#non use cancellation actions
nationallawreview · 2 years
Legal Standing in Trademark Non-Use Cancellation Actions
Legal Standing in Trademark Non-Use Cancellation Actions
In recent years the Mexican Patent and Trademark Office (IMPI) allowed the possibility that complainants credit their legal standing on trademark non-use cancellation proceedings through the existence of a trademark application without the need of initially demonstrating that such application was blocked to registration in view of the prior existence of third parties’ confusingly similar…
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potofsoup · 3 months
i love your fourth of july comics every year but this years feels extremely optimistic about biden’s abilities in the face of him letting roe get overturned and funding a gen*cide at worst or letting it happen at best by taking the bare minimum of regulatory action… i mean can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands? and how do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?
Hihi! Thank you for reading and enjoying my July 4th comics every year! I am in a non-US airport en route to a month-long trip in a place with sketchy internet, so sorry in advance for sloppiness in my response (and potentially going radio silent).
I don't think he "let" Roe get overturned, since that was the Supreme Court's overwhelming conservative majority, which really started with Mitch McConnell refusing to approve Obama's appointee and forcing it into a 2016 election issue. The fact that Trump got to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices is what got us here.
Re: Biden and the Israel/Hamas war ... on the one hand, there's definitely more that he could have done, but on the other hand, they are a whole other country over there. It's Hamas that initiated the Oct 7 attacks and took the hostages. It's Netanyahu and his right-wing government who decided to retaliate to such extreme extent. Biden can talk about how he would really like Netanyahu to stop fighting and step down, but at the end of the day that's not his call, any more than he can stop the Sudan fighting that is near-genocidal either.
So, to come to your question #1: "Can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands"?
For me, it's a resounding YES. Guyz, he has passed so much good domestic policies. My spouse works in green energy and the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act halved his anxiety and gave him legitimate hope. The tumblr post I linked to in my comic has links to many of the other great things that Biden has done. Tbh I voted for him in 2020 because "a moldy onion is still better than Trump", and I've been pleasantly surprised. Like how he tried to cancel student loans, the Supreme Court overturned it, and then he came back 6 months later with a different way to do it that didn't lead to a court challenge.
Is he perfect? Hell no. There's tons of stuff that I wish he did more about, or he went further on, but also he's just one guy heading one branch of government who is heading into an election year. (Just like FDR promising not joining WWII, while behind the scenes doing all the Lend-Lease Act stuff). And "the people" have lots of demands, many of them conflicting.
I'd also like to push at the unspoken part of your question... "Can he really be trusted to do the right thing..." compared to whom? Because right now the answer is "compared to Trump." And compared to Trump... I don't even trust Trump to respect the results of a legitimate election. Heck, he might just take his favorite state secrets, sell them to the highest bidder (or just show them off to someone for funzies), and then claim Presidential immunity. A decent Democrat who got stuff done vs someone who probably wants to pardon himself and all his friends and do Project 2025 stuff is not even on the same level. (Do I wish that there was a viable Democratic alternative to Biden? Sure! But who?) Heck, at this point -- imagine if it's Kamala Harris vs. Trump. Who would you vote for?
As for your question #2: "How do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?"
We don't. But also what can we do besides showing up to vote?
Actually, I need bullet points for this:
The 2022 midterm elections brought in fewer-than-expected election-deniers into crucial electoral offices at the state level, which means that hopefully most state electoral boards will continue to have integrity
Yes, voting is harder but at least we can still vote. So it's about getting out there and getting your vote counted. For some states, it involves waiting in 8 hour lines. For some states, it involves bringing 2 forms of ID. Document. Track. Make sure it's dropped off in a real ballot box and not a fake one. Don't believe messaging that the voting is happening on a different day or location, etc.
A 50.1% majority is easily challenged. A 55% majority, less so. Which means getting people out to vote.
The more people know about and think about the reality of a second Trump term (versus being disappointed by a Biden term), the more they will be motivated to vote against Trump.
Finally, let's be real here: I'm braced for a 2nd Trump term. That said:
I'm still going to go and vote for Biden, because the only way to prevent a 2nd Trump term is to vote.
A Trump term where either the House or Senate is controlled by the Democrats will be *very* different from a clean Republican sweep.
Even with a clean Republican sweep on the federal level, States have so much more power now, and voting the state level stuff will help shore up Democratic goals for the future. States get to draw voting districts however they want. States get to decide on abortion policies. If you live in a deep Red state, there still might be things to vote for that make it easier to live in now, and turn it purple a few elections down the line.
So at the end of the day, it's "Vote AND". Vote and keep living your best life. Vote and tell others about Project 2025. Vote and have hope. Even if Trump wins, at least you'll have voted against him. Vote and stay to build up a progressive wave for the next election.
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circlique · 1 year
In all seriousness though---
Korra got a ton---and I mean a TON---of hate, for daring to be a headstrong, non-genderconforming woman of color. So forgive me if I don't react well to "korrasami doesn't deserve it"
Korra already fought through enough misogyny and racism while it was actively airing. She already got enough criticism for not being the "target audience" of 8-12 age males who buy action figures. She already got enough criticism for having flaws as a woman, for not "acting ladylike". She already got enough criticism for not being white or white passing in a show that has ZERO white characters. So when you come at korrasami fans with "they don't deserve it"? Don't be surprised when korrasami fans look at it with a lens of suspicion, because korrasami already fought through the criticism, already fought through being stuck in the "dead slot" air time in nickelodeon (which they were moved to in season three, when the show runners actively started hinting at a wlw ship), already fought through being pulled off air and onto online viewing only, in 2014, for those of you who are a bit young. (Obergefell vs Hodges, the Supreme Court case which legalized gay marriage nationwide in the US, happen on June 26, 2016). "They only held hands in the finale" because that's all they could get away with at the time. They were the FIRST. Bubbeline came later. Rupphire came later. Catradora came later. There are still no notable mlm ships in children's media, so the work ISN'T done. Korrasami fans "screech and yell" at you for not understanding because you accuse them of "queerbaiting" without understanding that they were the FIRST in their time to OPENLY hint at being gay on a a children's television network. In a time, for most intents and purposes in the US, being gay was still ILLEGAL.
And by the way? The Owl House, a recent, animatec children's show on Disney, was recently canceled for not being "the Disney brand". It features a bisexual woman of color (in an EXPLICITLY wlw relationship) as the main character, not unsimilar to Korra. Misogyny is not dead. Homophobia is not dead. Know your history, and know the work isn't done.
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skrrts · 2 months
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older, wiser & hotter than ever (oneshot)
✧ gn!reader x song mingi ✧ genre: non idol, slice of life, dating, fluff ✧ word count: 2,1k
Mingi didn’t anticipate spending his 25th birthday stuck at an airport because your flight home was canceled at the last minute. There isn't much you can do about it but it doesn't mean you won't make sure it's a birthday to remember in your own little silly ways.
a/n: i wanted to write something short and cute for his birthday. no special warnings. queued it to be posted at Korean midnight hour.
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“I am really sorry we have no better news for you, but due to the weather, there won’t be any flights until morning, once the fog has cleared. However, your rescheduled flight at nine should leave as planned,” the woman apologized again, and you hurried to smile.
“Of course, I understand. Thank you so much for the help,” you offered a polite nod and turned around. After the most amazing week in Los Angeles, it seemed not all plans were meant to work out. Of course, everyone else frowned a bit when Mingi announced with a playful grin how you managed to plan your vacation so that you’d land and return home at the moment of midnight, him stepping out of the airplane as his birthday began. There was a bit of a romantic idea to see it as a symbol of stepping into the second half of his twenties.
Mingi was quite emotional about it; the idea of letting go of his youth was challenging, and you knew it was his way of dealing with it. Now the two of you were sitting at the airport, your flight was canceled because of bad weather, and neither of you had enough cash left to book another hotel to be a bit more comfortable.
Mingi was obviously disappointed. He always failed to hide it, as much as he hurried to smile when he saw you, his hand reaching out to pull you onto his lap.
“I take it they told you there is nothing they can do about it, and we have to please be understanding, while also reminding us that bad weather will not be a reason for the travel company to give us a refund.”
You laughed when he changed his voice, trying to sound like one of those travel agents. You curled your arm around his neck and placed a short kiss on his lips.
“Something like that. I guess we’re stuck here until tomorrow. At least you’ve got a great story to tell — just add a little more action and tension, like thousands of tourists stranded in Los Angeles, scenes close to a battle.”
It was nice to see his features form into his iconic smile: “Don’t forget about the aliens, then.”
The two of you laughed, and he sighed, allowing his chin to rest on your shoulder. “I wouldn’t mind, though, if we suddenly found a black credit card and could spend the night in one of those big, fancy airport hotels. That would be nice. We totally deserve that, don’t we?”
The idea of a large bed instead of the uncomfortable seating areas of the airport was certainly more tempting.
“Absolutely. Speaking of sleep, though, it’s getting late. While we’ll make it back home with half a day of delay, you still should rest a bit.” You ruffled his hair. “Don’t want to start your special day being all tired.”
Mingi pouted and looked at you before giving in. “Fine, but only with my favorite pillow. Let’s move to one of those corner sitting areas, then I can relax against the wall and you can lean against me.”
You nodded and took his hand, Mingi taking care of the luggage you shared with his free hand as you carefully made your way through the upset crowds of passengers, as you weren’t the only ones affected by this. At least you managed to find a more private spot quickly, a small sitting corner far from the ticket counters.
Once the bag was securely stored, Mingi got comfortable, opening his arms wide for you. You snuggled into his embrace, and his arms held you tightly, your head against his cheek as you listened to his heartbeat.
“This was a really fun vacation, even if it ends like this,” your boyfriend noted after a while, his voice sleepy but content. “I never thought I’d come here until you just said we’re gonna do it. The food was really good, and I will have to save up properly next time. Then, I can buy one of those fancy jackets, maybe some cool shoes to go along with it. I’ll wear both at the water restaurant, with some sunglasses, and flash you a smile so you fall madly in love with me, and we walk into the sunset.”
As you listened to him, you couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, Mingi, you already are the coolest and hottest person to me, and while maybe your clothes aren't the big brands, you look amazing in every photo we took.”
As your head tilted a little to look at him, your gazes met, and he smiled lazily but happily. “I have the most stunning and gorgeous person by my side, just making sure I always live up to it.”
He always would have your heart and silly admiration; there was nothing special needed, but you knew Mingi was stubborn, and you did not want to tell him not to aim for something important to him.
“Said person would not mind a good night kiss.”
This time you were the one to pout your lips and grin, mumbling something about how you learned from the best, and you kissed. Your hand rested against his warm cheek as you slowly gave him a gentle shove to relax back.
“Time for that nap. We do not want to miss that late flight because of being too tired,” you teased, but Mingi yawned. Unlike you, he drifted off within minutes, and while you fell into a soft kind of slumber, it was not deep. You just could not see yourself sleeping at an airport at all, eventually ending up just watching passengers pass by, many leaving as it got dark and likely booking some hotel to spend the night there rather than here.
You pulled out your phone and checked the time; it was about an hour left to the eighth of August back at home. This was not how you planned it, but improvising was one of your strengths. You gave your boyfriend a gentle shove.
“Mingi, are you awake? I really need to use the bathroom.”
It took a moment, but eventually, Mingi stirred and gave you a small nod, a big hand ruffling through your hair.
“I’m awake, go ahead.” His husky, sleepy voice was nice — you always loved to hear it.
“I’ll be back soon,” you promised. A quick kiss was placed on his cheek before you got up and grabbed your bag. The truth was you had a few other intentions, a plan made on the spot, finding one of the many restaurants and bakeries at the airport. This one was a little smaller and seemed more personal.
When you approached the woman and asked for the favor, she seemed amused but offered a kind smile.
“That’s no problem if you say the flavor does not matter. We have a few smaller cakes. Would you like a ‘Happy Birthday’ with a name or an age, maybe?”
There was a hint of color on your cheeks: “Actually, I was thinking this?”
You had seen a few of those cakes on Pinterest when searching for ideas for Mingi’s birthday for the small celebration you two had planned for the weekend with friends.
The woman laughed, followed by her co-worker who also glanced at it: “That we can do as well. We just finished a new row of cakes, so give us twenty minutes and it should be done.”
You clapped your hands together: “Thank you very much.”
The woman smiled, and you sat down on one of the free chairs, dropping Mingi a message that you were hungry, and decided to grab some food on the way back, just so he wouldn’t be worried about where you went.
He answered within a moment with a few kissing emojis, so you were relieved to see he was doing okay.
The past few years with him had been some of the best. You loved how reckless he could be while also just embracing his cuteness when everyone else often thought of him as a guy who was a little mysterious and hard to figure out. If anything, Mingi always felt easy to read; the longer you two were together, the fewer the occasions where he would try and hide his feelings from you, something you honored by doing the same.
“Here you go,” the woman handed you a small box, and you opened it, giving it a glance before smiling.
“This is perfect, thank you!” The cake really was small, but that was perfect; wasting food was not an option, and you wouldn’t be able to take any on the flight.
“We hope even with this weather, he has a nice birthday.” The woman winked and gifted you two bottles of coffee for free.
When you slowly returned to your seats, Mingi looked like a lost puppy, his head going left and right to see just where you had been.
“You didn’t think I was running away, did you?” you teased softly as he looked at you, his face brightening up right away.
“Of course not, you just were gone for some time,” he replied, and his gaze wandered to the box in your hand. You offered one of the bottles to him; it was late for coffee, but he did not seem to question it after the two of you just had a nap.
“Well,” you started, looking at him. “I know this day was meant to be special, and we’re about to spend half of it on an airplane instead, but I don’t think that means it has to be any less amazing. After all, it is your day, and how could it not be?”
Look at you being all sappy! At least there was a blush, and he rubbed a hand over his neck.
“Yah, what’s this all about?”
Two minutes until midnight at home.
You smiled, leaning over to unzip the bag and pulling out something you managed to sneak in without him noticing when you packed. The branding on it already made his face surprised.
The two of you went to this one store; they sold really unique pieces of denim jackets, each one of a kind, but the prices were a little steep. So when Mingi tried on the same one four times but sighed because of the price tag, ultimately leaving it behind while talking about just how nice it had been for days, you knew this was it. You went back and bought it.
“Seriously?” Mingi looked like you gifted him a car rather than a jacket when he pulled it out and looked at it like it was the most stunning piece of clothing.
“You loved it so much, and you look good in it, so when I said I wanted to buy some souvenirs, I actually went back to the store. It is your birthday, so no notes about the price! You just owe me to wear it plenty and tell everyone how amazing I am,” you teased, and he pulled it on, right over his hoodie.
“This is the best — you are the best!” He pulled you closer, kissing you deeply. It took a bit of effort not to just lean in and let him pull you over. The hour changed, and you smiled into the kiss.
“Happy Birthday, Song Mingi,” you whispered. Mingi was smiling brightly.
“Thank you. Oof, I love you so much!”
You laughed and finally offered the box to him.
“Well, I hope with a new age comes great hunger. Every birthday should start with a cake. Candles will have to wait for the other one at home, but until then, here you go.”
Mingi grinned: “Is that so? Ah, okay then!”
He accepted it and opened the box slowly, greeted by the text you requested.
‘Older, Wiser, and Hotter than Ever.’
Getting older was scary but also exciting, and you couldn’t wait to see where Mingi was going from here. You were happy to be the one by his side.
“I cannot deny I get older and hotter. I am pretty hot, am I not?” he grinned, and you rolled your eyes, smirking.
“Fine, I admit it.”
“ I will make sure it becomes a daily thing. I don’t promise to get any wiser, but the rest, leave it to me. You won’t regret it.”
Mingi kissed you again, and this time, you just allowed yourself to melt a little more.
Yeah, you were more than content to let him impress you, day by day, for the rest of your life, and all it would take was for you two to be yourselves and be together.
The world stopped, just for you, as thousands of passengers rushed through the busy airport.
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 7 months
valentine's on a budget
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pairing: non-idol bf!Seungkwan x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff, smut, established relationship!AU - minors dni.
warnings: a serious argument, mentions of financial troubles, crying, mentions of getting sick
smut warnings: making out, marking, teasing, dirty talk, use of petnames, fingering, nipple and breast play, minor panty stuffing, minor lingerie kink, oral sex (f rec), edging, mentions of multiple orgasms.
word count: 2.4k
summary: Valentine's day is the holiday you're waiting for the most every single year - but a certain mishap brings a series of events that might test your relationship.
Author's note: hello beloveds! i am finally back haha. this is my entry for the Cupid For You @svthub collab, hosted by my dear @wongyuseokie and the fic is solely dedicated to @dirtysvthoughts 💕I hope you will enjoy this fic Kenny, happy Valentine's and Carat day🥰
©multi-kpop-fanfics, 2024. No reposting allowed. No translations allowed without permission.
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Valentine’s Day. Probably one of the days you’re anticipating the most within the year.
Knowing your boyfriend, he has planned something really exciting and fancy for the two of you - he always knows how to treat you right (and not just on Valentine’s).
When you accidentally found out about the reservation he had made in one of your favorite restaurants, you were smiling like a maniac and feeling giddy like a highschool girl. You could already imagine yourself in your favorite velvet dress and a pair of strappy heels, makeup and hair on fleek. Of course, there was no way you would let Seungkwan know he was busted, it would hurt his pride immensely.
That is, if things hadn’t gone to absolute hell.
“What do you mean the reservation was canceled?” You ask him with a baffled expression.
“You heard me. No fancy dinner tonight.” Seungkwan purses his lips in a thin line.
“Please tell me you’re just trying to mess around with me.”
“I wish I was, but I was forced to cancel it.”
“Forced? By what?!”
“My fucking bank account, Y/N.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“That’s….. I cannot tell you.”
“What do you mean you cannot tell me?! We’re literally sharing a home and a life!” You yell at him.
“I know! But I seriously cannot tell you! I just fucking can’t!” Seungkwan loses his temper.
“What makes it so hard for you to tell me the reason?!”
“My fucking pride!” He yells back.
Silence befalls the living room
“Of all the days to break my heart, I didn’t think you’d pick today.” You say with a monotonous voice, “But I guess your pride is more important.”
Seungkwan lets out something akin to a scoff before turning on his heel to walk out of the house. His action catches you off guard - he’s not the type to just walk away from an argument, let alone of this caliber.
“Whatever.” You roll your eyes in displeasure, going back to the bedroom to remove your dress and shoes.
Taking a glance in the mirror leaves an even more sour aftertaste in your mouth, as you were hoping you would be taking off these clothes a few hours later and perhaps in a more vulgar way. You push these thoughts away as you change into comfy clothes and go to the bathroom, picking up your makeup remover and cleanser to take off your makeup.
The one hour you spent perfecting your face is wiped off in seconds, as if it never existed in the first place. But again, you choose to push away the thoughts of Valentine’s dinner away.
You go back to the living room and sit on the couch, turning on the television to zap between channels. 
The house feels quite empty without your boyfriend around, but you’re not in the headspace to deal with him at the moment.
That is, until you hear thundering outside.
Great, now he’s going to get all soaked, you think, grumbling to yourself. Whatever, he’s a grown man, he should know how to take care of himself.
The thundering grows louder and you can now hear heavy rain pouring on the streets and hitting the windows. You get up from your seat and slide the curtain to the side, your worries growing bigger.
You pick up your phone and dial Seungkwan’s number, but you’re horrified when you hear his phone ringing between the couch pillows.
“Fuck.” You curse and run back to the bedroom to grab a pair of boots and your umbrella, terrified that something bad could potentially happen to your boyfriend.
As soon as you run back to the door and turn the knob to open it, you’re greeted with a soaking wet Seungkwan, whose eyes are colored red - possibly from crying.
“I’m sorry.” He sniffles, shaking like a leaf.
“God, please get inside.” You pull him on the entrance carpet and close the door behind him. “Stay here, I’ll be back soon.”
You make a short trip to the bathroom and return with two towels in your hands, handing them over to Seungkwan.
“Thank you.” He mutters and starts patting the towels to soak the excess water off his clothes.
“You can thank me after you take a shower. Can’t risk you getting sick.”
Seungkwan nods wordlessly and carefully walks towards the bathroom, closing the door behind him. You let out a puff of air through your mouth when you hear the shower tap running and you take off your boots, setting them next to the doormat. 
You’re not stupid -  the elephant in the room is too big to ignore and you don’t intend to just gaze upon it. You return to the bedroom and sit on the mattress, picking your phone from your pocket. It accidentally slips from your fingers and falls on the floor with a loud thud.
“Fuck.” You kneel down to grab your phone, but an unfamiliar box hidden under the bed catches your attention. You struggle a bit to take it out, but you manage to bring it in front of you.
You notice the seal has already been cracked and your eyes widen when you open the box to reveal a brand new laptop.
“What the hell?” You narrow your eyes. “Why is a laptop here?”
“Why do you think it’s here?”
Seungkwan’s voice catches you off guard and you whip your head around to face him.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on? Or is it going to hurt your pride?”
“This laptop is for you, Y/N.” He admits with a neutral expression.
“For me?”
“Yeah, since the one you had completely broke down.”
“How do you even know that?!”
“I saw the receipt from the shop you took it to get it fixed. The owner didn’t charge you and he wrote comments. It’s not hard to put two and two together.”
“Still, what does that have to do with canceling the reservation?” You cross your arms in front of your chest.
“Well, I weighed my options and decided that getting you a new laptop was more imminent and would relieve you of the stress of not being able to work properly and whether you would spend a hefty amount of money on a new device.”
Your features soften when you piece everything together.
“You….used the reservation money for the laptop?”
“Pretty much.” Seungkwan rubs the back of his neck. “Although I hated that I had to ruin Valentine’s because of that. But I didn’t want to watch you be upset because of one dumb device breaking down.”
You can’t help but want to burst into tears after your boyfriend’s confession. 
“I wish I had more money to give you both the laptop and the dinner date, but capitalism kinda hates fun, I guess.”
“Oh my God, Kwan, I-” You cover your mouth with your hands, keeping your sobs from escaping.
“Y/N, it’s okay, it was my fault too.” Your boyfriend wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back soothingly.
“God, I feel like such an asshole right now.”
“Well, to be honest, I wasn’t any better. If I had told you about the laptop from the beginning, nothing would have happened.”
“I’m so sorry.” You give him a muffled apology, hiding your face in his chest.
“I’m sorry too, darling.”
“It’s just that-” You wipe away your tears, “I was really looking forward to that dinner and I had coordinated my entire outfit inside out and all that.”
“I mean…. It’s not too late to check out the inside…” Seungkwan pouts his lips with sneaky glances.
“Well…..I still have it on…” You look at him with a grin, “Do you want to unwrap me?”
“I was a little strapped for cash this year. Do you want to unwrap me instead?” He raises his brow teasingly. “You can think of it as an apology.”
Your grin grows wider and you untie the knot of his bathrobe, letting it fall open to reveal his naked body. You don’t hesitate to take off your clothes and show him the cotton candy pink lacey set you bought recently, just for tonight.
“Holy shit, Y/N, a man could die here.” Seungkwan lets out a ragged breath.
“Mmm, you seem perfectly fine to me.” You smirk and kneel in front of him, slowly wrapping your hand around his half-hard cock. You look up to your boyfriend once before sliding out your tongue to give his shaft a few licks to test the waters.
“Ever the tease, aren’t you?” He threads his hand in your hair and you giggle, kissing the tip of his cock.
“Well, serves you right for putting me through misery.”
“Oh, now you’ve done it.” Seungkwan chuckles and pulls you on your feet, lightly shoving you on the bed. He discards the bathrobe on the floor and climbs over you, capturing your lips in a quite hungry kiss.
“You have no idea how nuts you drive me.”
“Is this about the argument or the lacey set?”
“Both. But talking isn’t the thing we’re supposed to be doing now.”
“I know. You should be doing me.” You grin on his lips.
“Ever the smartass, huh?” You can feel him grinning back.
“Takes one to know one.”
He takes another look at you and the grin is still plastered on his face. Except this time, he wordlessly runs his hands over the semi-sheer lace covering your breasts, his fingertips toying with the delicate material. He carefully slides it down to uncover your soft flesh, deft digits eagerly playing with your taut nipples.
“Mm, that feels nice.” You exhale in satisfaction and you part your legs to let your boyfriend slot himself between them.
“I can give you better than nice.” He whispers and pinches the buds, eliciting a whine from your mouth. He pinches them and rolls them a bit harder, forcing your back to arch off the bed.
“That’s more like it.” He licks his bottom lip and dives his head to attach his lips on your breasts, making out with the plush mounds. He keeps his mouth busy with your nipples, all while his right hand descends towards your neglected core.
“Kwan, please touch me more.” You beg with a whiny voice, wiggling your hips to get some kind of friction.
“You know, for someone who was really angry just half an hour ago, you’re quite the needy little thing right now.” He teases you more about your earlier behavior.
“I said I’m sorry!” You defend yourself.
“I know, darling. I wasn’t planning on keeping you high and dry.” He smiles sweetly as he slides his hand between your folds, moaning lowly as he lets his fingers get soaked in your arousal.
He plunges two of his slender fingers in your pussy, enjoying the way your walls clench greedily around them. Stilling them for a few seconds, he keeps making out with your chest, a few red marks already blooming on your skin.
“God, just stop teasing, please! I’m begging you!” You whine louder and wrap your legs around his back.
“You sound so cute when you beg for me, it almost makes me want to keep you wanting more.” 
“You’re mean.” You put your lips in a pout.
“But I’m also madly in love with you.” Seungkwan presses one last kiss on the valley of your breasts and he climbs down to bring himself on eye level with your lace-clad pussy.
He retracts his fingers and tugs the lace crotch upwards, making you moan and fist the sheets in response. Your reactions urge him to tug on it a bit harder, the thin material rubbing over your clit. Your entrance clenches in a needy manner, your slick gushing out and soaking the pink lace. 
“Eager to make it your second skin, aren’t you, darling?” Your boyfriend comments as he digs the pads of his fingers on your panties to push them in your hole, just enough to make them stick on your pussy.
“I’m n-not the sole c-culprit here.” You stutter, bucking your hips to get a bit more friction.
“One does not negate the other.” He bites back, pulling your panties away from your body, not missing the clear strings of your juices connecting to the fabric. He throws them somewhere in the room and gently unwraps your legs from his back.
He parts them open with his hands, finally uncovering your pussy.
“So worth the wait.” He whispers and licks a fat stripe over your slit, collecting your slick on his tongue.
“Oh God, yes.” You lean your head back on the pillow, your hand creeping in Seungkwan’s hair. The touch you were craving this whole time is finally yours and you couldn’t feel more blissful.
Sex with Seungkwan is never boring, but foreplay? It’s his fucking specialty.
Part of you wants to keep your eyes closed and get lost in the moment, but part of you also wants to keep them wide open and watch your boyfriend worship your cunt.
He uses his thumbs to keep your folds apart and make space for his tongue to re-explore your cunt and savor it like a Michelin star worthy meal.
“Have I told you before that you have the prettiest pussy in the world?” He peeks his head from between your legs.
“At least once during sex, Kwan. Not that I mind, of course.” You tug on his blond hair.
He flashes you a cocky smirk and purposefully circles your clit with the tip of his tongue, never breaking eye contact.
Your thighs clench on the bed, struggling to keep them still. If it wasn’t for Seungkwan’s hands, his head could have been crushed. 
His assault on your bundle of nerves is relentless and the buildup to your climax picks up the pace. 
You don’t want this to end yet, you want him to stay like this for the rest of the night, if possible.
All of a sudden, everything stops and you’re left on the edge of your orgasm, a loud whine bouncing off the walls of the bedroom.
“This might sound cheesy, but will you be my Valentine?” He asks you with doe eyes and glossy, cum covered lips.
“I can’t believe you have the nerve to say this right between my legs.” You protest from above, almost mad at him for ripping all stimulation away from you.
“I also have the nerve to edge you until you give me an answer.” He smirks.
“Fuck, how could I ever not want to be your Valentine?!” 
“Good to know.” Seungkwan grins wider.
“Because the night is still young and only one orgasm won’t cut it.”
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dungeon-strugglers · 1 month
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✨New item!✨ Venomous Arrow Weapon (arrow), rarity varies
The rarity of this magic ammunition is determined by the age of the scorpula stinger affixed to its tip. An arrow with a larval stinger is uncommon, juvenile is rare, and adult is very rare. The poisonous effects of this arrow are non-magical and cannot be dispelled or canceled by an antimagic field.
Larval. A venomous arrow tipped with a larval scorpula stinger has these properties:
A creature hit by the arrow takes an extra 1d8 poison damage and must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature can remake the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Once it hits a target, the arrow is no longer magical and its venom is expended.
Juvenile. A venomous arrow tipped with a juvenile scorpula stinger has these properties:
The extra poison damage increases to 3d8.
The poison’s save DC increases to 15. A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is paralyzed until the poison ends.
Scorpula Swarm. As an action, you can cast the insect plague spell (save DC 15) from the arrow by firing it at a point within 300 feet of you. When cast in this way, the spell deals poison damage instead of piercing. The arrow is destroyed when used in this way.
Adult. A venomous arrow tipped with an adult scorpula stinger has these properties:
The extra poison damage increases to 6d8.
The poison’s save DC increases to 16 and its duration increases to 10 minutes. 
The save DC for insect plague increases to 16 and it is cast as an 8th level spell.
Sand elves of the Hamada tribe prize scorpula venom for its paralytic properties. The quickest way to subdue a trespassing caravan is with a hail of envenomed arrows, fired from shadowy canyon perches. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 200 magic items, printable item cards and card packs, beautiful creature art and stat blocks, and setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore!🧙‍♂️ Thank you so much for your support! 💖
📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
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rjalker · 2 months
Dear teenagers on tumblr, and a whole bunch of adults, too:
You can be any identity under the sun, and that does not stop you from being bigoted or hateful towards other people of that identity or any other.
Being gay doesn't magically mean you can't be homomisic or anything else.
Being aspec does not mean you can't be amisic or anything else.
Being trans doesn't mean you can't be transmisic or anything else.
Your identity does not determine how harmful or hateful your actions and words are. There is no identity in the world that gives you a free pass from biotry and cancels out all the harm you do.
"But I can't be an exclusionist, I'm literally aspec!" is a completely meaningless statement. I know not everyone remembers, or was even online during the aspec harassment campaign, but a ton of alloaces and alloaros were onboard with the whole thing and throwing the "non-Queer aces and aros who make us look bad" under the bus.
Their asexuality or aromanticism did not magically make their actions not violently and horrifically amisic.
Being part of an oppressed minority does not make all of your actions harmless and innocent, and it does not mean that anyone who criticizes you for bigotry against other people from that minority group is just "stupid" and needs to "touch grass".
You being [insert identity] does not mean that it's impossible for you to hurt, or be hateful towards other people of that identity.
If someone tells you that something you are saying is harmful and bigoted, and that there are better ways to phrase what you're actually trying to say, you cannot respond with "I'm literally X identity you stupid idiot, do you think I hate myself??" or pretend that the people telling you it's harmful are just "making up problems to get mad about" and "need to touch grass" and "looking for things to be offended by"
You cannot repeat the exact same words any random conservative would be saying and call yourself progressive and say you're acting in good faith and have good intentions.
If you actually want you make yourself and your blog a supportive place for your community, then you need to learn that it is not okay to respond to people telling you something is hurtful by just repeatedly insulting them and saying they're just looking for problems to cause and you've done nothing wrong because "I'm literally X identity I can't spread hate about my own identity".
Because yes you can. And you are.
If multiple people are telling you you're acting like an exclusionist, that is your cue to stop, take time to calm down your immediate negative reaction, and listen properly.
Do not just immediately leap to repeating exact conservative talking points by accusing people of "looking for things to get offended by".
Do not immediately leap to insulting people's intelligence and other ableist things.
If you are actually acting in good faith, and you are actually trying to be a supportive member of your community, then you have a personal responsability to listen to other people in your community when you are told that something you've done or said is hurtful and is perpetuating harmful, exclusionary beliefs.
You are not immune to being a bigot just because you're also a minority.
You have a personal responsibility to listen to people when they tell you you are doing something harmful.
You have a personal responsibility to unlearn bigoted thought patterns and behaviors like immediately dismissing any criticism as "special snowflakes getting offended by everything".
You have a personal responsibility not to harm your own community.
Everyone needs to learn this lesson at some point. You will either learn it now, when you're young, or you'll learn it when you're older and you've already driven people away from you.
Either way, you gotta learn it.
You cannot repeat conservative bigoted talking points and keep insisting your intentions are good.
If you actually want to be a good person who supports other minorities, you have to learn to act like it. You have to learn to listen when people tell you you've done something harmful. You have to learn to listen when it is explained that you are repeating exclusionary talking points that harm the community.
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[ID: A screenshot of a post by dulce de calabaza / zapatistarising, that reads, "There's actually no political label or identity that absolves you of doing harm". End ID.]
I suggest you try learning it now while you're still young, before you've driven your community away from you with your hateful behavior. No one likes a bigot.
And no one wants to hang out with someone who immediately starts insulting people and all but calling them special snowflakes when they're told they've said something bigoted.
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ofmdrecaps · 3 days
09/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Call To Action: David Jenkins; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Hugo Pierre Martin; How To Help; Other Cast & Crew Sightings: Rhys Darby; Rosie Carnahan Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Leslie Jones; Guz Khan; Damien Gerard; Kristian Nairn; Hugo Pierre Martin;
Well folks. It sure is wonderful to be honking loudly with you again! (Clown or Goose, however you prefer to consider it!). This morning, David Jenkins started us all off with a very specific tweet that set off a chain reaction!
= David Jenkins =
It APPEARS that David is telling us, the fans, that OFMD is "available", and that Netflix is the streaming service to woo. Now, does that mean it's just being bought and streamed? Or perhaps being picked up by a Season 3? There has been some discussion that Netflix sometimes likes to stream a cancelled show before they greenlight another season-- and well, who knows, maybe that's what OFMD is in line for!
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
Then a little later in the day... Samba started us up with a new #, #supnetflix!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
= Con O'Neill =
Con joined in on the sharing!
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Source: Con's Instagram Stories
= Hugo Pierre Martin =
Our "one-line" friend, Hugo Pierre Martin is back at it! He's supporting OFMD in every way he can!
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Source: Hugo's Twitter / 2
The fans took David and the Crew's call to action by starting up a tweet storm! Our friends over at @adoptourcrew also kept the momentum going by putting up prompts!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
Some of our crewmates reminded us, and Netflix, we had the numbers :)
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Source: Florence aka single_cat_mom on Twitter!
As of the time this post was put together, the trends got up to the following! Thank you to APurplePatch on Twitter for captureing them!
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Source: APurplePatch Twitter
And a little schadenfreude for today's festivities! Thank you Ashley!
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Source: Ashley aka Seven_Sugars on Twitter
Well there we are-- great job today crew! Sure is feeling good in the fandom today! If we can, let's keep the momentum up through tomorrow! Are you excited about the possibility of an s3? Well, feel free to join in the manifestations from our friend @xray-vex!
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Source: Xray_Vex Twitter
== How To Help ==
I can't believe I'm saying this again-- but hey! Wanna help out with the renewal (or at least selling OFMD) effort? Please consider some of the following!
Sign the Petition if you haven't already! (Change.org DOES clear out non-confirmed via email signatures every once in a while, so be sure to check your email.)
Request Our Flag Means Death on the Netflix form!
If you're interacting with social media, use these hashtags: #OurFlagMeansDeath #supnetflix #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD
== Other Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Rhys Darby =
New Bill Napier Weather Update from Rhys today on his Substack! There was even a shout out to some of our crewmembers you might recognize! Give it a listen!
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Source: Rhys' Substack
= Rosie =
More Kitten Content from the Darby Household! (why yes, I will use my one movie allowed per tumblr post to add kitten content, I regret nothing).
Source: Rosie Carnahan Darby's Instagram
= Taika Waititi =
Taika's back to his "influencer" phase again!
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Source: Taika's Instagram
= Damien Gerard =
Damien's finally getting to get some relief! Congrats sir!
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Source: Damien's Instagram
= Kristian Nairn =
Kristian catching up with one of his old co-stars, Issac Wright!
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Source: Kristian Nairn Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
I realized I shared Samba's pics last time, but didn't say much about the new campaign! Samba's new Shop Stands campaign is benefiting the LA Regional Food Bank! First up, you can get a hoodie version of the Crew For Life T-Shirt! - Crew For Life Hoodie
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Next up-- Samba is back with another cooking class! This time it's Death By Cheese! Death By Cheese Class
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Source: Shop Stands
= Guz Khan =
New season of Man From Mobeen! Not sure if there's a date yet...but looks like Guz is sharing some pics!
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram
= Leslie Jones =
Leslie was on the Jennifer Hudson Show a couple days back!
Source: Jennifer Hudson's Instagram
= Hugo Pierre Martin =
In case you haven't heard, Hugo is doing a Spotify Audio Series! Wanna check it out? Visit: Spotify
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Source: Hugo's Twitter
== Articles ==
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Alright, lovelies. I have so many things to say and yet no stamina to do so. I'll try to pick up tomorrow-- I just wanted to send this your way, I hope you find the ones who make you feel like you're basking in warmth and love, like the sun.
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Source: StayCloseToYourself_ Instagram
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yearninqheart · 3 months
fine line
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We’ll be a fine line, we’ll be alright.
pairing: regulus black x reader
word count: 2.6k
tags: gender-neutral!reader, non-magic/muggle au, exes to lovers—technically, some angst, some fluff, reader is mentioned to be sick, sort of implies player!reg, trust fund kid!reg, potter!reader (the occupation, not the surname)
warnings: Walburga Black gets her own warning (briefly mentioned), mentions of eating, not proofread sorry. lmk if i missed anything please!
notes: let’s not talk about how i dipped after posting two sandman fics and a (now cancelled) series master for c!w*lbur i never even posted chapter one for. but anyways, heyy how’ve y’all been?? <3 if you follow my main this isn’t even the fic i’ve been talking about, technically. i have a longer reg fic in the works that i hope to finish one day atp lmao. let me know what you think of this fic in the meantime though, i’m apologize for my rusty writing this is more so a writing practice for me but i did have this prompt in my notes for a while so, here she is!
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"It took you long enough." Regulus said with a huff, hand still midair about to knock before you had swung the door open, which leads you to the situation you were now thrust into: your ex-boyfriend standing in your doorway with bags of groceries and takeout in hand.
"Regulus I'm really-" He barely lets you speak before easily letting himself in, setting the bags onto your countertops as he began preparing whatever it was he had bought. "Not in the mood right now..."
Seeing as he's already throwing ingredients into one of your pots, there would be no use in even trying to get him to leave so you shut the door behind you and decided to take a seat at the island, watching as he worked. However, the moment you even took a step forward he was setting down the knife and urging you to go to bed.
"You need to rest, I don't care how much sleep you say you got, you need more. Go. I'll leave some tea by your nightstand." Was all he said before guiding you back to your room and closing the door, barely letting you face him before the door closed, leaving you with too many thoughts when all your body wanted was to curl back into bed. And given that Regulus was seemingly going to be making dinner, there was really no reason to not listen to him. 
When you woke up again, who knows how many hours later, you found a cup of tea by your nightstand as promised, steam coming off the top of it as you took a sip. It briefly brought a small smile to your face before you remembered who exactly it was that put it there.
You felt much better as you got out of bed, taking a moment to stretch before walking towards the hallway where Regulus' voice was slightly muffled due to the soft music he had left on in the background. It was a song you had once loved and played whenever Regulus came over for dinner after work. It's been a while since he's last entered your home as your boyfriend, but he seems content to live in ignorance bliss whenever he comes over-oftentimes unannounced and/or invited —and the song just so happens to appear in the queue.
Your current relationship with Regulus was complicated. The two of you had broken up nearly five months ago, putting an end to a three year relationship that was going seemingly well. One would've thought such a sudden break would cause a rift between you two (it was what you were hoping for anyways) but it appears that Regulus doesn't seem to care. You're certain he's doing it out of spite, but another part of you hopes that there's more to his actions than simply 'spite". It wasn't easy choosing to end such a perfect relationship after all, much less your choice.
As you entered the kitchen, you were met with Regulus' back as he hunched over your countertop, focused on cutting the tomatoes just right even though he knows you hate them (he says it helps with the flavour and you agree, but that doesn't stop you from hating them). You watch as he finishes prepping the food, moving effortlessly around your kitchen to find the exact items he needs. Everything is still where they were when you kicked him out five months ago, and he knows you well enough that that'll never change.
"The salt's on the table."
Except for the salt and pepper, since you were too lazy to put it back after using them last night.
"Good Morning sunshine." He joked, enjoying the way your eyes rolled at the stupid nickname as you stepped towards him.
"Whatcha making?"
"Stew. It just needs to simmer a bit more so that the vegetables cook. Do you want to freshen up while I finish up here?"
You give him a nod, your body stiffening when the normalcy between you makes you forget that you're no longer dating and you catch yourself almost leaning forward to rest your chin on his shoulder. Too embarrassed to even look up at him, you quickly ran off to your bathroom before he could say another word.
By the time you were back, Regulus was just done setting up the dinner table. A part of you hated how you left his spot vacant even after all that's happened. You were in a new city starting anew, you didn’t need a second sea at your dinner table. However, the other part seemed to enjoy how naturally Regulus filled that spot, both the seat across from yours at the table and your home in general. Despite your numerous attempts of trying to push him out of your life he has simply refused and made it apparent he was staying in your life one way or another. Whether that be as your lover or a friend, he was there to stay.
"Dinners ready!" He hummed, catching your attention as he nodded towards your seat.
He was going to turn in the direction opposite of the table but upon noticing your silence, understood and added, "I'll join you in a sec, just going to put these dishes in the sink."
That seemed to be all you needed to hear as you took your seat at the small dinner table, waiting patiently as Regulus allowed the dishes to soak before wiping down the countertops then joining you at the table.
The meal, aside from simple requests of can you pass me some napkins and where's the salt, was silent. Music that you are now certain is playing from the playlist you made after he had moved into the apartment was still playing in the background and brought forth a wave of nostalgia you didn't think you'd get. The normalcy of it all was frustrating however, and you didn't mean to slam your spoon onto the table but he didn't even appear to be fazed by your sudden outburst. It was about time this happened. 
"Why do you keep doing this?" You asked, watching as he simply continues to finish his stew, refusing to look you in the eyes for once.
"Doing what?"
"This!" You gestured around you exaggeratedly. "Visiting me still, cooking for me, keeping me company. We broke up already, Regulus."
"I know." Came his response.
"So why do you keep showing up?" There was no malice to your question. No venom coated words or sharp tongue, only pure curiosity seeing as you've raked your mind for months wondering why he wasn't leaving you alone despite all your efforts.
For a moment, Regulus remained quiet. He didn't look up at you nor did he say a word, slowly finishing his stew and wiping his mouth before setting the plate aside to finally look at you.
"Why are you so persistent we distance ourselves?"
You almost scoffed at his question. For one, you two were now no longer dating, so why continue to see each-other as often as you did whilst dating. Secondly, neither of you will be able to properly heal and move on if the very person you've chosen to leave is still in your everyday life. And thirdly… his mother.
Walburga Black is the wife of a wealthy man in London. Wealthy enough that she was able to fund your entire move to Scotland where she had hoped would be far enough for Regulus to leave you alone and also powerful enough that she was able to even achieve that wish in the first place. The relocating part at least it seems. She had given you a generous job offering for a company she had connections to. It paid better than your job back home and allowed you some extra cash so that you wouldn’t be living paycheck to paycheck. All she asked of you was to ‘leave Regulus alone’. 
Obviously you had refused at first, but with a status like hers and the connections she had, it would not be worth going against her. A week after her initial offer, you had agreed to her deal with a sullen mood as she transferred an additional cheque to your account for ‘being so understanding’. You bit your tongue and simply thanked her before being escorted out of her office and to the car waiting outside. Regulus was currently on a trip to New York, so by the time he landed your cell would be deactivated and your apartment would be bare, leaving behind no traces of you or your relationship for him to hold. 
“This will be better for him.” Walburga had told you. “If there’s no traces of you ever being there, it’ll be easier for him to move on. We don’t need him clinging onto the past now do we?” 
You had agreed, because what else were you to do? 
Even you had assumed Regulus would stay in London. He had everything there, why throw it all away? But it appears that both you and his mother underestimated his dedication–although it is what continues to confuse you every time you see his face. 
"Why did you come all the way here?" Your voice was so soft he almost had to strain to hear you. "You had everything back home, why did you abandon it all just to come here? Don’t you miss your old lifestyle?"
The way he was looking at you made you feel like the answer was blatantly obvious. His brows were furrowed as he tilted his head sideways, appearing to be carefully choosing his next words before sitting up on his chair, letting his elbows rest on the table as the next song started to play from the speaker.
"I had everything back in London because I had you. What good is anything back there if you're suddenly on a train heading north?"
There it was, the confirmation you had both been dreading and waiting to hear since you stepped foot into your new apartment.
"But your mother-"
"Bought us a nice apartment to live in, I know. Such a sweet parting gift don't you think?"
You could almost laugh, had it not been for how hard your heart was pounding at the confirmation you had been waiting to hear for so long. Ironic how despite practicing how you would react when the time came you were now rendered frozen as you tried to come to terms with the fact that it finally happened.
"Regulus," You started but he cut you off by calling your name and for the first time in five months, he looked just like your Reg. He looked at you as if it hasn't been the most excruciating five months for you both, with such a tender and sweet expression you could almost melt.
You had expected the worst. Had practiced your defences for when the fight would occur but it never had the chance to bloom. Instead of getting upset, Regulus simply placed your hands in his, a thumb smoothing over the tops of your knuckles before speaking.
"Perhaps I did have everything," He began. "But I don't know why you subconsciously view me as the kind to even care if I inherit the company or not. They could give it all to the intern for all I care and I'd let them. They can take my name off their will, take back my cards and properties too and it wouldn’t even matter to me."
He saw you open your mouth to speak and cut you off before a sound could even pass your lips.
"I love you." He reminded you for the first time in five months. "I love you, even if it means I am no longer an heir to a multimillion company and my family hates me. Truly I don't care for them if the answer has always been you."
It was almost deafening how hard your heart was pounding, threatening to burst out of your chest any second now if you didn't calm down but how could you possibly do that? How could you even think to calm down when he’s just confessed his love for you at the expense of everything he’s ever known and had. 
Regulus did not say anything further, instead letting you take it all in as he hummed softly along to music while his thumb continued to run over the ridges of your knuckles.
After a moment, he brought your hands towards his face and pressed a kiss to it before clasping his other hand around your own. "I thought I was pretty forward to everyone about my affections towards you, was I not clear enough?" He mumbled quietly.
He was. Upon his first time meeting you, there was a visible shift in his attitude which all of his friends had quickly noticed. He'd decline offers of going out in favour for a quiet dinner at his penthouse with you, cancel on clubbing because you wanted to explore the waterfront when you couldn't sleep at night, he even took up pottery classes since you worked at a studio nearby his apartment and it would mean Regulus could be in your presence for longer, even if he would be bailing on a flight to Paris that his friends had invited him to.
(He thought they would get the hint that he no longer cared for partying but instead began inviting you to come along as well after he introduced you to them.
Regulus had quickly shut them down, though that didn't stop Mary from giving you her number so that you could make plans later.)
All to say that not once since you met him, did Regulus make it unknown or unclear that he was utterly in-love with you. So why did you doubt him when his mother sent you away?
His mother was the simple answer. But as he encouraged you to elaborate, Walburga turned out to only play a fraction of that fear. It was the thought of ripping him from the lifestyle he knew and was accustomed to, from the title and norms he's been raised to adhere to. Sure Walburga was also terrifying, but more so was the thought that Regulus would be throwing away all he ever knew just because of a little crush. 
Business meetings since he was a child, attending galas dressed to the nines with a flock of eligible girls hanging off his arm, fancy dinner parties in different cities every night–if not the most exclusive in the city for when he decides to stay home–was nowhere close to your everyday life. In all honesty, your paths were probably never meant to cross but somehow managed to intertwine at just the right moment, for the love of your life to be here with you now. Now you understand however, that despite the differences in your upbringing and previous lifestyle, this is what he now wants–a simple, easy lifestyle with his lover by his side. 
"I'm sorry." You apologized with a sigh, finally feeling the defeat of the act you've put up since Walburga got into your head about "tarnishing his image".
"Why are you apologizing, love?" A hand came up to hold your cheek, while the other drew comforting circles on top of your own.
"For listening to your mother?" You offered with a short laugh although it didn't quite reach your eyes. It never did whenever his mother was the topic. He couldn't blame you, but that was now in the past.
"Forget her, we'll be alright now."
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taglist, lmk if you want to be added/removed! @retvenkos @with-love-anu @screennamealreadyused @princekooks @jackys-stuff-blog
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baeddel · 1 year
long post abt accessability in games, DMC3, DS1, and control schemes
games like God of War or Devil May Cry can be inaccessible because they have inputs which require button mashing, which is difficult for someone with arhritis or other problems that affect their hands and wrists. but these inputs are generally not required to beat the game; you have a lot of options, so you can just avoid using any move that's too difficult. the main issue is that these games become more demanding the further into the game you want to go; keeping a combo going in DMC requires a very high apm and use of the entire controller, so a person with a motor disability will hit a wall eventually.
this is a design problem which i think is difficult to analyze. DMC starts from a very unique design—it has a huge number of moves, almost all of which are accessible out of neutral rather than hidden at the end of an attack string—which it has to pay for by using a large number of unique inputs (forward + attack, back + attack, forward then back + attack, hold shoot to charge, hold devil trigger to charge [charges can be buffered]). it introduces a lot of complexity, but it's actually less complexity right away than other action games; instead of having to memorize a long list of complicated strings (cf. Bayonetta's Punch, Punch, Kick, Kick, pause, Kick, which is different from Punch, Punch, Punch, Kick, Kick, pause, Punch [click]—have fun with those!), you can learn attack, shoot, devil trigger, then forward attack, hold shoot... etc., one at a time, and mix them into your play and find out when they're good. its combo system is not just complex but also discoverable; players can try out how its different pieces fit together without opening the movelist.
but once a player already knows all the moves, the game starts to ask more and more out of them. not only do you want to use all of the inputs one after the other very fast (try jump cancelling Beowulf's Killer Bee into another Killer Bee for the first time—pretty tough, right? and all you're pressing there is X and △! the inputs get harder!), but since your charge moves can be buffered, you also want to hold O and L1 to charge your shot and devil trigger for when you might need them, and you might also want to lock-on by holding R1. when watching a really good player playing with an input viewer it's not uncommon to see every single button on the controller light up at the same time. doing that stuff is really fucking hard.
so far we don't have any problems; it's a picture perfect picture of a system that's 'easy to use, hard to master,' right? but because the thing thats hard to do in this case is input a lot of buttons at once on a physical controller, we've just frozen out any players with hand/wrist problems or motor issues from high level play, at least without adapting the game somehow. this is a problem that's difficult to predict, difficult to foresee, and difficult to design around; i don't see how you could fix it without making DMC a completely different game than what it is.
so if you started from the premise of designing a game that was accesisble to people with hand/wrist and motor issues (including suckers like me who played a bunch of high apm games like DMC and Runescape and fucked up their wrist), you'd have to come up with something pretty different at a very fundamental level.
this is why Dark Souls is, in a lot of ways, a VERY ACCESSABLE action game. what do i mean? its control scheme is extremely simple. once you press every button on the controller you've learned everything you're going to learn about it (apart from one very non-obvious hard-coded universal cancel, but don't worry about it). all you have to do is dodge or block the other's guys attack and then hit him with yours.
there's a lot of ways that DeS/DS1 approached the action genre differnetly to other games, but right now i'm only going to highlight one: the kind of 'questions' DS is asking its player. if you think about DMC, what is DMC trying to get the player to do? while you can beat the game with one or two simple combos, the system is obviously made in a way that encourages freedom and flexibility, and the game has systems to reward long, varied combos (the 'style' rating). and that's all it wants you to do (apart from in a couple of levels where they want you to do platforming—ugh!). to accomplish this, they lock you in a room with some enemies and only let you out when you beat them all.
in Demon's Souls the main thing they want you to do is navigate complicated dungeons that are full of traps; some levels have mazes in them, and lots of traps kill you instantly. it's similar to Kings Field, which its a spiritual successor to, but it's also similar to other early 3d RPGs: Deathtrap Dungeon, Die by the Sword, Dungeon Lords... (in one interview Miyazaki said part of his job was to play a bunch of 'open world RPGs' for research, and i imagine that included some of these old, weird games; the first dungeon in Dungeon Lords has a rafter-walking section with projectile-shooting enemies, chain-pulley mechanical elevators and highly damage-resistant slimes). they also want you to kill enemies. but the game never forces you to kill these enemies; you're never locked in a room until you kill all the enemies, and enemies never have items that are necessary to progress in the level. enemies are just one obstacle among others. consequently, enemy encounters are designed in a certain way that makes avoiding them difficult and approaching them complex. an enemy that throws firebombs will stand at the top of a long, narrow staircase, forcing you to dodge them on the way up; two enemies will stand behind a doorway and, if you run in blindly, will both attack you from behind. things like that. it was hard to avoid enemy encounters in Demon's Souls because the levels involved suffocatingly narrow corridors and the enemies followed you forever. but it was possible and sometimes desirable. in DS1 running by enemies is often preferable and, with foreknowledge of the level, always possible. it's also a lot easier as enemies don't follow you very far anymore (this change was patched into the game after release).
running and jumping both consume stamina, as do dodging, blocking, and attacking. getting hit costs hitpoints, and falling off a ledge costs all your hitpoints. both aspects of the game (navigation and combat) use all of the same resources, and engaging in combat is generally one of a few options the player has to navigate an area. it is, a lot of the time, by far the easiest option, but most players will find a few areas that they hate enough to always run through. one of the messages players can leave to each other is 'try dashing through.' the game rewards you for killing enemies by giving you souls and loot drops, but it also punishes you for making mistakes by leaving you down on resources—less health, fewer estus, and fewer spellcasts—so the best thing to do at any given time is difficult to analyze.
the questions DS is asking its players, therefore, is to familiarize themselves with the level, come up with a plan, conserve their own resources and make it out with the loot. at lower levels of play the game is mostly about succeeding at lots of combats and navigating lots of traps over a long distance without making too many small mistakes. then, at high levels of play, the gameplay is mostly about movement, exploiting the game's verticality and taking advantage of holes in the enemy placement. but the change from low to high levels of play mostly takes place in the mind of the player, not their hands; they understand the levels better, they are better able to respond to things which were previously unpredictable to them, and they have more confidence in their ability to do what is needed of them.
so our game not only starts off very accessible to players with hand/wrist or motor problems, but it finishes there too. although, i've gone a little too far: the player's hands will change a bit as they improve at the game. like Monster Hunter, the best way to play Dark Souls is to have a claw grip in both hands; the thumbs should operate the analogue sticks, the index finger should operate the d-pad (for toggle escales, the universal cancel i mentioned, as well as changing spells) and the face buttons (for rolling, using items, interacting with doors and items), and the remaining digits manipulating the shoulders/triggers (for attacks, blocks and parries). while running, you want to hold L1 (block) so you can roll (circle) out of a run without jumping. this might be hard for you depending on your condition, but i don't think it's that much worse than holding a controller the regular way.
anyway, the point is this: you might want to think about making your game accessible not just to the general player with disabilities, but to the 'hardcore' player with disabilities. do you want disabled people to not only beat your game, but be really good at it? how would you design systems to accomodate that? i've talked about hand/wrist and motor issues here because it's what i was thinking about (and some games, like Runescape, aren't really accessible to me anymore thanks to my wrists, at least in the way i used to play them), but there are other disabilities you could probably design around. imagine a player who has CFS or ADHD in a way that keeps them from practicing consistently; could you make a game that is rewarding for such a player to try and get really good at nonetheless? Runescape (conceived of competitively, ie. racing to the leaderboard &c) was good for players with certain kinds of disabilities and neurotypes since it required a huge amount of time and dedication, it really rewarded being unemployed, LOL. but what if there was a game that somehow rewarded inconsistency? who knows...
anyway, i'm saying how i tend to think about it as a rebuttal to the way i see most people talk about accessibility in games, which is merely playing games. thus Dark Souls can be criticized for being difficult for a new player to complete, for example. but this always struck me as a bewildering way to talk about games. plenty of disabled people don't just want to complete games, they want to be good at them. and disabled people can and do become good at games and compete and win at them. so the question for me is not so much 'how do i make a game someone with this disability could play?' but 'how do i make a game someone with this disability would want to master?'—a game which doesn't create headaches for them, which works with rather than against them, and which they actually enjoy at all levels of play.
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justhellabifandom · 4 months
I'm so sick and tired of the toxicity going on currently in the 9-1-1 fandom. Like don't get me wrong every fandom has it's toxic side but this bs has just grown since Buck came out and Tommy and him started dating.
Like TommyxBuck shippers have been sending people de*th threats to people who have different opinions,or buddie shippers. If your reaction to anyone talking negative about your favorite ship is to send them de*th threats there's something really wrong with you.
Then there's all the biphobia going on. Saying shit like "I hope Buck gets HIV after breaking up with Tommy." Or "Buck isn't bi if he wasn't with Tommy." I'm begging you look up the definition of bisexual,Buck could date another woman or date another dude after Tommy and still be bisexual!! He could date a non-binary person and still be bisexual. Just because hes dating Tommy doesn't mean he's any less bisexual,and if theres ever a break up it doesn't make him any less bisexual. His journey doesn't depend around Tommy,it's his and no one's else. Also saying your hoping a character gets HIV is fucked up for a few reasons,it's stereotyping bisexuals/queer people and it's harmful. Like do people not know what that is?? How people used to use it a excuse to hate queer people in the 1980s and 1990s?? And the people we lost to it??
Now let's get to people wanting Eddie to be killed off. People generally want a cannon Latino to be killed off just so Tommy and Buck raise Chris??? Once again tf. And the fact people now want Eddie to be killed off after his actor opened up about a su*c*de attempt?? This generally hurts people who have delt with this stuff and for people to want this to happen,when we had both Maddie and Bobby struggle with it. Don't get me wrong mental health needs to be talked about more and I'm thankful for 9-1-1 for talking about it,but it's the fact people want this to parallel what the actor went through blows my mind.
Then people trying to justify Lou ferrgnio racist and grows past. I'm sorry if your using Ryans and Olivers past to validate the stuff he's done,is so messed up. What Ryan did cost him his relationship with the rest of the cast for a few years,and he got cancelled and attacked online back in 2020. It's only now Ryan and the rest of the cast have made addends,but it doesn't change the fact he was held accountable for his actions which he should be. He's apologized,showed he wanted to and made sure he would do better. Nothing will change the fact he said it. For Lou he literally kept shit up on his Instagram and never took it down,and tried to justify his characters actions. He never apologized,never took down the post,he just kept it up even though it's harmful. If someone does something they should be held accountable for there actions,even if it's from the past since it could still hurt people now. Also charging 200 dollars for cameros just to make up head cannons about his character.
Also ignoring cannon,like big plots like Buck literally hating his name,gets pissed off at his parents for calling him it. And now people are calling him Evan?
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katzenklavierr · 7 months
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Hi I'm opening up personal comms again because I'm moving in a couple of months and want to save up some extra money if I can. No slot cap rn but I'll close them if I get more than I'm expecting at once. I'll make a page on my website soon with the queue on it.
DM if interested.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
If non-women want to be around women then they could just learn to behave themselves in the first place
A lesbian meet up, Shabby She, which was first set up in 2016 by five women who were friends with each other, has been canceled by a pub for going female-only, it was revealed. The monthly meet-up in South London has used the same venue since 2018 and, according to Kelly Frost, one of the founding hosts, the event has always “allowed” men who self-declare as trans or lesbians.
After enduring years of discomfort with the presence of trans-identified men at a lesbian meet-up, Ms Frost asked for feedback from members, many of whom reported feeling similar discomfort. The organizers then decided to make the event women-only at the end of 2022, slightly before the event was going to take a break for Christmas, even at the risk of “losing the venue.”
In February 2023, the hosts “put their plan into action” by announcing to their members by email that the event was going to be women-only.
The next day, according to Ms Frost, the pub where the meeting had been happening regularly for five years was getting “slandered” online. Frost said that she received a phone call from the pub alerting her of the slander. “I have screenshots of what was said about us in one Facebook group,” Frost told 4W. The decision by the hosts to make the event women-only was deemed as making trans-identified males “unsafe” and that the organizers were “violently anti-trans.”
“Within three more days,” said Frost, the pub sent Ms Frost an email apologizing for the fact that they would not be able to host Shabby She anymore.
Ms Frost told 4W that when she and four other women created Shabby She, she was the only one who felt uncomfortable with the presence of men who self-declared as trans at a lesbian night. “There was no point of even having the discussion,” said Frost, who used to be accused by the other hosts of being a “bigot” and a “nazi” if the event was not “inclusive.”
“We reached a sort of unspoken agreement,” said Ms Frost. She would still occasionally express her beliefs but still felt that her concerns were being ignored. However, gradually she managed to turn things around with one of the other hosts, Cath Slingsby, who started sharing her views on female-only spaces. The three other hosts who were in favor of including men who self-declared as trans eventually stepped down from their roles.
There were some “hiccups along the way,” according to Ms Frost. There was a regular demand from other organizers to not only include trans-identified men at a lesbian-only event, but also the use of “wrong sex pronouns”, a request Frost said that she was not willing to comply with. “I hate being inauthentic and I hate lying and I was being forced to lie.”
Frost said that she used to ignore their presence as much as she could and would not talk to the men, or introduce them to other women, but that also meant that she also could not talk to the female attendees who were at the presence of the men. She told 4W she felt like she was “ignoring nice women” that she wanted to be ”friendly to or want to get to know.”
After that, Frost and Slingsby, the only remaining hosts, took the decision to make the meeting exclusively for women. “I sent an email to members (on February 9) telling them that I removed around 1300 members who didn’t have pictures or were not active for more than a year on Meet Up for security reasons,” said Frost. “That basically removed most of the regular men.”
Next, Shabby She hosts asked for feedback from members about the event going female-only. “The response was very positive,” said Frost. “Many women wrote messages thanking us for the initiative.”
Ms Frost told 4W that the managers and staff at the pub are a “really lovely bunch and don’t deserve to get hassled online.”
How does not being invited to an event make someone feel “unsafe”?
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hadesoftheladies · 2 months
Hades' Personal Reflections on Separatism and Power XD
so here's my current definition of separatism:
any deliberate action that women take to divest from men that simultaneously transfers energy, resources and other forms of investment to female community. it must be an exercise of women's autonomy and power that deliberately excludes, de-centers and disadvantages men while promoting, centering and including women.
this definition would hence designate the following as not separatism:
-religious or non-religious sex segregation (this is not an exercise of women's autonomy)
-religious celibacy (this is not done for the sake of female community and also invests in male hegemony by focusing on male religion)
-girl's night out where the conversation is predominantly about relationships with men (even parasocial ones) XD
-domestic scenarios women are forced into where they find themselves able to talk to each other (i.e. women in the kitchen during a family reunion)
-sex segregation in general (because separatism is organized by the oppressed and segregation is organized by the oppressor)
this definition would include:
-exclusively female social groups (clubs, meetings, etc) where resources such as information and even financial aid are shared between women (like grandma's wednesday knitting club)
-women deliberately refusing to marry, date or befriend men (or all three at once)
-consuming only female products or intellectual property
Some say separatism is better off being simply described as women physically separating from men. After all, who is the oppressor here? It is men that pose a threat to women and it is relationships to men that disadvantage and drain women while advantaging and reviving men. It seems silly to say that a woman who dates and lives with a man but reads only female authors is somehow radical or a separatist (and we must remember that separatism is an expression of radical feminism hence must be aimed toward radical reformation of patriarchal social structures). It's practically an insult to separatism by trivializing the very thing it exists to eradicate (unlike other forms of activism): male supremacy in the interpersonal sphere.
If we were to try distinguish between these forms and call celibacy "radical separatism" and reading exclusively female authors "quasi-separatism" none of these terms would make sense because separatism is (or must be) itself radical action and de-centering men while reading is still a form of male exclusion, divesting from male hegemony and financial/social investment in female community.
So we're at an impasse: because separatism must always be radical and yet, things that don't seem very radical still re-structure power on some scale (thus fulfilling the basic requirements of the end-goal of separatism which is to reclaim power as women in the interpersonal sphere by excluding male access to us). A woman who divorces her husband but keeps her son is divesting from male power in a socioeconomically impactful way on one end, but not on the other.
And there's the problem: she may disadvantage and separate from her ex husband (separatism) but is also investing in and raising her son (not separatism). So what we're really asking here is: "if not dating or marrying men was separatism and radical, does doing other non-radical things cancel out said radical action?"
I'd say no. Which is why I find the vegan metaphor unfitting for this discussion. I find it more useful to define separatism and radical action through the lens of power: who is getting it, who is losing it and to what extent they are empowered/disempowered.
For example, exercising is healthy but drinking heavily is unhealthy. Me exercising will always be a healthy action regardless of what I do after. Me drinking excessively will always be unhealthy. Does it make sense to then call someone who both exercises and drinks "only healthy" or "only unhealthy"? Or is it better to discuss which of their actions are healthy or unhealthy rather than attach an identity to it?
That seems to be the heart of this disagreement. Half of us think drinking heavily excludes you from being a healthy person period. I say that exercising is still meaningful action that counts as being "healthy" or contributing to health. Not because it's necessarily "more right" but because it seems more productive to me. Separatist action will always be separatist action. Non-separatist behaviour will be non-separatist. Does that make women practicing separatism in one form and not practicing separatism in another separatists or not separatists?
I think it's not that important. Separatism (exercise) is still good to practice and as many women as possible should engage with it however or whenever they can. Exercise will always be healthy (no matter who does it) the same way divesting from men and investing in women in any form will be a form of beneficial separatism that absolutely challenges the male status quo. Non-separatist action (drinking) will still never be empowering or radical the same way partnering with men will never challenge the male status quo. I find it more productive to ask how one can take more radical action rather than whether one is or is not radical.
Because to talk about being a separatist or radical feminist as something one is or is not rather than something one does (radical/separatist action) or does not is to inevitably limit it to ideology, which limits it to the realm of history and appeals to authority (feminist theorists and academics).
Note: I use my definition of separatism because I think anything that excludes males in order to empower women is best described as separatism rather than anything else. I don't think it makes sense to call these transferrals of power under these feminist goals "not separatism."
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ofmdrecaps · 2 months
07/27-28/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi; Galaxy Con Raleigh: Kristian, Con, Vico, and Nathan; Bronson Pinchot; Minnie Driver; Kay Buchanan; Adopt Our Crew: Articles; Voting Reminders; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== David Jenkins ==
David posed an interesting question to the gallery. (I know many weeks back someone was mentioning a similar thing being related to Non-Binary Folks, not sure if that was Chaos Dad's intent or not, but you can answer on Instagram if you'd like!)
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Source: David Jenkins Instagram
Dad also reblogged the absolutely INSANELY talented @blueberreads' fabulous latest pixel video!
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Source: David Jenkins Twitter / Blueberreads Tumblr == Taika Waititi ==
More Taika at the Louis Vuittan Pre-Olympics event.
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Source: styledumonde Instagram
PS: I didn't wanna post her post here but sending healing thoughts to Rita Ora (Taika's wife), apparently she was hospitalized in the last couple days. Hope you feel better soon Rita! Rest up hon!
== Galaxy Con Raleigh Updates ==
So many pictures came out of GalaxyCon Raleigh! I was only able to get permission from a few folks-- but if you were there and you'd like me to share them on the recap please feel free to reach out! I'd love to!
Poor Kristian was jet lagged pretty bad.
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Source: Kristian's IG Stories
So much Nathan!
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
= GalaxyCon Raleigh Panel ==
Tell Tale TV was at the panel and will be bringing some more news in the upcoming days!
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Source: Tell Tale TV Twitter
The fabulous @/cecillusive on Twitter was kind enough to let me share their transcriptions of the panel! If you have access to twitter, you can see the Full thread here. First up, apparently audio captioning was displaying what was being said backstage!
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Source: Cecillusive Twitter
== Bronson Pinchot ==
Bronson is back with more Ned Low showing up in his Serge clips!
== Minnie Driver ==
Fun news! Minnie will be voicing the new Oswalda Cobblebot (The Penguin) in the animated movie: Batman: Caped Crusade, which arrives August 1!
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She was also out at San Diego Comic Con this past week promoting it!
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Source: Minnie Driver's Instagram
== Kay Buchanen ==
Our extremely talented leatherworker, Kay Buchanan has been posting some stunning work she's been doing-- including what's available for sale! Are you in the market for some satchels, body harnesses, leather armor, or tassel bags? Well she's got you covered! Visit her Instagram for more info!
Source: Kay Buchanan's Instagram
== Adopt Our Crew: Articles ==
Adopt our crew spotlighted some quotes from the latest screenrant article that mentioned OFMD and there's some very interesting honk-inducing information in there. Thank you @adoptourcrew for keeping the honk going!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Voting Reminders ==
Only a couple more days to vote for Rhys and OFMD in the Gold Derby Awards! Reminder, you do need to sign up with an email/account to vote! Vote here! Thank you @adoptourcrew for keeping us reminded!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
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We're a down by part of a % on the Tell Tale TV Poll! It closes at the end of July! If you are up for voting-- you can do so every day! Most Heartbreaking Cancellation of 2024 So Far Poll
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More cast cards from the wonderful @melvisik! Ken S. is an action extra in OFMD and Alison Telford is another one of the Casting Directors!
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Source: @melvisik's Instagram
= OFMD Colouring Pages =
Our darling @patchworkpiratebear is keeping us fed with more and more ofmd colouring pages! Many of these also have multiple versions now so please check out @patchworkpiratebear's tumblr for more options!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies, I'm still on crazy hours for work and will be probably through the end of July. I am always thinking of you though, I hope every one of you is well and having a good or at least not too heavy start to the week <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's gifs are courtesy of the lovely, the fantastic, the beautiful, the awesome @ofmd-ann and @starfleetavenger-blog!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
BPP, hi
I was thinking, if Jungkook and Jimin are together. Why would risk their safety, by doing things like, jikooking non stop in every docu, going on trips and showing the romantic result in the end, constantly flirting during lives, saying things that let us know their families are close, etc. They must know it will harm them sooner or later. Why not be more careful?
If you don't mind scrolling back far enough, you'll see an ask from a few days back, of someone frustrated that the wider fandom doesn't 'see' jikook.
And there's your answer.
A lot of people dislike other members to the point they can't stand watching much of any content that shows those members, so their chance of catching on to jikook is already minimal. Also, many people can excuse jikook's actions as fanservice, putting on an act for the job, or fulfilling a persona - all of which are normal for the industry. The cues that people who dig deeper into jikook pick up on, are oftentimes lost in the white noise of whatever else is happening for other people. They don't really 'see' jikook.
Jikook can afford to show their affection out loud. They can add in their butt squeezes into the tsunami of Bangtan ass grabs that happen anyway, but then, after the concert, have it be typical for Jungkook to spend hours on end in Jimin's room (and the kicker is it's been like this since debut). Jikook can have an 'orbiting satellite' situation, in a group of seven tannies who move like a litter of puppies anyway. Jikook can wear queer clothing brands and items with queer symbolism, in an industry that has many idols doing the same as the norm. That ambiguity and plausible deniability is what protects them in a sense.
Some people call this odd, limbo of denial and acceptance that k-pop idols can take advantage of: the glass closet. [ @stormblessed95 has talked about this (perhaps in passing) on their blog before I believe, so feel free to search up "glass closet" or table your ask directly to them. They're nice. :) ]
That said, everything has a limit, and plausible deniability is worth less and less in the age of online mobbing and cancellation.
So I hope jikook are safe, and remain safe. Happy, too.
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