#sometimes i kinda want to be in a server where i can just look pretty and fuck about.
anonymous-dentist · 1 year
I've been thinking about this all day, and I don't think it's fair for people to say that nobody understands q!Cellbit's hatred and distaste for Cucurucho. Because people do! A lot of people do.
Like take:
q!Pac, who was kidnapped and held captive and tortured and experimented on for over a week and who is still so scared of Cucurucho and the Federation that he hasn't been sleeping
q!Mike, whose hatred of the Federation led to him becoming a full-on anarchist set on taking down the Federation and exploding everything in a very dramatic fashion
q!Felps, who is kinda just Felps tbh but when he's in full rp mode he is legit freaked out by Cucurucho's very appearance. Like if you go back and watch the first election debate, he legit hid behind Cellbit when Cucurucho first appeared, and he still isn't too happy when people tell him that Cucurucho is kinda just a silly guy and not to worry about it
q!Max. Enough said there.
Richarlyson. He hates Cucurucho, but he never really says his feelings because he doesn't feel like he deserves to be too upset about anything. Last night alone he set up a huge ad campaign in Cellbit's castle trying to get him to quit the Feds, like???
But then you have some others who are... interesting. Like q!Quackity, who is more or less traumatized by that fucking bear to the point of numbness. And q!Willy, who hasn't even met Cucurucho and still put it down as a "Bad Person" on his list of people to blow up
And then you have q!Roier, whose relationship with Cucurucho is very interesting. Because, on the surface, he's chill with it. But, as you have to do with everything regarding q!Roier's character, you gotta read between the lines:
Roier doesn't like Cucurucho. He likes Osito Bimbo, and that's a pretty big distinction to make!
See, after Bobby's death and the huge rigged expedition to "save" him, Roier told Cucurucho to its face that he hated it. He would take it to court and he would win and he would beat it. That never ended up happening, but what did end up happening was Roier's new best friend and love interest q!Cellbit being kidnapped.
When Cucurucho showed up at Bobby Fields to start stringing q!Jaiden along, Roier followed them the entire time because he fucking hated Cucurucho and he did not trust it alone with his best friend. At one point that evening, he started smacking it and demanding where it took Cellbit. To this day, he's still worried about it taking Cellbit away from him; the other night when Cellbit got called to look into the "Memory" egg and Cucurucho told him to come alone, Roier was really fucking close to physically attacking the fucker. Yesterday, he told Willy that Cucurucho is "...bad, but sometimes it can do good things, too."
But that's Cucurucho. Osito Bimbo is an entirely different person, and Roier is one of the few people to actually know this, and he and Jaiden are the only ones still left on the server to actually fully be able to tell the difference between the two. Osito Bimbo was one of Roier's best friends on the island before its abrupt disappearance. It was nice to him in that it played favorites and left him cool things and fucking flowers. And even now that it's back, it actually hangs out a little. The other day, Osito showed up and wanted to listen to music with him and left only when he asked if it was Osito Bimbo. Last night, Osito showed up and actually engaged in a rap battle with him because, let's face it, that bear is fucking whipped.
That's the 'Cucurucho' that Roier is friendly with, Osito Bimbo. He treats it well because it's always treated him well. As far as he knows, Osito never kidnapped anybody- the kidnappings started long after Cucurucho's appearance, all the way in April/May when the Brazilians arrived. Osito Bimbo was gone by then, sent back to Federation HQ for reprogramming because it was quite literally too nice. This is the bear that gave q!Slime and q!Mariana the chance to get their daughter back; Cucurucho effectively immediately denied Roier the chance to go to court to get his Bobby back.
It's easy to think that Roier is chill with Cucurucho, especially with him dressing up as a white bear as his fursona. But then you have to realize what he called himself: Osito Bimboier. Not Cucuruchoier. The two bears are entirely separate entities to him, and he treats them as such.
So, really, it isn't at all fair to say that Cellbit is completely alone in his hatred. It's true that almost nobody takes him seriously when he talks about how evil Cucurucho is, but there are people who do. The Brazilians, Maximus, Roier... and now there's q!Mouse, who immediately realized the gravity of the situation and became the first person outside of Cellbit's most trusted circle of friends to show sympathy towards him.
I get that everyone loves angst, but you've also gotta realize that. Not everything is angst. There is love, and it is beautiful.
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butcherlarry · 1 month
Butcher Larry's thought and feelings about birds, Batfam, Batman, and Superman
I originally made this for the Superbat Week 2024 server when @blorb-el asked me for my thoughts on this topic, and I thought I would clean them up a bit more and post on Tumblr too :) Most of my bird thoughts are based off of birds you see in the Midwest United States because that's where I grew up (Ohio) and currently live (Kansas). I'll also post pictures of the birds too, with some of the pictures being pictures that I have taken myself (I took up birding a few years ago and it's been a nice hobby to get into).
Batfam and Batman:
When it comes to wing/bird head canons for wing fics, my most firm one is for Dick. That guy would definitely have swallow wings! If you have ever seen those birds fly around, you would get what I mean. They are so agile in the air! They are constantly moving and can make crazy fast turns! That just screams Dick to me. As for what kind of swallow, there are three that I'm familiar with (northern rough wing, barn, and tree) and of those three, I'm leaning towards tree swallows. They have a beautiful blue color along their back, and it's just so shiny and metallic. It gives me the the flashy bright blue vibes of the Nightwing suit. I could also see and argument for the barn swallow, because those guys have the flashy blue color, along with a bit of rusty red under the chin. And the tails! they have a neat forked tail. Again, flashy and cool, just like the Nightwing suit.
Pictures of the birds below! On the left is the tree swallow and the right is a barn swallow. These are also pictures I have taken :)
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For the other bat kids, that's kinda based on vibes for me. For Jason, I can see a blue jay. Those are corvids, so they are very smart. You also see them bully other birds around, so that might play into that sibling rivalry between the bat kids. I have also seen them gang up on larger birds, like red shouldered hawks, and mob them until they go away. This is funny to me, especially if you head canon Bruce with large bird of prey wings. If you want to go in a silly bird head canon for Jason (which is how my brain is hard wired anyway), then he could also be the ivory billed woodpecker. They are an extinct woodpecker that people in the US argue about if they are even actually extinct. Some bird Facebook groups (and other online bird forums) have rules saying people can't talk about them or else the page will descend into chaos of people arguing about the evidence of whether or not these birds are extinct. Pictures of "evidence" will sometimes circulate on the web as "proof" that they are still out there, kind of like when people post blurry pictures of evidence of Big Foot. I think that fits Jason's vibe perfectly, especially post Lazarus pit :)
A blue jay! These are pictures I have taken.
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Ivory billed woodpeckers. This is not a picture I have taken, lol. The link leads you to Cornell Lab All About Birds page about them.
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For Tim, there are a few I like: cardinal, red-winged blackbird, and tufted titmouse. I've seen the art of Tim's costume in The Boy Wonder comic by Juni Ba, and it reminds me of a cardinal or red-winged blackbird. The coloring is pretty similar too. What I like about cardinals is that the males look like they are wearing a black mask, kinda like the domino masks that the bat kids wear. They also have a bright red tuft of feathers that they can extend up or lay flat. That might be a cool aspect to integrate into costume design! As for the red-winged blackbird, I think it's neat how they fly. I usually see them around bodies of water, and I find it fascinating to see them glide from one end to the other of a pond. When they are catching bugs to eat, they kind of just hover over where they see the bugs and catch them out of midair. I feel like that would be perfect for when Tim is patrolling Gotham, gliding from building to building, and hovering over goons to drop in and kick. The last bird, the tufted titmouse, is just because of vibes. I think they are cute, but when you look into their eyes, they are full of thoughts of malice, murder, and where to hide a body. Idk, that kid gives me the same vibes too sometimes, and I love that for him.
A male northern cardinal, a male red-winged black bird, and a tufted titmouse. These are pictures I have taken.
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For Damian, black-capped chickadee. They are just little guys! So cute and so tiny! And they look like they are wearing a mask! And did I mention they are cute and tiny and flitter around from one spot to the next?? So cute! So tiny! And also full of the same vibes MURDER and MALICE as the tufted titmouse! But so cute and tiny! I just really like chickadees, ok? Damian could also be the young version of whatever Bruce is, since he is Bruce's biological child. I don't like this as much, because while Damian is Bruce's biological kid, he's also his own person! He deserves to be a murderous little chickadee!
Black-capped chickadee. I just really love how roumb and poofy the one guy is in the photo on the right. Again, these are photos I have taken.
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For Duke, I'm not as familiar with him. If I had to pick off of looks and vibes alone, maybe a cedar waxwing or an American goldfinch. I LOVE the look of cedar waxwings. They also have tuft on their head and an amazing black bar that goes across their eyes, making it look like they are wearing a mask. When I've seen them, it's usually been in large groups, and if I remember correctly, Duke helped lead a group a vigilantes called "We Are Robin," so I can't help but make the association of those two groups of birds (lol). The cedar waxwing also has yellow in their plumage, which I tie back to yellow in Duke's costume.
American goldfinches are pretty straight forward. The males are a bright yellow in the warmer months, and have black wings and a black cap. Visually, this reminds me of Duke's costume. Fun fact! The American goldfinch is also the state bird of New Jersey, which is the state that Gotham is commonly located in the DC universe :)
The first two pictures are of cedar waxwings. They are borbing it up in the picture where they are eating berries because it was cold as balls that day. The picture below the cedar waxwings is of a male American goldfinch. These are pictures that I have taken.
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That takes care of the bat boys, now on to the bat girls!
For Cass, I like an owl for her. They are so quiet when flying, and that would be perfect for when she's sneaking around. As for type of owl, maybe a screech owl? They are a smaller owl species, so I figure that would help her be extra sneaky. Also, looking at pictures of the gray morph of the eastern screech owl, they blend in so well to their surroundings, especially when sitting in a tree, I feel like that would just add to Cass's ability to blend in with her surroundings. I also think they look super cute with their big ol' eyes :)
An eastern screech owl. This is not a picture I have taken, I pulled it from Cornell Lab All About Birds page on the eastern screech owl. I included a link to the page as well.
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For Stephanie, a finch! Specifically, a purple finch! I'm pretty sure these guys will gang up on larger birds of prey to chase them away, and just like with Jason, I love the thought of her bullying large birb Bruce around. The males are the one's that have that purple coloring, but I'm going to ignore that. Because these are my head canons and I can do what I want.
A purple finch! You normally see these guys in the colder months. This is a picture I have taken.
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And for Barbara, I was thinking a small bird of prey (hehehehe), like a kestrel or a merlin. Since they are falcons, they have pretty good eyesight, which I think goes well with Barbara being oracle, being able so see everything and keeping a watch on the other Bats.
The American kestrel (left) and merlin (right). Links to Cornell Lab All About Birds pages are linked, and the below pictures are pulled from those pages as well.
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All right, it's time to go on to the big guy himself, Bruce. I LOVE the idea of him being a swan! I saw a picture of a swan carrying all its cygnets (babies) on its back and had the thought of swan Bruce carrying all his children around on his back. I love dad Bruce (especially good dad Bruce) and will not apologize. I think it would play well into his Brucie-sona as well. Look at the beautiful swan! So lovely! So beautiful! No way that guy is Batman! Also, swans are protective of their young and the males will sometimes attack people who get to close to their families and/or territory. Again, perfect for dad Bruce! Perfect for Batman too, who is very protective of his beloved city.
A swan! Specifically, a trumpeter swan (left, picture pulled from Cornell Lab All About Birds). The picture on the right is what I'm imaging Bruce doing with all his children. That's a different species of swan though (that picture was taken in the UK).
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But wait! How does he go around Batmanning then??? I've thought about this for a while and think it would be neat if he had some kind of armor and feather attachments for his suit. If you look at bird wings, they all have different shapes due to how that bird will be using them to fly. I can see Bruce working on some wing armor in his cave to change their shape and maybe add in some artificial feathers as well to make his flying more silent. If I remember correctly, owls have special feathers that help them be more quiet? I can see bird Bruce messing around in his cave to make something similar to attach to his wings to help be more sneaky. I can also see him adding in some extra armor to his wings and using them as an extension of his body to fight bad guys. I remember watching a play through of Dad of War God of War where Kratos and Atreus fight some Valkyries and those fights live rent free in my mind. It looks like there are knives and other heavy pieces of armor attached to their wings that they use to beat up Kratos and Atreus, as well as stabbing the shit out of them too. The fights look like a bitch to win. I can totally see Bruce having something similar too, especially since he tends to be more of a brawler in fights (I can see Jason having something like this too).
Link to video of God of War Valkyrie boss fight
Clark, Kents, Kon, and Lex:
Alright. Clark is an alien. I don't think he would have wings of any bird found here on Earth. In fact, I would love to see him have A BUNCH of wings, kinda like a cherubium (4) or seraphim (6) or MORE!!! He can fly so good with all those wings. He is the best at flying EVER! The only problem would be Clark hiding all those wings when he's not being Superman. That might be why he wears the oversized suits and cloths, to hide them.
OR, Clark doesn't have any wings because he's an alien! He can fly without them, which makes Superman a bit eerie to everyone else on Earth who has wings (some hate this more than others, LEX). As an explanation to why totally normal human Clark doesn't have wings, maybe the Kents came up with the excuse of farm accident? Such as, he went through a baler as a kid (like my great grandpa! But he was an adult.) and that damaged Clark's wings so either doesn't have them or has some kind of prosthetics instead (it doesn't have farm accident, it could be sickness as a kid or something. Farm accident was the first to come to mind for me).
For the Kents, mourning doves! I love those guys, they are so gosh darn cute! And they mate for life 💖
Mourning doves! I took the picture on the left in the winter when it was cold as balls outside. The doves were making excellent shapes that day. I took the one on the right last week when it was warmer.
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For Kon, I think I think he would either inherit Clark's multiple wing trait, but probably not have as many (he is also so, so good at flying). Or if you go in the direction of Clark having no wings, Kon would still have wings because he inherited them from Lex. He would have turkey vulture wings because Lex has turkey vulture wings. Lex says they are not turkey vulture wings, they are bearded vulture wings, because bearded vultures are cool as FUCK and eat BONES. Lex is lying. They are turkey vulture wings :)
The turkey vulture! Link is the Cornell Lab All About Birds page of the turkey vulture, and the pictures are pulled from there as well. I don't know why Lex denies that he's a turkey vulture. They are cool too, why you gotta be such a hater 😔
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The bearded vulture, the bird that Lex says he is, but don't listen to him because he's lying. The link leads you to the eBird page of the bird.
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Anyway, these are my many many thoughts on birds, the Batfam, Batman, and Superman. I hope you all enjoyed them! And please let me know any thoughts you have on this topic! I would love to hear them as well :)
(if you liked my bird pictures, there are more over at my bird blog, balcony birds)
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Some House of Wax/Sinclair Brothers Headcanons I’ve had in my head that I’ve already shared w the server but… The rest of the world deserves to know.
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Related to gif, Vincent is the ‘medical expert’ of the house solely because he’s the one who knows the human body/first aid the best. I mean, in the movie we see him stitching up those wounds on what’s-his-face pretty neatly, right? This is also part of the reason why he automatically reaches for Bo during this scene.
Given his birth date was sniffed out by fans before me (1970) and this man looks like he’s a cosplayer sometimes, I truly believe Bo idolised Elvis Presley as a kid, and maybe a bit as an adult as well. He still enjoys listening to rock n’ roll from that era when he’s in a good mood. When he’s in a bad mood, or doing his business™️ in his sex dungeon/basement, that’s when the Marilyn Manson comes on.
All of them have had an alt phase of some sort. For Vincent it was goth, for Bo it was rivethead/industrial rock and for Lester it was grunge.
Les is also down bad fucking horrendous for alt people in general. Yes, he has magazines stuffed down his sofa, yes, they used to be Bo’s.
Bo is allergic to nuts. He also gets really nasty hay fever. I also think possibly him having sensory issues/picky eater could’ve led to meltdowns as we see in the opening. And really, it’s the 1970s/80s do you expect his parents to understand or sympathise?
In contrast, Lester has the constitution of a Greek god somehow and has probably eaten some absolutely vile shit as a kid.
I know most people interpret Vince as sweet and shy but… While I do think he’s more measured and withdrawn compared to Bo, I also think being the ‘favourite’ in terms of being Trudy’s little art prodigy contributed to a sort of spoilt brattiness esp as a kid. (Exhibit A: The ‘Bo Sux’ fridge art in the opening) As an adult, there’s still a sense of entitlement to him. What I’m saying is that he’s an insufferable art nerd lol. He definitely isn’t toothless and his arguments with Bo aren’t necessarily one-sided, he’s just capable of ignoring him when he wants to; he’s used to his twin, after all. While I do think he’s capable of being soft, don’t forget this man killed a woman in cold blood and recorded it. I also think he can get snippy enough during arguments to combat Bo’s generally sharp tongue.
Speaking of which, everyone in the (surviving) family knows ASL. It’s necessary when communicating with Vincent.
Again with how prolific a killer Vincent is, I suspect he may be the one who does the most murder out of all of them. Bo is the handsome ‘face’ of Ambrose, and Vincent is right under the seedy underbelly with a knife, ready to spill guts (and then sew it up again once he’s got them in the workshop). Lester is similar to Bo in that he mostly just guides people toward the town, but I do think he gets his own notions sometimes.
From a more x reader perspective, Bo strikes me as a man who’s most charming when he’s not trying to be. Of course he can put on an act for victims/tourists, but those are just empty words, y’know? Also, has a kinda cheesy side.
I know everyone has Jonesy as Lester’s dog but… I think she’s really Vincent’s. In the movie, she’s always seen with Vin or in the house of wax itself, it’s only when he dies that she goes to Lester. I actually think Les is a cat person (tell me he wouldn’t actually encourage their hunting habits for his own personal collection…) while Vin is a dog person. Also, hot take I think Bo loves snakes and reptiles.
Given that the House of Wax and Ambrose itself is a big ol’ art project, and we’ve seen the state of the church (permanently in the middle of dead ass crusty Trudy’s funeral) I think there may be a sort of difficulty letting go of their past in the brothers, maybe some hoarding as well (I mean we haven’t even seen some of the other houses in Ambrose but this is just speculation). We get the sense that Ambrose is a place where time stands still, forever, until its conservationists finally die. Idk I’m talking out my ass here
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teashoptiramisu · 2 months
hello! this blog seems pretty inactive so im sorry if this is annoying, but i dont know who to ask 💀 do you!! have any fic recs? (I really really wanna see more zuko + gaang found family stuff and also anything with an azula redemption arc would be very cool but I dont know how to find good stuff since im very new to the fanbase so.. hope this is ok! (I am literally always late to fandoms it’s so sad)
also, if there’s any place, like a discord server or tumblr community where I can ask for recs, that would be very helpful to know!! the brainworms must be fed
I haven't been maintaining my queue but I'm around (well, sometimes)! And no worries, if I found asks annoying I would turn them off.
As I said last time, it's been a while since I read a lot of ATLA fic -- but I still have my old favorites! That post also has advice for finding fic recs (particularly geared towards fans of muffinlance but I think it's solid advice in general) -- unfortunately I don't know of any dedicated fic reccing community, just specific people you can follow such as @/captainkirkk and @/royaltealovingkookiness
But yeah look through my bookmarks, look through muffinlance's bookmarks, look through the bookmarks of authors whose fics you like!
Some specific recs:
[my eternal faves are all works by muffinlance and The Dragon-King's Temple -- but you probably already know about those]
The Best Path by EudociaCovert -- I know you said Zuko+gaang but my favorite found family fic is this one, which is Zuko, Jet, and Smellerbee canon divergence from "Zuko Alone". I think it's a little off the beaten path (heh) these days so I wanted to give it a shout.
close your eyes, make a wish by atleastwestoletheshow (Silverwolf329) -- canon universe gaang-bonding-with-zuko-while-fighting-together fic
definitely not suspicious at all in the least by presumenothing (justjoy) -- kinda similar to the above, more of a heist maybe
Big Damn Heroes by Damkianna -- the GAANG in SPACE!! very fun AU, good Zuko content
How It's Done by ryfkah -- the gaang forms a pro-bending team (like in LoK season 1, but you can probably read this even if you haven't seen Legend of Korra)
Tea? by thesometimeswarrior -- Iroh and Azula post-canon, start to an Azula healing arc
and it's my whole heart (weighed and measured) by agentcalliope -- another Azula post-canon fic I found interesting
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dotster001 · 11 months
Who is Asexual in each fandom?
Summary: In honor of ace visibility week, I'm dropping the characters I think are Ace in each fandom.
CW: you might not like who I hc as ace, but don't try to fight me on it cause I'll cry. These are just my opinions. Some will have big explanations, some small. Allusions to sex as a concept, but only to explain where characters lie on the spectrum. Asexuality, like every sexuality, is a spectrum, and there's various types of aces in my HC's. There is no wrong way to be ace!
Fandoms included: Ensemble stars, Ayakashi Romance Reborn, court of darkness, twisted wonderland, obey me, Ikemen Prince, Tears of Themis
Twisted Wonderland
Malleus Draconia
I've discussed this before….and I know this is one people try to tear to shreds, so I figured let's start with him.
It all started when I groovified Mals ceremonial robes card. At the time I thought that he had an ace ring. Below you will find the text I sent to my friend because I was so happy.
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So from the start, I was pretty biased. And I know now that wasn't an ace ring, that was the thing pulling his sleeves down. But let's look at the following. 
Dragons have low libido, because they live so long, any mating cycle is incredibly slow. So even if he's not Ace, I feel like he has low desire for adult fun time.
Also! Aces like dragons. It's just kind of a thing, so it would make sense if dragons were like us.
Then there's a recent spoiler I saw. I don't have book seven because I'm on the English server,  and I know that it's just a translation, but I feel like it vindicated this hc. Meleanor laid an egg, and it can only hatch from love. Now, to me, that says the dragon lays an egg, and as long as they have a loving partner, it'll hatch as a product of the two of you. Feels pretty Ace to me….
Can you tell I was scared to say this one? 😂
This is fully me projecting on him. But just the way he talks, and acts, it feels to me like he's just fine without extra stuff in his relationship. I feel like his is a matter of upbringing (which is still a valid form of ace!), where part of him is touch starved. But also, I feel like touch would be very overwhelming for him. His love language is more helping people, and sharing his sweets. He would like to be able to use physical expressions of love, even if it's just holding your hand, but it's overwhelming, and a little painful for him.
Obey me
Can't really explain this one. Someone once posted that they thought he was Ace, and I've kind of agreed with it ever since. It's just a gut feeling.
He's the kind that might have drive sometimes, but usually he's just too tired. It's a frequent conversation he hates having with his partners; he might not be able to be there for some of your needs. He hopes people understand, but he doesn't mind thriving off his familial bonds if he "can't be enough".
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Koga Kitamikado
To be honest, he kind of comes off as demi romantic to me. Like, he doesn't really seem interested in even romancing us until near the end. He's the kind who requires a strong emotional connection. He'd be willing to try different aspects of a relationship out with you, but he's not gonna think up anything on his own unless he feels so so strongly about you.
Ikemen Prince
To me, he feels like the kind of ace that would be up for stuff if his partner wanted something, but it just doesn't cross his mind. He kind of just lives his life not really thinking about adult fun time stuff, doesn't really need it.
Court of Darkness
Look….I have been told….things….about him. But I haven't played his route, so we'll pretend those things don't exist!
I kinda see him as demi sexual. Like, he works for the man all day, and is tired and stressed. He doesn't really have the energy for emotional or sexual connection. He might be interested if you are, but he's fine no matter how you express love.
Ensemble Stars
Ibara, Shu, and Nagisa
They're together, because they are kind of in the same boat to me. None of them really understand how to human. They just don't have the drive for adult fun time stuff, nor do they get it.
This is a second one I don't know how to explain. My guy just says so.
Idk, just the way he interacts with people gives me Ace vibes. Like, he's so touchy, not even thinking about it, like his touch is just a product of friendship and how he shows familial and friendly love. He doesn't seem to grasp the concept of people being more than friends (see Rinne calling Aira his girlfriend, and Hiiro not really even acknowledging it) He strikes me as almost aro ace, (which sucks cause I love him but I'm also aro ace so can't judge too much) maybe he's the kind that dating him means that sometimes you're just his really cool roommate. Sometimes he's loving boyfriend though! It just comes in phases.
Tears of Themis
I don't think any are Ace in this fandom, but that doesn't mean none of them are. It's up to interpretation.
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the-three-pure-souls · 6 months
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"sometimes when i think about you my mind wanders to a place where the grass is green and the sun is bright and i can always see your face"
( The "place" which I've theorized to be a stand in for the afterlife for a while now WHICH ADDS TO SOMETHING I'VE NOTICED THAT BRANDON COULD HAVE SOME SORT OF SYMBOLIC CONNECTION WITH DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE AND THAT HE'S KINDA THE GRIM REAPER IN THE :) POEM, AND APPARENTLY THE TEXTURE THAT'S USED IN BRANDON'S JUMPSCARE FOR THE PLACE WITH THE HILL IS CALLED HEAVEN.PNG!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? Was I RIGHT!?!?!?! I THINK SO!?!?!? AT LEAST ABOUT THE PLACE BEING THE AFTERLIFE I'M PRETTY SURE!!!!!!!! :DDDDD Sorry It's just really hecken cool that I might actually be right on a theory of mine!!! :D It isn't really important to this post though so- ^^')
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SO SUCH IS THE HEARTFELT TALE, OF WHY I DREW HIM WITH GLASSES!!! :3 (Kvmb is me on the server btw ^^ It translates to Luna in Beaverscratch!)
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dreamingcloudie · 2 years
❛❛ In which; Dottore as a streamer... ❜❜
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✎ ❛❛ I'll have to admit, this character is quite... alluring.❜❜
Pairing(s): Streamer!Dottore x (kinda) Game-Character!GN!Reader (Mordern AU)
Genre/Format: N/A (headcanons)
Warning(s): wrote this at 6am without thinking straight so possible grammar mistakes and sentences that don't make sense
Notes: There really isn't much of x Reader here, sadly :( I might write more of this in the future but idk
I know i have requests to do but this idea came out of nowhere and it was too tempting to not write something for it— I've only written headcanon once so this is short. I have no idea if I'm doing this right 💀
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Let's be real, this guy would probably stream live torture on the darkest part of the internet
BUT, let's just pretend in this AU he's not an evil doctor man <3
He is a tired university student who majors in biology and thrives to earn a position in the medical field
And that means becoming a coffee addict and endless nights of staying up late to study 
Sleeping? What's that?
I can see him being so focused on his studies to the point where he doesn't interact with the internet much
If someone showed him a popular meme he wouldn't understand 
Due to how busy he is, he doesn't have the time to find a job
He lives off of the money his parents send him every month lol
That was until someone introduced him to the wonders of the internet…
One of his friends—Childe, told him something about a streaming platform and he should go check it out
And that night when he got home, he pulled his laptop out and searched for it
He also learnt that people can earn money streaming whatever
For instance, most of the people streams "let's plays"
He scrolled down a little and he found people streaming… questionable things, and he was baffled they get paid for it
So that means, he could stream anything he wants and he'd earn money from it, as long as he has a certain amount of viewers 
Say less
And an account was made 
This basically becomes his part-time job now
He usually streams to tutor struggling students and you best believe they were very thankful 
He'll sometime do "study with me" streams too
As he takes his fifteen minutes breaks from studying, he'd talk to his viewers 
And when I tell you this man has the driest humor ever—
That's what got his channel to grow
Viewers would clip his dry ass jokes and post them onto other social media platforms, which caused his view counts to blow up
As he got more and more popular, his viewers would beg him to do gaming streams
With how dry his humor is, they thought his commentary would be gold…
And they're absolutely correct, they get to see a different side of him too 
Surgeon simulator is the very first game he was introduced to by his fans, to get him interested in gaming
Man's cursing every time when he accidentally drops something
"Now, we put this lung over— Shit."
Cue chat spamming the Kek emote 
It's been months since he started to stream and things are going pretty well for him
He comes back home from his lectures today to find his Discord server is filled with loads of fans telling him to check a game out, mostly because of a certain character
The general chat is flooded with hundreds, and I mean hundreds of pictures of them
And Lo and Behold
It is you
The moment he first has his eyes on you, his jaw drops
Not to mention that harness you have on you—
He doesn't even know who you are or what game you're from
But man he's head over heels for you already 
The next time he starts his stream, the first thing he says is:
"Everyone was going crazy on Discord yesterday about a game character. And now my question is…
"Who are they and which game are they from?"
Babygirl took his first step into the world of simping <3
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magicalboything · 1 year
hello!! hope you're doing well :3 I wanted to ask if you could give me a tip on where to find certain character pixels / pixel gifs / pixel sprites? <3
ah,,, for a collector such as myself, my knowledge may very much be a bit limited,,, but i hope what i have to helps nonetheless ^_^; ! also i am doing quite well,, hope you are also doing fine ! <3
i tend to go for pixels surrounding a characters aesthetic more then actual pixels of a character,,, but i hope these are able to help you in your search !
teensy warning this is a bit long,,
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my usual / first option is tumblr ! typically when looking for specific aesthetics though~ as you prolly know (if not then!!! dw i got u) there are many popular pixel collectors/posters, such as i! (though i reccomend melonet, digitalita, sweetparty, kuurousa, honeypuppixels !!! i personally see them lots,, :3c )
a 2nd option is discord servers,, there are a decent amount of discords dedicated to text decor who also have pixel and favicon channels !! my personal favorites being honeystextdecor && sweetfruits !!! just use the search bar and put in the character or medias name along with the favicon channel !
3rd option is browsing through resource rentrys, neocities and carrds ! they have sites for pixels everywhere, and rentrys with masterlists of sites that can be of use. some such as;
.co/resources- ★ .co/roses-resources ★ .co/bunchofresources
gifs.crd ★ bloominglantanas.carrd ★ .co/guobeng
tomomi.neocities ★ graphic.neocities ★
.co/roses-resources is SUPER reccomended if you need a bunch of sites n etc etc,,, its pretty long but provides alot of places to find pixels and whatnot ~! also reccomend guobeng !
lastly, 4th of all, dont be afraid to ask pixel posters on here (or in discord servers if you can) if they have any !! while my requests for pixels are closed, there are definitely people out there who dont mind them,,,
these r kinda general tips for finding pixels,,, but i do hope they help !!! sometimes you may be able to find specific kinds of pixels in a rentry or carrd !! (i most commonly see sanrio or vocaloid though ^_^)
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
GitS Q&A GO!!
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Ghost made the entirety of the security system, though Donnie had some input into it. Normally Donnie likes to make new things, and Ghost keeps up the maintenance on the old things. He wants to let Donnie kinda do what he wants, because Ghost feels like he's "had his time" to dream and make whatever he wanted. He's modified a gaming system for Raph and a controller that's big enough to hold in his hands, Ghost has also modified all their cellphones for safety purposes and so they can just snag any signal from any cell phone tower.
More GitS questions answered under the cut!
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He does. A lot.
Right after Ghost got out of the Battle Nexus, he slept a lot. He dreamed of his brothers so much he started wanting to be asleep more than awake. It got to the point where he wasn't really sure what was a dream/nightmare and what was real. He started drinking coffee again (he'd stopped during Battle Nexus) and it helped keep him awake. He started learning things like Japanese to pass the time.
He still has dreams that disorient him at first. He got into the habit of reminding himself every morning that they're gone. A depressing way to start the day, but it grounds him, and reminds him that the kids aren't gone.
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Considering Repo pushed Donnie and then subsequently tried to murder his children after going back on his deal with them, Ghost hates his guts.
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2003 Donnie gets pissed at Ghost for leaving. But they talk, and figure things out eventually. Actually a good way to look at this one is by reading Ghost on the Server. 2003 Don goes OFF on Ghost.
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Ghost finds it weird until he figures out that Draxum made the kids on purpose. Then it makes more sense to him. Ghost is pretty prepared, he knows a lot about turtles in general. He had to basically figure out their anatomy from scratch as a kid, though he HAS refrained from doing any intensive scans on the kids so far. He trusts their biology works basically the same way as he and his brothers', which it does. The biggest difference is that Ghost has no bridges (the hard sides of the boys' shells) which means he can't pull himself into his shell.
The first time Mikey popped into his shell he nearly had a heart attack.
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Ghost is fine with it. He realized pretty quickly that Raph being noticeably the biggest and a year or two older than his brothers made him naturally take the leadership position. His own Leo naturally fell into the leadership position too, there was no announcement that he was the leader or anything, it was just that Leo was the most responsible, cool-headed, and quickest to make a decent plan. Ghost has sort of shifted his "don't carry the world on your shoulders" lessons more towards Raph in this case.
He does look at Leo sometimes and wonder if his own Leonardo would have been like that had he not been crushed under responsibility and a desire to let his brothers dream and be kids.
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Yup! Ghost gives them lessons like school. Donnie generally didn't need them, but Ghost gives Donnie special assignments instead to enrich his learning so he isn't so bored. He kind of tailors their learning to them, so his teaching is done in short bursts with lots of visuals and hands-on examples. He focuses more on practical lessons that they can use in real life and moral lessons from history. He also teaches them all battlefield medicine, so Leo's not the only one who can patch them up in an emergency.
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"At least twice a day. Morning and night. Usually more. Mikey hangs off of me and Raph a lot."
WHEW okay those are Ghost in the Shell asks! I've got a few I want to draw, and if your ask doesn't have anything to do with GitS, I'm still gettin' around to it. :D
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loyaltykask · 9 months
Chapter 24
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Wukong: You had a wild night didn't you Bajie: This is kosher being tied up!!
Even Wujing has to tease him there is no mercy for the middle child vibes
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I like how they ask Wukong when they might be going there and they listen to him seriously. Like they know he is the strongest there and that he has been all around the world. Poor Sanzang being human has no idea when he could make it, whether in this lifetime or the next. But Wukong putting that tidbit of determination and will is actaully really sweet that he thinks Sanzang has a chance.
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Haha Equal is Earth
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Creepy fruit, however living to 47,000 is also kinda dope. Like that a fuck ton of years
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These guys are just around Wukong's age. 1,212, and 1,200
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These shits are like "But we Daoists and they Buddist why would we welcome them?" their teacher has to be like "Cause he a nice guy assholes now shut up and do it"
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This guy is pretty generous but also what an ass. Oh sure, Sanzang gets 2 Fruits that like 94,000 years of life for his past life, TEN LIFETIMES AGO. And Wukong, Bajie, and Wujing getting nothing for being 'rowdy'
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Even Wukong says this guy is full of himself which is saying SOMETHING from him.
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Wukong has to pull a Sanzang life all over again and make sure no one eats his baby. These Fucking brats really are just as bad as they are in the Movies Not a single ounce of respect for Earth Even Wukong is behaving better than them
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Wukong calls them FLIMFLAM
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Also love that Sanzang is trying to change the subject else these two brats rile Wukong even more. Like Sanzang becoming a master of trying to dodge topics
I like how Sanzang is more worried that these brats are going to start some shit to rile Wukong up rather than Wukong actaully being riled up. Like he knows he talked to some brats but he can't change that XD just like customer server. I love that Sanzang just straight-up makes plans to fucking leave. Like "we can rest here but yeah lets gtfo" And now these boys are like "no please come in we were told to serve only you"
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Bunch of two-faced assholes
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Probs not even then, they represent hard Confucianism where Daoism and Buddhism are not meant to interact with one another and not even respect one another. Wukong is a legit representation of fighting that stereotype by being a symbol of both and achieving true immortality for it. Honestly, Sanzang refusing to believe those aren't real ass babies makes me wonder how fucking close to babies these fruits actaully looked liked. Like Sanzang the most gullible and naive of them all refuse to believe those are actaully ass babies XD That says something
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I mean if I was eating something that looked too human I would also probs pass on it
This is honestly my favorite arc cause it is just such a 'boys will be boys' like the idea was Bajie's but he shared it with Wukong who was 100% on board, he didn't need an ounce of convincing, he just said "fuck yea, fuck those brats lets get that fruit, I'll do it myself" and then they just get Wujing his own too cause he just that good of a homie Like..... sometimes it's the stupid stuff you do together that makes it all the more memorable. Crimes committed together are enjoyed together.
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I have to admit calling someone a baldhead is be fighting words indeed
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Sanzang like: Hey even if they did commit the crime let's watch the fucking language
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it's like breaking someone's sports car and being like "well we can at least say sorry, that should be enough" LIKE IF THAT IT SANZANG'S PHILOSOPHY NO WONDER HE LETS PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH SO MUCH SHIT DAMN And he still like: hmmm, doesn't sound like my boys
HE TRUSTS HIS BOYS He also got to love the homies for agreeing that snitches get stitches and that they should all lie together damnit
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True brotherhood
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kinfeelings · 7 months
Stream of Consciousness: Looking Back, Labels & a Bit About Dysphoria.
I first began believing I was “strange” and “more/other than human” in elementary school (I distantly remember I had feelings of it before then but it became blatant in elementary) and then also the horrible daycare I was placed in for many hours after school ended. Probably had a lot, if not everything, to due with my undiagnosed autism and untreated trauma. I spent recesses wandering around the playground or digging in the dirt, stuck in my head, mostly ignoring my peers who wanted little to do with me anyhow, and then at the daycare, where it was near-constant torment, I was still always pretending to be Something Else. A non-canon OC Warriors cat, a tiger (sometimes even an aquatic “water-tiger”), a werewolf, many different things. Before elementary school and that daycare I was simply obsessed with thinking I was an ordinary house-cat every now and then.
Skip ahead years later and suddenly I am a teen in middle school scouring Tumblr, fixated on Tom Hiddleston at the height of the Avengers-mania. I begin hearing glimpses of something called “otherkin.” It’s so harshly ridiculed that I veer away from it immediately despite it vaguely catching my interest for some reason. More time goes by and I’ve become a young adult, who’s ready to learn more about this concept that I only caught snippets of before. I find I relate to a lot of it, but haven’t any clue what my kintypes are yet. I tried so many freaking labels, y’all. It was ridiculous. Meowth and persian pokémon, a sable working-line German shepherd dog, an Eastern water-spirit dragon, a Maine coon, Bluestar from Warriors, Star Catcher from My Little Pony, Zira from The Lion King, I even attempted to test out an archetrope…
None of these were true, but it’s good I searched, and developed more understanding of my identity.
I am currently twenty-seven, and I call myself: spiritual/psychological, alterhuman, voidpunk, and beastpunk. My current kintypes are as follows: feline cladotherian, all the eeveelutions including eevee itself (pokémon), and various fluctuating fiction- and OCkintypes. My favorite animals are felines, which is cool considering that I am literally all of them at once. I don’t dislike anything that I am, to be honest, which is pretty lucky—some individuals hate what they are, and I feel bad for them. Species euphoria comes to me as a sort of inner peaceful feeling, like all the bullshit of living humanly is ignorable and tolerable, like me-as-my-’types are having no trouble piloting this body I inhabit. I do recognize I value humanity and don’t scorn it anymore, which is why I choose to say I’m alterhuman instead of purely nonhuman. Though, I’ve been wondering about that, lately. Not that I’m going back to hating it as I did when I was younger, just that...am I latching onto the idea of being only a “human but slightly to the left” out of habit and fear of repercussions?
Someone in the OtherConnect Discord server told me “alterhuman” doesn’t imply either having humanity nor lack of it, it’s an umbrella term that includes examples of both. So I guess I was kinda mistaken? So I’m calling myself nonhuman from now on, too.
Dysphoria is a hellish time when it does occur for me, especially since I’m already mentally ill to begin with. Everything feels discordant, borderline painful; the air itself that I breathe has a blunt and mocking edge to it, cruel and relentless. You will never be anything you are within. Fuck my intrusive thoughts and anxiety disorder, frankly. They can kiss my ass.
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fiskesprett · 3 months
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*crowd boos* yea ok so i know i owe a lot of threads rn and as someone who is in as big of a debt as i am i have no place bringing in another muse but also i have no self control so. yeah im back with jaden fanning who's really the face of the formerly gifted child! he's an allara native paired with an unhealthy dose of escapism which brings him to terra! ...for work, of course! you know the drill: hit that LIKE button and i'll come running for plots again!
aquarius sun / virgo moon / libra rising
born and raised in los angeles! he's got a cookie cutter life with upper middle class parents who stuck together and 3 sisters, 1 older and 2 younger, and they're all relatively close in age! being the middle child and only boy means he basically gets to do anything he wants so even though his sisters pretty much gang up on him, life is pretty breezy honestly
jaden's also a really smart kid and he's one of those weirdos who genuinely enjoys maths so he really excelled in school! him and his sisters are all pretty high achievers in general, so growing up in that environment really helped foster his education
he gets into the compsci program in whatever version of mit is present a millennium later in allara and this is really where his life starts! living away from his childhood home, he was really able to break out of his mould! it's very much like if you've always been a class clown in hs, people expect you to only be a class clown and similarly in his home, people expected him to be jaden, their son / brother / whiz kid, but for once he was really able to just be whoever and do whatever he wanted!
absolutely bombs his first yr in uni thanks to his newfound freedom ( tho bomb in his family's standards is like a B- ) so his parents start calling, sisters start teasing him, everyone starts to get a little concerned for him and he kinda doesn't like disappointing people so he locks in! one thing he's learnt from this tho is that he kind of realises that he can never really be who he wants to be fully, because his family will always kind of be hovering over him ( like family ought to do but yk men n their need for independence )
anw he graduates thankfully and manages to snag an internship with allara's version of terrascape ( allarascape or sumn idk ) as an engineer! has been working there since and he's got some good critical thinking, work ethic & he's got an easygoing personality so he climbs the ranks pretty easily!!
only for things to grow so mundane again? his now 5y old job is very reminiscent of his childhood, how he's now shelved as a can-do engineer and everyone knows and expects him to always act in a certain way
at this point he starts looking for other jobs ( doesn't tell his parents tho bc they'd call him crazy and talk him out of it considering allara(scape) is like. the biggest company in allara im guessing ) and around sometime end of last year, he finds an opening at his company to transfer to terra as an inter-server compatibility engineer! it genuinely felt like the perfect opportunity for him so he applied immediately
doesn't tell his parents until he actually gets approved for the job and is told that he needs to relocate in like a month, and his parents are naturally sad about losing their son but he convinces them like hey, it's only semi-permanent and he can come back anytime if he doesn't like it, he's only doing this to move up in his career and what better way than to be in touch with the other part of his culture ( all lies btw he just wants some excitement in his life ) and his parents eat it up so they agree that he should take the job
but yes! that brings him to terra! he's moved over to the server for about a month or so now so he's literally a fresh face!
personality-wise jaden is really easygoing and has a very try anything once type of mentality! recently, he's been getting into the music of terra ( ngl he found it a lil rocky at the start but it's grown on him ), the games ( iron fist rocks btw ) and their cool dating app, but yeah he'll literally try anything to keep himself entertained!
in saying so jaden bores very easily... he's truly an aquarius at heart in that he loves to try new things but he also learns very quickly and gets bored of them once he does, so he'll run through many different hobbies and interests until he runs out then that jaded feeling leading into escapism comes creeping back in... luckily he's only on his first month in terra tho so the shine's gonna stay for at least 1-2 years still!
ironic but maybe the reason why he bores easily is because he's fostered a pretty boring life for himself 😖 definitely a lot more boy-next-door compared to some of the muses here so really, he's just your typical dude!
considering the event that just concluded i should also say that he's a terra glazer, given that he works with the code he does find it hard to admit that there's anything wrong with the code so if your muse is out here saying that terra is lying and all that he's treating them like scientists treat covid deniers : >> will kinda write them off eek but in saying this he's also not very self-aware lol prob rates himself pretty high on the nice, down to earth scale so take that how you will
you'd never imagine that i'd be able to rattle on about some random guy uve met on the street yet here we are... anw here's some plot bunnies for ya!
i'd love for him to kinda meet anyone working @ terrascape! whether it be thru their mentor-mentee program or if they're chillin at the canteen tgt, he's ur man! he also likes going out for tgif drinks w his colleagues so !
as i said he's getting used to a lot in terra so you can definitely find him in random spots across town! whether it be the quaint bakery no one knows about or that coffee shop everyone knows AND WARNS everyone about! i assume culture is quite different between servers too so maybe he does something that's a little outside of the culture of terra? like if he tries to tip a waiter and they find him rude as hell... ye come educate this white man
honestly he's really getting into iron fist at the moment so i can see him gaming a lot! would love for him to have gaming friends he met thru iron fist and maybe your muse has decided to take pity on this literal noob lol... maybe even games other than iron fist while we're here? he's really trying anyth rn gang! while we're at it i'm also looking for someone he's a big fan of!
speaking of fans and celebrities, he's a compatibility engineer btwn terra and allara, so your muse has thought to transfer to allara briefly for a tour / to go on holiday? he doesn't usually deal with the customer aspect of things and is more present behind the scenes, but maybe bc your muse is famous the ceo employs "a professional" to handle the case and greet you so you feel special and feel enticed to keep spending your merits using this service
he's also been getting used to coach rn so maybe you've matched w him! watch him bring u around to the lamest places bc he doesn't know any place...😌
because he's moved here for his job, (allara)scape's also placed him in the megabuildings! neighbour plots would be kinda cute huh?
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AU of an AU: BaTIM
(There's a lot to read, guys) I haven't got much sleep, so this is my justification for making mistakes in text, if there's any. (The short summary: When server has a terrible admin, so some random cheater overthrows him and takes control👌. But I didn't write where it happens yet)
(I mention violence/murder btw and I will say a spoiler for Abomination comic ending) …
The AU of an AU starts as a changed Abomination comic ending. Like more people were alive (just like in my old batim rp). So, Magenta is an Ink Demon now, and after he became him - first yet alive person who found it out was Alice and got damaged or killed, then Sammy who didn't die before also found it out or I forgot what I wrote in here. Then everyone in this timeline is dead, Ink Demon laughs and suddenly the ink server resets itself. Demon doesn't understand wth is going on and looks up. Sees Joey the original one and tries to get his attention by yelling. Joey looks at him, surprised that he can see him for he never did that before, and explains that this timeline was crap and they gotta reset it. Ink Demon doesn't get it and boom, he's Magenta again. Alive. Get's a deja vu. For a while everything looks like abomination canon, but then Magenta tries to get Joeys attention from above again. And tries to ask what he expects from this scenario anyway. But Joey replies with "I don't fcking know, it just wasn't perfect" so Magenta doesn't have a clear scenario and fcks up everything again. (I'm not the type of person who swears a lot, but judging by what texts I saw in tumblr this is the way I should write it like?) Then another reset and another correction by "God" happens, and this time Magenta argues more — "it's not my fault timeline isn't perfect, it's yours, you don't even know what you want!" This argument comes to nothing. And a few more timelines keep appearing and resetting, with very slight changes. Except for Magenta tries to argue with Joey more and more, and more while the timeline goes by, probably making anyone who sees it think that he's a bit more insane than usual 👌. Then there appears such corruption thingy as cartoonifying the timeline (or how to write this word). When he noticed that this universe it pretty much drawn he started making it more cartoony by behaving like a cartoon, which twisted the reality and caused a much earlier reset. Magenta saw it as a very funny thing while Joey said that it was even worse than usual stop it. Then they were bullying or trolling each other for 10 minutes until Joey gave up and reset the timeline again. Magenta didn't get the memo and corrupted the timeline so much that it had reset itself and wiped his memories out. Memories about such timeline. This could 50/50 either cause him to stop cartoonifying timelines or make him repeat his tricks again. … Another thing - he wrote diaries and things on walls sometimes, in some secret locations only he could normally enter, bc usually the resets didn't save all the memories and just gave deja vu or flashbacks that it happened before. So he wrote himself hints while he still tried to do what Joey asked - "create a good timeline". But nothing worked, so he just wrote the outcomes of his arguments with Joey and insults in his address. Also things for those who would find out he had diaries. … Another thing - obviously clone would eventually annoy Joey so much that he would reset even the clone himself. So kinda deleted or threw away and spawned a new and clean one. And communicated with him right away bc all clones were finding out the author exists, it's not something to reset. Also that meant he .. could give them the actual steps to follow? .. Nothing worked anyway-
Also back to cartoony timelines: when Magenta broke the timeline this much he could leave the map. Find a breach. He also had a motif - he wanted to get away from Joeys foolish control. This man doesn't even know what he wants, what's the point to follow his lead? So once he did find a breach and left the map. He wandered into a place I called "behind the fourth wall", but it's actually the black backrooms. Joey saw nothing in here, it's out of bounds, so he just assumed his clone deleted himself somehow and created a new one. While the old one was wandering this place. At first it was like an interesting adventure and finally freedom. .. But then he never found an exit and was locked in the void for eternity. Being in the void also made him lose his old looks and he looked more like a lost one than Joey. Also got a shape shifter ability. Also I will say what I forgot to mention, the main point of the AU: after many resets Magenta started to think of his identity, why tf he looks and even thinks like Joey while being not him and .. probably why he likes cartoony things that much? So he once randomly remembers that he was Bendy once, before turning into Joey to do his bidding. That makes him hate Joey on a new level and argue 3 times more. After which he probably got reset once, but regained memories again. …
And now back to our lost in the backrooms guy: He was wandering there for eternity, thinking what could he do to prevent or fix anything. And he saw that another Joey clone entered this realm, and to not repeat the story came to him and showed the way out 👌. … It did change the fate of the second clone, but didn't change the fate of the main one. So he wandered again and even entered the other timelines. It made him know the entire story and he was thinking of a plan to change everything. Again. Then was traveling the timelines and his inky out of bounds realm again, and this how he collected an army of 5 other inky creatures (btw I call this guy "Formless Inky Creature", FIC for short👌) and once again met a clone who tried to enter the backrooms. But this time he told him what happens in other timelines and that he should do something else, not what Joey said. And that he was Bendy once👌. And that he should kill both Henry and Joey somehow. …
Phew, this story is long, yes. I will also mention that these timelines can go not only as far as abomination goes, but to Henry's arrival too. And I initially started to write it since the moment he tried to get "the secret ending" and ran into the backrooms away from Ink Demon, who followed him and found out he looks like Magenta again when he's in here. And tried to find Henry, but got lost here and found a place that .. idk, works off fantasy? It gives you anything you think about, but literally anything and constantly, also it has invisible walls, you will get trapped in here and all your thoughts will materialize forever. Or there's actually a chance to get out, but then you'll meet FIC's fate. But in the first story Henry and Joey clone actually found each other, talked and Henry went to another timeline. But in the second story, which is this one: Henry got the idea he got away from the ink demon and was looking for an exit. And was noticed by FIC. FIC was angry at him bc he's the reason Joey clones even exist and suffer for idiot's sake, so he approached and pushed him to some random timeline to break the fourth wall in. And went to find the second clone to tell him to start the plan. And here I got tired of typing, so for now that's all. Oof. Also the backrooms probably give them the knowledge of everything, but I don't remember the exact amount.
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slytherinshua · 3 months
He definitely gives off charismatic vibes through the screen, but in person must a different level. How did you survive? Lol
I would definitely love to see more concert clips (if you want to post them) but unfortunately I don't have discord (debating if it's something I should get though)
I'm so excited to watch Ha Hyunsang! I've only ever seen him in the context of Hoppipolla and he was amazing. I'll definitely let you keep you up to date haha. I'm so glad you think that about the other vocalist though! Ages ago whenever I'd heard one of their songs from superband (I think it must have been snooze or something?) I didn't like his voice. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, I just didn't seem to vibe with it. I do want to check gift out though
His dances are the cutest! When I was getting into Lucy, I happened to come across some of the live clips and I'd really enjoyed someday in the 21st century, but then when I saw Wonsang singing and dancing along to it I honestly fell in love with him. I loved his energy and excitement!!
I go by Violet (or Vi, whichever you want to call me haha). I need to update my page to say that, but I cba haha. (I saw you started to follow me! I will warn you, I'm a very boring person ahaha)
i swear on the stage in the center is just where sangyeop BELONGS and you can tell he loves performing so much SKDJKS HES SO FINE WHEN HE IS IN HIS ELEMENT. like i did not survive I MEAN TECHNICALLY I DID BUT I DIDNT.
i'll definitely sift through the rest of my clips and post some to tumblr hehe (any songs you wanna see?) discord is great for texting like i'm much more active on there and it's nice to have an active conversation but it also has an mb limit so some of my videos are too big for it even when i clip them to be like 10 seconds 💀💀 idk what tumblr's mb limit for videos or what it is but i feel like its much bigger than discord lol. but discord is so fun when you can watch videos together plus there's tons of kpop servers so you can make new friends <3
i fell in love with hyunsang on superband (i think everyone did lol) but then when i finished watching it i kinda forgot abt him?? but my youtube showed me one of his covers and i thought his voice was so beautiful and then i realized it was him from superband. and now he's one of my ult soloists his solo music is crazy good :( i really wanna get more into hoppipolla, i didn't stan them yet since they're pretty inactive rn so i just keep up with hyunsang atm. but i've heard some hoppipolla songs and i love them they're great <3 and yeah i mean like there's nothing really wrong with the vocalist they had on superband but his voice didn't really bring anything to lucy songs?? and you can even see when you watch crybird cover on superband vs the later performance they did of it with sangyeop that sangyeop's voice just FITS lucy perfectly. i couldn't imagine lucy songs without him they just sound so wrong.... i can't thank wonsang enough for making that choice to ask sangyeop to join cause he was what lucy really needed!! i've wanted to check out gift sometime as well like i really want to get into more bands cause i feel like i don't stan enough rn lol
the way he just looks like he enjoys performing sm :( hes always dancing and smiling at everyone in the audience and when his part comes on he sings it so cutely KSDJSK I LOVE HIM :((
ooo okay!! i'm zanna but you probably already saw that from my blog lol and you def don't seem like a boring person from these asks like i love answering them and talking to you <33
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hypnolordx · 4 months
Big Announcement!
Hey everybody, hope you're all doing well.
Hoo boy this announcement's gonna be a big one for me, since I'm not usually the type to spill all my guts. To be honest even as I write it, I still feel slightly nervous about sharing it, but I'll give it my best shot and because this is my server, I decided I'd do this here first! (Sorry in advance, if this gets long)
Sooooooooooo...I've been teasing this "SECRET THING" I've been working on since the start of this year, and I've kep things vague because I wanted to get good enough to the point where I could show off what I've been doing with confidence. Maybe not perfected, but enough to show the results and be proud to some degree.
@everyone Hey everybody, hope you're all doing well.
Hoo boy this announcement's gonna be a big one for me, since I'm not usually the type to spill all my guts. To be honest even as I write it, I still feel slightly nervous about sharing it, but I'll give it my best shot and because this is my server, I decided I'd do this here first! (Sorry in advance, if this gets long)
Sooooooooooo…I've been teasing this "SECRET THING" I've been working on since the start of this year, and I've kep things vague because I wanted to get good enough to the point where I could show off what I've been doing with confidence. Maybe not perfected, but enough to show the results and be proud to some degree.
Well, after months of hyping it up, I think it's finally time to show off a little sample of just what I've been trying and continue to develop…and here it is!
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So uh...yeah, I'm drawing stuff now, though I feel I need t explain what led me here.
I've been doing hypno art stuff for a while, ever since I started messing around in kisekae and making those multi-part images that were definitely rough around the edges by my standards now, and it's hard to believe sometimes that I've come so far. Sometimes I forget how much I interact with those I've been following for a long time on a more regular basis and just how many talented people are now in my orbit, honestly pretty amazing. At the same time, it's also made me realize some things I think I always knew about myself and my work, but never really confronted until recently.
Now some of you who've followed me long enough know I used to draw a long time ago, but stopped. I used to have a different art profile (not hypno-related mind you) and everything, but it didn't take off and the comments I got from the people around me, on and offline, on how my drawing looked were...eh...not great, so I kind of just gave up and moved on. It wasn't till later when I discovered kisekae and the rest is history. I even turned the "I got two left hands when it comes to drawing" thing into a joke to laugh it off.
Since then, I've kind of become a jack of all trades without even realizing it between all the manips, written works, and 3D stuff. I never really thought too hard about that, I always just enjoyed making things.
So it's fair to say I've dipped my toes into a lot of different mediums over the years. That being said, it's hard to call some of those distinctly "me".
For a while now I've been feeling like I've been missing something in my artwork, and it's become hard to not see the walls of limitations in each medium I've worked in (save for maybe writing, but that's not the point), which hampers just what I can make and how well I can make it.
For kisekae it's the perspective and what can and can't be done with it, for manips it's dependent on whatever screenshot I can find to work with, while 3D stuff expanded what I can do I still feel limited in what I can do with it (either do to the limits of what characters/objects/set pieces I have access to), and it feels like I don't always have that freedom of creativity some other artists have. The crazy part though, I kinda realized I was the one who put those walls up myself.
After being in such close proximity with so many artists and seeing all the cool stuff they've made, say they want to make, or even just tiny little trend/meme stuff they do, that feeling that my work has been lacking something only grew and I started to feel this sense of imposter syndrome, like I didn't fully earn the praise I got because I was over reliant on what I was using in order to keep up. That by comparison to everyone else, my work was becoming static, less interesting, even quantity over quality.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe that the work I've put into the bulk of my art is lazy per se, nor am I saying people who do kisekae, manips, or use 3D models (whether they made those or not) are either, for example I've seen tons of kisekae artists besides myself push the boundaries of what kisekae can do and I think that's incredible. Though I personally feel like I don't really have much room left to grow in it and that can make things feel like they're getting stagnant, so for a while it felt like I was just constantly trying to outdo myself but not getting the results I wanted.
There has been times where I release something and I look at it and go "Man, I wish I could've done this better..." and something I'm more proud of right next to it, and then I see the former blow up in popularity and I just sit there like "...okay but why though?", and that's been a hard feeling to escape.
Then there was that whole debacle when I came out and said, "I don't like AI Art, I'm against it completely, and I side with the artists who're having their works stolen to teach it.", to which a chunk of commenters responses boiled down to: "Um, actually, you don't even draw/you use kisekae/you do etc., so therefore your opinion on AI Art is invalid and you're a hypocrite for speaking out!"
I don't believe doing kisekae or manips is the same as AI Art for a pretty simple reason, a person still has to put in the effort and creativity to make it and make it good, so that comparison is bogus, so that comparison made me mad how many excuses I was hearing from those who just didn't want to put in the effort to actually make something...it's almost like if someone really wanted to, they could pick up a pencil and actually...I don't know...draw? Well...funny story about that.
So I was working on a manip one day (I think it was the Zom 100 Shizuka one?) and for that one I was learning how to edit in a line of drool for that image and I had a tutorial on drawing in liquid that I was following along with in additions to the usual eye edit...and suddenly I stopped and started to think to myself"Wait, what am I doing right now? ...I'm putting something into this image that wasn't there before by hand and from scratch...wait a second, I'M DRAWING!!!" and sure, it was a different kind of drawing, but it was drawing. Before when the subject came up, I'd always just shut it down because I thought I wasn't good enough to get back into it, but I realized in that moment that if I could do that, why couldn't I do more. Not just the eyes here or a detail there edited into a preexisting image, but why not an entire thing made from just my two hands? It sorta sparked something in me I didn't think was still there. And so, starting at the tail end of last year, I sat down with a beat-up old pencil in one hand and got to practice on a tiny note pad and I've been doing so almost every day since. (Now with mechanical pencils and an actual sketchbook XD) So to wrap this whole thing up is, yeah this is a thing I do now.
I'm not stopping with working with my other mediums right now, I don't have plans to quit those at this time, but I will say that in time I hope that this will become the main body of my work, which is part of the reason why I reduced the amount of output since these obviously take much more time than the kisekae and manips.
I'm not perfect, I'd be lying if I said I have mastered anything just yet, but I am trying my best, improving and getting better with each new step I take.
So for now, I'm just going to keep sketching and try to develop this skill. It will take time before I can make full art pieces, comics, or even do commissions regularly I think eventually I can.
So thanks for reading and I hope you join me on the rest of this journey I got going here! ^^
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thecoramaria · 2 years
Hi!, I've been wanting to write for about a few weeks but I can't set myself to write anything, I have a folder full of pure random ideas that occur to me from time to time, but even with that I just can't focus to write something. What should I do? Tysm in advance 🙏💖
Hey, Anon! Thanks so much for your ask 💖
It sounds to me that you have some kind of friction between you and starting/writing your story, and the key to focusing on your writing is to figure out what that friction is.
Is it that simply writing down random ideas isn't enough to give you a clear goal of what to write, thus leaving you overwhelmed by the possibilities of the blank page? Perhaps more detailed outlining is the key.
Is it that you write your ideas in a notes app that's easy to access from both your phone and computer, but you keep trying to write your draft in a word processor that is only accessible from or easy to use on your computer? Perhaps drafting your fic in the same app you take notes in is the way to go.
Is it that you lack accountability? Maybe try and find a Discord server that hosts check-ins and writing sprints. This could also be good option for if you have a short attention span.
Is it that you have to sift through a bunch of cluttered files to access your manuscript? Then maybe try to arrange things so it's only one or two clicks away, or keep it open at all times.
Is it that your mind tends to wander as you write? Perhaps you could try having a distraction journal, where you write down everything that distracts you so that you can come back to it after your writing session is done for the day.
These are all just examples I'm throwing out there, though. It'll take some reflection to figure out what your obstacles are, and some trial and error to find a solution that works for you. It took me a decade to figure out a process that works pretty well for me, and I still find myself needing to change it as I change.
I think it's also worth looking into ADHD-specific advice around writing processes. I'm not trying to diagnose you or anything, but sometimes it's helpful to see how a community that experiences problems similar to you handle their issues. Kinda like how the polyamory community taught me things that made my monogamous relationship better.
Hope this helps~! 💖
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