#mostly fannon
Jonathan Crane Knows...
where the batcave is
how to sew and mend clothing
how to use a typewriter efficiently
when every Jewish holiday is (so he can talk to Harley about it)
how many riddlerbots Eddie owns, and their names
the secret sewer hideout of killer croc (they have card game nights)
how to speak three languages (Latin, French, and English)
when dick grayon’s birthday is (he sends fear toxin)
how to inject toxin the most painful way
more about science then any other rogue
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I love when I see something that’s like “I feel we as a fandom don’t utilize/enbrace (insert Tim fact here)”
And I’m like- actually I think we might embrace it too much.
(No hate I’ve done the same thing)
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skimmeh · 1 year
Has there been a name given for Grain's curse in the life series
Cos we got Jimmy's 'Canary curse' , and Joel 'red rage' or 'red life curse' ...or something along that name
But has there been a name for the curse where all Grian close allies usually die by his hands, we got a fannon name for that yet?
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disorentedfae · 2 years
*looks at The fannon chain members*
That… It makes me weary
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emenerd · 2 years
Why is everyone neal caffrey? Why? why did this catch on? like the fuck i do not get it
like i know it started as a fanfic trope cause the guy who plays neal caffrey was for some reason a popular dick grayson fancast at one point and that turned into people writing fics where dick was undercover and his undercover id was caffrey, and i think that took off when spyral was happening, but it has breached containment. I’ve seen tim is caffrey, jason is caffrey, damian is caffrey (????), (havent seen the tag with bruce, duke, cass, or steph or so on, but i honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point). And now its jumped fandoms! I just saw a tag for percy jackson as caffrey? Like why? I do not understand? Why did this catch on? I know ive seen it for other random characters in other fandoms but im blanking on which ones (peter parker was one i think) at least the leverage/white collar crossovers are add multiple points of contact and just have the characters run into each other. like what you like and all, but why?
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
It makes sense to write Jonathan Crane thesis as looking for the correlation between fear and the learning process. Wich part of learning is related to fear and how it develops in unique ways on different people, there is a colective to this indovidual phenomena?
In my fandom wolrd, I dare say that Jonathan is interested in the concep of the "colective inconscient" of Jung in relation to fear. The theory talks about the existence of symbols and images that are present as a collective in the human mind as a result of culture and experience and that this images manifest in our tradicions and believes, that's why so many images and ideas are present in different cultures that had none or few contact with each other, for instance the story about a great fload that almost destroyed mankind. Adapting it to fear, Crane wanted to answer if there is fears that appear to manifest in cultures and people as an historical heritage without relationship with trauma, bascially colective fears.
That is only a small part of his theory of course. In my mind he wants to categorize fear based on the way it develops and the different categories have different theoric bases. Unfortunally his Compreheensive Study on Fear will never be reviewed in scietific comunities 'cause his research methods are not valid and he violeted every single rule in the ethics code.
I do also believe that he has some renomed pappers on the learning process because I think he was studying it to later relationated it to fear and how it developes. He specially references Bandura and Vygotsky. Besides some early valid studies on fear with neuropsycology as the basis.
#jonathan crane#scarecrow#this is mostly an excuse to me to write Jung's theory since I'm studying it#he has other ideas like introvertion and extrovertion and personality categories based on four factors#he also has a very interesting backstory and I will use some details of it when writing Crane#mostly being isolated having visions and being a goethe fan#headcannons#this is very simplifield#if you want a non simplifield view of Jung I will have to remove crane from it#also some people write him as freudian psychanilist and I don't think his studies fit freud at all#hugo strange is the freudian of the group#i think Jon is behaviorist but he could maybe use psycanalosis based on jung#harley started as the classic freudian psychologist but i would depic my fannon harley with humanistic psychology (like carl rogers)#maybe with a gestal influence and Perls#jeremiah arkham uses a bit of everything#my fannon version of him wanted to go to a different medical area so he kindda hates his job#also Jung has a very cool backstory and I may be stealing some of it for my fannon Jon#mostly a conexion with religion having visions feeling isolated being a goethe fan and becaming a psychatrist to understand his own madness#also Pathology of So-Called Ocukt Fenomena is such an interesting papper#and the study of the mind related to dismistifying the occult also fits ny fannon crane#while all of this is very cool is important to remember that Jung is not he had some very prejudiced opinions#and there is a whole thing over if he was a nazi sympatizer or an ally spy or both so yeah complicated not cool#but the idea to consider culture as studying psycology? cool
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snowprincesa1 · 10 months
{A fool of a brother}
//Fannon!Teenage!Daemon x Fannon!Teenage!F!Reader//
Daemon travels to the Vale to retrieve a particular lady Arryn. (Read part two here)
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Daemon had heard of you, mostly from his elder brother the king Viserys who held a soft spot for you in his heart, being the only sister his wife Aemma had.
Quite honestly speaking Daemon was jealous. Jealous of how his brother would compare him to you at every mischievous stunt he pulled to gain his older brother’s attention. Daemon knew so much of you and your life through the letters you wrote to Aemma, the ones he would secretly steal. He heard of the tales of your beauty and simply shrugged them off, you didn’t have the light blonde or silver valyrian hair that your sister did but inherited your father’s hair that you would braid and throw over your shoulder.
You were a devout follower of the faith the back of your hair veiled with a translucent blue veil that showed the colour of your house. Daemon had accumulated so much information on you that it was driving him mad. He wanted to take caraxes to the vale and demand to see you and he probably would have if his brother didn’t need him by his side.
Daemon didn’t understand why everyone who met you seemed so captivated with you. You weren’t a dragon rider like Rhaenys, You weren’t a warrior like Visenya and you certainly weren’t Aegon.
When Aemma had given birth to a healthy baby girl, she grew frail from the childbirth and it was uncertain as to whether she would live after the intense labour she endured. Blood seeped down in the sheets. Viserys didn’t know what to do, Aemma pleaded to see you one last time every time she was on the brink of unconsciousness, he should have been smarter and summoned you to kings landing at the start of the pregnancy.
Aemma was in and out of unconsciousness her body drenched with cold sweat.
“What is happening brother?” Daemon asked standing at the door of the bedchamber not daring to enter.
Viserys opened up his eyes red from the constant rubbing and worrying.
“Lets go for a walk, keep the handmaidens with the Queen” he said moving out to the corridor waiting for Viserys to join him.
“What is it? Is Aemma not to live through this?” He asked his hand holding Viserys’ shoulder.
“I am not sure of it..the maesters..the maesters seem bloody useless” he sighed “she wants me to get her sister, the lady Arryn from the vale” he sighed rubbing his face once more. “There is no time, Daemon” he said
“Pity” he said. He didn’t plan on telling his brother he would retrieve you for him if that was what he wished Daemon truly loved his brother and would happily ride caraxes to bring over this mysterious lady Arryn he had oddly even dreamt meeting. Perhaps he had wanted to do this for himself instead. He dreamt of you to be a kind, quiet woman an innocent one over whom he could hold an advantage over.
He placed his dragon riding vest over his body. Approaching the red sleek dragon caraxes patting its snout and pressing his forehead to the dragon’s side calming it.
Caraxes had a shrilling cry that could very much deafen a person. It was a miracle Daemon’s hearing remained as is. He climbed onto caraxes swiftly pulling to the skies above. He would get you to comply with his wishes and get you to kingslanding and win his brother’s approval. How difficult could you be?
The journey took hours but caraxes felt the adrenaline running through Daemon and felt the same letting out shrill cries. Free in the skies away from kingslanding approaching the gloomy climate of the Vale, Daemon could see the Eyrie. You would be there. His curiosity to see you drove him mad. Caraxes circled the stronghold of the Arryn’s as Caraxes let out excited whistles waiting for Daemon to order him to unleash fire on the castle.
Daemon had other plans, fire was the last thing he wanted in this situation. His dragon resting on the bridge destroying a little of it as its weight pressed on the brick.
Elys Arryn the lord of the Vale walked out of the Eyrie wondering what the Targaryens could possibly want now.
“My prince, what brings you here with your mighty dragon?” He asked attempting to smile and seem friendly to the obviously large dragon and the rogue prince before him.
“No true Targaryen would pass on a chance to ride their dragon” he said caraxes standing anticipating his next command.
“I am here on order of the king” he said in a bored manner. Arryn men, he hated them.
“And what does he require ?” Lord Arryn asked impatiently clearly confused by the sudden appearance of a prince.
“That is for me and lady Arryn to discuss. You know, your half sister” he said smirking
“He has demanded for my sister?” The Arryn lord asked. He didn’t trust Daemon especially not with you.
“Yes he has, now bring the lady Arryn out. I wish to see her” Daemon said his fingers brushing the pommel of his sword Dark Sister. He would be ready to cut down any lord if he was denied. If the king was denied.
You walked out in the bridge of the eyrie. Making your way through the crowded lords. Everyone eying you, what business did the king have with you? Or was it the prince Daemon playing one of his pranks and attempting to sway another woman. It was known that Daemon was to be betrothed to a lady in the Vale, was it you? Prince Daemon disliked by the high folk of the vale. The words of your house being ‘as high as honour’. Daemon had no honour, no modesty and was indulgent in all he pleased. The rogue prince of the seven kingdoms known for deflowering young women.
You approached him, you wore a light blue gown the colour of your house. You were a proud Arryn. A year elder to your sister Aemma, you were NOT fond of king Viserys you hadn’t forgotten the anger you felt when the king had chosen your younger sister as his breeding livestock. The young girl having experienced miscarriages that had weakened the live in her. But viserys relented, he wanted a male heir. It should have been you, you were the older sister why was it you who should have been chosen not your little sister. You should have protected her. She was so young— the guilt ate you up from the inside. You were just a year older but yet you would happily sacrifice yourself in her stead. Viserys loved your sisters silver hair and that was the reason as to why she was chosen. You didn’t know whether to think your dark hair a boon or a bane.
A white veil over the back of your dark hair with a headband embroidered with beautiful pearls. The cuffs of your gowns had little designs of golden coloured birds. You were a sight to behold.
Daemon felt his mind go blank the moment he saw you. How could his brother have passed on you? Perhaps his brother regretted his impulsive choice.
“My lady, I have heard tales of your beauty but none of them do you any justice” daemon said truthfully, you stood with your back straight almost contemplating what to say.
“My prince, is it true that the king has requested for my presence?” You asked plainly. What does Viserys want now?
“It’s more of a command my lady” his eyes lingering on your body taking all of you in. “You look absolutely beautiful” he said complimenting you again. Unlike other women you didn’t blush nor grow embarrassed. Your mind filled with rage over the fact that viserys had the nerve to send for you like a dog.
“And why is it he commands for me?” You asked suspiciously
“The king does not require a reason but I shall tell you the truth the queen has given birth” he said waiting for you to ask him more questions
“And the babe is healthy?” You asked “is it a boy?”
“A healthy baby girl” daemon confirmed “they are thinking through names”
“That’s wonderful news” your sister’s pregnancies would not end with a daughter you knew, viserys would still long for a male heir as demanded by the council and his people. But you were happy that a babe survived the trials and was born healthy.
“The queen is weak, the queen wishes to see you in case she does not make it” daemon explained seeing his stubborn you would be if he kept you in the dark.
“And I suppose you’ve come to take me on dragon?” You asked.
“Smart one aren’t you?” He smirked looking at caraxes who screeched loudly. “You have never ridden a dragon have you?” He asked extending his hand for you to take. You looked to your half brother nodding and telling him you would be back sooner or later. As much as Elys would have liked to keep you safe in the eyrie he could not go against the king’s or queen’s orders.
“What a pity a Targaryen never experiencing what it is to be a dragon rider”
“Well you must remember that I am half Arryn because of my father’s blood” you said accepting his gloved hand.
“But yet you share the blood of the old king and the good queen just as I do” he said in a persuading almost seductive tone. His hand holding yours pressing it to caraxes scales so he would get comfortable with your presence. You patted the beast lightly. Daemon tutted holding your hand firmer onto the dragon’s scales. His hand was bigger than yours but still fit it perfectly. Daemon must have felt it as well.
“Can you climb my dragon or do you need assistance?” he asked mischievously as you stood beside him looking at his dragon Caraxes
you looked at the red beast before you. “yes I am quite capable of climbing, thankyou” you retorted. How the hell does one ride a dragon? Caraxes was smaller in size as compared to other dragons but yet you felt as though you were scaling a hill. Like hell you were going to ask Daemon for help. Your feet slipping off Caraxes. Suddenly you felt strong hands on your thighs pushing you up his hand squeezed the fat of your thigh slipping to brush against your ass as he climbed behind you setting you in the front of him. He had a smug smile on his face as he held you infront of him his hand wrapping around your waist. “You are taking quite the liberty in touching me”
“Vile accusations” he smirked his face close to yours to gorge your reaction. You quickly turned your face away at how close he was you could feel his breath on your lips and it was inappropriate, an unwed lady travelling in such close proximity to a man such as Daemon?
“But I would have to hold you like this when we take flight…unless you wish to fall off?” He said smirking his eyes boring into yours. “With your consent of course”
“Just take me to the Queen, my sister” you said cutting him off. You weren’t going to trust Daemon or his intentions. Caraxes lifted of off the bridge of eyrie as he swept the clouds with his wingspan.
Daemon’s mind was filled with ways to annoy you and get your attention “why are you unwed?” He asked pretending to be genuine but he just couldn’t hide the smirk.
“Why are you unwed?” You repeated the question directed to him.
“I’m sure you’ve heard I’m betrothed to the bronze bitch” he scowled thinking of the brown haired woman who donned armour of house Royce.
“Bronze bitch?” You asked you anger aroused so very quickly “you speak so crudely of a beautiful woman?”
“Beauty? A sheep would be more fuckable” he said chuckling at his own comment. Would it be okay to throw him off his own dragon? You thought.
“But sadly you lack a few things the lady Rhea does not” you returned his smirk.
“There is nothing desirable that I lack” he laughed
“Oh— but you do” your smirk growing “you lack character”
“Character is not required for a prince like me” he retorted his smirk faltering just slightly, the prince trying to not take offense to your insult
“Yes but you are a mere second prince, the spare” you said looking straight at the sun behind the misty clouds.
“A second prince of the seven kingdoms and the heir to the crown” heir? You looked to him
“I wasn’t aware you were named heir” you said feigning surprise.
“I wasn’t” daemon frowned “but sooner or later, the Queen cannot give my brother a son. You should treat me with more respect for if I become king..”
“You really think Viserys is going to name you his heir instead?” You laughed at his idiocy “he’s going to keep trying and trying until finally a boy is born from Aemma” your fingers tightening around the reins.
“Aemma has had years to provide viserys an heir if she cannot I suppose he’ll have to find another cunt to sink his cock in” he spoke in anger, you turned your face around looking at him bewildered by his statement. You were going to smack him across the face once you reached kings landing.
“What if I tell Viserys of this?” You said, he would obviously be extremely upset. He would probably banish daemon and hurry the wedding preparations for daemon’s marriage to Rhea. That would mean daemon would be in the Vale.
Daemon grabbed a hold of your face “if you do that I cannot promise you that I will not exact revenge” he said all sense of friendliness lost.
“What could a second son with no prospects do to me? You would do well to marry into the Royce family. Perhaps you should even take her name..” you chuckled. Daemon was seething with anger his hold over you grew tighter almost as though he was trying to hurt you.
“If I wasn’t knighted I would—” he started
“You have no honour you might as well do what you must.” You said. You heard him cuss you out in soft mutters trying to control his anger. The ride back was too long. Daemon no longer wished to talk to you. Amidst the silence he suddenly said
“Lots of words from you, Queen who could have been” he smirked. He didn’t know you had no attraction or desire to the iron throne unlike himself.
“Lots of words from you, Daemon Royce” you retorted quickly. Daemon rested his head on your shoulder as you put your hand on his face to push him off but he relented stubbornly placing his chin deep in the crevice of your shoulder bone. “Call me Daemon Royce and I promise you. I will make you wish you never met me” he said trying to make you believe he that his threats were very real.
“I cannot believe we both are of same age” you grumbled “you are so immature it is no wonder God made you the second born” you said annoying hun even further. He threw some more insults at you which you threw insults back. The entire journey was a pain in the ass, the two of you yelling at each other at the top of your lungs. By the time you both had reached kingslanding you were sure you had lost your voice. Daemon’s voice and turned gruff and quiet as well. You attempted to climb off his dragon carefully to which he pushed you off when you were a few feet from the ground.
“You little sh—” you said getting back on your feet praying that no one saw the embarrassing fall and whelp you let out. Your legs had gone numb from the dragon ride but you wouldn’t spend another minute in the annoying prince’s presence. You truly felt for Rhea Royce. You walked out of the dragon pit ignoring everyone in your annoyance. You came for your sister. No one else. Daemon was quick to follow your lead
“Quite impolite as well not only to a prince like me but others as well” he noted “you didn’t wish any lord or lady on your way. Do you even know where you are heading?” He asked pulling the back of your dress to bring you to him your back hitting his chest with a thump sound.
“What in the seven hells are you doing now?” You asked your eyes squinting with irritation.
“Winning my brother’s favour, I brought you here. You see he gave me no order I did this out of my own goodwill. That makes me a good man” why the hell was he trying to convince you he was a good person?
“So the king gave no order— you abducted me!” You yelled punching him in the arm. Hard.
“And now you attacked a prince! Are we equal now?” He said rubbing the spot with his hand.
You ended up ignoring him or you knew you would end up spitting more insults at him. But well, now your anger for the Targaryens is split amongst the two brothers now. Daemon led you to to the room Aemma lay in. And you rushed in attempting to shut the door on his face. His strength overpowering you throwing open the door.
King Viserys looked up at the two of you from where he knelt next to his wife Aemma who was unconscious. Daemon shuffled his feet almost nervously before saying “I’ve brought her for you” King Viserys looked in disbelief between his brother and you. He got up from his bed giving his younger brother a silent hug which spoke a thousand thankyous. You sat on the bed next to Aemma trying to wake your sister gently “Aemma” you called her eyes flickering open before shutting them due to the brigtness of the room. The contrast between the darkness of her sleep and the sunlight spaying on your face and hair.
“Sister? Am I dreaming, Viserys?” she asked weakly.
Your eyes filled with tears at the sight of her so vulnerable. How much you had missed her. You didn’t know whether to hug her weak self so you placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’m here Aem” you said brushing her sweaty clumps of hair with your fingers. Aemma seats herself on the bed to get a better look at you “you look just like father” she smiled “and you an Angel Aem” you smiled weakly trying and failing to hold back your tears. “I did it..I gave birth to a healthy babe. A girl” she said “not what the realm wished for but I am happy nonetheless” she said gently her eyes tearing up at the disappointment Viserys must have felt.
“Fuck the realm” you blurted in the presence on the King, the prince, and the the Queen, your sister “I am proud of you, mother would be proud of you. You did so well” you said pulling her to you as you stroked her silver hair.
“Have you seen the babe?” She asked “No I have not” you responded “You see, I was abducted and brought here by the prince Daemon” you jested trying to lighten your mood. Aemma sent a polite smile to daemon “I hope she didn’t cause you any problems” Aemma laughed asking Daemon. “Oh she did, but that’s a conversation for another time” he smirked. You couldn’t help but chuckle at your sisters remark maybe even Daemon’s.
A handmaiden brought in the baby to Aemma and she gently handed you the tiny babe wrapped in the softest of cloths. Viserys sat beside Aemma kissing the top of her hair. Daemon again stood at the door almost ready to leave. But then he looked at your face in that sunlight. Holding the tiny babe with silver hair in your arms. He saw the way you smiled looking at your sister proudly and then you looked at him and your smile didn’t vanish. It stayed as you held the baby in your arms. “Have you seen her? Have you seen our niece?” You asked Daemon. Your long argument almost instantly forgotten when you had your niece in your arms. This was your family as well, Daemon was your family as well. You didn’t want him to leave for some reason.
Daemon cautiously took a few steps further and then a few more standing a few feet away from the bed looking at the babe. “For heaven’s sake— she won’t bite you. Come closer” you barked. “She won’t, but you look like you would” he said ignoring Viserys’ glare. Aemma couldn’t help but laugh at your bluntness. Daemon scoffed standing right over you and the babe now.
“she looks like you brother” Daemon said and you quickly countered “No, she looks like my sister.”
Before the two of you knew it the both of you were arguing once again once again, and from behind both Aemma and viserys sent each other knowing looks.
Though you weren’t what Daemon had expected you to be he wasn’t disappointed in the least, in his heart he still believed his brother was a fool for passing on you.
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I was explaining the batfam to my brother
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(Mostly cannon, some fannon)
tim was actually the yj S2/3 robin
Barbara may or may not be older its kinda.. dubious
Arab not Arabic 🙃
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oofouchstovehot · 1 month
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woah- another one with two versions?
Dannymay 2024 Day 11: Mutation
I mostly went wild with this one, but if I had to assign any lore to this design it's the midway point between Normal Phantom and any one of his fannon Eldritch Forms
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Hi Panther,
Transformers ask? May I please make make a romantic yandere request for a oneshot with Yan!Tarn with a Neutral!Bot reader and propmts 2, 30, and 46. I was thinking of the idea in fannon where Deceptacon culture dictates the dominant con claws or bites a nasty wound that scars as a mark as “Mine” usually as a mate.
Sure, I'm not well versed in Transformers fanon as I try to keep it as canon as possible. Yet the concept seems pretty basic so I'll try.
Still relatively new to the comics and I'm not that far so if information is off, that's why.
Energon is depicted as pink in this as the comics usually use this as the color from what I've seen.
Yandere! Tarn Prompts 2, 30, 46
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
"Those lasting marks are signs of our love!"
"Even monsters can love, can't they...?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Marking/Injury, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship, Possessive behavior, Not much plot... mostly just a kidnapping scene/plot, Transformer fanon HCs as a plot point, Mentions of "Mate", Cybertronian/Cybertronian, Bleeding, Vague implication of stalking, Graphic scene (?).
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"You'll tire eventually, that's fine, I can wait."
Tarn's calm and patient when pursuing what he wants. Patience is something he's had to learn in his line of work. That and loyalty.
Tarn knew eventually he'd have you in his claws. Honestly, he couldn't wait for it. He had been eying you for a long time as a potential partner for himself.
You're a neutral party... something that can easily be changed once he has you. Part of him originally wanted to take you in to convert you. Now it seems he has... ulterior motives.
Tarn has never considered a Conjunx Endura. He had loyally followed Megatron's teachings and that's where most of his life has gone. Then he saw you... Decepticon potential in his eyes.
That and Conjunx Endura potential.
Even as you run from him in a pitiful display, Tarn indulges in the chase. It's a little game to entertain himself before he claims you. He'll allow you to think you have a choice in the matter.
Oh, naive bot... you never had a choice the moment he picked you.
"You're making this harder than it has to be. Your spark is safe with me. All you need to do is surrender!"
At this point he's taunting you. Tarn is already plotting how to corner you. Each movement he does is calculated, predicting your every move.
Right... until... you're right where he wants you.
Tarn feels excitement swell within him when he finally manages to corner you. He sees you run into a dead end and realize you're trapped. You stare at him with many emotions swimming in your optics.
Tarn sees confusion... fear... and aggression. Fear is the strongest emotion that clouds your vision. Tarn can tell you have a vague sense of who he is.
Pride fills him while he steps closer.
"Game's over, my little Conjunx Endura. I do believe you've worked us both up enough."
Tarn's voice is teasing... while barely concealing a deep hunger within. You stare up at him with more confusion and disgust than fear for a moment. The looks you give him drive him crazy.
Oh... he picked well.
"Now... will you come with me willingly..." Tarn drawls, trapping you between him and the wall.
"Or will I have to get the D.J.D involved?"
Reluctantly, as he expected, you agree to come with him to his base of operations.
To him, that's already a good sign you'll be a behaved partner once he marks you.
Sounds of metal on metal echoed through the room. Pain coursed through you and it was all you could even think about. Even with the red eyes glaring down at you in possessive aggression... your mind only thought of the pain.
"I took you in for a reason..." The Decepticon hisses out. You hear your own metal creak as he digs his claws into you. You swore you felt Energon trickle down. "I chose you to be mine... my mate... I think I've waited long enough to mark you."
Tarn then pulls your chin to make you focus on him.
"Haven't I been nice and patient enough with you?"
You shudder against him, trying to break eye contact to see the damage. Tarn doesn't allow you to look and brings your eyes back to him. For a brief moment you see the look in his eyes soften.
"Those lasting marks are signs of our love." Tarn hums, sitting you up. You see him pull his claws out of the wound and catch a glimpse of vibrant pink liquid dribble down them. You feel ill and the pain throbs... you decide not to focus on his claws.
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you." Tarn praises you, eying the Energon on his hands. "A mark as deep as this will show every Decepticon I claim you."
"Am I going to die?" You heave.
"I'd never let you." Tarn replies, already preparing to call over Nickel to stop the bleeding. "You'll live... and have a pretty scar to remind everyone of what has happened."
Tarn then leans over you to brush his other hand across the side of your face. His eyes hold what appears to be adoration... but it's wrong. Anyone who really loved you wouldn't gouge a hole into your side so you spilled Energon on the ground.
"After this you're no longer a neutral party... you're a Decepticon." Tarn continues, gaze never leaving you. "I've claimed you, I've marked you, and I plan to brand you when you heal."
Tarn's tone sounds confident and pleased. You narrow your eyes at him and try to push him away. He doesn't budge.
"You're a monster... get away from me...." You hiss. Tarn makes a displeased scoff before leaning away from you. You'd take time to convert.
He'll just have to find more patience it seems....
"Even monsters can love, can't they...?" Tarn muses. "Eventually you'll understand."
Tarn presses his mask to your forehead and you flinch back. It was meant to be a comforting kiss. To you... it's anything but.
"Nickel will nurse you back to health." Tarn tells you, picking you up to transport you. His grasp his tight... Energon still dripping from his claws. As he walks with you, his gaze meets yours again.
"Until you're well rested... I'll be waiting, Conjunx Endura."
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desperatecheesecubes · 6 months
The fannon instance that Jason was Tim’s hero is so funny to me because comic Tim’s hero was definitely Dick. Tim’s cannon relationship to Jason as Robin is mostly him mocking him for dying a ‘lol couldn’t be me’ way until he fucks up and goes ‘oh god it COULD be me!’ way before surviving and starting over.
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classpecting-thoughts · 2 months
Apologies for a lack of posts! I fell down an AO3 rabbit hole and just crawled out.
I’ve been reading DCxDP crossovers, despite having 1) never seen Danny Phantom and 2) having never read any Batman comics, and only having seen like.. 3 Batman movies, none of which were the same continuity (The Batman, Batman Begins, and the Tim Burton one, for those curious. Of those three I only enjoyed The Batman).
That being said, I have aspect thoughts for some characters purely based on the fannon in these fics and would like to hear others’ thoughts. Note my above credentials and take everything with a grain of salt.
Batman, at least in any continuity it’s reasonable for him to have the Batfam in (glares at most of the movies other than The Batman), is a Blood player. He’s defined by his relationship to his city, his many children, his dead family, and his adoptive father/butler. He is 100% a passsive class, active use type. I’d say Knight, maybe Heir.
Danny is an Heir of Heart. Did I base this thought mostly on the fact that that is literally “One who becomes/inherits soul”? Yes. Do I still think it fits outside of that? Also yes.
Jason went grimdark when he came back and some of that stuck with him, maybe to the point that either his class or aspect fully shifted. I’m not sure what he was before nor what he is now, but I’m certain that they’re different.
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can you write hcs about a killer!reader (proxy/creep) and hoodie? like he’s intrigued about them and tries to subtly get to know them (if not feel free to ignore)
Ack! Sorry this took so long! The school year just ended today (for me at least) and I had been busy up until now. Anyway, I also didn’t know if you wanted fannon or cannon hoodie, so I went with cannon (marble hornets), feel free to send another ask if you want the fannon version instead.
🔫 At first, they were indifferent to you
🔫They hardly care, they just see you as another screw up that somehow ended up in the clutches of slenderman
🔫But somehow you started to pique their interests
🔫Brian found your methods interesting
🔫Hoodie liked they way you carried out the orders/mission that were given to you
🔫They realized they wanted to get to know you better but seeing as they are pretty much top dog of the proxies, they were almost too busy to talk to you
🔫So they sent toby
🔫Toby has now become a messenger pigeon between you two
🔫Though Brian doesn’t get all that many missions when he’s fronting so he talks to you the most
🔫Hoodie on the other hand is usually swamped when he’s fronting
🔫They also start to ask around the mansion about you
🔫Most other pastas will laugh/giggle/whisper to each other when they see brian/hoodie talking to you
🔫Hoodie is quiet, mostly communication through sign language, writing/typing things, and just basic huffs and grunts.
🔫Brian on the other hand wont shut the fuck up
🔫Oh? You're making Sally tea? Well now Brian is rambling to you about how much of an ass Alex was when they were filming marble hornets
🔫Safe to say, Hoodie, an alter, was somehow being smoother than the host of the body himself.
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teecupangel · 10 months
Im curious about what is cannon and fannon in the AC fandom. Ive read many different origins for the scar Desmond has, but most people go with Bill being the one to give it to him. Is this because its cannon from a little known source(similiar to the fact that Altaïr can swim, as seen in the 3ds games, but most people make him unable to swim despite the fact) or is it widely accepted fannon? What about Masyaf castle? Ive read some fics about it being an Abstergo facility with the Templars having opened the Library, while others write it is just been left to time. And ofc cant forget Eagle Vision. Is it a unique ability to Altaïr only? Did his father have it too? Did every novice have to master it before becoming an assassin?
There could be others, but these are the facts that im mostly curious about. Thank you for answering. ^^
So I’m gonna break this into sections so I don’t have to think about scene transition or whatever rambling equivalent that has.
Altaïr Can Swim
We all accept that he can’t swim because that’s funny. However, if we take into consideration how Altaïr can swim as seen in his ‘sequel’, this is pretty much the complete opposite of “Altaïr has never been hit” status that he has in the fandom. They both causes desyncing so if we believe in “Altaïr has never been hit” then it’s not that Altaïr can’t swim, it’s that “Altaïr never slipped or fell into the waters” which actually points more to Altaïr being a badass. But we decided that Altaïr not being able to swim is a much funnier idea and went to town with it XD
Bill Being The Reason Desmond Has His Scar
Okay, so ngl, I also liked to write that Bill is the reason Desmond has a scar, either directly or indirectly (I mostly go for indirectly with another kid being the reason why he has a scar but Bill was there ‘supervising’), mostly because I like the plot point that getting the scar is the thing that finally snaps Desmond and got him to leave the Farm ‘randomly’.
Anyway, the canon/fanon blur a lot in this one as there are enough people that believe Bill made the scar as seen by this post.
My thoughts on that is pretty much summarized in the tags I left in that one:
#wait it's official? #or did we as a fandom just collectively saw how bill treated desmond and went #ah yes he's why desmond has that scar #seriously i hc it and it makes sense narratively for bill to be the reason why desmond has a scar #whether from training or by accident #but i don't remember it being even implied in any games #especially in ac rev where it could have easily been added in
To add to that, I’m talking about AC Revelations specifically because of Desmond’s rant in an early scene where he finally shouts at Bill for being a bad father. That was the perfect time to just drop that bombshell of Bill being the reason why Desmond has his scar but we didn’t get that. That’s the main reason why I don’t think it’s canon that Bill is the reason why Desmond got his scar but there’s 3 more scenes in AC Revelations where he could have talked about it, all of them from Desmond’s memories scenes.
I also talked about how I couldn’t find any evidence of Bill being the reason that Desmond got his scar in this post.
But the summary is I tried looking for any information about it in the books, pamphlet, manuals and references I had (I say ‘had’ because I had to leave them back in my old home after I moved due to space constraints TTATT), only focusing on any mentions of Desmond and Bill
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition Art Book (p40-41)
Assassin's Creed The Complete Visual History (p290 -292) - p291 has the line "... Desmond's father, William, adds an element of family drama..." calling it family drama sounds like an understatement considering how Bill and Desmond act around each other
Assassin's Creed The Essential Guide (p14, 66, 161, 218-219, 236, 238, 240) - this book is so weird. P218 says that Bill and Gavin shared the mentor role after the Great Purge, p237 says that only Bill took the mentor role (but didn't call himself the mentor) after the Great Purge
Assassin's Creed Atlas (p159, 165)
Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia (White Version) (p18, 158-183)
Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia (White Version - JP ver) (p18, 158-183)
Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia (Black Version - JP ver) (p17, 113-127) - The Black Version is an older version, only going as far as AC Revelations + The Fall comics, The White Version has up to 3 + Liberation
No mentions at all about Desmond's relationship with Bill in the following:
That short game manual that's inside the game disc for AC1-AC3 (JP ver)
Assassin's Creed Reference Guide (JP)
Assassin's Creed Perfect Guide (JP)
Assassin's Creed 2 Reference Guide (JP)
Assassin's Creed Archive Book (JP)
In conclusion:
The most I got can be summarized from Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia, p182
"... driven, intelligent but emotionally distant father of Desmond Miles..." " ... technically minded man, fully devoted to the Assassins and their cause, whose passion for politics outweighs his responsibility to his family. While William's wife has always been able to deal with this emotional distance, young Desmond could not. Eventually he grew to feel that his father was more of a drill sergeant than a parent and fled the compound, despite his parents' repeated warnings to never leave."
If Bill did directly or indirectly cause Desmond's scar, I could not find it in the official books I have or even on Desmond's or Bill's AC Wiki page.
Unless someone can point out where it officially states that Bill caused Desmond's scar, I believe the whole "Bill is the reason for Desmond's scar" is AC fandom's own Mandela Effect. Most probably something that started as a headcanon (and for a very good reason) and is commonly used by fanfic writers (including me) which has evolved as a Word of Dante that we, as a collective, have mistaken as a Word of God.
Masyaf’s Current Situation
There’s no official note of the current situation of Masyaf in the modern days and I think Ubisoft would probably not do anything about it narrative-wise… I’d honestly be surprised if they did anything about it if they make an AC1 Remake. Now, it’s a bit nebulous if the Templars did manage to get the library but it should be noted that the last time we see Altaïr’s Apple, Ezio let it stay in the library and the ACR novel gave us:
“The bookshop was used as an outpost for the Assassins, and Ezio stored the Masyaf Keys in the chamber where he had found the first key, underneath the bookshop.”
If the Templars got into the bookshop then they’ll find all the keys and would have everything they needed to get into the library.
The Apple would find itself in the hands of Queen Elizabeth I and Mahatma Gandhi before falling into Templar hands.
As far as I can see, Queen Elizabeth I isn’t a Templar so it’s highly possible that the British Empire did their usual ‘finders keepers’ thing and this wasn’t a nefarious Templar plan. So either Ezio got the Apple out of Masyaf and hid it somewhere else that would later be found by someone (maybe John Dee?) or Ezio… just left it in Masyaf?
I wanna give Ezio the benefit of the doubts and believe that he knew leaving it in Masyaf would be such a bad idea so the Apple was most probably transferred somewhere else.
Which means that Masyaf was completely abandoned by the end of Ezio’s era which Ezio would have believed be something that Altaïr wanted to happen.
I realized now I’m rambling further and further away from the actual topic for this section.
In conclusion: we have no idea if Masyaf is abandoned or occupied by the Templars in modern day. I will also add if it’s occupied by Templars, it might be a secret ‘base’ or it’s affiliated with a non-Abstergo Entertainment section of Abstergo because, as far as I can see, Abstergo Entertainment’s headquarters are based on existing Ubisoft headquarters (ex: Black Flag’s Abstergo Entertainment is in Montreal = Ubisoft Montreal)
Personally, I think that Abstergo would take over Masyaf castle either officially or unofficially as a way to show the Brotherhood how they hold one of the most important locations in their history. That’s the kind of power play the current Inner Sanctum would do.
(It would be funny in a ‘that’s fucked up’ kind of way if Masyaf is an Abstergo secret facility that does experimental work with captured Assassins as guinea pigs which they have done in the Philadelphia facility (Fall comics) and Madrid (AC Movie))
Eagle Vision
It was actually never explicitly stated who had Eagle Vision and who hadn’t but it’s noted that humans, in general, have the capability to unlock Eagle Vision although there are humans who has an easier time unlocking it.
AC1 noted that the Levantine Assassins knew about Altaïr’s Eagle Vision but there’s no evidence to suggest that they have it as well. Most of the time, they just tell Altaïr to use his vision without saying if they have it as well or not.
(it’s just personal preference to write that 12th century Assassins, both in Masyaf and Alamut, would have some form of Eagle Vision to show how much the Brotherhood had ‘fallen’ in the modern day. Canon actually points that only a small number of people can access Eagle Vision)
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Ok, I have a question for you guys. I don’t know that much about Cassandra, (sadly) mostly because I haven’t found the time to read her comics, but I have a question…
I know the basics of her character. She was trained by her father, David Cain, her first language is to read body movements, she wasn’t taught how to speak and had a horrible life as a child, and then David took her to kill a man at age seven, after which she realised it was wrong and ran away, right? (It’s what I’ve seen in fanfics, Wikipedia, and just fannon memes and stuff)
So here’s my question….
What does she do in the ages 7-when she meets Batman.
Like, what’s she doing? Where’s she going? Was she just a random seven year old child stealing food from people to survive? How’d she meet Barbara/Batman and how old was she?
Sorry if it’s a confusing question/has a huge answer, I just really need to know and I can’t find it anywhere else-
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phenphoenix · 2 months
Wait so if it’s a roleswap does that mean alastor is like a daddies boy now instead of a mamas boy
Nah he still a mama's boy. There are some characters I'm not gonna swap either because there isn't really anyone to swap them with (like saint peter) or they don't actually have any cannon appearance and are mostly fannon headcannons, like Alastors parents. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all we've really got to go off of is one mention by Viv about him being a mama's boy and then his heavily implied distaste for other men. So overall, as far as his folks go, we are pretty in the dark.
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