#not the one who bears all the responsibility.
genderqueerdykes · 3 days
if you are a trans man or masc, masculine nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfluid or other gender non conforming identity, masc gay, a bear, a butch, stud, or boi, or other masculine queer person and don't feel welcome in any queer spaces, you're not alone.
the communities both irl and online have become EXTREMELY hostile toward mascs and men to the point of straight up excluding us and changing their wording to justify their violent exclusion. from renaming nonbinary spaces to "femme & them" and "she+" spaces, to telling men & mascs that they would "Scare" the women and "nonbinary" folks just by being there, as if masculinity and manhood are inherently traumatizing to be around.
masculine and male nonbinary folks have it so hard- most nonbinary spaces are almost definitely women's spaces who also conflate womanhood with nonbinaryhood, and often times just view nonbinary people as confused women. we are not inherently traumatizing to be around: masc enbies need places to go. we are still nonbinary and still trans and still queer for fucks' sake
nonbinary has never and will never mean femme or woman-adjacent inherently. nonbinary means what it means: people who don't or refuse to adhere to the gender binary, regardless of what side it is. masculinity is included in this, femininity is not the only way to be nonbinary.
masc queers do not have to bend over backwards to try to be more feminine and thus "less threatening" in order to have places to go. that's dysphoric and just inaccurate to a lot of queer folks' identity and presentation. it blows my mind because it makes no sense, anyway, even within the gay community, hypermasculinity has been present and even sought after by some people who find it very attractive, twunks, hunks, bears... but between the periods in queer history people started viewing masc gay leathermen and kinksters as the ones who were responsible for spreading AIDS and thus removing them from pride parades,
AND the lesbian separatism moment picking up to remove butches & male & masc lesbians from lesbian spaces identity, paving the way for modern rdical femniism, we've only entered a downhill landslide of hating men and mascs and ultimately trying to erase us from the queer community entirely.
the queer community is not the "women & femmes community". the queer experience is broad and vast, it includes a wide variety of masculine and male experiences, as well as genderfluid, multigender, completely ungendered and other gendered experiences. the lesbian, trans, bisexual, nonbinary, gay and general queer communities aren't the "safe place to hide from men & mascs community" like estranged rdfems and terfpilled trans folk like to tell you they are.
this is the QUEER community and it includes ALL forms of queerness, masc, femme, butch, male, neutral, bigender, neutral, and all. he/shes and he/hims and he/theys and he/its and so on are just as much of a part of this communities as she/hers and they/thems. you can't cast a blanket of "inherently abusive" over all men and mascs and one of "inherently abused/incapable of being abusive" over all women and femmes because that just traps you in a fantasy land that doesn't exist AND it prevents mascs and men from getting the help, resources and community they NEED.
men & mascs are hurt and abused by women & femmes every day and we refuse to speak about them because we live under a white cisheteronormal patriarchy and have complaints about how that functions. the complaints are legitimate but assuming that all men and mascs are oppressing all women and femmes and that women can never be oppressive is a false as hell narrative that actively damages people.
enough is enough. this mindset is hurting people. it's leaving masc and male queers to be estranged, harmed and even dead. i care about you if you're being affected by this mentality and these behaviors. you deserve community, safety, and a sense of belonging, you do belong, even if we struggle to form our own spaces due to unjust hatred. we will do our best to band together and keep each other safe. we must
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Today was Yom HaShoah, the day that Jews remember the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the industrialized genocide of the European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators from 1941-1945.
This is a really simple opening statement, but bear with me--I think it gets a lot more... 'yeah, buts' than most people may realize. And I think a good way of illuminating that is to break down the difference between how gentiles and Jews commemorate and remember it.
In my experience, gentiles seem to view the Holocaust as the ultimate example of mankind's barbarity to mankind. Like, the distillation of evil, the most obvious example of dehumanization and bigotry brought to its horrifying and extreme conclusion. They emphasize Nazi Germany's responsibility, elevate the instances of non-Jewish Frenchmen and Poles and Germans who made efforts to save Jewish lives, and generally view Nazi oppression as a catastrophe of whom Jews were one of many victims. And they emphasize the Allied Powers' role in ending it by liberating the camps and invading Germany. Hence why International Holocaust Remembrance Day falls on January 27th, the day Auschwitz was liberated.
But Jews have a different perspective.
We view the Holocaust as the most extreme manifestation of--but far from the conclusion to--mankind's barbarity to Jews. Not to his fellow man, per se, not to some universalized insert minority here slot, but to Jews, particularly and deliberately. The Nazis could never have accomplished their genocide were it not for the two millennia of anti-Jewish hatreds and dehumanization embedded deep in the institutions and political structures of European society. They didn't have to persuade Europe that the Jews were incurably evil, the Europeans already believed that. The Nazis had 99% of their work done before they'd even come to power, work that was done by the the Russian Empire, the Romans, Martin Luther, Christian Passion Plays, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the centuries of blood libels, the Fourth Lateran Council, the New Testament, the Spanish Empire, and on and on and on and on. It's as if some people think Hitler just woke up one day, out of the blue, with a total hatred of Jews and managed to use propaganda to convince the previously 100% tolerant Germans to hate Jews, too. Antisemitism did not begin or end with the Holocaust.
The sole responsibility of Nazi Germany in the Holocaust is also just... not true. Vichy France rounded up 13,152 Jews in the Vel' d'Hiv roundup, with not a single German participant, and sent them off to be murdered in Auschwitz. Vichy passed antisemitic legislation without any outside coercion--French Jews were hiding as much from the French police as they were from the Gestapo. France, of course, was the home of the Dreyfus Affair--antisemitism was and is a deep part of French society. And it isn't just France. Ukrainian nationalists participated in the Lviv pogroms, killing maybe around 8,000 Jews, Poles perpetrated the Jedwabne pogrom, and that doesn't even bring in that countries like the US, Switzerland and Ireland and Britain blocked Jewish emigrants, and I could just keep going on, but I think you get the point. Quite simply, six million Jews interspersed throughout Europe don't get murdered if it isn't without the collaboration of--or at minimum, silent assent and indifference--of all of their neighbors. The Nazis were the primary perpetrators of the Holocaust, of course, but almost all of Europe collaborated on some level, too. And this is a history that gets wiped away in favor of the comforting narrative of the Allied Powers bursting into Auschwitz, killing Nazis, and being horrified by what they've found, and then the poor people in the surrounding towns having NO IDEA about what had been going on. I think this narrative is why gentiles have International Holocaust Remembrance Day when Auschwitz was liberated--when they 'came to the rescue'--and why we have Yom HaShoah on the day in the Jewish calendar that the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began--when we died on our own terms in spite of our murderers.
Think of the tiny, unwritten, centuries old minhagim of small Jewish shetls and towns like Trochenbrod, which were entirely annihilated. The end of the burgeoning Yiddish cinema. Yiddish going from 13 million speakers to 600,000 today. See how many entries in this list of shetls end with "town/city survived, but all/most Jews exterminated." Imagine for a moment, the potential rabbis and scholars and actors and scientists and artists who could have lived, had they survived or been born of Jews did. Three and a half million Polish Jews, to around 15,000 to 20,000 Polish Jews today. Imagine if Thessaloniki were still a majority Jewish city. How many Jews worldwide would be alive today had the Holocaust never happened? I've heard estimations of 32 million, compared to the real life 16 million. To kill such a massive number of people from an already tiny minority group--that has real consequences. The cultural loss for the Jewish people is staggering and beyond human comprehension.
And yet, the Nazis deliberate targeting of us is, in many ways, being pushed aside. Magnus Hirschfeld was gay, yes, and advanced the Institute of Sexology way ahead of its time and yeah, the Nazis were homophobic. But they were homophobic for antisemitic reasons. They viewed his work as Jewish perversions BECAUSE Dr. Hirschfeld was Jewish. In fact, they viewed homosexuality as a creation of the Jews. But so many progressive queer people, especially those who run in antizionist circles, seem to be trying to co-opt the Holocaust as being their trauma, downplaying Hirschfeld's Jewishness and holding the Institute up as proof that queer people were the 'real' victims of the Holocaust, entirely shutting out the millions of Jews, Sinti, Roma, and Slavs who were murdered. You can also see this in anti-mask conservatives comparing masking mandates during the pandemic to anti-Jewish legislation in the Holocaust, or the comparisons of the ongoing war against Hamas as being a 'modern day Holocaust.'
This phenomenon, Holocaust universalization, gets so much pushback from Jews for a reason--it downplays the anti-Jewish character of the Holocaust. It's softcore Holocaust denial. And it's so ridiculous we even have to say that, as the whole point of the Holocaust was to be anti-Jewish, to be the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question." It's 'All Lives Mattering' the Holocaust. Holocaust universalization, and Holocaust inversion--the phenomenon of talking about Jews, Zionists, or Israelis as perpetrating a 'new Holocaust'--minimizes and trivializes the astounding damage and traumas and death and destruction wrought by the Holocaust. It's a polemical lie, so incendiary and so insulting--imagine telling a sexual assault survivor that they're morally no better than their rapist--that the only thing it can be is antisemitic. It is beyond reprehensible to talk like that, but it's so mainstream and acceptable to do it. Activists who say these things need to examine their own rhetoric, because it's dangerous, antisemitic, and adjacent to Holocaust denial. Not a place I think anyone should want to be.
The Holocaust is not a lesson Jews should have learned, an educational seminar, a 'card' Jews play, a choose your own adventure novel, a philosophical meditation on the nature of mankind's evils, or an empty slate upon which to project modern politics, warfare, or your ideology onto.
The Holocaust is, quite simply, the industrialized genocide of the European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators from 1941-1945. And today was Yom HaShoah, the day we remember that.
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teastainedprose · 10 hours
🔞Gash (Cooper Howard / The Ghoul x Reader)
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You've been stabbed and The Ghoul means to patch you up, save for the problem of a metal shard lost in the wound. 1,435 words | This is smut if wound fingering counts. All about pain and looking at Cooper's stupid pretty face and PAIN and Cooper's finger in an open wound, pet names, wound cleaning, blood, more pain. No proofreading, take it raw bb. I blame @ghoulphile for egging me on.
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Luck was with the man who managed to sheath his knife into your gut. Luck protected you as he missed puncturing anything important, only slicing meat and fat. Luck would have Cooper right there moments later putting a bullet through the bastard's brains as his luck promptly ran out. Lucky to have the old ghoul catch you before you crumpled to the ground.
Lady Luck was having a fucking field day. That bitch.
Your thoughts swirl, snagging on the present. You're trying to keep your mind set off to the side, away from your body. Away from the burning wet pain of your seeping wound, but it tugs you right back. Your body demands that you feel this, the gaping wound in your gut a wrongness your breakable mortal form insists you can't ignore.
Blood leaks down your hip as you groan from the press of Cooper's fingers around the gaping flesh of the gash in your side to take proper stock of it. Beside you on the table rests the knife you'd been stabbed with, save for the tip. That's currently buried in your guts. The blade is a rusty thing, old and brittle. The thought of that extra bit of metal swimming about inside you sits ill. Your vision blurs, a queasiness rolling over as your head rolls to the side.
Cooper notices your far away gaze, pausing in his inspection to clasp your chin in his glove covered fingers. The ones that are thankfully not covered in your blood. The other hand prodding at your flesh has bare fingers, calloused texture a distant pleasantry. He'd yanked that glove off with his teeth. Skin to bloody skin now. How intimate. 
"Now, dove." The words are a soft puff of breath against your cheek as you refocus. "Keep them pretty eyes open for me now." His attention shifts back to your wound while do as commanded.
"Stuck you real good, girlie." Cooper murmurs, eyes hooded from your inspection at this angle. He continues to mind your wound, bare fingers tracing your abdomen as if to feel from the outside where the rusty intrusion is. "Gonna hav'ta clean it proper. Needin' to dig the tip out."
All you can do is nod absently, drinking in every detail of his face. His black-as-night lashes are clearly visible this close, looking as pretty as can be. They add extra shadow to the sunken hollow about his eyes. He glances up, the swirling deep forest green and brown of his gaze catching you. You suck in a breath as Cooper's nail catches on the cut.
Teeth snap shut with a click as you bare them at Cooper. He smirks right back at you. He knows it hurts, but there's no helping it. All you can do is grimace and bear it while trying to divert your attention from the throbbing in your abdomen.
Your study of him is your current distraction. It's working well enough, mind content to catalogue the sharp lines of his face as you sit there panting quietly. There's the detached burn of alcohol as he dabs your wound with a soaked cloth, pulling a shiver across your skin in response.
Focus. Focus on the face of The Ghoul intently working. How there's the rough texture of his ravaged skin before your eyes. His skin is rusty in color, an earthy shade. It reminds you of the red clay from your long-abandoned home. His skin is just as baked and cracked as that dirt was. A delicious contrast to the richer red of his lips. Funny how he looks all sorts of dried up, but you know those lips to be softer than expected. Soft and pliant when pressed against your own with the wet press of his tongue darting out and-
You curse as your thoughts shatter into sharp glass, body instinctively lurching away from what hurts you. Cooper snatches your thigh, fingers digging in as he holds you steady.
"Now, now. Easy there, dove." His eyes flick to your face again. He's got a finger crooked into the gash. It feels wrong. "Told you I need to get that piece out. Breath, nice and easy."
You inhale. His head cants to the side as he waits. You exhale. Cooper nods as his finger digs deeper into the wound, feeling about. You swear he just brushed viscera with a fingertip.
It makes you dizzy, feeling his finger rooting around in the open wound as he tries to nudge out the knife bit. Forceps would have been a good idea, maybe some pliers? Something thinner than Cooper's gnarled fingers. You've memorized those digits intimately, but never expected to know them here. In your fucking guts.
It hurts. Of course it fucking does, but it's a wrong sort of pain. The sensation keeps flipping your stomach over and over. You want to empty the contents of it, but know that'll hurt worse with the state you're in.  Your eyes lose focus as Cooper clicks his tongue. 
"Focus. Eyes on me like I said, darlin'." He waits a beat as you blink, refocus. "Attagirl," his tone is even and coaxing, trying to keep you calm as if you're a startled brahmin. His finger continues to root around in your open wound, feeling for that stray bit of metal.
There's a twisted sort of intimacy in having Cooper's fingers delving into the wound, a sick parody of what else he's buried in you on better days.
You moan, a low sound pulled deep from within you involuntarily. It hurts.
"Now dove... That ain't the sort of cooing you should be makin' right now,'' amusement laces his words as he studies your face. His finger goes still to let you settle. It takes a moment, adjusting to the intrusion because his finger has sunk deeper. Your body is trying to reject the invasion, nerves flaring up with clear alarm.
You huff in response, shooting Cooper a sour look as a tremor runs through your strained body. It's not your fault your pain sounds are similar to the ones you make when he's rutting into you. He shakes his head, smiling to himself as Cooper gets back to work.
"Can feel it at my fingertip, jus' let me-" The digging is a burning invasion now as he presses deeper, finger crooking. You can feel the tug of something else scraping your insides as you suck in a sudden breath. He catches that bit of rusty metal, tugs and then it's over.
Cooper holds up the metal shard in front of your face with a yellow grin. "Got it."
You promptly drop your forehead against his shoulder with a whine. Blood leaks sluggishly from the wound now.
"There, there. I gotcha, dove. Now, you let me clean you up proper." His gloved hand rubs your back briefly before he gently sets you upright. Cooper is quicker to clean out the wound, caring little for how the alcohol he pours directly on it burns as he flushes it out. It's almost a welcomed sensation after the nausea induced fingering he'd just been up to.
He pauses, considering a moment before Cooper pops the same bloody finger he'd just had inside of you into his mouth. You can only watch in a detached way, pain keeping you pacified as Cooper makes sure to lick his hand clean of your blood.
"Disgusting," you sigh. It's half-hearted. You've seen him ingest far worse. 
"What? I'm a ghoul, sweetheart," he smirks. "Figure only way I'm gonna get a taste of that."
"Can you please fucking get me that Stimpak already?"
He tuts while wiping his hand clean of your blood on a spare rag before obliging. Cooper smoothly jabs the needle directly above your wound without warning, earning a hiss from you but your resentment instantly melts away.
This time you moan in pleasure, soothed as the endorphins rush your system in a cooling wave of comfort. A detached floaty feeling settles over you instantly as you relax, eyes drifting shut. A content smile settles on your lips while Cooper busies himself properly bandaging up your wound and wiping away the excess blood. His fingers linger, the bare ones ghosting up your side as a tremor runs through you for a wholly different reason now.
Slowly, you open your eyes again as you once more slump into his warmth. The scent of leather, gunpowder and something uniquely him fill your nostrils as you inhale.
"Better, dove?"
"Mhhm," You hum in contentment.
"That's my girl," He purrs as he hooks an arm about your waist and gently tugs you closer. "Now how's about we see about thankin' me proper for saving your sorry ass?"
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whitemancumslut · 8 hours
Look What You Made Me Do (H.S) Pt.1
SUMMARY: A guy flirts with you, and as a result, Harry kills him.
CONTENT WARNING: dark!harry, manipulation, sex, manhandling, sub/dom dynamic, hints of m*rder, mentions of wounds/blood, daddy kink
AUTHORS NOTE: Someone requested a dark!harry who gaslights, kills, and manipulates so i scrambled this up. I will def be writing him more seriously after this one 😂
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It all started when she pleaded with her big doe eyes pearling up at him, her small voice filled with desperation and smallness. The vastness of the huge empty house seemed to swallow her up in his absence, leaving her feeling like a tiny speck in a sea of silence.
"Daddy, can I go with you? Please," she implored, her eyes wide with hope. She craved to be in his presence, for the reassurance of his company in the cold, echoing rooms of their home.
But his response was harsh and dismissive, his words cutting through her like a knife. "No," he said brusquely, his tone leaving no room for argument. The frown that creased her brow deepened.
She continued. “Please, I'll be good. I promise," she pleaded, watching him pack the duffel bags, not worrying about all the things he’s shoving inside as she was once told that it was none of her business.
His job was a mystery to her, shrouded in secrecy and danger. Every night, Harry would return home with evidence of a violent encounter - bruises on his knuckles, blood splattered on his clothes, and his hair in disarray.
Despite her growing fear and concern, she was forbidden from asking questions. Harry insisted that his actions were for her protection, and that she was not meant to witness the darker side of his work. The unspoken understanding between them only added to the air of mystery and tension that surrounded Harry's enigmatic profession.
Harry sighed, dropping what was in his hands to turn to his girl. "Baby," He said softly, grabbing her face in his hands, his eyes filled with concern. "Is there a reason you don't want to stay here? You're always happy to wait for me when I get back." His words were laced with genuine curiosity as he searched her eyes for any hint of what might be bothering her. Harry couldn't bear to see her unhappy and he would go to hell and back to put that smile on her face.
Her eyes began to get glossy as she looked up at him, her bottom lip quivering. "I-I just want to be with you. It's so boring here. Please daddy. Just once, can I go?," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll be good.”
Harry looks down at her as he towered over her in their height difference. “Daddy has very important business, you know that.” He said. “Don’t you, princess?” His hand coming in contact with her head. Rubbing over her hair and then rubbing over her cheek.
She nodded, “Yes, sir.” Her voice sounded smaller than before and very much defeated as she looked down at her freshly done nails Harry paid for.
Harry sighed, knowing he couldn't resist her sad, pleading eyes. Placing a small kiss to her upper lip. "Get dressed," he finally relented, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Her face lit up with joy as she jumped up from her seat, a sense of excitement coursing through her veins. "Yes!" she wrapped her arms around his neck, placing a wet glossy kiss on his cheek.
His hands moved stealthily down to her backside, fingers gripping her butt with a firm squeeze. His voice remained stern as he instructed her to get dressed quickly. "I'm leaving in ten minutes," he stated firmly. Despite his serious tone, she couldn't help but smile at him.
"Okay Daddy," she giggled.
She started to make her way towards their bedroom upstairs, but before she could take another step, Harry grabbed her by the forearm, pulling her back with a roughness that sent a shiver down her spine.
"But you listen to me," he said sternly, his grip tightening on her arm. She looked up at him, the smile is no longer on her face as she locks intimidating eye contact with him. "I want you on your best behavior tonight. I need you to stay by my side at all times. Do you understand?" He searches for some sort of understanding and submissive in her eyes and as always, he does.
She nodded, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and excitement. But Harry wasn't satisfied with just a nod. He cupped her jaw in his hand, his fingers pressing against her skin with a force that made her gasp.
"Words," he demanded, his voice low and commanding. "Use them."
"Y-yes, daddy," she stammered, her words barely audible as she struggled to meet his intense gaze. The power he held over her was intoxicating, and she knew that tonight would be a night she would never forget.
He let go of her face and she made her way up to the bedroom they shared. Harry shook his head as he finished closing his duffel bag and swinging it over his torso.
The only thing she knew about Harry's job was that it always led them to a club. As soon as she walked in she was met with loud music and people grinding against one another. As they walked through the entrance, she could feel his grip on her hand tighten, causing a slight discomfort that only grew as they made their way through the crowded dance floor.
As she walked, she just remembered the two rules Harry gave her:
1. Stay by Harry’s side.
2. Don’t speak to anybody.
But Harry didn’t stay by her side. He was pulled away from her when one of his men came and pulled him for a conversation. The area was so congested, he lost track of her.
As his men spoke to him, a man approached his girl. It was another man who worked for him, she recognized him but couldn’t put a name to his face. Harry tended to tell this man off a lot. He would always cut him off and treat him as if his words and suggestions to their work didn’t matter.
“Hello, sweetheart.” The two words caused her to spin and see a man who’s awfully taller than her. “I’m Jared. I work for Styles. I believe we’ve met before,” He held out his hand, awaiting hers.
Afraid to be rude, she took his hand and shook it, praying it’ll be over soon. "Hi," she said softly, voice sweet as honey. The instructions in the car were clear - she wasn't supposed to speak to anyone and was supposed to stick to Harry’s side. However, the absence of Harry, who was meant to be by her side at all times, made her question the rules she was meant to follow.
She removed his hand from his grip and smiled kindly. He assumed that her being alone was a perfect opportunity to get her away from him. “Where’s Styles? Rarely get you alone…” His lips curled up as his eyes scanned her skin that was out leaving little to the imagination. Before she could answer—
“This is very pretty,” He said, his voice is as if he’s trying to lure her. His rough calloused hands came up and touched the strap of her dress.
“Thank you!” She said smiling. In a way, Harry always made it seem as if the men who worked for him were evil and cruel and not at all kind. But a compliment like this made her feel the opposite. “I just got it this weekend!”
And that’s when Harry flicked his head in her direction to see the interaction. It was like a light switch in his head. Eyes squinting to make sure he saw what he saw correctly.
“How did Styles’ get so lucky?” his hand came to her bare shoulder and before he could move closer—
"Hey, what's going on?" Harry interrupted before she could even begin to explain the situation. His tone was sharp, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Is there a reason you're here and not over there?" With a sudden burst of aggression, Harry shoved him forcefully, causing him to stumble and collide with the barstools lined up behind him.
The sound of the impact caused a loud screeching sound, drawing the attention of everyone nearby. It was clear that Harry's actions were motivated by more than just curiosity - there was a sense of menace in his demeanor that sent a chill down everyone's spine.
Jared’s tough guy act tried to go strong but anyone could understand looking at the glint in Harry’s eyes it was no use.
Harry grabbed him by the collar as she tried to get his attention. “We were just talking—“
“You fucking touch her? Hmm?” Harry’s fist came in contact with the guys face once again causing the girl behind him to drop the grip on his arm. Harry stood over the man that worked for him and kicked him as he grew satisfied with the blood pouring from his face. “He’s going to den.” He ordered the two men who he was previously speaking to.
He doesn’t look at the men, instead he grabs his girls hand with the opposite hand that wasn’t bruised. He pulled her along with him, ignoring anything she was saying.
The girl behind him shook her head as her hands shook. “Daddy—.” She continued to look back at the man being taken away. “No. Why’d you do that?”
Her voice was like a cry and he ignored every word until they got into the car. The car ride was silent as all she can think about was what Harry did.
When they arrived to the house, Harry walked to the front door and let her walk in. He didn’t even step foot in the door.
“You stay here,” He said. Before she could argue— he was out the door with a slam.
But nothing could have prepared her for when he got back.
When he returned, he called out her name. “Baby?” Harry called out. She sat on the edge of the bed, and her feet dangled as she’s been home alone for a hour. When she heard his footsteps come closer and closer, she lifted her head up awaiting his enterance.
“Hey, baby.” He greeted her softly and came into the room and the first thing she realized was his shirt.
The silence was loud and the stains on his shirt were screaming at her. He comes closer and places a kiss on her forehead as if she’s a clueless dog.
She watched as he walked across their bedroom and through his coat to the floor, sighing heavily.
The silence killed her.
He hummed, “Hmm?”
“What did you do to Jared?”
“What do you mean?”
“Where did you have the guys take him?”
“Somewhere?” She questioned, standing up. “Just somewhere? Did you hurt him? He was just being nice—!”
“No!” Harry's voice boomed with anger, his eyes flashing with intensity, causing her to jump. The way his head flicked towards her startled her more. "Jared was a bad guy, baby. Far from nice. And if you couldn't see it from talking to him face to face, then that's a problem.” He scolded walking towards her with each step causing her to back up one, “I could tell from across the room that he was trying to get you. So, I had to take care of him. Look at this," he gestured to the bloodstains on his shirt, "that's Jared's blood. He wanted to get you all to himself." She flinched as he barked his words out at her. Harry's words were harsh and filled with a protective rage as he explained the violent altercation that had just taken place.
“So you know what I did?” He said, voice deep and cruel. Eyes peering deep into hers. His tone was chilling, a coldness that sent shivers down her spine as he spoke. His eyes, dark and intense, seemed to bore into her soul as he revealed his dark secret.
Tears welled up in her eyes, a mix of fear and sorrow clouding her vision. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, couldn't fathom the depths of his cruelty.
And then he said it, those three words that echoed in the silence of the room. "I killed him." The words hung in the air, heavy and ominous, as the weight of his confession settled between them. Harry's nonchalant demeanor only added to the horror of his admission, as if taking a life was nothing more than a casual event in his twisted world.
The truth of his actions hit her like a freight train, a realization that shook her to the core. Harry killed a man for flirting with her. She had known there was darkness within him, but this revelation was beyond anything she could have imagined. Her mind raced with questions, with the need to understand how he could have done such a thing.
As she looked into his eyes, she saw no remorse, no guilt. Only a cold emptiness that chilled her to the bone. And in that moment, she knew that she was in the presence of a monster.
“I know the man Jared is,” He said. “He preys on younger drunk girls and shoves them in his car and takes them to his place. You know how many times we’ve caught him for that? Going after you was him trying to get back at me for lashing at him in the poker room.”
As she slowly backed away from him, her heart pounding in her chest, she couldn't find the words to express the shock and disbelief that filled her. "Why—Why would—Why would you kill him?" she finally managed to whisper, her voice barely above a breath. The room felt heavy with the weight of his confession, as if there were another presence in the house, one that she couldn't see but could feel with every fiber of her being.
His eyes bore into hers, filled with a mix of determination and desperation. "I did it for you. I did it because of you," he explained, his voice low and raw with emotion. He took a step closer, his breath warm against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. "I couldn't stand to see him lay a finger on you. It drove me crazy. The mere thought of another man touching you, it makes me fucking sick. Do you understand that?," he confessed, his words heavy with the weight of his love and possessiveness.
With those words, a sense of understanding came over her but it still flooded her brain of the thought of Harry killing a man. She couldn't imagine herself with anyone else, couldn't fathom another man treating her the way Harry did. Touching her the way Harry did. No one else could make her feel the way he did, with his fierce protectiveness and unwavering devotion.
In her eyes, she saw a love so deep and consuming that it both terrified and exhilarated her. Everything he did excited her but he was always such a mysterious man with a mysterious life behind the big doors of their home.
His thumb brushed the falling tear off her cheek. “The lengths I would go to protect you know no bounds, baby. Don't mistake my actions for those of a dangerous man; I am just protecting you. You have to understand, I am not the villain. Jared is, not me." With a sense of urgency and desperation, he gently shook her cheeks as he spoke, trying to make her see the truth in his words.
He let go of her head, and his hands fell to his sides. Her eyes following his—still trying to find exactly what emotions are filled in his.
“I did it for you. I killed a man that worked for me because he fucking laid a finger on you. Do you know how crazy you make me, darling? The things I’d do for you? Oh, baby I’d stop the Earth from spinning.” He grabbed her face again, but this time she didn’t back away— she melted into his touch. Looking into his eyes she saw something. It was a look of reassurance and once again she saw the man she loved. “I did it because I love you, baby, okay?”
Tears continued to fall down her face but she nodded as he spoke. “Do you understand that?” He shakes her head in his hands, wiping the tears as they fell.
She nods again, “I— I understand sir.”
“I will always protect to you. You understand?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Harry’s lips pressed to her as he wrapped his arms around her body.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. I should have never lashed out on you like that and I should have never left you alone. I just really hate when any other guys staring at what’s mine.” He spoke to her softly as she shakes her head. “I promise I will never let another man get that close to you again.”
“Any man who lays a finger on you will be damned when I get my hands on them”
a/n i wrote this on the train because when i saw the request i ran to it😀 here’s a quick run thru of what i want this series to be. this is so fucking insane oh my gosh and unserious. i want more of dark!possessive harry who can’t take a man saying a word to you.
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vodika-vibes · 19 hours
Heyy can you please please please
Do a ,, Ideal types of Wolffe, Rex, Jesse etc…“
Someone already did a bad Batch version but no one did a version of our other husbands that would be so nice
Ideal Types
Pairings: Captain Rex x Reader, Commander Wolffe x Reader, ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader, Commander Fox x Reader
Warnings: Uh...this is actually pretty angsty. Sorry.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @stupendoussludgezinerebel-blog
A/N: I wasn't sure how many you wanted, so I went with four. I added Fox because I love him, lol. Also, this might not be, exactly, what you wanted. But I was feeling poetic this morning, and then angst monster smacked me with a baseball bat and yeah. I hope you like it!
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Captain Rex x Reader - A pillar. Someone who supports him through everything.
You smile at Rex, soft and warm and gentle as he rests his head on your lap. He’s more asleep than awake at this point, and you lightly trail the pads of your fingers over his short hair, careful to not wake him.
He’s so tired, your perfect Rex. Your handsome Captain.
But here, in the safety of your apartment, enveloped in your soft arms and soft scent, the stress lines on his face ease away, making him look his physical age, rather than much older.
He turns in his slumber, his face pressing against your stomach and his arms slide securely around your waist, clinging to you like a child would cling to a treasured blanket, and your smile softens.
He works so hard, your Rex. Has so much stress and responsibility laid upon his broad and strong shoulders. As if he's stuck bearing the weight of the galaxy.
But, right here, right now, you can bear that weight for him.
"Rest, my love." You whisper, your voice soft enough that he doesn't stir, "I have the watch."
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Commander Wolffe x Reader - A lighthouse, someone who is able to light his way home, even in the darkest of times.
"You're tense, Wolffe." Your voice is soft as you slide your hands over his shoulders to wrap him in a hug from behind. "Is everything alright?"
His smile is wry and slightly bitter, and you have your answer.
No. He's not alright. He's not been alright since the day he lost most of his battalion. Since the day his beautiful red armor bled all the color out and turned into the solemn grey of mourning.
It's a wound that still bleeds, you know.
You press a feather light kiss against the back of his neck and tighten your arms around him. You won't pressure him, you won't ask him questions.
For all that the curiosity burns, your love for him burns brighter. And so you hold him, and offer him your unyielding support.
He's lost in a maelstrom of grief and pain. A storm of sorrow buffets him from every angle. And there are no words that can ease his suffering.
And so you offer the only thing you can. Your silent support and your undying love. You'll be here to light his way back to shore, always. Forever.
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ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader - A sanctuary, someone where he's allowed to break and shatter, without fear of any consequences.
He's shaking.
Jesse's arms are firm around your, his face pressed against your neck as he lays on top of you...and he's shaking.
Trembling, really. Like a tooka kitten.
Your arms wrap around his broad shoulders and you turn your head to kiss the side of his head. You knew, of course, that this deployment was...bad.
But until this very moment, you had no idea how bad.
You won't ask, though you know he'll tell you if you did.
Even though your heart breaks when you feel his tears against your bare shoulder. And then it shatters when a sob rips from your Jesse's throat.
Even then, you still won't ask. You are his sanctuary, his safe place where he can be just a man, and not the strong soldier that he has to be every other day.
And when he, brokenly, whispers that he's applying for ARC, you just tighten your arms around him.
And you know, know, that this story ends in tragedy. But you'll continue being his safe place until it's not needed anymore.
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Commander Fox x Reader - A bulwark, a barrier between him and the rest of the galaxy. Someplace where he can feel safe.
Fox sighs, low and quiet as he looks up at you. He has dark circles under his eyes, he hasn't been sleeping again. But that's nothing compared to the angry bruises that you're treating for him.
"I'm sorry," he breathes out, "For being such a burden."
You smile at him, warm and loving, "You could never."
Something like distress slides across his face, "Cyare, I-"
"Shh," You soothe him with a gentle touch of your hand against his cheek, "Whatever it is, darling, it will hold. At least for now."
The distress remains, though it fades as you lovingly apply bacta to another bruise.
He suffers, your Fox. You see it more and more clearly with every passing day. He's losing time, he has growing blank spots in his memory...and it terrifies him.
It terrifies you too.
How long before he's not him anymore? Until he no longer looks at you with love and adoration, but with blank disregard.
You shove the thought to the side firmly. Right here, right now you have your Fox. And you will shield him from the rest of the galaxy, for as long as you can.
That's all you can do for him.
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rwbyrg · 11 hours
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Reasons Why Rosegarden is Canon: #012
Both character's solo arcs parallel off of each other's in many ways. One of the most notable is how Ruby and Oscar both struggle with themes around choice and identity. It's no wonder when their main allusions are Little Red Riding Hood and The Little Prince, respectively. And how both of their stories work as brilliant allegories for the trials and challenges of "growing up". How the people we meet, experiences we have, responsibilities, losses, and grief we carry all shape us as people. And how we don't often have a say in what will influence us or how.
For Oscar, he always knew he wanted to be more than a farmhand, but he never asked for the hand he was dealt. And now, at 15, he feels like the choice and opportunity to become the person he wants to be has been robbed from him. That his only fate is to become just another Oz in the long line of those that came before him.
Whereas Ruby always knew she wanted to be a huntress. A hero, like in the fairy tales her mom read to her. Ruby acts on these convictions, and she stumbles, fails, and loses more than she can bear. When she reaches her breaking point, she tries to throw herself away only to be offered the choice to become anyone she could possibly hope to be.
The parallels between their personal journeys, their shared attachment to one another (and the subsequent fear of loss), as well as how the merge and ascension are very clearly set up as mirrors, foreshadows and builds up to their arc in the coming season(s). Can't explain ascension with Oscar's leitmotif playing in the background and have Ruby undergo ascension after being shown an illusion of his death at her own hands, followed by him speaking to her at her grave about those very themes around identity and uh. Not address it. The Boy Who Fell From the Sky and the Girl Who Fell Through The World will have to face their reflections at some point. And a reunion after the latter returns from the other side of the looking glass is as opportune a time as any. So #greenlightvolume10 pls
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Redneck Doug on ALL the other Clones in Star Wars!
As promised, for reaching a new number of followers, here's Doug's list when I asked him to name off all the clones in 'The Clone Wars' and 'The Bad Batch'!
Some are obviously repeats of other posts, and some are brand spanking new.
I'm using my autoethnography skills to their fullest extent, here, people.
This is LONG but hey! 7 seasons of The Clone Wars and 3 seasons of The Bad Batch means animated Star Wars in the Days of our Lives of animation.
If I'm missing someone, let me know! I'll reach out to Doug!
Enjoy, everyone!
CW: Redneck Doug just rambles needlessly about people.
And Clermont Lounge is one of the scariest and yet, most fun places in the ATL and I could 100% see one of the 501st working there.
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Bly: That’s a boy, his name’s Miguel. Got his friends, they drink Pabst, shoot the empty cans behind the garage when they done, and hit on every woman that walks by. But Miguel’s got his eyes on Babe-the-Blue-Jedi and steals flowers from people’s yard and gives them to her. Babe-the-Blue-Jedi knows the man’s not that bright but his heart’s in the right place and that’s all that matters, right? 
Rex: That's Rex. He's a king. Respect him. 
Cody: That’s Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend, he’s sad all the time. We know why. (Confirmed that Doug is a Codywan shipper and I don’t know what to do about that)
Howzer: That’s my niece’s boyfriend, Jorge. We all love Jorge, nice guy, owns an auto repair shop and always remembers plates and napkins for the cookouts after church.
Gregor: Jorge’s cousin, Manny. Met him once at Christmas in Miami, nice guy, only drinks brown liquor and insists everyone arm wrestle him. But he’s got a good job as a PE teacher, we respect education, come on now. 
Hardcase: Wiggles. He laughs at everything and never wears a helmet both on his big head and his lil head and that explains everything about the man.
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Kix: Nurse Mark. He's tired and sick of your shit, sick of the creeps trying to get the Fentanyl, that's a crime now, ain't it.
Echo: "Eh, Toaster Strudel. Homeboy looks like his daddy had an affair with a convection oven on shore leave and forgot to pay child support."
Mayday: Aw, I liked this guy so much! That’s Sassy Park Ranger, he’s the type that gives you your camping permits, warns you about the bears, and then is all disappointed when you don’t properly stow your food and the bears destroy the campsite. I need to go back to Little River Canyon, that place was pretty. 
Scorch: The Son of Robocop. His daddy told him to get off his lazy Robo-son ass and go get a job, so he works for the Empire now, because no one can get a job in Detroit. That’s why he’s a bad person. (Because he works for the Empire? “No, because he’s a Lions fan and that ain’t a good look for anyone.”)  
Fives: Alex-from-Manitoba. He reminds me so much of this awesome guy I knew, Alex, was from Winnipeg, we worked in oil together. Smart, knew his shit, loved guns and getting his hair did. No one listens to him, management hates him, and he gets fired. Man I was so pissed off when that happened with that damn alien that ran the ocean on the mall! He deserved better, damn it!
(Fives or Alex-from-Manitoba?
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99: 99!  
(You actually remember his name?  
“Hell yeah! He’s one of the most important characters! Why would I not?” 
::cue me, quietly staring at all the weird-ass names over texts and saying NOTHING in response::) 
Wolffe: Bernando. I dunno, man, he got that Bernardo energy. I’ve met three and they all looked like they wanna run off into the woods and come out when they got a deer they need to process and take a shower and find a lady before running back into the woods. Also Bernardo never has a girlfriend that lasts more than 6 months with him. Don’t know why. Just trust me. 
Gree: Carnie Joe. Man, he looks like the type of guy who drives an ice cream truck but there ain’t no Bomb Pops inside if you know what I mean. 
Cut Lawquane: Not-Wolverine. He ran away from the Empire, grew out his muttonchops, wanted to join the X-Men, Charles Xavier said ‘Nah son you need super powers for that’, and then Not-Wolverine stomped off into Tremors-land and started a pot-and-chicken farm like every other hillbilly in Kentucky. But he got a hot wife out of the deal and some nice kids and lots of guns, and ya know, that ain’t a bad ending for the man. 
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Commander Fox: Red-Chief-of-Police. He’s absolutely on them Ticky-Tack videos my nieces and nephews watch where the cops are doing bad things but they ain’t gonna get fired over it. Man. It ain’t right. 
Tup: Alex’s-Friend-Matt. Aw, Matt, good guy, but too much brain damage after that time he fell off the roof while laying down tar. He grew out his ponytail to hide the dent in his head and talked funny afterwards, but he real good at roughneck work and I can’t fault the man, nope. 
Hevy: That’s Ross. He’s always mad because he’s insecure. He’s got a lot of Nerf guns and only eats stuff you can find at 7-11. 
Jesse: That’s Jesse, he’s a trucker, was a bouncer at Clermont Lounge in Atlanta, and has three ex-wives who all hate him. He shaves his head because his hair hates him too. 
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Crosshair: So that there's Daddy Warcrimes. All you need to know is he lives on beer and Slim Jims, has more guns then Jesus got faith, and that he does your mom on the weekends, and then you thank him for his service.
Hunter: Aw man, we got Rambo up in this place. Daddy Rambo. He looks like he's got some hot wife with a huge butt who makes amazing biscuits, but he only showers on the weekends for reasons he won't tell you.
Wrecker: I know, I KNOW, he's got some cool Star Wars name, but in my head, he's Julio. He looks like a Julio, ya know? Every Julio's been the nicest guy with a truck and a million friends. I swear. I bet he's a contractor and lays pipe like you wouldn't believe. ::winks::
Tech: Hm, yeah, I know him. That's Ryan-from-Accounting, somebody's hipster dad. You know, everyone knows a Ryan who works in accounting, he's quiet, only drinks IPAs, and has a bitch wife named Laura who drives a Kia and is always yelling at him. Poor man. I hope Julio saves him from his bitch wife Laura.*
Omega: Little Orphan Blondie. I hope she gets real parents or something besides those freaky alien things running the mall on the ocean.
Emerie Karr: Stepsister-Beth. She’s got a stick up her rear, was in a sorority known for bitchy Daddy’s Girls who wouldn’t touch below the belt but are all about using other places for their date’s hoses to put out the fire, and only drinks almond milk lattes. She’s a bitch to waiters and drives a Prius. 
(“Doug I drive a Prius.”
“Yeah, but you ain’t a southern sorority girl so y’all forgiven.”)
Nemec and Fireball: Trigger and Nutsy. They’ve been in a survival militia in the Florida Everglades and that’s all you need to know. 
CX-2: The Guy from Tron. He’s a guy, and he was in the movie Tron. That’s it. 
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thesiltverses · 21 hours
i was gonna say how grateful i am for your episode commentaries on patreon! they’re very insightful and just really good readings on other interesting matters as well.
that one fernando pessoa poem also reminded me of my favorite boris pasternak poem ‘hamlet’, about an actor (or christ himself, if we’re more direct about it) having to bear the weight of his performance, to the witnesses of his performance, and asking the god to lift this weight off him, but not receiving any kind of response in turn. he then comes to accept the reality of his role and the unhappiness that follows it.
and it sort of speaks to me in how faulkner communicates with trawler-man, even when he seems to no longer hold any real faith; as to his prophethood that came to him in communion with this god, and so his performance will always be tied to that relationship, and in time for the witnesses to be the judges who will give the response he was seeking in his god.
Thank you very much! I just checked out the Pasternak poem you mention and it was rad, so reposting it here for others to enjoy:
The murmurs ebb; onto the stage I enter. I am trying, standing in the door, To discover in the distant echoes What the coming years may hold in store.
The nocturnal darkness with a thousand Binoculars is focused onto me. Take away this cup, O Abba, Father, Everything is possible to thee.
I am fond of this thy stubborn project, And to play my part I am content. But another drama is in progress, And, this once, O let me be exempt.
But the plan of action is determined, And the end irrevocably sealed. I am alone; all round me drowns in falsehood: Life is not a walk across a field.
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le-panda-chocovore · 2 days
What do you think are Gojo and Geto’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic?
Until now, have you found any couple (canon or non canon) from any media (books, tv series, movies, anime/manga, etc) that the dynamics remind you of Gojo/Geto?
Thanks if you want to answer....
(I forgot this ask in my drafts sorry)
Asking me to ramble about my hyperfixation when I'm too tired to write in correct English is cruelty actually /j
I think their strengths are mostly the same as their weaknesses. (It's only my take on them, everyone has a different opinion)
Geto's empathic, he understands people, he likes helping, giving advice, protecting, and caring ; he makes a point to ensure that everyone around him is fine and safe. He's strong so he can bear with painful tasks, he knows he can, so he doesn't complain about it. He has a great sense of morals and responsibilities. It's all amazing qualities, until it became too much. He was caring too much, worrying too much, enduring too much, and he drowned under the weight of everything he fought so hard for. His morals contradicted his will to help people and he had to make a choice. He loved people so much he couldn't bear to see his friends die, so he sacrificed the entire world to protect them. I think his greatest weakness is that he loved his close ones more than he loved himself, so he didn't even think about asking for help because he didn't believe people would care about him as much as he cared about them.
Geto, like everyone else, would say that Gojo is selfish, which is ironic because Geto is the one who kept everything to himself and didn't let people worry about him. He tried to fix himself alone, then decided he didn't need to be fixed.
Gojo's selfish, egocentric, forgetful, defiant, and is very much in love with his best friend. Those are weaknesses, to be clear. He's also kinda naive, because he believes things will be fine no matter what, but this is just another side of his arrogance. He hates authority figures but he needs to be told what to do because he is not able to regulate himself. He needs someone to draw a line for him, but he cannot express the importance that person has because he doesn't think it matters. Not that he doesn't believe they'd care but because he thinks they already know. (They don't- again, it's because of his arrogance). He doesn't realize nor understand how other people feel, but that doesn't stop him from reacting accordingly. Because he knows what it's like to suffer, to be lost, to be betrayed, to be lonely. He is not empathic, he doesn't feel what people are feeling, but he was so self-centered that he lost the person he loved the most, and now that he knows the pain he can project his own emotions on others. He's selfish and egocentric, so he saw people he could take care of and decided it'd be his responsibility to ensure they'd grow up happily. He doesn't care what the higher-ups think, he will do whatever pleases him. He also doesn't care what those people he takes care of are thinking, he forces himself into their lives because he truly believes he can make it better -and he does. (arrogance, the good side).
Gojo is arrogant and strong, he thinks he can change the world and deal with the consequences. He knows he can fight anything, so he doesn't actually worry about threats, even though it sometimes hurt his students. He proposes a status quo because he knows no one can fight him. He manages to keep Yuuta and Yuuji and Megumi safe by pure defiance.
Also it's canon that Gojo's mortal weakness is Geto himself.
What I love about them is perhaps the metaphors, the parallels, and the co-dependency. They're literally soulmates, they're a perfect match, they value each other so much it's overwhelming. They're also dumbasses and I love that kind of ship. They're handsome and pretty and gorgeous. They're smart and stupid at the same time. They're so in love that 9 years apart weren't enough to kill that. They're both little shit but one knows how to pretend to be nice. Literally EVERYTHING Gojo does as an adult is because of the influence Geto had in his life. They know each other so deeply that a simple glance is enough to recognize the other. Geto's body broke through Kenny's control because Gojo was in danger and it was the FIRST TIME it happened in CENTURIES. Hell, what is there NOT to love about them ??
Anyway. They make me think about Orpheus and Eurydice from the Greek mythology (He looked back. He knew she shouldn't, but he looked back because he loved him). I recently read a post that compared them to Achilles and Patroclus and I was like, oh, yeah, that could work. Also, they kinda have a vibe of Steve and Bucky from MARVEL. Like, childhood friends who liked messing around together until one got lost and followed a dark path while the other had to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders and was so praised and admired that he wasn't allowed to have a life by himself. Years and years later they met again and memories came back and the world fell apart. They're enemies know, opposite sides, there's only one way to stop the other. But. But they still love each other. (I'm going to make myself cry)
I could write so much more but I'm going to stop here because I have the feeling that I'm already annoying lmaooo
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Tamlin woke up from his nightmare, shivering. He’d once again dreamt of Feyre being raped and tortured by Rhysand, his sneering face staring directly at Tamlin. He could not bear it, not knowing what he was doing to her. Even though he knew it was possibly dangerous to be out alone today, he could not help himself. He had to get away from his bedroom.
In spite of himself, Tamlin laughed. He was pulling a Feyre here, wandering about all alone on Calanmai night, foolishly risking getting caught by the Hunter. And how poetic would it be if they were both caught by the Hunter once? 
No sooner had he thought it did the hall start to smell like smoke, the sound of crackling embers filling the space like a death knell. Tamlin whipped his head towards the source, but he had no time to react before he was shoved against a wall hard.
“Thought you could have a nice, peaceful rest while I carry out your duties, hm?” Lucien said deadly soft, somehow more terrifying than if he had snarled.
Tamlin had never seen Lucien look this wild, feel this powerful. At this very moment, Lucien was the most powerful person in Spring. The thought both terrified and thrilled Tamlin, and the beast Lucien had become knew it.
“Does it seem like I’m sleeping peacefully?” Tamlin got out. “I’m wandering the halls in the middle of the night.”
The Autumn lord’s lips formed a feral smile, and he answered in that same deadly quiet voice, “Perhaps you never went to sleep at all. Perhaps you were waiting for someone to find you, for I must admit, this meeting feels far too coincidental to be mere chance. Hoping to experience what others have experienced from you for centuries, Tamlin?”
Tamlin opened his mouth but no words came out. He wasn’t sure he even could speak with Lucien’s body so close to him. He bent nearer, his russet eye simmering like freshly forged bronze, his metal eye alight in a golden flame. He had forgotten why he’d even come here. What was his name again? A wave and Tamlin found his hands shackled by chains of fire. Lucien’s wild face only came closer.
“Ianthe was stubborn,” Lucien murmured against his ear. Goosebumps formed down Tamlin’s body. “That harlot fought back like the demon incarnate. Will you be a good boy for me, Tamlin? You were the one who made me do this, after all.”
Shit shit shit shit. Tamlin could not think. There were precisely zero thoughts in his mind. The only thoughts were occurring between his legs. Fuck. How was he supposed to reply to that question and maintain any semblance of control?”
Tamlin gasped as Lucien bit down on his ear hard. “I asked you a question, Tamlin,” he crooned. “I expect a swift answer.” Well Lucien, how do you expect him to muster up a coherent response when you’re altering his brain chemistry?
“Yes,” Tamlin finally breathed. “I’ll be such a good boy for you, Luci-“
Tamlin didn’t get to finish his sentence before Lucien devoured his lips with his own.
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mechanicalpiper · 1 day
Hello! If it’s not a trouble could you please write about a scientist and a supervillainess? Thank you! Have a good day!
"Physically weak but absolutely genius" is like, top 1 character trope of all time for me honestly
Enjoy :3
Also, cw, pretty suggestive.
Snippet #9
"It's a nice change of pace, really." Supervillain teasingly mused, pacing around their most recent captive; Scientist, bound to a chair with embarrassingly simple restraints. Supervillain kept their satisfied gaze locked on their prisoner, making them lightly squirm from the attention alone.
They were helpless at the hands of the most dangerously powerful criminal in the city.
Sure, the Agency gave them preparation drills- they were at least slightly versed in staying confident in the face of a threat, but...
Well, those drills only covered fear.
Scientist's heart wasn't racing from just fear.
"Hero's just annoying to snag, and there's little point in grabbing Sidekick..." Supervillain continued, gaze locked on the bound Scientist, taking in every adorable little struggle and squirm they got out of them. So cute~
"...But you've caused far more problems for me than either of those two ever could."
Scientist, despite their embarrassment (or perhaps because of it), felt their cheeks begin to heat up as they struggled. FFFUCK. They turned away from Supervillain in an adorably pathetic attempt to hide their blush, but the feeling of Supervillain's gaze bearing down on them didn't even get close to going away.
"You're responsible for every single one of my losses so far. Hero can't even begin to match me in brute force. Nobody can. And yet..."
Supervillain grabbed Scientist's chin as they walked in front of them, angling their head to look up into their gaze.
Scientist could've melted into a puddle on the spot. The powerful, controlling gaze bearing down on them gave them flustered shivers. Helpless to someone they'd posed such a large problem to despite being far and away unable to match them physically, seeing them relish every little moment of finally getting their hands on them... CHRIST.
"YOU somehow whip up a new power nullifier or countermeasure. Every. Single. Time."
Supervillain dropped their captive's chin, going back to pacing. Scientist didn't move, completely stunned for a second by sheer fluster before realizing and going back to struggling.
"And yet... you're so, so weak~"
Scientist had an intense shiver as Supervillain looked down on them, unbelievably satisfied.
"Your nerdy little head has cost me plan after plan after plan... but it doesn't even take half a roll of tape and you're completely helpless~"
Scientist involuntarily groaned.
Supervillain's footsteps came to a sudden stop behind them, absolutely skyrocketing Scientist's blush.
Supervillain's expression changed to surprise as they stopped in place.
Then confusion.
Then, cocking their head to the side, curiosity.
They paced back around to the front of Scientist, who was still dying of embarrassment, their blush clearly visible. Supervillain came to a stop in front of them, looking down with that same curiosity.
"What was that, now~?" They taunted, slipping a hand other Scientist's chin to lift it up again.
Scientist's cheeks were absolutely burning. They couldn't hide from Supervillain in any capacity, and holy shit, it wasn't helping them keep calm in the slightest. Their breath was shaky, their eyes were embarrassed yet still pleading, their struggles were less legitimate attempts to escape and more just needing to squirm to deal with being under Supervillain's gaze...
Supervillain didn't exactly expect Scientist to just... melt this badly, but watching it happen... their expression of curiosity turned to interest.
"Ohh~? Has someone been pretending to hate this~?"
Scientist gasped. As best they could given the gag, at least.
They must've misheard that. They must've. There's no way this was actually happening. It felt like a dream.
"Awwwhh~" Supervillain cooed, heart melting at the little nerd's reaction. So, so fucking cuuute!!
"Well~" they continued, leaning in closer to Scientist. "That's good to hear, because I'm going to be keeping you for as long as possible~"
Scientist couldn't have been happier.
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tanglepelt · 11 months
Dp x dc idea 61
This turned out to be way longer then i planned. It was just meant to be a quick idea. Not a full like plan. So quick prompt below then a full idea.
Amanda Waller started the GIW. They captured small ghost at first. Had success in controlling them. Catch Danny. Convince him the league is in cahoots with him in case of an escape. He escapes. They get other ghosts and launch attacks against the league as an outside force obviously no connection to Amanda Waller. So Danny now is trying to deal with mind controlled ghosts all while avoiding the government and league. During a direct attack on the league Danny breaks a ghost out the mind control. Danny is then forced to work alongside them as the one he freed actually talked thing out with the league.
Imma give Danny an big reason to not trust the justice league. The Giw are working for Amanda Waller. Obviously trying to figure out a way to use those from the infinite realm as tools/weapons. These beings have proven to be a force to to deal with. Plants taking over, citizens forced into sweet dreams, kidnapping and the over shadowing of a whole town to vote in a mayor.
It’s the perfect way to take down the justice league. It won’t even look like the government played a part in it.
Now after freak show proved they could be controlled things get more intense. They begin capturing ghosts and trying out ways to control them. Test after test until they started to have successful trial runs.
They start with the animal ones, those who can’t actively communicate what’s going on if they escape. Figuring out ways to stop/force powers and stuff along those lines. They work extremely well in on the animals.
Animal ghost began to commander items for the group never getting caught. Following orders with no hesitation.
They get competent quickly this time around. Successfully capturing phantom. The one who was originally under freak shows mind control. Now imma give Danny even more altered dna cause he’s half human. Things don’t work on him the same as the others. If he’s a ghost it works just fine but as a human not so much. So freak show only controlled phantom never Danny.
Now obviously this is problematic for Giw and Amanda. The first time he turned back all progress had been lost. Danny had full control of himself again. Now She can’t have him going off and telling ppl about this. Their pretty positive he won’t be able to escape. Both ghost and human restraints are in use. Just in case convinces him the Justin league all work with them. That no one would help them.
Now Danny escapes. Not unharmed. He has injures and newly made scars. He avoided going ghost at all costs the second time they controlled him. It’s far easier to force him back into his natural human state then to get him to unwillingly go ghost.
How he escaped well he had some help. One of the agents perhaps an undercover hero helped aid him.
Danny is on his own and doesn’t know what to do. Slowly beings of the realm get captured. Coming under there control.
With enough members of the infinite realm the attack happens. Under the disguise of otherworldly beings. No need for Amanda or the GIW to be known.
So the justice league has a new threat. Danny won’t even consider the justice league to help or going to Sam or tucker. He didn’t want his human friends or family to be involved. He didn’t even manage to warn the realm.
When his rogues and his ghostly allies start attacking the human realm Danny knows what’s up. He knows it’s not them. Skulker could be bought out, but he wasn’t even threatening to take his pelt. So Danny knows he’s under control as well. He starts to counter them best he can. Theres just too many of them. Danny never manages to get close to any to occupied trying to protect the human civilians from the ghosts.
It would have been far too suspicious of the ghosts just attacked the league right away. Better to force the league to go out and protect a town or two.
A direct attack on the league is when Danny is fully revealed to the league. They already knew about phantom protecting civilians. They had to have noticed. One of his Allie’s maybe frostbite, Dora or maybe even pandora is leading the charge. Whoever it is Danny breaks the control on them. Only do to the fact the league is holding off some of the ghosts. Imma go with pandora.
He breaks pandora free after getting a near fatal blow. Her eyes no longer glowing under control. She comes to with him injured. Pandora is powerful and decimates the remaining ghosts forcing them to retreat.
The justice league has questions. Now they know it’s some form of mind control. Obviously they are aware of phantom as he publicly has been defending against attacks. At this point there is no way they haven’t figured out how to hit the ghosts. Tech works on them in cannon, magic works so they had to have figured out something. Now the problem comes in with the number they are facing. How they ghosts just keep growing in number.
Where the league requires weapons or magic Danny and Pandora just then had taken out huge swarms of the ghosts without any weapons.
Here’s where the problem kicks in. Danny is convinced the league is apart of the problem. Danny hasnt really connect the dots yet. He is terrified they’ll cause pandora to be mind controlled again. Despite the fact the attack was against the league. The two dip before anything is said between the parties.
Now the league are dealing with ghosts under mind control and the person who managed to break one of them out looked terrified of them. Maybe it was Wonder Woman who originally approached it is pandora after all.
Pandora who is not a scared teenager working purely on impulse connects the dots.
Danny is a not the most logical person at this time. She’s the one who actually approaches the league. To get both sides of the story despite Danny’s protests. She does meet him halfway and just arranged a meeting with wonderwoman. Away from the watchtower.
Her meeting with wonder woman only confirms things.
This leads to Danny begrudgingly working with them. He doesn’t trust them by any means. But he trusts pandora. Pandora sends a message to the realm. About what’s going on.
She stays because the GIW have her box. Just to add more drama. So ghost and evil running amok. They can stop and influx of at least one.
The infinite realm cut access to the human realm. They won’t risk more of there people getting taken. If a portal opens up a team goes through to destroy it. Natural portals are rare and and not a big problem. But happen. Those ones get heavily guarded going forward.
No new ghost. The rest still under control. Pandora could fight them off. The issue is the mind control. She’s susceptible. At one point she nearly gets under control again. Danny steps in.
He went through it all. Knows what they are doing, how they are doing it. He lived it.
Danny has been phantom whenever around the league. At one point the mind control is directed back at him. He goes human right in front of them.
With the leagues help they find a way to massively break the control on the ghosts. Danny has had time to realize he had been in fact lied to. Sam, Tucker and Jazz get a chance to yell at Danny for leaving them behind. Because i like the angst it brings it get brought up that it was the Fenton parents who sold him out.
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orchideae · 3 months
1) Opens up drafts with my head empty, ready to be flooded, not knowing where I'll go. 2) 30 seconds later: Okay but I will go feral any day of my life over Perilous Trail, and the fierce dichotomy of Xiao and Yelan. While they're far from being 'the same', they both view themselves as soldiers in one way or another (it's a very difficult word to use for Yelan, so I'm using it very liberally and very loosely), they have both suffered losses on the 'battlefield' and carry the burden thereof in their own ways. And yet they stand so firmly in opposition throughout the entirety of that questline up until the very end of the 'the end of the line' conclusion of the quest. Yes, I know that she offers him her gratitude in its aftermath and it is genuine, but she still never agrees with him and the decision that he made moments earlier. It simply 'worked out' because of Zhongli's interference, he's the only reason it worked out. And it's because of that, that she doesn't give him a hell of a hard time (obviously she can't go down there, but imagine the inner frustration of severe extents; when you condemn someone who you can't even see anymore). In the same way that she would do to anyone who would sacrifice themselves for others, but in this case, I think it's 'beautiful' that it's to Xiao; the one who seems most adamant to do so (which honestly, fits into the contract that the Yakshas chose to sign with Morax; 'the ultimate sacrifice' to protect for Liyue; 'for Liyue', and Liyue has always centered itself around its people), the one who everyone reveres (and so does she, as she notes in her voiceline, 'if I ever have the honor to fight alongside') and respects for good reason, she stands against him, because in that moment, regardless of his status, he makes a call that she considers wrong. And he doesn't even... fight her on it very fiercely, and that's what actually hurts me the most, it's as if the following line hit the nail directly on the head?
"Besides, if you were really so determined to end it all, you wouldn't have given us the opportunity to share our opinions."
#[ mini study. ] that which hides inside her… that constant calling; it is the blood of heroes which has been howling for 500 years.#[ and then shortly after 'the point is: it's not time for drastic measures yet.' ]#[ /shakes ven into another dimension. ]#[ i thought the ost at the end of perilous ruined me enough. but tale of the yakshas may actually ruin me more. ]#[ also i love how i typed up the bit of the contract and 'for liyue' and zhongli in my head isn't rattling at bars but-- ]#[ he's sipping his tea (the equivalent). one day ven. i /promise/ you. one day you'll get him from me. ]#[ he'll likely be the 2nd genshin blog to run alongside yelan if/when i get to being able to run two again. ]#[ but until then. can we talk about the dynamic of xiao and yelan until we're blue in the face? i'd like to do that too. ]#[ i type this as if i'm perfectly chill but i'm not. i'm really not. the concept of self sacrifice and sacrifice as a whole. ]#[ BETWEEN THESE TWO. drives me /insane/. and part of me sits here and goes-- ]#[ god. what happened with yelan and her team down there? we know that despite every plan she ever made and prepared-- ]#[ their enemies (WHAT WERE YOU FIGHTING??) were too powerful and more specifically-- too smart. too calculating. ]#[ ... and too strong (okay literally what on earth were you fighting? are we talking the khaenri'ah soldiers? like what? or abyss mages?) ]#[ (but abyss mages don't exactly entirely fit the description in her story. ugh. UGH). ]#[ any way-- it was her and her team. /they/ all died and she didn't. yanfei describes it as... ]#[ 'knowing that your life was saved when others weren't'. surely the millilith didn't intervene or happen to arrive. yelan must've... ]#[ gotten away? or something? but that doesn't feel quite right. but i'm just sitting here left with the idea of... when you lead a team. ]#[ you bear the responsibility of even their lives. and yet despite bearing that responsibility; she's exactly the one who lived. ]#[ the only one who did. that has to be a /stupid/ burden. it's like the captain who has to go down with the ship but is the only one... ]#[ who gets to live. only one who gets to survive. i just. ]#[ i didn't think i'd love a character as much as this one. where did she come from; jesus christ. ]
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dyketrickfoot · 1 year
the pcs who went through their stories as children being the ones to give up their humanity in the trials is so fucked up i need to kill someone over that.
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dutybcrne · 2 months
Mulling over the idea of Kae in the Abyss verse slowly transforming into an Abyss herald or smth bc of the influence of all the Abyssal energy he'd absorbed and used, but instead of simply accepting it; he's utterly terrified and the Instant someone, anyone, finds him partway corrupted, him just Immediately reaching out to them so desperately, pride be damned, and begging them in tears to stay, to not leave him alone, like a child craving solace in the face of thunder-
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//It's about#//The lad who refuses to show his vulnerabilities heckin BREAKING as he loses his humanity#//Bc he CAN'T keep his composure; bc he's realizing just how SCARED he really was all along#//And the consequences/risk he thought he could take for the sake of 'finding a way to save his people' he's realizing are Too Much#//Finally hitting him how much he tried to take on; how damn much was put on his shoulders#//And how ALONE he wound up in the end; in pursuit of a heritage he desperately craved to know; people he was told were his responsibility#//That he OWED it to those people; being one of the last & most willing to 'do right' by them; his life SHOULD mean nothing compared to the#//& as such casting aside everything he knew bc he truly believed it was his burden/task to bear; no one else should be dragged into it#//Distrusting that anyone would take him or his Purpose seriously if he told them of his conflict; or worse; would react so BADLY to his#//Like how his most important person; his Sworn Brother; had half a decade ago#//Or perhaps he'd feared that if he told them; they could talk him OUT of following through with it#//And he'd let it all be; even Knowing the things he does; dreaming and hearing what he does#//Forever holding the guilt nestled deep in his heart until the day he dies#//But would that lifetime of simmering heartache compare to his solitude now? Cold; trembling; terrified beyond anything he's felt before?#//Idk; thinkings thinkings#//He knows not if he will be the same when it's all done. He might ask the person to mercy kill him; might ask them to save him#//Depends on how safe they make him feel; maybe
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eorzeashan · 10 months
I've been debating whether to make this idea canon for his backstory or not, but it's heavily suggested that Eight was the main executioner for a large portion of the previous iteration of ImpIntel before Keeper takes office as...well, Keeper. He was the youngest of his predecessors, but that made him what they viewed as the only person to carry on their future work when they'd all lived out past their primes as agents; their careers had matured into retirement territory and they were already far too dangerous to not be under permanent suspicion, but Eight was fresh. He was new. He was non-existent, even if he was set to directly replace an old Cipher designation, which granted him both entry into the old guard and a strange status as a fledgling agent that put him apart from other green officers.
As such, they entrusted him with the rest of their work and their legacies. The role of Cipher Eight is to be the last resort, the reserve, the one who carries out the final act. He personally took the mission to kill them when it was time. Even still, most asked him to. There was such a degree of trust between the old Ciphers and his supposed role that they could leave this world satisfied that whatever forbidden intel they left behind and any loose ends they couldn't take care of while alive would be taken care of by him, because he was one of them. In this, they found more peace than an end at the hands of their masters. He was their hope for the future, the culmination of everything they chose to safeguard, and the carrier of their last wills; their secrets died with them and in him.
Once gone, the Sith would change faces and hands and Intelligence would be dramatically overturned and redone, as it always did with every new cycle. Not once would they look at the last remnant of it and think the traitors' plans still survived, because to kill so many of his own fellows surely meant Eight had no part in their work. No Sith suspected him, and no agent trusted him for the betrayal of his own people, but this was the legacy he had wrought.
No one knows the truth, save for Keeper, that wily old man who found an empty office waiting for him after an up-and-coming young agent had cleared his predecessors out, and Lokin, the other old man who seems to have made it his personal duty to regale such deaths to the successor, Nine.
In some way, Eight secretly hoped he would be the one to eliminate Nine when the order from the Council came.
Fate had other plans, and so it was never to be.
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