#not ocd safe
demonadelem · 8 months
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Rare pity, mercy and compassion of the giants called humanity
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weirdgirlcroix · 8 months
And just like that asks are no longer on for this blog
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> be me
> have ocd
> See a product you've never heard of mentioned
> Google it
> it's racist
> ocd says you knew it was evil and looked it up anyway so obviously you're a danger to society 🤷‍♂️
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If you advocate for mental health awareness, but joke about things like intrusive thoughts and schizophrenia, think it’s disgusting and lazy when people who are depressed can’t do things like showering or cleaning their room, use terms like “narcissistic abuse”, and believe that having ASPD, BPD, or NPD makes someone a bad person, you are not a mental health advocate. You don’t actually care about helping people or de-stigmatizing mental illness, you just want to make yourself feel like you do. You can’t pick and choose what disorders and symptoms are acceptable, and which ones make someone a bad person. Either you support everyone, or you support no one.
and if you’re neurodivergent/mentally ill and you do any of those things, you are part of the problem. there’s no such thing as “good/moral” disorders, or “bad/immoral” disorders. We all need to have each other’s backs.
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ghostslimu · 1 year
you will never be a bad person for not reblogging a post on tumblr, please remember that
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writethatdown · 2 years
friendly reminder that you are safe if you choose not to reblog posts threatening ‘x’ bad thing will happen if you don't. i know that it can be anxiety inducing, especially to those struggling with intrusive thoughts. i promise you that you are safe love. if u needed a sign to believe that you and you're loved ones are safe, here u go. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ > this bear is protecting you rn ♡
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Tim had his spleen removed, right. This means he would not be able to withstand bacterial infection as well (a.k.a. getting sick, which happens a lot when people get injured or sleep deprived cause their immune system weakens), so for his own safety, he would likely take care of himself more than the other bats would care for themselves. He probably wouldn't get in a fight he knows he would badly lose, or win but get very injured during. Tim would be the calm and calculating one. He already is deemed as smart and a great detective, so that makes him even scarier.
He gets a reputation as a vigilant far more dangerous from his siblings, cause he perches like a bird above the fight, but if he gets involved, then the villains know they're goners. If it's Dick, Jason, Steph, Cass, even Damian and Batman himself, people don't get as intimidated, but should Tim come in, they back off so fast. In this essay I will...
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a-sip-of-milo · 8 months
Sending my love to the neurodivergents who fit common stereotypes.
Those with OCD who are obsessive about cleaning.
Those with NPD who can be manipulative and controlling.
Those with Autism who have "childish" interests and/or behavioural manners.
Those with BPD who are unhealthily possessive over their loved ones/FP and can be the toxic one in relationships.
Those with ADHD who bounce off the walls.
Along with everyone else. You deserve a space to heal and grow just as much as the rest of us do.
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neuroticboyfriend · 14 days
some disabled & neurodivergent side of tumblr safety & etiquette:
dont: dump negativity on positivity posts. if you dont relate to a post, it's either not aimed at you, or you're not ready for its message (and thats ok!)
do: make your own posts expressing how you feel; your feelings still matter and your blog is just the place to express them.
dont: speak over people with different experiences than yours, or speak on things you don't know about.
do: have an open mind and educate yourself on things you don't know much about - uplift the voices of people with direct experience.
dont: send unprompted vent or advice asks to blogs that dont have that as a stated purpose.
do: check out a blog to see if they take vent/advice asks; if you dont see anything, ask if you can vent/seek advice first - or add a disclaimer at the start of your asks, with TW.
dont: engage with triggering content. dont post your triggers publicly either, my lord.
do: engage with content that helps you express, process, and cope with your health. take breaks when you need them, too.
dont: treat bloggers like celebrities or like they owe you a response.
do: treat bloggers like regular people; respect boundaries.
dont: demonize ANY condition. including paraphilic disorders, sexual/moral OCD, personality disorders, addiction, or factitious disorders
remember: we're all dealing with our own stuff, and we're all in this together. if anyone acts as if this isnt true, they're probably not in a good place themself.
(feel free to add on!)
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joeythefrog · 2 months
I see your ADHD Race, your ODC Davey, your autistic Albert. And I raise you OCD Race.
Due to misrepresentation and the stereotypes of OCD I haven't seen this ever, but I need to.
Race who always needs things to be even, who used to have concerning fits of 'violence' as a kid where he would slam himself again walls, kick things, punch stuff until both sides of his body felt even. Who had to go to hospital with a broken nose because he just had to keep punching it.
Race who has rules revolving around keeping people safe (OCD is having a bad scary thought and doing an action to make it go away as a base summary) and cries whenever Jack pulls him away from drumming his fingers against the table or running laps around the room because he's being annoying or scaring people and screaming that he doesn't want everyone to get sick and die
Race who swings like a pendulum between thinking that he's insane and being convinced that everyone thinks this way -he's the one who can't take it and struggles
Race who doesn't give a shit about how clean his room is and is very rarely afraid of dirty things because that isn't what OCD is
Race who lies in his bed for hours in the morning and bawls because he wants to get up but he can't because he wants his friends to live
bonus points for Dasher crawling in with him and Race holding his son close as he sobs because he is so breakable he can't risk it
Race who only ran because when he was walking anywhere he would get the thought that something was chasing him or that the world was ending and he wouldn't be safe until he got home and was able to stop.
Race who got his name because of it because he was running through manhattan as fast as he could because he wanted to be safe but the world was ending
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My life progression has been
(Tw... just tw lol)
"It is personally my job to keep everyone around me safe and alive." > "I have healthy boundaries now" > "It is personally my job to keep everyone around me safe and alive but if I do anything for anyone or offer them any sort of comfort I are literally grooming and abusing them and I will permantly damage them without a shadow of a doubt."
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cupboard-of-npd · 2 months
Sometimes I think we need to be reminded that mental health is an incredibly vast spectrum and there is no right way to have a mental illness esp if you have comorbid disorders
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pricklymuffinzzzzz · 2 months
Jokes I don’t think are funny,
Jokes about when mixed ppl don’t look mixed
Jokes about how “borderline” or manic someone is acting
Jokes about “the voices”
When someone jokes about how they haven’t eaten all day, like okay??
When someone jokes about another persons mental illness when they haven’t gotten permission.
When someone jokes about wanting to go to a mental hospital, saying “I need the vacation” “silly people vacation” etc, treating it like it’s not severely traumatic. Stop joking about that shit.
Oh and stop fucking joking about having ptsd, it’s not fucking funny, shut the fuck up
I can’t stop anyone from making these jokes but can y’all shut the fuck up sometimes? Like unless you’ve experienced it, when you have the trauma it’s funny. But when you just say that shit for fun it’s so fucking annoying.
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idk who needs to hear this but you *can* relate to someone’s struggles with a specific disorder without having said disorders
it’s honestly one of my biggest frustrations when you’re venting about a disorder you have or see people talking about it online and then you see people chime in “omg I didn’t think I had this but I relate to this so I have it!” and i don’t mean those people who have genuine concerns about having a specific disorder. (fyi, if you have genuine concerns regarding a specific disorder you may have, this isn’t about you!! it’s perfectly valid to stumble upon a disorder you didn’t know existed that explains your situation perfectly and have questions about it <3)
i’ll use this as an example but if someone is currently struggling through cancer and they vent to you about extreme exhaustion and fatigue, most people wouldn’t be like “omg I feel exhausted and fatigued too!! i must have cancer!” but would probably say something along the lines of “ive struggled through exhaustion and fatigue myself due to other reasons so i can understand what you’re going through and how you feel.” it’s okay to have questions about disorders and want to know more to maybe better situations you’re going through/ are in but just seeing one thing you relate to and claiming a whole disorder because of it can be very damaging to the people who have said disorders.
as someone with a cluster b personality disorder, there’s already so much stigma around them and that’s excluding all my other disorders/ problems. i’ve seen people who have no idea what BPD is, relate to a small portion of it, claim it as something they have with no research into it or professional advice, and then unknowingly play into stereotypes or spread more stigma about it. there’s so much more to a disorder than one or two things you see someone posting about. there’s also a lot of other things someone could have that also change how disorders present themselves in different people.
a person can have disorder A and vent about it but what you don’t know is that they also have disorder B, C, D, and E. although their main post is about disorder A, disorder C, D and E can also be big factors in it without you knowing. you might be relating more to the disorder C and E aspect of it over the “main” disorder A part of it than you really realize.
the purpose of me saying all this is not to be hateful, “gatekeep”, discourage people who genuinely have concerns, want to participate in genuine conversations about these topics, or for any other malicious reason. im just coming at this as a person to who’s genuinely really exhausted. it’s already so hard living with certain disorders and then you see people online who glorify, romanticize, or even fetishize certain disorders while cause harm to those people who genuinely suffer from it.
i stumbled upon someone’s post on a different platform and her whole shtick was “i have BPD but I’m uber normal abt it and not bat shit insane like literally everyone else who has it + having FPs is totally amazing and not super draining and exhausting” and it was honestly heartbreaking. her whole reasoning for having bpd was that she got obsessive over people she was in love with so therefore it was her FPs and got depressed if they didn’t spend time with her.
if you’re genuinely curious and have real concerns, please do your hardest to research it and/ or seek professional advice if possible. don’t put others who have the disorder down when they don’t meet or work with your agenda. thank you.
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borderline-culture-is · 4 months
bpd + moral ocd culture is wondering if u are being abusive, manipulative or too clingy in every display of affection you do
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schizopositivity · 2 years
everyday i hear people publically say stuff like "sorry repeat that again i have adhd i have trouble consintrating"
but i dont feel safe saying "sorry repeat that again im schizophrenic i have trouble consintrating"
like yes being able to talk about some mental illnesses publically is a huge step forward and im happy for you
but i literally dont feel safe telling people publically that im schizophrenic due to the decades or longer of stigma
widespread mental health awareness completely ignores us schizophrenics when were the ones with horrible stigma and a long history of medical abuse
if you have a mental illness that is getting public awknoledgement congratulations, now do your part and stick up for the hidden side of the community
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