur. Even if you did get angry, you’d have every right to after I lied for ten years. For what it’s worth, I am sorry about that.
And it seems so simple in the way Merlin says it, like they can get through this just like they’ve gotten through everything else so it’s going to be okay. So Arthur tentatively accepts it in that moment, whatever ‘it’ is that gives Merlin magic because he’s definitely still got questions.
Arthur: it’s… well, it’s not great. I won’t pretend I’m not upset, but at least you didn’t go shouting about it in court.
Merlin, flashbacks to when Gwen was accused of witchcraft: yeah… good thing…
That’s all I got. I’ve still got really bad brain fog so I’m not sure how coherent this is, I’d settle for passably readable at best though. I’ll probably write something more for this when I can focus on anything for more than five minutes without feeling like my head is going to explode, but for now I’m just gonna leave this here.
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I think I’ve read every Lamia fic in the world twice. I need more. I need it like I need water. Scratch that, I need it like I need coffee.
I need Merlin angst and protective Arthur. It’s what I live (and die) for.
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Me when there’s no more Lamia fics to read
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amariram · 5 months
"Why can't you be my destiny if I can be yours?"
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Fun fact: i ran into this fanart the other day and my head just snapped and i immediately imagined an entire plot for a hurt/comfort fanfic that ends with this kiss and i automatically wrote it in like 2 hours.
You can find it here.
Am i insane? Probably. But can you pls help me finding the author of this fanart? I wanna thank them for the inspiration and for the wonderful masterpiece they created!! Ty
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mysticsublimeperson · 7 months
Part 1 >>
Merlin was disappointed, but mostly at himself. He always knew that Arthur would never actually be in a relationship with him, he will humor Merlin sure, he would tell people as long as they didn’t know Uther, and there weren’t risks of his father finding out, he would say that he loved Merlin but then did shit like this all the time. He would cancel plans and dates, and once even a week long trip that they had planned in favor of his father, and his company. Sometimes he would even cancel Merlin to have a date with one of the girls that Uther threw his way.
Usually it didn’t bother him that much, of course it hurt but he had known Arthur for most of their lives, they had been friends before… whatever they were now, he had always been like this and Merlin had always permitted it. He guess he never thought about asking for a change before, so that’s also his fault.
But he had been trying, it was sad enough when Arthur missed his birthday dinner Merlin had cooked, because his father had booked a flight to France, but he could understand it, it was his birthday, it was normal to spend it with one’s family. He made a point to tell him, tell him he was sad about this stuff, tell him when a plan was important to him, tell him when his words were too harsh or hurtful. It usually didn’t stick, they were to used to say shit jokingly but a few things he did, and he���ll try his best to keep his promises unless Uther was in the picture.
He knew the situation with his father was tense at best, Arthur had always fought for his approval, and, aware or not, that was still his primary concern. He knew he had no right to get between their relationship, and knew he would be losing that battle before it began. He didn’t doubt Arthur’s feelings for him, but he could not help but doubt whether they were worth fighting for in his mind. In the end Merlin had always been there, he had always been prone to forgiveness, because he cared for Arthur above all, in the moment he didn’t really notice but in retrospect he really didn’t put much of a fight.
But he had done it this time. He had made sure his voice was heard. He had said that this night was important to him, he had made sure to tell him to save the date in advance and to explain several times what this night was about and what was important to him. He made sure Arthur knew the date, the time, the place, the dress code and the reason.
Merlin was excited.
His organization and research were going to be awarded, and if it all went well he may end the night with the funding necessary to keep the NGO going and even maybe expand some projects.
But then Arthur had wrote, “my father is in town” and then a couple of minutes later “sorry”
When Uther was in town, that meant that night he had to have a dinner with his children, a boring and stuffy dinner in a top restaurant to expensive for Merlin to even look at, and sometime he invited the daughters of some friend of his just for them to get to know each other.
He breathed slowly, looking at the message, here in front of the theater where the Gala was going to take place, dressed up all fancy. Trying to decide how to convey in a text message all the things that he was feeling.
He was going to be awarded, celebrated god damn it. It was unfair, it was terribly unfair for Arthur to do this just before the Gala, he was supposed to be happy and now he only wanted to go home.
He had wanted to share this moment with him and maybe He had also hoped to show off a little, Arthur was a very important person by definition. Maybe he had wanted to show Arthur that Merlin also had value.
But none of that mattered now.
He had gone to the Gala, alone. Regretting the moment he decided to invite Arthur instead of Gwen, he had put a smile on his face and turned off his phone, he had drunk Champagne and eating those mini tart of savory food with strange textures and tried to enjoy the evening with his colleagues. He had gone up the stage a grand total of three times, one to present, the other two to receive the great honor that were those awards. He had smiled, and changed the speech on the go to not mention “one special more than a friend” he had answered the questions of the reporters and declined the offer of his colleagues to extend the evening.
And now he was there. In a bench in a park eating a Kebap in a too-fancy-for-this place suit, next to a fancy bag, which contained two fancy boxes of two really important awards, while questioning his relationship.
He had seen cases like this all the time, he dedicated his life to help people in this kinds of situations, more or less, his relationship wasn’t dangerous of violent, and he was very much independent but the root of the problem was the same. The relationship was destined for failure.
They clearly wanted different things.
They had different ideologies, and priorities.
It was a disaster waiting to happen.
But it hurts so much.
He was freezing, but he still ordered another Kebap, he hadn’t been able to eat because of the nerves all day and it was catching with him.
He needed to make a decision.
He couldn’t keep going like this.
This was supposed to be a happy night.
He walked up to his flat, quietly thinking to find Arthur sitting in front of his door.
“Where were you?” Arthur accused upon seen him.
Merlin let his eyebrows go up. Trying to remember that it was early in the morning, and his neighbors were sleeping.
“Shit, sorry… it’s just… I been calling you and…”
“Get away from the door Arthur” he let the voice come out angry but he didn’t really want to talk right now.
“Of course, yeah, sorry” If this were any other situation, Merlin would had joked about the fact that Arthur never tended to say sorry, but right now that made him rather sad.
He opened the door and walked inside, and blocked the way when Arthur tried to do the same, just letting his tired expression do the job, he was way too tired and he had eaten two Kebap in a shop open at 2 am, and was starting to regret it.
“Merlin, I… Look I know today… I am sorry Merlin, it was a shit show at work, and my father came at the worst possible moment and…” he said trying to coax his way into the flat, but Merlin didn’t move “Can I enter? I think we need to talk… I need to apologize properly and explain my self and…”
“No” he stoped the Arthur’s babbling “It’s been a rather long day, and I want to rest” his voice was maybe a bit too loud and hard “and I don’t wanna talk right now” he added honestly.
“Ok.. yeah, I understand” he clearly didn’t, but at least was trying to or having a stroke, either way not Merlin problem right now. “Can I..?”
“Go home Arthur” Merlin stopped Arthur again.
“I hoped this was it” Arthur said sharp. And Merlin didn’t have the fight to shout all the shit he wanted to say.
“Not while your father is in town”
Merlin closed the door. He stunned Arthur enough to do it without a fight. And he could only hope that he had the common decency to not bring his door down at four in the morning. He had wanted to do a lot, but he was way to tired, physically and emotionally so he just laid off the bed and slept.
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overlyspecific · 3 months
Part 8 of Merlin Hood AU
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
The room is dark, lit only by a sliver of sun peaking through a hole in the wall when Merlin comes too. A breeze through the dark dank cave causes Merlin to shutter. His wrists ache from being chained in cold iron above his head and the sound of water dripping echoing through the chamber pulls a sorrowful longing sound from Merlin’s scratchy throat.
Merlin: *whispering to himself* Well this couldnt get any worse…
Merlin looks quickly around him for the witchfinder to approach. From Merlin’s experience they usually can’t resist the urge to say something witty like ‘Oh, but it can’ or ‘I was hoping you would say that.’ If Gwaine was there they’d probably bet on which one it would be. Man, he missed Gwaine and Lancelot and Gwen and Arthur. Wait, Arthur! He was in the woods and he was looking for Merlin! Merlin smiled to himself sadly, it was nice to have people who cared about him…even if one of them was a clotpole.
The Witchfinder (Aredian): Oh my boy, there’s nothing to smile about.
Merlin: *sighing* I liked my options better. Why are we even here? Don’t you just want to deliver me to the king and get paid?
Aredian: But wheres the fun in that? Besides the king has some questions for you that he knows I can get answers for.
Merlin: If its about how I manage to look this good when I’ve been living in a forest for years, the answer manages to escape me too.
A bucket of cold water is thrown at Merlin, irritating his wounds. Merlin typically doesnt like the idea of killing anyone, but for Aredian he could make an exception. A small bit of magic sparks itself in Merlin’s abdomen, comforting him before diminishing once again. Merlin groans it frustration.
Aredian: What? No more quips? Did I get the fearsome Merlin to finally shut his trap?
Merlin: *gritting through his teeth* Not likely.
Aredian throws his head back in a laugh and Merlin watches as he brandishes a dagger.
Aredian: Good. The fun is just beginning.
Meanwhile, Lancelot, Gwen and Gwaine are thinking of plans to rescue Merlin at the hideout.
Gwaine: All I’m saying is if you have enough chickens-
Lancelot and Gwen: *monotone because they have heard Gwaine pitch this four times now* -they make for a good diversion.
Gwaine pouts a bit.
Lancelot: Gwaine, we don’t even know where they took him. Merlin has made it pretty clear that he can break out of almost every dungeon and cell they keep him in so I doubt they’ve taken him to the castle.
Gwen: Plus, if he was at the castle, the king would be showing him off to everyone as an example and we haven’t heard anything like that yet.
Lancelot: Gwen, why don’t I escourt you back to the castle so you can try to gather more information. Gwaine can scavenge the woods for anywhere they might be keeping Merlin.
Gwen takes off in the direction of the castle leaving Lancelot with Gwaine for a moment.
Lancelot: We’ve been through these woods a thousand times, there’s only a few places that he could be hidden.
Gwaine: Right. I’ll scavenge the areas and you can send word if Gwen hears anything.
Lancelot: Be careful, Gwaine.
Gwaine: *smirking* When am I not?
Gwaine takes off in the other direction and Lancelot sighs. He really needs more friends that don’t attract trouble like it’s their job. But they are all he’s got and he’ll do anything for them. After a moment, Lancelot takes off after Gwen.
In another area of the forest, Arthur wakes up to in a bed of flowers. The sun is shining high above his head and his chainmail is laid out against the grass next to him, leaving him in his tunic and breeches. Birds are chirping near by and Arthur rubs at his eyes. He feels at peace, but something is wrong. He was supposed to do something or be somewhere. He knows it.
Rustling in a bush catches Arthur’s attention and he gets up quickly to draw his sword. A hooded figure approaches Arthur and raises out their hand.
Hooded figure: Arthur Pendragon.
Arthur: Who are you? Where is this place?
Hooded figure: I have many names but for our purposes you can call me Pirerymus.
Arthur: Pyramus? Like the tragic love story?
Pirerymus: *softly chuckles* No, but it this case it might work just as well. As for your where you are, I’m surprised you don’t recognize this place. It means a lot for your future and your destiny. Tell me, what does it feel like to you.
Arthur: Peaceful, warm, protecting. It feels sort of like it’s watching over me, like if I fell asleep again right here I would safe.
Pirerymus: and when have you felt that before?
Arthur thinks back and has a hard time placing it. He feels safe at Camelot but he’s always a little on edge waiting for the next person to try to kill him or for his father’s disapproving words. The only time he has really felt at ease is when he is with…
Arthur: Merlin.
Pirerymus: He’s your protector and your destiny, but the same applies to you. You must protect him as well.
Arthur: How am I supposed to protect the most powerful sorceror ever? What can I do that he can’t?
Pirerymus: He may be very powerful but he is not a warrior. Not like you.
Arthur: Well, I don’t know how much good that’s going to do now. I don’t even know where he is and I still don’t know where I am or how it connects to our destiny.
Pirerymus: Oh, but you do. He told you exactly where he was.
Arthur: The light.
Pirerymus: Yes. You need to learn how to understand what he is telling you, otherwise you two will never unite the land and bring about the golden age of Albion.
Arthur: I don’t have time for this. He’s in trouble.
Pirerymus: Emrys’s own well-being is not my main concern. You will find in time that he can handle a lot. However, if he loses control the safety of everyone and everything around him is at risk.
Arthur: Merlin would never hurt anyone.
Pirerymus: That may be the case, but if any outside forces got control of even a sliver of his true power they could do a great deal of damage.
Arthur: So, I’m supposed to keep people from stealing his magic?
Pirerymus: You are to protect him when he cannot protect himself just as he does for you. But you will need to work together this to work. Emrys has already opened up to you. Now, you must do the same. Follow me.
Pirerymus leads Arthur through the wildflowers until they get to a small lake and they stop at the water’s edge.
Pirerymus: Tell me, Arthur, what do you feel now?
Arthur: *pauses for a moment to take in his surroundings* There’s something in there. Something calling to me.
Pirerymus: Yes, I would guess so. After all, it was made for you.
Arthur looks back to the field of flowers. Most wildflowers have a cacophony of colors, but Arthur only sees here a very harmonious blue and golden yellow. Arthur closes his eyes for a minute and the calling from the lake grows. He wades into the lake.
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evadne01 · 27 days
Merlin Masterlist Part 2
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You can't always threaten nobles!
Merlin tries to advise Arthur. Arthur, as usual, misunderstands.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
This is not what I meant
Arthur carries out his plan. Merlin is not impressed
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
What do you mean you are my servant?
Every noble needs his servant. Merlin isn't happy about it.
George & Merlin
No, this is enough!
Arthur has another idea. Merlin is very tired about this.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
You see? Stupid wounds
Arthur needs to be healed. Merlin turns out to be an extremely competent physician.
Arthur is impressed. And he has an idea.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
Desperate attempt
Arthur finds his servant missing. Agravaine reflects on his actions.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Knights of the Round Table & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen & Arthur Pendragon, Agravaine & Morgana
Discovering new sides of ourselves
Merlin's magic has its own mind.
What you did to Agravaine?... Sorry, Steven?
Merlin and Morgana. The Knoghts, Arthur, Merlin and Morgana.
Merlin & Morgana, Merlin & The Knights of the Round Table, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
You don't have to be afraid anymore
Arthur makes a decision after saving Merlin and finding his sister.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen/Morgana
King and king
Arthur has his latest idea. This time Merlin has nothing against it.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Secret Stalker
Merlin has a secret stalker. No matter that his two best friends told him it is a secret admirer. He knows the difference.
Gwen & Merlin, Lancelot & Merlin, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Gwen/Lancelot
Till next time, my brave honeysuckle
Gwaine episode from Merlin's and Gwaine's pov
Where are you? ~ Please, don't leave me
Arthur discovers that his servant has not come to wake him and, at dawn, runs throughout the castle looking for him.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
Why I hate hunting
During a hunt, the knights and Merlin are stuck in a cave and must say the thing that weighs most on their minds.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin & The Knights of the Round Table, The Knights of the Round Table & Arthur Pendragon
Sweet persuasion
In his attempt to keep Arthur safe, Merlin uses Gwen's advice: sweet persuasion.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen & Merlin
The knight and the king
A deleted scene in A Servant of No Master. Arthur and Gwaine look for Merlin
Gwaine/Merlin, Merlin&Arthur Pendragon
I thought I knew you
After Gaius exposed Merlin as a sorcerer, Arthur needs to talk with him.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
I can show you incredible things
Post-magic reveal, Arthur learns about Merlin's magic and their relationship suffers.
Both of them are scared and sad.
This until during a hunt, Merlin saves Arthur from a spell and becomes his kid self.
How will Arthur react to his friend's (or something more?) fear?
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Drylic and scamu
Merlin and Lancelot deleted scene in the Darkest hour.
Merlin talks about his magic, and Lancelot sees him
Lancelot & Merlin
Protecting the youngest
After Merlin is fired and Cedric takes his place, the servants and Morgana has something to say.
Gwen & Merlin, Merlin & Morgana, Servants & Merlin, Morgana & Arthur Pendragon
How it should have gone
But that was not their destiny, and Arianrhod decided to give them a new one.
What do you do when you have a second chance to fix everything? Trust your friends
Gwen & Merlin, Lancelot & Merlin, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
My most loyal friend
After reclaiming Camelot from Morgana, Arthur rewards his most loyal friend.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
You were supposed to be dead
After the Veil, Merlin finds an old friend. The only problem: he shouldn't be alive.
Merlin is happy, the knights curios and Arthur just tired.
Merlin & Will, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
Clover and Confessions
In the midst of a hunting trip, Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table embark on a quest to find healing herbs for Merlin's toothache.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Forged Allegiance
Lancelot and Merlin talk. And then, they find the Round Table.
It's the start of a new Era
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Lancelot & Merlin
What kind of love do you have? 
The love life of Gwen and Merlin.
Or: the two servants that made fall in love the most powerful people in Camelot
Gwen/Morgana, Gwen & Merlin & Morgana, Knights of the Round Table/Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Flowers and Jealousy 
Merlin's gestures of affection towards Morgana are too dangerous for the servant. Arthur is not jealous, at all.
Even if he is trying to kill the other one with his eyes.
Merlin & Morgana, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
A broken bond
Merlin was rejected another time by one of his soulmates.
Arthur wants to help his friend.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen/Arthur Pendragon, Gwen & Merlin, Knights/Merlin
Destiny could change, our nature never 
Merlyn had believed the Great Dragon when he told her that it was her destiny to protect Arthur Pendragon.
She had believed him when he said they were two halves of one whole, that they couldn't be separated.
She had believed him when he told her that they shared a great and splendid destiny together, the golden age.
But how could she believe him, now that he was telling her that she should let a child die for words spoken in fear?
How could she believe him?
Merlyn had to choose: betray the fate they predicted for her and Arthur, or betray herself?
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin & Morgana, Gwen & Merlin, Gwen & Merlin & Morgana & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin & Mordred, Merlin & Will, Hunith & Merlin, Balinor/Hunith, Gaius & Merlin, Druids & Merlin, Lancelot & Merlin, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin, Gwaine & Merlin, Merlin & Mithian, Freya/Merlin, Freya & Merlin, Elena & Merlin, Gaius & Hunith, Balinor & Gaius
Fake nobles and revelations
"Oh, no, just strange." Percival shrugged. "There were these girls with very thick and sturdy leather strips and they were like taking measurements?"
Leon blinked. "What do girls need leather strips for?"
Merlin's sudden laughter drew their attention.
"Something amusing, Merlin?" Arthur called him out.
"They're binders." Merlin said, amidst laughter. "They're used to bind their chest."
Knights of the Round Table & Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
How can you not be attracted to me? 
Arthur finds out that Merlin is attracted to men and women.
This isn't a problem, no. The problem is that Merlin isn't attracted to Arthur!
Gwen & Merlin, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin, Knights of the Round Table & Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine/Merlin
A lovely kitten
Merlin is turned into a cat.
Morgana is amused, Arthur and the Knights are in love with him.
Merlin is so done.
Gwen/Morgana, Gwen & Merlin & Morgana, Knights of the Round Table/Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
In a Land of Soulmates
Soulmates AU!
During the Great Purge, Uther Pendragon banished every type of magic, with the only exception of the one shared to all the crown, every crown of every kindom: SoulMate's mark, the one who would have always had your back, something more than a brother, more than a companion. And it doesn't imply romance, but only a strong loyalty and solidariety between the two people.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine/Merlin, Lancelot/Merlin, Lancelot & Merlin, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin, Knights of the Round Table & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen & Merlin, Merlin & Morgana, Leon & Merlin, Elyan & Merlin, Merlin & Percival, Balinor/Hunith, Ygraine de Bois/Uther Pendragon
"You and me, love, what do you say?" 
Merlin and Arthur are the heir of the two rival families.
Will they find love? Or will they follow their parents' steps?
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
I'm about to blow ~your mind~ 
Arthur is cursed to 'open his mind'.
The only problem: his mind is open towards his manservant.
Who has a lot of imagination.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Gaius & Merlin, Gaius & Arthur Pendragon
The fear of losing a friend can often be greater than the fear itself.
Arthur and Merlin talks.
Freya makes them a gift
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
The Omega and the Alpha 
"So, my lady," Merlin leaned in, under the guise of fixing her dress, "shall we overthrow the king together?"
Morgana's eyes sparkled. "Why, Merlin, I thought you'd never ask."
Merlin & Morgana, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Morgana & Arthur Pendragon
Love is in the air (or maybe, it's just jazz)
Jazz bar, Merlin is approached by the most attractive man he ever saw.
This is the story
Guardians of Honor 
In a time of war and magic, Lionel, a knight of Camelot, finds himself indebted to a mysterious young boy named Merlin, whose unexpected display of magic saves his life.
Determined to protect Merlin from the dangers of a kingdom where magic is outlawed, Lionel and his wife, Jaelle, take the boy into their home.
As they navigate the complexities of loyalty, duty, and love, they must keep Merlin's true identity hidden while facing the looming threat of war.
Leon & Merlin, Leon & Leon's Mother, Leon & Leon's Father, Merlin & Leon's Father, Merlin & Leon's Mother, Druids & Merlin
Guardian Angel 
Not everyone is lucky enough to know their guardian angel.
Arthur and the Knights are
Knights of the Round Table & Merlin, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
Thank you 
Some king isn't happy with Merlin, but at least he has friends he could rely on.
Merlin & Morgana, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin, Gwen & Merlin, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine/Merlin
How to judge a man 
Pre-Canon, a moment between Merlin and his mother Hunith
Hunith & Merlin
There was an idea
Before Merlin could change his mind, he went to his dating app, and changed his bio.
Looking for someone to take to couples therapy and see how long it takes for the therapist to notice we don't know each other
Glad to have a plan for later, Merlin happily went back to studying.
Freya & Merlin & Will, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Past enemy and current pains 
Gwaine meets someone from his past. Fortunately, he isn't the same person anymore
Gwaine & Knights of the Round Table, Gwaine & Merlin, Gwaine & Arthur Pendragon
Orders, curly hair and fake nobles ~ how Leon and Gwaine met
The Knights learn how Leon and Gwaine first met.
Gwaine is still insulted for that meeting
Gwaine & Merlin, Knights of the Round Table Friendship
A gift and a lady ~ how Gwen and Morgana met
Gwen and Morgana first meeting
Gwen & Morgana
In the shadows of the sorcerer
What if Cornelius Sigan doesn't disappear in one night? What if Kilgharrah doesn't know what the spell is going really going to do?
What if Merlin gets more help?
Yes, what if?
Gaius & Merlin, Kilgharrah & Merlin, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
(Are you sure you) Love Me ((say you) Love Me Remix) 
Merlin still can’t really believe Arthur wants to marry him, or that he loves him.
Probably, is Arthur's fault anyway
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Do you remember the first time I kissed you?
Arthur and Merlin's first and last kiss
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
The king of my heart 
Gwaine and Merlin share a sweet moment
Living up their expectations 
Merlin and Arthur talk about thei desire and need to make their fathers proud.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
Maybe the next time
Merlin was really starting to hate that shirt.
Usually, he only wore the red shirt on special occasions. Like the first day of a new season, or when it was someone dear's birthday, or when Gaius took him to do something for the first time.
Now, after wearing the red shirt thirteen times in a row, he hated it.
Lancelot & Merlin, Lancelot/Merlin
Do you like my accent? 
Merlin, the Knights and Arthur spend some time together
Gwen/Morgana, Knights of the Round Table/Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Emrys and the three Queens
Arthur overhear Merlin's conversation with Agravaine.
Things change.
Merlin & Morgana
I like when you protect me 
Well, Merlin had been warned.
Indirectly, from the protective glances of the Knights.
Directly, from Morgana and Gwen's comments.
Now, he could only try to limit the damage.
Gwaine/Merlin, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen/Morgana
Never alone again 
Gwaine realised that Merlin was hiding something.
And in a panic, Merlin denied it and hid behind more lies.
How could their relationship be based on lies?
Gwaine/Merlin, Gwen & Merlin
No. I have magic. 
A magic reveal with a twist.
Gwaine/Merlin, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
I will always protect Merlin
Gwaine decides to reveal his heritage to Uther
This isn't the proper purpose!
Gwaine manages to transform the purpose of one method of communication into another. Which is absolutely not the correct one.
Merlin begins to doubt his own choices (as well as Gwen's)
Gwaine/Merlin, Gwen/Arthur Pendragon
The Seneschal of the King 
Merlin and his new role as the seneschal of Arthur
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
“What do you have there?”
Merlin adopts a pet and Morgana is not okay with that
Merlin & Morgana
Guilt and Redemption
Finally, after some delays, King Balinor had managed to conquer Camelot, and to demand his revenge for Uther's bloodthirsty pursuit of magic and all its believers.
Uther Pendragon was dead, and with him, the Purge was over.
Gwaine & Lancelot & Merlin, Gwaine & Lancelot & Percival, Balinor/Hunith, Balinor & Hunith & Merlin, Merlin & Nimueh, Gwen & Morgana, Morgana & Arthur Pendragon
Letters from a friend
A collection of all the letters between Merlin and Lancelot
Lancelot & Merlin
Fatal Unions 
Merlin and Arthur marry after knowing each other for only a few weeks, shortly after Merlin starts working at Arthur's company and receives one promotion after another.
But is there more behind this marriage?
Lancelot & Merlin, Gwaine & Merlin, Gwen & Merlin, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Leon & Arthur Pendragon
Changing Destinies 
For destiny was not engraved in wrought iron.
And Arianrhod had no intention of making her youngest son suffer again.
A whisper, accompanied by a sweet smile and the boy would have been deaf to attempts to evoke distrust and fear in his destiny.
One answered prayer and the boy would never again lose his good heart or doubt his friends.
They would all get a second chance.
Gwaine/Lancelot/Merlin, Gwen/Arthur Pendragon
Echoes of Magic and Nature 
After the lands of Camelot lose their life, it seems that hope for the kingdom is lost for good.
That is until Prince Arthur decides that he would save his people.
But he will not make this journey alone. He will have allies, even in the most unthinkable places.
After all, to heal the wounds made by an impure heart, it is needed the purest of them all.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Why would I lie when I can tell you the truth? 
Merlin tries to figure out how many people he can admit to having magic without getting caught.
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
This is my favourite cute little cat ~ okay, it's a bastet
Merlin finds a cute little kitten.
Very very huge, with wings.
Okay, maybe it isn't a kitten, but Merlin likes it.
Merlin & Morgana, Freya & Merlin
Please, he's an Alpha!
Merlin is amazed by the new Alpha, and Arthur isn't happy
Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
I just met you
Arthur and Merlin first meeting.
Or: How Arthur fell in love with Merlin
Freya & Merlin & Will, Morgana & Arthur Pendragon
They lived happily and gay ever after
Youtuber Merlin makes his edits on videos.
It follows a discussion about couples in series.
Gwen/Lancelot, Gwen & Merlin, Gwaine & Gwen, Freya & Merlin & Will, Lancelot & Merlin, Gwaine & Merlin
The hunters and the preys
Merlin is been sold by his older brother to the slaves.
This is how he'll escape them
Merlin (Merlin) & Original Female Character
Jealousy, jealosy
Arthur and the knights are jealous of their Omega
Gwen & Merlin & Morgana, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
Back to General Masterlist
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mythandmagic · 2 months
please Please PLEASE everyone go read Like Every Tree Stands on Its Own by @mightybog it is phenomenal and has deliciously altered my brain chemistry. AND there's a sequel in the works which is sure to be just as marvelous and heartwrenching and beautiful as the first.
Seriously, I have been rotating this story for days, even made some picrews about it (courtesy of ElenaA's Kiss Crew, beloved).
Anyway, please go read and kudos and comment and show her some love because she deserves it.
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the--short--one · 2 years
The long awaited Part 4 ;)
Here’s Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 (you don’t need to read them, but they provide some angsty context)
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There you go! I fixed the hurt, and gave you all the fluffiest of comfort.
Sorry it took a while, I was trying to figure out kissing.
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tansyuduri · 1 month
We Are Bruised But Whole Together
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Arthur wakes up in modern Glastonbury and to his unfathomable relief finds Merlin. But nothing is simple. Everything he knew is gone, for one. He wonders what of his achievements were actually his own, and not just Merlin's magic, for another. Arthur also has to face the fact that he kept the ban on magic going. Was he ever truly a good king?
There is also the “I love you” he mouthed to Merlin before dying. Something he cannot afford to focus on, because, as Merlin tells him, Albion’s time of greatest need is upon them.
Then comes the unthinkable. Merlin’s magic, which has been growing over the last thousand years, is suddenly too strong for the sorcerer's human body to handle. Faced with the prospect of losing Merlin, feelings suddenly come out and Arthur realizes that if he can save the man he loves and the land of Albion, he might be able to forgive himself for his mistakes and everything he is not.
The question is, can he?
Expect fluff, angst, humor, banter, hurt/comfort, whump, and lots of Merthur!
Merlin held Arthur as the sun began to set. He rubbed a hand up and down the other man’s back as Arthur gripped him tightly. He could hear Arthur slowly working to pull himself together. 
Finally, Merlin heard a whisper. 
“You’re apologizing to me?” Merlin said incredulously. “For having emotions?”
Arthur raised his head slowly, letting go of Merlin. “Seems so.”
Merlin could not let that stand. 
“Of all the… Arthur, don’t you dare try to apologize to me for crying after learning what you did just now,” Merlin told him. “Don’t you dare. You emotionally repressed, impossible, dollophead of a king! Don’t you dare apologize for being human.”
Arthur met Merlin’s gaze with his red-rimmed blue eyes slightly wide. Then a smile started to grow on his face. “You still can’t address me like that.”
“What? The dollophead bit? Or the emotionally repressed, impossible, idiot bit?” Merlin crossed his arms. 
“Both… Wait, did you just add ‘idiot’ to the insults, Merlin?”
“Yes. Seems I did. Problem, Your Majesty? ”
Merlin saw Arthur open his mouth to retort, then let out a slight laugh and shake his head. “I’m glad you didn’t change, Merlin.”
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Art By @gyrhs Army of Betas: Sleepygecko, Joyale, Anne Exception, vandalyssm, Sage_Owl, Loki_Lover_1234, @kadenemrys ____________________________________________________________
Read it and It's Sequal on A03 HERE
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eldritch-ambrosia · 5 months
you kiss me and it stops time
Merlin is frozen.
He’s stiff and warm and his hands are spread in the air and he thinks he’ll be stuck like this forever. Arthur’s lips are soft, though, and his hands are gentle against Merlin’s cheeks so there really were worse places to be stuck.
Arthur doesn’t seem to think so, leaning back before Merlin can gather his thoughts–and lips– to respond, still cradling his face. He goes to pull away but Merlin finds it in himself to reach out, grasping at Arthur’s wrists to keep him close.
The prince swallows, his lips parted and beautiful, searching Merlin’s face with his crystal clear eyes.
“Merlin… I’m…” He pauses, his brow crinkling. “Do you hear that?”
For a moment, he thinks Arthur can hear his heartbeat, echoing through his ears and through the stables. He can’t hear anything but the rapid beating in his chest and the heavy breaths that pass between them, the world silent around them.
Merlin blinks, Arthur stepping back toward the door to the stables, leaning his head out. The servant follows, still holding onto one of his wrists, and gazes out to the castle grounds.
The sun shines brightly overhead across all of Camelot and, at a glance, seems completely ordinary. However, the knights across the field are stopped completely in their long strides, one of the riding horses’ head is turned, its mane circling its muzzle suspended in the air, and one of the servants’ hands are outstretched, a pot of water spilling over but not flowing in the slightest.
Camelot is frozen, trapped in time.
His heart drops, nails digging into Arthur’s wrist, the aura of magic surrounding them familiar. An extension of his own magic, gripping his chest, and a sickly feeling settles in his stomach.
“What…?” Arthur mutters, reaching for his blade, placing a hand on the hilt. “Who could’ve done this?”
His tone is accusatory and asked to the air, not expecting a response and Merlin’s eyes burn from tears. Squeezing them shut tight as he reaches out with his magic, with his very being, he begs anything that could hear to make it all okay. To make time move again and take them both back to that moment Arthur approached him in the stables.
He’s not ready.
(psst you can read the rest of this on ao3 by clicking the link at the top!)
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mightybog · 7 days
Merlin/Arthur | Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply | Word Count: 100
Rescue | Angst and Hurt/Comfort | Merlin's Magic Revealed
For @merlinmicrofic with the dialogue prompt "I promised"
Arthur saves Merlin from the pyre
☾ ☾ ☾
Arthur cared not for the blistering flesh of his arms, only Merlin blackened and coughing in his lap.
Voices, hooves came.
He covered his mouth.
They died away, leaving just the wind in the leaves.
Arthur’s whispered agonised apologies as Merlin wheezed for air.
“Go back, Arthur,” he pressed out. “You’re supposed to-”
“I don’t care what fate or your dragon has to say! I promised.”
Tears tracked through soot. “…Please.”
Arthur smeared them away. “Merlin… I can't manage without you. We’ll run.” 
Merlin laughed brokenly. “And if I can’t run?” 
A kiss, all ash and salt. “Need you ask?”
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Sometimes I think about Merlin giving Arthur the only weapon that could kill him.
Imagine if he told Arthur about his magic and Arthur took it badly, running him through without really thinking about it.
Maybe they were in the middle of a battle and Arthur saw magic first, Merlin second.
Then he regrets it, desperately trying to save Merlin. Leon says take him to the Druids since they’ve brought people back from the brink of death before. So Arthur does but when the Druids see Merlin bleeding out, they aren’t worried.
Arthur can’t understand why they aren’t freaking out, so they tell Arthur about the prophecy. He learns about Emrys and how Merlin is immortal.
Arthur relaxes just slightly, glad that Merlin will definitely recover.
But one of the Druids says he can only be killed by a sword forged in a dragon’s breath. Arthur says he isn’t sure what his sword is, that it was the sword from the story that was left in the stone by Bruta. The Druids all look confused so Arthur recounts what Merlin told him the day he got Excalibur. They all look horrified to realise that Merlin has been stabbed by the only sword in existence capable of killing him.
The Druids tell him Excalibur was made by Emrys, forged in the breath of the great dragon, and that only the once and future king could pull it from the stone.
So Arthur has to come to terms with the fact, not only that he killed the most loyal man he knows and also his best friend, but also that his best friend wouldn’t be dead if he hadn’t trusted Arthur implicitly even without telling Arthur about the magic.
He doesn’t know what’s worse but Merlin dies with the assurance that magic will be legalised in his honour.
Just something I think about sometimes. I have fics of this but they’re staying in the fic graveyard because I don’t like how they turned out so if anyone wants to use this as a prompt, feel free just tag me and give credit for the idea please :)
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escespace · 1 month
Intense and entertaining! The conflict between values, principles and new revelations is really well presented.And what a wonder when emotions overflowed in that camp
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Characters: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine (Merlin), Lancelot du Lac Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Rescue, Magic Reveal Summary:
When Merlin is captured and injured, Arthur must face up to his own feelings for his manservant as well as the many secrets he discovers are being kept from him.
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gdn019283 · 2 months
Fanfiction post-canon AU, where Arthur does come back, but Merlin doesn’t want to help him.
I rarely see fanfictions where Merlin refuses to help Arthur, or fics where he doesn’t even remember what he looks like, so here’s my idea.
They didn’t have pictures back in Camelot, and Merlin, the more he grew old, realised that the paintings existing of Arthur, didn’t actually resemble him.
Merlin had forgotten the wrinkles around Arthur’s eyes whenever he laughed, the crooked teeth flashing at him either in a sneer, a genuine smile, or a chuckle.
Merlin couldn’t recount Arthur’s golden hair, shining like an halo under the high, yellow sun, and resembling a crown during the red sunset.
It was soft when Merlin combed it, distractingly running his fingers through Arthur’s silk strands, hoping his lord wouldn’t notice how tremulous his hands really were, how his sweat could have made knots in his soft hair, while his gulps were too loud not to resound in his large ears, red with anticipation.
Merlin had forgotten the fuzzy feeling in his tummy at the mere presence of Arthur in a room, standing proud but unsure, tall but scared, where Merlin would look at him from afar, and feel the quick rush of blood in his veins.
Merlin had forgotten Arthur’s smell, of sweat, chainmail, of the soap he used to wash himself with in the bath, after a tiring day.
He had forgotten his voice. Deep and accusatory, mocking but sweet.
A castle forgotten, people dead for too much time.
Friends, family, strangers.
A king long gone, a memory replaced by hints only, and Merlin’s chest ached, thudded as if it’d been punched from the inside, his heart trying to understand if there had ever been a way out of its ribcage.
And then, one day, as Merlin reminisced his old life, walking to the other side of a lake he had never thought he would willingly get close to again, he saw him.
Arthur was back.
And so was everything else.
Whatever they were Merlin’s lies, or his king’s, after a millennia, the warlock faintly recalled the hurt, the pain, the persecution, the death.
Merlin had lived and died, loved and hurt, healed and killed, stayed and ran, thought and changed.
He felt the call in his heart and mind, of his life in Arthur’s kingdom, of the injustices perpetuated.
Of his own hypocrisy, of his lack of wit, of his insecurity.
Of the people and magical beings manipulating him, and Merlin wrongly accused of actions he would have never had committed.
Merlin had missed Arthur, yet, deep from within his heart, he fairly thought he wasn’t ready to rescue him.
Because on top of it all, Merlin still wept at the reminder of the centuries spent in wait.
And Merlin, on a cloudy day, as mist surrounded him and the trees, green leaves dancing in the air, tiny drops of cold water splashing the warlock’s worn clothes, stood there, his beating heart in his dry throat, lean hands clutching at his bag, round eyes staring at Arthur, did nothing, as his former king emerged from the icy water, gasping and grasping at anything he could reach, moving frantically to get out of the lake, gulping, swimming, still in his shining, but old armour, wearing, on his large hands, rusty, leather gloves.
Arthur’s pale skin reflected the moving waters, as he reached the beginning of the lake, and threw up on the shore, as he had crawled to it with tired arms and legs, laid watching the wet grass underneath him.
Merlin looked at him, swallowed down, wide eyed, and trembling in his own limbs.
And after a moment of hesitation, Merlin walked away, faltering in his steps, as tears strained to keep their position at the corners of his down turned eyes, not to fall freely on the sunken cheekbones.
Merlin was too tired to do anything else.
He had waited too much.
And now, he was angry.
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