#potter in japan
gryficowa · 18 days
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You were supposed to be talking about Gaza, not fucking silent about it
Now that I have your attention:
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pennyblossom-meta · 1 month
The Ides of April on AO3
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Now with commissioned art by the amazingly talented @thekatzone ❤❤❤❤
WIP: (3/15 chapters)
One miserable year into her internship at the Goblin Liaison Office, Anna Green decides she has had enough and leaves to pursue higher education abroad. As criminals keep dying from heart attacks across the globe, she is soon dragged into the heart of the Kira investigation where her own ethics clash with the rules of the wizarding world. --- Canon compliant for both fandoms. Follows the manga and then deviates between the anime and the expanded universe for a more comprehensive exploration of the plot and characters. [Heavy worldbuilding] [LxOC]
AO3 | FFnet
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dandelionadrian · 11 months
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Back to school (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
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regulus talking to James
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ashabellq · 8 months
I am drowning but there is no water in here. I am shouting but there is no air in here. Can you hear me? Can you hear my beggs for living? Can you hear my whispers which is crying loudly? Can you?
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apartment315 · 5 months
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heyyyypril · 4 months
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Day 2:
Universal Studios Osaka Japan @ The Wizarding World of Harry Potter-u
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justchui · 10 months
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Hot chocolate on the first snowfall of the year, where I live 🫶🏻
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neptunefairytales · 5 months
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Matcha Fufu, aka Anne "Bnnyu" Shirley, aka Carrot… She's perfect! I love her so much!!!
(Personnal pic. PLEASE REBLOG. Do not use or repost. Thanks! NSFW and kinks accounts DO NOT INTERACT!)
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
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@fadinggalaxysalad moving this to its own post because reasons
I feel like both of them look out for each other in different ways.
Touya, who grew up with money, who had to sit through his dad’s lectures about money, who has spent days worth of time listening to Enji’s financial advisor drone on and on about the accounts (he’s the oldest after all, the one that would inherit it all or at least the one that would be expected to hold it in trust until Shouto is old enough) would hear Harry wonder why Hagrid had his bank key and immediately flip his shit. Just “Some bastard you just met has full access to your money? Absolutely not. Demand to speak to the person in charge of you account right the fuck now and make them tell you what fuck was stupid enough to let this happen.”
Harry on the other hand, who had to learn to treat injuries with the bare minimum and suddenly had a whole world of healthcare opened up to him that he can hardly imagine, spends hours at the apothecary going over each and every salve and potion until he knows what can be used on muggles and what can’t and even a list of closely related allergens that occur non magically so he can put together a kit for them with detailed instructions for any possible injury.
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Tokyo Vice (2022)
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dinoplantsghost · 3 months
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pairing: Tom Riddle x fem! original character
warning(s): body horror, death, tom is a warning in itself, 1940s: time accurate misogyny (???), (a singular) violent thought, i actually don't know how to tag this im sorry 😭😭
word count: ~3064
Disclaimer: I have a huge google doc that holds all of my drafts and I'm quite literally just copypasting everything, so if there are any typos/errors, no there isn't!! :)
Edit: I just realized Saoirse may or may not be a Celtic name and Google is not giving very concise answers so I've changed it to Irish instead 😭
Chapter List
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Murder in the Building [1]
She didn’t mean to kill that girl. She had gotten in the way of Saoirse's experiment that was clearly expressed minutes before that it was dangerous and a risk. But people usually don’t listen; they never listen. When the body was found, it was unrecognizable. Hanging from the wrists, the body was displayed on the wall of the shared room of the two girls, its entrails scattered from the opening to the stomach, to the floor, all the way to the table that had bloody parchments and numerous tools. 
There’s never been an incident like this before at Mahoutokoro, the only wizarding school in east Asia, situated on the southernmost island of Iwo Jima, Japan. Students were always obedient, curious little things; always ready to learn and always ready to face the consequences when incorrect. Maybe she was too curious, but Saoirse didn’t mean for this mishap to come about. If it weren’t for the change of color in her robes or the stench from her room, she would have gotten away with harmless Dark practices. The scrolls and books and memoirs she read stated that the sacrifices wouldn’t feel pain, so why is everyone looking at her like she was a lunatic? 
There are more wizarding schools that allow the practices of Dark Magic than ones that ban it altogether—ones to the point where they will completely replace it with a class on how to defend oneself against it. 
‘But how can you defend yourself from something you know nothing about,’ Saoirse thought as she eyed the bookcase behind the High Priestess’ headpiece. Dark Magic functions perfectly fine when used for good intentions—like blood magic, for example; blood magic has been around since the dawn of wizarding time, protecting precious manors and homes from outsiders and potential dangers, with some seals still going strong after centuries of being active. 
“You are extremely lucky to only be transferring,” the High Priestess yelled in Japanese, her voice reverberating in the chamber lined with gold and jade. “If it weren’t for that Merrythought lady, you would be executed on the spot if it were left up to me.” 
Saoirse sighed. “I apologize, my High Priestess, but I am sure that lady Merrythought and the rest of the staff at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will do their best to keep an eye on me.” 
Truly, if she could, Saoirse would kiss Merrythought. Mahoutokoro has always been too “uptight and pompous” for the girl with cerulean hair. The robes were absolutely horrid in her opinion. The pink and gold looked sickly on her. 
Saoirse had met Galatea Merrythought, professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts, at a training camp to perfect her dueling skills. She had been the only adult figure in her life to support her decision to research Dark Magic, stating that there were plenty of jobs for the girl within the British Wizarding Community that are within that line of work. 
High paying jobs were difficult to obtain for the few girls attending Mahoutokoro. It wasn’t common to see any females working for the Japanese Ministry of Magic or anything of the like. True to the average east Asian lifestyle, the ladies were expected to care for the children while the men went to work for countless hours in a day. The girls that do get into Mahoutokoro, though, often attend in order to aid their future children in their studies once they are ready to go to school at the age of seven.
Saoirse was finally able to drag herself away from the High Priestess only after a ceramic piece resembling the Chinese Ming Dynasty shattered from the old lady’s magic, going haywire and out of control. As the young girl wandered down the halls aimlessly, waiting for her escort to show up, many of the other students peered around the corners to see the murderer in the building. To become a murderer at only fifteen years old..It was simply unheard of. Whispers of rumors enveloped the island in what seemed like a matter of minutes. 
‘There are more victims than just that poor girl.’
‘She must be a cannibal; some body parts were missing at the scene.’
‘It must have been some sick love story, she was jealous and finally went crazy.’
‘She was cursed the moment she was born, the gods must have punished her.’
‘She gets off to the blood and dismembered bodies.’
Of course, none of this was true, but there’s no use in trying to convince them otherwise, especially when she was leaving for Scotland anytime now. The onlookers disappeared down the hallways as a boat appeared in the distance, a figure holding a ball of light from what Saoirse assumed to be their wand. 
Soon, she hopped onto the boat, excited to continue her experiments elsewhere.
┌────── ⋆☆⋆ ──────┐
Saoirse craned her neck as she whipped it back and forth to see every intricate detail of the castle, its ancient history oozing from every crack and crevice. While she knew Mahoutokoro was also old, it was built with precious stones and metal in mind, taking away the aesthetic of a worn look. With Hogwarts, though, things were shaky and uneven. Despite the asymmetry, it was warm. 
Following the instructions of the staff that escorted her off the island, the girl was met with a stone figure poking her nose as she twirled her way to the Headmaster’s office in the middle of the night. 
‘Oh,’ she thought. ‘What did they say about the password?’
As if hearing her internal struggles the statue moved on its own, scaring the bespectacled girl into jabbing her Walnut wand towards its general direction, only for it to roll its firm eyes and walk off to the side, expecting her to walk into the office of Armando Dippet, the Headmaster of Saoirse’s new school. 
Coughing, Saoirse returned her wand back into its holster wrapped around her right forearm, and took her first step on the spiral staircase. As her eyes reached the new floor level, her breath was taken away by the amount of eyes staring into her soul from mere canvases. Looking around, she found a red clad man with gray hairs hunched over the desk in the middle of the round office, little trinkets catching the light from the room and refracting into her gaze. 
“Ah, yes, Saoirse! I hope your travels went well?”  
“Yes, everything went as planned, sir,” She said politely. 
She watched as the elderly man struggled to walk over to a shelf encasing many curious objects. A sword made of pure silver shimmering in the light, many golden objects beckoning her closer as she followed Dippet to the shelf. With a tap of his wand the glass covering disappeared, allowing him to grab the one object that was out of place—an old and wrinkly hat with dark patches here and there, fraying at the edges. Sagging in Dippet’s hands, Saoirse raised her eyebrows in amusement as she watched the hat become animated, with eyes and a mouth forming. 
“Why have you awoken me, you dusty old fart,” the hat yelled, glaring at the smiling old man. “I already sorted all of the students.” 
The lively piece of leather continued to mumble complaints and obscenities until it was placed down on a stool that appeared out of nowhere, the holes where its eyes should be now falling on the girl that stood awkwardly in near a corner of the room. On que, Saoirse walked over to the stool, and stopped in front of the hat. 
“New student, eh?” The hat whined. The cerulean haired girl crossed her arms in discomfort, sure that if the magical item was human, it would have a deranged look in its eyes. “Well hurry up, girl,” it yelled. “The Sorting Hat doesn’t have all day!” 
Once Saoirse sat on the stool, Dippet placed the Sorting Hat on her head. Expecting the sorting to be over as soon as it started, she blinked as she was met with a moment of silence. ‘Does the Headmaster know you brutally killed a girl?’ A voice boomed in her head, making her jump in the stool. 
‘It’s not like she felt any pain; I did the procedure perfectly fine,’ she retaliated. ‘Honestly, what kind of school just has tomes filled to the brim with the Dark Arts? If anything, it’s the school's fault, not mine.’ 
‘Usually students don’t take it this far, to the point that they practice what was once a theory just to make a statement. Are you usually like this; wanting to know everything and anything?’ 
Saoirse tapped a beat on her lap, waiting for the Sorting Hat to say something. Looking to the side, she fumbled a light smile as she caught the Headmaster staring at her, nodding to the old man and quickly turning her gaze away. 
The Hat caught her attention once more as it shifted slightly on her head. ‘You are a very inquisitive young lady. A bit nosey if you ask me.’ 
‘What is the point of this?’
‘To see which house you will be sorted into, of course. Merlin, did no one teach you about the sorting process here at Hogwarts?’
‘No, I did not have the time to learn, but I fully intend to know more after this.’ Saoirse rolled her tense shoulders in exhaustion. Again she was met with silence, until the Hat moved to open its mouth. 
“I know exactly which house you fit in. With a keen brain like yours, it should be…Ravenclaw!”
The sound of clapping hands brought Saoirse out of her trance. She watched as Dippet picked up the Sorting Hat once more, to place it back in its original resting spot. But before the Hat was completely off her head, its final message sent shivers down her spine. 
‘Do not get lost in the pursuit of knowledge. The consequences are deadly. Do not go looking where you are not wanted.’ 
Confusion was left in her mind as the Headmaster rambled on about how proud Ravenclaw will be when they find out they have a new eagle in their midst.
┌────── ⋆☆⋆ ──────┐
Soft footsteps clacked upon the stone floor as a boy made his way to the Headmaster's office at 2:00 in the morning. He had only recently finished his Astrology class, as a typical lesson finished at 1:00, so to stay up and dressed for an unknown reason due to Dippet’s wishes displeased him extremely. The Slytherin boy, Tom Riddle, halted in front of the statue protecting the office and sighed, his low voice echoing throughout the long halls as he muttered the password to Dippet’s domain. 
“Ah, Mr. Riddle! There you are,” Dippet exclaimed, making Tom wince in the very slightest. 
He never liked his name. It made him sound ordinary. He hated it immensely. Quickly recovering, he faked a smile. “What is it that you need of me, Sir?” 
Dippet clasped his hands as he stood up from his seat. “We have a new student joining us, Tom; all the way from Mahoutokoro—the only magical school in east Asia!” Dippet gestured to the figure to his right and Tom let his gaze follow. There, a girl standing at 5 feet and 6 inches, owlish jade eyes behind her round frames. Her face; soft and pouty, with her bobbed, cerulean hair encasing her head ever so lovely. Her eyes; despite their light color, held a darkness in them. Her posture; an indication of annoyance was her crossed arms. Her lips; they formed a slight frown as she looked anywhere but at the two men in front of her, clearly not used to the attention. The Headmaster laughed at her sheepishness. “Now, come on, girl—don’t be a stranger!” He lightly pushed the foreigner closer to the two, causing her to stumble slightly at the abrupt action. 
“I would have gotten a Ravenclaw prefect to do this, but I figured Miss Saoirse here needs a good influence from someone her own age,” Dippet continued. “And I thought you would be the perfect example for her! Introduce yourself, Saoirse!” 
Tom mentally sighed at this new information. He had to cancel tonight’s meeting for this? It irked him to know that a senile man like Dippet was the Headmaster; one weak Ventus and he would die on the spot. Still, he kept up his clean and perfect image, no matter how strong his urge was to bash his head into the desk and burn this girl to a crisp jump the elder like a madman.
A mezzo-soprano voice hit Tom’s ears. “Hello,” she said, her accent becoming clear as day. “I’m Saoirse, but you already knew that.” The boy watched as her hand disappeared behind her neck as she coughed awkwardly. 
He sighed for the umpteenth time today and decided to play along. “Good evening, my name is Tom Riddle,” his stomach squeezed dejectedly as he outwardly stated his normal given name. “Your name, Saoirse; that's an Irish name, is it not?” Tom asked as he feigned innocence in front of the Headmaster and the new student. 
“Yes, it is.” she said, finally meeting his eyes for the first time. A shocking pair of jade sent chills down his spine. 
“Looks like the two of you are getting along just fine,” Dippet cheered lightly. To Tom, the man’s adenoidal and wheezy tone sounded like nails on a chalkboard. A quick Crucio would not do him too much harm, right? “Well, Tom, would you be so kind as to give our new student a tour of Hogwarts?”
“It would be my pleasure, Headmaster.” 
“Hogwarts was built around the 10th century by Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, and Salazar Slytherin.” Tom said, his voice echoing through the extensive hall made of old stone. Saoirse gazed upon the beauty that is She; Hogwarts was something to truly marvel at. With Her high arches, wondrously intricate details, the girl could feel the presence of Hogwarts Herself—She is alive and She is a powerhouse to reckon with. 
Mahoutokoro, on the other hand, is not alive whatsoever, not in the way that Hogwarts is. With every step she took Saoirse would feel Her magic swell, as if She were breathing. Compared to this, the Asian school was nothing but a laughing stock in the girl’s opinion. The gold and jade that decorated Mahoutokoro always looked so…dull. But here She was, nothing but bare stone and some wood, and She was the most ethereal piece of architecture Saoirse had ever seen. Nothing could ever compare. A flash of green came into Saoirse’s view as the boy in front of her took a right turn, his robes swishing in the moonlight.
 “This is where you will be attending your Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons, taught by Professor Merrythought.” 
Tom turned to stare at the girl he was painfully giving a tour to. He scoffed inwardly as she continued to look hard at the door to Professor Merrythought’s classroom. Soon, his ears caught a question, one that he would have missed if Saoirse wasn’t talking so quietly. 
“Why does she teach defense?” 
“Why would Merrythought teach defense against the Dark Arts?” She stressed, her voice having more clarity than it did before as it bounced off the nearby walls. “She was the one who encouraged me to learn about the Dark Arts, not how to defend myself from it; it makes no sense.” 
Saoirse watched as the tall boy stared at her. She could practically hear the cogs turning in his head as he carefully bit the inside of his cheek in thought, thinking of a response. Growing impatient, she sighed, “If you do not know the answer, it’s fine. I will just ask her whenever I can.” 
“Why would Merrythought ever encourage the practice of Dark Arts? Out of all of the staff here, she opposes the use of it the most.” 
“She says I excel at it.” 
“You've dabbled in Dark Magic before?” Tom asked, a slight interest manifesting itself as the topic of conversation became familiar to him. It was almost welcoming. 
“I have,” she said lightly, an airy tone present as she let her eyes wander around the striking features that Hogwarts held. “It’s why I’m here, after all.” 
A painting that stood out from the rest hung high above the wall down the hallway. It was bright, unlike most of the art that were almost all portraits of notable people within the English Wizarding Community. Saoirse was quick to leave Tom to his lonesome, irking him to no end as she strided down the hallway, entranced by the slight movements in the painting that she could see. As she got closer, Saoirse saw that the painting was moving more violently than she originally thought. It was a painting of a fire; it danced and twirled around in the engulfing darkness. 
Tom clenched his hands into fists as he followed the imprudent girl down the hall. “Do not wander off aimlessly,” he sighed. “You could get lost.” 
Not taking her eyes off of the painting, Saoirse replied, “Sure thing, Mr. Wiggle.” 
“My name is Tom Riddle,” He corrected. 
“That’s what I said, didn’t I?”
“I don’t think you know what you are talking about, Mr. Tinkle.” 
“Will you stop being so childish, the tour is almost over and classes start in only a couple of hours; this should have not taken us this long if it weren’t for your foolish attempts to wander off.” With a quick Tempus Saoirse hummed as the numbers 4:58 appeared in front of her. “Breakfast starts at seven-thirty on the weekdays, and eight o’clock on the weekends. Your Head of House will hand you your schedule during that time; be quick to memorize it.” 
And with pivoting his feet, Tom walked down the left wing, not caring if the girl decided to follow him as she wasted his time doing absolutely nothing. 
As Saoirse turned to run for the boy, a figure caught her eyes. She turned her head, staring at the painting once more. Within the abyss of black on the canvas, the flickering fire lit up the atmosphere, causing the girl to see the countless mangled bodies hanging and thrown across the thin birch trees that hid in the background.
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Credit(s): Dividing banner (^^^) by Chen Lu (1436-1449) - "Plum Blossoms in Moonlight" scroll painting; sourced through Pinterest
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shocotate · 2 years
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I just found out about these Beatrix Potter book figures from Japan.
The set is calledピーターラビットブックフィギュア, and there are four cute figures to collect like
Peter Rabbit (ピーターラビット)
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Benjamin Bunny (ベンジャミン・バニー)
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Tom Kitten (こねこのトム)
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And Peter’s Father (ピーターのおとうさん)
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unforth · 11 months
Okay so when I reblogged that Kurofai meme however long ago, I mentioned having some old Kurofai doujinshi and someone said they'd like to see it!
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I actually thought I had more than 2 but apparently not. Oh well.
A couple interiors from the one on the right:
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And from the one on the left...
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It was never a ship I was huge into but I definitely liked the idea of it. 🥰
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ilaaaaamarieeeee · 4 months
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pbielik · 5 months
Czystokrwiste rodziny arystokratów w uniwersum "Panny Black":
[wraz z rodowym motto]
• Black (Wielka Brytania) - motto j. francuski
Tojours pur
(Zawsze czyści)
• Tolides (Grecja)
θυμηθείτε τον θάνατο
(Pamiętaj o śmierci)
• Ishikawa (Japonia)
(Bądź dumny ze swoich blizn)
• Silva (Brazylia)
Nem todo material cria uma obra de arte perfeita
(Nie każdy materiał tworzy doskonałe dzieło)
• Ozdemir (Turcja)
Kan sudan daha kalın akar
(Krew jest gęstsza niż woda)
• Hossam (Egipt)
نحن الغبار والظل
(Prochem i cieniem jesteśmy)
• Deszczowscy (Polska)
Są dwa sposoby walczenia - trzeba być lisem i lwem
• Rodriguez (Hiszpania)
La manada cuida de cada lobo
(Wataha dba o każdego wilka)
• Valoise (Francja)
L'art est une philosophie de vie
(Sztuka jest filozofią życia)
• Badakhar (Turcja)
Sabır acıdır, meyvesi tatlıdır
(Cierpliwość bywa gorzka, ale jej owoce są słodkie)
• Cremonessi (Włochy)
La vita è una battaglia
(Życie jest walką)
• Cregence (Irlandia)
Is é an uair witching lár na hoíche
(Godzina czarownic to środek nocy)
• Pucey (Wielka Brytania)
Practice makes perfect
(Praktyka czyni mistrza)
• McKinnon (USA) - motto łacina
Si ad me respicias, mox post deum habeis
(Jeśli zmierzysz się ze mną, wkrótce będziesz mierzył się z Bogiem)
• Picquery (USA) - motto łacina
Non scholae sed vitae discimus
(Nie uczymy się dla szkoły, ale dla życia)
• Ambing/Le Fay (Wielka Brytania) - motto łacina
Amicus verus rara avis est
(Prawdziwy przyjaciel to rzadki ptak)
• Potter (Wielka Brytania)
If you want to be loved, be lovable
(Jeśli chcesz być kochanym, bądź godny miłości)
• Malfoy (Francja) - motto łacina
Sanctimonia vincet semper
(Czystość zawsze zwycięża)
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