#more crossover incoming
mssf-milk · 8 months
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OC Info - Everything goes wrong (but it will be fine)
Name: Juanita [    ]
Age: 16 (28 former)
Birthday: May 1st
Star Sign: Taurus
Gender: Female
Height: 171 cm ( with heels)
Eye color: Pitch Black
Hair color: Black
Homeland: Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. She moved away years ago.
Family: Van Ca (mother), August (father), Thuy (younger sister), Robert Duong (ex-fiance)
Professional Status  
Dorm: Ramshackle
School Year: First  
Class: 1-A 
Student Number: 7
Occupations: Pokémon trainer (not official), Student (Grim and Jua: One student), Honor Guest of Heartslabyul, Directing Student.
Club: None
Best Subject: Literature, Potion and History
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Both
Favorite Foods: Deserts, Oolong Milk Tea, Curry, Vietnamese food, Hamburger, Cheesecake, Matcha Flavored Food, Sashimi, Rare Beefsteak, Tropical Fruit Tea, Soup, Noodles.
Least Favorite Food: Stuffed Bitter Melon Soup. 
Likes: Pokémon, Music, Her Friends, Her Family, Teasing people, Puns, Books, Arts, Shopping, Money, Sparkling Stuffs, Nicknames, Animals (Especially cats).
Dislikes: Being lied to by friends/family, Inefficient work, Unnecessary violence, Nightmare, Being underwater, Eating (Sometimes), Working, Dying, Praises that degrade other people, Crossing Her Boundary, Possessing Too Much Power, Hurting Children.
Hobbies: Chatting with the Pokémon, Traveling (used to), Cooking, Sewing, Painting, Writing, Drinking (Not recommended), Smoking (Definitely no recommended), Using some patients as guinea pigs for her berries and Pokémon Potion.
Talents: Getting involved in problematic situation, Understanding People, Literature Analysis, Rushing Deadlines, Abusing her Doe Eyes, Calming People and Pokémon, Staying Calm, Hiding Her Emotion, Self-defense, Alcohol Tolerance, Adaption.
Chère Trickster - Rook Hunt
Koebi-ko-chan - Floyd
Weirdo-chan - Floyd
Mademoiselle - Rook Hunt
Henchman - Grim
Jua - Others
Scavenger - Leona
Mini-Jade - Others
Human child - Malleus
Little blessing - Mew
Little Iris - Florges
Little hummingbird - Gilly the Aegislash
Appearance and Personality
Juanita possesses a gender-neutral figure at first sight with average height compared to other students. Long and straight ebony hair which is over her waist contrary to her pale skin. Juanita’s face can be considered as pretty with high cheekbones and soft, slightly squishy cheeks. However, her bangs always cover her abyssal eyes and that big pair of glasses. She also wears enchanted clothes, provided by Crewel, to hide all the curve.
Juanita has an easy-going personality, never truly losing her temper or reject any responsibility that life forces on her. Her friends see her as a optimistic mom-friend who forgives people too easily and enjoys spoiling the hell out of them (which they love very much). Others sees, not so kindly, her as the strange, slightly bubbly and maniac transfer student that has no magic. She does prove that she has a backbone, however, when she blackmailed the bullies after punching the hell out of them in the cafeteria.
However, Juanita is extremely good in hiding her emotion and thought. She knows how to lead the conversation away from her and has a pretty silver tongue. She buries all the unstable mental health under the cover of happy go lucky student to avoid breaking down after her traumatic d4ath.
She tends to swear like a sailor during stressful moment.
Juanita treats people with kindness, but respect is something that you have to earn. She has an odd way to look at people and the world.
She has a heart filled with sad nostalgia, which fuels her love for Pokémon because they remind her of her childhood.
She is soft against children and teenagers and finds it easy to relate to some of their trauma. She wishes Crowley would hire some fucking therapist because she is not one, no matter what the students tend to say. She is not, goddamnit.
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danothan · 1 year
i followed you for your arcane art and stayed for your dc art and rambles
good, you better buckle in bc this dc thing is still going strong
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foreveralbon · 4 months
*indented titles are social media aus
alex albon
‘til our fingers decompose - in which his love outlives her, but their memories never die [a very long work in progress] (the @aviscarrentals 200k special)
charles leclerc
lay all your love on me - in which you’ve never been one to tie yourself down, but charles might be the only man who can change that (requested!)
i’m having his baby! - in which they have a dog, an ollie and… a stroller? (requested!)
lando norris
“my model, my inspiration, my muse, my everything” - in which lando becomes a stranger’s muse and more
recipe for love - kohl-rimmed eyes, beautiful ballads and the sweetest words. what more does a man need to fall in love? (series!)
pool partyyy - in which they all celebrate his first win with a water fight
oscar piastri
table for two - in which a stranger finds him all alone at a table meant for two
aussie mornings and cinnamon roll promises - in which oscar’s time is the most precious thing to her, so he makes cinnamon-sealed compromises -> i love you, ain’t that crazy? - in which evening kisses and ted lasso are the only things that can beat aussie mornings and cinnamon scrolls -> incoming…!
logan sargeant
fruit cutter hearts - in which she likes pretty fruit platters and he likes her just as much
back in his arms - in which he wants nothing more than to be with her so she makes his wishes come true
mick schumacher
“remember that night?” - in which they spend one last night together
max verstappen
go ahead and smile - in which max is the only person who can bring her back to normal
even if i write everything in your name, befriend me in return - a bollywood music inspired series
born from two stars - a fem!driver series
we are love struck, and surely, tragedy bound - a formula one x greek tragedy crossover series
liyah's 500 followers celly! - a collection of short fics to celebrate 500 followers
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ryunumber · 2 months
My girlfriend doesn’t have a tumblr but she wanted me to ask you this-
The character Čeda Čedović, main character of At Least There is Čeda Čedović, could have a potential Ryu Number by connecting him to Edmund McMillund's games, but it depends on what you count as official, as ALTiCC is a non-commercial game. LONG ASK INCOMING:
1. Ceda appears as a Co-op Baby in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth under the name Hooligan Baby along with the rest of his group, The Poor 4 (Half Spider Baby = Miroslav, Silly Baby = Djole and Master Cook Baby = Andre), but it is made unclear if this can be really considered him. Considering the creator of Čeda, LeatherIceCream, was involved with the development of the addon Repentance, and these babies in specific look a lot more like their original counterparts compared to other babies with references looking more like costumes, this could potentially count, and you could link Isaac and Shovel Knight together in Blade Strangers, then link Shovel Knight to Smash Ultimate, boom, Ryu. (There are also multiple other co-op babies that are meant to be characters from Mario, Final Fantasy and Warhammer 40K, but they resemble cosplays more than actual cameos.)
2. Bumbo, listed in-game as coming from Legend of Bumbo but also appearing in Isaac, appears as an enemy in At Least There is Čeda Čedović. This could be considered an unofficial cameo, but once again, LeatherIceCream has worked with Edmund before. If you believe this, this involves the same process listed above.
3. If that's not enough for you, Stephen from Edmund's game TIME FCUK also appears in At Least There is Čeda Čedović, as an NPC with dialogue. If we use the same logic used above, Stephen also appears in Binding of Isaac as an item, follow steps above.
This is a very interesting situation as it depends on how strict you are on the commercial rule. If a crossover is official in a non-commercial game, does it still count? Would love to hear the answer on this.
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Čeda Čedović has a Ryu Number of 4.
(clarification below)
Going off the precedent I set with Owata, character appearances as links are fair game as long as the character getting linked from appears officially. Since Čeda's appearance is self-evidently official in At Least There is Čeda Čedović, all other appearances in the game are fair game for the sole purpose of linking Čeda to Ryu. This is why Steven from Time Fcuk is valid in this context, even if the sum total of Edmund McMillen's involvement with the game appears to be a Special Thanks credit under his Newgrounds handle of BlueBaby.
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In contrast, even if we put aside that Pannacotta Fugo from JoJo Part 5 is just a normal, nonunique enemy in At Least There is Čeda Čedović, the game cannot be used to link from Fugo to another character, since it's not an official appearance.
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(Not that it would even be the optimal path in the first place, but I digress.)
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banrionceallach · 28 days
I used to write a moderately popular HP/Good Omens crossover. I started it before JKR made transphobia her entire personality.
I decided to stop writing it in 2021 when I could no longer justify engaging with HP in any way, because making any kind of content for it, even transformative content, contributed to JKR's money pile, even just indirectly.
I left the fic up, because people had got enjoyment out of it and I was proud of the effort that went into creating it, but I left a note on the fic explaining exactly why I personally could no longer engage with HP, even though I had fun writing the fic and really missed doing so.
Most people who read the fic either weren't that invested in it and so moved on with a shrug, or were invested but understood that HP was, to quote a tumblr post 'just covered in the fucking ooze'.
But every now and then I get well-meant comments along the lines of: I want more of this fic, please continue it, it's not harming trans people to continue engaging with HP, you can solve the problem just by adding trans representation to your fic! You can engage with HP all you like as long as you don't directly buy things!
And yes, I can see that argument has a couple of valid poins. Transformative art is one of the points of fan fic. And if the author has been dead for donkey's years and is no longer using the income from their creation to get people oppressed and killed, then I'd agree.
I can, just for example, engage with works by HP Lovecraft and quite like transformative works based on his original material. (Salute to the monsterfuckers!) Because he is six-feet-under and me commissioning art of sexy cthulu in no way benefits him.
But JKR is alive, wealthier than god, and actively engaging in stochastic terrorism against trans people. It is not the same.
And so the undertone to these comments, whether intended or not, is 'can't you compromise on people's safety and human rights? Just a little? Pweez? My personal entertainment is important!'
Do the commenters intend this? No, I don't think so. I think their argument is made in good faith.
But the comments, like HP, are just covered in the fucking ooze.
To those commenters, I am sorry, believe me. It is the most minor, not even microscopic-violin-worthy of problems, but I do resent the fact that JKRs shite spoiled an act of creation for me. I understand that it does suck when you lose something that brought you joy.
But she is helping to get people killed.
There are so many other authors out there who have brilliant stories and are not using their earnings to hurt trans people.
Please try them instead.
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and we are back on the hyperfixation train-
seriously i cannot stop with the never-ending brainrot when it comes to randy cunningham so, if anyone is genuinely interested in seeing more rambles about this show because honestly the gears are turning lol, both due to my incoming crossover and just- things in general?
it’s late, the ideas aren’t flowing as well as i’d like right now, so in the meantime have a series of random headcanons
RC9GN Headcanons
~ Since magic is a thing in the universe, I’ve always envisioned that creatures from Japanese folklore/legends/etc coexist with humans- however they mostly appear in other plane of existence and don’t interact with mortals at all- i know this doesn’t make sense yet but it will,, when it’s not past midnight lol
~ I’m firmly convinced Plop Plop and Howard could be part of the same bloodline (Howard is 100% a descendant of Plop Plop, this is just canon lol i was there i was uhhh, howard’s shirt /lh)
~ this is practically canon but Plop Plop is?? practically immortal?? Could the same apply to the First Ninja? (because he’s now just sort of in the nomicon- like is he technically immortal bc his soul’s trapped in it so to speak)
~ ADHD Randy. Like how could he be anything but? I mean look at him
~ Julian is 100% some breed of ND, as is Howard. I make the rules this is canon now
~ Can I please just have the idea that Randy continues the mantle of being the Ninja post-grad? Like, don’t mind wipe him i’m begging- but also, consider he does forget and then something happens where it triggers his memories back- could make an au out of this but not right now,
~ There’s no way half the characters are straight lmao
~ I just watched the reveal episode and I like to think Viceroy sabotaging the robot because, well, Randy’s 14-
~ absentee parents for Randy- like. how does he get away with half the things he does? where even are his parents
~ Howard clearly has abandonment issues. I seriously need this being a thing more often-
~ caretaker Howard- to what level would the suit protect Randy?? I genuinely think Howard patches Randy up whenever he gets injured bc of literal ROBOTS
~ Randy 100% has self esteem issues?? (living in shooblivion was a perfect example of this-)
~ Heidi also has ADHD
~ Adoptive Parent First Ninja. I will not accept anything less-
~ Randy is a summer child. Howard was born in winter-
~ Game Developer Howard? I need this
~ Randy is a bit of an artist. He can already play instruments- so I say let him know how to dance, maybe not an expert but he knows his moves; also, he can sing- he does vocals in his and Howard’s band
~ not really an hc but if i don’t get more lore for the tengu i might actually go insane lol (what is the connection between the ninja and the demon bird-)
~ so. Randy, this kid- istg if this wasn’t an episodic, lighthearted kids show, he would be so traumatized. ptsd for Randy
~ Asian Randy- I’m not sure which one just yet
~ another Randy hc- I need Randy being a descendant of the Norisu 9-
~ Theresa your crush on Randy is so freaking obvious-
~ SIR, hello?? Not exactly a headcanon but I swear to everything- Randy and Debbie are a disaster waiting to happen. The identity reveal has me screaming, and honestly I wanted more; aka I need a more angsty version of the same episode istg
~ am I the only seeing Mort pseudo-adopting Randy??
~ there will be more to come but not right now- this pup is taking a slumber,, they are eepy
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motherloads · 10 months
I Know You
Summary: Reader who isn't what she seems to be. Supposedly a normal college student working in a grocery store, she has no idea what is about to be revealed. When waking up, she is unknowingly surrounded by the heroes of the DC Universe who have to watch snippets of her life before she jumped into their universe.
->Possible One Shot
-> Word Count: (6,648k)
-> Pairings: Implied! Tim Drake x f!Reader, Past!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (it is not what it looks like)
-> Crossover DC/Marvel, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Bat family(Main)
-> Warnings: Suicide(not reader), Grieving, Guilt, Miguel being an ass.
a/n: First Official fanfic published! Originally, the first was supposed to be a Star Wars/Moon Knight crossover but I lost motivation lol. It was halfway done before I stopped writing it. I do not see many fics written with crossovers that include the readers so why not? Fic does include song lyrics relating to the situations but this is a watch-it fic! If anyone would like, in the future I can possibly write more related to this universe. :)
Pls ignore grammar mistakes as I ignore Grammarly. This is an escape from my summer courses.
I hate who I was before.
Her eyes dimmed, as they ran through the inventory list for her work. She murmured the calculations under her breath as she pointed out the things that were most likely stolen by the preteens who laughed their way out of only buying 2 red bulls. With a sigh, she writes down the missing inventory.
This would come out of her paycheck.  
Songs came and went through the earplugs she had inserted in her ears. At a good volume to hear any incoming customers, she continued on her way to the last aisle. 
No, I never knew what it meant, what it meant to be content with you.
It was less likely for people to steal coffee products. She was thankful that this was the last one she had to look through. Despite her shift having another 3 hours to end, she knew her 30 minute lunch break was coming up soon. She hoped nobody would steal her lunch since she forgot to write her name on the box. 
She started ticking off the items and counting them in her head. She murmurs the lyrics under her breath, continuing down the aisle. 
I’ll quiet down if that’s what you want. I understand I’m not the only one for you. 
Someone calls out her name, a familiar voice that brings her out of her thoughts. Lowering her music just a tad bit, she turns to the customer. 
Alfred smiles at her kindly, offering a curt nod in which she responded with a smile and a wave. “Have any new creamers?” He questioned her, now looking at the assortment of creamers in front of them. 
She shakes her head in response, “It’s very rare for us to have new stock Mister Alfred. Would you like a new recommendation, though?” 
He holds a brand she instantly recognized, “That’d be lovely. What about this one?”
“Lovely choice Mister Alfred. Although, I wouldn’t add too much since it will get too sweet. Don’t think Tim would like it.” He smiles in response, putting the creamer in his basket. 
“Fortunately, he is still banned from coffee. I assumed he would have told you?” She felt her face grow hot in response. She sends him a sheepish smile. 
“We’ve both been busy. Haven’t had the time to talk.” 
All I wanted was you.
Alfred knew what she meant, sending her a sad smile. He instantly recognized the signs of people drifting away the moment things got out of their control. He bids his goodbye, walking away from the worker stuck in her own thoughts. 
All I wanted was you. 
She rubs her cheeks tiredly, making sure to avoid the makeup she woke up early for. Her bags had grown worse during the past month, reminiscing of the old and what it once was. It was not like it was all Tim’s fault, really, that he had begun to slip away when he noticed things started to change between the two. When Steph noticed the change and brought it up with her, she avoided the conversation as a whole. 
“People drift apart, Steph. It’s normal.” 
Steph scoffs, “It isn’t normal when you guys are best friends! When you worked at that coffee shop before, you were literally the only one who didn’t decline his weird order. Hell, he stayed when you went through that changing major crisis!”
She continues to bag Steph’s groceries, ignoring the looks she was receiving from her coworkers. Things were slow today, it was not her fault Steph decided to confront her while she was at work. 
“Steph,” She sighs tiredly, “I really don’t want to talk about this. I just started my shift. Can we talk about this another day?” 
Steph grabs her own bags, patting her hands in response, “Fine. I’m here if you need me.” 
You’re not who you are to anyone. 
She leaves for the break room, notifying her other coworker, who waved her off with a farewell. Taking out her lunchbox, she heats up her leftovers from the weekend. Scrolling through her phone, she sees the spam messages Steph had sent her. Updating her about Tim and their families’ weekly dinner.
It wasn’t like the dinner always worked! Jason almost never shows up unless it is absolutely necessary. Dick uses his status as a cop to get out of dinners. Tim was always working overtime to avoid the dinners. Damian had to be there or else he would be grounded from going out. Cass was almost always there but never began conversations. Duke, the brightest one who tried to start conversations, became demotivated over time. Barbara, sweet Barbara, who worked too far to arrive at the Dinner on time. Steph ranted to her about the family and she could not help it. 
She began to cry. 
Can you come back to me? ‘Cause I was too blind to see that you were right in front of me. 
She missed her friends. But she could not go back after she failed them.
She failed them all.
I’m so sorry Miguel. 
She slips her food onto the table, beginning to eat the cold, but at the same time hot lunch. 
She wipes the tears from under her eyes, looking through her small pocket mirror to make sure she did not smudge anything. She felt her eyelashes prickle against her eyelids, feeling ticklish and sensitive from the crying. She sniffs the snot away, pushing her half eaten food away. She was no longer hungry and she wanted to go home. 
I want to go home. 
She throws her food away, diminishing the past thought from her head. Waltzing into the employee bathroom, she leaned her head on her arms in front of the closed door. No matter how nasty this bathroom was, she still managed to find the (almost) silence good for her.
Used to stick together. You’re my best friend, I’ll love you forever
Her time was ticking to go back to work, silently cursing to herself when she realized she forgot to clock out for her lunch. God, her boss is going to reprimand her for this. For any little thing she slipped or missed to do, her boss was on her about it. Guilt tripping her on the problems she can cause with her mistakes.
She was just trying to do her best. 
She steps out of the bathroom, manually writing her clocking out and in for lunch. She was back to work. 
When she stepped out, she realized how silent it was. There was no noise except for her song. 
What’s up danger?
She called out for her coworker but there was no response. She walked down the aisle but there were no customers. When she walked to the front she realized there was nobody. 
Everyone was gone. 
Everything knocks out of her at once, feeling the prick in the back of her head that something was wrong. Her phone clatters to the floor, yanking her earbuds out of her ear. 
She drops to the floor as well, holding her hands to her ears. The world's noises began to grow louder but there was absolutely nobody around. No cars honking, no children playing at the park nearby.
Only the sounds of the birds chirping and the wind picking up outside.
With that, her eyes roll to the back of her head and she knocks out. 
When she woke up, she noticed how the noises were dimmed. The same way it was before the spider bite. Before everything occurred. She looked around, sighing in relief when she noticed the people who had similar confused looks. 
Her eyes stopped at Tim, who was next to Steph.
Who was next to Cass.
Who was next to Damian.
Who was next to Dick. 
Who was next to Bruce.
Who was next to Duke.
Who was next to Alfred. 
Who was next to Barbara
Who was next to Jason.
She sees other familiar faces like the famous Clark Kent. She sees him with unfamiliar people. With boys who had similar looks as him.
She noticed others as well, people who looked like they were important. Like they were part of a team.
Is that Wonder Woman?
She noticed in the far corner, there were recognizable people. People who should be in Arkham Asylum. Villains. Her breathing still remained normal despite this. 
When people began murmuring their theories, Clark was the one who spoke up, “I would recommend that everyone should sit down. The villains especially.” He set his eyes at the corner. 
Harley giggles in response, “Wouldn’t dream of doing anything big guy. Wonder Woman is here after all!”
"Shouldn't we all be finding a way to escape?" A redhead explains, "This was honestly not on my bucket list today. Waking up with Bruce Wayne beside me--no offense."
Bruce grunts in response, ignoring the way his children tried not to laugh at the redheaded man's comment.
She noticed a group of people now going closer to Wonder Woman. Younger in age, they all varied in appearances. One was light orange. 
Wasn’t that Starfire?
She sits down hesitantly, avoiding the light to make sure they did not see her. Especially, Tim, he could not see her. Not now, maybe not ever.
Once everyone sat down, things were quiet. 
People began to grow restless at the uncomfortable silence. The people who knew who were in this very room had begun to feel suffocated. They hoped this wasn't a trap from their greatest enemy.
A song began to play, one she recognized from her playlist.
Nothing scares me anymore.  Kiss me hard before you go Summertime sadness
She stifles her gasp when the big screen flickers, showing a familiar face. 
It was her. 
She heard others who couldn’t quite hide their gasps while others murmured, wondering who she was.
Tim’s family definitely knew who she was. 
She was smiling, her head tilted. Her hair flowed with the wind, sometimes getting in her face but not quite where she felt bothered by it. She still wore the same headphones. 
Dressed differently than how she does now, she knew what was hiding behind that outfit. That bulky outfit that she collected from her own friends. 
“I think you’re scared,” She laughs, talking to someone who was not shown on the screen. “Afraid you won’t catch me?” 
That’s when everyone noticed where she was. On a high building, the colors became brighter as things began to glitch into place. This world was not there. But she still looked the same. How was this possible?
“I ain’t scared,” a deep voice responds, as a teen steps out into the shadows. A familiar face, adorned with piercings and the tiniest bit of smudged eyeliner, smirks at her. A suit, shredded in a way that screamed edgy was displayed as his outfit. “Think you're scared.” 
The accent was unrecognizable to the ones living in Gotham. 
“Come on Hobie! I can see you shivering in your platforms.” She shakes her head, stepping closer to the ledge. “You scaredy cat. I thought Pav was supposed to be the one scared.”
“Think that’s Meows,” The teen now known as Hobie reasons, “That man ain’t know how to catch a human.”
“Obviously, dumbass,” She rolls her eyes, “He’s a cat!” 
“Don’t let him hear you say that,” Hobie warns, “Might wake up to ah dead rat in your bed.” He paused for a moment, before gesturing to her headphones, “ ‘Ink it’s ok to jump like tha’?
She fiddles with her headphones, “I like the hazard of being hung.” She shrugs shamelessly.
“Mmm,” Hobie steps closer, “Or is i’ that you don’ want to speak to Miguel?” 
“No,” she immediately shoots back at him, “I don’t need his help.” 
“Don’ you think it’s time to move on?” 
“I have moved on, Mr. O’Hara is not a problem!” She exclaims, “Why does everyone think I’m in love with the guy? He's old!” 
“Technically he was younger.” Hobie shrugs shamelessly, “Ain’t a problem to like older men. What about Oscar Isaac?”
The girl glared harder, “Do NOT bring Poe Dameron into this. This isn’t about him!” 
“Suree,” Hobie drawls, “When are ya—“ 
He gets cut off with a jacket thrown at his face. When he pulls it off, she grins at him innocently. 
“See ya around, Punk.” 
And she jumps.
The screen turns dark at this, the people viewing it sharing looks of confusion and awe. 
“So did she die?” Jason was the first to speak, shrugging shamelessly when Dick smacked his head in response.
“Obviously not,” Steph argues, “She’s my friend. I would know if she’s dead!”
"She always makes morbid jokes like this?" Duke questions Steph, who glares at him in return, "Hey--I'm just asking!"
Tim stayed quiet throughout this whole ordeal. 
The screen flickers on.
But I got needs, yeah, I got needs. I want war, But I need peace And you kept calling me crazy But baby that's what you made me
“Have you ever been in love?” A teen asks, playing with his fries through the cane’s sauce. His chicken tenders were left untouched.
“I think everyone has been in love at least once now,” She responds back to the younger teen, taking a sip of her Sprite. “Why? Are you in love with Gwen?”
“Yeah,,,” He sighs, his eyes widening when he realizes what he said, “What! No, No— I have never been in love! Not with Gwen! Totally, definitely not. Not after what she did, siding with Mig—“ He stops, looking at her sheepishly.
“Sorry. I know how much you like him.” She scowls in response to his comment.
“I do NOT like Mr. O’Hara. Never will, Miles. Do not say that again, or I’ll tell Gwen you painted a mural for her.” She threatens, pointing a chicken tender at the teen now known as Miles.
“Okay! I promise! Sheesh— I should have never shown you!” Miles rubs his neck embarrassingly. He closes up his half-eaten box of chicken tenders. 
“Back to patrolling?” She asks, throwing her own tray of food. “Wanna find a kid in need to give that to?” 
Miles nods in response, walking out with her.
“So…who is your first love?” He questions her as they walk down the street together.
“He’s long gone.” 
“Canon event?”
“Canon event.” She agreed.
“How—How did it happen?” Miles hesitantly asks.
She smiles sadly, “We heroes think we know everything. Think we’re saving everyone. We don’t see the struggles our loved ones are facing just by breathing every day.” 
“Did he…”
“Yes, Miles. He did.” 
The screen turns black. 
“Well,” Barry scratches his head awkwardly, “This has been…informative…but who is she? Or anyone else shown? Or Miguel? The recurring character.” 
“I think they’re real people, Barry.” Cyborg answers. “Real people dealing with real things.”
“Heroes,” Poison Ivy hisses, “Always heroes.”
I thought you were my new best friend. Wish I knew better then. Who knew you were just out to get me? My whole world just fell apart. Cause I never felt so alone, felt so alone.
She is pushed to the floor, huffing puffs of air into her lungs. She was tired. So so tired.
“Please Mr. O’Hara,” She gasps, “I can’t—I can’t take it anymore.” 
“Heroes don’t give up.” An older man snarls in the dark, darting around the girl, “Heroes keep fighting. They never stop. We never stop.” 
“You—“ She wobbles up to a fighting stance, surveying the dark room. She dodges his first attack, but the next hit her right in the stomach. She doubles over in pain. “You are no hero. After everything you did? This—This society is not—“ 
She gets cut off when he grabs her from behind, putting her in a chokehold, “Say that again, I dare you.” He hisses into her ear. 
His face is clear. A man, tired from age and wrinkles adorning his face. His lips twisted up in a snarl, showing off his sharp teeth. His eyes glow red in response. His height compared to the girl was intimidating to the eyes.
She struggles against his hold, slamming her head back to hit his chin. He lets go as she pushes herself away. He loses his balance and grabs the first thing close to his vicinity. 
He grabs her headphones.
Noises suddenly blossom everywhere, causing her to stumble to her knees. The noises grew louder as various voices surrounded her. The familiar humming of the machines is felt under her fingers, through the floor. 
“It hurts so much!” She cries, holding her ears together, “Please, Please make it stop!”  She rocks herself back and forth, screaming in the room that should have no noise. But her senses were enhanced. Too enhanced for her body to handle. She could not live a regular life without something blocking out most noises from the world.
As abrupt as it came, it suddenly stopped. A whirring sound connected to her ears adjusted her hearing to her surroundings. Her soft music starts to play once again. 
She touches the back of her ears carefully, feeling an unfamiliar placement of a small mechanism there. 
She looks up at Miguel who showed no response to what he had done. How he had just helped her.
“H-How—“ She murmurs, “How did you know?”
“I know everything about you. Was going to wait until you asked. How was I supposed to know that you’re a stubborn son of a bitch who is still in love with my counterpart? Avoiding your boss isn’t wise, you know. ” 
She glares in response, “Was. And it wasn’t you. It never was you and you know that.” 
“I know,” Miguel shifts his stance, “Let’s go again.” 
“Okay so that’s Miguel,” Harvey cooed, “He’s so! Delicious! I wonder if he bites his lovers.” She giggles, squishing her cheeks together as she sways around.
“If it isn’t him, then who is it?” Bruce questions, “None of this is making any sense. Is she around? Can she answer questions?” 
Before they could begin looking around, another scene begins.
What’s the kindest way to say You took away my friend, my buddy? What’s the kindest way to say. The end?
“Miguel!” She calls out, removing her shoes at the entrance of his place, “Your brother called me to check up on you! He’s been worried?” She has no answer in response.
“Miguel?” She questions, stepping farther into the dark apartment. There seemed to be nobody, but she knew better. She smells the blood from where she was.
“Don’t do this to me,” She whispers, “Come on, don’t do this…” She steps closer to the bathroom, the only place that had the lights on.
“Miguel? Are you—Are you in there?” She nudges the door open. But, she immediately falls back when she sees the familiar puddle of red. 
There laid a younger Miguel, face clear of wrinkles. His eyes are closed, his hand holding a gun in return. She kneels down next to him, looking for his pulse. Anything to show that she wasn't too late.
There was nothing.
All she could see was the red on her hands. The red of his blood. His blood had been cold. 
His body had been dead for hours. 
She cried, holding his body close to her chest, feeling his cold skin against her warm skin. She felt his eyelashes against her cheek. She felt his lips on her neck.
She felt the gun wound on the side of his head.
The scene switches in front of a gravestone. There, an unfamiliar person stood in front of it. Her face was obscured by a motorcycle helmet. It glowed in response to her eyes, narrowed in the familiar spider eyes that they all had.
Her suit is predominantly displayed in several colors to blend in the night. The spider emblem was bright against her chest, glowing in response to her heart as if it was humming. As if it was alive and a part of her. 
“I could have saved him.” She placed the flowers on the grave, pressing her hand against the cool surface.
“Gabriel texted me an hour before he shot himself. Gabriel could tell something was off but I was… patrolling. I was doing my job.” 
The figure’s helmet disappeared as if it was never there, showing the girl they all had been seeing. 
The girl they recognized now as one of the workers at the grocery store many frequented. The one that was posted on Tims and Steph’s Instagram page. The one Alfred spoke to for recommendations on items he should buy from the grocery store. The one who once met Dick when she had to file a police report for a robbery gone wrong. 
She had been the one who secretly gave Duke an employee discount. The one who refused to sell Jason alcohol because his appearance didn’t match his age. She was the one who occasionally offered Cass affordable options for alternative clothing. She was the one who agreed to take in a cat that Damian could not keep. She was the one who Barbara frequently saw visiting the library.
Her eyes, tired from the lack of sleep she’s been getting, teared up at her thoughts, “He could have been alive. I could have saved him.” 
“What kind of hero am I?” She whispered, “I’m so sorry Miguel.” 
A voice calls out her hero's name. Quickly, her helmet appears again, covering her identity. She turns to narrow her eyes at the woman calling her name.
Jessica leaned against a tree. A brilliance of orange, red, and multiple shades of purple was behind her, “You ready to go? Gotta have your introduction to our Society first.” 
“Yeah, yeah, Mom,” She shakes her head in response, walking towards the woman who was evidently pregnant, “Let’s get outta here. Who's your leader again?” 
“You’ll see,” Is what Jessica responds. When they walk through the portal, it disappears as if it wasn’t there.
“Oh,” Barry responds dumbly, “That’s Miguel.” 
“Why did she never tell us…” Steph whispers, turning to Tim, who turned a lighter shade. He looked sick to his stomach from the recent video.
How did he not notice she was going through something? How could he not push away his selfishness and see what was wrong? He should have. He definitely should have.
Afterall, that’s the girl he likes. 
“Well technically he’s alive again, right?” Jason questions. “Mr. O’Hara dude? Anyone?”
“I don’t think…” Barbara hesitated, “I don’t think they’re the same person.”
“All evidence points that they are not the same. First, the age difference. Second, the comments everyone has been making in the videos.” Dick supplies helpfully.
“Then who is that guy?” Duke questions, “A clone?” 
“Possibly.” Cass signs, “The pit?” 
“No, that can’t be possible.” Talia, who had not shown she was there, spoke up, “I would know if he was dragged there.”
“Mother,” Damian scoffs, “Of course you would have a book keeping that.” 
“Anyone going to talk about the portal? Hello?” Duke questions, receiving looks of equal confusion from the Waynes.
But I'm not like the others. I don’t always like what I have to do. But I know I have to be the one to do it. I’ve given too much to stop now. 
“What’s this?” A familiar face pops up. It is Miles. A blue, glowing orb is represented in front of him in a dark room. He was wearing an unfamiliar suit with a familiar emblem. 
“This is everything.” Miguel, in his glory, is in front of Miles. His height was terrifying and intimidating. 
When the orb hits the floor, it suddenly begins to sprout in a bright blue light. It started to spread like blood pumping in veins.
“Can you be more specific?” Miles questions.
“Can you not talk for a second?” Miguel snarks back. Miles agreed.
Red had started to spread.
“This here…is all of us.” 
“All of our lives, woven together in a beautiful web of life and destiny.”
“The Spider-verse,” Miles murmured.
“Spider-verse? Huh— that’s…stupid. It’s called the Arachno Humanoid Poly Multiverse.” Miles gave a look towards Miguel.
Miguel concedes, “Which sounds…stupid, too, I guess.” 
“In these nodes where the lines converge?” Miles' sentence falls off but Miguel continues, “they are the canon.” 
“Chapters that are a part of every spider's story, every time. Some good, some bad, some very bad.” 
Different scenes and pictures are presented to Miles who looks in awe. When Miguel moved his hands, an array of heroes with similar suits showed up, kneeling over their loved ones body.
At the last one, it showed Miles losing his Uncle.
As Miguel continues to explain, the dread had started to pool in everyone's stomach. They weren’t liking where this was going. 
As many spiders are shown, there are canon events. There was one that many recognized. The death of Miguel. 
“Canon events are the connections that bind our lives together. But those connections can be broken. That’s why anomalies are so dangerous.” 
Miguel had begun to grow more assertive towards Miles, showing him the problem he had caused with disrupting Pav’s canon event. 
“You weren’t supposed to save him. That’s why Gwen tried to stop you.” 
“I thought you were trying to save me.” Miles turned to an unfamiliar face, now known as Gwen. She looked guilty.
When Miles questions Miguel on how he knew this would happen, Miguel reveals his own secret.
“I found a world where I had a family, where I was happy.” The scenes shift to a little girl and Miguel, happy together. They were so happy, she did not have a clue on what was going to happen. 
“At least a version of me was…and that version of myself was killed. So I replaced him.”
The girl's face was more clear, Miguel so happy—opposite of who he was now. 
Citizens were running—from what they had no clue. But they feared for their lives. Miguel ran too, holding his sweet, sweet girl. He continued to run, despite the glitching she was experiencing. 
She cries in fear, “Daddy! Dad! Dad, help!” Slowly but surely, she disappeared from his grip. She was gone, as if she was never there.
“We could lose everything.” Everything breaks all at once, disappearing from view.
“My dad is about to be Captain...” Miles realizes. It began panning to the people in the room. The familiar girl appeared, shifting her feet restlessly, free from her helmet. 
Suddenly, Miles's spider senses began to overload. His memories continuously shift to an unfamiliar white figure and himself. The figure had abruptly turned pitch black, glitching as it ruined everything from its vicinity. 
“I’m going to take everything from you, like you took everything from me.” 
An unfamiliar cop was running towards a small child who was frozen in fear in front of a building that was collapsing.
Miles grew restless, asking Miguel of his fathers death. 
“I’m sorry, Miles.” Miles refused the apology, asking, almost begging to be sent home. 
“Send me home! What else am I supposed to do? Let him die?” The no response was a clear answer to him, but he could not accept it. 
He began projecting towards Gwen, trying to make her see reason. Nobody was listening. Why was nobody listening? 
He then attacks an unfamiliar man, holding a baby who cooed cluelessly at the situation. The man also deflected Miles’ projection.
“And you? What about you, huh? You said you’d do anything to go back in time! You won’t give me that chance either?” She looks away from Miles, feeling the tears stinging her eyes. She stayed silent, knowing what her answer was. 
“So we’re just supposed to let people die just because some algorithm says that’s supposed to happen?” 
“You have a choice between saving one person and saving an entire world—every world.” 
“I can do both! Spider-man always—“ Miles gets cut off by Peter. That’s when Miles began to notice the people surrounding him. 
“Being Spider-Man is a sacrifice. That’s the job and that’s what you signed up for.” 
Miles grew more agitated at the people surrounding him. 
“You should have never come to see me.” Miles directed to Gwen. His pain was reflected in his eyes. He turns his attention to Miguel, directly stepping forward to face the man. Their prolonged eye contact intensified the situation.
All of a sudden, Miles is trapped in red. He couldn’t get out. They weren’t letting him out. Why were they not letting him out? He bangs on the red blocking him from the rest as everyone argues in the background.
“Palms,” Hobie mouthed. With her helmet back on, the girl stepped closer to the red projection blocking her.
“Do what everyone else can’t, Miles.” 
With that, Miles pressed his palms onto the red prison blocking him. Blue electricity ran through his fingertips and followed through his palms. He released his entire electricity current as the room erupted in the remains of the red prison. Many were hit on impact.
Miles breathed deeply, staring at the masked heroes who were gaining their senses back from the explosion. 
“Spider-Verse,” Barry Allen gasps, “Is this the multiverse? But for them? Oh my god! This must mean she’s a part of this universe. We should find her, to ask her more about this Society. Are they like the Justice League?” He rambles as others groaned at his tangent. His voice sped up at the end, which caused everyone to realize how interested he was in the subject.
“Is Miguel a bad guy?” Jason questions instead, “Hell, he seems to play the role just fine.” 
“Not necessarily,” Bruce argued, “It seems like he has a valid reason for doing so.”
“Yeah, but…would you not do anything if you knew of your future? I think Miles' feelings are valid.” Dick tries to reason with Bruce.
Damien scoffs, “Obviously not, Grayson. It would be a necessary sacrifice to lose one life over everyone.” 
“It’s his father, though,” Steph meekly responds, “Tim? Back me up on this?” 
“I…” Tim hesitates, “Maybe we should hear this from the source? The connection we all have?” 
Before they can find her, the final scene begins.
I’m comin’ through with my crew to make ‘em pay.  I don’t need no super suit, I’m feeling brave Don’t be a hero, turn around and walk away. Who in here tryna start a riot? 
She hums as the lyrics fill her ears, packaging the orders for the recent customer who had used over 20 food stamps to lower her price. There was a maximum of 5 food stamps, and everyone knew the rules. But, she was feeling generous.
“I hope you have a nice day.” She smiles at her customer, a grateful mother who quickly deposited her bags into her trolley. The woman thanks her in response as she leaves.
“There seems to be a lockdown at a Wayne Gala. No bats seem to be near the premise as unfamiliar villains hold the citizens' hostage. These hostages include the Wayne Family…” The news continues speaking of the situation, the girl focusing on the broadcast.
“The villains seem to be demanding a hero. No heroes go by this name. A Spider…Woman? Do I hear this correctly?” 
She tenses up at this, her eyes widening as the helicopter zooms closer to the villain closest to the window.
It was her Green Goblin.
Peter Parker.
“I—“ She looks at her coworker, who looks at her confusingly, “There’s been an emergency. I have to go.” 
“Our boss will fire you if you leave!” Another coworker pipes up, “They’ll replace you, I don’t think—“
“Then I quit. I have to go.” With that, she removes her employee’s t-shirt, leaving it on the conveyor belt. 
“I’m sorry, Stan,” she apologizes to her next customer, “Your groceries are on me.” 
Stan waves her off, “Go save the world, kid.” With a confused look at him, she leaves the grocery store.
“What do we do?” Tim hisses, pointing a glare at Damian who was held down by Cass. They couldn’t believe they were being held by new villains. 
“Stay put,” Bruce was on his phone, trying to get into contact with Barbara. “They stopped any communications from the outside. I can’t get through to O.” 
“You think Red knows?” Dick questions beside him, “They all have to know what’s going on, right?” 
“Like he’d come,” Damian scoffs, “He hates all of us.” 
“He wouldn’t leave innocent civilians to die,” Dick shoots back, “He wouldn’t.”
“He totally would,” Tim argues, “These are all rich folks. He absolutely despises them all.” 
With those final words, they all quieted down. 
“They’re blocking all the exits,” Bruce says after a moment, “I thin—“ He gets cut off from a window smashing into themselves, an unfamiliar person jumping through the hole created. Screams are heard as many stepped back from the glass flying everywhere. 
“Heard you were looking for me,” The voice calls out. Her helmet’s eyes narrowed at the main villain, who snarls in response, “Now I’m here, Parker.” 
“It’s GREEN GOBLIN!” The villain roars angrily, “Peter Parker is not here right now.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” The figure’s rolls her eyes—well helmets eyes, “Take that up with my boss.” 
“It is idiotic for you to appear with no backup. All alone, bug?” Another voice hissed out, a black, looming figure that grinned. His array of teeth showed off the leftover blood from his past victims. His eyes, similar to the unfamiliar woman, grinned with his smile, “What a bad idea.” 
“Bad, Bad idea.” Another voice agreed, a woman sitting atop the lights above the ballroom. The vulture squawked in laughter, giggling at the lonely woman. 
“Ain’t got no friends,” cooed the lizard. Their voice, combined with many, left their identity unrecognizable. Their height overpowered the rest of the villains, nearly similar to Venom’s. 
“Who says I came alone?” 
With those words, different portals had begun to open around the room. Different figures stepped out, a specific two high-fiving one another. 
“Spiders!” Doc Oc shouts, “There are more!” 
A portal opened up near the Wayne’s. Bruce protectively put himself in front of his kids. What a way to protect them when he couldn’t before. 
The man loomed at Bruce, tilting his masked face at the family. He was silent for a moment. 
“You Batman?” The man asks, “Don’t worry. We got this from here.” With those words, the man began instructing the other spiders.
“Byte! Get the civilians out of here. Escort them to the nearest exits.” He calls out, hearing confirmation from a woman who glowed blue. 
“Pav, you and Punk get the Lizard. Try not to get bitten by them.”
“Aye aye, Captain!” Pav salutes, running towards Lizard who growled in anger. He swipes at Spider-Punk, who easily dodges his attacks.
“Web-slinger! Vulture is coming at you!” A shot resonated in response. Everyone grew nervous, looking at the man in a cowboy outfit. The man was not who they were freaked about. It was the horse that was matching with him.
Venom stepped forward, grinning at the cat dressed similarly to one of the other spiders. The cat blinked up at the man-eating villain. No thoughts behind his expression.
“Someone get the cat away from Venom!” He hears another confirmation as Gwen scoops up Meows Morales before Venom can take a bite. With the both of them, they both decided to prance around Venom.
Jessica Drew revved her motorcycle engine, lining the floor with her wheels as she guides her motorcycle to hit Doc Oc head-on. She grins in return, her belly no longer evident. 
“All that leaves is…” 
Green Goblin snarls at the fights surrounding him, avoiding the hits from the woman in the helmet. “Focus on our fight, Parker! Don’t want nobody to steal your attention!” She snarks, finally kicking him in the stomach.
His glider slams into her back at the same time. She grunts in frustration, grabbing at the ends of the glider and hitting him with it instead. “Coward!”
“Mierda…” The man whispers, “Stand down, Astro!” 
The woman whips her head at him in response to her nickname. The nickname to tell a difference between the Spider’s when in battle. 
“Stand down.” The man asserted, “I’ll handle this.” 
“Old man,” she replies back, grunting suddenly as she avoids the onslaught of Green Goblin who continues his relentless attacks, “He’s my villain. I’ll handle this.” 
“They’re all your villains, kid.” He replies back, joining her in the fight. Green Goblin screams are filled with pure malice at the continuous attacks from both sides. “Go get the Wayne’s out. And suited.” 
“Suited? I don’t know if you’re delusional but they are in suits.” 
“Stop ignoring me! At once!” Green Goblin screams, pulling at his mask as he slams it down angrily. 
“Shut up Parker!” They both snapped at the villain. The man turns to Astro, “They’ll know what you mean.” 
With one final punch to Green Goblin, she lets Miguel handle the rest. As she walks closer to the Wayne’s, Miguel is shown behind her, his eyes from his mask shifting to glare at Green Goblin. Miguel slams him to the ground, sitting on his back as the Green Goblin’s face smooshes against the floor. Miguel’s face is obscured from sight, no one could tell what he had planned. When his mask dematerializes, Miguel bites down with a small grunt. 
Green Goblin howls in pain, feeling himself go slack in Miguel’s grip. Miguel stands up, his mask back on, blocking his face from the viewers.
“Oh he’s definitely dead.” Cass confirms.
“He isn’t,” the woman is in front of them, tilting her helmet at the Wayne’s. “Mr. Bossman says you all should suit up. I’m sorry, I think he has bad eyesight.”
“How—“ Bruce glares around the room, seeing the various heroes bring the villains down. Venom, who was now a red headed woman, was knocked out cold. The cat held a vile with an angry, black slug. 
The Lizard was entangled in two different webs and slackened into himself as Pav and Punk high-fived one another. They ignored the look they received from Miguel, who had paralyzed their opponent. 
Doc Oc talked into themselves with their limbs, murmuring an apology to Jessica. They had a look of pure embarrassment with how they hung upside down.
Vulture pouted from under the horse, who absentmindedly licked the sugar given Web-Slinger. He smoothened out his horse’s mane, softly cooing at them. 
“How does he know who I am?” Bruce asks her.
“He knows everyone, Mr. Wayne. Can’t hide anything. Believe me, I’ve tried to hide my weed.” She jokes. The only one who let out a laugh was Dick, who immediately covered it up.
“That was a joke.” 
“So he definitely knows.” Tim spoke up from the uncomfortable silence. “He literally said your alias, Bruce.”
“Bruce Wayne is Batman?!” Harley screeches, “I knew it! I totally knew it!” 
“No, you didn’t,” Poison Ivy frowns, “You thought Jon Bernthal was Batman.” 
“Does that mean…he knows everyone else?” Jason asks, “And is anyone going to mention how he bit that villain? Literally nobody?” 
“Is nobody going to talk about the cat?!” Damian hisses, “Alfred can do the same!” 
“Do not get any ideas, Master Damian,” Alfred reprimands.
“Guess I need to reintroduce myself.” She spoke up, standing from her position as she waved at everyone who snapped their head towards her. 
She grins, her facade of the normal grocery store employee fading from their view. Her clothing shifted in their eyes as the suit began to materialize against her skin.
She gives her name, “I’m one of the many Spider-Woman from the multiverse…although your universe is a completely different path with their own worlds intertwined . I just decided to land in the less…traumatic one.” 
“I’m your world's only Spider-Woman, Astro Spider.” She makes eye contact with Tim, her smile widening.
“It’s nice to finally meet this world’s heroes.”
I hope you find some peace of mind in this lifetime. Tell them, Tell 'em, Tell them the truth.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Im praying for devil's minion to be spread across seasons. There's no way that whole chapter which could easily fill it's own season can be done justice in one episode unlocking. I'd probably be genuinely pissed if it did.
This is likely the only chance ever for book fans to see this pairing on screen. I want it to be everything it can be and more. If there's no room, then just do a small spin off mini serie, I'll happily take that too.
Not knowing with this pairing can be so stressful though haha. It's so changed, there's always someone talking about the logic behind Daniel dying (even if I don't see it, it feeds a what if fear) and then not knowing how much you will get. Which quotes, which scenes.
Loustat' is far less stressful for me, you know you will get everything and even more as Rolin already said. Dm got 'dont worry about it' but I feel all most dm fans do is worry. Including me 🙈🤣
:) I can empathize! *hugs*
But... truly. I wouldn't worry. Look at this show and how it's being set up. They do not shy away from anything.
As for DM specifically I truly believe it's going to play out over all the seasons. There'll be some twists incoming, and I bet there will be some crossovers with other books/characters (whose parts Daniel might or might not pick up for the show?!) but in total? I BET it's gonna play out over ~5 seasons (at least).
I say 5 here because I (and others) think that there's a more or less 5 season arc being set up (there was also the rumor that Sam was signed for 5 seasons from the start), though Rolin has already talked about plans for 10 seasons. We'll see.
But I think we'll get to see the beginnings of DM next season, and what it has become... but resolution and then what will happen next will be in future seasons.
Dubai and the Devil's Minion is the "glue" that holds it all together.
It's the red thread that can be used to spin the tale.
But yeah, seeing it all come to life is nerve-wrecking, isn't it?! *laughs* I would not have dared to hope for a show like this, honestly. What a blessing. And AMC said they're financially out of the woods, wohoo, sooooooo :)))) (But waiting is hard, I get you^^^^^)
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sk-lumen · 1 year
Being a HVW is about having a set of principles, values, standards. Your education, your poise and manners, your empathy and self-respect. Not about being a docile stay at home wife that has no hobbies, no inner life of her own, who will do everything to please her high-earning partner - those are personal choices, not HVW qualities. Furthermore they are not a healthy mindset to have because it's the setup for people-pleasing and some very unhealthy & unbalanced power dynamics in a relationship.
Dark feminine is not about manipulating men, seducing them, getting them obsessed with you or any of those things. That's the focus of the wounded feminine, which is anchored in its pain and stuck in trying to control others, it feels the need to get revenge or "balance the scales" to get back at the male figure(s) in her life that have wounded her. It's about being stuck in that energy of feeling insecure, needing exernal validation, anger at the wounding, and wanting to transform in a way that will make another person regret hurting you. The dark feminine is both the dark aesthetic (think black clothes, smoky eyes, red lips and nails, etc) and the more taboo, wild or unconvential qualities of a woman in her power. Crystal-clear boundaries, a hard "No. I said what I said." but still having integrated self-love and empathy, it's just knowing where, and with whom, to selectively share it with. It's about learning to embrace your darkness, your wildness, not being afraid of it, doing shadow work like journaling about your fears, traumas, triggers etc. The dark feminine is also the one most associated with the Wild Woman / Enchantress female archetype. Meanwhile, the light feminine aesthetic/energy is more associated with Maiden archetype (innocent, pure, maidenlike, luminous, angelic). That's why I mean the dark feminine & wounded feminine are not the same, they simply have a crossover.
Hypergamy, in its essence, is about having a high vision for yourself and your life, working on achieving the best life for yourself, and that also includes selecting a partner that is of equally high value and financial prosperity as well. It's not about making your entire life's purpose to find a high-earning husband. That by itself won't give you a secure life, and a smart high value woman will know that. What if he falls out of love and leaves you with nothing to show for 10-20 years wasted by his side, when you were so preoccupied with pleasing his every whim, that you forgot to have some income sources of your own, to invest in your education, to nurture your spirit, hobbies, etc?
Glowing up is about becoming your best self. As long as you still base your highest self as being defined in relation with a guy, you'll never find true fulfillment or happiness, because you're not honoring your authentic self... and that is, to become your own dreamgirl.
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flightfoot · 27 days
If there was a wishlist of stuff you wished you saw more in ml crossovers, what would it be?
Hm. Let me see...
More magical girl crossovers. The show is a superhero/magical girl hybrid, so I think it'd work well. There are a couple of particularly good ones with Puella Magi. Puella Magi gets great crossover fics in general though, I think it's because the universe it's crossing over can be used to "fix" it.
More focus on what the incoming characters would actually think of how fights go down in Miraculous - particularly how things get fixed at the end. I think a lot of heroes would be stunned at the Ladybug's repair capabilities, especially since it can evidently revive people who have been functionally dead for decades.
Have characters besides Marinette and Adrien get focus. Have Alya pair up with a reporter or detective, have Alix travel with The Doctor, just think about what other cool interactions could happen!
Try to meld world-building elements. I've seen this in some other crossovers (most notably, this Bleach X Puella Magi crossover), and it's SO cool when you can pull it off. It's not gonna work for most franchises, but when you can identify common lore between works, it can make the crossover feel all the more real.
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pjohoo-reclists · 17 days
Percy Jackson & Batman Fic Recs
A rec list featuring the relationship between Percy Jackson and Batman | Bruce Wayne (DC). If possible, no Percy/Annabeth. Requested by @captainquake42. Enjoy!
For general PJO/HoO and Batman (DC) Crossovers, check out this rec list.
There is no such thing as too much family… i don’t think…? by YourFriendlyNeighbourhoodAries
Not Rated | 3.2k+ | Sept 1, 2023
Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Bruce Wayne
Misunderstandings, Protective Poseidon, Hurt Percy Jackson
Sally finds out about her two long lost brothers, The Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist Tony Stark and, Billionaire Bruce Wayne. How did she find these two billionaire brothers that she didn’t even know she had in the first place? Well, its sort of a long story but when she found one of them (guess who) standing in her living room in a metal suit is a good place to start. Or: Percy’s family just got bigger by 2… No, sorry 5… 6?
The Gods Watching Above by blackbwt
G | 4.0k+ | Last Updated May 2, 2023
Percy Jackson & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Percy Jackson & Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Protective Batfamily, Tim Drake is a Demigod
"Hm, we just fought a monster...?" Percy deadpans, weirdly glancing at the anti hero before them, and turning to Tim, he whispers lowly, "Are they always slow like that?" "No shit, Sherlock!" Jason closes his eyes, trying to ignored the buzzing of an incoming migrane and sarcastically glares at the two other teens, "I'm asking why it was targeting only you two? Why wasn't it trying to kill B and me too?" "Oh shit. Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag. Fuck this, who cares, anyways?" Tim chuckles tightly, avoiding the eyes of his kinda-off-brother, "Well, I kinda am a demigod." Or: To say that Bruce and Jason are confused when in the middle of patrol, a monster pops out of nowhere to kill Tim Drake, it's an understandment. When a boy too much alike Tim comes to the rescue, they see things can get even more confused. Meanwhile Percy Jackson just wants to take his baby brother home to watch the new episode of The Last of Us together Honestly, Tim Drake just wants a break, but he is a demigod, so he should know better by now.
The Family Secret by Reed_Pebble
M | 4.4k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Bruce Wayne, Percy Jackson & Jason Todd, Percy Jackson & Dick Grayson
Family Issues, Lazarus Pit (DCU), Dead Bruce Wayne
When Bruce Wayne dies the Wayne brothers gather for the first time in years. All five in the same building. But with Jason still legally dead, one smol assassin added to the family and one member of the family still in the dark about the family secret. Antics are in order.
I Am Retired by Geek_of_all_things
G | 32k+ | Last Updated Nov 15, 2023
Percy Jackson & Bruce Wayne, Percy Jackson & Jason Todd, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Powerful Percy Jackson, Surprise Uncle Bruce Wayne, Protective Batfamily (DCU)
Percy is tired. He has fought in two wars and battled in numerous quests. He is done being a pawn for the gods to use. Now finished with high school, the next step for Percy is college. Where else better to get away from the gods than Gotham University, located in a city where the humans are so crazy that no monsters enter. It will be a paradise for Percy. A place for him to relax in his retirement while attending college. It is a shame that Percy cannot seem to catch a break. As he navigates a new ‘normal’ life in Gotham, he soon learns about an unknown Uncle. One that has an affinity for bats. Looks like Percy’s family and world just got bigger.
It's Only Fair by lothaleris 
T | 70k+ | Last Updated Feb 4, 2023
Percy Jackson & Bruce Wayne, Percy Jackson & Jason Todd, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson is a Mess, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Female Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson moves away from New York to Gotham where she finds an apartment that's cheap. She finally feels like she can breathe now that she's gotten away. One day she comes home to a little street kid trying to rob her apartment. What does she do? Feeds him obviously. Jason meets a really weird girl who is new to Crime Alley. Who the hell feeds and clothes the person robbing them? Obviously she's an idiot. So naturally, she needs someone to protect her from herself. Who better than Jason?
The Sea's Warrior by PokemonDestiny (Chaotic_Gremlin)
T | 82k+ | Last Updated Feb 20, 2023
Percy Jackson/Kaldur'ahm, Percy & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Bruce Wayne, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase <- only in the first chapter
Female Percy Jackson, Bruce Wayne is Percy's Uncle, Depressed Percy Jackson
Percy has faced down the horrors of war and the mythological world. Now dealing with the aftermath of the final battle, she's sent to live with a relative. One who has nonconventional hobbies such as crime fighting and vigilante justice. You know, just a normal thing in Percy's life.
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Thinking on Lila cos of those other asks & recalled that "Adrien is not allowed to go to school" AU I think we discussed or maybe it was with generaluxum?
Either way, the story is mostly the same, LB & Chat are more overtly into each other but the identity thing makes them mark their relationship as "Its complicated."
one third of episodes focus on Mari, Alya & Nino and their adventures, with a subplot of Adrien, Chloe & Sabrina doing shenanigans. IE Cosplay confusion in Lady Wifi, or playing online shooters with a surprisingly aggressive Sabrina while Gamer is happening.
Another third of episodes centering on Adrien's adventures with Chloe & Sabrina there for support. While Mari & co get up to minor stuff before the plot hits them. Like Mari trying to help Nino & Alya's valentine plans or fix the broken phone issue.
The remaining third are crossover episodes, usually brought about by Chloe sneaking Adrien into class group stuff (Nino's film) or him trying to help with her election campaign, or being on hand for the hat contest.
The complexities come from Volpina/Collector.
Mostly because Volpina doesn't happen, Lila lying is a Marinette related subplot with her trying to get Lila alone as LB to explain that's dangerous. Only for an Akuma whipped up chasing the Lila rumor to find them & lead Gabriel & the public to conclude LB is indeed buddies with Lila.
Meanwhile the main plot is Adrien fining the book, almost being discovered by Gabriel. But convenient Chloe rant incoming about this "Haught Lila girl" letting him slip away with said book & with Plagg's advice & Chloe's help going for a massage. She deduces his identity.
This leads to the Collector being a case where Gabriel suspects Adrien & Marientte (As Lila transferred into her class). While Adrien and once introduced to Fu, Marinette suspect Gabriel.
Which leads to the Collector trying to go after them both to win and protect his identity & Fu having to roll out the Fox & bring Alya & Chloe in to help covered for an already captured in civilian forms Marinette & Adrien.
Gabriel plays off the book thing & had also 'collected' Nathalie, so he's mostly safe but does maybe lose the book.
Thus setting up the S2 status quo of:
Lila being Hawk Moth's new designated damsel much to her ire. "I didn't think the local supervillain would take me seriously, but I can't walk it back now, I'd look stupid!"
Chloe & Alya being secret keepers for their besties as well as back up heroes. Also less classroom drama as Chloe decided the school stuff is kids stuff & is obsessed with being a good hero now, so distracted.
Nino & Sabrina being back up, back up heroes as Hawk Moth becomes increasingly effective. Sabrina gets the Horse.
Kagami serving as the connective element between heroes civilian lives via:
Being in Adrien & Chloe's circles & so being encouraged to be friends with them. Being one of the few people Adrien is allowed to hang out with, & her skills meaning she is a go to in Adrien's eyes if he ever gets to recruit a third hero.
Plus, because her first day at school was kind of a hot mess thanks to her whole story tropes challenge the best fencer thing did less to make her look cool & more to make her look like a jerk leading to Akumatization. Cos LB was on hand for an explanation after the fact she as Marinette befriends Kagami & smooth over ruffled feathers. Kagami decides she is friend shaped & is always inviting her, Alya & Nino to events. Also Marinette deems her a potential go to as well. (Chloe is silently screaming off camera, "How come she gets to push people around and get friends!?")
Not sure if any of the other Kwami would be shuffled cos of these events, IE maybe fox Nino cos he's a director or the like.
I think that's a bit complicated but it works quite well!
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samatheia229 · 2 years
Rise Ponderings:
What if all the turtle brothers had a savage mode?
Not necessarily triggered by separation anxiety like Raph, but is more like a survival mode in an unfamiliar environment?
I'd argue that Donnie experienced something of a Savage Mode during that episode when they were in the woods where he was acting like a feral creature of the forest and built that treehouse. I think in his Savage Mode, Donnie's gets hyper-aware and his brain kicks into overdrive, and I've always sort of seen him as the family's substantial provider - his high income from selling tech (he literally has a patented company - Genius Built), the Rise Lair looking surprisingly modern and comfortable given their circumstances - hence the treehouse. Even in his 'savage mode', Donnie thought of shelter and facilities first. Also, his homicidal urges would likely increase tenfold against threats.
With Leo, I'd like to think that his Savage Mood is more akin to ruthless, calculating strategist. He's a cunning bastard but usually loud and flamboyant, which would make it all the more unsettling if Savage Leo went quiet yet that sense of cunning and strategic mastermind was still present, and since he's in survival mode that means he's absolutely ruthless to any threats that may harm him and his family.
Mikey with Dr Delicate Touch as a survival mechanism would be deadly, but it'd be a lot more eerie if his Savage Mood maintained his cheerful dissonance yet had Dr Delicate Touch's abrasive and merciless behaviour. Killing with a smile, basically. He's tiny but strong, quick and resourceful as heck. Savage Mickey would be running around scaring people and wrecking havoc like a giggling gremlin.
Now take everything I just said, imagine it's post-Kraang invasion and put them into a crossover with another TMNT iteration. Just one of them alone would be a force to reckon with, as seen by Savage Raph, but all of them together, directly post-invasion?
Unfamiliar, potentially hostile environment? Check.
Hurt brothers? Check.
Entering Savage Mode? Yes.
[Also friendly reminder that Rise turtles were made intentionally by a then-villain for the purpose of destroying humanity(?) (Draxum does hate humans and why else would he want to create 'the strongest warriors'?)
Plus, they're dumb teenagers. The turtles definitely have a few moral screws loose]
Which means that the turtles from that dimension would have to deal with 4 feral, overprotective teenagers with overpowered mystic abilities in survival mode whose instincts are perceiving nearly every moving thing as a threat and telling them to ELIMINATE.
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mikhailwrites · 4 months
Soaring Ever Higher - Ghoap/Ace Combat 7 crossover preview
“This is Bravo 0-7. I’m in a hotspot, multiple tangos on me,” he hurriedly explains his situation just as a bullet chips away at the tree not even a few feet from him. He has no choice but to throw himself on the ground to make himself the smallest target possible. “Fuck!”
“Break the contact and proceed to the RV!”
“I can turn around and make a sweep; he’s got the IR tag; I’ll see him and can provide support,” Strider cuts into the conversation.
“You’re RTB, Strider 1; do not stray from the course!” yet another voice, male, older. Perhaps Strider’s CO.
“I’m not leaving him there if I can help!”
“That was a direct order, Strider. Return to base immediately! You are not armed for close air support!”
“I still have the 20mm; that’s more than enough! Re-entering OA in two minutes!”
Ghost doesn’t say anything, but he’s bloody grateful for Strider’s help. Carefully, he turns and dusts one tango he has in his sights. There’s plenty more as another salvo of bullets flies over his head.
“ETA thirty seconds, Ghost; hang in there, soldier!” Strider says.
“I’m going to have your ass for this, Trigger!” Ghost is almost tempted to say something at that point. Luckily, the grey war beast makes a hell of an entrance right then. Ghost’s only warning is a shout of “incoming!” as the fighter swoops from the left and spreads some 20mm cheer across the jungle.
Yeah, I have way too many WIPs but I simply had to start this, because I fell in love with Ace Combat and then an idea popped up of Johnny taking on the role of Trigger and it went downhill from there. So, there will be a one shot. Soon. It could be a proper story, but I don't have the resources to support third ongoing project at the moment. Waiting for Connection and Serpent's Coil are still being worked on, don't worry.
Chapter 1
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
List of my (most popular) fics because sometimes I write things and I think they’re neat.
Children and the Raising Thereof - started as a 5+1 of Shouta being baffled and slightly alarmed as he watched Izuku make friends, became a series of cute moments with the erasermic fam that may or may not be complete.
Class 1-A Is Typing - chatfic with erasercloudmic trying to teach/raise a collection of incredibly feral children. Includes Izuku who won’t stop biting villains and Hitoshi getting people to brainwash themselves by using the tried and true “Pedo says what?” Method.
Concrete Dust and Found Family - Battle trials have more realistic consequences at least when it comes to letting off a explosion in a contained space. Tenya, Ochako, and Izuku try to come to terms with the aftermath of having a building dropped on their heads.
Incoming call - Oneshot where Izuku is a frequent caller into PYHU Radio, and does what they always do when things get bad. They call in and talk to Mic.
Of Heroics and Healing - mha/hp crossover. At the end of third year Lupin heads to the only person crazy/connected enough to get Harry out of Dumbledore’s reach. That person? Sirius’ distant cousin who just so happens to be a hero in Japan. Hogwarts is not ready for the force of nature that is Shouta Aizawa with someone to protect.
Shouta Aizawa and His Feral Children - Crack. Pure crack. The birth of Biblically Accurate Hawks. Class 1-A is a collection of feral little demons only barely held in like by 16 rules put in place by Shouta.
Take Two (With Feeling This Time) - EraserGum step parents AU. Shouta and Taishiro agreed to put a pause on their relationship a year ago when they found two orphaned kids after a villain attack why needed the stability of a parent who was all in. A year later the kids are settled enough that their parents are willing to try this relationship thing again.
Two Heroes, A Kid, and Seven Death Martyrs - Izuku has a deeper connection with OfA earlier on which means they now have seven ghosts hanging around them and acting like a weird mix of friends, mental roommates, and parents. The ghosts convince them to ask for help before OfA can kill them, which leads Izuku to extra lessons/quirk counseling with Present Mic and Eraserhead.
Who Saves the Savior - mha/hp crossover. Harry is betrayed by magical Britain (generally) and Draco Malfoy (specifically) one too many times and decides to pack up his kid and two of his siblings to head for Japan and the three convenient teaching jobs that happen to be waiting for them. Includes Exhausted and Over It MoD!Harry, Actual Feral Sunshine Teddy, and three dumbasses trying to navigate emotions through mountains of trauma.
Veritas - Izuku gets kidnapped, shown the first bit of basic human decency in their life, and decides that they are going to force the world into becoming a better place through somewhat shady but ultimately altruistic means. LOV redemption.
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