#that boy grew up sheltered as all hell
shootingthe-stars · 1 month
unfortunately remus lupin wouldn’t know a social cue if it ran him over with a semi truck
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bloogers-boogers · 2 months
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Anyways guess who finally got some sleep at the hotel? And also a nightmare! Yup, Adam
(Eden Adam AU)
-Cain and Bernadett-
In this Au Eve had abandoned Adam with their first born son Cain (who turned out to be Lucifer's son confirmed by the angels). Adam and Eve were seen as 'Night and Day' Adam represented humanity and hope, a bright future ahead of them. While Eve represented sin and darkness, an eventual death.
One cold night Eve had parted ways with Adam claiming she'd go fetch some of their clothing in the river while Adam looked for shelter to protect Cain who was sick from a really bad fever, he found the shelter, a cozy nice cave big enough for the three of them, he waited outside while Cain was tucked inside wrapped around the fabric of his robe, he stood for hours freezing himself in a hug waiting for the arrival of his wife. Yet she never returned. At first Adam remained hopeful she would return even after a period of him searching for her around the fields and woods; worried she may had gotten attacked or lost, yet still found nothing that could lead him to her.
The angels one day landed on earth, Adam was sparkling with joy hopeful that they knew where Eve was. Yet, they gave him a devasting news that almost broke him.
Informing him that Eve was seen leaving earth to join Lucifer in hell.
At first Adam couldn't believe it, there was no way Eve would abandoned them. She would never abandon Cain! Anger and betrayal surfacing and taking over cutting through his heart like an axe. He wasn't even given the time to process this after they also revealed Cain wasn't his and instead; was the son of the devil. Instinctively Adam hold on to Cain protectively thinking the worse of the angels, it was the only thing he had left, he wouldn’t be able to bare losing him too, but they reassured him they couldn't do anything as it wasn't in their right to do so. That Adam must pay for his sins (and for his wife's) and raising a son that wasn't his (the son of the devil) was enough of a punishment. However, they would return eventually to declare of the next solution to the now growing concern: The possible extinction of humanity. Now that mother of humanity was no longer in the picture, who would bare the children to the world? It was only Adam (male) and Cain (male, baby). So solutions needed to be discussed with, and pronto.
And oh, did they in fact, find another solution.
It took five years, five dreadful years alone raising his son Cain, alone. Through sickness and pain, starvation and fear, cold and heat; he did it all to keep his son alive. His gut told him that Cain would take his spot keeping humanity alive and he couldn't ask for anyone else better enough to take that role better from him. And somewhat he was right. The angels returned, finally giving him his new task, on what was going to happen next. He was prepared, he even made sure Cain looked presentable enough among the devine to show them the future ruler of earth.
So Bernadette was born. A beautiful baby girl with blonde curly hair and green eyes. She was made from leftover dirt from the creation of both Lilith and Adam. She was technically an 'equal' but she remained inferior to both first humans by the little amount use on her which is why she was made a baby instead of becoming Adam's third wife.
Her purpose was to be Cain's wife. As Adam had already guess, Cain would take his place as father of humanity and he was okay with that. However, his new purpose given was to raise the children until they were at the age to fend for themselves.
With time the children grew older, Cain was always by Adam's side no matter what. He was his biggest support in his most weakest moments, he was there to help him provide a safer living, he was a strong and caring boy, and Adam cherished his son more than anything the angels could've offer him. Bernadette was his biggest comfort, she'd hold him tight when things became too overwhelming, and knew the right words to cheer him up. She had a strong character, her emotions where always kept control, fearless and courageous. She kept them fed and made sure their home was always guarded while they hunt for food or other resources.
However he would not deny that he felt a bigger connection to Cain because of his mother and because he was there at his birth, he was there when Eve presented her first symptoms of pregnancy, the months of pain and struggling Eve dealt with while carrying him. He was his, blood or not.
But the angels had made it cleared that both children weren't Adam's. Adam would called them his family, angels would defined them as a group. Adam would call Cain his son, angels would call him son of Eve. Adam would claim that Bernadette was capable of doing the same tasks as Cain, angels would claim she shall not. Adam would claim that Bernadette was an equal to Cain (inferior), angels would remind him she was not (superior).
Bernadette would spend most of her time around the angels when they were present, they guided her through everything and they made it know that Adam was not her father and Cain was her soon to be husband. While with Cain they left him alone most of the time, and they let it slide for him to call Adam 'dad' as he was not much of their concern, conflicted opinions was casted on Cain when they had no choice but to resort for the second father of humanity. This difficulty was all linked being the son of the actual devil when Bernadette was not. Bernadette was their pride and joy. Cain was just… Cain.
With years passing by Bernadette became more beautiful, an absolute gem under a bunch of mud. Cain fell head over heels for her in a heartbeat. At this point the angels had separated Bernadette from Cain and Adam. Their claims were because there was still so much to prepare Bernadette before becoming mother of humanity, she would be the main leader of earth being Cain (corrupted) an inferior in their eyes and she should not indulge in sin just yet.
Both Cain and Adam protested not liking the idea of her being alone but angels stated they will guard her until she was ready to conceive a child.
Adam still didn't understand why she needed to be separated.
Another few years had past and the angels came back to Cain stating Bernadette was ready and she was now bride of Cain. Cain eager to greet Bernadette after years of not seeing her, was excited. However Adam took caution of the careful wording of the angels "your bride Bernadette, Cain" "Bernadette your husband" (having been used to the this sublime type of wordings the angels would use on them (on his son) this could be also seen as Bernadette not entirely belonging to Cain. Why didn't they use wife?)
Adam also notice that years really did went by fast, Bernadette was now a grown woman, completely changed and he wondered if she could see the changes on Cain too.
Cain had become stronger, he wasn't the same scrawny looking boy she had grown accustomed back when they were just children. He was well fitted, more than capable of protecting her and their soon growing family. He was the perfect provider and husband Bernadette deserves.
Adam was proud to say the least that he managed to do his job well on creating the perfect man and father of humanity earth needed. Now newlyweds lived separated from him.
However, thinking his duty was finally over, that was far from the case.
Bernadette showed no interest on pursuing Cain, neither was she impressed of his courting. Adam would try giving advice to his son but neither was he understanding of the matter considering he never needed to court Lilith or Eve to form some bond, they just did? Though, he knew the feeling of not being able to receive the affection from your spouse (Lilith) but there was a point Lilith and him were attracted to each other, it just didn't last long as what the angels would've wanted. Either way, his advice was pretty much useless because Bernadette made it too difficult to Cain.
She did what was told, she gave her body to Cain and was now expecting their firstborn. But eventually, Cain would come looking for him and tell him he couldn't feel the love being corresponded and that he yearn to feel her warmth. Adam sympathize with Cain, having felt this himself with Lilith.
But he really couldn't do anything.
What he didn't expect was for Bernadette to keep looking for him. Yes, she was wife to Cain and lived in separate homes but they weren't too far apart. Bernadette would give her part on the matter, complaining about Cain's lack of ability to understand her. Telling him that Cain would have temper tantrums and lash out on her. Things Cain never told Adam about but he knew his son well enough to know these were true. Cain was perfect in many ways but he had a temper, he was inpatient and impulsive. But it never went so far on causing too much damage. So maybe he should speak to him about it.
So far, Bernadette was still the sweet and caring girl he raised. Gentle, loving and soft spoken. Though, now there was more elegancy and grace in the way she spoke from being around the angels for far too long. She was also more frail looking compared to when she was with them, her rough edges had smoothened down with delicacy all of the lectures and teaching from the holy beings overshadowing her previous teachings of survival. Hopefully her skills weren't forgotten.
Oblivious to all, Adam never consider there was even the slightest possibility that there was something far deeper into the behavior of Bernadette.
Bernadette was in love with the first man: Adam.
Yes, she had fallen in love with the first man even before the angels had taken her away. She never felt the connection of father and daughter dynamic Cain would claim them as, he even once called them siblings because "equals but not entirely" thing he'd tease her for. Neither did the angels felt comfortable in that matter, they agreed with her that Adam was a whole separated thing from them. He was initially perfect, yet corrupted from sin by being tricked of his own wife. He was innocent and loyal since the very beginning. That snake and unfaithful woman ruined everything! Adam was meant to be father of humanity and by the wording of God himself.
It was only right for her to stand next to him as the third and actual deserving of the title: mother of humanity. Adam's wife. But unfortunately they were not successful in making her as such; from the lacking of material stored. So she had to be confirmed with Cain.
She also grew resentful of the constant labeling when it came to being wife of Cain. Every lesson was to be of a good mother and spouse. To serve and love her husband, all of that silly yapping she supposed they had firstly taught the first woman and the second.
Still, initially oblivious of their ulterior intentions. The angels and Bernadette were far alike when it came on holding the same opinion and wishes in regard of Adam.
The angels were hopeful that if Bernadette was separated from Adam for a certain period and then reunite them again after so long, seeing her as the full grown woman that she's now become, that he'd take a liking to her and claim her as his wife; retaking his initial purpose. But no, not even a spark on those eyes when she reached out her hand to greet him, just genuine fondness and happiness to see her alive but never more. While Bernadette was holding herself back from jumping on to the first man's arms and claim him as hers.
However, they waited long enough and the angels insisted for she to claim Cain and conceive a baby. She denied and protested she was not in love with Cain and did not want him, to calm her down and not attempt a 'Lilith' they made a agreement that benefited both; a promise that her second born would be of Adam's.
This was enough to let Bernadette pleased.
Adam was shocked when the angels had called him and Cain in for some news. Cain was still overwhelmed with many feelings after the birth of his first daughter Merida. The first man was immediately alert for literally anything; he did not trust them.
But what shocked him the most was what they told them.
"To make things quicker you must share Bernadette. The timing of your development delayed many possibilities of growth so we must now make up for the time lost," Raphael told them.
Adam wanted to screamed for the amount of bullshit that was, but he had to keep it cool these were superior beings from them, "pregnancy still last for nine months why am I needed for all of this? It only requires one man to give her seed."
"It would help prevent birth defects if the children aren't fully from the same blood," Michael simply added.
"It is not a choice Adam, it's an order," Sera spoke much stern compared from the others, " your seed is crafted by God's hands, it's a blessing and it would garantee to grant more than one child in Bernadette's womb as the intended purpose of the creator was for you and the first woman to create very quickly. While with Cain we are not certain when exactly they'd have multiple."
Adam glared at them in the first time in forever he wanted to run away and never returned, now he understood why Eve left. Fuck, why Lilith left him too..
He glanced at Cain and he was absolutely furious from jealousy.
"Doesn't Bernadette have a voice in the matter?! This is so wrong! Adam is like a father to us!"
"But he's not," Michael coldly admitted.
Cain eyes opened wide, "w-what is that supposed to mean?!"
"That he is not your father, never was and never will be. He was only there to raise and keep you alive. We made that cleared countless times. You're son of Eve and fruit from infidelity, the son of Lucifer: the devil." Raphael continued on.
The second man gasped tearing out, "I thought you guys were just messing with me about that!" Seemingly forgetting to consider angels rarely humored anything.
"we do not mess around with humans," Michael cleared out any of his doubts, something in that sentence hold a whole different meaning.
"You should feel grateful we had to spare you as it's not in our right to take you out, only God can," Gabriel added.
"And Bernadette is okay with it. We've already discussed this with her and she's fine with having to bare one of Adam's children," Sera lastly added, to finish the discussion. And started their exit; leaving both humans alone to deal with their issues.
Cain that day broke in tears, falling on his knees and accepting a truth he tried burying for so long. He would always be seen as the son of the devil.
Adam knelt beside him and wrapped his arms around in a hug to comfort him.
And it went like that, Adam and Bernadette's first son Abel and daughter Azura was born. Bernadette was happy, genuinely happy compared to her first labor. Cain couldn't help but difference her reaction from carrying his father's baby over his. Jealousy rising in his heart everytime he'd see how Abel and Azura overshadowed Merida, the way Bernadette after conceiving with her father would now try latching on him with every opportunity she'd get (to try and conceive again with him). Let's not forget about the fucking angels favoring the children of Adam and the idea of her continuing birthing more of Adam's children was far more recommended.
However for everyone's displeasure with the exception of Cain, Adam kept denying and distancing even further away from the ideals of heaven. He was left disgusted from his intimacy with Bernadette, it changed him. It was becoming worrisome as it was a sign Adam was losing his faith so they all started being more subtle and decided not to push the issue any further than they should (which made Bernadette upset.)
It took nearly five years but the angels manage on convincing Adam to conceive a second time with Bernadette. Adam's spark for living was returning in flames (but not in the way the angels would've wanted. Not a leader. It was paternal) by having to raise Abel and Azura. They were his life. He was smitten of love for them. Protect them at all costs. He did the same with Cain’s children but it was just slightly different.
Even more time went on and children from both Cain and Adam wondered around the (now) small village; starting to become a more common thing to see. Now descendants became a thing, and eventually it grew in bigger amounts that the humans started dividing themselves in different sections.
Eventually conflict arises as newfound jealousy became more intensely evident once Abel grew older, Cain felt that his father had completely replaced him (even if that was far from the case.)
Abel was attached to the hip of Adam. He was the shoulder the first man could rely on for everything. Those were all things he use to be! And Cain hated it. It was a feeling he couldn't shake off, no matter what he did, even when Abel was so nice to him and there would be times they'd get along. He had even become null over Bernadette and Adam having sex, it was far more easier to forgive than whatever hatred he holds for Abel.
He also despised how the angels would prefer his offerings over his.
It didn’t take long for things to take a turn to the worse. When Adam began feeling life wasn’t as bad as he thought it’s, all hoped shattered when Cain murdered Abel. The light in his eyes had drained out completely. No longer did he care.
The banishment of Cain broke him.
Things drifted differently and he was forced to take Bernadette as his wife. To continue repopulating.
But Adam was far disconnected to even realize how much easier it was to submit to the angels wishes.
Life was basically meaningless, only made to follow orders, submit and worship. And so he did.
Like a puppet. Lilith’s words echoing his head in ongoing whispers, ‘we’re nothing more than objects with no free will to them. While we submit they will remain in control. They would destroy, change, put us through pain and reconstruct us again, break us again, and do it again over an over until we’re nothing more than dust and broken shards. No longer fixable, no longer useful.’
Bernadette took the name of Eve. For Adam’s displeasure and the angels delight.
They were both promised heaven.
Adam and Eve were back and ‘thriving’.
And with that, Adam wakes up, sweating and anxious unable to move. His body frozen, unable to scream, cry as darkness wrapped around him like a blanket. A red brightness coming underneath the bed hovering the walls and ceiling forming a form of a smiling woman and a apple.
Before vanishing in seconds and returning to the same silent darkness of the night Adam was already use to. Able to move, Adam calmed his breathing, seeking answers far from what he could able to understand. Things he couldn’t piece together. He didn’t know what it all was, what it meant. But he sure knew, he did not like it..
He feared being alone, and he let that know to the closest person he could find comfort with.
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meatonfork · 2 years
platonic 141 w a gn reader who’s the youngest so they’re fiercely protective of them and they love all of them but w everyone else they spicy as all hell 😭
pairings: platonic 141 x gn!reader
warnings: none
summary: someone is only nice in the comfort of their boys
you liked to think you were nice. definitely closed off, but nice all the same.
but, i guess that depends on who you asked.
if you asked any of the 141 force, they'd agree.
anyone else? absolutely not.
you were young, and because of that tf 141 took you under their wing. you were capable of holding your own, but they didn't want you to if it wasn't necessary. because of this, you grew fond of them rather quickly.
sometimes you even called price 'dad'. whether it be on purpose or not.
with them sheltering you to a point, you didn't have much contact with everyone else on base. you didn't really mind, though. they were your safe space.
one morning, you found yourself going to the cafeteria alone. unable to find any of the guys.
not thinking much of it, you wander through the halls and grab a tray of mush.
"hey. haven't really seen you around much." a voice called out in your direction. you ignored them, not realizing they were speaking to you.
"what the fuck. rude bitch. i was talking to you!" your head snapped, and a finger raised to point at yourself.
"me? i'm sorry! i didn't realize you were speaking to me. but, you're a dick, and i don't want to talk to you anymore." walking off, you sat at the table where you usually sat with the rest of the team. it was odd not hearing soap's obnoxious chewing next to you.
as the day went on, you found your temper wearing thin. you couldn't find any of your boys. people you didn't bother catching the names of kept coming up to you. and one point, you were worn so thin, you grabbed a recruit by the throat and forced them to the wall.
"leave me the fuck alone." you all but seethed.
"hey! kid, what the hell do you think you're doing? put them down." you froze. price rounded the corner with the rest of 141 on his heels. muttering a 'shit' under your breath, you let the recruit go.
"leave, please." price turned to look at them. they nodded and stalked off.
"aye, what was that?" soap was practically crying in laughter.
they hadn't seen you like that. it was amusing to see someone so small shove someone at least a foot taller than them against the wall.
"you guys left me alone all day! people kept bothering me. i'm over it" your arms crossed across your chest as your tone shifted in defense.
"kid, we had a meeting today and you never showed up. thought you slept in." ghost spoke above gaz.
your face dropped, "oh. uh, my bad." a blush dusted over your cheeks.
"yeah, your bad. let's go. we gotta train."
a/n: i’m starting to catch up a little with requests haha <3
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helplesslypurple77 · 8 months
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Day 15- Step Dad!Mori/Reader w/ Spanking & Daddy Kink
Notes: Mori is becoming dangerously tempting to me. It's scary actually. Also kinktober is almost over!! Im almost sad, even though it's been an interesting kind of hell(wouldn't trade it for the world though)
As usual art is from pinterest
Your mother had always wanted a girl. And when you were born after three boys you were almost sure to be spoiled. Your father died soon after your birth, and your mother and brothers turned their grief into passion, turned their attention on you and spoiled you rotten. 
You were the baby of the family. The first girl of three older brothers and spoiled rotten. Their little princess, and could have anything she wanted. A new playhouse? Already done. A fancy doll? Sure, whatever you want sweetheart. A fluffy cat? Done, in a heartbeat. You were their princess, dressed in pink and pretty to boot.
You were everyone's princess really. People would stop your mother on the street, and coo at how cute you were, ask to touch your hair and flatter your mother. You had that air about you, the air that drew eyes everywhere you went. 
When you got older, your brother's protectiveness kicked in. You could still have anything you wanted, but now you were a sheltered princess, locked away in her tower. You wanted to go to a party? No princess, but you can have a new necklace. A boy you liked asked you out? No, boys are wolves darling, here’s a new dress. 
Your mother was your only consolation. She understood your desire, your curiosity, and she allowed you the little freedoms she could, trying her best to reign in your brothers. And at first it worked. You were allowed to go to parties, and you even got a boyfriend(Brad was kind of stupid, but he was tall and muscly and kind and you loved him.) 
With your father long gone, your mother did her best to instill in you a sense of humility and kindness, and she did succeed, although you were still spoiled. But you grew up happy, surrounded by your doting brothers and kind mother. 
You grew up into a pretty young lady, sweet and genuine and just a bit naive, but happy and loved. And then when you turned eighteen, your mother got remarried.
Your step father was a nice man, who coddled you just as much as your brothers. Mori would bring you pretty dresses and new devices when he visited your mother, and after they got married it was always the same. He would pat your head reassuringly, and call you a pretty girl, and you like him a lot.
Your mother liked him too, and you sometimes heard the moans and screams that came from their bedroom. You closed your eyes and tried not to listen.
At the tail end of your senior year, your mother fell into a coma. She was on the way back from a dinner, and her car fell off a cliff, and as you and your family rushed to the hospital, she died holding your hand. Your mother had been our rock, your kindness, the one person who listened to your problems and offered you small freedoms. You almost broke that day, clutching her still warm hand while the doctors and nurses tried their best to console you. The room was full of them, all drawn by the sound of your cries of your unhappiness. Even when your brothers arrived, they could only watch on helplessly, not used to tears. They were a little emotionally stunted, your brothers. 
You were inconsolable in your grief. You would cry and cry and cry, and no material objects from your brothers could stop the waterfall of tears that fell from your eyes. And then your step father arrived. Mori took one look at the scene, your mothers cold body on the bed, the flatline of the heart monitor, your brothers wringing their hands in the corner and gently pulling you into a hug. He was silent, for ounce, just letting you soak the fabric of his expensive italian silk suit, and stroking your hair. 
He was stable, familiar, and cooed ressurences into your hair that you barely heard. And slowly, as the nurses and doctors leaked out of the room and your brothers left(each with one last look of worry), it was just you, him, and your mothers body. Your tears had stopped to a trickle, and still he simply held you against his chest, stroking soothing patterns into your back.
“What am I supposed to do now?” You whisper, the words slightly muffled in his suit jacket. O
“You don't have to do anything.” Mori had said, whispering it into your hair, along with a kiss. “I'll take care of you princess. Your brothers will too.”
He smelled like jasmine and bergamot and as you breathed in his scent, clutching at his back desperately like he would fade away if you did not, the seed of a dangerous tree was planted. A seed, that if watered, could change the dynamic of your relationship forever. 
Mori soon became your rock, much like your mother had been, in a way. But at the same time, your relationship was quite different. He was much more protective of you, and the partying stopped, Brad was scared off, and a curfew was enabled. You didn't mind, not really. Brad had been a run distraction, almost like an accessory, a purse. But you were a little sad about the curfew, and the parties. 
“It's for your own safety, princess.” Mori would say, patting your head. “We wouldnt know what to do if we lost you too.” 
You liked feeling valued, feeling prized. You liked it when he called you princess. You like it when he treated you kindly. You like him a lot. You loved him. 
You did miss the sex, the one thing Brad was good at. He used to fuck you down stupid into the bed, face down ass up and screaming. And you missed that, you were feeling pent up and horny. Your parents wouldn't allow sex toys, and although you were nearly nineteen you would never ask. And so you simply beared the horny haze that surrounded your thoughts, the dirty thoughts and inappropriate fantasies. 
And soon, Mori became the star. He treated you so kindly and had big rough hands that you wanted on your skin. You knew he would treat you good, make you scream and cum all over his fat cock. You fuck yourself with your fingers late at night, imagining the things he would do to you. It's wrong, it feels so wrong but also so good, and you find yourself not wanting to stop. 
And you know he would never want you that way, and that you're dishonoring your mothers memory like this, but you want him so badly you're delirious, and this simply can't go on. 
So one night, when Mori and your brothers are out at some sports thing, you sneak a boy in and finally get fucked dumb like you desired. It was good, not amazing, but good, and it curbed the dirty thoughts for a couple days, but then they came back with a vengeance. So you started sneaking out past curfew and going to parties. Sneaking boys upstairs when your family was out. But you knew it couldn't last forever, and one day it was all going to come crashing down around you. 
The hallway is dark as you quietly slip off your shoes, abandoning them by the pile of fancy heels your brothers gave you. You slip off your coat, hanging it on the rack with barely a sound.
The party was fine, but someone called the cops before you could get fucked like you desired and you were forced to run three blocks in pink sparkly pumps and a miniskit that barely covered your ass. All that exercise and not the kind you wanted. You were slightly out of breath, flushed and a little dizzy as you leaned against the wall, catching your breath. 
Along with your pumps and miniskirt you're wearing a shirt but it barely counts. It only reaches a little below your boobs, and your pink Victoria's secret bra is clearly visible. It's your favorite, one part of a matching set. The underwear is rubbing against your clit every time you move, the g-string jammed up your butt. You look sexy, and you didn't even get dick. It feels like a waist. Hurriedly, but on silent toes you move down the hall, dipping into the kitchen to grab a quick glass of water.
Your brothers are at a three day football sleepaway, but Mori is home, albeit asleep, and you need to be extra quiet. The thought of Mori makes that familiar heat in your gut twinge, as you settle against the kitchen counter, taking another sip of water. 
The whole point of sneaking out tonight was so you could get dicked down and hopefully banish any dirty thoughts about your step father. He’s more than twenty years older than you for god's sake, and yet that doesn't deter you in the slightest. 
(Based on the dreams you had awoken from, ‘daddy’ on your lips and your pussy throbbing. There were others too. Dreams where he punished you, spanked your ass until it was raw and then fucked you doggy on your mothers old couch. Or the ones where he made you suck his fat cock, fucked your face ruthlessly until you were drooling and then made you ride his thigh until you came. The dirtier the dream the more sorry you became, until you started sneaking out in an effort to get your libido under control. It was only somewhat working.)
Your pussy starts throbbing as you remember the dreams, and you slowly lower your water glass into the sink, tiptoeing into the living room. The stairs lay just beyond this room, and the second floor houses your bedroom respectively. But as you step into the room, your footsteps muffled by the shag carpet on the floor, the light switches on with a click. 
“Name, I'm disappointed in you.” Mori says, from his place in the gray couch across from the tv. He’s still wearing his work clothes, although he’s hung his suit jacket over the back and has his reading glasses on. He tuts disapprovingly, eying your outfit. 
“Where were you, and what are you wearing?” He says. You sigh, avoiding his eyes and twisting a strand of hair around your finger. 
“I was at a party…” You mumble. There's no point in lying, he’ll just be more mad. He tuts disapprovingly, running a hand through his hair. 
“Name, what did your brothers and I say about parties? This is the third time this month.” You hate how his anger turns you on, how the thought of what he could do to you makes your poor pussy clench. You rub your thighs together. 
“And you wore that to a party? Name, I can almost see your ass.” Mori says, laying his newspaper down beside him. You sigh, even though the thought of him seeing your ass makes your pussy throb. “It's not even that bad…” You say, your voice trailing off at the end. 
“Not that bad? Name, it's basically a swimsuit. You let all the nasty frat boys see you like that?” He sounds almost angry, or dare you say jealous. You bite back your smile, knowing that expression wont do any favors with him. Mori sighs, running a hand through his hair again. 
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” He sounds like he’s expecting something, and when you don't speak he sighs. “You're obviously not sorry.” Mori says, patting his lap. “I'm sorry princess, but I'm going to have to punish you.” 
You look up in shock. You’ve never, ever in your nineteen years of living, been punished. “Punish me? Mom never punished me.” Your outrage is clear on your face. Mori just stares you down, meeting your eyes head on until you relent with a sigh. 
“Come here princess.” He says. You do as he instructs, standing before him on the couch. He yanks you right off your feet, your world spinning until your tossed ass up over his lap, face buried in the couch. Your pussy throbs as you feel a harsh slap landing on your ass cheek. You're already wet, and although he’s slapping you over the poor excuse for a mini skirt you know you’ve soaked through the pathetic crotch of your panties. You bite the couch with a wine, thrashing a little on his lap. 
“You’ve been such a bad girl lately.” Mori says, landing another slap on your ass. You bite your lips to keep in the moans. Mori continues. 
“Going out to parties, letting dirty frat boys touch your perfect skin. You obviously need to be taught a lesson.” A moan leaks out, and another few slaps hit your ass. The sound echoes in the almost empty room. You want him to slap you harder. You want him to roll up your skirt and slap your dirty pussy and call you a bad girl while he fucks you unto the couch, your moans echoing thourgh the house. Another slap lands on your asscheek, and you thrash on his lap with a whimper. 
“You're usually such a good girl Princess.” Mori chuckles, gripping the edge of your miniskirt and pulling it up so your bare ass is visible. You clench down around nothing, wanting your pussy stuffed more than anything in the world. He would fuck you so good, spread your legs out and fill you with thick cock until you were a good girl. You were a bad girl right now, a bad girl who needed to be punished. You needed your daddy to punish you good. 
Mori tuts as he takes in your victorias secret, another harsh slap landing on your ass. “Name, where did you even get this kind of underwear?” He sounds almost outraged, gripping the g-string and pulling it against your clit. You bite back another moan.
“Princess, I'm asking you a question.” He says. His voice is harsh, demanding. It teases your arousal, the urge to call him ‘daddy’ nearly irresistible. You hold on, at least until this torturous punishment is over. Another few slaps land on your ass and you answer, doing your best not to moan. 
“They were a gift from Brad.” You say. At that name, an extra hard slap lands on your ass, and your back arches with a moan. You hope he thinks it's pleasure. 
“Why were you going to a party princess?” Mori tuts, his big hand making soothing motions over your stinging ass. “Be honest.” He chides, when you open your mouth.
“I wanted to.” You say. This answer lands a harsh slap on your ass, and you cry out against the couch. “Honest, Princess.” Mori says, soothing your ass with his hand again.
“I was horny.” You whisper. Mori sighs above you, running a hand through your hair. A slap lands on your ass, but this one is softer, but you still bite the couch. Your ass is stinging now, and you know there’s red marks on each of your ass cheeks. The thought that he’s leaving his mark on you makes your pussy clench around nothing. 
“So you went to be fucked dumb by some frat boys?” Mori says. He fraises it like a question, and when you nod he slaps your ass again. Hard. You whimper, hair falling all over the place, lipstick smudged. Your pussy throbs again, and you subtly bring a hand up, twisting your nipples in your top. 
“You're such a slut Princess.” Mori says. You moan, the degrading name sending bolts of pleasure straight to your clit. Mori chuckles cynically, and a slap lands on your ass, one for each cheek. “You don't even deny it huh. You're not supposed to enjoy your punishment Princess.” Mori says, his voice turning gravelly as his big hand leaves your ass, rubbing your crotch through the thin fabric of your undies. You moan, gripping the edges of the couch. You can't believe this is happening, but you're not going to test your luck and say something to stop him. You want his cock more than anything. You want him. 
“I'm sorry daddy.” You whimper out, and to your satisfaction something jumps against your thigh at that nickname. Mori chuckles, his hand leaving your pussy. “You don't sound very sorry princess.” He coo’s, and then a harsh slap lands against your pussy. You arch your back with a cry, a moan of his name.
It takes a minute for you to come down, and when you finally do another harsh slap lands on your ass, another for your pussy. You whine at the overstim, bucking on his lap.
“Did I say you could cum, princess.” Mori says, soothing your ass with his warm hands. “Apologize.” You whimper out your apology, whining as you feel his hot length against your thighs. 
“I'm sorry daddy, I came without permission.” Your voice is wracked with sobs, and full of arousal as his thick fingers play with the lips of your pussy, smearing the arousal around. There's none of your defiance left, it leaked out with that last orgasm. Now all you want is his dick, his kiss, his cum. You want him. You love him. 
You squirm against his lap as he fucks you open with two fingers, the occasional slap still landing on your ass. Everytime he hits it you arch up, as the arcs of pain are almost instantaneously transformed into shots of pleasure, driving you stupid until your panting, begging for his cock. Mori laughs at you. 
“What do you want, princess? My cock? Well beg for it then.” He teases, playing with your clit as he brings you to another orgasm. 
“Want daddy’s cock.” You pant, ass up over the arm of the couch face burried in teh gray upholstery, as he stands behind you, fucking you with anything but his cock. 
“I'm sorry princess.” Mori coos, sleeves of his fine italian suit rolled up. “Only good girls get daddy’s cock. Are you gonna be a good girl?” He asks, as if you wouldnt do anything for his cock and he knows it. You nod furiously against the couch, even though he can't see it very well. “Yes Daddy, ‘m gonna be a good girl, promise.” Your voice is a moan, your worlds slightly slurred. Mori chuckles, worshiping your ass with his hands. 
“Alright Princess, you beg so pretty.” His hands leave you and then your pussy is being bullied apart by a thick cock. He spreads your insides like butter, gripping your hips as he shields himself all the way inside, not even giving you time to adjust as he sets a brutal pace. He grips your hair in one hand, your waist in the other as he fucks you over the couch, cooing little whispers of intimacy in your ears.
“You're a good girl aren't you Princess.” Mori coos, landing a slap on your burning ass as you scream. “Such a good girl for your daddy. A pretty fuck toy.” His voice is gruff, the only sign of his slipping composure, the sweat lining his hairline and the fire in his eyes. His hair is pulled back in a ponytail for work, and the strands have started to slip from it as he fucks you, still wearing most of his suit. The top few buttons of the shirt are undone, and the tie is wrapped around your wrists, binding them in custom silk. His cock bullies your g spot as his hands let your hair go, flicking your clit meanly. 
“Gonna cum, princess?” He grunts. You nod furiously against the couch, doing your best to hold back your impending orgasm. 
“Gonna cum daddy, can i?” You whimper, gripping desperately for anything, and finding purchase on the gray pillow that sits on the end of the couch. “Want daddy’s cum, give it to me please?”
Mori chuckles roughly at your words, hand smoothing over the red marks on your ass. “You can cum, Princess. Go ahead, let go for me.” He says. You cum with a cry, clenching down around his cock as he fucks you through it. He pulls out, watching as you scramble around, and take his cock in your mouth.
He grunts as you do your best to take it all, choking as the girth fills your throat, robbing you of air. Mori chuckles. “Such a good girl. Will you let me fuck your face?” He says, hands finding purchase on your hair. You nod, whimpering as he fucks you face roughly, bullying your throat.
Spit falls from your lips as you let him take control, eyes stinging with tears at the corner. Mori coo’s praises at you. “Such a pretty girl, so obedient for me.” Mori says, his stuttering and rhythm getting more inconsistent. “Gonna cum down your throat pretty girl. Can i?” He asks. You nod.
He shoves his dick down your throat one more time, and you stay still as he shoves your head down, forcing you to swallow. You do your best, swallowing the hot liquid that races down your throat until he pulls out, patting you on the head.
“Did I do good?” You question, your throat raspy. Mori nods, stroking your hair and whipping your tears. “Yes, pretty girl. And there’s no need to go to parties anymore.” He says, pulling you to your feet. “Daddy can just fuck you whenever you want.”
Endnotes: so, uh, yeah. Ok cool, daddy kink go brrrr
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daisyvisions · 1 year
The Boyz - As Types of Tropes (Smut Edition 😏)
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Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), aka most are porn with a plot if I'm being completely honest. Happy Valentine’s Day 😘
Sangyeon - The Family Friend
He always saw you at every dinner or event your families would hold. You practically grew up together, but never really talked. So when you were told you’d be sharing a bed during a family vacation with him… let's just say you ended up getting to know each other on a different level
Jacob - The Quiet Roommate
He’s probably one of the best roommates you could ever have. Always does his part of the chores, doesn’t cause any trouble or make noise. He’s almost perfect… except for the fact that he keeps stealing your panties & listens to your moans through the wall
Younghoon - The Spoiled Rich Kid
Ever since he was born, he always got what he wanted in life. Everyone around him always granted his wishes. And when you said “no” to him he was fuming, determined to make your life a living hell. But little did he know you’d end up putting him in his place and showing him who’s the real one in charge…
Hyunjae - The Sports Rival
You’ll never forget the day you realized how much you hated his guts. Every time you crossed paths you wanted to punch that smug look on his face. You hated him with every fiber of your being, but loved the way he pinned you against the wall with his hands all over you after every tournament
Juyeon - The Unforgettable Ex
You always knew he was trouble. His jealousy was always getting in the way and that’s why you broke up with him a long time ago. But every time you end up having a shit date… why do you find yourself back in his bed the next morning?
Kevin - The Study Tutor
If he wanted to pursue his career in art, he had to pass his general studies first. So when he heard about a tutoring program, he immediately signed up for it. And when he saw you on the 1st day, he was a goner. His focus was completely out the window… so you proposed that every time he did well in a session, you’d reward him in your own special way
Chanhee - The Fake Boyfriend
He was surprised to say the least when you suddenly linked arms with him and called him “babe” but when you explained to him the situation, he was happy to help. But pretending to date was starting to become obvious, so he decided you two had to kick it up a notch by showing evidence…. and all he needed was a camera and you on his bed
Changmin - The Frat Boy
He was never one for serious relationships. But when you come knocking into the frat house one day, he was determined to make you his. You were on his mind 24/7, especially when he jerked himself off at night… Will you easily give into his charms or keep him groveling at your feet?
Haknyeon - The Summer Fling
You wanted to be away from the city life and spend your whole Summer in Jeju. Never did you expect to befriend the boy you bumped into one day and end up making love to him almost every day after seeking shelter from the rain that one night…
Sunwoo - The Aspiring Musician
If it’s one thing he’s incredibly good at, it’s the gift of music. He can even make music out of the any objects or moment and the song would still be a hit. But there’s a sound he hasn’t experimented yet on his track that’s he’s been dying to try… your sweet moans
Eric - The Boy Next Door
When you heard your new neighbor was around your age, you were more than excited to make a new friend… The only problem was the fact he was fucking hot and it only got worse when you accidentally saw him jerking off through his window that one night
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ithseem · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 150!!!!!
For TWST, which characters would you see get along with someone "opposite" from them?
Feel free to just do your top 5. Or just the people you think would have the largest reaction.
(GN Reader and can be read as platonic or romantic. Also not beta read.)
(Warnings: none)
An interesting ask indeed
If I had to pick five people in no particular order, I would have to go with...
Kalim Al-Asim
It's no secret that this guy gets along with almost anybody, and someone who's his opposite is no different (*cough*Jamil*cough)
I feel like someone who is the workaholic and serious type would be a good fit for Kalim (I cannot guarantee that you'll agree at first), as you can keep him focused on his own duties (boi's scatterbrained as hell)
Kalim is one of the few genuinely kind people in all of Night Raven College, even if he can come off a little strong. If you are skeptical or cynical, I think Kalim would be the breath of fresh air you need if you give him a chance
He can also be a bit unaware of his surroundings and the atmosphere, so you might need to tell him to reign in his enthusiasm a bit
Likewise, Kalim would tell his uptight friend (or romantic partner) that it is okay to let loose and have a little bit of fun sometimes. If you don't exactly know how to do that he'll be more than happy to help
Malleus Draconia
Malleus grew up pretty sheltered for most of his life so I feel like a cheerful and extraverted type of person would be a great change of pace for him
Malleus has lived his life being feared by almost everyone who's even his heard name, so someone who would treat him as a normal person would be a tad overwhelming for him. Even more so if you know who he actually is and treats him like that regardless
I feel like the friendship (or romance) between you two would be like the duality of cinnamon roll: Malleus is the cinnamon roll who looks like he could kill you, meanwhile, you would look like a cinnamon roll (or be one) but can kill a mf. That or you could actually be a cinnamon roll
I headcanon that Malleus is autistic, and it is canon that he has a special interest in gargoyles, so I think he would get along with someone who would listen to him ramble about them
This goes both ways. If you have a special interest (or a hyperfixation) he will listen to you ramble about it for hours
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is the definition of gifted kid burnout syndrome, and I think someone more laid back or outgoing would be something he'd appreciate in one way or another
Riddle would appreciate someone who is easygoing and easy to interact with since he's not very good at socializing (being strictly bound by rules does that to a mf)
If you happen to be a rule breaker (within reasonable bounds of course) he will be a bit surprised the first time you do it. If it is something minor like wearing the wrong colour socks or something, he'll try to overlook it, but for more serious offences, he will tell you off
And if his rule lawyering gets too out of hand, you will have to call him out on it
Ace Trappola
This little shit has absolutely no filter and will say what is on his mind, so I think someone more diplomatic would be a good counterbalance for him
I also feel like Ace holds a sort of fascination with more reserved people (he can deny it all he wants and say that they're boring as hell, but I don't believe him), so I think he would be the type of person to get them out of their shell.
I think this is especially true when it comes to voicing your opinions (many of which are either objectively correct or good things can come from at least speaking them)
I also like to think that their opposite can see right through his shit and calls him out for it. Their opposite is honest and has a built-in bullshit detector, and he cannot get anything past them
He does of course come to appreciate them for everything you
Leona Kingscholar
This cynic of a housewarden will not like you at first. You are everything he isn't: cheerful, friendly, in tune with the needs of others, and dare he say it? a little too naive and gung ho?
He can say that he doesn't need you to help him with his mental health, but we all know that's untrue (just watch, he's gonna give in if you're patient with him and give him space)
Your bright personality is what draws so many people to them, so he becomes jealous
Over time he would often come and kidnap you to either practice spelldrive or to take naps with him. He can say that he did it out of boredom all he wants, but it's just not true
Congratulations! You now have a friend (or romantic partner) in Leona
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smutinlove · 10 months
Request: Carl gets lost on a scavenging trip and Reader, althought although she grew up well protected in Alexandria, goes to search for him on her own. In the end Carl has to save her and they get caught in a storm and have to seek shelter somewhere and spend the night and some fluff occurs, maybe more, as you like
delivered <3
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You often wonder what dirt tastes like. Oh, you wondered what life outside of Alexandria was like. Was it terrifying? Were the stories about the flesh-eating monsters true? Well, now you know.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You watched as Carl was talking to his father, Rick Grimes. After Carl lost his eye, Rick had been a bit tense. But you understood that. Family is family. You saw Rick hand Carl a gun. You had your arms crossed. You were sitting on a bench, just watching the father-son duo talk. "Yeah, I'll be careful, Dad. It's not like I'm going to get bitten by a walker. So, chill." He reassured his worried father. "Teenagers," he scoffed. "Be careful, okay? I want you back here by five." Carl smiled and nodded. "Y/N," he turned to look at you, "don't do anything stupid till I get back." "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." He gave his father one last hug before walking out of the gates of Alexandria, your home. "You're staring." You turned your head and saw Enid. "Woah! No, hi or hello, Y/N, it's so great to see you," you mocked, making Enid roll her eyes. "You really gotta stop staring at Carl. He's the leader's son, for Christ's sake!" "Sorry, mom," you muttered under your breath. You got up from the bench and went back inside your house. You looked at your watch. It was one p.m. He should be back by six, just like Carl's father said. Hopefully, he will be back soon. You missed him. No, you barely know him. Idiot.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You've had enough of this. The adults were panicking; your friends were panicking, and so were you. But you had the guts to get up and find the eyeless boy. You were going to do it. You threw your hood up and sneakily started making your way to the armory. You'd never done this before. You had lived a very sheltered life in Alexandria. Hell, you didn't even know how to properly use a gun. Thanks to Deanna, you were a bit useless when it came to fighting. After all, you hadn't left the walls since the outbreak started. You were lucky to have found Deanna just two days after the world went to shit and blood. You opened the window and jumped in, quietly, of course. You quickly grabbed a gun and stuffed it into your backpack. You heard familiar voices outside the window. "I'll go, man. Anything for the kid." It was the deep and gruff voice of Daryl Dixon. You hadn't talked to him before because he seemed intimidating. But who knew that Daryl Dixon was just a big softie on the inside? "Nah, you ain't going to look for him. You're staying here. Me and Michonne will go. Take 'are of Alexandria, alright?" It was Rick Grimes, the father of Carl Grimes. "Fine. But if you ain't back, then I'm going after ya." You heard them start to walk away. You let out a sigh. If this was the kind of stuff the FBI did, then you wanted no part of it. But anything for Carl. He is your friend. You opened the window you used to come in and jumped out. You kept your hood up and ran.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
When you were running, you also overheard Rick talking about where Carl went to scavenge. In your eyes, he was so brave. Carl was supposed to be scavenging for a bunch of stuff in an old neighborhood near Alexandria. You'd never been there before. You tripped over a rock. "Shit!" you exclaimed. You heard low growls coming from behind you. You looked behind you and saw four walkers. "Oh, shit." You scrambled to get up, but then again, you tripped over your foot and started falling down the road. At the bottom was a river. You used your leg to stop yourself from falling. You held onto a tree as you tried getting up. But again, you heard growls coming from behind you once more. You turned around and saw fifteen walkers. This is it. This was the end of your life. Y/N Y/L/N died to fifteen walkers who brutally dug into her stomach and ate her. "Oh, God. Help me." But it seemed like God wasn't listening. The wind began to pick up, and the rain started to pour in heavily. The sky has darkened to a deep shade of gray. You heard gunshots and ducked. And in a matter of seconds, the walkers fell one by one. "Woah! You look rough, girl. And didn't I tell you to not do anything stupid till I got back?" It was none other than Carl. "Oh, my. It's you! I've been looking for you for ages now. You idiot! You could have died!" You scolded like an angry mother. "Sorry, Y/N." Oh, but who could resist that adorably handsome face? "I got lost. I've been tryna find my way back to Alexandria too." You laughed. "The brave and bold-" You started coughing uncontrollably. "Poor thing." He walked over to you and gave you his jacket, but you pushed it away. "No. No, I don't need it." "Don't need it, my ass! Take it!"
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
It was storming heavily. You and Carl were incredibly wet due to the rain. "Are you okay?" He asked. "What?" "I said, are you okay?" he repeated. "Yeah!" you shouted. There were wet leaves on the ground, a few collapsed trees, and walkers. You barely knew how to protect yourself. But Carl was there. And he was all you needed. "Y/N!" You turned to look at him. "Over there. That's the neighborhood that I was looking for." You nodded and took his hand. The two of you ran towards it. Your shoes were muddy, your hair was a mess, and your shirt was half-ripped because of a branch, but you were still wearing Carl's jacket. You and Carl were also tired. But kept on running towards the nearest house in the neighborhood called "Clemenswood." Carl kicked open the door, and you two ran inside, panting. You were cold and started shivering. "Y/N, I'll be back. I'll see if this place has food. You stay here, okay?" He said softly. "Okay," you answered. You sat down on the cold, hard, and dusty floor. It looked like no one had lived or stayed here for a while. Moments later, you heard Carl rush in. "Good, you're still here. Anyway, I found a few stale bags of chips and two sodas. Is that fine?" he asked. "Yes," you replied. He smiled and sat down next to you. He opened one of the bags and handed it to you. "Thank you, Carl." You smiled warmly. ⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You and Carl decided to spend the night in Clemenswood as the rain didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. You looked at Carl, who was laughing at something you said. "I love you; you know that?" You looked at him in disbelief. He blushed. "I meant it in a friend way-like a best friend way." You smiled. "Well, then, lover, I love you too. You're a great friend." Carl took your hand in his and wrapped his comforting fingers around it. ⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰ You were lying next to Carl. His strong arms were wrapped around you. This is what friends do, right? "I love you. I do; you know that, right?" You smiled. "I do." The two of you sat up and looked at each other. He smiled and said, "Do you know what I want to do?" You grinned. "What?" you inquired innocently. "This." Carl leaned in and kissed you softly, his lips lingering on yours. ───── ❝ authors note ❞ ─────
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padfootastic · 8 months
please say more about jilypad + diverging parenting styles... perhaps even a possible scenario >:) i imagine harry has very cunning tactics for using this to his advantage
helloooooo <3 thank u for this ask bc i love talking about these three and harry. i went looking thru the archives to find this post; my first foray into this side, and really, i’ve never looked back after that.
so i’ve talked ab this a bit before but i fully think that james was a very overprotective ‘mother hen’ type parent. i tend to read his behaviour in lily’s bday letter to sirius as being scared of his child on a broomstick and i fully, fully think he’ll never be able to let go of that as harry grows up. he’ll be anxious and suspicious and paranoid, and his first instant will always be to wrap harry up in cotton wool and hide him away. (i low-key connect this to his childhood as well; going from being spoiled and sheltered to dropped in the middle of a war, black & white thinking, living in extremes etc etc makes it v hard for him to be Normal about his child. as he shouldn’t be, really, but yeah) that’s why he thrives during the initial years; he never minds the hard parts of being a new parent, loves it in fact, and it makes it better that he can keep harry close to him at all times w/o coming off as a helicopter parent (not that the notion bothers him ofc).
it’s good, then, that he has two partners to even the scales, no? i think lily was the most…balanced out of the three. she had a relatively normal childhood, grew up in a working class family/neighbourhood and had to deal w adversity from a young age so she’s developed a nice, thick skin. she also has a sibling with whom she has a v rocky relationship so she knows that kids are, ykno, a bit unhinged. and a little bit of hardship is not a problem. i hc her as needing time to get used to parenthood, unlike james who stepped into it natural as breathing, or even sirius who loved harry on much on first sight that it made up for everything else. ofc lily loved her son, but it didn’t come w the same blinding intensity of her partners and made her feel really shitty in the beginning. but, i think she’d shine during his teen years actually, because she’s not overbearing or intense and becomes the quiet, calm strength that a hormonal, spotty teen boy would probably need.
and sirius <3 our poor baby falls in love with harry, perhaps even more quickly than james, with such startling speed that it shakes his entire foundation. he doesn’t regret it but he’s constantly discombobulated. i also imagine that…it takes him longer to settle into the role of parent, esp bc he’s not biologically one ykno? not like it matters to anyone, ofc, but it takes him a long time to truly accept his authority and place, to believe that he has just as much right as j&l to be there, to parent harry. this has the consequence of him always being more indulgent than the other two; after all, he considered himself a godfather before a parent and a lot of that thinking stayed. he lets harry get away with stuff the others might not (and the little mf figures this out later); some of it also comes from sirius seeing so much shit, and facing so much shit himself, that he rationalises a lot of stuff as ‘well, this isn’t the worst it can be, so what’s the harm’ (because his life has been such a roller coaster that he’s forgotten that not everyone’s like that, if that makes sense?)
its obviously not this clear cut but i imagine harry looks at it like this: if he needs unconditional love, he goes to james; rationality and logic, lily; acceptance and calm, sirius. when someone has to be beat up for hurting harry, james steps in. if he needs help burying a body, it’s sirius. dealing with some asshole boss/teacher/classmate’s mother who’s making harry’s life hell? lily. i can keep going but,,,u get the idea, right? this makes sense, i hope lol
i actually think harry’s first birthday is a great example. sirius pushes the boundaries by gifting lil harry a broom; james loses his mind running after him; lily places an industrial sticking charm on harry’s butt, leans back with a glass of wine, and enjoys the show. even as he grows up, lily and james act as the disciplinarian, and sirius is the emotional outlet. all of them fill in each other’s cracks so well, and it’s only when harry grows up that he realises how effortlessly they worked off each other to parent him.
also oh man o man. harry being cunning is,,,,,see, i’ve not considered it this far but it makes perfect sense. i think canon harry actually had so much manipulative energy and it’s often overlooked for his goofier traits but! this is the same dude who used his dead parents to trick slughorn into revealing sensitive info! imagine if that could be channelled into his jilypad interactions 😈
it’s like, it takes him a bit, because his three parents r so smooth, but once he realises that all of them have certain weak spots, he does NOT hesitate to exploit them. (it has the unintended consequence of truly strengthening the jilypad relationship into an unbreakable one bc one thing their kid taught them is to have ironclad communication going at all times so nothing they’ve said, or not said, is used against them). so like, he knows if he wants to sneak out to a party, it has to be sirius and in a specific way—‘i’ll be totally safe, papa, plus i really wanna see what it’s like and idk when it’ll get a chance to again’. if he widens his eyes to pitiful levels, pouts a little, and blinks faster than usual, then james is putty in his arms as long as he’s separated from the other two. divide and conquer becomes the main tool in harry’s arsenal, actually. lily’s the toughest nut to crack, purely bc she doesn’t run on emotions or irreverence, but harry soon learns that if he comes up with a solid, logical case that proves his argument has unbiased merit then he has a good chance of getting her to say yes. (this is good, bc u can arrange words in the correct order, but u can’t always control emotions)
so overall yeah, you’d think one kid + 3 parents would be an easy bet, but harry keeps them on their toes all the fkn time.
#sirius black#james potter#lily evans#jilypad#harry potter#i knew before i even started this that it would be ridiculously long lmao#i just cannot bring myself to shut up#wrt lily and harry’s baby years#i feel v v strongly ab motherhood not coming naturally to her#and becoming a very sore point for her. bc she sees james and sirius and she keeps blaming herself for being an unfeeling robot#when she’s not. she just thinks more logically than them and doesn’t feel as strongly. that doesn’t make her a bad mother#and no matter what j & s say a small part of always thinks like that. until the teen years. and suddenly the dynamics r reversed#bruh i think i need help it’s not even funny how not hinged i am for this trio lmao#there also! padfoot!#a while ago i wrote a lil thing. but i fully believe that whenever harry was emotionally distraught he’d actually go to padfoot#bc he needed someone to just. sit. and be there. while he’s processed emotions#and lily would be too ruthlessly logical and james would be fretting and trying to fix it and sirius would panic. just a little.#but padfoot is a warm comforting weight agains this side and he just lets him be. it’s grounding.#so harry always. without fail. does that#it’s actually 3.5 parents lmao#i do wonder what their parenting fights would about if any. hmmmm. my glasses are too rose tinted for me to consider it#a thought for another day#anyway. hope this endless rambling made sense! and that u liked it!#would love to hear ur thoughts too <3#pen’s notes#pen’s asks
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dentiststoothfairy · 9 months
Do a pico x darnell one shot. Do it. You won’t. Make them kiss and be stupid
[ 🦷🎀 𝙷𝙴𝙻𝙻 𝚈𝙴𝙰𝙷! 𝙸 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝙿𝙸𝙲𝙽𝙴𝙻𝙻! 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚡 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚘 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢. 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙿𝚒𝚌𝚘 𝚡 𝙽𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚡 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚘 𝚒𝚜 𝚂𝙾 𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙶𝙴𝙽 𝙲𝚄𝚃𝙴 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍]
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Ah. Saturdays. The best days ever... The day where Nene goes on a crazed shopping spree with all her girlfriends and the two more sensible guys are left to their own record. Which usually resulted into something... Not sensible.
Listen. They were allowed to have their fun too!
"Eat shit, Pico!" Darrell's voice shot out as a rubber balloon came flying at the other. A splash of water flickered on the Ginger's skin as the balloon burst upon impact. The cackle of the boys rung out as the summer sun beat down on them like there was absolutely no end.
Pico had wanted to do a little bit of training so he could keep his skills in check... But Darnell wanted to keep cool in the sun and not sweat like an absolute pig until sunset. So, after about twelve minutes of arguments and bickering, they settled on a compromise.
"Not before you!" Pico sneered as he pumped the water gun with efficiency. The water fired out of the nozzle with ease as his feet beat against the grass. Dirt kicked up from under his shoes as he ducked behind a tree, allowing for cover before Darnell could splash him with another water balloon.
Summer in Philly was always like trying to survive in an oven. It got ridiculously hot and the pair were pretty sure that is why Nene ducked out to a nice, air conditioned mall with yoghurt and desserts. But whatever. They both knew that if they tagged along with her, they would be carrying her stuff. Fuck that.
"I see we're at a Mexican standstill." Darnell had kneeled behind a bush, the playful tone in his voice made Pico's inside flutter with adrenaline and excitement. The shades of the trees above them provided good shelter from the relentless blaze of the sun. Pico's smile only grew a mile as he thought of something witty to shoot back.
"We're in Philly." Great one Pico.
Darnell's loud laugh rung throughout the small clearing. It was rare to be having fun like this nowadays. Ever since... That. Pico and his two best friends had been... Different. Darnell was lucky that he wasn't there on the day it happened. But... Seeing Pico go from this enthusiastic, still kind of raunchy guy to this a thousand yard stare survivor practically broke his heart.
The flat top poked his head above the bush, trying to spy where his lighter friend had gone. But for some reason... His eyes couldn't spot the other.
Oh hell no.
He raised from the bush, immediately rolling out into the open. He knew what that fucker was doing. You'd think having bright red hair would make it difficult to hide in a dark green Forest and sneak attacks would be significantly harder. But both Pico and Darnell knew that the green that Pico wore was enough to seal his movements. And Pico's training wasn't for nothing. He was as silent as a mouse when he wanted to be.
The only thing that could be heard was the wind attempting to warn the pyromaniac against his trigger happy friend. But, Darnell unfortunately wasn't fluent in 'psscchuuuwwwww psshhnncchhh' so the wind's cries fell upon death ears.
"Hiding? Wow Pico, that's a cowardly thing to do. In character, but cowardly." He taunted, backing up slightly. He knew that Pico would want to jump from behind so he had to press his back against something so Pico couldn't get the jump on him.
Every rustle raised the tension in the air and Darnell knew it. He tossed the water balloon up and down, his senses heightened and reflexes on standby. He waited.
And he waited.
He felt his back press up against something that.. Wasn't the size of a tree.
No no.
It was a fucking gun muzzle.
"Sup handsome."
Was all Darnell heard before the squirting of water struck his back with immediate effect. He cried out in 'agony' and Pico took this motion to pin his best friend under neath him, tackling him to the ground.
Laughter bounced off the two like a rubber ball being hit in a game. Pico sat on Darnell's back, with his water gun pressed against the other's head. Water slid down them as the pair caught their breath.
"I like the feeling of you on me." Darnell teased the red headed knowingly. Pico's pale skin turned pink for a moment, as he let out a slight gig-. No. Pico doesn't giggle. He... Uh... He chuckles?
"I like the look of you under me." He retorted, a smirk on his face as he held his finger on the aquatic trigger. Darnell let that settle in his mind before bursting out again.
"You're a fucking idiot." Pico raised off the other, allowing Darnell to stand up, but not before he pulled Darnell into a sweet summer kiss. A short kiss, but enjoyed by the two nonetheless.
"Round two?" Darnell questioned, trying not to snicker at Pico's deflated face.
"Before another kiss?" He asked, pawing at Nell's shirt playfully. Darnell shoved him off, with a crooked, smug smile.
"If you win this one."
"Oh you are so on!"
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honeybcj · 2 months
Hi love your blog!! Happy to be mutuals! I know you just did Catholic Barty but how do you feel about Catholic Black brothers? Any HC?
hello!! it makes my heart warm that you enjoy my silly little blog <3 i’d love to discuss catholic black brothers a little bit more. so, both brothers grew up in a very strict, private catholic school. they are very sheltered individuals, not having access to mainstream music, strictly only classical training. forced piano and vocal lessons. i think they were a little more lenient with sirius, but their expectations on reg were a lot more. and that is why reg is so closed off and disconnected from his brother for a lot of their childhood. i don’t think they would have had the best relationship as younger kids because they didn’t get to be kids. so flash forward to when sirius is 15, enter remus. he starts working around the grimmauld place as a gardener and sirius takes immediate interest to remus, especially on the days when maman and papa aren’t home, away on business of the sorts. imagine sneaking out into the garden in the evening, despite parents not being home. imagine them sharing remus’ earbuds and remus introducing him to all different kinds of music. it makes sirius feel alive in more ways than he can even explain. it is in these moments where sirius truly begins questioning his faith. he’s seeing this boy—feeling things that he’s been told are wrong. there’s a lot of self doubt and internalized homophobia. catholic guilt galore. the following year, sirius runs away and goes full no contact with everyone in his family. he thinks this will be easy for reg because reg has been nothing but a good child, adhering to the catholic faith just as their parents intended. sirius, upon having the tools to finally explore his sexuality and gender identity, doesn’t want to tell reg because, despite him loving his brother with everything inside him, doesn’t want reg to view him as someone that will ultimately go to Hell for loving a boy or expressing his gender through more feminine clothing and styles. reg suffers immensely in the years without his brother. his parents crack down harder, forcing the confessions and the word of the bible down reg’s throat. he can’t breathe. he can’t explore. he can’t love. he can’t see his brother. he can’t be himself. he’s a puppet in walburga and orion’s game called life. he lets the catholic church abuse him and strip him of every little piece of what he could be. he grasps his rosary in his hand every night and prays to a god that never answers him. even after all the years of waiting, he hopes his prayers will be answered. enter james potter, the first boy that regulus meets when he finally moves away to go to college. james potter with the blinding smile and long lashes that laughs like no one is listening. james potter the man that listens to regulus, even when he has nothing to say. james potter, the man that takes the rosary from regulus’ hands when his fingers start turning purple from the beads being wound so tight around his wrist. james potter, the man that takes one look at regulus and pulls him from the depths of the Hell regulus has been living in and lets him see the world. james potter, the man that gave sirius black a home to turn to at the end of every single day. james potter, the man that finally kisses regulus on move out day, and regulus finally sees how religion can be found in someone’s eyes—how tangible it can be to love and be loved in the hands of another boy.
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thelikesoffinn · 6 months
hello - hope you're doing great! I love your analysis, and I wanted to ask about something I've been thinking fanfic wise but also applicable to real life (I think).
So Astarion gets paired a lot with Tavs who also have tragic past experiences (hard to be at his level of tragedy, but some get close). Which is all well and good, cause I see how writing these characters and reading about them is cathartic to many, but I also see plot-wise, it makes it "easier" for him to connect with Tav in a way, kindred souls and all that.
My Tav's background is one of someone who either had a fairly good and regular life, and, if trauma occured, it's been healthily overcome. So at the beginning of the BG3 story she's actually at the end of her own initial "character" arc.
Now my issue is, can Astarion connect with someone who has no idea at all of what he went through? My idea is that's he'd infantilize her, or openly antagonise her (in his charming way) because she's got no right to understand (especially with how he thinks it's fine to be racist and hurt the weak in the first act).
And she'd be understanding and wanting to help and all, but how can people with no/little traumatic experiences connect with those who went through hell, even with the best intentions? It's a dynamic I'd like to explore, because I've seen it played in real life a few times.
Sorry for the poem!
Hello, flower! Thank you so much, I'm glad that you enjoyed the analysis ❤️
As for your question: Eh, I do see why that dynamic is a rather difficult one. People who've survived through a lot of traumata tend to be somewhat hesitant and guarded in front of those who had normal lives at the best of times, and we all know that Astarion rarely has a "best of times", especially early in the game.
Infantilising them is something I definitely see with him. He's the type to do that with anyone anyway, but especially so with those he considers "sheltered". And sheltered is likely something he inevitably will consider Tav, as that is often the case with those who experienced trauma.
Trauma tends to age and harden you, in a way, so oftentimes people who simply grew up normally, with normal ups and downs, are viewed as "sheltered" or "spoiled" by those who didn't, even if that wasn't necessarily the case. That label isn't used or assigned maliciously, and it's simply based on the fact that other people's "normal" seems like the very best to someone who had it worse.
I can also see a huge amount of antagonism, yes, but how it shows will depend on when your story is set.
Is it while he's still dependent on Tav? Then I think he'd try to refrain from being more antagonistic towards them than necessary, since he needs to stay on their good side. So, he'd likely stick with his base-line arseholeishness, if a bit more intense at times. You know, in a sense that you side eye him and wonder if he just actually insulted you or if he's still joking around.
But if he's not dependent on them? Oh boy. Yeah, very likely that he'd be extremely mean and Tav would definitely 100% know that he means everything he says, even when it's uttered with a smile. Think how he talks to the Gur hunter in act 1 because let's be honest…that was far from subtle.
Astarion as a whole doesn't take kindly to anyone prodding his weak spots, albeit he mellows a bit towards Tav over the course of the story, and if would be even worse with "sheltered" Tav. He would likely flip his shit really hard and become extremely cruel with them, staying on their good side be damned because how dare they prod where they have no business being?
It's something I've seen at work before, and let me tell you: It's never a pretty sight. Many people who experienced trauma usually don't want to hurt others - quite the contrary, a lot of them would rather sacrifice themselves before watching anyone else get hurt like they were - but that doesn't mean they're not good at it. Precisely because they're often so hypervigilant, they have a talent in picking out your weak spots and if you test them enough, oh boy. They'll hit them with such aim and grace, you'll find yourself reeling. And that's the super sweet and kind clients, not the Astarions.
Here it's important to mention that the things people say in those situations are rarely what they really believe. It's mostly is just a well aimed assassination of your soft spots to get you to back off and leave them be.
So "sheltered" Tav will have to be extremely careful regarding any sore spots if they don't want to be hit by the full force of protective-malice.
Does that mean Astarion and your Tav won't be able to bond? Aabsolutely not, but it will be a tad bit difficult because he'll likely take a lot longer to open up and their bond will have to be built entirely from scratch. The shared understanding of their trauma can’t function as a temporary foundation – temporary because a bond entirely based on [shared] trauma will eventually become instable, if not fortified by other things – so they’ll have to put in a lot of work to even get to having a solid foundation to build on.
I'll give you a bit of a general rundown on how I was taught to tackle clients like that, maybe any of that will be helpful for you!
So, firstly: "Sheltered" Tav will need to be careful and understanding and they'll have to be able to take a blow and live with it if they accidentally step to close too early.
Important to note: They'll have to be able to take a blow but they can't be too lenient either.
Astarion seems like a person who's attached to 'respect'. Not in the 'respect your elders' way, but in the sense that he treats those he respects a lot better than those he doesn't. It's the nobility’s definition of respect - some "deserve" it and some don't and who is who is entirely based on personal understanding - so it's very in line with his background.
So, while your Tav will need to be able to take a hit, they'll need to know when to call him out on his bullshit. If you let Astarion walk all over you, he will eventually lose all respect and then this is a lost cause. Don't let him push you around.
If he's being too cruel, don't be cruel back, but definitely call him out on it and let him know that he can always ask you to stop prodding but you will not stand around and let him insult you.
Be understanding, but don't be a doormat.
Then, in order to get someone to open up, you'll have to have a lot of patience. Don't demand anything, don't force anything. Every question you ask has to be careful and phrased in a way that won't corner them, which can be really difficult in casual conversation. So, mishaps can and will likely happen, which is great material for a story anyway, so that's great! (Not so great at work though, haha.)
In case of "sheltered" Tav, it's probably best if they wait for him to come to them. Listen when he rants, listen to the tiny things he mentions and if you ask questions, make sure they directly relate to what he's told you just then.
So, if he talks about Cazador essentially making him choose between eating putrid rats or getting beaten, a question like: "Did he do that a lot?" or "Was it always those two options?" could potentially be alright because the red string is easily visible for both parties. Astarion can tell why you would ask something like that and he can follow your line of thought easily.
But a question like: "What else did he do to you?" or "Did he do other things as well?" would probably have his defences going up. It's too broad, too unspecific, and how is that any of your business anyway? What is this, an interrogation? An interview so that you can ghost write his sad memoirs? Back off.
While a question like: "How exactly did those dinners go?" or "Beaten? How?" is too specific. You're practically asking him to relive a painful moment in great detail for your own "enjoyment". Why else would you want to know? Why else would you ask how exactly he'd been hurt and humiliated, if not for that? Maybe you were planning to do the same to him. He won't let you. The past is the past. Let. It. Rest.
So, as you can tell, it's basically playing question-hot-foot!
But even if your Tav should cross the lines in that regard every once in a while - it happens, every question is a gamble - it'll eventually be fine. The closer they get, the easier it will be to ask questions, because he'll realise that he can actually trust them.
The one word I would really really avoid - and I cannot stress this enough - is 'understand'. God never use it. Tav, omit it from your vocabulary, you'll never "understand" anything ever again!
"I understand what you went though was horrible, but/and/however…" - No, you really do not. You can't understand, can't even imagine what he's faced over the years so never pretend that you do.
"I won't pretend to understand what you went through, but I want to/you can trust me/I can still listen." - Always said with kindness, but that one really is nothing but an empty platitude, at best. Hearing someone say that they don't understand you so directly is never really encouraging either.
"I just want to understand you." - Great, but you don't need to know the barest parts of a person's soul to be able to understand them. If you can't do it without that, maybe you shouldn't. And, all in all, this phrasing of the last one feels really iffy anyway, personally speaking, because it has a very manipulative edge to it. 'Hey I'm just overstepping your boundaries because I want to know you and understand you better. It's all for you..." and blegh. I hate that one, but that might be totally personal so please feel entirely free to ignore this paragraph.
Anyway, as you can see…never "understand", even if it’s just meant to encourage him. Just don't. I've seen clients who asked to be transferred to a different social worker or ended up leaving completely because someone used one of those lines, so I'd really strongly advise against them.
Instead, opt for things like "I'll listen to whatever you want to say." or "Can you explain it to me?" because that way you're not lying to his face and you're leaving everything up to him. He gets to decide where this conversation goes and, more importantly, how far it goes. Not an interview, not an interrogation, but a conversation that he controls.
And well then, flower, that’s it! Of course, there’s a lot more to it, but we’d still be here by the time Baldur’s Gate 8 is released if I went over every tiny thing, but I hope this was enough of an overview to help you build your story 😊 If you end up sharing it, don’t be shy to let me know, I’d be excited to check it out because, as you said, it’s a really interesting dynamic that isn’t explored as much as it should be. It’s a difficult dynamic, but it is so rewarding to write, read and experience. I wish you all the best ♥
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imzsuzsis-blog · 2 months
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The last time I saw Lando was a few days ago, even after the tennis final, a blond-haired whore didn't get off him, but in the end, in a strange way, Holge told him to leave him alone, he's probably going home now, just as he'll have time to pack his stuff and take the dog, and then he'll go train for the race. Well, I think the roommate stopped there to say that it was a dog, and so did I. "Where did he get it from?" "Guards took in the beauty from a shelter." ,,Beauty? A girl? Damn, didn't he have enough Uno? Now he has another one pulled up next to him, I'm talking to him. don't send him anywhere just friends. I don't know what's wrong with him in Melbourne, he even took a pregnancy test and told me that he might be pregnant because he missed it." "Kids, stop, there's worse! By the way, hello, mother will cut off him ears and eardrums for this." ,,Cic hello! He's crazy since he says he's pregnant." ,.He says so? He's really pregnant, he seems to be taking a minimum, he's trying to cover up what he told Max and Pietra, Max's reaction I'd rather drive your sports car before the fetus gets hurt, even though he already knew Pietra froze, I was there Callum couldn't bear to spit and swallow, he just blinked when he found out that the boys they can also be pregnant."
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"What the hell??? I got my ears pierced???? Where do you get this from again????” I looked at the secret chat group on my cell phone and it was full of people arguing about it, sometimes jokingly, sometimes seriously, the older ones seriously, how to take it out, it doesn't look good, the ones my age are jokingly, it's very good. Only I knew the answer to this, I took a photo and wrote it down, it's a fucking pimple that grew in the wrong place, stop it, it hurts and it's big, and this fucking breast is embarrassing, that's why I'm constantly wearing a fish tank because it's bothering me. "Honey, why are you angry? That's when you're cute, right?" Loki lay next to me and caressed my upper arm, then he lay on his side and looked at me. "There's gas, everyone's focused on my hormonal acne and they think I've pierced my ears." "Are these normal? Who was?" My sister, "Well, if it was meant as a joke, it wasn't a good joke." I lowered my head and asked Loki for a sad kiss, which came in handy as the twins were very fond of each other, but one of them resisted. When Doctor Yin told me, I burst into tears, I'm not a big cryer, but we really expected them to be sick, but they felt this was a trick and that's all I told Max, he didn't take it well last time.
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"Well, it's getting weirder, it's not a pimple, it's a piercing." I hung up the phone after I wrote back so that he could finally do the truth about this shit, because he sure did. em acne because I had it too, I don't even admit it, it's fucking embarrassing and sometimes it hurts, this is how life has to be put up with. "Oscar, what's wrong? I know you shouldn't tell your girlfriend everything, but I can tell you everything." "What the hell is this?" I looked at my picture, it looked like a small tattoo that one's child plays pranks on after a drunken night. "I think an embarrassing tattoo that you can get drunk on guys is the slut tattoo." "Maybe this will be fucking new to you, but Lando is pregnant, you American bastard!!!! This isn't the series How I Met Your mother, you stupid person."
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,,What??? They're getting dumber. Loki You have to see this.” I admit, yes, I have a bitch tattoo, but I did it last year on New Year's Eve, drunk in Bali, not exactly legally, and sometimes it can hurt during the day, and I also have a navel piercing. I was sixteen when I did this out of rebellion with a group of friends, so I don't keep in touch with any of them anymore, they became exterminating jerks when it turned out that I was gay. That I'm smitten with the ex of the mistress, who is a boy and right, we went to an art history and finally got together. Berdon is my first boyfriend. and the first boyfriend I told that I love him, so far I told a boy named Alex. It all ended badly, it was written in the lyrics when I heard the first one from him, I could sob for hours, but I wasn't the stupid one as it is, he was because he cheated on me with another boy.
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I caressed Lando, it was very nice the last few days, especially the girl, what's in him ear? He thinks the girl talked to him, a fucking bitch, even a WAG, and it would be shit, the dog and mine, I don't understand what's the trial lesson in chat, it's secret I'm in the WAG chat and the problem is how big I wrote that my daughter and a beauty should be called I'm hoping for a baby... The air here is also freezing, a lot of questions from who is pregnant... I wrote from Lando Ollie Bearmann... Freezing... But Lando boy questions... Answer In one word, he's not intersex and he told me he'd already given birth and ended up in a bad place because of him father... Anger...He was still a teenager then but he could have done it but him father wouldn't let him, now he's an adult he feels he can do it and leaves him alone and he wouldn't want him there it would be only the mother when the little one was born. ,,I'm trying to stop here too, but Kelly..." I kissed him hair and sniffed the poor thing because it was more and more obvious that he was pregnant, but it didn't bother the cameras, and the fact that he's with a boy instead of a girl, which freaks out the girl fans even more, is lately, the poor thing just cries, I can hardly comfort him, I even brought my dog ​​beauty to make him happier, but not as often as he goes out on the street, the paparazzis are screaming after him, where is the beautiful girl Norris. "It doesn't work for me, I prefer to cover myself and myself on the weekend. This is not a situation. I always knew that I loved boys and not girls. It's bullshit what they write about me."
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
3. "Wait, you love me?" "I always have." With RED Demo and BLUE Soldier (because theyre canonical FRIENDS and they make me cry /pos). Bonus points if Soldier is dense as fuck
❤️Red Demo + Blu Soldier💙
Ough, I kept wondering if you put friends in all caps for it to be platonic or wanting me to ignore canon I'm so dumb sometimes lmao, so uh I wrote them with a budding romance because Boots n Bombs has my heart. UHHHH I figured it'd be annoying to read "RED demo" and "BLUE soldier" every time I wrote out their names so I'm just calling them Demo and Soldier, but they are Red and Blue respectively, cool? cool.
Demo didn't even know his feelings were blooming. Demo and Soldier simply found themselves growing closer to each other, sharing jokes, drinks, and stories to break up the nights after battles. Forming a friendship, Demo thought. But something felt different. He had close friends before, hell, he even figured him and his team were getting pretty close, but there was something more, something below it all, something Demo couldn't understand. It all started gently, unknowingly, soft touches, longer glances, and small jokes between the two of them. Demo realized what his feelings truly were during a battle. The bloodshed was heavy on both sides, neither team making enough progress to matter, everyone was on edge, tense from both the heat, and angry at the lack of progress. Even Demo found himself being rather annoyed, finding himself hiding in a shady spot, giving himself a break from it all, letting out a long and drawn-out sigh, until his eyes lit up at the sight of Soldier running past, turning to flash a smile at Demo. Demo smiled slightly to himself, finding comfort in seeing the face of his friend, until a bullet from Sniper plowed through his skull, dropping him to the ground. Sure, Soldier would respawn in a minute or two and would find himself back on the field just fine, albeit a bit angrier than before, but Demo still feels like he's been punched in the gut, he feels cold and hot, and sick and, oh, he feels his heart, hurt, hurt in a way that he's never been able to grasp until now, he finds a wall to brace himself against, as his mind finally connects the dots. He loves him. Soldier didn't think anything of the intensity or emotion in which Demo started to lock eyes with him, Demo always holding the gaze a bit longer than normal.
Soldier also didn't think anything of Demo's sudden but subtle protectiveness during battles, never connecting any dots that one might in this situation. Soldier had grown up very sheltered, very alone. He was never a boy with many friends. Even as he grew up, his friendships came from a sense of obligational brotherhood due to his military roots, but with Demo, it was different, Soldier felt understood in a way he had never been before. He just appreciates having a friend, and he doesn't bother attempting to understand the weird feeling in his chest, or the warmth in his soul when with Demo, chalking it up to it being normal and how things should be forever, and he's okay with that, he wants to feel like this forever.
Demo knew he couldn't keep his feelings in forever, he was aware of the fact that sometimes his stares lasted a second to long, or that he was less than subtle about dropping (when he could) whatever he might have been doing to give his attention to Soldier, but at the same time he also worried about the what ifs that plauged his mind. Questions about ruining a perfectly good friendship, how things would change, the awkwardness, the tension, the- it was all just too much to worry about, so weeks would pass of him sitting on his feelings, occasionally unconscious expression of affection being given from Demo, until one night he found the feelings he had been pushing down bubbling back up again. He's frustrated at his inability to hush the voices inside him, pulling him in a different direction, and he's tried to try to keep this secret. He finds himself ready to be bolder, to finally let his feelings off his chest and be free of his doubts. He's done waiting. He invites Soldier out to a bar, away from the base, the mercs on both sides, and the general atmosphere of stress surrounding the battlefield and such. Soldier agrees without question, and they both make their way there. Demo on his way, however, looses his nerve, realizing that his doubts may have a stronger hold on him than he previously believed. A part of his mind now telling him to run, to get out before he does something he might regret, he ignores it, only for the fact that he can still spend a night with his friend, even if it is eating at him a little bit. Plus, there's alcohol! Why let drinks and a perfectly fun night go to waste over some doubt that he can silence with just staying quiet? That's what he thought and believed, truly. He went into the bar telling himself that it just wasn't the right time. It was never going to be the right time, and eventually, if he held out long enough, the feelings would go away. He just needed to stay quiet about it. But maybe it was something in the drinks that night. Maybe it was the shine of the lights or the music in the bar, but Demo found himself unable to stay true to the idea of staying silent. Demo letting some compliments slip out, all earnest, all with a genuine love tied to them, that most people would pick up in an instant, but not soldier. Soldier only responded in kind, thanking Demo for the compliments and returning them with an energy of joy and friendship. Demo only sighed, taking away from this half hazard "confession" that Soldier did indeed only viewed this as a friendship, assuming that in some way, this was a kinder form of a refusal of feelings. Demo knows he should cut this here, not say anything else, and continue the night with a smile, enjoying the friendship as it was and as it would continue to be, but his mouth is speaking before his brain can thing, and he lets out his one last thought, before shutting the idea of anything more happening between them,
"I love ya, Soldier. And I truly mean that." He immediately wants to clasp a hand over his mouth, but restrains himself, his brain rationalizing that he could come back from this if he convinced the other man that it was purely platonic. Soldier only smiles at Demo in a way that always got to him, a genuinely joyous smile, as he slaps him on the back,
"I love you too, Demoman! I'm glad we've built this friendship!" Demo is happy at Soldier's acceptance of the comment being platonic in nature, but it doesn't stop it from feeling like a knife to the side. Demo decides it's time to head back to base, fearing that the pain he feels from this might show through. He stands up, heading to the bar to close out the pairs tab, leaving Soldier by himself at the table. And when he does, Soldier sits in silence for a moment, and it all hits him like a fucking truck. For some reason, everything clicks in his mind all at once. He gets it now, he understands , and he feels stupid for not getting it before. This feeling is new and powerful. He realizes the feelings that Demo has. Demo walks back to the table slightly. Panicking as he sees Soldier freaking out. Soldier grabs Demo by his shoulders and asks bluntly,
"Wait, you love me?" Demo realizes at the emphasis on love that it's finally clicked,
"I think..." He pauses slightly, "I always have."
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG!! I got tired </3 (uh, I might have the sniperspy one out soon, too, btw 😨)Anyways, I hope you liked this even though I might have fucked it up. Also I hope this makes sense and I didn't miss plotholes or just make this genuinely confusing 😭 Also also sorry if the end is kinda rushed I'm half passing out, and I'm super embarrassed now about how cringey this might be 💔
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writemekpop · 1 year
On My Mind | Huang Renjun
Summary: You’re with your fiancé Renjun when you remember your bad boy ex Jeno. You realise you’re not over him. What happens when Renjun finds out?
Genre: Lumberjack!Renjun, criminal ex-boyfriend!Jeno, angsty 
Word Count: 2.1k
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“Hey babe, look at this!” Renjun yells.
As soon as you turn, Renjun whacks a snowball at your tummy. He collapses into laughter.
“Hey!” you shout, laughing, running for shelter into the log cabin you share. You have no neighbours – there’s only forest for miles around.
Your fiancé might be sweet… but he sure can be childish sometimes.
You collapse onto your worn couch, flicking on your 80’s brick TV while Renjun goes into the kitchen to make hot chocolate.
You freeze. One mitten still dangles off your fingers, forgotten.
The newsreader’s voice pierces your ears like glass. “A 22-year-old man has just been arrested for the attempted robbery of the Royal Bank of Canada. He has also been charged with the deaths of two security guards.”
The picture is grainy, but you would recognise that face anywhere.
Lee Jeno.
Everything around you fades except the pixelated shape of Jeno’s face. You can feel your heart racing. Your mouth is dry as salt.
For exactly three seconds, you allow your emotions to battle on your face, your eyes welling with tears, your chest heaving.
Then, you make your face perfectly smooth.
Renjun walks in, holding two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. “What’ya watching?”
“News,” you say lightly. It is too late to change the channel. Renjun will get suspicious.  
Renjun settles down, his frown growing as he stares at the screen. “Why do people do things like that?” he says. “I don’t feel any urge to rob a bank, do you?”
“Maybe he was having money troubles,” you snap. “Not everyone grew up with perfect dentist parents, you know.”
Renjun sucks in a sharp breath. “I didn’t realise you cared so much.”
You realise that you are breathing hard. You must control yourself, before Renjun starts to think something is up. You plaster on a smile. “I don’t.” You lift up your faded DVDs. “Now what’ll it be – Home Alone or The Notebook?”
For the rest of the night, you bury all thoughts of Jeno deep down.
When Renjun has fallen asleep, you pull on your winter coat and boots and creep out of the house for a midnight walk. You need to arrange your thoughts.
Tonight, the forest swarms with memories, like fireflies.
You remember those innocent days in Jeno’s tiny Toronto apartment. You would spend the daylight hours poring over bank blueprints laid out over the floor, exchanging glances of disbelief. You couldn’t believe you were actually going to rob a bank together.
In those days, you had nothing to feed the electricity meter, so when it got dark, you and Jeno would make fervent, excited love in the glow of candlelight, clinging to each other in the gloom.
You remember your first successful heist.
That night, there were no candles. Every electric bulb in the house blazed. You remember the way Jeno looked at you as you lay naked, amongst piles of banknotes. Jeno’s eyes drank up your body as if he had never seen it before. He looked at you like you were worth more than every flimsy slip of paper in the place.
You suddenly stop walking.
A memory has hit you that you have no desire to remember.
That awful final night.
“So what?” Jeno shrugged. “It was a close shave.”
“A close shave?” You shuddered. “We were almost caught tonight. Do the words ‘life in jail’ mean nothing to you?”
““I got us out, didn’t I? What the hell does it matter?” Jeno said, his voice rising.
You took a deep breath. “I’m out. It’s gotten out of control. I can’t do this anymore.”
At first, Jeno didn’t seem to realise you were serious. Then, his face suddenly changed. He fell to his knees, his eyes pleading. “No, please, baby. You can’t leave me.”
But you were pulling your suitcase, already packed, to the door.
Jeno was crying now. “Y/n. We’ll stop. No more robberies. Nothing. Just please… don’t go. I’ll die if you go.”
But you’d heard this speech too many times before.
You will never forget the sound of Jeno’s muffled sobs through the apartment door. That sound rings in your ears now.
And now, because of you, Jeno is in another room, smaller, colder than that old apartment. A prison cell, which he will never leave.
You fall to your knees in the bitter, icy snow.    
You wonder if you will ever see Jeno again.
The change seems to happen all at once. Which, of course, only means that it has been happening for a long time.  
Suddenly, Jeno is everywhere you look.
Each night, you’re ravaged by nightmares. Some nights, wake yourself up screaming, the blanket writhing like a snake around your legs. On other nights, your moaning wakes Renjun, who presses his lips to your hair in the dark.  
One time, you wake up and grab the man beside you, moaning, “Jeno, I’m scared.” You know precisely where you are: the dirty little apartment in Toronto. You know that tomorrow, there will be bank blueprints to study, over cheap liquor and cornflakes.
When the light flicks on and you see Renjun, you almost jump out of your skin.
Renjun’s eyes are concerned.
You know how choking Jeno’s cell feels because you are in there with him. You spend every hour of the day imagining Jeno in that cell. Perhaps he sweats. Perhaps he is dry. Perhaps he is hungry. Perhaps he has lost all appetite. You grow obsessive about the physical details of Jeno’s life.
Meanwhile, your fiancé Renjun grows more and more distant. You chop wood in the forest, your business, in silence these days. You don’t have anything to point out to each other.
You can only make love to Renjun in the mornings. You don’t know why. In the bright energy of morning, it’s just easier to do with your body what your heart is no longer interested in.
One night, Renjun finally brings it up. You are getting into bed to join him. He is reading a yellowed paperback.
He touches your arm. “I know you’re struggling, Y/n. Just let me help you.”
The genuine compassion in his eyes nearly breaks you. You harden yourself. “Don’t worry. It’s a little thing. I’ll be better soon.”
“You’ve been saying that for a long time,” he says. “What is it? What is bothering you so much?”
You try to smile. It must not work, because Renjun grimaces.
“I’m fine,” you say.
“It’s him, isn’t it? That guy from the news, what was his name… uh… Jeno Lee. Why do you care about him so much?” he says.
Your heart speeds. You thought Renjun was oblivious. You were wrong.
“I… knew him in high school,” you say, offering part of the truth. You’re terrified of saying too much. You want to say too much. “He… offered me to go into some shady job, and I said no.” You risk a little more of the truth. “I should have stopped him from doing it. Maybe then, he wouldn’t be…”
“You blame yourself,” Renjun says knowingly. “But Y/n, you did the right thing. You couldn’t have stopped him.” He sighs. “You see, you have too much faith in people. Some people are just bad. Jeno’s a killer – and he was born a killer.”
“He’s not a killer!” you say.
You know exactly what would have happened in that bank. Jeno would have run out of the vault, the money in his hands. He would have seen two guards. Without a partner, he would have started to panic. They would focus their guns on him, like brutal black eyes. In his desperation, his mind would go blank. Shooting them would like seem like the only option.  
“Do you ever think how- how vicious those guards can be?” you say. “They shoot first and ask questions after. Did you ever think that it might have been self-defence?”
“There’s no need to shout,” Renjun says. “You cared about him.” He gazes into your eyes. “I know how you feel.”
“You don’t know a thing about how I feel!” you say. You run from the room. You cannot bear to look at him.  
It only gets harder to hide the truth from Renjun.
Finally, the inevitable day arrives. The day that you can no longer keep up the façade. The day that the lies that you tell so often you almost believe them, are revealed.
On that day, Renjun enters your tiny bathroom. You look up, toothbrush still between your lips.
“You lied to me,” Renjun spits, brown eyes glinting angrily.
The back of your neck prickles. Renjun is clutching a yellowed newspaper clipping in his hand. “Jeno had a partner. It says so right here! She was called Alexis Black. You’re her, aren’t you?”
You realise that it is too late to lie. “I can explain-“
“Y/n isn’t even your real name, is it? I don’t know who the fuck you are.” He crumples the paper in his fist. “We’re done.”
You step closer, cupping his face in your hands. “Renjun, you know me. You’ve spent a year working with me, fighting with me…” your voice softens, “making love to me.”
He shakes you off. “I can’t believe I was going to marry you. I was going to let you be a mother to my child. When we met two years ago, you were on the run. Was that all I was to you? A cover story?”
“No. I chose to leave that life. I chose you.”
“You didn’t choose a thing,” he almost spits. “You left Jeno because the police were onto you. You had no choice. And now, you hate yourself for leaving him.” He stops suddenly, a wild glint entering his eye, as if he has just thought of something.
He laughs. “Do you even regret what you did? Do you regret leaving Jeno? Or do you wish you’d stayed? You could be with Jeno right this minute, living the high life.”
Renjun grips the sink as if he is unsteady on his feet. You instinctively reach out to support him, then pull your hand back. That would not be comfort to either of you, anymore.
“I am such an idiot,” he moans. “How did I not see it? You have been killing yourself the past few weeks because… you’re still in love with Jeno.”
Finally, your throat opens enough to allow you to speak. But there is no point in denial, because you know that every one of Renjun’s accusations is true. Instead, you focus on another truth. “I love you. I’m your fiancée, Renjun.”
Renjun’s eyes are cold. “Y/n is my fiancée… not you. I have no fiancée. You are a stranger.”  
He moves through the bedroom like a whirlwind, throwing his few belongings into a suitcase. Renjun’s eyes are red with tears.  
You struggle to think of something to say, some parting word that will remove the bitterness between you. Something that will make him forgive you.
But when Renjun finally pauses in the doorframe, you are tongue-tied.
Renjun looks at you, the frustration and fear and longing bare on his face. “How will I bear the cold train journey home?” He steps closer to you, pleading in his eyes. “The worst part is, I knew. I knew that you were a stranger – that there was a part of you that you never shared with me.” He shakes his head. “Why did you wait so long? Why didn’t you just tell me the truth?”
He dips his face to your hair for just a moment, breathing you deeply in. Then, he pulls stiffly away and leaves the house.    
That night, you cannot bear staying in that cabin, which is crowded with memories. So, you sleep in a sleeping bag out in front of the house. It is bitterly cold. Even your flask of burning whisky cannot warm you tonight.
You think of Jeno, hunched in a prison cell. A place the colour of gunmetal, with bars on the windows. Perhaps he is alone, or perhaps he is with two or three other men. Smoking, playing cards.
You wonder if he has shaven, or if his beard has grown. You wonder if he is eating well. You wonder what he feels as he thinks that the rest of his life will be spent between those walls. Perhaps he feels terror. Perhaps, like you, he is swallowed by guilt. Perhaps he simply does not care anymore.
You and Jeno watch the same sunset.
You wonder if the sun will rise tomorrow.
Right now, it seems the most unlikely thing in the world.
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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midnightcreator12 · 19 days
Let's Talk About TMNT 2012 Season 3 Episode 2 'A Foot too Big'
Because after some digging I found out that my takeaway from the episode isn't as common as I thought it was and I'm kinda confused and upset about that so I'mma make a tumblr rant about it.
Disclaimer for this real quick tho? I do like tmnt 2012. I have many issues with certain things that hold it back from being on my 'love it' list but, when they manage to write the characters well, its great, and there are a lot of good ideas and characters and pretty creative mutant designs.
Having said that, there's still bits of it that make me...cringe a little extra but I can chalk most of it down to the idea that the team working on the show were probably expected to crack out scripts as quickly as they could so the continuity suffered.
And then there's 'A Foot too Big'. An episode that I WILL skip every time because it gives me the creeps and I have NO clue how that episode got greenlit.
Trigger warning: I am going to be talking about some stuff about pedophilia and sexual assault. If these things make you uncomfortable, do not click the read more.
SO! What, exactly, is the goal of 'A Foot too Big'?
This is an important question to answer. And the answer that pretty much everyone came to when the synopsis dropped was that it was going to decided the fate of Apriltello. Many people assumed that it was the episode that was going to show Donnie that he was being too much with his crush and April would either A) confirm she liked him back by episodes end, or B) would firmly state that she wasn't interested and, thus, the ship would die.
When the episode dropped, there were many jokes about Donnie getting a taste of what he puts April through, about how BIgfoot crushing on him was karma for him creeping on April for 2 seasons.
BUT the mentality around Apriltello had become very negative by this point. Many were tired of Donnie constantly stumbling over himself and being Donnie's crush was pretty much the only thing April had going for her. She had her dad back so the season 1 goal was accomplished. They'd revealed she was part Kraang but...it never really factored into her character beyond 'oh, I have powers now but only sometimes'
So, yeah. People hated the ship and in particular hated on Donnie because, lets face it, he was the only one actively pushing it. April's reactions were minimal, at best (probably so they could keep making 'Donnie is a simp' gags)
But what, exactly, did Donnie do to be labeled a stalker and creep?
Well, he very clearly was into her the moment he saw her!
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....like he's a fifteen-year-old boy who's never seen a girl before? I do NOT approve of people who chastise others for having crushes. Having a crush on someone doesn't make someone a creep, it makes them a damn person.
Well, he made a flow chart to ask her on a mission (date)!
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Yeah.....he planned out an activity for them to do together. One April said yes to. Donnie overplanned the hell out of it and clearly saw it more as a date then an intel mission but, again, there isn't really anything wrong with what he did. He's being a little weird about it but, hey, teenaged sheltered boy whos never met a girl before April....who's never had a FRIEND before April.
He follows her around all the time!
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Okay, yes, on its own, that is a little creepy. Except the 2012 boys explicitly say, several times, that they only go out at night, meaning Donnie only follows April at night. Yes, why would he feel a need to keep an eye on his friend whom is being hunted by aliens when she's walking around back alleys with no people in New York City at night!?
I do NOT blame him for this! I'm more surprised the rest of the turtles DON'T see any issue with the fact April will just...stroll around in the middle of the night by herself! No freaking wonder she gets kidnapped so much! Girl grew up on a farm and it shows!
His comments make her uncomfortable!
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I will concede to this one. Donnie often tries to flirt and, for the sake of the joke, his flirting often falls flat. Could he tone it down a bit? Absolutely. But most of his 'flirting' is pretty tame and he often is just chatting with April or trying to be supportive or show off for her. The worst of this behavior honestly comes out when he's trying to one-up Casey. Its still not an excuse but he's not being any worse than any other 15 year old and, honestly? He does back off when he notices that his flirting is unwanted in the moment.
So, to sum up, Donnie is a bit over-eager and tries to flirt badly and tries to spend time with April. He occasionally follows her when he's patrolling because he's worried and wants to keep an eye on her which is valid because she gets in over her head a lot.
And then we have 'A Foot Too Big'. Donnie's 'karma' for being a 'creep' towards April. Where-
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He gets manhandled-
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Kissed without consent-
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Followed around doing everyday things-
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Constant invasions of his personal space-
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Even after he has clearly shown discomfort multiple times-
Donnie NEVER physically forced himself on April, didn't invade her privacy and personal space constantly, he didn't try and push himself into her every waking moment! In fact, considering he has ZERO social skills, I'd say he's doing pretty well in trying to make his affections clear AND being respectful!
But we're supposed to nod along and agree that Donnie giving April a music box!
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Is equivalent to THIS?!
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That Donnie sometimes flirting in poor taste is on par with him getting kissed and grabbed without consent? BY AN ADLUT!!??
But, hey, let's play devil's advocate. Let's say Bigfoot is a teen by her species' standards! She is still sexually assaulting Donnie throughout the entire episode!
And there's still pedophilia vibes because then it means that the Finger got with a teenager! So it's still gross!
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I just sat through Donnie being sexually assaulted, possibly by an adult, for 20 minutes, his family laughing at him for it and definite predator vibes no matter what the character ages are just so the show can tell me 'lol, nothing has changed, we're still gonna shove this ship in your face!'
This entire rant is because when I posted a sketch of my OC simi inspired by a tiktok sound, I captioned it 'Raven is why I wasn't going to rewrite A Foot too Big' and a few people thought I meant she'd shoot the Finger.
No. She'd fucking shoot Bigfoot. The second time Bigfoot made Donnie uncomfortable, Raven and Scrap would be burying a body before nightfall.
Hell, I wasn't going to include the episode in the fic but I just might at this point just to have the catharsis of Raven getting to unlock her inner Chula Verd a lil bit!
Thank you for reading my rant. I know this is kinda old news at this point but I got mad and just wanted to throw my thoughts to the winds.
Hope y'all have an awesome day/night.
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ink-flavored · 7 months
Pride & Justice Side Characters: Pride's Friends
In the story, Pride trips and falls into making exactly three (3) friends, and one cat. This is a post about them!
Picrews here: Nellseto's Maker, TOON ME! Body types A and B, Djarn's Character Maker, felidaze's warrior cat creator, Cat Creator || ネコ アイコンメーカー, felidaze's cool cat creator
Olivia "Ollie" Clearwater
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She/They | Trans Butch Lesbian | "Only motherfucker in this city who can handle me." - Pride, probably
Olivia grew up with extreme Christian fundamentalists for parents, controlled and sheltered all her life. Her only knowledge of queerness was as a one-way trip to Hell, and her knowledge of transness was non-existent. Even as deeply closeted as she was, Ollie chafed against her parents' strict upbringing, and began lashing out at an early age—and suffering the consequences.
In her attempts to free herself, even momentarily, Ollie found smoking and "the devil's music" to be particularly freeing. By thirteen, she was regularly sneaking packs of cigarettes and death metal albums into her room, and taking them with her every time she left so they wouldn't be found. Making up excuses about kids smoking at the bus stop saved her for a little while, but she knew it was only a matter of time.
Desperate, she held on until her she graduated, shipped off to college, and then her deep dive into everything forbidden began. The longer she strayed on the outskirts of what her parents found acceptable, the more she discovered. From metal, to grunge, to punk, Ollie found the queer community on her college campus and beyond, After so many years, she finally discovered herself.
Time ran out at the end of her first visit back home for the holidays. All her secrets exploded from her in a heated argument, and her parents instantly cut contact. With no money to pay tuition, Ollie had no choice but to leave her degree unfinished. And with nowhere to go, she was homeless for several years, couch-surfing with her few college friends, and sleeping on the streets.
After what felt like a lifetime of strife, she found solace in the community aid the local punk scene strung together for her. They helped her find temporary housing, work, and have a life again. Now in her early thirties, she credits them to this day for allowing her to live the rest of her life, and is active in fiercely defending it and supporting people like her.
Though Olivia does not dream of labor, she makes ends meet working retail, and spends a significant chunk of it on edibles as she attempts to quit smoking after nearly two decades.
Sofía Torres-Iglesias
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She/Her | Cis Lesbian | The obligatory catgirl in every queer friend group
Sofía was born a second-generation immigrant to her Mexican parents, having a familiar childhood that many queer people might recognize—feeling different, but without the language to explain why. When she was young, she simply didn't understand why anyone would want a boyfriend in the first place. Growing older, and learning how strange it was for her to turn up her nose family members asking about her non-existent boy crushes, she bottled the feeling and tried not to think about it too much. She spent time with her friends and nodded along with all the teenage squealing about the boys from her school, and saying what people wanted to hear when asked about her own preferences.
Eventually, she found the words of her community. She sat on the knowledge for years, until coming out to her parents in a nervous rush before her quinceañera. After a lot of tears and hugging, the celebration went off without a hitch, with Sofía confident her parents supported her.
However, as time went on, it seemed clear that they supported her... insofar as they accepted her "experimenting" in this "phase." They were confused about how she could possibly be a lesbian because she loved pink, and kittens, and femininity—nothing like the marimacho they imagined queer women to be. It took Sofía a long time to establish with them how to talk about her sexuality and her community in ways that didn't make her want to scream, in addition to convincing them that she would never find "the right man" to "fix" her.
After many more years, a few messy early-twenties-relationships, Sofía was finally able to convince her parents it wasn't a phase. At last, she could breathe.
She met Ollie in her late twenties at a gay bar, and they rented the U-Haul a month later. Three years have passed, they're still together, sharing an apartment and a cat named Marbles. Sofía has a day-job tutoring kids in Spanish, but hopes to one day be able to afford to go to veterinary school.
Dante Price
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They/Them | Nonbinary Asexual | Can and will quote the Divine Comedy verbatim
Dante's first canvas was always their own body. The story of their young self using finger-paints on everything except the paper was a popular anecdote of their parents, to the point where everyone at church could recite it word-for-word. This love of art continued through their childhood, from crayons to paints to their mother's make-up and it was all fine—until it suddenly wasn't.
On a dime, Dante's creativity was stifled. Their hands slapped away from eye shadow and lipstick, there was suddenly an acceptable art, and an unacceptable art. Growing up with a younger sister brought the unfairness into sharp relief—she was allowed to toy with make-up, dolls, and glitter. But Dante wasn't.
Nothing that was shoved into their hands as "proper" ever felt right. Not sports, martial arts, or any school subject sat right with them. They struggled to stay focused on anything except art, doodles getting snatched up and torn to pieces in class as punishment for their lack of attention. Later, they would be diagnosed with ADHD, years too late to save them from a miserable public school experience.
Dante drifted through life, listless and feeling destined to fail. The things they loved weren't allowed, and the things they sucked at were the only way to succeed. Stuck in the middle of an impossible situation, there was nothing they could do.
One place they escaped this limbo was in Dante's Divine Comedy, obsessed with the epic poem to the point of near-encyclopedic knowledge. The journey consumed them, a trip through Hell, into Heaven, and finally finding God and the love that aligns a soul. Such a path felt impossible for them, but they clung to the possibility.
School sucked, with shit grades, few friends, and net-zero interest in dating anyone or anyone dating them. Home sucked, with an air of disappointment hanging above their parents' heads. But one day, they would escape it. That they would exit Hell, and scrape their way to Heaven.
Before they knew it, high school was over, and Dante was expected to have a plan. They went to community college, because they had to do something, and joined the GSA after reading the word "asexual" on a flier. The more meetings they attended, the more they talked about existing in the in-between, the more the rest of their life started to make sense. It felt like climbing closer to Heaven, and Dante named themself after their favorite poet, hoping beyond hope it would give them strength.
They mulled over coming out for a long time. Their parents were just now starting to feel proud of them—would this ruin it? Would they be trapped forever? Dante tested the waters by telling their sister, Aria, and cried from relief when she accepted them, said she would help.
It was... a difficult series of conversations. Their parents were confused, not understanding what "nonbinary" even meant, or how Dante could be asexual when they haven't ever dated anyone—they were just inexperienced. But they agreed to use Dante's new name and pronouns, and that was more than Dante expected. And, to help them the rest of the way along, they offered some of the resources the GSA handed out, to help them through the process.
Things got better faster than they ever expected. Much less than simply tolerating their queerness, Dante witnessed their parents switch to a more progressive church in the name of respecting it. They bought make-up again, learned how to use it like paint on a canvas, something they also found love in after so many years of getting their art torn to shreds.
Now, with a supportive community, family, and self, Dante is working toward an art degree, and basking in the light of the love that set their soul right.
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He/Him | Grey & White Tabby | No thoughts. Only treats.
Sofía's beloved cat. He has one brain cell the size of a marble that bounces around his skull. He is very spoiled and enjoys ear scratches.
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