#she didnt even know he was there but he was
lotus-lost-n-found · 3 days
Some Batfam Headcanons because the brain never stops;
Jason hates being called "Bruce's Son". But he hates it more when hes called "One of Wayne's Orphans/Wayne's child" because fuck you I'm his son-! wait no--
With the exception of Damian, they rarely refer to Bruce as "Dad/Father". Either it didn't occur to them/didn't see the need to/thought it would be strange. But when Dick/Jason/Tim/Cass are tired or injured it might slip out. And Bruce might just crumble a bit at it
Doesn't mean they don't say it to their siblings when Bruce is out of Earshot.
"Dad said you couldn't." "What do you mean Dad said I couldn't use that mug? It's my mug!" "You snooze you lose Timmy Boy-" "Jason don't be an asshole-"
That being said Bruce says "son/daughter/child" at every available opportunity he can after he knows that they have acclimated enough that they wouldn't be uncomfortable/know they can tell Bruce that they don't want to be called that.
First time Bruce called Dick "son" in a way that meant "You are my kid" and not in a "This police officer just called me son with a brow furrow" way Dick grinned and carried on with the conversation. Later he wondered if his dad wouldn't like someone else calling him Son; but Dick thinks about the life he was given because of Bruce and thinks maybe his dad wouldn't mind.
Calling Jason "son" is a hit or miss situation, even before he died. The first time it happened he was confused, he didnt think that was the relationship they had and it made everything change for him. He got frustrated--not angry--with himself and Bruce at this sudden emotional turmoil. Wasn't he just the kid Bruce picked up in an alleyway? Wasn't he just some street rat in bright Robin clothing? (He lets himself believe that he can be Bruce's son. If for only a little while).
Tim cries after Bruce is out of earshot, it would've been a year or so after his parents died and he was adopted. He didn't think he could have been wanted like that again. Even if you think the Drake's had A+ Parenting or not, I don't think he would have gotten a lot of confirmation of being wanted otherwise.
Cass smiles, emotions carefully concealed under her expression. She's grateful she found Bruce and he doesn't mention it if she leans a bit closer in a request for closeness.
Damian doesn't expect anything less, he only appears satisfied. But also relieved that he has gotten the confirmation that yes, Bruce wants and accepts him.
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sevilynne · 2 days
unlike snivellous regulus actually got abused by his mother and got casted the crucio curse multiple times to make regulus obey walburag and snivilus isnt even confirmed to have abusiev or neglective parents....sirius almost died because snivellous casted the flipping spell that he made to curse sirius and peter....he also bullies barty and regulus and bullied remus for his dyslexia....thats why the marauders bullied him in the first place. james just used the spell against him in the books for revenge bceuz he used it on pete and sirius on the tree thing when remus and james werent looking...reggie got casted sectumsempra when james was gone and he also bullied nevile and harry... he was so obsessed with lily and lily wanted to die because of it. lily tried to kill herself and she forced herself with snivellus because she believed that snivvy would change...and wdym james was a sexual assaulter???????snivvy literally lifted lily's skirt and forced himself inside her......he was obsessed with lily...and when they broke off he used charity as a coping mechanism....minevra did nothing wrong she was fair unlike snivellous and for all i know severus chocked reggie once and james wanted to kill him thats why he bullied him in the first place. he shouldnt stick his greasy hair and ugly nose in the first place on sirius and remus conversation about the full moon...he should be glad that prongs saved him and regulus treated his scars even though snivellouse tried to kill him. snivellousse stole the marauders map for malicious resons and stalked lily... yu didnt read the books and use fanfics for prof....stop spreading misinformatio
I can't explain how wrong this is. Please tell me this is satire, or I will truly kms.
"Bullied Remus for his dyslexia." I think I have an idea on what fanfiction have you read. Please consider reading the real books and stop using ATYD along with other fanfiction to make this.
And are you on something...?
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joinmeinjoy · 3 days
Very interesting to me that Abigail preferred Hannibal over Will, but Will had an emotional connection to her that Hannibal didn't - or at least not to the same extent.
I think maybe one day he could've found a stronger bond considering she had also killed and eaten people, but during the series she's really just a tool. Hannibal uses her to like... babytrap Will. And tbf it worked, Will didn't tell Jack what he knew when he discovered Abigail murdered that guy - if he was willing to cover for her, maybe eventually he'd cover for Hannibal too, the 3 of them too intrinsically tied for him to separate, I mean that's the trapping part. But she was just a means to an end, a relationship Hannibal nurtured for his own gain with Will....whereas Will really did view her as his daughter.
Very interesting to me...off-put by Will (especially towards the end of s1), but he had the most vested interest in her well-being out of the pair...
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tealottie · 2 days
What are your headcanons about Della?
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I have so many, but tbh my favorite headcanons have to do with her having PTSD - so i can't promise this will be a fun post
Scars from the Moon
One across her beak on left side
Scars on her arms and legs
Other markings
Stretch marks especially on her tummy and butt
A few stretch marks on her chest and thighs
Freckles on her beak (because she had triplets and ducks IRL sometimes get freckles after pregnancy)
Chubby pear shape
DD cup size
Squishy belly
Big eyes
Fluffy unkempt feathers (she's bad at preening)
Thin hair (also bad at taking care of it)
Short beak
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Queer Headcanons:
Prefers to just call herself a lesbian
Ciswoman (doesn't mind they/them pronouns and probably finds it entertaining if she's referred to as he/him)
Supports all of her queer babies
She also does not actively seek out romance, but she isn't offput by the idea entirely
Mental Health and Neurodiverse Headcanons:
Hates being alone at any given moment and had to ask Donald if she could room with him in the houseboat for a few months
Genuinely cannot look at her reflection and will be needing exposure therapy
Does not like the feeling of movement underwater because it reminds her of the moon's gravity
Terrified that she'll never be fully capable of being a mom because of the 10 years she missed
Cringes at any moon or space themed items now - sometimes triggers her on a bad day or if she looks at them for too long
Her hair being too long is a trigger for her, so she always keeps it shoulder length or above
She ALWAYS feels cold even if her body temperature is normal and sometimes it drives her crazy
Lots of nightmares about what-ifs - what if it was my kids instead of me, what if it was my brother instead of me, what if i didnt have oxychew, what if i never met the Moonlanders, etc etc etc
The taste of black licorice will genuinely send her spiraling, and because it lingers - it wrecks her for days (she hates similar flavors such as rootbeer)
Finds a lot of joy in warm places so she now loves to be out in the sun
Had a period of time where she wasn't really talking with Penumbra because of the severity of her triggers/ptsd
Both finds peace in dead silence, but it also brings her back to the moon as well - she has a very complex relationship with isolation
Prefers silver over gold (even though she doesn't wear jewelry, she likes silver on others and silver on things such as zippers and buttons)
Spent quite a few years terrified of flying after the horror of her own trauma set in, but it threw her into a big depression since piloting is her passion
Hates taking care of her stump because she doesn't like taking her prosthetic leg off - she sees it as her own, so she hates taking it off even though she knows she needs to when sleeping or showering
She has a hard time looking at her stump and scars because on one hand; sick as hell battle wounds, but on the other; damn was that the worst time in my entire life
Depression and Anxiety
Even before crashlanding on the moon, she dealt with depression and social anxiety
She has a bit of a hard time keeping her room tidy and taking care of herself, but she's phenomenal at putting other people first
Feels as though she's not attractive enough
Wants to be a ray of sunshine in other peoples' lives
She's very scared that she won't be enough for people and therefore she must put 110% into everything she does for others
ADHD and Autism
Her sensory issues tend to directly conflict with her PTSD issues - like she hates silence because of the moon, but sometimes she gets overstimulated by noise and needs the silence or alone time
She does not sleep until her body physically passes out because the change in activity is hard for her to deal with
Goes insane if she feels understimulated because her brain begins to shut down and she dissociates
Many, many stims (sometimes doubles as grounding with PTSD): bouncing her leg, various hand motions, feeling the fabric of her clothes, physical affection with her loved ones, playing with the tightness of her prosthetic (loosening and then tightening it over and over), shaking her head to feel her hair around her shoulders (and solidifying that what she's feeling is earth gravity)
Really hard time understanding social cues that makes her come across as rather ditzy
Special interest in aircraft technology and was a top student at her flight school
Love/Hate relationship with reading because if she enjoys what she's reading she gets invested, but if she's understimulated, the words jumble together in her mind
Not good at math for a similar reason
Fish are a huge sensory nightmare for her; the scales, the smell, the taste, etc
Is generally pretty sensory-seeking, but has a few Hard Nos on textures (such as slimy scales)
I headcanon Della having compulsive sexual behavior disorder, and her libido especially spiked after being on the moon for 10 years, and it makes her feel really gross at times
Due to said hypersexuality, she gets intrusive thoughts that piss her off
Because of the moon not really having a clear indicator of night and day, Della lost her circadian rhythm and struggles with a Hell combination of non-24 and ADHD insomnia
The lack of general sleep makes it hard for her to lose weight and so she's insecure about that
Physical Disabilities:
Because she was on the moon for so long, the zero gravity and lack of proper breathable oxygen took a huge toll on her, physically
She developed really bad asthma and will likely be recovering from it for the rest of her life
Her lungs can only intake so much oxygen at a time, so she also struggles with shortness of breath
Upon returning to earth, her body was really broken down from the cold atmosphere - causing her to not be able to regulate her body temperature properly
Her bones were weakened upon arrival, so she has to spend years recovering physically from it
Her stump is irritated a lot because she doesn't like taking care of it properly
She owns crutches for when she needs to take breaks from her prosthetic just because of the discomfort when wearing it
She is not afraid to hit Donald with a crutch BTW
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angelpuns · 21 hours
Lil Hater Au Prequel Blurb:
Leo stormed through the lair, trying his hardest not to look incredibly worried. He rushed past the living room, a sound of general confusion following him. He didn't bother looking back, he thinks by how deep the voice was it must have been Raph. 
He didn't have time to stop and he didn't have time to explain. He hurried to his room, huffing at the effort it took to slide his doors open. He needed to make a mental note to ask Donnie to oil it. Or he could himself. Whatever, he probably wouldn't remember regardless. 
Leo leaned his crutches against the wall and hurried to pull his gear on. Wraps, pants, belt, knee brace. 
He struggled with the second one, but ultimately decided to wear it. He planned to be fighting, whether it was his friend or someone else, and he'd need the support.
Leo fumbled with the cool metal of his battle shell, cursing under his breath at all the time he was wasting. He needed to hurry! He wasn't gonna make it if he didn't hurry! He quickly pressed the button to adjust the pressure and did a little stretch to test it. Perfect as always. 
One sword was slotted into the holster on His back, the other held tight as he hurriedly reached for his crutches. 
He spotted Raph poking his head in the door just as he opened a portal, shooting his older brother a (hopefully) reassuring smile before stepping inside. 
He winced at the high pitched ring of electricity that always accompanied it, his cochlear quickly readjusting as he was transported to the back room of Run of the Mill. 
It was quiet back here, the voices of patrons far enough away that even he couldn't hear it. And just as he thought, Yuichi was standing with his hand on the back door’s handle. 
He had quickly turner at Leo’s arrival, a knowing scowl already on his face. 
“ Leo, I told you not to bother,” He huffed, turning to face him fully, “ nothing you say is gonna stop me.” 
Leo gave him a once-over. Yuichi was in his old Nexus gear, though it didn't seem to fit him well anymore. In personality or in size. 
“ What you're doing is idiotic. What if you take another hit to the head? Or you have a seizure?” Leo started, slotting his sword into its holster, “ you think those guys in the arena are gonna wait and make sure you're okay?”
Yuichi didn't answer, grimacing. He didn't meet Leo's eyes, hunching in on himself further. 
Leo swallowed. The thought of it had him tossing and turning most nights, new nightmares adding to an already startling collection. He didnt want to say it in case it became a reality. 
But how was he gonna get it through this fluffbrain's thick skull if he didn't voice It?
“ They'all kill you, Yuichi…” 
The words felt like glue in his mouth, sticking badly to his teeth. Like Leo was sentencing his friend to death with just that statement. 
“They won't! I'm… I'm not weak, Leo!” Yuichi fired back, letting out a sigh and letting his hands dall to his sides, fists clenching. 
He stood up a little straighter, eyes meeting Leo's for the first time since he'd gotten here. 
“ I have to do this. She has my sword, and I have no intention of letting her get away with keeping it for another day longer,” 
He turned to leave, Leo stumbling forward to reach out and grab his arm. It stopped him for a moment, and Leo seized the opportunity to squeeze a little tighter. 
“ Yui, come on, you're not this stupid. You know she won't give it up without a fight, “ He started. He never understood why Yuichi was always so serious about getting the sword back. Leo understood more than anyone about how it felt to lose a precious weapon, but it had never been worth his life. It had never meant making such a dogshit deal with the devil herself. 
“ Leo, let me go…” 
Yuichi pulled weakly at his arm, but Leo pulled him back a little, letting out a weak laugh. 
He was getting desperate. 
“ its just a sword, Cottontail! We can get another-”
Yuichi ripped his arm from Leo's grasp, the slider stumbling forward to catch himself at the sudden balance shift. 
Yuichi's face was shattered, tears threatening to spill and cheeks flush with anger. He bared his teeth for a second, words choked out UB angry hiss. 
“ it's not just a sword, Leo!” 
He let out a shuddery breath and quickly wiped his eyes, hand on the door handle again. 
“ you don't understand! I have to do this, I have to be the one to do this!” He opened the door, the roar of a crowd and the bright lights of the battle nexus arena suddenly flooding the dark, quiet backroom.with light and sound. 
Leo flinched at the adjustment in his tympana and grimaced, “ at least me me help you! I'm- I can help you!” 
“ NO!” Yuichi didn't even turn to look at him, “ I have to do this alone!” 
He stepped through the door, leaving it open behind him as he started through the long corridor leading out to the arena.  
Leo could only watch, heart in his throat. Whether that was because of the thudding of the arena past the door or because he as fucking terrified, he didn't know. He trued one last time, leaning and shouting through the door. 
and in the last second before the door shut itself, he saw Yuichu turn with such a fearful look and lock eyes with him. 
He was scared. And Leo couldn't help him in the slightest. 
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incorrectfatui · 19 hours
I was once again bored, so here‘s some of my Harbinger headcanons: this time, Harbingers doing a drinking contest
okay, so, going number by number- Pierro: Thinks he‘s too good to participate. If he does participate, he just drinks a few irish coffees, maybe a sip of whiskey, and dips before it becomes to chaotic. In Khaenri‘ah they used to primarily drink mead, but he says mead doesnt taste the same outside of Khaenri’ah. Capitano: Similar to Pierro, tries to play responsible parent while the other Harbingers drink. Gets really dissappointed when the more reasonable Harbingers get drunk, so he starts drinking out of despair. Lightweight, gets really depressed when drunk- which is good in comparison to some others… Dottore: really REALLY lightweight, but doesnt want to admit it. Segments have absolutely died of alcohol poisoning before. One of his life goals is inventing something to make him able to drink more. CANNOT for the life of him accept defeat in a drinking contest, but is always one of the first to get drunk. Ends up being REALLY hyper, before lying around sick. Columbina: Not a lightweight actually, but consumes ungodly amounts of alcohol VERY very quickly, so she ends up drunk anyways. Horrible. Scary. Even more dangerous than usual. Also very clingy, usually to the other female Harbingers or Scaramouche/Dottore. gets really hungover once she IS drunk and has to be babysat the next morning. Arlecchino: didnt have much time to drink as a teenager (had to watch over children- could technically have drank alcohol as a kid bc Crucabena dgaf, but yknow, she didnt wanna mess up a mission and DIE), so she‘s also pretty lightweight. Doesn‘t really drink much around her kids, so she’s out of practice for drinking contests. Fascinated and a little concerned by Childe‘s capability to drink, especially considering his age, but would never admit it. Tries her best not to get too drunk at the drinking contest, usually just ends up with a headache. Doesnt get hangovers, so if she‘s feeling nice (or if Pierro forces her) she‘ll help with the cleanup. Crucabena: Absolutely drinks around her children and doesnt really give a shit if they do (just really really not happy if they perform worse in the field because of it). Doesn’t get drunk easily, so she’s really just spending most of the contest egging other people (Dottore) on. Easily outdrinks Dottore, finds it really funny when he’s drunk (much to everyone elses disdain). Very functional even if she DOES get drunk. Could she be considered an alcoholic? I dont know, I‘m german, my standards regarding this are different. Pulcinella: Snezhnayan grandpa. Childe‘s idol. One of the last harbingers standing. Eventually ends up tending to Childe when he inevitably goes too far. Bro does not give a shit.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 1 day
Hehe and it's me again! So i dont know if it's late in your country or no. (In mine it's arleady 23:01 anyways so i am here to request something that was in my mind since two days, how about the hashira being totally shocked cause they find out that Obanai sanemi and giyuu are in a poly relationship, like didn't they hated Giyuu? and didnt giyuu hated them too.....
im so mad bc i answered this but then my wifi cut off and then it got deleted DHGHGJ / it’s late evening here rn idk
Hashira reacting to SaneObaGiyuu !
Shinobu Kocho:
Pure disbelief, she’s utterly flummoxed and does NOT believe it. She’s probably supportive but ever so confused, wondering how the fuck they managed this and why and what and when— She maybe suspected Giyuu’s intentions to be their ‘friends’ had ulterior motive but hadn’t even suspected that, nor thought about it long enough to consider it. She’s in a lil shock, give her time and she’ll go back to teasing them (as a whole now).
Muichiro Tokito:
He really does not give a fuck.
Tengen Uzui:
He’s a bit confused and wondering how any of them managed to pull anyone, especially with their personality clashes, but he’s all encouragement and doesn’t mind. He’s probably leaning in for alllll the details. It’s everyone’s problem if he doesn’t find out everything. Really wouldn’t have seen it coming, but then again the most unapproachable Hashira were bound to get together, right?
Kyojuro Rengoku:
(blink blink) Congratulations!!! ?? (he’s a bit confused, wondering how it came out to be like this, but 100% supportive and absolutely hoping that this will make them fight less) (thinks they’re a nice trio tho) (hopes they won’t gang up together against mutual enemies unless it’s muzan, then he hopes they go all out LMAOO)
Mitsuri Kanroji:
#1 supporter all the fucking way!! She’s relieved they got along and wants the best for them. She’s exuberant and giggling (Sanemi was trying not to punch her) and she really wants to hug them all. Feels like a proud mother watching her children grow (neither of the three see her as a mother figure in the very slightest)
Gyomei Himejima:
Glad they’re together, hopes they prosper well, probably the calmest about it. He’s happy for them and is glad they relatively get along now. Also has a little questions about how they managed to talk all of it out, but won’t pry.
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sturnsmadl · 3 days
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mute 5.
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< 1!! 2!! 3!! 4!!
contains- swearing, chris being a dick (kinda?), nate being ew!!, mentions of sa, punching, swearing, angst, no use of y/n, mentions of betrayal, lmk if i missed anything :)
pairing- grumpy!chris x mute!reader.
a/n at the bottom as always :)
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chris' pov!!
i hear someone clear their throat and i turned around to see the same guy she was about to tell me about last week.
he smirks with the smirk chris has always wanted to smack off his dumb face.
he stares at me for what feels like a lifetime before finally speaking up "so..you and her huh?"
"what? nate can you mind your own business for one minute? im seriously not in the mood to listen to your shi-"
"woah. calm down. im here to say if you get involved with her it'll ruin your reputation. i mean not that you had much of one but..point still stands." nate smirks yet again, always thinking he's better then everyone else.
"what do you seriously know about her though nate? it doesn't seem like much. looks to me as if you like to bully people who don't give you what you want."
"give me what i want?" he laughs mockingly
"i took what i wanted and she didnt like it."
a weird feeling waves through me. why am i mad? a minute ago i was thinking about pretending i hate her and now she's being talked shit about im..jealous?
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somehow i've ended up in the prinicipals office while nate is bleeding from his nose in the nurse's office, straight after i punched him i knew i fucked up massively.
he pushed it and he knew he did but seriously why was i mad? i need to hate her to wash the embarrassment of her potentially rejecting me away, not defend her.
i need to be friends with nate.
it'll hurt her the most.
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a/n- well..i haven't wrote mute in a long time but lowkey ya'll are gonna hate me!! chris is gonna be the biggest dick everrr. i also fixed the titles so if u were struggling with mute parts yw (it was me. i was.) i didnt even know i had 4 parts...
tags! @bellaonthelow @hrtsdollie @moonk1ss3d @sturnclouds @christophersgf @ellizzyy @fratbrochrisgf @phoenix062 @pixxiies @conspiracy-ash @blahbel668 @monroesturnns @gwennybenny @sturnobsessedwh0re @xoxo4chrisss @pixie-sticks-are-good @wurlibydominicfike @anitahunt @ilusa @mattstrombolii @stvrlighht @asherrisrandom @amelia-sturniolo3 @pvssychicken @owensbabygirl @ncm9696 @sturniolo-fann @watchu-mean-baby-keem @babyalliah-777 @imtheprett @coochiedestroyer1 @scarlettbitches
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j1mmys-darl1ng · 2 days
a fic where kit is insecure of letting reader know and see all his scars from briarcliff but she comforts him abt it pls 🙏
Pairing : kit walker and reader
A/n : honestly give me more requests because i need to start distracting myself more 🫶
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Kit had just gotten out of the shower, his towel hung low on his hips to the point you can see the faint scars from his days at briarcliff trailing on his lower back. You knew he was insecure of them. Hell, he never even spoke of them exept for the one time you two here having a heart to heart conversation about your pasts.
"hey kit?"
"mh?" he grunts, not in a rude way but in a way to show hes listening.
"your scars... Have they always been like that?"
He goes silent, he feels his body practically paralyse just at the word 'scars' alone. You can see his expression, its tense and closed off.
".. Sorry.. I didnt mean to upset you"
"... Its fine. I just... God i dont even know how to say the words.." kits eyebrows knit together, his eyes closing as he leans against the wall.
"its... Fuck... I dont like talking about them because of all the stuff that happen'd at that shitty asylum.. Y'know? Like just having them is a constant reminder, even if i cant see them" your eyes soften as you hear the words escape his mouth. Sympathy hitting you faster than the wind in a storm.
Without saying anything, you slowly walk to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders into a hug. Your warm body a nice contrast to his cold one.
He lets out a small noise of satisfaction, burring his face into the top of your hair as he wraps his arms around your waist. You can feel the gentle breeze of his breath and the occasional droplet from his wet hair.
"personally, i think they add a story to you... They make you less boring and gives you a story to tell the kids if you ever have any" you mumble against his chest, relishing in the moment.
"you might think their ugly or that they remind you of bad things but everyone has things like that. Some people even have scars just like you to show because of it"
"mmhm" is all he hums, his grip tightening.
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A/n : this was actually kinda fun to write since i have scars myself from various things
Thanks for reading! <3
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lesbosaur1 · 3 days
Scars, a DNF Fic
okay guys this took forever to write, and I'm still not sure how to format this stuff in Tumblr, but here we go!! 2.9k words!
George always wondered why Dream only wore hoodies and long sleeves.
TW: Language, mentions of self harm, suggestion of Alcohol
Everyone has scars. Either mental or physical. And George knows this well. Not so much the physical part, as his few scars are from stupid childhood shticks and mosquito bites. He never really went outside or did anything stupid. He preferred to stay inside and play games with Dream, his best friend.He and Dream met ages ago, but now that they finally live together with Sapnap, George has been noticing some things that he never saw before. Mostly because he didn’t know what Dream had looked like for years, but he recently has been noticing that Dream doesn’t wear short-sleeved shirts. Always hoodies, mostly merch from his friend’s channels. But even when he first came out to meet George when the two first met in real life, he still had long sleeves. Which annoys George for some reason. He wants to know everything about Dream. Not in a love way, George doesn’t love Dream. At least he thinks so.
So while Dream is out shopping with Sapnap, George stays back, frustratedly flopping onto a couch. He had tried literally everything he could think of to get Dream to take his hoodie off. Including turning the heat up in the house. Which only led to Sapnap complaining and walking around shirtless for an hour. But not Dream.
He groans and tosses his head back, only to be immediately whacked in the face with a tail. Spitting hair out of his mouth he turns to glare at Patches. But he can’t stay mad at that face. Especially since that’s Dream’s cat…..
He picks Patches up and ignoring her annoyed grunts, stares her in the eyes.
“What is he hiding?” He mumbles to the cat, like she’s going to tell him.
Patches blinks, swats him in the face and jumps off the couch to go do cat things. George sighs. He knows it’s weird. Like, why does he care so much about seeing Dream’s arms? It’s not like he finds Dream attractive, or has a thing for arms. He just wants to know. Right?
He jumps up as the main door opens. He hadn’t even heard the car! Sapnap walks in with a pineapple for some reason and Dream follows behind him. In a hoodie with Bad’s logo on it.
George sighs. ‘Of course’ he thinks.Then flushes, did he sigh out loud?
Dream looks at him. “Did you finish editing?” He asks in that stupid, idiotic, not at all deep, definitely not attractive voice of his. George blinks. “Uhhhh” he trails off. Dream rolls his eyes. “I’m not doing it for ya George. You’re not conning me into it again!”
Sapnap’s voice echoes from the kitchen. “He’ll do it George! You know he’s too much of a simp to say no”
Dream jumps over the couch and runs at Sapnap. “Take that back idiot!” He says, bear hugging Sapnap and picking him up off the floor. George watches with an amused face, used to the two of them fighting. He knows Dream doesn’t like him like that. He watches as Dream tosses Sapnap onto the couch like a doll, his mind flashing to thoughts of how strong Dream must be, and what his muscles look like…..
His face flushes and he smacks his head lightly, ‘Stop thinking about him like that George! That’s your best friend!’ He says to himself internally.
But the thought is still in his head. ‘you two kissed already remember? And you liked it’ George internally yells at himself. It was New Year's Eve, and being high on exhilaration from finally being together and a bit tipsy on champagne, had resulted in a hug and soft peck that wasn't spoken of again. George didnt like thinking about that.
Eventually they get up, go through the routine, his thoughts spiraling like this rollercoaster him and Dream had gone on together, Dream’s arm wrapped around his waist for balance. ‘dammit george’
They eat dinner together like always. For some reason Fundy ends up calling Sapnap after, so it ends up being just George and Dream for a few hours. George keeps everything normal, talking about a chat he had with Puffy and Tommy and Wilbur’s latest stream, a reaction to an upcoming movie. It’s about ten when Dream gets up, motioning to his room. “Gonna go change” he says. George nods, denying his quickening pulse. It’s risky, what he wants to do, but they’re best friends, nothing could go wrong!
He sits and mulls for a while.He can hear Sapnap’s muffled conversation from his room, talking about some anime character or other, but he walks past his door, not chiming in. Instead he walks up to Dream’s door. His pulse is fast, faster then when he plays for MCC. Maybe not as fast as when he stepped out of Sapnap’s Tesla and saw Dream, the sun raining around his face and broad shoulders, making him look like a god, handsome and beautiful and…..
He ignores that thought, squares his shoulders, and pushes open Dream’s door. The heat hits him in the face first, Dream”s bathroom door open, steam billowing from it into the room. George swallows thickly. This feels different then his normal curiosity. But things with Dream have been different lately anyways.
He pushes all thoughts out of his mind and peers around the bathroom door. His best friend is standing in front of the mirror, fiddling with his phone, his hair wet. There's a towel around his shoulders. George follows down every line of muscles, making it down to his basketball shorts, where the edge of his boxers peek out. His face is red and his pulse is definitely faster then that first meeting now. His thoughts are racing so fast he can't even make out a coherent one except ‘whoa’
His eyes catch a twisted scar on Dream’s leg, and some nicks on his arms. He can't see his right shoulder yet, but he longs to.
And then Dream looks up.
‘god George you're such an idiot’ is what races through his mind at first then, ‘could my face get any redder?’ One glance in the mirror says that it can. He nervously meets Dream’s eyes.
“George?” He says, in a confused tone, turning to him.“Shit shit shit sorry Dream I just-” He cuts off seeing Dream’s right shoulder. He lets out a small gasp and steps forward, all thoughts of embarrassment rushing from his head, only focusing on the multitude of purple, and white parallel scars going down Dream’s shoulder to his forearm. A tentative finger reaches out and brushes along one.
“Dream?” He says softly. “What-?” Dream is the one to turn away this time, his hand reaching for his hoodie which is hanging in the back of the door. George catches his wrist, his small fingers encircling it.Dream’s eyes flick up to his. “George” his voice is small, sad, broken, “don't do this. It doesn't matter anymore, they're old, its-”
“That does matter!” George’s heart throbs with pain. His eyes flick across the scars, counting in his head. ‘twelve’ he notes. He sighs. He can't- can't just do that. His eyes were so pleading.
He sighs. “What's that one from?” He points at the scarred over gash on Dream's leg.
Dream blinks. “W-what? I thought you- umm I was geocaching and I fell into some quicksand. I was with my girlfriend and sister and I had to pull myself out alone cause they weren't there. A stick caught. Why are you-”
George cuts him off, ignoring the weird sting from Dream saying the word ‘girlfriend’ that can't be jealousy. Why would he be jealous of Dream having an ex girlfriend?
“And that one?” He says pointing towards what looks like a skinned knee that never healed.
Dream swallows. “Uh there was a spider in my car and I jumped out of it, but my sister was still in the car and I hadn't put it into park so it was rolling away” A faint smile crosses his lips. “I had to jump into the car and stop it. Skinned my knee real bad”
Before George can think, he reaches out and traces a small little pucker on Dream’s bare chest. He pulls back with a gasp as what he just did hit him. ‘Goddamnit George! Why are you acting like this??’
He puts on a small smile. “I- uh- what is that one from?”
He didn't notice that Dream’s muscles tensed up at his touch, that the taller man’s face had turned a slight shade of pink.
“Uh y’know those like little blowtorch things that you can make with a lighter and hairspray?”
George sighs. “Seriously?”
Dream cracks a small smile. “It was worth it! It was really cool!”
George's smile slowly turns back into a soft, but serious expression again. “And those?” he says, resisting the urge to trace all twelve of those white/purple lines.Dream fidgets with his hands before pushing past George to go sit on his bed. George's face heats up again as his shoulder brushes against Dream’s bare skin. He follows behind him, watching as Dream tosses his towel onto the floor and sits on his bed, head in his hands.
All George wants to do is put his arms around him, like they do all the time, but something is different now. “Look, Dream. Look at me?” He says softly. Dream raises his head. His eyes are red, bleary. George hadn't noticed before but Dream looked tired today. There's a faint faint laugh from Sapnap’s room. He must still be on call with Fundy. George gathers himself, his racing thoughts starting to evolve into a headache, and sits down next to Dream. “We can just sit for now? Okay?”
He says, making sure not to touch Dream, even though he badly wants to.
Dream nods, his wet hair flinging cold droplets all over George. George shivers as they hit his skin, but he shakes it off. “So- uh- I’m sorry I kinda barged in on you changing” He starts to say slowly. “Yeah why did you? Did you need something?” Dream says, raising his head out of his hands. His chest is still bare, and George flicks his eyes away quickly, realizing he’d been tracing his abs and v-line with his gaze. His face turns red again and he coughs to cover up a small sigh. “N-no I had just been realizing that, uh, you only ever wear long sleeve stuff, and I wanted to see why” he admits. “Sorry that’s weird”
Dream smiles softly. “You could’ve just asked. I would’ve told you.” His face falters. “Maybe. I don’t know. I trust you”
They sit there in silence. Dream’s leg bounces up and down rapidly and he fidgets with his hands. George doesn’t say anything. He knows it’s hard for him to sit still.
There’s a yell from outside.“GEORGE!” It’s Sapnap, bellowing from the living room. George glances at Dream again. “I- i should go see what he wants-” He says awkwardly. Dream looks down at his hands. “Yeah. I guess you should.”
He says quietly. George stands up and walks out, not looking back even though he wants to, so bad. His heart is breaking.
“What Sapnap?” He asks, stepping into the living room where Sapnap lounges on a couch with an X-box controller in his hands. Sapnap starts rambling on about how this game that he plays is coming out with an update and that’s why Fundy called him, and he’s gonna be so mad if they get rid of this one feature. George listens, fumbling with the chain around his neck that Dream had given to him ages ago. He still hadn’t taken it off. Sapnap breaks off and squints at his shirt.
“Why is your shirt wet? You didn’t take a shower” He states. George winces. “Oh, uh Dream took a shower. From his hair”
Sapnap pauses, then a grin spreads across his face. “God the media would kill to know that. DNF for life baby!” He says, pumping his fist into the air. George sighs.
“Are you kidding? That’s so old! We all know Dream doesn’t like me like that. We’re just….. best mates.” Those words tasted bitter as he said them, which was weird as hell. He doesn’t love Dream! Not like that!
Sapnap rolls his eyes. “Gogy, gogy, gogy.” He says, standing up and putting his hands on George’s shoulders. “He looks at you like you’re his whole universe. I love you man, and as much as I would complain about third-wheeling everything, god could you two just kiss already? Like holy shit guys c’mon! Y’all considered getting married!”
George’s face flames, though he doesn’t know if it’s anger or embarrassment. ‘Embarrassment? I don’t have anything to be embarrassed about’
“I-I mean yeah but that was only so i could get a visa- and” He’s fumbling words, trying to explain himself.
Sapnap sighs. “Go to him” Sapnap says dramatically, “Go to your dream man. Geddit? Dream, man?” He laughs. George rolls his eyes, his face aflame. “Real funny” he turns away from Sapnap and almost runs back down the hallway to Dream’s room.
“Dream?” He asks softly as he walks in. Dream is still sitting on his bed, but he had a white T-shirt on. ‘Which somehow makes him look even better then shirtless, and shut the hell up George.’
He shakes his head and sits next to Dream, his shoulder brushing his, which makes his whole body go hot again. ‘damnit George’
“Sorry about Sapnap he was talking about some game and-” George's voice cuts off as Dream thunks his head onto his shoulder. George lets out a little gasp. Which is so weird. ‘We used to be so close like that all the time. But now I can't stop seeing Dream….. differently. And shut up George this isn't about you!’
He balls his hands into fists, drums them on his legs for a few beats and makes up his mind. He slowly reaches up and slides Dream’s right shirt sleeve up. He definitely notices now that Dream’s muscles tense, and his breathing quickens. ‘that doesn't mean anything right? Just best mates’ He assures himself.
“I don't know what to say” He admits eventually.
Dream sighs, and raises his head up, and George falls into his eyes. He shakes his head and snaps himself out of his trance. Dream starts to talk. “Look, George.” He starts with, George's heart starting to pound in his ears, “those first few months after the face reveal were um…. rough.”
He pauses. “And I was kind of alone then. Sapnap was in England and I was just here. Alone.” His words start to get faster, more frantic. “And I got in my head and I didn't know what else to do and it was just over and over again-” George lightly traces the scars as Dream keeps rambling. “And I know it was stupid, so so damn stupid because I just am a stupid fucking clown that messes everyth-”
George kisses him.
And it's wonderful. Just a soft kiss. But it was George’s first kiss ever (that he counts) and he didn't expect it to be like this. It was soft and simple, but George could swear that he feels Dream lean into it a little, as Dream’s long curly hair brushes his face, as his nose touches his. He pulls back and sees something, something in Dream’s eyes.
His face flushes bright red, the reddest it's ever been, his neck and ears hot as he looks down at the ground. “Sorry” he mumbles. ‘why am I so stupid with emotions!? He obviously didn't want that I seriously just messed up’
“George…..” Dream says softly. George looks down at the ground, clenching his hands into fists in his lap. “S-sorry Dream it won't happen again I didn't mean to-”
And this time it's Dream that cuts him off.
This kiss is longer, a bit deeper, more intimate. George feels Dream’s hand wind itself around his neck and into his hair, holding his head in place. He can't believe this is happening and normally he'd be way overthinking this but his head, his head was empty. None of the worry or thoughts of anything.He tentatively puts his hand on Dream’s chest, feeling his warm skin through his T-shirt, the strength that Dream holds. It breaks off and George looks up, a bit out of breath.
“I- uh. How long have you-?”
Dream smiles, “Since the best friend quiz” he admits, scratching the back of his head. “Been wanting to do that for a while”
George starts to laugh. “Dreammmmm!!” He says. “Seriously!? I've been stressed about that for ages!” His voice turns a bit more serious. “But promise me something?”
There's a heartbeat of silence. “Yeah?” comes the reply.
“If you ever…… wanna do that again,” George’s hand slides up Dream’s arm, settling in the spot where his sleeve covers the scars, “talk to me?”
“The kissing? Cause I'll be talking to you all the time then?” Dream says with a mischievous smile. George turns red again and covers his face with his hands.
“Shut up. You know what I meant.”
Dream laughs. “Fine, fine. Yes. I promise Georgenotfound that I'll talk to him if I ever feel shitty again. That work?”
“It does” George says.
“God finally” says a voice from the doorway. Sapnap stands there, eating a bag of chips. George buries his face in his hands again as Dream lunges off the bed to slam the door shut in Sapnap's face. There's a muffled shout of indignation and “we gonna have to set some ground rules now!! Hands above the lap gentlemen” yelled through the door and some wild laughter as he walks off.
Dream fidgets again before he pulls George’s hands off his face, the cool metal of his ring brushing George’s fingers.
Dream looks a bit nervous, and George's brain goes into panic mode. “What?” He asks.
“No! No no no nothing's wrong sorry George” Dream says quickly. “I just uh had been writing a new song.”
George tilts his head. “Really?”
“Um yeah. So uh can I play it for you?” He looks like a nervous puppy afraid of the response.
“Of course!” George says, basically vibrating with excitement. He did love Dream’s music. It was like the only thing he listened to now. He even listened to it in the shower and- ‘now is not the time George’
Dream had got up and turned a dial on his speaker system, the one thing he spoiled himself with. Music comes through, soft at first, then growing.George takes Dream’s outstretched hands and stands, leaning his forehead against Dreams’.
🎶 “I can't breathe when you're not there, you're not there, you're not there. I can't sleep it's a nightmare” 🎶
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starrazorr · 2 years
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it's the way katniss and peeta are such fundamentally different people when it comes to their driving emotions and the way they view the world, but no matter what, at the end of all things, they are the only two people in the entire god damn world who can understand the specific suffering that they both went through. for katniss there is one person who can share her trauma. for peeta there is one person who knows what it's like. and that's why they will always end up side by side at the end of everything.
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danggerine · 11 months
going insane thinking about the harrow and palamedes friendship. harrow, who has never met another necromancer her age forming a bizarro 3D chess rivalry while pal worries about her safety at every possible turn. harrow, who is up to her eyebrows in paranoia and secrecy, trusting the sixth house with gideon unconscious and hurt, letting them into the ninth house quarters unsupervised. if “i cannot conceive of a universe without you in it” is goth for i love you, “death first to vultures and scavengers” has got to be goth for i love you (platonic). pal’s first reaction when harrow comes into his bubble in the river is to scoop her up in a hug, and at this point she doesn’t remember anything about him because cutting out all her memories of gideon is impossible without cutting out memories of the sixth, but she still makes him a skelehand to inhabit anyway. when harrow’s memories are finally whole, she tells dulcinea she couldn’t face pal knowing that his pen pal girlfriend died on her account, but the next time she “faces” him, palamades’s soul is in someone else’s body and harrow’s body is full of nona’s soul. he spends six months protecting and caring for harrow’s body (and nona obv), believing in the possibility of bringing her back to it the same way cam believed in him. “god, do you know i miss harrow terribly.” and by the time harrow comes back to her body at the very end of ntn, pal is gone forever, fully pauled. the last time harrow and palamades see each other as their complete selves is in canaan house, alive and unlyctored. two of the smartest and loneliest people in the solar system meet each other in the worst of circumstances and spend the rest of the story dancing around each other as fragments of themselves, trying to care about each other in the interim but never fully meeting like they did the first time. a friendship made almost entirely of missing the other person. “do you know i miss harrow terribly.” god. i need to lie down
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ciderjacks · 3 months
despite Laios low self esteem making him think that if he’d been eaten, Chilchuck and Marcille wouldn’t have helped Falin,
theres a small part of me that thinks the reason Chilchuck stayed with the party and went back in the dungeon in the first place was because he didn’t want to leave Laios alone. That Laios was moreso the reason he stayed.
#dungeon meshi#chilaios#OK SORRY. THE DEMONS. I REALLY DID NOT WANT TO LIKE THIS PAIRING. I DIDNT. BUT. HHH. FHFHJFJV. I FEEL CRAZY. LET ME EXPLAIN.#Pre canon it seems Laios is the person Chilchuck is really the closest to#He gets along with Namari and they are probably way better as buddies than he and Laios but#He and Laios seem *closer*#If that makes sense#Laios calls him his first name enough and without any issue or hesitation from Chilchuck#That I sort of inagine its not like. A misunderstanding. Laios is on a first name basis with him for a reason.#He also worries probably more than anyone about Laios#And his biggest criticism of him is that hes “reckless”#he’s comfortable around Laios in a very specific way and so is Laios around him#and in the series he shows many times that he’ll risk his life to protect Laios#Like staying with him to confront the elves because he was worried Laios would say something stupid#Hes the first one to run up to him when Falin punches him#I mean I think he was also going back for Falin like its not like I think he doesn’t care about her or anything#He clearly does#But I don’t know if he’d have gone back if Laios hadn’t#And if Laios had been eaten I think he wouldn’t have even had to be convinced by Falin#I also think Marcille would’ve gone back for him but probably more bc Falin was going back#Like sort of a reversed thing#AGAIN not that I don’t think she cared about Laios at the beginning either#But she before the story she was mostly Falin’s friend who knew Laios through Falin#She only really got to know him when Falin got eaten and they had to do a team building exercise#Though now I sort of want to see an actually reversed scenario#Bc we also know that Chilchuck is sort of uncomfortable around Falin (said in relationship chart)#So I would love to see them be forced into a team building exercise to find a person they both love the way Laios and Marcille were
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bluerosefox · 9 months
Possessed Pearl's
You know how in some ghost stories sometimes its not a person or a land that's haunted but the items?
Well what if, when looking for a mother's day gift for his mom, Danny is looking around a pawn shop and finds a necklace, it's missing some pearls but it's just enough to pass off as a decent gift. Danny humms but decides against it and goes to leave it....
That was until he gasped out blue frost and spots a ghostly woman appear out of the necklace with a somber smile. She isn't as seeable as the other ghosts in Amity though, meaning she doesn't have enough ectoplasm on her own (that might change the longer she's in Amity and around Danny though) and that right now only Danny can see her.
And Danny well... hes been doing his hero gig for a bit now, might go and ask if there was anything he can do to help.
And later Danny's good deed... bites him back. Oh boy. Because now he has the Bats looking into Amity Park... Wait what do you mean Martha is now strong enough to be seen?!
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bunnieswithknives · 24 days
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I feel bad for neglecting Hazel so much, I do have many thoughts about her.. and also a mermaid au that im probably not going to do anything with
#fop#fairly oddparents#fop a new wish#fairly oddparents a new wish#hazel wells#fop hazel#fop dev#dev dimmadome#art#digital art#doodles#I wish Hazels parents were more flawed tbh...#Like I get why they wanted to have them be good rep so that young people could know what a good family is supposed to look like#but it felt like every time there was an opportunity to have them do something genuinely flawed-#they would perfectly sidestep it before it even became a problem#I really enjoyed the first episode because it showed a hint of a very unique emotional issue Hazel had related to having a therapist mother#The idea that she has to be mature all the time#constantly living around therapy speak makes her feel like she isnt allowed room to breathe#Feeling unable to express her emotions without someone there giving advice that she isnt ready for yet#just small things!#She feels so pressured to be emotionally mature all the time BECAUSE she gets praised for it#maybe im projecting everyone always tell me I was so mature for my age...#But like I really really wanted to see that from her!!#And then after that episode it doesnt even come up again#The only other episode that features the moms job as a conflict is the one where she wants to spend more time with her#which is a fine conflict I guess but it still ends with her saying all the perfect things#I wanted Markus to be more of a genuine threat too. even if he didnt actually do anything having him be more looming would have been nice#I feel like they mostly forget hes a para scientist most of the time idk.#I just felt like his interactions could have been more unique#Maybe he will be in future seasons idk
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Transgender illegal alien in prison
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