#take advantage of that!
sketch-wolf · 1 year
wanna make it VERY clear that right now the spam bot blog problem is so severe that I'm currently blocking AND reporting (as spam/bot) all new followers that have: a photo of a person as an icon, less than two lines blog description, and 0 posts.
so for any people who wanna follow me who are a real person, but just so happen to match these three conditions: I'm sorry but you're indistinguishable from this website's current pest at a glance, so if you don't wanna get blocked and reported by accident please consider doing something to your blog to look human.
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mzannthropy · 1 year
I need Sam Claflin to get cast in something. I'm so ready to move on from DJATS. (I know he has a film coming out this year but that's already been filmed, I mean something new.) I'd just really prefer something light-hearted and funny... a comedy or an action film with a lot of humour. DJATS was so emotionally heavy (plus the writers' agenda of focusing on the wrong ship), now I just want to be entertained and laugh.
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quirinah · 4 months
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she dun on my geon till i meshi
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Duke, new to the family, awkwardly entering the kitchen where various members of the Waynes are hanging out/baking/drooling over the baking: Uh… random question, is Tim dating someone?
Steph, all her training focused on stealing baked goods: oh yeah he’s got a boyfriend, why?
Duke, just wanted a book, utterly disgusted: I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t outing him if I told you he’s currently defiling the library.
Jason, slamming down a bowl of brownie batter: he’s fucking WHAT-
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prettyboykatsuki · 29 days
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✮ tags ; pwp, fem + afab!reader, dubcon (reader is drunk af), dirty talk, rough-ish sex, the liiiightest yan undertone. 18+
✮ a/n ; im not a kiri fucker but i . had a thought in the shower
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Kirishima fucks like he has something to prove.
That part of him hasn't changed, you think. It's a bad time to be reminiscing about such a thing, especially since your brain can't think of anything other than how good it feels to have such a thick cock buried in your sore, weeping cunt.
Kirishima has stopped briefly, just to bottom out and press his navel to your sex - so your brain has a little space to think. You don't know exactly how you've ended up here after thinking about it for a long time. The alcohol is making your head feel fuzzy and your lower half is weak, might melt into Kirishima's nice king size bed if you're not careful.
An hour ago, you had come off of work and joined some friends in an izakaya. Kirishima was there too, seemingly with his own friends. You hadn't seen him since middle school, when he shorter and more negative. You had a crush on him then, back before all the hero stuff.
It was refreshing to see a boy your age obsesses over something like being a perfectly chivalrous man. You were friend though not closely, and had a dopey school girl love affair that never came of fruition. You didn't speak to him after that, weren't close enough to ask - and watched him grow into a hero through televised events and news.
He's a pro now. He was much bigger than you thought he'd be. You didn't think men could get that big, unless they played basketball or something. He was shorter than you in middle school but when you saw him again in person, he was double your height. You had to crane your neck up just to get a good look at his face. Defined jaw and rugged, boyish charm that made your cheeks warm like you hadn't grown out of being a girl.
You thought he wouldn't recognize you since he's basically famous now, but he did. Flagged you down and whisked you away for drinks and catch up time. Your friends pushed you to go, so you did. You drank and spoke about nothing in particular and Kirishima seemed so enraptured with you - you thought the alcohol had fried your brain. Thoroughly tipsy and giggly, you admitted to having a crush on him in long and unnecessary detail. That you liked him, and seem to still if this feeling is anything to go by.
You hadn't expected anything of it. But he kissed you in the corner of the bar and asked if you had anywhere to be, hauled you into a taxi when you said no and made out with you on the way home. Put his hand underneath you shirt and squeezed your waist, said something about how cute you are. Always have been.
No one seemed to think anything of it when you left. Pro-Hero's escort drunk girls all the time, but you wonder if it's normal to fuck them? You wonder if Kirishima has practice in bring home drunk girls who are too big for their boots and too needy to be anything but sincere.
He's so good at fucking you, you aren't sure you'd mind that being true. Not like this.
He didn't give you any time to adjust to what was going on, every breath had him chasing more of you like he'd run out of time if he didn't rush. He carried you inside, licked your pussy while you laid against his kitchen counter and finger fucked you until you could take all eight inches of him. Was he always this relentless? You know he was never kind, no matter how much he seems it. He was always critical and cunning, but you didn't expect him to be so ruthless.
He doesn't let you off of his cock after he gets you on it. Makes you wrap your arms around his shoulders even though you barely can because he's so big. Makes you wrap your legs around his waist and tells you to hold tight as he walks you up the stairs with his cock still twitching. The whole thing makes your eyelids burn with pleasure, your body yearning to keep him inside of you for as long as you can stay conscious which is barely when you're this wasted.
He dropped you in his bed and fucked you in missionary. You think in the span of a few hours, you've spent more of it feeling his cock throb inside of you longer than you've spent without. He's too big, and fucks mean. There's no chivalry in it, just pure primal desire behind weight and heavy thrusts that make you gasp involuntarily.
You haven't stopped cumming. You've never done that so much in a row. Your body feels nearly numb as you think on it. He's been keep you like this for so long and the alcohol is making you lightheaded. You can barely understand what he's saying except that he's loved you for so long. You wonder if that's true. Your pussy likes it though, clenches every time he groans into your neck after the headboard hits the wall with his thrusts.
He fucks you like he wants to prove something to you. You don't know what exactly. You're drunk and floaty and you can't stop cumming and you can't think of anything other than how much you want him to fuck your brains out. How much you want him to cum, so deep in your pussy you'd have to push it out to get rid of it. How much you want to cum around his cock until you get so fuckdrunk you pass out on it.
A little pleasant catching up and now you can't unfurl your spine from the way it's raised, and your toes hurt from how tight they've curled. You feel ditzy with it. Didn't know cock could make you cum so much you turn stupid and babbling. It's all you've been doing and Kirishima doesn't seem to mind it all. Just laughs at your nonsense words and kisses you with sharp teeth and fucks you.
And fucks you and fucks you and fucks you, with your knees to your ears and your eyes blurry and hazed.
"Kirisihima-kun," You gasp at him, breathless and hot.
"Eijirou," He corrects with a nip to your mouth. "We won't leave each other now. Not anymore."
He punctuates with the promise with a thrust so deep you can't do anything but agree. You wonder if all this is trying to prove his love for you, but how you could that be true? It's been years.
Another thrust makes your lower belly clench, and something squirts out of you mid thrust. You're too hazy to feel self-conscious of it and Kirishima only laughs.
You close your eyes and let him have you. Again and again and again.
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lotus-pear · 8 months
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double black
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peppermint-walrus · 13 days
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Hey Char Char
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clanborn · 4 months
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locked out of heaven
based on The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel
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dwyntwo · 4 months
I've seen a lot of people say how hilarious it is that the Crows feel like they can trust Kaz with their wildest secrets because he's probably seen an done worse, and I fully agree...which is such an extra L for the guy Kaz dropped off the building lmao
It's like...
Nina: "I've falsely accused my crush of being a slaver"
Kaz, wiping the blood off his gloves after he literally just ripped a man's eye out: "Haha nice."
Jesper: "I have so many debts that my father might lose the farm"
Kaz: "I beat a man to death with his own bone once."
Wylan: "I can't read :("
Kaz: "Then?? Hire someone who can?? I can't walk properly, was I NOT supposed to get a cane I can bust peoples' kneecaps with??"
Inej: "I KILLED someone!"
Kaz: "LOL, tell me about it. Wait why are you crying."
Random asshole: "There's a girl in the Menagerie that will do anything for me because she'll die if I tell on her"
Kaz: "What the fuck is wrong with you"
Like imagine being such a piece of shit that even DIRTYHANDS is disgusted with you 😭
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DP AU where the box ghost is actually someone from the future that came back as a ghost to try and warn Danny before all the major battles. The problem is that ghosts are mostly ruled by emotions and since he isn't directly connected to all the battles as they happened, his memories get fuzzy at best so whenever he warns Danny, it's either because there's about to be a world ending event or because someone's cat got stuck on a tree (and anything in between)
So when Danny joins the JL as Phantom they ask him about his rogue gallery. He tells them all about the ancients he fought and skulker and the GIW, even his parents, though he only says they were mad scientists with a huge bias.
And then, after he tells them about the "plasmius incident" they ask whether he thinks Vlad is the one that's caused him most trouble and Danny goes quiet for a bit and looks thoughtful for way too long before saying in a quiet voice "no, that's actually the box ghost. He's always warning me about something. It's terrifying"
The JL are concerned. What could be worse than all the Eldritch terrors Danny has described? They try to ask for details but whenever they bring the topic, Danny gets this lost stare and goes silent until they change the topic or snap him out of it. It's kind of unsettling. So they leave it be. Even Batman doesn't push it (he would rather not traumatize the kid more, thank you very much, he's also wondering if he can adopt someone that's technically dead, asking for a friend).
And then the box ghost shows up at the watchtower. They all come running when they hear the ominous "Beware". Batman activates all the alerts. Boxy just throws a box at him, then leaves. Batman calls for a meeting, most of the heroes were already in the watchtower anyway, he describes the incident to phantom.
Danny: ah, that was just his way of saying hi. I guess he wants to start haunting you too. Should be fun :)
Batman: hn
The JL: ?!?
Danny: Don't worry, I'll ask him to be nicer next time :)
Flash: was that... Supposed to be terrifying? He just threw a box, right?
Danny: 🤷🏻‍♀️
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kiwiissocold · 4 months
Adaine, I love you, but when a rich boy offers you diamonds, regardless of if you need them or not, you take that shit
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chrissy-kaos · 12 days
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Now accepting bf applications.. 😬
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carrotkicks · 10 months
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i'm trying to have a serious confession this time, don't laugh
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xanaxspritz · 4 months
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✨dilf!toji headcanons with babysitter!reader ✨
🩶dilf!toji is grateful when you agree to babysit daily for his sweet little blessing megumi over summer vacation. he's even more grateful that you seem to be responsible enough and fucking hot.
🩶dilf!toji likes to linger around before leaving for his next gig, watching your short skirt swish around your yummy thick thighs or your daisy dukes accentuate every curve of your perfectly plump ass
🩶dilf!toji jerks off to you in his car every night before he comes home
🩶dilf!toji loves it how shy you get when he flirts with you. he loves teasing and watching you fluster. it's obvious that you're into him, most women are
🩶when dilf!toji fucks you quietly on his couch while megumi is fast asleep for the night, he puts his big hand over your open mouth whispering "be a good girl and take this dick quietly for me hmm? can't wake the kid up..."
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cod-dump · 2 months
Ghost: We need a distraction
Nik: Allow me
Ghost: Sorry, Nik. Price said not to let you do any more distractions
Nik: I insist
Ghost: No-
Nik: Simon
Ghost: Do not use my name-
Nik: Simon Riley
Ghost: NO-
Ghost: He used my full name, what was I supposed to do? Disappoint him??
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tlotrgifs · 5 months
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The Ring is altogether evil!
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