#personality and development
inspiroaspire · 1 year
The Biggest Medical Mistakes You Can Make In A Blackout
This is the only physical book you need when medical help is not on the way:
The Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household
It’s a unique guide for the layman that you can use to manage common health ailments at home when seeing a doctor or going to a hospital is off the table.
The book is written by Dr. Maybell Nieves, a front-line doctor from Venezuela who has saved hundreds of people through one of the worst crises in modern history.
The ingenious methods she developed are found in this book and can be self-applied at home. That makes them extremely valuable if the medical system cannot be depended on, like during long-term blackouts for example.
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32 Home Treatments That Can Save Your Life one Day Having a way left to treat yourself or your loved ones during dark times is one of the most important steps you can take to survive them.
It’s no secret that in any crisis it is a disease that ends up claiming the most lives.
It will prove vital in the next crisis, and you should check it out while it’s still available.👇
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pteropods · 1 year
I am actually so serious I think it really messes with a childs creativity and joy to tell them to never make a mary sue OC. Like that unbridaled form of joy where you make a self insert OC who super cool and everyone loves them and they have every superpower in the world SHOULD be something a kid makes, it nourishes their ability to create things for fun and not be stifled by "oh but what if my character is too overpowered and cringey...". whatever
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sugarsprinklesoul · 7 months
Small ways to activate your "happiness" chemicals
DOPAMINE: the reward chemical
• Complete a task
• Doing self care activites
• Eating some food
• Celebrating your little wins.
OXYTOCIN: the love hormones
• Playing with a dog
• Playing with a baby
• Holding hands
• Hugging someone
• Giving someone else a compliment
SEROTONIN: the mood stabiliser
• Meditating
• Running
• Be in the sun
• Walk in nature
• Swimming
ENDORPHIN: the pain relief
• Laughing exercises
• Essential oils
• Eating dark chocolate
• Running
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luna-azzurra · 4 months
Character flaws for an anxious character
Constant worrying: Obsessively fretting over even the smallest details.
Overplanning: Creating elaborate contingency plans for every possible scenario.
Indecisiveness: Struggling to make decisions due to fear of making the wrong choice.
Social anxiety: Feeling extremely nervous or uncomfortable in social situations.
Perfectionism: Setting impossibly high standards for themselves and others.
Avoidance behavior: Dodging situations or responsibilities that trigger anxiety.
Overapologizing: Saying sorry for everything, even when it's not their fault.
Hyperawareness of physical sensations: Being overly sensitive to bodily sensations and interpreting them as signs of impending doom.
Catastrophizing: Jumping to the worst-case scenario in any given situation.
Need for reassurance: Constantly seeking validation or reassurance from others.
Rumination: Getting stuck in a loop of negative thoughts and overanalyzing past events.
Difficulty relaxing: Finding it hard to unwind and let go of stress.
Overthinking: Overanalyzing every word or action, leading to anxiety about social interactions.
Physical symptoms of anxiety: Experiencing symptoms like sweating, trembling, or rapid heartbeat in stressful situations.
Avoidance of confrontation: Going to great lengths to avoid conflict or uncomfortable conversations.
People-pleasing: Putting others' needs and desires above their own to avoid conflict.
Overpreparation: Spending excessive time and energy preparing for events or tasks.
Self-doubt: Second-guessing their abilities and decisions due to fear of failure.
Fear of the unknown: Feeling anxious about uncertain or unfamiliar situations.
Imposter syndrome: Believing they are not worthy of their achievements and fearing they will be exposed as a fraud.
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wanologic · 4 months
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yo danny fenton he was just 19
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hinamie · 1 month
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9 / 266
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sunbon · 10 months
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Yes it is and so it’s yours
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theambitiouswoman · 8 months
Green Flags in Communication 💚💬
"I want to know when I hurt your feelings."
This shows they are willing to understand and acknowledge the impact of their actions.
"I don't want you to feel alone in this."
This shows empathy and indicates that the person is supportive and does not want the person to deal with issues alone.
"I've been struggling with ___”
This demonstrates vulnerability and trust, as the person is open about their struggles.
"How have you been feeling about ___? I know it's been on your mind a lot."
This shows concern for the other person's issues or worries, showing that they are listening and care about what's important to the other person.
"I feel __ when you __; are you open to trying __ next time?"
This is an example of constructive communication.
"What do you need from me when this happens with your family?"
This shows awareness and sensitivity to the persons family dynamics and a willingness to provide support.
"I appreciate when you ___.”
Expressing appreciation is vital for positive reinforcement and acknowledging the efforts and qualities of the other person.
"I didn't handle that well."
This is a sign of self-awareness and accountability, recognizing one's own mistakes and being open to learning and growth.
"I'm sorry, I was wrong to say that. I'll try to be more mindful in the future."
Shows you are able to apologize genuinely and a commitment to improving behavior.
"Tell me more about that; I'm really interested in hearing your perspective."
Indicates a genuine interest in the other person's thoughts and feelings.
"I noticed you seemed a bit off today. Is everything okay?"
It shows you are attentive to the other person's emotional state and a readiness to provide support.
"I'm here for you, no matter what you need."
Offers unconditional support, creating a sense of security in the relationship.
"I love how passionate you are about your hobbies. It's inspiring to see."
Expresses admiration for the other person's interests.
"Let's work on a solution together. What do you think would be fair?"
Focusing on collaboration rather than conflict.
"I trust your judgment on this."
Trust and respect for the other person's decision-making abilities.
"Your happiness is important to me. Let's make sure you're taking time for yourself."
Prioritizes the other person's happiness and emphasizes the importance of self care.
"It's okay to feel that way. Do you want to talk about it more?"
Validates the other person's feelings.
"I appreciate how you handled that situation. You're really good at ___."
Praises specific strengths or skills, boosting the other person's self-esteem.
"I know we disagree, but I respect your point of view."
Acknowledges differences in opinion while still maintaining respect and understanding.
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juicedaloe · 10 months
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original by @ crawfishcomic below cut
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kumzorg · 4 months
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put your paws in the air wave them like you just dont care
(oc description below)
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her name is Sohfa (was written like Sofa before but revised for better pronounciation), and her whole deal was that i wanted to make a trans woman oc, but i had no clue what trans women are like besides being hot and provocative (year 2020, i was young and confused about a lot of things regarding gender), and she didnt have any personality other than looking tired all the time, until i grew up and realised this is the stupidest fucking character design, i came to realisation about lotta things, such as heteronormativity and body positivity, so after coming to terms with my own problems, i developed her further to be a representations of the things that i love and respect, such as feeling comfortable in your own body and dealing with adversities while still having hope for the future
also something something she was initially for a furry visual novel concept (not as a romantic option, shes lesbian and the mc was gonna be a gay man) , but i like to mostly draw my ocs hanging around and doing stuff instead of writing out plot, so that idea is scrapped for now (...but for how long?... >:3)
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just as i grow and develop as a person, so do the silly goobers that i make up in my mind
(also shes a frigging nerd, likes to watch old avgn and plays old pc games like a neeeeeerd)
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chiquilines · 2 months
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In honour of mha ending, have some old (and i mean OLD) miryumi scribbles i never got around to posting. They were the main characters in my heart
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svdaily · 10 months
Stop letting other people tell you who you are.
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moghedien · 4 months
I love that Shadowheart/Durge are just the fucked up verison of Isobel and Aylin and it’s like extra obvious if both Shadowheart and Durge are trying to redeem themselves
I’m just imagining Shadowheart with her hair freshly dyed to look like Isobel’s like “I am also dating the child of a god 😌” and Durge just over there like
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sugarsprinklesoul · 7 months
Abilities that will forever benefit you
The ability to walk away
The ability to manage your time
The ability to remain consistent
The ability to self analyze
The ability to learn how to learn
The ability to understand others
The ability to listen
The ability to express your thoughts and feelings
The ability to break down tasks
The ability to adapt
The ability to control your mind
The ability to ask for help
The ability to act upon facts not feelings
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dominosecho · 2 years
they’re filler episodes TO YOU. to me they’re little windows through which i watch my favorite characters make the stupidest decisions imaginable
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tragedry · 6 months
Tyler "maybe you weren't a terrible person, maybe you were just fifteen" Hernandez
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