#someone asks the dumbass demon
ninjaunderscore · 1 year
What are your headcanon of Evil wizard without hood apparence and of His forms a ball and a giant spider i like to see how he look His full body reference
Finally getting around to answering the year old asks LMAO anyways Ive gotten 2 asks about this so I broke them up into separate posts
I call the Evil Wizard 'Mandrin' which is a misspelling of Mandarin, reason being I joked about him being as small as a Mandarin orange, so with that out of the way ill be referring to him from now on!
Tbh I saw him as a troll, kinda like what the troll mom spawns in thieves forest/in the marsh? But lighter with the fur patterns like his spider form!! Hes just a little guy, heres an old ref of his unhooded look and his alt forms (theyre just the same imo, lmao)
I havent seriously drawn the ball form he has nor have I drawn his spider form since Im horrifically afraid of arachnids
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His design is very different now but I haven't gotten around to drawing his ref sheet but it's the same thing, just different robes!
Heres him in my newer style!! hes just a full on spider creature
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Onto his head cannons about his forms:
I personally have an au where my head cannons take place because I absolutely adore lore building on this game
Mandrin wasnt originally evil, he was a part of a coven of high mages and such! They take the form of anthropomorphic creatures and try and keep the peace working with other kingdoms (flooded temple/Marsh, Castle Grey(Home Castle), Lava World, the Arctic, Sand Castle, etc etc yk)
Mandrin thought of a plan to take over the entire land, have everyone live in harmony in his own way and to have all the kingdoms respond to the high covens command (which he wanted to be in charge of) but that required essentially beating the kingdoms into submission. He was then cast out of the coven to be on his own, stripped from his title and role.
Mandarin was enraged and proceeded to take the situation into his own hands, training his own army with his own ideals to unite the world and be king of the lands.
Im not gonna go too far into his back story but thats how he started to be,,, well,,, himself.
Hes able to transform as Ive stated before, high powered mage, but he doesnt have a lot of experience so his powers are limited. This is why his spider form is very.... Unstable? Goopy, slimy, not right. He and his magic are very unstable to begin with and its just enhanced by the magical crystal he stole from the king.
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chaoticace2005 · 4 months
Husk: I’m embarrassed to say I’m a morosexual. I’m seen to be attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight.
Angel: What kind of demon is the Radio Demon?
Husk, already unclasping his suspenders: God, Tony, you’re so fucking stupid.
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bonchobrick · 1 year
Dead on Main au where Jason is of course Danny’s Fright Knight and like all knights do he has a weapon—except it’s his gun.
The batfam + justice league + everyone (except ghosts duh) don’t know that his normal average everyday gun is actually like a super powerful spiritual soul shooter that is, yaknow, capable of blasting someone into an alternate dimension where their greatest fears become real.
So imagine there’s like a big battle where a ghastly ghoul reigns terror on Gotham. The world sends their best hero’s—wizards and occultists are notably high highest in demand—to stop the ghost but, nothing works. All of the weapons and spells and chants fail.
As the fights worsens and the heros scream for people to flee suddenly--
Loud squeaking footsteps echo across the ground. Jason yawns strolling into the battle zone in a ghostbusters t-shirt plaid pants bunny slippers--he strolls up in pajamas--as if annoyed at being woken up and cocks his fucking normal 'i could buy you at walmart' gun at the ghost.
His brothers screech at him yelling ”Are you insane” and to "get the hell out of here" in fear and panic because their idiot brother is trying to kill a real life ghost with a damn gun.
But then Jason shoots the ghost and it works.
The ghost fizzles down with a cry into just a little blob.
The young man then spends 30 minutes lecturing the spirit saying things like “you’re glad I’m not calling the big guy” and “you know our highness would not be happy learning what you’ve been doing” before taking out a thermos of all things and sucking the ghost into it.
Jason then sighs and walks away as if he hadn’t just defeated a hell raising ghost with a gun people can buy off a corner pawn store and a soup container.
Immediately the bat family swarms him with questions
Dick grabs him by his shoulders tense with worry, “Are you okay?”
“Um yeah—“ Jason tries to reply squirming in his hold
Damian cuts him off, “How the hell did your gun a physical weapon hurt that ghastly demonic spirit!”
“Uh that ghost is actually pretty chill you guys just pissed him off." Jason replies plain
They stare at him with a look saying 'you did not call a ghost that has been decimating gotham chill' probably because he did just that.
Tim is the first to break out of the disbelief stupor as he very inteligently says, "What?"
Jason responds easily with a confused quirk in his brow, "Second, my gun affects entities of all sorts, perks to my job and all that."
"How did being a vigilante and also probably crime boss give you a gun that could do that?" Dick asks
Jason sends him a look saying "are you an idiot" as he replies, "Yea, sure, kicking petty thieves and druggies got me my all powerful spirit weapon--No you dumbass, it's from being the bodyguard of the King of the Infinite Realms! How the hell did you guys not think of that!”
Tim breathes in, then breathes out, then breathes in again and screams, "Why the HELL WOULD WE THINK OF THAT JAY?!"
"The--" Batman, suddenly beside them, chokes, "Bodyguard of T-the what."
Jason blinks at his family then his eyes widen, "Oh shit."
"What?!" His family screech in panic
"Oh fuck," Jason says with a growing hysteric smile, "Danny's gonna have a big ol' fucking laugh with this."
"Brother who is Danny!" Damian demands for an answer
Jason coughs into his palm, "Oh yeah you guys really dont dont know. So I may have forgotten to explain some... things."
Bruce levels him with a stare that says "you think?"
Jason chuckles nervously, "So y'know how I'm half dead?"
Damian very eloquently responds for the suddenly dying screaming combusting members of his family, "...sure."
"Well I met the King of the afterlife which is like the Ruler of Everything and he was really cute--" Jason says distant in his own world
"Theres a afterlife?" Superman asks casually appearing beside the emotionally wrecked family
"Yea its pretty cool. So I start flirting a bit with the guy and we hit it off, I now im his zombie ghost knight boyfriend lover for all time. Oh and i got this sickass gun." Jason says with a happy grin
"That is a pretty sick gun." John Constantine nods
"I know right?" Jason chirps
"You wouldn't mind if I inspected--" John reaches his hand
Jason slaps it away, "Not a chance you soul whore. Y'know your basically the tax evasionist of the Ghost Zone right?"
John only sighs and leaves
"But yea so I'm like the ghost world equivalent to married with the king and became his knight and thats how I was able to stop that ghost guy." Jason reiterates as if explaining a simple question, "Y'guys get that?"
Tim is on the ground trying to decide whether; sobbing hysterically, interogating jason to find out all the things he doesn't want to know or sleeping would be a better use of his time.
Dick has decided to blame himself and has started to draft a reddit post in the middle of the street starting with "I (23 m) have a younger brother (19 m), who I used to resent but really regret now, he died and came back and doesn't even tell me about what goes on in his life anymore. How do I fix our--"
Damian is just staring at the gun and... Jason pushes it deeper in his holster and shifts to the side, better to be safe than sorry with this thieving shit.
As Jason adjusts his weaponry he hears Bruce sob in the background, "He didn't even invite me to the wedding! Am I that horrible of a father!"
Wonder Woman pats his shoulder reasuringly whilst the rest of the League seem to be trying to calm him down
Jason looks around tiredly at the mess he had created and decides fuck it
"Alright I'm heading out for the night, you guys get home safe!" He yells and without caring to listen to anyone and everyone voicing their confusion he zips open a green portal and stumbles in
He crashes down on an unbelievably comfortable bed
Danny blinks blearily before sending the young man a sleepy smile, "Hey Jay, what kept you up so long?"
Jason slipping under the blankets with a yawn says, "You would not believe the night I just had."
Edit: UMM HII The fic is out now here!! you guys are awesome I'll post the new chapter 2 in a hot sec after editting ^^
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neiveel3llson · 2 months
Obey Me! Incorrect quotes
Diavolo trying to convince MC to continue being the babysitter:
NB Diavolo: "What are you talking about MC? You love it here!"
NB MC: "I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome."
Solomon being an old ass man:
NB Solomon: "The dinosaurs didn’t rule the earth they were just alive. Stop giving them credit for administration skills they didn’t have."
Satan for no reason at all:
NB Mammon: "Do I sound smart, or am I smart? "
NB Satan: "You sound unbearable, to be perfectly honest."
Leviathan being depressed:
NB Lucifer: "How are you today?"
NB Leviathan: "Please don’t make me think about my life."
Beelzebub being.. Beelzebub:
NB Beelzebub: "My stomach growled super loud in French."
NB Beelzebub: "I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class."
NB Leviathan: "Bonjour."
NB MC: "Le growl."
NB Mammon: "Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette."
NB MC now that they're a demon:
NB MC: "I am literally evil incarnate."
NB MC: "I’m not actually, I just enjoy being evil."
NB MC: "Which I think actually makes it even more evil because I’m making a conscious effort."
Solomon can't cook:
NB Solomon: "I truly go into househusband mode when I'm someone's soulhousemate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning."
NB MC: "This is a lie."
NB MC: "I'm literally living with him. This is a lie."
MC just wants to go home:
NB Solomon: "I think I'm falling for you."
NB MC: "Then get up."
Levi is sick of Satan:
NB Leviathan: "Satan is okay."
NB Beelzebub: "He's okay? He said he was going to break my legs! And don't tell me he didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause he gave me the mackerel eyes, he meant it!"
NB Leviathan: "Beel, Satan threatened me. He threatens Lucifer every day. He probably threatened Diavolo before breakfast this morning. It's what he does. Grow a pair."
Levi self-deprocating:
NB MC: "I'm going the fight the next person who insults Levi."
NB Leviathan: "I hate myself."
NB MC: "Alright, square up."
When MC first came:
NB MC, referring to NB Mammon and NB Diavolo: "Those guys are dorks."
NB Lucifer: "Yes, but they’re my dorks."
Belphegor annoying Lucifer on purpose:
NB Belphegor: "Lucifer, we have a visitor."
NB Lucifer: "Don't tell me it's our babysitter.."
NB Belphegor: "It's MC."
Lucifer being sick of Mammon's shit:
Lucifer: "The greatest trick the diavolo's father ever pulled was changing his name to Mammon."
Mammon bc he's my fav pookie:
Mammon: "So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?"
MC: "Depends. Is your bed comfortable?"
Mammon: "Yes."
MC: "I'd sleep."
Thirteen is going insane:
Thirteen: "Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time."
Diavolo is far too concerned:
*after discussing a plan*
Barbatos: "Does anyone have any questions?"
Diavolo: "Is this legal?"
Barbatos: "Does anyone have any relevant questions?"
Satan loves to boast:
Satan: "I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight."
MC: "What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?"
Satan, already taking off his clothes: "God, MC, you’re so fucking stupid."
It probably wouldn't work anyways:
MC: "Here’s the cold medicine you asked for." *dumps 3 shopping bags of wine on the table*
Thirteen: "...Thanks."
Levi and Garfield:
Leviathan: "I once tried to play a pirated copy of Garfield Kart, when Garfield jumped out of my PC! We are currently married with three beautiful children and a summer room in the basement of HOL with Cerberus."
Math doesn't work:
MC: "Which is correct, seven and five is thirteen, or seven and five are thirteen?"
Thirteen: "Niether."
Thirteen: "Because it's twelve."
Venomous or poisonous?:
Lucifer: "If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous."
Mammon: "What if it bites me and it dies?!"
Lucifer: "Then you're poisonous. Jesus Christ, Mammon, learn to listen."
Diavolo: "What if it bites itself and I die?"
Lucifer: "That's voodoo."
MC: "What if it bites me and someone else dies?"
Lucifer: "That's correlation, not causation."
Asmodeus: "What if we bite each other and neither of us die?"
Solomon: "That's kinky."
Barbatos: "Oh my goodness."
:P done
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redstarwriting · 1 year
the clash | v. ever fallen in love
hobie brown x goth!reader
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word count: 3.1k
genre: enemies to lovers
warnings: language, insults, hobie hating you, you hating hobie, mentions of death, demonic names, mentions of injuries, giving and receiving stitches, geniuses being dumbasses
a/n: these keep getting longer LMAO which is wild too bc i literally had an idea to make this chapter even longer, but i had to end up splitting it up. thank you to everyone who’s reading the series, i appreciate you all more than you will ever know. please enjoy this chapter, the next should be out either late tonight or tomorrow :)
previous chapter: iv. london calling
now reading: v. ever fallen in love
next chapter: vi. (with someone you shouldn’t’ve)
It’s been a few months since you’ve become a part of Spider Society, and much to everyone’s disappointment, you and Hobie still hate each other. Even though on any given day the two of you will be seen around each other, you’re always arguing. Yelling. There have been multiple times where the two of you almost fought, but someone always breaks it up before it gets to that point. “Ready to go, Hobie?” Gwen asks, and he scoffs. “Can’t believe ‘m bein’ forced to go to that dickhead’s world by you of all people,” he grumbles, and she rolls her eyes. “C’mon man, we all know that you’ve both been way more irritable towards everyone because you haven’t seen each other in what? Like two days?”
“I’ll be a lot worse when I see them, I can promise ya that, mate,” he snaps and Miles shakes his head. “Yeah, sure. Whatever, Hobie,” he says as Gwen pulls up the portal to your world. “Are you excited to see them? I haven’t seen you two apart for this long ever, you’re always together,” Pavitr says, side-eying Hobie. He keeps trying to tell Gwen and Miles the two of you only hate each other because you have strong feelings for one another and don’t know how to face them.
“I’m telling you, they’re obsessed with each other,” Pavitr says as he, Gwen, and Miles sit in his home, sipping some chai. “Obsessed with wanting to kill each other maybe, but that’s about it,” Miles says, and Pavitr groans. “No! You’ve got it all wrong! Neither of them knows how to express their feelings and that’s the only reason they act the way they do!” he tries to convince them, but Gwen and Miles just glance at each other. “I don’t know, Pav,” Gwen says. “I picked up on the romantic tension between the two of you immediately, why are you doubting my genius social cue reading now?”
“You need to stop being such a romantic, Pav. The two of them would rather eat glass than be romantically involved in any way,” Gwen responded, but Pavitr was not convinced.
He still isn’t. Hobie laughs. “Excited? You must be mental to think I’d be chuffed to see them,” he responds, and Pavitr sighs. One day. One day he will get Hobie to admit he cares for you.
Gwen was honestly a little nervous for this little meet-up. The two of you had a really bad fight recently, and trying to get the two of you back to talking level seems a little ambitious.
“You what?” he yelled, causing you to roll your eyes. “I’m being mentored by Miguel.” Hobie stares at you, not saying anything, with his mouth slightly open before he shakes his head. He’s very angry, but you simply don’t care. “He’s helping me, Hobie. We both have the venomous bite thing, so he’s trying to help me out with it and helping me adjust to–”
“Don’t you dare say adjust to fuckin’ Spider Society like I ain’t been here the whole time.”
“You never necessarily helped, Hobie. Unless you count constantly insulting me and–”
“Nah, don’t gimme that fuckin’ rubbish, (Y/n),” he growls, and you cross your arms. “Why are you so mad about it anyway?” He laughs. “Why am I mad? Seriously?! You’re the right fuckin’ hand of the pitch and toss!”
“The what?” you ask and he groans. “The fuckin’ boss, (Y/n)! The man!”
“So what, Hobart?! In case you forgot you’re a part of this society, you listen to Miguel too!”
“I fuckin’ don’t!”
“You fucking do!” By this point, you’d pulled attention from several other spiders, not only because of the yelling but because their senses were going off. The two of you were too focused on each other to realize they were all ready to pounce on the two of you. “Fuckin’ piss off before I do somethin’ we both regret,” he growls, and you laugh. “Make me.”
The two of you were separated after that and haven’t talked to each other since. Granted, it’s only been two days, but that is long for the two of you, honestly. And it’s been making everyone a target of Hobie’s rude remarks and your cynicism. The two of you need to talk because clearly, not talking just makes the two of you feel worse.
Even though Hobie’s acting like this is the worst thing his friends could possibly do to him, he does kind of sort of miss you. Which he hates. It’s been two days and he’s already missing you? Disgusting. He can’t wait to yell at you about it. He’s able to keep his cool and pretend like he really doesn’t want to go, but in reality, he’s so anxious to see you. “Alright, come on,” Gwen says, motioning for Hobie to enter the portal. He glances around at them. “Makin’ me go first?”
“Can’t have you run off at the last minute,” Gwen says and he sighs. “Whatever,” he says, walking a little too fast into the portal. He only stops when he’s enveloped in a familiar darkness. He feels something brush up against his leg, and he lets go of a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding. “Good seein’ ya, Shadow,” he says, bending down to give your cat some attention. Shadow headbutts him and he scratches between his ears. Your cat loves Hobie, much to your disdain.
“You hurt him, I kill you,” you said to him the second time he was at your place. He picked up Shadow while you were in your room, and when you came out and saw him holding your baby, you were ready to fight. But you were ready to fight him at any given moment anyways. “I won’t hurt him. He’s much cooler than his owner anyways,” Hobie says, petting his head. You roll your eyes. “Yeah well– wait is he purring?” you say, and Hobie smirks at you. “Looks like he likes me better than his owner too.”
“Shut the fuck up. Shadow!” you call your cat, your voice going from a tone that screams ‘I hate you’ to one that screams ‘I love you.’ Of course, Shadow’s ears perk up and he hops out of Hobie’s arms and right over to yours. You stick your tongue out at Hobie, who rolls his eyes and looks away to cover up the dusting of a smile on his face. “What are you, 12?” he asks, and you scoff. “Can I hold Shadow?” Pavitr asks, and you hand him to him without a second thought. But no matter who you passed him to, he’d either end up in yours or Hobie’s lap.
He's so lost in the memory that he doesn’t even sense you approaching. “So, you decided to actually show up. I’m surprised,” he hears your voice and looks up at you. “Wasn’t exactly by choice, love. If I had it my way, I’d never be in this hellhole again,” he retorts, and you just shake your head and say nothing. That’s strange. You thought for sure you would mention something about him being forced to do something even though he always does what he wants. “What? Have you lost your spitfire after only two days of not talkin’ to me?” he asks, standing. You sigh. “I just… I don’t have the energy to fight today, Hobie. Okay?”
Don’t have the energy? You literally always have the energy to fight with him. Before he can say anything else, Pavitr comes through the portal.
“(Y/n)! How have you been?” he asks, excitedly, hugging you. Hobie doesn’t like that. But what he doesn’t like even more is the slight look of pain that spreads across your face for a split second. He observes silently as you play it off like nothing happened, and Pavitr is none the wiser to it. Gwen and Miles enter shortly after, and the dynamic you all had before yours and Hobie’s attempted murder of each other returns. Except for the constant bickering between you and Hobie. Instead, it’s just a lot of silent glaring, and subtle reactions. “Okay, hold on. What the hell is this?” Miles asks, and you both look at him. “What?” you say at the same time, ending in a side eye to each other. “That! That right there, why aren’t you two threatening to tear each other’s heads off because you said the same thing?” Miles asks, and Hobie shrugs. “I got nothin’ to say to them.”
“Ditto,” you say, and the three of them look at you two like your heads just got cut off. “Are you serious?”
“Do I look like I’m havin’ a laugh, mate?” Hobie snaps at Miles and he puts his hands up in surrender. “This… is odd. I can’t recall the last time it was quiet between you two.”
“Because it never was. They always went for each other’s throats like their own lives depended on it,” Pavitr says to Gwen, and you clear your throat. “We’re right here, you know,” you say with a forced grin. “Yeah, care to save the talkin’ bout us til we aren’t around?” Hobie grumbles and the three glance at each other before nodding. “Sorry, you two…” Gwen says, and you shrug. “It’s whatever. Dealt with worse,” you say, and Hobie nods. He glances over at you again. How is no one else noticing how weird you’re acting? Is he the only one who pays attention to you or some shit?
This isn’t the first time he’s picked up on your odd behaviors. Within the time he knew you, he was able to notice your behaviors unlike anyone else.
He wasn’t necessarily looking for you. He’d never go out of his way to look for you in a million years, yet here he was. In your world because you didn’t show up at the allotted time everyone was gonna meet up at in his world. He webbed up to the tallest building, the Ember Stake Building. It resembled that of a wooden stake, except all black and metal instead of wood. Sure enough, you were there. “You’re late.”
You turn and look at him, but don’t say anything. Instead, you just turn away. He frowns. “What’s that all about, then?” he asks, plopping next to you. You sigh. “I think I’m just gonna stay here tonight.”
“What? Why? Because you’re too borin’ to do anythin’ fun? Gotta work late tonight?”
“No. Personal reasons,” you say and he cocks his head to the side. “Such as?”
“Fuck off, Hobie. I’m not telling you.”
“Yes, you are. What’s goin’ on in that empty head of yours?” he asks and you give him an unamused look. “It’s the anniversary of my Uncle Belial’s death,” you mumble. He frowns. “Ah. I see.”
“...Yeah.” The two of you sit in silence, the wind the only noise happening before he sighs. “Well then, you’re definitely comin’ tonight.” He stands. You look at him. “I just said-”
“And I don’t give a shit. Come on, your friends are waitin’ for you. Besides, they can help ya get your mind off of it. Chop-chop.” You ended up going because you were forced to. But you did have a good time. Hobie was right, it helped you get your mind off of things. And maybe you were reading into it, but he seemed just a tad bit nicer to you that night than normal.
And you could tell his. 
“And what the hell is your problem today?” you appear behind Hobie who is angrily restringing his guitar in his common room at Spider Society. “Well now you’re a part of it,” he responds. You sit on the floor across from him. “As much as I’m happy just my presence can reduce you to a massive asshole, I don’t think I’m the only reason this time.”
“How could you even tell?”
You shrug. “You busy your mind and hands when you’ve got something on your mind,” you say, and he looks at you. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. “Didn’t realize you were obsessed with me.”
“You wish,” you say. He sighs. “New group of fascist assholes showed up today,” he begrudgingly opens up and you nod. “Told you so.” He glares at you. “Had to say it,” you say, “But you’ll beat them. You always do.” He glances at you. “And if you can’t, I’ll just take care of it for you.” He laughs, unamused. “I’d like to see you try.”
He’s unsure why so many memories are flooding back to him at this moment in time. The answer is that he’s obsessed with you and Pavitr is right, but we don’t need to talk about that until he realizes it for himself. Maybe not seeing you has made him think about you more for some reason. He shakes his head, rejoining the conversation. Everything goes surprisingly well for the rest of the time you all are together. Unfortunately, Gwen gets a notice that something is happening in her world, and she has to go. Miles follows, and Pavitr is torn between going with them or staying with the two of you to make sure no one gets murdered. Or to see some romantic shit.
“We been behavin’, haven’t we?” Hobie says, a bit relieved they were leaving so he could find out what was up with you. You were close with the others, but even they’ve commented on you two only opening up with each other. “You actually have… and maybe it’d be good to leave them alone. Talk out whatever issues they’re having,” Miles says to Pavitr and Gwen, who look at each other but reluctantly agree. Miles and Pav rush into Gwen’s world before her. “I swear if you two kill each other I’m going to kill both of you,” Gwen says, walking backward into the portal to her world and pointing at the two of you. “We won’t.”
“Probably,” Hobie finishes, and Gwen rolls her eyes before disappearing. There’s a silent tension between the two of you before he speaks up. “What happened?”
“I don’t know what you’re–”
“Don’t play dumb with me, now. What happened?” he pushes, and you frown at him. Shadow leaps up into your lap and nuzzles you. You sigh and gently pet him. Hobie stays silent, watching and waiting. “Just… bad day,” you mumble. “Bad day, how?”
“Bad spider day.” He hums. “That why you looked like Pav stabbed ya after that hug?” You look at him, surprised. “You saw that?”
“Course I did. ‘m not fuckin’ daft,” he responds, and you look at Shadow. “Yeah… it’s nothing, though. Just a few scratches, typical Spider-Person shit,” you say, and he nods. “Let me see, then.”
“Let me see.”
“Cause you’re lyin’,” he shrugs, and you glare at him. “Have I told you I hated you?”
“Not recently, but yeah.” You glare at him but sigh. “Fuck you, Hobie,” you mumble, but shrug off your oversized cardigan. His eyes widen as he sees deep lacerations and bruises spread across your shoulder and onto your back. He stands up and approaches you without even realizing it. You watch him as he studies your injuries. “Who did this?” His voice sounds darker than you’ve ever heard it. You look away from him. “Does it matter?”
“Yes,” he responds immediately. You turn your head to look at him again, only to have him staring directly into your eyes. “Prowler,” you mumble, and he frowns. “The worst of the worst in your world,” he whispers to himself, recalling a conversation the two of you had months ago. He glances around. “Where’s your first aid kit?” he asks, and you look at him with a side-eye. “Why?”
“Cause I wanna get high off the painkillers in it, why do you think, you dolt?” he snaps, and you point to your bathroom. “Under the sink.” He gets up and walks into your bathroom, grabs the first aid kit, and walks back out to you on your couch. “Turn round and move a bit,” he says, and you do. He sits behind you, starting to clean and stitch to your injuries up. You wince slightly and he frowns. “Why haven’t you done this yet?”
“I can’t reach back there myself.”
“Then ask someone else to do it.”
“I don’t have anyone to ask anymore.”
“Yes, you do,” he says without missing a beat. You turn your head to say something snarky to him, but he looks at you at the same time. Your faces are closer than the two of you expected, causing you both to quickly look away. You can feel your face burning, and you’re grateful the injuries are mainly on your back and not close to your heart because you don’t want to hear his comments about how fast it’s beating. On an equal note, Hobie’s happy you aren’t looking at him because he has his jaw clenched and swallows hard. His heart is beating just as fast, but he pretends like it’s nothing, just like you. He finishes the stitches, placing bandages over top of them. “Done,” he says, and you mutter a quick ‘thank you’ as he tosses the first aid kit onto your coffee table. “Should be healed by tomorrow,” you mumble, and he nods. “When did that happen?”
“A few hours before you all got here,” you admit, and he frowns. “And you were just gonna pretend nothing happened?”
“Yes. I told you earlier, I’m too tired to deal with any bullshit today, okay?” you confess, and he frowns.
“He get ya that good cause you’re tired?”
“I guess.”
“When’s the last time you slept?”
“Stop lyin’ love,” he says, and the nickname you hate oh so much sounds just a little sweeter to you than it should. “Couple days ago.”
“You haven’t slept in two days?” You shake your head, and he sighs. “Go the fuck to sleep. Now.”
“Go,” he demands, pointing to your bedroom. You groan, “You’re so fucking annoying,” you mumble, getting up and dragging yourself to your room. “Yeah, yeah whatever,” he says, following you. You flop onto your bed as he leans against the doorframe, arms crossed. “Come to tuck me in?”
“You wish,” he watches as Shadow hops up onto your bed, curling up against you. You immediately put your hand on him and pet him. Hobie frowns as he feels a pang of annoyance toward your cat. “Gonna stand there and watch me sleep or something?” your voice pulls him out of his ridiculous thoughts, and he scoffs. “Gonna stand here and make sure you don’t try to get up as soon as I go,” he says, and you sigh. “Fine,” you mutter, rolling away from him. He stands there until he’s sure you’re asleep. He glances at Shadow, who is still awake and staring at him. He puts his finger to his lips to say “shh” as he pulls his mask over his head.
He and the Prowler of this world need to have a bit of a chat.
『 tag list 』
@444neapolitain​ @afraidofshrimp​ @arianalovescatss* @aroaceg @astrok1dz @baefy3764 @casmosmoon* @chill-guy-but-cooler @d1nne @dotheyevenknowmars @f1shb0nez @faerieluuv @fisshil @fukingsad @fushiguropleasesteponme* @friendly-reject @hisdarlingabsurdity @idk-i-draw @imarealfungi @imobsessedreader* @ineedsomeconfidence @inkthgoat @iwillrisefromthefire @j3st3r-13 @jingliuu @jjkclub @katiebug0603 @kenqki @khaleesihavilliard @kittekat420 @lacunaanonymoused @localbeidousimp @marshallowy @mistpx* @miwagila @naarra* @nikabearr @pookiesnatcher @queen-of-the-bored @queen-of-the-grapefruits @sadbitchhours400* @scoliobean @sillylittleguyinc @simplefools* @siriusly1 @sparklyphantom @stevenknightmarc​ @sxftiebee​ @thatweirdgirlsposts​ @valee1xoxo* @weyrrii* @wheeeelys​ @woahrin* @xoxobabe* @zero-boxes​ 
*if you are italicized - i am unable to tag you for whatever reason, feel free to reach out and see if we can fix the issue
if you asked to be on the taglist and i forgot, i’m sorry :( feel free to leave a comment on this or message me separately and i’ll get you right onto it!
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sockmanduckman · 3 months
TW—Mentions of suicide
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Real people are behind these blogs, and telling then to kill themselves is NOT okay in ANY capacity.
They might just be words on the internet to you, but these can actually hurt people. And if one of these mods followed through, the blood would be on your hands for saying that.
I didn’t ever imagine making a post like this, because I assumed it be a “no fucking shit” thing, but you jackasses are acting like toddlers.
And to the people saying “It’s just a joke!”, or “Don’t be so sensitive.” get bent, genuinely.
Don’t be a dumbass, and don’t tell people to kill themselves.
And if you have done shit like this, and someone leaks your ip address (because that’s what happens on the internet) I don’t fucking feel bad for you, you did it to yourself!
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
The Simp Mug
MC: So I got this mug
You show the mug with the writing said "I simp for you" on it
MC: Whoever gave this. Thank you. I'm fluttered that someone actually simping for me.
The brothers: ...
Later that day
The Demon Brothers (New) (7)
Mammon: Which one of you fuckers gave that mug to MC!
Belphegor: Funny. I was about to ask you the same thing Asshole!
Leviathan: This is so unfair! I thought we all agree that we doing it subtly!
Leviathan: But NOOO!! One of you had to ruin it for everyone.
Asmodeus: Right!? Now MC would try and find out who's their secret simp!
Asmodeus: Personally I prefer being called Lover then Simp.
Leviathan: Simp: when a male is overly submissive to someone and gains nothing from it.
Beelzebub: Really? But we gain love from MC in different ways right?
Belphegor: Truth. I like Beel's definition more then Levi's
Leviathan: Hey! I'm telling you what the definition is!!!
Satan: Strange.
Satan: Lucifer hasn't said anything this whole chat.
Lucifer: And you haven't?
Satan: We all know that you treat MC differently.
Lucifer: The pot calling the kettle black.
Satan: Fuck you!
Mammon: Dumbasses! Focus!
Outsiders (4)
Simeon: It seem I made a mistake.
Simeon: So, Solomon and I were browsing Akuzon for a joke gift for Luke.
Simeon: But before long, the discussion move from Luke to MC. At that moment I saw this mug with a funny saying,
Simeon: Then Solomon explain what "Simp" means. But I didn't realize that I accidently sent that mug to MC as a gift.
Diavolo: Oh.
Barbatos: How did you manage to send such a gift?
Solomon: In our defense, we were both drunk at the time, and we all know how bad Simeon is with Technology.
Simeon: Did you have to added that Last part?
Solomon: Yes.
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evilminji · 27 days
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Behold! o/ The Face Of Benevolent Evil!
Mr. Principle! A professional hero and educator!
Also possibly some sort of stoat hybrid! Certainly a chimera of Japanese fauna! With the Quirk High Specs, he is one of, if not THE, smartest beings on the planet of which he resides! With a background perfectly justifying a decent into hatred and villiany, he instead chose to channel his incredible world shaking intellect into the shaping of future generations!
He likes to fuck with people!
What can he say? It keeps a man young and mentally stimulated! Plus the hysterical screaming of his staff and students is HILARIOUS. He can even argue it makes for good reaction training! Unforseen situations, children! React!!! *psychotic chortling*
Mmmmm, yes. We all have our trauma responses. Ways we deal with them. He should probably find other means... but he won't! Tea and tormenting the student body make for good future heroes, you know! They adapt!
But! You may ask! Why am I introducing you to this... *polite yet somehow deeply threatening smile* c-completely sane and normal individual!? Esteemed educator that he is! Ha ha...
A good and not at a under threat question!
Villains? Are fuuuuuckin STUPID!
Doesn't matter how many PHDs you possess! In fact! That makes it WORSE! You moron! You absolute fool! No traveling circus would have you, you sub-rate CLOWN of a jingle jangle dunce jester! You have a god damn PHD! Possibly MULTIPLE PHD!
And you thought "ooooh I should go into cwiiiiime~☆"?
Do you hear yourself when you talk? DO YOU?! Ooooh boohoo. They won't let you study what you WANT to study. It's called an ETHICS BOARD. And YEAH, NO SHIT! Maybe get over it and keep you fucked up fantasies to your SELF.
Or? If you REALLY can't hold it in? Lay the ground work like EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE! You're not special! Everyone wants to play god! It's FUN! They let you have the COOL toys! But you have to EARN that shit! Not jump straight from graduation to "fucked up superscience"!
And? If it's NOT the Ethics Board? But just some bureaucrat on a power trip? You don't have to fucking STAY. This? This RIGHT HERE? Is why I-Island fucking EXSISTS.
They are SO MANY countries you could move too. SO MANY other labs. You actual DUMBASS.
But NO! You decided to commit to a fucked up underground Villian Lab. As though HUNTING THOSE isn't the PERSONAL fucking passion project of THE SMARTEST BEING IN JAPAN. Frankly? You deserve this. You deserve this and our school doesn't know you. Never heard of you. You whoms't?
Coulda changed the world. But instead all you did was piss of The Fuzzy White Demon Lord of UA. Rest in pieces. *click*
*sound of doors smashing open*
*violent Raid Upon Your Labs noises*
But! You may ask? What's IN the Lab?
What MAKES this a DP crossover?
I like your question asking spirit! Good one! And the answer? You know what's better then ONE(1) Nedzu? A second one that you can ACTUALLY control this time! After all! You could consider Mr. Principle a prototype. A proof of concept, if you will. If you were able to make ANOTHER.....
Well, you would set off EVERY. SINGLE. ALARM. Nedzu has set up!
All of them!
Because he don't PLAY THAT.
He has long last trauma from the labs and is the SOLE FUCKING SURVIVOR. There WERE others. They Did Not make it. And their slow agonizing deaths are carved into his brain for the rest of his life. Truely "The living shall envy the dead"; it was a place that made hell seem merciful.
When he declare Never Again?
He fucking MEANT Never Again. He will BURN your empires to ash, with you in them. No More Labs.
So :) You can IMAGINE :) HOW HAPPY HE IS :)
That someone out there is trying to RECREATE his SUPER traumatic childhood, on ANOTHER CHILD. Ha ha! Gonna be a second Nedzu huh? Planning to torture HIM like you did me, HUH? Shove him in a cage and treat him like an animal? Force him to watch as the others die? Collars and whips and cattle prods? Mazes?!
Nedzu may lose his shit.
Juuuuust a little bit.
But if anyone there knows what good for them? They saw NOTHING. What's a little PTSD flashback between friends? Now what is the baby?
Smashcut to said baby!
Because it was a TEAM effort, Danny was successful in "Nuh Uh!"ing out of Rulership. But NOT out of governance. Since he DID help. He's a Councilman now. It's? Not as bad as it could be, honestly. Since it's opened the Zone up to a more democratic system.
Still held by "kick the ass of the person you wanna replace" but still!
Thing is? There was apparently this weird? Leak? Like a couple hundred years ago, in this one area, that was never addressed. Everyone just moved their doors and stuff. Treated it like the floors flooded. But now that they HAVE someone to complain too?
They all want their territories back.
"Go fix it!" What are we? Janitors?
Danny looses the rock, paper, scissors competition. He's pretty sure Boxy cheated. But like? Dude has a kid to go home too, so Danny doesn't fight him to hard on this. Uuuuuugh. Just remember the Spider-Man motto. Great power~ blah blah blaaaah~
And? Wow is it fucked out there.
The whole PLANET has to be limnal as FUCK. Yikes.
Problem is? When he and his team (Because YES, he HAS learned from his mistakes, Jazz.) get close to the... frankly the Zone here looks like distorted spiderwebbing. With him leading the charge, obviously.
....something happens.
It's... it's not a portal. Wrong color. It's like someone USED the weird spiderwebbing effect to... to reach INTO the Zone? But they are severally Limnal. Clawed hands, blue tint. But that's not the problem.
No, the problem.
The Horror.
The thing that his team can only watch on in agonized terror as it plays out... is that hand? It shoots out of nowhere. Ghostlike in the Zone. Meaning it must be living. And PLUNGES directly into Danny's chest to wrap around his core.
Time seems to slow.
He can't even scream in pain. At the violation. His team, acquaintances, yes, but friendly ones. Can not even cry out in horror, as they watch their friend and team lead be butchered before them. Before that uncaring hand is ripping back. Perfect ice and starlight in its uncaring grip.
For a terrible moment... he is in two places at once.
Then he is crushed in a burning grip. Like molten bars. Watching his own body dissolve into nothing in an instant, pain and horror still etched upon his face. The beginnings of screams ripping from his team as they jerk away from the nightmarish threat.
Then he can not think at all.
He... he TRIES. Knows he has been captured. Is certainly not the sort to give up easily. But... he's so tired. His body feels? Weird. Not wrong, per say. It's HIS. But... small and weird. Like he's shape shifted into a new form and hasn't adjusted yet.
He's getting really sick of all the goop against his whiskers and in his ears. It feels WEIRD against his fu- WAIT a second... did those assholes shove him into an animal? Why?! To contain him? Ha! Jokes on them! He's DONE THIS before!
For FUN!
He once spent a whole ass summer as a tiny dragon just 'CAUSE!
Unfortunately, said assholes notice him waking up. Dump him in a glorified hamster cage. But like.... a SHITTY "I don't care about the pet I bought" hamster cage. Dude. And he's naked.
Is that Japanese? Ooooh! It IS! Thank you, Tucker's Weeb phase.
......actually, never mind. Lotta dehumanizing language there, my guys. What is this? The GIW international? You couldn't even give me PANTS? Swear to God, call me an "it" ONE more time and the next time I have to go? I am going to aim through the bars at your-! *alarms going off*
....wasn't me.
I mean, be all means, ha ha and get fucked, but? Wasn't me. Oh hey! Some one exploded the doo-
AND? In Lab 4?
Nedzu finds a child with fluffy, ungroomed black and white fur, and the curious yet cautious eyes of a survivor. They are the most magnificent green, pale and luminous they glow in the laboratories lighting. Paws too big for his small frame, delicate ears on the swivel, equally large. Yet to grow into either. Adolescent, at best.
He watches the child take him in. Note his features and the chaos behind him. The injured scientist under his feet. Come to him conclusion. Nedzu will not rush him. Now that he... he stand the chance to be the hero he himself never had. It is a strange feeling. At once cathartic and unbearably painful.
He is given the equivalent of a cheerful grin, as the lad points the the lock on the cage. Is asked if he happened to bring a spare pair of pants. He can not help his amused chortle as he makes quick work of the lock. The unbearable RELIEF he feels.
He... he was not too late.
These monsters had no chance to crush the boy's light. To make a monster of him, like they did with him. He survived his laboratory, his hell. But not all of him left that terrible place. He knows that. Some innocence, some goodness, died alone in the dark. But here? He insured there would be no chance.
With amusement, he watches the boy turn the lab upside down until he finds spare scrubs. Triumphant, he then considers his own, tiny claws. Dismisses them. Attempts to hop up on a chair to retrieve something sharp. It? Is unbearably cute. To watch him rip and shred, problem solve. His little mind churning away. Whiskers twitching as his eyes dart around, considering his options.
Nedzu offers one of his spare knives.
Watches him light up.
@legitimatesatanspawn @hdgnj @nerdpoe @babbling-babull @lolottes
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theodorequartz · 4 months
[ His Companion ] Hazbin Hotel Various x Male Reader
Chapter 1: Naturally
Third person POV:
" RISE AND SHINE, MY BABY'S! ITS ANOTHER FUCKING DAY! ~" Blitzø yelled, kicking the door down.
Loona groaned and hid her face in her pillow. Meanwhile, a beautifully handsome male sat up, his hair still slightly messy, making him look more on the cute side.
" Morning, Blitzø..." The male yawned.
" Good Morning! Love of my life~" Blitzø said winking and finger gunning the male. Which was replied with a chuckle.
The male sat up and got to the bathroom to get ready. He walked out to see Blitzø in the floor with his face smashed to the concrete, it created dents from the force. He also saw Luna walk away grumbling.
He chuckled slightly and walked to Blitzø to help him up.
" Thanks for letting me stay for the night, Blitzø. I really appreciate it. " The male said softy with a gentle smile.
" Heh. No problem, babe. In fact, you can stay forever if you want~ ACK-!!! " Blitzø got hit by an empty alcohol bottle in the head. The male blinking in surprise.
" M/n's not your damn boyfriend, Blitzø! Stop fucking clinging to him everytime! " Loona screamed from behind the door, it's glass shattered because of the object thrown in it.
M/n chuckled and picked up the broken glass, cleaning the floor after helping Blitzø up again.
" No worries, little pup. Blitzø's behavior is totally okay for me. Everyone needs some affection now and then, do they? Especially since your work is full of violence. " M/n said also picking up pieces of little shard glass in his head, giving it a soft pat after.
Blitzø purred and his tail curled to a heart.
" Aww, n/n~ you're soo good to me~ " Blitzø said, hugging the male's legs and rubbing his head in M/n's waist.
M/n laughed in response and pat Blitzø's head once again.
Loona gagged at her dad- ahem. Adopted dad's words.
" Well, I'll be off then. I still have work to do. I'll see you both next week?" M/n said as he took his belongings and put his coat. Blitzø sighned.
" You know you can just work for me, right? Just ditch whoever your boss is. I'm better!" Blitzø loudly expressed his discontent.
M/n just sighned and shook his head gently. Taking Blitzø's hands off his hips and straighten his coat. " I'll see you soon, Blitzø, Loona. Stay safe, both of you, alright?" M/n said smiling.
Blitzø grumbled but nodded his head and turned around to pout. M/n chuckled and patted his head once more, nodding to Loona as she waved him goodbye.
M/n walked out the door and walked to the loud, chaotic street. Stabbing, shooting, drugs, drunks, killing, destroying, more killing, fucki- he turned away his head from that one.
He bumped on someone making him stagger. The other, however, fell down to their ass, and they didn't seem happy about it.
" Oh. I apologize, sir. Are you alright?" M/n asked the fallen demon, reaching out his hand to help him. The demon slapped his hand away, however, in rage.
" WATCH WHERE YOUR LOOKING AT, DUMBASS!!" The demon screamed at his face as he got up, holding his tie.
" Now, now, dear sir. No need to sort this out on violence." M/n said calmly, not affected by the situation at all.
Some demons watched the commotion. Others just glanced and walked passed by them, as if it's an everyday occurrence. Which probably is since this is hell and all.
The demon was about to shout at him again but stopped and looked at him up and down and smirked.
" Well, I guess we can take this matter on a not-so-violent activity~" the demon proceeded to grip M/n's arm and pulled him to an empty, dark alley. M/n didn't resist, he didn't have to waste his strength on a soon-to-be corpse.
The demon turned around and pushed him to the wall. The demon smirked and licked his lips, walking towards M/n with a lustful look in his eyes. M/n simply stood there, hands on his back, like a butler.
Not even three steps from the demon he broke out screaming.
Blood rushed out of his eye sockets. He gurgled as his tongue was cut out of his mouth.
As the demons body fell down in pain, a demon, dressed in all red. Red hair fading to black, two antlers and ears resembling that of a deer. A cheshire smile on his face. His eyes glitching. He filled the alley with sounds of static, that of a radio.
The Radio Demon. One of the most powerful sinners of all hell. He's mere presence can make anyone piss their pants, run off, hide, and be on their full guard.
But M/n is not anyone. He merely smiled and put his hand in his heart, bowing slightly.
" My lord." M/n said in a soft voice, a greeting for his master.
The radio demon. Alastor. Soften his cheshire grin to a relaxed smile. He twirled his staff in his hand and walked towards his companion.
" M/n, my dear! I'm sorry for the late arrival, just some business with the big boss! " Alastor said in a voice much like a radio host in a broadcasting radio. It's oddly charming. For M/n, at least.
The statics had gone down after M/n's voice was heard. It was as if the noice had gone to stop abruptly just to hear M/n's voice. To hear it clearly. The demons cries had gone out to, probably passed out due to the pain or Alastor made him pass out due to how loud he was being.
" His highness, Lucifer? " M/n asked as he walked forward, closing the distance between him and the deer demon.
" Precisely, my dear. Well, we didn't really have time to finish because" Alastor glanced at the passed out demon. His eyes dimming.
M/n blinked.
" My lord, you did not have to cut your time from such an important task to a simple cause as this." M/n said. " I could have just handled it."
Alastor turned his eyes to stare at his once more. He closed the distance, he lowered his head and caressed his companion's face. Just as the day they first met, his cheek was soft and felt pleasantly cold, chilly in his hands. His thumb glazed to his cheek as M/n leaned to his hand.
" I'll always choose you above everything else, my dear." Alastors words warmed M/n's heart. It itched and filled up his soul.
M/n sighed, content. He raised both of his hands towards the other's face as well, cupping it. He leaned his forehead onto his and closed his eyes.
" You're too good to me, my lord."
Alastor chucked and closed his eyes as well.
" Naturally. "
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
hi!! it’s raccoon anon, i saw your post abt not writing for al as often after i put the ask in 🤦 i apologize and could i instead ask for more huskerdust? maybe some overlord!husk loving on angie and reader (raccoon demon ofc) after a rough day at the casino? (just an idea ofc totally up to you!) :D
Casino Troubles
Overlord HuskerDust x Male!Racoon Demon Reader
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A/N: RACOON ANON!! I missed you friend and don’t worry about sending in that Alastor request! I’ll still do it, it’s gonna just take me a little longer than usual! Also I didn’t know if you meant both Husk and Angel were overlords so I went with that but if you want me to rewrite it, don’t be afraid to hit me up! ALSO I HAVE TWO NSFW WORKS FOR OVERLORD HUSKERDUSK IN THE MAKING-
TW: A little angst, cursing, talks about a gun being pointed at you, depictions of violence and gore.
After a horrible day between you and Angel, Husk decides to spoil the shit out of you both.
It had been a rough day for you to start with, this morning when you had woken up to a loud crash as someone made the decision to try and take you out by cutting the elevator cables but severally miscalculated and immediately broke the elevator also while getting shot by Angel’s security when they tried to leave the casino. Now thankfully Angel and Husk were gone to an Overlord meeting that morning but it scared the everloving shit out of you that you had called Husk in a panic. You were stuck in the penthouse for hours (which wasn’t a problem but it still annoyed you to no end.) Then when you had finally made it down into the Casino, just wanting to meet with Husk and Angel outside as they came back from whatever extra business they attended whilst waiting for the elevator to be fixed. But as soon as you did, one of Angel’s newest recruits (or maybe a dumbass who knows) decided you weren’t who you said you were and threw you out on your ass with a pistol to your forehead.  
The hammer cocked back as his finger was tapping on the trigger and you were fully expecting to be shot down. But then Angel’s voice rang out and then the damn fool was on the ground blood seeping from his neck and chest as Angel bends down. “Oh shit- You okay baby? He didn’t rough you up too much did he?” Angel’s voice cracking from how worried he was, “Did he pistol whip you?” He asked, watching as a bruise formed on your cheek and tears formed in your eyes. Angel looked around as two guards strolled out, snapping at them with a venom you only heard behind his closed office door, the venom he saved for his enemies and the occasional idiot who tried to harm you. The guards flinched and quickly dragged the body away as Angel sighed, his hand cupping your face and wiping your tears. “I just wanted to greet you-” You had sobbed out leaning into his hand, “I get fucking jumped in the casino cause they didn’t believe me.” You continued flinching as your head started to throb, you felt pathetic. Angel quickly picked you up storming into the casino, ignoring everybody as he made a beeline towards the elevator. You hid your face into his shoulder the bright lights, smells and sounds of the casino intensifying the headache. 
It was only a few moments but it felt like an hour the whole elevator ride up, he carefully walked to the bedroom and frowned despite how shitty his day turned out especially after hearing what had happened this morning. He knew he had to up his defenses but now he had to comb through everything because his sweet little boyfriend got hurt…almost got killed by an idiot with a fucking gun. He carefully sat you on the bed, watching as your tail curled towards yourself and you didn’t dare remove yourself from his grasp. “I’m sorry, Handsome.” He whispered out, he fully blamed himself.
When Husk had gotten the call from Angel Dust about what had happened, the poor tomcat had raised hell. His temper flared so bad he had to make sure he didn’t bring it home with him especially when his two favorite men had a horrible day. So once he took care of his anger he had rushed back home with treats and small gifts, he hummed a soft tune as he snubbed out his cigar in one of the many ashtrays placed around the casino ignoring how some of the patrons ran off at the sight of him and his guards stood taller, seems like the damage had been done and now Angel was on a warpath. Husk couldn’t deny he was too, he would kill every single rat in his own casino if it meant making sure you were safe. Angel could handle himself in a fight just fine but they both worried about you, their sweet boyfriend. 
As soon as the elevators opened with a soft ding he waltzed into the penthouse, everything where it was placed last. A frown tugged at his lips at how quiet it was, he didn’t like it. He placed the treats in the fridge, you could enjoy them later, he waltzed towards the bedroom to see the room was dark as it could be as Angel held you close to his chest, his lower set of arms were rubbing your back carefully. Waltzing closer as he shrugged his suit jacket off and placed it on the armchair in the corner of the room, he noticed how your cheeks were stained with tears. Angel had given him a soft yet strained smile that tore his heart up, “How are you both feeling?” He asked softly not too loud just in case you had fallen asleep. “He’s..been better.” Angel replied hearing your soft snores, “Got roughed up bad, when I got there he..they almost killed him, Husky.” Angel teared up looking away from the feline. “If I hadn’t gotten there in time-” His voice cracked as Husk moved to sit down on the edge of Angel’s side. “But you did, Angel. He’s safe, we are safe.” Husk quickly cut him off and kissed his cheek, wiping any tears from his eyes. “They're dead right?” He hummed watching Angel nod and he let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. “Let’s go take a bath and let me pamper my boys?” He asked purring loudly as Angel flushed the strained smile replaced with a real smile.
Husk moved to lean over towards your sleeping form and pressed gentle kisses to your face being careful not to touch the forming bruise, you whined and slowly opened your eyes, “C’mon pretty boy, can I see your handsome face?” He asked, causing you to chuckle and stretch your back out. “I think he might need some more, Husky~” Angel teased as his hands gently pressed into your sides as Husk easily climbed over Angel to press more kisses onto your face, his tail swaying happily. The fear and anger dissipating easily into laughter as you try to return all the kisses both of them gave you.
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ffeelann · 3 months
könig w a reader who is much smaller than him but has ATTITUDE like she's a girl boss and könig is just 🧍🏻‍♂️
a/n: HE ORDERED WITHOUT PICKLES love these ones
open requestsss
tw: marriage omg, husband/wife, gentle giant/short demon, fem reader, she's LOUD. Swearing bc this girl has her attitude sorry, yelling, könig being like ''sorry she's kinda... haha''. not my first lenguage sorry BE NICE ILY
—Hey, hey. Wait your turn, man, the hell you doing? We've been here waiting for hours— Y/N heard a soldier saying. Oh damn, they were skipping turns on the queue again.
Y/N was a nurse who was trying, to work and check every single guy out there. But someone was doing some mess.
—Hey, Y/N, would you please...?— one of the nurses asked her, but she didn't even let him finish and she took off her gloves without hesitation.
—Hell yeah, these big ass idiots are messing with my temple again— ''temple'' ment the poorly made nursery that barely kept on it's feet.
She walked off the nursery to see the queue being interrupted by a guy that was taking another... way much taller... wait a second.
Ah, shit. That was König.
—Hey! Hey, you, big insufferable toddler! Let that man go or I'll cancel your date!
Y/N yelled while she walked quickly to that place. König stared at her while she got closer to them both, without really moving. He just made a slight effort to keep himself quiet and without any move. Waiting for that tiny piece of anger to come there.
—You yell at him, girl! My feet are hurting like shit for standing here for, like, hours. And this guy wants to skip the fucking que-
—He's not hurt, you dumbass, don't you have eyes?— Y/N said, and the closest soldiers were honestly looking at her with some amusement on their faces, since she was deffending the biggest man from the middle heighted one. When she was...
—Yeah shortie, that's pretty much making it way wor-
Y/N tried to punch him, but König hold her faster by her waist and took two steps back to avoid her kicking the hurted guy. While this happened, she yelled and swore at him.
—The hell you doing, man? Let the nurse get him— another guy said. And König denied with his head quickly.
—My wife doesn't really appreciate any comments about her height. She can come out as...
She suddenly shutted down her voice.
—What did you say, babe?
—Uh... I said ''my wife doesn't...''-
Y/N pointed to König's face making some effort to it. Which all the closest soldiers listened closely, specially the guy who tried to hold Y/N's husband back before.
—Heard that? This is my husband. And he's big and he can really beat your ass, hear me? Do not disrespect my man again, understood?— she said, pointing at her ring and showing her hand off at his face.
—Understood?! Made myself fucking clear?!
The guy looked at König's eyes, and the man in question avoided the eye contact to look at the mad woman on his arms. He looked at the man for a tiny bit to nod softly, indicating him to quit and shut up.
—Y-yes, ma'am...
She took the big man's hand once he left her to conduct themselves into the nursery. And König felt very proud to the fact that everyone looked at his wife. She was lovely, after all.
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ninjaunderscore · 11 months
You ever drawn Painter?
As soon as I saw this ask I had to find the things I've done of him BUT THEN I NEVER FOUND THEM ARGH
Until now atleast
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Also since that is.. horrifically old art from 2019(???) .... So have the evolution of him (from his concepts to his final design) from that one cool dev time lapse, it's more recent art LMAO
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I def need to draw him again sometime </3
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
Okay so
Choke Me Bite Me has made me feral
I’m thinking about the next part…maybe some smutty angst where Eddie’s girlfriend catches him and Reader, or he calls out Reader’s name while sleeping with his girlfriend? And she makes him choose? Up to you who he chooses…feel free to go full angst.
Xoxoxoxoxo, @munson-blurbs 💚
CHOKE ME BITE ME | part ii | for reference
this will be the last for this ask/ mini series 😘 thank you for all the love ❤️ 💋 thank you to @lunatictardis for the req that started this 💕💕
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eddie x female!reader
w.c 3.2k
warnings: NO MINORS, p in v unprotected sex, cheating, drug use. etc
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Over the past few weeks Eddie had been acting stranger than usual. Someone who was once a leader among younger misfits of Hawkins, was now nowhere to be found. His seat at lunch would be empty for days, only to be seen rushing in at the last minute to eat a few pretzels and steal Dustin’s hat, or to tease Mike about his supposed California “girlfriend”. Other days he would go missing for lunch and half of his classes, which for him, was not uncommon, but coming back to class with his hair in a low bun, cheeks flushed and sweaty, was. He even started canceling Hellfire or moving it entirely at the last minute, claiming he wasn’t prepared or that Wayne needed him.
The boys of Hellfire grew suspicious of their leather and denim adorned Dungeon Master, “He’s gotta have a girlfriend.” Mike squeaked, the effects of puberty still hitting even though he was the tallest of the nerds.
“He’s had a girlfriend for a long time, dumbass.” Gareth sneers, “How the fuck have you not noticed?”
“Fuck I don’t know! He never talks about her!”
Dustin, easily the smartest of the group, chimes in, “Actually, that’s a good point.. he doesn’t talk about her… at all.”
“Last I heard, she was fucking around on him, I heard her talking about it with Chrissy Cunningham during Biology a few weeks ago. I told him but he didn’t seem to give a shit.” Jeff shrugs, shoveling in a heap of chewy canned corn. “You know how he is.”
The rest of the boys nodded in agreement, brushing it off their shoulders as they planned how they were going to beat Eddie’s next campaign, if he didn’t cancel, again.
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“Christ, mmm are you sure no one’s going to come in and see us, you almost got us caught last time.”
“Nice try princess, you almost got us caught cause of that fucking whore mouth you have… fuck.”
“Not my fault you can’t keep your mouth shut when your dick is in my throat.”
The hellfire room echos with your combined moans as Eddie pumps harder into you harder, ass hanging off the table, he’s rubbing your clit as you clench around him. Sweat is dripping from his thick tufts of hair as he rolls his eyes into the back of his skull— full demon mode as he claws at your hip with his other hand.
Since Eddie brought you to school that day after date crashing, and vandalizing Andy’s car, you had both been skipping class to— explore the inner walls of Hawkins— or for lack of better words, fuck in any empty room you could get to first. So far the broom closet across from Ms. O’Donnell’s, the Hellfire room (Eddie’s personal favorite) , the band room, the wood shop shack, the dugouts by the baseball fields and the picnic table in the woods: had all been defiled by you and Eddie.
“I swear you get tighter every time we fuck,” Eddie groans as you writhe beneath him, grabbing him by the thins of his shirt collar to look him in the dark glassy pits of his eyes while you moaned into his mouth and come all over his cock. “Thassit pretty girl, fuck you’re so fucking hot, so perfect— letting me fuck you allover this goddamn school, I’m coming fuck fuck fuck.” He comes undone, shivering and bucking his hips harder with every shooting release his body produces. He collapses halfway on top of you, causing the cheap table to groan and buckle beneath your combined weight, crashing to the floor with Eddie’s dick still buried inside of you.
The shock wears off and you’re both hysterically laughing, your laughter pushes his softening length out of you along with your combined come, oozing out of your pussy and all over the floor like pearly melted ice cream treat. “Don’t think I’ve ever broken a table from fucking before.”
“What can I say, I’m just that good,” you say with a wink as you button up your blouse, fixing your hair and blotting your mascara ran eyes.
Eddie couldn’t deny you anymore. He had been putting on this hard ass facade for a while now, but every now and then he would slip up, telling you how pretty you were, bringing you back to his place and holding you while you both slept after the usual hookup and joint. With all the time you had been spending together, you wondered if they were even together anymore. You never mentioned him to her. Never treading towards that car wreck of a relationship. He didn’t seem nearly as frustrated and pissed off as he did when this situation first started. In fact, the sex was almost sweet at times, blaming it on the weed as Eddie would bottom out into your pussy, holding your hands above your head and kissing you sloppy, his hips rolling slow in tandem with the low rumblings of “Free Bird” playing in the background, singing into your ear as he fucked into you slow.
Tucking himself back into his jeans, your come still sticky sweet on his cock, he smirks, “yeah, you’re something all right.”
The jingle of a key in the door has you both on alert, pulling Eddie out of the blissful limbo of wondering if you’re just fuck buddies or a little something more. He helps you to your feet and holds your hand tight, yanking you towards the back door leading to outside. You're both laughing as you run to the picnic table in the woods, grabbing your hand tighter, filling his lungs with fresh air, coughing from the years of lung abuse. A blush pricks its way across his cheeks as he looks down at you. Your smile will end up killing him, he’s certain of that. The ache in his heart subsides when he sees it. Like all the bullshit she puts him through doesn’t matter. Because he has you.
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She had been noticing Eddie’s lack of attendance, not that she cared. Even though she didn’t sit with him and his band of freaks at lunch, she couldn't help but distinguish between the now quietness of the cafeteria and Eddie’s normal prancing around like a lunatic, blurting the conformities of the world for all of his very much uninterested peers to hear. Being with him was suffocating. Clutching the air from her perfect image and tarnishing her brand of Hawkins High elite. She allowed their time to be spent together at his place rather than hers, not wanting to taint her family name by having that garbage pile on wheels parked outside the trim and poised bushes of the monstrous house in the newer golf course addition to Hawkins. He didn’t understand what the big deal was, why she thought it was important or even fucking cared at all.
“So you’re embarrassed to be with me?” He’d whine. She so badly wanted to say yes, but clung on to their relationship as a backup…mostly for the free weed. Okay only for the free weed. Sometimes sacrifice was necessary get what you actually wanted. And for that, she would sacrifice herself and lie through her teeth to get what she desired— but what she wanted, wasn’t Eddie.
She was in love with him, or at least she thought she was early on in their relationship. Hooking up after stumbling into the Hideout on a Tuesday night in the summer after a birthday party for Chrissy landed them a ride to the bar and free drinks from the bartender she had been flirting with all night. Eddie was singing that night, sweaty and shirtless. Hair soaked down to his shoulders as he sang and winked towards her. She thought he was in college, home for the summer, playing with his band, working on the side, she was astonished to find out that he was twenty and still in high school, her high school. Eddie had fallen head over heels for her, excited that someone, anyone, would give him the time of day. He was oblivious to her wandering eyes, the way guys would snicker and wink at her whenever they were near. Even missing her crude hand and mouth gestures she made to the jocks on the football team. He was so blissfully unaware, and she used it to her advantage.
He had caught her, she didn’t know it, but he had seen her cheating. He decided to show up to her house on her birthday, a dozen roses tucked under his arm and a pretty heart necklace wrapped in gold paper he had seen at the jewelry store in star court mall. He had spent two weeks worth of dealings to afford it, only for her to be kissing Jason Carver on her front porch. The following night you had been working at Melvald’s when he came stomping in, searching for batteries for his Walkman. You had seen him around school, heard the rumors about him being a vessel for satan. But nothing would prepare you for the pool of wetness in your panties when he smooth-talked you into meeting him out back after your shift for a smoke. That night you were both high out of your minds, lazily shotgunning one another as Eddie pounded into you from behind in his van. Releasing all his pent up anger from seeing her with Jason the previous night. You were his outlet, he had made it clear to you that this was strictly fooling around, nothing more, and to never, under any circumstances were you allowed to talk about her.
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That was almost two months ago, and although you promised yourself you wouldn’t, begged yourself not to care about him, to move on from him— you simply couldn’t. You craved him when he wasn’t around, needed him when you had a bad day. What started off as a fling was currently erupting into nights of late night talking, spending more time at Eddie’s house than you did at your own, even meeting his uncle on accident when Eddie started undressing himself and you, shucking his jacket to the ground and toeing off his Reeboks, when he backed himself into the front door of the trailer, a stunned Wayne sitting at the kitchen table, clearing his throat from behind a cup of coffee. But he was still with her.
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One night, crowded around the small pea green table finishing their supper, Wayne clears his throat, swallowing the last bits of his tv dinner, “So what happened to ol’ uh whatshername?” Wiping his graying mustache with the back of his hand, rolling his eyes as Eddie stares at him with a confused look on his face, one eyebrow curled up, the other shoved high into his fringe. “Don't’ play stupid with me, boy, your girlfriend.” Wayne grunts.
“Oh.. uh— well we’re still together, why? Gossip not cutting it at the plant, need some entertainment?” Eddie sneers, putting up his walls of defense so quick they practically shook the foundation of the fragile decaying trailer.
“As much as I love not seeing her scowling face around here, was just curious as to why she ain’t, and why you try to sneak y/n out of here in the mornings when you think I’m asleep.”
Eddie’s face pales, running a hand down his face he sinks lower into his chair. “I don’t know what to do.” He groans, talking behind his hands.
“Boy, I know that skull of yours is thicker than concrete, but I never figured you’d be that damn dumb.”
“Hey!” Eddie protests, “it’s not that easy! She was the first girl ever to notice me!”
“It is that easy, you’re just not paying attention, ain’t never seen you smile more than when y/n is around. That other snooty rich bitch used hand sanitizer every time she touched something here. Drove me nuts watching her turn her nose up to you, to this place. Her heart ain’t in it son, and quite frankly it never was,” he stands from the table, throwing away the paper formed sectioned out plate and puts the fork in the sink, rubbing his hands along the fraying towel hung from the stove, “sometimes you gotta open your eyes a little bit and see who makes you happy, who you actually like spendin’ time with.” He tucks his head beneath a worn ball cap and waves bye as he steps out of the trailer, leaving a dumbfounded Eddie staring holes into the cold mashed potatoes. A decision pressed along the inner workings of his mind.
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“Jesus Christ,” Gareth points across the dim lit parking lot, laughing as the shadows of Eddie’s van rocks back and forth.
“You know what they say, when the van’s a rockin’ don’t come knockin” Jeff explains, wiping the last bit of Coke off his chin. “Told you he had a girlfriend, Mike!”
Hellfire had just gotten over and the party was heading to their vehicles. The late spring air was chilly as a light breeze picked up, scattering trash along the black asphalt of the parking lot in a sad tango.
“Shit, guess he did have something better to do.” Mike says with a laugh, high fiving Dustin and Lucas. A car pulls into the parking lot, parking right behind Eddie’s van.
“Wait isn’t that…”
“No fucking way!”
Stepping out of the car was Eddie’s girlfriend, fuming pissed as she knocked and banged on the windows.
“Oh shit, oh shit!” Gareth yells as he runs towards Eddie’s van. “Let’s go!” he yells over his shoulder, summoning the rest of Hellfire to help out their devoted DM.
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A note taped to the inside of your locker meant one thing, Eddie. He knew your locker combination and would frequently leave you locations and times on where to meet. But this note was different: “meet me at 6 o’clock in the parking lot by my van. 🖤” Your stomach fluttered at the sight of it, clutching the note to your chest you thought about it for the next three hours.
The van was set up with your favorite snacks, camping lanterns he “borrowed” from his neighbors, pillows, blankets, and of course a few joints he had rolled previously. He was standing against the opened back door to the van, holding flowers and that signature grin.
“What’s all this?” You ask, eyes wet with tears, your smile breaking from ear to ear. The beautiful petals from the flowers curling against your fingers as you touched them delicately.
Eddie grabs you by the waist, his hand dragging up your body lazily, stroking your cheek, “just thought we could do something different tonight… before we go any further I need to tell you— I’m ending it with her.”
Your heart skips a beat, “w-why is that?”
His hand grazes your chin, lifting it up higher revealing the slope of your neck. He slotted his lips against you, licking slow and lightly nipping his teeth into your soft flesh. “Oh I think you know why, baby.”
“I do, but I want you to say it,” you tease, twirling your fingers through his hair as you try to stifle a moan.
Eddie grins against your neck, licking a strip up to your ear, whispering, “I want you, and only you.” He pulls away and looks deep into your eyes, “you make me happier than I’ve ever been, I feel like I can be myself with you… I’m so into you baby.”
Your heart sings, you throw your arms around Eddie’s neck, pressing your lips to his, murmuring between kisses, “I’m yours.”
He picks you up delicately, bringing you inside the van and laying you down softly against the pillows. Shutting the door, Eddie peels his clothes off, eyeing you with sweet eyes of honey flecked brown as you undress. He presses his body into yours, kissing you slow and sweet, savoring this moment, wishing he had always taken his time with you. Soaking in every kiss, every lick of your skin, the soft moans you hummed out beneath him as you were finally his. “Should have made you mine the minute I saw you behind that counter at Melvald’s. You looked so cute, and I was so miserable.” He noses his way through the valley of your tits, suckling on your nipples as your back arches up, thrusting yourself up into his mouth.
“It’s okay, Eddie,” you moaned in the comfort of the van, “we’re together now… and I need you.” Your pussy aching to be filled.
He wastes no time, throwing your legs around his waist as he unzips his jeans, spitting on your naked pussy and rubbing his cock through your dripping folds. He pumps into you slow, kissing you deeply as he mutters swears against your lips. “I’m down bad for you sweetheart,” he admits, thrusting his hips into you, reveling in the eyes you gasp as he pushes in deeper, “you have no idea.”
You claw at his back, fingers digging into the softness of his skin, rippling across his muscled form. Finally able to mark him up without any restraints, he moans into your opened mouth. He pumps into you harder, rubbing your clit with one hand as the van is rocking back to forth. Sweat is pouring from your bodies, fogging up the windows, and dripping onto the blankets. Headlights glare against the back windows as Eddie pounds into you deeper, you’re whining beneath him, begging and clawing at his shoulders, crying from the beautiful pleasure filling you up, cusping your g spot as Eddie raises your leg over his shoulder, using your hips to grip onto.
A bang on the window has you both stopping dead. Nothing but bated breath and your heart beats heard as you listen. High pitched screaming is breaking against the balance from beyond the metal doors, it’s her.
The Hellfire boys make it to Eddie’s van just in time to stop her from throwing open the doors, or so they thought.
The doors open revealing Eddie’s bare ass for all of Hawkins to see, he throws the blankets over you covering your naked body. He swivels slowly to face her.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” she screams as she slaps and hits him on his naked chest, a pillow covering his groin. “You're cheating on me?!”
“Aww, you thought you were the only one fucking around on this relationship?” he scoffs, “tell me how long have you been fucking Jason behind Chrissy’s back?”
“That’s none of your business!” She seethes.
“You’re right, it’s not, we’re done. fuck off. Oh and don’t worry, I made sure to tell Chrissy about your and Jason’s little rendezvous.”
She stomps back to her car screaming with rage as she pushes Mike out of the way. Tires squealing as she leaves the parking lot.
“Y/N?” Dustin asks, peering around Eddie.
“Hey,” you wave, covering yourself up more as you scan the van for your clothes.
“Wait, you know him?” Eddie asks, sitting down next to you and slithering beneath the blankets, pecking your shoulder as he wraps his arms around you.
“Yeah, I do but maybe we can play detective after we’re not naked in the school parking lot.”
“Oh right, hey get out of here you little pervs! Quit trying to look at my girl!”
You would think about those two little words rolling so easily off his tongue for hours. Wrapped in Eddie’s arms, wearing his shirt as you sleep peacefully in his bed, finally as his girl.
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a/n: this was so fun to write, hope I ended it the way you had all hoped. I didn’t want to give Eddie’s gf a name figuring she would be best to just be imagined however you as a reader would think of her. if you liked this—please comment your favorite part of this little ask turned mini series—I’m currently taking reqs for specific stories only, the link is in my master list 💋 thank you to everyone for leaving your feedback 🤎
tagged: @sidthedollface2
@dontwasteyourchances @tlclick73 @eddie-swhore @sinczir @alexiatheheroic @sh-el67 @lolalanaie
{if you’re tagged but didn’t get a mention notification, I tried to tag you but I think I saw someone post that it’s a settings issue on your blog}
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akiranzee · 1 year
❤️ • ° ` — “HATE TO LOVE YOU”
-> PAIRINGS: Sanemi Shinazugawa x f!Hashira!Y/n -> SUMMARY: You like him, but he hates you. Or so you think. -> WORD COUNT: 2.0k+ -> CONTAINS: fluff, a little cursing, a little suggestive (it’s js 1 paragraph lol), sanemi is 21 & reader is 19. -> A/N: this was sitting in my drafts for quite a while LMAO. anw, i’m gonna change some things here; genya got killed by his mother, so meaning only sanemi survived.
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It was that time of season, which you hated most, feeling all cold and shivering.
“Y/n-san!” Someone called out to you, only to reveal the kind boy you have met back at the Hashira meeting.
“Oh, Tanjiro-kun!” You yelled back, waving at him all smiley.
“What are you doing here, Y/n-san?” And you just then realized you are right in front of the wind hashira’s estate.
You didn’t know what you even came here for, perhaps you forgot, or perhaps you just... felt like it.
You asked Tanjiro the same question, his answer somewhere being ‘Shinobu-san asked me to bring Shinazugawa-san his medicines’.
Well, good luck Tanjiro.
Oh, now you remember.
Now you remember what you were doing in front of the wind hashira’s estate.
You wanted to give him some ohagis you made, which by the way, you’re holding right now.
I mean, he got injured in his last mission, so of course you have to pay him a visit. Especially when you like him, after all.
But instead of handing him the ohagis, you decided to pussy out and go back to your own estate.
Reaching your estate, you place the ohagis on the table and ate it in his stead.
You had dreams of one day, in this table, the both of you would eat, and he would sit right in front of you, talking about sweet nothings.
Also, desires of where he’ll sleep beside you in the bed, naked and covered in sweat, making love like there’s no tomorrow.
Those were the dreams and desires you wished to achieve. But you know damn well, that they will only be your dreams and desires, and will be nothing more than that.
It’s a painful thought, of course. But you can’t help but think he hates you.
And he’s shown countless signs of it.
When one time, you did hand him some ohagis you made, but he just told you to scram off. So in the end, you just decided to go back later when he’s inside his estate, and leave it outside.
Second time was when Oyakata-sama assigned you both for a mission. It was an easy mission, the demon wasn’t even an uppermoon or a lowermoon. It was just a normal one. But even so, Sanemi spat out his usual words to say to you, ‘weak’, ‘fragile’, ‘useless’, and ‘pitiful’.
Third time was when he also got very injured and you can’t help but get worried of course. So you and your dumbass decided to volunteer to bring Sanemi’s soup and medicine, only to be thrown straight to your face.
You’re lucky the soup was just mild hot, or else your face would’ve been burned.
And well, those were the times you clearly remember as they were the most hurtful times with him by far.
But even so, you still like him. Whatever can this feeling called ‘love’ ever do to a person? It’s crazy and it’s scaring you.
It’s scary how every single time he keeps pushing you away, you fall for him more and more instead.
It’s scary how every single time he curses at you, you even talk to him more and more.
It’s scary how every single time he rolls his eyes and avoids you, you follow him more and more.
It’s scary how ‘love’ can turn you into this kind of person.
And you don’t even hate it. Not even a single bit.
Even your friends, or your fellow hashiras ask you why, why did you fall in love with this scary scarred maniac.
And you don’t even know why. It must have been just... fate.
2 weeks later, Oyakata-sama called you for a mission.
It was to assassinate the lowermoon 2, somewhere deep in the forest.
You’ve been running around the dark forest for which you’ve estimated to be 3 hours atleast.
It was tiring, sure, but you’ve trained for more than a year to reach where you are now.
And you can’t let this lowermoon stop you.
It was a dumb act, that you’ve only realized the purpose of this demon once you were tired enough.
It was to tire you while running around the whole forest looking for him, when the forest itself is the demon’s blood demon art.
And once you’ve reached your limit, the demon camouflaged you at the right time, injuring your stomach and right leg.
You were obviously at a disadvantage, and your injuries hurted like hell, especially when it’s winter, and the cold is slowing you down.
But those didn’t stop you. Instead, you took your katana that fell out of your grip the moment the demon injured you, and tried your best to execute your fighting stance.
It was hard to breathe, your vision was slowly getting blurry, and your chest was feeling heavy.
It was as if you were almost gonna pass out, considering that you’ve went past your limits already.
The demon was about to attack you, and you were about to defend, but then suddenly, not even in a blink, the demon’s head fell off.
You didn’t know why or how, but your confusion was quickly solved when you saw a certain white haired man strolling right up to you.
“S-Shinazugawa-san!” You called out, causing your knees to give in, and causing Sanemi to sprint towards you.
If he hadn’t caught both your arms by now, you would’ve fallen head first to the ground.
“W-What are you doing here?” You managed to stutter out, blood dripping out of your mouth.
“Let’s get you to the butterfly estate first.” Sanemi said gruffly, swiftly carrying you in his arms bridal-style like you weigh just as a feather, and off he ran.
It was short, simple, and brash. But you swore you saw something wet in his eyes.
But you must’ve been just imagining it. Why would he, Sanemi Shinazugawa, the cold hearted wind pillar, cry for someone like you?
Your vision is blurry, that must be it.
Then, darkness completely takes over your sight, and falling asleep into his arms.
It’s comfy, warm, and soft. You tried to open your eyes and adjust to the lighting, only to hear a shriek coming from Aoi,
“HYA! L/N-SAN IS AWAKE!!” Aoi called out, sprinting out of the room and repeated the sentence thrice.
Your eyes were hurting by how the light hit your eyes, but even so, you still saw the one and only, Sanemi Shinazugawa.
“Let me have a minute with her.” Sanemi breathed out, and that was all it took for the both of you to be left alone.
“Sanemi-san... How are you?” You asked, smiling oh so gently at him without even noticing you called him by his first name.
“...You ask me that? Why don’t you look at your fucking self!? You look more pathetic and weak than me, hell, do you even care about yourself at this point!?” Sanemi snapped, and you were shocked.
Shocked because he never or you never saw him acting this way towards others. Even with Rengoku’s death, he didn’t cry, he didn’t get angry when they’ve known each other far more longer than the both of you know each other.
So why? Why does Sanemi Shinazugawa care for you? When after all, all he’s ever done was to push you away, curse at you, and roll his eyes at you.
So what does this sudden change mean?
“Damn it... Why can’t you just atleast stay...” Sanemi whispered under his breath, but you swore it was loud enough for the whole room to hear it.
“What do you mean?” Sending him a questioning and confused gaze, only to realize you weren’t supposed to hear that.
“Stop. Just stop. I don’t want to do anything with you anymore. Why do you keep making me feel like this? I hate this. I don’t like you. I despise you. I shouldn’t have saved you. I hate you.” He sprouted words again, but this time, you were far from believing them.
You saw the look on his eyes while saying those things, as if they were the complete opposite to what he just said.
He was on the verge of tears.
Sanemi Shinazugawa. 21 years old. Cold, arrogant, aggressive, and scary. Name him any heartless names you have, and it will easily define him.
Sanemi Shinazugawa. 13 years old. Kind, friendly, and bright. Name him any kind names you have, and it will easily define him.
Whatever does this two have a difference? It’s of the same man, but with different personalities.
Ah, that’s right. It was when Sanemi Shinazugawa still had everything, and when he had lost everything.
He was just a child, who’s childhood has been robbed away from him.
He was just a person, who tried to protect his family.
He was just a human, who make mistakes.
But why? Why can he never keep anything or anyone for himself?
His mother, his siblings, Masachika, Genya, all the people important and close to him. He could never keep them.
They’d always die when they’re near him. They’d always end up in a pool of blood, with tons of injuries.
Sanemi can never keep anything and nothing can ever belong to him. He always lose everything. He can never call something or someone his.
“W-What do you mean, Shinazugawa-san?” You reached out to his face, trying to wipe the tears away, but he obviously just slaps it away.
“Don’t touch me dammit.” He looks at you with anger, and maybe hatred. But his voice cracks, as if he didn’t want to say that.
“Sanemi-san, why do you keep pushing me away? I've always tried to be your friend, but why? Why do you hate me so much?” You questioned, feeling your heart break and tears threatening to spill out.
“I can never keep anyone.” He started, slowly calming down.
“Everyone who I’ve called friend, family, and brother. I’ve lost all of them. They all end up dying. I don’t want to get close to you, or else you might just become one of them. Be a bloody body laying on a pool of blood, all lifeless right in front of me. I don’t want to get attached to you, but you just keep going near me and it’s annoying.” He slowly looked at you, and you could see his eyes filled with sadness.
Ah, so that’s why. That’s why he’s always pushing you away, always rejecting you, always avoiding you. He just tried to protect you.
“The day you tried to give me ohagi, I had to build up much courage to push you away, but I found and ate it outside my estate either way. The day that Oyakata-sama also assigned us both on a mission, I told you those things to make you feel worthless and helpless. I didn’t want you fighting that demon, because who knows, you might just die in front of me. Also when you brought me that soup, I didn’t mean to throw it straight at your face. I aimed at the door, but my hand didn’t function correctly if I may say. On that last winter too, you gifted me 2 kimonos but I didn’t have any gift for you. And this winter too, you were about to give me ohagi, weren’t you?” He continued, looking away from your eyes.
It’s great that he looked away from you, or else he could’ve seen the ugly look on your face while crying.
You were crying because you weren’t sad. Instead because you were happy. Happy that you now knew your crush doesn't hate you.
And because he was rude to you not because he hates you, but because he wanted you to live.
You find yourself sitting up, reaching for his neck, and pulling him in for a hug.
That was his breaking point.
Tears started to flow down his cheeks, burying his face in your chest, and this time, he hugged back, not pushing you away anymore.
“Maybe. Just maybe, I could keep you. You could be mine.” Sanemi thought, slowly tightening his hug on you.
Sanemi Shinazugawa didn’t love to hate you. He hated to love you.
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tired-and-ticklish · 2 months
The Dangers Of Bows
Disclaimer: This is a tickle fic, so if that isn’t your thing, then just ignore this. 
Summary: Angel Dust likes pulling pranks. He really should have thought about his plan to prank Alastor a bit more thoroughly.
TW: Tickling (maybe a bit intense?), Restraints, Swearing, Mentions of Cannibalism, Angel Dust being Angel Dust.
Inspiration: This video
In Angel Dust’s defense, he thought it wouldn’t work.
In Angel’s defense, he thought someone would have stopped him.
In Angel’s defense, he thought Alastor would have noticed sooner.
In his defense, he had not expected the Overlord to be that distracted when talking with Rosie. The Cannibal Overlord had come to the hotel to get a good look at the new ‘business venture’ the Radio Demon had taken interest in. Apparently, talking to her put Alastor in such a good mood, he almost forgot where he was for a moment, and thus, didn’t feel the spider demon tie a bow around his tail.
Angel hadn’t even been aware Alastor even had a tail, until Niffty mentioned it off-handedly one day. That gave the spider an idea for a small prank, just a small one. Alastor also liked pranks, sure, but Angel didn’t want to end up double dead. Despite what people may think, he isn’t that stupid.
Or maybe he is, considering he went through with the prank, even though most of his instincts told him it was a terrible idea. He had waited until one of the rare days Alastor wasn’t wearing his trademark coat, and thus, his little deer tail was on full display. The Radio Demon only did this in the presence of Rosie, considering they had been friends for who knows how long.
“Certainly not as long as me and Al’!” Mimzy had said once.
The spider demon had honestly thought Alastor would have noticed his presence sooner, or caught onto Angel’s plans quicker. Hell, he was pretty sure Rosie had even seen him sneaking up on the deer, and yet, she didn’t say anything. Maybe she was curious as to how this would all turn out.
What Angel failed to remember was Alastor’s own shadow, which was almost like having a second Radio Demon. As soon as the bow was tied on, the spider let out a startled noise as Alastor’s shadow grabbed him, pulling him down and restraining Angel to the floor.
“My, you must have a double-death wish.” Alastor said calmly, looking over to the pinned pornstar. “Sneaking up on me while I’m having a conversation with an old friend?”
Angel let out a nervous chuckle. “Alright, you caught me Al.” He said, holding his hands up placatingly. “Dumbass move on my part, I know-”
“He tied a bow to your tail.” Rosie interrupted, casually sipping the tea Charlie had made.
Slowly, Alastor turned his head around to check if what his companion was saying was true. Angel had forgotten that the Radio Demon could turn his head like an owl, it being completely turned as he looked at his own tail. Sure enough, there was a bright pink, sparkly bow tied to the deer tail. Alastor’s head snapped back toward Angel’s direction, the pornstar instantly filled with dread.
“And you didn’t think to warn me beforehand?” He asked Rosie, incredulous.
“I think it’s cute~” She teased.
“A-Al, we can talk about this, r-right?” Angel pleaded, trying to crawl away. “I-It’s just a little joke, you know?”
Alastor seemed to consider this, scratching his chin in thought. “Well, my arachnid acquaintance, if you desired a laugh, you simply needed to ask.”
Before Angel could question what the Radio Demon meant, he saw it. The mischievous glint in Alastor’s eyes as he kneeled by the trapped spider. His shadow yoinked Angel’s arms upward, giving the deer easy access to his worst spots. Angel’s eyes widened, shaking his head frantically.
“W-Wait wait wait! Y-You don’t have to do this Al!” The nervous smile was already starting to form on his face.
“Do what~?” Alastor asked, before poking the spider’s sides. “I’m not doing anything.”
Angel bit his lip, trying to twist and turn away from the Radio Demon’s hands. It was useless, of course, as Alastor’s shadow held the spider firmly in place. The deer poked and prodded at Angel’s sides, his claws slowly, torturously tracing over the spot.
“Ah ah ah.” Alastor tutted when he noticed the spider biting his lip. “Why are you resisting now? You wanted a laugh, so I’m giving you one!”
“A-Ahahahal Ahahal I’m sohhohohorry! I-Ihihihih’ll lehehheeave yoohohohu aloohohohone!” Angel pleaded.
“You should have thought about that before, Angel.” Alastor chuckled.
Rather than go right for the spider’s worst spot, the Radio Demon decided to go for his own personal favorite spot: the ribs. He started at the top, just close enough to Angel’s armpits to get him nervous, before slowly dragging his claws down, tickling each rib with feather-like touches that made Angel lose it.
“S-Smihihihihles plehehehehease!”
“Sorry Angel.” Alastor said, not at all apologetic. “I am a cannibal, I just have to go for your ribs!”
Angel was about to let out another protest or plea, when he squealed as he felt a second set of hands tickling his stomach. He was regretting his decision to wear a crop top that day. Alastor raised an eyebrow, looking over and spying Rosie, who had her own grin.
“Oh Alastor, don’t you know the best part is the stomach?” Rosie asked, digging her nails into the spider’s fluffy belly.
“Really? Again with this discussion, Rosie?” Alastor asked, amused. “Ribs are the far superior meal.”
“Oh please, just look at how soft and tender the stomach is!”
Angel was losing his mind! Both Overlords were tickling him and acting like he wasn’t even there! He sputtered as he felt the Cannibal Overlord drag a finger slowly up the pink streak on his stomach.
“See? This one even comes with his own outline for where we could cut! Just open up this sensitive little belly~”
“Please, he’s so thin, I highly doubt his stomach would be of any value.”
Honestly, most people would be panicking from two cannibals talking about eating them or cutting open their stomach, but Angel knew that if Alastor really wanted to eat him, he wouldn’t bother with tickling him first. That just wasn’t who Al was, he wasn’t someone to give his victims comfort before eating them.
What Angel was panicking about was how close Rosie’s finger was getting to where his belly button would be. Before he could even attempt to beg, she dug right in.
“See, Alastor? Listen to those little squeals!” Rosie teased.
Alastor let out his own amused chuckle. “Surely you’re joking. I think he’ll scream louder if I do this~”
Without warning, Alastor’s claws dig right into the top of the spider’s ribs, making him howl with laughter. Angel tried to squirm away, pull his arms down, anything to try to block out the sensations, but the Radio Demon’s shadow held firm. All the spider could do was kick his legs out, the only part of him not restrained currently.
“You know, Angel, it’s rather rude to interrupt a conversation.” Alastor hummed. “Did no one teach you any manners?”
“Guess we’ll have to help him with that~” Rosie teased.
She ceased her tickling, allowing Angel to slightly catch his breath, still laughing as Alastor’s hands stayed at his ribs. The pornstar then felt Rosie hold onto his waist, his eyes widening as he realized what she was about to do. He pleaded, shaking his head as Rosie lowered her own toward his stomach.
“W-Wahahahit wahhahait dohohoohn’t!”
Angel’s pleas fell on deaf ears as Rosie blew a raspberry right into his stomach, making him squeal so loud, Alastor thought the whole hotel might hear. The Radio Demon hummed, deciding to show a little bit of mercy and cease tickling Angel’s ribs, allowing the pornstar to only focus on Rosie’s torment.
“I wonder if Husker knows about this little weakness of yours, Angel?” Alastor teased, humming a bit. “A few little raspberries and you’re practically a mess!”
Angel couldn’t help but blush as Alastor said that. The idea of Husk finding out how well raspberries worked on him making the spider both terrified and excited. He kind of hoped Alastor would tell the bartender, it’d save Angel the embarrassment of telling Husk himself. He was pulled out of those thoughts by another raspberry, and a few nibbles to his stomach.
As both Overlords noticed Angel’s laughter start to sound desperate, Rosie stopped her onslaught. Alastor snapped his fingers, his shadow releasing it’s hold, allowing the spider to curl up on himself, rubbing the spots where a few phantom tickles lingered.
“I do hope this goes without saying.” Alastor said, leaning near Angel’s face. “But I trust Rosie’s visit won’t be interrupted anymore?”
“Y-Yeah, yeah, no more interruptions.” Angel said, catching his breath.
“Delightful!” Alastor said, before getting up and dusting himself off. He held out a hand to help Rosie up.
“Aww, don’t be too upset Alastor.” Rosie hummed, taking Alastor’s hand. “He’s such a cute little thing! No wonder Husker likes him~” She teased, leaning down and pinching Angel’s cheek slightly.
‘Little thing’ was ironic, considering Angel was the tallest person in the hotel. The way Rosie complimented/teased him was… weird, but nice. Like a mother or aunt teasing you about your crush. While Angel pushed himself up, Alastor snapped his fingers, the bow the spider tied around his tail now on said spider’s head.
“Pink isn’t really my color.” Alastor hummed.
“Were you more mad about the color than anything?” Angel asked, not putting it past the Radio Demon.
Alastor chuckled. “Not particularly. If it was blue like a certain Television, then, well, I wouldn’t have been as kind.” He said with a threatening grin.
Message heard, loud and clear. Don’t put anything blue on Alastor.
“Now then!” The Radio Demon said, turning to the Cannibal Overlord, holding out his arm for her “All of this has left me famished, shall we head out for a bite?”
“Oooh, you read my mind.” Rosie said, her smile full of teeth as she hooked her arm around Alastor’s, allowing the deer to lead her out of the hotel.
Alastor snapped his fingers one more time, his coat materializing onto him and covering his tail once more.
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treysimp · 2 years
Sleepy? (TWST X OBEY ME)
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GN!Reader/Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland) | VERSUS | GN!Reader/Belphegor (Shall We Date? Obey Me!)
Rating: T (Language)
Tags: Crossover, petty jealousy, love at first sight, Leona can never spit it out because he’s a tsundere, GN!Reader, reader’s body is not described nor are pronouns used, this is mostly silly and I just wanted to see the boys being bratty haha
Words: 1.5k
Want more TWST? Here’s my masterlist!
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This fucking guy.
Leona was irritated. Of course he was. How could he not be?
This guy, this dumbass, sleepy, blue-haired asshole, was getting his demon smell all over the herbivore.
That job is already taken, buddy.
How did his day even end up like this?
He knew he should have said something the second this guy sauntered his way into his business, but he just assumed that a demon wouldn’t care about something as trivial as a human.
That was a mistake. Clearly.
Earlier that afternoon, Belphie was trying to reconcile the pain of the less-than-literal hell of his time on the Night Raven exchange trip with his enjoyment of visiting somewhere new.
As excited as he was to get the chance to explore, he also had barely gotten any sleep. He felt like he might pass out at any moment, and while taking a nap was easy, finding somewhere comfortable is not.
Wandering aimlessly on campus looking for somewhere comfortable to waste a few hours, Belphegor found himself quite taken by the large and elegant greenhouse that lurked on the outskirts of campus. It reminded him of the Devildom Botanical Garden, which was a perfect place to relax. Hopefully it was just as comfortable. With a shrug, he wandered inside, trying to spot a nice bench or a patch of grass to occupy.
As soon as he passed into the barrier, Belphie was overcome with a lovely herbal smell. Like chamomile tea and moss after the rain. Following the smell, he saw something unexpected.
While Belphegor wasn’t the quickest to warm up to humans, he had gotten better at being at least civil to them. He was not the type to pay much attention to humans around him (especially in a place like this, with enough wizards to feel like there were hundreds of excitable little Solomon’s running around) but something about you was different.
Something about you was intoxicating.
He watched you from afar, listening to you quietly speaking to the small plant that you gently brushed with your fingertips. You had a book in your hand, and seemed to be reading it to the plant from it.
From what he could hear, it sounded like you were reading out care instructions and then asking the plant if they were correct. It was mindless chatter, clearly the habit of someone who liked to talk themselves through their thoughts. Cute.
While Belphie had been rather set on having a nap, you seemed far more interesting at the moment.
Having an idea, Belphie approached you, putting on his most innocent look as he shyly tucked his hands into the pockets of his pants.
“Hey, I’m lost. You’re a student, right? Can you help me?”
Your eyes raise to meet him and Belphie feels like his heart could fall out of his chest when you smile up at him.
“Ah… that uniform. You’re from the Devildom?” You asked. Belphie nodded excitedly at your question.
That saved him an explanation. Cute and clever. You were just getting better and better by the minute.
“Sure, where do you need to go?” You were seemingly prepared for the question, giving off the impression of being someone that is used to answering similar inquiries.
Straightening yourself to your feet from a crouch and brushing the dirt off of your knees, Belphie felt his mouth getting dry. This was too much for a first meeting, but everything in him was begging him to touch you.
You had donned a lab coat and some goggles, over your uniform. The oversized goofiness of your outfit only making you look all the more charming with the dichotomy. He could now see that the book you were holding was named ‘Plants Care Laid Bare: Making Potions On the Cheap’.
There was certainly something here he wouldn’t mind seeing bare.
“It’s embarrassing, but I was trying to find a place to take a nap. I don’t have a dorm assignment yet and I’m dead on my feet. Are there any good places around here?” He asked sweetly, keeping his tone friendly and sheepish in order to get closer and encroach on your physical bubble just a bit. Unsurprisingly, you were even cuter up close.
You giggled, which caused your nose to wrinkle just so. Oh man, he hadn’t fallen this fast since he… okay, we aren’t going to think about that actually.
“I have it on good authority that over there is actually the preferred nap spot of a friend of mine.” You say helpfully, pointing over to a cove comprised of flowering bushes.
Belphie looked over to where you were indicating, noticing what looked to be a… rope of some kind peeking out. Huh.
“Unfortunately it’s currently in use.” You say with a wink, reading the questioning lilt of his expression.
“There’s a patch of clover near the flower garden though, which is my personal favorite spot.”
“Oh, really? Will you show me there?”
And that started your flirtatious friendship with Belphie. You spent time sitting in the clover talking for hours that day, getting surprisingly deep. You talked about your school, your friends, your likes and dislikes. Time went by both slow and fast, causing both of you to drift into a comfortable nap under the sun.
By the time you woke up, Belphie had nestled into your side and you felt a small trail of drool coming from the side of your mouth. Ew. Thankfully Belphie was asleep.
You felt a light kicking at your ribs and heard an irritated sigh.
“Hey. Herbivore. Wake up damnit.”
And here’s the reason you woke up in the first place.
“Hey Leona. What brings you here?”
Leona’s lovely face was knit with irritation. His emerald eyes were narrowed and strangely intense with an expression that you weren’t familiar with. His hair slipped gracefully over his shoulders as he leaned over you, blocking the sun and giving him a halo in the light that peeled around the edges of his silhouette. It was exhausting how pretty he was sometimes, you thought.
Belphie stirred from his place on your chest from the sound, hazarding an eye open to see a man with animal ears and a tail glaring down at him.
Putting two and two together, he looked at the newcomers expression of irritation and the playful smile you gave in response.
And from your earlier comment… that wasn’t a rope earlier, he thought. It was this guys’ furry widdle tail.
Looking at the appendage that was swinging in irritation in front of him, a smirk crossed Belphie’s lips. Did he have competition here?
“The hell you think you’re doing cuddlin’ up to a stranger in the middle of the day?” Leona groused.
And why wasn’t it him?
“Belphie and I were talking and accidentally fell asleep. I’m sure the king of naps himself can relate?” You say with a raised brow.
Okay, yeah you had a point. Even Leona had to agree with that one.
“Whatever. It’s dinner time anyway. Don’t be late or your annoying friends will come and bother me about where you are again.” Leona huffed, flipping his hair over his shoulder and planting a hand on his hip.
Belphie had to resist a giggle fit. If his competition was this guy, then he had nothing to worry about. This kind of smug, ruggedly-pretty boy would rather choke than show a real emotion. Easy pickings.
Belphie murmured your name softly as he put his hand over yours. He met your surprised gaze with a sweet smile.
Leona felt his eye twitch from seeing this grimy demon put his mitts on his precious friend. Did this little cud-chewing brat really think he could just waltz in here and steal your attention?
“Can you show me to the cafeteria? I should probably find my brothers.” He said, giving you a positively infectious smile.
You nodded and stood up, offering your hand to help Belphie stand up. Taking your extended arm and using it to get to his feet, with a ‘thanks’, Belphie conspicuously refused to let your hand go once he’s finished getting up.
You can feel the tips of your ears burning slightly.
Leona can feel a vein in his forehead about to burst.
“See you at dinner, Leona! Text me if you want me to grab you anything.” You say habitually, waving goodbye to your sourpuss of a buddy. What’s his problem today?
You and Belphie walked out towards the exit, and before you make it out the door, Belphie spared a glance to see the hilarious seething expression of his haughty rival.
Feeling smug, Belphie made eye contact, wiggled a brow, and made a lewd motion that is best left to the imagination.
Leona returned the lascivious farewell with a one-finger salute and stalked off, wanting to throw something at that little jackass.
If that little calf thought he could just waltz into the lion's den and steal what wasn’t his, he was going to have another thing coming to him.
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Belphie is such a troublemaker I just wanted to see what he would do to get under Leona’s skin. So cute. 🥰
I hope y’all didn’t mind the crossover but I’m dying at all the possibilities hehehe
Let me know what you thought, love you reader!
Requested Tags:
@naniky , @lotus-sukimoto, @angrybees , @supernatural9000 , @youaskedfurret , @omg-its-ailatan , @acherrytart , @venniin , @chillywinterbreeze , @shytastemakerthing , @lovelynai, @fightmeucowardlmao, @riddle-simp , @leonkae , @kit4kat256, @dari-kun , @bluesylveon2 , @fr0llo, @witch-waycult , @stillserene , @rebel-faes-writing , @chopid-lulu, @rosalie-in-twisted-wonderland , @sunnyseaside, @sarahyumiko2 , @star-gods , @ninjas-are-the-shit , @kumiko-desu , @aikochan4859 , @hxlcyon , @buckketboy, @sideofblog , @daeda21 , @yandere-kou , @readinganas
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