#mod batman
violent138 · 27 days
The Batkids each have a personal playlist they blast when they get behind the Batmobile's wheel and it's so much worse being tailed by a roaring tank that is also blaring out a cheery pop song or ominous film score and there's a running poll on social media to have Gothamites vote on who is driving based on song choice.
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gothamcity-official · 10 months
There are two Riddlers
There are two Riddlers facing off Batman, Robin, and Red Robin near City Hall. We're not sure where the second one came from but he looks like Bane if he was small, sopping wet, and wearing a sad trenchcoat. We can also tell which one is OUR Riddler because OUR Riddler hasn't killed anyone in almost a year and we're very proud of him. OTHER Riddler just shot at least three people.
Our Riddler is sitting off to the side with Red Robin and they seem to be playing puzzle games on Red Robin's tablet. Other Riddler is fighting Batman and Robin and seems surprised that Robin either exists or has a sword.
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the-proship-hellhole · 2 months
💚 "Controversial" Take:
ProShippers are not the ones ruining fandoms.
It's the Purity Police and their inability to distinguish fiction from reality that's ruining fandoms.
BatCest is fucking hot.
If you don't like it, don't read it.
Period. End of.
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sexymancatalogue · 2 months
Tumblr Sexyman Of The Day #300
The Riddler (The Batman, 2022)
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List Of Archetypes
Pale Twink
Theme Song
Religious Imagery
Mod Goro submitted this one. When i first met them they were obsessed with this guy lmaooooo!!! Happy 300th TSOTD everybody - Buggy
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mustymausoleum · 1 year
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I love my goofy lil guys
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
KANAYA: Being A Vampire Is Less About Drinking Blood And More About The Gay Theatrics
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pvandboxmanswife · 4 months
CW/TW: yandere behaviors, jealousy, toxic behaviors, kidnapping, obsession
Yanderes who are obsessed with you like a puppy. 
Whenever he sees you his eyes get a little sparkle and he instantly smiles.
Like a mutt wagging its tail when their master comes home.
Following you around and insisting that he give you a ride back to your home, or that he can do some of your work because he wants an excuse to spend time with you and wants to be a good boy.
Always clingy and calling you and texting you because not knowing where you are or what you’re doing worries him sm if you had just answered his calls he wouldn’t be at your door right now :(
When he kidnaps you , he does it so you don’t know. Inviting you to his home under the guise of having dinner when suddenly you feel dizzy and wake up in his bed with your favorite food on the nightstand and a note saying he’ll be back from work and that he’ll explain when he’s back.
When he does come back the sight of you screaming and crying makes him oh so sad won’t you just listen to him??? Look at those sad puppy eyes as he tries to hold you.
Clinging onto you and stroking you as he drags you to your room saying how panicking will make things worse and he just loves you so much and wants to protect you.
Give him the silent treatment and he’ll BEG for you.
He just wants you to love him because he loves you sm why can’t you see??? He’s been such a good boy for you and he just wants to keep you safe from the big scary world…
“___ , please…” he pleaded, as you sat in your shared room, facing away from him.
He sat next to you holding your hand.
“Please say something.” he whined.
You remain silent.
“___, please just talk to me, I understand you’re upset… please, just look at me..” he begged.
You glanced over, his eyes glossy and his lip quivering.
He just wants your love and attention.
He promises that he’ll be a good boy.
Why won’t you tell him he’s a good boy????
CM: Spencer Reid
AOT: Reiner, Armin
KNY: Rengoku, Douma
The Batman: Edward Nashton
RE: Leon
FNAF: Michael Afton
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starleska · 1 year
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sighs...forever thinking about the stylish DC hypnotists...🥴💖
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evenmorepolls · 17 days
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Actors who I think could play Damian in Brave and the Bold
~Mod René
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violentdick · 1 month
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-source: Detective Comics #67-
Weapon of Choice: "I am vengea-," I'm sorry, if you're using homing pigeons and it doesn't end in an entire city in flames surrounded by a moat of their bodies, you're not vengeance. St. Olga of Kyiv will give you some lessons.
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gothamcity-official · 9 months
It's always "Rusty why did you go to that bar in Crime Alley" and "Rusty how did you get to that bar in Crime Alley" and not "how was the bar fight in Crime Alley did you have fun in the bar fight in Crime Alley"
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the-daily-male · 2 months
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Oswald Cobblepot (The Penguin)
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shahrwrites · 6 months
This has been on my mind for a long time and i really need to get it out.
Jason is not as bulky as y’all make him out to be.
He’s just not a malnourished little kid anymore.
Ok, I can see people try to argue that even in canon, he’s like really tall and really bulky and yes I’m look at you Gotham War. ಠ_ಠ
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To be honest, I was hysterically laughing for like. Fifteen whole minutes before I calmed down enough to continue reading. For the love of god, Selina looks like a little teenage kid next to him. And she’s got heels on.
And by the way, this is how she looks next to Bruce, which is way more plausible than. Whatever that was.
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Never mind, I think they drew all the males ridiculously big in this comic. (Or is Selina just really that smol??? Not that I was under the impression that she was huge or something, but for a woman who used to be one of Batman’s most notorious villains?? Man, idk)
The point is. Yes, Jason shoot up a few inches after the Lazarus pit. And yes, he also gained a few pounds of muscle, too. But not over-night and not because he was dunked in a war-machine-making bathtub. It’s because he wasn’t malnourished anymore. His stunted growth was resolved in the aftermath of the Lazarus and he wasn’t a skinny short baby from then on, because whatever he ate, his body was healthy enough to directly absorb. Batman annual #25 and the rest of the comics will want you to think differently. But. Just. No.
As dislikable as The Lost Days artwork was, at least they didn’t grow him into a giant over night and I think it’s the only good thing they did in that comic, too, because it would give more depth to his character to say that in the years leading up to UtRH, in addition to everything else, he put in the effort to build his body for the big confrontation. To mislead and shock Bruce as much as he could. But even then, he’s not a tank of a man. He simply has an athletically pleasant body. And, you know, he’s, like, not fifteen anymore?? So it makes sense.
However, it’s not to say that I don’t enjoy reading (whether in comics or fanfics) about the disorientation it brings the batfam to conform the picture of this well-built man before them with their mental image of the scrawny little kid their sweet baby Jason was, in their heads.
If people write Jason’s growth compared to his fifteen self and how it gives the family such a hard time, as maybe a little bulky, sure. I can wrap my head around it and actually enjoy it.
Otherwise, I see Jason as a little taller than Dick and about the same height, if not a little shorter, than Bruce. Actually, Dexter Soy’s representation of Jason felt pretty accurate to me. Which is a shame that the story of RHatO as a whole was such a trash. Maybe for the exception of the Rebirth vol. 1. But I’ll get to that another day.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
DAVE: if we ignore all thats gone wrong ive had nothing but wins
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asianincomics · 1 year
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Cover art by John Timms
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