#teenage boys have very complex personalities and feelings
Magical Boys WIP Character Introductions
he/him - 17 - suffering the consequences of horrible life decision no. 56
“Is this the moment you punch me in the face?"
There's only a one letter difference between a loner and a loser and Billy is both. Some say he used to be less closed off back in the day, but something must've happened along the way to change that.
he/him - 16 - the pretty damsel in distress
“You can wait a minute for the star of the show, right?”
Next to the definition of perfection must be a picture of Arno. He has it all: good grades, lots of friends, a girlfriend from out of town and flawlessly coiffed hair. Who wouldn't want to be just like him?
he/him - 17 - refusing the call of friendship
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
You don't want to mess with Beau if you don't want to end up with third-degree burns, verbally inflicted of course. He likes to pretend he's all tough, but hides himself under big, oversized hoodies.
he/him - 17 - a jock with a lot of heart
“I’m sure a way out will appear as we keep going.”
Ask Younes anything, and he'll do it immediately and without any questions asked, unless you've somehow managed to offend his girlfriend or his basketball team or his family, in which case, good luck in trying to get on his good side again. I've heard he's quite forgiving though.
Disclaimer: the previous descriptions have all been penned by various classmates of the boys and thus may not reflect reality with 100% accuracy.
Taglist: @dustylovelyrun, @wildswrites, @sarandipitywrites, @skyderman
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arguablysomaya · 7 months
Nightwing's weird fem-coding
Finally got around to jotting down my thoughts on the weird way that Dick Grayson (Nightwing) often occupies female-coded roles without being a particularly feminine guy. This is entirely due to me procrastinating on my finals. Okay!
Dick has often been cited as the hero who plays into the "female gaze", and he takes up some key roles that are typically reserved for women characters.
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A large portion of Dick's fem-coding is contingent on his being with his family, and when he's not with them, this fem-coding kinda drops away, such as when he's with his various teams or acting solo.
His most prominent (and imo, complex) femme-coded role is:
-> Eldest Daughter + Widow
Eldest daughter syndrome means " frequently feeling like you’re not doing enough, like you’re struggling to maintain a veneer of control, like the entire household relies on your diligence." It's born out of the unique way that first-born girls are expected to take on adult roles around the household before they've had an opportunity to fully experience childhood (an opportunity their younger siblings will have, in part due to this sacrifice). It creates a strong sense of independence and a desire to be a good role model, but also leads to undue pressure and perfectionism.
Dick acts as a central emotional pillar for those in his family. To the point that when he fakes his death, it breaks something fundamental in the family dynamic:
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Not only is it repeatedly made clear that Bruce depends on Dick to act as a lifeline for his own mental struggles, but moreover, his siblings do as well. In a very literal sense, the maintenance of the batfamily rests on Dick's shoulders. Bruce is so rarely available for emotional support that these children turn to the next best thing, which, to be fair, is better than what Dick had growing up. He has to clean up so many breakdowns, it's honestly pretty staggering.
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As the OG sidekick, Dick receives quite a bit of hero worship, particularly from younger heroes/sidekicks, who look toward him for guidance. As a naturally upbeat and welcoming person, Dick ends up in the position of bringing light to everyone, not just Bruce. For example, here's Cassandra:
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This balancing effect is unique to Dick's skill set. However, this can (and does) backfire very easily. The same pragmatism Bruce engages in hurts extra bad when coming from Dick: like when Dick had to take Robin away from Tim. Not to mention just how intimidating Dick's legacy is, which can create resentment when his successors aren't able to play this role so easily. For example, Jason both before and after his death expressed insecurity that he felt he was constantly being compared to Dick, and falling short.
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As the original character that people think of when they think "sidekick", DG Robin (and his successors) had the advantage of not losing prominence even as his contemporaries (Kid Flash, Aqualad, Wonder Girl, etc.) were de-prioritized in favor of independent teenaged heroes (like Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire). But that means Robin as a concept now has to deal with questions that weren't so prominent in the earlier decades, such as: "How do we justify a grown-ass man using a child (and in fact, children) as emotional crutches?"
It's icky to think about, but there's no denying that early Batman and Robin got side eyes for homosexual subtext. I mean, they literally call each other "partners". So while that "subtext" was, and remains, just audience speculation, given Dick is literally Bruce's adopted son, there is room, I believe, to call into question how healthy it is for Bruce's oldest kid to be taking on a nearly-parental role and be a core pillar of Bruce's emotional regulation.
Hot take here, but I think Dick's relationship with Bruce was/has been pretty emotionally incestuous for a long time.
-> Emotional incest
"Emotional incest[...] is a type of emotional abuse performed by a parent. In cases of emotional incest, parents rely on their children for significant emotional support, which is a reversal of roles. Emotional incest is more than just relying on your kids on occasion—rather, it is an extreme dependence on them." (There's a pretty good argument to be made that Bruce has been emotionally incestuous with all his Robins, especially Dick and DEFINITELY Tim, but y'know. Small steps.)
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Emotional incest is a semi-common consequence of eldest daughter syndrome; the natural conclusion of deputizing a child to manage the other children combining with an inability to see the child as a child, still in need of emotional guidance, but more like an adult capable of shouldering the burdens of grown-ups dumping their traumas on them.
To be clear here, while emotional incest may not be incest in the most traditional, taboo sense, it is still abuse. It's putting a burden on a child they shouldn't have to carry, even for children that aren't dealing with such extreme burdens as "grown-ass man running around in a fursuit needs me to keep him from getting himself killed". It's a perversion of a healthy parent-child relationship, where the child is treated more like a partner than a child. In Dick's case, it further exacerbates the parentification he already experiences. This is made more explicit when Bruce "dies" and Dick is cast into a sort of "Widow" role.
Dick reluctantly dons the cowl in an attempt to bring order to his family members. He's also left to parent Damian, alone. He has to make the decision to take Robin from Tim, and try to deal with the fallout from that decision. He has to put a stop to Jason's fratricidal rampage. He's made into the de-facto head of the family.
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And the thing about this is: Dick's not even bad at it. In comparison to Bruce's litany of disasters-in-parenting, Dick does a pretty bang-up job of managing his siblings, heading the Justice League, and being Batman. But the crucial point is that he does this at the expense of his own mental health, which is the crux of eldest daughter syndrome. There's no denying that at the time, Dick was most certainly the best choice for New Father Figure, but it was a choice he was pushed into, and a sacrifice he had to make. When this sense of responsibility to the point of self-sacrifice is pushed to its logical conclusion, it has the effect of making Dick a Martyr-type figure.
-> Protector/Mama Bear/Avenger
Dick has shown repeatedly that his hot button is his family. From Tony Zucco to allowing Blockbuster to be killed after the villain targeted Haley's Circus, going after Nightwing's family is a pretty good way to earn yourself an asskicking. Probably the most infamous example of this is when Dick thought the Joker had killed Tim, beating the clown to death to avenge both Tim and Jason.
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And while this role isn't particularly feminine, I do think it's interesting that Dick protects his family members from each other with almost the same frequency that he protects them from outside threats. He's pretty notorious for wrangling Damian and Tim, foiling Jason's murder plans, and most importantly, beating the shit out of Bruce whenever he crosses a line, such as when Bruce asks Dick to conceal being alive from their family to join Spyral or when Bruce wanted to abandon the Bruce Wayne persona after the murder of Vesper Fairchild. Or of course, more recently after Bruce's latest MK-ULTRA shenanigans.
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This basically puts Dick in the position of being the glue that holds the family together, at basically all times, but especially in times of conflict. This also means he's put in the dangerous position of bodily defending his younger siblings from Bruce's wrath or irresponsibility, a position made even more awkward given the whole emotional incest thing.
That's not to say that Dick's relationship with his family is 100% unhealthy. Dick and his family members (including Bruce!) feel legitimate affection and care for each other. There are times when the dynamics here are indeed healthy. And like most people with eldest daughter syndrome, the unhealthy nature of this dynamic is usually understated. Oldest sibling syndrome is often just an unavoidable consequence of how parenting works. So while I am of the opinion that this dynamic is often unhealthy, hot take: I'm fine with that.
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Now, though I've just listed some tropes that he only falls into around family, Dick also falls into some fem-coding all the time, regardless of who he's with, and these have to do mostly with his sexuality.
-> Sexual Assault & Harassment
Yeah, so nobody is surprised that this is a factor. Look up any list of the top ten hottest/sexiest/most attractive male superheroes, I guarantee 9/10 times Nightwing is number 1. However, unlike his father, whose attractiveness is usually played as a part of the male wish-fulfillment fantasy, something people aspire to be, Dick's attractiveness more often makes him an object of desire- very similar to how most attractive female characters are perceived.
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And as an object of desire, Dick Grayson is constantly having to deal with being objectified.
Now, Dick Grayson being an attractive character is not the problem. Dick Grayson being sexually assaulted isn't even the problem. the problem is that he keeps being harassed, assaulted, and raped in ways that are flagrantly nonconsensual, and yet it's not treated with the seriousness it deserves. In fact, it took a full decade for Devin Grayson to retract her previous statement and admit that yes, the rooftop scene with Catalina Flores was in fact rape, and it's never been acknowledged in-universe (though, comics have always been atrocious at calling out sexual abuse of all kinds, let alone that which targets men).
Hell, even when he in-universe calls it out, he's dismissed immediately and the story continues like nothing happened.
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Dick's adult sexcapades (which were consensual and enthusiastic) have long contrasted with the numerous times he's been harassed; times in which he comes across as bored, exasperated, and even frustrated with his own attractiveness and the vulnerable position it often leaves him in.
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This puts him in the rare (in comics) position of being a male character who consistently and near-exclusively has his sexual agency and boundaries violated by women - a position that authors uniformly refuse to examine despite writing him into it all the fucking time.
Other characters around him frequently make comments passing off this harassment and assault as a natural consequence of Dick's own attractiveness, making "jokes" that essentially amount to "I understand why someone would want to assault him". Which- UH?
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There is also, of course, the unavoidable reality that as an acrobat and an aerialist, he receives a very specific type of sexual harassment
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the nature of nightwing's fight style necessitates a type of tight-fitting suit that male heroes typically don't go for: an extremely slick suit with bare-minimum armour that again, makes him vulnerable in a way most male heroes aren't, but a style female heroes wear all the time, whether it makes sense for them or not. This of course then allows artists to draw attention to this fact by posing Nightwing in poses usually reserved for femme fatales:
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And unlike the Hawkeye Initiative, these poses are (largely) unironic, and not played for jokes. Dick isn't arching his back or looking over his shoulder to poke fun at how female heroes are treated; he does so because the artist (clearly correctly) sincerely believed these poses would play into the unironic gaze of the audience, and also probably thought it was hot. It's the same line of thought artists use when posing femme fatales.
He's even been known to use his sexuality as a bargaining chip, much like more traditional Femme Fatales. In Batman and Harley Quinn (2017), he refers to sleeping with Harley Quinn after being kidnapped by her as one of "the things I do for Gotham", to which she responds "I'm taking that as a 'yes'." And that's uh- not how consent works.
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And this particularly sucks because- HELLO? The opportunity to explore the very real and tragically underacknowledged phenomenon of sexual violence against men is literally invaluable, especially with such a prominent character. It's one thing to ignore that men face sexual violence, it's another, entirely more unforgivable thing to continuously and explicitly depict such scenarios and play them off as jokes or not as serious as they clearly are. But what did I expect from an industry that has never had a good track record on sexual violence anyway.
-> Queercoding?
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There's also of course the fact that DC has been, as of late, dropping hints that Dick might be bisexual.
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That on it's own doesn't mean anything, but when paired with the fact that DC has been angling toward giving Dick a similar playboy persona that Bruce has, just with men included, it's just very interesting.
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(BTW: The likelihood DC actually commits to making Dick bi is, uh, not a lot, but if they're gonna stick with this weird closet stuff for a while, let's hope they do so in a way that doesn't make him sound like a cross between Donald Trump and Harry Styles next time? Please?)
Anyway, all of this is basically to say I am forever fascinated by the gender dynamics of Dick Grayson, likely due to the fact that I'm projecting all my eldest daughter traumas onto him, and that someone who's background is in Gender Studies needs to get on this shit if they haven't already. I just love this character sm.
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comradekatara · 3 months
i don’t want to watch natla but i appreciate very much you posting about “zuko’s little faggot diary” that shit made me crack up laughing ty
that’s just canon to me. he’s a boy who loves to monologue. of course he keeps a diary. how else is he gonna keep track of his special interests. where else is he gonna write down his angsty poetry. you know he spent months tracking aang down taking detailed notes on his garb, his fighting style, his flight patterns, and not once ever bothered taking note of his name, even though he easily could’ve learned it from the million times katara screamed it over the course of their fights.
which, if you’ll allow me to go on a tangent, is another thing that bothers me. when ppl are like “zuko learned their names because they all say one another’s names constantly.” and you think that means he actively made an effort to REMEMBER it????? you must be out of your damn gourd if you think that the most one-track minded human being in the history of the universe is paying attention to anything that doesn’t directly interest him in that very moment. but i digress.
i just KNOW that zuko was soo mad that he lost his diary after his ship got blown up by zhao because years of precious poetry and avatar lore, burned to cinders by that PHILISTINE!!!! and then as a refugee in the earth kingdom, he languishes, diaryless, because he’s too embarrassed to actually spend what little money they have on something so extraneous. and then once back in the fire nation he obviously can’t keep a diary because azula will do everything in her power to read it (he learned that the hard way as a child). but then, finally, once he flees to the western air temple, he can actually keep a diary again, now that he is surrounded by nice, normal people who don’t actually care enough about him to snoop through his belongings.
or so he thinks.
now, aang, being a respectful young lad, would never share his findings with the rest of the group, especially since none of them have actually warmed up to him yet. but that doesn’t prevent him from reading everything zuko has ever written in that diary. and of course, he doesn’t tell zuko, because he has the tact and savvy to know that if he alerts zuko to his snooping, then he will simply hide his diary better, or even worse, stop writing in it altogether. and zuko can’t stop writing!! for he has a poet’s soul!!!
also, zuko has somehow gathered a lot of information on sokka that aang himself did not know, despite being friends with him for nearly a year now (like the fact that he dated the moon??? or the fact that his mother was killed by the fire nation??? although that one he really should’ve figured out on his own. considering that he and katara are siblings, and thus logically would share a mother). and so aang really needs zuko to keep updating his SOKKA LORE notebook because he feels kind of guilty that he knew basically nothing about his friend and yet zuko, the least observant person he has ever met, is somehow an expert in sokkology (although aang is deeply offended on katara’s behalf that he simply refers to her as “sokka’s sister” or sometimes “the angry one”).
for the record, aang never actually puts together WHY zuko is so fascinated by sokka. he’s just like “of course he’d be intrigued by sokka. he has a very complex mind, what an adventure to attempt to fathom the depths of his psyche.” like he just assumes that zuko is using sokka as a case study for completely innocuous reasons. he also assumes that zuko, like any teenage boy with eyes, is infatuated with katara. not at first, obviously, because to zuko she is still “girl sister, long hair” but eventually. once they reconcile, and become friends. and then his diary makes a sharp turn from carefully documenting any and all sokka lore to “katara said this really funny thing today” “katara is so nice and pretty” “katara is such a good waterbender” and suddenly aang is NOT having fun anymore!!!! halt the presses!!!!!
so aang just kind of sulks to himself for a while because it’s not like he can TELL anyone about his NEW ROMANTIC RIVAL in the BID FOR KATARA’S AFFECTIONS, but he does try to vaguely intimate to sokka and toph that it bothers him. and toph’s just like “what?? you mean all those times she hooked up with haru at the western air temple???” and aang’s just like. “HARU??????!!?!!??!?!?”
anyway. zuko isn’t a complete idiot, so after a few good years of being friends with aang, he finally catches onto the fact that aang has been keeping up with his diary every time he visits the palace, after like, the fourth or fifth time that aang accidentally lets a piece of information slip that he only could’ve known via reading zuko’s diary. so zuko decides to mess with him, and starts keeping a fake diary in the place he used to keep his real diary (columbus style) and writing shit in it like, “aang’s recent experimentations with facial hair are so embarrassing. just because you’re finally old enough to grow a weak little mustache doesn’t mean that you, under any circumstances, SHOULD. i bet katara is throwing up puking every day just having to kiss his horrendous furry mouth.” or, “katara said that she thinks roku was not only hotter, but also a way better avatar than aang, and personally, i agree. if he was still the avatar today no one would ever go hungry and we would have total world peace.” or, “aang is way too comfortable going shirtless. if i had that scrawny lanky body i would cover that shit up with a big ol sweater every day.” or, “aang said something really mean the other day and it hurt my feelings and i cried alone in my room for 3 hours. aang is literally a bully????”
and aang can’t even SAY anything because zuko is allowed to say whatever he wants about his friends in the privacy of his own journal, but also he decides that if zuko truly hates him so much, then he will simply stop visiting the fire nation so frequently, out of respect to his friend. at which point zuko realizes that he may have gone too far, so the next time aang visits him, he puts his real diary in his drawer with an entry that reads, “i can’t believe aang keeps falling for my fake diary prank. he doesn’t even know that im messing with him. and he never will, because my system is flawless, and i’ll never ever lose track of which diary is the real one and which one is the fake.”
at which point aang runs headfirst into a meeting between fire lord zuko and his senior council and is just like “ZUKO!!!!!!!!!!! YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!” and tackles him in a hug with no regard for propriety. he nearly gives zuko a concussion from the force of his hug. but dammit if it isn’t worth it.
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coryosbaby · 1 year
Sweet Serial Killer *ੈ✩‧ Young! Gf! Nick Goode x reader (1)
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“𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻
𝓓𝓸 𝓲𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓱,
𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓸𝓸 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱! “
Summary: Murders are happening around Camp Nightwing, and you’ll do anything for your best friend Nick.
Warning: mentions of murder & violence, dubious consent, yandere! Nick, possessiveness, obsessive behavior, mentions of pedophilia (NOT by nick), pictures without consent, toxic relationship asf, god complex, male masturbation, oral (m & f recieving), p n v, breeding kink, dumbification, size kink, daddy kink, missionary, riding, the reader is very dependable on Nick, loss of virginity, creampie, marking, squirting, dom! Nick, sub! Reader
Nick isn’t an inherently violent person.
But when he meets you in the summer of ‘76, all of that is thrown out the window.
You’re a camper. And no, you aren’t a child; you’re eighteen years old. Nick is twenty, beginning as his first year as a counselor. At Camp Nightwing, it’s taboo for a counselor and camper to become romantically involved. But Jesus, Nick just can’t help but be so in love when he looks at you. Your cabin is right next to his, and he sees your sweet ass everyday, watches you strut around with him on his off days and have fun. You’ve both grown incredibly close. And if anyone messes with you, they have to deal with him.
And waves of intense rage aren’t new to him. But right now, he has still never been so incredibly angry.
He watches as a camper, some guy named Alex and around your age, torments you; pulls your hair, calls you names, makes fun of your makeup. And it makes his blood boil. You’re so precious, so much of an angel. No one needs to treat you this way. He approaches, quickly breaking it up. On the outside, his demeanor is calm, is safe.
To you, Nick will always be safe.
Alex scurries away quickly when Nick starts murmuring threats through clenched teeth. Tears are running down your face, and Nick brings his arm around your shoulder and guides you to his empty cabin. You bury his face in his neck when you’re both finally alone on his bed. He pulls you away and begins to stroke your tearful face soothingly.
“Shh,” he murmurs. “I know. It’s okay, honey. That fuckin’ asshole..” he looks at you with slight concern for a moment. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
You sniffle, and shake your head. “He p-pulled my hair, a little bit. But I’m fine.”
If Nick had any previous guilt about his plans for tonight, they’re all gone now.
“Okay..” he smiles, a small laugh leaving his lips as he runs his hands over the outer corners of your eyes.
“You ruined your makeup.”
You frown, worried. “Do I look bad?”
“What? No, not at all.” How could you ever think you look bad? “You look.. you look really pretty, y/n.”
“Oh.” your face flushes, and you smile. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He replies. And then,after that, you lay down on his bed and he reads you your favorite book while you curl up on his left side. It’s one of the things he does to help you feel better, to make you feel even more protected and safe with him.
And then later that night, the first murder at Camp Nightwing takes place.
The next day the talk is all around camp. Alex, the boy that had harassed you the day before, is dead.
You’re in shock. No one has ever died at the camp before; it’s full of teenagers and kids doing arts and crafts, after all. In a situation like this, they should close down the camp. But the death itself was confirmed to be an accident; he had somehow slipped off of a cliff beside the lake that campers weren’t allowed to approach, and had hit his head on the rocky floor below. A counselor had found him that day, and there were rumors that it was incredibly brutal; his head was completely smashed to pieces.
Some people, however, believe it wasn’t an accident. There were rumors that a few campers saw someone in a black robe and a weird mask that resembled that of a ghost. But those were just rumors, for now.
You shove the thought that Alex deserved what he got down into your gut, and decide to feel bad for him.
“I just don’t get it,” you explain to Nick the next day, in the empty art room. “Why would you even go over there? It��s like, the most dangerous spot.”
Nick shrugs as you refer to Alex, as he knots a new bracelet for the third time that day.
“Dunno,” he replies. “Like I said, he was an idiot.”
His tone and the use of the word ‘was’ makes bile rise in your throat, but you change the topic to the task at hand.
If anyone knows you, you’re just a little… dumb. So, Nick helps you with your crafts in your art activities everyday, always teaches you new things because you’re interested and don’t know how. It’s not just in this field, where you depend on him; he helps you with practically everything, even feeds you from time to time. He knows how to take care of you, how to keep you satisfied and happy.
He watches as you struggle to tie a knot in the bracelet that you’re creating, watches as you slam it down onto the table and make a sound of frustration. He chuckles, amused.
“Having fun?”
“Fuck off, Nick.” You snap . You immediately begin to apologize, not meaning to have sounded so rude.
“Im so sorry!”
“Don’t apologize, y/n. It’s okay, I promise.”
He hates when you feel as if you’ve said something wrong around him. You could never anger him.
“It’s just…” you rub your eyes, careful not to destroy your glittery makeup. “I can’t.. I can’t make the bracelet. It’s not working.”
“That’s okay,” Nick assures. “I can teach you. It’s okay, here-“
His fingers move to grab the strings from you, maneuvering the plastic stand it’s attached to so he can gain better access. He looks down at the instructions.
“Yeah, this knot is complicated,” it’s not, but you don’t need to know that. “All you’re doing wrong is not looping it around. If you just..”
He smiles as he grabs your cherry red nails into his larger set of hands. He brings them down and shows you the proper way to tie the bracelet, and you squeal in victory when you’re finally done. It’s a little jagged along a section, but it isn’t too bad.
“See! I knew you could do it. You’re such a quick learner.” Nick praises. You flush.
“Thank you.”
He watches as you tie the ends. And then, you’re nervously looking towards him.
“I want you to have it.. i-if that’s okay!”
Nick beams, happily snatching the bracelet from your hands and slipping it onto his wrist.
“Thank you, angel. I love it.”
He picks up one of the bracelets he made and insists that you wear it too. He ties the ends for you, and slips it around your wrist. You smile. And then, with ease, he brings his lips down to your wrist and places a kiss to it. The nervous lip bite you give him makes his cock harden in his pants, but he chooses to ignore it for now. You smell so sweet, the perfume on your wrists making his eyes practically roll back. It’s so you, and he can’t get enough of it.
“Do you want to go back to my cabin?”
The words make you stutter, knowing that the cabin is empty and that everyone is away at another camping activity at the lake. But alas, you utter a quick ‘yes’. When you get inside he guides you to sit down at the head of his bed so he can read to you again. But once he gets through a couple paragraphs of The Great Gatsby, you’re already leaning onto his shoulder sleepily.
“Tired?” He asks.
He grabs one of your arms and slings it over his chest. You sigh happily, shoving your face into his shirt as he moves down to lay flat on the bed.
“Go to sleep. I’ll wake you up when it’s time for dinner.”
“Okay, Nicky. Thank you.”
Oh, how precious.
Your soft snores fill the room as you sleep. Time ticks by, but Nick can’t seem to keep still as much as he wants to. So, gently, he removes himself from underneath you and pulls his blanket over your shoulders as you turn over in your sleep. He watches as your tits seem to practically spill out of your tank top. His breath catches in his throat. It’s not that noticeable because it’s on your lower side, but your nipple has seemed to slip out of the fabric.
The thing he does next is probably incredibly wrong. But who can blame him, with you looking like that?
His hands go down to palm the bulge in his pants. He breathes heavily, lip getting caught in his teeth as he watches your slow moving breath and beautiful face. He brings his hands into his pants and begins to stroke himself with vigor.
He knows it’s incredibly risky. You’re his best friend, and if he gets caught doing this you might not be anymore. But precum spills over his fist and he thrusts into his own palm mercilessly. He starts to imagine scenarios with you in them: taking your tits into his mouth, sucking on those pert little nipples that he loves to see peeking through your shirt. Fucking that tight little pussy he knows you have, while you’re on all fours and your ass is bouncing back against his abs. And then, lastly, watching your little cunt get stretched beyond its boundaries as he impales you, your virgin blood coating his cock and leaving your creamy spend on him. This makes him keen, and then he’s stuffing his fist into his mouth as he cums all over the inside of his briefs. You begin to stir, not quite waking up, but it makes Nick’s mouth water even more at the thought of you catching him. You don’t wake up, however. You’re always such a deep sleeper.
Nick sighs, moving into the bathroom to wash off his hands and then change into a new pair of underwear.
And then, when he’s next to his dress, he catches sight of his camera.
It’s a Polaroid camera, a dark brown that he keeps with him whenever he wants to take picture of the camp’s scenery.
But maybe it can be used for other sights.
He remembers to turn the flash off, and then he snaps a picture of your sleeping form. And then, another. And another. And another. All at different angles, some far away, some so close that it’s a surprise that you don’t hear the click of the device and wake up. When he’s done he gathers up all of the pictures that have been printed and shoves them into his drawer full of shirts, next to another set of pictures. Ones that consist of a boy in water, with his head missing.
He checks on the clock on the wall. It’s dinner time, now.
He goes over and lightly shakes you. It takes a few minutes of this before your eyes finally crack open.
“C’mon, sweets, you gotta wake up,” he murmurs. “It’s time for dinner.”
You blink, wiping the sleep away from your eyes and smearing your makeup in the process again. But when you get up and look in the mirror, you choose not to acknowledge it.
You don’t even notice the anxious look Nick gives you when you ask for some of his clothes and reach into his t-shirt drawer. He’s so thankful that he hid the photos in the very back, because you don’t find them.
He makes a mental note to move them to a place where no one would think to look.
The next day Tommy Slater teaches you archery.
You’ve see the boy around, not really ever talking, but he’s sweet, with nice hair and a pretty smile. He holds your arms in the right position as he helps you pull back the strings of the bow. When you pull it back, it’s the first time ever that you hit the target. You pull him into a hug, and his hands go down to your waist as he asks if he can buy you a cherry coke from the vending machines.
Nick watches the whole thing with displeasure when you say yes.
No one really notices, but Nick just always seems to be around you, even though there’s a whole other side of camp to be taught. It’s a surprise, really, that the boy can keep his job. If it wasn’t for the extra class he teaches everyday and his father being the sheriff, he’d probably be fired.
Nick really hasn’t had that much of a problem with Tommy before. He’s a nice guy, and they get along well whenever they work together. Hell, Tommy was even his bunkmate for a while before he decided to switch and room with his brother, Will.
But he’s talking to you. And he’s being a little too nice, too touchy to see you as a regular camper or friend.
And Nick can’t have that, can he?
So a week later, after you had started to grow close with the boy, Tommy Slater is found with a noose around his neck. A suicide, of course. It’s incredibly unfortunate for you; you cry about it, not leaving your cabin all day over the death of your new friend when you find out the news.
Of course, Nick is there to comfort you. He doesn’t leave your side, and stays with you for the entirety of the day while you sleep on top of his shirtless, warm body.
He’s such a good friend.
You sigh as you roll yourself out of your bed. You’re exhausted, mentally. Nick had begged you to come to dinner with him, but to no avail after many minutes of struggling. You figure right about now that the best thing to do is your makeup. Something that sounds incredibly stupid, but it helps you relieve a lot of stress. You bring yourself back over to your bed with your makeup bag and begin to apply a full face.
You jump, almost smearing your eyeliner, when Nick opens the door. Although you shouldn’t get excited at a time like this, you smile when you see an ice cream cone in one of his hands.
“Finally getting up?” He teases. You nod.
“I guess so. No use getting hung up, right? We..” you’re trying to seem positive, but the image of Tommy’s body hanging from the ceiling brings bile to your throat. You swallow it down as you apply a layer of blush and grab the ice cream cone from Nick. “Me and Tommy weren’t even that close.”
Nick shrugs, sitting down beside you and resting his head on your shoulder to watch you apply your mascara.
“He’s in a better place now, y/n.” The boy assures.
You nod in agreement, but you’re still a bit upset. You shake the thoughts out of your head and lick at the ice cream cone. Nick watches some it drip down your chin, and he imagines what it would be like to stuff your mouth full.
“So,” He starts. His eyes never leave your mouth. “Are you going on the camping trip tonight?”
Every Saturday, campers go deeper into the woods and camp out. You know Nick enjoys it, but the thought of sleeping in a tent with no air conditioner tonight does not sound like fun.
“Probably not.” You reply.
“That’s okay.” Nick assures. He can tell by the look on your face that you feel bad for ditching him. “On second thought, how about I stay here with you tonight? I know you don’t like to be in the dark alone.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m not scared of the dark, I’m scared of what’s in the dark! But also, won’t you get in trouble?”
“Whatever you say, sweetness.” Nick replies. “But I’m staying. I’ll just say I’m sick. ”
“That’s…good. I want you here.” And it’s true, as you utter the words. Nick smiles, and watches as you get up to throw away the ice cream cone (one of your weird quirks that Nick has picked up is that you only like the ice cream itself, and not the cone). When you bend down to drop it into the trash can, your shorts ride up and the soft globes of your ass are exposed. Nick exhales sharply.
You hear him, and turn around to look at him in concern. “Are you okay?”
Nick coughs, eyes averting from you as his cheeks glaze over into a dusty pink. “Yeah! It’s just a little stuffy in here, that’s all.”
“Oh.” You frown. “Do you want to go to your cabin instead? You have a better air conditioner, anyway.” And then your eyes light up. “And you have a radio! We can listen to music tonight!”
Nick chuckles at your excitement. He knows you enjoy music. “Yeah, honey.”
It’s not long before almost everyone in camp is away, and you and Nick are alone. Although the trip is optional, very few people decide to stay behind. Will had left, his eyes lingering on you a bit too long as he tells Nick to ‘have fun’. Nick’s eyes had narrowed at his tone, and he had put a possessive grip on you as he guided you to his radio so he could teach you how to use it.
And that night, Nick introduces you to weed.
It’s not something you’re opposed to, you’ve just never got around to it. And when Nick pulls out a small bag of the skunk smelling drug, you’re happy to get high with him.
You giggle as Nick runs his fingers over your legs in a teasing manner. He knows your ticklish behind your knees, and of course he isn’t going to ignore the chance of getting to touch you. His radio plays ‘Fear The Reaper’ in a blaring tone, and the both of your eyes are red rimmed and watery. You move away from his hands and off to bed to explore the things in his room, dazed.
And then you catch sight of his camera.
You pick it up, and feel the plastic device with your fingertips.
“I’ve never seen you with this,” you say. “Is it new?”
Nick lifts his body up off of the bed to look at you.
“No, I’ve had it for a while.” He replies.
“Oh.” and then, your hands begin to flimsily play with the buttons.
Nick grins. “Do you want me to take pictures of you?”
The question catches you off guard, but the look on his face, begging, can’t make you say no.
“If you want.”
“That’s great,” Nick pauses, hesitant. “Can you get on the bed for me?”
“Yes sir.”
You don’t mean to say it, really, but you just want to follow his directions. You think he’s going to be freaked out, but all he does is give you a sweet smile.
“Good girl.”
Your face flushes, and your twiddle your fingers as you begin to climb onto the bed. You move your hair so it rests behind your shoulders, and smile. Nick snaps it, the perfect view of you on your knees for him. You move to another position, sideways, and tilt your head back.
So cute, Nick thinks. And all mine.
By the third or fourth, you’re comfortable enough to not be shy.
“Is this good?” You ask. You’re leaning forward now, on your knees once again. Nick can see your cleavage at this angle, and he thinks you’re the most sexiest thing he’s ever laid his eyes on.
“Perfect.” And then, another pause before he speaks. “You’re so beautiful.”
You blanch, as if that’s the first time he’s ever said it. You look up at him with a look he can’t quite place.
“Do you really think so?”
“I think you’re perfect.”
Dazed and Confused by Led Zepplin is playing on the radio now. The tension in the room grows intensely, in this moment, as Nick utters the words. It’s as if it’s never been experienced before. It has, many times, but usually there was someone or something to interrupt that tension.
So now, all that Nick can think to do is throw the camera onto the bed, move over to you, lean down, and press his lips to yours.
It’s probably a dumb idea, but if it goes the opposite of the way Nick wants then he can just blame it on the mary jane in his system.
But you kiss back. The boy suspects you’ve never been kissed before, because your lips move awkwardly against his. It’s endearing to him, and he moves to press himself closer to you. You moan against him when he begins to climb on top of you. He pulls away, his thighs caging your hips down. He grabs your hands and moves them above your head.
“You’ve never done this before , have you?”
You look away shyly, shaking your head as you do so to signal the word ‘no’. He grabs your face with his strong hands and guides you too gaze at him again.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, y/n. Yes.. or no?”
Your lip gets caught in between your teeth as he looks down at you hungrily.
“No.” You utter softly.
He tuts, bring his hand down to your hip and rubbing the soft skin there.
“So no one’s ever touched you here? Hm?”
You shake your head.
“Poor baby.” His hand moves down further. He’s ghosting his fingers over the crotch of your shorts. You squirm, a small squeak leaving your mouth when he presses on your clit through the fabric. “What about here, baby? Anyone ever played with this little clit before?”
“N-Nick, c’mon-“
“Who? Are you lying to me? Has someone touched you here?” His tone is demanding, now, angry. You look up at him with wide eyes. He’s always been so gentle with you, and his attitude now shock you.
“No..” and then, softly, “no sir. I promise.”
He calms, a small smirk beginning to play on his lips. He rubs, gentle and slow, on your clit. You mewl, hands going up to his hair for leverage as he teases you.
“Such good manners. Being such a good girl.”
His fingers leave you. You whine in protest, beginning to grab his hand and put it back where it was, but he pushes your grip away. He chuckles.
“No, no. You’re going to do something for me first.”
Your face goes red, when he grabs your hand and presses it against his girth.
“You feel that, baby?” He’s taunting, watching as your mouth opens on instinct and your soft wet tongue lolls out. “Feel what you did?”
“Yes. Yes, daddy, I-“
The word that leaves your mouth isn’t intentional, but when it does it has Nick groaning, thrusting his hips up into your hand.
“God, that’s it. You want me to be your daddy, baby? Wanna be my little girl?”
You nod, eagerly, and you begin to move to unbuckle his jeans. He makes a noise of disapproval, though.
“No. Stay right here.”
And then he’s moving off the bed and to the foot of it, beginning to unbuckle his belt. He beckons you over, but stops you when you begin to get off the bed.
“No,” His hand goes down into his pants, and he breathes shakily.
Your pussy is practically drenched at this point. A small moan sounds in the back of your throat, and you get on your hands and knees. The look Nick gives you as you move towards him is so dark that you aren’t sure it’s even him anymore. But fuck, he looks so handsome, so beautiful. You can’t help but do what he says.
You’ll do anything for him.
He grabs you by your shoulders and pulls you up on your knees at the edge of the bed. His shirt has ridden up, exposing a sliver of his tanned and toned skin.
“What do you want me to do now, daddy?” The words you’re saying sound so unlike yourself, but it’s like something different has taken over you. All you can think or feel is NickNickNickNickNick. Over and over, your pussy throbbing and spilling wet juices all over the inside of your panties.
“Take your shirt off, sweetheart.”
The demand is one you follow instantly, and when you slip the shirt over your head your nipples are puffy and swollen. He grins, moving down to flick one of your nipples.
“These are so pretty. We should get them pierced, don’t you think?”
The thought of needles going through your tits make you wince. Nick laughs.
“I was just joking, angel.”
“We have to have those nice and ready for our baby, don’t we?”
Your eyes widen, and he laughs again, as if pregnancy is some kind of game.
“Joking, again. God, you’re so gullible, you know that?”
You really don’t think you’d mind carrying his baby, but you don’t mention that right now. Instead, you bring your hands to the bulge in his pants. He groans in surprise, and looks down at you.
“You little minx. Get to work, then. Since you want to be so impatient.”
You hesitate, not really knowing what to do.
“Can you teach me, sir?”
He presses your mouth to his clothed cock, and you gasp at the sudden movement. You drool all over the fabric of his jeans, the confines of the zipper making his incredibly large cock press against the denim.
“Gotta taste it first, don’t you?” He teases. He yanks you away from his dick and pulls your head back so you’ll look up at him.
“Give me a kiss.”
You do, reaching up desperately to kiss him on his soft, sweet lips. He strokes your face, gentle unlike the past few minutes.
“Do you feel safe with me?”
You nod, and he nods his head in understanding at the confirmation.
He begins to unzip his fly. And then, you watch as he pulls out his thick length. You gawk at how pretty and large he is, his tip shining with precum and his balls drawn up tight.
“Do you trust me?”
His voice is rougher now. He strokes his cock, and you ache for it to feel the deep canal of your throat.
“Yes, daddy. You’re the only person in the world I’ll ever trust.”
“Good. You only need me.”
And then he’s rubbing the tip over your lips, and you’re eagerly suckling the soft skin and licking the precum off. He tastes so good, so salty and bitter but so perfectly divine. He growls low in his throat, holding back as much as he can so he doesn’t destroy your perfect little mouth.
“Yeah, just like that. Didn’t even have to tell you where to put that slutty mouth. You think about this a lot, don’t you?”
You nod, as much as you can with your mouth full.
“Run your tongue along the vein.” He directs, watching as you pull off and ask him what to do next. “You see, right there?”
You follow his directions perfectly, following the trail and then moving to kitten lick underneath his head. His eyes roll back, and he shallowly thrusts into your throat. You become desperate, then, and before he realizes what’s happening your downing his whole aching prick in one singular stroke.
“Oh, fuck, you bitch!” He’s loud, and his resolve breaks. He grabs your head with both of his hands and begins to fuck your throat with vigor. You choke, your eyes watering, but you don’t want him to let up. Looking up at him through watery lashes, you see that his had is tilted back and his mouth is open in shock and pleasure.
“I can feel the back of your goddamn throat, Jesus fuck..”
He slows, just a bit, when he sees you struggling to breathe.
“Remember to breathe through your nose, sweetness.”
His advice helps you, and soon you’re relaxed as he uses your throat. Your hands grip his thighs, and on a particularly deep thrust your nose hits the curly black hair at his base. It’s amazing, how much you can take.
Not that Nick has been with many girls, but he’s been with a few. And all of them could hardly take his cock inside their cunt, much less their throat. Nick giggles at the irony, then, sadistically. Of course you can take it. You’re made for him. And he’s your god, a life force that you’re devoted to, that you can’t ever escape.
“Yeah, you’re a pro at this,” Nick says roughly. “ My good little cocksucker.”
That sets you off, and your fingers begin to go down and rub your clit. It doesn’t take long before Nick is pulling you off and pushing you back down on the bed. He grabs you by your thighs and begins to unbuttons your shorts aggressively. When he gets down to your underwear he’s pulling them off with a quickness and shoving them into his back pocket.
You really should be shy right now, but you aren’t. It’s just that way with Nick. You can do anything, show him anything, and you’ll still feel like the most free person to ever exist. He spreads your legs wide, and he doesn’t hesitate to go down and get a taste of you.
He licks a stripe up the expanse of your drenched pussy, makes sure to add a little bit of tongue when he gets to your clit. He thumbs the swollen button, plays with it like it’s a toy. Your back arches, his touch setting flames off on your skin and inside of you.
“Nicky, please..”
Your voice is raw from getting so harshly throat fucked, your eyes droopy and already fucked out from all the foreplay. He says nothing, instead choosing to gather up some of the precum from his cock and use two now lubed fingers to shove inside of you. Your hips soar off the mattress, the sudden stretch burning intensely, but not as much as you would’ve originally thought. You’re so wet that you’re really up for anything, at this point. You flush with embarrassment when you hear your wetness gushing around Nick’s fingers. But he looks pleased, intensely so, and bends down to press a little kiss to your clit.
“Aww, look at that,” he coos. “You’re so wet, aren’t you? Did daddy make you this wet?”
“Yesyesyesyes-“ you practically scream when he rubs your inner walls a certain way, and it makes your legs shake and makes tears stream down your cheeks. “please keep doing that, daddy. Oh my God!
You can feel your orgasm approaching, and it’s embarrassing that you’re cumming this soon. But you’re a virgin, after all. You can’t help it. And so, with a sharp intake of breath and a moan, you cum all over Nick’s fingers. He watches as your juices coat his entire hand and shirt as your legs start to convulse in pleasure. He smiles, satisfied. You just squirted all over him.
“There you go.. just like that. Good girl. Give me all of that, baby.”
When you come down it’s like you’re wiped of energy. Nick notices. His hand goes up to stroke your face.
“You have to give me one more, okay? Just one.”
You shake your head, eyes going closed, but he slaps your cheek lightly to keep you awake.
“Still need fuck you, honey. I want you to be awake when I do it. Want you to remember.”
You bite your lip, hesitant, but then you nod. He smiles, and your heart flutters as you look down at him in between your legs.
“That’s my girl.”
He adjusts your thighs, pulling your spent body towards him. His cock nudges against your entrance. It’s different from what you’ve just experienced, much more intimate and warm. So he guides himself into you, gently. It hurts, and you let out a noise of displeasure. You start to cry again, but out of pain.
“Daddy- c-can’t, ‘s too much..”
“I know you can take it, sweet girl. Don’t you want to make daddy proud?”
You hiccup, tears flowing freely down your cheeks, and you whisper a small, “yes sir.”
He pushes into you for what seems like forever, and when you finally feel his pelvis pressing against your clit you jump from the stimulation. It causes you to clench down on him, and you cry out at the feeling of him losing control and thrusting into your open canal. He groans, lifting himself up with his hands to keep himself still.
“Don’t do that baby, ‘s gonna hurt you. Fuck, you’re so tiny. My cock is splitting you in two.”
Yeah, you wanted to say, like I warned you it would.
But you don’t say that, and soon his cock just feels like a lot of pressure. So when you tell Nick to move, he tries his hardest to be slow. He’s shaking, the fact of being in control of himself a new phenomenon. But when he drags himself out, slow, and then pushes himself back in, you begin to feel different. He hits that special spot again, just right, and your hips move back on him at their own accord.
“Daddy.. please. Fuck me! want it hard…”
The words spill out of your mouth quickly, your brain going haywire. Nick’s hands become bruising in their grip, and he shoves your hands over your head again and begins to pound you vigorously. Your wetness leaves a creamy ring around the base of his cock, and you look absolutely gorgeous, letting him use you.
“Fuckin’ beautiful little girl.. love having this pussy fucked, don’t you? Making daddy so proud..”
You moan loudly, his praises making more wetness drip out of you.
“Love you, daddy, love you so much!”
Nick’s hips stutter at that, and although it should be a very large milestone to cross, it feels perfectly natural, perfectly true to say, and it makes his head spin. His perfect little girl, worshipping him and his cock. You’re a dream come true.
“Holy fuck.. I love you too, sweetheart.” Your heart aches, so deeply. He loves you. Nick, the boy you’ve been completely devoted to and have worshipped the entire summer, loves you.
You can feel his thrusts speeding up, his hands bruising on your skin. ‘M gonna cum, shit-“
He twitches, flooding your sticky walls with his cum. Your hips shake, your pussy milking him dry.
“Love your cum, sir, feels s’good.” You slur. The fact that you’ve gotten riled up and haven’t came again is in the very back of your mind. Nick’s cock, his body, his devoted time and attention to you, is enough to satiate your needs. When he pulls out of you he makes sure to watch his cum drip out of your needy hole, and then rubs your clit in gentle strokes.
“just give me one more, baby. Cum for daddy one more time.”
And who are you to resist? Shaking, your brain turns to mush. Your tummy tightens and then you’re spilling again, watching as Nick looks down at you with adoration.
When you slow, his hands move up to swipe some hair out of your face and tuck it behind your ear. You smile bashfully, watching as he lays down beside you and beckons you over to him once more. It’s peaceful, resting now in the darkness of his room. The radio is still playing, soft just as before. And when you sleep, you dream of sweet nothings.
And then two days later, you’re being harassed by the camp’s janitor.
His name is Lloyd, and he’s older, much more so. He’s noticed you around, he says. He wants to get to know you more.
You’re uncomfortable by his offer. He’s a grown man, for christ’s sakes! And not an attractive one, at that, so why would you even attempt such a thing with him?
Of course, Nick isn’t too far behind when Lloyd starts spewing harsh words when you reject him. He pulls you behind him protectively, and begins suggesting that he call his father and tell on him. Lloyd instantly backs off, but his narrowed eyes never leave yours as he walks away.
Later that night, there’s a camp bonfire. You smile as you conversate with Nick while a bag of marshmallows between the two of you. You shove one into your mouth as you discuss Carry by Stephen King, and he agrees that it’s one of the best. Your head rests on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around you. Although campers and counselors technically can’t be together, no one around really cares at the moment; they’re all too busy with their own friends to notice. You grab Nick’s hand and suggest that he take you to get more snacks from the cafeteria. He trails behind you, watching your ass bounce in the tiny skirt you’re wearing. It isn’t long before you’re buying a coke and Nick is using every excuse in the book to guide you behind the deserted building and up against the wall.
His lips press gently into your neck in a sloppy, wet kiss. Your coke is forgotten, the soft drink’s bottle sitting on the concrete beside the both of you. You fall into Nick more when he bites down softly on the spot below your ear; he’s only fucked you once, but he knows your body like the back of his hand.
You sigh, your hand grabbing his and discreetly guiding it to that warm spot in between your legs. He huffs out a laugh, watches your face contort into carnal pleasure when he rubs your clit softly.
“Needy, baby?”
“Want you..” you whine, hands gripping his shirt. “Fuck me here. Wan’ everyone to see…”
“Jesus,” he moans, your hand going down to palm his aching shaft. “Only fucked you once and I’ve already turned you into a little cockslut, huh?”
You nod as his thumb brushes over your lips in a playful manner. You bring the digit into your mouth, making sure that it hits the very back of your throat. Nick groans at that, bringing his thumb out and crashing his lips into yours. You taste like cherry coke, and from the past few days of the constant making out you guys have been doing, Nick can infer that this is just how you taste. It’s so perfect, so incredibly sweet and precious. He grabs your arms and turns you around so he can press your body against the wall behind you. His hands undo his belt, and then he’s lifting up your skirt to see your pretty cunt.
“No panties, sweetheart?”
“Just wanted to be ready for you, daddy.”
The way you say it, so giving and dedicated, makes Nick’s cock jump. When he pulls it out he presses it flush against your bare mound and slaps your lips playfully with his tip. You squirm, little pussy red and swollen.
“Love this little pussy so much, baby,” Nick coos. He rubs your clit with his length, and it makes you tremble. “Need you to beg for daddy. C’mon, be a good girl.”
You don’t even hesitate, your voice shaky and desperate. “Please! Need you so bad, daddy. Please fuck me!”
He doesn’t hesitate to shove himself inside you, then. And although the stretch still hurts, it feels better than last time and it makes you mewl as he begins to harshly pound into you. He yanks you back by your hair, your body pressed flush against him, and he uses his other hand to yank your top down and expose your tits to the night air. They scrape against the brick wall, and it the sting makes you clench around him.
“Good little bitch.. such a tight little pussy…”
And then his tone becomes darker, and he begins to put a bruising grip on your hip.
“Tommy could’ve never fucked you like this, y’know.”
The sentence catches you off guard, your body slowing its movements. But only slightly; because as fucked up as it is, Nick still turns you on. You stutter, your eyes rolling back when Nick’s cock grazes your insides perfectly.
And although it seems like Nick should be ashamed or feel caught saying the thing he just said, he doesn’t. Instead, his fingers reach down to rub you clit, as he chuckles darkly.
“You heard me. That little fucker. You were going to leave me for him, weren’t you?”
Your eyes furrow in confusion, tears beginning to form at the stress of his interrogation and his harsh thrusts. Nick slaps your ass harshly, watching it jiggle and move against him more.
“Answer me!”
“No! No, I only ever wanted you! I- I didn’t-“
His fingers slap your pussy, and then he’s rubbing your clit in harsh circles again. You practically scream, your wetness gushing down his dick.
“Now fucking cum for me.”
You ignore Nick as he walks you back to his cabin.
You don’t know what else to do. How else are you supposed to react when your best friend slash lover decides to talk about a dead friend in bed?
It should upset you more than it does.
You’re freaked out, a little bit, of course. But the guilt, that pit in your stomach, isn’t as prominent as you thought it would be. And when Nick pulls you into a hug and softly asks, “stay, please?”, you can’t resist him. Will is out, you assume. Probably with a random girl or still at the bonfire.
None of that matters, right now. You turn your head when Nick tries to kiss you. He frowns, hands coming up to your hair.
“What’s wrong?”
“Why’d you say that stuff earlier, Nick?” You ask quietly. Your nervously bounce on the balls of your feet. “That was really mean.”
He sighs, looking regretful as he takes your face into his hands.
“I’m sorry, baby. I know I shouldn’t of said that. I got carried away..“
His lips land on yours, gentle. You’re extremely tired, your limbs weak and your pussy aching from Nick’s harsh fucking. You don’t know how to feel, but the softness of Nick’s lips makes your eyes flutter shut.
“I won’t do it again,” he murmurs, as he pulls away. His thumb goes to wipe away stray mascara that had smeared on your face. “I promise. Just stay with me?”
You know it isn’t right. You know that what he said was messed up, was something you should leave him for. But you don’t. You just nod your head obediently, and join him on his bed. And when you’re trying to sleep and his length rubs up against your thigh, he asks if you want him. You say yes, and It’s true.
And when he brings himself up to your lips, you lick his cock clean, and show him your devotion.
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andreafmn · 11 months
Speak | Chapter 11
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Word Count: 2.6K Warnings: emotional abuse, foul language, bodily harm
Summary: Bella Swan was a disaster when Edward had left. Deciding she needed a little help, Charlie Swan receives with open arms his younger daughter (Y/N) Swan. She helps Bella during her depression and becomes inseparable from her long-lost friend Jacob. What she didn’t expect was falling for a hotheaded short-tempered silver wolf.
A/N: wanted to make this chapter longer, but I'm leaving the comfort/fluff for the next chapter. Now, onto the only story y'all care about 😉😉(jk jk)
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It had been a whole week of romantic bliss. At least in (Y/N)’s opinion. Something had finally clicked inside Jacob. Somehow, he’d finally understood what it meant to be a boyfriend. A surprising turn of events in his behavior from the past two weeks.
Jake had been the kind and caring boy she had fallen for many years before. He’d taken her out on a couple of spontaneous dates, he’d filled her with loving words, and not once did he make her question if they were meant to be together.
One. Whole. Week.
And she hoped it would last. (Y/N) hoped it would remain that way for as long as it could. Even with all the secrets between them. Sure, she had to wait until the late hours of the day to talk to Paul. Spending hours on the phone as she had done with Jake in the beginning, learning the smallest intricacies of his personality. Everything that made him him.
(Y/N) couldn’t stop the giddiness that filled her veins every time the phone rang. There was a pull to the boy that she did not understand. Something mystical that tugged at her heartstrings and sang the song of Paul Lahote. But she was too scared to answer that call, to listen to the chords that made up his name. How could her heart call to someone she hardly knew? How could she want someone else when she had spent so many years beating for another? 
There was a complexity to her feelings that she could not decipher. Her head told her it was delusion. That she had only begun to gravitate toward Paul when Jake and she had hit their first obstacle. And although that obstacle had yet to be removed –Bella was always a lingering presence in everyone’s life—(Y/N) was seeing a way through it. Paul had been kind and comforting in a time when –even if she could not admit it—she was scared of Jake, petrified by his anger. The girl simply couldn’t bring herself to believe it could be anything more than that. She simply wouldn’t.
Jacob Black was it for her, she could almost bet her life on it.
Well, only for the time things were good. ‘
But (Y/N) seemed to forget from her time in Forks that things never remained the same for too long. Laughter died, the sun stopped shining, and Jacob’s painted-on mask could shatter in a split second.
School had started in the rez as well as in Forks. Teenagers spilled into the halls of the high school, mutterings about their winter vacations muddling into each other. It made (Y/N)’s heart beat faster to be around other students once more. Two years had passed since she had been inside a physical school and she had grown accustomed to her mother and a slow computer to be her teachers. She felt odd and out of place and wondered how Bella had felt walking through these very walls only a year prior to her. And she could have asked her. Her older sister was walking right beside her and she could have asked her if the staring ever died down, or if feeling nervous was normal.
Alas, Bella would not have answered, and (Y/N) was resigned to keeping those questions buried deep within her. Her sister was out of her room and in the school, and that was all she could ask for. The zombie-like girl guided her to the office, where she was met with a red-haired woman with a bright smile.
“Well, it seems the Swan duo is finally complete,” she said. Her glasses slid off her nose slightly as she looked at (Y/N) through the top of the spectacles. “I’ve got your schedule right here. And though I’m sure Bella will show you around, I’ve added a map of the school as well with the best routes to get to your classes.”
“Uh, thanks,” (Y/N) forced a smile as she felt her cheeks warm in embarrassment. She expected to be known in the school, but she never thought that it would feel so invasive. “This is very helpful.”
“Of course, (Y/N),” she smiled. “Can’t believe just last year I was giving your sister a similar folder.”
“Yeah, time sure does fly.”
During the whole encounter, Bella remained stoic and quiet. Her ever-present sorrow hung over both of them like the darkest clouds that frequently adorned the Washington sky. The older Swan was there, but it would have been the same as though she was not there. The plant in the corner of the office held more life than her sister currently did.
And that was how the rest of the day went. (Y/N)’s hours passed and it felt like she was the only Swan in that school. Long gone was the novelty of Isabella, instead replaced by the freshness of her little sister. Everywhere she walked, eyes followed her. There was nowhere she could go that others wouldn’t question her regarding her life in Arizona and Florida before transitioning the conversation into Bella’s heartbreak condition. Even during lunchtime, when her older sister was sitting right next to her, her friends asked (Y/N) how she was doing.
(Y/N) wasn’t sure what she should have expected when she had gotten to school. But she definitely did not enjoy having to be her sister’s spokesperson. A small part of her wanted her to be the real center of attention, not just the vessel of information regarding Bella. If someone had asked her she would have said that the only reason she had been accepted at the high school was to make sure her sister didn’t fall apart during one of her classes.
Though she did meet new people as the week went by, it felt just like it had when they had been growing up. (Y/N) was not her separate entity; she was just Bella’s little sister. And she feared that’s all she would ever be. It made her feel shallow and a bit vain to want everyone’s attention, to hope that others gravitated toward her because of who she was rather than who she was related to.
Back home, it was no different. As the Swan sisters walked into the house, Charlie was quick to ask how the day went. But his eyes were trained on his oldest daughter. Especially as the girl disappeared into her room, closing her door behind her.
“Did anything happen at school, (Y/N)?” Charlie worried. “How did she do today?” 
“Well, nothing’s really different,” she sighed. “I only saw her during lunch and she was just quiet. She picked around her food, only eating a couple of bites before the bell rang. Other than that, I don’t know much.” 
“I shouldn’t be surprised,” her father responded as he slumped on the armchair. “She’s been that way since September. I’m just glad you’re there now to look out for her. I don’t know what we’re gonna do, (Y/N).” 
“I don’t know, dad. Whatever Bella is going through is bigger than just heartbreak. And I think only she can dig herself out of this hole. We just gotta be here whenever she decides to,” (Y/N) shrugged before she followed the same path Bella had taken only a minute before. “Oh, and school was great for me. Thanks for asking. Again” 
The door slammed lower than she intended behind her, but she didn’t care. Her entire day had already revolved around Bella. Like she was the gravitational pull in Forks. Forget the sun. No, this small town revolved around the one and only Isabella Swan. There was nowhere she could go where the shadow of her sister didn’t tower over her.
She changed clothes before burying herself under her covers, searching her phone for the only person that did not seem to care who her sister was. The only person that had not made her think that they were using her to get to Bella. She knew his voice would be able to calm her anger and assuage her disappointment.
But before her finger could hit the call button a knock resounded through her room, followed by her father’s figure entering her room. “Hey, kiddo,” he said. “I just wanted to apologize for that. I know it may seem like I’m only focused on Bells, but I know I don’t have to worry about you. Your sister on the other hand…”
“I know, dad. She’s been chosen by the gods of sorrows and they don’t want to let her go.” 
“Don’t be melodramatic, (Y/N),” he chuckled. “But I wanna make sure you know that I care about you just as much as I care about your sister, and I’m here for whatever you need, whenever you need.”
“I know,” she smiled, swallowing down the tears that were threatening to spill. Her father may not have noticed, but he did not pay them the same attention. Not even their mother had. And it pained (Y/N) to admit that she had grown too used to it. “It’s okay, dad. I know you’re worried about her and so am I.”
“I’m sure, kiddo,” he smiled, sighing in relief. “Well, I wanted to let you know that I’m off tonight on shift.”
“Okay. See you in the morning then.”
“Yeah, and Jake’s downstairs waiting for you.” (Y/N) perked up at his name. It didn’t surprise her anymore when he dropped by unannounced. He had been doing it the remnant of his winter break and he had promised it wouldn’t change after school started. “Now, I trust you guys, but no boys in the room, (Y/N). Keep it to the living room and the kitchen, alright?”
“Of course, dad,” she chuckled, following him out of her room and down the stairs. “Stay safe out there.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he scoffed jokingly. “I take you’ll behave yourself, Jacob. That’s my daughter we’re talking about here.”
“I will, Charlie,” Jake smiled. “I promise there won’t be any funny business going on.”
“You better,” Charlie scowled. “See you in the morning, (Y/N). Bye, Jacob.”
“Bye, Charlie,” he chuckled.
She leaned into the side hug her father gave her, smiling as he kissed the top of her head. “Bye, dad.”
The front door closed behind him and (Y/N) remained by the front window until the cruiser disappeared from the driveway and down the road. Once the car was nowhere in sight, she turned to her boyfriend, a mischievous grin tugging at her lips. She closed the distance between her and Jake, looking to wrap him in a hug.
But Jacob stopped her, pushing her arms back onto her sides, his warm smile replaced with a stoic scowl. “I’m not staying long, (Y/N),” he muttered. “There’s just something we need to talk about.”
“What’s wrong, Jake?” she worried. “Did I do something wrong?”
“I know you haven’t been honest with me, (Y/N).”
“W-what? What are you talking about?”
“I know that you’re still talking to Paul,” he answered. His face was unreadable but his words were seeped in disappointment. “And don’t deny it. Embry let it slip out accidentally. It seems your best friend decided to recruit mine into whatever gang he’s in with Sam Uley.”
“Come on, Jake. How would Jared know any of that?” (Y/N) stammered, an awkward smile playing on her face. “There’s nothing there to let slip.”
“Right, so, Embry just so happened to start avoiding me and Quil in school. He cut his hair, he got that dumb tattoo they all have, and he’s always with them when he’s not in school. And, it’s funny, today when we confronted him about it, he simply said that they were helping him with something he couldn’t talk about,” Jake seethed. “But the cherry on top was when, for some reason, he told me that it would be best if I just let you and Paul be friends. Which came as a surprise to me since there isn’t supposed to be a friendship there. Not for the past two weeks, (Y/N).”
Her heart beat loudly in her chest, her breath hitching in her throat as Jake revealed that he was sure that she had broken her promise to him. She had never planned to keep that promise, but at that moment she was regretting it. “Tell me what to do to fix this, Jake,” she pleaded. “I’ll do anything. I’ll even delete his contact from my phone right now.”
“No,” he stated simply. “If you want to help, tell your buddy Paul to let whatever he and his little group have on Embry go. Maybe then I’ll consider forgiving you for lying to me for two weeks. For now, I think it’d be best if we took a little break.”
He turned her back to her, making his way to the door. He made it to the driver’s side of his car before (Y/N) caught up to him, trying her best to not slip on the ice-covered pavement.
“Jake, please,” she cried, holding onto his forearm, trying her best to turn him to face her. “I promise there is nothing going on between us. All we did was talk. I’ll never call him again, Jake. Just please, don’t leave like this.”
“I don’t care anymore if you talk to him, (Y/N). You can talk with all of Forks for all I care,” he spat. “I just want my best friend back and safe from those assholes. Get Embry back and then we can talk. It’s as simple as that.”
“I have no control over that, Jake. You know that,” she sobbed. Her hands kept tugging at his arm, trying with all of her might to turn him around. To be able to look into the brown of his eyes and show him that she was telling the truth. But he would not budge. His body remained frozen in place. His gaze fixed on the car door. “Please. I’ll do anything else. Anything you want!”
At that last tug, Jacob finally moved, pulling his arm toward his body. The bruteness and the swiftness of his motion made (Y/N) slip and fall back, her hands flying behind her to catch her fall. Her palms burned as they made contact with the rough cement and her backside ached in searing pain.
Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes, falling down her cheeks and making her skin freeze in the weather. She knew it had been an accident –it had to be. But instead of running to her aid, Jake got into his car with a scoff. “Ask Paul to let Embry go,” he said as he backed out of the driveway. “If not, don’t even bother calling me your boyfriend anymore.”
And then he left. He simply left. She looked down at her hands, covered in scuff marks and trails of blood. Her body was shaking from the cold but her shock petrified her more. Jake had –unintentionally—hurt her and he had left.
(Y/N) didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t call her sister. Bella would probably just stare at her as she took care of herself. She couldn’t call her dad and let him know what Jake had done. Maybe he wouldn’t have even thought that it was such a bad thing. There was only one person that she knew she could call. The only person that despite everything that had happened could bring her comfort.
Her hands screamed at her as they dug into the pocket of her pants to dig out her phone. She stared as the grey sweats she wore darkened with drops of blood. Her wrists ached and her palms stung, and all she wanted was someone to hold her.
“Paul,” her voice croaked through her phone as soon as the ringing stopped. “Can you come over, please?”
“I’ll be there soon,” was all he said.
Next ->
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 months
Would Jenny allow Danny to tinker with her? I know robotics isn’t exactly the same as aerospace engineering (and I do be headcanoning that my boy chose this as his major since he wants to be an astronaut), but with all the experience he had from handling his parents inventions I believe he can be trusted with fixing something as complex as a robot. I like to think that Danny was really impressed with how Jenny was made and secretly wanted to take a look at how she works, but was too shy to ask because he knows how it’s like to be treated like an object and not a person (with the whole “ghosts are non-sentient globs of ectoplasm with post-human consciousness” spiel he heard so many times) and didn’t want to make Jenny uncomfortable. I believe it took Jenny some time and getting to know Danny and his engineering skills before she let him fix her when she got something badly broken. It was like a show of ultimate trust from Jenny’s side and Danny was flattered, humbled and very respectful. And super careful of course, constantly asking how Jenny’s doing or feeling while he tinkered, mindful of her. I bet she was touched.
Not gonna lie, this is one of the more fascinating asks I got - if only because its incredibly interesting to read about your take/interpretation of Danny & Jenny's relationship! I hope you don't mind me saying, but it feels like you adore both characters and it's very cute!
Well, now, in HoM AU, both Danny and Jenny are close friends and indeed Danny is one of the few people who Jenny trusts with - well, herself - her mechanical self. Like you, I headcanon Danny as quite mechanicaly gifted - in HoM AU he actually graduated college/uni with engineering degree, so he got education to polish his raw skills! He is one of the first people who would help Jenny in and out of the field, if there is a minor malfunction or an injury of some sort!
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But even for that to happen it took a couple of years and a few adventures together.
So to answer the original question, I would have to say that in HoM AU specifically, neither Danny would ask to 'tinker' with her, nor Jenny would probably be totally comfortable with that question if asked. 'Tinkering' would imply a degree of casual poking around, and in this case, both Danny and Jenny have certain life experiences that gave them... boundaries when it comes to their own and others' autonomy. Jenny especially.
(a bit of random background info dump here to explain the reasoning, but feel free to ignore it, since i basically answered the ask xD i just got bitten by a writing bunny, so its gotten a bit long - be warned!)
When Jenny was younger and only just acclimatizing herself with human world and amongst teenagers, she was rather blaze at times with how much access to her body she gave to her human friends and acquaintances.
After all, her mother was rather frank about it - often poking around in Jenny's mechanics and code. But it was her mother, who created her (sort of 'why are you covering yourself, i made you i already know what you have' mother attitude, which is a bit over-controlling and invasive to other's autonomy, but well, Jenny is a robot after all) and it a completely different deal from others.
So, despite her mother's warnings there are instances when Jenny was not very careful. Like when she allowed Brad, Tuck and Sheldon to literally remove and rip out her stuff in pursuit of fashion goals. Or when she dropped her guard around Todd Sweeney and got reprogrammed for her good deed.
And during the events of the last episode, she was once again controlled, by Dr Locus. While not exactly her fault, it still left a lasting impression that any mechanically gifted person could be dangerous to her.
Now, this is where we venture into my personal headcanons for MLAATR that are tied into HoM-verse:
Another aspect of Jenny's developed caution to giving access to her body - is the fact that she is not considered as a real person in the eye of the government/world. She is a thing, a weapon created by Dr. Walkman. She does not have the same rights as a human, and on paper she does not even have rights to her own body. It's all patented Nora Wakeman technology, (secretly) founded by the government.
And she has been fighting it ever since she was a teenager and refused to be called an IT - XJ-9 - and became a HER, a teenage girl Jenny, who also just happens to be a robot.
At first it started as a simple teenage rebellion and she went to school and started to hang out with other kids, but what about later after she graduates? Will she be even allowed to? Sure, maybe her school will give her a diploma, but how legal will it be to give something like that to someone who is legally not a real person? After all, its not like when other kids will turn 18 and can be their own people, not under the legal control of their parents. Jenny is her mother's property, intellectual and physical. For her to be considered a real person in the eye of government, it would require a law being passed about recognizing sentience of Artificial Intelligence.
And sure, she could probably be made an exception, being a hero robot and all, but the problem is, she is not the only human-made robot in existence! What about her sisters, who are prototypes and are not as developed as her? Her brother, who seemed to develop sentiency to the point of turning on humans?? Melody and Killgore?? And its not only in her world (cartoon), but in others (since its a crossover). So the question about AI/Robot sentience, no matter if they are good or bad or how developed they are, would not concern only her, it would be a global debate.
And we all know how the governments of the world would feel about passing laws about sentience of artificial beings that were created to serve the human race. It would be a struggle one way or another.
So, as she grows up and sees the world refusing to aknowledge her as a person, she doesnt have legal rights to finish school and go to college, to get a job, to get married, heck she cant even have a legal documentation that doesnt says 'Dr. Wakeman's creation'. The government says: your body belongs to us, because we paid for Dr. Wakeman to make you - you belong to us, we control you.
That, on top of several unpleasant experiences with other people disregarding her autonomy, will equal to Jenny trying to get some sense of that control back. So she starts to be more cautious about how much access others have to her physical self; she starts to build and reinforce boundaries with other people, starting with her family and friends.
It was one of the darkest days in Sheldon's life, when Jenny started to firmly say 'no' to whenever he asked her about her inner workings and casual access for poking around. xD Tuck was not a happy camper either, that his favorite robot friend became very stingy with all the cool stuff. But Brad got it. And after gentle (and sometimes not) reminders, others became more understanding.
It was a little harder with her mother. Dr. Wakeman truly loved her daughter, but she was a scientist first and mother second. She was so used to casual access to Jenny, in order to keep maitanance that it was hard for her to break the habits. Its still a constant struggle, but she has gotten so much better.
Now, when it came to her new friends amongst HoMies, she already has built a set of boundaries that allowed her to feel more secure as a person, despite how the world sees her, but she is much more reserved to opening herself up to others, at least compared to how she first approached people when she was younger.
It took a few missions and getting to know them better, for her to start trusting with them with her mechanical self. But now a few years later, she feels comfortable enough with most of them to give her a helping hand when needed!
Of course not everyone are capable of helping her though: Danny, Kim and Zak are three of more mechanically oriented people who can help. Though Danny is the one with actual education in that field, while Kim and Zak learned more by necessity, from Kim's various jobs and Zak to operate the Saturday's equipments.
When Rex joined them, he actually became the second best person for her to come to if she needed help. Not only because he has unprecedent skills in mechanics, but also because of his nanites. (but thats info dump for another time, lol)
Jun has some basic knowledge in mechanics, but nowhere near enough for her to feel comfortable poking in Jenny's insides. Jake is perhaps the least capable of helping, when it comes to engineering, followed by newbie Randy (tho we really aint counting him tbh xD).
Ben is a complicated situation - he has some training and knowledge in engineering and robotics because of his Plumber training, but Jenny has heard horror tales from Gwen about how he treats his stuff (the whole hacking/playing with Omnitrix settings), so she flat out refuses for Ben to touch her. However in emergency/battle situation she would allow Ben to use one of his aliens to do so (like, Grey Matter or Upgrade).
So, we talked about Jenny's experiences and why they would contribute to her feeling uncomfortable if someone asked to 'tinker' with her.
Now, let's talk about why Danny would not ask to 'tinker' with her in the first place.
Like you said, Danny is all to familiar with the struggle of being part of something tat is hardly recognized as a sentient species - he had to listen to his parents dismiss ghost sentience most of his younger life. Of course, they have gotten much better since the... 'finale' of DP, but this sort of racism? xenophobia? (im not rally sure which term to use tbh) prejudice against ghosts would have left a lasting impression on Danny.
So I dont remember if I ever implied it, but in HoM AU - events of DP finale happened very differently and the resulting consequences of it diverged a lot from Mr ButtHurtman's 'canon'.
(Also, I had ideas about it, before a Glitch In Time came out, so events from there were not taken into consideration. )
I don't want to reveal much, because it is kinda one of my planned flashback for HoM, but the events that happened reinforced Danny's ... well lets say regard of people's autonomy? It's kind of hard to put into words.
Ok, let's explain it like this: Danny would not ask Jenny if he could look at how she worked and if he could tinker with her, because it would be like if his Mom and Dad casually asked if they could perform a vivisection on him to see how different he is from a full human.
And while sure, the comparison might sound a bit extreme, since there is a difference when it comes to robots and humans about 'poking around' in their innards. But to Danny - it would be too close of a comparison - because of the whole 'recognition of sentience' thing.
After all, wasn't it just some years ago, his parents cried that ghost are nothing more than lump of malicious energy that have no feelings? They changed their mind after Danny's reveal, which allowed them to actually listen and look into evidence proving otherwise and learn. And here is Jenny, struggling to be recognized as a person, since she is considered nothing more than a lump of metal with no feelings - just a weapon to be pointed in a certain direction.
And Danny would feel like asking Jenny if he could casually poke inside her, is a bit... hypocritical? And not to mention insenstitive. After all, he knows how she feels - she is basically still living his worst imagined life in some ways.
So, I don't think he will ever ask to study how she works by casually poking inside her.
At some point, after they became friends, Danny would feel like he should know at least some basics on how Jenny works, just so he could help her in an emergency.
I imagine it happened after a particularly rough mission, and Danny had to help Jenny back home since she was unable to do so herself, so Dr. Wakeman could fix her. After some time thinking, he would sit in front of both Nora and Jenny and ask them for permission if he could learn how Jenny works - from Nora.
After all, Danny does not need to poke inside Jenny to learn how she functions, when there is her mother right there - the creator, the maintanance and doctor all in one package, with access to blueprints and all intricate knowledge, who can evaluate what Danny needs to know in accordance to his passable engineering skills. She could teach him the basics - but of course not without Jenny's permission.
So he asks her, if he could learn, because he is tired of looking how she gets hurt along with them, but unlike most of them she can not be easily fixed with bandages and some time. And Danny, since he is one of the few of them who has the skills, would like to be actually able to help her with those skills. But it is her body - it is her choice, to trust him or not.
And Jenny would be speechless. It would be the first time someone asked her like that. Not even Kim, who is one of her closest friends, asked before (but mostly because Kim was perfectly aware that she is nowhere skilled enough to even think about it).
And you would be right. It would be a show of ultimate trust from Jenny, to agree for Danny to learn. And maybe at some point, simply learning, turned into more on hands learning in some small ways. And Jenny's trust was never betrayed, and Danny always stayed humbled and aware of that.
so, i hope the answer was satisfying, or at least entertaining for you! thank you again, your ask was delightful to read and allowed me to explore some of my own backstory parts for HoM a little bit more!
169 notes · View notes
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Derek propaganda:
“Extreme hot take but Derek is the best OL1 love interest. He has the best and sweetest confession in the game. You play video games together. He seems reserved until you actually start dating and find out that he's actually just a gentleman who didn't want to be overly forward with someone he's not in a relationship with. He's a family man. You get to blatantly abuse your 'dating' privileges in front of his brothers. He's just so insanely sweet and caring and makes me wanna cry whenever I play his DLC.”
“- Impossible to dislike
- No, like, literally impossible. OL1 will allow you to be indifferent to it's two other LIs, Cove and Baxter but you actually can't pick that option for Derek. Game decided that You Will Be (at least) Friends With Derek
- This boy is so good!!!! He's a sweetheart and has your back in the best way and he's constantly doing his best to make sure the people around him (especially you) are happy
- This is also a complex flaw of his because he feels like he needs to be the best that he can be and to be worth something
- This both manifests in how he treats others (he's exceedingly well-mannered and does everything for others because he secretly hopes that someday someone will do the same for him) and his career prospects (he takes on excessive practice to get good at football/soccer so that he can potentially get a scholarship and become famous all so he can potenially feel like he's worth something. This is actually a major conflict in his Step 4)
- His DLC also has some of the best moments in the game
- He also has a family and they're also really good and you get to see a lot of them
- His dad is hilarious, his mom is gorgeous and their relationship is very cute
- Meanwhile, Derek's brothers are great. I wanna gush about them because I love them but also play Derek's DLC yourself!!! See how good they are for yourself!!!!
- I will say that these three have a really good relationship dynamic and the development it takes in the 10 years between when you first meet Jorge and Nico as little kids to Step 4 where they're adults (and a teenager, Nico is 16 in Step 4) is genuinely very well written
- If you're into the steamy stuff, Derek also has the best make-out session out of all of the boys
- He's also just. Very funny. This boy will invite you to a waterpark and then ask you if its a date so he knows whether or not it's ok to check you out in your swimsuit
- Or, if you aren't dating by that point (but you do want to to date him), the narration will note how he's trying so so hard not to check you out, he's just trying so so so hard
- Puppy dog face. Look at it. Tell me you can look at that face and not want to smooch him
- His confession is also the best, did I mention it's the best? Because it's absolutely the best one in the entire game
- He has a whole thing about having to confess to you on a ferris wheel and he's so committed to it that he actually avoided ferris wheels for a long time before this confession because he promised himself he'd do it the next time he went on one
- And then he went on one...and he literally doesn't confess when he does it because he lost track of time and he had to get off
- so he asks you to go on the ferris wheel with him again so he can actually confess this time
Just. Just vote for him!!!!”
“He's sweet, polite, and out-going and is always willing to put you first (sometimes too willing).”
“polite responsible jock u r NOT immune to this”
Zen propaganda:
"Extremely handsome, HES A MUSICAL ACTOR FKFNKSNSJ, deep and relatable family trauma, He's genuinely a good person behind the vainness <3"
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ruified · 6 months
i just finished reading dazai, chuuya, age 15 so here are some quotes that made me lose my mind (and me explaining why)
…Their argument further escalated when Dazai wouldn't say who was the mastermind behind the black flames. However, Mori had given them strict orders not to solve their problems through violence or threats.
Therefore, they picked what they deemed the fairest method of deciding things: arcade games. The loser would have to obey the winner no matter what.
They ended up playing close to a hundred matches, but that's a story for another time.
the fact that they chose arcade games to settle such a serious matter is so childish /pos i love how they bring out this side in each other, they both had to grow up pretty fast but they were able to do stuff like this around each other. even within the sheep, who took chuuya in, he still had to act like a leader despite his age, and this change is demeanor is strikingly obvious when shirase and the others show up at the arcade and confront chuuya. dazai also had very little chances to act as a teen would and do normal teenager boy stuff, settling a bet over an arcade game was pretty close to that experience though.
"You can't use your hands anymore," said Chuuya. Then he shouted, "Dazai! Now!"
"I'm already on it!"
Dazai sprinted right for Randou, one fist raised.
The boy's eyes were as clear as the sky on a sunny day; they lacked any shred of trepidation. This was not something earned, for only those determined to live could possess their heavenly blue sparkle.
DAZAI’S EYES IN THIS SCENE???? my interpretation of it is that in this very moment dazai wanted to live, and that’s what he was fighting for. he wasn’t just spewing shit when he said that chuuya convinced him to live, at least to live through this fight. i love him sm, 15/pm dazai gotta be one of my favorite complex/fucked up lil guys
"You must die so that I can absorb your dead body and learn what became of my friend—so that I can fill in those missing eight years— so that I can save him."
oh rimlaine my favorite divorcees, how you make my heart ACHE. now “save him” can mean two different things here as it can be literally or figuratively. literally speaking, of course, would just be that arthur would find him if he was alive (keeping in mind that this before he remembered their fight). figuratively speaking, he could mean that he wants to save paul from being forgotten and being lost to time, to preserve his memory and, in turn, uphold meaning to paul’s life as something inhuman.
there’s also this whole section that describes arthur sort of feeling as if everything they (arthur and paul) went through was merely one sided because paul, in his eyes, had betrayed him and (quite literally) stabbed him in the back
"…I thought maybe that way I'd start to like myself as a person—me, a little pattern without a body of my own."
this quote from chuuya is so good and it carries so much impact, it just hit me pretty hard
bonus shoutout to dazai being just amazed by chuuya and standing there, staring like an idiot
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smytherines · 3 months
Fuck it, here's an Agent Mega dissertation
Alright since I have such elaborate headcanon for my beloved precious Owen Carvour, I guess I should do it for Agent Curt Mega too. Sigh.
So, going off of the last big one, if Owen is born in 1928, then I'm gonna say Curt was born in 1930. I'm forever won to the Texan agent mega headcanon, but I think it's safe to say that Mrs. Mega is not from Texas, probably more like New York or I've seen people say New Jersey.
We know nothing about Agent Mega's dad, but I imagine he was kind of a loser and low level con artist and moved his pregnant wife down to Texas to do scams around the bustling oil industry, and then soon after Curt was born a scam collapsed and he ran off. It's either that or an Aladdin 3 situation where he was secretly a spy the whole time and had to go into hiding.
So we've got mama Mega, raising a VERY hyperactive (read: ADHD) little boy on her own, in a place where she doesn't have any support, and he just becomes her entire world. But she has to work a lot, so Curt becomes used to taking care of himself, and most importantly- keeping himself busy so he doesn't lose it.
In this headcanon Curt would only be 15 when WWII ends- not old enough to fight, but definitely old enough to have personally known a lot of kids from his hometown who come home in caskets. I just truly think of WWII as a formative experience for both these guys. For Curt it just feeds into that inferiority complex.
Now anybody who has ADHD knows that you already spend a lot of your life feeling inadequate, feeling self-conscious about not being able to be the person other people want you to be (*especially* if you're queer). You get defensive, especially when criticized. You also get restless.
I headcanon Curt as growing up in Abilene, Texas, mostly because I have a friend who grew up there and I've visited and the vibe is right.
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I don't know if anybody has ever seen The Last Picture Show, but its a film set in small town Texas in 1951-1952 (so a little late for our timeline but still) and it's (more or less) about two high school seniors essentially trying to escape this suffocatingly small, dying town before they become doomed to spend their lives trapped there.
That's definitely what I think about Agent Mega too- this gay, ADHD teenage boy climbing the walls of this little town, never being able to fully be himself. But he's got a lot of energy (and more than a little anger) to burn off, so he does sports. It's Texas, so football for sure. Maybe wrestling too. Perhaps wrestling is even where he has his gay come to jesus moment.
And when he isn't doing sports, he's home, alone (mama Mega is working so hard), out back drinking a beer (or two, or three) and teaching himself how to shoot. I think he becomes hyperfixated on becoming an expert marksman, because with all of this shit he cannot control, all the stuff he is supposed to be but isn't, this is one area where it feels like he has the power here.
What starts off as "kid drinking beer to feel cool and rebellious" starts to morph into a lifetime dependence on alcohol. Substance use is a big issue for a lot of ADHDers for the same reason I think it would be for Curt- it calms him down. It eases that constant restlessness in his bones. It softens the edges of other people's criticisms of him. It makes him care a bit less what others think about him.
In a vicious cycle, he drinks to avoid feeling those big feelings (especially as a man, especially as a gay man, especially as a gay man in Texas), but the drinking leads to more criticism, which leads to more drinking to numb the emotional response to that criticism.
But his hyperfixation on learning to shoot pays off. Let's say he becomes a junior state champion trapshooter (did I look up trapshooting competitions from the 1940s? yes I did). He's good, especially when he hits the sweet spot of drinking just enough to calm his ass down but not so much that he's useless. Maybe this is how he comes to the attention of the A.S.S.
And he fully believes that these skills he cultivated, the ability to hit hard and run fast and shoot accurately, his ability to escape when it doesn't feel remotely possible, is why many years later he just kinda rolls his eyes at Owen for insisting that they do things carefully and methodically. Careful didn't get him out of small town Texas. Careful didn't get him the exciting non-stop life he has now, a life where he *almost* gets to be himself a lot of the time.
When Owen "dies," and its Curt's fault, he naturally turns to drinking to numb that pain. But its a lot of pain, so it takes a lot of alcohol to kill it.
I'm sure I could go on, but as always I have rambled a lot here so I'm just gonna leave it.
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kookidough · 2 months
sierra is sooooo complicated to me like. i could go on about her for so long & also i wish the writers did certain things with her character (which i will get into later in this rant) so ya here we go
firstly her childhood is . very clearly messed up?? it’s established that her mother is Ultra Obsessed with chris and i think sierra mentions being a 3rd generation chris mclean scholar at one point which implies that obsession just runs in the family atp😭 before even going on the show she’s grown up in an environment where this level of obsession is Normal so she doesn’t see anything wrong with turning out the same way
since her mother is like . obsessed with chris & stuff that’s probably what would bring sierra to watching total drama in the first place and i personally feel like she’d fixate on it because it was a group of teenagers her age, people she would like to be friends with if that makes sense? i can imagine she’d be a pretty odd child without many friends so that’d maybe be a reason for her to latch onto total drama, maybe why she latched onto cody too because like. she thinks he’s cute and they have things in common (like theyre both pretty geeky) so she gets pretty parasocial about it because, as mentioned before, her mum being obsessed with chris is just Normal to sierra so she thinks it’s normal for her to be obsessed with cody (spoiler alert girl: it’s really not)
while she’s on the show i feel like she doesn’t change / gets worse because chris sees her exhibiting Mental Illness and just… actively encourages her behaviour? and the other contestants do nothing to stop it, like how most of the time (e.g. paris) team amazon get mad at cody for sierra’s behaviour instead of helping him out for some reason??? no one tells sierra her behaviour is wrong so she just. Continues to get worse until shes out of the competition😭
this is where im gna interrupt with a canon divergence because like . personally i think in the episode where votes were revealed and cody was revealed to have voted sierra Every Single Time, sierra shouldve gotten over him!!!! it was the harsh truth she needed to hear, the dose of reality that cody is NOT interested in her and she needs to move on. she couldve had good character development, building her relationships with other characters and showing off her skills. maybe she’d still be eliminated in drumheller because she made cody that birthday cake as an apology and then kaboom or whatever idk just some way to keep her elimination the same
going down this train could’ve made her character in all stars Actually Interesting ! we couldve seen a side of sierra that kept some of her old eccentric vibes but had her head in the game this time instead of being focused on a boy, especially since cody isnt even in that season
and of course lastly i just wanna say i’m not excusing her weird actions or her creepiness at all, she has some Extreme Flaws and all the stuff she did was absolutely not okay, i just like rotting and seeing maybe why she acted the way she did and i wanted to drop my own two cents on interesting avenues her character couldve went down :3 i know everyone in td is some form of stereotype and sierra was an obsessive uberfan but she couldve still been that after getting over cody, in fact im disappointed that she knew SO much about the cast yet didnt use any of their weaknesses to her own advantage, she couldve dominated the competition😭
so uhhh yeah thats my thoughts on sierra, i probably over-read her to filth but shes very complex to me and i wish certain aspects of her character were done differently, she had a lot of potential especially in all stars but um Everyone had their potential destroyed in all stars so i’ll overlook that
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boyguk · 1 year
Kovis ('tough guy') by Käärijä | fin -> eng trans.
Kovis is a word with a mocking undertone, Finns usually use this word while talking about people like immature teenage boys who act tougher than they actually are. The whole song is about dealing with someone who's a difficult and immature person to be around. I decided to translate some bits very literally and add context to some of the words and expressions he uses, mostly because a more liberal english translation alone probably wouldn't fully convey how much he's mocking the person and their juvenile behavior.
Voi hyvä tavaton mietin missä sun käytöstavat on hä -> My goodness, I’m wondering where your manners are, huh
Sä kohtelet muita ku *avanto* niin kylmästi et oon sanaton -> You treat others so coldly it’s like *ice swimming*, it leaves me speechless *(avanto = the actual hole in the ice, but English doesn’t have a word for something that specific. He's basically saying the person is about as pleasant as a swim in ice cold water – when you swim in an avanto the coldness usually shocks your body and it's difficult to talk because of it)
Tekis mieli vetää sua lettii mut en oo sellane -> I feel like smacking you but I’m not like that
Oot olevinas mikä lie bossman tääl, mut *sun nokka on keltane* -> You act like you’re some kind of a bossman here, but *your beak is yellow* *(he’s saying the person is a 'keltanokka' = a beginner/‘junior', someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing)
Se on pelkkää puppuu ja legendaa ku sulla aukee suu -> When you open your mouth, it's all nonsense and lies
Sun kylien kovan jätkän maine on valheilla maustettuu -> Your tough guy reputation has been seasoned with lies
Teet niin hiton tyhmii juttui että mietin onks sun *pää puut* -> You do things so damn stupid that it makes me wonder if your *head is made of wood* *(puupää = someone who’s dumb, the word's more humorous than offensive despite the meaning)
Ja muut miettii hätäpoistumisteitä kun sä tuut -> And when you come around, the others think about emergency exits
Ei näin, ei missään nimes näin -> Not like this, absolutely not like this *(a better, less literal translation would be something like "don't act like this, absolutely do not act like this")
Sul on *finkut pystys* heti kun sä tuut -> *Your fingers are up* as soon as you arrive *(I think he means they've got a bad attitude, like they've got their middle fingers up all the time)
Ei näin, ei missään nimes näin -> Not like this, absolutely not like this
Polemiikkii syntyy heti kun sä tuut -> A controversy/quarrel occurs as soon as you arrive
Jäbä hei ei tollasel asenteella tääl päin tehdä kavereita -> Dude, you don't make friends 'round here with an attitude like that
Ei olla enää *yläasteella* senkin kovis -> We're not in *junior high* anymore, you tough guy *(the Finnish school system is a bit complex, but 'yläaste' is for people between the ages of 13 and 15 before they start high school at 16. It's hell, it's horror, teens that age are terrible so absolutely no one enjoys yläaste. TL;DR he's saying the person still acts like a childish teenager)
Ei tollasel asenteella tääl päin saa ku avareita -> Here an attitude like that will only get you bitch slapped
Ei olla enää *yläasteella* senkin kovis -> We're not in *junior high* anymore, you tough guy
Oot niinku ne nettipalstojen *sankarit* jotka postaa -> You're like *those heroes* who post online *(sarcasm, guess he's talking about people who are shitty, rude, and annoying online)
(Vittu mitä pask–) Miks sun pitää olla tollanen kovis -> (Fuck this sh–) Why do you have to be a tough guy like that
Jonka puheenvuoro on ku *battle freestyle, ota rewind* -> It's like *a freestyle battle when it's your turn to speak, hit rewind* *(I think he means that the person thinks they're free to say anything they want without caring about how offensive they're being, and that they think every conversation is like a battle they have to somehow 'win'. He's telling the person to hit rewind to rethink their words)
Sillä nää bileet ei oo mitkää mihi tullaan käyttäytyy noin -> Because this party isn't a place where you can act like that
Sä hiffaat sen ennen pitkää jos tuut näyttäytyy noin -> You'll eventually get it/notice it if you continue to be like that
Sä et lähde pois vaa *intät* vastaa ja se suututtaa muut -> You don't leave, you just continue to *bicker/insist* and it makes everyone mad *(inttää = (to) insist, but the tone of that word is belittling/ridiculing/dismissive. If a kid at a grocery store is being whiny, annoying, and continues to insist that they want a lollipop even after their parent has told them 'no', that's the vibe of 'inttää'. If you call someone's arguments or behavior 'inttäminen' you're basically dismissing their words/behavior while calling them a bit childish)
Voit tehä u-käännöksen ens kerral kun sä tuut -> The next time you come, you can/should do a U-turn
Ei näin, ei missään nimes näin -> Not like this, absolutely not like this
Sul on *finkut pystys* heti kun sä tuut -> *Your fingers are up* as soon as you arrive
Ei näin, ei missään nimes näin -> Not like this, absolutely not like this
Polemiikkii syntyy heti kun sä tuut -> A controversy/quarrel occurs as soon as you arrive
Jäbä hei ei tollasel asenteella tääl päin tehdä kavereita -> Dude, you don't make friends 'round here with an attitude like that
Ei olla enää *yläasteella* senkin kovis -> We're not in *junior high* anymore, you tough guy
Ei tollasel asenteella tääl päin saa ku avareita -> Here an attitude like that will only get you bitch slapped
Ei olla enää yläasteella senkin kovis -> We're not in junior high anymore, you tough guy
[And then he continues to repeat parts of the chorus before the song ends]
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sideprince · 6 months
I’d love to hear your answer to #2, #16, and #18 of the Snape asks! :)
2. How old were you when you decided you loved this unwashed man? What’s the story, child?
I was in high school and Going Through It. I was really ready to get out of my parents' house and be an adult, and I was dealing with a lot of tough things and basically ready for a new escapist hyperfixation (though I probably wouldn't have put it like that at the time). I found him intriguingly complex and the main reason I kept reading the books was to find out more about him - what his story was, why he was doing what he was doing, etc. I didn't doubt his motivations were ultimately in service of defeating Voldemort (because I know how to read and can spot basic literary elements like foreshadowing and characters who are foils), but it was clear there was a lot to this guy. I think there must also have been a kind of loneliness and ambitious determination in how he was written that I identified with. He was absorbing enough to be a good distraction from my life and I really needed it at the time. Still do sometimes.
16. What do you headcanon about his relationship with his parents?
I don't think his relationship with his dad was great (thank you, thank you, you can put my Understatement of the Year Award in the mail). When Snape was a very small child, he probably wanted his dad's approval and didn't understand what he kept doing wrong when his dad lashed out and grew increasingly abusive. Back then the abuse was probably more comprised of a lack of attention, shouting, and maybe a smack or two. As he got older I imagine he started feeling that need for attention and approval less and less, or rather, that it got more murky under layers of resentment and fear and pain and anger. The taller he got (ie. less physically vulnerable) and the more distance he got what with being gone most of the year, and the more his sarcastic, snarky personality came out, (and the more confident he got with his magical skills that his dad couldn't touch or take away from him), the more he must have talked back to his dad and challenged him. Rowling has said something about his dad having whipped him with a belt, and I can imagine that being a way for his dad to assert himself against a son who had skills he himself never would, and who hated him. We see this attitude in the Dursleys as well, thinking they could abuse the magic out of Harry. So yeah, I can see Snape's dad going at him with a belt, shouting about "where's your precious magic now, boy?" I can also see Snape's magic - like most underage wizards' - getting away from him in a moment like that and throwing his dad off or undermining him in some way that made it impossible for him to continue in that moment and probably unwilling to try again.
He probably had a better relationship with his mom, or at least a more complex one. They had magic in common, and must have been somewhat close at some point because I don't know who else would have told him so many details about Hogwarts when he was a kid. The amount he knew about the school - and the magical world in general - indicates that she talked about it with him at length and probably on a number of occasions. As he got older and his relationship with his dad got worse, his mom was probably in the middle, not wanting to compromise her relationship with either of them. If Snape was like any other angsty teen, then at that age he probably would have lashed out at her and resented her for letting his dad treat both of them the way he did. There was probably rough period for them where his teenage need to push his parents away coincided with the natural distance that would grow between a parent and a child who spent 10 months of the year away at boarding school. When he got older, though, he probably would have had more sympathy and started to understand that she knew his dad as a very different person than he did and had her own relationship with him. It's also possible that as his intellect continued to blossom despite everything else he had to deal with at school, it changed his relationship with his mom. The dynamic was no longer that she was a source of knowledge for him, but that he knew and understood more than she ever had and maybe he looked down on her, or at least pitied her, for what he might have seen as her limitations.
18. What’s an aspect of his character you wish more people would explore?
He isn't just intelligent, he's an incredibly good judge of character. If you set aside his skewed impression of Harry, he's someone who understands profoundly well what makes people tick and how they think. He's a great spy because he understands how Voldemort thinks and operates, as well as all the Death Eaters around him. It makes sense - someone who's a great occlumens would, through that kind of insight, learn how to put himself in someone else's shoes without having to read their thoughts. When he talks to Harry about what legilimency is, that the mind is not a book to be read at leisure, he reveals a complex and nuanced understanding of the way you have to be able to interpret and understand someone's thoughts. What he's really saying is that it isn't enough to see what someone is thinking, you have to be able to understand its context and what that thought means to that person if you have a good sense of them. This requires incredible intelligence, empathy, and judgment of character.
I think it's also why he speaks so tersely and reveals so little about himself, except for the occasional feral moment when he's triggered and unable to maintain that control. It's not just because he doesn't want to compromise himself by speaking too much, or that he knows the more verbose he is the more he gives away about himself. He thinks more than he speaks and so he speaks very little because he's busy listening to others and to his own brain whirring away at a thousand miles a minute.
(This is also why I get a bit tired of the take that Snape is a Feral Man and that Alan Rickman's portrayal has nothing to do with Book!Snape. It's an integral part of his character that he observes much more than he speaks, and most of the time he's described in the books as someone whose behavior is controlled. His expression is consistently described as "unreadable" "unfathomable" etc. The angrier he gets, the more quiet his voice gets - as you know, given your absolutely brilliant amazing Snape Speaks post!
He's feral only when he's triggered, and we only see him act that way in rare and vulnerable moments, and those moments are compelling exactly because this isn't his usual self, but rather his primal, unchecked self. He's portrayed as a person who put a lot of effort into controlling and overcoming that primal self and would fall apart if it was his constant state of being. There's an inseparable link between the guilt that drives him and his need to control his emotions. The whole Feral Man take ignores exactly the aspect of his character that I love so much, that he observes more than he acts, and is a great judge of character. And I think there's a lot to interpret in how his eyes are described more often than any other character's, except maybe Harry -- again, because he uses his eyes more than his body or his voice.)
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s1zar · 7 months
I rewatched Owl House.
First season is so average, like they make it by a notebook
Lilith get off the hook too easily
Fucking body swap plot is annoying in anything but Gravity Falls and Adventure Time
Willow and Amity reconciliation is too quick
Titan Trappers are exist only to exist
Who the fuck put this magic door in Titan’s skull and then put Collector Dish there
How did witches have information to tell legends about the Collector?
When Amity and Hunter are cut off from they Evil Pumping Stations they are lost all personality
Belos is boring as fuck. His only character trait is that he is evil, which is laughable for the show that tell us people are complex. That’s why he only will be referred as Evil Dude
Odalia is so stupidly evil that it’s impossible to take seriously
Lumity is not developed further than “Girlfriends” and the only reason why Lunter could be better is because it’s just easier to develop
Luz and Evil Dude’s parallel starts and ends with the fact that they are humans
Evil Dude is an idiot
Collector could be named Plot Device
Raine is very meh. They only personality is that they are hero
Evil Dude is said to be the strongest witch ever, but he almost looses to five teenagers
What was the point of standing against coven system if in the end we have a squad from a fucking RPG game. Character form plants, character for illusions, character for abominations, character for teleportation
Evil Dude have as much super powers as the plot need
Characters have zero reaction of learning they arch enemy story
Evil Dude looses all small glimpses of being an actual character and become villain of the week
Absence of chemistry between Hunter and Willow can cause physical pain
For the Future is one of the most useless things created by a human being
Caleb Wittebane appears for reasons and never affects anything, so he will referred as Fan-service Background
Collector is an insult to God
I hate Collector
“One character hears half of what other character says and is offended by it, only for the audience learn that other character didn’t actually mean what first character thought they mean” plot line is a violation of Geneva Conventions
Evil Dude spending 98% percent of his screen time in finale as giant roaring green blob is a final shot from a shotgun in a head of his characterisation
Luz is Chosen One now. Message of the show is annihilated by Atomic Bomb
Titan is an asshole who assaulted a child because there was no one else to assault
There two villains. One looks like a child, have sparkles in his eyes, and flies and a star with happy face. Second is goopy skinny, rots in real time, have eyes in places that supposed to be without eyes, and he shrieks like an Alien. Who of the two is going to be redeemed?
The moment Evil Dude is dead Boiling Isles is an utopia. If you take this seriously, I don’t feel sad for you, I will laugh at you
Hunter becomes Caleb 2.0, and that’s why you dig up in the fact that you are a clone, my boy. You never know if your actions are actually yours
Evil Dude’s death better than Toffee’s only because this time main antagonist dies by the end of the series
The fact that Owl House doesn’t redeem it’s main antagonist like Steven Universe or have a better ending than SVTFOE is not an argument
Fuck Collector
I could write what I liked but it would be boring
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reinedeslys-central · 17 days
no but it's really nice, it's really funny, it's really nice how you read fic and you see which traits are preserved for which character across this AU, that setting, this time period, that profession, why this style, why that instrument. especially walking into a fandom, especially reading one of those fics where the author confesses they've never even read the source material, they've just seen so much fanon that they get what they're doing.
wei wuxian's laughter is coded into his character. this is a boy that laughs like the sun and smiles like it too
lwj is a Massive Bitch when he wants to be, and has a slow, small, impossibly soft happiness that is oh so gentle yet strong like a mountain.
jiang cheng is Very Complicated when it comes to fanon interpretations. canon does not do his character portrayal many favours, but I do love seeing his character being a better person - they preserve his gruff affection and his complex feelings, when they focus on him. his fear, his parenting. his grief and love.
aang - aang gets to be this bright child, this shining star and wise man. he's bouncy, he's peaceful, he's devoted, he's merciful, he loves life.
katara - fierce, loving. motherly often in her affections, and on the other edge angry about the suffocation sometimes present in her narrative. competent and open.
azula - do I have words? I love how there are these traits preserved across diff works depending on how they use her character - at times darkly threatening, others bemusingly terrifying.
is this a completely redundant post idc
the way that as music majors wwx always (usually) plays the flute. sometimes the guitar. LWJ usually gets either his canon guqin, else a piano or a violin, ostensibly because the canon element of prestigious-family-instrument-code is being preserved, whereas wwx gets the people's-music-code applied. like in the pop-culture sense, yeah
sizhui the kind, sweet child. Jingyi the Gremlin. Zizhen the sensible but sometimes overdramatic romantic. Jin Ling the bratty, bold, vulnerable teenager.
hey maybe I love them would you ever think of that
wen qing - cold, kind, brilliant. always, always. so in love with her family. willing to go so far.
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Imma try to chill so that instead of raging,i can just explain this politely:If you're in the Batfam fandom or are interested in joining,please be respectful of the Batkids' canon characterization and stories with exception of the offensive bits because that way,you will be able to fully appreciate and enjoy them as characters and get along with long time fans too as they'll appreciate you for it since Batfanon is so overwhelmingly popular and you'll be helping combat it
You want a ray of sunshine optimist who's actually realistic instead of a cornball and has depth and layers and is beloved by everyone in the DC world?Read for Dick but avoid Tom Taylor and Devin Grayson as their writing of him is extremely ableist,misogynistic(see Babs' character regression for his sake and the 'disposable black love interest' trope times 10x towards Kory)and anti-romani with Taylor being a whole ass zionist and Devin only made Dick romani to fetishize him and wrote canon Batcest and even other pedo ships.She has since apologized for the latter so Batcels can't use her as validation
You want a goth boyloser who's a lone wolf and has an awful relathionship with Bruce where both feelings are completely justified but he himself is morally gray and treated as such rather than coddled?Read for Jason but avoid og Rhato because it's a shitfest that screws over everybody involved including Jason himself and nobody who likes it cares about him at all since it's the worst thing to ever happen to him,INCLUDING The Joker.He was also textually miserable the whole time and is way happier with his new cast on top of being better written
You want a relatable teenage boy who's a positive role model for irl ones and is canonically into dudes and can be the token normie that reacts to the weirdness of his family for jokes?Read for Tim and please don't believe anyone who tries to tell you he's a bad person or a raging misogynist because they're the same niggas who stan Jason the ex-serial killer and Slade the pedophile who's child abuse even of the non-sexual kind is his defining character trait as stated by Marv Wolfman,who MADE him.He's literally just a 17 year old boy who's not perfect and people are just ageist and generally hateful.Everybody should care about Tim Drake /ref
You want a strong female character who's genuinely super weird and real and does justice for the girls that don't fit in and are abused by men but is also really funny and feminine?Read for Stephanie and don't buy into the bullshit propaganda DC keeps trying to keep selling since her debut that she's 'just a girl' or somehow less hardcore than the Batboys or ESPECIALLY the fandom's emphasization of her blondeness when she got it from her abusive dad and has never shown pride in it and was never an 'It Girl',she was the school outcast at ALL her schools,including college.Just because Stephanie Brown is a white girl that dosen't mean she's a white feminist or a prop or basic-She's literally a pastel punk who has a Metalica poster in her room ffs
You want a wasian with gender fuckery who was raised to be a weapon and had no parents until Bruce adopted her and became super human through crazy ass means and is a mega cool edgecase?Read for Cass and keep in mind she was created with the intention of defying easian woman stereotypes,including existing for white men and nothing else and that includes not forcing her to like Jason or steal her Shiva origin to give it to him and as an afro-dominicana,Jason feels more afro-dominican than he does anything else and we HAVE an asian Jason Variant but he was south asian,specifically indian and not easian/chinese so it's even more orientalist than before with Sanjay Tawde's canonicity in mind(He is from The Doom That Came To Gotham for anyone interested)
You want a brown boy raised by a bad organization he has complex ties to because his connection comes from his family who is very much a little shit and anger filled but also a sweetheart who's truly trying his best?Read for Damian but keep in mind he's a victim of anti-arab writers,he's not a demon or a villain or an animal-He's just a hurt little boy who's almost never known anything but pain and being seen as a monster compared to white boys and that's why so many Damian stans are so grateful for Flatline/Nika because she loves him as much as we do and gives him the TLC we wish we could(platonically in our case but still)
You want a troubled but good kid who has god-like superpowers and loves to run his mouth,gives Bruce's headaches with his shenanigans and is not only an unconventional Robin but Jason's Robin and vice versa?Read for Duke and don't even look in the general direction of runs that leave him out-Which do the other Batboys dirty too every time anyway!!Duke has refered to Bruce as his dad and Bruce has refered to Duke as his son and ALL the Batkids see him as their brother and the poor guy feels left out of them because DC are a bunch of antiblack pieces of shit who baited us with the first ever black Robin just to exclude him for his blackness and act like they were being 'careful'.Nah,FUCK that-If Cass can be respectfully written as Bruce's kid,so can Duke!He don't got parents either,the ogs got Jokerized and Gnomom is emotionally abusive and he's literally a minor!
And they're just the core Batkids!!!If you're looking for another type of character,then they definitely exist and i'd be happy to tell you who fits it so i can tell you what to read/watch/play for them!Trying to switch the Batkids CAN be good depending on how you do it but 99% of the time it's just bigotry!REAL bigotry minorities can't stop dealing with just by logging off and fandom is supposed to be a safe space for weirdos-Not 'nerds',WEIRDOS.Black people and woc and mentally ill people and autistics and abusive survivors and EVERYONE,not just stupid ass kinksters that think kink is inherently anti-establishment and white people who had 'hateful ideology phases' and think it's universal and play victim when told otherwise
'All Batboys are trans and autistic!'but then they leave out the most autistic-coded and tboy swag filled Batboy just because he's black and use the 'mains' excuse when they've never read enough comics to know that became a thing,that it wasn't always a thing and that it dosen't make SENSE for it to be a thing.'All Batkids are/do [x]' but they leave out the girls even though 'Batkids' is the gender neutral term as it's meant to refer to the whole gang.Do not fall for it.They're about as gooth faith as 'Allmighty God Superman who fucks all the women' dudebros.Please be kind and be a real superhero fan by reading the comics so you can join us in dunking on them.Please,you'll be doing the comics fandom a lot of good and you might even help influence the comics industry itself because it responds to mass fan appeal way far back and that's how we got a fair amount of runs and adaptions we do today and yesterday and tommorow.I promise it'll be infinitely more fun than fanon too
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leniisreallycool · 26 days
Skk and sskk are the two biggest ships in the BSD fandom but I just don't like them, at least not as romantic ships. It feels like these deeply complex and compelling characters are reduced to "heehee pretty boys kissing" and that sucks.
Atsushi was abused for his whole life growing up for the tiger, something he didn't even know he was. The story is about his will to live and defend the people who gave him a home and taught him that although his past is a part of him, it does not define who he is and and who he can become.
Akutagawa grew up in the slums and watched his friends murders at the hands of thieves. He killed them as revenge and joined the Port Mafia under Dazai, who taught his that his only worth was his ability. His part of the story is learning that that's not the case, that's he's worth more than that. That he can be something other than his past.
Dazai was suicidal as a very young teenager and didn't believe in the value of living, likely because of whatever he suffered before Mori found him. He seemingly flourished in the environment but in reality he was still suffering. Then he lost his two closest friends, one to death and one to betrayal. He abandoned the Mafia, wandered around for a few years, then joined the Armed Detective Agency to fulfill his friend's dying wish.
Chuuya was kidnapped as a toddler and experimented on because of his single ability singularity. His closest friends betrayed him and tried to kill him, then a year later his new friends were murdered by someone calling himself Chuuya's brother. His partner abandoned him. He doesn't truly believe in his humanity but ignores it because that's no longer his biggest priority.
(I oversimplified these characters and their backstories to reduce the length of this post because each character could have essays upon essays about the complexities and relationships between them.)
Yes they're all thematic parallels to each other, individually and as a whole. The thing is, I have no problem with romantic skk and sskk. Some of the best fics and fanart is of the romantic versions of the ships.
My problem is when people look at these characters and only see the parts they like and refuse to acknowledge their personalities and backstories to any capacity because it doesn't fit with their personal narrative.
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