#the lesbo agenda
king-nyx · 3 months
I think this is my favourite part about the ai
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fishyartist · 1 year
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keekity · 2 years
i have so much love in my heart and all of it goes to carlotta and liberty ❣️🌷💥❣️🌷
IKR this is me when I look at them
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nocturnalchord · 11 months
i get up to the podium. “himeru has a tounge piercing” i say into the mic. crowd starts booing. bananas, tomatoes and chairs are being thrown at me until the door swings open. “theyre right” stands himeru in all his lesbian glory - ⭐️
gb agkjanfljas I usually see Rinne as the one with a tongue piercing, but with HiMERU... well the idea is just too appealing to refute.
Similarly, my friends and I have a headcanon that Kaname's helix is fake (he was only 15 after all?) but HiMERU thought it was real, so he's pierced his cartilage for no reason. Loser
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myvirtuesuncounted · 7 months
why pjo's portrayal of the greek gods is fucked up and how it's affected perceptions surrounding ancient Greece.
*breaks down the door to your inbox with an axe*
start talking now oh my god I want to hear your hot take so bad. I've been interested in religious studies (primarily the Hellenistic and early Roman religious atmosphere (of course acknowledging that the word religion is post-Enlightenment and conceives of supernatural belief as a subjective individual belief, which is inconsistent with how supernatural matters were dealt with in the Ancient world) and how they intersect with early Christianity and proto-Christianity) and I've been fascinated with the Greek gods and I need your hot take on why their portrayal is wrong and leads to incorrect assumptions about Ancient Greece.
oh you bet your bottom dollar i will talk about this. true to the post from which this originated, i will prep no material and all this is off the top of my head so don't quote me!
If you follow my Greek mythology sideblog, you'll know i am unequivocally a Zeus defender. Now I can make a million posts about Zeus alone but I will take a more holistic approach on the gods in general and the perception of Ancient Greece.
The West has been obsessed with Ancient Greece for centuries: the culture, philosophy, history, mythology, mathematical and scientific advancements, and much more. Now it's one thing to take interest in a country's history or a historical era; it is completely another to claim it as your own and make it an ideal state of life to achieve, because if you know literally anything about Ancient Greece, it was anything but. What I'm trying to say here is that Ancient Greek culture has been commodified, glorified, rewritten, and reclaimed by the West when it was never theirs to do so. I've often seen this sentiment expressed by Greeks about their homeland: "The history comes first, the people second." I think a prime modern example of this mindset was when same-sex marriage was legalised in Greece, which was a huge step forward for an Orthodox country with an extensive history of homophobia, but people outside of Greece began making jokes of Greece "returning to their own values" (referring to Ancient Greek practices of pederasty which is hugely problematic and not at all representative of any gay rights if you know what it entails) and people excited to "finally hold lesbian weddings in Lesbos" (signifying the West's perception of Greece as simply a tourist hotspot and not a country with an intricate history and culture). In short, Greece is already unfairly used for the West's agenda of glorification and attempts to build itself a culture that frankly isn't theirs at all.
Now, how does this involve pjo? A lot, my friends, a fucking lot. The publication and popularity of the Percy Jackson series has simply exacerbated all the aforementioned issues in this post. First off, the worldbuilding on which The Lightning Thief relied and the rest of the series ultimately holds is that "Olympus moves with the centre of Western power", which is just. Wow. There are a million things wrong with this concept that would need its own post, so I recommend this article called The Whitening Thief that essentially explains the white supremacy of it all. If you do not want to read the full article, the main premise is that the Percy Jackson series equates Westernism with civilisation and that without it there was "chaos and darkness", which as Paule describes it, is "sipping at a pretty racist cocktail".
note: I have realised how aggressively off-topic this is to the original statement I made, I'm getting there, I promise (although I did warn you it was something I could talk on for hours with little material)
Let's finally delve into the depiction of Greek gods in Percy Jackson. I'll actually start on a bit of a positive note that apart from the weird (for lack of a better term) comparisons of Hades to Adolf Hitler, the original Percy Jackson and the Olympians had some okay characterisation of the gods (I have some reservations about the goddesses on which I will elaborate later). They're prideful and neglectful parents (the myths actually contradict that latter part but I digress) but each with their own complexities and concerns. To use Zeus as an example because he's actually the god who falls short the most in terms of consistent characterisation in my opinion, he lets Percy live in TLT "for the sake of peace in [his] family", indicating a care and sense of duty for Olympus and for his fellow gods, and while he lets his pride and paranoia get the better of him at times, he is shown as a serious authority figure and someone who's trying to keep his realm together, and such characteristics wouldn't be too far off from his mythical counterpart.
But as the series progresses, either Rick got lazy or he attempted to further capitalise his work to make it more palpable, he turns the gods into caricatures by excessively inflating one characteristic they may have into their entire personalities. Returning to Zeus, his paranoia is amplified to an absurd extent that one can simply not fathom why the gods would be the better option than the Titans. As I said initially, he had bouts of paranoia that would be almost normal for someone with such a powerful position, but this is completely derailing any connection with his mythological counterpart, he may as well be an OC with the same name and title as him. To use other gods as an example because I promised a holistic approach and I have seemed to only talk about Zeus (sorry!), the writing of the goddesses Hera, Artemis, Aphrodite, and Athena is simply misogynistic. I'm sorry, there is no other way I can find myself to describe it. Typically feminine goddesses Hera and Aphrodite are extremely demonised and condemned for their flaky and vain attitude; Hera is the evil stepmother archetype and Aphrodite ultimately becomes weak and useless. The "virgin" (quotations referring to Athena) goddesses Artemis and Athena also don't seem to extend past superficial, unoriginal characteristics like being a vehement man-hater who kicked out two sapphics from the Hunt and a goddess who Rick stops at nothing to render her a horrible parent and person (using the Roman myth of Medusa, exaggerating her prideful nature, etc) respectively. And you cannot tell me they're not misogynistic portrayals because just a few minutes on pjo tiktok will show you just how many times Hera is referred to as a bitch (keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth!!). Then there is TOA and COTG, which makes me want to cry just thinking about Zeus' portrayal there (yes we're going back there). The god who was consistently thought of as a gracious, protective saviour of the people in Ancient Greece (full list of epithets of Zeus, read at your leisure) is an abusive autocratic tyrant?
To go back onto the topic, how do Riordan's works affect the overall perception of Ancient Greece? Well, as I said before, it contributes to the white supremacist view of Ancient Greece as the epitome of civilisation and the glorification of the era, but it also turns Ancient Greece into a fandom to an extreme extent. Now, obviously, I'm not talking about people with a healthy obsession with Ancient Greek history and Mythology (myself included) who like to engage in content about it. I'm talking about people who claim Ancient Greece as an extension of Western, mostly American culture, and ultimately engage in a form of cultural appropriation that strips Greeks of their own history and narrative. This includes writing 'feminist' retellings of Greek myths, taking Riordan's (inaccurate) readings of the mythology as indisputable fact, and removing the myths from their historical and cultural context. People forget that much of these myths were stories written for entertainment and take them as a sort of Hellenic Bible (which delves into the Christianisation of Greek Mythology but that's a whole other post). In short, Westerners think they can do whatever the fuck they want with Greek mythology and Greek gods because they think it's theirs with which to play around, ultimately ignoring the country, history, and the culture from which they actually originate, and it's thanks to Rick Riordan that this attitude has blown up to an insane extent.
*sighs* Thank you for coming to my TedTalk and I seriously admire you if you made it this far.
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artzychic27 · 3 months
Now that all four posts are out, let’s see all the kids from the classes just being a chaotic family at Pride!
Nino, Marc, Nathaniel, Ayesha, Reshma, and Eri are just casually adopting pride kids like it is no one's business
When Adrien, Jesse, and Austin B go missing, you'll know because Candace, Soo-Yeon, Nino, Marc, Austin Q, Mireille, and Aurore are screaming so loud, that they sound like sirens
A scene no one will forget is when Evie and Aurore reenacted scenes from Star Wars with their parasols as lightsabers
Adrien, Aggie, Ondine, and Margo are always dressing as Disney princesses. They dressed as the Madrigal girls (Isabela, Mirabel, Dolors, and Luisa) to protest the fact that Mirabel was not included in the Disney Princess lineup yet
Margo, Reshma, and Marc just casually throw scarves they knitted into the crowd
Kendra and DJ are Anais' impulse control. If it doesn't throw a rainbow smoke bomb at protesters, then they will
Ismael, Aggie, and Lotta are just skating by on their skateboards and throwing confetti
Mireille and Roxie got into a friendly boxing match, making everyone get nosebleeds... In a good way
Some say the first glitter bomb fell from the sky... Others say Victoria threw it... Anyway, Austin T and Marc are BEASTS at the Glitter Wars
Victoria and Mona "accidentally" roll over protesters' feet
Brecken and Zoé dressed as Bonnie and Clyde (respectively) and Evie and Cosette couldn't handle how hot they looked
Soo-Yeon, Adrien, and Victoria teach kids how to sink a basket
Anthony, Eri, Missy, Roxie, and Juleka have a contest to see how many protesters they can scare by the end of the day
Candace, Nino, and Luka come up with the best cheers to mess with protesters
Staci and Chloé have a contest to see how many TERFs they can make cry before the day is over
Eloise and Max do the anime glasses thing
Marc and Ayesha are just walking pride flags
Max, Alix, Dot, Austin B, and Ismael casually do the splits while in AroAce colors, because that's the AroAce agenda
Marc, Nathaniel, Ayesha, Adrien, Alya, Luka, Eri, Missy, Jesse, Anais, Margo, Mona, Eloise, Ondine, Jean, Reshma, Myléne, Austin Q, and Beck all cosplayed as characters from Rock and Riot
Dot and Mason are here with their rainbow binders to ensure everyone stays on schedule... And maybe get some cotton candy
Aggie, Kagami, Lacey, and Alya have swords and are not afraid to use them
The tall people are here to LOOM over protesters and kiss their significant others or just any cute person
Mona and Simon make sure to capture their friends all on video. They may or may not have footage of who started the Glitter War
The truth is, no matter what you do, Marinette's gonna find a way to bedazzle everything you own
Nathaniel and Alya are just casually nerding out about Marvel and DC and making jocks simp
Nino and Dot have brought baby leashes for just about everyone
Anthony and Austin T cannot and will not resist their boyfriends' puppy eyes
Austin A, Rose, and Kendra cosplayed as Elle Woods
Chloé ever so casually dips Sabrina and kisses her in front of protesters while Spinelli throws rainbow confetti around them
Petra, Nathaniel, and Spinelli were commissioned to paint a mural for Pride
Reshma, Marc, and Denise have matching tank tops that say 'Glamazons'
Ivan and Brecken casually nod to each other as their girlfriends carry them
Roxie and Mireille are here to kick TERF's ass and kiss girls. And they're all out of girls to kiss! (with consent)
Juleka and Anthony casually nod to each other before kissing their short sunshine significant others
Some say that if Reshma, Aggie, Aurore, Zoé, Margo, and Juleka are together in the same spot, the island of Lesbos will rise to the sky
Rochelle and Nathaniel are just a couple of sugar fiends. If they have too much, they're likely going to start a cult
Beck wards off homophobes with their hockey stick
Jean and Austin T have a fan club
Austin Q drop-kicked some guy who tried to drug Aggie's drink. He was soon knighted by the Queen of Lesbians... Reshma
Parker, Denise, Ivan, Kim, Roxie Luka, Marinette, Austin Q, Ondine, Brecken, and Gia getting into muscle-flexing contests is good for no one's health
Austin T. and Cosette ride on Marinette's shoulders as they pass out cupcakes... And occasionally throw pies at TERFs
Reshma somehow got a kiss from both Margo and Lacey, and she promptly fainted
Denise and Evie yell at protesters in Spanish, and their boyfriends have no idea what they're saying, but they just look so gorgeous when they're angry
Cosette and Austin A both dress their pets in drag
Cosette, Austin A, and Eri have suitcases filled with just makeup in case anyone needs a touch-up
Evie, Mireille, and Mindy made everyone simp by singing an operatic rendition of Poker Face
Kendra, Missy, and Nathaniel spray-painted several protesters' cars. No one's ever caught them
Simon and Mona made sure to get it all on video! The moment when Austin A and Spinelli finally kissed!
The Dykes on Bikes adore Austin B, Marc, and Roxie
Rochelle and Austin B somehow got blackmail on fifty-five protesters, and they just gave them money to leave them alone
Petra and Nathaniel handle all your face-painting needs
Mireille and Parker teach the pride kids a few fighting moves
Austin B, Eloise, and Max all DOMINATE at the Gay-ming stations
Cue Max, Simon, Anais, and Gerard hacking into electronic billboards so they all play animatics made by Ayesha and Nathaniel
After a while, Dot and Mason say it's time for a break, and they all head to a cafe where a comedy drag show happens to be in progress
When the day is over and things wind down to make way for the after-hours party their teachers (and some parents)will be attending, they get rides from Rafael Béaureal, Félice Quinlan, and their respective friends in the backs of their pickup trucks (Because they both for sure have friends with pickup trucks) back home (Spinelli gets a ride from Beck on the back of their motorcycle, though)
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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chickenisamazing · 2 years
Everything Everywhere All at once could have been a simple film yet they chose to make the man character a lesbo. It's so strange how they shove LGBT agenda to us. The same happened with the Wednesday series where the parents of the bee kid were two ladies. It is agonizing
Imagine calling Everything Everywhere All at Once a simple film lol. That movie was insane and very little of it had to do with the daughter (not even the main character lol the main character was def the mom) being a lesbian
Anyway why would you think I would want to hear this lol I like women I'm gay it's literally in my blog description
But also I haven't watched Wednesday yet, no spoilers!!
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thisandthat-whatever · 4 months
I don't think they ship Z and hunter anymore
They moved to Timmy a long time ago 😬
Ummm, you think I don’t know about their Timdaya stuff? Dude, they don’t really genuinely ship her with anyone. They flip flop from the “X” person they supposedly ship her with depending on the situation. If she goes to Tom’s play with Hunter, they will play the “she really is with Hunter in London” scenario. If it was Timmy, they would go “she really is there with Timmy , not for Tom”.
They don’t REALLY ship her with any of these people. Their agenda is and always has been “she is NOT with Tom”. That has been their bottom line for their delusions. They also come up with these Hunterdaya or Timmydaya stuff to “annoy” Tomdaya shippers (I put “annoy” in quotes because they think they are getting under Tomdaya shippers’ skins with that stuff when they are deluding themselves again) . The only ones who genuinely ship her with Hunter are Z’s lesbo stans because they want to have their “lesbian Z” fantasy that way.
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cottoncandylesbo · 4 years
recently I was rear-ended and my car was totaled. the person who hit me had insurance, but they're refusing to pay like anything. my old job was delivery, and so it means I have been unemployed until recently, but now my new job isn't giving me hours. still trying to get car stuff worked out and now this. I'm not looking great financially.
please help me out. I'll do full commission work for any amt.
venmo is the same as my user
any amount makes a huge difference. thank you all so, so much.
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werecat · 4 years
we need to retire the term “girl crush” forever I think
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kellisuu-blog · 6 years
Pls fill my playlist:) update every Saturday (Japan Time)
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lgbt-mum-adventures · 7 years
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What an exciting day for the marriage equality campaign in Australia, we had so many people show up! ❤    ((hard to believe we’re still fighting to legalise this !))
P made so many friends, including lots of doggos ! I got to see so many of you gorgeous peeps in person :D It felt like all our fam had come together (covered in glitter) and it was amazing !OH ! I also got recognised as the artist of Lesbo Mum Adventures, I couldn’t believe it lol !  Here is colourful photodump for you all  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧-Mayticks
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bluemourning · 3 years
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Appropriating pin-ups for my own agenda (useless himbos and sexy lesbos)
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simonalkenmayer · 3 years
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So the cheese cult is now promoting the gay agenda
(I know you like cheesy jokes)
Is it from the isle of Lesbos?
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zumpietoo · 3 years
The cognitive dissonance is real. The way B/bh stans have twisted what we were shown on screen to fit thier agenda is equally parts sad, terrifying and laughable. The way they watched scenes that were supposed to illustrate how FAR APART Betty and Jughead have grown, how toxic it ended and strung along for the interim years and thought true love and NOT its really over is baffling. It's also telling that they came up w/every excuse to give Betty a pass for FWB w/A but Jabi is a deal breaker.
Yeppp—-and are now back with the tabi iz lesbo for slizzy. Which, interestingly, touches a bit on Donna Lesbo for slizzy, cause that was never the case, either
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incorrectbatfam · 5 years
For the vampier au: how do they each get turned?
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The year is 1000 BCE. Ra’s and Talia Al Ghul rule the Persian empires as two of the first vampires in existence, existing largely in secret. They make it their goal to turn as many people over to their side as possible, whether by battle or biting. Biologically, Damian was born a vampire and they utilize some arcane magic to make him appear as a child forever, because even back then people knew that children were far better at getting their way than adults. Honed as a weapon for literally millenia, Damian Al Ghul practically becomes a cryptid in his own right. Villagers shared stories of people who saw the child and never being the same—or worse, never returning. The Al Ghuls were responsible for the most well-known vampires in history, including the famous Count Dracula.
The year is 800 BCE. At 200 years old, Damian was still considered very young for a vampire. He is sent on a mission to turn to their side a young lady who was practically viewed as a goddess by other women, and who aspired to become one of the greatest poets of all time. Talia dropped Damian off on the island of Lesbos. Faster than lightning, the child warrior swooped down and bit the legendary Sappho. Now an immortal, Sappho dedicated her eternity of free time to her passion for writing, where she composed her famous Ode To Aphrodite. Eventually she got bored of Greece, so she changed her appearance and set off exploring the greater Asian continent.
The year is 1206. Genghis Khan had conquered much of the world. Under the Mongol empire, it was as common for women to serve in army as men. One of Khan’s most distinguished fighters came from the Manchuria region. She was a mercenary for the army, a lone wolf. And though she found thrill in battle, she was lonely. And, as fate may have it, so was Sappho. They met in a village where the army was stationed and forged a tight-knit partnership. They laughed together, they fought together. And the thought of being separated was unimaginable. So when Sappho revealed herself to be a vampire, the Mongol warrior jumped at the chance to become one too. And so she was transformed with consent, and together they roamed the world in search for adventure.
The year is 1775. The two girls had heard of this supposed New World and the colonies Britain established. They wanted to see it for themselves. Changing their names and appearances to something more Anglican, Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain boarded a ship set for what would become modern-day New Jersey. Immediately they found a stark lack of immortals there and they didn’t want to be the only ones, so they set off on a biting spree, turning men, women, children, and even a few farm animals (two dogs, a cat, a cow, and a turkey) without care. One of these victims was an elderly English nobleman named Alfred Pennyworth. Cassandra took the animals under her wing, while Stephanie felt bad for Alfred because he seemed to have nobody around. So the girls “adopted” Alfred as their grandfather so he wouldn’t be lonely either. 
The year is 1871. Haly’s Circus was the most popular traveling show during Europe’s Industrial Age. Disguised as mother and child laborers working behind the scenes, Damian and Talia were on the lookout for new potential soldiers. And who would make a more perfect killer than the swift, agile Flying Graysons? Talia tried persuading John and Mary nicely, using Damian’s adorable boyish face, and they did give in. At least, at first. But within a few months of John, Mary, and Richard being turned, the parents changed their mind. They wanted nothing to do with Ra’s Al Ghul’s agenda and threatened to expose the vampires to the world. Talia had no choice but to get rid of them. She paid a lower-level mortal criminal to rig the ropes and douse the trapezes in holy water, which would lead to the downfall of John and Mary. The press reported it as a tragic accident. Alfred, who was at the circus during his holiday when it happened, couldn’t help but notice the burn marks on their hands. He chalked it up to coincidence or a prior unrelated injury in the end
The year is 1920. All that the grieving Richard Grayson wanted was to get away from the ghost of his past. He traveled to America, settling in the subpar city of Gotham, New Jersey. As much as he wanted to drink his troubles away, it was just his luck that he arrived at the beginning of Prohibition. His apartment was near a speakeasy, though, so he frequented that. The underground bar itself was owned by mob boss Jason Todd, who was notorious for brandishing guns and picking drunken fights—and winning all of them. But his streak would end when he had one too many glasses of moonshine and challenged an unwilling Richard Grayson to a fistfight. “What, you gonna back out, ya little dick?” Jason taunted. The former Flying Grayson himself wasn’t in the most sober state ever, so after some convincing and people placing betting money on the table, they took up the challenge. It was the roughest fight that bar had ever seen, and in a final act of self-defense, Richard bit Jason. (Granted, it wasn’t in the neck, but a bite was a bite). Jason becoming vampire wasn’t the worst consequence. No, it the older one being stuck with a terrible nickname: Dick.
The year was 1965. One of Ra’s fortune tellers predicted an influx of young soldiers arriving in Vietnam before war was even declared, and Ra’s sent his grandson to a rural village in the country undercover to find more recruits as the League of Assassins’ influence was diminishing. The environment of thick, bushy jungles worked in Damian’s favor as he was able to hide and strike on French and U.S. soldiers. He even managed to turn all but two members of a New Jersey infantry. Later on, the government reported one of the drafted soldiers, Duke Thomas, as missing, but in reality the young man went into hiding with two other vampire soldiers on his squad. And it was a reasonable move—mass media was on the rise and the last thing anyone needed was vampires being exposed as real to the public. Not only that, but Duke displayed abilities that the other two didn’t have, likely attributed to the combined effects of vampire magic and chemical agents like Napalm used at the time, and neither General Grayson nor Lieutenant Todd knew what to make of it.
The year was 1999. A teenage Tim Drake was out on a late-night grocery run to get more supplies, because 2000 was in just a few months and everyone was preparing for the supposed end of the world. He made the grave mistake of taking a shortcut through Crime Alley in an effort to get home on time, and was bitten in the leg by a “homeless” kid who seemed to appear out of nowhere before scurrying off. He didn’t experience anything strange for the next few years. He got plenty of sunburns, but he burned easily even before the incident. He kept his bedroom dark and stayed awake all night, but so did a lot of teenagers during that grunge/post-punk era. Silver felt weird, which he brushed off as an allergy. He avoided churches but that was because religion was never his thing. He craved red meat and avoided garlic, but hey, people had their likes and dislikes. It wasn’t until about five years later, when Tim realized he hadn’t aged a day, that he considered doing some research. 
The year was 2019. Bruce Wayne was at one of his famous Wayne Enterprises gala on New Year’s when he met a stunningly beautiful woman named Talia. She slipped a little something into his drink when he wasn’t looking. Bruce couldn’t remember what happened after that, only waking up with a killer hangover and strange hickey on his neck. He had been Batman for a while now, and when he started experiencing unexplainable things he sought the help of the magician Zatanna, who found out that somebody turned him into a vampire. If he wasn’t brooding before, he definitely was now, and it didn’t help that the butler was a smartass. Alfred revealed to Bruce that he had been a vampire the whole time, looking over the Wayne family since Thomas’s father’s father, because the wealthy Waynes made easy targets for the supernatural. In an attempt to make Bruce feel less alone, Alfred invited Stephanie and Cassandra over for dinner (“Alfred, great to see you again! It’s been, like, a hundred years!”). It was over dinner that Bruce asked questions and the older vampires told their stories, and Alfred offhandedly mentioned something about Haly’s Circus that caught Bruce’s attention. Fresh burn marks from touching a trapeze? Something didn’t seem right. Though the case was over a century old, Bruce did some searching on the Batcomputer and found too many discrepancies in the Flying Grayson case for it to be just a regular accident. With Stephanie and Cassandra’s help, Bruce traced the parents’ deaths back to the League of Assassins. But one new questioned surfaced after all this: what happened to Richard? That question would be answered a few weeks later when Bruce dug up another cold case: a file about an MIA Vietnam War soldier from Gotham, Duke Thomas. He tracked down Duke’s whereabouts, and it turned out he was hiding from the League of Assassins with two other missing people from history: the circus performer Richard Grayson and mobster Jason Todd. Bruce offered him the best damn thing in their eyes: sanctuary. He took all three of them under his bat wing and they joined his immortal crusade against Gotham crime. Some time later, Talia introduced Damian to Bruce under the guise that Damian was Bruce’s son, citing the night she met Bruce at the party. Damian only agreed to Talia’s infiltration plan because he was sick of how Ra’s treated him, like an object rather than a being. So although the paternity test came out negative, Bruce still insisted that Damian was his son and kept him. As for Tim Drake? His story is pretty much the same: deducing Batman and Nightwing’s identities and demanding to join them—classic Timmers move
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