#sup bitches they're back
neverquiteeden · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson Additional Tags: Book: A Study in Scarlet, i had to scratch a very partcular itch, Infodumping, Mentioned Mrs Hudson, Developing Friendships, Friendship, Watson still doesn't know what Holmes' job is, based on a moment in STUD, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping Series: Part 2 of I'll Be Home With You Summary:
Holmes comes back to Baker Street after a long walk and shows Watson the mudstains on his trousers. Based on a throwaway line in Study in Scarlet.
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twistmusings · 2 years
What do they find aesthetically attractive in a partner?
CW: Mentions of body builds and shapes, if that might possibly be triggering! Also important to say this wouldn't be the only things they find attractive, just some things. The light music club shares a single braincell that they pass back and forth at their club meetings.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle finds people who are tall and have broad shoulders very attractive. He also really likes interesting hair: unusual cuts and colors. He's attracted to a clean, well kempt look when it comes to clothes, and if they have a nice, woody cologne or perfume it will stick with him.
Ace Trappola
He tries to say he likes people who are "conventionally attractive" but honest to god he doesn't really have anything in particular that he likes over anything else. He really likes strong, pronounced features and pretty eyes, but he isn't picky at all about their build.
Deuce Space
He thinks that dark eyes are super pretty. He also likes people who have cute smiles with a little overbite and dimples. He likes deep or sonorous voices, too. Despite his best efforts, he is a through and through butt dude and thinks they're cute, especially if they have those cute little butt dimples.
Trey Clover
He finds people who are shorter than him cute because he likes being able to put his head on top of theirs when they hug. He really likes short and mid-length hairstyles because they're fun to run his hands through. He likes people who are curvy AND people who are slim for different reasons. He thinks it's really cute when people have a double chin.
Cater Diamond
People are just hot man. He finds so many different things attractive, but especially when people have a sort of androgynous or gnc sense of fashion. He really likes pretty eyelashes and people who emote a lot because it's so cute being able to see them get excited or smile.
Leona Kingscholar
Muscles, oh my GOD muscles. Especially strong arms and thighs. He loves it when a person looks like they could hit like a mac truck. He also thinks its so cute when people smirk and have really confident body language. He's got a soft spot for people on the shorter side, too.
Ruggie Bucchi
He likes more "mature" features. Laugh lines and crows feet just mean they're someone who smiles and laughs a lot. He also loves tall people who are on the chubbier side. He really likes broad hips.
Jack Howl
He likes people who are smaller than him. He also finds it attractive when people are gender nonconforming or dress sort of "softly" in neutrals and pastels. He thinks round noses are super cute.
Azul Ashengrotto
He loves when people dress nicely. He likes them tall. He finds it super attractive when people carry themselves with grace and confidence. He's got a very soft spot for freckles.
Floyd Leech
He loves people who are thick. Soft tummies, soft thighs, soft arms, it's all incredibly cute to him. He really, really loves when they have a little tummy roll. He also likes long, pretty fingers and well kempt nails. He really likes soft hair, too.
Jade Leech
Jade ALSO loves plus sized people. He likes long features and if they have a resting bitch face it's just attractive to him. He really likes round and heart shaped faces.
Kalim Al-Asim
He likes people with sharp facial features and pretty eyes. He really likes dark hair. He thinks the collarbone is possibly the sexiest body part. He is attracted to lots of people, honestly, this is really another case of "people are just hot, man."
Jamil Viper
He really likes soft features and people who have a bit of a "feminine" appearance (regardless of gender). He loves when people have working hands. Scars are also attractive to him, he thinks it gives a bit of a cool appearance.
Vil Schoenheit
Vil is really attracted to nice legs. Shapely legs in all sizes, too. Once he gets a little more mature, he realizes he really likes people who are plus sized. He honestly thinks stretch marks look really cute. He also thinks moles are super attractive, too.
Rook Hunt
If you are breathing, Rook Hunt loves you. He thinks literally everyone is beautiful and means that with his whole heart. People are so beautiful and they come in so many builds and shapes and it's fantastic, how could he ever pick one?
Epel Felmier
To repeat myself, oh my GOD muscles. He loves people who look strong and look like they could lift him like he weighs as much as a couple grapes. And if they have tan lines? He is a blessed man. He really likes rugged, cool looking people.
Idia Shroud
Everyone is so fucking hot it's a problem. He cannot talk to anyone because he looks like a gaunt little goblin in comparison. He also really likes people who look like they could kick his ass but are really sweet. Also the reverse. He loves people who look sweet who could snap him like a twig. He loves people who wear inventive and uncommon fashion because it looks so cool.
Malleus Draconia
Not to be a cheeseball, but Malleus doesn't really judge people by their outward appearance. He gets that enough himself, so he really likes to know the person for the person and not what they look like.
If I had to describe Silver's type in a word, it would be ephemeral. Tall and long and graceful. He thinks it's so pretty when people wear gauzy fabric and flowing outfits.
Sebek Zigvolt
If I had to describe Sebek's type in a word, it would be intimidating. He loves people who have a confident and borderline smug aura and who carry themselves with pride.
Lilia Vanrouge
Once again, not to repeat myself but people are so hot. The light music club really does share a braincell on this. Lilia loves a lot of different types of people for different reasons. He loves people who have an interesting look to their fashion because he, himself likes edge fashion. His only real preference he has is that he likes a person who is taller than him because he likes feeling small and cute when he stands next to them. Power couple vibes, y'know?
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Does That Tickle?
Sup bitches im back today the fic is based off of this art
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credits to @feathergil for the art! It's amazing I love it so so so so so much although idk who the characters are (they're cute tho)
So yeah enjoy the fic
(still in the perspective that James and Regulus are living together after hogwarts)
Regulus sat on his and James' couch watching a television show that Sirius had recommended to him. It was decently late at night but Regulus was a night owl unlike James who was.. probably in the kitchen?
Come to think of it he hadn't heard from James for an hour or two which was uncommon because he and James were usually together when they were both home.
"James!" Regulus called, his voice bouncing around the walls of the house.
"..Yeah!" He heard James yell back from across the apartment from what Regulus guessed to be the bedroom.
"Oh, just wanted to check on you!" He answered after hearing James' shout. Regulus heard James' footsteps as he ran from the two's shared bedroom. He emerged in the door way and instantly hoped onto the couch next to Regulus.
He wrapped am arm around James' shoulder giving him a little squeeze.
"Hey baby," Regulus smiled at his boyfriend. "I was wondering where you went, hadn't heard from you in a while."
"Yeah, I was just relaxing and r-reading," he said with a yawn. James rested his head on Regulus' shoulders closing his eyes. Regulus smiled and turned his attention back to the show still playing in the background.
After a few minutes he started rubbing James' shoulder and back in a comforting sort of manner.
James melted to the touch, his body fully relaxing. James deserved some rest after the stress he had been put under that entire week with the war and things.
James sighted happily as Regulus continued to rub his back, up and down. It startled Regulus when James yelped when he had started to trace on his lower back with his finger.
Regulus turned to look at James who had jolted away from Regulus.
"What was that?" Regulus asked James, perplexed.
"N-nothing," James (obviously) lied. Regulus internally sighed. James was awful at lying, especially when it was about him.
Regulus went through the options on what could have happened to make James yelp. He could be in pain and Regulus accidentally hurt him or touched something that hurt.
He could have gotten startled by the soft touch on his back and yelped in surprise. Or-
"I didn't know you were ticklish on your back," Regulus smirked at James.
"I didn't know someone could be ticklish on their back.." James confessed as a light blush dusted his face.
Regulus smiled an idea forming in his head. "Come here," he said and opens up his arms so that James would be laying in his arms.
With some hesitation James did crawl into Regulus' arms placing his head in the crook of his neck.
Regulus started with some more light tracing on the same spot that he had touched earlier near the small of James' back. James gasped and hide his face further into Regulus' neck.
Regulus moved his hands further up James' back paying close attention to how James reacted to different spots. He started poking at his spine and lower back making James let out a muffled squeal.
"Does this tickle?" Regulus asked teasingly.
"N-noho.." James replied quietly. Moments later James started to giggle some high pitched giggles.
"You suuure it doesn't tickle? I know it dooess~" Regulus teased relentlessly. James shook his head now squirming a considerable amount more. He wrapped his arm around Regulus to keep from trying to grab Regulus' hands.
"Ohoho gohohod," James laughed as Regulus poked and scribbled on his ribs, James' elbows snapped down to cover his ribs.
Regulus poked the back of James' ribs instead, finding a 'giggle spot' on one of the lower ones.
"Ohh, is this a sweet spot? Hmm? Did I find a giggle spot?" He said in a baby voice to make James blush more.
"Nohoho it- ack! Ohoho gohohosh!" James squealed when Regulus dug his fingers into the sweet spot.
Regulus slowly eased up on James knowing that James was all tickled out. He listened to James' quiet residual giggles and huffs as James relaxed again.
Regulus returned to just rubbing James' back, his eyes slowly drifting shut. His breathing evened out along with James'.
The last thing he remembered was looking down at James.
Tadaa! Hope you like it cuz I really do
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simp999 · 11 months
A New Home Ch.26
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.2k
A/N: Wow, imagine bringing up old info from chapter, what- like, four??
Back to the Start! Previous Next
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As your opponents are about to leave Deca Tower, you hurry over to them.
You need to clear things up. Now.
You place your hand on the leader's shoulder to get their attention. Their head swivels toward you, and they have a smile on their face.
You weren't exactly sure what you had planned to say, and you struggle to find the right words.
"You. Me. We need to chat."
They wave off their teammates, telling them to go on without them. Milo, Leo, and Tasha are standing just out of hearing range. Wolf waits for you to speak up.
"So uh, is there a prob-"
That didn't mean to come out as more of a statement. You tried again with a softer tone;
"Why did you let us win?"
They sigh out for a second, then face you directly. They seemed so casual up to this point, but there now seemed to be no emotion in their eyes.
"Destroy him."
"Excuse me?" You try to make sense of what they're saying, because obviously you weren't getting lots of information.
They blink, and suddenly they seem a little more easy-going again. They relax their shoulders, and shove their hands in their hoodie pocket.
"Emperor- Kick his ass. He deserves it."
How did they know? Was your anger that obvious? This still doesn't explain how their team could read yours like an open book. Wolf seems to recognize your confusion.
"It's what you want, right? Look, man, I can't really explain too much but... I kinda get what you're going through."
Wait, what? There's someone like you? Are they not from here-
"He's a little bitch, hiding behind stacks of cash. He thinks he's better than everyone else. His teammates aren't quite as bad, but they still need to be taught a lesson. You have potential. I've seen some of your battles, and you've been growing at impossible rates. I'm at my limit. I don't have the power to beat him, but I think you do."
They pause for a moment.
"So do me a favor, and give him a nice blow to his ego, yeah?"
You can only really offer a nod, still unsure of what to make of the situation.
Well, it wasn't as wild as you thought it was.
Wolf turns away to meet up with their team before you can really talk to them.
Then a glint catches your eye.
'That's right. That still doesn't explain that Golden Toothpick.'
You decide to not bug them anymore, and make your way back to your team. You wonder if you'll ever run into them again.
Your teammates still share varying looks of confusion, so you explain to them some of what just happened.
You have an asshole that you have to put back in his rightful place.
With that, your goal to beat Emperor into the ground is once again your top priority.
Your team walks out of Deca Tower without a set destination in mind. You're not quite tired, - thanks to the amount of breaks you got from respawning so often, - but maybe a little sweaty. You've still got lots of the day left. Leo spots Ammo Knights' training area and grabs you by the arm, making his way over.
"I wanna see something."
Hm. Odd, but it's not like you've got anything better to do. Your group follows him as he rolls up his sleeves and gets his dualies out. He doesn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary, just lots of flips and spins. Maybe he's seeing how many he can do before he gets dizzy? That's a good limit to know, after all.
Once you enter, you take note of the sound of ink being thrown around on the other side of the wall. No problem, you just can't be giving away any secret tactics. Tasha and Milo begin some small talk about the tournament, as you wait for Leo to be done... whatever he's doing. He doesn't seem to be letting up, so you decide to mess with him and ask if you can borrow Tasha's charger for a second. She's slightly hesitant, but trusts you- she also hasn't cleaned it yet, so she carefully hands it over to you. Leo's eyes are only trained on the targets, while everything else seems to be completely tuned out. You quietly make your way onto a higher platform to the right and carefully aim. As he pauses between rolls, you almost hit his nose as he jerks backward.
"Hey! What the heck was that for?!"
You giggle and he puts his weapons to his sides.
"You can't just focus on what's in front of you, dork."
Though, you do have to give him props for jerking backward before the ink made it near him. You weren't aiming to hit him, of course, but it seemed like his body reacted before he did.
They have been getting better, it seems. Your efforts and training haven't gone to waste.
That reminds you of something you wanted to try a long time ago.
Something you needed real people for, not just targets.
"Hey, Tasha,"
You carefully hand her back her weapon,
"You still keep your Paisley Bandanna on you, right?" Of course she does, she'd never leave the house without a backup to cover her face, "Can I borrow it?"
She and Milo share a glance, then she reaches for her pocket.
With the bandanna in hand, go walk up to Leo and ask him to face away from you, and close his eyes.
Once he feels the fabric tighten, he begins to question you.
"Hey, uh, what's goin' on here?"
You say nothing, but walk a good distance away from him, doing your best to be even quieter than usual.
"Shoot me." You stand almost perfectly still, with your hands behind your back.
"Uh, sorry? One more time?" You only shake your head and look over at Milo.
"Shoot them. They haven't moved."
"You've gotta be kidding me, I can't just-"
"If you don't want to improve then walk out now."
'Okay, well, that's a tad harsh, Tasha.' But still, she's not wrong.
Leo takes a deep breath in, most likely trying to remember where you stood. He brings his dulaies up in your general direction, then adjusts them.
"Hey, I'm not gonna get in trouble for hitting you, right?"
You want to snicker, but you only muster a smile and an absentminded shake of your head so as to not give away your position.
He begins shooting, and as soon as he notices the sound of a few stray drops of ink hitting you, he adjusts his aim and nearly splats you. He stops one or two shots before it would have happened.
"Well done." He rips the blindfold off, calling it dumb, but then treats it a little more gently as he recognizes the material.
No, it wasn't perfect. But he managed to adjust his aim in minimal time. Not to mention, he obviously knows his weapon's limits well, as he stopped before splatting you.
But once again, not quite perfect.
"Well, I know what we can work on now. Everyone, get your weapons ready."
Next Part
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nemmennem · 5 months
Male Teen Reader x Creepypasta [ch. 1]
02:00 on clock, you play games, listen to music, your parents are sleeping, they are in a deep sleep so no one can disturb you, even if they woke up you would hear them, nothing can go wrong
"what the hell" you heard your father scream
panic.jpg, they uncoverd your evil plots to stay up until the morning
You hear gunshot... two gunshots to be exact...is it dead end for me? What can i do? I can ughhhh? jump out of window, no too high... Wait, there is a drawer in the corridor, there are photos of us on it, but there is one more thing on it… my father's gun, my mother told him not to leave it there because God knows what might happen. The chest of drawer is close to my door, I will definitely be able to pick it up and provide myself with some security
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"Are you sure we should enter this house? I-i-i heard gunshots"
"Shut up you coward, we are entering this house even if it was on fire, fisrst, we have expirience with this type's of obstacles, second, we are who we are, and third.... dont be a little bitch and you, is something bothering you too?"
"no, no, of course not, just let me finish the cig"
two persons entered the house
"they're p-p-probably on the first floor, I'll go check it out"
"I am behind you"
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"six bullets" you mumbled
"what the fuck?!" first burglar said
he aimed his pistol at you but you were faster, the second burglar looked at the already dead body and raised his hands as a sign of surrender, as fate would have it, your fingers automatically pulled the trigger a second time
now you had only four bullets and four dead boddies in your house, this is… comforting i guess"
"I think the burglar problem has solved it self" said somebody, he wasn't with the burglar, but his appearance was confusing, he wore white mask, yellow jacket and jeans "and now secend problem. Could I ask you to put your gun on the ground and kick it to me?"
"No" you said "why would i do it?"
"you know... to make our job easier"
"what do you mean by our?" you asked
"sup kid!" second person apeard, this one wore mouth guard, googles, greyish sweater, blue hoodie underneath sweater and jeans "you were the one to kill them? that's cool you know :D"
you just stood there like a statue
masked guy also stood there
"toby? Is everything good in your head? you know, im just asking?"
"masky i know what im dooing, you could trust me this one time, just back off and let me talk"
"im going to regret that"
"sooo, continuing our nice chat, you've never thought about becoming a murderer?" toby asked me
masky just face palmed
"no, not really" you answered
"oh, b-b-belive me everyone has ever thought about what it would be like to kill an innocent person. You m-m-must have wondered what would happen if that big chandelier in the church fell on those innocent people, right? each of us has some wild urge to k-k-kill, even if it is deeply hidden"
"Even if, I don't think I could kill someone for no reason"
"And them?"
"They murdered my parents"
"i see only one gun on ground, and i heard two shots, let me g-g-guess the secend one surrendered but you didnt care right? dont even try lying to me i know the truth"
"fuck fuck fuck fuck, why am I sweating so much, maybe I should just shoot them, no, it would only prove his point, although if he's dead it won't do him any good, no i'm not type of person to shoot people right and left, after all he maybe right, atleast in some of what he said, i felt relieved after killing them" you thaught
"ok, your right, he did try to surrender, b-b-but i-i-i" your voice was trembling, you couldn't find any logic in your action's, you just didnt know what to do
"so continuing my offer, you can join us, have you ever heard of creepypastas? that's us, we will take you under the wing of professionals and teach you how to kill people professionally"
"you did not just advertise creepypasta to a kid"
"yes i-i-i did.... OH SHIT KID BEHIND YOU!"
you turned around and shot blindly, you hitted attacker and he just fell to the ground, you turned again and saw masky with a knife moving forward, he stopped the moment you turned around, he then just sighed and dropped his knife
"ok kid you won, im going to pick up my friend that you just shot, and I'll take care of him so he won't die ok? and toby... you know what to do if your shitty plan wont work" masky said. He picked his friend and then left us and exited the building
"your in kid? you know that if your not in i'll have to kill you ritgh? you know too much and we want to be little known among the public and even if i didnt kill, what will you do? how will you live with knowledge of us and fact that you just killed three persons"
"i just shot him, didnt masky said he will take care of him?"
"and what do you think takeing care of him means? it's already over for him, sorry to inform you i guess"
your eyes were watering, your legs were shakeing, your mouth was trembling
"What should i do, i like being alive" you thaught
toby then just walked to me, you tried to aim at him but you just couldn't force yourself to do it, you just didnt want to kill him, toby just pulled you into hug
"hey kid, there is no reason to stress that hard about it" toby said
"i-i-i think i will go with you" you said, your words trembling and your body still shaking in toby's hug
"Oh shit i just gaslightd them into becoming creepypasta" toby thaugh
yes... he indeed manipulated you into becoming creepypasta
"you can relax now kid, there is nothing to stress about" toby said ruffling your hair " you remind me of jeff"
"the killer?"
"ye, your hair look like him and you are little pale, oh, and how old are you and what's your name?"
you had black curly hair that reached your shoulders and you were slightly pale, but that was probably because of fear
"I'm 15, and my name is Victor"
sorry for every grammar error in this post
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ladyantiheroine · 1 year
Hey bestie, I hope you're doing good. I'm back with another question about twau if you don't mind answering. I know that we basically went over this already, but which version of the Bigby and Snow's relationship do you find to be better between twau and fables? How would you improve on the other? Also, how you foresee Bigby and Snow getting together in twau compared to fables? Thank you.
Hello bestie! I’m doing good and I hope you are too!
And yes, I’m happy to answer because I’m happy to talk about this franchise!
So like I’ve said before, I still haven’t read all the comics (I’ve been meaning to, I’ve just been busy and I’m easily distracted lol). So this is based on imperfect info as I’ve only read up to issue #50-ish.
Short Answer: Bigby and Snow have a better romance in the Telltale game than in the comics. The chemistry is better, their characters are better fleshed out, and there's more emotional vulnerability between the two.
Long Answer:
Comics Spoilers Below
It’s pretty obvious based on my other posts, but I prefer TWAU over Fables overall. For a lot of reasons, one being that Telltale does the Snowby romance far more justice than in the comics.
A part of all this has to do with the fact that Fables and TWAU tell very different kinds of stories with the same characters and premise. Fables is an epic war story, with a bigger scope and a wider cast of characters. TWAU is a detective noir story, with a scope limited to Fabletown. This means TWAU has more time and space to explore the characters' interpersonal relationships as opposed to the wider Fables politics. It partially explains why Snowby feels more developed in the game, because the game has the scale and focus to do so.
There’s also the fact that…Bill Willingham just isn’t very good at writing romance. Like I mentioned in my post about Snow White, he's not very interested in the characters' internal lives. He also seems to have a conservative man's idea of women and male/female relationships (ex. strong women are bossy bitches, wives are nagging shrews, etc.). He writes scenes that are romantic in a vacuum but with little evidence beforehand that these characters even care for each other. Because he only seems to care about the character relationships on a surface level.
Telltale, on the other hand, cares about the characters on an emotional and psychological level. We see the personal toll on Bigby as he struggles to protect a community that doesn't trust him. We see Snow's strict, business-like front slip and how rightfully scared she is. We see them work together. We see them banter and laugh and make each other smile. We see them be open and vulnerable with each other. We see them bicker and fight and then make up. That's how you write a relationship people can get invested in.
Meanwhile, in the comics, I don't know if Bigby and Snow even like each other. He's outright mean and threatening to her at times, and she's spent centuries turning him down over and over. Sure, they work together and he saved her from the Adversary that one time, but so what? They hardly seem to get along, and not even in an "enemies to lovers" kind of way. When they do act romantic towards it each other, it feels forced because there was no groundwork laid out before then. Willingham wants these two together, so he smashes them together despite them having little reason to even like each other.
As for how I'd improve it (based on what I've seen from the first 50 issues), it's funny you ask that because I had an idea for a rewrite a long while ago. It has to do with the airport scene in volume three after Bigby and Snow escape the woods after killing Goldilocks. (I'm assuming you've read at least the first three volumes. If not, this might not make sense, sorry)
Basically, as they're leaving, Snow tells Bigby she might be interested in going on a date with him. Now, Bigby has not told Snow that they had sex in the tent yet. He knows they did because he could smell it with his super scent. His reason was that it would have upset her and they had bigger fish to fry at that moment (being hunted by Goldilocks). But at this moment, in the airport, they are safe. Bigby could have told her what happened and he didn't. It's not until later when Snow discovers that she's pregnant that she connects the dots and gets rightfully pissed at him for not telling her.
I think about this moment a lot because it had so much potential both to further their romance and Bigby's character.
See, Bigby's whole thing is that he's a "reformed Big Bad Wolf." He's struggling between the violent, selfish person he used to be and the more peaceful person he's trying to be (you see this more clearly in the game with all the choices you're given where you can be an asshole or more cooperative).
This scene, where Snow is warming up to him but still doesn't know they had sex, is a chance for Bigby to choose to be a better man. If he told Snow that they did have sex, and that he lied about it, it could push her away (remember, he’s been failing to get with her for years at this point). However, being honest with her would be the right thing to do.
(I’m not sure why Bigby doesn’t tell her the truth at this point. I don’t know why it takes Snow busting the doctor to find out. I mean, they likely didn’t have protection, so what did he expect to happen?).
If I were writing this scene, I would have Bigby tell her the truth right at that moment, right when she’s warming up to him. From his perspective, he could keep his mouth shut and finally get a chance to date Snow. But instead, as part of his mission to “reform” himself, he chooses the selfless option. He tells Snow the truth about what happened in the woods even if it means pushing her away right when she’s giving him a chance. He sacrifices his own desires in favor of being honest with her.
Not only would this be an interesting character beat for Bigby, but it could help develop their romance better. Obviously, Snow will still be upset that he lied and they that did have sex under the spell. But she’d probably appreciate his uncharacteristic honesty. And it means she won’t feel as betrayed by him when she finds out she’s pregnant. It opens up a chance for them to face this problem together.
And one other thing. I mentioned this in a response to someone’s else comment, but there’s a scene where Bigby tells Snow they “need to talk” about their upcoming kids, but Snow is busy so she tells him they’ll talk about it later. We never see this “talk about it later” scene. The Battle of Fabletown happens, we see them on a park bench, and Snow says her water is breaking. That’s it
This is my biggest gripe with the comics’ romance in general. It feels like there are scenes missing. Scenes of Bigby and Snow actually talking to each other and working out things. Why didn’t Bigby just tell Snow the truth about what happened in the woods? Why didn’t we get a scene of them deciding what to do once Snow gets pregnant? Willingham doesn’t seem to care, which is weird given how much attention Bigby and Snow’s relationship is given in the overall story.
I understand that Fables has a bigger story to tell and the Snowby romance isn’t the main point. And I also know that Fables is set in a world where traditional, fairytale happily-ever-afters are not the norm. But if you’re going to write a love story, one that we as the readers are invested in, you need to give us more than that. We need more than just him saving her life a few times.
Basically, overall, I would improve the comics romance by just having Bigby and Snow talk to each other more. I would write more scenes of them communicating instead of skipping ahead like Willingham does. I would also show more scenes of compromise between the two. Bigby choosing to be less of an asshole, Snow softening her demeanor a bit, etc. More scenes of them being vulnerable with each other. And like the game, more scenes of them working together as a team because that's what made their game relationship so good to me.
As for how they get together later in TWAU? That's a very good question. The answer is, I'm not sure. It depends on what happens in season two and what direction they take the characters.
Bigby and Snow don't get together in season one because it's meant to be a canon prequel to the comics, and they aren't together at the start of the comics. If they're committing to the games being canon to the comics, then they probably won't end up together.
However, if they decide to divert from the comics (my preferred option), then that opens the doors for more. We still don’t know much about the game’s plot at this point beyond Bigby being suspended from the force, a new case coming up, Bigby in anger management therapy, and the Wizard of Oz characters showing up.
It’s going to be very interesting with Snow suspending Bigby from the force and making him go to therapy. Snow has always had a problem with Bigby’s more violent side, and his inability (or unwillingness) to control it at times. It’s a core part of their dynamic: she’s law and order while he’s violence and chaos. Snow using her new authority as mayor to force him to get his shit together could lead to some interesting internal tension.
However. We also get this voice-over in the teaser trailer from Snow:
“There was a time when you were heartless. Brutal. A monster. And I’m proud of you for changing all that. But I’m here to ask you to be those things once more. For them. For me. Can I count on you? Bigby, can I count on you?”
This is very interesting to me. Snow, who has always been weary of Bigby’s monstrous side, is now asking him to come back after suspension and embrace that side of himself again. This tells me that Snow might be slightly more lenient on his Big Bad Wolf approach than in season one. And this tolerance could open the door for their relationship to develop, as her repulsion won’t be such a dealbreaker anymore. I like to imagine after Bigby's suspension, the two would grow to miss each other and be glad to be working together again "just like old times." But that's just me.
Also, after she asks Bigby if she can count on him, he answers, “Always.” This could just mean he’ll always be there to protect Fabletown. But given the emphasis in the voice over that this is for her as much as the town, I think there’s a romantic undertone to that to. He’ll always be there for her. Maybe that’s a sign that their romantic potential isn’t over?
I don’t know. I’m just speculating and there’s a lot we still don’t know about the game. And of course, with any Telltale game, the player’s choices will affect things as well. Even if we do get an option to romance Snow, not every player will take it.
If I were the writer for Telltale, I would throw out continuity with the comics entirely and let the games be their own thing. Lots of fans have expressed disappointment on how the comics compare to the game so I don’t think there would be too much pushback. I know Telltale is capable of writing a great, convincing romance (Hello, Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle) and I would love to see Bigby and Snow get the same treatment. It excites me to think what a Telltale Snowby romance would look like.
So yeah, in conclusion: I’ll always be impressed by how Telltale managed to write a more organic romance than Willingham despite the games having fewer explicitly romantic scenes. It speaks to just how awesome Telltale is at character writing. I didn’t feel much when Snowby kissed in the comics. I didn’t get butterflies in my stomach reading about their wedding.
But in the games, when Snow told Bigby that it scared the hell out of her when she thought she lost him? When Bigby told Snow that he’d never leave her? This one, small, intimate moment and the only explicitly romantic one between them in the whole game?
I was jumping up and down, screaming at them to kiss already.
And that’s just not a reaction Willingham has ever gotten out of me. Fables!Bigby can make as many poetic declarations of love he wants, but it will never hold a candle to “Snow, I would never leave you.”
Anyway, there’s another overly-long ramble for you. I could say a bunch more but this is long enough. I don't know if this all makes sense but I hope it answers your questions. :)
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aintlovingthiscreek · 1 month
Charlotte and Mic are toxic besties
Imagining Charlotte and Microwave being toxic as best friends with benefits. Genuinely neither of them have feelings for the other other than friends that bang. The night that Mic offically gets tossed by Crash&Burn he contacts her here's the convo of that.
"Sup fucker. why are you texting me this late? "
"You busy right now?"
"Not particularly why?"
"You wanna smoke and hang out in a bit?"
"Fuck yeah I do but I don't got shit on me so you're gonna have to provide :3"
"Sure, whatever just meet me at my old place"
"What the fuck do you mean YOUR OLD PLACE????"
"Just fucking get there."
"Okay damn bitch I'll be there 🙄 "
The moment she walks though Mic's doors he's all over her. That's just how it's been with the two of them before Mic "committed" to the closed polycule. After a moment Charlotte pushes him back a bit to talk
" Damn dude" She laughs "You wanna talk about it first?" She asks as Mic kisses at her neck hands traveling up her shirt.
"Later." He quickly replies and gets back to the task at hand. "Alright then." Charlotte lets out a laugh and continued what they were doing.
After tiring themselves out they smoked and chatted.
"Holy Shit! they finally dropped your ass??" Charlotte doubles over laughing as Mic inhaled.
"It's not fucking funny man. I really fucked up this time."
"Yeah no shit Sherlock and it serves you right too." She said taking the blunt back from him still laughing . "Did you honestly think they'd continue to take your pathetic ass back after cheating on ALL of them so many times?"
" Honestly? Yeah. It's not any different from the other times I don't understand why they're pitching such a bitch fit now."
"Cause that was the last straw dumbass. Plus that sweet girl Bubbles found you this time. And it didn't help that you were coked outta your mind AND overdosed. They gave up on you. I'm surprised they lasted this long. It's kinda sad to be honest. Full offense."
"What the fuck Charlotte! You're supposed to be on my side."
"Why the fuck would I side with you? You constantly cheat, you lie, you get into meaningless fights, you're an alcoholic and a drug addict. I know I'm a whore and I don't do committed relationships but Jesus Christ man I've never cheated on anyone the way you do. You deserve a metal with how you fumbled man and you fumbled HARD you had 3 bad bitches and you gave that up for some coke and mediocre- your words not mine- head from some random blond twink. I’m gonna be honest with you when I say this man. You didn't deserve the countless chances they kept giving you. You’re sad, pathetic, and need help. "
"Fuck you man." Mic said quietly finishing off the blunt and laid back down.
"You already did. Anyways I'm hungry and you have NOTHING in the shitty ass apartment so you wanna order take out? I think there's a few places that are still open" Charlotte said grabbing her phone from the side table.
"Yeah, sure. I'm kinda feeling Marco's right now."
"Shit taste as always huh. Nah I'm getting tacos."
"Why bother asking"
"I didn't. Asked if you wanted take out. Not what you wanted dipshit :p"
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smexy-slashers · 2 years
Sup bitch it’s me im back from my depression;) anywho slasher(s) turns ‘pick me boy/girl’ for their male s/o
Poly!Ghostface turning pick me for their male s/o
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Okay so you already know these boys adore you, and honestly i couldn't think of any slasher better than Stu and Billy to do this scenario with😭
I feel like Billy would be an openly mean pick me, like he would deffo violate the person you're talking to infront of your face
Like they'd be talking and he'd just start laughing and be like "Wow, you're trying way too hard to impress him right now, it's kinda embarrassing to be honest. Wouldn't catch me doing that pathetic shit"
Cue the person running away and Billy slinging an arm around your shoulder like he didn't just break their spirit.
Stu is hard to point a finger on but I feel like he'd be both mean and like yk "one of the boys" kinda pick me
Like he'd be doing your nails or smth and casually be like "Heh, I'm definitely not like the other jackasses at school, they wouldn't be caught dead doing something like this! Guess I'm just different babe, consider yourself lucky <3"
And then on the other hand he'd be mean too, like he'd look someone up and down and giggle to himself and be like "Someone's desperate for his attention, could never be me, right babe?"
Cue him kissing you infront of everyone.
Billy and Stu as a pick me duo would literally be unstoppable.
Like they're obsessed with you, would and have killed for you, so they don't see the problem in being a little bit of a pick me here and there just to show everyone you belong to them.
This is all jokes but imagine you fighting someone and Stu comes out of nowhere like "Stop! This isn't you😫😢" LMQOEIEIEUE
Billy would be crushing spirits left and right tho fr, anyone who so much as breathes on you wrong is deffo a desperate whore 😫🙄
Stu goes out of his way to prove him and Billy are different and the only ones you need so please love them 😢😫😘
I had way too much fun with this-
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hclluvahctel · 5 months
Vox and Val are kinda fucking stupid aren't they? lmao they're like "HAHA ALASTOR IS MISSING!" But Alastor just fucking appears again like "Sup bitches back>"
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"HEY- HE WAS MISSING when I said that! How the fuck was I meant to know he'd come back that soon? Last time he pulled that bullshit he stayed away for seven years!"
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yesyourstalker · 7 months
Neta: [kisskisskisskiss] I'm going to miss you inkky... Are you sure you have to go?
Ikkan: I have to go back home. My next classes are going to be on campus. I'm sorry baby
Neta: But I'm so used to you being here. It kinda felt like we're already married [kiss] hehehehehe
Ikkan: you're such a romantic. Hehehehehe....It'll happen eventually [kiss]
Neta:mmmmm... ok......
Cirrina: bye ikkan
Ikkan: bye sweetheart
Neta: *sigh*....... Alone...... again.
Cirrina: you still have me Dad
Neta: of course I still have my crab cakes! [Kiss].... You want to come to work with me? Maybe bully some my employees?
Cirrina: really! Can I get something for the store? Do I get a discount?
Neta: you can get whatever you want for free. Considering You got an A on your exam!! I'm so proud of you!! My little girl.
Neta: sup losers.....and Baja. Today is the weekend and we all know around 3 to 4 our turf war map is going to be open and you know what that means more customers.... Yay........
Mahi: yeah yeah. We know the drill
Mizole: Who's that?
Cirrina: wouldn't you like to know.
Mahi: ouch
Neta: okay okay..... Everyone...... This my darling daughter cirrina..... Say hi sweetie!
Cirrina: Hi........ You're all dressed like you belong to a crappy failed emo band..... Some of you were making it work though.... [Smile]
Candi: aw she means me [smile]
Neta: All right. I'm going to be in my office, make some phone calls and plan out some meetings. Cirrina I need you to behave, don't interrupt them while they're working. okay?... And everyone else......... If anything happens to her. You're either going to be fired or I kill you so uhhhhhhh Don't do that.
Warabi: You know some of us are part of really successful bands like me and uhhh........ hmm looks like it's just me who's successful.
Mizole: fuck you.........watch your tone little brat.
Cirrina: and what are you going to do about it? One hit blunder.... Why don't you worry less about me and worry more about buying a new hat. that thing on your head looks atrocious.
Baja: hehehehe
Mizole:................ Those are my tentacles
Cirrina: and you go out of the house like that?
Mizole: you know what-
Cirrina: I know more than you. Thanks. I'm well aware. Tell me how does it feel to be in your 20s and still shop in the kids section.....
Warabi: HA! Hahahahahaha
Mizole: shut up........ My clothes are more expensive than your Dad's rent
Cirrina: and yet you still look ugly. How unfortunate
Baja: danm
Cirrina: hehehe I mean I'm towering over you... Aren't you embarrassed?...............Old man.
Mizole:............ I'm not old
Cirrina: Yeah you are
Mizole: your dad is older than me!!!
Cirrina: and somehow he looks a lot better than you...... Tell me do you cover your eyes with your tentacles because you think it looks good or are you just hiding those forehead lines.
Mizole: Hey! [Swat] ........ Babe?
Mahi: I'm not helping you fight a 14-year-old girl.... I also don't want to be fired.
Mizole: but she's being a bitch!
Cirrina: daddy!... This ugly short little troll with the fashion sense of a blind man just called me a bitch!
Mahi: hehehe...I'm sorry. That's not funny.... I'm sorry babe.....
Candi: and he hit you.
Cirrina: and hit me!!
Neta: mizole...
Mizole: I'm leaving!...... ........Can I stay in your apartment?
Mahi: Yeah that's fine babe.
Candi: so cirrina... Your dad told me you play the cello. Is it fun?
Cirrina: Yeah it's pretty fun. Everyone was choosing violin and I kind of wanted to be different, you know?
Candi: ohhhh love that for you.
Cirrina: hehehe thanks. I like your tentacles the blue is really pretty, especially with the pink tips.... And the matching fingers so cute
Candi: aw thank you! The color is actually blue#12 and pink#13.... I like the side cut. I wanted to get something like that but I don't think I ever pull it off.
Cirrina: you know what would be cuter if you got an undercut? You can dye the underneath pink!
Candi: *ugh* do not give me ideas hahahhaha.
Cirrina: No, I'm serious. You would look really cute!.............. You're professional piercer right?
Candi: yeah? What? you want another piercing? You want another ear piercing, I can do that. Just get your dad's permission.
Cirrina: daddy can I get a tongue piercing?!
Neta: absolutely not!
Candi: nevermind.
Cirrina: hahahahaa You're so much like me when I was young. Hahahaha.. You're like a mini me!... How about this on my next day off tell your dad to bring you to work and I can take you shopping
Candi: *gasp* We're best friends now!
Cirrina: I like your fins
Mahi: oh thank you
Cirrina: you kind of look like this old man my dad has a picture of at our place.
Mahi: really?
Cirrina: Yeah It's a picture of him and my dad when he was a kid. I think he died because he has his war tag and his medals I think his name was Behi or something... I don't know.....
Mahi:........... What was his name?
Cirrina: Behi....... I think that's his name. Dad tries not to talk about him that much. He gets emotional. He was kind of like his grandfather... He was a tetra like you.... Cool right?
Mahi: and he recently died?
Cirrina: Yeah he's still trying to contact his family.... trying to find them.
Mahi:....... .... Cool ...... I'm going to head to the bathroom for a second.
Neta: did you pick up what you wanted honey?
Cirrina: yea
Neta: All right. What is it? I saw you looking at that ink fast T-shirt. You can have it, it's free!
Cirrina: No, I want that.
Neta: you want an instrument? Uhhh I was expecting something less expensive
Cirrina: you said I can get whatever I want...... Also, I think it'd be a perfect instrument..... I already have two amazing teachers.... I mean you always say that the world needs more bass players.
Neta: awwww Cici!! I know exactly what you're doing right now!!.....*sniff* and it's working!! Take the bass crab cakes! You deserve it!
Mahi: he is wrapped around her little fingers
Mahi was arrested for petty crimes by @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 years
More incorrect quotes cause Im bored
Characters: Sun, Moon, Solar, Bonnie, Monty, Freddy also Roxy appears for 1 singular one
There are ship quotes in this one, ik sometimes I dont include them
Moon: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car? Monty: Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Sun, deer!" Moon: ...And what did Sun do? Monty: ...They said "Yes, Honey?
Moon: It's locked. You got a lock pick? Sun: Yeah- Solar: *kicks in the door*
Bonnie: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know! Moon: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus. Bonnie: Stop.
Sun: I creep around the house like a spooky little entity, standing in doorways and causing entire packets of biscuits to disappear in the night.
*The gang responding to being stabbed by a sword* Bonnie: Rude. Moon: That's fair. Monty: Not again. Solar: Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?
Bonnie: Solar doesn’t look very happy. Freddy : That's their happy. They're just a bitch.
Moon, randomly materializing out of a murder of crows with a slurpee in their hand: Hey guys, what's up? Four gators coalescing into the approximate human form of Monty, holding a gatorade: Not much, how about you? 5 wolves make their presence known with a piercing howl before joining in the circle. They clutter together, and take the form of Roxy with an iced coffee: 'Sup? Freddy, emerging from the back exit of Dairy Queen to take out the garbage: Uh... Uhhh... M-my boss said y'all aren't allowed to hang out back here...
Monty: Where's the most romantic spot for a first kiss? Wrong answers only. Freddy: Dueling grounds. Monty: I said wrong answers only.
Bonnie: My boyfriend can wear whatever he wants, 'cause I'm scared of him.
Freddy: Relationships should be 50/50. Sun cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
Monty: *sees Bonnie and Moon together* Monty: They're cute. I would put them on a boat. Freddy : You mean... you ship them?
Freddy: I have a new hoodie. Sun: Wrong. Sun: We have a new hoodie.
Bonnie: Did you bring Monty? Sun, gesturing to Freddy : No, but I brought the next best thing. Bonnie: Freddy ? The next best thing would be Solar. Freddy : I would be offended, but Solar is freakishly strong.
Monty: I just accidentally prematurely sent an email to Moon... It was supposed to say "I am afraid that we will have to postpone our meeting", but I hit send when all it said was: Monty: Hi Moon, I am afraid
Moon: I will send my army to attack! Moon: *releases a dumpster of raccoons*
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sugar-omi · 9 months
Ok so this is a lil fucked up but it depends.
Demon!Cove and MC chill in the church after they're done cleaning or finished another sermon. They're alone together, first it starts out with teasing then MC reminisces the old times and how much Cove has changed. It's peaceful for a moment then MC goes "I think I can finally I forgive you" Cove looks at them all confused "when we had that big fight, just a year ago, you stabbed me in the gut and then I stayed in bed for days. I didn't wake up" Cove looks at them shocked then suddenly MC disappears in a blink.
Cove tries to find them but he can't smell or hear them. Cove panics bc there's no fucking way that was all in his head. He looks everywhere, even in their room but it's all dusty. Cove almost cries.
Then MC shouts "Sup loser I'm back".
So the big twist here is MC learned some magic from Baxter or some magician, learning invisibility and hiding traces of their presence. Baxter helped with the prank by making MC's room dusty.
MC: Bitch you pull horrible pranks on me all the time, also do you realize how expensive rebuilding this place is? >:(
so cruel omg....
cove definitely learns after that though. n when something breaks he's the first to grab the broom and hammer.
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
Your mention of Silver actively tracking Nega down to stop him when Sonic always stops Eggman despite not actively looking for him most of the time (stuff like Colors is the exception and not the rule) made me realize the difference between the Eggmans. Eggman wants to stop Sonic above all else, he wants everyone to see him take Sonic out, and so he's going to advertise his plots when it's time. Eggman Nega doesn't have that mentality from what we see of him in the Rush and Rivals games, he seems content to do things behind the scenes. It feels like it'd take awhile for this to really sink in for Silver, wouldn't it?
I'm not so well-versed on many of the older games and ones that Silver is not in, but I believe Eggman indeed has the tendency to pop up like "sup bitches I got the Emeralds and am going to unleash a monster now and here's my epic robot army too, have fun trying to stop me :>" or something along those lines when the Emeralds are already taken, the monster is getting unleashed that very moment, and the robot army is already completed. In any case, Eggman is always already busy. To give some examples: in Sonic 1, he'd already captured plenty of animal friends to put in his robots and such. In Sonic CD he'd already captured and begun terraforming Little Planet. In Unleashed he's got a whole armada high up in the sky, primed and ready. And in Sonic Adventure 2, he freed Shadow without anyone of the good guys knowing what was going on, with Shadow's likelihood to Sonic being the catalyst to getting the heroes involved. Generally, the heroes don't actively chase him down before he can form a new plan or begin building a new army and such: only when he is quite a ways already do they end up involved, it seems.
It is more difficult for me to pinpoint whether the same applies for Silver, namely whether he also comes in when Nega is already busy or if he tries to intervene before Nega can pull something off and just happens to be too late. The reason for that is that Silver only tends to come onto the scene when Eggman Nega has been busy already in both Rivals games, but he's got awareness of his plans already and directly states he 'comes from the future' to bring Nega back to their own era. And Nega's plans can only be acted out in the past (getting rid of Eggman, unleashing the Ifrit), however Silver manages to be there without fail to stop him: how does he know what Nega is up to and that he has gone to the past and why if he didn't somehow kep an eye on him? For example, in Rivals 1 Eggman had already been trapped in a card, but Silver is well aware of what Nega's camera can do and is hounding Nega down to get him back to the future. And in Rivals 2, they're collecting Chao at the same time, it seems like. I think Eggman Nega might try to be more discreet, but Silver's long learned that he is not to be trusted and always has a new plan brewing. I feel like it would be an interesting contrast between Silver and his friends if he is more active and they are more reactive when it comes to stopping the local mad scientist from taking over/destroying everything, since it would suit his role as person from the future coming to the past to ensure things don't go to hell, but I do not have much concrete proof from the games for that, unfortunately.
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iamawolfstarsimp · 6 months
Sup bitches im back
decided to throw out a cute lil unprompted summer fluffy fic for ya'll (cause who doesn't love those)
hope you guys' first week of 2024 has been good!
So yeah enjoy
Summer break was probably Sirius' favorite time of year. Which was funny to him because he remembered a time when he hated summer break.
Hogwarts was the first place that truly felt like home to him, so departing from that place was devastating. Ever since he had separated himself from his family and the god-awful house and spent summer break with James, it had been amazing.
He could go and do whatever he wanted in town, got three delicious meals everyday, and spent all of his time with his best friend.
It just got even better when Remus was allowed to spend summer with them as well. When Sirius first got word that Remus would on fact be spending summer with them, he anxiously waited everyday for any letter from Remus.
After what felt like forever, Mr. Potter was sent a letter and instructed to go and get Remus to bring him to the house safely. Sirius spent the whole morning waiting excitedly (which included looking out the front window every two minutes, bouncing his leg, and immediately jumping up when he heard a noise outside), much to James' amusement.
When Remus did show up, it didn't budge Sirius' newfound excitement to show Remus everything they did for fun at the Potter's. He spent the whole day dragging Remus around town showing him all the shops they went to, the mini quittitch pitch James had in his backyard, all the many rooms in the large house, introducing him to the house elves, and helping him unpack. Remus was tired but enthusiastic.
This particular evening, Sirius and James had pleaded long and hard enough to James' mum that she had let them sleep outside under the stars. Peter had brought two large sleeping bags that they would share, two in each bag and they all camped out, listening to Sirius point out all the different stars and constellations.
"-oh, and, the "star" next to the moon isn't actually a star, it's Venus." He said, folding his arms behind his head after pointing to Venus.
"Wow. How did you learn so much about astronomy?" Remus asked, probably the only on actually paying attention because he could distinctly hear Peter and James quietly giggling from their sleeping bag.
"It's one of the things mum wanted me and Regulus to know a bunch about. Partially because a lot of the black family names have to do with astronomy." Sirius shrugged.
"I think it's cool that you know so much about the stars and stuff." Remus answered quietly, sensing Sirius' embarrassment.
"Heh, thanks." Sirius smiled at him. Remus could faintly see the blush dusting Sirius' cheeks.
"Don't go shy on me now, that's my thing." Remus poked Sirius in the side. Sirius grinned and batted his hand away.
"Oh, what's this?" Remus grinned back, his grin meaning something different than Sirius' though.
"S-stohop!" Sirius giggled when Remus continued his poking, using his other hand as well.
"Be quiet, you're gonna wake up the others." Remus scolded.
"They're already awake!" Sirius kicked out, aiming for Remus' shins. Remus laughed and kicked back, poking anywhere he could reach.
Sirius rolled away but only ended up tangling himself and Remus in the sleeping bag. They both giggled as they rolled across the ground before bumping into James and Peter's bag.
James grunted. "What are you two idiots doing?"
"He's killing me!!" Sirius shouted, grappling with Remus' hands.
"He's fine!" Remus laughed along with Sirius.
Soon enough after hearing Sirius' complaint, James came crawling out of his own sleeping bag to help mess with Sirius.
"Noooo!" Sirius groaned as James crawled into the sleeping bag with the other two, smushing Sirius between Remus and himself.
Sirius was lost in his own mirth as James and Remus tormented him, not being able to cover up or protect himself wasn't helping.
Some time after James had joined them, Peter also crawled inside but mostly kept to himself and laughed at their antics.
"-stop stop stop stop, ple-hehehe-please!" Sirius had given up on trying to fight back and put all his efforts in curling into a ball.
James and Remus backed off, letting him breathe. Sirius immediately unfurled himself and attacked Remus though, digging into the werewolves' ribs. Remus yelped in alarm and burst out laughing, throwing his head back and squirming away from Sirius.
Peter and James laughed as well, joining in on playfully torturing the next victim. After a few minutes of tickling though, Remus managed to crawl out of the sleeping bag and run away from the others.
Sirius immediately hopped up chasing after him, James hot on his trail. Peter stayed where he was, watching the whole scene go down.
Remus (for once in his life) thanked his werewolf abilities which enabled him to see in the dark and run faster than the average teenage boy.
He out-ran the other two boys til they got tired and trudged back to their little camp. Too tired to actually tuck himself in, Remus plopped down on top of the other sleeping bag next to Sirius who was panting.
James was the first to speak. "I hope we spend every summer like this."
"Of course we will." Sirius nudged him. "We're marauders. We'll always stick together, no matter what."
Even though Sirius' mini speech was sappy, Remus quietly hoped that Sirius was right. He couldn't imagine summer any other way.
Hope you liked
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mandysxmuses · 1 year
🫗 i wanna hear todd talk about damian (or the adhocs in general)
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"'Sup, bitch, you like traumadumping--"
"Are you ever like 'hey bitch, I have trauma'--"
"Shit, do I really have to be professional about this?"
One last cut.
"... Do you want to meet someone like you? Someone who can describe what you're feeling to a T, and can make you feel like they understand you? Someone you can come to about your problems, someone you can talk to about anything... oh, but you've forgotten something!
They're like you!
In the worst possible way!
And you'll get the sweet, sweet deal of seeing that side of them never improve when you did, and realize your hope for them getting better was fucking false, because it turns out they'd kill you at the snap of some other bitch's finger for love and act like killing someone closer to them is a fucking good thing and FUCK YOU UP--"
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"...A-And go get fucked up themselves and... come back, please, come back, I'm sorry... I just want you okay, I just want them okay, I want you all to be okay, why can't someone just kill that guy...?"
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thel0v3hashira143 · 2 years
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I posted 1,248 times in 2022
That's 680 more posts than 2021!
164 posts created (13%)
1,084 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 922 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#words of the love hashira 💗 - 228 posts
#sage..txt♥ - 108 posts
#demon slayer x reader - 43 posts
#this!!! - 41 posts
#100 follower special ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ - 40 posts
#appearance matchups - 38 posts
#jjk x reader - 33 posts
#aot x reader - 31 posts
#haikyuu x reader - 28 posts
#tokyo revengers x reader - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#lowkey ymir since we have the same sense of humor and i dress how i feel like how modern au! historia would dress
My Top Posts in 2022:
First Heartbreak
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: 𝕄𝕒𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕌��𝕙𝕚𝕙𝕒 𝕩 𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕦!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟝𝟚𝟟 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤
𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: 𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕄𝕒𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕒𝕟𝕕 [ℕ𝕒𝕞𝕖] 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜.
𝔸/𝕟: 𝔸𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 @sleepysnk​ #𝕊𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕊𝕠𝕝𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥! 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕟'𝕥 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕠 𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕖, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕒 <𝟛 𝕀 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕡𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕗 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕒𝕤𝕤 😀. 𝕀𝕗 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕀'𝕞 𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕪 😭💀 𝕊𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕄𝕒𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕧𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕘𝕖.
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108 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
i am 🤏🏽🤏🏽🤏🏽🤏🏽 this fucking close to making my own insta blurbs w/ a black faceclaim because i’m tired of not seeing people who look like me 
lemme know if y’all want something like this for harry styles or any other celebs 
121 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
Hashira as things me and my friends have said: Part 2!!!
Read Part 1 Here!: https://thel0v3hashira143.tumblr.com/post/679102928297050112/hashira-as-things-me-and-my-friends-have-said
Tengen: *Standing in front of Iguro*
Iguro: Why does it look like he has a butt tumor?
Sanemi: For real- why does it look lumpy?
Mitsuri: Me, delusional? How am I delusional?
Shinobu: You're delusional because you think you can actually believe that Iguro will like you back.
Mitsuri: I- *cries*
Sanemi: *Walks up behind Gyomei* Sup
Gyomei: Don't scare me like that.
Sanemi: Why'd you clench up?
Gyomei: I wasn't tryna get stolen from. Always stay alert.
Mitsuri: *tying giyuu's hair into pigtails*
Rengoku: Bitches can't even spell inches. It's givin bOooOOoody ✨✨
Obanai: Mitsuri is so hot omfg
Ubuyashiki: *standing behind him* ...
Obanai: *fucking dies*
Tengen: Personally if that were me, I'd never let my teacher catch me lacking like that
Gyomei: Look how many snacks I had to bag for the kids
Muchiro: SNAK 👹
Giyuu: Does anybody know when the history homework is due?
Shinobu: Shut the fuck up you abortion
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171 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Hashira as things me and my friends have said
Mitsuri: Why are you wearing that chain? Is it for the aesthetic?
Sanemi: My dog died. That was his leash
Muchiro: *draws a picture of him and giyuu*
Giyuu: Why am I sad?
Muchiro: You're always sad, I was just trying to capture that
Mitsuri: Obanai tho 👀
Shinobu: His head is literally lopsided
Mitsuri: wtf
Kyojuro: You've got a dead people fetish
Tengen: It's not a fetish. They're just so hot they had to die
Sanemi: I got a piece of gum for valentines day, what'd you get?
Kyojuro: I got a cake and balloons!
Sanemi: How fun
Giyuu: *Shakes his head*
Mitsuri: The bob is bobbin 💁🏽‍♀️
Shinobu: What's your name B.o.B so they callin you Bob, bob, bob 💁🏽‍♀️
Gyomei: My moustache is bigger than yours, Sanemi
Muchiro: Yeah, it is- Wait. You have a moustache?
Gyomei: I've had it for years
Kyojuro: Hey Obanai!
Obanai: Hey!
Obanai: I fucking hate that bitch
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356 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
to all the black writers that have been writing eddie munson/steve harrington x black!reader (and feeding my obsession for the past week) y'all are doing the lord's work thank y'all 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
417 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
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