#resilience mental health
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Mental Health and Physical Health | Resilience Collective SingaporeResilience Collective Singapore will show you the power of resilience. Explore the relationship between mental and physical health for overall well-being. Visit here: https://www.resilience.org.sg/
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macmanx · 1 year
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Hear! Hear!
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zee-rambles · 5 months
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Hard Work
First I Prev I Next
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kiindr · 1 year
it takes courage to be kind. it takes effort to be kind. no, it does not cost $0 to be kind. Kindness is a choice. Sometimes, a hard one. But people still make it and that's what keeps the world going.
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By @peopleiveloved
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sparklemaia · 2 years
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my brain does this every february, it’s fine 
it’s F I N E
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positivelypositive · 1 year
...all you need is a reassurance.
reassurance that things WILL get better. that you WILL be able to move on. that it WILL stop hurting. that this too SHALL pass.
this is the reassurance that you've been waiting for. the difficult times you're facing right now are temporary.
better things are coming. they're on the way. look forward to them. hang in there ✨
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resiliencewithin · 1 year
To anyone who needs to hear this:
If you’re feeling disconnected from the positive spectrum of emotions— from the enjoyment you get from spending time with your favourite people, from the comfort of your go-to show, from the satisfaction of engaging in your creative hobbies, from the relief of something hard ending, from the happiness of any situation that on paper should make you feel good…
You’re not broken.
You could be tired, exhausted, not sleeping well, stressed, burnt out, depressed, experiencing symptoms from a multitude of mental illnesses and disorders.
All these things can pass, be temporary, be medicated, or worked on and alleviated.
You’re a complex little human, not meant to always be happy (nice as that would be), so ride it out, do the things that will help without expectation of immediate success and you will get there.
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study-diaries · 5 months
How to avoid drama in your life. (School/Work/Family)
Hate to say this but i don't really think some people can just live their life without poking into other's business and causing unnecessary turmoil so, here's a guide to avoid all types of unnecessary drama in your life.
A full communication circle.
Communication is the main cause for most fights so, here's the thing. When there is something that needs to be done, inform all necessary people about it in advance. Here's a mistake most do, they just tell one person and ask them to put forward the message to the others but tell them directly. Literally, it is the safest option for you, like no one can blame you that you didn't tell them. No one can hold it against you. So tell them directly. And from time to time get repeated reminders so they remember.
Don't involve yourself in unnecessary talks
This is serious. If you are sitting and your friends are complaining about someone, you just listen to them. Don't add on to the things and hype up them. If you know that person isn't like that, defend them subtly. Involving in gossip is the worst. When someone says something about another person or even you then just reply with "I don't really care, they are/ I am free to do whatever they/I want." Or "I don't have the energy for this." Or "It's really none of my business/concern".
If you demand respect, you need to give respect.
Be nice to everyone, I am serious about this. Even if you're not friendly with the person or you don't like them, just be nice. It won't hurt you or them. Even if they do something to hurt you, just let it go with a "Meh it's fine but i would appreciate it if you won't do it again". This may even work people up a bit, handle yourself with care. Make it seem that their presence doesn't actually threaten you.
Calm composure.
Keep yourself calm and composed whenever you're faced with a difficult situation, do not react immediately, take a breath. I usually just frown but more than that, I won't react to anything. It takes some practice but eventually, this is useful. The reason for you to maintain a calm composure is because if the person who hurt you is looking for a dramatic reaction, don't give them the satisfaction.
Better articulation
Especially if it's important instructions! When someone accuses you of something, don't immediately raise your voice, think for a moment, let them wait and then reply with what had actually happened in your point of view.
Apologize. Even if it isn't your fault.
Sometimes, people are just shitty and they won't understand even if you explain it a hundred or a million times. In those case, just say the magic two letter word -> "I'm sorry" or "I apologise". Your worth doesn't come down just because you apologised, on the other hand, you just became a better person than the other one.
It's simply not your damn business.
When someone directly tells you about their life etc etc. You lend a compassionate ear to them. If it's a story going around the whole place, it's simply not your business. And you can say this directly to the person passing the gossip, if they argue then that means you now actualy are aware of another gossip machine.
Don't EVER share your opinions on important matters with a person higher than you! Especially not in front of other people!
I'm damn serious, you don't know who will have it against you so, be careful around who you're saying things to. Other important matters include opinions about the specific person, politics, nationality, culture etc etc. Be sensitive.
Break the chain
When you hear something bad is going around and it reaches you, keep it to your damn self. Don't go adding the fuel to the fire like the rest!
Do not assume!
Don't assume about a situation or a person. Clarify. Always clarify. You may not know what the other person was going through, you don't know everything. Just don't think something, clarify it. No body is going to get mad at you for clarifying.
Make excuses.
When you hear someone talking bad about someone else. Defend them. Make excuses. I don't mean lie to them, I mean saying things like, "It's alright. You don't know what they were going through." Or "Maybe something happened that you don't know about." Personally, I always use the second one because I feel like, sometimes, people aren't bad guys. Situations make them act like that. Povs differ. So be mindful.
Don't raise your voice. Improve your argument.
If there is an argument. Do the classic Harvey Specter thing. You improve arguments with a neutral tone. Don't sound mocking or cocky, sound like you're just explaining to them. This won't escalate the scenario. (The quote was actually given by Desmond Tutu)
Hope this helps! :)
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storytellerslense · 3 months
JJ Maybank character analysis
The meaning of the gun
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"I got this thing, you know, to protect us" (JJ Maybank, Season 1, Episode 3)
At the start of the Pilot we see JJ Maybank as a funny, imaginative, rebellious guy who, although doesn't really think through the consequences of his actions, seems quite harmless.
However, his personality becomes a bit darker and erratic after he steals a loaded gun. He gets literally obsessed with always carrying it around and, to the dismay of the Pogues, does not hesitate to show it off for intimidation.
The possession of the gun holds a deep symbolic meaning for JJ Maybank, which goes far beyond the simple necessity of self-defense. Psychologically it can be described as "compensation" and a "defense mechanism." These terms describe how individuals use symbolic objects or behaviors to cope with inner conflicts or to make up for a lack of control in their lives.
The gun as a symbol for power and control
For JJ, who grows up in an environment where he has little control over his own life and safety, the gun symbolizes the opportunity to regain control. The gun gives him the feeling that he can protect himself and his friends.
Also, JJ is the one who faces the most oppression from many sides—whether it's from his abusive father, societal stigmas, or conflicts with the Kooks. Owning a gun represents a form of power that he otherwise lacks. It serves as a means for him to defend himself against those who oppress him.
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In a powerful scene in Season 1, JJ points the gun at his abusive father and later breaks down crying to his friends: "I can't take it anymore... I was gonna kill him!"
The gun as an expression of JJ's inner conflicts
JJ's decision to possess a gun is an expression of his inner anger and desperation. The weapon represents his deep-seated frustration and his drive to combat the feelings of helplessness that overwhelm him due to his familial and social circumstances. It also expresses JJ's self-destructive tendencies. His willingness to take extreme measures highlights the depth of his emotional pain and despair.
The gun as a proof of coming of age
For JJ, forced to grow up early due to parentification, the gun also symbolizes his claim to independence and maturity. It is a means through which he can prove himself as capable and adult, someone who can protect himself and others.
Because he is often not taking seriously, JJ believes that possessing a gun will earn him more respect. It is an attempt to strengthen his position in the social hierarchy and assert his autonomy.
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"(...) Remind you that I am the only one who can properly defend us." (JJ Maybank, Season 1)
The key moment of JJ losing his weapon
In "Outer Banks" Season 2, Episode 4 JJ Maybank finally gives up his weapon. It happens when the Pogues are about to get cornered by the police. JJ brandishes his gun in order to assert control over the situation. Recognizing this, John B steps in by assertively taking the gun out of JJ's hand, letting it fall to the ground, gently reassuring him, that he is going to be ok.
This message was extremely important for JJ, lifting the heavy weight of responsibility finally off his shoulders. JJ, being usually prepared to constantly put his own life on the line for the well-being of his father or his friends in order to "earn" their love and respect, was now protected and guided himself by his best friend.
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"It's gonna be alright." (John B., Season 2, Episode 4)
After a short moment of indecisiveness and shock, JJ gives in and completes the act by quickly kicking dirt over the gun, so it stays hidden before the police can find it.
This is one of the most powerful, though underrated scenes in Outer Banks, because it really marks a key moment of JJ's personal development. It signifies his willingness to confront his inner demons: giving up control- for once not relying on himself but really trusting someone else's judgement. He is also accepted and cared for without having to proof himself or fulfill someone else's needs beforehand.
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Remember 🍁
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Better Days Are To Come.🍁
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Community Mental Health Singapore | Resilience Collective
A community mental health Singapore framework will provide adults and older people with access to social care, physical health, and mental health services. Resilience Collective can assist you in regaining mental health control. Visit here: https://www.resilience.org.sg/
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An apology without change is just manipulation
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kiindr · 2 years
it is okay to have hard days. having a hard day does not mean that it will always be like this, or that you won't get over it. you've got this. you're resilient enough.
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praiseinchains · 26 days
Emotions aren’t evil; they’re signals guiding us through our inner world. Ignoring them only deepens our distress. To heal, we must embrace and process all our feelings, not just the ones we expect or desire.
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gentleaffirmations · 1 year
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I am resilient
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