#tim drake doesnt become robin
nana-mizu-shiki · 2 months
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Him with his blue orbs and messy dark hair and all?
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Danny bit back a sigh from his place on the throne as two young vigilantes fell from a portal in his throneroom. He peered at him through his long white veil as he straitened himself. He knew what to do. He had done this song and dance sixty-two times now and he was about to do it again.
He watched them bicker from the cold floor of his ice castle, something he made from his own ice so that the observants couldn't see or hear what was happening inside or pop in without his explicit permission. Something that angered the nosey creeps to no end. Ah, he's getting lost in his thoughts again. Its time to start the test.
"Why have you come to my Realms mortals?" He felt almost silly calling them that, but it worked in getting the two to stop arguing and pay attention to him. Ah, the younger one has a sword. Cool. Won't help him here, but he gets points for ascetic if nothing else.
"State your names."
"I am Robin!" The smaller one yelled, fierceness of his voice to match the fire in his soul.
The older seemed more hesitant, taking a moment to assess the situation before answering, "I'm Red Robin. Sorry for dropping in so suddenly-"
The younger cut in, needlessly destroying his partners attempt at deescalating the situation, "We were not at fault! A portal opened underneath us and we were transported here!"
Danny knows that. Thats why he was testing them, "Are you saying that fate brought you here?"
Robin looked pleased before confirming.
"Then you shall stay here, as those who enter the Lands of Lazarus are never allowed to leave."
They both bulked, one trying to argue and the other trying to reason with him. Danny tapped his fingers on the armrest of his throne, pretending to think. "I will be merciful and allow one of you to leave. I will allow you a moment to make your choice." Danny barely got his words out before the older one declared that he would stay behind, putting himself between the king and his companion. Good. He passed the test.
He turned his attention back to the younger, "And you are fine with this?" This is the part where the companion adamantly refuses and offers themselves as sacrifice and the two bicker about who will get to sacrifice themselves for the other. The king becomes "moved by thier bond" or whatever and sends them both back to the land of the living.
"Of course! He's useless anyway."
The older one made a wounded sound that made his core ache with the need to care and protect. This was not how things were supposed to go. Were ten year olds supposed to be this cruel? At that moment he made an admittedly impulsive decision and sent the child back, keeping the older of the two in the spirit would with him.
Leaving the comfort of his throne he walked down the steps towards the young man, his snowy robes fanning out majestically as his crown of stars bobbed around at his movements, some even going so far as to float around him as if showing off.
"I've made a decision. For this day forth you are my royal advisor." He stated before grabbing the other guys hand and pulling him along down the hall, "You're going to help me rebuild my kingdom from the thousands of years of war and political neglect it has faced. You will aid me in political endeavors as well as help the people in any way you see fit." He paused long enough to open the kitchen door and sit him down at the counter,
"But first, what do you want for lunch?"
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Tim Ten
Part one!
Tim was editing his late night photos of Batman and Robin when he heard it. A sudden crash and cracks as something hit the trees behind his house startled him into looking out the window. His eyes widened as he saw the smoke coming from the tops of the trees.
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  Abruptly, he grabbed his camera and jumped out of bed, keen on getting photos about what landed in his backyard. He figured Batman might be coming by to check it out eventually, considering they were neighbors. Batman surely had noticed the crash and now the smoke billowing up into the night sky. Tim skidded through the halls and out the door, barely managing to put on his shoes before he was stumbling through the forest to the crash site. He hoped it would be some kind of tech, or it might be some sort of alien or hero that fell. Tim hoped he might be able to help. He clutched his camera tighter as the smoke became visible. Skidding to a stop, Tim stared in shock over the crater in the dirt. Leaning closer he saw what looked like an alien pod of some sort. He felt the need to investigate take over as he crawled down the side of the crater to the pod. Tim hoped some alien creature wasn’t hurt, but thought maybe he could help if someone was injured. Tim reached out, but barely got close when the pod opened with a sharp gust of air. Tim flinched, but peered closer to see a faint glowing light, reflecting green onto the surface of the pod.
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  Tim coughed, brushing away some smoke to clear the way when suddenly a black and green blur shot out of the pod, latching onto Tim’s arm. He yelped, falling backwards as the gooey substance latched onto his arm. He fell to the ground, holding his hand and caught sight of the glowing object now attached to his wrist.
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  “Holy crap,”Tim panicked, shaking his arm to try to knock the thing off his wrist, but it wouldn’t budge. He poked it with his left hand and it didn’t budge. Tim frowned, inspecting it. The thing almost looked like a watch, and it didn’t hurt him. Maybe… it was some sort of technology from outer space that might also be alive and needed a host in order to survive? Tim wasn’t sure how he felt about being a host to a strange alien, but it didn’t seem like it wanted to harm him. For now. Tim was pretty sure his parents would notice this thing stuck to his arm if he couldn’t figure out how to remove it. Suddenly he heard a rumbling sound and sucked in a deep breath. Tim was pretty sure someone was on their way, and he was pretty sure that someone was Batman. Gathering himself, Tim crawled out of the crater, trying to mess up the dirt to hide any footprints or handprints before he grabbed his camera from the grass and fled the scene. Along the way he tried to cover his trail but he wasn’t sure if he was all that successful. He thought he might be able to make it to his house before Batman came snooping, at least so he could figure out how this watch worked first. Tim wasn’t sure why, but he felt like he couldn’t let Batman know about the watch. Whatever this alien thing was, maybe it chose him for a reason. He didn’t want to let it go without figuring out everything he could.
Part two
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rayghosts · 1 year
tim drake is a rare case where every wild, out-of-context thing you hear about him gets even wilder with context
made up a fake uncle to avoid getting adopted? first he had to steal his dead dad's will and change it to include the name of his fake uncle, then he forged an entire legal paper trail to fool even batman, and finally hired an out-of-luck actor to play the uncle and had brainstorm sessions with him about his character backstory. judging from his surprised reaction when bruce offered to adopt him, he probably did this to avoid being put into foster care and didnt even consider that bruce might want to adopt him (even though he already adopted three orphans before him) (and then bruce learned about this and gave him more freedom and crimefighting gear so tim could like him)
snuck into gotham during no man's land? he did this twice, first by himself to meet his girlfriend in the hospital while she was giving birth (he snuck into the ER as a nurse), then with his young justice friends who thought he was having daddy issues with batman and wanted to help (this was before he was adopted by bruce) (they also picked up an atlantean tourist on the way who wanted to sightsee gotham)
blew up several of the league of assassins' secret bases? before that he spent days working with them as a member to gain their trust (this was when he robbed that art museum) and all the while they were holding his dad's coworker's daughter who came to search for tim and learned about his secret life as an assassin before she learned he was robin (and then somehow fell in love with him)
becomes evil batman who kills in the future? not only that, he also convinces his friends to be evil with him and then takes control of half the country right after he kills every rogue in gotham and also his aunt. tim fought this version of himself at least three times, and each time swore that he would never become gun batman (he still becomes gun batman)
used his own legal last name as a hero name? he didnt even come up with the idea for that, he met an alternate earth version of himself (also evil) who was using that name and thought "oh that's a good name" and stole it for himself. he didnt bother to check if other drake's identity was public before he started using it. then he got pulled aside and told off personally by batman for using such a dumb name and that's why he's not called drake anymore
insulted jason to his face while he was trying to kill him? did this multiple times and even kicked jason in the nuts once (not while they were fighting, just as payback) (he's jason's favorite brother now)
and then anything that happened with young justice doesnt need any context because it's exactly as weird as it sounds. yes, he did save the fate of a planet by playing baseball with his friends. yes, they did invade an entire sovereign nation to rescue their one friend's parents who had turned into babies. yes, they did see santa claus die in a fiery explosion
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riotlain · 1 year
Can I have a Tim Drake x Autistic Male reader?
Like stimming Jazz hands, only using one cup for each drink (example: tall clear tequila Rose glass for Dr. Pepper, a mug that says 'Im a fucking Ray of sunshine' with sunflowers for coffee and tea.). Having crow love language, like finding a pretty rock and just giving it him. Type shit. The I refuse to wash my favorite fluffy blanket because it might change it's texture, autism. GIVE ME THE BAD HABITS!
Just Autistic, Autistic.
Bonus points: Reader confuses the shit out of Batman, because he can mask very well during Combat. But while explaining evidence he found, Reader rambles like he was in Arkham for 2 years. (If your confused on that last part, look up clips of 'Abby telling Gibbs what she found NCIS' on YouTube to get an idea.)
Thank you in advance,
-- Ever Autistic person tried of the ' UWU I'm shy and cute' autistic reader.
ok evil autism time.
cracks my knuckles. time to unleash this
He got you a tablet for when you need to communicate when youre nonverbal and now all he hears is "Shark attack in the aquarium" or some shit
He doesnt question you drinking out of certain cups. It isnt his mug youre drinking from so he doesnt care
You almost killed Dick tho bc he used the cup but anyways🙄🙄
Has all your rocks in a box on his desk. Appreciates them very much
Was a bit confused the first time though
"Here." *Hands Tim a pink rock* "I- Uh thanks??" "😊"
Has your stuff washed when you arent around. Last time he tried to do it infront of you yall literally brawled (You won bc of autistic rage)
Youre the only person who can clean your own room. Not even Alfred can. YOU KNOW WHEN HE DOES YOU CAN SENSE IT
He loves listening to your interests (gets mildly concerned when you say youre gonna blow a character up in an affectionate way)
Youve probably said the same to him but anyways
Ngl you probably knew he was Robin before he told you
"Are you ok??" *Glares* "I know who you are!"
Its his voice, hair, overall vibes (that people just dont pick up on i guess)
Youre a great hero if you are one. You are masking tho so the minute you arent heroing anymore you become the worst thing alive (joke)
"Tim... The suit feels like crumbs again. Im gonna claw my skin away" "No need for that?!?"
And you help him and Batman with detective work yahoo🎉🎉
"He should be here, Batman" "How you do know that?" "Common sense???"
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
Meta Prostitute Au? Oh~?
Imagine this, Bruce and Dick break up a Meta slavery ring. Save the day! But realize? Oh shit! One of these guys is ABSURDLY High Risk for re-capture, because of his power. What is it?
"Fantasy Shape". He "goes to sleep", his power reads your mind, and shape-shifts him into whoever you find most attractive. Plays out sexy scenarios until it can sense you are satisfied.
People would BURN COUNTRIES to get their hands on this kid.
Bruce looks at Dick. Who looks at Bruce. And? Agreed. Kid was never here, they are taking him and putting him up in a nice apartment somewhere. The kid is like "cool. Free house. No wrinkly creeps."
Time passes.
Kid is now a twenty something. Dick is Nightwing. Jason back alive but estranged as hell. Damian barely settling in.
Kid would like That Gucci Shit. Has a VERY profitable ability. Time to become a sugar baby! Batman says "are you TRYING to get murder kidnapped?"
Now Twink counters with "then pay me" and transforms. Is, by the very nature of his powers, COMPLETELY unaware of WHO he turns into. He's not gonna remember ANYTHING. Just wake up, probably sore, and hopefully about to get paid.
Which is why he's completely unaware~
That he turns into Tim Drake with a puss.
Perhaps even early in his Robin career. Maybe in the Sexy Costume version. Maybe both. Maybe he looks like the Robin Bruce JUST saw, but with a pretty pink slit a handful little tits. Blinking up at him with those big, trusting, needy eyes. Oh he feels so STRANGE, Bruce~ won't you help him?
It's like a gut punch.
He can't. He... he doesn't. W-Would NEVER...!
But there it is. Proof of what he wants. Teary eyed and needy. Begging him to come closer. To "help" him.
Bruce knows for a fact Tim is cis-gendered. Has... has, perhaps, had thoughts he shouldn't. Lingered on reports and video feed of those rare few incidents, when for whatever reason, Tim was made... softer.
He shouldn't.
But... some desperately justifying part of his brain hisses, if he DOESNT? The Twink will try and find someone else to pay him. Get in over his head and probably die. We're basicly saving his life!
His resolve crumbles.
And somehow? He even SMELLS like Tim. The fantasy flawless. Teasing pretty little tits. Being so gentle, at first, with that virgin little hole. Hearing his Robin whimper and cry out in pleasure as he fucks him. Teases his little pink clit and stuffs him deep and full. Dragging him up and down like a toy to be filled with seed.
Everything he denied himself.
He doesn't have too anymore, does he?
Twink gets his Prada and Bruce gets an outlet. Which makes Duck suspicious. Because Bruce is NEVER this calm and reasonable. They fight about it on the roof. Bruce desperately glad Dick didn't actually SEE, what Twink turned into. But ultimately? Dick has to agree. Better this then unnecessary risks.
He talks to Twink.
Who would pass up Nightwing? Even if you couldn't remember it?
Nightwing will never admit to ANYONE what happens. Tim with a puss. His perfect "girl", huh? Arms held out to him, loving smile in place. Waiting for a kiss. Dick is going to hell. He cant bring himself to care.
It's so good he could cry.
But two for two acting fishy? Jason snoops. Working boy, huh? Tries to interview him. Twink panics at the sight of a Crime Lord. Tim + Puss+ Jason's shirt + He forgives you. Come get some.
....OH. So THATS why they come here.
Jason... should... should say no... he thinks, even as he's getting naked. He gets sounds out of Not-Tim that put porn to shame. Were the puss not temporary and shape-shifting, Twink would ABSOLUTELY be pregnant. He gets breakfast.
And frankly, Twink has the morality of a prison shank. When Damian tracks him down? Well? Pay him and he'll show you, bat-brat. WHY Batman visits this "den of iniquity". Seething, Damian does.
Turns out he? Really, REALLY wants Sexy CEO Tim with a Puss to admit he's a better Robin but then pin him to the floor and ride him. Call him pet names. Just milk him DRY with his sexy, sexy, CEO femdom puss.
Damian stumbles home vaguely shell-shocked and Reflecting On Some Stuff that he learned today.
And Tim? Has been having the time of his life, getting off it, since day one. Because he was stalking Batman. As usual. It's his go-to comfort activity. And he is starting to seriously consider getting a magic user to give him some sort of gender swap medallion or something. You know... for Vauge Bat Reasons.
Oh look! Nearly time for Bruce's weekly "extra patrol route". Better get the lube and get comfy~ Tim's got a show to enjoy.
good for tim 😍😍😍!!!
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sardonic-sprite · 11 months
Ok ok so @quotidian-oblivion has been (lovingly) pestering me to make something of my/our comment thread on "bane" where we were talking about the whole "Ra's wants tim's babies" thing, and what if that actually happened, so here it is 😂 (tw for referenced rape)
So obviously this could only happen if Cass didn't save Tim from Ra's's half-sister so. Hella angst
Poor Cass is devastated that she was too late to stop it. She blames herself, even tho everyone tells it her its no one's fault but Ra's and his sister. She becomes ridiculously protective of tim in response, even well beyond the time she forgives herself
Dick clings to Tim for an entire day when he finds out, trying not to feel rain on his skin, promising it'll be ok someday, that he's there, he'll do anything he can. He's guilty too, wishing he'd been in better contact, gone with Tim, done anything that could have spared him Dick’s nightmares
Damian’s world has shattered. Grandfather... does not want Damian. As his heir. He wants a previously nonexistent child. DRAKE's child. And he has stooped to the lowest low to get it. The carefully built family around Damian is in mourning for something he doesn't fully understand, and Drake now flinches when Damian, in what was supposed to be a peace offering, calls him "Timothy"
Steph and Tim make up as friends when she comes to support him with the shock of knowing that he has (will have, bc they are NOT leaving it with Ra's) a child now that he was not ready for. She doesn't touch him once while she's there, stays at arm's length, and that, Tim thinks, is what makes the visit feel as comforting as a hug
Jason is horrorstruck and breaks out of the rage/aggression and channels it towards hunting down League assassins bc what the fuck how DARE ra's? Tim was fucking 17 and Jason does not care how powerful this bastard is, he's going the FUCK down because NOBODY messes with Jason's baby brother but Jason himself
Barbara is ranting about how Ra's cant even know the genetics are going to fucking WORK how he wants them to, but breaks off abruptly as Tim's eyes well up, changing to enumerating all the baby things she's ordered and telling the dumb science jokes on the onesies because she NEEDS to see Tim laugh
Alfred LOOKS composed but every night he grips that shotgun real tight and has to remind himself that these kids need him, he can't risk himself for vengeance, what matters is Master Tim and the new little master or miss to be. He asks Tim privately if he'd like to choose a room to be the child's nursery. Tim doesnt know, but that's ok, dear boy, that's ok.
Bruce comes home and instead of the joy of reunion (or well, after it) has to struggle not to cry bc God his poor little boy... Damian was a shock too but at least Bruce and Talia loved each other. At least Bruce fucking consented. At least bruce was a goddamn adult. He doesnt think he will ever be rid of the guilt that Tim only found his way to Ra's by looking for Bruce
And Tim himself...
He can't go underground, at all. He redesigns his costume so that he can only unfasten it with a biometric lock, and doesn't tell anyone where it is except Alfred (medical emergencies). Some days, he can't look the girls in the eyes. Some days, he can't look at them at all, not without memories of things he isn't supposed to have seen or. Or felt. He's kidnapped as Red Robin once and chained to the wall, and he dissociates until someone (Jason this time, and who'd have believed THAT a year ago?) comes to save him. He can't get a good night's sleep anymore, not that he ever could but still
He feels paralyzed. There is no putting this off, no playing for time, nothing. They were able to confirm that Ra's's sister IS pregnant, and he knows damn well it's his, and nature waits for no one. In less than nine months now there's going to be a squalling, breathing, tiny, fragile, entire child, and unless he steps in, Ra's is going to raise it. Which means torturing it into a killer.
Every part of Tim screams NO
So they use those months to plan. How do they get in, how do they get out, WHEN is this supposed to happen because they can't well kidnap the child from the delivery room, the poor thing has to be in some kind of stable health, they need to KNOW these things, and thats when Bruce gets a call
Because Talia is fucking livid. She knows Ra's is an asshole, that's why she got Damian to Bruce, but this was a whole new low, her goddamn AUNT pregnant by her teenage non consenting STEPSON? She can't stop that any more than the others now, but she knows what she CAN stop: another tiny child being twisted and corrupted by this absolute monster. They need a spy, right? Well they got one
So there y'are, Q, the horribly angsty beginnings of this Dad!Tim AU. It doesn’t look pretty right now, but it will slowly get happier bc babies are adorable, dammit.
Edit: Part 2
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songbirdblues · 3 months
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theres much to be said about the woobification of tim drake as a character entirely in fanon, but one thing in particular that tends to irk me is the misinterpretation of this scene.
now, i generally dont have a problem with fanon interprets of events like this!!! in fact, im an avid fanfic reader and i can honestly say i dont mind when comic events get squashed or stretched out of proportion. people want angst and fluff, and hurt and comfort, and i can respect that a lot of dc fans get their info from fanon and dont bother/simply dont want to read comics because they lack those feel-good moments/that emotional depth that fanfics have. thats fine, thats none of my business, and thats perfectly valid!
...but i think it does get to a point where a comic is SO misinterpreted, like this one (or just this series in general, really), that it loses all that makes it good and interesting in the first place.
dick isn't a bad guy here. whether you think what he said was warranted or not, or if you think him saying that he thinks tim should seek help is insensitive or wrong, he's not some evil abusive guy who hates tim (tim literally calls him his brother in the scene???? in a positive context??)
i just see a lot of people think dick is some terrible villain for this event (and for the "firing and replacing tim just so damian can be robin for no reason" thing which is also a misinterpretation of what happened, but thats something else). when in reality dick himself is already struggling to keep his family from falling apart even more than it already has, has been forced to become batman, and has to raise this random, murderous kid that just popped into his life (i love damian but bro was giving dick gray hairs in his twenties in the beginning lol), all while dealing with the loss of his father for the second time in his life. on top of this, to him, his 16 year old brother is off doing god knows what across europe going on a wild goose chase looking for their (presumably) dead father and doesnt know what to do about it.
but despite all that, in tims eyes, dick massively messed up. we know he thinks this by what he says in the comic.
which leads me to my last point; tims own thoughts. this is a bit more of my opinion on tims character rather than objective fact so bear with me. tims internal monologue and emotional journey across red robin are why i think this series is so heavily (sorry to keep using this word) misinterpreted by fanon.
throughout the course of the story, tim is being forced to suffer with a grief that that he doesnt know how to deal with. like dick, this is the second father tim has lost. but the difference between them is that when tim experiences loss he... doesnt really know how to deal with it, like at all. he goes crazy when he loses someone close to him. at least dick can kinda sorta keep it together. after jack died and bruce tried to adopt him, tim literally hired a man to pretend to be his uncle to avoid it. when kon died, he tried to clone him 99 whole times with old luthor tech, (and later when damian died, tim hallucinated hugging him, or at the very least pretended to, which while a lot tamer than these other instances i still think it speaks to how deeply he feels these losses and how badly he handles it). i dont know the specifics of how he acted about other people hes lost like bart, stephanie, and his mom, but tim even says himself that part of the reason why he's doing all this is because of how many people he's lost, so it can be assumed he reacted harshly to their passing, too.
tim also admits, multiple times throughout red robin, that he knows he sounds/acts crazy, he admits that he goes farther than he ever went as robin when dealing with criminals and cases because as red robin he's now "tainted" and agrees with connor in a later issue that "red robin" is his punishment for himself.
so what i mean by all this is that, simply put, tim is an unreliable narrator. of course we as the readers feel angry at dick and cassie, tim himself is angry at them. he feels hurt and betrayed, and it could even be assumed at that point that he feels they abandoned him, and he thinks that they think hes crazy. he isolates himself from everyone, he feels unworthy of everything, and he "knows" hes lost it. "except for everything, im perfectly fine." is a quote he says, and there are plenty more like it in the series.
my point is that in tims eyes for the majority of his character arc as red robin, nearly everyone hes ever loved has either died or abandoned him, but as the audience we know thats not the case. cassie loves him, dick of course loves him, they just both made mistakes and hurt him, but that doesnt make either of them irredeemable or mean that they dont care about tim. tim himself, in that moment, just doesnt believe that, or doesnt even seem to consider that. he sees the bad, and blinded by his own grief and anger, doesnt see the good.
i just think a lot of people miss that, and just write dick off as borderline abusive or purposefully hurtful in red robin fanfics, because comics tend to get telephoned so much in the fandom that thats what people see him as, when it's not the case, which is how we got the "dick threatens to send tim to arkham" thing. (but thats just gonna happen i guess. did you know that in the actual jasons attack on titans tower comic jason wears his robin costume?? yeesh i'll have to stick with fanon on their interpretation of that whole thing. see its not bad all the time)
besides the idea of the whole arkham trope thing, theres still plenty of canon angst to pull from in red robin! you can write about how tim thinks hes losing it, ra's weird infatuation with tim and everything that comes with that, tim being forced to deal with losing robin, tims rocky relationship with tam fox, tims super rocky relationship with damian, any interaction between kon and tim, OH. the fact that at one point tim got kicked out of a tall building and accepted his death (only thinking about how bruce would be proud), only to be saved by dick last minute and then lying about knowing dick would save him (yeah right buddy) ((its issue #12)). theres also the idea of bruce and tim talking after tim finds him (canon bruce hug!!!). and theres more im forgetting for sure. all that to say theres plenty of ideas already there for the taking!!!!! red robin is a great comic filled with plenty of emotional moments.
moral of the story, dick isn't a terrible person, tim needs help but he isn't a little baby incapable of doing anything, and i believe writing them differently in the context of red robin (2009) is a disservice to their characters and their relationships with each other in the actual comic.
...but i mean, im not your dad. write what you want
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insanepoll · 1 year
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tim drake propaganda masterpost! i’ll update after each round
askbox: 1x.
reblogs: 1x. 2x. 3x. 4x.
(i wanted to add his other submissions but it was gonna be impossible to read them in the image so, since i posted with for the ask game, i have linked them in the reblogs section)
[ID: white slide with a picture of tim drake taking up all the left side. above him, reads, “#he doesnt even have a tragic backstory!! #hes just LIKE THAT.” below him, reads, “#VOTE TIM NOW #i remember reading my first comic with him and ????? #WHATS WRONG WITH HIM?????” next to him, on the right side, reads, “Batman's third Robin and arguably the most unhinged of the bunch. when he was like 8 he figured out the og Robin's identity, then subsequently Batman's. years later he black mailed Batman into making him Robin. once when Batman was gone it took a week before Tim almost killed someone. he didn't, not because he thought it'd be wrong, but because he knew Batman would be disappointed in him :( when Tim's best friend died he tried cloning said friend 99 times before he stopped trying. and he's constantly having mad scientist moments, always very close to snapping and becoming a villain. also he was the CEO of a multimillion dollar company at the age of 17. he's a highschool drop out.“ below that, reads, “Once delibrately got himself shot and faked a debilitaing injury for like 6 months because a reporter suspected his secret identity. He has 99 problems and all of them are his failed attempts at cloning his (at the time dead) best friend. Once blew up hundreds of assassin bases with people inside and for this reason probably has the highest kill count of any batfamily member, including his brother Jason who was literally a mass murderer. Boy doesn't even have a spleen anymore and I don't think he's told anyone.” /End ID.]
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jamsofdeath0 · 7 months
Always thinking about how Tim Drake is one of those heros who had they not become a hero how they did would still be absolutely of their rocker even tho they shouldn't be.
Like had Jason Todd not died Tim wouldn't have become Robin and then wouldn't have entered the hero world the way he did, but I'm a 100% sure he'd still have pulled a spoiler solo teen hero at SOME point. He's got no tragic back story (Dick Grayson) or thing that makes it sort of inevitable he'd be a hero (super hearing that makes them always aware of the horrors™ (Clark Kent)) he's just like that.
In a world where he never became Robin he'd still end up in Batman inc just in a much less direct path. He'd have made his own identity. And to me this is such a fascinating elseworld idea bc Tim DOESNT make his own identities. He defines himself by others SO often. He'd be out there pulling a Spiderman. Imagine a Tim influenced only loosely by Bruce instead of so directly.
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weimitsu · 1 year
In a waiting room so let me share my BATFAM WITH ANIMAL EARS AU:
- In this universe lets just pretend animal hybrids are semi common in vestigial ways, like, hawkgirl is special bc she can actually do lenghty flights instead of gliding and has her thanagarian strenght but she would blend in much better, cheetah is too much cat to the left
- Bruce Wayne is gotham's catboy prince, with soft gradient siamese cat ears and a very fluffy tail, people love thinking he's playful bc he's a cat, if the shoe fits i guess play the part, show-cat vibes
- ON THE OTHER HAND....BATMAN well, people arent sure WHAT he is but they tend to take the Bat part literally in their theories, he doesnt even need to see u to notice ure there!
In reality, batman is a cat hybrid who rolls his ears like a taquito inside the too-tight cowl's hollow bat ears, and rolls his tail on his leg (he's so lucky his tail is fluffy enough to cover fractures)
- Selina, who isnt a hybrid and just rlly likes cats, does find batman interesting and fun to play with in general but when she finds out he's catboy wayne she's like "ah, yea actually makes sense"
- superbat (shippy or platonic doesnt rlly matter) detail is when clark realizes bruce's ears always hurt after using the cowl he takes up the habit of massaging them post league mission, bruce would be more upset if it didnt work, still refuses to go easy on himself by making the cowl ears wider tho
- not all his family is hybrids but notable mentions are:
- Dick grayson who is a bird hybrid, but not a robin bird! Maybe something like a crane? Im open to suggestions but its necessary to disguise his wings while he's out patrolling as robin, as nightwing he wears cosmetic guards that make his wings look black with blue shimmer
- Jason Todd the dog hybrid! Something fluffy and smart like a border collie, he doesnt realize how fluffy he is until he goes live w bruce
As robin he adapts the character to his own style after he becomes frustrated w using fake wings to keep the illusion of flight up, maybe he cant glide but he can still kick ur teeth in
As Red Hood he follows bruce's ear stressant tendencies by wearing his Egg helmet and keeping them flat on his head and his tail hidden so ppl think he's not a hybrid
- Tim Drake the Owl!!! He just looks at u, like's looking at ur soul. He had to be extra crafty as a kid bc his wings are lightly colored and very fluffy so he had to work to not be seen, makes him rlly sneaky, he needs to disguise his wings as robin too ofc
U just know jason was extra ticked off at bruce finding ANOTHER bird robin, since evidently the land-bound one was not enough (his brain is being mean to him and doesnt bother telling him that stephanie isnt even a hybrid)
Red Robin tim probably has the bad habit of plucking feathers when he's thinking and stressed, he still keeps his wings neat enough so he can glide along w kon el, who is extra happy to have someone to share the sky with
- Cass is a black panther hybrid, very beautiful very powerful. She does the cat stare thing @ ppl, and can read bruce's hybrid habits better than any other member in the family
As batgirl and black bat her cowl ears are ACTUALLY wide enough to be comfortable bc 'do as i say not as i do' is the bruce modus operandi
- I cant decide if damian is also a cat hybrid like his dad or if the gene didnt pass to him and he's the second non hybrid robin and it has to do with his sibling hostility, open to suggestions!
- steph, alfred, barbara and duke arent hybrids but duke is still a meta :)
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ritz-writes · 9 months
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please please please please I know nothing I’m oblivious who are these funky little lads that are apparently Bruce Waynes kids
Was going thru my drafts and realized I never answered this ask im so sorry!!
I started writing a HUGEEEE thing explaining as much as I could (ended up being over 4k) but I felt that was a bit much so ill just explain the basics on the bat kids. Just a long paragraph for each. Keep in mind that canon changes a lot and there are different comics and shows and version of the characters. Ill just explain what I know the most
Dick Grayson: First Robin. Now goes by Nightwing. Was a spy in one comic and went by Grayson but we don’t like that one that much. Also got amnesia at one point and went by Ric. We hate Ric, don’t bring him up. Was part of the flying graysons in Haley’s Circus with his parents but they were killed by Tony Zucco during a performance (their line broke). Bruce was in the crowd and made Dick is ward. Dick was 8 at the time. When he was 18 he had a fight with bruce and moved to Bludhaven. Thats where he became Nightwing. Hes the oldest kid
Jason Todd: Second Robin. Goes by Red Hood. He lived in Crime Alley by himself (father was in prison (later died) and mom overdosed). Wanted to make some cash so tried to steal the wheels of the batmobile. Bruce was honestly impressed and took him in. Dick was a bit upset at first (bruce give jason robin without asking. In most comics robin was a nickname dicks mom called him) but eventually warmed up to jason. I could go on a whole rant about how jason wasnt the angry robin most ppl say, but I wont. Bruce thinks he killed someone and benches him. Jason finds out his mom isnt his bio mom. His bio mom is in Ethipoia and he goes to find her. She sells him out to joker. Joker tortures him with a crowbar and leaves him in a building that explodes (also kills the bio mom). Talia al Ghul (daughter of Ra’s al Ghul. Hes the leader of the League of Assassins) brings him back to life via lazarus pit. Jasons story is very long so ill just say he comes back angry, tries to get bruce to kill joker, almost kills tim (hes next), kinda becomes the head crime lord in crime alley, and is hella hella protective of the kids and working girls in crime alley. Hes also a book nerd. Wanted to be an english major before he died. He and batwoman (mentioned in honorably mentions below) use guns. Sometimes he uses rubber bullets, sometimes he deosnt. In his newest reboot he uses a crowbar and has a different outfit. Not a fan of it. in some versions he doesnt work with the batfam, in others he rejoins them. i like the latter more.
Tim Drake: Third Robin. Currently goes by Red Robin. (yes like the restaurant. Yes its a running joke in the fandom) The smart robin. Smarter than batman in some universes (most imo). Figured out batmans identity by himself when he was like 8-9. when jason dies bruce doesn’t pull his punches at all and tim is like “he needs a robin.” tries to get dick to come back, but he says no. so tim basically forces himself into bruces life as robin until bruce relents. Tim has a hella messed up storyline that I don’t know very well. Jason tries to kill him, Damian tries to kill him (hes next), theres one story line where bruce is lost in time and tim is the only one who doesn’t think hes dead. Lots of stuff happens. Bascially all his friends die, his parents die, he loses his spleen- its a mess. Hes also the ceo of wayne enterprise in some comics. We also joke that hes an immortal 17 yr old cuz hes almost always 17 in the comics. Tim is bi and has a boyfriend named Bernard (I ship him more with kon tho)
Damian Wayne: Fourth Robin. Trained as an assassin since birth. He’s bruces bio son. Son of talia and bruce. Becomes robin when hes 9 I think. In one story, the bruce lost in time one, dick just gives robin to damian cuz “he needs it.” damian was very…. Murdery at first. Has a sword. Very talented artist. Very very smart. Can take advanced college courses at like age 7. smart boy. He has the most character devleopment in my opinion. Calls himself “the blood son.” is best friends with superman’s son, Jon.
Stephanie Brown: Steph. Goes by Spoiler now. is kinda Robin 3.5. or 2.5 idk when in the timeline she was robin, but she was robin for like 2 weeks before getting fired. Idk much about her. Her father is Cluemaster (villain). Isn’t adopted by bruce, but is his kid nonetheless. She and tim dated at one point.
Cassandra Cain: Cass. Goes by Orphan or Black Bat, depending on the comic. Was raised to be a weapon by her father. Idk his name. Her mother is Lady Shiva, another world class assassin. Cass was taught to not speak cuz “weapons don’t have feelings.” she knows sign and when bruce takes her in he helps her find her voice. In some versions she can speak, in others she just says one or two words at a time, and in some she just uses sign. Shes other than jason (by like 2 months) but younger than dick. Not sure if shes adopted or not.
Duke Thomas: Goes by Signal. I know the least about him. Also not adopted. His parents were jokerized (got posioned with joker gas and kinda went insane.) He’s a meta apparently? I learned that recently. Has photokenesis: ability to absorb, redistribute, and manipulate both light and darkness. Is the daytime hero I think.
Barbara Gordon: Used to be Batgirl, is now Oracle. (in some version steph and cass were batgirl at one point) Not adopted by bruce. Shes Commissioner Gordon’s daughter. Very very smart. Very very badass. Is the guy in the chair for the batfam. Joker shot her in her spine when breaking into her apartment and paralyzed her. But she can still kick hella ass in that wheelchair. She and dick used to date.
Honorable mentions: Kate Kane, Batwoman. She’s Bruce’s cousin. Lucas Fox, Batwing. Lucius Fox’s son. Selina Kyle, Catwoman. She and bruce r kinda sorta in a relationship. Its complicated sometimes. Kate Kelly, Robin. Shes in a separate universe I believe. Don’t know much about her at all. She uses a slingshot.
And of course, Alfred Pennyworth. We love alfred. He has guns hidden around the manor in canon. Bruce doesn’t like guns. Alfred knows this and says “youll never find all of them.” hes sassy and we stan.
And those r the main members of the batfam! Sorry this took so long to answer. It comepletely slipped my mind. I probably forgot a few details, but oh well.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 11 months
Neal Caffrey Stole His Family Too
by Anonymous
The job was supposed to be easy. Go back to Gotham, take it by storm, Talia had said. Clip the wings of your replacement, and clear the way for your brother to take his rightful place as Robin. Step one was simple enough. Then Jason laid eyes on his so-called ‘replacement’. Then Jason saw the man his father had become. The man Talia wanted to send his brother to for training.
He changed his plans. Dusting off an old, secret alias, Jason fled Gotham and never looked back. Neal Caffrey lay low. He had his two kids to keep safe, after all.
Words: 10596, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, White Collar (TV 2009)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Peter Burke, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne (Mentioned)
Relationships: Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Peter Burke & Jason Todd, Peter Burke & Neal Caffrey
Additional Tags: Neal Caffrey and Jason Todd are the Same Person, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Good Parent Jason Todd, yes hes still a teenager yes hes a parent, hes valid, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne are Siblings, Jason Todd is Not Red Hood, he was but he is not anymore, Bruce Wayne is a Bad Parent, im so sorry bruce i love you but i had to do it, Jason Todd is Tim Drake's Parent, Jason Todd is Damian Wayne's Parent, Good Friend Peter Burke, Parental Peter Burke, his paternal instincts kick in for the first time, and he doesnt know what to do, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, he'll get one right after this fic i promise, I made Tim italian dont ask me why, it felt right, tim and damian are SLIGHTLY younger. not much, tim is 12 and damian is 8, Bad Parents Jack and Janet Drake, Bad Parent Talia al Ghul, again im so sorry queen, I Had To, Soft Damian Wayne, he is Baby. he is allowed to be Soft, yes jason is a teenager yes the fbi believes hes 30 i can do what i want
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48399277
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cloneslugs · 2 years
dont wanna spout anything in prev post tags bc i will full on admit idk what im talking about and dont follow anything remotely w tim drake/i dont believe ive really read anything w him as a major character outside of gotham adventures/btas . was always interested in Tim critical stuff though just bc again i had no idea where it was coming from and i also don't know him. i always just saw him as annoying and nerdy maybe & also on the opposite end most of the dc fans i keep up w love and adore him to no end etc etc whatever whatever ... ... ALL TO SAY that imo it never makes sense to me why bruce would take in a robin after jason idk im gripey i get gripey and nitpicky over how extended the bat group has gotten and all the better things i read cut the growth off at around tim or jason at most if anyone. i say this w love in my heart for one thing bc i do love the most of them and two bc im a bruce wayne fan which is a red flag by itself but when i start saying things like that out of context it becomes toxic. which is too say this is a much bigger complaint and idea than im willing to explain in full rn just understand im not a blatant fun hater and that i have bigger thoughts than this . which is to say im not against anything im just in bruces mind of things it doesnt make sense to choose another robin to me. and him bc i know him. which isnt to say it doesnt happen i am just talking from sensibility and feelings. not my feelings but his . WHICH IS ALL TO SAY i have lots of thoughts on bruce (a given) but also very specifically on bruce regarding his relationships . which i am not sharing here i am just commenting vaguely on my gripes w mainline comics
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People say that Tim Drake becoming bi is great lgbt rep but if we're being honest it just feels lazy.
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twow · 3 years
dc hire me to make a tim drake goes to college comic heres my pitch: tim goes to college and walks into his freshman dorm to find that lonnie machin is his roommate. lonnie does not know that tim is red robin but tim does know that lonnie is anarky but lonnie doesnt know that tim knows. ensue the hijinks of tim trying to hide the fact that hes red robin from lonnie while lonnie tries to hide that hes anarky from tim all while they bond and become friends in their civilian identities but fight in their vigilante identities.
individual issue ideas include tim and lonnie rushing a frat while each on their own undercover mission and lonnie convincing tim to smoke pot with him but they forgot its parents weekend so they have to pretend not to be high in front of batman
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