#technically i haven’t added that scene in yet
lushrue · 2 days
ive really fallen in love with how you write the hockey au men. i need more, maybe of them watching reader skate a complicated choreography for the first time? (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)
yeah absolutely! thanks for the request, anon! sorry this has sat for so long, i wanted to do it justice!
there might end up being a scene like this later in the fic (haven’t gotten the whole storyline planned out yet), but for sure reader’s nervous. there’s a lot of complicated jumps in there and some skills that they haven’t quite mastered yet. they’d be practicing at the rink almost every day, probably getting a little hard on themselves when they’re still trying to iron out the kinks in their routine. they wouldn’t let the boys watch them practice, except for gaz. he’s the least intimidating of the bunch to them, more concerned about the artistry than the technical execution. but having the others watch would put too much pressure on them, so the first time they all see it as a group is when reader competes it.
they sit on the bench, waiting with bated breath as you skate onto the ice. you’d told them about it, of course. you had to when they saw how stressed you were and demanded to know what was mucking up that pretty head of yours. the shaking of your hands didn’t go unnoticed by them as you struck your starting pose. simon caught the puff of your exhale, your chest visibly deflating. when the music started, they all tensed up, their eyes locked on you.
price would fully be in captain mode, watching you like a hawk for any missteps. he would see the missteps and grimace, as much as he tried to keep his expression encouraging. he’d have a list of critiques in his head running as you skated. lift the leg a bit more and your turn will be more stable. speed up a little going into that jump and you’ll have the momentum for one more rotation. but he’d never tell you any of it, not unless you asked. it came from a place of love, a desire to see you reach your full potential.
simon would be stoic, just in case you looked at him. he didn’t want to throw off your game, so he tried his hardest to blend into the crowd, act like he wasn’t even there. he still wasn’t quite sure if the four of them watching you added to your nerves (it did, just a little) and he didn’t want to be the reason you didn’t land a jump and injured yourself. but make no mistake, he held his breath every time your skates left the ice.
soap would be the most encouraging of all of them to look at, a smile plastered on his face as he watched you twirl and leap. you’d think the man had never watched figure skating before with the way he whooped and hollered every time you stuck what he perceived to be a difficult skill. he clapped loudly for you, his bonnie little skater. everything you did impressed him, and it gave you an added layer of confidence going into some of the more difficult sections of the routine.
gaz is fully the mom from mean girls. he’s doing the choreography along with you on the bench, but, like, the seated version. he’s also the one videoing the routine on his phone. (price mostly got the head of the person in front of him last time, soap was so loud that you couldn’t hear the music you were skating to, and simon would get so caught up in watching you that he’d forget to follow you with the camera and not just his eyes.) he gives you quiet praise when you successfully execute a difficult skill, hoping that you’ll watch the video back and hear how much he loved your routine.
regardless of their expressions during your skate, they’re the first on their feet when you finish, clapping and cheering loudly. when you find them after, price has a bouquet of flowers for you, soap’s grabbed you a hot chocolate from the concession stand, gaz helps you unlace your skates, and simon is there with his big burly arms to give you all the comfort in the world.
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please please PLEASE send me more stuff like this, i eat this shit up
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fucking screaming over atib jegulus someone is pissing in someone else’s mouth right now in a sacred temple
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ichimerapunk · 2 months
I’m kind of surprised I haven’t seen any fanfics that run on the idea that Alfred is a ghost? (Either as like the main focus of the story, or just a subplot.)
Think about it.
A lot of stories kind of have Alfred as being this eternally elderly man regardless of how old everyone else in the story is. The man doesn’t seem to age!
More importantly, where does he get the time and energy to do all the stuff he does to keep the manor and the family functional? He somehow manages to keep the giant house that is the Wayne Manor in order despite how many people live there plus his added duties thanks to the family’s vigilante lifestyle? When exactly does this man sleep? Also, I always find it amusing how in stories Alfred seems to always be cooking but it’s rare to actually show him eating himself.
What if someone plays with the idea of him not needing to sleep, eat, etc. because he is a ghost?
I just kind of imagine the idea of Alfred getting up one morning to start the day and nothing seems amiss either to himself or the rest of the family; however, when he retires to his quarters for the night he discovers his body laying still and cold where he had left it. (Could you imagine him, after coming to accept he is a ghost, just… getting rid of his own body and going about life as usual and never telling anyone in the family?)
Maybe I just find the idea of Alfred, rather than passing on, just continuing to take care of his family like nothing has changed touching, if in a morbid way.
The idea could, technically, be construed as the rest of the family not paying Alfred any mind or taking him for granted so much they don’t notice he died, but in my head its more of a fluffy/humorous thing where Alfred is just very good at hiding his ghostly nature from anyone.
This story idea doesn’t even have to necessarily be a Danny Phantom crossover. It’s just that this fanfic idea was spawned out of this brief scene idea of Danny coming to live at the manor (insert any other story plot as to why), and both Alfred and Danny clocking each other immediately. (The idea included Danny fretting over asking Alfred about it but being afraid Alfred might not know he’s dead, and Alfred noting Danny is half-ghost but his only concern is that anyone living under his roof is cared for.
(If I didn't already have a dozen or more story ideas sitting in folders not yet completed, I'd kind of want to brainstorm on this more because I think its a cool concept?)
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barbwritesstuff · 6 months
Thicker Than December Update
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The update link:
Thicker Than Free Demo
Update info:
As of the 26th of December 2023
Finished Chapter Six
Started work on Chapter Seven (currently incomplete)
Added explicit scene with Freya in Chapter Four
Several bug and spelling fixes
Additional Words: 27,104 (excluding commands)
Total Word Count: 175,440 (excluding commands )
Other links:
Supporting me on KoFi helps ensures my ongoing survival, which I really do appreciate.
You can email me at barbara truelove writes at g mail dot com.
I have a website that I spent actual money on. I'm not sure why, but it's pretty.
If you like the way I write vampires maybe consider checking on the first story in this series, Blood Moon, which is about werewolves and is polished and pretty in a way this very much isn't.
Other free games can be found on my itch.io page.
My ramblings:
Merry Christmas and happy full moon. I really hope, wherever you are in the world, you’re having a great day. I won’t be able to see the moon tonight thanks to a circling storm cloud, but I’m hoping it’ll clear up tomorrow and I can do some stargazing.
I’ve managed to get quite a few words down this month, so I’m really happy about that. Chapter Six is finished, and I’ve started work on Chapter Seven. Chapter Seven is still in the early stages. Depending on your previous choices, it may not even exist yet on certain playthroughs. I’m sorry about that. It’s going to take some time to fill in all the different routes and bring them all together again.
I’ve also gone back to Chapter Four and added some more content in for Freya because several people told me they weren’t really vibing with her romance arc. I’m really glad I did that because I think speeding up her romance route makes a lot of sense and it flows better overall.
I’ve also done a lot of little edits scattered throughout. Nothing super major, but I hope it improves the flow of certain scenes.
On a more technical note: I’ve been having a weird issue with the automatic Choicescript tests in CSIDE. The random_test has been slowing to a crawl and/or freezing. It doesn’t spit out any errors, and the quick_test has been working fine, so I’m really not sure why this has started to happen. It may mean there is an infinite loop error somewhere in Chapter 6 or 7. If so, I haven’t been able to find it. If anyone encounters a page that loads forever but doesn’t show any text, please let me know. The game won’t be able to be submitted to Hosted Games if it can’t pass a random_test, so I really want to sort this out sooner rather than later.
If you spot any other errors, large or small, I’d be really grateful if you could let me know. Thicker Than is big enough now that it’s a little unwieldy to navigate, and hard to edit. I’m really grateful to the people who’ve taken the time to send me things which don’t look quite right. It’s so insanely helpful and really encouraging knowing you’re rooting for Thicker Than to succeed.
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soob1nn · 7 months
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REMINDER! I haven’t shifted yet, so all these is just my imagination 🤍
masterlist - main masterlist
Films are a powerful medium of storytelling and artistic expression. Combining visual, auditory, and narrative elements, films captivate audiences, transporting them to diverse worlds, evoking emotions, and sparking thought. From silent classics to cutting-edge blockbusters, the world of cinema has evolved, reflecting societal changes and pushing creative boundaries. Whether it's the magic of a well-crafted screenplay, the mesmerizing performances of actors, or the technical brilliance behind the scenes, films continue to be a dynamic and influential form of entertainment and cultural expression.
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The "Pirates of the Caribbean" saga is a cinematic adventure like no other, immersing audiences in a world of high-seas exploits, swashbuckling action, and supernatural wonders. This beloved franchise, brought to life by the charismatic Captain Jack Sparrow, has left an indelible mark on the world of cinema.
What sets the "Pirates of the Caribbean" saga apart is its perfect fusion of thrilling action and cleverly woven mythology. From the very first installment, "The Curse of the Black Pearl," to subsequent sequels, the films have taken viewers on a journey filled with cursed treasures, mythical creatures, and, of course, eccentric pirates.
At the heart of the saga is the enigmatic Captain Jack Sparrow, portrayed brilliantly by Johnny Depp. Jack's witty charm, unpredictable antics, and ever-present quest for rum have made him an iconic character in cinematic history.
The franchise's success also lies in its ability to seamlessly blend history and fantasy. The Caribbean settings, the pirate code, and the age of exploration provide a historically rich backdrop for the fantastical elements like cursed Aztec gold, undead sailors, and mermaids.
Each film in the series has introduced new characters and expanded upon the lore, creating a vast and interconnected narrative that keeps fans eagerly awaiting the next installment.
With unforgettable moments, memorable quotes, and a score that resonates long after the credits roll, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" saga has carved its place as a beloved classic. It's a thrilling voyage into the world of pirates, where legends, curses, and epic battles reign, making it a timeless adventure that continues to captivate audiences of all ages.
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"Beauty and the Beast," in its live-action adaptation, breathes new life into a timeless tale that has enchanted generations. This magical film takes the beloved animated classic and transforms it into a visually stunning and emotionally captivating experience.
Set in a picturesque French village, the story follows the intelligent and kind-hearted Belle, brilliantly portrayed by Emma Watson, who longs for more than the provincial life she leads. When her father becomes a prisoner in the enchanted castle of the Beast, played by Dan Stevens, Belle courageously takes his place, embarking on a journey of discovery, love, and the power of inner beauty.
With its stunning visual effects, lavish costumes, and memorable musical score, the live-action "Beauty and the Beast" faithfully pays homage to the original while adding depth to its characters and narrative. The film not only celebrates the power of love but also explores themes of tolerance, acceptance, and the beauty that lies within.
This enchanting adaptation is a cinematic masterpiece that captures the hearts of both long-time fans and new audiences, reaffirming the enduring power of this classic tale as old as time. "Beauty and the Beast" in its live-action form invites us to be their guest in a world where magic and love flourish, reminding us that beauty truly comes from within.
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"Little Women" stands as a cinematic jewel, capturing the timeless essence of Louisa May Alcott's literary masterpiece. This film adaptation, directed by Greta Gerwig, breathes new life into the beloved narrative of the March sisters, presenting a fresh and poignant take on sisterhood, ambition, and the pursuit of one's dreams.
Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, "Little Women" unfolds the lives of the four March sisters—Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy—each with distinctive personalities and aspirations. The film gracefully weaves between the past and present, allowing audiences to witness the joys and challenges of the sisters as they navigate the trials of womanhood, love, and societal expectations.
With an all-star cast featuring Winter Reed Jackman, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, and Eliza Scanlen as the March sisters, and an exceptional performance by Timothée Chalamet as Laurie, the film brings these iconic characters to life with depth and authenticity.
Greta Gerwig's directorial prowess shines through as she infuses "Little Women" with a contemporary spirit, resonating with modern audiences while maintaining the timeless charm of the original story. The film is a celebration of the strength, resilience, and individuality of women, urging viewers to embrace their ambitions and forge their paths.
"Little Women" is a poignant and visually captivating cinematic journey that captures the spirit of sisterhood and the pursuit of one's aspirations. It invites audiences to revisit the cherished tale with fresh eyes, offering a profound and emotionally resonant experience for both new and devoted fans of this literary classic.
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"Knives Out" is a modern masterpiece in the realm of whodunits, a brilliantly crafted film that masterfully blends mystery, humor, and a star-studded ensemble cast. Directed by Rian Johnson, this murder-mystery film takes audiences on a rollercoaster ride of suspense, twists, and dark humor.
The story centers around the death of wealthy crime novelist Harlan Thrombey, portrayed by Christopher Plummer. When renowned detective Benoit Blanc, played by Daniel Craig, is enlisted to investigate, the Thrombey family becomes the focal point of scrutiny. With each member harboring secrets and motives, the plot thickens, and the suspense escalates.
"Knives Out" boasts a stellar cast including Daniel Craig, Winter Reed Jackman, Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, and more, each delivering standout performances that contribute to the film's gripping atmosphere. The narrative is cleverly layered, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they attempt to unravel the intricate web of deception and motive.
Beyond its gripping storyline, "Knives Out" is a sharp and satirical take on family dynamics, privilege, and the consequences of wealth. Rian Johnson's expert direction and sharp dialogue elevate the film, making it a delightful homage to classic whodunits while infusing it with a contemporary edge.
This cinematic gem not only keeps the audience guessing until the very end but also provides a fresh and entertaining perspective on the murder mystery genre. "Knives Out" is a clever and stylish film that engages the mind, tickles the funny bone, and ultimately leaves a lasting impression, establishing itself as a standout in the pantheon of modern cinema.
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"Top Gun: Maverick" is a highly anticipated sequel that soars into the iconic world of fighter jets and high-stakes aerial combat. Directed by Joseph Kosinski and starring Tom Cruise reprising his role as Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, this film is a thrilling continuation of the 1986 classic, "Top Gun."
Set decades after the events of the original film, Captain Maverick finds himself adapting to a new era of aerial warfare dominated by drone technology. As he mentors a new generation of Top Gun graduates, the film promises heart-pounding dogfights, cutting-edge aviation sequences, and a nostalgic nod to the beloved elements that made the first film an enduring favorite.
"Top Gun: Maverick" not only reintroduces fans to the adrenaline-fueled world of fighter pilots but also introduces fresh faces played by actors like Miles Teller and Winter Reed Jackman. With its combination of high-octane action and character-driven storytelling, the film aims to capture the spirit of the original while propelling the narrative into uncharted skies.
As Maverick confronts his past and embraces the challenges of the future, the film offers a blend of nostalgia and innovation, promising an exhilarating cinematic experience for both longtime fans and a new generation of moviegoers. "Top Gun: Maverick" is poised to be a blockbuster that reignites the Maverick legend while delivering a visual spectacle that takes the iconic franchise to new heights.
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"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" unfolds on the silver screen as a spellbinding cinematic journey through the glitz and glamour of Hollywood's Golden Age. Adapted from Taylor Jenkins Reid's compelling novel, this film invites audiences into the captivating life story of Evelyn Hugo, a legendary film actress portrayed with brilliance and nuance.
In the film, we follow Evelyn's journey through the decades, beautifully capturing the essence of old Hollywood. The glamorous sets, meticulously crafted costumes, and evocative cinematography transport viewers to a bygone era where stars shone brightly on and off the screen.
As the narrative unfolds, the complexities of Evelyn’s seven marriages come to life, each husband portrayed by a stellar cast that adds depth to the character-driven drama. The film navigates the twists and turns of Evelyn’s life, revealing secrets, scandals, and the sacrifices made in the pursuit of fame and love.
The storytelling prowess of Taylor Jenkins Reid is masterfully translated to the screen, with Evelyn's compelling voice narrating her journey. The film seamlessly weaves together themes of identity, love, and the price of success, creating an emotional tapestry that resonates with audiences.
While exploring the intricacies of Evelyn's life, the film introduces Monique Grant, the journalist chosen by Evelyn to tell her story. Monique's personal journey becomes an integral part of the cinematic narrative, adding layers of depth and connection to the overarching tale.
"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" on the big screen is more than a glamorous expose of Hollywood excess; it's a poignant exploration of the human experience. The film's rich storytelling, combined with outstanding performances and lush visuals, elevates it beyond a mere adaptation, making it a cinematic triumph that lingers in the hearts of viewers long after the final credits roll.
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Okay, how about this? Steve and the Reader broke up but they are babysitters to the Party. The kids pick up something going on between them and don't realize it until they find a torn up picture in each of your wallets. You keep Steve's half while he keeps yours. So, the kids try to find out what happened and get you guys back together. Basically, the Party Parent Traps you. Bonus if you can include the older teens (in an AU where no one dies). Heck, throw in Murray for couples counselling!
This is going to be so chaotic I can just imagine it! I am definitely including Murray too I’m dead just imagining all this 🤣 (peep the reference to the scene with him and Jancy when he can’t remember Steve’s name)
Also I’m pretending nothing else has happened yet since Steve got pulled into the Upside Down and got stuck there with the other three. Like the other events haven’t happened/haven’t occurred yet, just for reference.
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Code Red: Operation Love
Steve Harrington x Reader ft. The Party & Murray!
“Okay, why have you called us all here?” Eddie asked.
The room was packed with people.
Dustin was leading the meeting, the other younger teens sitting nearby him.
It was Mike who had called a Code Red to older sister Nancy, who gathered her boyfriend Jonathan, Robin and Eddie.
It was specifically instructed not to contact Steve or Y/N about this meeting.
“Yeah, you said it was a Code Red so I thought someone was dying or some shit,” Robin said.
“Imagine my disappointment when we arrived and everyone was okay,” Eddie quipped.
Nancy smacked his arm hard, leaving him wincing.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“Yeah, we kinda figured it had to do with Steve and Y/N when you made it loud and clear not to invite them,” Jonathan said, giving his younger brother Will a pointed look.
“Hey, I just wanted to make sure you got the message,” Will said, holding his hands up in defense.
“We did,” Robin said wryly.
“ANYWAYS,” Dustin hollered over the chatter, “I called you because we have a problem.”
“A really big problem,” El nodded.
“And we need your help,” Mike said.
“So as you know,” Dustin began, “Steve met Y/N through us because they both are kinda our old babysitters although now friends.”
“Technically Y/N was the babysitter first,” Lucas added.
“Will you get to the point?” Eddie groaned.
“Okay, okay. Jeez. So demanding,” Dustin huffed.
“We think they broke up,” Max clarified.
Eyebrows raised, jaws dropped and interests were piqued.
“Shit. Really?” Eddie gasped.
“But why?” Nancy asked, just as confused.
“They were so cute together!” Robin frowned.
“Wait. How do you guys know this?” Jonathan asked, sitting forward, “What made you think they broke up?”
“Well, first, we thought they were in a fight,” Mike said.
“Because they were acting really weird,” Will added.
“Weird how?” Robin asked.
“They just seemed cold toward one another,” Max said.
“They would avoid each other too,” Dustin nodded, “Like if Steve was sitting next to someone on the couch and there was only one place left, Y/N would just stand.”
“They’ve never been like most annoyingly in love couples,” Lucas said, “Like they’re cute but they never would hang all over one another.”
“Yeah. They acted like normal, just…closer I guess?” El shrugged.
“I think what she means is that they were just really comfortable around each other,” Mike supplied and El nodded, confirming that’s what she meant.
“Now they’re like strangers,” Will frowned.
“Okay, I understand why that seems concerning,” Nancy said, “But maybe they’re just fighting? You don’t actually know that they broke up though.”
“We found this in Steve’s wallet,” Dustin said, holding up what looked to be like a Polaroid that had been torn in half.
“I can’t see that from here you butthead,” Eddie said, reaching out and grabbing it.
Only when he saw what it was did he gasp.
“Oh shit. Okay, I see what you mean.”
“What? Lemme see,” Robin said, snatching it from him.
It had clearly been a picture of both you and Steve. The jagged tear at the edge signified that it had been ripped down the middle. This half of the picture was of you, turned towards the tear in the photo, eyes bright and face caught in mid-laughter. You looked happy.
“Wait. You said you found this in Steve’s wallet?” Eddie asked.
“What were you doing in Steve’s wallet?” Nancy asked.
“Borrowing five dollars,” Dustin said plainly.
“Dumbass,” Lucas hit him upside the head, “That’s stealing not borrowing.”
“Not if I told him about it afterwards!” Dustin protested.
“Back to the matter at hand,” Max said, “We were wondering what happened to the other half.”
“The half with Steve in it?” Jonathan said.
The six younger kids nodded.
“We found this in Y/N’s wallet,” Will said, motioning to the other half of the picture that Max showed the others.
It was definitely the half of the same picture, the tears the biggest evidence. But also, Steve was looking towards the middle of the photo, where it had been split in two. The look of adoration and love in his gaze and smile was unmistakeable.
“What were you doing in Y/N’s wallet? “Borrowing” more money?” Robin smirked.
“No. This was pure detective work,” Dustin said seriously.
“So, clearly, something has happened,” Mike commented.
Eddie ran a hand over his jaw, looking over at the other three that had joined him on the couch.
“So how are we supposed to help?” he asked.
“We want to get them back together, but we’ll need your help,” Dustin said, seriously.
The four peered at each other before nodding.
“We can do that,” Nancy confirmed.
“What do you need us to do?” Robin asked.
“Well, first. We need to figure out what happened between them,” Max said.
“They won’t tell us,” El frowned.
“Believed me. We’ve tried,” Will huffed.
“They won’t say a word,” Lucas sighed.
Nancy and Jonathan exchanged wary, knowing glances, but it was Jonathan who spoke.
“We know just the person for that task.”
“You two are a cute couple,” the bearded man in front of you, smiled, clasping his hands in front of him.
“We’re not a couple,” you and Steve stammered hesitantly.
Steve cleared his through awkwardly.
“We uh, we actually broke up.”
“Semantics,” Murray said, waving his hand dismissively.
You were downright confused at why you were sitting here, with Steve with Murray Bauman in front of you two like some sort of love doctor.
Ah, shit. Was this some sort of intervention or counseling or something? Had the kids figured out that you two had broken up?
You and Steve hadn’t said anything in fear of upsetting them or disrupting the vibe with your petty drama.
But now, you were sitting in the Wheelers’ basement, in a chair across from Murray who was grinning at you both like a cat who’d swallowed a canary.
“So why did you break up if you’re both still crazy for one another?”
“Wha- Who said we were?” you protested, “Maybe things just fizzled out between us, you don’t know that.”
“Honey, I haven’t seen this amount of electricity between something since the last time I jump started my car,” he gave you a look.
You peered at Steve who was holding back a grin.
“So are we just in denial about this breakup or what?” Murray asked, leveling his gaze on both of you.
“No! I just-” you started.
“She’s the one who broke up with me,” Steve blurted.
You looked at him, jaw dropped.
Talk about being thrown under the bus.
“Ah. Did she now?”
Murray’s gaze was back on you.
“And why did you dump Scott?”
“Steve,” he corrected.
“Right, Steve. Why can’t I ever remember that?” he shook his head, “Anyways, why did we break up with Steve now?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” you scolded, folding your arms.
“Ugh, you kids exhaust me,” he rolled his eyes.
“We’re 20,” Steve said flatly.
“Exactly. You’re kids. Okay,” he sat forward, looking at both of you, “You want my advice?”
You noticed he didn’t pause long enough to give either you the opportunity to protest.
“You,” he said looking at Steve, “Need to stop giving up on what you want just because you think you don’t deserve it.”
“What? I-”
“And you,” Murray continued, as if Steve hadn’t spoken, “Need to stop running away from things that scare you.”
“How,” you laughed disbelievingly, “What makes you think I do?”
“You’re easy to read,” he deadpanned, “You’re the type when things get scary, you retreat to safety, too afraid to lose what you love, have, whatever because it’s easier to be scared.”
Ouch. He’d hit right on the dot.
“It’s a curse to see so clearly,” he sighed.
“I’m not scared,” you huffed a laugh.
Steve looked as unconvinced as Murray did.
“I’m not!” you protested, though even to your ears it sounded defensive.
“Ah, now that is a lie,” Murray pointed to you before turning to Steve.
“So why did you let her dump you?” Murray asked.
“Because I can’t change her mind,” Steve shrugged helplessly.
“Bullshit. You’re just as scared as she is.”
“No! I- she- uh we-”
“That’s what I thought,” he smiled smugly, sitting back in the chair.
“Look, if I were you two, I’d cut the bullshit and just fix whatever happened between you. Then get the fuck back together. Cause you’re just wasting time with this charade.”
He stood, grabbing the glass of whiskey he’d had but not touched the entire time, heading for the stairs.
“By the way,” he called, “I’ve been advised by the band of delinquents to lock the door behind me until you’re back together. They say to holler when you’re done. I’ll bill you for my time.”
With that, Murray was gone and the door shut behind me.
“Some therapy session,” Steve mumbled.
You chuckled.
“More like a brutally honest therapist telling you how it is with absolutely no bullshit.”
“I’ll say,” he shook his head.
You were quiet for a moment, but you were the first to speak.
“He was right, Steve. I was scared. It was a huge reason why I ended it.”
He turned in his chair, facing you.
“Scared of what, honey?”
Your heart melted at the term of endearment.
“You remember how it happened after the watergate situation and you and the others being stuck in the Upside Down?”
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“I was terrified, Steve,” you whispered, “I’m here on this side, finding out you got pulled into the Upside Down, attacked by bat creatures and then stuck there? I was an absolute mess.”
His face is grim as he takes your hands in his, thumbs stroking the backs of your hands.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about what if something happened to you. Or what if you died. When you finally made it back, instead of being the relieved girlfriend I should’ve been and supportive and comforting, I decided to end it. I was too afraid to have to go through situations like that again. So I ran.”
“Y/N,” he swallowed, “I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve to go through that.”
“But shockingly Murray’s right,” you laughed through your tears.
You had no idea when they’d started, but there they were.
“I ran away and you didn’t fight me because you believe I don’t deserve this. But we’re both wrong. We can’t fight what we feel can we?”
“I guess not,” he smiled, “Especially when we have the entire crew trying to get us back together.”
You smiled, resting your forehead against his.
“Be mine again?” you asked him softly.
He leaned forward, lips pressing to yours gently.
“Sweetheart, I’ve always been yours.”
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i-am-baechu · 8 months
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❥・Title: Oh, Oh It’s Magic
❥・Paring: Hoseok x reader
❥・Genre: Witch au, Soulmate au, Little bit of Angst, Romance, and Fluff 
❥・Rating: PG 14
❥・Summary: A bookstore that is known for its fast services is the new location for Bts to film for their ad. The sneaky owner helps the staff but creates confusion throughout the store as the light keeps moving on their own. But one thing Hoseok knows for sure is that he feels something magical with her. 
❥・Author's Note: Guess who almost worked twenty hours in the span of two days, lol. Love the paycheck but I hate working lol. Sorry for the late upload
❥・Playlist: Black Magic - Little Mix ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚
The early morning is something that anyone would hate. The sun is barely out and the fog rocks you back to sleep with the cold air. L/N Y/N especially hates it because she is almost always late for her shift. Why would her boss, Son Wendy, give her morning shifts? They live together, she knows her sleep schedule better than anyone. She thinks it’s because she forgets to wash the dishes and this is her punishment. Like last night. 
Y/N slowly opened the door not wanting to alert Wendy. She looked through each of the bookshelves and nodded her head when she saw no one was there. She let out a quiet chuckle and took out her phone to play a game when a cough made her drop her phone. 
“Late again?” 
She let out a curse word and an awkward chuckle escaped, “Technically late but one snap of my fingers and I’m on time.” 
Wendy rolled her eyes and bent down to pick her phone. She handed the phone with an annoyed look but Y/N just gave her a smile and big doe eyes, “Knock it off. I know what you're doing. I have you here early for a reason.” 
She took the phone out of her hand and pouted, “Was it because of the dishes?”
“Not this time, we have a boy group coming down today to film.” 
This caused her to tilt her head and look at Wendy with curiosity, “Oh? Filming? Wait, did you say not this time?” 
“They’re coming to film for an ad. So, my rule for you is, don’t mess with them. They are mortals.” 
Y/N smirked at this and put her phone in her pocket, “Mortals, you say?” 
“Y/N, Don’t mess with them.” 
“Fine. Why you're so mean to me, it's seven thirty. You have that much strength to be mad this early?” 
“That’s the problem. It's seven thirty, you haven’t even clocked in yet. Just clock in and help me set up the store.”   
Later that morning, a couple of people came in and started to talk to Wendy about the filming. Y/N sat behind the desk watching them. They were normal looking or whatever normal was to the morals. They looked like it. More staff came in and Y/N watched them try to set up the scene. She frowned when she saw that they were struggling to put the books on the shelves and lights up. She looked around her to make sure Wendy wasn’t near her and put her hand in her cardigan pocket to snap them. In a flash, the books were put up and the lights were all put up. The workers looked at each other with wide eyes and got off the ladders slowly but clearly in a panic.   
She let out a small laugh but when she turned around she felt a flick on her forehead. She rubbed her forehead and looked to see Wendy glaring at her, “What did I say?”
“I was only helping.”
Wendy shook her head at this and sighed, “Then you go up and help them. I know life would be easier with magic but their mortals. Don’t scare them, okay?” 
“Yes master.” 
Before Wendy could say something one of the staffs peaked out of the shelves, “Wendy? The boys are here and we need to discuss some things.” 
Wendy nodded her head and sent a smile towards his way, “I’ll be right there.” He nodded his head and walked away with his steps echoing through the store. She turned back towards Y/N and nodded her head, “Let’s go, okay?”
The two went towards the front and saw the group of seven men staring at them with polite smiles. Y/N went down the row but stopped when she already felt eyes staring back at her. He had light brown hair that had bangs that touched his eyelids, bright brown eyes with a sparkle in them, and his smile made her smile. He was handsome and she wanted to get to know him better. 
“These are the owners, Son Wendy and L/N Y/N.” They waved at the girls but Y/N was only waving back at one of them, “This is Bts and as you know we’re filming for an ad. Thank you for letting us occupy your store for the time being. We appreciate it.” 
Y/N nodded her head but wasn’t listening to when the guy was talking. She leaned towards Wendy and whispered in her ear, “Who’s Bts?” 
“They’re a boy group. I told you that this morning. Don’t you remember?” 
“It was seven in the morning, why would I remember anything?” 
“Well now you know.” 
When the girls looked back at the group, she put on an awkward smile as the guy continued to talk, “This is Kim Namjoon, the leader of Bts. Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and lastly Jeon Jungkook.” 
Jung Hoseok, I like that name... “You guys know my name but just call me Y/N. I’m happy you guys are here.” She glanced at Hoseok and sent him a wink. She watched him get flustered and she sent a final wave, “I have to take care of some paperwork in the back. Wendy will help you guys but if you need me, just knock on my door.” 
She sent one final wink to Hoseok and walked away from the group as Hoseok watched her. He swallowed some spit and felt his hands get sweaty. Jimin saw his flushed face and smirked at this. He leaned towards him to whisper in his ear, “She was something else.”
“Yeah she was...”  
The next day is when they really started filming for whatever ad. The guy said what it was but she wasn’t paying attention at all. She was so focused on Hoseok. There was something about him that made her feel at home and seeing him in a button up shirt made her feel hot. They’ve only been here for a day and she already wanted him. 
In the past hour, Y/N has used her magic to help the staff. She only wanted to help them and in a way Hoseok. So far, Wendy hasn’t noticed which means it was less yelling. It also was beneficial that Wendy had to leave early because her parents needed her help. Today was a good day and she had a feeling it was going to get better for her. 
She put some books back and saw Hoseok sitting alone. She smiled to herself when she saw him drinking his coffee and looking down at his phone. He looked so peaceful. She wanted to catch his attention but she also didn’t want to go up to him. She saw there were books next to him and quickly made sure that no one was around her. She twirled her finger and the books next to him fell to the floor. He jumped at the sudden sound and saw Y/N giving him a soft smile. His eyes widened and cursed under his breath. She walked towards him with her hands behind her and a teasing smile, “Did those books scare you?”
“No, Wh-Why would books scare me? It’s just paper...”
“I mean those are horror books.” 
He looked down and saw they were childrens books. He rolled his eyes and looked back at her, “I guess it was my fault. I shouldn’t be leaning against the table in the first place.” 
She let a smile escape as she went to stand next to him, “Sometimes things just fall to get attention from someone special.” 
He looked at her with confusion as he brought his drink up, “What does that mean?” 
“You're the dancer, right?”  He raised his eyebrow at her changing the subject but nodded his head, “I wish I can dance. I have the worst dance moves anyone has ever seen.” 
“I doubt that.”
“Oh, why?”
He scratched the back of his neck and looked away from her, Well with the way you look it doesn’t matter what you do, “How long have you guys had the store?” 
“About three years now.”
“Wow, that’s really-”
“Hoseok your next!!” 
He let out a deep sigh and gave her an apologetic look, “I’m sorry. That’s my cue to leave.”
“Why are you sorry? It’s your job.” 
“I wanted to spend more time with you but I gotta go.” 
“We can always hang out another time. Good luck.” 
She watched him leave him with a smile on her face as she pushed back her hair. Wendy appeared next to her with a smirk on her face, “I saw that.” 
“Good. Did you finish the garden with your parents?” 
“You know how Boisboia Woods is, always random pixies appearing. I finished half of it but I have to go back tomorrow. I’ll try and finish it fast.”
“I don’t trust you.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and looked at Wendy with a small glare, “That’s not fair, you used magic.”
Wendy let out a small chuckle and shook her head, “I did it when no one was watching. That’s the difference.”
“Still not fair.” 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Wendy was off again to help her parents to get rid of the determined moles in their vegetable garden and the random pixies that kept showing up in their house. Y/N looked down at the list that Wendy left for her with annoyance. 
Make sure all the books in back are brought to the front 
Put the horror books that are on the stool, on the front desk 
Clean the potions that YOU dropped yesterday 
Organize the portions that YOU disorganized 
She folded the list and put it in her pants pocket letting out a small chuckle at Wendy’s demands. She was in a good mood especially after last night. Hoseok texted her and it was him just saying that they were going to be late but that didn’t matter to her. He texted her and that's all she saw. She wanted to continue the conversation but she didn’t want to misstep with him. So, she kept rereading that text from him as she kicked her feet on her bed.
Y/N snapped her fingers and the books that needed to move started to fly all over the room. She swished her finger to make sure all the books went on the respected shelves. She honestly missed seeing Hoseok and hearing his laughter. It’s only been a short time period but she was so attracted to him and she couldn’t figure out why. He was handsome but there was something else. 
Just then she heard the front door open and all the books immediately dropped. She swallowed her spit and moved quickly to be in the backroom. Pretending she wasn’t there but Hoseok saw a glimpse of her hair. 
He raised his eyebrows and rubbed his eyes, Were those books floating just now or am I… He turned around to see Jimin looking down at his phone but he saw Jungkook looking around the store. If anyone saw it, it had to be him.
“Jungkook, did you see those books floating?”
The younger man tilted his head in confusion and looked down at the floor, “I just saw all the books fall off of the shelves.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes and shook his head, “No, they were floating and then they fell. I saw them.”
Before anyone could argue, Y/N came into view with a book in her hand, “Good morning, it was quiet this morning without you guys. Missed the commotion.”
Hoseok turned around in a flash and gave her an apologetic smile, “Sorry about that. Next time we’ll be here on time.”
“I would rather have you here alone with me but I guess I can manage.”
She winked at him and made her way back to the front desk as Hoseok moved his eyes to look her up and down. It wasn’t until Namjoon touched his shoulder and let out a chuckle, “oh, you got it bad.” 
“Shut up.”
Later that day, they were filming random shots of the books as the boys sat in the corner eating their lunch. Y/N walked towards the boys with her lunch in hand with a smile on her face and sat next to Jungkook, “Today is so boring. Nothing exciting is happening.”
She took out her sandwich and gave Jungkook a tilt, “Why would something exciting happen? You're just filming.”
Jin turned towards her and shook his head as he pointed at the bookshelves. “The staff said the shelves are special but I think it’s the lights getting to their brains.”
“Why would they think that?”
“They saw the lights move and they said all the wires were moved to the side after Namjoon fell yesterday but no one touched it. They said they were going to move it when filming was done but someone already did it.”
She bit her lip and nodded her head, Wendy’s going to kill me. I didn’t think no one would notice. Usually mortals are so deprived of their surroundings-
“Y/N, are you alright?”
She looked at Hoseok and nodded her head slowly and looked back down at her sandwich. Fuck… Hoseok looked back at her and looked at her with confusion, Since when did eyes sparkle like that? 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
A week later, Hoseok was taking note of all the strange things that were happening in the store. Ever since that one morning, he’s noticed everything and somehow Y/N was always near it. Yes, she was beautiful and he was interested in her but he couldn’t help but feel she was hiding something from him. He disliked liars.  
Hoseok walked back and forth in the living room as they all watched in confusion. Jungkook looked at Namjoon with worried eyes but the only answer he got was a shrug of the shoulders. He stopped moving and stood in the middle with furrowed eyebrows, “Did you guys really not see the books floating?” 
Jimin raised his eyebrow at this and shook his head, “Why would they be floating?” 
“Because they were!” 
Namjoon got up from the coach and rubbed his shoulders gently, “Did you get enough sleep? We’ve been busy all week and worked late yesterday, maybe you should take a nap.” 
“I swear I saw the books floating, the lights moving, books moving to different shelves, and my cold tea turning hot.” 
They all looked at each other and nodded their heads, “Okay, whatever you say.” 
He left the dorm an hour before because he needed the truth. He couldn’t have another sleepless night. He entered and walked towards the back room with a determined look. He knocked on the door gently and heard movement in the room, “We're closed for today, we have special people coming for the next week! Sorry!”
“Y/N, it’s me Hoseok.” 
“Ummm…Hold on a second! I dropped some books in the back and I’ll be right out!”
Hoseok started to look around the store with curiosity but his eyes landed on an opened book that was behind the desk. He slowly walked towards it and looked back at the door to make sure Y/N wasn’t coming out anytime soon. He looked at the page and his eyes widened, Witches Soulmates are felt the moment they look into each other's eyes. The eyes of the witch shall have sparkles in them or the eye color completely changes when they look at their soulmates. Some witches even start to-
He heard footsteps and went back to the front door with his arms crossed. When the door opened he gave her the best smile he could give but his focus was only on her eyes. He raised his eyebrow when he noticed that her eyes indeed had a sparkle (and not the sparkle from the light, legit sparkles. As if she had glitter in her eyes) and put it together.
“Hey, Hoseok. I wasn’t expecting anyone here yet.” 
“I just wanted to see you.”
She let out a small laugh and walked toward the bookshelves as she pulled some books off of the shelves, “You flatter me. I wish Wendy was here so she could do all this work, it gets annoying.”
Hoseok didn’t answer but stared down at his shoes with a frown, “Y/N…”
She looked back at him with worried eyes. She never heard this tone from him before and she was scared. She pressed the books against her chest and looked at him with fear in her eyes, “Hoseok, is everything alright?”
“You wouldn’t lie to me, right?”
She gave him a confused look and shook her head, “Why would you ask that?”
“You can tell me anything, you know that right?”
“Hoseok, are you alright? Did one of the guys-”
“Never mind. Tell the guys I’ll be late today.” 
Before she could say anything, Hoseok walked away without sparing her another look and she felt her chest hurt. She turned around to say his name but he was already gone. She heard a snap and saw Wendy looking at her with a smile but it dropped when she saw the hurt look on her friend's face, “What happened?”
“I’m-I’m not sure.”
“Hoseok was here and he was talking about if I would ever lie to him and if I would talk to him about anything-”
“Y/N, I think he saw this...”
She looked at the front desk with wide eyes, how could she be so stupid? She was reading up on the strange sparkles in her eyes and how she was worried she was sick but was met with the conclusion that Hoseok is her soulmate. She closed the book shut and bit her lip hard to stop herself from crying, “I didn’t know he was coming. If I did, I would’ve put it away. He probably hates me. I mean I would hate-”
“Y/N, how about you take the day off. We’ll talk about this later and I don’t want you working with this on your mind. It’s not good for your heart.” 
She nodded her head and took the book with a frown, “What happens if he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore?” 
“I’m sure that won’t happen. He probably needs time to figure things out. You don’t even know if he knows you're a witch but if he does, it's a lot to take in. He's a mortal, his whole life he was told that witches or any fantasy thing wasn’t true. Just wait and see.” 
And wait she did. Y/N waited and waited until it turned into five months. She texted the other members asking about him but that was all she got from them. She’s rewatched the commercial so many times that Wendy put a charm on her laptop to mute it. She still wasn’t sure if Hoseok knew she was a witch or not but him ignoring her was some sort of an answer. An answer she didn’t want. 
It was raining again this week, the third time this week. Wendy said that when powerful witches' soulmates don’t interact with them or decline them as partners they cause weather changes. She didn’t mean for this to happen but she couldn’t help her heart from this. She would stay late every day at the store to see if he would come for her but he wouldn’t. 
She closed the store up and snapped her fingers watching all the books going to its rightful places. She glanced at the children's section and smiled to herself when she remembered that one day with Hoseok. She remembered his smile that day and he was clearly embarrassed about the books falling. She let out a sad chuckle and shook her head. His smile was something she looked forward to but now it was just a memory. 
She walked in the rain letting the drops comfort her. She loves Wendy but at this moment the weather understood her better than anyone. Her heels were clicking against the pavement and she stopped. She looked up to stare at the sky. At least with the rain you couldn’t tell she was crying. It all looked the same. 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
“What do you mean she’s sick?” 
Wendy rolled her eyes and pushed Jungkook out of the way to enter the dorm. She scanned the room until she saw Hoseok on the couch. She glared at the back of his head and went to stand in front of the TV. He blinked a few times before looking up to see Wendy with an angry face, “Wendy?”
“Hoseok, you need to talk to Y/N.” 
Hoseok sighed and looked away from the harsh stare, “She lied-”
“She’s sick.” 
Hoseok's head snapped at this and looked at her with wide eyes, “What do you mean sick?”
“When witches' soulmates decline, the witch becomes sick and sometimes they can even die. So, go talk to her before I kill you.” 
Taehyung glanced at Namjoon with a confused look, “Did she say witches?”
“Yeah, she did.”
Jimin looked between Wendy and Hoseok, “I’m really confused.” 
“Same here, Chim.” 
Wendy nodded her head at Hoseok and sighed, “Hoseok, Y/N and I are witches. Were from the Boisboia Woods and we went to Nemserra, academy of witchcraft. That’s how we met. I’ve known Y/N since we were thirteen and I know she can be a pain in the ass but I love her. She’s my best friend and I’ll be damned if she dies from a misunderstanding. Talk to her and Yes Taehyung, I did say witches. Good night and Namjoon, call me.”
Wendy walked out and slammed the door as Hoseok sat there looking down at the carpet underneath him. While Namjoon smiled to himself, “Did you guys hear that? She wants me to call her.” 
“That’s great hyung but I think we should help Hoseok...”
Yoongi was the first one to sit next to the dancer and patted his back awkwardly, “You know she asked about you everyday for the past five months?” 
Hoseok looked up and looked at Yoongi with a frown, “Did she?”
Jungkook nodded his head and sat on the couch, “Yeah, she would always send lunches to us.”
“All those lunches were from her?”
Jin sighed and leaned back into the loveseat, “You need to talk to her. The faster you do this-”
“I know. I’m going to bed, I need sleep for this.” 
Another day of closing and it just felt like it was raining harder today. She watched the drops fall down the glass and shook her head, “He didn’t come...” She grabbed her coat and walked out with the rain drenching her. It feels nice when the cold water attacks you when you're sad. She couldn’t explain it but it felt nice. She started walking down the street when she heard her name with a familiar voice. She rolled her eyes at her thinking she was hearing his voice and continued her way. It wasn’t until someone grabbed her wrist making her turn around to see Hoseok breathing heavily with an umbrella. 
“Why would you walk in the rain without an umbrella? Are you trying to get sick?”
She stared at him with confused eyes and shook her head, “Why would you care?” 
He flinched at the words but he still held his concerned look, “I parked over there. I can drive you home.” 
She wanted to fight back but she decided against it because this was the first time in a while since she saw him and she would be lying to herself if she didn’t want to be with him. She went under the umbrella with him and refused to look up at him but she could feel his stare. He opened the door for her and she entered the car without giving him a look. She heard the car door close and she let out a deep sigh, Now what. 
When the other door closed, she watched him turn on the heater and turned his music, making the whole car silent. The only sound was the rain and the heater, she didn’t know if she should let out a sigh or cough. She was scared that he would ignore her or worse just walk away from her again after he came back for her. 
“I’m sorry.” 
She turned her head to look at his face with wide eyes, “What?” 
“I’m sorry for walking out and not returning any texts.” 
She didn’t know what to say so she nodded her head and the lack of response made Hoseok annoyed, “Wendy told me everything.” 
“What do you mean everything?” 
He scoffed at her and looked out his window, “You answer to that but not to me. She told me, you're a witch. You don’t need to lie anymore.” 
She gulped and looked down at her knees, “Hoseok, I couldn’t tell you.” 
“And why is that? This whole time you lied to me about something that made you who you are. How-”
“If I would’ve told you without being with you, my powers would’ve been taken away from me. Wendy could get in trouble now.” 
His heated glare didn’t leave her face as she looked away from him, “You could’ve still told me.” 
“We weren't together! Not like you want to be with me now.” 
“What's that supposed to mean? Because your a witch, you think I won’t-” 
She turned her head at him and his face softened when he saw tears welled up in her eyes, “Because I lied to you. I wouldn’t want to be with a liar either, so I understand.” 
He shook his head and grabbed her hand that was holding her knee tightly. He interlocked his hand with hers and looked into her eyes, “I’ve done things wrong too. We're both wrong but we can make it right. Plus, I know I'm your soulmate.” 
“But I lied to you...that’s one of the worst things you can do to someone.”
Hoseok shook his head and leaned forward placing a kiss on her forehead, “I know why you did it. I’m sorry I wanted you to say it when you weren’t ready.”
She glanced up and smiled to herself, “I’m sorry that I couldn’t tell you...maybe If I told you earlier. Things would be better now.”
He shrugged his shoulders and pushed some hair behind her head, “We won’t know that and honestly that doesn’t matter right now. What matters now is that I got you.”
“You don’t care about me being a witch?”
He shook his head at this and smiled at her, “I like you for you. Nothing can change that.” 
He leaned down and placed a quick peck on her pale lips, “Really. Let’s go to my dorm, it's closer.”
She felt her face get hot and nodded her head, “Are the guys there?” 
“Yeah...they know that you and Wendy are witches.”
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “I know Jungkook is going to ask me to do stuff. Like making things appear.”
“He can do that another time, I want to spend time with my girlfriend.”
Her head snapped at him and her eyes widened, “Girlfriend? You don’t even ask me!?” 
He rubbed the back of his head and gave her a sheepishly smile, “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” 
“Of course...you idiot.” 
Y/N sat on the bed in Hoseok clothes as she let out a loud gasp, “She told you I would die!?”
Hoseok nodded his head and pouted at this, “Is that not true?”
“I mean technically she’s not wrong but we would have to be apart for a year. Wendy likes to be dramatic.” 
“A whole year, yeah that would never happen.” He picked her up and placed her into his lap. He kissed her forehead and smiled, “Never again will we be apart.” 
There was a knock on the door and Y/N glanced at it with a raised eyebrow, “Neh, Y/N...can you show me some spells?” 
“Jungkook, I said in the morning, leave my girlfriend alone!” 
Extended ending: 
Five years of dating and two years of marriage, Jung Y/N, looks at herself in the mirror with a small smile. She tilted her head and looked at the small bruises on her neck with a roll of her eyes. She grabbed her foundation and started to hide the marks when she felt someone rub her shoulders, “Why are you covering them? You know how much I love seeing them.” 
She put down her foundation brush to look up at him with an annoyed look, “I don’t need the guy's comment today. I’m already feeling extra tired because of someone.” 
“You wanted it just as much as me, love.” 
She watched him leave the room and the smile on her face only grew. She got up from her chair and took a look in the mirror one last time. She put her hand on top of her growing belly and let out a content sigh. Hoseok walked back in and smiled at the view of his wife and felt butterflies. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around to put his hands on top of hers. He kissed the top of her head as she nuzzled her head into his chest. 
“I’m so excited to meet her.”
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bluesky42 · 1 year
How would my generation loss musical fan project work?
There are three story bits that need to be happening at any given time. What’s happening onstage (the musical), what’s happening backstage (the real horror element, our main character breaking out), and what’s happening in the audience (the showfall employees reacting to what’s going wrong). All of these move in tandem together to create the full experience.
This would be done in front of a live audience, but they are only seeing the things happening onstage and in the audience. Anything backstage is all filmed to be released with the rest of it on a later date.
Instead of a death vote, my question is would the audience rat out one of the actors who has broken out of Showfalls control. Would they tell a showfall employee the truth when asked if they knew that meant the actor would either be re mind controled, or even maybe die?
The whole experience starts as soon as you enter the building, with showfall employees eerily standing in the lobby of the theater and silently pointing at where you need to go. You get a playbill with squiggles on it that says you are the test audience for a new form of showfall entertainment.
Once they enter the theater there is a wall in front of the curtain, blocking the stage. There is sobbing and screaming that comes from the other side. Showfall employees creepily stand at the edges of the room to watch the show. Once the show starts, wall glows red and the noises abruptly stop. The wall is removed, and the curtain goes up.
Once the show starts, things remain pretty normal in the first minutes. Then, a few characters have a big argument, and our main character is pushed down the stairs. They land on their mind control device, and break it.
First, they look up at the ceiling where they can now see the lights. They keep looking around and start to get more and more panicked before finally they turn around to stare in horror at the audience. Then they see the showfall employees, and the mind control masks on the other actors, and try to pretend like nothing changed.
This actor is now not at all under showfalls control. And it shows. They barely know the words to songs, they don’t know where they are supposed to be, and they don’t really know the plot. They are desperately trying to pretend like nothing has changed, but once other characters start dying (especially their friends) it becomes almost impossible not to react.
During intermission, showfall employees go around asking for thoughts on the show. They specifically ask if anyone has noticed any “technical glitches.” They also ask if the actors are doing what they are supposed too. The goal here is too see how many people 1. Catch on to what is actually being asked and 2. Tell the showfall employees about the rogue actor. Depending on the percentage, this changes act 2 in ways I haven’t quite figured out yet.
I think that if the audience rats them out, during act two some of the showfall employees leave to go backstage to try and catch the rogue actor offstage. The actor catches on to this and starts trying to find reasons to never leave the stage.
Eventually, I think they do get caught in a backstage chase scene, and are brought onstage to their death.
This is all I have for now, but I would love to hear other people’s ideas. I’m kind of working on this? It’s a side project to stuff I get paid/grades for. But honestly this is such a cool idea I’m going to keep adding too when I have time. If you would like to stay in the loop, I will tag every post about this with #Genloss musical so follow that for more. Thank you for reading my rambling!
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loveislandthegame · 7 months
thoughts on today’s volume ! wow, this might be the worst love confession i’ve ever read in this game 😍
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there was so many diamond scenes in this volume, but one of them revealed (if you’re on a rafa route) rafael asked alex for advice about asking somebody to be his GIRLFRIEND (apparently alex doesn’t know it’s about MC . that sounds like a load of shit tho . use common sense babes)
and it’s not just him:
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are the 2 remaining casa guys being added as last minute LIs? probably not . in season 2 they would’ve been romanceable, but the New App has very linear storylines. i’m getting the vibe that it’s a really weak attempt at some endgame drama. (we haven’t been able to properly romance all LIs/swap between partners since s4)
i really hope they aren’t supposed to be LIs, because these confessions suckeddddd lmao (technically one hasn’t happened yet, it’s just summer/joyo or #Rafne telling you, but my expectations are below hell in regards to that)
no heartfelt expression on how ~he realised he really has feelings for her, but MC’s LI is his friend, and he didn’t want to step on their toes~ in sight. not even some bare minimum talking about MC’s personality or how she makes them feel . just going on about MC’s appearance . she’s …a knockout? really? 😭 it’s not giving slow burn, it’s giving me the ick. FB, you better be joking
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allyendergirl · 11 hours
Just saw a TikTok about the time in the Justice League show Superman got that weird “makes you experience your greatest wish in a dream” plant on his chest and it focused about Kal’s relationship with his fake son Van, and now I need to hc about it.
Here is the vid ⬇️
Clark picks up drawing a few months after the incident because he can’t get Van out of his mind, and it hurts to only have memories of this dream son. So over the course of a year whenever he can, Clark practices realism and semi realism portraits with Van as his muse. Decides that semi realism is better because technically Van was never real in the first place.
He has hundreds, maybe even thousands of drawings of Van, even makes portraits of them sitting together in their kryptonian garb. He draws Van’s first steps, he draws the first time he held Van in his arms from his pov, and all the other memories he can remember and think of with Van.
Eventually the art therapy that he’s been inadvertently working through starts to work. Through art he sees Van live again, through art he makes Van real, through art he gets to experience memories with his son, even if those memories are from a short time, or are even all together made up for an original scene. He begins to let go because he has all he needs of his son now. The last portrait Clark thinks he’ll make of Van is sometime after Clark starts taking responsibility for Kon. He draws himself, Lois, Kon, and Van together as a family, Van being older than Kon. An adult.
It isn’t until Jon is born that he starts thinking about Van a lot more. It starts off with holding Jon for the first time, and the memory of holding Van flashes before his eyes when Jon reaches out for his finger. The scene that Clark created of Van’s first steps hangs over Clark when he watches Jon’s first steps, so on and so forth. It bubbles over when playing outside with Jon, Clark keeps seeing flashes of Van in Jon. He has go inside and take over making dinner so Lois can watch Jon because it’s too much for him. So Clark picks his pencils back up and starts drawing again, it takes about a month to get fully back into his style, but draws and he draw and he draws. He draws Jon and Van playing together as kids, he draws them together with Van being his real age and playing with Jon, he superimposes Van into some of his memories of Jon. He feels guilty about that, so he doesn’t do it often.
But one day his secrets gets out to the boys. Lois knows partially what Clark draws about. She only see what Clark shows her, which isn’t a lot, but he has told her what he draws about, he’s told her about his experience… “meeting” Van. But the boys don’t know about that. So when Kon pages through a sketch book Clark left out on the table and sees and family portrait he never posed for with an added member to the family he’s never seen in his life, he has questions. Reasonable, innocent questions. Jon quickly comes over to look at what Kon found and has similar questions.
“Dad, who’s that?” Jon asks.
Clark is confused for a second by what his son means until he turns around and his stomach drops. There at the table Kon and Jon are looking at a big family portrait he’d just finished, rather puzzledly. It had his mother and father, Ma and Pa, Lois and Clark, Jon and Kon, and of course Van. Van’s standing behind Clark but in front of his mother and father to his right. Lois is sitting next to him with Ma and Pa standing behind them off to his left. Kon and Jon sit at Clark’s and Lois’s feet.
“This is really cool, who drew this?” Kon tries, since Clark has still yet to answer Jon. Clark is still panicking.
“Um, I drew that,” Clark manages to blubber out.
“Wow dad, I didn’t know you could draw like that. But who is that?” Jon points at Van. “Is he another kryptonian relative? Why haven’t you mentioned him?”
“Um, because he… we’ll never technically existed.” Clark says with a sorrow in his eyes.
The boys look at each other and go quiet. Clark sighs and sits down, taking the portrait into his hands and looking at it. He still needs to set the picture so it doesn’t smudge.
“Back when the Justice League was still newer and there were only its founding members. We had a run in with Darkside. He used this, plant creature thing to incapacitate me, and a few other members of the League. This creature, when it gets a hold of you, makes you go into a dream like state and experience the life you always wanted, a life that you could only dream about. Mine was to have a family on Krypton. I had a son in that dream, his name was Van-El. And I loved him very much. Just as much as I love you two. I had memories of raising him, when I first held him, when he first flew, taking him to school, having holiday dinners with all of my kryptonian relatives. It all felt so real, to me it was real. And then Batman was able to get the creature off me and it all came to an end. I felt like I had lost everything all over again, but it wasn’t until after we defeated Darkside that I even realized I felt that way. That I realized that I had lost my son. And it truly felt like that. I felt the exact same way when Kon died. I promised myself I would never forget him. And so I took up drawing, portraiture and scenes from everyday life. It served as therapy. Through art I could live through moments with Van that I would never have, and I could “relive” the moments I remember with him. I thought I drew my last portrait with him a little after I took Kon under my wing. It was a portrait with me Kon and Van. Van was an adult, maybe five years older than Kon. But after Jon was born, I just saw so much of Van in him. And it hurt, so I took up drawing again when he was around 4 and haven’t stopped since. Over the years I have refound my peace with Van-El never having existed, but I still like to draw him, especially with my real family.” Clark looks up from the portrait and smiles sadly and lovingly at his two boys.
Jon looks moved to tears and dives to hug his father tightly. Lois comes up behind him and places a hand on his shoulder, leaning to place a kiss on his head. Kon walks around them and peels Clark’s hand away from Jon to squeeze tightly.
“That must’ve been so hard,” Jon coos in his shoulder. Clark himself starts to tear up.
“It was, but I got through it. And I have two beautiful boys that I can see and talk to and hold everyday, which is something I would never trade away for any other life.”
“Glad to hear it,” Kon smiles, Clark manages to smile back. Jon squeezes him hard one last time and straightens up to wipe his tears, sniffling.
“Can we see your other drawings of him?”
Clark smiles, “I’ll have to unbox them from storage at the Fortress, and there’s a lot of them. But sure, you can start with this one though,” Clark hands over his sketchbook to Jon and Kon squeezes Clark’s hand one more time before sitting next to Jon to peruse the book.
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acacia-may · 23 days
Hiya Acacia! For the ask game; may I ask for 4, 7, 31, and 46 please 🥰?
Hi there, Lyra! Thank you for the ask, friend!! 💜 These replies got really long so I've put them under the cut.
4. What is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
Since I have way too much WIPS, I am going to take a very narrow focus for this question and make myself choose from plot bunnies I have never written anything for (rather than including any existing wips). In which case, I've got to go with my Langris x Finesse Beauty and Beast AU where the Golden Dawn is all turned into the palace furniture (It's based off the Disney movie (loosely) and Alecdora Sandler made an excellent uptight clock, William was a candlestick, and David is particularly hilarious as a wine glass). I wanted to write this one so badly but just never could figure out how to make it into an actual story rather than vignettes of scenes and shenanigans, so it never came to life. 😭
And yes, I feel deep existential dread when I think about all of my wips and the stories I will (probably) never get to write... 🙈
7. Tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
I think I was "writing" fanfiction pretty much my whole life. When I played make-believe as a little kid, it was always continuations of my favorite stories or putting my favorite characters into AUs. I remember writing some short stories about my favorite book and cartoon characters too, but I'm not sure what my very first one was about. I want to say it was Star Wars because my friend and I wrote this whole series when I was about 9 called "The Adventures of Space Cat" (which was my friend's Star Wars OC: a talking cat who was basically adopted by Luke, Han, and Leia and brought on all their adventures after the end of the original trilogy).
When I was in middle school, I wrote what was essentially Ben 10 Alien Force fanfiction for an epic poetry school project and just changed all of the names and some of the more specific details. This absolute gem (I say with total sarcasm) is unfortunately lost to time but my sister swears she vividly remembers this one particular line that was basically, "Character A paused during the battle because of his trauma and confidence issues" (which I think probably says a lot about me & the kinds of characters that compel me even back then...).
I don't think I got serious about writing fanfiction until high school though when I wrote my big, long Secret Garden epic which was 46 chapters and 176,134 words long (and was going to be a duology so was technically never finished even though book 1 has a complete first draft...) The plot was pretty basic. It was a sequel to my favorite book of all time, The Secret Garden, and (believe it or not) a period romance that took place when all the characters were adults mostly during World War 1. It was split perspective and had OCs as major characters too, so it was, honestly, a really ambitious project.
I made so many changes to it after I had a complete draft so I'm honestly very relieved I never posted it anywhere and just shared it with my friends and family irl. They seemed to like it well enough but...it's a bit of an embarrassment for me tbh as I feel my writing has gotten so much better since then. A friend I met in college wanted to read it but I had made so many changes to the draft & had never finished the 2nd draft so it was basically unreadable (i.e. the beginning no longer matched the ending, random plotlines were taken out and added ect.) so I wrote Secrets and Sugar Mice for her as a little taste of my overall ideas and also to introduce her to one of my OCs (and I actually did post that to AO3 (linked here) if you are at all curious).
Writing that story helped me grow so much as a writer, character creator, and storyteller and I'm so grateful for the experience, but I'm not sure I will ever actually resurrect this project, especially since I'm not sure this particular 100+ year old book has much of a fandom.😅
31. Tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
I've answered this here (about one of my OCs) and here (about Black Clover canon characters I enjoy writing), but since we're doing blast from the past here a little, I will give a shout out to very first real OC, Julia, who taught me so much about how to create a character and fit them into an existing world (and as an eventual love interest for an existing character). Some of the most fun I have ever had as a writer was writing her and Colin's quick-witted rivals to friends to lovers plotline. They're both highly intelligent people, strong-willed, and stubborn as heck, and their plotline took place in a hospital (mostly during the war) where he's a doctor and she's a nurse and they are just butting heads about how best to run things at every possible turn. They end up playing up their rivalry because neither wants to admit defeat or that they actually have a lot of respect & admiration for each other and want to be friends. (Secrets and Sugar Mice is about that specifically if you're at all interested).
Here is a short excerpt if I can be completely self-indulgent (just a short little exchange between her and her dad (who technically is a canon character but we know next to nothing about him so he's basically an OC too lol):
Julia stopped abruptly, staring at the medical supply cabinet. It was exactly as she had left it with supplies organized for practical use—bandages next to gauze as they would often be taken together and so on. It only made sense after all—at least to Julia anyway. Some people were of the opinion that it would be better if the supplies were arranged alphabetically.
“Dr. Craven didn’t rearrange the cabinet today,” said a voice from behind her. She turned and found her father, Dr. Louis Cartwright, dressed in his white coat with files in hand. He smiled slightly at her.
 “So I see.”
“He was very busy,” her father explained. “It’s alright if you’re a bit disappointed.”
Her cheeks flushed, but she frowned. “Why would I be disappointed?”
Her father sighed and smiled knowingly at her. “I think you enjoy your little squabble over it.”
Julia could feel a deep blush rising in her cheeks, but she huffed indignantly. She most certainly did not enjoy arguing over the cabinet. It was bad enough that Dr. Colin Craven had somehow convinced her father to move them across the country to work in his hospital, but to then refuse to organize said hospital in a practical manner was even worse. Well, perhaps the rest of the hospital was alright, but this blasted cabinet simply wasn’t practical. She had reorganized it almost immediately, and he had rearranged it right back stubbornly insisting he couldn’t find anything unless the supplies were organized in alphabetical order. She insisted that putting frequently grouped items together saved time and rearranged it again. Then he reorganized it alphabetically again. And so on and so on. This had gone on for months now. It was a matter of pride not something she enjoyed—or at least not something she’d ever admit to enjoying no matter what her father said.
“It’s a matter of principle only, and if this is a sign that Dr. Craven has finally conceded, I would be glad of it.”
Her father laughed—his dark eyes sparkling. “I think it’s more of a sign that he was busy and had lots of patients today. I suppose, we’ll see tomorrow. Unless of course you want to ask him. He hasn’t left yet.”
Julia blinked. As much as she relished the idea of him admitting she was right about the cabinet, she was fairly certain that, as her father had said, this spoke more to Dr. Craven’s workload than to him conceding to her.
“I think I’ll just wait to see. Plus, I think this is a new record for my organization system.”
Her father chuckled quietly to himself but shook his head. “Don’t you think this cabinet squabble has gone on long enough?”
“We haven’t reached a resolution yet.”
“I don’t think you’ll ever reach a resolution this way.” Her father sighed. “I don’t understand why you won’t just admit you want to be friends and find something else to talk about.”
Julia’s cheeks grew hot, but she huffed and shook her head. “I don’t want to be friends.”
Her father raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly at her. Julia fidgeted. He could always tell when she was lying. The truth was she wouldn’t mind being friends. In fact, maybe a part of her did want to be friends—but at the same time she barely knew the man, and the little she did know of him was not particularly flattering. Still, she couldn’t help but concede that he was at least intriguing—this heir to a grand estate who spent his time as a doctor in a country hospital—or at least he would be if he was actually sociable from time to time and wasn’t so stubborn.
Julia huffed again. “It’s beside the point. Even if I did want to be friends, he clearly has no interest in making friends with me.” She sighed. “And besides, even if we did try to make friends, I doubt we would even get on—we so often disagree.”
“I think you’d get on extremely well if you got to know each other a little better. You have lots of common interests.”
“Which he never talks about,” Julia protested.
“He’s just shy and…”—Her father paused as if thinking of the right word—“awkward.”
“He’s very opinionated for someone who’s shy,” she countered her brow furrowing. 
Julia’s father laughed, but he smiled kindly. “He is a bit of an odd duck, but he’s a kind person at heart and very generous.”
“Why don’t you make friends with him then?” Julia teased with a chuckle.
Her father laughed. “I already am friends with him, and it’s quite pleasant.”
Julia wrinkled her nose, but her mouth turned up in the corners in spite of herself. She sighed. “I know that you’re very fond of him, Papá, and I can tell that he admires and looks up to you, but he has been nothing but cold and standoffish to me. Arguing about that cabinet and occasionally discussing work related issues is the full extent of our interaction. It’s not nearly enough to build a friendship.”
“I haven’t seen you try to talk to him about anything else, either,” her father countered pointedly before his face softened. “I know he wants to be friends, but I don’t think he knows how to strike up a conversation with you especially since you’re so set on disliking him.”
Julia sighed. “I’m not set on disliking him, but it is difficult to like someone who is so often disagreeable.”
46. what time are you the most productive when it comes to writing?
First thing in the morning or the middle of the night. But I think it changes based on my health and how busy I am. I am a very slow writer in general so it takes me a lot of time in the drafting/outlining stages before I actually sit down to start writing.
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chibivesicle · 1 year
Trigun Stampede - Episode 7 - with a title like ‘WOLFWOOD’, I was expecting him to die.
Yet, he is still very much alive at the end of the episode.  He saved the orphanage - cue manga plot line to die.  However, this wasn’t his second showdown with Livio; can’t have him dying just yet can we?
As I’ve said before, and I will continue to say, the technical aspects of this series are top notch.  The smooth fight scenes, the great facial expressions, especially from Meryl in this episode.  Yet, the payoff from the events of this episode ring hollow to me.  But that is continuing on if the payoff is earned or not.  And with all that introduction of the Bad Lads Gang, we don’t even get to see B.D.N. as an older fan, I have to admit that was a disappointment, he was a good villain who added to the character dynamics and helped flesh out Vash’s character early on. But before that, I’ll respond to some comments on last week’s post - I’m always bad about getting back to comments on posts - apologies. ^^;;  One comment was on how Wolfwood and Vash don’t need to become friends since it is Wolfwood’s job to take Vash to Knives.  That is totally correct - however, the ‘98 anime and manga both make it a point that Wolfwood and Vash become friends as it adds to their character development. Wolfwood realizes his guilt and also finds peace with his decisions because he became friends with Vash.  And Vash respected him in both either by literally carrying his cross in the anime in the final showdown with Knives or by using his own life force/span to blow a hole in Knives’ ark just to show him Wolfwood’s dead body on the couch while looking very pissed off.  Either way Wolfwood’s own actions that result in his death spur Vash into action. Another comment was about how I’m guessing this season is 12-13 episodes - I’m going by the fact that a lot of anime now are split into two parts for a single ‘season’ and they pace them out this way e.g. Spy x Family, LOGH:DNT etc.  It just reflects a change in the animation industry instead of the 90s where they would contractually agree with a studio to make seasons that were either 24-26 episodes long in one go or as long as 36-40.  Hence the use of recap and filler episodes, though I personally feel that the original Trigun does not suffer from ‘pointless filler’, it was clever in the story and character development.  I haven’t been gleaning the Japanese sources with much vigor since I’m not that into Trigun Stampede to care that much.  I think a comment on one of posts mentioned it might be a current 9 episodes for this part from Studio Orange.  I care enough about Stampede to give it a college try and watch it but at this point, it won’t hold much re-watch weight when I could go back to the original or read the manga again and enjoy it.
The last comment was similar to the first one, and I agree as well that Wolfwood really is stuck between a rock and a hard place.  He has to suck it up and do what he’s told to prevent other children from the fate he and Livio have come to experience.  There is just so much we can discuss about this and I love hearing back from other people and the different ways to look at things.
Okay, onto episode seven!
The episode starts off with everyone panicking as the Sandsteamer is off course and under attack.  And it is heading straight for Hopeland.  Cue Wolfwood panic even further!  The map labels the Hopeland Orphanage but the dialogue indicates it is also a town.
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Which is it Studio Orange?  Honestly, it would have been best to label it as the town of Hopeland and note it has an orphanage through context than making that the key landmark.  It reads oddly.  The original stated that the Church orphanage is located 300 iles from December according to Wolfwood.
Wolfwood has a lot of angst trying to figure out what to do, lashing out at the Bad Lads members and then goes back to fighting Livio while telling Vash to flee.
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Again, the fight sequence between Wolfwood and Livio is brutal and the July MPs remark that the two of them are monsters.  It seems that Livio has some sort of built in regeneration system that we can’t see and Wolfwood decides he has no choice but to kill him.
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While this is happening, the Bad Lads gang is raiding the Sandsteamer and not really doing that much honestly.  They are doing a hit and run.  No B.D.N. - personal sadness.
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Instead of disguising themselves as Bad Lad members, it seems that one of the two of them sweet talked them to spare them to report for an ‘Outlaw’ magazine.  We have Meryl taking pictures of them as they pose during the raid.
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Since Meryl is pretty quick witted, I’m guessing she’s the one who came up with the idea and Roberto is just rolling with it based on his  body language.  But hey, they aren’t dead!  That’s a plus.
Then Vash shows up knocking out all sorts of Bad Lads making his way to Roberto and Meryl.
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The group briefly chat about why they are there as Vash thought they drove off back towards July on their own.  We have him using his gun as a blunt object along with his robotic arm.  I guess when he ran away from Wolfwood, his goal was to just knock out as many of them as possible?  It is unclear what his objective is other than this is the way the writers have him run into Meryl and Roberto.  This shows off that he’s ‘not human’ according to Roberto and they don’t explain to him that they are still following him either.
He then continues down the hall taking out more Bad Lads with his knock them out strategy.
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We do see Vash do this in the ‘98 anime (and in the manga) in the episode ‘Hang Fire’ with his famous terrible song about slaughter and genocide but the crux of that story was him begging a father wanting to kill the man who raped and murdered his daughter not to.  He kicks a freakkin’ rocket grenade with his foot and takes out men with his long colt 45 instead of shooting them.
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The action returns to Wolfwood and Livio.  We had more 2D flashbacks about them and Wolfwood is resolved to take him out by insulting him and pretending him like he does care.  Livio gets emotionally stunned and when he goes to shoot him at point blank range, his shot is knocked off course and destroys Zazie’s monitoring insect.
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This is where he turns to Vash in shock, since this is one of the few times Vash has fired his gun in the entire series.  Of course it is to protect Wolfwood and Livio.
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Vash keeps pushing him to try to find a way to connect with Livio and Wolfwood fights him until he can damage the weird mind control device on Livio’s face.  He pop back into awareness and realizes that Wolfwood is his older brother, Nick and it looks like they might get him.
But all of the brainwashing from the Eye of Michael kicks in and he staggers about pointing his guns at Roberto, Meryl, Vash and Wolfwood . . . before he snaps and shoots himself in the head and falls off the steamer.  Tis a flesh wound.  We know Livio will be back later.
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Wolfwood is clearly concerned and looks over the railing and notices a car that he knows is likely Legato and others.  However, he doesn’t share this critical information with others and instead angsting alone for a moment.
It then reveals that Legato is in the mood for some monologue time to state that Wolfwood’s ‘lack of faith’ is an issue and in order to get him to serve Knives better they need to destroy everything he cares about; Livio and the orphanage.
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Once Wolfwood no longer has these important connections, it will be no problem to control him.  [sighs] If you say so less nihilistic version of Legato.  In the last episode we already had Legato establish that this version of Wolfwood has a very strong will and attachment to others, he should realize that this likely will backfire on him. 
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What is throwing me for a loop is that Legato is the ‘religious’ one in this version.  That was squarely Wolfwood’s thing in the manga and ‘98 anime.  He seems to (based on his dialogue) believe that faith in something is greater than emotions.  Yet, in this episode, we do get some actual anger from him in his voice as well as a more sinister facial expression indicating our bad boy has emotions.
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The religious fervor continues with his mannerisms as he decides to force his hand, literally.  If the Bad Lads Gang, Livio and Wolfwood can’t do the job, then he will do it.
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This does appear to be very tongue and cheek dialogue from him, but I’m disappointed.  I miss ultra-nihilistic Legato Bluesummers.  He seems to be going through somewhat villain motions, but is missing that sick and twisted edge that made him as creepy as fuck in the original works.  I’m also missing his Knives worship.  We have no indication that he’s a man craving validation from a person he’s obsessed with.  Granted, we didn’t get that early on either, but he made it clear he was there for Knives’ agenda.
What is his ultimate plan?  Trigger the ship’s ion cannon to fire at the city and plow into it as well!  Wow!  I’m sorry, this is again lazy writing.  We are going to have Vash info dump for once, stating that the Sandsteamer is a modified spaceship, it still has it’s ion cannon and it was used to clear large rocks back in the day.  And he knows how to operate parts of it and busts into all sorts of unused rooms.
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Oh noes!  We need to make the drama 110%, Vash declares that they have no choice but to try to manually override things.  I would like to note during this entire course of events, Legato is just twiddling his thumbs thinking he’s done the job.  Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched man.
Vash decides he’ll figure out how to mess with the cannon and ask Wolfwood to break into some sort of area to try to manually hold it back?
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When we see Vash using the cargo container cranes to pull force on the ion cannon, and the moon in the background, I figured this was the new version of the Fifth Moon in Augusta.  Since we don’t know if Vash can make his angel arm in this version, he’d blow a hole in the Fifth Moon with the ion cannon.
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While Vash works on mechanically messing with the canon poor Wolfwood is having a melt down trying to do the impossible. 
Meanwhile, Meryl is in the control room for the ion cannon with the fire lever before her.
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Roberto makes his move and tells her it is time to go.  They had a deal to pull out when it was too dangerous.  He found an escape vehicle and orders her to take it.
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She looks serious and hesitant.
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He reminds her what her job is and that she is not a hero and is just a normal person.  We can tell they are leading up to some sort of confrontation between the junior and senior reporters.
Poor Wolfwood is there pushing on a giant ion cannon losing his mind.  This plot point is bonkers.  I get this is sci fi and that Wolfwood can heal quickly but super strength wasn’t in his background right?  Or not that we’ve seen. 
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The conflict boils over when Meryl takes her stand to not be passive or run away!  She calmly says she can’t abandon them and that she doesn’t judge Roberto for running either.
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But the events at Jeneora Rock shook her to her core.  She can’t be passive and has been feeling frustrated since those events.  Meryl has guilt for not being able to prevent Tonis from being injured and she sees it as her fault that he lost an arm.
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She declares that she’s staying right here in the chance that she’ll be able to make a difference.  Honestly, Roberto doesn’t have much to say back to her and thankfully, he doesn’t.
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This entire sequence shows where Studio Orange kills it with her facial expressions.  They are good, incredibly good.  It also further shows that Meryl is also taking on aspects of Milly by caring about others and doing the ‘right’ thing to help out others even if it took her some time to get to this point.  Studio Orange - I give you one point for actual character development for her.
Vash rushes down to help out Wolfwood.  He tells him that he does have something he cares about and Wolfwood pretends to be obtuse while they strain to try to push the ion cannon.
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We see it strain his robotic arm which cracks and sizzles with electricity as well.  He’s working it to the max.
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This entire scene gives Vash time to talk to Wolfwood as he tries to connect and humanize Wolfwood.  However, the sheer physics of this is crazy.  Even with a special robotic arm, they aren’t going to make that much of a difference. Yet somehow, they are able to nudge it just enough that when it reaches maximum charge, Meryl discharges the cannon.
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Based on what happens it appears that the wrapped cargo crane cables and the collapsing of the arms created enough of a counter force that once they hit the ground it was able to pull it back and out of range until the discharge was complete.
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I know this is a sci fi series, but the physics of this had me feeling a bit whaaaa?  We’ve been sticking to more logical rules in this series; this was out of place to an extent.  Additionally, Legato, why weren’t you trying to counter them more?  Twiddling your thumbs I presume?  Feeling superior?
Of course the crisis isn’t averted yet!  Now, they need to stop the Steamer from colliding with the town.  Wolfwood wants to blow it up taking himself with it.  He vaguely taps into past Wolfwood’s need to choose the needs of the many as opposed to the needs of the few highlighted in ‘Escape from Pain’.
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Yet, Vash gets him to stand down despite his vow that Vash can’t save people without hurting others.
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Vash then sends Wolfwood to the engine room and he runs off to the plant room.  This was briefly shown in the last episode, so we know the ship is powered by an individual plant.
Wolfwood becomes Kaite, and using his ability to heal, is able to open the hot pressure release door.  We see all the other men sitting down looking at their hands and hot gloves unable to hold on long enough.
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I missed the original plot point with B.D.N and the Sandsteamer.  With the inclusion of Kaite, we see how Vash is able to convince someone to not be hopeless and to make a difference.  It also leveraged the point that Kaite was small enough to climb to reach the release lever and it just takes a normal amount of human force.
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It is through this nudging to action part that Vash is able to influence others to act, even when at times we know he’s being passive about the big picture for himself.
Vash then goes to the plant to get it to power down and stop the out of control Sandsteamer.  Like in previous versions, he places his hands on the tank and requests assistance from the plant.
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The Sandsteamer comes to a stop just before hitting the town and Legato decides to give up for the moment.  He orders Zazie to retrieve Livio from the desert ground.
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A sandstorm then appears, prompting Legato to ask if this is Zazie’s work which they deny.
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The sandstorm moves in on the Sandsteamer.  This time we have a real sandstorm as opposed to the one that never happened in episode three and also contrasts with the town that didn’t see wind power twenty-five years ago.  I’m still not over the there is no wind in the desert plot point.
At the end of the episode the gang meets up to realize the only place Vash could be is the plant room.  We see him hand to hand with the plant.  The plants have lost their angelic design and instead look like the aliens from Avatar.  Well sort of - or elves.
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Vash turns to look at them and his face reveals the plant markings where in shock Meryl states that Vash is - a plant?
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The episode ends with him looking at them before it goes black and he passed out collapsing to the floor.  We have confirmed Vash’s plant identity.  It seems like they were going for the same look of shock Meryl had to the Trigun Maximum manga when he uses his angel arm to deflect a bullet from hitting Meryl and she loses it.
Summary of this episode and some main points:
1.) Our team finally scores a win.  Mark them one point in the W column! This was such a long time coming.  I don’t consider the victory of the Nebraskas to count since it was just a sign of the doom to come.
2.) Wolfwood is at least getting some humanizing points.  He’s been forced into a corner and finally stops to listen to Vash and back him up.  Though it is with some reservations of course. 
3.) Hope does hold out.  It is hope that saved Hopeland.  That is rather heavy handed Studio Orange!  But that is the kinda of don’t worry viewer we will hand feed you the cheese are what you are going for with this series.  And the ion cannon plot point - you know that they have to save the day with the paradoxical pacing in this anime. 
4.) Religious elements in this series utterly baffle me.  I don’t know where they are going with this.  It is clear they didn’t get the original.  I’m still sitting on an ask in my inbox about the religious element to the original series - it will require a longer reply than I have had time to do at the moment but it will come.  Mainly, since the Christian elements can be read multiple ways and it is rather open to interpret in that context depending on your own knowledge of the base material. My main vibe is that by making Legato the religious one it just seems - oddly confusing.  He’s a villain and does not have a moral dilemma that stems from his religious upbringing. I just don’t get why he’s the one reading the bible and going on about faith in some sort of higher power (Knives?) it seems OOC for him. 
Character notes!
1.) Vash - fired his gun to save Livio!  However, the rest of the time he used it to stun Bad Lads.  So booooooo.  What I’m really missing is that Vash is a skilled gunslinger.  We have almost no indication of his skills.  He was able to deflect Wolfwood’s shot and he’s had a few early on, but he’s not giving us his awesome tricks and skills.  That is all being carried by Wolfwood at the moment.  I felt it gave greater weight to Vash’s ability to use his long colt AND manage to not kill someone.  It really made his vow to not kill more obvious in the manga and original anime.  The series is called Trigun and it is about an infamous outlaw with a huge bounty on his head and is known to be an excellent marksman.
2.) B. D. N. or Brilliant Dynamites Neon - doesn’t show up!  Major disappointment!  I was expecting him to get into the mix with a Wolfwood vs. Livio and Vash vs. B. D. N. showdown; no dice. I was excited for that outcome when episode six ended. There was no high stakes gamble on a one to one showdown at the toss of a coin.  Which Yasuhiro Nightow loves characters flipping American quarters and half dollars btw. 
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That look from Vash as he emerges from behind the rubble!
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His carefully aimed shots that make their mark!
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And then how B. D. N. saves him from being crushed by zapping the rock when he realizes how injured Vash is and also saves the day.
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The absence of B. D. N. also highlights how Vash impacts the behavior of others for the better.  He always respects them and it shows that people respond to that.  Again, it gives Vash better and stronger arguments for his personal code of conduct.
3.) Meryl and Roberto - Our lone female lead carries her weight!  And is able to contribute to the win for our core group.  She shows character development, thinking of more than just her story and job and looking back on her resume which Roberto threw out the car window.  Is following through on making a difference!  I again think the animation for her facial expressions was top notch here. I don’t know who is in charge of her story boarding for expression but they need to be paid more.  Roberto is a sad sack.  Yet, I guess being a sad sack works in this episode.   He seemed rather passive this episode.  Not sure why.  Where is old and bitter uncle info dump?
4.) Wolfwood - doesn’t die upon saving the orphanage.  We have no idea if he’ll die after showdown number two with Livio.  I was expecting him to die with our episode title, but instead, Stampede leaned into this episode of the Wolfwood Show again.  I know he is a fan favorite and very popular, yet Studio Orange isn’t leveraging his character as much as they could and should be doing.  But since he’s now an atheist, his original guilt is lacking from the anime and manga.  He’s only now using the argument of finding the lowest number of casualties for the greater good.  Which seems late pacing wise and also OOC for him.
Or as my friend Merdopseudo says, he’s not Wolfwood, he’s Fakewood.  I agree that this character is not even close to him from the ‘98 anime or Trigun Maximum. Yet, suddenly, he’s starting to notice that Vash’s idea might work. And is willing to give him a chance - I guess after they stopped the cannon and that Vash got him to confuse Livio.  Those two events are enough for Wolfwood to feel that he owes Vash one and will follow through with his plan to stop the Sandsteamer.  Does it feel earned?  I dunno, maybe if you squint enough.  5.) Legato - got angry and is religious.  Right.  We see him raise his voice and get visibly angry and try to do things himself but at the same time, he doesn’t follow through fully.  Which means you failed man.  What happened to your dedication to sparkle motion? -er- I mean your dedication to the mission of Knives? I am bummed out, I wanted nihilistic Legato.  Was he so confident that he thought he could let things happen without keeping the pressure on Vash and Wolfwood?
6.) Livio - has an unhealthy younger brother relationship with Wolfwood.  He was almost able to snap out of it and it looks like he was brainwashed by Chapel in the very hard to see flashback about his job.  Using the trope of ‘I have to catch up to X character!’ is so over used and I don’t like it being applied to him in particular.  Minus one for generic writing Studio Orange.  Additionally, there is no indication that Razlo the Tri-punisher exists.  We can see that he killed people in the flashback but it is not enough information since it is through Wolfwood’s flashbacks in Trigun Maximum that we first get an indication of Razlo’s existence.  Wolfwood is the one who watches him and notices the disconnect and then doesn’t know what happens when he runs away.
7.) Zazie - present.  We get to see an insect pulled out of their mouth.  Better than a vagina I guess [shrugs].
And with that I’ve hit all the points that struck me.  The episode ends with a sandstorm and Vash collapsing.
I’m going to guess that the sandstorm is generated by the lone remaining Seeds ship that hasn’t crashed to the planet’s surface and that they were tracking events and located Vash there.  They will use the sandstorm to pull the core group onto the ship, Vash will get a new arm from the Doctor. He’ll also meet up with Brad and Luida on the ship.
We only have a few episodes left, but the crazy pacing continues.
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sylvies-chen · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Ahh ok this is so cute I’m glad I was sent this because I feel like I never promote my own stuff on here and wouldn’t unless prompted lol.
Hopelessly Devoted To You - anyone who’s read my stuff has probably read this one, it’s my most popular fic and my first ever AU. I was so proud of this story, and met some of the most wonderful fandom friends through this story
Spinning Out - this is my most severely underrated fanfiction ngl!! I was so proud of this when I wrote it and was in my Burzek feels. I owe @fighterkimburgess for this, who championed this fic for me, like I was writing it solely for you at one point cíara! you were its biggest fan for sure. anyway y’all can pry ballerina kim from my cold dead hands it was glorious.
Violin Concert in D Minor, Op. 47: I. Allegro Moderato - MY KENSTEWY FIC MY BELOVED yes I absolutely wrote a fic because of a violin concerto I’d heard it’s the geekiest thing ever but I lovedddd getting to write college!kenstewy and this was right after the succession finale too so I needed a win (or at least to write a little smut).
Where the Mind Wanders - one thing about me is that I LOVE the “dream sequence where deceased loved ones visit them” trope. think that episode of Sherlock where he gets shot, think 8.15 of Bones, things like that. because you get such an insight into a character’s psyche while also getting feral worried energy from character B who’s in love with them, and it’s just. SO GOOD. so I tried writing that for Chenford because we have yet to experience any true whump from established chenford now that they’re actually together and I wanted to write Tim losing it over Lucy being in danger!!
Love & Metachrosis - listen I love getting to write sort of higher concept fics and getting super creative with it, but this fic is none of that. it’s heartfelt as all my stuff is, but I’m proud of it for its comedy and humour. I genuinely did try writing it as a real scene from a (hypothetical at the time) season 2 episode of OFMD, and added in some comedy in there (I hope) so I’m proud of it precisely because it is super kitschy and silly and fun, but there is still a lot to sink your teeth into and it slowly sinks into the emotional stuff just like the show does. Idk, it was just the first fic I’d ever written for a show that is technically a comedy so I was really happy with the balance!
bonus points for my new chenford AU that I’m writing right now which is probably the best thing I’ve written and my favourite new idea, because I haven’t posted it yet but I still am so excited for it!! Title is TBD but @morganupstead knows what’s up (morgan it’s my superpowers fic and it’s coming along beautifully I totally need to send you the first two chapters or something because you kept me going with writing this)
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shippingdragons · 2 months
Brendan Lemon | April 8, 2024
Let us now praise Toby Stephens. Since rehearsals began in January he has played Corruption’s central character, Tom Watson, and however collaborative the production has been the fact remains that Stephens has been a primary motor in the running of this high-paced ensemble.
As the show heads into its final week, I was curious to know how Stephens has kept up the tempo for these many months. “It was terrifying at first,” he said. With a complicated new play, he added, “it’s not fully cooked” right away. “With the early previews you’re throwing it out there. And it’s like a hedge: it needs trimming.”
What’s more, Stephens said, “Corruption has a lot of scene changes, so it was always going to take a little time to get everything to flow.” He had done Oslo, the previous play by J.T. Rogers, in London, and even there, Stephens said, after Oslo had been worked out in New York, at LCT, “it was such a technical exercise. But no matter. With both Oslo and Corruption you’re dealing with really interesting subjects. And how lucky have I been to be doing a new play.”
That Corruption has been hurtling along so excitingly these past weeks has to do not just with Stephens but with everyone surrounding him. “We really have been a great group backstage,” he said. “A hard-working and happy cast.”
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It is the director, Bartlett Sher, and playwright, J.T. Rogers, who set the tone for that atmosphere. “What’s so welcome about Bart and J.T.,” Stephens said, “is that they are very collaborative. You’re free to say, ‘Let’s try this,’ or “This isn’t working.’” He added, “It’s gratifying that they’re both very relentless. Somebody less relentless wouldn’t get results at this level. They keep at it until it's as good as it can possibly be. I appreciate their doggedness because I’m a bit like that myself.”
Stephens’ work ethic comes in part from his mother, the actress Maggie Smith. “As a boy, I remember her coming home from work and worrying about things – teasing little knots of performance until they were smoother. She would say, ‘There’s this bit that I can’t quite get,’ or, ‘I know there’s a laugh there but I haven’t got it yet.’ I was fascinated by that part of her process.”
With Corruption, Stephens has kept honing his Tom Watson character – another relentless type -- throughout the run. “He keeps up his crusade against the Murdoch empire,” Stephens said, “because he knows that what they’re doing is wrong. And he’s propelled by the damage they’ve done to his family.”
But Watson is not just defending his brood. “There’s a certain amount of vanity with any politician,” Stephens said, “and that drives him as well.” Watson also has a pragmatic side: he’s trying to interest the public in his anti-Murdoch campaign. “As a member of Parliament,” Stephens explained, “Tom Watson has to be extremely careful about what he says, to be in line with his party whips. He can’t just stand up and start spouting.”
Outside the House of Commons, Watson is freer. “He has to galvanize attention to the corruption, so he can attack and expose more,” Stephens said. “Otherwise, he’s pissing in the wind.” From an unprivileged background in northern England, Watson is also driven by class. “He hasn’t been born into any of the elites that run London and the U.K.,” Stephens said. “So he’s motivated by having to struggle to gain his place amongst the powerful.”
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In this final part of the Corruption engagement, Stephens said he is motivated to portray Watson ever more clearly. “When you open, there’s a certain amount of hysterical energy underneath whatever you’re doing. After that, you can calm down a bit and try to get better.” He added, “There’s always a point I get to with plays, where I say to myself: If only I could have got here so much earlier. But of course you can’t, because it takes a certain amount of repetition, and building your confidence, to arrive anywhere close to where you want to be. So you keep going.”
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rainybyday · 2 years
Currently in a time travel phase with the bat’s and after reading a few I came up with a few different scenes
1) Damian travels back to the day he was supposed to fight Talia to see his father but losses because of how mentally messed up he was from the whiplash of traveling back, hence, was not able to leave the league for that whole year. There are a few things he could do here because of him losing this fight:
He can escape and go back to his family, but for one the journey to Gotham will be difficult because the league is now on his back and has to face with the miss trust of his family all over again. So not only will there be a battle in Gotham with the league of assassin and the batfam but also the isolation that Damian will face because he technically betrayed the league by running away, and hence, their ideals while the batfamily are weary of a child who was literally raised by said league. It forces him in a situation of deciding who he wants to stay and if he is ready to restart all over again because these are not the people, he used to remember as they still haven’t gotten hurt, changed, and grew up to be the people in his time with his father. Habits become hard to break and remembering he is a stranger with the potential to kill them weighs on him
Damian can also suck it up and stay with the league because of his lost. There is still next year. He could use this as a time to truly understand what his past time in the league really means to him, if he is willing to cut of Talia and Ra’s when he indelibly leaves. Just his way of coming in terms of his past is a part of him. There’re also other little reasons like Damian finding his clone, gathering information, slowly planning to destroy the league from the inside but it honestly depends on what timeline and age that Damian had traveled back from.  
Or this is also the second option and Damian stays with the league longer to the point he hears rumors that his grandfather is captured a certain bird with the name Robin (since Damian never came the Robin name was never passed down.) Think this would be interesting study on Damian’s relationship with Tim and it gives both Tim and Damian a whole different perspective of each other because first time introductions are very important. Tim is meeting Damian in his time of being taken by Ra’s which does not paint a very good picture for him when he realizes that Damian was kept there his whole life to be born and raised as the next heir. Probably be weary since he is a child who is raised by assassins but might have a whiplash over having Ra’s al Ghul’s grandson trying to convince him to leave as soon as possible. [personal favorite]
2) Jason travels back to the days he was in the league but before he was thrown into the Lazarus pit. Because a) he still has the trauma of dying so his character of being affected by death is still there, yet his uncontrol of anger emotions are no longer the problem for others to excuse his trauma on, b) it’s a time in which he is not with his family but away from them in a place that is a danger to Jason and finally c) because its puts him in a situation of seeing how he would decide who he will be and what he will become
Jason is no longer affected in the Lazarus Pit so his family relationships would be both different and the same since the Pit took his emotions that were already existing and amply them high up. So, yes, the emotions ad thoughts of what had happen, what could have happened to him are still lingering just a bit it doesn’t completely control his decision of what connections he will make now with people he must start over again, fresh
Another is just a general view of Jason being in the league with a complete mind again. He can fake out being brain dead a bit more or slowly show that he is being freer willed, but it will affect him because he is under the rules of Talia and Ra’s who are interested in him for his connections with Batman/Bruce. Think it would be fun to see a character study over his morals of killing as someone under the hands of the league rather then him being Red Hood
Then there’s Damian. Damian, Damian, Damian. Assassin child of Talia and Bruce Damian. That Damian. 
Oh yeah! And either he escapes or if he just lets things go by their course but if I’m going to be honest, something dramatic as he leaves the league would be fitting. Bats
3) Cass is the one to travel back a few days before she escapes from Cain because I have yet to see more then one of Cass time traveling and it is not okay. 
Because we all need a Cass who not only beats her bio dad as she runs away but we also need to see what she would do since she currently traveled back in time so what would she do
no but seriously what would she do since it be around the time where Dick is Robin or not (dc timeline confuse me at times)
she could save Jason early on 
or would she stay for Jason and Damian in the league
or be the one to stop Steph from dying
honestly I feel like their is a whole list here that Cass can and will do
yeah no she can do anything and everything she sets her mind to
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Disney anon here: yes. If you want, you can watch the whole Bella Notre sequence to catch my idea.
Why have I never watched this movie? That scene alone was freaking adorable! Okay, I’m really excited to write this now.
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“This has got to be the weirdest date ever, Steve,” you chuckled, glancing at the backseat of your boyfriend’s car where four kids were crammed.
“I’m just thrilled he’s taking us all to Enzo’s,” Lucas said.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you,” Steve mumbled.
“I don’t mind. It’ll be fun,” you smiled.
You hadn’t been dating Steve long and you couldn’t help but love the kids that he’d somehow adopted and befriend at the same time. Even though technically they’d crashed your date night, it was more than fine by you. They were fun.
“I’m the one that suggested Enzo’s anyway,” Max scoffed, “I can’t believe you haven’t taken Y/N there yet!”
“Well, I was going to at some point,” Steve rebuked.
“Well tonight’s the night then,” Mike added.
“Hey Steve?” Dustin sat forward in his seat, leaning closer to him in the driver’s seat, “Take my advice and settle down with this one, yeah?”
“Would you sit back before you end up hurting yourself Henderson?” Steve commanded.
“Okay dad, just saying.”
When you got to Enzo’s, the four teens clamored out of the BMW and into the restaurant like their pants were on fire.
“I really am sorry for this,” Steve winced.
“Steve, really, it’s okay,” you said, waiting for him to lock his car before walking with him to the door.
He held the door open for you like a gentleman—which he was—and walked in.
You stood waiting for the hostess for what seemed to be a long time but in reality was no longer than five minutes. The kids were nowhere in sight.
“I wonder where the rascals got to,” Steve said, peering around the restaurant for them.
You didn’t spot them either.
“Ah Mr. Harrington and guest. I apologize for the wait.”
A stout, balding, Italian man with thick eyebrows and a matching thick mustache appeared in front of the hostess stand.
“Your table is already ready and the rest of your party is waiting for you,” he said, motioning for you to follow him.
“Ah, that must be the hooligans,” you teased, good naturedly.
The man deposited you and Steve at a semi-private table in the back of the restaurant, Dustin, Max, Lucas and Mike already sitting and looking at their menus.
“We went ahead and made some arrangements,” Mike said, not looking up from his menu.
“What does that even mean?” Steve asked.
“It means sit down and shut up,” Max retorted, motioning to yours and Steve’s seats across the table from the four of them.
You cast Steve a glance, figuring you ought to do what you were told.
When the waiter came, the kids placed their orders. You opened your mouth to order.
“Oh, don’t worry. We already ordered for you,” Dustin grinned, like a cat who caught a mouse.
“You what?”
Steve looked as baffled as you felt. It was like the kids had planned a date for you…while being out on said date with you.
“We ordered you the spaghetti and meatball special,” Lucas piped in.
“Well, at least they have taste,” Steve muttered to you, “They have amazing spaghetti here.”
You nodded.
“Okay, well, sounds good to me,” you said.
After fifteen minutes of chatter, some squabble amidst Steve and the kids and an amusing round of Never Have I Ever, your food arrives.
Pasta plates were set in front of each teen, but only one was set in front of you and Steve.
“Uh I think the waiter forgot an additional plate,” Steve said.
“Nope, he didn’t,” Mike said, already digging into his fettuccine.
Max grabbed two forks from your places, holding them out to the two of you.
“One plate, two forks. There’s enough to share,” she grinned.
You shrugged helplessly at Steve, highly amused. You happened to think it was adorable the lengths that they had went for you two.
“You guys are up to something,” Steve peered at them suspiciously, taking one of the forks from Max’s hand.
The four just stared back, identical, angelic, innocent looks on their faces.
“See, when they look like that, that’s when you begin to worry,” Steve noted.
You giggled, twirling a small bite of pasta on your fork at your end of the plate. Placing it in your mouth, you nearly groaned in pleasure.
“Okay, this is insanely good,” you nodded, hand covering your mouth as you chewed.
“Told you,” Dustin said, having ordered the same thing for himself.
You and Steve were both enjoying the food when you jumped at the sudden, semi-loud and very off-key sound of four singing voices.
“Oh this is the night! It’s a beautiful night!”
You glanced at Steve, who humorously had frozen in place, fork still in his mouth from his last bite.
“And we call it Belle Notte!” the four sang.
They were swaying back and forth dramatically now.
“Look at the skies! They have stars in their eyes!”
Max thrust her arms out towards you and Steve as they sang.
“On this lovely Belle Notte! Side by side, with your loved one, you’ll find enchantment here!”
“Steve, I think we’re being Lady and the Tramp’d,” you chuckled, amused.
“I’m not surprised that Sinclair has seen it, nor Henderson. But, you?” he glanced at Mike.
Mike shrugged.
“El convinced me to watch it.”
“Come on, do the spaghetti thing,” Dustin pleaded.
“If we do, will you stop singing?” Steve asked, “People are staring.”
They nodded.
“Let’s go for it,” you grinned, picking up a spaghetti strand, putting it in your mouth.
Steve copied your actions, slurping it until he reached your mouth and surprisingly was grinning as he kissed you sweetly.
He couldn’t be mad at the teens after going to all this trouble for them.
The kids seemed satisfied, beaming at you two before Dustin spoke.
“Next thing you know, they’ll be carving their initials into wet concrete with their paw prints.”
Steve tossed a breadstick in his direction causing the entire table to laugh.
This might’ve been the best date, not date, you’d ever been on.
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