#this poem is just yearning!!!
megumiifushiiguro · 8 months
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sooo i wrote something
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slices-of-naranja · 10 months
do any of my friends know the love I carry in every word i say to them. When I add too many words, drag on a joke that’s over, when I message them despite the fact the conversation barely ended five minutes ago? every word i speak is an intimacy that’s laced with outright adoration for them as people and all the little details that make them who they are. Do you know I love you? Do y’all know how much of you I try to commit to memory? How much I try to make you smile? do y’all know the love I feel for you?
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sentientsky · 10 months
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“Belovéd,” Yves Olade
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elysiumwhispers · 4 months
I wish you’d kiss me quite insane.
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emblazons · 5 months
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an epistolary labyrinth of absences.
Phoenixflare Week || Day 4: Touch-Starved (pt ii) (long distance) Phoenixflare + So We Must Meet Apart
"In this light, two violinists faced each other—a man and a woman. The woman had her back to me. Their bows were like warped mirror images, one stretching out and up as the other pushed down and in, the two lines moving in relation. And in this manner, they made not the same music but an overlapping. I began to wonder in that moment (and I still wonder now) why my lips twitch at each discordant twoness. Is it joy? A grimace? Recognition?"
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littlest-bugz · 3 months
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I loved you so violently, so viscerally, that you became the flames I burned in, the waters that drowned me.
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On Visceral Yearning
credits - credit help always appreciated!! Beau Taplin || Unknown || Franz Kafka || Unknown || Prince Rabbi || Edgar Allen Poe Unknown || Unknown || Unknown || Me || Unknown || Franz Kafka || Unknown
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cometrose · 1 year
obsessed with zhongli x azhdaha lately like they were doomed from the start and they make my heart hurt a bit
a blind dragon yearning to see the sun and morax gives him eyes so he is the first thing he sees
MIND YOU zhongli is always represented by the sun (this is just like being stabbed)
azhdaha himself said there was no one who trusted and respected morax more than he did
"that day in the chasm...did you hesitate?" "a heart of stone is a heart nonetheless" SHOOT ME
"you're leaving?" if you listen closely you can hear zhongli's heart crash and shatter into pieces when he realizes azhdaha can't stay
rage beneath the mountain is one of my favorite pieces of genshin music it is so good
azhdaha is the moon and zhongli is the sun (why don't i just die)
im telling you they were DOOMED cause morax is like "lets form a contract and be friends but if you hurt my people i will stop you" thats how you knew it was already fucked
zhongli trying to hold back azhdaha's erosion with his own strength for as long as he could but he couldn't do it and having to watch his friend turn into a shell of himself
zhongli having to steel himself and lock away his feelings as he seals his partner in a prison within the earth and its implied that this is contributed to his own erosion
eroded azhdaha calling zhongli an usurper who stole his throne but this also means the true azhdaha did not care for the title and loved zhongli and humanity
that one event where zhongli returns to azhdaha's domain and leaves wine there
the 5* liyue golden bow trapped in beta and the description is that zhongli asks azhdaha "if we can ride on your back we could visit the palace on the moon" and the thought of morax sitting on azhdaha's back as they roam the mountains makes my chest ache
the betrayal hurts even more because azhdaha is saying all of these hurtful things and doing horrible things and morax knows this isn't the real him but he can't do anything to stop him
azhdaha seeing morax's face before he was sealed away and accepting his fate
more beta bow lore (it’s called Dreams of Dragonfell) is that in his prison azhdaha is distraught over breaking his relationship with zhongli and humanity that he treasured so much he doesn’t understand why he did such a thing but the memory itself is painful
tragic doomed from the start dragon yaoi i would not wish this on anyone
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mysacredsecrets · 3 months
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because i love you in green.
but you love them in pink.
(an accidental poem that i wrote as a rant, but it needed more weight)
Something about being aroace spec
and feeling like i cant offer close relationships
in the "propper" way,
and so, i never will
have that deep connection
with the people i love
because they dont see me as someone
who can love in that way.
And its not their fault and its not really mine
because were friends and i love them
but they love other people
in a way i dont understand
and even if they loved me
it wouldnt be right
because its
because i love you in green
but you love them in pink
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thewaitingluna · 2 months
In case nobody asks you today, how are you? are you tired? have you eaten? let's go to bed, i’ll hold you. we don’t have to talk. i promise.
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astoryfullofwoe · 3 months
I’d kill you with my kiss but you’ll kill me just the same
What can you say to 
someone who licked 
blood from wounds 
while others were sucking 
milk from teats?
How do you love a rabid dog?
The answer is simple:
you don’t. 
You euthanize it. 
You euthanize the dog 
because it’s contagious;
it is sick and you are not. 
It does not even have to bite—
a lick would suffice to kill. 
Sinking my fangs into tender flesh 
and holding on for dear life 
is the only way I know
how to call something mine. 
If I were to hold your hand,
I would crush your fingers. 
I don’t know how 
to love without possession  
to the point of destruction. 
I cannot love you in the way 
you deserve to be loved;
I could claw my heart out of my chest,
feel the veins popping, 
hear the ribs snapping,
and offer it to you like Holy Communion,
still beating in my hands and
bleeding down my arm, begging
consume it, make me a part of you,
but that won’t change the fact that 
you’ve never quite acquired 
a taste for raw meat. 
My tastes are known;
kindness and I were never friends. 
A gentle hand did not raise me, 
wolves did, and they do not 
take kindly to a soft belly. 
Don’t you understand? 
You’re a complete crisis of my faith. 
The sun could never love a black hole
without eventually succumbing to the darkness. 
I would ruin you for anyone else. 
My hands would stain your lovely skin–
ash-dirty handprints marking you up,
scarring like an infection, ‘til the end of time. 
My rabid dog kiss of death 
would follow you around, 
the foam from my mouth 
sticking to your teeth like plaque. 
I beg you, don’t let my rot fester
and peel your flesh from bone. 
Besides, you would ruin me for everyone else. 
I wouldn’t be able to feel 
the sun on my skin 
without recalling how much 
it feels like your touch. 
I’d never be able to open myself to another 
because in every lover I’d take,
I’ll look for grains of your face, 
haunting my narrative with your tendrils of life. 
Love will forever be 
synonymous with your name. 
You’ve made a graveyard of me, my dear;
your chest: my final resting place. 
I sleep in your aorta, eyelids fluttering,
with dreams of your smile and warm mouth,
and hope to never wake up. 
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megumiifushiiguro · 6 months
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wrote another one hehe<3
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cosmicluvflwr · 1 year
i cant wait to kiss you. to hold your face in my hands. to feel your lips on mine. i want to drown myself into you. forget about the world and just focus on you.
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you're so fucking welcome to cry in my bathroom. you hear me?
steal the spare key from under the doormat or the key under the shoe rack or the key in the flower vase or the kitchen drawer or my favorite candle-
or steal it right out of my pocket.
(what do you mean why do i have so many house keys? ask this house why it has so many ghosts and why they keep leaving me)
break in at 3 am and make yourself at home
cry in my doorway if you can't make it any further
I'll get out of bed and carry you up. we'll sit on the floor of my tiny dilapidated bath stall, going through the box of shitty make-up I never bought and try to laugh
or throw plastic potted plants out the window onto the rusty pile of baby bikes I never rode if you need to scream and watch something shatter. I'd trade a million styrofoam sunflowers for your laughter
or we'll just curl up in a tight ball and lay in the ancient tub, turn on the shower and weep and wail and sob and shout till we're floating in a salt water ocean
who cares if the tile floor's cold. I've got a dozen fluffy robes hooked on the door. We'll build a soft nest to crash on and a fort to protect us. we'll find the old paperbacks I hid in the the laundry basket and read till the sun rises and sets and explodes.
who cares about those stupid lumps of porcelain plastic. they're ugly and I never wanted them. I think I'd rather have you break them than the world break you.
who cares if the tub's a little rickety and the water's cold and the boiler's old and loud and slow and we'll get soaked to the bone.
I'll hold you till you stop crying. and then I'll hold you after. when you need to come back from where you left to. back to my senior citizen tub in my decrepit water closet in the house you're welcome to. back to me and all my goddamn keys for the same empty lock.
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blacksatindahlia · 2 months
hot summer nights, mid july
when you and i were forever wild
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shaylogic · 3 months
"Love and Death" (1824) by Lord Byron
I watched thee when the foe was at our side,     Ready to strike at him--or thee and me, Were safety hopeless--rather than divide     Aught with one loved, save love and liberty.
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I watched thee on the breakers, when the rock     Received our prow, and all was storm and fear, And bade thee cling to me through every shock;     This arm would be thy bark, or breast thy bier.
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I watched thee when the fever glazed thine eyes,     Yielding my couch, and stretched me on the ground When overworn with watching, ne'er to rise     From thence, if thou an early grave hadst found.
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The earthquake came, and rocked the quivering     And men and nature reeled as if with wine. Whom did I seek around the tottering hall?     For thee.  Whose safety first provide for?  Thine
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And when convulsive throes denied my breath     The faultest utterance to my fading thought, To thee--to thee--e'en in the gasp of death     My spirit turned, oh! oftener than it ought.
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Thus much and more; and yet thou lov'st me not,     And never wilt!  Love dwells not in our will. Nor can I blame thee, though it be my lot     To strongly, wrongly, vainly love thee still.
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