#okay I’m rambling now bc it’s late and I’m tired
whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
I wanna manage to post at least one (1) halloween thing before the month is over. I wanna feel…. Not mentally exhausted and unable to write creatively for once. I really would.
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chuluoyi · 6 months
the secret wife
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- nanami kento x reader
follow the first years’ misadventures as they find out that apparently, the infamous 7:3 sorcerer is also a dutiful and loving husband in private!
genre/warnings: crack, fluff, the first years are simply chaotic, an attempt at humor, gojo cameo (he’s so insufferable), mentions of pregnancy, nanami being the best husband there is
note: based on an anon's suggestion, this is a spin-off to love entries' wife (so gojo is married to love entries reader naturally!) this is full chaos and crack omg so sorry and isn't proofread bc i’m kinda tired so pls forgive any mistakes and my dry humor :')
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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On one fine, sunny day, which was supposed to be a calm and relaxing afternoon...
“Hello? Yuji—”
Megumi could've sworn, they weren't usually this nosy.
“Gojo-sensei! It's urgent!”
Call it indulgence, because Nobara's curiosity just got the better of her.
“Oh? What's—”
“Does Nanamin have a wife!?”
And Yuji... well, he just needed answers, because the three of them were now in the ‘Mom and Baby’ section of department store, having just witnessed a monumental sight of their esteemed mentor, Nanami Kento—
—with a remarkably stunning woman hanging onto his arm.
“Huh?” Gojo's confusion was evident from the other line. Oh, yeah. Yuji had decided to cut to the chase and call him too, hoping for a swift clarification.
Okay, so why were the trio—plus Gojo on the speakerphone—hiding behind a pillar just to spy on Nanami and his very possible wife? Let us rewind 30 minutes before...
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Yuji considers himself to have an exceptional eye and taste for women.
And 30 minutes ago, when he fell on his butt on the rough, hard asphalt in the jammed Shibuya crossing after accidentally getting shoved by the crowd, and encountered a kind, vivacious older woman—you, who extended a hand to help him up, he was even more convinced of that.
“Are you alright, Itadori-kun?” your soft voice entered his ears, catching him off-guard, and Yuji was certain of two things then.
One, that you were just like a literal angel descended from skies above, all dolled up and pretty with your flowy sundress.
“Ah, uh—” he stammered, eyes darting everywhere and anywhere at once as his palm started sweating after clasping your hand. “I-I am…”
And two, for the life of him, he had no idea who you were.
But it registered late in his mind to ask as he was busy controlling his ragged breathing and instant crush, and before Yuji knew it, you graced him with another kind smile and went on your way.
And did he feel so miserable afterwards.
. . .
“She’s sooo hella pretty, Fushiguro! And she knows me! Me!”
Megumi sighed, eyeing his friend in disgust. Truthfully, all he wanted was to return to the dorms and collapse onto his bed, and not listen to his friend’s incoherent ramblings.
"You sure you weren't imagining things?" Nobara questioned with slight irritation. "After you embarrassed us in front of Gojo-sensei's wife a while back, please think more before you act."
"I'm not, I swear! She said my name!"
"Itadori, can you please just not?" Megumi grumbled, having enough of this ruckus. "I want to walk back in peace."
And so tucking away his pout, Yuji walked in silence just as his best friend asked, and he was really going to leave it at that when suddenly he caught the sight of a familiar pristine coat and the sundress from earlier. “Oh?”
"Isn't that Nanami-san?" Nobara also spotted him, her eyes widening when she saw you, who was happily beaming as well as Nanami's light chuckle. "And wait, who is—?"
"That's her!" Yuji burst out, pointing decisively in your direction. "That's who I was talking about!"
Oh, no. Megumi dreaded it already. He could already see the utter catastrophe—
"I'm going after them!"
"Wait, Itadori! Me too!"
Too late. Before he could stop them, Nobara and Yuji had followed the pair. Reluctantly, Megumi trailed behind them too, albeit wearing a vexed scowl. Yet despite his misgivings, he couldn't deny that the things he saw over the next 30 minutes were genuinely unexpected.
Nanami consistently led you to a quieter spot away from the bustling crowd, his hand holding yours firmly. He would occasionally throw you a smile, or when you didn’t hold hands, then he’d wrap an arm around your waist. And to the trio's bewilderment, they also saw him tenderly brushing his lips against your head while on the escalator.
Soft and gentle. It was a side of Nanami Kento they had never witnessed—either with anyone else or even himself.
The two of you ventured through home appliances, visited food stalls, and eventually... the ‘Mom and Baby’ section.
"Do you want to rest for a bit?" Nanami's voice held a touch of concern as his hand settled on the small of your back, and seeing that, Nobara positively swooned.
"Oh, no, I'm fine," you responded with a reassuring smile. "Let's head over there. I'd like to see that next!"
Watching you and Nanami meticulously going through strollers and cribs like a pair of would-be parents was apparently too mind-blowing for Yuji and Nobara, leading to the decision to call Gojo right then and there. And, as they say, the rest was history.
"Last I heard, Nanami wasn't married," Gojo answered resolutely. "If he is, then it's the ultimate betrayal because he never told me!"
"But we see him with a woman! At mother and baby care section!"
Gojo hummed in thoughtful manner. "Okay, students. Now I'm tasking you to see this to the very end! Keep me on the line!"
With that, Operation: Uncover Nanami's Wife was officially underway, and frankly, the way the three of them were clumsily tailing the 7:3 sorcerer made Megumi want to facepalm. How was it that Nanami hadn't noticed their rather conspicuous attempts at all?
Now you were fawning over baby clothes, cutely trying not to squeal as you picked a little blue and yellow overalls. "Kento! Kento! Look, how cute!"
And all of them were floored once again when the expression on his face softened, as a warm smile adorned his lips. "Yeah, they are."
"Is she pregnant? She doesn't look it..." Nobara remarked, squinting and frowning, still watching the two of you like a hawk.
"Or maybe they're shopping for someone else?" Megumi suggested, earning teasing grins from Yuji and Nobara, to which he quickly rolled his eyes, as they chorused, "Looks like you're curious too!"
After a while, you moved from the clothes to sections stocked with mother's necessities. Yuji leaned against one of the racks, pressing his ear against it, with Nobara and Megumi crowding behind him, attempting to catch a snippet of your conversation with Nanami.
"I think we should get some heat packs and these pillows—"
"Oh, Kento! You're such a worrywart, I still won't need them for a few more months—"
"Wait, what?" Yuji whipped his head around in surprise, causing Nobara, who was leaning on him, to stumble and inadvertently collide with the racks.
"Eh? Huh!?"
Unfortunately, the racks weren't sturdy enough, and the force caused them to sway dangerously. Nobara, sensing her imminent fall, instinctively grabbed Yuji's arm to steady herself. However, he got tugged instead and their combined weight exacerbated the situation, leading to the racks quickly toppling over and a deafening commotion ensued—
"Careful!" Nanami immediately pulled you behind him, a protective arm around your shoulder, sensing your shock from the sudden crash. He was on high alert, expecting some sort of attack of cursed spirits, but instead, he was met with the most astounding sight of the bickering culprits amidst the fallen racks.
"Kugisaki! What are you doing!"
"You dumbass! Why didn't you stop me from falling?!"
"Itadori-kun...?" Nanami called out in utter disbelief, his mind couldn't fathom as to why the first years were here. However, his attention quickly shifted to Megumi, who was seething and sending his friends a glare so hard it could drill a hole into them.
Then, the boy swiftly fixed himself into a low bow in front of him, ashamed, disregarding Yuji and Nobara's groans altogether. "Nanami-san, I'm very, very sorry on their behalf."
"What are the three of you doing here?" he inquired, and poor Megumi seemed at a loss, huffing as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of where to even start.
Meanwhile you were full of worry for the fallen kids. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?"
For the second time today, you tried to help Yuji to stand on his feet, and this time, he really had a good look over you.
It wasn't exactly noticeable due to how loose your dress was, but now he could see that under it, your belly was slightly rounded—an unmistakable baby bump.
Amidst his shock and pain, Yuji couldn't bring himself to take your hand as he inadvertently let this slip, "N-Nanamin! You knocked her up!"
Nanami blinked. You gaped. Megumi and Nobara went pale in sheer horror, ready to murder their friend on the spot for his extreme height of rudeness.
“Itadori-kun,” Nanami cleared his throat then, and if he was offended, then he chose not to show it. “First of all, I’m sorry for not introducing you sooner. This is Y/N, my wife, and yes,” his tone hardened slightly, “She’s carrying our first child.”
“S-so you are married!”
“Yes, that was what I—”
“What the hell?! NANAMIIII!”
Oh, the freaking phone. After his fall, Yuji’s phone ended up on the floor, and of course, Gojo did hear all of the entire madness, evident from how his voice blared from the phone.
Nanami frowned, unwittingly reaching out towards the phone. “Who—?”
“NA-NA-MI!" Gojo screeched in righteous exasperation, and the former immediately pulled away from the phone with a cringe. “How could you?! I invited you to my wedding! Are you a hermit or something—how could not tell anyone!? Didn’t you say I can officiate—”
“I said no such thing. Please refrain from saying outrageous things, it’s both annoying and misleading,” Nanami stressed, growing more irritated by the mere sound of Gojo's whining voice and feeling his patience waning rapidly.
"Aren't we friends?! How—!"
"Should I find you instigate one more of this... shenanigans with the kids, I won't hesitate to report you to Yaga and your wife," he interjected then with clear irritation, and right that second, Gojo shut himself up.
Yuji, Nobara and Megumi couldn't help drawing that one conclusion in wonder: So, that's what Gojo-sensei is afraid of.
Nanami swiftly ended the call with a flick of his finger, returning the phone to the still mystified Yuji. Turning back to the trio, Nanami's irritation simmered as he glanced at the mess of broken goods on the floor, as well as noticing the approaching clerks.
"You three..." Nanami started, his voice rising slightly, unfaltering even as the three of them flinched. "Do you realize what you've done? Are you so idle that you can ditch your assignments?"
"Kento, don't be too harsh," you rebuked, placing a hand on his arm with a frown on your face. Nanami sighed, looking over the situation once again. It was a whole rack of baby necessities destroyed; plates, glasses, and whatnot scattered across the floor.
Nobara bit her lip in anxiety. “Oh my god, who's going to pay for all this damage?” She could already imagine the staggering amount this mess would cost. This is worth millions, anyone can go bankrupt.
There was only one person who can and will. Immediately, both Nanami and Megumi turned to her with a shared resolve.
"Gojo," Megumi blurted.
"He will be charged for everything," Nanami added with spite.
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"You just love those kids, don't you, Kento?"
That night, when both of you were ready for sleep, Nanami had one hand caressing your still growing belly, and you teased him with a chuckle.
"Huh?" your husband looked at you in mild confusion as he stopped stroking you. "What do you mean?"
You giggled again. "You said to put it on Gojo's name, but in the end, you were the one who covered the damages first."
Nanami huffed lightly. "That's because I can't get the kids in trouble. But mark my words, I'll make sure Gojo pays up later, by force if I need to." He made a face when he remembered just what a massive bill it was. "That's too much money to be spent carelessly. We have our child and our future to consider."
"You're always like that," you sighed fondly, taking his hand and placing it back to the swell of your belly. "Always on the first line of defense for the students." Your smile widened. "It makes me think... just how lucky our kid will be with you as their father."
"On the contrary, I'm counting my blessings that they'll have someone as soft as you for their mother," your husband retorted with a smile, kissing your temple. And your heart melted into a puddle by his affectionate gesture.
"That's too sweet... ah, yeah," suddenly, you were reminded of a critical thing. “Kento, have you ever considered telling everyone else that we're married? At least to people at school?”
Nanami always wanted privacy for safety reasons most of the time, and you understood that, but seeing that Gojo and the first years knew already, you thought it might be the best time to let everyone know.
"I honestly don’t see the need to, why?"
"People like Gojo are confused—"
Your husband rolled his eyes then. "Don’t worry, dear. People like Gojo exist to spread the word so we don't have to."
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straykeedz · 6 months
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𝐬𝐜𝐛 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬; 𝐧° 01
this was supposed to be me elaborating on this thought by @hyunsvngs (😵‍💫 never have i ever related to something more btw, i absolutely LOVE body hair), and it ended up being a drabble bc i'm dumb and i always ramble a lot.
bear with me if there's any mistakes, as per usual english is not my native language and secondly it's late and im tired and im supposed to be sleeping lol
𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭
𝐭𝐰: 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞; 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐣𝐨𝐛; 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐛; 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬?; 𝐜𝐮𝐦 𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠; 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐭; ♡
𝐰𝐜: 1,5𝐤 ;
The first time you suck him off, it catches him completely off guard. 
After all, you’ve only been going out for a couple of weeks, and you haven’t made things official yet, so it’s not like he’s expecting you to drop on your knees and take his cock out, why would he? He’s a gentleman, and he wants to respect your boundaries - after all you’ve been going out for less than a month and are not official yet. Yes, you’ve made out in the backseats of his car countless of times by now, and you made him cum in his pants while dry humping, but you haven’t seen each other naked yet. 
That’s why he nearly chokes on air when, during a particularly heated make-out session, you drop on your knees unexpectedly, palming his hard-on over the thick material of his jeans. It’s when your fingers reach for the button of his pants that he stops you by wrapping his fingers around your wrist. 
“Oh. I’m so sorry, I should’ve asked. It’s okay if you don’t want me to.”, you immediately apologize, and he wants to slap himself across the face. 
It’s not like he doesn’t want it - because he does. It’s just… It’s silly, now that he thinks about it, but insecurities are a bitch. He should’ve shaven earlier in the shower, shouldn’t he? He just didn’t think you’d go that far. Fuck- it’s too late now. It’s the first time you’re touching him and he doesn’t know what your preferences are - what if you don’t like body hair? What if it grosses you out? His exes didn’t like body hair on him after all…
“Ah, it’s not that.”, he mumbles, scratching the back of his neck, and can feel his cheeks flush pink. “I want you to.”
“Then what’s wrong?”, you ask him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
You’re there, kneeling between his legs, looking at him with doe eyes, and he feels stupid. “It’s stupid, really.”, he tries to brush it off. 
“I’m sure it’s not stupid if it’s making you feel this way. You can tell me, I won’t judge. Promise.”
Is it too soon to say he’s in love with you? Because that’s all he can think of right now. 
“It’s just, I wasn’t expecting to do… this tonight, so I haven’t…” I have, uhm… hair?”, it comes out as a question. 
“And…?”, you’re still pretty confused. He has body hair, so? 
Changbin looks at you genuinely surprised, eyebrows raised and boba eyes open wide. “You don’t… mind?”
You smile at him, then bite your lip and shake your head. “Nope. In fact, I think it’s sexy.”, your fingers toy with the hem of his t-shirt, lifting it up to reveal the pale skin of his stomach and - oh. Your head snaps up in his direction. “You have a happy trail!”
“I have a… what?”
“A happy trail.”, you repeat, brushing the soft hair that runs from his navel all the way to his crotch, disappearing under the waistband of his boxers. “It’s hot.”
“Is it?”, he furrows his eyebrows. 
You hum in agreement. Then, you lean in to place a kiss directly on his navel, and he gasps. “Can I show you how much I find it hot?”
He nods quickly, and shivers when he feels your hot tongue on his skin. You lick a long stripe that goes from the waistband of his underwear to his belly button, coating his skin and his body hair - the happy trail, as you called it - in your spit. “Fuck.”, he mutters under his breath, kicking his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. Inside the confines of his boxers, he’s rock hard and leaking. 
A shaky breath leaves his parted lips when you fidget with the button of his jeans. You undo unbutton them quickly, then unzip them, and he lifts his hips from the couch to help you slide them down his thick thighs. The grey boxers he’s wearing leave almost nothing to the imagination, and your mouth literally salivates at the sight of a wet patch on the fabric. When he catches you staring, his cheeks flush pink once more. He’s about to say something, but you catch him off guard for a second time by latching your mouth to his inner thigh and start to leave a series of kisses and delicate scratches that go all the way to his clothed groin. Changbin is already a mess - breathing heavily and trying not to think of how hot you look, otherwise he knows he’ll be cumming the second you touch him. Hooking your fingers on each side of his underwear, you slide them off his thighs as well, finally freeing his cock. 
“Oh.”, is all that leaves your lips at the sight of the prettiest and hottest dick you’ve ever seen. 
What was he even insecure about? Right, hair. You don’t want to sound cheesy, but pubic hair looks fucking good on him. Like, really fucking good. There’s soft, dark curls decorating the base of his cock, and you can’t wait to bury your nose in it while you take him down your throat. That should show him how fucking perfect he is and how much he turns you on. 
“Changbin do you-“ you find it hard to take your eyes off of that pretty cock, but eventually you lift your gaze to look at him “Do you have any idea how much I find you hot?”
He’s about to answer - he doesn’t even know what to say to be honest, he’s not used to receiving compliments, what a shame - when you suddenly grab him by the base and wrap your wet lips around his cockhead, and he chokes a moan, throwing his head back once more. “Oh, fuck.”, he grunts. 
He’s about to protest when you pull him out of your mouth, but it’s only so that you can let a gob of spit fall directly on the tip. You then take him in your mouth once again, smearing your own saliva all over his length using your lips. Meanwhile, the pads of your fingers toy with the soft hair at the base of his cock and his stomach, brushing it lightly. 
Changbin relaxes instantly under your touch and spreads his legs wider, letting you accomodate between them in an even more comfortable position so that you finally can take more of him in your mouth. A deep grunt leaves his lips when the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat, and he’s quick to entangle his fingers in your hair while he’s gripping the cushion hard with his other hand as you continue to bob your head up and down his length. 
You release him from your mouth to catch your breath, and start to pump his length with your hand instead - wet sounds filling the room. He doesn’t expect you to fucking lick his balls, swirling your tongue around the most sensitive part of his body, then taking one inside your mouth. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck- you’re so fucking good at this, oh my God.” Changbin swears under his breath, chest rising and falling quickly as he feels himself getting closer and closer. He opens his eyes to look at you, and it’s the most beautiful sight he’s ever witnessed - you, kneeling between his spread legs, pumping his cock with your hand and with your lips wrapped around his balls. You swirl your tongue around them once more, coating also the hair at the base in your saliva, and Changbin chokes on air. 
He lets out a small whine when you release his balls from your mouth, but you immediately wrap your lips around his cock once more, determined to give him a mind-blowing orgasm. It’s what he deserves - he deserves to be fucking worshipped and spoiled. 
“I’m so close.”, he whines when you take him even deeper, your nose brushing his pubic hair as the underside of his cock lies flat on your tongue. “‘M so fucking close, please.”, be begs in a high-pitched tone, and you decide to finally give him what he wants. Only then you bury your nose in the soft hair at the base of his cock and swallow around his length, and before he can stop himself or warn you - Changbin is coming in your mouth, shooting hot, white ropes of thick cum down your throat. His legs shake due to the intensity of his orgasm, and when he shuts his eyes, all he can see is white. 
It takes a while for him to catch his breath. You release his now softening cock from your mouth, and smile at the sight of him so fucked out - both of his hands covering his face as he takes deep breaths, shirt lifted, softening cock lying on his abdomen and your sticky saliva smeared all over his skin and hair. 
“C’mere, let me return the favor.”, is the first thing he tells you once he’s gained his breath. 
-> 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 - “𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧” 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝.
-> 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.
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2knightt · 3 months
CANT HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER!!! i’m utterly obsessed with the curtis brothers.
idk if u do this, but if u can, the curtis brothers with a reader who’s super down bad for them? they make it so clear, too. constantly doing everything for them, making food, buying snacks, just utterly everything. compliments, holding their hand religiously … yk.
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ you know i’m a fool for you. ⋄ 𓍯
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…IN WHICH! you think the curtis brothers are the only men on the planet.
tags/warnings: swearing(on my end/once during dialogue.) reader being slightly overprotective or insane, mentions of reader getting hit on, mentions of reader leaving lip stick stains, me not knowing what to write for darry.
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ i’m using ny other accounts layout bc i can’t be bothered rn. also i’m here to feed y’all i’ve noticed the outsiders x reader tag is lowkey dry asl.
Ponyboy Curtis:
like actually. he is TWEAKING AT ALL TIMES! when you first like started complimenting him, showering him in kisses, giggling n’ shit—he thought it was a one time thing.
ponyboy just thought he’d have to thug that shit out once a week or something. he was, in-fact, pleasantly surprised when you continued to do it.
“you’re so-mwah-cute! i wish-mwah-i could-mwah-hold you forever!”
he’s so flustered omfg like actually he’s beet red LMFAOOO. if you were to put your fingers to his forehead it’d be so hot. like ponyboy’s avoiding eye contact, his lips are tightened, etc.
if he were to stay the night at your place—you make him all types of food. like, food he’d never heard of. or food he’d dream about after eating bologna for a week,
“for me? …really?”
“mhm! c’mon, don’t let it get cold now.”
ponyboy is DIGGING RIGHT THE FUCK IN. okay he is SCARFING THAT DOWN. after he’d be a little embarrassed of how quickly he ate but like you just took it as a good thing.
thinks you’re the best cook ever tbh. gordan ramsey has nothing on you type levels.
going on a walk with him to go grocery shopping for the curtis house with your hands intertwined and letting ponyboy ramble about this annoying substitute he had!!! IT’S REAL!!! ALL OF IT!!!
“n’ then he tried to tell me my answer was wrong when i studied last night—I EVEN ASKED MY FRIENDS. so, i know it was right. i just think mr. johnson had a personal vendetta against me.”
“smh…i could do slash his tires if you’d like♡!”
he’d like holding your sleeve or the hem of your shirt as you walk around, looking more awkward above all else.
uwahh showering ponyboy in compliments late at night when it’s just the two of you, twirling his hair as you hold him closer!!!
“you’re hair is so pretty. it’s so soft…i dunno why you put grease in it. if i was you—i’d never let anyone touch it.”
“i don’t. i only let you.”
ur friends are soooo sick of you talking about ponyboy LMFAOOOO like actually. every time you go, ‘omfg did i tell you guys, he-‘ they know to just let you mindlessly ramble.
“and then ponyboy read to me ‘til i fell asleep! he’s so sweet—i dunno how he’s real!”
“i dunno how you’re so whipped.”
“he must be the funniest motherfucker on the planet if y/n’s this obsessed.”
Sodapop Curtis
HE’S usually the whipped one in the relationship…he felt both extremely lucky and threatened when you started attacking him with kisses…
“you’re so handsome. i’m just the luckiest person on earth—ain’t i?”
“why’d you say it like that?😞”
“cause I’M the luckiest person on the earth…I’M supposed to be tellin’ you this…”
but as time goes on—he does take the loss and accepts you’re better at him. for now. it’s only a matter of seconds until sodapop thinks of something insane to show his love for you.
anyways! IMAGINE COOKING WITH HIM OHHHH NY GODDDDD /?:&$:&: he just mainly stands there and looks pretty as he asks what you’re doing but SHHH. HE’S MORAL SUPPORT.
“i’m chopping onions for the flavour, honey.”
“you don’t like onions, though?”
“i don’t like the crunch rather than the flavou—YOU REMEMBERED I DON’T LIKE ONIONS??☹️☹️”
“of course i would!”
gladly holds ur hand 24/7. i’m not kidding. you two are like super magnets. HEHEHE IMAGINE HIM DRIVING WITH ONE HAND ON THE WHEEL AND HIS OTHER HAND HOLDING YOURS!!/!2!
you do take him grocery shopping. only sometimes, though. he only buys junk food rather than actual food.
“can i get these? please?”
“you already have two bags of chips in the cart, soda.”
“SIGH…get them.”
knows you can’t say no to him and that’s like the only time he uses it to his advantage.
soc’s do hit on you under the premise of ‘showing you how a real man is supposed to spoil a lady like you.’ HOWEVER, you look at them like they’re aliens.
“hey, baby. what’re you doin’ around here?”
they’re shocked above all else as they see you turn away from them and quickly walk away without looking back. AND WOOO SODA IS SO PROUD.
Darry Curtis
the gang acts like you two are constantly fighting whenever you start to look at darry with that sparkle in your eyes.
“what the hell are you on about, soda?”
“you’re scaring pony!” “don’t bring me into this.”
“mind you’re own business, soda.”
“y/n, please. these are for my house.”
“so?? my wallet was out first.”
“that doesn’t mean anything. baby, i’m telling you, i’m paying.”
“too late, i already handed the cashier the money.”
you cook and clean for the curtis’ to take something off of darry’s back out of the kindness in your heart and totally not because you want him to pay more attention to you!! NEVER!!
but you do enjoy the fact that darry has more time to sit down and pay attention to you! and darry really likes the extra time he has!!
“you didn’t have to.”
“yes i did! you’ve been so stressed out, it’s the least i could do for you.”
“you’re such a treat, y’know.”
“mh. only f’you.”
you FORCE him to hold your hand. sometimes he forgets that he’s supposed to hold your hand in public so do NOT BE AFRAID TO GRAB IT YOURSELF.
but once you do, darry is the last person to let go. maybe to wrap an arm around your hip—BUT THAT’S IT.
teehee leaving lipstick stains on his white t-shirt accidentally🫶🫶!! it’s all so real to me!! sure, darry’s a little annoyed but it’s okay! he can never be mad at you!
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okay this request might be a little specific and long to get it out of my mind because I have major baby fever right now too but what about spending the holidays w/ peter and reader is pregnant but peter doesn’t know but the symptoms are so bad with motion sickness and no drinking and it’s obvious that the ladies in the family suspect and privately tell her it’s surely that bc also they can see it “in the face” but to peter he thinks he’s done something wrong🥺 and she’s acting weird but reader is just nervous
Your Well-Kept(?) Secret
--genre + trope: FLUFF, pregnancy reveal
--pairing: husband!tasm!peter parker x pregnant!wife!reader
--word count: 1.1k
--warnings: language, FLUFF OMG, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of alcohol, mentions of nausea, a bit of anxiety, reader is so anxious and nervous, peter is smitten by his wife.
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You cover your mouth to muffle a strange mix of a laugh and cry in your cramped bathroom as you look down at the two lines on the pregnancy test, slowly growing darker. Placing the stick down on the cool counter, you run your hands through your hair. You’ve been feeling off for a few weeks, prompting you to run to the drug store and grab a test. 
Emotions were running high. You should be getting ready for Aunt May’s annual holiday party, but instead, you’re looking at yourself, or rather your belly, in the mirror. You weren’t sure what to feel, but you knew you were nervous. Fuck, what is Pete going to think? Of course, he loved you; without a doubt he did, but kids? The topic of kids was always a conversation for later, but now that it’s here, it scared you to death. 
Looking down at your phone, you check the time, quickly putting your emotions, and the test, aside. 
You and Peter have made it out the door, only a few minutes late. With one of his hands holding yours, and the other carrying a bottle of wine, Peter keeps you close. Walking to the subway gave you time to think. Thinking of both the good and the bad made your head swirl with anxiety. What if Pete gets mad? Can we even afford a kid right now? How far along am I? What would their name be? A soft, but tight squeeze pulls you out of your thoughts. Looking up at your husband, you give him a polite smile, “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” he rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, “you’re just a little quiet today. Are you feeling alright bug?”
His constant worry for you makes you squeeze his hand in return, “Yeah, I’m okay, just a little tired.” He nods, accepting your answer for now. He always knew when something was off when it came to you, and this time was no exception. 
After a quick ride, and a few blocks later, you make it to Aunt May’s, her street filled with a row of parked cars on each side. “Wow, May invited a lot of people this year. I wonder if she invited the Blake’s across the street, their charcuterie board was so good last year,” Peter looks at you as he quips. 
You nod, bringing your hand up farther onto Peter’s arm to pull him closer, a sudden rush of nausea washing over your senses. 
Peter takes note of this, furrowing his eyebrows in concern while he reaches out to press the doorbell. Aunt May opens the door, her eyes lighting up when she sees the two of you, “You guys made it! Come in, come in. Oh, you look so pretty (Y/N)! The Blakes are here with their charcuterie board again, they’ve somehow found a way to double the size; but hey, I’m not complaining.”
May was clearly running around before greeting you guys, her rambling giving it away. You giggle at her excitement, you knew that she loved hosting, especially when you and Peter were able to visit. 
After making your rounds, you follow Peter into the kitchen, the alcohol coming into view. He grabs a beer for himself and starts to uncork the wine he brought to pour for you. Bringing a hand up to land on his arm, you stop him, “I don’t feel like drinking tonight, baby.”
He looks at you and puts the bottle down, “Okay. Can I get you anything else, bug?”
“Just water is good for me, thank you,” you smile at him as he turns around and walks away to get water. 
You sigh as you see his back walk away from you, you’re not sure how much longer you can keep up this act. The thought of keeping this from your husband adds to your nausea, but keeping it together is at the forefront of your mind. Looking down, you take a breath, only looking back up when you see one of May’s friends from work standing in front of you. You’re slightly shocked by her appearance, “Hi Miriam, how have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“(Y/N), it is so good to see you. I’ve been good, well, as good as a nurse during the holiday season can be,” she laughs, leaning in close, “I’ve just been meaning to ask if you’ve been feeling alright?”
You freeze in place, “Yeah, I’m just a little tired today, but nothing to worry about.”
“Good, good…You haven’t been feeling nauseous or anything like that?” a teasing tone lacing through her words. 
Silence. You can’t even respond. You’re baffled, “Is it really that obvious?”
A warm smile appears on her features as she rubs a hand up and down your arm, “Oh, honey…You’re surrounded by women who work in a hospital, we could see it in your face.”
You feel your cheeks warm at her confession, “Miriam, I’m so nervous. Peter doesn’t know yet.”
“You shouldn’t be a sweetheart. He is in love with you, has been for forever, even before you two were even dating,” she laughs, “you know Peter. And you know who he is, would he ever be upset at you for something like this?”
This may be what you need. Reassurance that came from someone else was always more believable than when it came from yourself. God! You feel so stupid for thinking that Peter would be mad at you for this. Looking at the older woman, you smile and shake your head.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Peter walking back with a water bottle in his hand, “Sorry bug, I got held up by one of May’s cousins. Apparently, he was there when I was born, and he just had to tell me all about it–Oh hey Miriam!”
After a few short minutes of small talk between the two, she walks away, not before winking at you as she turns her head.
 “Hey, we’re alright,” Peter’s voice, low and filled with worry, lingers throughout the air, “right?”
Bringing a hand up to his cheek, you copy the movement he displayed on your hand from earlier, “Yeah, we’re okay. I love you so so much, Pete.”
“I love you too, (Y/N).”
Placing the softest peck on his lips, you grab his hand, “C’mon, I saw May bring out raspberry thumbprints, and I need to snag some before everyone else can get to them.”
Your worries were at ease; that was the least you could ask for on this day, surrounded by friends, family, and most of all your husband. Your loving, caring, obnoxiously kind husband. You’ll tell him later, but today is all about each other, and the Blake’s charcuterie board. 
--author's note: LISTEN I KNOW PREGNANT PEOPLE CANNOT EAT LIKE ANYTHING ON A CHARCUTERIE BOARD, BUT LETS JUST CHILL AND GO WITH IT PLEASE!!! nonnie, this request is so sweet i'm going to have a cavity. i love writing domestic peter who loves his wife, because i'm so down bad for him. my asks/inbox is open guyssss, so send in more delicious things like this!!! support your writers by liking, commenting, and reblogging pretty please!! ok, bye ily!!! <333
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biscuitblinkeu · 1 year
The Finale - Part 1 [10]
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Park Chaeyoung x Fem!reader
Word Count: 2395
It’s the final chapter (b/c I need to end it all or I’ll go insane)! I hope this ending is satisfactory for you guys… but thank you for all your comments throughout my procrastination of this series, I pushed through thanks to you guys. I did have to end up splitting them in two bc it was way too long for me to finish tonight, tomorrow the next part comes out!
“Do I want to…kiss your mom?” Rosé repeated slowly, a faint rouge-tinted blush rose to her ears. Of course she does, she always wants to, but in front of Nala? Your daughter, who’s going through your divorce? How would she feel knowing you’re not in love with Jaylyn and like her instead? This was complicated.
Before she could answer though, you're waving your hands around frantically and letting out hurried rambles. “That’s not what she meant! She just— Nala usually just says that when a person finds me likable? You know, it’s...”
“It’s really alright,” Rosé interrupts before addressing Nala. She smiles, “I do. She’s a great person.”
“Yeah, she is! Mommy is amazing!” Nala says before sneezing again. Rosé slides the tissue box over to her, receiving a grateful look from you and a thank you from the little girl.
You sink into the couch cushions, momentarily overwhelmed with that close call. You don’t know how to tell Nala you and Rosé are, as Nala understands how you and Jaylyn were, “together-together.”
For about half an hour, you watch the cartoon Nala had on the tv, scroll on your phone, and talk to them. Then you hear it: a prolonged gasp. A yawn. Someone is getting sleepy.
“Was that a yawn I heard?” You say slowly, inching closer to your daughter with tickle-monster hands. Nala is quick to shake her head and scoot back, “No! It was— it was Rosé!” Said woman looks up from her paper and stops drawing. Confused, she meets your eyes, you shrug.
“Rosé, what? Nala?”
“Rosé yawned first! Rosé infected me—” She whines.
Both of you turn to Rosè, and she catches on quickly. “Oh, yes. I yawned first. I suppose that it passed on to Nala.” Nala nods enthusiastically at her side. You let out a sigh as you lean your head back against the couch. “Okay, I guess you're free…this time.” They laugh at your melodramatics.
You close your eyes for a few moments and listen to their chatter about something random, not bothering to try and catch any of it. Your head snaps back up, and you frown at Rosé after looking at the time on your phone. “Rosé I’m sorry, I didn’t notice the time. It’s late… and I just realized you work tomorrow, don’t you? Aren’t you tired? I didn’t mean to keep you so long…”
She smiles softly at you and shakes her head. “Nonsense. I stayed this long because I chose too. So it’s alright, but I should probably head home now. This was fun.” She sits up on her legs. The paper she was sketching and coloring on was passed to Nala, who gasps. “Mommy look what Rosé drew for me!” In a hurry, she hops onto the couch next to you and shoves the paper into your hands, eager for you to look at it.
It was a scene that looked like it was from a ghibli movie. Different flowers sprouted from a hill, detailed and colored beautifully, and a pretty sky she colored and blended with blues and whites. She drew this all with color pencils too; that’s talent. You grinned at Rosé, “this is pretty good, you sure you don’t want to become an artist?”
She chuckled, shaking her head. When you gave Nala her picture back she dropped off the couch and ran over to Rosé, surprising both of you when she threw her arms around her. “Thank you! I love it!” Rosé hugged her gently, smiling warmly at the little girl, her heart so happy. “You’re welcome Nala.”
After Rosé gathers her stuff, you and Nala walk her to the door. “Why don’t you put your pj’s on Nala? I’ll be upstairs soon, okay?”
“Kayyy,” she drags out, and runs down the hallway and skirts around the corner, presumably to upstairs. You look towards Rosé and roll your eyes good naturedly. “I wonder where all that energy comes fro—” You pause, and tiny footsteps are running back down the hallway. Slightly out of breath Nala squeezes past you to the front of Rosé, “I forgot to say bye,” she heaves, and comically, you wait till she catches her breath. She grabs Rosé’s pants’ leg and looks up to her. “Bye Rosé! Come back soon okay?”
“I will, bye Nala.” And then your daughter is zooming back up the stairs, leaving you two laughing.
Through your laughs, you help her put her coat on, and once she’s all set you lean against the doorframe. “That was…”you begin; your daughter, unintentionally hilarious.
“Entertaining?” She suggests. You shrug. “Sure, we’ll go with that.”
A comfortable silence falls upon you, the two of you content just taking in each other's presence. She takes a step towards you, and you pull her in for a hug. “I’ll see you in a few days,” she says against your hair. You hum against her shoulder, “Thanks for coming over.”
Pulling away, she speaks again. “If anything comes up, call me. I will be there for both of you.” Then, almost shyly, she kisses your lips and says goodbye.
You return to the living room, cleaning up any leftover crayons or colored pencils your daughter might have dropped on the floor before going up to her room. She’s already in her covers, wearing her pajamas. You notice that she already hung up the picture Rosé drew for her on the wall adjacent to her bed, and smiled.
“What do you think about Rosé, baby?” You ask, sitting down next to her after she scoots over and makes some room for you.
Nala looks up, thinking, her lips pursed like a duck. She reaches for a lock of your hair before she answers you, twirling your hair around her small fingers. “Rosé makes mommy smile lots so I like her,” she says, then visibly perks up and looks at the picture hanging on her wall. Her free hand thrusts forward and she points to it, giggling. “She is a good drawer and likes SpongeBob too!”
“Rosé makes mommy smile, so I like her.” It was such a simple sentence but it meant so much to you. You would never have someone around if Nala wasn’t comfortable with them, she comes first, so this made you happy. “Yeah? You make me smile a lot too you know, you’re my—”
“Sunshine!” She interrupts, looking at you expectantly. “Yup! And maybe Rosé will draw you some more pretty pictures in the future and you’ll have a whole wall of them.”
“Mhm…” Nala absentmindedly hums, slumping further into your side and no doubt becoming sleepy from the way you’re massaging her scalp. Her eyelids slip closed and she opens them moments later, each time the duration is longer. Her fingers loosen around the section of your hair she was playing with and her arms slipped to her side. “Sleepy?” You ask, chuckling under your breath when she shakes her head no.
“I think you are,” you whisper, and with cautious movements, you support her head as you slide off the bed, laying it on her pillows. You pull the blanket over her and kiss her forehead, once again making sure she’s tucked in before turning her lamp off.
You return to bed shortly after you check your email and do your hygiene routine, and just as you close your eyes you get a message from Rosé wishing you goodnight to which you respond to with a cute gif.
You fall asleep feeling excited and nervous for tomorrow.
Three days later, you and Rosé would meet up with the girls (only Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie this time) and tell them about your relationship at a Thai restaurant. They were insistent for you all to get together so you thought you might as well break the news. Although everyone seemed to know already, much to your amusement.
“So who asked who first?” Jisoo prompts, sharing not so discreet looks with Jennie and Lisa who look awfully giddy. What are they acting like that for?
“I did.” Rosé answers, earning a groan from Lisa and a shout of excitement from Jennie. You smile, not super focused on the conversation because you and her hands are intertwined underneath the table, and she rubs calming circles on your skin.
“I won! I won! I told you!” Jennie practically shouts, her fist hitting the table as a wide smile showing her gums appears. Rosé scolds her, you’re all in a public place after all, and she’s attracting unwanted attention.
Lisa turns to you, almost pleading, “Is that right?” She asks, hoping that you don’t agree and it’s just a joke of Rosé’s.
You nod, recalling that day. “That’s true, she asked.”
Lisa sighs, dragging her hands down her face. Jennie taps her on the shoulder. “Pay up woman, you heard her. It’s fair and square.” Jennie seems to be getting a kick out of this.
Finally putting their reactions together, you come to the realization. “You guys made a bet on us?” You ask, amused at their antics.
“Yes, yes we did. And I won, so hand it over Lisa!” Jennie all but shoves her hand out, palm outstretched to the sky as she looks at her wife expectantly. Lisa rolls her eyes before pulling out a £50 banknote and slapping in Jennie’s hand. Jennie looks absolutely smug and Lisa shoves her playfully, turning to you. “You owe me £50 (Y/ln), I really thought you were going to ask her out first.” Lisa grumbles jokingly.
“I’m sorry for your loss, but maybe you’ll get that £50 back one day.” You say, and everyone laughs.
“So, now that that's settled, what are you two going to do now?” Jisoo speaks up. Everyone turns their attention to her, she takes a sip of water from her cup before she continues. “We were planning on going out to eat with Naeyeon later, you guys should join us if you have nothing planned.”
“That sounds—“ You began, only to be interrupted by Rosé. She puts her hand at the small of your back. “Thank you, Jisoo, but we have some plans.”
“We do?” You whisper dumbly, turning to face her.
“Yes. I want to take you and Nala on a date if you don’t have other plans, if that’s okay?”
“Really?” You’re sure that cheesy smile is growing on your face but heck, you can’t deny you are feeling excited. “That sounds great, Rosé.”
Rosé and you picked up Nala from after school activities.
“Hi sunshine.” “Hi Nala.” You both greet, and then walk back to the car, where you parked across the street, Nala’s hand in holding one of yours and one of Rosé’s as she tells you about school. (She’ll pretend this moment doesn’t mean the world to her.) You help Nala get strapped in her car seat while Rosé waits patiently in the driver seat.
“Where are we going?” Nala asks when the car starts moving.
“It’s a surprise.” Rosé answers.
“Ohhh…I like surprises.”
“You do?”
“Good, then you’ll like where we’re going.” She hopes.
Besides you and Rosé talking about what not, it’s quiet except for the slight hum of the car’s engine, until Nala speaks up. “Are we there yet?”
“Almost,” You respond, despite not knowing where Rosé plans to take you two either, hoping to quell your daughter’s growing impatience. She didn’t stay patient for long after that, asking once again thirteen minutes later.
“Are we there now?”
“We are,” Rosé says, pulling into a parking lot. You’re really curious to where this is going. There’s nothing eye-catching in sight except a small building, the small sign appearing legible the closer you get. That’s where she leads you.
Turns out it was a hidden gem in the city: “Kaao Pottery.”
“Hello, how are you, Mary?” Rosé greets the elderly woman at the front desk with a kind smile upon walking in. The old woman’s face visibly brightens upon seeing her, and she greets her back enthusiastically. “Rosé! It's good to see you. I'm doing well, my grandkids are out today so it’s just me and my husband. What can I do for you and your friends today?” She asks, noticing Rosé is not alone. You and Nala look around curiously at the small trinkets and pieces of art on the shelves displayed, completely awed.
“That’s good. I’d like to rent two throwing wheels for a couple hours, and paint what we make.”
The old woman nods. “Do you need mentored?”
“No. I’ll teach them.”With that Rosé takes you over to one of the sections of the building. The sections are similar, each section has a wooden table (for painting your art after it’s shaped and out in the kiln), a kiln, coat hanger, and two pottery wheels. The table has an assortment of paints and glazes along with different sized brushes and tools.
“Do you come here a lot?” You ask curiously, taking off Nala’s coat.
“I do. I like to come here and make things when I’m in need of a break.” Rosé says as she takes your coats and hangs them up. “It helps me feel productive, so I find myself here a lot. I like to try my hand at making different things each time, and I thought it’d be fun sharing something I like to do with you.”
Next to your pottery wheels hangs navy aprons of different sizes. First she takes one of the child sized ones and helps Nala put her head through the neck area and ties the back. “All good?” She asks and Nala gives her a little twirl, “Yup!”
She smiles. “Great,” now, turning to you, she gestures to the other apron in her hand. “Would you like me to help you as well?” You nod, and she places a hand on your waist, to move past you and go behind you, her hands flutter down your back, tying the loops securely and she squeezes your hip when she’s done, facing you with a grin. “There, all nice and secure.”
You chuckle, face irrationally warm. “Thanks, Rosé.”
“What are we doin’ now momma? What’s that?” Nala tugs on your pants, pointing to the pottery wheels. “I’m not sure baby,” You humor, turning to Rosé.
“We’re going to make planters or vases.”
(There's a perfectly logical explanation to this.)
Would you like to continue?
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tilvcei · 1 year
hi angel. i absolutely love your writing and i was wondering if you could write something fitting this trope with ethan landry and black!fem reader. maybe them getting in a fight bc ethan is drunk and her just being tired of the shit bc he does this every time. i think you have the skill to write this with the emotional depth it needs based on what i’ve seen. love you ! x
feel free to ignore this if you’re not accepting requests! i couldn’t find an faq or anything before i sent this so i’m sorry just in case <3
⭢ In which: you haven’t been on the best path and try to hold everything in at once, but one person you care deeply for starts to notice. so, you just let the tears fall.
☆ | warning(s): angst, language, abusive household, alcohol,
☆ | note: request are open, actually! also thank you for the request because my inbox is empty 😭 also yes i made this very sad and I’m being truthful I cried myself while writing this, let me know if you want me to change it! thanks for requesting sweetheart <3 I can also relate to this one, I put some things that have happened to me in this writing— but other than that lemme stop rambling, enjoy :) [im not in college lol, that’s just an insert so the story makes sense] THIS IS SHORT, IM SORRY
☆ | gender: she/her (black!reader)
tagging 🏷: @ncllcraines
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Today was rather a normal day. no killings or anything- well, not yet at least. you’ve been dealing with a lot. school, home, basically everything all together.
Not just that, you’ve been falling behind on college too. one of the teachers suggested you may need a tutor, which you lied and said you didn’t but they gave you one anyways.
And that tutor was Ethan thankfully. having to take care of your siblings was the only thing on your mind at the time. your mom is barely home cause of work. so being the big sister that you are you decided to step in and help.
you had stayed up overnight, working on everything without taking a break. this was a real struggle, your mom and step-dad were alcoholics at once, but then stopped when they realized what damages were happening since your step-dad had a mini stroke.
But other than that everything has been good, but for you? therapy was suggested from your mom.
on some days you were happy, some days sad. randomly out of nowhere you started feeling depressed.
Sleeping habits started changing, you started going asleep around 1:00/3:00 at night and when you’d wake up you’d still feel tired.
Working late shifts, just all of that was bothering you. and you were behind on exams, right now ethan was in your dorm, helping you with your work.
"So, do you know how many bones were fractured? it shows it on…let’s see, page 27. if we go back, we can find the answer on page 20." Ethan said, you sat there sulking.
You really didn’t understand the point of this, "do we have to do this? I understand this is important for my future but-" you were cut off by ethan.
"(Y/n). if you don’t want to finish this oh well, I’m going to help you. you’re going to be successful." Ethan said, you groaned in annoyance and looked back down at the sheet.
A sigh came from his lips, the only thing he wanted was the best for you. he could see how much you were struggling, he could see what you were trying to do.
"Are you sure everything is okay? you’ve been distant lately." Ethan said, when he asked that question you stiffened.
Why was he bringing that up now? nothing was wrong you were just extremely frustrated at the moment.
"I-I’m sorry. did I say something wrong?" asked ethan, you rubbed a tired hand over your face. the stress was evident on your face.
"I think I’m at my breaking point. you know how you just get tired of having to hold everything down all at once? if I’m being honest: I can’t- I…" you trailed off, as much as you were trying to hold your composure.
Then the tears started to fall, ethan wasn’t really shocked though, he knew what you were going through but waited for you to open up about it.
"You’re crying." Ethan said with a frown, he was startled when you wrapped him in a hug, "I’m just tired, ethan. of everything." you told him while sobbing.
"I know, I know. but it’s okay sweetheart, we could just put this to the side and lay down for a bit? if you want." Ethan suggested.
"Actually, that’s a great idea. I need a break anyways." You agreed, Ethan nodded and placed some of the books and sheets on the table.
Arms found themselves wrapping around your waist, maybe this was what you needed, some type of comfort. after all you’ve been dealing with a lot lately.
"Thank you, ethan. for being here." you said, he didn’t reply and instead placed a kiss on your cheek, "Anytime, love."
He was your safe place.
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Im so sorry this was short, it was horrible also ik 😭 and this also felt rushed. I might fix some things up here, also if anyone would like to send request go ahead!! my inbox is open :D
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
No wait because what about Angel getting off of work late one random Wednesday, and she was supposed to get off earlier but the person she was working with got sick and went home, so she had to close now. but all her shift there was this creepy guy just hanging around like all day and it’s not like he said or did anything but she just got weird creepy vibes from him and he just kept like staring and stuff. Well finally he leaves cus they are closing but he’s just hanging around out front even though it’s dark out and Angel is the last one there since she was the closer and she’s just waiting for him to leave. She’s trying to talk her self out of being scared, thinking she’s probably being dramatic maybe he’s just waiting for a ride or something. Usually she’d go to h’s shop but she knew he was already at home cus she wasn’t supposed to close today so he didn’t know to wait for her. but she doesn’t want to walk home with the man still watching her, and he’s not leaving, it’s getting late and she’s sleepy from working all day so she calls Harry and he picks up thinking she’s at home in bed already, calling him to say good night so he’s like “hi baby 🥰” and she’s just rambles out “H, hi. Um I’m really really sorry to ask cus I know its late and your probably in bed already but, I’m trying to walk home and there’s this guy out there, well he’s been here all day and it’s probably nothing like he didn’t do any thing wrong but he’s just here and he’s just waiting out side and I’m all alone and it’s dark I don’t really wanna walk home alone and-“ and he’s already jumping up putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys and “hey hey, it alright okay? I’ll come give you a ride.” “No Harry you don’t-“ “Don’t leave y/n. Stay in the library until I come and get you okay?” And she’s “no! No you don’t have to do that it’s late and- I was just calling you so you could stay on the phone with me while I walked home and-“ and he’s like “I’m already on my was so just be quite yeah? Wait there please” and she’s “..okay” and when he gets there he doesn’t wait in the car for her, he gets all the way out and walks up to the door to come get her and he walks her to the car himself and opens the door for her and makes sure she buckles her seat belt before he shuts it and climbs in on his side and he’d drive her home 🥹 and she’d even fall asleep in the car cus she’s so tired from working an extra long shift and he’d carry her from the car to her bed 😔
Omg wait stop:( like it’s been a long night anyway w having to stay late and there was a new shipment of books so she had to soend a lot of her night like labeling and printing barcodes and getting the carts ready for the openers to put away in the morning so she’s just tired but yeah maybe someone’s been lingering and like she gets it she likes the library too that’s why she works there but it’s just so….sketchy bc he’s not really doing anything he’s just Lurking and pretending to read when she swears she can feel him looking at her and she doesn’t recognize him at all and when everything closes up and her coworker heads out before her and she still sees that guy out there she’s just trying to be normal ab it like he might be waiting on an Uber or a friend or like…like not everything’s about her so this guy isn’t waiting on her right????? But even when everything’s locked up and all she has left to do is leave and lock the door she just…can’t:( and she feels so bad calling h bc she knows he had a long day too and is probably finally home all wrapped up w Evie and :( but she doesn’t know what else to do:( and h is sooo happy to hear from her assuming she’s already in bed too and hi baby:) what are u doing??? And she’s quiet and a little panicked like hi h are you busy or would you be able to stay on the phone w me???? And he’s immediately like ????? Bc what does that even mean and he’s like ofc I can stay on the phone w u what’s wrong is everything okay???? And she explains that she stayed to close today and there’s been this guy that’s been there for half her shift and he’s still outside like idk maybe he’s smoking or something before he goes home or waiting on a ride she’s not sure she just…doesn’t feel safe rn so she wants him to talk to her while he walks home and h isn’t even listening after she says she’s alone at the library rn bc that’s not what he likes to hear he’s already up and pulling on a hoodie and his shoes before he’s telling her hey it’s alright yeah? I’m coming to get you rn don’t worry I’ll take you home and she’s like no no!!!! It’s late h I just wanted you to stay w me while I walked and he gets stern d*ddy and No Y/N I’m coming to get you I’m already leaving the house okay? You stay there until I come to get you you hear me? And she’s all quiet like…yeah🥺 and he stays on w her until she sees him pull up and he gets out and meets her inside the library for a big hug once she lets him in:( and he holds her so close to his side while walking her back giving a mean look to the guy who started kind of sulking away once he saw h go in for y/n and she’s just so relieved to see him :( like finally relaxing after such a mind-pudding day:( and that’s how she falls asleep in the passenger seat and h has to take her up to bed where he ends up spending the night:(
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rosenallies · 6 months
Rosé is always so caring to everyone! How about a phone sex prompt where she is slowly overextending herself (taking care of Nali, her siblings, overdoing it at work..), and it finally hits her all at once. Maybe she passes out and scares everyone around her, causing them to pause on how much she's doing for everyone? (Might sound a bit depressing, but i'm honestly feeling so down so slight angst feels the way to go)
I’m so here for phone sex au lately prob bc im also so incredibly depressed but <3 yes<3 ty for this I hope u feel better <3 also sorry if there’s typos I’m very very sleepy tired rn but I wanted to write a bit before bed so I can have something to think about before I fall asleep besides my own issues <3
“Yeah, yep, Jan, I’ve got it,” Rosé huffed, head swimming as she tried to focus on her sister’s words over the phone and the grocery list she hadn’t bothered to actually write down before coming into the store.
“I just wanna make sure you’ve got all the details down now so when Christmas comes it’s not stressful.”
If Rosé’s vision hadn’t been flickering in and out she might’ve rolled her eyes, but as Jan droned on and on about what to get the kids for Christmas and exactly how Rosé should cook the turkey and how Lagoona wanted her to bake those cookies everyone likes, Rosé’s brain came in and out of focus like a wonky TV station.
“Rosie, are you okay?” Her sister suddenly asked, pausing her rambling.
“Yeah, ‘m fine,” she muttered, squeezing her eyes shut, “I’m just trying to find Denali those protein bars she’ll eat and-“
“Rosé, you’re scaring me, can you go sit down? Tell Denali to come get you, you don’t sound right.”
“Jan, I’m fine,” she insisted, yet she felt anything but, a sudden tightness in her chest making her gasp and fall to her knees in the middle of the grocery store.
“Rosie? Oh god, Rosie,” Rosé heard a muffled voice beside her as she blinked awake, a constant beeping burrowing it’s way into her brain and making her head ache.
She kept blinking, the room suddenly coming into focus, Denali tear stricken face the first thing she saw.
“Nali, baby,” she croaked as gently as her sore throat would allow, reaching for the younger girl, “what’s the matter? I’m here now-“
Denali shook her head, holding onto Rosé’s hand tightly. “You shouldn’t be worried about me right now, you should be worried about you, don’t you know why you’re in the hospital?”
Truth be told, Rosé had just now come to the realization that the unfamiliar room where she was, was indeed a hospital room and it was her connected to a drip, the constant beeping signaling her own vital signs. “I-what happened?”
“You passed out while shopping, Rosie,” Denali sniffled, taking her hand and resting it against her warm cheek, “I was so fucking scared when the hospital called me.”
“I’m so sorry, baby,” Rosé replied shamefully.
“No, you don’t need to be sorry, I need you to relax. The doctors said it was just a panic attack but that it could start to cause stress on your heart if you continue to be anxious like this.”
“Panic attack?”
The words felt wrong in Rosé’s mouth, she’d had many panic attacks before and none of them ever left her unconscious on the floor of a grocery store. She supposed it had been building, her body finally protesting.
Denali squeezed her hand. “Maybe you should try going back to therapy? I’ll help you find a good one just like you helped me.”
Rosé felt shame and disgust in herself, weak for needing help when she was supposed to be taking care of those around her, that’s who she was, that’s who she’d always been.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Denali said softly, reaching forward and brushing a sweaty strand of hair from her face, “but it’s okay to ask for help. Let me take care of you for once. You trust me, don’t you?”
“I-I do, but Nali-“
“No buts,” Denali insisted, “when they called they said they’d thought you’d had a stress induced cardiac event and even though that wasn’t the case, it’s not too far off. I love you too much to let you suffer.”
Previously unshed tears began to fall from Rosé’s eyes, a gentle stream down her cheeks. “I-I’m s-sorry, I-I l-love you too,” she cried, reaching for Denali who crawled in bed beside her, rules be damned. She gently guided Rosé’s head to her chest just like Rosé had done for her so many times before.
“Shhh, shh,” Denali soothed, “I’ve got you.”
Denali soothed her until she fell back asleep, so clearly exhausted. She was dead to the world when Denali snuck out of the bed to talk to Rosé’s sisters on the phone.
“How is she?” Jan demanded to know the second she picked up.
“She’s okay,” Denali sighed, “we’ve got to give her a break, though. It was just a panic attack but that’s just this time, next time it could be her heart.”
“Take good care of her, okay? Tell her Goona and I will figure out Christmas, we don’t want her lifting a finger.”
“Me neither,” Denali agreed before hanging up, having the same conversation with Lagoona and heading back into the room.
“You left me,” Rosé said softly when she came back in.
“I was talking to your sisters,” she explained, getting back into the bed beside her, “we all agree that you’re not allowed to do anything for the time being.”
As much as not being needed scared her, Rosé couldn’t help but smile to herself. “Thank you, Nali.”
Denali tried to fight her smile, but she was so glad Rosé wasn’t putting up a fight about this so she kissed her temple and snuggled close. “You don’t need to thank me, I promise. I’m just doing what I need to do because I love you, that’s how love works. You take care of me, I take care of you.”
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bootlegfrank · 9 months
HEHEHE YEAH I sent that anon in so early/late depending on how you look at it I was really tired but I had to make my words reached you before I passed out:] such a treat to have you respond that fast<333333 That’s a good point about cooking I never thought about it like that before ;ooooo but you’re right you do get to decide the specifics. I don’t think I’ve ever had gnocchi before 👀YOU GUYS DONT HAVE OLIVE GARDEN…BREAKS MY HEART💔okay you take me to IKEA I take you to Olive Garden hehe PSHHHH THE WENDY’S THING you’re not missing out with that one it’s not that great. Glad to hear you won’t hold back<3 I like getting to learn more and more about with each response. I’m so disconnected from the biology of my body you would be disappointed:’( but that just means you can teach me! I’d be your best student<3 hanging on your every word, though I’d get so distracted hehe YES!!!! I’d love to cuddle you to keep warm!!!! I’m excited to imagine that too there’s sm cute things you can imagine in the colder months I can’t wait to hear about what you imagine^.^ ahahaha definitely also other methods too;)
I usually don’t talk about my days but why don’t I for this response. Would you like that? The other day I got to go to my favorite local museum, which of course got me thinking about you. Do you like museums? Tell me about your favorite(s) if you do. I’m a huge art history nerd. Dutch art is so great. It’s insanely cool that your country has many awesome art museums. I did some googling and there’s a fucking Van Gogh museum AHHHHH<3333333 AND…okay ramble time there’s this book I like and FUN FACT whenever I would hear about the Netherlands, I would think of this book but now you’re my new association<3333 so yeah in the book they go to Amsterdam and also the painting that’s like the central theme of the book is by a Dutch artist and I looked it up because I was wondering if you guys had it there (I assumed so but you never know) and you DOOOOOOOO I’m losing my mind!!!!!!! That is the coolest fucking thing I’m screaming and at the same museum, they also have girl with the pearl earring. I’m nerding the fuck out. You guys have so much Vermeer I’m jealous (ofc you do bc he’s Dutch but jealous nonetheless) There’s also The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp there which…GOD. WOW. That painting has big you vibes btw haha ANDDDDD there’s a lot of Bosch in your country that’s fucking insane please tell me you’ve seen at least some of these in person. Omg one more funny story about museums there before I stfu, I had to do this project once where I researched a museum and the one I was originally going to choose was KattenKabinet for mine but I think I ended up not choosing it because the website was really hard to navigate. It’s so crazy that there’s all these little nods to you somehow in my life before I even knew you LIKEEE the way I was going to choose some some little museum there that’s not like a major one akakwkwjwjdjd
I also was at this outdoor festival the same day and there was this one vendor…oh my god. Literally all I could think about was you being there with me. You would’ve loved it so fucking much baby oh my god. She sold art that was mainly prints and wood burned things and it was all anatomy stuff!!!!! The thing that drew me in was a print of a lobotomy (I’ve had a fixation on those for awhile) and was like omg I have to see more. I can’t attach pictures sadly so I’ll describe to the best of my ability. There was a wood burning of ribs<3333 perfect for you I would’ve gotten you that hehe a lot of anatomical hearts. Skulls. A hand but only the bone parts. Teeth. Various organs I didn’t recognize that you’d recognize in a heartbeat<3 and they aren’t just anatomy for some of them!! Sometimes she includes other natural elements. One that I saw that really made me think of you was this spine growing up from glass surrounded by flowers. Growing up like it almost was like a flower itself. You would’ve found it so beautiful. I saw this large wood burned piece that was just…absolutely fucking captivating. It showed the ribs and intestines and stomach and liver surrounded by colorful flowers and at the edge of the intestines was this honeycomb and a bee on a leaf. I ended up buying a print of it:) and a sticker (you’ll love this) of an anatomical heart that says “eat your heart out” surrounded by Venus fly traps. Oh yeah and I saw this cutting board with an anatomical heart burned in and the words “all food is good food” or something like that which…cannibal coded….imagine you owning that….AKQKQKQJWHSHDHD the way if you were there I would’ve giggled in your ear the second I saw it and nudged you to show you
You would’ve went fucking insane if you could’ve seen me when I was all delirious. I think it was the most holy fuck no thoughts I’ve been in awhile. I made so so so many whimpery desperate noises I couldn’t think straight. All I could think about was being ruined by you<3333 the way that despite not being able to think well my brain just<333 defaulted to you because it knows to it’s core that I need you that fucking bad. My desire for you is wired into my brain. There’s no way you wouldn’t be able to have me if you were here hehehe imagining being like that in front of you but you being restrained so all you can do is watch;) how you would finally react when I freed you hehe fuck yeah I’d lick and suck on your fingers before biting them;) give you the nicest reminders of me like you deserve. God I would love to just<333 be at your mercy. In your hands all exposed. I’d trust you enough. I’m not into crying but for you<3333333 I’ll make an exception. It’s cute imagining you licking my tears. God imagining you persuading me to do stuff I’m not even into but you know I’d do it for you<33333333 the power you have over me<3333 the things I’d do if I knew it made you happy or brought you pleasure mhm anything to hear you murmur in my ear that I’m good for you godwlqkwkw fuck hahahahsh
Hi cutie, I'm terribly sorry that it has taken me this long to answer, I've barely been able to sleep :( I'm sorry that this response is so lackluster... I hope you don't hate it too much <3
Aww you're so cute for making sure to send me the ask before you fell asleep <3 Oh man, gnocchi is so delicious and filling! You should definitely try it sometime :D Hehe yess I'll take you to IKEA you take me to Olive Garden <3 I like getting to know more about you with each response too, I like learning about you <3 I could never be disappointed with you, but I'll gladly teach you I couldn't ask for a better student <3 Hehe I can't wait to hear what you imagine too <3 Do you have a favourite way of cuddling?
I'm so happy you're telling me about your day! I'm so interested in you and I love hearing what you're up to! I loooove museums! I think it would be so fun to stroll through museums with you <3 I'm actually going to the Van Gogh museum this October! I'm also going to another museum that week where they have a Keith Haring exhibit! Awww that's so cute that I'm your new association <3 Yess there's a lot of really amazing Dutch artists and I love art history so mucchhhh. Fun fact! In one of my High School classrooms they had a little print of The Anatomy Lesson hanging at eye level, I used to love staring at that instead of listening to the teacher hehe. I don't remember if I've ever seen one of Bosch's paintings but we studied them in art history :] I really loved studying Rothko's paintings too. Also everything in the Dadaism movement. Hehehe I actually hadn't ever heard of the KattenKabinet before you mentioned it haha it really is insane that there's so many nods to me in your life <3
That vendor at that festival sounds so sick! I'm rapidly running out of energy but that art sounds really really cool and I would've loved to go there with you <3 I've been thinking lately of bleaching some anatomy designs on t-shirts, what do you think I should make? That spine growing from glass with flowers sounds so so cool, right up my alley just like you said <3 That sticker is so awesome, where are you going to put it? I'd buy that cutting board in a heartbeat hehe it's exactly the kind of thing I'd want to have!
You'd sound so pretty darling, I'd drink up every noise you make <3 God it's doing something to me when you say that your brain defaults to me hnnnghdgh It'd kill me to be restrained but I'd love to watch you, I'd just have to stay calm, try so hard, but once you set me free I'd be all over you <3 You're so cute that you'd make an exception for me on the crying, I'd treat you so well after baby, don't you worry <3 I'd do so many things for you if you asked too, we're both at each other's mercy <3
I'm sorry this answer isn't as elaborate as I'd like, I'm still feeling a little sick :( I hope you're doing alright cutie <3
0 notes
fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
Hii I was wondering if I could rq Mikey, Baji and Mitsuya with a gn! s/o who is the sole provider in their household? and the guys only find out because they saw their s/o while they were at work? but they didn't know they even had a job bc they kept it a secret? it's perfectly okay if you aren't up for this rq! I hope you have a good day/night!!
Given it All | Mikey, Baji, and Mitsuya
- The boys with an s/o who's a breadwinner of the family.
warnings: mentions of family problems
genre: fluff, angst
A/N: Writing this made me kind of emotional because I have friends who are the main providers for their family and I see them work very hard. This one's for all the independent and hardworking people out there <3
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Mikey (Sano Manjiro)
Another day. Another one.
Mikey loves feeling your hands. They're soft and smooth against his calloused fingers. He'll feel the palms in your hands every moment he gets. He always felt like a baby being caressed by your soft hands.
But there seems to be a detail in your hands that he can't miss. Every time you two see each other, Mikey would notice the burns and red marks on your hands.
"Y/N, what happened to this?" he asked.
"Oh, it just got itchy again. You know, the usual," you replied, trying to brush off the topic.
It has always been like that. Each time that Mikey points it out, you always try to avoid the topic or reason out that it's just a scratch. And it's not like he's saying that you're a liar, he just knows that there's more to that than just a mere scratch.
Which is true.
You didn't really want to lie to your boyfriend. It's just that, it's something that it's hard for you to open up and talk about.
At a young age, you were forced to live by yourself. Your mother died at a young age, while your father was a drunkard - eventually getting out of the picture.
In order to provide for yourself, pay for rent and other fees necessary to make a living, you worked hard. Currently, you're working full-time at a family restaurant where you're assigned at cooking. Although this was a daily task for you, you never fail to get yourself burned from the boiling oil.
It wasn't an easy life especially living alone. But at least, you have your boyfriend by your side to get by.
Now that you're shift has finished, you were tasked to throw out the trash at the back before you leave.
As you were about to walk away from that alleyway, you heard a familiar voice.
Looking at the source, it was your beloved boyfriend with a questioning look on his face.
"Mikey? What are you doing here?" you asked, anxious about how you'll explain this to your boyfriend.
"I just finished beating up some guy," Mikey said as he pointed out to a dude who passed out on the further part of the alley. "How about you?", he continued as he looked at your uniform and an obvious face that's waiting for an answer.
You knew this day would come. You just didn't expect that it would be today.
Sighing, and taking deep breaths, you explained to Mikey your story and why you work here.
"Y/N, why didn't you tell me?" Mikey asked as he caressed your cheek.
"It's hard for me to talk about it. I'm sorry for not telling you," you said as you looked down.
"Hey, it's okay," Mikey said. "I have a better idea,"
"What?" you asked
"Why don't you just sell Dorayaki and I'll buy all of them every day. Then you'll be rich," Mikey said jokingly.
You looked at him with a deadpan expression.
"But seriously, live with us!" Mikey said with such a happy look on his face.
"Eh?" you asked confused.
"Live with me, Emma, and gramps! I'm sure they'll be happy to take you in, you're my s/o after all," Mikey said, "Plus, you wouldn't have to work this hard if you don't have to pay for rent," he continued.
Your heart felt like it's floating in the air. How can you have such an adorable and loving boyfriend?
"I love you, you know that?" you said.
"Thank you so much, Mikey,"
"It's nothing," your boyfriend said as he kissed your hands. "You're like family to them after all,"
Maybe, the true family you've been looking for was always been by your side.
Keisuke Baji
You sleep early but the bags under your eyes were noticeable for your boyfriend.
Baji always thought that it was weird that the eyebags under your eyes were evident. Not like it's a bad thing though. You're still beautiful as ever in his eyes.
It's just that you always tell him that you sleep at 8 in the evening. Yet here you are, looking like you pull an all-nighter every day.
Maybe it takes you hours before you actually go to sleep? That's possible. But what if you just don't want to spend the rest of the night with him? Is it possible that you're getting tired of him?
It's only been months since you've started dating, but Baji couldn't blame you if you get tired of him.
But it's not like you don't want to hang out with your boyfriend. Hell, who doesn't want to hang out with theirs and experience late-night dates and night rides right? Especially if it's with Baji.
It's just that, you don't have the luxury of spending the night with your boyfriend. Being the eldest of a family of four, you have to work and provide for the needs of your mother and your two younger siblings.
To help your family, you work two part-time jobs every night. One is being an employee at your local convenience store and the other is being a kitchen staff at a local pub. Two jobs might be heavy, and tiring for you, but it's what helps you and your family to get by.
Your boyfriend knew nothing of this. You know that Baji's a great guy, but you're afraid of embarrassing the 1st Division Captain of Toman, so you just try to hide it and make lame excuses.
Tonight's the usual night. Same excuse. Same job.
Currently, you're responsible for the counter at the store. It's past midnight, and you wish you can catch up to some sleep. But you know you can't since you'll be unable to get your minimum wage.
As you're looking at the countertop, someone suddenly handed Peyoung yakisoba.
"Baji's favorite" you smiled as you thought to yourself. Oh, how you miss your boyfriend.
"And that'll be 145 yen," you said as you look up at the customer.
Well, that was unexpected.
"Baji?" you said, seeing your boyfriend's face.
"Y/N? You work here," Baji said, with a confused look on his face.
"Sadly, yes," you said.
"Well, care to share this with me?" Baji said as he pointed out the Yakisoba.
"I have a 15-minute break. Sure," you agreed. Thinking now's the time to explain.
As you and Baji met at the small parking lot, you immediately explained.
"Look, Baji. I'm sorry for hiding this. I want you to know that I'm the breadwinner of the family that's why I can't hang out at night with you. I didn't tell you because I don't want to embarrass you," you rambled as you look anywhere but Baji.
"Embarrass me?" Baji said, walking closer to you.
"Y/N, I'll never be embarrassed at you. I'm proud of you, okay?" your boyfriend said, reassuring you. "I just wished you trusted me more,"
"I'm sorry, Baji," you whispered as you hug him. "I love you."
"Text me okay? I'll pick you up so that you won't have to walk," Baji said as he smiled at you.
"Thank you," you said, with tears threatening to fall.
"You're welcome," Baji said as he kissed your forehead, "Now, let's eat okay?" your boyfriend said, excitement laced in his voice as he opened the Peyoung yakisoba.
Mitsuya Takashi
You're a busy bee. That's for sure.
Whenever Mitsuya invites you on dates on the weekends, you weren't available because you're busy.
When he invites you to have dates after school, you always have to decline because again, you're busy.
He understands it though. Mitsuya knows that you have to study hard for your siblings and that you have to take care of them as well. As someone who always looks out for his younger sisters, Mitsuya knew that it can be hectic sometimes.
What he doesn't understand though is the fact that it's evident that you're trying to hide something from him. He's not that oblivious when it comes to you. Especially after dating you for months.
You're bothered with it too. As much as you love your boyfriend, you're embarrassed about the job you have. But it's not like you have any choice. The job pays well and is enough to make a living for you and your two younger brothers.
After school and on the weekends, it is true that you're busy. Busy with the maid and butler café that you work on.
It's embarrassing enough to be dressed like this. But being seen by the love of your life? That's a different level of shame.
Now that you finished with your shift, you felt the exhaustion on your body. Standing and serving customers isn't a joke anyway. You didn't even bother to change out of your uniform. You just wore a hoodie over it, not caring about the frills of the clothes peaking underneath.
As you were walking home, you heard the familiar sound of an engine. Turning around, you saw a familiar face.
"Ehhh? Y/N?" Mitsuya said, stopping his motor beside you.
"What are you doing?" he continued, eyeing your clothes and looking at you as if he's waiting for an explanation.
"Mitsuya, I can explain," you said as your face reddened from embarrassment.
"Hmmm, I'm listening," your boyfriend said with an unreadable expression.
"Well, uhm, you see, I work at this café that requires us to dress like this," you said as you pointed out to your clothes, "But I don't do anything bad though! It's just we dress like this," you further explained, waving your hands.
"You look cute," Mitsuya smiled "I kind of hoped you just told me sooner. I would've made you some clothes,"
"Huh? You're not mad?" you said, surprised.
"How could I be? My s/o's working hard. Plus, I get to see you in cute clothes. What's there to be mad of?" Mitsuya said as he smiled at you.
"Baby, I love you," you said as you looked at your boyfriend with adoration.
"I love you too. But take me there someday okay?" Mitsuya replied grinning.
You just nodded and blushed at the idea.
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realcube · 3 years
you flinch during an argument
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navi | masterlist | taglist 
thank you to anon for this request 
characters ♡ suna, atsumu & sakusa
content warning ♡ cursing, angst, mentions of abuse, hurt to comfort, hinted ptss, parent!reader (in sakusa’s)
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rintarō suna
♡ he paced back and forth through the living room, casting you dirty looks whenever you try to speak 
♡ you rolled your eyes at how far he took your singular comment on his volleyball career
♡ you were aware that what you said might’ve offended him and in any other situation you would’ve just apologised but considering how needlessly confrontational he was being, of course you were going to be mean too
♡ ‘rin, you’re being overdramatic.’ you muttered off-handedly, assuming he’d brush it off like everything else you said, so ofc you did not expect what he did next
♡ he suddenly stormed over to you 
♡ not only did he take you by surprise but also his furrowed brows and generally mad aura unnerved you too, so your natural instinct was to flinch 
♡ once he saw that, he immediately stopped in his tracks 
♡ his head slowly tilted to the side and his clenched jaw loosened, ‘(y/n)?’
♡ your hands were still covering your face but when you heard the suna’s soft voice, you realised what you had just done and craned your neck out to peer over your hands, ‘yes?’
♡ obviously, his intention wasn’t to hurt you but rather just stand in front of you. though it worried him that your natural instinct was to prepare yourself for harm from him. despite the fact he would/has never hit you. 
♡ ‘are you okay?’ he sighed, slowly approaching you as if you were a small critter that’d run away in fright at any moment
♡ you hesitantly lowered your arms, eyes wide as you intensely examined his every move, ‘i’m fine. are you okay?’
♡ suna gestured to the seat beside you on the couch, ‘i’m good. can i sit?’
♡ you simply nodded
♡ he reluctantly sat down next to you and gently placed his hand on your knee, tracing circles with his thumb, ‘i didn’t mean to scare you. i’m sorry.’ he said, his now hushed voice contrasting to how sharp and loud his words were just a minute ago
♡ you blinked rapidly, shocked at how quickly his demeanour changed but also relieved he realised that what he did brought you discomfort, ‘it’s fine, i guess. it just looked like you were going to- y’know. and i’m sorry too, what i said was uncalled for’ you murmured, the words just falling from your lips without any prior thought as your mind was somewhere else
♡ ‘i’d never do that.’ he blurted out, ‘but i get why you might’ve thought.’
♡ a few minutes passed and not a word was spoken - you just blankly stared at the wall opposite, completely lost in thought while suna closed his eyes, slumped back in his seat and revaluated everything he did 
♡ eventually, you snapped out of your contemplation and turned to look at him, only to see his sleeping figure beside you 
♡ it was probably the most peaceful you’ve saw him all day - so you decided against waking him up and instead cuddled up to him, accidentally falling asleep yourself 
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atsumu miya
♡ you had your arms crossed over your chest, patiently waiting for atsumu to finish his hissy fit
♡ ‘it was a fucking joke, (y/n)! not that i’d expect you to understand my humour anyway. do you not get what you did? you fucking embarrassed me.’
♡ ‘it wasn’t a very funny joke, atsumu.’ you shook your head disapprovingly, trying your very best to keep a level-head but his nasty remarks didn’t make it an easy task for you, ‘you made me really uncomfortable so of course i was going to say something. also, i didn’t embarrass you, you embarrassed yourself.’
♡ the fact you weren’t as worked-up about this as he was only irritated him more. because deep-down, he knew he was being overdramatic and the contrast between both of your demeanours only highlighted this fact.
♡ he gritted his teeth together, momentarily side-eyeing you before absentmindedly cracking his knuckles
♡ he cracked his bones when he got tense - you knew this - but there was a faint voice at the back of your head, insisting that you had to run away bc he was preparing to hit you 
♡ and it didn’t help when he jerked his head around to look at you 
♡ though it was only the movement of his neck, this caused you to flinch as a part of you expected his hasty motion to be followed by a swing of his hand 
♡ you never really thought too much of your action and assumed atsumu would pay no mind to it and continue to talk but you couldn’t have been more wrong
♡ he slapped his hand over his mouth and let out gasp as though his whole soul was exiting his body through his mouth
♡ your eyes were squeezed shut but you blinked them open to see when you mentally established that atsumu wasn’t going to swing at you and had actually stopped yelling
♡ ‘(y/n)- i’d- i’d never do that!’ the volume of his voice gradually rose as he spoke, starting as breathy emphasis and increasing to a cry
♡ upon noticed his appalled expression and his frozen structure, you dropped your arms which you had automatically raised in defence, ‘you’d never do what?’  you voice was hushed, afraid that if you spoke too loud, you’d reignite his temper
♡ he rushed over to your side, immediately opening up his strong arms for you to enter, if you wished, ‘i’d never hit you.’
♡ both his eyes and tone seemed sincere so without even thinking, you found yourself leaning into his embrace, his arms holding you close - but gently
♡ you really had no reason not to believe him as he’s never harmed you purposely in the past and he didn’t plan on harming you just there; he didn’t even plan on intimidating you but that kinda just happened involuntarily
♡ he had so much on his mind, so much he needed so say at once, so much he wanted you to know. hence, it all came out as rambles. 
♡ ‘i love you, (y/n). i love you so much. i don’t want anyone to hurt you - including myself. i just want you to feel safe - i want you to be safe - so i’ll leave if you don’t feel that way with me around. i can understand why you wouldn’t. but heh, i guess it’s quite funny because i feel the safest when i’m with you. well, it’s not funny - i’m actually gonna miss you like hell - but it’s ironic. i wouldn’t even dream of harming you, love, but i don’t expect you to live in fear constantly so yeah, i’ll go if you want me to.’
♡ you blinked rapidly against his chest, pulling back to look him in the eyes and to your surprise, he appeared to be in more tears than you
♡ ‘i love you too, atsumu.’ you cooed, wiping away one of his tears with your shivering hand, ‘we don’t have to break-up. i mean, truthfully, i feel safe when you’re around too.’
♡ he let out an audible sigh of relief, ‘thank goodness.’
♡ a few moments passed of you just silently enjoying the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms until he spoke up once again while placing an infintite amount of kisses on your forehead, punctuating each kiss with an ‘i love you.’
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he was sitting beside you on the bed but he had long before withdrew his arm which rested behind your head when you expressed your concern surrounding his hostile behaviour lately 
♡ ‘omi, i’m too ti--’
♡ ‘don’t call me that.’
♡ you sighed as you realised that this had spiralled into a heated fight which you really didn’t intend for it to become. all you wanted to do was talk to him about how rude he’s been to you and the baby as of recently and try to work out a solution but he had turned this into something way bigger than it needed to be.
♡ the remarks he was throwing around - as if they were nothing - resulted in a wrath bubbling in the pits of your stomach, which had been present and building up since the start of sakusa’s attitude problems 
♡ you knew that if this argument didn’t stop soon, you’d lash out on him and although you really didn’t have a problem with that in theory, you had spent hours trying to get the baby to fall asleep and you didn’t want to risk waking them up with the noise 
♡ and though you hated to give sakusa (mental) praise in a situation like this, you had to admit that he was good at keeping his voice down even while angry
♡ so you decided that it was best to diffuse this situation quickly and pick it up at a later date, ‘you know what, kiyoomi--’
♡ ‘don’t call me that either.’ at this point it was clear he was just saying that to piss you off, and it was working
♡ ‘--i’m going to bed; i’m tired from doing all the work in this damn house. we’ll talk about this later.’
♡ sakusa quirked a brow, scoffing at your statement despite the fact it was completely true 
♡ ‘no, let’s talk about it right now. since you clearly have a lot to say.’ 
♡ instead of replying, you gave him what he deserved - the silent treatment
♡ you casually pulled off your slippers, tossing them aside, proceeding to do other nightly activities - while completely ignoring his presence - then reached down to pull the duvet over yourself so you could drift into sweet, serene slumber to imagine a life where sakusa acted like loved you again  
♡ ‘(y/n).’ sakusa snapped, his voice sharp and demanding, ‘listen to me. talk to me- god, you’re so immature.’
♡ your eyes widened; out of the corner of your eye you saw him quickly raise his arm
♡  during your three years of marriage with sakusa, not once had he ever purposefully harmed you - physically or emotionally - but you were aware that what you were doing displeased him so your immediate reaction was to turn away and shield yourself with your forearms
♡ sakusa froze
♡ moments passed and you had yet to feel the impact of his hand so you lowered your defences to peer at him, only to see that his arm was stretched upwards as he yawned
♡ his gaze flickered between you and his arm - he was truly at a loss for words at what he just witnessed
♡ a lump formed at the back of his dry throat as he didn’t dare to speak, trying to communicate all his emotions through his eyes which grew increasingly difficult as they began to burn with tears and ache from the elongated period of time he went without blinking 
♡ he wanted to tell you that he’d never lay an finger on you in that way, that he adores you and he was aware of how he’s been treating you recently but he was previously too arrogant to change his ways. now he was ready to change though, if it’s not too late. 
♡ but all that came out was a choked syllable followed by a cough 
♡ ‘are you okay, omi?’ you tilted your head, watching as your husband coughed his lungs out beside you, his puffy, irritated eyes squeezed shut
♡ he eventually managed to catch his breath and the first thing he did was offer his shaky hand to you 
♡ though you were reluctant at first, upon meeting his gaze, it was as though his fury had melted away. his eyebrows were no longer knitted together, his judgemental sneer was now a gentle smile he wore to try reassure you and the way he looked at you resembled how he did on your wedding day. all the resentment, all the stress and all irritation was gone - which left you with the considerate, understanding man you had married. 
♡ you fingers found their way to his as you slowly intertwined them together, ‘we should, uh, g-get some rest, yeah?’ you stuttered, your lips gradually curling into a weak grin
♡ a faint hum of agreement could be heard from sakusa as he shuffled so he was now laying down, with a duvet draped over him 
♡ though he lay with the intention of going to sleep, he kept his hand locked with yours all throughout the night
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magicpumpkin3 · 3 years
hey you i see your req are open ? if you have time , can you write about reader ( female or gender natural ) who always act cold and strong in front of other but one day the dorm leader see her crying in the sleep . they like having a nightmares about the dorm leader leaving them and sleep talk about begging them to stay ?
i am sorry if this is too long .
Note: I went through seven stages of grief while writing this. And the crazy part, I have no idea why! (Prob BC of the art/writing block).
Note№2: I sincerely apologize for the delay. But at last, most of my finals are over and I hope my will to live and create will return (and NOT at 3 AM!)
Riddle Rosehearts
He honestly didn't know you fell asleep. You were staying in his room, listening to him, rambling about his dorm members not understanding the importance of rules.
He stopped rambling as soon as you let out a small sob. Slowly turning his head towards you, to make sure he didn't mishear it, Riddle looks at you. Another sob leaves you followed shortly by a hitched inhale. He's momentarily at your side. Riddle isn't quite sure what to do. He knows for sure, he needs to wake you up. While he attempts to do so, you start crying even more, particular shacking from the amount of tears.
Riddle stills when he hears you call out for him. Never have he ever imagined you, of all people calling for him. It's unusual for you to show such deep emotions to anyone so poor thing is absolutely lost at what to do again. He had similar nightmares too (not to the point of years though), so he understands your fear.
He attempts to comfort you in your sleep, since he could wake you up. Riddle hugs you and whispers reassuring things and lot's of "I'll never leave you"s. He'll never mention it to anyone but he will talk about this with you for sure.
Leona Kingscholar
It was one of the many sleepless nights for Leona. He usually listened to your heart to fall asleep faster, feeling safe and loved. Laying on top of you, using you as a pillow, it always helped.
Leona is no stranger to nightmares, quiet the opposite actually. But never did he imagen that you will have one. In front of him. There isn't a lot of people who would understand you, lucky for you, Leona is one of a few, who understand. He trys to wake you up at first, causing you to cry even more. He's panicking, he has no idea what to do. You're always so cold, calm and quiet one of the many reasons why he likes to sleep near you.
Once Leona hears your cry for him, beginning him, to stay. He stills, not believing his ears. He had similar nightmares about you, leaving him. You were always there to comfort him when those night terrors came, so he does the same for you.
He cuddles you, pat's your head, running his fingers through your hair and says probably the sweetest things you'll ever hear from him. Leona won't mention it to anyone and won't talk with you about it. He will cuddle you more and say encouraging stuff to you in private though.
Azul Ashengrotto
He was in his office, counting contracts, before heading towards his room. He couldn't leave his angelfish waiting! You and Azul made an agreement that whenever he's being late to your 'privet' date, you'd wait for him in his room.
Standing right outside the room, Azul heard faint crying. Momentarily, he enters room, normally he knocks, even though it's his room, privacy is privacy but in this situation, he had to.
Seeing you crying in your sleep, made his personal killbill siren go insane! Usually it was the other way around, you comforting him after another bad dream. So Azul did what you usually did to him, try to wake you up and comfort you.
You let out another cry but with his name. Poor Azul was afraid you were having nightmare about him, hurting you. He was about to push away, when you weekly grabbed onto his arm and pleaded to stay with you, still asleep.
Azul stayed by your side whole night, not daring to fall asleep. Not like he could. Whispering words of love and reassurance, cuddling you, with his whole being, Azul silently cried with you, feeling your pain, like no one else. He won't say a word to anyone but he will talk about your fears and insecurities.
Kalim Al-Asim
He just returned from one of his night flys. Usually he just flys on his carpet whenever he couldn't sleep, thais was one of those nights. As soon as you entered Kalim's room and sat down on his bed, you fell asleep, due to up coming exams. Sunshine boy truly tried to fall asleep with you but he couldn't.
So imagen his suprise, when he heard your crys. You! The ice majesty you! You were like that comical 'polar opposites' couple. If anything, it was most likely him being the crying one then you!
Poor Kalim was panicking half of the time! He was about to call Jamil for help (since vice dorm leader always helped him to calm down in saddest moments) but then he heard your crys for him. You, the always cool and calm, you were calling for him???
Kalim wouldn't even try to wake you up in fear of scaring you even more, instead he'd attempt to comfort you through your sleep. Hugging, cuddling you, pressing gentle kisses here and there. He'd try to stay awake the whole night but unfortunately he falls asleep embracing you. In the morning he's very tempted to ask others for advice but Kalim understands, that it's too personal. He'll be a bit awkward about it (he doesn't know how to approach you when it comes to emotions) but he will talk with you about your nightmares.
Vil Schoenheit
Normally he was the one to fall asleep first but oh well. You did look horribly tired this whole day. Schoenheit was in a good mood, so he decided to have a beauty sleep with you (aka go to sleep at 9 pm).
He was about to fell asleep but was shacken back to the reality with your sobs. At first, he thought it was just his sleepy mind and imagination but when you started to toss around the bed and cry even more aggressively. Vil would usually just knocked some sense into you, to not ruin his beauty sleep but it's not the case.
He isn't the best guy if you need comfort. Especially if he's used to you being cold and calm on the outside (like him). So Vil is really confused on what to do. Logically he'd try to wake you up first and if that fails, he'd still be lost for a good fee seconds. Don't be mad at him, please, he trys his best. Vil would try to hug you and keep you in place, so you wouldn't accidentally hurt yourself, try to calm you, by saying stuff like 'it's okay', 'let it out' and 'sh…I'm here for you'.
When he first heard you cry for him, Vil like Azul thought, he was the cause of your tears. He was about to start to think some really depressing things but then you begged for him to stay. It's like something snapped in him. Vil never thought that you'd be that attached to him. He'd be more 'aggresive' in his calming attempts. More 'I love you's and 'I won't ever leave you's, tightening his embrace and all. He wouldn't talk to anyone about it and he would be hesitant to talk to you about it too. Since he's also an 'ice queen' he tried to think how'd that go through his point of view. But in the end you'd still discussed it.
Idia Shroud
You both were chillaxing in his room. Idia was having one of those long night gaming marathon/sessions and you accidentally fell asleep on his bed. Idia doesn't mind though, he understands that you're probably tired and his bed is comfy!
Before long, he was at max level fighting with the boss and he was about to disintegrate that worthless being- Wait, did he hear it correct? Pushing pause, Idia pushed his headphones a bit. Yep, that was someone crying. Hold on... IT'S JUST YOU AND HIM HERE!!! Remember, I told you about killbill siren in Azul's head? Now THIS is a killbill siren. Idia is panicking his shit out and has no actual idea what to do! His anxiety level has never been so high.
Usually he was the one having nightmares (if you were lucky to catch him asleep) in your couple, so if something you or Ortho were the one to comfort him. Poor Idia, he was on the verge of tears from the panic. He was about to call Ortho for help when he heard your cry for him, his name being chocked out from your trembling body. Hesitant, he would try to wake you up (And miserably failed). Idia will mostly say reassuring words and won't do much physical contact since he's afraid of scaring you even more. He really is worried, don't get me wrong! After that, he would only ask Ortho for the advice (or internet in anon mode). He doesn't want to mess up things even more so he'll be shy asking you about it. You and him will still talk at some point though.
Malleus Draconia
Fae's sleeping schedule is a... wierd thing but it is what it is. Usually Malleus just watches you sleep instead of sleeping himself. So here you were in bed next to him, sleeping peacefully, while Draconia watched you like a hawk.
So when your face started to show the slightest hints of discomfort, he noticed it. And from that moment on, his 'protecting' instincts were acting up. He didn't risk waking you up right away but he git closer to your sleeping form non-theless. He was monitoring everything, starting with what expression does your face makes and ending with your heart beat.
When you let out your first shaky sob, Malleus felt like there's a crack in the floor and it's getting bigger. He had no idea what to do. While he was spacing out and silently panicking, you started to cry even harder. Poor baby, was scared to do anything! He tried to wake you up but you just started crying even harder! Malleus got a heart attack when you cried his name out. Like Azul he thought, he was the reason of your nightmare. The only thought about it made him go to the verge of tears. Malleus was brought back to the reality by you, pleading for him to stay. Mal mal would hug you, whisper promises of being with you forever and try to slowly rock you like a baby to ease your bad dream. He won't mention it to anyone and won't talk with about it. But if it happens again, he'll decently confront you about your nightmares.
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denkamis · 3 years
Can you please write a fluff one shot about a sk8 the infinity like his girlfriend/boyfriend/s/o falls asleep on him
to anon: omg first request omgomg thank you so much for sending one in! i wasn’t sure which sk8 character you were referring to, so i decided to write one for both reki and langa! hope you don’t mind hehe <3 this is the one for reki, the one for langa will take a little bit longer bc of valentine’s & other requests but i hope you like this one regardless!
warnings: none, just some fluffy times with the best boy. reader is gn!
word count: 1.3k
sleepyhead. (reki x reader)
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Late nights were certainly not a rare occurrence with your boyfriend, Reki. He was filled to the brim with energy and passion that practically flowed out of him like a geyser. Not that you were opposed to that at all, you found that it was one of the qualities that made you fall for him in the first place. Though, you worried that he wasn’t taking into consideration his own personal health during these late night excursions. Take for instance tonight, as it was slowly approaching two thirty am, it seemed that the redhead had no clear intention of stopping his work.
The two of you were cooped up in his workshop behind his house, Reki singing along to some “cool jams” as he called them. In reality, it was his Spotify playlist of the “best 2000’s alternative” music like Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne and Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low. You were barely hanging onto your string of consciousness, the mere idea of sleep sounding like absolute heaven at this very moment. You were propped up on a stool in the corner, the stack of skating magazines Reki had given you to flick through in case you got bored now sat in a neat pile off to the side. You had read each one of them front to back twice already tonight.
It wasn’t that you didn’t love spending time with Reki. You enjoyed listening to his midnight ramblings of whatever came to mind. His ideas for new boards, designs for stickers, and other creative ways to beat his future S opponents were usually his topics of interest. No one really noticed how much of an imaginative person your boyfriend was. He could be impulsive and over excited at times, but his fantastic mind and his willingness to create made your heart soar. Not only that, but he was fairly handy when it came to fixing up and assembling his own boards like he was some mad scientist waiting for one of his many experiments to go right. You indulged him as much as you could, you really did enjoy his company. Even if you would much rather be curled up beside him snuggling in bed rather than hear Reki precariously make his way through the lyrics of Check Yes Juliet for what seemed like the seventh time.
“Reki,” you spoke up finally as the analog clock on the wall indicated the current time of two forty-three am. Reki looked up from Langa’s custom longboard, hair bouncing about despite already being contained by the headband he wore everyday. “Yeah?” he asked, throwing a glance over his shoulder only to see your weary eyelids and tired expression. His entire demeanour melted, lips jutted out in a tiny pout upon seeing his poor baby so tired.
He backed away from his worktable, dancing and tiptoeing across the floor to avoid stepping on any spare parts or tools he had left lying about his mishmash of a workshop.
“Is baby tired?” he cooed, sawdusted fingers beginning to tug and pinch at the corners of your cheeks. You groaned in annoyance, your sleep deprived state causing you to be a tad more irritable at this hour. “Reki,” you repeated in a more serious tone, ember coloured irises meeting your e/c ones. His calloused hands moved to cup your face, warmth enveloping you in a way that felt like home. The scent of pine and the remnants of orange crush soda invaded your senses. He smiled at you with that goofy face of his, the one that Langa constantly teased for being weird. Maybe it was your sleepy nature, but he looked even more gorgeous in the harsh LED lighting of his garage. Tiny strands of his auburn hair fell in front of his face as he tilted his head to the side, his smile growing as he watched your eyes begin to droop.
“Please. Let’s go to bed,” you asked of him as kindly yet firmly as you could. Reki clicked his tongue a bit, thinking for a moment before delivering a cute peck to your nose. “A few more minutes! Then we can head inside, grab a cookie or two and crawl into bed together! It’ll be just a jiffy okay? Here, you can even set an alarm,” Reki was already reaching for his phone in his hoodie pocket so that you could do just as he suggested. He stopped in his tracks as he felt your hands clasp around his hoodie, pulling him close so that you could hug his torso. He laughed at how clingy you could be while being so sleepy, his hand patting atop your head as a form of affection.
“Wow, you really are.. sleeping,” Reki’s voice trailed off as he looked down to be greeted by you completely passed out against him. Your arms held your boyfriend close, your face buried within the fabric of his yellow skater boy hoodie. Soft snores escaped you, your breathing slowed and calm as you finally let your consciousness slip out of your ever fleeting grasp. Reki’s face began to bloom with colour the longer he stared at you, panic setting in as he realized what was truly happening.
You had fallen asleep against him. Oh shit. Oh god. You were asleep against him. That meant you were so comfortable that you just so happened to pass out in his arms. Reki bit back a giddy smile, warmth cascading through him in a form of nothing but love radiating solely for you at nearly three in the morning. His heart thumped rapidly against his rib cage. No matter how long he had been with you, he kept discovering new things about you that made him absolutely lose his mind. You falling asleep against him definitely being one of those many things. You looked so peaceful, so unbothered and safe within his embrace. This warmth you had given him overtook his will to keep working, his hands moving your hair out of the way of your face to kiss your forehead.
“Sorry for making you stay up, sweet baby,” he apologized in a quiet tone. His hands moved your arms to around his neck, using his strength to lift you up and wrap your legs securely around his waist. “I can’t say I’m not grateful for you being here for me, though. You could have left too, yet you stayed here for me,” Reki spoke to your sleeping form. The fact that you had stayed up with him this late made him even more grateful to have you. Reki grunted a bit as he adjusted to the newfound weight of you around him, your hair getting in his mouth and his eyes squinting to find the light switch so that he could flick it off before leaving. Reki was always careful with you, handling you as if you were a sort of glass figurine he barely even had the permission to touch.
“You look so damn cute like this, y’know,” he continued to speak as he maneuvered his way about his house, trying his best to subdue his footsteps and make as little noise as possible. He didn’t want to wake up his mom or little sisters. “Man, I’m so lucky. Seriously really lucky to have someone like you in my life.”
In your sleep, you subconsciously nuzzled your head against his chest. He melted a bit, holding back a tiny noise of happiness as he began to beam like an idiot holding his partner. You were the most amazing person, the person who made him happy every single day without fail, the person who picked him up no matter how much he bailed or got hurt. He loved you more than anything, and he wanted to treat you as well as you treated him. Even if it meant carrying you to bed after a late night of him talking your ear off about skateboarding for three consecutive hours.
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all works © denkamis 2021.
wanna be on the taglist? see this post!
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bluexiao · 2 years
#blue’s little announcement~
hello so i probably had delayed this for so long, but i’ll be taking a break from writing starting this day until the next week (or two)!
i will still answer asks and maybe reblog stuff here from time to time but i won’t be posting works for the meantime. this is mostly because of midterms next week, but partly also since i’ve been pushing myself to the limit.
p.s. thank you sm for 6k!! i’ll be back for writing with a milestone event btw! pls anticipate that~
(more personal stuff utc just bc, but that’s basically all i wanted to say!)
honestly i’ve been chasing the relaxation and peace i attained last Christmas and new year. I guess i still haven’t adjusted to having classes back once again, but it’s just tiring to juggle things together, I just feel like everything is crumbling down in front of me and I’m struggling to glue a broken glass together while hurting myself in the process. No matter how much I love writing and posting here, I can’t help it. I guess I’ve really reached my limit for now haha
i’m feeling okay though! no worries~ just a bit tired. i’ve squeezed through all my creative juices this past month. this is why i shouldn’t have joined various collabs all at once haha. anyway~ it was fun nonetheless! and i’m touching grass (and fresh air) now~ it’s really refreshing when you go outside
for now, i think i’ll be focusing a lot on my studies since i have been feeling like a coward and lazy ass lately (well honestly no i’m not neglecting my studies, they’re just taking most of my time. like seriously setting up meetings so suddenly even in midnight? some people really have no shame-)
maybe it’s just stress tho hmmm. anyway, i rambled enough, you probably have no life if you read through everything (like me) kzskkssl
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xtodorcki · 3 years
OMG a Levi imagine where he hears a commotion outside his room in the middle of the night and when he opens the door the reader, who’s a young cadet, gets scared and falls with an injured bird in their hand. Over time Levi grows more protective of the reader because ever since that night they remind him more and more of Isabel? TY BESTIE ILY 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
“Protect,” Levi x Reader
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you request, I deliver
Summary: Levi being the over protective soft baby he is
Warnings: none
It was getting rather late, the sun was setting and you were too busy being outside and enjoying the sun going down, the sky bursting into beautiful colors that had you in awe.
And even when it had gotten dark, you laid outside and watched the stars shine brightly above you. It made you feel somewhat normal in this messed up world.
You didn’t realize how late it really was, you just laid there until you heard some noises in the distance, a bird still chirping but it was odd considering you were sure it was the middle of the night.
Your feet made its way to the source of the noise, gasping when you noticed the small bird with a broken wing and instantly you had picked it up, your feet almost running inside and down the long hallway where everyone slept in their rooms.
You turned the corner a little too fast and stumbled a bit, hitting the wall with your elbow and you winced at the sharp pain running through your arm then your eyes widened when you heard a door creek open.
Levi’s tired eyes, still half asleep and only in a pair of sweatpants when he met your gaze, the grumpy look on his face told you that you woke him up and you had a look of terror written across your face.
“Cadet, it’s past midnight. What are you doing?” He said, annoyance dripping off his tongue and you began to stutter, your words getting caught in your throat.
“I, I’m so sorry, Captain. I didn’t mean to wake you, I just found this bird with a broken wing and I had to come bring it inside and I rushed-“ Levi raised his hand, cutting your rambling story short.
“Okay okay, I get it.” He put his hand up, pinching the bridge of his nose and then moved his eyes to the bird down in your hands.
He glanced back up at you, seeing your cheeks turn a dark shade of red as he followed your eyes down to his bare chest. He grunted, making your eyes snap up to his and you gulped.
“Wait here.” He mumbled, shutting the door behind him and you stood there awkwardly.
You had already forgotten about him once you took a look at the bird, in awe at it as it sat in your hands and you moved your finger to gently pet it’s head.
“You’re so cute.” You whispered, practically talking to the small animal and you didn’t realize Levi had opened up his door, hearing everything you were saying.
He stood there for a moment, noticing how clueless you were to his presence but he found your actions pretty cute, he couldn’t help but watch for a while longer until your eyes had randomly moved up and got startled when you see him staring at you.
Levi chuckled, fully stepping out of his bedroom and gesturing you to follow him down the hallway to where the infirmary was. He had helped you grab a few things and even helped you wrap the birds wing with some bandages.
He couldn’t help but watch you again, the memories of Isabel flooding his head and it made you remind him of her. A frown came across his lips, the guilt weighing him down at the thoughts of Isabel.
“Levi?” He snapped out of it, his eyes meeting yours as you put the bird in a small box and put it in one of the empty rooms.
“You can go back to bed if you want to, I’m sorry for waking you.” You walked beside him down the long hallway and he stopped once you both made it to your bedroom door.
“Don’t be, it was an eventful night.” He smiled at you, patting your upper arm then turning around to walk to his room once he said goodnight.
The walk back to his room wasn’t long but the whole time his mind kept thinking about Isabel. He had tried to erase her from his mind but it was nearly impossible, that was his close friend and he felt at fault for her death.
Now you sat in front of him, almost a spitting image and he had to think as to why he never thought about it before. All the times he’s worked with you and watched you on the field, you didn’t remind him of her but when it came to your clumsiness, your urge to help anyone or anything, your nervous state, the way you stuttered when you were nervous- it all reminded him of her.
He groaned, laying back in bed and staring up at the ceiling. He couldn’t even bother sleeping that night, his thoughts were flooded and he couldn’t make his mind blank long enough for him to sleep.
When the next day rolled around, he had walked down the hall towards the room the bird was put in for the time being. He peaked in and saw you in there, feeding it.
As the flashbacks of Isabel ran through his head again, he shook his head and walked inside making sure to close the door behind him.
“Is the bird alright?” He asked you, his feet moving across the room to look down at the box.
“I think so.”
You seemed happy and he watched the smile on your face grow the more the bird ate the seeds from your hands.
As days went by, Levi made sure to check on the bird everyday and every time he did you were always in there taking care of it until the birds wing had fully healed.
“C’mon, you have to come outside since you technically helped me.” You dragged him outside by his hand with the box with the bird in your other hand.
Levi scoffed, letting you drag him until you two were fully stepped outside. The sun was setting slowly, the burst of colors in the sky had made you smile and feel warm. His eyes moved down to you, his heart swelling up and the more he stuck around with you the last few days with this bird, the more he was sure you were a mini Isabel.
A small smile had spread across his face, he didn’t even care about the bird, his eyes were on you the entire time you took the top off the box and watched the bird fly away.
The way your face lit up at the sight, watching the bird fly away across the orange and pink sky. The big smile on your face made Levi happy for you.
The other cadets had thought it was weird and funny seeing you in such a state like this over a bird. Jean and Connie had told you multiple times how dumb it was for you to even take a bird in and try to take care of it but Levi would step in each time to make sure they were put in their place, for you.
He felt the urge to protect your fragile heart and make sure you were happy. It wasn’t really a romantic feeling but it was like a overprotective bear, watching over his cubs.
Considering how much you reminded him of Isabel, he made sure to keep you safe since he couldn’t do it for her.
I’m sad now
Also I’m thinking about taking more time on my writings. I feel like from the beginning to now I’ve been trying to rush through them bc you guys seem to love them and I just want to make sure they’re not short and boring bc I’m rushing :((
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