#so. 11? 12? definitely younger than 13 i know for a fact
evandorepart2 · 1 year
ok anyway im leaving in. the day after tomorrow at like 2am so im just saying its tomorrow cause im literally just gonna stay up till then theres no point in sleeping. BUT two things. one i need to finish packing. my clothes are dry so i just have to bring them upstairs and pack. sort of stressed out bc like. i like my outfit i dont want to change it but everyones telling me its too hot for a leather jacket like i know!!!! but its my jacket :(
anyway i just have to do that so ill do it now and then…on top of that i wanted to get the draft for my ghost story done but i havent been working on it at all >_< ive just been reading comics the past couple days. so tomorrow. for sure. i will definitely work in getting the draft done totally.
but ugh im kind of nervous i havent seen these people in so long and im not great socially. also i dont go on trips in general so like. i hope i have energy for a full month yknow. i have a tendency of isolating myself when im stressed out but i dont have any space to do that…not that i should but whatever you know
#LIKE. im just eugh like im Bad at small talk. im better at dispensing information and leaving it that#or listening. ive been practicing listening a lot more so i dont overtalk and everyone gets a turn#OH RIGHT!!!! i hope. cause i have 4 cousins. two are toddler age#one is a little younger than me so like 13 but hes a boy idk how he is cause he might be annoying no offense <3#and then an older girl whos around my brothers age so a few years older. and we never rlly talked cause it was always my brorher and her#last i saw them i was like. god idk it couldnt have been too young cause i got black out drunk before i stayed with them#so. 11? 12? definitely younger than 13 i know for a fact#im bad with times tho#anyway its been a while and im a lot older now. so i hope shes there so we can talk and be friends idk#apparently my brother isnt close to her anymore? he called her a bitch last time we talked abt her so. hope i do see her#and my aunt! i always liked her a lot and my brothers prob gonna be busy with our uncle. ill be stuck with the younger kids but thats ok i#dont mind since im used to handling my sister. apparently theyve wanted to meet me for a long time so i am super excited#i dont think anyones gonna expect what i look like tho lol i dont think anyone could have guess me being punk#not even me like i distinctly remember in elementary my friend. we were talking about mcr and emo / punk stuff and he was like. you coukd#never be like that. ummmmm well guess what dickhead!!!! jokes were actyally still close lol#ANYWAY i am fucking excited and nervous and have to find a normal way to bring up 18th century fashion or perhaps history of contemporary#folk
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miniscrew-anon · 3 months
About Dark and Shadow's Past
Finding out that Dark and Shadow knew each other before Dark went away was eyeopening, because that means they've known each other for a really long time. But exactly how long? And how old were they when they met? Time for me to do my patented Over-analyze move and scrape every canon detail together to form a rough timeline.
Okay so let's start with what we know and work backwards; Time, as of the HSH, is 38. Twilight is 23. And Four is 22-23.
We know Time was dealing with the Termina situation for years, although the number of years is unclear. The only information we have is that we know Malon and him divorced just a few weeks before Majora was murdered and Time was put in the hospital. Thanks to the hospital records Hyrule sends Twilight in HSH ch.4, he know Time was between 25-30 years old at the time. That means that at max the Termina Conflict was between 8 and 13 years ago.
That would make Time, as of his divorce and Majora's deaths, between 25-30.
Next, we also know that the last time Twilight saw Time and Malon together and happy was when he was "a kid". Not super descriptive, but at least we can say that he was probably 12 or younger. That would mean at minimum it happened 11 years ago, which falls neatly between our 13-8 year gap. Since I don't think there's any definitive way to narrow it down further, I'm going to just go with Time and Malon being divorced when Time was 27. And since we know that Time and Malon were newly weds when they moved to Termina (the townhouse was the first time they were living together as per HSH for the Holidays ch.4), that means they got married After Time had dealt with Ganon. Let's assume they were married for 2 years - long enough for the divorce process, Malon to grow roots in the city and stay after the divorce, and have a dysfunctional marriage.
So Time was approximately 25 when he was married.
Now, let's talk Dark's timeline. We know very little about him. The only truly definitive information we have is that he was caught and jailed when he was 19 and that his capture did not coincide with Ganon's defeat. He was questioned in prison, so he had active information that the crown was still using to combat Ganon. We also know that he was modified to look like Time. Being so young, he would have to have been close in age with Time, who I can only assume is slightly older than Dark. Also Time would have had to have made some sort of name for himself to prompt Ganon to create Dark. The process to look for someone to deal with Time started when Dark was 16, so that's another 3 years that Time must have been an active participant in the war.
Time didn't finish high school, so I think he got recruited at around 16 (not sure - I don't remember specifically. My mind doesn't hold Time lore like is does for everyone else lol. Please if someone's got that old post about Time's backstory send me the link so I can double check). Assuming he didn't get actively involved for a few years to train, let's say the Great Deku Tree died 3 years later when Time was 19 - old enough to be a participant but still young. A year or so would be sufficient to make a name, prompting Ganon to start looking for a double.
So during the Ganon War, Time is 21 and Dark is 16.
Time arrests Dark when he is 24 and Dark is 19. A five year gap.
That means as of HSH, after 14 years of prison, Dark is roughly 33.
Now for Shadow.
We know even less about him, if you can believe that. In fact just about the only thing we know about him is that he's around Four's age.
Four is 22-23. Let's say 23, to give ourselves as much leeway as possible. At first I would have put Shadow at the same age but if Shadow is 23 that means Dark would have gone away when Shadow was 9. Not impossible, but not plausible either - Shadow seems too young to connect to Dark and I doubt 19yr old Dark would care about a kid that young. So I'd say Shadow is actually a few years older than Four, maybe 25-26. That would make Shadow 11-12 when Dark was arrested. Old enough to have some time to form some sort of a bond if Shadow is mature for his age.
So that means that by the time Dark was captured, he was 19 and Shadow was about 12.
This may not be accurate - there is very little concrete evidence and there's plenty of wriggle room for change. Maybe Dark is younger, maybe Shadow is older. I have no idea. The only thing I do know is that I'm intrigued by these two and their mysterious connection.
These days they have that antagonistic friendship that is so typical for a duo of skrunkly criminals. But I do wonder what kind of relationship they had back in the day - some sort of twisted Big Brother Program energy? Or was it friendly with Dark using Shadow as a way to subconsciously cling to some form of childhood, despite how messed up both of them were. Or was Shadow trying to get a leg up by networking with Ganon's shiny new child soldier? Did Dark warn Shadow off of getting involved with the Dragmire clan to spare him the shit he himself went through?
I have so many questions and I am, as always, eagerly awaiting any information about these two.
(@st0rmyskies how did I do? Did I get even slightly close or am I off by a mile?)
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daboyau · 2 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks so much for the tag @dandywonderous! I was very happy when I saw it. :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
28 currently! I have more on ff.net but never transferred them over since I wrote them when I was younger and don’t like them enough to do so.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently I’m mostly writing for ROTTMNT, and have a long time fic for BNHA I’m stuck on the last chapter for. In the past I’ve written for Natsume Yuujinchou, Tokyo Ghoul, Naruto, Animorphs, Teen Wolf, Killing Stalking, and…I think that’s it on ao3?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. The Good In Me, 2. Dangerous Games, 3. Friendship Benefits, 4. Classroom Etiquette, 5. Approximation (the natsume fandom is really dominating there lol)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I know when I comment on something it feels nice to get a response, so I try to respond when I have the bandwidth for it. I’d say I do maybe 80% of the time?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have to be honest, I have a chronic case of not finishing my fics. So I’m going to just say that the one with the angstiest planned ending is probably going to be And the Loyal Remains. Angst in general would be Sticks and Stones, mostly because that was the fic I was writing when I was having a lot of emotions while living on my own for the first time and I was beating up my characters over it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably any of my Natsume fics! They’re shorter so they’re actually finished, and Natsume is one of the few characters I want to wrap in a blanket with very little angst involved, so even if the story is a little sad I try to give them sweeter endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not recently! When I was younger and posting on ff.net I used to get some hate, but I haven’t really seen anything like that coming from ao3.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not really. I’m not against smut of any kind, but I’m not big on writing romance or relationships, and tbh I’d feel too shy to post any smut even if I did write some lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I love crossovers, but I write very few of them. My very first fanfiction I ever wrote and posted when I was…13 I think, was a Cirque Du Freak/Harry Potter crossover over on ff.net. That one might be the craziest one, simply because I was straight up plagiarizing whole paragraphs straight from the HP books and the fic actually got kind of popular?? It was definitely an odd first try at dipping my toes into fanfic writing, and probably skewed my expectations for my future fics lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
The only one I’m aware of having been stolen was my BNHA fic, which someone had taken and had a robot reading on their monetized youtube channel. I didn’t like that at all.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Dangerous Games was translated by GlaireG, and I’ve had some people ask if they can translate other works without that ever going anywhere. That said, if anyone ever wants to translate any of my works they’re more than welcome to! All I ask is that credit be given and linked back to the original.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not! Co-writing sounds simultaneously very fun and very stressful, since I’m a slow writer and would probably fret over holding the other person up. It’s something I might be interested in, under the right circumstances. editing to add that I am silly and didn’t think about the fact that the crossover between @boots-with-the-fur-club’s Inverted Confrontation AU and my Leave AU was co-writing lol. Love yoouuu thank you for pointing out my silly. 💚
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Hhmmmmm, I’m going to say Nezushi from No. 6! I don’t have many ships, but they have lived rent free in my head for over a decade at this point lol.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them. I dream of finishing my abandoned WIPs, but I don’t really see that happening tbh.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’ve been told I’m good at world-building and characterization, which is great since those are my favorite parts of writing. :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I wish I was better at crafting a solid plot and following it through to the end. I have an awful habit of having ideas as I go and chasing after them instead of just sticking with one idea. Imagery is something I’m not very good at. Also, being able to write humor is something I dream of, but I’m not a very funny person so that is dead in the water.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I personally prefer to just indicate that something is being said in another language, but to each their own. I don’t love having to google what something means or when someone types something out in one language and then puts in parentheses the translation right afterwards. That said, there are some cases where it’s done very well and adds to the story, so I guess it just depends.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Darren Shan/Harry Potter. I started writing it in a notebook bc I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. Then learned about fanfiction and it was all over from there.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This is a really hard one…. Maybe Classroom Etiquette? It was really enjoyable to write. The Good In Me also holds a special place in my heart since I’ve been working on it for so long. (though Turning a New Shade of Red aka the Rise Hunger Games AU is quickly rising through the ranks to be one of my favs)
Well, I definitely need to tag in my writing bestie @boots-with-the-fur-club. You have no choice but to play the game. also tagging @psychologicalwarclaire, @phoebepheebsphibs and @onlyhereforturtles, but feel free to ignore if you want!! Anyone else who wants to do it, pretend I tagged you, and tag me so I can see it. 💚
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petitelepus · 10 months
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Summary: Your brother's wedding is over and life continues in Rengoku household. Senjuro surprises you with an unexpected request.
Warnings: None
A/N: Female Reader, Kitsune Kyojuro, Kitsune Senjuro, Kitsune Rengoku, Monster Musume!AU
After your brother's wedding and Kyojuro's proposal life went back to normal… Or as normal it could be with you and your fiance sharing loving looks and couple kisses here and there every second you could. You were enjoying breakfast with the fox brothers when suddenly…!
"I want to go to school," Senjuro said and you and Kyojuro blinked. You put your morning coffee cup down and looked at the younger Rengoku brother. "School?"
"Yes." He nodded, much to your confusion, "Wait, hold on!" You shook your head, puzzled, "Why do you want to suddenly go to school?"
"Other kids of my age go there. Why shouldn't I?" He sounded genuine and you couldn't understand it. Didn't he have anything he would want right now? Kyojuro smiled as he looked at his younger brother, "Is there a reason you would like to go to school, other than the fact that kids go there also?"
"We all know I won't be the next head of the Rengoku household." Senjuro looked a little sad, but determined, "But this way I can have more chances and open doors in life, other than serving our house."
Hearing his you kinda understood his reasoning… But you were still unsure.
"Are you sure you want this?" You asked, "School can be hard when…"
You wanted to say when someone is different, but you didn't want to be rude. You were just worried since you were different also, but Senjuro has fox's tail and ears! You feared that he would become the main target for bullying.
"I understand it can be hard," The young Kitsune nodded, "But I would also like to have more friends. I love hanging around with you guys, but I think I need friends of my age."
In a way, he was way more mature and definitely way more courageous than you ever were. You admired and feared it. Finally, you sighed.
"Alright," You nodded as you grabbed your phone from the table and opened the contacts list, "I'll contact Mister Smith and ask him to prepare everything. I think he will happily help us with possible paperwork."
"Thank you!" Senjuro cheered happily and his older brother smiled, but then you realized something you hadn't thought of before.
"Wait, how old are you guys?" You asked and Kyojuro smiled brightly, "I'm 20 in human years!"
Senjuro nodded, "And I'm 14."
"Human years?" You blinked, "I, uh, okay? But, you're not a boy anymore!" You gasped, "You're a young man already!"
"Ha ha, thank you," Senjuro smiled, "I'm not that old yet though."
"You are way more mature than I was the same age as you are." You confessed before choosing Mister Smith's number and you excused yourself from the breakfast table so you could talk to him in peace.
While you were talking on the phone, Kyojuro turned to look at his younger brother, "I'm proud of you Senjuro! I'm happy to see that you have dreams you want to pursue!"
"Thank you, big brother." The young fox nodded a little shyly, "I'm nervous, but also very excited for a chance to study and get new friends."
Kyojuro smiled. While he and his brother were royalties, that didn't mean that they had many friends. Many other extraspecies or demihumans served their house, but the fox brothers grew up with very few friends, due to many fearing their temperamental and traditional father.
Seeing that Senjuro wanted to grow independent and gain friends of his own was a huge step and made Kyojuro so happy and proud of his younger brother.
A minute or two passed before you finally joined the fox brothers at the breakfast table. You took a seat and nodded, "Okay, I talked with Mister Smith and he said you can start school in a few days."
"Really?" Senjuro's pretty eyes widened and he smiled happily. You smiled also since his smile was contagious and you had more great news.
"Yes, and what is best, the school also has many other demihumans attending it so you shouldn't feel lonely there!" You said and both brothers smiled in joy as they looked at each other.
"Did you hear that big brother? I won't be alone there!" Senjuro asked and Kyojuro nodded with a huge smile on his face, "Hm! I'm extremely happy!"
"We should go shopping you some school supplies like your own backpack, books, notebooks, pencils, and such." You said as you counted the items with your fingers.
"That sounds like fun!" Senjuro nodded, "When can we go?"
You glanced at Kyojuro who nodded, "No time better than present!"
Hearing this, you nodded, "Yeah, we can go now since all the school supplies should be on sale right now."
"I'll go get dressed!" Senjuro said happily, but you stopped him with a small laugh, "Hold on, at least finish your breakfast first!"
"Ah, I'm sorry!" He quickly sat back down and you watched how he quickly consumed the rest of his toast and tea before getting up from the table and rushing to his own room upstairs to get dressed. You smiled as you watched him go, but your fiance could see the uncertainty in your pretty eyes.
"Does it trouble you that Senjuro wants to go to school?" He asked and you dropped your smile as you turned to address your fiance.
"A little…" You admitted and he nodded with a small smile, "Why?"
"I was… I was bullied when I was young like he is…" You admitted as you looked sadly down at your lukewarm coffee, "I just… I care about Senjuro and I'm afraid that he gets bullied just because he is different… Does that make any sense?"
"Don't be scared, my bride," Kyojuro said as he gently reached for your hand and gently squeezed it, "Senjuro is stronger than he may appear. His kindness is his strength."
"I know…" You nodded, "But kindness can be both strength and weakness…"
Your mind was quickly filled with different and scary scenarios that could happen to Senjuro while he would be in a school where you couldn't protect or watch after him…! Your fears must have been obvious because your fiance noticed them.
"I know you are scared." Kyojuro squeezed your hand reassuringly, "But getting hurt is part of growing up. We want to keep Senjuro safe, but he has to do this himself."
"I guess you're right…" You nodded, finally giving him a small smile, "And I hate it."
Your fiance was all smiles as the two of you finished your breakfast, cleaned, and went to get dressed so you could take Senjuro out to shop for school supplies. You had gotten a list of the books he would need from Mister Smith and the local mall's bookstore had everything you needed from books to pencil cases and the pencils themself.
You were looking at the backpacks when you took notice that both Kyojuro's and Senjuro's hair had gotten pretty long.
"Boys, your hair?" You blinked and they turned to look at you in confusion, "Yes?"
"It's gotten long." You noted and the foxes looked at each other before nodding, "I guess you're right!" and "It is pretty long."
"Would you like to get it cut or…?" You asked and they looked at you, "Would you like us to cut it?"
"Honestly?" You smiled a little, "I think they suit you guys. Maybe you could tie it up so they won't get in the way?"
"If my bride likes it then so do I!" Kyojuro exclaimed happily and Senjuro smiled, "Me too, I would also like to keep it."
"Then it's settled. No haircut for you guys." You grinned, "But let's get you something to eat since it's almost lunchtime."
"Hm! Sounds good!" Kyojuro nodded excitedly and you and Senjuro smiled at the older fox's appetite. Thanks to the younger Kitsune's magic, he muted his older brother's shouts of TASTY so you wouldn't disturb other diners.
While you were eating, you couldn't help but notice that it was the exact same burger place you had gone to the day you met the Rengoku brothers. It brought back memories that made you smile as you watched your finance shout TASTY after each bite of his burgers.
Once you had eaten you grabbed all the stuff you had and made your way back home and… Things went normally until the morning it was time for Senjuro to go to school came.
On your way to the younger fox's new school, you and the brothers talked together about school and what to expect. Until now, the two of them had been homeschooled so they had no clue what a normal school would be like.
"So there are art classes and home economics?" Senjuro asked and you nodded as you explained to him how easy some classes were, to you at least, and what classes were hard, again to you at least.
You took notice of many different demihumans going in the same direction as you were going in also so you were probably in the right place. Soon you saw the huge building and you stopped by the school gates and admired the building. It looked modern so that was a bonus.
The kids of different kinds passed you and you realized that it was time for you to let Senjuro go and explore a new part of his life.
"Okay, we are here." You nodded as you looked at Senjuro who looked at everything with such awe. "So many other kids…!"
"It's not too late to say that you want to be homeschoo-! Wait! Isn't that-?" You blinked as you saw the super cute fox keychain you had gotten from the Zoo hanging on Senjuro's backpack.
The young fox glanced at what you were looking at and smiled, "Ah, yes, I wanted to put it somewhere I can see it all the time and remind me of how fun I've had on our trip to the zoo during Summer."
Senjuro was honestly too cute and pure for this world but he was willing and ready to face it! He was far more braver than you ever were. You smiled as you went ahead and hugged him, "Have a great day at school and stay safe!"
The young fox nodded as he hugged you back, "I will!"
"Get tons of friends!"
"I'll try!"
"And don't break any ladies' hearts!"
"I won't!"
When you were done hugging him, Kyojuro stepped forward and patted the top of his little brother's head, minding his fox ears, "Remember to have fun!"
"I will!" Senjuro repeated before turning and entering the school grounds. You and Kyojuro watched him go until he made it to the building and then-!
"I've decided it!" Kyojuro suddenly exclaimed and you yelped, flinching a little before blinking in confusion as you turned to look at him, "What?"
"I'm going to get myself a job!" He nodded with his chest up proudly.
"W- what!?" You stuttered in shock, "W- why?"
"Back at your brother's wedding, I promised your father that I would do all I can to support and keep you safe!" Kyojuro smiled, "That includes me getting a job!"
"Kyojuro, you don't need to get a job to impress me!" You cried out, but he shook his head, determined, "No, I made a promise to your father and I am a man of my word!"
"My dad-!"
"Cares about you, his only daughter! So do I!" He looked at you and smiled, "My beloved Hime, if I break my word to your father then I'm not worthy of you!"
"You are worthy!" You exclaimed, "More than you think! It's me who isn't worthy of you!"
"I disagree-!"
"Me too-!"
The two of you paused, realizing that you were nearly shouting at each other at the school's entrance gates. Not wanting to make a scene, you both took a deep breath as you stepped aside to talk.
"I'm sorry," You apologized, "If you want to get a job then you can, but I don't want you to feel like you are forced to get one."
"My beloved, I don't mind working at all! Even more, I like doing it if it's for my cute bride's sake!" Kyojuro said, but you shook your head, "But you've done so much already!"
"But I could do more!" He exclaimed and you sighed, getting tired of this little dispute of yours, "Alright, alright… Just… Promise me that you ask me first before you accept any job offers?"
"Do not fret my dearest bride!" Kyojuro smiled as he gently grasped your hand and kissed your knuckles, "I know Mister Smith can most likely help me to find a job that suits me!"
"Just…" You murmured as you pulled your hand back, "Can it wait for a day or two?"
"Why?" The Kitsune asked, slightly confused by your request.
"You know…?" You blushed as you averted your gaze, too embarrassed to look your fiance into his gorgeous eyes, "Full moon is coming in a few days…?"
Hearing this, Kyojuro's fox ears shot up and his smile tightened, "Hm?"
"I was thinking… Maybe we-! I mean, if I could try something new with you?" You asked as you looked at him from under your eyelashes, "Something to make you feel good also?"
As Kyojuro registered your words, it was like something snapped in him. Suddenly he just hugged you and you yelped as you were being embraced, "K- Kyojuro?"
"I'm just so happy how sweet and kind my beloved bride is!" He pulled back enough to smile at you, "Then please, I will take up that offer of yours!"
"P- please wait a few days so I can prepare my heart!" You yelped as you got flustered and Kyojuro laughed, "I'll always wait for you, no matter what!"
Your blush just got worse as you heard him talk that way, so sweetly and kindly. Your mind wandered into what you had in your mind for the night of the full moon and you smiled in a mixture of nervousness and excitement.
"What are you thinking about?" Your smile didn't go past your fiance and you covered your smile with your hand, "Just the full moon…"
"Something naughty?" He asked, hitting the point head-on and making your blush grow darker as you nodded, "Yeah…"
"I can barely wait to see what my Hime has planned!" He said happily and you grunted, "C'mon, let's head home… We look like a couple of weirdos out here."
"But I'm your weirdo as much as you are mine!" Kyojuro laughed and you gently and a little playfully smacked his arm, "C'mon you damn fox!"
The two of you left the school area but as you walked your hands sought out each other and you held hands on your way home, occasionally and sweetly squeezing the other one's hand, assuring you were there for each other.
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cafeinthemoon · 1 year
Ruins - Part XVI
Chapter 16
Wordcount 4,1k
Title Part XVI
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15
Symbols ⭕ ➕ 💛
Warnings: none
Tagging @holdyourwine @lilacshouko (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: So... it's been a while lol Some things happened the last weeks that kept me away from my works, but finally I'm back 💜 During this time, I've faced stress from work, I got COVID, I recovered from it, got back to work for a few days until my vacation started, then I traveled, and now I'm back home. I didn't map this chapter, but I already knew what I wanted to include in it, so it wasn't really hard to work on it. As a way to apologize, I made it longer, so I hope you enjoy it :)
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Hermes and all the younger gods who worked under him haven’t had that amount of work in a long time: having a date settled for the next weeks, your wedding was now a reality, and given the unprecedented nature of the union and the fact that one of the most important gods was involved in it, there were many people to be informed and messages to be sent.
While Zeus’ son took to himself the task of traveling to Midgard in order to make the announcement to the bride’s family, the other messengers were sent to the Heavens, to deliver the invitation to the groom’s youngest brother and his family; to the depths of the Seas, where his other brother saw his predictions about being requested in Valhalla in a few months turn into reality; and to the Underworld, where the god of Conquest received the news with enthusiasm: the growth of his family and the birth of a goddess were things that he hasn’t seen in ages. The pantheons that were in good terms with Greece were also invited, of course, and the preparations for the next great festivity inside each of them started immediately after the messengers’ departure.
In a way that would only surprise people who knew nothing about human beings, the human girls were the first to know about the wedding, and they wasted no time in coming to congratulate you and cheer up with the perspective of a new party in Valhalla: this wasn’t something that happened every year, so they were right in considering themselves lucky. The ones with whom you had a closer friendship asked you about your feelings towards marriage and if you were nervous about the idea of leaving humanity behind, and even if you already knew what type of goddess you would be, but there wasn’t really much you could answer: since you were never married before, you still didn’t know how you were supposed to feel, and the same could be said about the ritual and the events would follow it; about being a goddess, Hades told you that your purpose would become clear to you after your transformation, but some of your current passions, interests and personality traits could influence in the process, so it was too soon to have a definitive answer in this sense.
To be honest, you were more anxious about your role as a Queen than about being given divine powers: by the studying sessions you’ve had the last months, you were aware that working as a governor was a great responsibility, and you felt anything but prepared for it. You already talked about this to Hades, who tranquilized you, stating that you would be by his side for all the time you needed; you always tried to focus on this, but sometimes your anxiety would take the best from you, and thinking about the future was the last thing you wanted.
The greenish stem of the narcissus grew out of the little amount of soil seconds after you poured some drops of the mixture you just created, and your eyes widened with the vision. It’s been several days since you started experimenting with flowers, but Valhalla’s technology didn’t cease to impress you: countless possibilities of creating new species that would grow before your eyes with the most exuberant colors and shapes were a dream coming true; it was the perfect type of work, according to your standards, being a fusion of observation, study, creativity and sensibility, with endless paths to explore and beauties to discover.
The first leaves appeared all over the stem and on the upper side of it, making you hold your breath. It was almost there; you were sure you had the correct amount of substances united this time, so now the petals should have the desired shade.
The first petal appeared among them, followed by the others…
And then you had a purplish, iridescent flower, just like all the others you already had around you.
You sighed, disappointed. Yes, you loved the garden you ended up creating on that corner of the Greenhouse, and you loved the flower you just planted as well, but you felt you would have loved it more if you finally got the shade you’ve been trying to create since the last month: a celestial, vibrant blue, just like the blue that overcame the skies after the twilight and preceded the black of the night during summers in your homeland. You’ve been trying many things to create a variation of the species with such color, but the farthest you got was to create a purple flower.
You went to your notebook, opened on the table, and started revising your notes.
– These are the most beautiful mistakes you’ve ever made, little one.
You startled, then smiled, closing your notes and turning to Hades, who just crossed the room’s entry and was now touching the flowers that hanged upon it. He was aware of your incessant attempts to create the blue narcissus, and has been following your work from close, so he knew you were far from the results you wanted; still, he never ceased to admire your creations, seeing them as works of art, or beautiful mistakes, as he liked to say.
He approached the table as you leaned on it, crossing your arms and leaving the newest flower at sight.
– And what about this one? – you indicated it with a look.
His response was to touch the purple petals with his fingertips the same way he used to do with your hair, admiring the variations on its surface, created by the light that entered through the transparent walls, filtered by the leaves of the trees and ivy that surrounded the place, among which many of your own flowers spread.
– It might sound as a common place – he started – But this one surpasses all the others. How did you make it?
You showed your notes to him.
– I don’t understand what’s going on – you complained, observing the flower while he looked through the text – I’ve been calculating everything so carefully, yet it seems impossible to reach the exact shade of blue I want. I need to make the green undertone more prominent, but the red one just won’t decrease, no matter how much I work on it...
Hades spent a moment in silence, alternating his gaze between the notes and the flower. He has been the one who encouraged you most in this project, not letting you give up every time an unexpected color appeared on the petals and praising the results you’ve managed to reach, even when they weren’t exactly what you wanted; as a request made by you, however, he never interfered in the process, whether using his powers or giving you the subtlest instructions.
When he finally returned you the notebook, you thought he would give you some advice, but his response was to smile while observing the narcissus with a mysterious gaze.
You were the one who restarted the conversation.
– So… what do you think?
He took a moment to reply.
– I think your progress is something impressive, even for our standards – he touched the flower one more time; and, looking at his surroundings, – You just built an entire garden of new variations of narcissus in a matter of weeks. It is just my opinion but, despite not reaching your goal, you have all the reasons to proud, my y/n.
You had this sensation that Hades found something on your notes – maybe the mistake you’ve been making or the reason, the element you were yet to add to your formula, but it was currently out of your possibilities – but instead of talking about it, he preferred to use his time to encourage you.
You sighed.
– It’s not that I don’t like what I’ve produced until now. I love all of this – you made a gesture with your hands, indicating your creations – I mean, who wouldn’t love to work on something that would be impossible in their own homeland? Still, being aware of your own limitations is tiring sometimes… even for us.
Hades turned his eyes to you in a curious manner; however, he didn’t share whatever important discovery he did at that very moment with you, suddenly changing the subject with no additional explanations.
– Will you come with me for a moment? – he offered his hand – There’s something I need you to see. Well, actually, it is a place I want to show you.
You looked all over your table and frowned.
– Right now? I’m a bit occupied…
– It won’t take too long, I promise – he assured you – You will be back to continue your experiments when you least expect. And in a lighter mood, I hope.
You surrendered, holding his hand with both of yours with a smile: maybe you really needed a break from your efforts.
– If you say so…
Hades gave one last look at the narcissus before taking you out of the Greenhouse.
– Not only this, but maybe we can even find a spot for these wonderful mistakes here.
Though Valhalla was a seemingly borderless place, you somehow thought you’ve already met any space where your people were allowed to step in, so when Hades said that he wanted you to meet a new place, you felt as curious as you haven’t been in a while.
However, when you noticed he was leading you to a zone you knew to be exclusive for the gods, your curiosity turned into suspicion.
You were now crossing a narrow path of white stones that led to a high building of the same shade, except for the golden decorations surrounding the columns and the frames of the windows; the building was located behind great golden gates that were opened at that moment. You didn’t take long to understand of kind of place it was.
You stopped midway, making your partner stop too.
– Wait, this is a lodge, right? – you frowned – Are you sure that I can enter it? I don’t want to cause any problems…
Hades showed no worries concerning your presence there. Letting go of your hand, he caressed the top of your head.
– You can enter as long as you have permission – he explained – There won’t be any problem as long as you stay with me.
After you crossed the gates and stopped in front of the building, he stretched his hand to the great doors, opening the way for you.
The place was more like an apartment than a room, for various reasons: first, it was larger than any other place you’ve visited at Valhalla; second, by the number of doors and openings on the walls visible when you entered the private sections, you supposed that there was a reasonable number of departments which use would go beyond the bed area.
The first thing you saw when you stepped into the chambers was what looked like a living room or a space dedicated to visitors. The walls, covered in a purple wallpaper with a sophisticated pattern representing flowers and almonds, were extremely high for a common room, at least the ones you were used to find in the houses of your acquaintances in Midgard; perhaps those ones were an example of what you would find at a noble residence. There were a sofa and two upholstered chairs with a shade similar to the one of the walls, and a small table was placed at the center. The decoration consisted in small statues that reminded you of the ones at the Gardens, vases and exotic flowers. The walls, by the way, were covered in oil paintings that represented episodes from the stories told by Hades, all of them made in aged gold.
You didn’t need any explanations to guess what kind of place was that.
So… he brought me here to show me the room where we will spend our honeymoon.
He closed the door behind you and stopped by your side, smiling at your silence and your widened eyes.
– If only you could see the glimmer in your eyes now, little one – he commented – I feel like I should have introduced you to this place earlier.
You felt your cheeks getting warm and smiled.
– So… This is where you’ve been hiding for all this time? – and, looking around, – It’s quite comfortable.
He laughed.
– Actually, I’ve been using a different apartment, closer to Hermes’ chambers. It made it easier to approach you, since this building here is isolated.
You were staring at the flowers while he spoke, and didn’t take long to notice they were natural. You turned to him with a mixture of diversion and suspicion.
– Still, you’ve been here before taking me with you, right? – you pointed at the flowers – Otherwise, who’s been taking care of these flowers for you?
Hades pretended to be surprised for a second before start laughing.
– Loki was right when he said it was impossible to lie to you, then – he passed an arm around your waist and caressed your face – But let me tell you that this time you’re mistaken. These plants had their structure modified in order to increase their lifespan, so that they’ve been here for quite some time, being maintained with little effort from the elves’ part.
You shrugged.
– Really?
He nodded.
– Really. Now, allow me to show you the rest.
At the back of that room, at the same direction of the entry, there was a pair of doors of the same material of the first ones. Hades took you by the hand to them, then opened them both with a push of his free palm.
The bedroom had each corner built in art, beauty and exuberance.
The walls were covered in a softer version of the wallpaper you found at the living room, creating the sensation that the room was larger; the ceiling, just like the one of a church, had a Classic oil painting that would spread throughout its extension, exhibiting peaceful scenes of nature and mundane life.
At the center of the place, you saw the largest bed your imagination could conceive, with big pillows and cushions, covered with rosy, satin sheets. Above the upholstered headboard, there was an enormous tapestry which borders were sewn in golden threads, but it was the image depicted in the fabric that enchanted you: a garden that reminded you of the ones prepared for humans at Valhalla, full of fruit trees and lush grass; in a clearing formed among those trees, there was a group of nymphs on barefoot, with white dresses and flower crowns on their heads, holding hands to form a circle, dancing while the winds would blow in their wild hair (one of them even lost her crown, but didn’t mind stopping the dance to get it back); at the picture’s left, in the background, there was a faun sitting on a rock, dangling his hairy legs and playing a syrinx while birds and other small animals surrounded him. Framing this tapestry, there was a pair of curtains, opened and wrapped with golden threads on each side of the bed; they were connected to a woody structure that formed a sort of canopy. In front of the bed, there was an arc of bronze following the bed’s width, and under it a heavy carpet.
At your right, there was a pair of rosy doors that would lead to a balcony, while at your left you saw a few doors that you supposed to take the visitor to bathrooms, a kitchen or other essential departments. You looked around, searching for any source of artificial light, but couldn’t find any lamps; instead you saw candle holders at each wall.
Everything was clean, well built, luxurious… and a bit outdated.
Your silence might have caused a bit of discomfort, because Hades turned to you and politely asked for a verbal response.
– So… what do you think?
You looked at him, opened your mouth and closed it again.
Heavens, how am I going to tell him that, despite being beautiful, this place looks like it’s been closed since the Middle Ages?
You didn’t want to hurt your lover’s feelings, of course, but you had to be honest. You decided to examine the territory.
– Of course I loved it, and I’m flattered that you brought me here in anticipation but... let me ask you… – you bit your lip – When was the last time you used these chambers?
Hades crossed his arms and took a moment trying to remember, and the answer he gave you was, at the same time, the type of thing you were expecting and the last thing you could imagine.
– Hm… a few years ago, in an emergency, when I, my brother Zeus, Shiva and Odin had to travel here and solve an issue involving the human Nostradamus and the Bifrost.
You stared at him for a while, not hiding your surprise. A few years ago, he was saying?
– Nostradamus? You mean, that man Nostradamus, who lived centuries ago?
– Yes.
– Well…
When he finally understood, he started to laugh, passing his arms around you.
– Of course, we can redecorate it with something… modern, little one – he kissed your cheek – We will do anything that brings comfort in this important moment.
– I apologize if it looks like I’m calling you an old man – you laughed in embarrassment – It’s just that… time runs faster for us.
He looked around, letting out a nostalgic sigh.
– I see – and, suddenly changing the subject, – So, if this is the case, hurry up, because there’s something you need to see right now.
With a cheerful smile, Hades took you by the hand through the balcony’s door before you could say anything in response.
The balcony wasn’t really large, and it was structured in delicacy and elegance: the parapet was built in white marble, with Spring concepts carved in the stone; at your right, you saw a small table and two chairs, and upon it a tiny, empty vase, while at your left there was a narrow spiral staircase leading upwards. You were taken through it by the hand, and when you finally reached the upper floor, your eyes widened.
A private garden was built there, as a smaller version of the Secret Garden, where you’ve lived the most important moments of your relationship until that day. There were statues of beautiful heroes and damsels, as well as others representing forest creatures and animals, and benches near them; there were fruit trees which height was probably modified in the Greenhouse in order to fit that space, something that worked perfectly as far as you could see; in the center of the garden, there was a fountain where the birds would bathe and drink water, and they all flied when you approached them, splashing drops at all directions and making you laugh. The floor was of reddish, rectangular blocks made of stone, and it formed a labyrinth of narrow paths that led to each corner of the garden, so that every of those beauties would be at your hands’ reach.
However, you couldn’t help noticing that there were some empty vases here and there, as well as spaces on the grass that could be used to grow new plants. You turned to Hades and questioned him about this.
– Do you remember when I said we could find a spot for your wonderful mistakes?
You opened your mouth in surprise. So this was what he had in mind?
– This soil is prepared to receive every new species created in the Greenhouse – he explained – So your flowers will never feel abandoned when we bring them here. Even after our departure to Hellheim.
You frowned, worried.
– So... they will stay here?
– The elves will take care of them, so you don’t need to worry – he smiled – Besides… who told you that you will never return to Valhalla?
– But I thought…
– Yes, travels from Hellheim to Valhalla have been rare, with important events and crisis being the exceptions. But this is while I lived alone – Hades caressed your hair – Now, with a beloved wife by my side, changes in this sense are expected.
Your cheeks warmed up. Being called like that, even when you were still human and not married, made your heart skip. You wrapped your arms around your lover and laid your head on his chest, trying to find out if the same happened to his heart as well.
– Thank you for everything – you whispered – Thank you for your love.
– No – he replied – Thank you for your love.
The conversation that took place when you walked down the stairs and went back at the balcony was one that you knew you should have, sooner or later; well, actually you’ve been trying to find an opportunity to have it the last days, but no appropriate moment came. Now that you were at the very place where you should become a married woman, you understood that the time you’ve been waiting for has finally come.
While you stopped at the parapet to appreciate the landscape, your deliberations didn’t go unnoticed by Hades.
– Is it just me or have you been a bit nervous since you came here? – he started; and with a playful smile, – Is there something bothering you besides the decoration?
You giggled.
– I don’t know if bothering is the best word for this, but… Yes, there’s something I’ve been wanting to discuss with you for days – you took his hands on yours – You know, I’ve already told you that I’ve been in a few relationships, but all of them were too brief, so that they didn’t develop into something more… serious, intimate.
It didn’t take long for him to understand.
– Are you telling me that you’ve never been touched?
A heat came up to your face at those words: though you had no restraints in your communication, it still had a strange impact to hear him speak straight about this.
You nodded in confirmation.
– You’re the first person with whom I’ve got this far in a relationship, so… Yes, you will be my first.
Hades brushed your hair behind your ear.
– So, not being experienced makes you afraid? But what exactly do you fear?
You sighed.
– I fear that I end up not knowing how to… behave… That I feel uncomfortable... and mess up everything... and look ridiculous... and disappoint you…
Holding your face with both hands, his response was to give you a long kiss on your forehead.
– If these are the things you fear, then let’s not allow them to happen – he replied – When the time comes and you sense them approaching, just tell me, and we will take care of them together. Sounds good for you?
– Sounds perfect – you smiled, putting your hands upon his – Thank you for understanding.
– And thank you for sharing this with me, my y/n – he sighed – Since you decided to speak about this… There’s something I’d like to share with you too.
– Really? And what is it?
That time, Hades was the one who showed hesitation in his manners.
– It’s been a while… Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve been in a relationship. Before I met you, I’ve already forgotten how it felt like – he lowered his tone – Besides, I’ve never touched a human being, so, in a certain way, it will be a first time for me too.
That revelation changed the entire way you saw him. By the stories you’ve always heard about the gods and their interactions with humans, you knew that romantic and sexual relationships between the two species – which many times resulted in the birth of beings called demigods – was a common place, so the possibility of it not being the case with the King of the Underworld was something that never occurred to you. But now that you thought of it, it made sense: he has been living in a domain to where your people would only go after dying, and rarely left it without good reasons; besides, by what he told you about his family life, it was implied that he has been so busy with the matters involving his brothers that his personal life was left aside for what might be equal to ages. Indeed, there never seemed to be room for humans in his life before – which meant that having his private life back in the company of a human girl might have sounded like an intense, even scary experience to him.
– So – you started – Does this make you nervous?
– I bit… I think.
The blush you noticed on his cheeks made you smile.
In an imitation of Hades’ gesture, you brought you hands to his face, then stood on tip toes to reach his lips with yours: that was your time to assure him.
– If this will be a first time for both of us, let’s take care of it together – you whispered – Sounds good for you?
He laughed at this: seeing you use his words against him was just too funny.
So he decided to join the game.
– Sounds perfect.
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joelsgreys · 5 months
get to know me tag game
thank you for the tags angels 🤍 @pascalpvnk @planet-marz1 @sugarcoated-lame @hearteyesforjoel @mrsmando @studioghibelli @pattwtf @honeyedmiller @almodovarispunk
1. Were you named after anyone? nah. three names and all three of them were just randomly chosen. but fun fact, my brother did give my niece one of my middle names as her middle name.
2. When was the last time you cried? tonight. the kitten i was fostering went to his forever home already and i miss him/her so much. i definitely became attached.
3. Do you have kids? nope
4. What sports do you/have you played? i surfed when i was younger (no i was not good at it) and i swam in high school for a year. i tried water polo but i could not tread to save my life.
5. Do you use sarcasm? it's my second language. i know sarcasm better than i know spanish.
6. First thing you notice about people? their energy tbh.
7. What's your eye color? brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings? both!
9. Any talents? overthinking is a talent, yeah?
10. Where were you born? oahu, hawaii
11. What are your hobbies? mostly writing as of late tbh!
12. Do you have any pets? yep, a dog and two cats
13. How tall are you? 5'5-5'6 ish?
14. Favorite subject in high school? biology and anatomy/physiology
15. Dream job? neurosurgeon. idk i like science lot and the human brain is fascinating
np tags! 🤍 @maggiemayhemnj @morning-star-joy @familyvideostevie @celestianstars @pr0ximamidnight i feel like everyone has done this so if you haven't but want to, consider yourself tagged!
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soya-ix · 1 year
AnS Ask Game - No one asked but here's my full answer sheet;)
1.Favorite character
It's too hard to pick one because the dynamics among the characters is exactly why I enjoy AnS so much🤔. Let's just say I love everyone equally🥰 (Maybe less for Mitsu tho) (I resemble Hisame even in this regard lol)
2.Character you hate with a passion
Nah I really don't have one either. Sensei's really good at building up characters and it's hard to genuinely hate any one of them.
3.Character who grew on you eventually
It wouldn't be a surprise that it's Hisame but it would probably surprise you that he grew on me simply because sensei's art improved so much and I just can't get enough of his pretty face lol. But of course his personality growth is particularly interesting to me as well.
4.Character with the best hairstyle
Tariga!!!! Let me do your braids!!!!!🤩🤩🤩
Also Kazuki's ponytail yes yes yes🤩🤩🤩
Hisame's casually messy hair has a unique style too😎😎😎
5.Character with the best design
You mean clothes?🤔 I'd say Shirayuki, and Hisame has the potential to be a model as well lol.
6.Character you would date in real life
After some serious thinking I would say🤔……Kazuki!😋 (Wait he's underage isn't he???) But let's just say if it's not illegal to date him x), I think it'll be fun to date someone who's a bit (you sure it's 'a bit'?) younger than me and who's always so cheerful and energetic wherever he goes. He's also simple-hearted and I think it's super cute(ˊ˘ˋ*)♡. Last but not least, JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE💗💗😍😍
Oh and yes I'd definitely date Tariga too just for his pretty face💕💕🥰🥰
7.Character you would marry in real life
Ahh…This one's hard. To be honest I don't think I'd make a good marriage candidate for any one of them🤔. I'll probably choose Izana cause he seems to be busy with work all the time and I get to live a good life but still get lots of free time of my own😈. (yeah i guess marriage is not my thing…at the moment…) But if it's marrying into a noble family I'd rather run away with Kazuki and the Lions😈. (Power and duties❌ Adventure and Freedom✅)
8.Character that is most like you
Hisame, as MBTI and @sabishi-tomo 's quiz show.
Fun fact: I totally anticipated it when I found out Hisame was ENTP (tho ENTJ works for him too) cause I myself as an INTP can't help but noticed how we both enjoy being snarky and sarcastic just for the fun of it x). And also in tomo's quiz I got Hisame as well. I do especially agree with the "self-centered", "live to be entertained" and "like to tease people" parts. Apart from that apparently I'm better at forming close connections with people than he is lol. But the point is I'd be a great match for Lady Kiki YES🧎‍♀️
9.Character with the best redemption arc
I'll have to say Raji. Never thought he could actually transform from an annoying arrogant prince into an adorable royal heir, thank you Shirayuki.
But let's not forget the Bergatt twins. The confession they made about finding their light was so touching I almost cried T T.
10.Ships or characters who you think deserve more love
IT'S NEVER ENOUGH FOR HISAKIKI. They deserve all the love in the world. I'll only stop saying this when everyone on earth ships them.
And of course Kazuki. You know what I mean and I'll save the ranting for your sake.
11.Favorite “villain” or morally grey character
If Raji still counts as "villain" as he previously was then yes I appreciate him but in a comedic sense.
12.Favorite arc
Bergatt!!!!! THE PLOT AND THE PANELS!!!!! My heart was pounding so fast and I just couldn't help rushing through pages as if I was the one in the story trying to seize every second to save Zen💓💓💓. Bergatt will always be the best arc. End of story.
13.Favorite scene or line
I HAVE SO MANY FAVORITE SCENES HOW COULD I NOT??? But I'll present you with one that hit me different during my first read and that is Hisame's proposal to Kiki (the one where he actually succeeds). I wasn't even shipping them that much but man the scene was like🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯and I just couldn't help but go awwwwwwww for them💗💗
And now favorite line, I bet no one can ever guess it's this one:
Tumblr media
Sorry I only have the Chinese version with me but basically it's Shirayuki saying: "It would be nice if we get to see the new flower this winter^^." To me, this line symbolizes the very feeling AnS gives me: consistent hope and never-ending positivity in every corner of the simplest daily life.
14.Most hated arc
Not exactly hating or disliking them but the science part in the phostyrias (is that right?) arc is a bit difficult to read for me, and I wouldn't mind if the perfume arc were a bit simpler and shorter. Just saying😜
15.Your controversial take
I'm glad you asked cause I finally get to say this out but also a bit afraid cause it's gonna upset some fans. Just to be clear, I don't intend to throw shade on any ship or characters or people who enjoy them. I'm just sharing my pov👀.
So here it comes: I don't see how Mitsu and Kiki make a good romantic couple, and I don't understand how Kiki fell for Mitsu.
I mean at the very beginning of the story (when it was supposed to be a short series) it was apparent that Mitsu and Kiki were going to be a couple and I could tell that. As the story goes on, we see hints that Kiki has romantic interests in Mitsu. And since Kiki confessed her feeling to him it seems to have become canon that Kiki did/does love Mitsu, and I fully accept that. But still, despite all the hints and confessions, I just don't see when/why/how Kiki fell for him. (Not saying Mitsu is not good enough, just examining their relationship development.) As far as I'm concerned, Kiki takes Mitsu as her most trusted partner and cherished friend. She knows she has to marry someday and of course she'd be looking out for the right candidate. And Mitsu would certainly be her best choice in many ways. But that's it. I don't see how Kiki actually developed romantic feelings for Mitsu. Perhaps sensei just didn't elaborate on that, or perhaps I missed something, in that case please lecture me lol^^
16.Something that you had wished had happened
Man I really wish we get to see more of Kazuki. It's illegal to waste that pretty baby face like that. I mean sensei couldn't you get him a job around Shirayuki? Like being an aide to Obi so that they can take shift to look out for Shirayuki's safety when Obi's away to help Zen or something??
And also I'd love to see more of Hisame's days at Sereg as well, like how he usually tries to be a pain in the ass every time the trio visits^^.
17.Your OTP
HisaKiki (because no I cannot separate ObiZenYuki.)
18.Your favorite rare pair
Love the chemistry between Tariga and Shirayuki too.
19.Your BroTP
Obizen. That night the way they dealt with their triangle on the deck was absolutely mind-blowing. I've never seen anything like that and I just didn't know it could work this way🤯. Obi&Zen definitely share special bonds and have a unique way of interacting with each other that is essential to both of them.
(Yes I take them mostly as broship but I'm open to other interpretations. I mean I don't really mind what type of relationship they have as long as they're together and they're happy. This applys to obiyuki/obizenyuki as well.)
20.Your NOTP
MitsuKiki. I'm truly sorry. (Not at all😜)
21.Favorite trio
22.Favorite fancontent
I LOVE THE ANALYSIS POSTS ON TUMBLR I LOOOOOOOOVE THEM!!!!!! I enjoy reading every 2000-word essay about how someone think this character has been misunderstood or how this plot is so well-designed or how this detail is supposed to mean something or how……I just love it💗💗💗. Thank you to every amazing AnS scholar who's so profoundly enriched my understanding of the original work💗💗💗.
23.Favorite fancontent that you've created Snow On The Beach. It's just so beautiful. (Credit goes to Sorata and Taylor of course.)
24.A random headcanon that you have
Shirayuki is 100% Tariga's type. The girl of his dreams🥰. (He just doesn't know it yet🥰)
25.Why you picked it up
Haha this one's pure personal story. Two years ago I was binge watching shoujo anime/manga during summer vacation and AnS was one of them. But I only watched the anime back then. It was not until half a year later when I decided I needed some lighthearted mental relief that I thought of it again. So I rewatched the anime, and when I searched about it online I accidentally saw these amazing illustrations from the manga and got totally stunned by the style. Before that I was even criticizing how strange the anime art style is🤣, and the manga was a total surprise!
26.How long you’ve been a fan
A year and a half now.
27.Best part of the series
As I've said before I love how this work is full of consistent hope and never-ending positivity. It's the ideal world in my mind.
Also salute to Sorata's art style and amazing designs.🧎‍♀️
28.Things you would change about the series
Nothing, really. I'm happy with the way it is. It's enough a blessing for me🥹.
29.Things you still don’t understand
Like I said in Q15, I don't really understand how Kiki fell for Mitsu.
30.Did you watch the anime first or read the manga first?
Anime first.
31.Which one is better: manga or anime?
32.The best part of the fandom
Everyone's so positive and kind-hearted and nice and cute and witty and fun just like the characters in the work🥺. Love you guys🥺.
33.How will you feel when AnS ends?
I'm gonna be so sad. On the one hand we won't get any more stories about these people that we love so much, and on the other hand I feel like the community will become much less active when the series ends😢. It's like our days will be gone😢.
34.If you could ask Sorata-sensei anything, what would you ask?
Aside from the loads of questions I have about AnS, I'm genuinely interested in what influenced her most as an author/artist. I love the consistent positivity in almost all of her works and really wonder what works or things perhaps have influenced her in this regard. Or does this positivity just innately run in her blood? Lol. But it's not just the attitude and vibes in her work, I'm overall curious about what influenced her most as an artist.
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coffeebanana · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Thanks for the tag @ladyofthenoodle and @kasienda
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, although my middle name is a family name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I think a few weeks ago? I watched "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" and KJBSDFKBJD. Like that movie is such a fun mix of WTF is even going on craziness and contemplating the point of existence and exploring complicated family feelings and the end is weirdly heartwarming--particularly the interactions between the mother and daughter, which is what really got me. And I was watching with one of my best friends and like right after the movie ended he was like "if we were rocks you'd be the googly eyes"--which makes no sense if you haven't seen the movie but that made me cry again because kajdfbksjbf it was so oddly sweet. (Though that was a mixture of hysterical laughter and crying ajsdjfsvjhv in a good way though!)
3. Do you have kids?
nope. maybe one day if i ever get my life together LOL
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
idk if it's a lot?? though i'm probably single-handedly responsible for teaching my brother sarcasm (he's 7 years younger than me so when he was learning would have been right as i was entering those peak sarcasm years LOL)
sarcasm is still deeply engrained in me though, and i nowadays when i use it i definitely pay more attention to how people react to it (ie whether they picked up on it) because i tend to deliver it in a very matter-of-fact voice. like, one of my favourite stupid sarcastic comments to make is whenever something weird weather-wise happens i'll be "but thank god climate change is fake, right?" and KJABFDKSJBD i've gotten some WEIRD LOOKS saying that one around ppl who don't know me that well and then i have to explain myself 😭
5. What sports do you play/have played?
i used to figure skate!! my mom was a coach when i was growing up, so i would joke that i lived part-time at the ice rink. it was kind of inevitable 😂. but i was never good at the jumps. i prefered ice dance or synchronized skating (think synchronized swimming but on the ice)
and i also used to play hockey!? very different environment LOL and my hockey teammates would sometimes tease me for showing up to a game in a dress after skating practice on days i had both but it was all in good fun
now...now i really SHOULD do something kajsdkbfsj
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
i...really have no idea.
7. What’s your eye color?
hazel? i think?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings. scary movies don't really freak me out but i guess i just find them sort of...low-reward? i'm not a movie person to begin with because it's hard for me to get invested in the characters in such a short amount of time. with horror movies that's even harder because they're all about shock value instead of getting to know the characters
9. Any special talents?
i am very very good at puns. does that count? 😂
10. Where were you born?
canada. on the west coast
11. What are your hobbies?
when i have energy/motivation i really enjoy cooking (or baking, but with baking i have to actually measure ingredients and with cooking i just sort of go with the flow). my new apartment is going to have space for a dishwasher--which really is the most exciting thing in my life right now--so i'm hoping that motivates me to cook more!!
12. Do you have pets?
yes!!! i have a ginger cat and her name is Curie (namesake Marie Curie because i'm a proud little nerd like that). I love her she's so stupid and has tried to eat plastic TOO MANY TIMES but every morning and night she will curl up on my chest when i'm in bed and she's just a precious bean
13. How tall are you?
5'5.5 (166cm). but i would have been taller if my spine had known how to grow straight 😔
14. Favorite subject in school?
science!! i had the same science teacher in high school from grades 8-10 (aka the only teacher in the french immersion department who was really qualified to teach it 😂) and i ADORED HER. from day one i was hooked--like she even made syllabus day fun. so i owe my love of science in part to her, really.
in university i realized i liked chemistry best amongst the sciences, so that was my major. and my favourite class i ever took was intro to quantum chemistry (which is really just quantum physics but the math was geared more towards what us chemistry students were familiar with)
15. Dream job?
okay, avoiding the typical "i do not dream of labour" answer...i really don't know. which is a problem. like i genuinely have no idea what i could do long-term that would actually make me happy and i just hope i figure it out at some point akjsdkfsjbd ... I feel like I was not supposed to leave paragraph responses for some of these but akjfkdsjbgd i can admit i like to talk about myself, okay? Anyways! I think I can find 15 mutuals who as far as i know haven't been tagged yet.
@ck2k18, @wackus-bonkus-maximus, @redundant-lava, @maridotnet, @celestialtitania, @talkstoself, @saiikavon, @sunfoxfic, @rosiesared, @mexicancat-girl, @tiredfloridianbutverygay, @fortuna-et-cataclysmos, @zenniaphoenix, @eggothemusicalwaffle, @bocadelicate
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xnebulastarx · 7 months
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Saw someone answer all of these in one post so i wanted to do it too :)
Day 1:
HW - 315 lbs
CW - 301 lbs
UGW - 120 lbs (long way to go :()
Height: 5’ 4
Day 2:
5’ 4 - yes i love my height because is means when I finally reach my UGW I will be tiny and small and petite :)
Day 3:
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ALL OF THESE. I am obsessed with collarbones and a flat stomach, I also have a very alternative style and it would look way better if I was skinny.
Day 4:
My greatest fears about it are probably not being able to sustain it or gaining the weight back after hitting my ugw.
Day 5:
I really want to lose weight so that I feel pretty for once in my life. I’m doing it for me and I’m also doing it to feel better in my relationship.
Day 6:
I do binge, I’ve had a binge eating disorder since I was 8 years old (my grandma starved me, trauma trauma yada yada) but I’ve been able to control my binges better lately.
Day 7:
They don’t know and if they did they wouldn’t care.
Day 8:
Don’t have one right now lol
Day 9:
I’ve been called fat or “the big girl” my entire life
Day 10:
Pasta and bread and chips 😣 it’s what I used to binge on ALL THE TIME
Day 11:
I don’t have a fav but my favorite type of thinspo is alternative thinspo and relationship thinspo
Day 12:
Broth, hard boiled eggs, and if I eat other things I only do small portions and only eat half of the portion
Day 13:
Unhealthy lol
Day 14:
120 lbs :)
Day 15:
No but I have considered becoming vegetarian because I don’t enjoy meat very much
Day 16:
I’ve been wanting to lose weight since I was 17, I’m 22 now
Day 17:
I would say bulimia more than ana just because I don’t feel tiny enough to call myself Ana at all
Day 18:
Pasta, chips, bread
Day 19:
Last night
Day 20:
I don’t have a specific favorite diet but i personally love fasting
Day 21:
Day 22:
My lw (while eating disordered) was 260 (started at 315 and lost to 260 in 4 months). I gained it all back because of a healthy relationship and i just started eating a bunch again 🤦🏼‍♀️
Day 23:
Absolutely. Seeing the amount of beautiful women in the world and seeing relationships where the girl is so tiny and easily picked up and everything has been a hugely triggering thing for me.
Day 24:
I believe that pro-ana and pro-mia are not acceptable if you’re trying to influence someone else to be ED’d, like I’m pro-ana for my own self but would never push that on someone else if that makes sense.
Day 25:
I have and do quite frequently. My first successful purge was 3 years ago and ever since then I’ve been able to do it anytime successfully
Day 26:
Finally loving what my body looks like, not being seen as the fat girl, being able to fit into anything and being able to be carried and spun around by my husband.
Day 27:
I am very cautious around food and try to be very disciplined. To avoid binging i will sometimes allow myself a SMALL portion of what is around me so that I don’t binge on a ton of it later but I usually just try to not eat in general.
Day 28:
YES YES YES. It looks daintier, no more “chub rub”, no more replacing jeans because it rips in between my thighs. 1000% yes to a thigh gap please.
Day 29:
I believe that people can be beautiful at any size. However my definition of beauty for MYSELF is being skinny and dainty. To feel pure and feminine no matter what I’m wearing or how much makeup I have on because I’m skinny and beautiful is what I want more than anything in this world.
Day 30:
10 facts about me
1. I’m 22 years old but have had an ED since I was 8 years old
2. I have been married for a little over a year
3. I was raised Mormon and left the Mormon church about 3 years ago (thank god) and now am not religious
4. I love all things paranormal
5. I have a domesticated dingo, her name is Gidget :)
6. I have been a loner most of my life, the only friends I’ve ever had are my 2 younger brothers
7. I love getting piercings and am currently trying to map out and style my own ears :)
8. I shaved my head a year ago and am in the process of growing my hair back out
9. My dream pet is either a panther chameleon, a jumping spider, or a ball python
10. I love painting and drawing
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sweet-berry-sims · 1 year
15 asks for 15 mutuals
Thank you for tagging me in the ask game @emmiesims!
1. are you named after anyone?
I am in my middle name. My name is made up of two of my great-grandmother’s names that are hyphenated. Though one of those names was heard wrong. My great-grandmother on my mom’s side often went by the nickname Baby so my mom never really knew her real name all that well so that part of my name is slightly different from my actual great-grandmother’s name. 
2. when was the last time you cried?
Probably a few nights ago watching sad videos unless literally cutting onions counts then earlier today while cutting onions for breakfast/lunch. 
3. do you have kids?
No but I definitely want them in the future. 
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I can be rather sarcastic.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I am not coordinated in the slightest. Though I have been placed in sports during my obligatory mom signed me up to do sport things ages, lol. So I have done soccer, basketball, karate, gymnastics as a toddler, and table tennis. Nothing lasted more than a few weeks due to very vehement disapprovals from me and the fact that my parents can’t agree on anything. 
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people?
I can usually tell if I’m speaking with another autistic person something about the body language and language choices I guess. But other than that I think it just depends on what kind of interaction I’m having with a person that determines what I pay attention to. 
7. scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t really watch movies but it really depends on my mood as to what kind I want to watch because I like scary movies and happy movies though I am more partial to scary movies. Not a fan of jump scares though, just no unless I really know what’s coming. 
8. any special talents?
Not particularly. 
9. where were you born?
Santa Clara, California.
10. what are your hobbies?
I feel that since this is a sims blog that should be obvious as one of my hobbies lol. I also enjoy cooking and baking. I recently got a pasta maker so I am a happy clam. I’ve also gotten into embroidery, cross-stitching and making little dolls from random unpartnered socks in my house. So socks beware I guess.
11. do you have any pets?
No but I am looking to get one ideally soon, just submitted the adoption application for kittens so here’s hoping I get approved. I love animals but am very allergic to doggos, I will still pet them even if my skin breaks out in hives.
12. how tall are you?
5′1″, I am definitely the shortest adult in my family that’s still alive, my grandpa’s mom was apparently 4′11″. My height isn’t that short until I’m next to my some of my younger cousins, who are now  6′4 and 6′8. I’m still savoring the fleeting joy of being taller than my baby sister who is still pretty young, she’s almost certainly going to be taller than me too but until then! 
13. fave subject in school?
I really liked Chemistry and English. I enjoy reading though I haven’t done as much of it lately. Chemistry is fun I even have my AS in it though I don’t really see myself following a career in that. 
14. dream job?
I love working with kids and my dream job would probably be to open my own daycare for little ones which is why I have changed my major to early childhood education. That said burnout from college is real so I’m okay with going slower and steady. 
15. eye colour?
I don’t really know who to tag so I’ll leave this open for who ever wants to answer these questions! 
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1/28/2023: Boredom
Second entry for 1/28/2023.
I'm BORED. I don't know what to do. I hate myself for it. I barely have anything going on. Working online has its advantages, and I prefer it to retail and working on other people's schedule, but what do I have going on in real life?
I'm not going to school. (I don't want to go back, but still.) I'm not working in person, not even part time. I have friends, but I feel so shitty most of the time that I don't hang out with them often.
I could apply for a part-time job, but I can barely function. How long would that even last?
My sister is a piece of shit, but I do envy the fact that (as far as I know) she has an active lifestyle. Goes to work (I don't know where she's working now), hangs out with the guy that she's dating, probably does stuff around the house, visits friends and my parents. I don't know what her exact schedule is, but I'm sure that she has more going on than I do.
I know that I'm wasting my life, and I hate it.
Some kind of sickness really did infect my life. I experienced abuse, but something was "off" even before that started. I still suspect that it comes from these mysterious repressed memories.
I have another memory that's strongly tied to that. I'm older in this memory (maybe 11 or 12, I'm not sure) and finding a book about vampires in a dark bookstore. The bookstore was a little dark and musty. I can feel the darkness settling over me again.
This probably happened in autumn because--again--I strongly associate this memory with that season. Maybe it didn't, and I just connected the two because it's related to those repressed memories, but autumn definitely has a lot of negative associations for me.
Anyway, I was thinking about it a few days ago and trying to dig deeper, and I felt that darkness so intensely. Not as intense as I did at the time, but I could feel it settling over me. That scene was another turning point in my life and not in a good way.
I hate my younger self in a lot of ways, but I actually felt sorry for myself this time. That girl was so alone and troubled, and nobody helped her. She didn't even really know what was going on. She just knew that a horrifying cloud of dread and anxiety was settling over her yet again.
Nobody asked her what was going on. Admittedly, she tried to hide it, but her parents probably noticed that she wasn't the happy child she'd been years ago. They just didn't care 🤷‍♀️ Always chalked it up to moodiness and brattiness.
Meanwhile, they fell over themselves getting my POS sister to the doctor and a therapist when she experienced depression when she was 13. Because, you know, that's different. I was just a moody little brat--and let's be real, they probably still see me that way--but when my sister's not happy, then whoa, something's going on. She has REAL problems.
But yeah, I left part of myself in that dark bookstore. Autumn came again. The eerie dread was back and wouldn't lift for months. I don't remember exactly when it went away, but I'm sure that it took a while.
I also remember the same bright sunlight outside that bookstore that I (apparently) saw in my repressed memories. I can see the leaves swirling again, although I think that I imagined that part.
That sounds super ominous. Seeing the bright light and the leaves swirling again.
My childhood was also full of stress and triggers and overstimulation and sensory overload, so I'm sure that contributed to it. I don't think that the repressed memory is the only source of my stress, but it was the catalyst for something. Maybe where my fear and anxiety started. And it's not just anxiety.
Thanks for reading,
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historyfocus · 2 years
Teaching Seems Hard, But Worth It? :
A personal experience with Work Shadowing: (so far)
Hello, you may know me as ‘historyfocus’, but it is important to remember that I am also as much of a student as anyone else. I may only be 17 as of now, but I am well aware of the fact that we never stop learning. Learning is an integral part of the human experience, after all.
So, naturally, I gravitate toward teaching when I consider my own future prospects. My family is full of teachers, so it seems almost ‘destined’ for me. As a result, I applied to, and got accepted into a work placement in my old secondary school.
Yesterday gave me quite a realistic look of what it would mean to be a history teacher, I even had the privilege of assisting with teaching with a group of younger children- think ages 12-13. It introduced me to multiple years, ranging from ages 11-15 working at varying levels. And, although I am well aware of the frustrations that comes with teaching, as I have seen in my own family- the feeling of gratification when someone understands a difficult concept because of your help is indescribably amazing.
I’ve also had the privilege of being given permission to develop some resources for the younger years as well, and am being offered an opportunity to teach a class through an activity later on during the two weeks I am working here. Today, there is more of a prerogative focus on work outside of teaching itself, which definitely has made me aware that being a teacher is a lot more than books and lecturing.
Overall, I’m definitely interested in teaching, and hopefully will get the opportunity to uptake mentoring when I’m in a more experienced position to do so.
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bougenvilleeaa · 3 years
Here are my some of my favourite panels from Nightwing #83!!
pt. 2
that no one asked for, but i'm gonna do them anyway.
11. Clark asks Dick for a favor.
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This really shows how much Clark trusts Dick, he knows he isn't the kid he was when they first met. Clark truly sees him as a friend, and not just a "he's my friend's kid" figure.
With that note, asking Dick to help out with Jon is a big deal. Jon Kent is now supposedly the main Superman on Earth.
Seeing as Tom Taylor is also the current writer for Superman: Son of Kal-el (check it out, definitely worth reading), I'm willing to bet that Nightwing will also be making an appearance in that series. And I absolutely can't wait for it!
Especially since Damian (Dick's youngest brother, the current(?) Robin) is Jon's bestfriend, I would love to see how Jon will interact with another one of the Batbros. The oldest brother vs. youngest brother parallels is definitely something I'm interested in seeing.
12. DickBabs kiss.
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Oh, yeah. It's all coming together now.
I'm a sucker for kisses where one of them starts rambling and the other just shuts them up by kissing them (which is exactly what happened here).
Look at him smiling after the kiss. He's so happy.
I also love that Babs' is bringing back the nicknames LMAO.
Both Dick and Babs are drawn and coloured really well in this Nightwing run with Bruno Redondo on the art and Adriano Lucas on the colours.
This artstyle + them kissing + this angle? Perfect.
13. The Alfred Pennyworth Foundation.
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I love how it panned out to all the different people involved in this story as Dick made his big speech.
Barbara listening intently to what he's saying on the screen.
Little Haley probably has no idea what's going on, but she's getting pets while watching her dad on TV, so she doesn't mind.
Meili Lin and Melinda Zucco watching him together. Meili solidifies her liking towards Dick and Melinda slightly smiling as she realises what her mother said.
Dick proudly announcing the name of his foundation. The foundation that was made possible by the man who left him all that money in the first place. The Alfred Pennyworth Foundation.
14. Batfamily showing their support for their eldest brother.
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I love that we finally got canon confirmation that the Batfamily does in fact, have a group chat.
Steph keeping it short and simple.
Tim being the genuine, proud younger brother he is.
Jason trying to be subtle about his pride, trying to add a snarky, humorous comment to mask the true intentions behind his text.
i'm convinced he's damn proud of dick, he just won't say it to his face to maintain his front.
Damian being slightly awkward in showing his pride (he and Jason have that in common). He was probably on the verge of tears when Dick announced the foundation.
i can totally imagine him typing something and deleting it over and over again because he's unsure what to say before finally settling on "Not that it's a competition, but you win."
Neither Jason or Damian are the type to ever say "I'm proud of you, Dick" to his face so they settle for dry humor and sarcasm.
Cass going all out with the emojis. It makes sense for her, being who she is. Her main means of communication was literally everything else besides language so her spamming emojis is totally in character.
But where's Bruce's respond, you ask?
Right here.
15. Bruce thanks Dick.
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Bruce said less than 15 words, but somehow, that's enough for Batman to show how much something means to him.
Such a sweet moment, realising his eldest son had his father figure in mind when he arranged all this. It must've bloomed Bruce's heart.
i 100% believe Bruce is crying behind his cowl.
Close up of the Alfred and Bruce panel.
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<- part 1
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quicksandblock · 3 years
MCYT Demographic Survey Part 2 RESULTS
Once again, thank you so much to everyone who participated! 1,654 people total responded to this - about four and a half times as many respondents as the first survey. It’s honestly incredible. I’m so happy the rest of you are as interested as I am in this stuff :D
The increased turnout is also why these results are being posted two days later than I’d intended. I want to give a HUGE thank you to my friend @quincepastey​ and my sibling @orestes-swimming​ for helping me out, and by helping I do mean they did basically all of the technical stuff for me, because my knowledge of spreadsheets was not up to the task. So thank you to Cupid for organizing all the data from questions 3 and 4 into something comprehensible for me, and thank you to Kal for making the charts! They are absolutely the MVPs and everyone reading this should go check them out. Thank you guys so much <3
Reblogs of this post are very appreciated. It would be awesome if the info about the results could reach everyone who submitted a response, so if you reblogged my first post about this survey, please consider reblogging this one as well!
For your convenience, here’s a link to the results of the first survey I did six months ago. Now - on to the results!
Question 1: What is your age range?
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Compared to the results of the first survey, we can see that things have changed a bit! Specifically, the fandom has shifted just a little bit older. The solid majority of the fandom is still in the 15-17 year old range, but it’s gone down from almost half to closer to 40%. Almost a third of the fandom are ages 18-20, up from close to a fifth six months ago. 21-25 year olds have increased from about 10% to about 14%. And the youngest segment, 13-14 year olds, have gone from almost 20% of the fandom down to 12% - the sharpest change of all.
Finally, nearest and dearest to my own heart, there are now 26 whole people in the fandom aged 26-30 and 9 people aged 30+. Old Squad is growing, folks. We are... the 2% 😎 Special shoutout to the person who said their 15 year old kid got them into the fandom. I hope you know just how cool you are.
These results are interesting, but it’s also impossible to say how accurate the data is. This survey and the previous one were only posted on my blog, and they only reached a wider audience through the reblogs of my followers. So do these changes reflect actual changes in the demographics of the fandom as a whole, or is it just that my followers (and the people who follow them) have shifted older? To try to avoid this bias in the future, I may reach out to some well-known younger bloggers and ask them to reblog the next survey I do so that I can reach a more even audience.
Question 2: What is your gender?
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Apologies for the small text, but there were so many unique write-in answers that I wanted to include them all. You may want to open the image in a separate tab for better quality.
In contrast to the age question, the gender spread of the fandom has remained pretty much the same. About half the fandom is still female, the nonbinary crowd has increased from 20% to 25%, 7% of us are male, almost 7% are genderfluid, and about 5% are agender. Just like last time, most of the write-in responses fell into the vague categories of either genderqueer or questioning.
No surprises on this one! The fandom continues to be overwhelmingly female and queer. Next time I think I’ll include genderqueer and questioning as options to try to catch some of those people into a formal category. All y’all are so valid, especially the person who wrote in their gender as “soup” <3
The results for questions 3 and 4 will be under a cut, because I don’t want to completely destroy people’s dashes.
Before I get into the last two questions, a couple notes. First, I want to explain how I came up with the list of creators, since a lot of people were either excited or disappointed by the fact that a few different people were on there.
On the last survey, this question was a write-in, and I had to transcribe and collate all the answers by hand to come up with the actual number of people who followed each creator. For this survey, I simply took the list that came out of the previous one and pasted it in! I also added a few people who no one wrote in six months ago but who are much more prominent now (Ranboo being the biggest example). So if you were excited to see your favorite small creator listed as an option, they were there because someone wrote them in last time! And if you wrote in your favorite small creator here, they’ll be an option on the next survey. The list is entirely crowdsourced and it will expand with each survey.
That said, the same also applies for more controversial creators. Specifically, I’m talking about CallMeCarson. Several people questioned my decision to keep him on the list - and to be honest, I considered taking him out. But in the end I decided to leave him in as an option for the sake of completeness and consistency with the previous survey. I want to emphasize that this is not me condoning his actions. But for the sake of the data, I felt that it was best to leave him in.
That said, let’s move on to questions 3 and 4!
Question 3: What creator(s) do you primarily follow?
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So, it’s harder to compare with the previous survey on this one, and that’s purely because on the previous survey I didn’t have the help I did here. The chart I was able to make for the results back in October was frankly trash. Also, the fact that I split “followed creators” into two questions - primarily and casually followed - definitely throws things off. However, we can still do a certain amount of comparison!
The most obvious change is Ranboo. He straight up was not on the previous survey at all - I think he’d been streaming for less than a month at the time. Now, about 55% of respondents listed him as someone they primarily follow. The Dream SMP itself has also jumped dramatically. Previously, about 5% of people wrote in Dream SMP. That has increased to over half. Quackity has gone from less than 2% to about 30%. Karl has gone from 4% to 30%. Phil has gone from about 8% to a little under 50%. The SBI have jumped from 11% to over 40%.
Techno has gone from about 50% to over 60%. Tommy has gone from 45% to over 55%. Wilbur has jumped from 43% to 55%. Tubbo has remained steady at about 38%.
Dream has apparently dropped some of his following percentage-wise, falling from 50% to about 35%. However, George, Sapnap, and the Dream Team itself have all jumped from 10-12% to almost 30%.
I’m not going to go over the rest of the list, because that would just get way too long. However, I will drop a link to the spreadsheets of data for this survey and the previous one, so anyone who wants to can do some comparison of their own!
Question 4: What creators do you casually follow?
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I won’t do as detailed of a comparison on this question, because there’s nothing to compare it to - this question wasn’t on the previous survey. However, it’s interesting to see how many more people follow Fundy, Nihachu, BadBoyHalo, Captain Puffy, Eret, Awesamdude, and Jack Manifold casually rather than as a primary favorite. Out of the top twelve, Karl, Quackity, Phil, and Tubbo are the only ones who don’t have a major discrepancy between the amount of people who follow them casually versus primarily.
I would be curious to hear people’s thoughts on why that’s the case! Personally, I would guess it’s a combination of each of their approaches to lore on the Dream SMP, the frequency and times of day that they stream, and the people they tend to make content with and be associated with by the fandom. I may go into that more later, but this post is already very long, so I’ll hold off for now. Here’s a link to this question’s spreadsheet for anyone who wants to take a closer look!
...And that’s a wrap! Good grief, this got long. Kudos to anyone who actually read the whole thing because I know my attention span would be challenged. I’m already thinking about the next survey - a couple people suggested that I add in questions about orientation and nationality, and while I want to keep the survey pretty tight in its scope, I am considering it. It would be even more data to process but it would be interesting to know!
I would love to hear people’s thoughts on these results! I’m only one person, so I know there’s interesting stuff I must have missed. Please, please feel free to reblog with your thoughts and observations! A lot of work went into this (both from me and from Cupid and Kal! Thank you guys again!), so I’m really hoping to hear what people think about it :D
I plan to reblog this and reply to some of the things people wrote in at the end, so stay tuned for that. And once again: thank you all for your interest in this project of mine <3 See you with another one in six months!
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lovehearts2021 · 2 years
I don’t know how I also ended up deleting this post !
I changed a very few things and now I’ll post it again
“Though I’m not sure when I will update this blog , for now i just want to write down some facts about me when I see it in future it will bring me good and sweet memories
1 - Im a female .
2 - Straight , but it comes to heartbeats I don’t care about the gender . Just love and enjoy the sound of it.
3 - I prefer listening to someone’s heartbeat , but don’t mind when they listen to mine ( why should I? )
4 - Definitely earstething , but a good stethoscope is also welcome
5 - I prefer strong and steady beats and good breathing sounds as background
6 - I enjoy listening to my own heartbeat
7 - Once I had a dream where I went to a masquerade party and everyone in there had stethoscopes and were listening to each other , when I woke up my heart was pounding 😆
8 - many years ago the train I was in was crowded and we were like sardines against each other . There was a guy in front of me , tall and good looking and then when I was pushed against his body my ear was right at his heart , I could hear it pounding and feel and listen to his breath sounds too . When the train got empty unfortunately I had to move away from him , when I looked at his face he kinda blushed and smiled . My heart melted and I regret and I didn’t talk to him.
9 - As a kid I used to run with my friends and then one of us would earsteth each other and see who had the fastest heartbeat
10 - once I met a guy who was into heartbeats but he didn’t want to about any other thing other than his heart . It’s ok to talk about it , but there are other things we could have talked about too .
11 - I remember one day I was doing the dishes and one of friends hug me from me behind I could feel her heartbeat against my back
12 - My top 3 men I’d love to rest my head on their chests and listen to their heartbeats are : Ian Somerhalder , Cillian Murphy, Morten Harket ( though he’s in his 60’s 😱 I can’t resist when I see pictures of when he was younger . Time machine , please )
13 - when I was around 17 I wanted to buy a stethoscope but I was too shy to tell my parents I wanted to buy one. So after a few months later my dad was diagnosed with high blood pressure, I bought a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope as an excuse I wanted to check his blood pressure . He took it from my hands and the first thing he did was to listen to my heartbeat which started to beat so fast . It was a weird feeling having my dad listening to it . 😖
14 - my mother once was telling me how she used to listen to my heartbeat when I was a kid and in fact I remember her ear against my chest and I kinda enjoyed it. So I think my passion about it started from my early days ( and it’s funny because as I got older I couldn’t even think about her putting her ear against my chest . Ew)
15 - there was a time , I was probably 10 or 11 I was so addicted to neck pulses I used to stare at random people’s necks looking for their pulses. It’s weird when I come to think of it now
I guess these are a few facts about me , maybe some other day I should write a few more
But for now that’s it …”
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: I Try To Spend The Night In A Haunted Hotel - Ad
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Date video was published: 10/27/2019 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 402
Phil’s Halloween video for 2019. The first Halloween in a while without baking (I count pumpkin carving too), or a joint video in general.
0:00 - that is a big sponser for him! although the ad bits are much more intrusive into the video than the spons he usually does. he posted an ad for it on Instagram too
0:09 - that hotel room (at the Georgian House Hotel, as he says in the description) does have perfect creepy vibes. he posted a photo thanking the hotel too (and wearing a different jumper than he wore for filming)
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0:38 - I do love this concept for Phil
0:49 - prime opportunity for a “phil.exe is not responding” annotation
1:20 - “he’s also grown up to be Ewan McGregor” lol
2:02 - love the room tour bit with Phil’s commentary
2:14 - he’s even got his Halloween socks on!
2:35 - I wonder if he had to bleep “bitch” for the spon...he usually doesn’t bleep that one
2:53 - alrighty then 😳
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3:51 - ghost story time with Phil
4:16 - aww at him curling up and holding his knees
4:21 - of course he names the potential ghost
4:28 - well I’m glad he seems to be having water instead of coffee
4:32 - all cozy in his pajamas now too
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4:42 - it’s definitely mechanical, lol
5:01 - the fact that he has to say this exact phrase a certain number of times in the video is somewhat hilarious
5:07 - do not believe the time stamps
5:21 - I would also be freaked out by any noise alone in that particular room
5:37 - “I don’t like it” aww Phil
5:48 - yeah no thanks. I just don’t want to know in hotel rooms 😳
6:13 - that is very specific. chimneys being a bit creepy I agree with though
6:47 - in parts of this he’s using a much softer and slightly deeper voice than his usual “on camera” voice
6:50 - he’s even got the Doctor Sleep book there
7:27 - sometimes I forget that much younger people also watch these videos
8:01 - he is playing this up so much
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8:14 - I’ve “enhanced” it...sure
8:25 - “or horny” 😂
8:50 - Phil really doing some interpretation there
9:20 - he did get this out during the 'haunted curtains’ incident in 2020 (1, 2, 3, 4)
10:04 - guessing bringing his phone closer to that would do it...otherwise I am slightly freaked out
10:33 - how even...somehow not surprising that he’s dropped his glasses in the toilet before
10:55 - do wonder what in a bathroom caused that
11:33 - Phil realizing what he just said and laughing at himself is always great
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11:41 - nice creepy Phil insert there
12:15 - he’s doing a good job of building up the creepy factor here
12:45 - a somewhat-normal air-quote there
13:03 - how even 😂 it’s not really noticeable though with the angles he was filming
13:15 - his hair is messier here
13:42 - messy-hair shower Phil. also: “a slight experience in the shower” um.
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14:02 - the “important content” call-out
14:24 - guessing it’s definitely plugged into an outlet controlled by a switch somewhere else in the room
14:41 - that seems dangerous with Phil’s clumsiness
15:07 - dramatic music
15:20 - at least he was dreaming about goats instead of ghosts
15:54 - that is quite the hair look
16:17 - great annotations there
16:20 - he’s restyled his quiff (or filmed this in some other sequence)
I like this video, but I don’t tend to rewatch it a lot because the spon is such a big part of it. Also, it must have been much more scripted than his usual content...I’m sure he planned the different segments ahead of time. Which also means I don’t believe the time stamps or the order of the clips at all...he could have filmed all the pieces one right after another.
A couple days after this, dnp both posted content from exploring Kew Gardens (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), which they did with family for Martyn’s birthday.
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