#supernatural x teen
Spider Infestation
Pairings: Dean Winchester x teen!reader (brief mention of Sam)
Imagine: being scared of spiders is not fun, especially not when they appear out of nowhere
Warnings: spiders, fluff, a bit angst? (Idk really), not proofread
A/N this is brought to you by the big spider on my wall that appeared out of nowhere scaring me to death (no for real my family literally ran to my room thinking I died or something)
Secondly this is short so sorry about that I guess but I had to write something to bring me comfort so this is what came from that, anyway enjoy. (I’m not actually scared of spider I just think they are disgusting, but I do however get scared when a spider appears out of nowhere when I turned back a second later)
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A scream left your lips as soon as you saw the spider on the wall beside your head. You’d just been minding your own business as you readied yourself for bed, turned away for one second and when you turned back the scream left your throat before you could stop yourself.
You made a half sprint from your place by the bed, away towards the other side of the room while your eyes were still glued to the spider. You looked on in horror as the huge spider was about to crawl away. It’s big long hairy legs making invisible prints all over your wall.
Dean (followed by Sam) who’d heard the scream ran into your room gun in hand thinking it was a threat. He swung open your door, wide open and scanned the room for any kind of danger. Instead his eyes locked onto your scared form in the corner of the room. He lowered his gun and walked over to you slowly so as to not startle you.
“What’s going on?” His eyes looked at you in concern and when you didn’t answer he followed your eyesight and saw you were just staring at an empty spot on your wall. He’d think you’d seen a ghost had it not been for the fact that you weren’t the slightest bit scared of them.
“Hey kid, what’s going on” he slightly waved his hand in front of you to get you to look at him but it didn’t seem to work, he saw tears glistening in your eyes and got even more worried.
Slowly but surely you shook out of your fearful state and answered Dean's question with one word. “Spider”
The older hunter couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as his face went into some kind of relief, and a small smile plastered itself on his lips. Thankful you hadn’t seen an actual ghost or something else that’d want to kill you, (though in your mind the spider was definitely out there to kill you).
Walking out of the room you stayed outside, Sam having long gone to sleep as he told Dean to deal with it with a tired yawn. Dean who as told to deal with the spider went and got some paper before he walked into your room to find the spider. When he found it he walked over to you with the spider and you whimpered away in fear and the grin that was plastered on his face as he brought the spider closer to you was quickly wiped of his face and he went to flush it down the toilet when you stopped him.
“No, don’t kill it!” Dean couldn’t help but to chuckle once more. For being so afraid of something you still seemed to not want to kill them. So instead he went over to the door and let the spider out.
When he came back once more he found you staring at yet two other spiders and he went through the procedure once more. Not long after that he went to his bedroom once more to get some sleep.
Your heart hammered in your chest as you later in your bed. You couldn’t sleep still thinking there were more spiders in the room. What if they were to crawl up in your bed and infest your blanket or start crawling over you. No you couldn’t be in your room for the night so you quietly went over to Dean’s room and knocked gently on the door. Hearing Dean’s voice grumble a tired come in, you opened the door and went inside.
“What do you want?”
“Can I maybe sleep in here with you?” Dean’s head lifted up from the pillow and he looked at you with tired eyes.
“I’m scared, what if there were more spiders or-“ you were cut off by Dean shuffling to the side of his bed and opening up the covers for you to get inside. Walking over to the bed you carefully laid next to him and he laid the blanket over you while also inviting you into a hug. You cuddled close to him and took in the comfort he offered. You were sure no spider would get you know.
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 5 months
I'll protect him.
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If you even dare to touch him I'll murder you with a smile on my face.
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eventually27 · 1 year
3am and the fanfic ends of a cliffhanger..
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vanteguccir · 5 months
vante's navigation ♡
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you are welcome here, honey ♡
ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹
– about me: letícia; 20; pisces; brazilian
– here's my work: masterlist
– wattpad: I don't write there anymore, but I always add my favorite fanfics to my reading lists, so feel free to follow me there!
– disclaimer: I really love to write, but I adore talking as well, so feel free to send asks about anything at all, I'll answer you all for sure ♡
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– status: CLOSED
– rules: please, respect it!
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karacaroldanvers · 4 months
me when a blog i recognise interacts with one of my posts
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400 notes · View notes
supernaturalwolf · 3 months
Y/n: with stiles it’s always “Lydia Lydia Lydia-”
Isaac: can’t relate because for me it’s always “you you you.”
Y/n: You? That’s a stupid name …
Isaac: … I don’t know why I like you.
Y/n: maybe it’s because of the name -
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cas-kingdom · 1 year
Dean Winchester x sister reader “Don’t tell Sam!”
(PS: I love your blog so so much 🥰)
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The light suddenly switched on and your fork paused mere inches from your open mouth. Dressed in an oversized shirt and slippers, you'd tiptoed down to the kitchen the moment the clock had turned midnight, determined to fill your stomach with food you'd been deprived of for the entire day.
"You're not being deprived of food," Sam had insisted as he blended up the third green concoction of the day, "it's called a juice cleanse, and you promised you'd do it with me. Please don't be so dramatic."
Dramatic was the last thing you would call this. You couldn't quite remember agreeing to such a thing, though you'd been half asleep when he'd asked, and the sly thing had known it.
You turned towards the door, not even caring to hope it wasn't Sam. It wasn't. Dean, wrapped in a dressing gown, stood in the open doorway. When he noticed the pie on the end of the fork and his sister's obvious determination to eat it, he chuckled and leant against the frame.
"Well, well, well," he said with a click of his tongue. "Look who broke."
As he crossed his arms, you rolled your eyes and stuffed the piece of pie in your mouth. Blackcurrant. Your favourite. You shut your eyes, savoured the juicy explosion, and decided there and then that you would never again subject your poor body to one of Sam's healthy excursions.
Still... "Don't tell Sam?" you asked sheepishly.
Dean snorted and grabbed a fork on his way to sit beside you. "Like hell I would. Can't have my pietner in crime disappear on me now, can I?"
SPN Masterpost
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th30ra3k3n · 10 months
10 ships and trope tags
1. theo + liam = enemies to reluctant allies to lovers
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2. steve + robin = platonic soulmates
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3. jordan + layla = childhood friends to lovers
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4. merlin + arthur = idiots in love
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5. tao + elle = friends to lovers
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6. dean + cas = star-crossed lovers
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7. genya + david = not enough time
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8. sam + bucky = coworkers to lovers
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9. gwen + morgana = sunshine x sunshine protector
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10. tori + drinks with straws = meant to be
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your turn: anyone who wants to do it 🖤
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inlovewhithafairytale · 5 months
Teen Wolf
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She looked at me as if there was something worth seeing in me(Theo R.)
I think we lost her(Theo R.)
Because I love you you little piece of shit(Theo R.)
I think we lost her II(Theo Raeken)
Morning Love(smut(Theo R.))
Friends Dont look at friends that way(Malia H.)
You belong with me(Stiles S.)
You're beautiful just the way you are(Stiles S.)
First time you ever listen to me( Sister reader)
You got the devil on your team(Void Stiles)
Maze Runner
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He was only 17(Newt)
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Keep your head up soldier(The Winter Soldier)
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Elijah Mikelson x Reader Headcannon
Yandere Klaus Mikelson x Reader Headcannon
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I don't want to forget
A letter from Y/n to reader
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POV series wich include a mini stories of Winchester little sister reader.
Why and how this is going to go...
part 1
part 2
⛥⛧Flashback series
" flash news. you have a little sister"
"promise you wont leave"
POV: The Winchesters have a little sister 1 2 3
Supernatural masterlist.
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I'm right here (Billy Hargrove)
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Requests are open for:
Stranger Things
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓐𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓻𝓮
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Dark Tyler Galpin x Siren Reader
A/N: Request sent by anon, I hope I used the ideas well enough and everyone will enjoy this. I warn you, it's not my best work. Be aware of mistakes, english is not my native language. Work contains smut, minors do not interact.
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Xavier and Y/n were each other firsts in almost everything. First friend, first love, first kiss. They were almost inseparable.
But something started to go wrong.
Maybe it was because it was first love and those were meant to fail. Not without reason this type was also called puppy love. Everything was approached with excessive excitement and an equal amount of expectations and dreams.
The girl, however, never paid much attention to it. She was in love and all that mattered to her were the feelings that the brunette had for her. What she didn't expect was that he would also give her the worst feelings known to human.
-Your coffee and a cinnamon roll - a new voice said, snapping her out of her thoughts.
Her teary eyes moved to the boy standing over her. Tyler with a warm smile put a mug in front of her, and a small plate on which lay a sweet treat.
-Thank you - she said, trying to sound normal but her voice was trembling anyway -Um, Tyler. I didn't order dessert - she remarked, looking at him expectantly.
-I know - he said, his voice like a woolen blanket on a winter's evening -But I saw my favorite girl had tears in her eyes, so I wanted to try to comfort her.
Favorite girl.
Those two words were etched into her mind like a permanent tattoo. Especially now, when her heart pounded with pain after the loss.
-It means a lot - she confessed, dropping her head to stop more tears from flowing.
-Do you want to talk about it?- he asked concerned.
-I don't know if I be able to do it - she confessed quietly, moving her gaze on the cafe window.
-If you would like, I can just sit with you, keep you company - he said.
-I would -the girl replied with a slightly ,tired smile.
Tyler sat down beside her. In silence, watching as she sipped a hot drink, occasionally picking at a sweet snack with her fingers.
He wanted to be worried, but all he could feel was unbridled joy. When his eyes saw the teenager, something in him snapped. His heart was flooded with an uncontrollable amount of obsession with the siren next to him, but since she was with Xavier he couldn't make a move, he feared he might have alienated her. But now, now nothing stood in the way, and he had come at the perfect time when Y/n was most vulnerable and susceptible on manipulation.
Grasping her smaller hand gently, he squeezed it in an act of silent comfort, and she immediately squeezed it back, looking at him as if he had saved her from all the evil in this world.
The boy smiled softly as his eyes darkened. He had her exactly where he wanted it.
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-Of all the people, you chose him?- a male voice suddenly said.
The girl turned on her heel, looking incomprehensibly at the teenager. Her brows furrowed and her face took on a colder expression.
-What are you talking about, Xavier? - she asked.
-Tyler -he replied shortly.
Y/n raised her eyes in disbelief, after a moment snorting like a cat.
-It's none of your business Xavier - said the siren - Everything related to me ceased to be your business at the moment when you trampled my heart without even thinking about the consequences.
Brunet came closer to her, trying to grab her hands, but she ran away from his touch as if burned.
-Don't you remember what he and his group of friends did a year ago?- he remarked, trying to show his point of thinking.
-I remember - she said -But I'm not going to write people off for their mistakes in the past. Tyler is good, Xavier. He was with me when you broke my heart, he picked up every single piece and put it back together, not you.
She felt like she could finally breathe. Letting go of the last rope that held her emotions in a firm grip.
-I did - he began, but couldn't finish.
-No, don't explain yourself to me - she interjected in a hard tone of voice -You've done enough. I loved you Xavier, I loved you more than anything in this world, and you just ruined it like it never meant anything to you. Tell me, was it ever real for you or was it just an illusion?
-It was real, of course it was real - he whispered, catching her face in his hands - I never knew that it would hurt so much to lose you.
-You're right Xavier - she stated quietly, and he smiled thinking that the girl would come back to him, oh how wrong he was - You lost me...forever.
With these words, Y/n pushed her ex-boyfriend's hands away, turning on her heel to prevent him from seeing the tears flowing. It was the fact that she knew that no matter what he did, there would still be a part that would love him. And that terrified her like nothing else.
Walking as far as she could through the city, she found herself in Weathervane, as if her feet carried her to the only source of comfort she knew. It didn't matter that Jericho didn't just stop at the coffee shop, something always drew her there.
When Tyler saw the girl, his face immediately lit up. He loved seeing her face, no matter when, no matter where, he just had to see her, it was as important to him as oxygen itself.
-Hello my favorite girl - he said, and seeing her tremble at his words, his eyes darkened unconsciously.
He quickly learned that Y/n loves compliments just like him. She loved being seen by the people she cared about, she needed that warmth just like Galpin needed her.
-Hey - she said, rushing into his arms as soon as she saw the opportunity.
Nestling into his chest, she inhaled his scent, which was actually muffled by the coffee, or maybe the boy always smelled mostly of this? It was hard to tell.
Brunet embraced her waist, pulling her closer, almost in a possessive and jealous manner, as if no one else could look at her, only himself. Even when the cafe was empty.
-I have something for you - he confessed after a moment, twirling a strand of her hair.
-Hmm, what is it? - she asked, her big doe eyes nearly drove him crazy.
Tyler reluctantly let go of her body as he made his way to the back room, from which he emerged a moment later, holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand. Y/n widened her eyes in surprise, a blush involuntarily appeared on her face.
-Rave'N is soon - he noticed, and seeing how the girl's face beamed, he knew he hit the jackpot.
-I'm the student of Nevermore. I should have invited you, not the other way around - she remarked, walking slowly towards him.
-I noticed you like old-school romance, so I thought I'd invite you. Even if it's kind of against the rules -he stated, watching her reactions -So, Y/n, would you like to come with me to dances?
The girl smiled broadly. Taking the flowers from the boy, she kissed him on the cheek, stroking his face with her free hand.
-I would love to -she replied, smiling after a moment, exhilarated.
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As Xavier's eyes landed on a particular siren, his heart involuntarily began to beat faster in his chest. She looked beautiful, like a living sculpture or a work of art brought to life. Her body was covered with a white silk material that hugged her body tightly, emphasizing every aspect of her figure, and the lace only added charm to the whole dress. Her hair, though pinned up, managed to find a way out, falling on her face in the form of a few loose strands, and her neck was decorated with a silver necklace that almost sank between the valley of her breasts.
Brunet shamelessly watched her until a man's hand came to her hip. Frowning, he shifted his gaze to the owner , who turned out to be none other than Tyler Galpin.
The teenager held her in an almost possessive grip, and in response she only fell on his torso, hiding her head in the hollow of his neck to be able to kiss the exposed part of his skin, which made him immediately shift his gaze to her, looking at her with adoration, later kissing her forehead tenderly.
-Will you dance with me? - he asked, practically purring in her ear.
Y/n smiled. Taking his hand that rested on her waist, she pulled him to the dance floor, for a moment her gaze was level with Xavier, who had not taken his eyes off her since her arrival, but this moment made her confidence diminish. Enough for her partner to notice the change in her expression instantly.
Sheriff's son sent him a warning look, turning the girl's back to the green-eyed boy, so that she focused only on him.
The teenager leveled her gaze with Tyler, and her mind immediately calmed down. Feeling his large hands on her hips, she almost melted under their influence, connecting their foreheads as they both swayed to the music.
-Can I kiss you?- he asked like a gentleman, even though his voice was low, almost dark, sending a shiver of excitement down the siren's back.
-I want you to wanna kiss me so bad that you don't even ask - she stated, looking at him through half-closed eyes.
Brunette looked at her with desire, after a moment connecting their mouth in a slow kiss. Their lips couldn't tear themselves apart, connecting almost instantly as one of them pulled away to breathe.
Boy's eyes wandered towards Xavier, who, if he could, would probably tear him apart. But he didn't care much, returning his attention to Y/n, which occupied most of his thoughts.
His hands, as if on cue, tightened on the material of her dress, involuntarily forcing her hips to move, and she allowed him to, moving as he wanted.
Y/n clung to Galpin's body, wrapping her hand around his neck to hold him even closer, even though there was absolutely no space between them. Putting her chin on his shoulder, she rocked with him, feeling him rest his head on her shoulder as well, kissing her bare collarbone.
It didn’t matter if the music around them was slow or fast, danceable, romantic or driving people completely crazy. They danced to their own rhythm, gliding on the dance floor in each other's arms, not leaving each other even for a step.
Suddenly, the girl felt something wet on her face. Opening her eyes, she lifted her face up, causing more drops to fall on her forehead and cheeks. Tyler straightened up, looking at her, wanting to know why she stood still, but seeing her face stained red, he ran his thumb over her skin, checking what had hurt her, but there was nothing under the blood. Only then did he saw that the liquid also adorned his clothes, painting his jacket scarlet.
Then chaos broke out around them. The Nevermore students crashed into each other, screaming and running to avoid the rain of blood, which turned out to be mere paint. Y/n grabbed Tyler's hand, trying to lead him away, but he ended up quickly grabbing her in his arms, taking her away from everyone, especially Xavier, who was fanatically searching for her.
-I'll take you to your dorm - he said innocently, and the teenager nodded thankfully.
-Thank you - she said, putting her hands on his neck- Do you know where to go? - she asked, slightly shocked that he hadn't asked her for direction yet.
-I figured I'd just keep walking straight - he explained quickly.
-Well, you're lucky - the girl stated, turning her head towards the corridor ahead -My room is at the end on the left - she confessed, and Tyler immediately started walking towards it.
-Can I come in? - he asked, setting her down.
-Sure. You'll be able to put on something clean, a few of your shirts are in my closet - she stated, looking away from him, slightly embarrassed by the confession.
-My shirts, hmm? - he muttered as he closed the door behind him.
-I may have borrowed one or two while I was at your place - she announced, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.
-I don't mind - he admitted, walking toward her like a predator - I like knowing you wear my stuff. It's clearer that you belong only to me, no one else -he added, catching her chin in his fingers, lifting it up.
-Tyler - the girl whispered, blushing.
-You belong to me, don't you Y/n? - he asked, his eyes darkening -Tell me the truth, don't you dare lie.
-I...- she began, almost gasping for air as the boy's hand rolled up the material of her dress, resting on her womanhood, which was covered only by the thin material of her panties.
-Come on Y/n, you're my favorite girl, and favorite girls tells the truth - he stated, pressing down on her clitoris ,which made her moan softly.
-I belong to you - she said shyly.
- Good girl - the teenager praised her, grabbing her jaw with his other hand - You deserve a reward.
-Reward? - she asked confused.
-Of course - he said, stroking her dirty face with his thumb -I'll make you feel good, very good. It's up to you if you want my fingers, my tongue... or my member, or all three.
-Tyler...I never - she began, trying to hide herself.
-Don't worry. I'll be gentle - he said tenderly - Consider it my way of convincing you - he began.
-Of what? -asked the siren.
-That I’m better -he said.
-You already are - Y/n replied honestly.
-You're just telling me what I want to hear, sweetheart? - he asked -So I’ll fuck you?
-Please - she whispered, closing her eyes.
-You already asking. So polite - he remarked - Will you tell me what you want?
-I don't know - she admitted quietly -I don't know what I want.
-Oh, you're poor thing - he murmured, kneeling before her -In that case I'll give you everything, and you'll take it.
Before Y/n could fully process the words in her mind, Tyler began feasting between her legs. The girl felt embarrassed at being so exposed for the first time, but the feeling quickly disappeared, pushed out by lust and unbridled desire.
Unable to stop herself, various sounds fell out of her mouth. Moans, whimpers and screams that she couldn't stop.
-Ty...Tyler- she moaned, clutching the wall behind her in desperation - Stop...I'm going to pee...please stop.
But those words only turned him on more.
Grasping her thighs in a firm grip, he lifted her body up so that her legs hung over his shoulders, causing her to nearly fall from the sudden movement. And seeing him lift her body with ease made her reach her endpoint with a loud, uncontrollable scream.
-So sweet - the boy purred, his voice drowned out by the fabric of her dress as he slurped her juices that squirted straight into his face.
Y/n's face turned burgundy. Her mind screamed for her to hide away from everyone while her heart pounded, becoming addicted extremely fast to the feeling that overtook her body.
She was so conflicted, yet she stayed put. Waiting to see what Tyler will do with her.
After a moment, the boy got up from his knees, towering over her again. Her flushed and embarrassed face gave him more satisfaction than he could admit. Grasping her neck, he slid his hand up to her jaw, turning her head as he wanted.
-Are you ready for the main attraction? - he asked, and the tone of his voice, so dark and dangerous at the same time, sent her far beyond her body.
Y/n was scared as much as she was excited, but didn't want to disappoint Tyler, so she nodded obediently, not trusting her own vocal cords for the moment.
Brunet turned her back to him, pressing her body against the wall, while one of his hands pulled her hips closer to his crotch. The boy brought his mouth close to her ear, gliding gently on its lobe.
-Can you feel me? - he asked, pushing his loins against her bum -You made me so hard. You always do that when you're with me, but you don't realize it, do you? You are too naive and innocent.
-I'm sorry - she whispered, not knowing what else to say.
-You don't have to apologize - he said, stroking her cheekbone -I'll make you feel exactly what I feel -he promised, imperceptibly grabbing the fabric of her dress.
The first thing the girl heard was the sound of ripping, then she felt the silk material slide off her shoulders and breasts, hanging loosely from her waist. A shiver ran down her naked back, and as the Tyler's hands pulled her clothes up, revealing her ruined underwear, her body burst into flames.
-So ruined, you look perfect - he admitted, removing the last of the material protecting her from the teenager's eyes, even though she thought he had long ago gotten rid of them - Only tears are missing... but don't worry, these will soon be on your face as well.
Removing his belt and unbuckling his pants, he pulled out his member, not without reason stroking it a couple of times, knowing full well that a pair of eyes were watching him carefully.
-It won't fit - the mermaid confessed quietly - You'll tear me apart.
-You're so wet I'm going to enter you in one fluid motion -he stated, clinging to her back again -And when I do, I'll stretch you properly, don't be afraid - he added, directing his manhood to her entrance, which was tightening again and again - See? - he whispered as half of it disappeared into her tight and warm canal.
-Too big - she said, on the verge of tears, feeling her lower belly being filled.
-Shh- whispered the green-eyed boy soothingly -You take me so well, your pussy want me inside. Don't deny it and let yourself be carried away by pleasure.
As Tyler entered her fully, he growled as her insides gripped him, not letting go, sucking him inside. Y/n, on the other hand, had never felt so stuffed, so full.
Again, he didn't let her process the situation exactly, starting to move back and forth slowly at first, testing the waters. Changing pace quickly ,obsessed with wet sounds, skin slapping against skin and feeling the outline of his member under his fingertips.
The girl leaned her forehead against the cold wall, moaning and squealing, letting him use her to his heart's content. Even when the pain mixed with pleasure became too much for her, she dutifully accepted everything he gave her, losing track of time.
Galpin snatched one orgasm out of her after another. Hitting her harder and deeper with each climax until his Y/n was barely conscious. Her mind, long clouded by lust, was unable to function and he took full advantage of it.
Finally, the tears in the girl's eyes, her sore throat and the walls of her womanhood that tightened on him made him unable to stand it, coming deep inside her. She shivered as her latest orgasm mixed with Tyler's. A sticky substance flowed from her used inside, straight to her thighs. The girl wanted to be disgusted, but deep down she felt how her desire only grew stronger, although it shouldn't have.
Her eyes began to look for those belonging to the brunet, who did not stop watching her even for a moment. Caressing her lips extremely gently and tenderly, he smiled, and adoration returned to his eyes.
Y/n like an addicted of the feeling, tried to kiss his lips again, and he easily bent down, giving her exactly what she wanted, after a moment looking back.
The siren decided to follow him, confused, only to find Xavier in the doorway staring at them with envy and a hint of lust that he couldn't contain.
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untilnextchapter · 11 months
Masterlist of Masterlist: By Fandom (N-Z)
More Masterlists by Fandom : Here
Peter Parker & Tom Holland
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@dreaming-about-fanfictions -> Masterlist
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@impala-dreamer -> Masterlist
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@undiscovered-horizon -> Masterlist
Teen Wolf
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The Last Kingdom
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The Maze Runner
@blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms -> Masterlist
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The Sandman
@dreaming-about-fanfictions -> Masterlist
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Video Games
@beneathstarryskies -> Masterlist & Masterlist (VII)
@final-fantasy-imagines -> Masterlist (VII, X, X-2, XIII, XIII-2)
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Same picture, different fonts.
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axquiva · 2 years
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mrs-assbutt · 1 year
Does anyone get that painful feeling in your stomach when you’re reading a fanfic and there’s a misunderstanding between the MC and their love interest/s and they feel unwanted and unloved.
I love that feeling.
Now what is this mental illness called?
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fanfictionalraven · 3 months
Full Moon
Title: Full Moon
Summary: It's the reader's favorite time of year and the new guy at school asks to hang out with her.
Characters: Teen!Reader, Teen!Dean Winchester, young Sam Winchester
Word Count: 2,267
Warnings: None
Author's Note: This story was originally posted by myself under the account Winchestersgirl92. It was published October, 2017.
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“To the student or students who thought it would be funny to steal the distributor cap from my car, please return it now or you will be discovered and expelled,” the principal announces over the intercom system. You smile and shake your head as you pull your locker door open. It was your favorite time of year.
There was a crispness to the air outside and a beautiful golden and auburn tint to the leaves. Pumpkins, skeletons, and ghosts lined the houses in your neighborhood. Mischief was running rampant among your classmates and even a few of the teachers had gotten in on the fun. Today was Halloween.
The final bell had rung for the day and everyone was rushing to leave. You exchange your books, depositing most of them back into your locker. Only one teacher had been cruel enough to actually assign homework over the holiday weekend. You close your locker door and nearly jump out of your skin. The new guy was leaning against the locker next to yours, an almost irresistible smirk spread across his face.
“Can I help you?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. He and his brother had moved to your school about a week ago. You could tell automatically he was a “ladies man” but you hadn’t expected to be his first target.
“I’m Dean. You’re Y/N, right?” He asks. You nod your head once, catching a few jealous glares from the girls you had expected him to make his way through. You couldn’t deny he was attractive but you had no desire to become his first conquest at your school. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Straight to the chase, huh?” You ask. He shrugs his shoulders, that cocky smirk still plastered on his face. “I’m taking my little brother trick-or-treating.”
“What a coincidence, I’m taking my little brother out too. Maybe we could take them together,” he says. You let out a laugh and raise an eyebrow at him.
“Isn’t your brother a freshman?” You ask. He nods his head. “Isn’t he a little old to trick-or-treat?”
“Nah, Sammy loves it,” he says. You shake your head, smiling in disbelief. “We’re new to the area and I’m sure you know all the good spots. So, what do you say?” He asks. What do you say? He was pretty cute. And determined. With both your younger brothers with you, nothing could really happen so you couldn’t see the harm in it. You rip a piece of paper from your notebook and quickly jot down your address.
“For your brother’s sake,” you tell him, handing it over to him. “Be there at 5:00.” He smirks as he takes it then winks at you and walks away. You watch him go then shake your head as you turn the other way.
You get home that afternoon and immediately set about getting yourself ready. Your costume was simple, a long red skirt, a white sweater with a big R embroidered on it, a ponytail with a red bow, and some simple white tennis shoes. Your little brother had decided to be Dracula this year so you help him get ready. At 5:00 on the dot, your doorbell rings.
“Y/N!! Your friend from school is here,” your mother calls out to you. You smile at your little brother then bring him downstairs with you. Dean and his brother Sam are standing in the front foyer of your house, looking around in astonishment.
“Didn’t know you were rich,” Dean says. You roll your eyes then look at his brother. He’s wearing a white sheet with two holes cut out for eyes.
“What is that?” You ask, looking at Dean quickly. Dean looks at Sam then back at you and shrugs.
“A ghost?” He asks. You roll your eyes and reach to pull the sheet off of Sam.
“If you were going to force him to come, you could have at least bought him a better costume,” you tell him. Dean frowns and his eyes fall to the ground. The second the words are out of your mouth, you regret them. You’d heard that they were living in the old motel across town which obviously meant they didn’t have a lot of money. “I’m sorry.” Dean shakes his head and looks around your house again. “We’ve actually got some of my older brother’s old costumes down in the basement if you want to find something,” you tell Sam. He glances at Dean then shrugs his shoulders. “Come on.” You take Sam’s hand and pull him through the hall then down into the basement. You find the box and open it, allowing Sam to dig through. “I’m sorry he’s making you do this. We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Sam shrugs, looking at an old Superman costume.
“I don’t mind. Never really got to do much trick-or-treating before,” he says. You frown, your heart breaking at his words. He glances over at you. “He’s been talking about you a lot.”
“What?” You ask, looking up at him. He shrugs, looking back into the box.
“Dean’s been talking about you. Since the day we started at school. He really likes you,” he says, smiling as he finds another costume. “Can I wear this one?” He asks, holding up a Ghostbusters uniform. You smile at him and nod before showing him the bathroom upstairs. Going back into the foyer, you find Dean standing with his arms crossed.
“Sam said he hasn’t done much trick-or-treating before?” You ask. Anger flashes through Dean’s eyes quickly.
“We don’t need your pity, Y/N,” he says. Your eyes widen and you shake your head.
“No, Dean!! That’s not what this is,” you start. “Okay, maybe a little for Sam but I would actually like to hang out with you tonight while we give Sam a pretty good Halloween. If you still want to.” You bite your lip. Something new crosses Dean’s face, something you said triggering different emotions. He nods and smiles a little. Sam comes down the hall and Dean’s eyes widen before he starts to laugh.
“A Ghostbuster, huh?” He asks. Sam smiles widely and nods. You look between them, missing the joke.
“Alright. Count Dracula, let’s roll,” you call out. Your brother comes running in from the kitchen, a second pillowcase in his hands. He hands it to Sam who looks down at it in amazement.
“We’re gonna get this much candy?” He asks. You laugh and nod.
“Definitely,” you tell him. His eyes light up before the four of you leave the house. Several other families are already out on your street, making their way house to house. Your brother immediately takes the lead, Sam following him closely. You and Dean hang back, awkwardly silent as you stop at the first house.
“So,” Dean says, looking around. He shoves his hands in his pockets then looks over your costume. “What are you?”
“Sandy from Grease,” you tell him, running your hands over the red skirt. You look back to find him smirking again.
“That mean you’re gonna turn into Bad Sandy halfway through the night?” He asks. You throw your head back laughing.
“In your dreams, Winchester,” you tell him before following your brothers to the next house.
“You can count on that,” Dean says. Your cheeks heat up as you stop, watching your brother and Sam run up the stairs of a house.
“So what brings you here?” You ask, looking at him. He shrugs, watching Sam.
“My dad’s job. We move around a lot. Probably won’t be here long,” he tells you. You can’t help the rush of sadness that fills you. Obviously, you didn’t know him well at this point – you barely knew him at all honestly – but you weren’t fond of the idea of him leaving so soon.
“That your way of telling me you aren’t looking for a girlfriend?” You ask, glancing at him. He laughs and shakes his head.
“Just a fact,” he says. You smile at his laughter, watching it shake his whole body.
“Well maybe this time you’ll be able to stay for a while,” you say. He smiles and reaches over, catching your hand in his own. You should probably protest, not wanting to give him the wrong idea, but you don’t mind.
“Maybe,” Dean says, stopping at the fence of another house.
The sun sets slowly, seeming to reflect the beautiful fall colors across the sky. Your little brother and Sam fill their pillowcases before you all make your way to the city park. The community festival is in full swing when you arrive. Your brother and Sam split off, finding people from school to hang out with. Dean points out a group of teenagers by the apple bobbing station. You shake your head and pull him to the far side of the park where it’s more secluded. His arm comes around your waist, holding you close to his side.
“Pretty crazy about the principal’s car, huh?” He asks. You laugh lightly and nod. “Think they’ll catch the guy that did it?” You shake your head and he looks down at you. “Why not?”
“Cause everyone assumes it’s a guy,” you say, smirking up at him. His eyes widen quickly.
“You??” He asks. You smile and shrug, looking out to find your brother. He’s running around chasing a friend dressed as Frankenstein. Dean smiles and shakes his head. “I think I love you,” he says. You laugh and look back at him. “Why’d you do it?”
“He didn’t let us dress up for Halloween today,” you say, shrugging again.
“You’re really into all this, aren’t you?” He asks. You nod, feeling his hand start to rub your side slowly.
“You get to be someone else,” you tell him. He snorts and you look up at him.
“Why would you want to be anyone else? You’ve got everything you could ever want,” He says in disbelief. You smile a little and lay your head against his shoulder.
“Money doesn’t mean everything is always sunshine and rainbows, Dean,” you say. He nods his head slowly.
“I guess not,” he says. You stay this way, his arm wrapped around you tight, for a few minutes. He presses a kiss to the top of you head. “We’ve got some admirers.” You look up and find the group from school watching the two of you closely. You roll your eyes and step out of his arm, taking his hand.
“Let’s give them something to talk about then,” you say, pulling on his hand. He smiles as you lead him away from the crowds of people to a secluded clearing behind some trees. You stop and look up at the sky. “A full moon on Halloween.”
“That’s gotta be a bad omen or something,” Dean says, shaking his head. You turn to face him and wrap your arms around his neck.
“Nah, it’s good luck,” you tell him. He raises an eyebrow, his arms snaking around your waist.
“Is it?” He asks. You smile and stand up, pressing your lips against his. It’s a timid kiss, your lips just barely grazing against his. “Guess it is,” he mumbles, nodding his head. You let out a giggle and look away.
“It’s getting late. I should get my brother home,” you tell him.
“Can I take you out tomorrow night?” He asks, his nose nuzzling your cheek. You look back at him and nod.
“Yes you can,” you tell him. He smiles and moves to kiss you again but you lean away from him, smirking. “Tomorrow night.” He laughs lightly and nods.
“Okay,” he says. You take his hand again and pull him back to the main area. The two of you find your brothers. A quick kiss to his cheek and Dean promises to pick you up at 6:00 the following night.
The next night you put on your favorite dress. You fix your hair and make-up perfectly. 6:00 comes and Dean doesn’t. You wait for nearly an hour before deciding to go over to the motel yourself. Leaving your car running, you step into the main office connected to the string of run down rooms.
“Can I help you?” The man at the counter asks, not looking up. You bite your lip slightly.
“I’m looking for a family. The Winchesters. A man and his two sons,” you tell him. He nods slightly, flipping the page of his newspaper.
“Checked out this morning. Seemed to be in a rush,” he says. You stare at him for a moment then nod. Dean said they wouldn’t be around long. You hadn’t expected them to vanish overnight though. The man glances up at you then sets his paper aside. “Are you Y/N by chance?”
“I – I am,” you tell him, cautiously. He pulls open a drawer and hands you a small yellow envelope.
“One of the boys left this in case you showed up,” he says. You frown and take it before leaving the office. You pull a note out and quickly read it.
I’m so sorry. Dad’s job. We had to leave. Hopefully we’ll see each other again. Until then, wear this for luck.
You empty the rest of the contents of the envelope into your hand. A delicate silver chain falls out. You look over the necklace and find a tiny full moon charm attached to it. Your finger runs over the charm before you quickly fasten it around your neck. A stray tear slides down your cheek and you wipe at it quickly. You look up at the sky and smile, the full moon shining down on you.
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favouritehell · 5 months
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Minors DNI
✮ indicates smut
Harry Potter
Marauders Era
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Regulus Black
Barty Crouch Jr
Lightning Era
Mattheo Riddle
Blaise Zabini
Theo Nott
Lorenzo Berkshire
Teen Wolf
Stiles Silinski
Scott McCall
Isaac Lahey
American Horror Story
Michael Langdon
Dean Winchester
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