#sad and drained and exhausted
whimsical-roasting · 1 year
Jamie as quotes I relate to (sad ed.)
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inspo credit for such a series by the amazing @mr-ghost-face
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thestralboy · 10 months
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I can’t do it anymore, fr I‘m so tired
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lostmf · 10 months
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7nvk · 2 years
i think i was born wrong. faulty, incomplete. something is inherently wrong with me, and i’m not sure if anything can fix me
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necroticghost · 10 months
not now please I'm busy rotting in bed
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betweenmee · 7 months
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It feels heavier than it seems
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wild-rose3090 · 6 months
I'm not a whole person
I never will be
Parts of me died in the place I called home
Not a home, but a tomb
For the person I could have been
Instead of this loveless husk I've become
Angry at those who failed me
I've learned to embrace my anger
It's shown me so much
That my mistreatment is unacceptable
I deserve compassion, kindess, and love
But when you're not fed love as a child
Later you will lick it from knives
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afterglowkatie · 10 months
i may not be good at much but i’m great at pushing people away :)
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depthsoftheabyss · 3 months
When these tears finally dry I will no longer open up , I will no longer share my feelings or make it known that I even have them . If it means I have to rip out some part of me I will do so .
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 31: Post Game
…for the sake of the world’s happiness.
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lostmf · 1 year
Then suddenly you’re left all alone with your body that can’t love you and your will that can’t save you .
Rainer Maria Rilke , love poems to god
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a1m05t-en0ugh · 2 years
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suicide-satory7 · 4 months
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What is your true self that you can't show to anyone?
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scary-friend · 6 days
Every day I remember that my dog won’t be here next year.
One year from now he’ll be gone, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
At any moment it could be the last time I see him,
Tell him I love you,
Hug him good morning,
And kiss him goodnight,
I want to turn back time,
I want things to be like they used to,
But that will never happen.
It’s been fifteen years together,
All this time I’ve never imagined a world without him,
Now it’s going to become a reality.
I can’t stop it,
I don’t know when it will happen,
and I don’t know if I’ll ever recover…
I remember the day we bought him home,
he was so sleepy all the time.
As he grew I watched him become the wild, energetic, explorer I’ve always known.
But now he’s almost become a puppy again,
He stumbles when he walks,
He can’t use stairs,
And doesn’t seem to interested in anything other than sleeping.
He’s not the same,
He’s losing fur,
I can feel his spine when I pet him,
I can’t even take him for walks anymore.
I’m watching him fall apart,
And I can’t help…
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I love you Koda, forever and always. Please just stay a little longer, please…
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