#still busting out old stuff
skywardmem · 2 years
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fkapple · 3 months
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boys being boys
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
I love my mom but sometimes, for lack of a better way to put it, she acts like an entitled boomer. It's already a peeve of mine when people bitch about kids and what they're bitching about is kids doing completely normal, expected shit for kids to do but my mom takes it a step further and implies my nieces doing normal kid idiocy is like a personal failing and ok. Look, my youngest niece is rammy as hell this kid is a bowling ball and she's here to win, but she's seven. I expect seven year olds to be Like That and be empty head no thoughts until they break something, that's normal. No sense in getting pissed off at a seven year old for acting exactly the way you'd expect them to, but the thing that extra pisses me off is that instead of just making peace with this and teaching any of my nieces where they went wrong and how to fix it my mom just kind of expects literal children to be able to just get some verbal feedback and figure it out?? Like come on now, I have 2 siblings surely she should know zero kids are equipped to get not very useful feedback and figure out how to apply it to everything??
My oldest niece gets it the worst and every time my mom says shit about personal responsibility I want to roll my eyes so hard they pack their bags and go on a vacation to Hawaii because my niece is 12 (almost 13)- if she's not taking 'personal responsibility' then someone didn't teach her how to or at least not in a way that stuck and worked for her. It's actually the adults personal responsibility to teach a child how to develop emotional maturity, not for a kid to be grated about all the damn time like any 12 year old is equiped to be The Most Emotionally Mature Ever. Problem being my mom is NOT good at taking feedback on parenting so if I say anything I gotta wrap it up nice and sweet and make sure it comes off almost more like offering advice rather than criticism, which irritates me because "if your so pissed off about this behavior why don't you do something about it and NO not the only thing you've been trying for years and complaining doesn't work because fucking obviously why do I have to explain this to someone who surely knows far more about parenting than I would" is a lot easier than my methods that aren't working any better than my mom's.
#winters ramblings#the biggest problem is that when i HAVE pointed this out she points ME out. half the time i never even needed to be tokd what for#my susters did dumb sbit and i decided not to do that same dumb shit but like you cant take a particularly smart kid#and decide ALL kids are like that. neither of my sisters were like that especially my middle sister#so like why the hell am i being used as an example here lmao im not relevant in this case#my nieces are not weirdly smart emotionally like i was and id also like to point out HALF MY PARENTS WERE DYING#for nearly all of my childhood that i can remember. im pretty sure THATS what made me Like That. i just had am awareness most kids dont#because most kids arent as unlucky as i was to go through something so harrowing. my sisters also had shit but not like that#their shit i think made it hard for them to do relationship stuff whereas mine made me a snart kid and an extremely distrustful adult#still if youre mad a kid is acting A Fool its the ADULTS job to make sure that kid is bding taught ahat they need to know#in a way THEY understand and put to use. not repeating how YOU understand shit over and over again#my mom is great dont get me wrong but sometimes she does shit and i want to roll my eyes because its so stupid#kids do not naturally posess every adult skill in the book and actually will probably take their WHOLE livesto develop#so instead of being mad a seven year old rams shit around give that kid 80 billion reminders every time theyre rammy#not to do that. drop in an example where they brine so.#something they liked because nothing convinces kids to behave like being reminded that they actually like their stuff#and even then a million more things will break. thata how kids work#if i busted some shit being rammy then that would be that abd id clean it up. kids deserve the same courtesy
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habken · 4 months
/busts down your door WHAT ALL HAVE I MISSED IN BNHA?????? I just saw your comic and I’m so confused
okay so bakugou got got right we all know that, shigaraki fucked up his arm, bakugou said “oh I know what I gotta do” and did a good attack on shiggy but his heart exploded </3 and he died but edgshot said “nuh uh” and used his body to stitch it back up and then deku was late to the party and didnt even have time to be bummed out about bakugou’s corpse cause he has to fight shigaraki and then somewhere else afo does stuff blah blah blah and snatches hawks quirk (rip) and then takes off to join shigafo in that fight but all might says “not on my watch” and intercepts him and they duke it out and all this time afo is getting younger cause he used something made from eris quirk so he could keep duking it out with endeavour and that gang so he’s like a teen fighting poor old man all might who used all his savings to by himself a mech suit but it’s not going so hot for him and stain shows up to take on afo with all might but afo still wins and is about to finish off all might when bakugou starts up his own heart with his explosive sweat and makes really fruity eye contact with deku and with the power of friendship deku pauses his fight with shigafo to launch bakugou towards afo and bakugou saved all might and goes “dawg who’s this kid I’m about to beat the shit out of” and all might says “that’s afo” and bakugou goes to beat the shit out of toddler afo and succeeds because afo finally benjamin buttons out of existence but the whole balugou’s arm looks like seconds away from falling off, then after a long day of fighting bakugou takes a well deserved nap and we go back to deku v shigafo and it’s not going well for deku he’s trying to break through to tenko but he’s not getting anywear and then shigaraki steals danger sense and it gets even worse but second user goes “wait ! What if we attack him with psychic damage, give shigaraki ofa and we’ll beat the shit out of his mind so you can do your thing” amd deku is very sad but agrees and then after he goes punches all of the ofa vestiges into shigaraki they end up in his mind palace and little deku holds little tenko hand even though it’s disintegrating his own and this is where we think “wow he truly won with the power of friendship” but no !! He did not ! The afo vestige that loves in shigaraki’s mind comes out and evil laughs and says “you idiot I’ve been behind all the awful missrable things that happened your whole life ! I convinced your dad to have you, I took your og quirk away and gave you half of an ability that should have let you destroy and recreate but only gave you the destructive part because I am evil and you are too because I made you that way” and shigaraki goes :0 ?!1?;& and dissolves because afo cast vicious mockery and got a nat20 dealing double damage. We then exit shigaraki’s mind and deku has no arms !! But behind him avengers endgame style, heroes amass and aizawa steps out of the portal and goes “damn sorry midoriya if only I’d come like a minute earlier now you’re armless </3” but ! He tosses deku eri’s horn because eri havked it off herself to give to deku to save him and deku’s arms start growing back :D at the same time, afo has fully taken over shigaraki’s body and i like “haha tomura is no more it’s just me now” but he’s super bummed out because his vestige brother is gone as well and he’s like “damn what even is the reason for doing anything anymore :// I guess I’ll still kick ur ass or whatever but I’m kinda apathetic about taking over the world now” but while deku gave away ofa he still has some of the embers and with the power of froendship once more, he dodges afo’s attacks and punches him super duper hard, and we see shigaraki again :D and yoichi :00 and yoichi says sone shit to afo and shigaraki turns to deku like “this was truly our hero academia :) tell spinner I love him” and deku says “sure dawg” and they fist bump and stuff
tldr: deku gave up ofa to save shigaraki and bakugou’s arm is super super messed up which is very fun
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chillian-murphy · 27 days
Let Your Big Brother Take Care of You
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SUMMARY: While visiting your stepbrother at college, you have a hard time falling asleep after some drunken mishaps. He helps you out.
WARNINGS/ADDITIONAL INFO: Smut 🔞, dubcon, stepcest, intoxication, fingering, comfort sex kinda??, gratuitous mention of Taco Bell
Beta read by @sasybanana
Actually visiting with your step-brother had been the last thing on your mind when you told your parents that you would be visiting him this weekend. Sure, you got along fine, but you barely knew each other and it felt like he was moving out for college as soon as your families joined. Instead, you were hellbent on finding the best partying and hooking up opportunities his film school had to offer. Framing it as a sisterly visit and a chance to learn about campus life was purely an excuse to convince your parents to let you travel on your own, which they seemed to buy as you were headed off to school yourself next year. Besides, Neil had an off campus apartment you could crash at, which would be cheaper than a hotel.
He greeted you with a hug as you entered and set your stuff down, instantly being assaulted by the scent of unwashed laundry and old weed smoke. Still, it was comfortable enough, and was a nice taste of freedom from your mom’s house.
“So, my baby sister wants to visit me for the weekend, for reasons not at all related to my school’s reputation as a party campus?” He smirked as you situated yourself.
“Of course! Just like how my big brother spends all the money he gets from our parents on textbooks and tuition.” you shot back.
“Touché. Well, whatever trouble you’re determined to get into, fuck, I dunno, be smart about it. Use condoms, don’t get drugged. Don’t drink so much that you puke, or at least, try to puke somewhere other than carpet.”
“Wow… so caring.” you rolled your eyes as you headed to the bathroom to get ready for the evening. You snatched a flyer off of a phone pole for a house party, and the directions you got off google said it was only a few blocks away. As soon as you had your heels and your lashes on, you were off.
Stumbling back to Neil’s apartment with your heels in your hand, the night had been a bust. You finished too many mystery drinks too fast and ended up puking in the lap of the one guy who was interested in you, locked yourself in the bathroom to cry for the better part of an hour, and bolted for the door as soon as you pulled yourself together. Thank fuck Neil had the first apartment on the first floor, otherwise you might not have been able to find it in your impaired state.
The door was unlocked, and Neil hadn’t moved from his place on the couch in the hours that you had been gone, presumably wrapped up in whatever it is that he does in his spare time (Watch movies? Play video games? Jerk off? You really didn’t know). This was fine, you really didn’t need him noticing you at the moment. You tried to enter quietly, but tripped over yourself as you moved.
“Holy shit, are you okay?”
Neil rushed over to you to make sure you weren’t hurt. Unable to form words, you started crying again when you met his gaze, big fat mascara tears rolling down your cheeks. Even as he helped you to stand, you wobbled on your way up and had to lean on him for support.
“How much did you have to drink?”
“Dunno… a lot.” It was true, you had chugged whatever you were handed and helped yourself to a variety of half-finished cups that were abandoned by their owners. You had never drank this much before, and had no idea how much was too much until it was too late.
“Shit, um, let’s get you to the bed. The room is yours tonight, don’t worry about it. Do you think you can walk that far?” There was genuine concern in his tone, even if he was a bit panicked and clueless. He looped an arm around your waist and guided you as best he could to the tiny room. Your flop onto the twin bed wasn’t exactly graceful, but landing on a mattress was about a thousand times more comfortable than landing on the floor.
As soon as Neil turned to leave, you began fighting your way out of your tight, itchy dress. Unfortunately, the zipper was stuck (damn cheap clothing) and the garment was too fitted to pull over your head. Refusing to spend any more time stuck in scratchy fabric hell (Seriously, Forever 21, who sells unlined sequined dresses?), you continued wrestling with the zipper and wiggling to find a better angle until you rolled off the bed and landed with a thud. Not knowing what else to do, you shouted for your stepbrother.
The worried look on his face quickly turned into an eye roll as he entered the room and saw you on the floor again.
“So are you like… determined to spend the whole night down there? Undeniably attracted to shitty carpeting? Horny for the floor?” Having a laugh at your drunken expense might not have been the nicest thing for Neil to do, but you were being such a handful tonight.
“I can’t get my dress off,” you sheepishly mumbled as you avoided his gaze. “The zipper’s stuck and I need your help.”
“Hey, hey, it’s fine.” Neil soothed as he knelt down to meet you on the floor. “If anything, I’m flattered… Usually I have to buy a girl dinner before she even thinks of asking me to undress her.”
You shot him an unamused glare, but nonetheless turned and leaned towards him so he could reach the zipper. His touch was warm and gentle as he fiddled with the impossibly tiny hook-and-eye clasp atop the zipper, one hand gently pressed against your upper back to steady you while the other went to work. Before you knew it, the dress slackened and you were able to free yourself from its confines, modesty be damned.
“A tiny little dress and no bra? You really were planning to have fun tonight.” You were still turned away from Neil and couldn’t see his face, but you could hear the grin in his voice.
“It has built-in cups, pervert!” you huffed as you rushed to cover yourself. You groped around for a t-shirt or something before remembering that you were in an unfamiliar room and not at home. “Get out, I just wanna sleep.”
“That doesn’t explain the little lacy panties, though.” Neil let his eyes trail over you before tossing you one of his own shirts. It was true, you had gone out partying with the hope of hooking up as quickly and anonymously as possible, but you weren’t going to admit that. All you wanted was to gain a little sexual experience of your own before heading out to college, but now the only boy to see you naked was your weird stepbrother. “And I’m not leaving you alone tonight. You can’t even stand and I’ve had to help you up twice. You’re too much of a mess to be alone.”
He helped you onto the bed again, only this time he climbed in behind you after hitting the light. The bed was small enough that there was almost no choice but to snuggle up to him, using his shoulder as a pillow. As weird as the whole situation was, it felt nice having him there, like a grounding tether against the spinning sensation in your head.
“For what it’s worth, I thought you looked really cute tonight. Before all the puking and crying and falling, I mean.” He chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. As sweet as the gesture was, you couldn’t ignore the growing gurgle in your stomach.
“Neil… I want Taco Bell.”
“I’ll buy you all the Taco Bell in the world tomorrow if you settle down and go to sleep.”
“Okay…” you buried your face into the crook between Neil’s neck and shoulder as he pulled you closer and idly rubbed your back. You couldn’t help but moan softly at the sensation, which Neil tried his hardest to ignore.
Had you been a little more awake or a little more sober, you might’ve noticed the hitch in Neil’s breath as his hand trailed up and down your back, or the way his hand soon opened into a flat palm and started exploring lower, dangerously close to the waistband of your panties. Instead, you continued to lay silently, dozing off as his hand inched lower.
Eventually, his hand made its way to your ass and cupped the supple flesh. Feeling emboldened by your lack of response, Neil began to squeeze and knead. This made you squirm away, but in doing so, you were met with the perfect amount of friction as your clothed pussy rubbed against Neil’s thigh. Neither of you had realized just how closely you were snuggled together until now, when it dawned on you both what was happening.
Part of you panicked, part of you realizing that this was wrong through your drunken haze, but another part of you only cared that you were being touched, and it felt pleasurable. That was the whole reason you made this trip, right? you rationalized to yourself as you attempted to grind against your stepbrother’s thigh a second time. 
Instead of being met with the delicious friction, you felt Neil shift beneath you. Did you fuck this up? Were you just imagining his hand on your ass? But before you could worry any further, he was rolling you onto your back with his thick, firm leg pressing between your thighs and spreading them, and the unmistakable poking of his erection against the spot where your hip met your belly. He pushed his thigh against you, inviting you to grind it.
“Is this what my horny little sister needs? Can’t fall asleep without coming?” His voice was low and husky, in equal parts from being half asleep and his obvious arousal. You were starting to transition from drunk to hungover, feeling more drowsy and dizzy than anything else, and the most you could answer with was a pathetic little whimper as he nudged you.
You rubbed yourself against him as best you could, unable to find just the right angle from the new position you were placed in. In a fit of frustration, you tried pushing Neil off of you so you could rub yourself with your hand, but he was deceptively strong and had you pinned.
“Neeeeeeeeeiiiillllll” you whined, once again wondering if this was all a mistake, maybe you should just try to fall asleep and forget this ever happened. Forget the whole night ever happened. Change your name, move across the country, and never talk to anyone who witnessed tonight ever again.
“Shhhh, it’s alright, just lie there and let your big brother take care of you.”
Just lying there was about all you could do as Neil snaked one of arms between your legs, stroking your folds through your panties a bit aimlessly before gathering the courage to reach beneath the cloth and explore further. After a bit of awkward poking around, he found your clit and began circling it gently with his fingertips, eliciting another whimper, this time of pleasure.
“See? I know exactly what you need. M’gonna play with your little pussy until you relax and fall asleep, like a good girl.” His fingers began teasing your slit, tracing up and down its length without daring to breach inside. It never would have occurred to you that Neil would know his way around pussy, he never brought any girls home when he lived with you. He must’ve gotten a lot of practice after moving out, because the way his fingers were just barely ghosting over you was driving you crazy in a way you couldn’t understand. You wanted him to stop, you wanted him to continue exactly what he was doing, you wanted him to start giving you more. All you knew was that you wanted him, and for him to keep touching you.
As if he could read your mind, he spread your innermost lips and plunged two of his fingers inside. The stretch was sudden, but not at all unwelcome. You were wet enough for him to thrust his fingers in and out of you easily, spreading your slick wherever he touched. As soon as he began alternating between fucking you on his fingers and roughly toying with your clit, you started seeing stars.
“You like that? You like me finger fucking your tight little pussy? I wish I could see it, I bet it's all pink and cute, like your nipples. I bet you’ve never even taken a cock before."
Too drunk, too horny, and too tired to form words, the most you could do was shyly squeak in affirmation.
“Next time I’ll have you bounce on my cock so I can watch your face as you come. Or maybe I’ll eat you out so I can really get to see how cute your pussy is. Or maybe you’ll just want to pay back the favor I’m doing you now and suck me off.”
Next time? You hadn’t considered something like this happening again, or even the fact that you’d have to see him again. In mixed company. With your parents around. Would he fuck you in your childhood bedroom while everyone else was downstairs cooking dinner? Or would he keep your liaisons a dirty little secret that only happened away from home?
You didn’t care. You were coming from your stepbrother’s touch, in your stepbrother’s bed, far away from anyone else you knew. You felt your stomach tighten and your toes involuntarily curl, much stronger than you ever felt sneakily rubbing yourself in the shower. Thank fuck you were in a dark room, because you swore you could feel your face going all stupid.
You must not have realized how much you were panting and clenching around his fingers, because Neil seemed to know exactly how close you were and began whispering in your ear, encouraging you to come. You could barely register what he was saying, you were so lost in the sensation of his breath on your neck and his hand on your cunt.
Your orgasm finally took hold, and you could hear yourself babbling in pleasure but had no idea what you were saying, if you were even forming coherent words, as the pleasure ripped through your body like an electric shock. After the initial burst, you felt your body relax in a way you didn’t know was possible, releasing tension you didn’t even know you were holding. You swore you could feel yourself melting through the mattress before realizing that no, that was just sweat.
Noticing that you were lying there like a limp noodle and no longer squirming and moaning, Neil rolled off of you, withdrawing his hand from your panties. His fingers were completely soaked with your wetness, and while his initial instinct was to wipe them off on his shirt, roll over, and go to sleep, he couldn’t ignore the fact that he was rock hard. In a stroke of genius that would soon lead to literal stroking, he realized he had the perfect lube on hand.
He shoved his drenched hand down his boxers and began tugging his desperate member, softly grunting in rhythm with his pumping fist. Part of you felt bad that you weren’t helping, you had kinda forgotten that Neil was a complete person with desires of his own and not just a machine to get you off, but you were cozy and half asleep and he seemed to be handling the situation well enough on his own. At least, well enough that he was coming all over the front of his shirt.
He carefully pulled his soiled shirt over his head and wiped off his hand and what was left of his mess before tossing it on the floor and reaching for the blanket that had been kicked to the bottom of the bed amidst all the excitement. You felt yourself being tucked in as you gently dozed off, snuggling into Neil’s side as soon as he laid down beside you.
Yeah, you were going to visit your step brother a lot more often now.
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astralnymphh · 4 months
- 🩵
a/n + cw; OMGG AN EMOJI ANON i haven't seen you guys in a hot minute, but YESSS BLOCKBUSTER ELLIE!! specifically x customer reader. it's a cute duo! and let me relay why from my very scrambled 3 am jot-down. was going to make this a blurb, but it better translates through something more structured. ++ SFW! kinda mean!reader tbh (but ellie likes that), very fluffy you might squeet, quickly written, awkwardness, ellie being a nerd. [first pic from amoaeIIie on pinterest]
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Imagine Ellie, in her blockbuster getup, leaning her butt into the edge of the register counter, jamming to whatever is playing on her hand-me-down walkman; earsbuds in, eyes downcast, head bopping slowing - soundly unaware of you awaiting service on your over-due rental. "Hello?" your volume divides the soft ambiance of the store, but it isn't enough to rope Ellie's mindspace from the clouds. Calling out again, "Hell-looh?" you extend beyond the cash register and wave your hand - nothing, nada.
How the hell has this girl not gotten her ass fired yet?
After numerous roadblocks, a brazen last resort comes into play. You cut around the counter briefly to take things into your own hands (literally) because you have not the time, nor the patience, for her slacking off.
Beryl eyes drop sharply to the walkman in her pants pocket when a single earbud is spooled from her ear, assuming it fell - but to her surprise, it hung low from your finger, and a glance above that finger was your face. Risen of one brow, flat-lined of your lips; impatient.
And her entire focus blanks out when you begin to speak, curtly and satirically, "Hey, I know busting out your Dad's old walkman in public makes you feel cool and whatnot, but you're on the clock." handing the slim cord back over to a stunned girl, flushed behind the pop of her freckles. Maybe your tone of voice sent her higher into the clouds, past a coven of angels, because her lips part narrowly and remain still for a single second - save two or three. Or maybe it's 'cause you specified it as her 'Dad's' which was.. spot on.
And whatever excuse she had quickly cherry-picked for you, hesitated audibly in her throat before it split from it, "O-Oh, right, shit sorry - was about to end my shift n' thought the store was empty. My bad." scrambling to stuff the other earplug in her pocket and avert all attention to you. Very eagerly.
"Looks like you've got a late fee on this one.." her pitch pummeled deeper, and coarser as she concentrates on the clunky screen she hunches slightly to use. Scrunching the freckles of her face together, hogging the blue-lit screen. Poor girl probably forgot her glasses at home. "Annnd are you looking to rent the sequel?" she peeks her auburn head from the screen and holds up the cased movie, tracing her index over the plastic cleft, tapping twice. "To this - it has a second part."
There's no denying it: she is cute - and guilt rolls your guts around for being so snippy and sullen to her earlier. But based on her demeanor growing enthused the second she saw what movie you had in hand - she doesn't seem to care a hoot.
"Out of stock," replied you, indifferent-sounding - and strking; crossed arms, bent knee, stiffly-standing. Comparable to a millpond. "Guess I won't be the only person with late fees." you take a breath to jest, shaking loose strands of hair from your eyes.
"Haha," you're no world-class comedian; that joke wasn't all that funny, but the need to hurl any affirming noise at you, was necessary. Relenting to reflex. What can she say? Love at first sight! "Yeah, that seems like the agenda these days," Ellie sighs out, molding the plump of her lip under her teeth and reshapes it into a dorky smirk. Isn't she just a sweet chocolate-box of adorability?
"Hmm, bummer."
That hum and word trips into her ears, knocking some brain-cog, and an idea limns her features; they glow wide. "Actually - um, I've got a copy of the sequel at my place. Technically it's my Dad's, but.." her pitch fluctuates, mindlessly thumbing the case between two fiddly hands. "Maybe you can - if you want, not pressuring you or anything - come over?" she throws a pointed thumb backwards, motioning a potential future. "Watch it? If you weren't planning on watching it with somebody else."
Slick trick to seeing if you're single; of course you'd watch movies with your boyfriend - or girlfriend.
"Hmmm.." you hummed longer this time, and this time it admitted the mushrooming of an almost aggravating anticipation in her belly. Like you meant to torture her with 'hmms' and nothing but 'hmms' as your answer hung high in cloudy abeyance, until, "What's the name on your tag - ah, Ellie."
"Ellie," you confirm her name twice, and speak it to enthrall her full-scale attention. Made it sound fucking sugary sweet, through a swirly whisper and a twist of your head. "If you can give me a discount, or a full wipe on that late fee, then yes. It's a date."
Light panic ensues. "Date?" she croaks and laughs it off, "I mean - pshh, guess that's one way to put it." backtracking to her hunched, elbows-on-the-counter pose.
"You put it that way."
"Yeah, I just.. didn't wanna admit that." immediately, she uncurls her spine again, relaxing her muscles to somewhat peer at you. "Sure. No more fees." Rounded eyes lost - adamant on indirectly staring at you and the space below you, because Goddess forbid a stroke of idiocy flickers through her while gawking at you.
The store runs dead-quiet in the background of your conversation, leading you to one golden question. "Your shift over after this?"
Oh damn, her cheeks are pink. "Uh-huh," bet she's oblivious to that red-hot beam nearly bursting the seams to her face, too. Nasal lines fold as a severe smile tugs, shadowed by her bent thumb poking at it. "Takin' my car?"
And that's how you pick up girls at a video store in the 90s - the Ellie Williams way.
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this isn't even the full idea
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cipher-fresh · 11 months
💬 suffering-academy-student Follow
does anyone else wish u could regenerate but not change and not use up a regeneration. just like do a hard reboot
#i'm gonna call myself The Sufferer
💫 constellationon-kasterborous Follow
what is it even like to not be a time lord do you like get impaled by rebar at 45 years old and just die. couldn't be me
🚀 silvertraveller Follow
_____👶 timelordtoddler Follow
_____playing with a roentgen radioactive brick in the nursery rn
🔉 gallifreyballifreyshmallifrey Follow
i love this website because its the only place you can say you have interfered with the natural flow of time and you won't get investigated by the CIA
😉 winkles-wonderland Follow
who up lording they time
#no I don’t need to add any extra tags thanks I trust my audience will find it
👦 theresponsibilityavoider Follow
I was skipping school hanging out in a clearing and some guy exited a portal from a CONFESSION DIAL 😭 and he was like “Go to the city. Find someone important. Tell them I’m back. Tell them, they know what they did. And I’m on my way. And if they ask you who I am, tell them ‘I came the long way round’” 😭😭😭 what the hell
💬 oneofthegreathouse Follow
if you have a fetish for people being born through bodily reproductive systems KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!! nobody needs to see that on their dash
__♻️ callmeweaver Follow
__Ok Puriteen you need to get on my level. sexualize looms OR ELSE!!!!!
💫 thecurator Follow
the high council of gallifrey: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “the timeless child” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw some pre-Hartnell doctors
My buddy the Master pacing: the Time Lords are lying to us
🏠 somegrandolgallifrey Follow
I heard some kid crying himself to sleep in a cabin. COULD not be me
♾️ thatacademygraduate Follow
Went to a museum today! I saw a lot of really cool stuff but something I couldn’t stop thinking about was this horrifically busted up Type 40 TARDIS that literally looked like it was held together with duct tape, chewed gum and prayers 😵‍💫😵‍💫 girl kill that thing I’m so sorry….
#i think it was even still alive. please put it out of its misery for the love of rassilon
🥽 howsitgoinghowitgoes Follow
Bruh my best friend and I tried to play a prank on my brother but it went wrong and he hit his head so badly he REGENERATED i need to go into hiding
😐 the-hybrid Follow
Who am I
#please for the love of god help me
🔹 thetasigma Follow
Koschei and I skipped school today and went stargazing. We agreed to visit every single one together when we leave this stupid planet. I love them so much. We're going to be together forever.
💭 siblingofkarn Follow
Why do I keep having nightmares about Gallifrey being destroyed in like 5 different ways, that could literally never happen
🤖 pompousandstuffy Follow
I literally hate children soooo much like today some ninety year old tried to speak to me. KILL YOURSELF THIRTEEN TIMES ‼️
👽 cheapandnastytraveltime Follow
For a Time Lord I have such a bad sense of time. if chamelon arches were real i would make myself literally any other species
😍 starstartwinkletwinkle Follow
I have to stare into the untempered schism tomorrow. Any advice?
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skywardmem · 2 years
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hayakawalove · 1 month
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Summary: You've had a really, really hard day today. The second you come home to Suguru, you fall apart. You tell him you need to turn your brain off. It's a good thing he knows how to help you do that.
A/N: So sorry, I wrote this with my pussy. I really think Suguru is so helpful and caring, if you asked him to make you feel better by treating you like shit, who is he to say no? I feel like I may have wrote him a bit differently in this. I think he's still the same as my Suguru, just more mean. However, I do want him to be mean to me. Thoughts? Comments appreciated!
CW: Smut, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Thigh Riding, Dirty Talk, Degradation, Humiliation, Sir Kink, Spit Kink, Creampie, Choking, Hair-pulling, Dom/sub, Dacryphilia, Aftercare, Cock Drunk, He's Pretty Mean In This Just So You're Aware, Uses Other Names Than Slut And Stuff, He Might Call You A Bitch At One Point, Name-Calling, Subspace, Bullying, Fem Reader, AFAB Reader
W/C: 4,301
Credit to cafekitsune for the banner
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Today was hard. 
There wasn’t any other way to put it. 
It was a terrible, no good, rotten day. 
To start off, your alarm woke you up late. Not just late, but extremely late. Suguru had to fix your bed head for you as you were walking out the door, if he didn’t you wouldn’t have noticed it. Just like you didn’t notice the little bit of toothpaste left on your lips. 
The project you had been working on for weeks at work had been a bust, you couldn’t help but cry at all those hours being lost down the drain. 
You missed the train you usually took home, making you late again. 
And to top it all off, you forgot your wallet at home. The only way you afforded the train was because some kind old woman paid for your ride. 
Yeah. It was a bad time. 
After hours of dealing with bullshit, you finally arrive home. You sniffle as you trudge up the walkway to your door, eyes welled up with tears due to your previous frustrations. 
Home. You were finally, finally home. 
You unlock the door and nudge it open, the warm light of your apartment bathing you in instant bliss. With a sigh, you gently shut the door behind you as you drop all your belongings on your way in. Your feet are unbearably heavy as you drag them further into the apartment. Suguru was home. You could tell by the lighting along with the faint scent of dinner. When you round the corner you see your living room, Suguru sat on the couch with a bored expression on his face. He’s watching some movie, you can't tell what it is, but it’s muted and he looks less than disinterested. 
Chestnut eyes flick over to you and a smile filled with warmth sparks on his face. 
“Welcome home baby, how was your day?” 
Your bottom lip trembles and you let out a noise similar to a whine before closing the gap, scooting next to him on the couch. 
“Oh honey, what’s wrong?” He questions, pivoting his body to provide you with just a little more warmth. 
“I had- today was such-“ you bite your lip and burrow your face into his side, begging your body not to fall apart. 
He raises an arm to smooth down your back, gentle in his approach, always gentle, quiet as he listens to you. You’re murmuring the details of your day and you know he can't understand you, but he pretends he does, and that’s all that matters. 
When you finish crying to him you look up, and you’re instantly met with his face. Concern washes over his features, but you can see his shoulders sag with relief at the mere sight of your eyes. 
“You made it through the day, I’m so proud of you.” He places a kiss on your forehead.
“Barely.” You mutter and look away, your fists still curled up in his shirt. 
Suguru’s lip quirks up a bit before he trains it down. He always did favor those who put on dramatics. He leans down and presses his lips against yours, and you turn to putty in his presence. 
“Can I get you something to eat? I made dinner.” 
“No, I’m not hungry.” 
Suguru hums and leans back, peering down at you. 
“What can I do for you?” 
“I just, I just wanna turn my brain off for a bit.” 
Suguru looks like he’s calculating something as he analyzes your face. You know what you meant by your words, and you think he does too. 
“Yeah? You wanna stop thinking for a bit?” 
You dig your teeth in your lip and look up at him, desire pooling in your gut. He knows exactly what you need. 
Suguru’s always been good at that.
He pulls back and looks down at your form on the couch. There’s love in his eyes as he gazes at you, and love in his fingertips as he reaches out to swipe your bottom lip. 
Suguru leans back in and kisses you, much rougher this time around, and reaches up to grab at your neck. He applies pressure, not too hard, but you can feel your mind begin to sway. 
His lips are on yours, stealing the breath from your lungs as he begins to squeeze tighter. The blood is reaching your brain at a much slower pace, and you aren’t sure you’ve ever felt this good before. 
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart.” He murmurs as he pulls away, his grip loosening ever so slightly. 
There’s lightning on your skin as you watch him with hazy eyes. Suguru is entrancing. Beauty and confidence leak from his pores as if he had an abundance of them, which he did.
Suguru removes his hand from your throat and instead reaches up to your face. He squeezes your cheeks together, pursing your lips. His hands, normally known for being loving and gentle, are rough as they handle you. 
He’s just getting started. 
“Open your mouth.” He speaks lowly. 
Your tongue slithers from your lips, and your hands hang from his forearms, a tight grip holding on like a lifeline. 
Suguru gathers spit from his tongue and he hovers over you, dropping it into your awaiting mouth. Your heart starts to race once it lands on your tastebuds. 
“You just need someone to take care of you, is that right?” Your eyes roll back in your head as he continues to goad you. “Need someone to do all the thinking for you?” 
You groan, your grip tightening against his forearms. Yes. Yes. You need that. 
“Hey.” His fingers squeeze your face harder. 
You whimper and your gaze flies back to him. He looks at you with an expectant eye. You know what he’s waiting for. 
“Yes sir.” Your words are muddled as you attempt to speak around your misshapen mouth. 
“There you go.” 
He finally lets go of your face and you’re already missing his touch. Suguru stands and picks you up with ease, holding you close to his chest as he walks the both of you to your bedroom. He was being so gentle, and you’re sure that was because he was going to be the furthest thing from that later. 
Once you arrive at your bedroom, Suguru sets you down on the floor and he spins around to sit on the end of the bed. You’re waiting for an order, your feet awkwardly sliding back and forth. 
“On the floor.” 
You fall to your knees before you can even think to abide by his demand. The floor is hard underneath you, but you welcome the sensation as you crawl up closer to Suguru. His face is stern as he looks down at you, waiting for you to situate yourself. 
He unbuckles his pants and slides them down, letting his cock pop free. Already hard. You watch as he squeezes the base of his length, wishing it was your hand instead. 
“Come closer.” He says. 
You inch closer, your mouth hovering right next to his cock. It’s a centimeter away. You reach your tongue out and swipe along his cock, moaning at the taste. It doesn’t last long as Suguru grabs a fistful of your hair, yanking you back. 
“Did I say you could taste it?”
“No sir.” You mumble, knowing you fucked up. 
“Then why did you?” 
“I just thought-“ 
“No, you’re not doing any thinking, remember?”
Suguru looks hard at you and you feel like you’ve dropped twenty feet. You murmur a ‘yes sir’ and remain still until he’s removed his hand from your hair. It feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders as your body relaxes. He was going to make all the decisions. You didn’t need to do anything. 
Suguru finally leans back and lets his legs fall open a bit more to make space for you. 
Where you belong. 
“Use your mouth. Not all the way, though.” 
Your lips twitch in a grin as excitement flows through your veins. You scoot forward and open your mouth wide, letting your tongue hang out as you slide it against his cock once more. 
His tender flesh is like velvet against your tongue as you slather it on him. You drag the tip of your tongue up to the head of his cock where you lap up the droplets of precum he’s gifted you with. Suguru watches silently, taking note of how eager you look. 
It’s almost painful not to open your mouth completely to envelope him in your lips, but you want to be a good girl so you don’t. 
His cock is shiny from your spit, his tip bright red in need. You wonder how he’s able to show such restraint. If you were in his position now, you would be begging for it. 
“Take more.” 
He barely gets the words out before you’re swallowing the head of his cock, lowering your lips until you reach the bottom. A gag releases from your throat but you pay it no mind, too intent on making him happy. Suguru shows no reaction, features devoid of any signs that he’s enjoying it. He wants you to work harder. 
You slowly drag your head up, letting your tongue work the side of his cock as you do so. His skin is smooth beneath you, the taste of his precum dripping onto your tongue. He’s leaning on his hands, hair spilling over his shoulders as he watches you deepthroat him. There’s a spark of pride in his eyes as he watches you take all of him. 
“Just like that,” he murmurs under his breath, sliding his hand through his long locks. 
Anyone would be able to see how badly you wanted him. You shuffle your legs below you as heat rushes to your cheeks. His praise always did that to you. 
He prefers you take it slow. Suguru is a patient man who enjoys taking his time. So that’s exactly what you do. Your head glides over him slowly, slow enough that you can indulge yourself in all of the details. 
You must be getting to him, because you can hear Suguru let out shaky breaths. The sound is something like a symphony to you, urging you to continue. 
It’s sort of hard to breathe, but you push on. There’s spit leaking from the sides of your lips, sliding down Suguru’s cock. 
“Enough, baby.” 
You ease your mouth off him, much to your dismay, and you look up at him with wide eyes. His lids are heavy as he looks down at you. There’s desire in his gaze. You know it, because you feel it too. 
Suguru holds a hand out to help you in standing up. Your knees are a bit wobbly from sitting on them for so long. You hold onto Suguru’s forearms to steady yourself and his eyes flick up to you, a small grin on his face. It’s a short moment, a break in character that shows you he cares. 
Suguru’s hands slide down your body and he begins to pull your pants off. He does so with practiced ease, the kind that could only happen with years of experience in providing for you.
You let him peel off your shirt as well, slowly removing every item of clothing from your person. You’re completely bare before him, but you feel no insecurity about how you appear. 
“Sit on my thigh.”
The request stops you in your tracks. He wants you to sit on him while you’re bare? He must see the panic in your eyes, because he slithers his hand around your waist to draw you in closer. 
You nibble on your lip as you slide on top of his thigh, settling each of your legs on either side of him. The muscles in his leg press against your dripping pussy, providing just a hint of comfort. 
“Are you sure? I'm gonna make a-“ 
“A mess? Don’t.” 
It’s a warning, his voice stern as he speaks. 
Suguru holds your waist firm, his nose grazing the side of your neck. You want to start moving, and he must know it. 
“You looked so pathetic down there baby, did you know that?” 
You whimper and fist his shirt, embarrassment washing over you. 
“Poor needy little thing. Allow me to help you.” 
He starts off slow, pushing your hips back and forth. It causes your core to grind against his thigh, the filth between your legs smearing down his leg. You let out a groan and toss your head back, letting him control your body. It feels good to let go. 
“That's it, my pretty little slut.” His voice is dark as it caresses your ears, beckoning for you to fall deeper into his trap. 
Your hips start to jerk against him, the need for more crawling up the back of your neck. Pleasure zaps your skin, making moans flow freely from your lips. Your clit is puffy as it presses down against him, causing you to fall helpless into your lust. 
Suguru attempts to slow you down, the harsh grip of his fingers reminding you of your place. You’re only allowed what he gives you. 
“Please, please.” You mutter. 
“Oh, you really are a slut huh? Begging for more already?” 
Your eyes dart away, his words aiding in the warm feeling growing throughout you. You’re on the verge of crying, a combination of his actions and words. He wants you to cry. You want to cry. 
“You’re soaking my thigh. You just can't help it, can you?” He coos. 
You shake your head and sniffle, looking down at him. He has a wicked grin below you, it makes your head spin. Suguru shifts you up slightly as he angles your clit directly against his thigh. You could scream at how good it feels. Suguru grinds you against his thigh once more, eyes tracking your face. Not once does he look down. 
“No, no I can’t sir.” 
“I know, sweetheart. You can’t help being so pathetic, right?” 
A single tear drops from your eye as he degrades you. The words cause your eyes to roll back as you rub your clit against him. 
“So embarrassing you’re using a leg to get off. Can’t even wait for anything else. Bet if I removed you right now you’d start crying.” 
He’s right. God, he’s right. As much as you want his mouth, his fingers, his cock, you can’t imagine stopping now. Not when it feels this good. 
You think he’s moaning along with you, but it’s hard to tell. Your head is full of mush as you use his body to get off. His skin is sticky below you, thigh covered in you. You’re groaning, gliding your pussy harder on him.
You’re getting close, so close. 
“S-Suguru I’m gonna, can I,” you whine. 
Suguru isn't helping at all anymore, instead letting his hands fall lazily against your hips as you work yourself on him. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna cum just from that?” He says incredulously. 
You bury your face in his neck as your hip jerks. You can feel how close you are, the promise of release touching your finger tips. 
“Yes, yes!” 
“Cum for me sweetheart.” 
You glide back several more times before it washes over you. You moan into Suguru’s neck, and you can hear him chuckle darkly as you finish. It’s embarrassing, but you love it. 
You breathe out deeply as your hips jerk against him. You feel worn out already, and you haven’t even done much. Suguru slides his hand down your back and pulls you away so he can watch your expression. You’re panting as you try to look back at him, but your eyes are out of focus. 
Suguru waits until you’ve come back to earth before he nudges you back. There’s a large spot on his thigh that’s glistening, your cum painting his bright skin. 
“You did make a mess, huh?” 
“I-I’m sorry,” 
He nudges you off until you’re sitting in front of him once more. You watch with curious eyes as he pushes his leg in front of your face, centimeters from you. 
“Why don’t you clean it off?”
It’s posed as a question, but you know damn well it’s not. You stick your tongue out and nervously drag it against his skin. The cum is salty on your tastebuds, and you have to hold back a moan as you lick it up. 
“Fucking filthy.” He spits the words like they’re acid on his tongue.
Your pussy begins to pulse again, your eyes closing as you listen to him. He watches you with hardened eyes as you flick your tongue against him. There’s a bit more cum than you were expecting. Damn, you really did make a mess. 
Once you’re done cleaning up his leg, although you really just made it more dirty, your saliva coating his hairy thigh, he yanks you up. Your breathing stutters as he pushes you on the bed, his tall figure crawling over you. Something akin to fear curls in your stomach. Suguru is the kindest man you know, but he’s a completely different person when he’s using you like an object. 
“Keep your legs open.” He whispers down to you. 
You whimper and wrap your hands around your thighs, pulling them apart to present yourself to him. Your pussy is sticky with cum, glistening beneath Suguru. He’s sturdy above you, leaning forward as he guides his cock into you. The stretch hurts a bit at first, but it’s a pain you are well accustomed to. 
“Pussy’s so fucking needy.” He speaks to himself, tone dark as he watches his body sink further into your core. 
You’re letting out quiet moans as you close your eyes. Suguru’s slow as he pushes himself further into you, his cock dragging deliciously against your walls. When he’s buried himself fully in you, he pauses for a moment. Waits to listen for your ragged breathing as you rhythmically clench his cock. 
You’re seconds away from begging him to move. Your legs are burning from being kept into position, but you would never dream of defying his orders. You’re tempted to begin rocking your hips, but you tell yourself to have faith. 
Suguru pulls back slowly, watching as your cum paints his cock. He stops once his tip is the only thing left inside as he admires the sight. He waits and then slams his hips forward, driving his cock deep into you. You groan at the feeling, eyes flying open as he starts to pound into you. 
You’re moaning below him, legs bouncing as you try to keep yourself open for him. His cock presses against your gspot every time he thrusts inside you, almost taking your breath away. 
“See how much better it feels when you let me have control?” He panders to you. 
You can hear his words, but you can’t form a response. His cock feels punishing as he pushes into you hard. Your skin feels too hot for your body, and you aren’t sure if it’s because of the physical strain or because of Suguru’s eyes. He’s looking at you, picking out all of the reactions you make based on how hard he’s fucking you. He’s memorized them all by now, but he still looks for them nonetheless. 
Suguru shifts his hand between your bodies, placing his fingers on your clit. It’s hard beneath his fingers, trembling under the pressure. Suguru starts to rub slow circles around it, indulging himself in the noises you let out. 
“My my, look at that. What a good whore.” 
You think he must be teasing you. You don’t need to see yourself to know you look like a mess. Your eyes roll back and you yank your legs up to give him more access. 
“Say it for me. Tell me you’re my good little whore.” 
“I’m-I’m you’re good little whore!” 
“That's right. Shit, you’d probably do anything I’d tell you to.” He groans.
“Y-yes, yes sir!” 
He’s talking down to you, the coldness in his voice making your heart race. The world is spinning around you, and at the center of it is Suguru. 
Suguru’s moving faster now, partially because he’s losing himself to the feeling. He gets off on making you happy, feels his heart burst when he can make you feel better. It’s a bonus that treating you this way does that for you. He likes to watch you crumble beneath him. 
His fingers glide against your clit, pressing down as he twirls around it. It feels like a wet spot is forming under you, the result of the pleasure Suguru was giving you drooling down your slit. 
You’re inching closer once more, every fiber of your being burning up as Suguru fucks you. 
“Feels so good sir, so good, you’re gonna make me cum!” 
Suguru slows his hips down at that, an eyebrow raised as he watches you whine. Your hips are circling around, trying to feel any form of pressure. 
“Oh honey,” he coos. 
He likes torturing you, you think. There’s an evil grin on his face as he watches you writhe about beneath him. Poor thing. You’re a prisoner to pleasure, mind numb from need. 
“Gotta cum!” You chant below him. 
Suguru starts back up, thrusting his cock into you once more. He’s still looking at you with that damn expression. One that shows his dominance, a look that makes your heart race. 
“That’s all you need? To cum?”
“Yes sir! Yes, yes!”
Suguru ignores your request.
“Fuck, you just need someone else to do all the thinking for you so you can be a brainless little slut. Only used for cock,” he moans. “Is that all you’re good for?”
“Yes, yes!” You’re sobbing now, tears streaming down your face. 
It feels so fucking good. It must be a crime to feel this good. 
He’s still rubbing your clit with precision, and you’re almost there. You moan as he fucks himself into you, cock enveloped by your warm tight walls. He holds you down as he plunges into you, watching you cry from his cock. 
Suguru uses his other hand to hold your throat, his fingers lacing around the delicate arteries in your neck. He applies pressure, much harder than before as he abuses you. The pain is just what you need to toss yourself over the edge, your pussy clenching in perfect rhythm, squeezing his cock as he fucks you.
“Fucking s-shit. That’s it, cum on my cock, dirty bitch,” He whines instantly, body trembling as you keep a death grip on him. 
Suguru guides you through it as you cum, face leaning down besides yours as he goes. He keeps a hand on your throat until you’re finished, only removing it once you stop twisting beneath him. 
Suguru shoves into you again, before he feels himself burst. He moans into your neck as he cums, hips jerking as he rides out his high. You let go of your legs and throw your arms around his neck, tugging him closer. Suguru’s thrusts slow until he’s completely still, lungs putting in the extra work as he breathes deeply. 
You think there’s static in your ears because you can’t hear anything. Not a single sound. There’s only warmth, and it’s in the form of Suguru’s love, steadily leaking out of you. 
He takes a deep breath and pushes himself up, gaze flicking down to your face. You look fucked out in every sense of the word. Your eyes are lazy, dragging around as you look, occasionally twitching. 
“Hey, hey.” Suguru murmurs. 
He pushes one of his hands against your forehead and smoothes your hair back. His shoulders relax once you react. You must feel something. Your eyelids close and a small smile grows on your lips. 
Suguru is an indulgent man. He hangs his head to gently kiss you, you aren’t aware of it but he could be pressed up against your lips forever. Your eyes slowly open, lashes fluttering as you float down, down, down back to earth. 
“There’s my beautiful girl.” Suguru says. 
His kind words are just what you need, immediately smoothing the deep cuts he made verbally. He pets your body, careful in his approach. Suguru slides from your warm walls, feeling bad the second you wince. 
“I know, I know, I can’t stay there forever though.” 
You don’t talk as he speaks, instead choosing to whimper. 
“Hey, I’m right here princess. I’m not going anywhere.” 
Suguru lays beside you and hoists you next to him. You don’t think you’ve ever been this comfortable in your whole life. The bed below you feels like a field of grass, soft against your skin, and Suguru is the warm air that caresses your body. 
“You’re okay.” He says, his hand sliding down your arm. 
He’s right. You know he’s right. What he’s saying feels right. 
He may have treated you like an object, but he did so out of love. He does everything for you out of love. Earlier, your mind was too full. You needed a break. And he gave you that. Now, your mind is much lighter. 
“You did so well. You’re perfect, perfect. I promise I didn’t mean anything I said. You know that?” 
You mumble an agreement, nuzzling your face into his chest. You might not feel up to talking, but you’re appreciative of his efforts to care for you. 
“I love you.” The sincerity of his words cause your body to melt against him. 
“I love you.” You reply, words jumbled and hard to discern. 
You felt so good. But you were also so fucking tired. 
“Get some rest baby.” His hand strokes your arm. 
You smile against his side, letting yourself fall into a deep slumber. 
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @dinolvrrr, @kimi01985, @mikisspeak, @sad-darksoul, @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni, @sakui1, @reiluvr, @gothicwhore666, @bunviixo
If you want to be added to my tag list just let me know, please specify what you wanted to be added for
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havendance · 9 months
Anyway, my proposal for a run on Detective Comics where I write a series of one-shot stories showcasing all of the various supporting cast Batman has accumulated with stories, including, but not limited to:
Batman invites Nightwing to Gotham to help him solve a murder. The murder is very straightforward and they dance around the real reason Bruce invited him, until at the end, he finally admits in a constipated Bruce way that it's the anniversary of him adopting Dick and he wanted to spend time with him.
Huntress and Robin (Tim Drake) team up to investigate Killer Croc. It turns out he's turning over a new leaf in the sewers near the Marina. Huntress is dubious, but Robin convinces her to give him a chance, though she says she'll be watching him. We re-canonize Joker: Last Laugh.
Damian and Duke team up to take on a street-racing operation--a mission that naturally requires them to do some high adrenaline racing together.
The Riddler gets on social media with a plot that involves lots of puzzles and clues all over Gotham. Oracle taps into old members of "We are Robin" to take it down.
Batgirl (Stephanie Brown) and Batman end up on the same missing persons case. With the pressure on to find the missing child, they snipe at each other as tensions rise. In the end, after saving the kid, Bruce sort of kind of apologizes in a Bruce way and expresses some measure of respect for her.
Jason teams up with Ghostmaker to take on, idk, one of the Clayfaces. Does Gotham still have one of those? I haven't read any comics ghostmaker's in yet, but from I've heard it sounds like they'd have an interesting dynamic. Jason gets flashbacks to digging his way out of his grave.
Luke Fox recruites Harper Row (She does engineering stuff right? I also need to read comics she has a significant role in.) They take some new tech for a joyride and go bother the Penguin.
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) and Azrael team up to take down Mad Hatter. He probably has some elaborate Alice in Wonderland theming going on that neither of them get. (I think neither of them should have read it.)
Batwoman and Catwoman team up to steal back some Kane family heirlooms, possibly from Jacob Kane (What's his and Kate's relationship looking like anyway?), possibly from someone else.
Gotham Girl and somebody. Me advancing my Cass & Claire agenda Possibly Oracle trying to rehabilitate her in that controlling yet well-intentioned way she has sometimes? Someday, I will get to being more up to date on what Claire's status quo in current comics is.
A handful of representatives from Gotham's various crime families get together in the backroom of a bar somewhere. They play poker and exchange stories of being busted by the various bat-affiliated vigilantes in which they are very scary and almost inhuman. It ends with Batgirl (Cass) busting in and beating them up.
Helena Bertinelli takes a gig as a substitute teacher at Gotham Academy. She teams up with Maps & other supporting cast when Mr Freeze takes the school hostage while trying to escape the police.
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cottonlemonade · 2 months
hiii i’d like a medium fruit punch lemonade with pomegranate seeds for osamu <3
Mystery Flavor
word count: 779 | avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Osamu x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff with a bit of spice
warnings: mdni
request: fluffy-spicy, midnight hang out with pining friend Osamu
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“Haaaa, this is just what I needed.“, you sighed and stretched. Your shoes made a faint splat sound on the still wet asphalt as you and Osamu headed down the street.
The red and green stripes of the convenience store shone friendly up ahead in the night.
“So what did you do that didn’t work?” As much as Osamu hated you dating other men, the growing number of failed first dates did help him learn what you were looking for in a relationship.
“Oh who knows.”, you breathed out, “Maybe it was because he was glued to his phone the whole time or that he didn’t seem interested in any kind of conversation topic I came up with.”
“In his defense, ya do talk about pretty weird stuff sometimes.”, he said, doing a little jump over a shallow puddle - you wanted to copy him, but didn’t quite stick the landing as elegantly and he had to catch you. Osamu met your eyes and was about to say something when you continued walking with the implicitness of a girl entirely oblivious to her best friend's true feelings.
“Thanks. Where was I?”
“Yer lacking conversational skills.”
“Hey now!”, you protested and playfully poked his shoulder, “You loooove my hypotheticals.”
“Yeah yeah…”, he muttered. His hand was still tingly from touching the free skin between your washed out crop top and sweatshorts. He felt like a creep for wishing he could have squeezed your pillowy waist.
“Anyways, he was also just kind of rude and… looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.”
“Remind me to never introduce ya to Suna.”, Osamu chuckled.
“Is he the hot guy on your old school team?”
“No, that was me.” He was kind of offended at how hard you laughed about that.
When the doors of the convenience store opened with a soft whirring noise he swerved to the chip aisle with you right behind him. Once two bags were chucked into the little basket in his hands, you went on to the ramen section and much to Osamu’s dismay you were still talking about Suna.
“I bet, at the very least, he would’ve kissed me goodnight.”
“So even if the date is a bust ya would wanna make out with the guy?”, he asked, turning up the judging tone of disgust in his voice that for some reason went completely unnoticed by you as you continued.
“Well, no. But I want him to want to, you know?”
Osamu raised his brow, then walked over to the drink section and looked through the display for your favorite.
“Oh hey, this looks fun. Wanna give it a try?”, you asked next to him and pointed at a wall of identical to-go cups in a fridge. A promotion of the store offered a mystery flavored iced tea for a lot less money than your usual and you were nothing if not a sucker for a good bargain.
Grabbing your favorite drink anyway, Osamu joined you and chose a cup near the top, while you opted for one near the bottom.
After paying you came to a halt in front of the shop, too impatient to see what kind of flavor you got. You both pushed the straws into your cups, toasted and took the first sip.
“Peach and lemongrass.”, Osamu said almost immediately, “Yers?”
“Hm… not sure.”, you said, taking another thoughtful sip, “Maybe passionfruit? Or… hm… mango? And something else. I’m not sure. You wanna try?”
Osamu considered the straw you offered to him for a moment. Without thinking he reached past the cup. Closing the gap between you, he gently held your chin with thumb and index and leaned down to brush his lips against yours. You gasped in surprise and after a first experimental push, he got bolder and swiped his tongue into your mouth. The flavor of the ice tea was refreshing and exotic, mixing with his own. His head began to spin and he wrapped his arm around you to stay grounded as he continued to kiss you. Your soft tummy pressed against him. He was about to lose his mind, heat rose in his cheeks and stomach. You tugged at his hair and his thoughts turned off like a power cut on a TV that was previously just static. You sighed into the kiss and leaned forward for more when he broke from you. Guiltily, you bit your plumped lips, your hand resting on his chest, panting slightly.
“Guava and mint.”, he determined and let you go. He walked a few steps homewards and when he didn’t hear you following, turned around. You were still standing there, frozen.
“Ya comin’ or what?”
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a/n: thank you so much for the request! I love cozy late night scenarios - I hope you enjoyed! 🌟
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fairyofshampgyu · 2 years
Genre: smut, crack
Pairing: Police officer! Beomgyu x Criminal! Reader
Warnings: sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, use of hand cuffs, riding, ass slapping, beomgyu is a himbo
word count: 1.1k
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“There’s been a fight between two old grannies again. Apparently one of them busted the other’s eye.”
Officer Soobin groans. “it’s not the bingo ones is it? Jesus, they’re so violent.”
“Yes. Those are the ones.” The other officer, Yeonjun says with a fed up face.
Soobin sighs, picking up the keys to the patrol car.
“Hey Beomgyu, we gotta go handle that. Make sure you watch over that one.” He gestures to you in a holding cell. “They can be a handful.” grimacing at you, then leaving.
“Yes sir!”
Beomgyu’s new to the job, also the youngest one there. It’s quite boring being at the police substation, he’s gonna be honest. Nothing ever happens in the small and mundane, little town, the most exciting thing that would ever happen were the grannies that would beat each other up and that’s saying something.
In his short lived time here though he’d never seen you, but from the way Soobin talked about you, this mustn’t have been the first time you’re here. It can’t be that serious though like murdering someone or robbing a bank or you wouldn’t be at the substation, and stuff like that never happens in the little town anyway but he can’t helping wondering what you could have done.
You had not taken your eyes off beomgyu ever since you were put in the cell, staring straight into his soul, grinning at times. It made him deeply uncomfortable. And now he’d have to be all alone in the station with you.
It’s silent and awkward as you just continue to stare straight into his soul.
“Can you please stop staring at me…”
You snicker, “Why? Am I making you nervous, pretty boy?”
Beomgyu flusters, taken aback by what you call him, heat suddenly rising to his cheeks. It seems to go straight to his dick as well. No! He didn’t find you extremely hot! He didn’t like the pet name! He wasn’t slightly horny right now! Definitely not.
“N-no! You’re the one in the cell! I’m the officer! Y-you should be nervous!”
He’s so cute, you think. And dumb. You’re gonna have so much fun with him.
“Aw. What are you gonna do?”
Offended by that, he walks right up to your cell. “I can do a lot of things!”
“Like, get a boner I’m guessing.” You deadpan.
“What…?” He looks down and gasps, covering it immediately with his hands.
“Did you seriously get hard from me calling you a pretty boy?” You chuckle, incredulously. This is gonna be way easier than you thought.
You grab a fistful of his uniform, making him come closer to the bar, lips brushing against his ear making him take a sharp intake, “I can help you with that if you want pretty baby” You say, lowly and he whimpers.
Noo…beomgyu can’t possibly do that…that’s really, really bad of him…You’re so hot though. No one’s gonna know. No one else is even here.
“Just open the cell, come on baby.”
Hesitantly he does. Yay you’re free! But you guess you’ve got to make it up to him.
You push him to his desk, making him sit on top of it, and you sit in his lap, kissing him and tangling your hands in his hair. You bite his lip slightly, then trail kisses on his jaw down to his neck, sucking harshly. He moans at that, tightening his grip on your waist.
You slide off his lap, going down, beomgyu still pliantly sitting on the desk, legs swinging off. You unzip his trousers, freeing his throbbing and pretty cock. But you suddenly get a different idea instead.
“Give me your handcuffs.”
“Give me your handcuffs.”
So he slowly does. You tell him to get off, twirling him around so he’s bending over the desk instead and you pull his hands back, cuffing them. You give his ass a little smack, causing a little precum to dribble out of his dick and he whines at you.
You make him arch his back more, getting a better view of his dick and then pumping it fast in that position, bent over from behind with his hands cuffed, sliding your hands up and down on his sticky cock.
“S-so good…” he slurs.
“Be quiet.” You slap his ass again and he yelps.
“Ahhh! Gonna-”
You pull him back up to sit down on the desk again and he pouts, placing his hands to go above his head instead, sinking down on his thick dick, filling you up.
You go at an agonisingly slow pace though just to tease and annoy him. He can’t do much about it with his hands cuffed, so he just whines continuously at you with knitted brows until he uses his hips to thrust into you fast instead. He only manages to do it twice before you hold them down and tut at him.
“Please…” He whimpers with teary puppy eyes.
You roll your eyes but stop your antics, gripping his little waist and bouncing on his dick at the fasted you could go, riding him relentlessly. His eyes roll up to the back of his head, lips parted wide and moaning high pitched, gasping and panting.
“Such a dirty, dumb whore…You like being fucked stupid huh? Such a dumb, pretty baby”
Beomgyu can only muster a slurred groan from his lips in response, eyes half lidded. You stop moving on his dick, bringing his jaw to face you. He cries, jolting.
“Y-yes, yes! I’m a dumb whore, fuck me please!”
You giggle but pick yourself up and drop down on his dick again, his mouth hanging agape and head thrown back. His arms hurt from being in the air for so long and hands sore from being restrained but he doesn’t care, it feels too good.
“F-fuck, fuck-Can I cum?” He moans.
He cries, trying to buck into you, legs jerking and he spills his thick cum in you, whimpering as you still ride him through his orgasm.
Then you get off, putting your clothes back on, walking away.
“Where are you going? Uncuff me please” Beomgyu panics.
“I’m escaping. See ya! When you get fired, call me.” You wink and laugh.
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“Those fucking grannies. Can’t believe they both started fighting together and beat us up!” Soobin mutters, both yeonjun and him holding up ice packs to their multiple face injuries as they returned back inside.
“-What the ?” The both of them abruptly stopping in their tracks to see beomgyu’s state, tears streaming down his face, cuffed and half naked.
“Not y/n doing this again! We told you to watch them, not fuck them, Beomgyu!
Please actually reblog and comment if you like the fic. Feedback is always so nice. It’s really appreciated and nice if you do tysm !<3🙏💕😊 🌷It’s discouraging when fics have such little reblogs 👎🤨
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Duke dennis x black!reader
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Summary: y/n being a streamer and being a part of a amp like her boyfriend duke, until in her stream she tries to do a cartwheel but her boyfriends pop up and starts laughing at her failed attempt, which became roasting to affectionate love.
You've been a part of amp for quite some time now. When you were younger, you always wanted to be a social media star, but people alas told you that your not gonna make it, but that didn't stop you from where you are today until you met kai, fanum, agent, Chris, duke, and Daviss and together you guys became one of the most popular YouTube group. And you love all of them like they were your own family.
Yeah, being the only girl in the group is kinda hard because there's niggas on the internet trolling, but you didn't give a fuck before they accepted you anyway, the more you got comfortable will all of them the more you loved all of them. You have a crush on Duke. You both were pretty close, and y'all both became best friends, and everyone in the group thought y'all was dating even if your fans thought y'all was dating, but it wasn't true.
You hide your feelings because you thought Duke would reject you or didn't like you until he made the first move and your relationship started from there. Y'all both were lucky to have each other, y'all would both come to each other streams, pranks, and all of that other stuff.
Your love language with him is roasting. People make it seem like y'all mean, but it ain't true both you just be joking with each other.
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You were streaming playing a horror game, you was tired as fuck, but you wanted to finish playing the game.
"Bruh, chat, I'm not gonna lie. I'm tired as fuck I've been playing this game for and hour, I've been trying to stay awake for y'all." Y/n said tiredly as she picked up her water drinking it as she looked at the chat.
"Bro, somebody in the chat told me to do a cartwheel to stay awake." Y/n laughed as she pushed her chair back and stood up.
"Yo chat, I ain't gonna lowkey don't know how to do a cartwheel, like I'm being so deadass, I'm not an athletic person, hold imma try for you guys." Y/n stands up as she pushes her chair farther away so she can have some room.
"Bro, I'm scared. What if I bust my ass!!" Y/n yelled as she looked back at the chat. Y/n raised both her hands as she placed both of them on the ground, trying to kick her legs up, but ended up falling on the ground.
"Shit, hold on chat. Let me try again, damn this shit is harder than I thought." Y/n got herself up as she tried to do another cartwheel. Y/n puts both her hands on the ground. As she tried to kick her legs up, she heard her door open.
"Aye, bae do you got my charg-" Duke was about to finish his sentence as he saw you trying to cartwheel he started busting out laughing, making you laugh as you got up.
"It's not funny, nigga. I'm trying to do a cartwheel. " y/n laughed, feeling embarrassed as Duke started laughing.
"Nah, that gotta be one of the worst cartwheels I've seen bruh you don't know how to do a cartwheel?" Duke said, still laughing, making fun of you.
"Shut the fuck up, nigga can you do a cartwheel?" Y/n said asking him as she was huffing and puffing form those failed attempt cartwheel.
"Yes, way much better than that, bro. Imagine not lifting yourself up." Duke said, laughing at you.
"Nigga, I know you talking you pushing 40 and you was in the back of the bus with rosa parks, with yo old ass." Y/n commented as she started laughing as the people in the chat start making fun of Duke going crazy.
"Oh, so that's how you gonna do me, for real." Duke said, smiling in disbelief as you roasted him.
"Yes, imma do you like, ayo chat spam 1987 in the chat, that's the year you was born at with you old ass." Y/n started laughing as everyone in the chart started spamming 1987 in the chat.
"Yeah, I got you on mute. You were serving in ww2 with yo old ass. " You still kept roasting as you both were facing each other as Duke started smiling at the smile that you melt.
Duke wasn't listening to anything you were saying while you were still roasting him. He was looking at your lips as he grabbed your waist and started kissing you. You were caught off guard by this, but you kissed him back. You broke this kiss as he looked back at you. "You so gorgeous, bae." Duke smiled at you as was still holding you close, as he was still holding your waist. "Aww, thank you, bae. I would say something nice about you, but you were making fun of me." Y/n teased.
"Damn, that's fair, I love you y/n" Duke said, genuinely looking at you with so much love in his eyes.
"I love you too," y/n responded as she kissed him on the lips. As Duke lifted your legs up, carrying you as laughed, he was yours, and you were his.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Ya'll know de-aged Danny, but get ready for.....
De-aged Tucker!
So, the trio has split up as they got older, still friends, but just going on with their own lives.
Sam went on to connect more with High society and becoming well-respected, as well as running multiple charity events and a botanist on the side.
Danny went ghost hunting with his family, then when he became an adult, his parents pushed for him to go to college to pursue his dreams.
Well, Tucker has been doing some... stuff. If he had to say.
Said stuff involved magic, another secret government branch, wizards and tech. Suffice to say, Tucker has been leading a very busy life in the dark, he's keeping it from Sam and Danny because he doesn't want to involve then in this when they have their own lives to look after.
This government branch has nothing to do with ghosts, everything to do with magic and ancient artifacts, however. He's been tracking them down for years now, constantly hacking into many of their bases and preventing them from doing whatever they wanted to do.
Eventually, however, they managed to catch wind of him and he, well, he kinda slipped up and they caught him. Not that he couldn't get out of it, nor was it the first time it happened, but still. However, this time they found him far too dangerous to continue to exist in this world, so what did they do?
Reverse his clock and banish him to another dimension, of course!
So now here Tucker was, a 10-year-old boy with none of his usual equipment and lost in an entirely other world without any help and any variety. He only had what he had on him at the time, his clothes-that were now too big for him- a highly advanced arm bracer that he regularly wore and uses for hacking- thankfully able to fit on his arm because of the nanobots it was made from- his beret and his glasses.
Well. Fuck.
So of course, he first finds a place that he could own as a child without being put in foster care, an abandoned warehouse, perhaps? Yea that would work, just needs a little fixing up.
Of course, if there's anything to bust along the way trying to find a way home, then of course he would bust it.
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justkennadi · 9 months
What the boys got you for christmas 😍🎄‼️
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Notes: Just a little something for christmas 😭👍🏾 i haven’t written anything else lately cause of work but that armin angst is still coming! But yeah, still merry Christmas!
Context: The following aot boys x black!fem reader. (not proofread😭)
Warnings: fluff aside from couple of cuss words and mention of getting high on plug!connie’s part
Characters: Armin, Eren, Connie, Jean and Reiner Bonus!: Nerd Armin and Plug!Connie
- Armin is so sweet.. From the moment u met him u knew he was a soft bookworm with a kind heart. He asked you to be his on valentine’s day by writing a letter confessing his feelings.
- You were happy to be his fr and you were really excited when y’all’s first christmas together came around.
- You got him this limited edition old dictionary, one of those fake aquariums from the 2000s, a fancy microscope and the entirety of his favorite book series.
- However when Christmas came and it was his turn you couldn’t have been more surprised.
- He got you multiple cute chanel coats and purses, a box of your favorite chocolate, a box of miss dior and an entire macbook😭😭😭
- “ARMIN?!?” You exclaim. “Since when ever was you rich????!?”
- And the boy just smiled at you and said he saved a bunch of money from his job but you didn’t really believe it.
- He also spent the whole day watching christmas movies and taking taking cute pictures together with you😚❤️❤️
- You and Eren got officially together on Halloween after a party so you guys were still kinda new and tryna feel each other out.
- You knew he liked working out so you just got him some gray sweatpants, some protein crap and one of those flannel hoodies.
- This boy ended up getting you some uggs and one of those “The tote bag” bags and a bunch of bath and body work stuff
- He even got all your favorite scents, aw❤️
- Eren acted like he didn’t always listen or pay attention but he clearly was the whole time and it made your heart melt🥹
- Eren didn’t wanna do the sappy shit he did but he sure wasn’t gonna show it right now so he just hopped on the game and you happily watched for the rest of the day.
- Connie and you spent yall first christmas together as not really a couple but that weird talking stage thing. You still counted tho cause you might as well be his gf🤷🏾‍♀️
- Connie was a goof ball fr so you didn’t really know what to get him. When it came down to the serious emotional stuff y’all just joked yall way out of it and so it was this weird limbo ish going on
- You settled on a nike jacket and a gift card to his favorite restaurant. You felt so bad cause it seemed like bare minimum but Connie was excited regardless!
- He said it’s the “thought that counts🥰😊” and all you could say after a few seconds was “Moral of the story headass..” and yall just busted out laughing
- Connie ended up getting you the brown faux jacket you saw and wanted from burlington, some pearl earrings and a necklace and a visa gift card with-
- “How much money is on here Con?”
- “$500.😗”
- WHAT?!!!2!@/
- You were expecting $50 or even $100 but $500? Half a band?
- “Yeah i didn’t know what to get u so…😗have fun!”
- You hugged him so hard and accidentally said he was the best boyfriend ever but when you pulled away to quickly apologize he just shushed you and said, “Anything for my beautiful girlfriend😌..”
- You and jean got together in the summer after school let out. Jean didn’t talk much like Eren but he was a goof ball like Connie especially when he was around him.
- You didn’t have much to work with embarrassingly. It was gonna be y’all’s 6 month anniversary on christmas but you barely knew a thing about him!!
- You ended up getting him some polo club cologne, airpods and a plain black hoodie.
- When Christmas came around you received some jewelry, some of the makeup you use and a cute brown fluffy teddy bear 🧸❤️
- Y’all had a very chill christmas, Jean wanted to go for a walk so you went with naturally and y’all ended up witnessing a beautiful sunset❤️
- You and Reiner got together in spring. He asked you out by bringing you a bunch of flowers in a bouquet which was definitely on theme for spring time..
- Reiner also stayed to himself a little bit more but he was more open with you so you had a good idea of what he liked.
- You got you and him some matching pjs to wear for the holiday. You got him a couple of books since sometimes he would read, a fancy shaving kit, a couple of turtlenecks and a photo album of you guys first year together❤️
- You were really proud and happy of your gifts but then you saw he didn’t get you anything other than a bunch of replacements for the hair products you use.
- “Hold on i think i put your other gift over here….close your eyes real quick..”
- You sighed and closed your eyes. You prayed he wasn’t gonna put anything together out of nowhere. You were kinda disappointed but it was ok.
- You heard shuffling and then you could tell when he was right in front of you.
- “Ok, open.”
- When you opened your eyes yoy immediately took everything back.. what you saw was a kneeling reiner on one knee holding a gorgeous diamond ring 💍😍
- For christmas he gave you a proposal!!!
- Even though it was kinda early, to be honest you two were talking for a lil minute anyways so it still felt like proper timing.
- You guys planned your wedding for christmas eve as spent the rest of that day cuddling with him watching Christmas themed sit-comes
- You knew Nerd!Armin since you two were kids and over time feelings developed.. then it naturally blossomed into a relationship. It was kinda weird because as you two grew up you guys just slowly became girlfriend and boyfriend.
- Nerd!Armin had always been a bit brainy and a major science fan so it wasn’t hard to get him anything at all.
- You got him a brand new pc, plentyyyy of books especially the sci-fi types and some weird graphic tees.
- He smiled with his braces and handed you a louis vuitton purse that had some louis vuitton jewelry and perfume inside. Also a soft blanket with your favorite design/character on it, Dior makeup items and chocolates.
- “Where did you get the money to buy this? Cause all i see you do is watch youtube and science shit-“ You questioned in surprise.
- “Stocks..”
- You just shrugged cause you had no idea on what he was talking about but you were just happy this silly brainiac was yours for the holiday 🫶🏾
- You and Connie started off as any other plug and customer. But then Connie started to catch feelings and by like August of this year he asked you to be his.
- He was very protective of you so by the time the holidays came around no one knew you two were a couple.
- He would always spoil you too with shopping sprees and paying for you to get your hair and nails did 💅🏾
- It was hard to think of what he’d want cause he could literally buy anything he wanted plus he didn’t really talk about himself much
- You settled on a couple of hoodies, one of those vape shark jackets and a game for his ps5.
- He ended up getting you a whole ass black Audi r8.
- Your jaw was on the floor 💀
- “Con, what the hellll..”
- “What? Y’don like it?”
- “I do but literally how??”
- “Ion know😗.”
- “Boy-“
- Connie never told you how he did it but he had proof it wasn’t stolen at least so 🙄
- He also got you a giant teddy bear and a new iphone.
- You kinda felt like your gifts were not the best compared to his but he assured you it was fine and he was grateful to have you regardless. ❤️
- You two ended up spending the rest of the day getting high and watching weird christmas movies no one talks about .
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skunaskitten · 1 year
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Yakuza Husband ch1
Paring: sukuna x female reader
Contains: blood. flirting, threats, near death experience
Au: sukuna yukuza boss
Summary: After work you walked to you apartment but half way to your home you found a man injured. You decided to bring him home to stitch him up but what you did not realize of who he is.
  It was a long day at work but you enjoyed it. Working at an animal shelter as a vet tech you love seeing the animals. You were happy that some of the animals in your care had gotten adopted today and sent to loving homes. You hoped to see them again old and happy.
 When getting off the train and walking back to your apartment it was a  quiet walk but something in the air felt off. As you neared your home there was a dog that caught your eye standing in the front of an alleyway. 
 "Hey there pup you alright?" You got closer to the dog but it went down the alleyway. A grunt left you but it was your duty to save it and bring it with you to get checked tomorrow when you go in. You followed it seeing it standing sniffing a figure sitting on the ground leaning up against the wall. 
 You froze and your body went stiff just as the dog ran past you back out the alley way. "Hey wait, don't go." You turned to watch the dog leave then hearing a cough coming from the person made you snap your attention back to the figure.
 By the shape and size you could see the person is a male.
 "Are you alright sir?" 
You took out your phone shining the  light on him and gasped seeing the red liquid covering his hand and all over his black shirt that looked wet and stained darker. Seeing the rip across the front of the shirt where it was more blood around the hand covering his stomach.
 You crouched down to his level seeing a broken phone next to him. "I am going to call for help."
 As you opened your phone to call for help his hand wrapped around your wrist stopping you. 
"Don't call. Just. Leave."
 His voice sounds deep and hoarse. "Do you have family or someone I can call?"
 He lifted his face to look at you. As you caught a glimpse of the right side of his face. Burised and eye swollen with a busted lip. You couldn't just leave him here. He watched you open up your backpack pulling out a sweater and placing it over his stomach. 
 "Here keep this against the wound. I am going to bring you to my place. Do you think you can walk?"
 He grunted, saying "just leave me."
You sighed and took his bloody hand not caring if you got blood on yourself. He is in need and wounded just like animals you could not walk away from a person in his condition. 
 You tried to pull him to you to get him up all he did was gave a deep chuckle. It sent chills through you as he tried to step up, almost falling over letting out a groan of pain. He looked like he had enough strength to walk but you still stayed by his side under his heavy arm for support. Even if it did very little and it was all him doing the work.
 It was a long slow walk to your home but when you made it inside he saw that he was safe inside he just wanted to collapse. You felt him growing weak as you panic and quickly brought him to the couch pushing him down onto it. He let out a loud groan of pain.
"Sorry. Stay here. Don't move."
 You ran into the bathroom grabbing all the medical supplies you needed and came back out to the living room placing the supplies on a coffee table. As you displayed the stuff you needed you leaned over him getting a good look at his face. Seeing the black lined tattoos along his jaw leading up to eyes under his real ones giving the same color and the messy dirt stained pastel pink hair.
 His one open dark red eye looking straight through your soul. You gulped and tried to ignore it as you reached shaky hands to unbutton his shirt.
 "I need to take this off." You grabbed the shirt opening it up as he laid his head to the side. "Hey I need you to stay awake."
 "Just hurry up, and do it." He snapped at you.
 You ignored him but when you opened his shirt you saw the colored tattoos covering his entire chest. You noticed black sharp lines across his pecs. Around those lines were blue and purple flames with wine colored demonic looking fingers. Ten of them on each slab of muscle. Your eyes trailed across his chest to his shoulders noticing more ink being hidden under the sleeves of his shirt.
 When your eyes trailed down you saw the open wound across his stomach right above his navel. Your mind went into emergency mode and started to assemble the cotton pad to clean up the area of his skin. 
 After everything was clean the wound seemed like it was not to deep where you needed to take him to the hospital. You ran into the kitchen to wash the blood off your hands and grabbed a ice pack from the freezer to bring it over to him.
 "Here this will help with your face. What is your name?"
 You asked as you carefully placed the ice pack against his face making him rest on it. He kept his eyes closed saying "sukuna."
 His voice sounded worse, more drained and groggy. You had to do this fast so he can rest. You gave a slight smile to his name. It's different and interesting. "My name is y/n."
 You went back to the supplies and started to thread the needle then came back to his wound. "This might hurt." 
"I can, take it."
 When you punctured his skin he grunted and nuzzled his face into the ice pack. It was a quick 15 minute stitch up but it felt longer. You gave one last clean up to his wound, putting antibiotics and a patch to cover it up.
 You smiled saying ,"there it should be good for now. Just not moving for a while you will break it."
 He didn't answer then you looked to see he was already asleep. It was best to let him rest and check on him in the morning. After cleaning up the mess, you went through the hall way storage closet and pulled out a blanket to put over him. 
 You stared at his face a bit longer seeing how strange it was for him to look so peaceful sleeping with blood on his face. And why the color of his hair being pink? 
 After seeing the tattoos across his chest you wanted to see the rest of them. Already having the feeling he is a man who likes to get into trouble. 
 You felt your stomach ache and hearing it rumble it was past your dinner time since you usually eat when you get home but he had to be taken care of first. You made a quick ramen bowl and checked on sukuna every minute just to make sure he is still alive.
 When you went to bed you made sure to lock your door in case something happens since he is still a stranger. You had already informed your boss that you couldn't make it due to a family emergency. So this gives you time to look after sukuna.
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 In the morning you got up getting dressed and quietly opened your door peaking your head out to hear anything. There was no movement so  you stepped out carefully and walked out to the living still seeing him asleep.
 You walked over to his sleeping form then pressed the back of your hand to his forehead checking the temperature. He felt warmer than he did last night.
 Looking at the ice pack that is fully melted you pulled it out from under his head then softly ran your thumb over the bruising on his face. You had also noticed the black piercings on his ears.
 You took a deep breath and caught a smell of the blood that still stained his clothes. He didn't smell the best right now. You wanted to almost take off the shirt but it was going to be difficult, it would be best to start by replacing the bandage again since either absorbed most of the blood.
 As you pulled off the blanket and started with the bandage from his stomach he jolted awake and grabbed your wrist with a harsh squeeze. You yelp from being startled but then he let you go placing his hand over his stomach with a growl and a grunt from pain. 
 "Damn it sukuna it's just me. Don't break your stitching."
 You put a hand down on his chest and pushed him back down. He looked at you with still tired drained eyes, it looked like he wanted to talk back but he was still not fully recovered. 
Sukuna kept his eyes on you changing the bandage then saw you grabbing at his shirt. 
"I want to take your shirt off, it's full of your blood and dirt. It's starting to stink."
 He groaned and let you take it off him with the help of him moving his body to make it easier for you to take it off. As you peeled off his shirt you could see more tattoos covering his arms. You couldn't help but to look at the artwork of beautiful colors and line work. Whoever did his tattoos did an amazing job.
 His left arm was full of plant life. Cherry blossom trees that crept up his bicep around his forearm were red spider lilies and under them was a lotus. The other arm had an eastern dragon around the bicep and a tiger on the forearm. On both wrists he had black bands and black circles on the edge of his shoulders. 
Your eyes gazed away and looked at his pants then back at him. "I uhh need to take off your pants too."
 He gave you a weak smile and said "if you wanted my cock you could have just ask. It might help with my pain."
 A blush filled your cheeks and you began to stutter. "No, that is not what I wanted. I need your pants off. They are dirty." He chuckle slightly and laid his head back as you went to unbuckle the front. Your hands were shaking after he made you all flustered and embarrassed but he lifted his hips to help you slide off his pants easier. 
 Sukuna quickly went back to sleep to get more rest. He was still feeling groggy. You put the blanket over him then went to get some cereal and hid in your room to give him some peace. When you came back out hours later you walked over to see sukuna with his eyes open. You gave him a smile and said "hey you awake now. How are you feeling?"
 He said "I am feeling hungry and drained." You nodded asking "how hungry?" 
"Hungry enough to eat you." He chuckled then started coughing. 
You blushed and started to find words to respond to but then you stepped back hitting the table with the back of your knee. You stumbled a little and sukuna was quick to sit up and grab your wrist holding you from falling. 
You made eye contact with him then pulled your wrist away saying "thank you I will go find you food."
 Sukuna looked over at you watching you walk around the kitchen making what seemed to be a sandwich. He wondered if you knew who he really was. What were your plans with him?
 When he saw you turn around with a plate he looked away. You made your way over to him and set a plate with the sandwich on it and handed it to him. "Here let me know if you need anything else and also brought you some tea that might help with the aches." He looked at the food and drink then back to you.
 "Eat some of it. And take a drink."
You raised an eyebrow then looked at him confused saying "what?"
 "You heard me sweetheart eat, drink."
You picked up the sandwich taking a bite looking at him still confused, after swallowing the bite you took a drink of the tea then looked at him. He sat up more and took the food and started to eat it. You just gave him another weird look and left him to eat alone. So many questions ran through your head.
 Hearing your phone notification go off you looked at it to see your friend wondering if you are alright. You texted her 'yes I am fine just something happened and now I have to figure out what to do with him.' You messed up by saying the word to him and she quickly texted back. 'Oh you are seeing a guy. Who is he? What does he look like?'
 'Pretty handsome. Pink hair. Tattoos covering his arms chest and possibly the back. I found him in a alleyway with a stab wound. I had to fix him up but he said to not call anyone.'
 She answered back right away. 'What do you mean?! You found him and just brought him home with a stab wound. Red flag girl! And he has tattoos telling you not to call anyone. You know what they say about Japanese men with tattoos right. Yukuza!'
 You scoffed at the idea and told her you were going to check backup on him and you will talk to her later. When you went back out to the living room you saw him sitting up fully on the couch with the empty plate and glass. "Do you want more?"
 "No this should be good for now but I feel my energy back again for the most part."
Hearing his deep voice your eyes roamed over his body again then quickly looked away when you saw his eyes staring at you. You walked over taking the dishes from him then walked towards the kitchen but stopped curious to say something to him.
 "Hey sukuna are you in the yukuza? My friend just stated it because I mentioned your tattoos and how I found you. I think it's crazy though. I don't think I would ever come across one. Your tattoos are lovely though." You let out a little giggle.
 But then you felt the air in the room stir into something dangerous then you heard him darkly chuckle and a click sound coming from behind you. When you turned to look at him you dropped the dishes hearing them break and shatter across the floor.
 Sukuna was standing up and had his back to you while looking at a black gun in his hand with a golden design through the side of it but you couldn't make out what it was. Your whole world froze and your heart stopped. His back was cover in a full art piece. A four arms demon with four eyes and pink hair. It was supposed to be resentation of himself crawling out of a mouth to a shrine with ox skulls on his lower back.
 He turned around walking to you, opening up his gun looking at the bullets and slipped the clip back into it. 
"You know one thing I hate about the people around me, little woman. Is that you can never let your guard down because you can not trust anyone. It's a shame that even the sweetest of things need to die."
 You gulped freezing in place and began to tear up as he walked up straight to you. So much fear in your body makes you stay still only because you feel if you run he might shoot. He pressed the tip of the gun to your neck. Your eyes closed, a tear ran down your cheek waiting for him to take your life. Is this what you get from the world for helping someone? 
A whimper escaped you as he chuckled and leaned in closer, pressing his lips to your ear. "No words for me, kitten."
 "Your stitches are bleeding."
 He raised an eyebrow and took a look down to his stomach. You took a look at him and made your chance to run but he was too fast and smart as he grabbed your arm pulling you. In the process you stepped on the shards of glass letting out a cry of pain. 
 "Where you think you are going little things."
 He pulled you with him and pushed you onto the couch holding the gun up to you. You looked into his eyes as tears filled you, making your vision blurry and whimpers escaping you. "Will it hurt?"
 Sukuna tiltled his head saying "the bullet? Only of I shoot in a spot that does not kill you fast."
 You started to breathe hard with tears rolling down your cheeks. Staring into his eyes waiting for it to happen when he would be the last thing you see. His hand gripped onto your shoulder holding you down with the gun pressing under your jaw. You couldn't hold back any more and started to sob and cry louder. "S sukuna...." Feeling the cold metal tip of the gun against your skin you tried to plead with him.
 He stared at you but his heart started to feel heavy, memories flashed before him. A woman on her knees before him with his hand around her throat and gun to her head. She pleaded to him crying and sobbing but he just pulled the trigger doing what he was told. Then hearing a baby cry. Remembering the little baby boy she had, he was left motherless. 
 Sukuna let go of your shoulder asking "do you have a child or pregnant?" 
You shook your head still crying.
"Do you have a family?"
You shook your head. Still stuttering as you talked.
"I have… no one. I am alone… my parents both died. No lover.."
 He pulled the gun away from your face and moved away. As soon as you felt him release you took that chance to crawl away from him seeing the blood from your foot staining the couch. But he still hovered around you then brought the gun up again to you saying "where is your phone? Bring it to me."
 You did what you were told but you limped off the couch and walked slowly in pain to your room with him following you. He saw the phone on your bed and quickly took it holding it in his free hand. 
 You couldn't take it any more as you just got down on the floor and crawled back against the wall of your room. He watched as you cradled your legs turning yourself into a ball crying from fear trying to hide from him. 
 Sukuna let out a sigh. "Where the hell is your first aid kit?" 
You didn't answer as you started to shake. So he asked again more stern tone to his voice.
"Where the fuck is your first aid kit? I am not asking again."
 "In the bathroom."
You mumbled and heard him leave the room for a moment but you didn't bother moving from your position not wanting to get shot.
 He walked into the bathroom and the first this he saw was his clothes. With a brush and hydrogen peroxide to remove the blood stains. You really went through all this trouble to bring him here into your home. A complete stranger and fixed him up. Made sure he was well, fed him and washed his pants. 
 He took the pants and put them on and slipped his gun in the back of them along with your phone into the pocket then found the kit. Sukuna came back to see you still in the same spot shaking but stopped crying for now.
When he crouched down in front of you and went to brush his fingers across your ankle you froze up and started to cry again. You looked at his lip quivering and tried to move away from him. 
 "Please don't hurt me. I won't tell anyone. Please just leave."
 He gripped your leg and ran his hand up your calf and pulled your leg to him with your wounded foot. You whimpered in fear and tried to pull away. Thinking the worst.
 "Dont please! I rather be dead."
 He stopped and looked at you realizing why you were freaking out. 
 "Would you stop your fucking crying. I am not going to assault you if that is what you are implying. Let me look at your foot."
 You covered your face trying to calm yourself as you let him take your leg extending it out. You hear the shuffling of the kit and feeling him move with your foot on his lap. But you didn't dare to move a muscle until he went to pull a piece of glass out. You let out a yelp and placed your hands flat on the floor.
 "Quit being a child."
 He continued to pull out the glass he could see then he poured on the rubbing alcohol across the wounds. You whimpered and tried to pull your foot away but he grabbed it, yanking it back. "Damn it, stop squirming!"
 "It hurts and you are doing it wrong! Why are they even bothering with me?! Just leave me alone!"
 Sukuna laid him head back and growled then looked back at you.
 "A favor for a favor. You helped me so I am helping you. Besides, by my code you did save my life. So I am in your debt."
 He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand and closed his eyes.
"I am sorry. For threatening you. And scaring you. It's just hard for me to trust anyone. You probably know who I am now."
 You just chewed on your inner cheek not wanting to talk as you suck in a breath trying to calm yourself but knowing he has a loaded weapon made you all the nervous to even say a word to him.
 The both of you heard your phone chime. Sukuna reached behind him and pulled out your phone seeing the text in the lock screen 'is he hot?'
" Who is this little kitten?"
 "My friend from work." He handed you over the phone saying "unlock it."
 You then gave your phone back and he texted your friend back 'yes he is really hot don't worry he is taking care of me.' He texted her making it sound like it was you.
 He closed it then stuck it back into his pocket hearing more notifications go off as you questioned what he did. But he ignored you and went back to tormenting your foot. After he cleaned the wound he wrapped a bandage around your foot and dropped your leg onto the floor. 
 "There its done."
You looked at the wrapping and said "thank you. So you are in the yukuza."
 You rubbed your hand over your cheeks wiping what dry tears that remained as he hummed.
 "Yes I am. I promise to not make any threats to you again. Like I said I am in your debt. Until my part is filled you will no longer see me again. But for now I need to stay here for a few days until I am fully healed and the ones who did this,stop looking for me."
 "You want me to keep you here after you just did all that! No. I am sorry but no you need to leave."
Sukuna groaned and bowed his head as a sign of thanks to you saying "I am sorry,  truly. I need to stay here. Just so you know I never say sorry to anyone."
You made eye contact with him debating if you should let him stay and if you were even safe.
"I can tell you are debating. You have my word. I won't hurt you." 
You closed your eyes and let out a heavy sigh saying "fine I will let you stay. But its my home so my rules." He confirmed with a nod of his head and got up holding out his hand to you as you took it and got up onto your feet with us help.
You thanked him for finding your strength again but you still worried what he can do to you when the guard is down. Without another word you walked away from him with a limp as he followed behind you and watched you head to a hall closet pulling out another blanket.
"Here so you can be more comfortable. And I will figure out what to do with clothes for you later. I am going to bed."
He watched you walk away back into your room, slamming the door closed as he stood there holding the blanket. He never let anyone walk away from him like that, not without him having the last word in. But he will let you relax for the night. He needs his rest too.
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what is going to happen between them?!
thank you so much for reading the first chapter! And i am so in love with the picture i can not stop gawking at sukuna.
ch1 Chapter 2
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