#phone info meme
theaterkidlament · 8 months
RTC Headcannons baayyyybeeee
NOTE: These are my personal head cannons, my outlook and my perspective on the characters isn’t canon and I respect that. If yours are different that’s fine. I just wanna share these!
everything is undercut!
Ocean O'Conell-Rosenburg
→ I don't like her. I personally think that she bullies others subtly and thinks she's above everyone.
Noel - bullies him (subtly) for being gay and not feeding into the stereotypes she believes.
Mischa - looks down on him for being a "bad boy”, scared of him for an RBF
Ricky - Just ablist towards him. Uses him as a scape goat for trouble.
Penny - Thinkis that she's weird and shoe-in for the chior. Looks down on her for her crimes and family.
Ezra - Same as Penny but very too vocal
Constance - Unknowingly manpulating her. Just a bad friend.
Noel Gruber
→ Sensitive, a poet. Wants to live life to its fullest but over all, scared of that. Dials his everything back.
Ocean - bullied by her constantly. That's about it.
Mischa - huge crush on nim, wrote letters and burnt them without giving nim then.
Ricky - they don’t interact much
Penny - thinks she's cool, hangs out wiher and gushes over Johnny Moon with her
Ezra - Talk abt European nihilism together as well as obscure entertainment
Constance - they bake together and he’s in classes with her
Mischa Bachinski
→ I'm going to heep close to his catchphrase here, tough exterior soft interior
Ocean - Doesn't care much for her, but stands up to her she's bothering others
Noel - Thinks he's cute realizes/falls in love with him later (depending if AUs are involved)
Ricky - Doesn't care much, both cold and friendly towards him
Penny - hangs out with her, good friends
Ezra - Rap enjoyers :)
Constance - Friends, swings by the bakery and even helps out sometimes.
Ricky Potts
→ Silent due to obvious reasons but uses CSL as well as communiction cards to communicate. Overall p. cool guy
Ocean - thinks she's smart but overall just rude rude.
Noel - Admires his longing for love but they don’t really talk much
Mischa - Thinks that he and Talia are cute, but they also don't talk much
Penny - Crushes on her, they talk often and he info dumps her on the Zolarian Race, even made her a character
Ezra - Friends
Constance - Also talks to him in CSL, she knows a little bit of Zolarian lore
Penny Lamb
→ Weird kid, wholehearted, nice. Is mean when She needs to be though, not afraid to state opinions.
Ocean - bullied by her, understandably doesn't lime
Noel - Also a 7up fan, fauns over other bay bands with her
Mischa - Enjoys bands with him out mosty Eminem and DI2
Ricky - <3 crush, knows all Zolarian lore
Ezra - Friends + Siblings to the end, clun. Brings him with her to chior so then he's also not alone
Constance - Friends, only in classes though
Constance Blackwood
→ Genuinely sweet but also has taken so much shit from ppl
Ocean - Always mad at her but lies, mainy for her own good
Noel - Notices his crush on Mischa and comforts him when she can, he comforts her as well
Mischa - Appreciates his help around the bakery. (Also drops hints for Noel- Doesn't pick up on them though)
Penny - Friends, only in classes though
Ezra - Gives him pasteries when he's in the choir room
Ricky - Communicates in CSL with him, knows Zolarian Lore
*Bonus Page! *
Ezra Lamb
→ Quiet sometimes. I thint that he's quite caring for his friends but comes off as genuinely mean.
Ocean - Hates her, not quiet about it
Noel - Friends! Probably tall about European nihilism together
Mischa - Rap Enjoyers!
Ricky - Taught him the WORST words in CSL
Penny - Hates her/j/nsrs. Probably started selling dugs to get her better help/get out of St. Cassian
Constance - Enjoys her baking and presence
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shi-gut · 2 years
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completely random but why tf did my phone identify a picture of little buddy as a species of bird??
welp, little buddy is a bird confirmed ig
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grollow · 2 years
🛒, ✨, and 💖 ~~
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
fdjgjksgd I'm really bad about Found Family because I am a SUCKER for it, but I think another really common theme is watching a character go from having no self-esteem to believing in themself. GROWTH BAYBEE
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
SDGSGSDGSfdsg ya boi can write some killer gore, I had someone tell me one of my fics made them want to hurl and I was so delighted
💖 What made you start writing?
This is actually something of an interesting story. I was hospitalized as a kid (Reasons redacted) and there were a bunch of other kids, ranging from around my age (9) to teenagers. The hospital gave all the kids composite notebooks to keep journals in but there was a group of kids who instead used them to write horror short stories that then read to each other, making up weird stuff along the way. I thought this was the coolest thing ever and begged him to let me join his little club. I started writing with them and haven't ever really stopped beyond writer's block here and there. (This is also why I am a horror fan.)
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sutcliffe-v · 2 years
((if he as ducklett as a pfp i'm gonna combust-
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone
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name: #FF2400
; it’s the hex code for scarlet. SKSKS. he didn’t feel like inputting her name, just in case anyone stole his phone, so he went for something completely off the rails.
ringtone: none
; he doesn’t have ringtone’s for anyone, unfortunately 😞
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; he stole a photo of her so he could remember who the hell he was talking to SKSKS. he made sure to not get her face in it though 🫶
last text received | last text sent
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; pov: scarlett wanted to come and say hi but virek refuses to unlock his front door. (only crowlett is allowed in, sorry 🙄🙄 JKJK SKSKSK)
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mechahero · 2 years
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@hoursodd​ asked- 📂📂📂
send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
Uses his powers whenever he’s lazy to get up or to do the stuff he doesn’t want to do. (Like sweeping the floors, grabbing the remote/his drink, stuff like that.)
Has an on-again, off-again desire to start a band. The band’s name is Pop Rocket (at least for now until he doesn’t like it and changes it again) and the only member of it at the moment is him.
He uses his powers to modify older pieces of tech when he gets the chance. He started to do it as part of some attempt to bring back the technology from the 2000s he seen pictures of and loves. Usually these mods are just the insides of whatever device being modified and bringing it up to par with the tech of today, software and all.
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soy-soi-si · 5 months
Leona, Azul, Idia, Floyd, Jack, Rook, and Sebek with a Fem! Reader who texts to try and get more cuddles.
He was just dealing with practice not actually doing anything since Vargas was off fuckin around with track and he was just making the rest do a final work out he himself tired sweaty and fucking peeved when his phone buzzes.
He pulls it out expecting it to be some shit from Cheka stealing his brother's phone again for the sixth time today. Then he spots the name and he immediately opens it.
「wheer are u」
He takes a second before smiling imagining y/n half asleep in his bed where he left her.
「practice, you just wake up?」
He barely pays any mind to the group running laps panting like dogs.
「cmoe bavk im lpnely」
Leona can barely resist the urge to get up and fly straight to the dorm on his broom.
「give me a sec」
He looks up at the group hissing in a breath as his tail sways, “That's enough we're done for the day!” immediately he gets up grabbing his shit before walking off to go take a shower before going to the dorm.
Azul was just dealing with some contractors' study guides when his phone buzzed. He didn't even hear it the first time, or he equated it to Floyd sending another meme. Then it buzzed again, and again though pretty spaced apart by probably fifteen seconds. He got annoyed by the sound quickly grabbing his phone to see who's interrupting his concentration.
Then it immediately goes away at the nickname he put as y/n’s contact info. His beautiful pearl and he opens it taking a second to lean back.
「why’d you leave me」
「i'm coming to the lounge for cuddles」
He pauses remembering he left her at ramshackle after she fell asleep during lunch on him.
「alright, I'll see you soon」
Azul opens jades number calling him who immediately answers him. “Yeah?” “y/n’s coming to the lounge if you see her just send her straight to my room since I'm busy.” “Alright.”
Idia for once left his room just to retrieve more snacks for him and y/n when the text chimed through his music causing him to jump before fumbling with his phone and the grocery bag of snacks to see it was y/n and he immediately sighs in relief before glancing around then opening it.
「come back」
His hair turns pink before he texts her back.
If he wasn't out of shape, he would've run back to his dorm room.
Floyd was just playing on his phone skipping out on practice again since it got boring a little over halfway through, he's just sitting on the sidelines as the rest of them play. He hates how he smells but he can't go into the locker room because it smells worse there. He's just waiting until Vargas finally airs it out when the text comes.
「it's cold come back.」
His eyes light up since he's currently sweating from the heat. And he practically jumps up bolting out of the gym back to his room where his sleepy girlfriend is.
Hes finishing up with his cactuses in the main area of Savanaclaw when his phone buzzes. And he pulls it out just opening the text expecting it to be ruggie again asking him to grab something.
「babe, where did you goo」
His tail immediately begins wagging dusting the floor as he's kneeling down.
「I’m just in the common area」
Immediately she texts him back and he turns red.
「come back I want my boyfriend to cuddle me」
He probably went out to stalk Leona or some unsuspecting merman. And as he's sitting in a tree his phone buzzes. He pulls it out quickly spotting y/n's name so he opens it sparing a few glances to his prey who is not going to move anytime soon. Then he spots the picture of her laying in his bed on her stomach clearly tired as she looks into the camera.
「come here」
Rook immediately abandons his objective to go see the domestic beauty in his very own bed he denied his full attention.
Sebek was just standing by Malleus when silver showed Malleus his phone. Malleus pauses for a moment before chuckling, turning to sebek who's clearly not amused by silver pulling out his phone at all near waka-sama. “Sebek, you're free to go to y/n. I’m going to retire for the night.” Malleus stands up waving the boy off as he and Silver walk away, leaving him confused.
「I want cuddles I'm lonely」
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theegrandmaguss11 · 1 year
moving to tumblkr
it has been 48 hours since i moved to tumblr fully and deleted reddit. on at least 15 (counted) separate occasions my mind has mindlessly swiped through my phone trying to find the app, and deleting it kinda made me realise how addictive it really was.
moving from a social media that is like. super impersonal and hivemind-y to tumblr of all things is kind of a jump. like on reddit unless you get r/rimjob_steve'd your username is never mentioned. getting a Reputation is basically unheard of. you interact not with the author of the post, but with the post itself, and with those who may stumble along. you go to a subreddit and you get content exclusively about that topic. there are self proclaimed experts everywhere. it's all a gamee to maximise upvotes, and by far it is the best place to get information about niche things that you are interested in. just a pure constant stream of info, impersonal, like a machine.
tumblr is real funny because you browse between a Serious 2 Thousand Word Analysis on the Current Societal Behaviours to a meme about frogs; from a essay with heart and soul poured in to someone making a one-word joke. You are responsible for your dashboard, not anyone else. and more importantly -
I am a person. like it sounds stupid to say this but on reddit i am a Viewer of content. I see the content, i pass my judgement in the form of an upvote and downvote, leave a comment perhaps, engage or ask for information. Nothing about the people i interact with, nothing about me. just the Topic at hand. here, these are People I am talking with, which is kinda funny. i guess i forgot rule 1 of the internet: to remember the person. and tumblr has reminded me of that.
still though the search function is terrible here how do y'all live like this?
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Am I the asshole for not letting my husband have a say for the guest list of our baby shower?
I (21 f) and my husband (25 m) moved very quickly in our relationship, much to the judgement of my sister. We moved in with each other after a month of dating and she basically told me it was a stupid idea. We also got eloped with no family or friends there four months after that. When I texted my sister we got married (yes, I texted everyone instead of called) she asked if it was a joke and when I said yes then sent a picture of marriage license as proof, she didn’t respond for days. She called me later which I sent to voicemail, which was basically her crying saying she always imagined she’d be at my wedding and was hurt. I was upset because no one was invited or even told about the engagement; that was the point of eloping. The rest of my family was pretty happy for us though and I focused on that.
We didn’t talk for months because I wanted an apology, or at least a congratulations on getting married. She texted me a few times about nothing important (she sent a few memes). An apology never happened, but I started to text her again because I found out I was pregnant and wanted her to know about it. I called her about it eventually and she was supportive.
Before the Not Talking stage happened, her and my husband didn’t get along. She has made multiple passive aggressive comments about our relationship in the past. There was one time she visited us that made my husband upset because she showed up with little notice and also insisted on visiting again when our cat gave birth to her litter of kittens. She talked about helping and I didn’t really think anything of it. My husband later said he was upset she acted like she knew our cat better than us based off a couple of other comments she made and didn’t like how she invited herself over. I don’t think she meant anything negative about it, but it was annoying she insisted on one specific cat thing we told her we had under control and didn’t stop pestering until my mom called the vet to ask for advise and the vet agreed with my husband and I about how we handled the cat situation. I’m not sure if I explained that well but I honestly don’t know how to describe it without going into too much detail. This is just background info.
My husband and I wanted to do a gender reveal for the baby. We agreed on the theme and had a general date in mind. I invited my immediate family, best friend, and his immediate family that he talked to (which only consisted of three people). He said he didn’t want my sister at the gender reveal and this caused a huge fight. He said if she was there then he wouldn’t show up and I could tell him the babies gender on the phone. I cancelled the gender reveal because I didn’t want to uninvite my sister when she hasn’t made any bad comments in months and also wasn’t about to have my husband not be there. In my mind, there’s zero point in having one if both parents aren’t there. We found out gender by having our doctor write it down on a paper and we opened it later by ourselves. We told everyone over the phone what we are having.
Now, I am pretty far along in my pregnancy and my family wanted to set up a baby shower for me. I let them and we set up a date for it. My husband and I talked about the baby shower multiple times and looked forward to it. I Facebook invited the same people I invited to the gender reveal to the baby shower and he wasn’t happy when he saw my sister was again on that list. Him and my sister has only seen each other one time during these months, which was at a funeral. My sister initiated a handshake which he accepted and asked how he was. He answered fine and that was the end of it.
The baby shower argument was the same for gender reveal. He didn’t want her there and he didn’t want to come if she was there. He said I shouldn’t want someone who has done nothing but disrespect both of us in the past year to be at this event and should get a say in who comes and who doesn’t. There’s no excuse for the things my sister has done and said but it felt wrong to exclude her. If she wasn’t going to be invited to the baby shower, then what was his opinion on our son’s birthdays and other events? We couldn’t do this forever. She hasn’t been rude in months but we never got an apology. I’m also a little bitter about it but I’m trying to not be harsh. At this point, I didn’t say much when my husband said she couldn’t be there. This is because we just got done with a different argument about something completely different and he said he was done about certain things. I said ‘like what?’ and he told me he didn’t want my sister at the baby shower.
He said he wouldn’t have invited anyone that has disrespected me and I shouldn’t either. It sounds fair but it also sounds very black and white. I get along with the family he talks to outside of family events. I don’t get along with a couple of extended family members but he doesn’t get a say in who was invited to those events and never talks to them outside of those family events even before we were together. I didn’t really say anything for my argument because I knew he wouldn’t agree with it anyway. This sounds calm but he was very angry and I was crying pretty hard. He asked over and over again if she was coming to the baby shower and I refused to respond. If I say she’s not coming then I’ll have to follow my word and uninvite her, probably causing arguments within my family. If I say she is then he won’t come. (I’m not sure if this is relevant but my husband and I are both autistic and have been known to shut down and stim when we’re upset). He said he’s tired of being disrespected when I refused to answer for 30+ minutes and wanted a divorce. He crumbled up our marriage license and took my wedding ring off my finger.
He didn’t say anything about the baby shower and started asking questions about the divorce. ‘How much do you want in child support? When do you want to do visitation? Etc.’ I refused to answer for a while but he kept asking and I mostly gave vague answers like ‘whatever you want’ all while still crying. I didn’t say much except to say he was staying and we weren’t getting a divorce.
I don’t remember what happened next and what I said, but he eventually said that I had one more chance to choose him because he’s always chosen me. This is true because he has put me first. He works a lot while I’m not working this pregnancy and always makes sure I eat and everything. I’m not sure what’s going on with baby shower. I think he said that she can come if I put up boundaries about being nice otherwise she can’t come. I think this will start an unnecessary fight because she hasn’t done anything in many months so it seems insulting. I didn’t say anything though. We fell asleep and cuddled and he apologized the next morning before he left for work. He said he was more mad that I refused to talk. I, personally, was more upset about the marriage license he crumpled up. I still didn’t say anything but ok. He still hates my sister and expects me to tell her to be respectful.
I don’t know what to think really. I sound like a jerk for not letting him have a say for baby shower. It is his kid too. I also don’t want to divide my family by not inviting my sister, but he’s also my family. I know he acted like a jerk for the argument but that doesn’t necessarily means he’s wrong about the guest list and having a say. So would I be TA?
What are these acronyms?
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lehguru · 2 months
Would you mind making a JJK version of older users insecure about others judging their relationship with a younger partner? 🙏🏽
jujutsu kaisen men feeling insecure about having a younger partner ft. gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento
info + tw: tbh this theme for one piece was my nightmare, i cant write anything for shanks cuz i feel exactly like that one meme from Akira lol. tw age gap (reader is significantly younger than them, but over 20) so mdni pls — ko-fi
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gojo satoru didn't really care about anything others said when it came to your relationship. all that mattered to him was your opinion of the relationship; but, often, he would wonder why you chose to date him.
one day, while you both were chilling in your shared apartment, you noticed gojo looking at you a lot more than normal. he just stared at you, his cheek resting against his palm; his eyes still held the absolute adoration he have for you, but you could sense something was bothering him. putting your phone to the side, you snuggled against him, one of his arms coming to hug your shoulder. "are you okay, satoru? is something bothering you?" he nodded and sighed.
"you are gorgeous, you know that?" you rolled your eyes at his sappy behavior, but he continued. "'m serious! you can be with anyone you want. was just wonderin' why you are with a guy like me, when you could be with, i don't know, someone younger or something." you giggled and shook your head. before he could say anything, you murmured: "i've never met someone 'younger' that was hot and handsome like you. plus, you're rich." he gasped dramatically and you laughed loudly, "i love you, my old man." he smiled and hugged you tightly, his lips pressing a kiss on top of your head.
geto suguru, just like gojo, doesn't care at all about the age gap between you two. even if you two are at somewhat different moments of your life, he is glad to be the one you chose to be next to you through the good and the bad moments. whenever people give you two a glance that last too long or whisper about you, one cold look from him is enough to make them cower away.
one day, the comments ended up getting to you. you knocked on the door of his office and you heard a soft 'come in'. his soft smile dropped as soon as he saw your expression; "is everything okay?" he murmured, motioning for you to come closer. you sat on his lap, your head buried on his neck, and he hugged your waist. with his scent making you feel better, you murmured: "someone called me a gold digger today."
you heard geto click his tongue, his arms tightening around you. "they are simply idiots. pay them no mind, alright?" he pulled away enough to hold your chin and make you look into his purple eyes. "i adore you. i adore to pamper you. that should be enough. ignore them, angel." you pressed a kiss on his soft lips, making him chuckle. his words were always enough to calm you down and you had no idea how he does it, he just do.
nanami kento often thought about your age gap, but it wasn't exactly because of the age itself. he had a plan for his life; he was going to work and save enough money to hit his 50's and move to malaysia. that's it. but... now that you're in the picture, he doesn't know if that could happen.
he didn't want you to lose the best years of your youth with him. or lose those years at a secluded place with only him to spend the rest of your life with. he didn't want you to regret your love for him. "are you okay, kento?" you asked, hugging him from behind and placing a soft kiss on the nape of his neck. he nodded, his thoughts now floating away. "yes, love." he turned off the stove, the breakfast he was preparing for you made the kitchen smell divine.
"why are you up this early?" nanami turned around and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, his palm resting on your cheek. "well..." he started to feel your face heat up under his touch. "i was looking at some plane tickets. to malaysia. i know, i know, they are expensive. i just thought it would be good to see where we will live, you know? maybe look at a place near the beach?" and just like that. all his worries melted away. he smiled, a soft and small smile that you adored with all your heart, and murmured. "it sounds good."
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2024 © content belongs to lehguru, do not repost, translate or feed it into ai without permission
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Trevor Spengler dating headcanons?? With a paranormal enthusiast?
YESYESYESYES FINALLY TREV REQUESTS OMG YEAHHAHAHSHAH ; thank you for requesting!! hope you enjoy :)
TREVOR SPENGLER ; dating headcanons
summary ; dating stuff w trev
warnings ; language
word count ; 539
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he's literally obsessed with you
always talking & thinking about you
he's got over 500 pictures of you too
his lockscreen is a picture of you two together as well, so he's constantly opening his phone to see it
he's got a couple widgets that are just you as well 💀🙏 it's all nice and themed bc you showed him how to do it
probably picks up editing for you
surprisingly a great editor, he's 100% into shake and transition edits, no matter how long they take
your contact name is probably "y/n/n 😈🔥" because he's a teenage boy.
you can't tell me he doesn't frequently use 😈🔥🗣⁉️🤞👍💪💀 etc
he isn't big on physical affection (mostly pda) but he has his moments. he's much more into physical affection when you're completely alone or just w pheobe or lucky tho
likes slinging an arm around your shoulder or giving/relieving reassuring and comforting hugs, or some hand holding
he doesn't like feeling like he needs to prove to people that you're together or anything which you 100% understand
his love language is quality time
always watching movies, driving around together, playing video games, etc
he's not great with his words but when he says he loves you and cares about you, he's being completely, truthfully honest
you guys discuss drama and make fun of fake bitches together, in and out of school
watching those tik tok storytime slides shows and they're WILD. you're cackling and confused at the same time
go watch derrick branch to see what I mean cause holy shit those storytimes r wild
he loves teaching you all about the ghostbuster gear
and also about ghosts, their spirits, haunted objects, etc
uses big words like protons and neutrons to try and impress you and sound smart
thinks you look cute in the ghostbuster suit
you guys play around with the proton packs and play with them like nerf guns (off of course)
custom ghostbuster patches on your backpacks/special jackets
you make a drawing of him and slimer together LMFAO
trev is all miserable and hunched over like 🧍‍♂️😒 and slimer is like floating above him a bit like 😊👍
he loves it, it's on his wall
always going on adventures together
you teach him stuff about your hobbies, and he teaches you stuff about his
sharing spotify playlists>>>
making food together is like a shared couples hobby
collecting plushies because why not
matching clothes galore
and stealing clothing out of each other's closets
ruffling his hair (and washing it when he's lazy/has no motivation to do it himself)
randomly sending each other memes/gifs/emojis
sharing an umbrella
pressing your foreheads together and sitting in silence
pushing his hair behind his ears randomly to get a better look at his face
remembering little things about each other
facetiming even to just sit in silence and do your own thing
conspiracy theory dumping on him
working at the lab with lucky to understand Ghosts better
buzzfeed unsolved with Ryan and Shane 24/7. you guys (you) geek out over that shit
your first time ghostbusting, you literally just watched in awe
like ghosts are actually real?? omg
you ranting about how you wanna be a professional ghost hunter
figuring out new info on ghosts, how they function, how it all works etc
you're like a little scientist
he thinks it's so cute
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pomefioredove · 5 months
cater stan3000 here
i just wanna smooch him all over, could you write something to help my urges to love and cherish him?
CATER FAN!!! ignoring half of my inbox to do this first because. cater.
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summary: some thoughts on dating cater type of post: headcanons characters: cater additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, cater diamond I need u
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let's hope you're not camera shy
'cause dating Cater means lots and lots of pictures
some posted, some not, but he's got more than one folder on his phone with your name on it
(and a few on his computer)
immediately wants to do all the cheesy social media couple things: matching profile pictures, tagging each other in your bios, an entire highlight on his account dedicated to you...
he just likes showing you off
like, really likes showing you off
and he'll happily admit it, too
you're just so cute, and he feels like the luckiest guy alive for managing to pull you... how could he not brag about it to anyone who'll listen?
Cater is also a great conversationalist, so you never have to worry about getting dry texts ever again
he loves hearing anything you have to say: describe your day to him, gossip, complain, anything, he doesn't mind!
he just really likes being around you
but he's got a lot to say, too, so prepare to refine your listening skills
definitely the type to message you anything that's on his mind
(including a thousand memes a day)
he likes getting your take on things, too. even if you stay off social media, he still wants input on his posts
your opinion really matters to him, after all
Cater also tends to be... a little possessive
he didn't really have many friends growing up, and there's always a lingering fear within him that you'll leave him, too
he can get pretty insecure at times
...and jealous, and petty
the remedy, of course, is showering him in attention, which he needs from you like how he needs air
cuddles and kisses are all very much appreciated
expect some PDA, too. and lots of petnames
his favs are babe, honey, pumpkin, cutie... he could go on
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gonzo-rella · 6 months
Headcanons: Being Wallace Wells' Trans Boyfriend
EDIT: Although this fic was written with a more binary trans reader in mind, I'm hoping this fic will also be suitable for AFAB nonbinary people who are masc or male adjacent, which is where I might be at. I'm currently working dating hcs for Wallace with a nonbinary reader (which will be suitable for both AFAB and AMAB readers).
Relationship(s): Wallace Wells x transmasc!reader (romantic)
Warnings/info: Trans typical stuff, like dysphoria, transphobia etc. etc., sexual remarks, he/him pronouns for reader, headcanons were written in one sitting, when I was feeling not great. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: I've been reading a lot of Succession fics over the last few days. Last night I read a Roman Roy fic and for some reason it gave me this overpowering wave of dysphoria that I still have yet to fully recover from. Annoyingly, I have yet to actually watch Succession so this could have been avoided; I just think Kieran Culkin's hot and very gender so I couldn't resist pretending that someone with his face was my boyfriend. Reading about Roman made me think 'oh shit. Maybe I'm a flawed and pathetic little guy on the inside. But I just look like a woman who likes to kiss women and everyone treats me like a girl and uses my girl name and girl pronouns and that feels super gross and makes me want to live in a hole. Now I'm going to feel bad about that for the next few days.' So, yeah, I'm having another transmasc crisis that I'm using fanfiction to get me through. I figured Kieran Culkin started this, so I might as well write something featuring a character of his that I can actually write for. This is a self-indulgent and self-explorative treat for myself, but I hope that transmasc readers can enjoy this, too. If you'd like more Wallace stuff, trans stuff or Wallace AND trans stuff, feel free to send in a request. I really want to provide more fics for transmasc readers because you guys are super underrepresented (and, y'know, Papa Gonzo-rella wants to explore his gender a little more). Also, I swear that I will get around to watching Succession, and I more than likely will end up writing for it when I do.)
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Respectfully, Wallace does not give a shit that you’re trans.
Of course, he doesn’t flat-out ignore it, because it’s part of who you are, but it isn’t an obstacle in your relationship by any means, and it doesn’t bother him in the slightest.
If you’re feeling dysphoric and/or otherwise insecure about yourself, he’ll pinch your cheeks and tell you how handsome and sexy you are.
If you’re feeling especially bad, like ‘not getting out of bed and hiding from the world’ bad, he’ll keep you company and say what he can to reassure you.
Being mushy and sincere truly isn’t his thing, so whatever he says will sound either slightly insensitive (but still pretty sensitive as far as Wallace goes), facetious or like he wants you to get over how you’re feeling so he can fuck you.
But, he genuinely doesn’t want you to feel bad and you can tell he cares, because otherwise he wouldn’t be there for you when you're feeling your worst.
Wallace is very affirming, but in his own Wallace way.
He lovingly refers to you as his lameass boyfriend.
If Scott ever compliments you about anything, Wallace will call him gay.
He will shout ‘gay’, like the Senor Chang meme.
"Hey, man, I like your shirt-"
"Ha, Scott's gay!"
"I-I'm not gay! I just like his shirt."
"What's wrong with being gay, Scott?"
"Nothing! There's nothing wrong with being gay!"
"You really need to work on your internalised homophobia, Scott. To think, my gay lover and I share a bed with a bigot."
If you’re doing anything that he knows will make you dysphoric or exacerbate your dysphoria (for example, scrolling through social media and looking at cis dudes that give you gender envy) he’ll shut it down.
Using the aforementioned example, he’ll snatch your phone off you and close the app, saying: “Nope. Make better decisions.”
And, while you’d initially be annoyed at him for grabbing your phone, you will appreciate it in the long run.
If you have testosterone shots but you’re not a fan of doing them yourself, he’ll begrudgingly help you with them.
He will make a very Wallace comment, though
“Stabbing? I didn’t know you were that kinky.”
If anyone’s a dick to you about being trans, Wallace is always ready to go with a snide remark about the other person, because of all the things you could possibly mock his lameass boyfriend for, being trans is at the bottom of that list.
(He should know, as the person who makes fun of you the most.)
Also, he cares about you very, very much and he doesn't want people being transphobic to his boyfriend.
If you’re cool with it, he will make trans jokes, but nothing ‘attack helicopter’ or ‘attack helicopter’ adjacent, because he’s too clever for that and he can come up with better material that isn’t just derivative, transphobic garbage.
If you get your period and it makes you at all dysphoric, be prepared for this exchange:
“Don’t worry. Scott pissed blood last month and cried about it and he’s still a man.”
“Did-did he go to the doctor?”
“I don’t know. He seems fine now, though.”
If you still have boobs and don’t mind them being touched or otherwise acknowledged, he will use them like a pillow.
If you decide to get top surgery, he will make the following request:
“Well, if you’re not using them, can I have them? I need a pillow that Scott won’t steal. And, he wouldn’t steal your tits, because he knows I’d call him gay for it.”
“Why are you like this, Wallace?”
Being trans doesn’t make your relationship much different from any of Wallace’s other relationships.
You’re just, for better or worse, another one of Wallace’s boyfriends.
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sutcliffe-v · 2 years
🖌 🏃💨 🖌
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone:
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name: chef
; she’s his personal chef now SKSKKS. nah but she’s always cooking for him to not only feel useful, but to make sure that he EATS. FOOD. has DIFFERENT MEALS. and yeah he doesnt use people’s real names, so 🫶
ringtone: none
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; she’s cooking for him <3
last text received | last text sent
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his fridge and pantry are notoriously empty/not filled with a lot of variety. and caria is TIRED. 🙄 virek also just doesnt care very much. he’s not the one cooking anyway.
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mechahero · 1 year
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@electricea asked-🔋
a look at lambda’s phone!
send 🔋 for their battery percentage/common battery percentage
The battery percentage on Lambda’s phone is usually in the 50% range. It’s often resting at a nice and comfortable 57%.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/20/2024 Crew Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins Message on IG; How you can help; Contacting Netflix, Prime, AppleTV; General Guidelines for Wooing Networks; New Hashtags; UK Crew Updates; Petition/Fundraiser Status; Articles; Extras; Rhys' Stiddy
=== Chaos Dad's Message ===
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David Jenkins messaged us FRIENDS and gave us a new heading to steer the ship for the crew. Truly an amazing and sweet message, and helping give @renewasacrew a good place to start on new networks.
== How you can help ==
So based on Chaos Dad's tweet, what the folks over at @renewasacrew have recommended is we focus our efforts on Netflix, AmazonStudios, and Apple TV. We'll be polite menacing but also doing some more specific wooing this time so please see below for more information.
= Reach out to Netflix =
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You can reach out to Netflix Here.
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= Reach out to Apple TV =
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You can reach out to apple tv by going here.
= Amazon Prime: Thank you @mermaid-stede for this write up: =
1) if you have an Amazon account, go to My Stuff > Settings > Help & Feedback > Provide Feedback
2) If you don't, write here
3) might as well try their customer service 888 280-4331, using the same strategy from above (though you might need an Amazon account)
4) and here's an email! [email protected]
Amazon.com: AIV Website Feedback Form
You can see more of their write ups here
=New Hashtags=
#AdoptOurCrew #RenewAsACrew #SaveOFMD
Things to remember:
Only Message 1 of the 3 networks at once. We are wooing them, they want to be enticed, not included in a crowd. If you are reaching out to one, make sure to reach out to all three (just separately)
Be Polite, this is a bit of a different strategy from max, we WANT these people to pick us up, we're not grumpy at them.
Yes you can use season 3 and beyond, use the same terminology David Jenkins did.
More specific info from folks regarding the things to remember:
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=== UK Crew ===
Great job everyone! Your efforts made a difference! Thanks for the update @lamentus1!
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Something else to mention for our UK and International Friends that are reaching out via social networks or email/phone:
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=Daily Engagement Reminder!=
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Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page
Google Search for Our Flag Means Death
Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death
Our Flag Means Death IMDB
=== Petition / Fundraiser Status ===
Petition: ALMOST at 75K!
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Renew as a Crew - Benefiting Rainbow Youth is fully funded at $17K!
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OFFP Care for Gaza - HITS $10K!!!! Great job all!
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=== New Articles ===
Fans Declare War Against Warner Bros., Light Up Times Square for Beloved Show
Our Flag Means Death’s Renewal Campaign Lands Times Square Billboard
=== Other Stuff ===
Some BTS from Vico's IG reels
=Wanna help out our fellow cancelees?=
Sign the Petition for Rap Sh!t!
So Dad's message kind of blew everything else out of the water today, there were some sightings of various crew on the web but most of them were reactions to David's reel so I figured it probably wasn't worth adding today. Thank you as usual to the @renewasacrew team, and @TheCozyPirate for all their steering and insight and helping make these pivots possible each day!
Side note: I saw a lot of really great stuff today-- people focused more on action with the renewal and starting to discuss fun things more and more, less dealing with trolls. I hope that means you all are getting some rest and avoiding some of the crazy shit going on.
Seriously, you're doing amazing. David sees it, the cast sees it, the crew sees it, we all see it. You should all feel super proud of yourself for all the hard work you're doing, whether it's just enjoying the show, being active in the renewal efforts, or just being you.
Please continue to make art, and fics, and goofy memes, and silly videos, and everything. Your creativity is so inspiring and fun and it keeps us all sane! (Also please share them with me I love them.)
On that note, here's Rhys grabbing one of those Stiddies.
Gif courtesy of ofmd-ann's post here
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shayberri789 · 3 months
My HC on the foxes (and trojans) and social media:
Dan and Matt: have a personal twitter account and regularly engages with people on there
Allison: has a twitter account where she acts a like an ice princess. Has a photogenic model-esque instagram account of places she goes and of herself looking hot, plus aestheic photos of her and her friends. Shes got enough followers to be an influencer but doesnt give enough of a shit to be an influencer, shes too busy. And too rich. Has a private instagram account filled with awkward/embarrassing candid shots of the foxes.
Renee: has a twitter account but only for news/checking on the PSU account. DOES have a tumblr account but no one knows she runs it. She reblogs bible verses and poetry and photographs, amongst shit posts
Nicky: he has a personal twitter, instagram and tumblr account. He interacts with fans on his personal twitter. Has a large following because he's got a good personality He and renee get into friendly arguments on tumblr and people ship them. Both members laugh and Nicky replies with a gay meme every time. He has a huge following there, and is only out as gay on tumblr.
He's also a marketing major, and like Allison he has a professional twitter and Instagram as well. His humor still makes it through but it's more sly. Ppl follow it because they get more fox tea/photos than his priv
Kevin: has a twitter and instagram. Strictly professional bc poor boy has never been able to unlearn the PR lessons. He rarely interacts with fans, and is illusive about the day to day of the foxes and his inner thoughts to the point of being nominated the fox cryptid. Despite this, his instagram is filled with aesthetic photographs of the various places he visits (sometimes he's even in it, PR friendly smile firmly in place). His captions include a historical tidbit about the place.
Aaron: he has a private twitter account only, and it's entirely anonymous. Maybe a tumblr account. He's just a normal dude on it, and interacts with Kaitlyn and his med school friends. No one knows who runs his account and he has a small following. He likes the privacy. He has a professional account to be tagged in shit but he does Not use it
Andrew: Kevin forced him to make a twitter account. He has never opened it. It's loaded on Kevin's phone, who makes the occasional necessary PR statement.
Neil: "what's social media?" (He knows what it is. But he's never been able to shake his weariness and distrust of it from his time on the run - too much of a liability. Also his name got dragged through the mud when his parentage came out and that soured him from EVER wanting to touch socmed again. His professional account was deleted after people kept @'ing him with insults and death threats)
Jean: never got PR training and socialing with his team mates is exhausting enough. Doesn't have social media and swears he never will. Gets his news and memes from Cat and Laila (he doesn't laugh at them but inwardly finds them amusing)
Jeremy: has a twitter account which Is a tasteful mix between professional and humorous. Has some personal insights but he'd skilled at sharing a lot without telling anything about himself. People don't notice it like they do kevin. Interacts with fans, but very little info about him and his friends' personal lives make it onto social media. He has a instagram too, but it's got 61 posts and it's mostly a Trojan's fan account, where he hypes up new members of his team and their victories.
Cat and laila: cat and laila are the most normal. They have a twitter account each, which they use like Dan and Matt. They share an aesthetic instagram account but also have their own private accounts where they post silly pictures of themselves and friends, or simp for each other. They have a tumblr account as well. They're married on there
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