#queen time travel
youcalledsworld · 1 year
DP x DC prompt
Time traveling Danny Phantom doing missions for Clockwork. On these missions he makes friends and learns about the culture. He always comes back with souvenirs they can be clothes, weapons, books, anything really.
Aquaman invites the Justice League to his birthday party in Atlantis. Everyone was happy to come especially Phantom who was so excited because he hasn't visited Atlantis in a while. Before Arthur could ask what he meant by that Phantom flew away.
Cue Phantom showing up in traditional royal Atlantean clothing that hasn't been worn in hundreds of years because the material went extinct. Now Danny has to fight off Queen Mera and historians demanding he hands it over, while he is refusing to because a kind man gifted it to him for helping save his son and daughter.
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queen-lance · 1 year
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I was suddenly compelled to make this
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hughmanbean · 9 months
The Nurturing Queen and the Greedy Duke
Credit to @sky00asara in this post for this idea I love guys who are moms (if you get what I mean) This will follow the same rough story beats but will still have a little of my own flair.
The Nuturing Queen, Mother of the Wandering Princess and Erratic Prince, has been said to provide protection and inspire devotion to all who come across her. Praised as Balance and Duality personified, she is a large influence and very commonly mentioned in every scroll, book, art piece, and all magic artifacts that Constantine has seen. He's heard from so many beings of how great she is, her feats, and her being the largest connection between the Unknown Realms and Earth.
Here comes the problem. The Nurturing Queen has an enemy who's been around just as long as she has, who's also been seen not long after wherever she goes, chasing her trail and lurking. The Greedy Duke. He wishes to have her as his own, and take the throne to himself, subsequently plunging the Unknown Realms into chaos. Whenever he confronts the Nurturing Queen, legendary battles commence, and he is beat back.
But now, things are going wrong. The Lazurus Pits have been reported as acting, well, erratic. The Erratic Prince, some beings say, has been seen discussing things with the Greedy Duke. They fear his loyalties may not lie with his family.
A shift has been felt in the magics community. Unknown Realms Beings have ventured into Earth, either out of curiosity or to wreak havoc. Now, at the watchtower, JLD work out how to summon a being and demand to know what's going on, the rest of the Justice League desperate.
When they finally do summon one, they're launched into the Unknown Realms as an answer, told to "Find our Queen" as the being dissappears. They're on a floating island in a green void.
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gwydpolls · 2 months
Time Travel Question 57: 19th Century
These Questions are the result of suggestions from the previous iteration.
This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct grouping.
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration.
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thatsaltyartist · 3 months
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Been playing so much legend of Zelda I have genuine brain rot - anyways, Sonia my beloved
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zivazivc · 5 months
Does Hed help Les with grooming his back?
This is a really old ask about this post. And the answer is yes, definitely!
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I ended up drawing them back in their room in Vibe City because I've been thinking a lot about them growing up there lately. This is a little before Les gets kicked out (big fight with dad) and they end up traveling around with Flea who is at uni at this point. (Flea isn't a local, he moved there because of uni a couple of years prior, and that's when Les and Hed met him. He is the only other mixed/non-fully funk troll they know at that point.)
In the drawing Hed is studying for a test. He's in the second year of high school when he drops out. This upsets and angers Les because he has good grades but Hed insists that they should form a band (like they used to talk about when younger) because he is secretly shit scared of letting Les live alone and fuck off to who knows where. - At this point in time Vibe City is pretty much grounded in the same location most of the time, and if Les doesn't have work, he likes to spend his time in the suburb/woods outside the city where he takes care of his beetle van, Scaab. And Hed is aware Les has been itching to leave the city for a while already...
This has been an unexpected mini lore dump, thank you for your time :P
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blood-carnation · 1 month
the people who think wonderland is always super accepting of gay people are WRONG sorry. queen of hearts had a SEVERE gay situationship breakup when she was sixteen and you NEVER recover from those. she resents her heartbreak and outlawed homosexuality in wonderland bc she is a tyrant.
this, however, did NOT make red homophobic because she hated her mother and everything she stood for. so she decided she was queer out of spite (she did actually turn out to like women, but it was spite first) and LOVES gay people
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alexblue2424 · 1 month
Descendants: Blue Blood and Butterflies
As Red and her mother danced together and celebrate, Chloe sought out her own mother. Her heart was about to burst in the best way possible, and she wanted to share this with her own mother, but try as she might, she couldn't find her. The blue-haired crossed the courtyard, between the dancing bodies of the attendants, looking around but Cinderella was nowhere to be found. Her smile slowly dropped, as a cold feeling twisted in her stomach.
"Excuse me." She called a smiling Uma, who promptly directed her attention to her. "Have you seen my mom?"
The sea witch looked confused for a second. "You'll have to be more specific, child. Who's your mom?"
Chloe blinked. "Hum... Cinderella."
Uma frowned. "Who?"
The cold in Chloe's stomach spread across her entire body like ice in her veins.
She awkwardly apologized to Uma and turned around to leave. Her legs felt like noodles, her fingers were stiff. No, this couldn't be happening. Just because Uma didn't know who Cinderella was, it didn't mean anything, right? The new principal couldn't possibly know every parent, right? Even if she was the Queen of Cinderellasburg... Right?
Her heart was going miles per hours, her eyes hopped around the courtyard frantically. The mass of bodies blurred and merged together, moving in a nauseating pace. Everything was spinning. She needed to sit down. And then her eyes landed on a family head of bright red hair.
She needed to find Red. Red would help her.
Forcing her legs to move, she found her friend dancing with the Queen of Hearts, the picture of happiness. The Queen looked at her daughter with so much love and pride, you could see it pouring out of her, like her own mother often looked at Chloe. And Red... Red was soaking it in, like rain in the desert, with a grin splitting her cheeks and little glints at the corner of her eyes. It seemed something out of another reality, seeing her friend so genuinely happy for once, opposed to the forced smugness and sarcastic laughs she usually displayed.
Chloe almost changd her mind. Red deserved this. She had waited and suffered all her life, wishing for her mother's love. It pained Chloe to no end, to be the one to end that blissful moment. But this was important. She stumbled forward, tripping on her own boot, the boot Red had given her, but before she hit the ground, an arm caught her just in time.
"Woah there princess." Said her friend, her voice tinged with excitement. "Maybe you shouldn't walk around with that pointy stick of yours, if you're this clumsy."
Under normal circumstances, Chloe would roll her eyes, maybe even chuckle at the provocation, but right now, she could only look into Red's eyes, search in them for some sort of reassurance. Red's grin disappeared when she saw the state of shear panic the blue haired was in. "What's wrong Chloe? What happened?"
"My mom..." She started, but her voiced cracked and she felt tears glassing over her eyes.
"Oh goodness!" The Queen of Hearts -Bridget- fussed over the scared girl. "What's wrong dear? Do you need help?"
Chloe turned to the Queen. They had changed the timeline, so if someone here knew her mother, it would be Bridget. She could help.
"Have you seen my mom?" Chloe asked, almost begged, looking at Bridget, whose confused gaze alternated between her own daughter and the blue-haired.
"Oh gosh. I'm sorry, my dear, but..." Bridget's ever present smile faltered. "I don't think I know who your mother is."
Red's hand squeezed Chloe's sholder, and Chloe didn't need to look to know that the Wonderlandian princess's expression matched her own.
"But if you're lost, maybe we can help!" Bridget perked up again.
This was... At the very least, off-putting. The woman in front of them had staged a violent coup and sentenced her mother to death, but at the same time, she was a complete different person. Chloe could see, although she had grown up, the same girl with pink hair and plate of cupcakes who wanted to be friends with everyone.
"Red, darling, you look as if you've seen a ghost! Are you alright? Is it the nerves?"
Red blinked, coming out of her shock.
"Mom, you know her." Red stated, pointing at Chloe for emphasis. "She's Cinderella's daughter."
Bridget frowned. Her previous cheerfulness was blown out like a candle by a sudden gush of wind. "How do you know that name? I never use that name."
The three remained in silence for what felt like an eternity. The party going on around them, but all they could listen to was the rapid beating of their own hearts.
"Come with me, girls." Bridget reached for Red's hand, but the girl flinched automatically. It was an instinct. She had only ever felt pain from her mother touch. But this wasn't the ruthless Queen of Hearts, the tyrant ruler of Wonderland. This was sweet Bridget. Red had to remind herself that, and breathe in deeply to stop her trembling. If Bridget noticed her daughter's hesitance, she didn't show it.
The Queen guided the two teenagers outside and into the garden, where they could talk without all the party noise. When Chloe could barely take a step without losing her balance, Red slid her arm around her waist and half carried her. The blue haired thanked her in silence, gravitating closer to her friend for support, or safety, or both.
"Alright." Said Bridget once they were outside. " 'Cinderella' is a nickname given to my best friend Ella by her mean stepsisters back when we were in highschool. It was cruel name, I'm sure I never used it, and I haven't seen Ella in years. How do you know of it, Red?"
Red and Chloe shared a look.
"Since when haven't you seen Cinder-... I mean, Ella?" Asked Red.
"Well, since I became Queen." Bridget explained. "I was much too busy to visit, and Ella's family never allowed her to leave. We wrote letters to each other for a while but, eventually we stopped. Or she stopped."
Chloe felt sick. She sat on the floor before her legs could give out. Ella's family. Ella's horrible family. No. She got away from them when she met Chloe's father. They met at castlecoming. But if Ella was still with her family when Bridget became queen... That meant...
Her were transfixed on a particularly sharp-looking pebble on the floor. Her hand unconsciously reached and found cold fingertips, a hand clad in leather. Red's hand squeezed back and Chloe felt the ground stop spinning a little bit.
"Mom..." The Wonderlandian spoke, because Chloe couldn't bring herself to. "Did... Did Ella go with you... To castlecoming, when you were in highschool?"
"Why are you asking this now, my darling? What's wrong?" Bridget was becoming visibly more and more worried. She picked at her fingernails, "Is everything ok? You girls look pale, maybe I should get a doctor."
"Mom, just answer the question, please."
Bridget tried to reach for her daughter, but Red swatted her hand away, placing herself in front of Chloe's small form.
"Red, you don't look too good, I'm worried-"
"Just tell me, dammit!"
Whatever words Bridget was about to say died down on her tongue. Red regretted yelling as soon as she herself because she knew what would come next. Her mother would never allow this kind of behavior. She pictured it in her mind, the Queen's quick burning fury, her hand raising. Red's cheek stung in anticipation and she closed her eyes, waiting for a hit... That never came.
Instead, the Queen's hand laid gently on her own chest, deflated. Hurt, even. Because of course, her mother wouldn't have hesitate in teaching her a lesson with physical force, but this wasn't her mother, was she? No, this was still Bridget, and Bridget would never hurt a fly.
"I, hum..." The Queen cleared her throat, and Red felt bad.
"I'm sorry mom, I shouldn't-"
"Oh no, no. It's alright. It's quite alright." The woman blinked a few times. "To answer your question, no. Ella wasn't at castlecoming." The pit in Chloe's stomach opened a hole on the floor, and she could feel herself getting dragged down. "A classmate of ours broke a vase at her house, so her stepmother grounded her and she couldn't go."
"Oh no." Chloe muttered.
It finally clicked. The pieces finally fell in place, and once they did, Red casted a horrified glance back at Chloe.
Maddox had warned her that messing with the fabric of time could have unforeseen consequences, but this... This couldn't be happening, not with Chloe, not over a stupid vase! A vase that had costed Ella her fairytale happily ever after. Because if Ella hadn't been at castlecoming, she hadn't fallen in love with Prince Charming, hadn't been saved from her abusive step mother, hadn't become Queen, and most important of all, hadn't had Chloe.
Chloe didn't exist.
"What have we done?"
Heya! So this is just a little idea that popped into my head. Don't know if I'll keep writing it, but if I do, I'll let you know. Thank you for making it this far, you're awesome ^^
Also, the title is just the first thing I came up with. If I keep writing this, it will probably be changed.
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damianbugs · 9 months
Batman: Universe (2020) written by Bendis and illustrated by Nick Derington was one of the most charming and lovely batman comic i have read in a really long time. it's a silly time travel story!!! and only six issues long!
SPOILERS AHEAD, here are some out of context panels that just really amused me;
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i really enjoyed how casual batman is with the people in gotham. like yeah, bruce regularly spooks residents when he grapples up the side of their building, and stops for a quick chat. the young new cops aren't exactly sure how to handle batman while others are too used to him to care anymore.
then the whole interaction with green arrow (issue 2) was SO fun! i am so fond of them and they're rarely in enjoyable comics together anymore. i particularly loved this little detail:
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at first bruce calls him oliver, but as the situation becomes increasingly more dangerous, he switches to calling him ollie! i am very normal about this.
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THE BATLANTERN MOMENT. this whole part of the story (issue 3 & 4) was just, very sweet. it was a perfect balance of them being prickly to each other, while also sticking close and working really well.
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this part of the story also features cowboy bruce and hal (sort of)!
...and then bruce was really worried about hal when he lost control and vanished from the past (he's fine), so much so that later in the story when he's dying, he mentions that he hopes green lantern is okay (in the present, hal leaves bruce a voice message to say he is okay, and hopes bruce is safe too).
oh right yeah so bruce dies (for like, a page, thank you confusing time travel mechanics) and THIS IS WHAT HE SAYS TO ALFRED:
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I AM SORRY YOU CAN'T HEAR ME.. TELL YOU.. HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.. I REALLY DO........ bruce wayne when i get you (issue 4).
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AND THEN!!!! DICK ARRIVES (issue 5)!!!!!! i was hoping we'd get to see damian when bruce returned to the present, or that robin would come along on the time travel shenanigans, but this moment happened and i didn't even mind. it was so lovely. the duo of all time always.
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a lot happens after this moment (issue 6), but these little panels really spoke to me. look at him. sitting criss cross apple sauce in the face of absolute doom. the pastel coloured eternal hell was also very funny to me, as was bruce then literally jumping between different periods of time during the final fight — but i have run out of space to share those. you need to go look at them for yourself.
so idk, READ IT !!!!!!
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this-acuteneurosis · 19 days
Under Siege
It's not really an ideal time to learn that her new home is under attack, but Leia...copes. After all, when is a good time?
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garr9988 · 5 months
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If I had a nickel for every time Alice in Wonderland and Cinderella were mashed together, with a particular focus on the Red Queen, and time travel was an element in the story, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.
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fanfics4world · 2 months
Back to you - Masterlist
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Pairing: Bridget x OC
Skye White, the daughter of the White Queen of Wonderland, faces an uncertain fate. Married to Bridget, the Queen of Hearts, Skye and Bridget rule their kingdom together, maintaining a delicate balance between love and power.
When a letter from the Beast King arrives proposing the unification of all the kingdoms under Auradon's rule, tensions rise.
Bridget, distrustful and protective, steadfastly refuses to relinquish control of her kingdom. Skye, in an attempt to avoid war, decides to travel to Auradon to negotiate an alliance that will keep her family on the throne of Wonderland.
However, when Skye disappears without a trace, the balance is shattered.
Skye's disappearance shatters Bridget in unimaginable ways, leading her to break. Meanwhile, Red, their daughter, must face her own challenges. On her journey into the past, Red may discover the true reason for her mother's madness and unravel secrets that will change her destiny forever.
In a world full of magic, betrayals and unexpected alliances, the Heart-White family must fight for their love and their kingdom.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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ryemiffie · 2 months
Okay, I stayed up till midnight to watch the new descendants movie when it dropped and I have been itching to talk about it since! So now that it's been a minute I feel like I can talk without ruining it for other people, I am still gonna put a spoiler warning though!
So spoilers for Descendants 4: Rise of Red!!
Okay I liked the movie, it was really good! But it really did feel like a descendants movie in the sense that there was a lot of wasted potential just like with the past 3 movies.
Especially with the ending, I was super dissapointed. Like what was that message?? Her mother was beyond redemption and the only way for her to be a better person was to just completely erase her truama?? Like she's just not capable of healing?? What??!
I thought what was going to happen was that they were going to fail to change the past and would have to go back to the present and convince the Queen of Hearts that things didn't have to be like that, that these matters weren't all black and white and that change was still possible. Like they'd have to get through to her and help her want to redeem herself using their new understanding of her!
When they were transported to the past, before Bridget turns evil, I thought it was because what Red really wanted wasn't to completely change her mother (or to lose her) but to have a better understanding of her so she could help her mom heal and be better for the both of them!
I don't know, the ending was just a real let down for me. I'll probably be talking more about descendents for the next little while so stay tuned for that
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gwydpolls · 4 months
Time Travel Question 50: Early Modernish and Earlier 4
These Questions are the result of suggestions a the previous iteration.This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct earlier time grouping. In some cases a culture lasted a really long time and I grouped them by whether it was likely the later or earlier grouping made the most sense with the information I had. (Invention ofs tend to fall in an earlier grouping if it's still open. Ones that imply height of or just before something tend to get grouped later, but not always. Sometimes I'll split two different things from the same culture into different polls because they involve separate research goals or the like).
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration. All cultures and time periods welcome.
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ardentkurashk · 4 months
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Zetch'r'r and his dumb bird that I cannot draw
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k-nayee · 7 months
Messenger's Daughter 300
wc: 4k a/n: video clip for the movie scene is inserted if y'all wanna see!
Traveler M.List
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
The dusty road leading to Sparta was long, every step taken heavy with the heat from the Sun.
Your father, the official representative of King Xerxes known as the Persian envoy, led the procession on foot.
You walk a few paces behind, eyeing the skulls of conquered kings dangling grotesquely from his horse.
Having spent countless days and nights studying what you can on Spartan culture, a sense of urgency knot in your chest of the potential outcome.
"Father we cannot do this," you plead, the desperation in your voice cutting through the dry air. "Bringing these skulls will only provoke their rage, not intimidate."
Laughter erupts from the men around you, coarse and mocking.
"A woman lecturing us on matters of war?" one sneers, his face creased with disdain. 
The others join in, their laughter a choir of ignorance.
 "What's next, a child advising the king?!"
Anger flares within you, burning away any hesitation.
Facing the man who dared to belittle you, your voice rise with every word. "You are fools if you think the sight of those skulls will make them cower! Spartans are proud, fierce...they will meet this threat with blade and blood."
As you spoke, uneasy glances were exchanged, your words igniting a flicker of doubt amongst the retinue. But your father saw only insubordination.
"They are—"
Your words are cut off by a hard slap across the face.
The blow sends you reeling, head snapping to the side as a searing pain spreads across your cheek.
You look up to meet the steely gaze of your father, his hand still raised from the strike. "Your emotional, fear-driven babble have no place here. You have no right to speak of war and strategy."
His words sting more than the slap.
"Shall I remind you what lacks between your legs? The only reason you are here?!" Your wavering frame makes him step back with a scoff of indignation.
"Put your veil back on...and know your place," he turns away, dismissing you with a wave of his hand to rejoin the men who reveled in your humiliation.
You stood there for a moment, the pain in your cheek echoing the ache in your heart.
You always thought, hoped, he would grow to value your intelligence. That he saw the potential in you went way beyond the traditional roles of women, perhaps one day take his place as Messenger.
And dare say, even respect you.
But his words laid bare the truth. You are nothing more than a pawn in his task of diplomacy and power.
You can't help but feel a sense of loss. Not just for the father you thought you knew, but for the future you had envisioned.
With a heavy heart, you reach up, fingers trembling slightly as they drape the veil over your face.
The fabric felt suffocating, yet it was a shield, hiding your stifling tears from the world
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As you approached the gates of Sparta, the atmosphere is palpably heavy.
The Spartan guards, known for their stoicism, eyed the group with a mixture of suspicion and disdain.
Your father stepped forward, his chest puffed with a misguided sense of pride along with his men. "I have come to speak with your Spartan King in the name of our ruler King Xerses!"
You linger at the back, exasperated from your father spouting praise of the tyrannical leader's strength and power.
The veil's once comforting ability of anonymity is rendered useless by the guards' unnerving scrutiny. 
A shiver runs down your spine once you finally pass their security, the heat of their gaze still following as you continue on to the heart of the city.
Despite the streets thrumming alive with activity, the tension is too palpable to ignore.
"Greetings!" Amidst the crowd of disciplined warriors and stoic citizens, a man steps forward, addressing the group with a sly smile.
Of average height, slightly shorter than the Spartan warriors, his presence still commanded attention.
He tilts his head in greeting, smile deepening till the point teeth show. Had you known better, you would say he resembled a wolf.
"I am Theron, a representative of the esteemed Spartan council. You must be the Persian envoy we've been expecting."
The delegation's arrival to the gate had already reached the ears of Councilman Theron it seems.
Your father nods. "Indeed, I am. We come bearing a message from the mighty Xerxes. Bringing with us, peace and cooperation."
Waves of disgust sweep over you upon catching his subtle hand movement towards you. 'So this is my purpose ? To be an offering of 'peace' incase a King needs more persuasion to bend the knee.'
"Peace you say?" Theron's sharp eyes catch the gesture and seems to understand the indication by the way he stares on you with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine. "Spartan hearts are not easily swayed by outsiders. Our loyalty is unwavering..."
As he talks, his gaze trails down your figure before settling firmly on where yours would be.
You shift uncomfortably under his leering, feeling as though he sees right through the veil that covers your face.
"Let us proceed to the palace, you will have the opportunity to present your message directly to our leaders there. Follow me."
You barely take a step when you're yanked to your father's side. "Speak out of line—ruin this chance of negotiation...and I will have your tongue."
His grip on your arm is harsh, tight enough to leave a bruise, but you refuse to show weakness.
Instead you remain looking forward, lips pursed as you give him a single nod.
Satisfied with your obedience, he moves to walk alongside the political man and delve into light conversation while you stay in his shadow.
After more minutes of walking, you finally reach the steps of the great Spartan palace.
You try to look and absorb as much as your veil would allow you, eyes wide in hopes of searing everything you see into memory.
It wasn't until accidently meeting the unwavering glare of a nearby guard did you remember where you are with a grimace and found focus on the floor.
The atmosphere feels suffocatingly tense, your clattering footsteps echo against the stone walls as if a reminder of your foreign presence.
A Spartan guard approaches Theron, whispering something into his ear. He nods subtly, view sweeping over your group before settling on your father with a practiced, stiff smile.
"I'm afraid it will be a while until King Leonidas and Queen Gorgo can receive you," the Spartan official announces, his diplomatic riddled voice echoing slightly in the spacious hall. "They are attending to matters of the state. Please, make yourselves comfortable."
Your father, seizing the opportunity, steps forward. "Councilman Theron, while we await their majesties, perhaps we can discuss the matters at hand. The great King Xerxes desires only peace and prosperity for all."
Expression unreadable, Theron nods, though his eyes betray a hint of skepticism. "Of course, peace is a noble pursuit. Sparta understands the significance of such journeys and messages. Rest assured, your words will reach the King and Queen's ears in due time."
As the men engage in conversation, you find yourself drifting away to a window.
The stone is cool as you lean against its edge to take in the rugged landscape of Sparta. A breathtaking view that should offer solace, is instead a stark reminder of your reality.
'Is this what my life has come to? ' you wonder silently, eyes tracing the harsh lines of the distant mountains. 'I have no mother, no siblings, no one but him... and now, even he feels like a stranger.'
Your hands begin to tremble, the fabric of your veil fluttering slightly with each quiver. 'Once this negotiation is over...
Fear gnaws at your heart, the future a looming shadow filled with uncertainty and dread.
'...what will become of me? '
The soft patter of feet breaks you out of your solitude of thoughts. You turn to see a child—a young girl, no more than six or seven, standing a few steps away.
"Chryseis!" a voice urgently hisses.
Glancing through your lashes, you catch a glimpse of a woman, presumably the mother. Her face is etched with lines of worry and fear, trying to coax the child back to her side.
But Chryseis doesn't heed her. Instead she steps closer, doe eyes fixed on you.
Conversations around begin to dim as the onlookers' attention move towards the unexpected meeting.
You feel the weight of every gaze; some curious, some wary, all fixed on the interaction.
They seem to expect you to react, but rather than focus on the growing apprehension, you direct your full attention to the little Spartan. 
Turning to face her fully, you silently admire her courage. You're aware of how ominous the black veil and attire made you appear to those younger - often assumed to be a Mistress of Death.
Yet, she stands there, undeterred.
You take a step forward, deliberately ignoring the guards whose hands move subtly towards their weapons. They adjust their stances, body ready to intervene should the need arise.
Untainted by the tense atmosphere, Chryseis extends a cup of water towards you, her small hands trembling slightly.
Your heart warms at the gesture, a sheer contrast to the cold indifference you've faced since arriving. 'She must have seen me all alone while the others drank and conversed, and believed I was thirsty...'
Kneeling down to be at eye level with her, you carefully take the cup from her hands.
In a smooth, almost reverent motion, you lift the veil; revealing your face for the first time since setting foot in the land of Warriors.
"Efcharistó," you whisper, the Spartan language feeling unfamiliar yet comforting on your tongue.
Chryseis's eyes widen, not in fear, but fascination of your appearance.
The Grecian sun bathes you in a golden light, causing the rich brownness of your skin to take on a glowing hue.
Your features are youthful: soft cheeks that seem to capture the gentleness of your spirit, thick eyelashes delicately frame your eyes, while your soft lips form a smile so sweet and kind, it could weaken the hardest of Spartan hearts.
Framing your head, full and voluminous curls cascade around your face and shoulders. Amongst the dark strands, a thick strip of white stands out, running boldly from the front of your scalp before weaving through the mass of locks. 
The most mesmerizing feature, however, is your eyes. They are a indescribable shade of blue, almost ethereal.
The sunlight catches in them, making the specks of turquoise and azure within shimmer akin to the clearest Mediterranean waters.
Those who initially regarded you with suspicion, are now taken aback by your unveiled beauty. The air is filled with a palpable sense of awe.
Seizing the moment to spread a little joy, you reach into your garment and dramatically pull out a goose feather. The large, white plume shimmers as you present it to Chryseis with playful grandeur.
"You know..." you begin, capturing her attention with a teasing smile. "I've had the honor of meeting Victory herself. She spoke to me of you Spartans..."
She's instantly captivated, a gasp escaping her lips as she leans in closer. "R-really?!" she breathes out with wonder.
Matching her energy with a frantic nod, you continue, "Yes! She told me to forever sing the praises of your strength and valor. And as a token of proof, she bestowed me this white feather."
"She commanded me," you add, lowering the feather to Chryseis' level with a deliberate motion, "to give this feather to the one who dared to be brave enough to face me. Whose heart knows no fear, who stands undaunted before strangers from afar..."
The others are silent, watching as you extend the feather to the child with an encouraging smile. "...and here you are."
You are rewarded with her excitement filled giggles, small hands eagerly reaching out to grasp the feather.
Her delight is infectious, resonating so much through the crowd a few reluctant smiles appeared from even the sternest of bystanders.
When Chryseis' mother steps forward to gently coax her away, the little girl casts a lingering look back at you.
Her smile is wide and radiant, clutching the feather like a precious treasure.
The warmth of the moment fades as tension seeps back into the air with the arrival of King Leonidas.
He is a vision of a Spartan warrior: his presence commanding the room effortlessly.
Each muscle sculpted as if created by the gods themselves. Eyes, sharp and discerning, pierce through the crowd.
You feel a flush of heat coursing through you. The attraction so immediate and powerful, it leaves you breathless.
Your attention shift, falling upon Queen Gorgo. She...her beauty both striking and intimidating. Something within you trembles—maybe it's the strength in her gaze, the unspoken power in her stance.
Whatever it is, the confusing the stirring in your heart worsens at the sight of her.
"My King and Queen," Your trance breaks at the voice of Councilman Theron. He steps to the royal couple with a bow. "I was entertaining your guests."
"I am sure." The Spartan King dryly responds, his focus and bored-like stare fixed on your father instead.
"Before you speak, Persian. Know that in Sparta everyone—even a King's messenger—is held accountable for the words of his voice. Now, what message do you bring?"
A grin spreads across your father's face. Undeterred, he extends his arms grandly towards the sky. "Earth and water!"
King Leonidas' eyes narrow, a mix of disbelief and disdain flickering within them. "...You rode all the way from Persia...for earth and water?"
He says nothing. His silence telling all that needs to be answered.
Witnessing the entire exchange, Queen Gorgo releases a scoff. "Do not be coy or stupid, Persian. You can afford neither in Sparta."
You nearly freeze in shock. 'She...'
"Wha..." Initially taken aback by her boldness, it is replaced with disbelief. He turns to her with disgust coloring both his features and voice. "...What makes this woman think she can speak among men?!"
Without missing a beat she retorts. "Because only Spartan women give birth to real men."
Inspired by a mere woman causing such a charged atmosphere, you step forward. "And yet, beneath the mountain, there lies a pile of the weak and brittle—the newborns deemed unworthy by the same warriors...What of them? Are they not also born of Spartan women?"
The weight of your words stuns everyone into silence, every eye turning towards you.
Some of the Spartan onlookers rise in anger, taking your words as an insult to their way of life. But they pause upon noticing the reactions of their king and queen.
His expression is thoughtful. While hers...she simply stares at you with a small—could it be approving? smile on her lips.
Your father's reaction is immediate.
A mix of shame and anger covers his face, eyes shifting between you and the gathered Spartans.
"____!" He snaps out your name in rage, a sharp reprimand for your audacity.
Without warning, he yanks you to his side. His grip is tight, fingers digging into your flesh with a painful intensity.
"You dare to shame me in front of these...these Spartans?!" he hisses in your native tongue, his words laced with venom.
His chastising is ignored.
You instead hold contact with King Leonidas and Queen Gorgo, unflinching even as the grip on your wrist tightened. 
"Speaking out of turn? Challenging their ways as if you hold any sway?! Was my hand not enough?"
His voice grows louder, more insistent; but you are anchored by the eyes of the Spartan rulers—their expressions unreadable yet not unkind.
"Must I beat your place into you?!" He harshly captures your chin, forcing your gaze to his.
The proximity to his rage is terrifying; you can see the unbridled fury in his eyes, feel the heat of his breath.
You subconsciously shrink under his view, a faint tremble of your lips revealing the fear instilled in you from a young age.
It seems years of facing his temper and punishments in the name of 'remaining silent and submissive' have left too deep of a scar.
"There is no need for such reactions," the King Leonidas intervenes, booming voice authoritative and calm.
Queen Gorgo, stare never removed from you, speaks with a clarity and strength that resonates within the hall. "Your words are bold, foreigner, and they cut deep. But it is the Spartan way to face even uncomfortable truths. We do not fear words; we learn from them."
Visibly shocked by their rebuke, your father releases his grip and steps away.
The shift is palpable, from a moment teetering on the edge of violence to one of cautious quiet.
"Come," The Spartan King takes the attention once more. Turning, he begins to walk, a silent command for others to follow. "Let us walk to cool our tongues."
The courtyard still echo from the tension of the standoff before resuming back as the assembly falls into step behind their king.
As you follow, it gives the citizens of Sparta who witnessed the entire exchange a chance to disperse with murmurs and speculative glances.
The path taken is led to a more secluded part of the city; it is here, under the imposing architecture and watchful eyes of its greatest warriors, does the conversation continue.
Having regained his composure during the brief interlude, your father stands firm. His voice carries across the open space, filled with a renewed sense of purpose.
"If you value your lives over your complete annihilation, listen carefully Leonidas. Xerxes conquers and controls everything his eye rests upon." Briefly flitting to Queen Gorgo, veiled threat in his look, "He leads a force so massive, it shakes the earth with its march. So vast, it drinks the rivers dry."
The messenger fails at noticing the changing mood as he continues his sung praises. "All the God-King Xerxes requires is this, a simple offering of earth and water. A token of Sparta's submission to the will of Xerxes."
At the mention of the God-King, King Leonidas stops in his tracks. "...submission...?"
You shift at the steady yet barely contained fury in his voice, growing wary of the feeling of dread growing in the pits of your stomach. 
"That's a bit of a problem." The Spartan man turns, corner of his mouth twitching in disdain. "You see...rumor has it the Athenians have already turned you down. And if those philosophers and boy lovers found that kind of nerve..."
Seeming to pick up on the shift as you, Councilman Theron suddenly step forward. He has a thin smile, a light and forced chuckle leaving his cautious frame. "W-we must be diplomatic."
King Leonidas silences him with a simple raise of the hand. Giving the cunning man a brief glare from his peripheral, he retorts. "And Spartans have their reputation to consider."
Your father's patience thins.
"Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas." His voice is cold, warning sharp and laden with danger. "For they may be your last as king."
It's silent. Leonidas says nothing for a moment.
Hardened gaze scanning from the envoy to the Persian bodyguards, his thoughts began to drift as the distant laughter of children fill his head.
'Earth and water...'
The freedom of his people...
'Earth and water...'
The simple, pure life they have built...
'Earth and water...'
Seeking silent counsel; his eyes finally rest on Gorgo. The mother of his child, his Queen.
In a fluid motion, Leonidas draw his sword.
The metal sings when bared and is swiftly brought to the Persian messenger's neck. The armed men in your delegation reacts with alarm, but the Spartan guards are quicker.
"Madman... you're a madman!" your father gasps, terror evident in his voice as the Spartan guards mirrored their king, their weapons drawn against the Persian force.
"Earth and water," Leonidas coolly declares in resolve. He begins to back the man towards the open well—a final answer to the demands of Xerxes. "You'll find plenty of both down there."
"N-no man, Persian or Greek, no man threatens a messenger!" your father protests, desperation coloring his words the closer he's inched to the void.
Steadfast, the King steps closer, the tip of his sword barely touching the envoy's skin.
"You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my Queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death." His voice rises with accusation, each one a blow that seals the older man's fate. "I've chosen my words carefully, Persian. Your message is clear. It is that of a war party!"
"This...this is blasphemy!" the cornered male cries out, his eyes darting desperately for any sign of mercy.
In doing so they land on your lone form standing amidst it all, wide teary eyes watching everything.
You're not captured?
'Why isn't she-'
"My King, please. This is madness." Councilman Theron's last-ditch effort to prevent chaos interrupts his internal confusion.
As your father's heels dangled over the hole, the King shares a final look with his Queen.
A firm nod is given.
And that's all the confirmation he needs. 
"Madness?" Leonidas echoes, a storm brewing in his eyes. "This. Is. SPARTA!"
With those final words, he delivers a powerful shove, sending your father plummeting into the darkness of the well.
His screams echo hauntingly into the void as Spartan warriors unleash their wrath upon the remaining Persians.
"Leave one man alive," his voice shatters the trance you were in. You try to blink away the disbelief, the memory of him falling to death fresh in your mind.
'Run. Run away now...'
Feeling the stare of another, you look up only to lock gazes with your father's killer.
King Leonidas, the man who had just sealed the fate of your father and traveling caravan. Is looking at you.
The unwavering conviction in his eyes nearly roots you to the spot, every instinct screaming at you to flee.
'...before he kills you.'
 In a desperate bid for escape, you turn to run...only to be caught by a nearby Spartan guard.
"N-No!" You yelp in fear. Desperately dragging your feet and squirming in hopes of breaking away, it seems fruitless as his grip remains unshakable while pulling you.
Panic sets in.
The closer you get to him and the ominous pit, the more palpable your dread becomes.
 It isn't until you're standing before King Leonidas do you realize just how overwhelming he truly is. 
His presence alone commands attention, but it's his voice that anchors you back to reality.
Booming and authoritative, he speaks. Not to you, but to the sole survivor of your group. "Tell your god Xerxes, Spartans fear no one. We bow to no one..."
In a swift motion, King Leonidas grabs you from the guard and yanks you against him. His arm wrap around your waist possessively, a stark contrast to the chaos around you.
You can feel his strength, the hard lines of his body pressing against yours. It sends a wave of both exhilaration and fear through you.
He reaches up, his fingers entwining in your hair before pulling your head back with a firm tug. Throat exposed to the cool air, your breathing becomes shallow at his next move.
His breath is hot against your skin. You feel his lips and nose lightly tracing along your pulse line, reveling in your trembling figure and rapid heartbeat.
You're acutely aware of his body pressed against yours, the controlled power in his every movement.
Fear of what might come next battles with the indescribable feeling of being so close to the current ruler of Spartans.
"Warn him," he murmurs with a low growl, face hidden in the crook of your neck "warn him of the force that is coming..."
Lifting his head, King Leonidas meets the terrified eyes of the sole survivor, "...has made a wife of his pathetic Persian messenger's daughter."
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