#save the cryptids
topherisevilmortysbf · 11 months
FNAF movie
I watched the FNAF movie yesterday and I mean it when I say I am so happy with how it turned out! Congrats to everyone who worked on that movie! Was so happy to see a game that really influenced my childhood and faces like Matpat and Coryxkenshin on the big screen. I've seen that some people are unhappy with the fact that Markiplier was not there but I believe this to be because he has been working on his own movie. I don't think it's realistic for us to expect him to be in the FNAF movie while also making his own movie. Of course, I really doubt he wasn't invited, maybe he just turned them down because he's busy working on his own project. Either way, the movie was good, and I'm looking forward to the future of this franchise.
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garpen · 3 months
I love Gothamites thinking that the batfamily are Cryptids when they're not.
I also love the idea that to begin with, Gothamites know Robin has been a bunch of different human kids that the: Definitely a Cryptid Batman™ (bc let's be honest that thing is not human) has taken under his wing.
I think it makes the Robins scarier to them. Like "There's something fucked up enough about this kid that the Demon Bat took them in." And they're all pretty sure that every time there's a switch in Robin's it's bc the Cryptid Demon Batman thing probably killed them off or something.
They always try and warn off whatever new Robin he's taken in, but whenever they do the New Robin always laughs them off or attempts to assure them that they're fine and not worry.
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atomicowboy · 3 months
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the strange case of nick valentine
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What's Normal Anyway? (DpxDc Prompt)
For one reason or another, Lance Thunder transfers out of Amity Park. It's not Chicago, but Metropolis isn't so bad! It's a lot less chaotic with no daily ghost attacks, and the pay is so much better. He's settling into his new job pretty well if he does say so himself.
His coworkers and local news reporter Clark Kent would like to disagree.
Or Lance Thunder has a lot of habits he's picked up from his time in Amity. Just little things like refusing to allow cardboard boxes into the newsroom, opening the shared fridge with an improvised shield and weapon as if something might jump out, and frequently scanning his coworkers for ecto radiation.
He's... unique. Some of the stuff he says is either confusing or concerning or both, but he's also completely unfazed by whatever big bad is attacking and crazy enough to run to the scene to the report it live.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Meme Prompt 11
A three-way crossover this time
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dcartcorner · 11 months
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Elsewhere AU
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agentof-chaos · 11 months
We're all aware of the common thing in fanfics where Tim uses Bear as a nickname for Bernard, but I feel like we should give Tim a similar nickname.
I suggest Moth, cause his full first name is Timothy, and if you drop the first two letters and the last letter, you're left with "moth," and I think that's really cute.
Bear and Moth
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ofmdrecaps · 19 days
09/02-03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad; Leslie Jones; Lindsey Cantrell; Connor Barrett; Dominic Burgess; Sept 2: OFMD Marmalade Day; Trends; Articles; TellTaleTV Final Round; WWDITS 10th Anniversary Blurays; FanSpotlight: FanWeeks: OFMD Sequel Week; Stede Whump Week; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;
== David Jenkins ==
David's out at the US Open with Kinga!
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram Stories
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is EVERYWHERE this week, jeez. He really is causing a stir on every single platform, let me tell you. Below he's having a bit of a drink with some friends, out and about with Rosie!
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Source: Facebook
Next up-- there's a new Indy Dramedy that just wrapped called "Song Of The Bigfoot" and Deadline has some new info on it!
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Source: Rhys' Instagram Stories
Rhys is also looking to help raise some funds for the Kitten Rescue we all remember well from earlier this year! You can bid on this signed OFMD picture of the cast! To bid, visit here.
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Source: Rhys' Twitter
Rhys also shared an older video of him discussing wanting to be Earths Ambassador!
Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram
Annnnnd more shots are becoming available from the 100th episode of the Cryptid Factor, Live in London!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Instagram
And finally, Last But CERTAINLY not least, there's a new The Cryptid Factor special episode for the $10 / Tier on Patreon!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Patreon
== Taika Waititi ==
Some more shots of Taika while he was out and about! Also a recipe for the Pispili that he and Andy Hearnden shared on instagram a while back!
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Source: Instagram
and lastly a quick little tiktok of the Forever Young Rita & Taika!
Source: Rita Ora's Tiktok
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's out at Nickelodeon studios doing some voice over work!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== Kristian Nairn / WJW ==
Surprise #WeeJohnWednesday! 9pm BST (4pm EST, 1pm PST) tomorrow-- Sept 4!
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Source: Kristian's Twitter
A huge thank you to @adoptourcrew for getting us the Kristian Nairn OFMD blurb from the latest Popverse Article (it is behind a sign up, but here's the article!)
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Con O'Neill ==
Con taking a nap with Cooper now that he's back from Mexico <3 (and David Fane was a sweetheart and popped his head in as well).
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Source: Con's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan back at the bedroom selfies again!
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Source: Nathan's Instagram Stories
== Linds Cantrell ==
Linds Cantrell did an Ask Me Anything on Instagram today while she was waiting for a plane! She answered several questions, including something regarding OFMD BTS which may be completely out, but she'll be going to LA Comic Con in October! I'm planning on making a post with all her answers when I get a moment, but here's a few!
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram Stories
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie is out here rocking a workout, and looking bad ass <3
Source: Leslie Jones Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Our dear Jeffrey Fettering, Dominic, blessed us today with some kitties as well as a shot.. of well him getting a shot!
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Source: Dominic's Twitter
== September 2, Marmalade Day ==
Several of our crew members continued the September festivities with Marmalade Day on Sept 2!
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Source: HSavernake's Twitter
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Source: Astroglide Twitter
== Articles ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing another article talking about OFMD!
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== More Trends ==
Heyyy guess who was trending on Sept 2 on TUMBLR! (I believe it was because of the Sept 1 Dickfuck/Lighthouse day, but could be have been more! let me know if you know something else happened! Thank you to the badass @poison-into-positivity for catching it <3
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Source: @poison-into-positivity's Tumblr
== Tell Tale TV Voting Reminders ==
Reminder! Stede and Ed are in the final round of Ship of the Year! Please visit TellTale TV! Thank you @ofmd-ann for the reminder dear!
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Source: Ofmd-Ann's Tumblr
== What We Do In The Shadows Bluray ==
Okay so WWDITS is not OFMD but it has Rhys and Taika so gonna send a boost out of this! Thank you to the absolutely spectacular @ jimjim531969 over on twitter for always bringing the latest cool news regarding the cast. You truly are a gem <3
Also per Jim:
Links to pre-order the WWDITS 10th anniversary blu-ray:
Australia & NZ (16 October, 2024)
USA & Canada (November 1st, 2024): Amazon or Barnes & Noble
UK (01/11/2024)
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Source: @ jimjim531969 on Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Upcoming Fan Weeks =
* OFMD Sequel Week *
There's a new Fan-Week been announced for Nov 17 - 23, OFMD Sequel Week! Check them out on Twitter and give them a follow to keep up with the latest news!
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Source: OFMDSequelWeek Twitter
* Stede Whump Week *
Stede Whump Week will be happening 28 Oct - 3rd Nov, and the bingo cards for that week are now available on Twitter!
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Source: Stede Whump Week Twitter
= Never Left Podcast =
There's a new episode of Never Left out, and it's Part 2 of the discussion on Birds! Wanna check it out? Visit their linktr.ee!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Hoping your week is progressing in an upward direction. I hopefully get to finally talk to my dad tomorrow after over a week of everything going on, so I'll be in and out of things again. I know everyone is dealing with their own level of craziness right now, and I want to remind you that you're doing great no matter what you're dealing with. It could be little, it could be huge, it could be life-changing, or could be making you regress further back than you'd like-- whatever it is, you are getting through the best way you can, and you never have to feel bad about that.
I know it can feel like there's never an end to the chaos-- but remember that there are pockets of joy and love there in this life too, and however you need to cope with your daily struggles, don't feel bad in taking solace in that. Enjoy the little things, no matter how small. Rest up lovelies, breathe in, breathe out, drink some water, and keep going. Below is a very appropriate love note (for me personally but for so many others as well), courtesy of the amazing The Latest Kate. Not everything is clear right now, but it'll get there, just stay with us, and don't give up. Sending you so much love, crew <3
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
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sapphicseasapphire · 1 year
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Once upon a time, there was a Princess and a Knight.
There were others as well: Champions hailing from the far corners of Hyrule, innocent civilians, soldiers for the crown…
And a world ending evil.
The kingdom of Hyrule knew of their impending doom, they knew of the Great Calamity that threatened their lives. And so, the Princess prepared to protect her people by offering her prayers to the Goddess Hylia, giving every last ounce of herself in order to unlock the sealing power that she supposedly possessed.
Around her, the kingdom of Hyrule made its own preparations. Ancient automatons were discovered deep in the heart of the land and, piloted by the Champions, would be an asset to the Hyrulean Army. Guardians would act as foot soldiers, Divine Beasts would deal a heavy blow.
All in all, the kingdom hoped. They were well equipped for the battle ahead of them. The Princess’s knight wielded his sacred sword with confidence. The Champions piloted their Divine Beasts with valor. The Princess continued to pray for a power that would never come.
It would end up being their downfall.
Faceless bodies, nameless faces, all lost to the maw of the Calamity. The Champions had perished, their weapons becoming deadly prisons. The soldiers had fallen, slain by the very Guardians meant to protect them. Though, in her desperation, she tapped into the wellspring of power within herself and managed to save herself, it was not enough. In her lap was her knight, and he was not breathing. She had lost.
She had lost everything.
The blade of the Master Sword, tarnished in blood and muck where it rested in her knight’s limp fingers, reflected her tears as she cried over his lifeless body. All was silent, save for her sobs and shaky pleas. She begged the Goddess for forgiveness, for her knight to magically start breathing once more. She cursed Hylia for allowing this to happen, for ignoring her all these years, for taking the lives of so many.
The Goddess had ignored her in the past, and she had no qualms ignoring her now.
For the first time in her life, surrounded by the skeletons of corrupted Guardians, by the lifeless forms of the fallen, the princess was alone.
She was truly alone.
After the battle, the princess was discovered by the Sheikah, who ushered her to safety. The Kingdom was lost, buried somewhere beneath the ruin and carnage that surrounded her. She brought her knight with her, one last escort, she told herself. The princess could not bear to leave him there, alone with the emotionless automatons that had stolen his life away.
She walked beside him as he was carried from the battlefield.
When it was safe, she laid her fallen knight to rest in a quiet forest near his hometown, where the mountains had shielded the village from the worst of the Calamity and the sea breeze rustled through the leaves on the trees. The static sound was a comfort to the princess as she placed a blue and white flower onto the mound of upturned earth. Six feet under an unmarked grave lied a young man- just a boy- who deserved better. He had defended her until his very last breath, cursed to bear the responsibility of wielding the Blade of Evil’s Bane, destined to fight an impossible battle.
It was always going to end like this.
The princess did not have time to mourn. She entrusted the Great Deku Tree with the Master Sword, her heart aching with the knowledge that the sacred blade would no longer be wielded by her brave knight. Hyrule would have to wait for the cycle to begin anew, but in the mean time…
She had a job to do.
With nothing left to loose, the princess marched straight to bones of Hyrule Castle, where the beast of Calamity Ganon circled ominously above. With her sealing powers finally available to her, the princess was ready for one final fight.
But there’s an intrinsic magic in the balance of nature. The more religious Hyrulean citizens might even say they see Hylia herself in the glorious orange and pink sunsets, in the gentle hum buzz of the forest, the rolling majesty of waves. Life thrums under one’s feet if they walk too far off the paths across Hyrule.
It is no secret that there are spirits that roam the wilds. A select few claim to see lively children of the forest, playful little gremlins with the face of a leaf. More commonly seen are spirits called Blupees, mysterious, their eerie blue glow visible to everyone in Hyrule. No one quite knows their origin, but it is said that they’re the result of pure earthly magic bursting at the seams with heavenly light.
And such light, such divine grace, needed a place to go. It worked its way into the fallen knight’s lifeless body, slowly but surely revitalizing him. Some might say Hylia herself cradled him in the palms of her hands and breathed shimmering life back into his lungs.
The process of revival changed him fundamentally, though it only took a month at most. The knight was robbed of his memories, his body becoming almost unrecognizable. His hair became ghostly white, his skin flowed a gentle bluish hue. He had become a forest spirit with no recollection of the Hylian he once was.
Hyruleans citizens might occasionally see him in dense forests or scorching deserts. He wandered about the lava pools of Eldin for a time. Aimlessly wandering the wilds. Those that saw him called him the Child of the Mountains, believing he had a connection to the elusive Lord of the Mountain that he so closely resembled.
Years passed, and the Child of the Mountains was spotted less and less often. A century after the rise of the Calamity, no one remembered the knight that had fallen in battle. No one noticed the upturned earth of that unmarked grave. No, the nameless knight was lost to time.
The Child of the Mountains remained the topic of folklore all across Hyrule, an otherworldly presence that was so rarely spotted. But things began to change for the forsaken kingdom. Divine Beasts stopped their rampaging, towers and shrines went from vicious orange to soothing blue. Still, no one connected the dots until Calamity Ganon itself was defeated and the fabled Child of the Mountains was spotted after the battle bearing a familiar blessed sword.
He disappeared completely after the war was won.
Somehow, the princess had survived the century long battle against the malice, and she had been quick to order a search for her knight. But that’s the thing about spirits: if they don’t want to be found, there’s just no finding them.
Still, the princess would not give up on him. Not again. She’d seen him, briefly, after he’d slain the monstrous Calamity. Her knight was still in there, she was sure of it. She will stop at nothing to bring him home.
. . .
Some notes!
• Wild is kind of sort of immortal. He can’t die unless he’s killed. (He’s been alive for a century and is vibing)
• Wild spent the entire century between waking up and fighting Calamity Ganon just… wandering in the woods like a lost child. Freaks out the locals but eh, he doesn’t really care.
• Of all of the Links, Wild is the least… human. He has no memory of ever being Hylian. All he knows is the wilderness.
• It sounds like bells and chimes when he walks, just like a Blupee!
• LOVES shiny things! Distracted very easily
• Mostly nonverbal. He communicates mostly with his antennae, though he doesn’t really have anyone to communicate with. He can speak telepathically with other spirits and the Great Deku Tree.
• Flora never expected him to come back. He was dead for good. But when a spirit with the same face as her fallen knight suddenly arrives at the castle after a century to kill the thing she’s been fighting, she was in disbelief. She recognized him which freaked him out and he ran away.
• He’s been wearing the clothes that he was buried in this WHOLE TIME.
• Subject of Hyrulean folklore, everyone has different thoughts on what he is. They all know he’s a spirit. But is he friendly? A protector to the people? Guardian of the wilds? He’s seen pretty rarely and encounters are short and quiet. Sometimes he’ll stare at the person, sometimes he’ll try to fight them, sometimes he’ll just run away.
• Chaos gremlin
• I love him very much
Original Character Sheets!
Sky’s Origin!
Time’s Origin!
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source: [X]
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I can't stand a handsome man
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topherisevilmortysbf · 11 months
Indie games
I need more indie game friends, bcs I love indie games sm. My favorites are just like anything made by Puppet combo, or maybe like The Closing Shift by Chilla's art. The art styles, the stories, the everything is just amazing!! plz interact if u like Indie games, I need friends lmao
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i dont think i’ll ever be over the fact that scum villain is a series about, unironically, the power of love and care and how it alone can change lives and the entire narrative for the better, and the main character who brings this love and change to the story is a whiny repressed nerd who is deadset on convincing the reader he’s an asshole
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Samba Schutte; Kay Buchanan; Rachel House; OurFlagMeansDaddy; Ruibo Qian; LubeAsACrew; New SOFMD Event Calendar; MerMay Prompts; Watch Party Reminders; Schadenfreude; Trends; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Tonight Rhys dropped a new Cryptid Factor video on Tiktok! If you have access to Tiktok, please head over there and give it some love! If you don't have access to Tiktok, the video is available down below.
Source: The Cryptid Factor Tiktok
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba was out here today sending us some BTS but also this adorable picture with Con's water bottle.
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The lovely @soapbubbles511 was kind enough to bring over the BTS that Samba posted on instagram. Tumblr only lets me post one video at a time so I'm linking to their tumblr! Check it out below!
Sources: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Kay Buchanan ==
Kay was kind enough to bless us with MULTIPLE BTS posts today! The first was a video of an attempt by Con to use his horsey leg.
Then she was kind enough to show us some more leather work she did, including the holder for Ed's alcohol in the Gravy Basket. "Before and after breakdown 🏴‍☠️ #ofmd #ourflagmeansdeath"
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Source: Kay Buchanan's Instagram
= Rachel House =
Our Mary Reed, Rachel House featured The Moon Is Upside Down on her IG which she starred in, and shouted out to another talented director - Loren Taylor! If you're in AoNZ check out 'The Moon Is Upside Down' in cinemas starting May 2nd!
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Source: Rachel House's Instagram
== Our Flag Means Daddy ==
You have probably seen Chaos Dad donning one of these jackets before, gifted by the lovely group @/ourflagmeansdaddy on instagram and various other platforms. They've done it again for our Pirate Queen! Check our their linktr.ee.
= Ruibo Qian =
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Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
= Astroglide =
The #OurFlagMeansDaddy crew also gifted our awesome crewmate from Astroglide a jacket!
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== New SOFMD Crew Event Calendar ==
Remember to take a load off tomorrow lovelies! It's a vacation day!
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
= Palm Royale =
Palm Royale WP May 2 via @LCWebsXOXO with the lovely @/dominicburgess approx. 4pm EDT/9pm BST/1pm PST!
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= Wrecked Season 1 =
Another week of Wrecked Season 1 is on the docket! Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
Days: Apr 29 - May 3
Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm ET / 11:30 pm BST
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== MerMay Reminder ==
Reminder all -- there's multiple MerMay Prompts going around! Feel free to dive into any prompts that tickle your fins!
= @bizarrelittlemew =
@bizarrelittlemew was kind enough to provide us with some MerMay Bingo! Head on over to her blog post below for more info!
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= @saveofmdcrewmates =
The Save OFMD Crew has daily prompts for MerMay!
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Visit any of their socials for more details!
== Fan Spotlight ==
Yet another English Seaman tonight-- Iain Morris! by @melvisik! And look at that, he worked on WWDITS!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
Thank you @patchworkpiratebear for yet another fun colouring page! Mmmm, 40 orange glaze!
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== Schadenfreude / Articles ==
Thanks to @/Seven_Sugars on twitter for sharing the article and providing commentary on the latest WBD Stock drop from today. Article here
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== Trends ==
The latest trend pic I could find of #SaveOFMD was by our friend @fightingsaravo on twitter. Thanks so much for capturing it hon.
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. Hope your Taika Tuesday turned out well. It certainly was an eventful day. Seeing SaveOFMD trending again really made me smile. It's so nice to see so many folks feeling the hype again. I'm running on fumes at the moment so I'll leave you with some love notes/affirmations from others today-- I hope you have a wonderful night and a great hump-day tomorrow! Merry May!
Img Src: @thelatestkate's Tumblr
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Img Src: @/carolinemiddelsdorf's Instagram
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is laughter! Cause we can always use a good laugh from these two!
Taika gif courtesy of our darling Al, @agaywithcoffee!
Rhys gif courtesy of our fantastical Tina, @funforahermit!
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thescribblings · 5 months
Hey guess what
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I dislocated his jaw
That's all
Have nice day
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wanderinggoddess · 6 months
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lake wife lake wife lake wife
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