#to add we also had this conversation with this old man and he was so sweet
i love people who leave bowls of clean water for dogs outside
#this may or may not be unspired by the walk i just had with my dog and it was /a lot/ more humid than i expected#and i was like oh *bad word*#to add we also had this conversation with this old man and he was so sweet#like he didnt really have anything to say but we just talked about my dog and we kind of repeated stuf but ughh#i love it all#also his mate or someone came out of the house and he said to him 'hes not fierce'#'cause he had a headcollar on#and im headcannoning them as together because they were both brilliant#and then there was this boy who just sped past us on a scooter and obviously max was like oh *bad word*#and he has boundry frustration at the best of times and this boy just came out of nowhere and was going /quite/ quick#and because max had a headcollar in he reared up itead of lunging and such#and i was like oh *bad word* because there was a woman quite a bit away and i was like shoot thats his mum#but when we got to her she had rhis smile on her face and said 'that was hilarious'#and so he had nearly like hit her or something going around the corner and apparently he had quite the look on his face when max was like#'that's not on'#so as she said 'its the little things'#dogs are so great like they provide my social life#and like i live with family#and i only really talk to one of them and they work a lot so yay#i have no friends lol#but lucky for me i can pretend to talk to people so it fine#as you can see here lol#also ive just noticed that the first tag was supposed to say inspired not unspired lol#dogs#dog#doglife#dog owner#dog training#kinda
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Can you do a Tom blyth x reader where in a interview , the interviewer asks him if he wants to marry and have kids in the future and he answers that he already has a daughter with the reader and after few days he posts on Instagram a photo of his daughter playing in the grass when he was filming the movie nad the fans going crazy ( about how cute she is and smth like that )
My Girl || Tom Blyth x Actress!reader
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A/n: baby fever right now is astronomically high 😭😭 also this song is my absolute fav and feels like it matches with this so def go listen to it!!!
Warnings: none :)
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Divider by @pommecita
“Tom, your fans have been asking if you plan on marrying and having children in the future,” Tom nods his head, a smile forming on his lips, “What can you say to them?” The interviewer directs her mic to Tom.
He could feel your eyes burning into the side of his face as his grip on your waist squeezes. “Marrying and having children?” Tom repeats. You watch in anticipation as you give him an encouraging smile. The two of you had been waiting for a moment like this.
It’s been three years since you gave birth to your daughter, Elsie, three years since Tom became a dad. The public had no idea whatsoever and you intended to keep it the way for a few years longer. Well, after a long conversation with Tom, it was time to stop hiding from the public.
“This is the first time I’ve actually spoken about this to the public but I have a daughter already,” His words make the women holding the mic gasp out loud as you both let out a chuckle at her reaction. “I know, shocking right!” Tom smiles.
“You have a daughter Tom? With….” She trails off as her eyes move to you. Tom pulls you to his chest as you give the woman a grin, nodding your head as she puts her hand on her chest and lets out another gasp. “Am I the first to know about this outside your close circles?” She asks.
“Yes! We’ve thought long and hard about releasing such private information but we decided it’s time we tell everyone. We can’t hide this forever,” You say as Tom watches you and nods. “Well there we have it! Tom Blyth and Y/n Y/l/n have a child together!” The interview says to the camera as you wave her goodbye and move along with the other cast members.
“That felt good,” You look up at Tom, happy to get it out. “It sure did, darling” He rubs your arm as the two of you take pictures for the paparazzi. Safe to say, that interview was blowing up.
Fans had mixed reactions to the news. Some were incredibly happy for the two of you, and some were utterly shocked at the news and were surprised at how the two of you kept this information on the low.
As you and Tom were doing the world promo tour with the rest of the cast members, there was always a question that popped up relating to your daughter, Elsie.
“Tom, Y/n! I think the internet is in shock to learn that you are parents to a three year old daughter, am I correct?” The man infront of you says as you both nod. “Yes! Our daughter’s name is Elsie, and we had a feeling this would shock fans quite a bit,” You quietly chuckle to yourself.
“It definitely has! How did you two pull this off? You know, not making fans suspect anything?” He asks as Tom replies, “Uh I think it was just mainly being super private about our personal lives. We both don’t share such information like that which lets us live peacefully without cameras following us around.”
“And you’ve done a wonderful job at that since we never knew about your three year old daughter,” He smiles as Tom thanks him, “Can you tell us more about Elsie? If you can?” He politely asks as you nod. “Of course. Well uh Elsie is very much a daddy’s girl,” You all chuckle as Tom holds your knee affectionately.
“She loves the outdoor so much, that’s where she wants to be most of the time.” Tom adds. “And how was it that you found out that you were going to be a dad, Tom?“
“Yes, so Y/n told me she was pregnant on my birthday in February I think it was?” He looks at you in confirmation as you nod, “It was actually during my auditioning progress for Billy the Kid. So when I got the role and started filming mid to late 2021, Elsie was already born”
“We were both 25 at the time and we felt like we were ready to you know, move onto the next chapter of our lives. I remember for my birthday, Y/n’s present to me was this baby onesie that said ‘daddy’s girl’” The man awes as Tom reminisces the moment.
“I was so shocked and happy that I started crying,” He laughs, “Correction, we started to cry,” You butt in with a small giggle. “I do have to mention, Y/n! You went through your pregnancy without the public even noticing! How in the world did you manage that as a public figure.
“It wasn’t hard, but at the same time it sort of was,” You let out a low chuckle as Tom rubs your thigh, listening to you talk. “I didn’t have any roles booked for that year so I just stayed on the low. I did what any other typical people did when they didn’t want others to notice your pregnancy which was to wear baggy clothes, covering my stomach and stuff like that.”
“I also made sure that people wouldn’t be able to recognise me when I was out in public and it worked very well.” “It did indeed. I think everyone wants to know, how’s life with a three year old daughter while filming. Was Elsie with the two of you went you filmed tbosas?”
“Yes she was actually! Everyone on set knew that we hadn’t said anything to the public about our daughter and they were such wonderful people and respected that. My mom also was with us to take care of Elsie when we weren’t able to.” “I don’t know how we would have lasted all those months without her honestly. She made everyone on set laugh, I actually think the cast members will start posting pictures of bts with Elsie now that we’ve released this information” Tom laughs as his mind goes back to all the time the crew would laugh at Elsie’s cuteness.
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“You posted a picture on your instagram a couple days ago of you and your daughter, can you tell us a little bit of background information of this picture?” “Is this the one of you and Elsie in the forest?” You turn your head to Tom as he nods. “Yes! So that was the last day we filmed all the scenes in the forest. We’ve already said this I think but our daughter absolutely loves nature.”
“During takes she would just play around and I remember this one time, We were going through a scene and then Elsie just came up to me and clung around my leg while the cameras were rolling, do you remember that?” Tom grins at you as you recall the moment.
“I do, I have a video of it in my camera roll, it made everyone awe at her.” You let out a giggle as the interviewer smiles at the two of you. “It seems to me that the crew was pretty close to Elsie? Am I right in saying that?” You nod in agreement with her.
“We felt incredibly grateful of how everyone was so kind and supportive of the idea of Elsie being with us during the entirety of the filming process. The cast members would always be playing with her during our takes, and Elsie grew very fond of all of them.”
“Especially Viola actually!” Tom interjects as the interviewer gasps, “Really?” “Yes! Viola is such a sweetheart I honestly love her so much. Even when she was in her costume and she kinda looked terrifying, Elsie would always run up to her after the cameras stop rolling.” He chuckles.
The two of you honestly loved talking about Elsie during all your interviews. Your face would always hurt from smiling too much when you reminisce all the moments of your daughter during filming.
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mvybanks · 2 months
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a/n: i finally did it🥳🥳 but daddy i love him by taylor swift was written for him and only him and you can’t change my mind! not my favorite fic of mine but i hope you enjoy!
warnings: not proofread yet!!! all of the lyrics of the song are basically in this fic lmao, lots of hate towards the pogues but nothing major other than that
word count: 3.2k
pairings: jj maybank x kook!reader
add yourself to my taglist <3
Kooks and Pogues.
Always one against the other.
That’s how it’s always been in the Outer Banks. If you’re a Kook, you cannot like a Pogue, and it goes both ways.
It is a rule as old as the island, one that never changed and never will. It would be a scandal if it did, right?
You were never one to have cared about something as stupid and superficial as that. Although considered Kook princess — that was the nickname that everyone had gifted you since birth — you also appreciated the company and friendship of those who should’ve been your greatest enemies.
It didn’t help the fact that you were in love with one of them, either.
JJ Maybank was as local as they came. Never had anything to his name, unless we count the remaining five dollars in his old wallet, and always on the run — from what? Perhaps it is better that we don’t ask him that.
We could put it this way: if you were Kook princess, he could’ve easily been Pogue prince.
It should’ve been unusual for the two of you to have ever even had a conversation, let alone one long enough to have made the both of you fall in love. The thing was that you had no problem in talking with him, and he had no reason, nor enough self control, to not have flirted with you any time he’d had the chance.
All of the time you had been spending with JJ and his friends, getting acquainted with them and sharing those whispered secrets that only those whom you trust the most know about, it had all led you to that moment — lying in your lover’s arms.
Your back rested against his bare chest as your bodies were being soaked by the warm rays of sun and lulled by the gentle movement of the waves that were dancing underneath you. JJ’s arms circled your waist with greed and affection, for he could have never gone a day without feeling your skin beneath his loving touch, and his head was hidden in the crook of your neck — the place where he belonged.
“Wanna stay like this forever,” he mumbled in your skin, tickling it in the process, “Feels like heaven.”
You hummed in content, “Me, too.”
The pair of you had been stuck in your place all morning, just letting the waves and JJ’s surfboard take you wherever they wanted to and hoping it was as far away as possible. You hated that your relationship had to be kept as a dirty secret that no one was supposed to know about, but what were you expected to do but ignore your elders, and most of your peers, and let your heart beat for the only man that owned it. It is impossible to control one’s heart’s reason to beat, and one as big as yours was even more untamed than others.
Sneaking away was fun for sure, but you wished to scream it from the rooftops. JJ was no different from you, and he would’ve made you officially his if it hadn’t been for the judgmental creeps and the fear of your parents taking you away from him.
And so, with the uneasy knowledge of being unaware of the next time that your heart would beat against his, he walked you home that early morning. The sound of the birds chirping was peaceful and rendered the journey more bearable — although it was your smile that had made everything so much more than only bearable to JJ.
You couldn’t have known that someone was watching you as your boyfriend led you to the rich side of the island, that was Figure Eight, waiting, almost wishing, for you to make a mistake.
“I’ll see you tonight, princess?” He whispered on your lips as your bodies were being hidden by the large oak tree just a few blocks before your house.
You grinned up at him and nodded, brushing your mouth against his as you did so. “See you tonight, baby.”
You didn’t like lying to your parents. Having to make up excuses whenever you wanted to go out wasn’t fun, but a dutiful daughter, the Kook princess, couldn’t have been seen hanging out with people that belonged to a lower class than her. What your parents didn’t know couldn’t have hurt them.
Therefore, you began getting ready to see your Pogue prince that evening, knowing that your parents believed that you were going to a friend’s house. Just as you were finish buttoning your dress, JJ’s favorite, you heard your father come back home, slamming the front door of your house with anger and impatience. It was unusual, which was why your brows automatically furrowed at the loud sound, that it was then followed by his voice, yelling your name.
You all but ran down the stairs, attempting at understanding the commotion, but it seemed that your mother had already gotten the news that your dad hadn’t told you yet. He looked at you as if you had been his greatest disappointment.
“What’s going on?” You asked, scared of even letting out those words.
Your father stated at you for a second before he finally confessed the reason of his obvious fury. “How could you have done this to me? How could you have done this to your family?” He raised his voice, and you had never felt smaller than you had in that moment.
“I - I don’t understand.”
“Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was for me, huh? Everyone pitied me! And then, it was Ward Cameron that had to tell me that my daughter was hanging out with some…Pogues.”
He knew. They knew everything.
“We raised you better than this!” Your father all but yelled as his forefinger pointed at you, and you were sure he was wishing to have had a knife at the end of it.
Tears began running down your face as you attempted at walking closer to him. “But dad, I love him!”
He scoffed — mocking you and your choice of words. “I don’t care if you think he’s the love of your life, he’s not! He cannot provide for you and he’s not the man that I want my daughter to be seen with.”
You turned to your mother, hoping and praying to find consolation and understanding in her. “Mom, say something, please!”
Shaking her head, she only laid her eyes on you to show you the dissatisfied look in them. “I can’t, honey. Your father is right. That boy is only trouble and you deserve better…more.” Although seeming sad, she rejoiced and a glad appearance casted on her as she continued, “That’s why we’re going out to dinner with the Thornton’s tonight. Their son is a fine man, you’d be a very lucky girl.”
To say the world was crumbling all around you was an understatement.
What was ‘more’? You deserved more than someone who loved you and cared for you as if you hung every star in the universe? You needed more than a man who would’ve laid down his life for you?
At that point, you were unable to control the never ending tears. “You’re serious?! I’m not going out with anyone, you can’t force me!” You raised your voice as well, as you couldn’t believe that they thought it would’ve been possible for your heart to beat for someone else.
Without ever taking another glance at you, “My house, my rules,” your father exclaimed, his words tasting like venom when he announced his last words on the matter, “You’re not to see him ever again. That is final.”
Devastation was all you knew. How could they have taken him away from you? The only good thing in your life, the only person that made you feel like you were real, alive, like you could be whoever you wanted to be, and now, he had been brutally stolen from your fingertips, slipping through them without control.
That was your life after all — a continuous scroll of events that you had no say in nor any control, always under the rules of society and your parents. They had simply made the ultimate decision of stealing your last crumble of freedom.
As much as you wanted to hear JJ’s voice, you couldn’t call him. It would’ve been cruel to the both of you to admit those last words out loud. Instead, you texted him to warn him that your parents knew about the two of you and that you couldn’t go out with him that evening — cowardly avoiding him.
And so, you wore the dress that was supposed to be for him and the natural-looking makeup that you knew he was obsessed with, and let your parents manipulate your life once again.
“This is a darling restaurant. Thank you for inviting us tonight.” Mr. Thornton formally announced as you, your parents and the Thornton’s sat down at your reserved table.
Perhaps you were being too dramatic, but you felt like you were sitting down for your last supper — you were being sent to the gallows and your parents had been the culprits.
Topper Thornton relaxed in his seat right next to yours, a smug smile on his face while he listened to the two married couples talk about arguments that were as interesting as the weather. In the meantime, your silence was loud. You were screaming at the bars of the cage you that they had trapped you in, praying for someone to come rescue you and help you escape.
Then, you heard Mr Thornton call your name, which caused you to look at him.
“We’ve heard the stories about those Pogues, you know.” And you didn’t miss the judging stare in his eyes as you attempted at stopping yours from rolling in the back in your head in annoyance. “It’s good that you’ve come to your senses, young lady. We all want what’s best for you.”
It was hard to keep your laughter in almost as much as it was to not show your disapproval. “Right,” you whispered under your breath as you looked over the menu in your hands as if it had been the most beautiful thing in the world, “What’s best for me.”
Your mother hissed your name in order for you to have been the only person to hear her, “Play nice.”
“I’m just saying,” he continued, “It would be a shame to disgrace your good name, and for someone like those low-lifers.” He chuckled at his last words as you wondered how many stabs it would’ve taken your knife to make him shut his mouth.
You landed on three.
And just as you were about to respond with another quick remark, you heard his voice. You swore your eyes were about to pop out of your head and your smile had been impossible to stop when he had said, “Good evening. I’ll be your waiter tonight. Are you ready to order yet?”
The JJ Maybank cocky grin stared at you and you couldn’t help but feel a warmth inside you that only the calming ocean in his eyes was able to provide.
You weren’t sure if anyone at the table knew that he was the one that you had been seen with, but from the way no one batted an eye, you realized that they had no idea — after all, Pogues all looked the same to them, so how could they have known it was that particular one that had stolen your heart? (other than multiple of other things, but that’s another story.)
Once everyone had ordered, JJ left, although he never took his eyes off of you — or maybe what he couldn’t stop staring at was the closeness between you and Topper.
“I will admit that they’re not all bad.” Mrs. Thornton admitted, which gained everyone’s curiosity, “These Pogues, I mean. Some of them try to work their way up. Nonetheless, I don’t think it’s right for them to ruin the reputation of someone who comes from such a good family.”
You couldn’t believe that they were still talking about it — as if it wasn’t a Pogue who was handling their food in that very moment. The twitching of your eye was hopefully undetectable as the conversation went on and on, getting worse by the second.
“They’re known thieves, for sure.”
“Most of them have never attended school, either.”
“They ruin this island’s credibility.”
All of the alcohol that you had ingested that evening hadn’t been enough for you to stop yourself from abruptly getting up from your seat and earning a few looks from the tables around you as the loud sound of your chair on the expensive pavement of the restaurant filled the air.
“What are you doing? Sit down!” Your father whispered sternly, an embarrassed expression on his features while he looked around.
“I - I have to go to the restroom.” Finally you shakily exclaimed before all but running to the nearest bathroom, just dreaming about some fresh air. It felt like torture to stand there and listen to them talk about your friends — your boyfriend, for god’s sake — as if they had been the worst people on the planet.
As you quickly walked to what you hoped to have been a restroom, you felt a hand wrapping around your arm and dragging you through another door, which immediately led you to the back of the restaurant. A tiny scream escaped from your lips in surprise, but it was stopped by the weight of a hand.
“I’m sorry, princess, it’s just me.” JJ chuckled as he closed the door behind you and let you rest your back on it.
“Jay,” you breathed, and it felt like the first time you had been able to do that that evening, “what are you doing?”
Letting his hands dance down your torso until his arms circled your waist, he bent his head down to meet yours. “It’s killing me to see you with him, you know that?” He lowered his voice, which sounded deeper and richer than usual, and it caused butterflies to come alive in your stomach.
You placed your hand on his cheek, rubbing the rough skin with your thumb and pulling him impossibly closer. “My parents are forcing me,” you sighed, “They just keep going on and on about Pogues and I can’t listen to them anymore.” And as you noticed the strange look in his eyes, the obvious hesitation in them, you added, “You know I don’t care about him, right?”
He smiled and gently brushed the tip of his nose against yours as he breathed you in. “I hate this, baby. I wish I could be there with you instead of him.”
“Me, too.”
“And he better keep those hands to himself.”
You chuckled lightly at his words, “I’ll make sure of it.”
JJ noticed the tears that started to prick at your eyes immediately and his hands flew to your face, holding the soft skin and forcing you to stare into his honest eyes. “Hey, hey. This doesn’t mean we have to break up, alright? We’ll figure it out, princess, we always do, okay?” You only got to nod once at his words before his lips touched yours, slowly and passionately while his arms held you closely to his body. “I love you.” He mumbled on your mouth.
“I love you, too, Jay.”
“What took you so long?” Your mother asked as you came back to the table, your hair now out of place — not that you cared about it anymore.
“Just needed to get some air.” You wore your best fake smile and drank your glass of wine in one sip before pouring yourself another one. “Have we finally changed the subject?”
Your dad reprimanded you by saying your name, a threatening tone hiding behind it.
You shrugged, “What? You can all speak poorly of Pogues as if I weren’t here but I can’t say anything about it? Thought this was a free country.”
Mr. Thornton looked like he was having a stroke and his wife was none the better. “You should be more grateful about what you have, young lady.”
You snorted, more loudly than you wanted to, but you had seemed to have lost all inhibitions. “You know what, Mr. Thornton? I’ve always been grateful. I’ve always been the perfect, dutiful daughter, and my parents still don’t trust me, so what’s the point, right?” You could feel everyone’s eyes on you, and sure that you were causing a scene, you decided to finish off the show. “So what if my boyfriend’s a Pogue? Why should everyone care about that?”
Just like all of the waiters, JJ was watching the scene, and although he loved how you were defending him, he decided it was the right time to rescue you. He all but ran to you, clapping his hands a couple of times to get everyone’s attention.
“Alright, folks. Show’s over.” He announced as he approached your table.
“You have to calm down and sit back down.” Your mom told you while placing a hand in front of her face in order to hide her embarrassment.
“And you want to know what’s funny? You’ve been shit talking about my boyfriend all night and he was our waiter all along.” You drunkly laughed while JJ tried to keep you upright.
“Way to keep it a secret, babe.” He whispered, although a mischievous smile adorned his lips.
This time it was your father who got up from his seat, pointing a finger at the man whose arm was the only reason why you were still standing. “You…You’re the Pogue who brainwashed my daughter!”
“He did what?!” You let out another laugh, but the look on your face said everything anyway.
“With all due respect, sir —“
“Stay away from my daughter! And don’t talk to me.” He interrupted JJ, catching him off guard.
“You’re so scared of what this relationship might lead to, but you know what? I’m already having his baby.” You didn’t miss the way everyone stared at you shockingly, and even though you wanted to keep it up, you couldn’t help but retract it immediately, “No, I’m not, but you should see your faces!”
“Now we really should leave.” JJ admitted, grinning at you. He grabbed your glass and took a sip of it, at which you laughed loudly once again.
“Thank you for the lovely evening, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton. You two are unbearable.”
“Yep, lovely evening and everything.” He yelled as you two ran towards the exit.
“Come back here right now!”
Your heart beat rapidly as JJ hopped on his bike and waited for you to do the same, the sound of the vehicle revving making you all the more excited. Your arms held on tighter to him and you swore you could hear his heart beating faster as well.
“You ready, baby?”
“Floor it, Jay.”
And you would’ve paid all of the Kook money in the world to have seen their faces as the Kook princess drove off with the Pogue prince.
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@notslay-norcleor @poppet05 @solargazes @cindersnightmare @chaostudee @goldenroutledge @harleyharlot @babypoguelife @voguesir @vigilanteshitposting @gemofthenight @magnificantmermaid @f4ll-for-you @marzipaanz @guililove @freyawhitexxx1 @mistalli @shady-the-simp @fangirl-madz @one-sweet-gubler @camelliaflow3r @emery-333 @hallecarey1 @lovelornanonymity @rafetopia @maybankslover @futurecorps3 @bxrbie1 @maybanksbabe @moremaybank @jjsbank444 @vivian-555 @jjfordays @highpope @livsters @starkeylover @peachpitlover @fishingirl12 @congratsloserr @loveu-always @rentaldarling @embersfae @bee6r @savagemickey03 @lunalovegood156 @idli-dosa @riveramour (i haven’t updated the taglist in a long time so if you don’t find yourself in it, please be patient with me, i will update it as soon as possible)
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jhuzen · 1 year
married life [m.reader]
this is me taking the first step in creating the househusband hcs of our tall hsr men for us gays and bi kings. happy pride ansismdkf (i mean to say that also in haitham’s post bUT OH WELL). anyway, i still hate luocha. otto trauma so true so real (honestly, his only saving grace in mhy games is ayato because he’s not blond). today, we have ourselves some househusbands.
𖦹 househusband hcs with gepard, sampo, jing yuan, blade, dan heng, caelus and old man welt, no luocha but i’m open to be convinced why i should start loving him, mostly fluff, domestic stuff, modern au though… aren’t they more modern if they can travel the space? huh. normal world au then. forgot to add that ceo reader is implied
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He’s a very reluctant househusband at first, actually. He’s one who firmly believes that relationships are a team effort (and they are and should be), and thinks that it wouldn’t hurt for the both of you to work together. Of course, you encourage him regardless, and with both of your career-oriented selves, you were basically the couple that could foster a ten or so children and still be financially sound.
Serval is the one who convinced Gepard to lay low a little in his job and relax for once. You’re making a decent income a month — enough for you to be the only one working and still have a comfortable life together.
You have to thank your sister-in-law and her craftiness. She wasn’t Gepard’s sister for nothing. She knew your husband more than anyone and knew that he was too down bad to even refuse in entertaining the thought of not taking care of you. All she had to do was do a little convincing.
“If I were [Name], I sure wouldn’t mind coming home to a nice meal like this every night,” she’d muse with a hum while she ate off of Gepard’s cooking. He came home early that one night and thought to surprise you. Of course, Serval just had to taste test since she’s looking out for you, her beloved brother-in-law. “Also wouldn’t mind being taken care of by my own spouse…”
Gepard quickly folded. What if his sister was right and you wanted that kind of life? But it’s not like he also wants to quit his job just like that. So he made a gradual decrease in work until he can finally have a schedule that can commit as a househusband and occasionally help when he’s needed at work as a consultant.
Your beloved husband is a bit mid from the start — basic in cooking, in chores, but it’s his perseverance that pushes him up to S-tier househusband status. He will really go out of his way to learn recipes that you suddenly brought up in the middle of a conversation and will execute it to the highest standards. He will become a lot more meticulous in his chores around the house.
If he can, he’s definitely the type to drop by and join you in lunch. He’s a lot more free now, and if there’s nothing else to do in the house, he’ll take some lunch and go to where you work and just eat lunch together. Everyone is looking at the windows of your own office in envy while they watched you get spoon fed by your cute husband (they don’t know how embarrassed Gepard is since you technically just coerced him to feed you so people can see you on purpose).
So very attentive to you. He wakes you up early (even earlier if you have meetings where you have to discuss things to be extra prepared) for work. Your lunch is just top tier, but the plating is too cute — with the slightly uneven shapes to create cute animals. He’s the kind to even put a note in your packed lunch every time without fail.
He knows how hard you work and only wants the best for you. And when you recognize his efforts, he’s quick to get flustered from your compliments. He will fold like a wet cardboard. He’s too weak.
“Dear, please,” you could only laugh at your beloved’s winsome attitude. Currently pressed against the marbled counter of the kitchen, you can only shower him in a plethora of love-filled kisses as you expressed your unending gratitude. Your lips left tiny pecks from his cheeks down to his neck, only serving to fluster him even more.
You pulled back but not before leaving another quick kiss on his nose, “What’s got you all knotted up, love? No one’s watching.” You cooed, leaving your poor husband whining at the thought of earlier — when you so cruelly asked him to feed you in front of your subordinates while you busily ‘worked’ on your projects.
But somehow even with the unbridled embarrassment that you brought to him, Gepard couldn’t help but feel the elation engulf his entirety at the prospect of you showing him off in your own mischievous ways. Even with your busy schedule, you were more than willing to let him come inside your work and take the time off just to let him join you for lunch. He’d already heard enough drama around the neighborhood to be grateful that you can still balance your work with your marriage.
He was grateful to have you as his partner for life. And even then, he wouldn’t mind having to visit you just to feed you. It was certainly a rare thing that he’s heard partners would suggest, so to be given a privilege as seeing you everyday at work was something he would cherish more than ever.
A kiss on his temple knocked his fleeting thoughts off the rail and pulled him back to reality, blinking at your curious smile, “…Shield for your thoughts?” You inquired with a gentle tone, eager to pry just what has got your husband so spacey all of a sudden.
He only grinned before pulling you in for a proper kiss and murmured against your lips, “Just thanking my lucky stars for having you as my husband.”
Now it was your turn to be flustered.
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Your friends still think you’re a legend for even managing to wife up the untamable Sampo. But somehow, you pulled him in and he was more than willing to be a househusband. For more reasons than one.
But let’s get out the pinnacle of his reasons out of the way — it being, him living so comfortably? Financially supported by a handsome guy like you? Sign him up. He’s more than willing to take care of you while you take care of him. He’s a sleazy guy, after all. Wouldn’t wanna get married to a broke man. Kidding.
Anyway, he mostly sells the story of getting married just for benefits for laughs. But really, you’ve somehow managed to actually trap him as a prisoner of love. He’s a huge simp for you and actually considers your high-end job a bonus. A really good bonus. But other than that, you’ve got Sampo completely wrapped around your finger. And he’s a very eager househusband.
A surprisingly good househusband. He’s meticulous in his work and can cook. But what really sells him is how well he can budget and actively get discounts just by smooth talking the vendors in the market. You once went with him, telling him to go nuts and buy everything that he needs, and you came home with only just a good half of your money spent. He was scarily good and from then on, you made an oath to take notes from your husband’s amazing haggling skills.
He’s a very resourceful man. If you need anything, he’s there to lend a hand. He’s always there to fix equipments that break down. Really, you rarely get issues with the things at home, because the moment he senses that there’s something wrong, he’s already on the case. Your husband is a jack of all trades.
All he requires is a small fee of some attention and loving from you. Seriously, he will mope around and will let you know that he’s upset that you forgot to give him a goodbye kiss earlier when you left for work.
You wake up much earlier than he does, but please wake him up. He wants to cook you breakfast and see you off like a loving househusband that he is. He will sulk if you so much as even think of leaving him without waking him up. He’s a big drama queen and unless you make up for it once you get home, he will continue to walk around the house with a pout on his face.
The only way to make this man completely crumble underneath you is to spoil him. He’s working so hard with the upkeep of your shared home! If you take him out on surprise date nights, he will melt. Shower him with lavish gifts from all the money you saved up, courtesy of Sampo’s extreme bargaining. He will latch onto your arm the entire night like your pretty little arm candy (even if he’s taller than you).
Oh, right. You will get sudden visits from Natasha or even Seele and Oleg, just to check up on your married life. They’re mostly just there to whack some sense into Sampo if he’s being difficult to you. Suffice to say, they’re always surprised when they come visit your homely abode that’s clean and has a refreshing atmosphere. Seele plugs her ears every time you say it’s all because of Sampo that your house is even remotely presentable. She’s in denial.
It was a grueling day, leaving you completely vulnerable to the throes of exhaustion. You ought to take some vacation days, maybe go on a different country with your husband for a treat. Surely, he’d like that. You noticed he’s been working just as hard as you at home. Speaking of which — the reason for your home’s unfamiliar silence was in fact the lack of singing from your lively husband. You were so used to hearing his voice that the silence felt incredibly deafening when you were alone.
“Love? You home?” You called out, glancing at the shoe rack by the door to see his outdoor shoes in the same place and the indoor shoes missing. He’s here. You pursed your lips, brushing off the peculiarity and headed to the joint dining room and kitchen, seeing a nice still hot meal sitting on a nice plate. But it was the only thing on the table, no other plates or even a husband waiting on you with a smile. You peered at the food to see a card beside the plate, scribbled with a sad face.
“…What.” You sat the card back down before finally poking your head in the living room, seeing your husband watching another sad show while screwing in some panel from what you can only guess a part of your heater. You sauntered up from behind him, before grabbing his face and tilting his head up to meet your gaze.
He made no noise and had it not been for his evident pout, you would’ve only been left wondering what you did to make him so sulky again. You sighed before leaning to press a kiss against your lips. You could feel him finally smile against the kiss.
“So you still love me?” He asked, insinuating that you felt otherwise for not even giving him a kiss goodbye earlier.
“Not like I have a choice,” was your only cheeky response.
“Wha— Hey!”
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Out of everyone, he is probably the most eager one to be a househusband. He is so ready to retire. He’s been moaning about it at work constantly, about how he’s just ready to settle in somewhere nice and be taken care of. And when you decided to finally tie the knot with him, you didn’t even have to ask twice, that man is already turning in his resignation and is already making your shared home even cozier than ever.
He’s a very languid man, but that does not mean he’s going to flake out on chores. He can do them all efficiently just for the sake of getting them out of the way so he can keep relaxing after. That, and of course making sure that you come home to a clean home. Aeons know how stressful it is to come home from work and seeing your own home completely cluttered. Jing Yuan has suffered the same thing before he met you.
Jing Yuan loves you through his cooking other than sleeping in with you. He creates the greatest dishes for you. Often are you eating your lunch with so much pride. Your subordinates would come inside your office during lunchtime to pass some papers and they would see you just completely enjoying life with your husband’s cooking.
He likes to greet you with a nice warm meal after your work. And he’d just watch you eat his meals with a fond smile while you continue to talk about each of your days with each other. Of course, occasionally, he’d open his mouth and you would have to feed him as well. Yanqing would sometimes come home to such a sight and never has he seen a more domestic scene than before.
Another one of his much favored ways to show his love is through after work massages. You’d come home and be completely smothered with love just by his touches. Sometimes he’d give you a nice neck and shoulder massage while you’re eating and talking about your day. Or you could both be lounging on the sofa and he would absentmindedly massage your overworked hands.
However his most favored time spent with you is when you’re on a day off and that he would successfully persuade you into staying a little bit longer in bed with him. Just sleep until the afternoon, with limbs tangled against one another. He loves spooning his husband that takes care of him so dearly. Just feeling your back pressed against his chest while he’s nuzzling his nose into the nape of your neck. Bliss. Utter bliss.
The two of you scream old married couple. Just two old geezers enjoying their lives. It’s really such a relaxing relationship. Being married to Jing Yuan is like a vacation from your problems and him being married to you is an adventure without the nauseating exhaustion.
Yanqing is inadvertently your child the moment you got married to your husband. And suffice to say, you were far more content in your life than you could ever imagine. Never have you felt the genuine happiness swell within you the moment you came home to the two of them cooking together. You still have a slightly motion blurred picture in your phone and neither of them know about it.
Overall the most chill househusband. But even in his passivity, you can feel the radiating warmth of love for you. He just… loves you so much that he’s more than willing to take care of you and the little family that you and him have created. He will wait for you by the door with his half-lidded gaze completely fixated on you with so much adoration. He’s lucky to have you.
You were used to the hectic mornings you often faced upon waking up. It was always a rush job in the morning, speeding through all your morning routine before finally leaving for work. But today was not that day. You could tell from the way the sunlight hit your eyelids. You always left just before the sun could even come up, but right now, you had other plans.
You wanted to prepare a nice breakfast for your husband. He had been working so hard all the time, taking care of you and Yanqing with no days off unlike you. You figured you could get the day started and surprise the both of them with some of your cooking prowess. Suddenly filled with the motivation, you sat up, ready to face the first hour of your time off work for a few days.
However, your plans were soon foiled when a strong arm hooked around your waist and immediately pulled you back down on the bed without even breaking a sweat. You sighed, looking off to the side to see one golden eye peering at you sleepily. Lips turning up into a smile, you shifted to fully face him.
“Can’t even let me make you some breakfast in bed, huh?” You teased with the same fondness as the very first day you and him got married.
A quiet grunt was all your lover gave, only to follow it up with his own gruff response a minute later, “While that sounds nice, I believe I can also reap benefits just from canoodling with my husband for let’s say… until the afternoon.”
Your hands were tied at that point, and with one last charming smile from your dozing husband, you dove into his arms, letting him press some kisses on your face before falling asleep, with you following after.
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No one in this world knows how you managed to charm and marry Blade in the first place. Even his family considers you a miracle worker for bagging the hard to get man. You could only reminisce of the times he would give you the cold shoulder when you tried to ask him out. You were cringe but Blade somehow liked it.
Regardless, he’s one of the reluctant househusbands at first. Blade doesn’t like the feeling of not going out and making money like you. He believes that as long as he can, he will contribute to this relationship. It’s really adorable. And you were supportive of what he wants, but when he realized no one can take care of you while you’re busy being the breadwinner, he decided that he’ll take one for the team and take care of everything in the house instead.
He is meticulous in cleaning. Your house is always sparkling clean the moment you arrive at home. He’s constantly on the hunt for any dust that could taint your shared humble abode. He once read that an unclean house can cause sickness to the occupants, and he has never let a single dust touch a furniture ever since then. Your health is his priority and he will do everything in his power to keep you healthy.
You know what? Screw it, he wears his apron without a care too. He goes out of the house in a pink frilly apron you gifted him as a silly little joke and he’s not ashamed of it. Even Kafka’s incessant teasing isn’t enough to deter him from wearing it. You gave it to him and he loves it. That’s all that matters.
Surprisingly loved by your neighbors. In contrast to his gloomy disposition, he’s always seen around the market and with people’s tendency to draw closer to mysterious handsome men like him, let’s just say he’s managed to unintentionally charm your neighbors. Everyone calls you lucky for getting him, everyone calls him lucky for having a good husband that provides.
Really, he cares so little about the money you make. All he needs is your love and attention. It is imperative that you give him calls on certain times of the day, let him know that you’re still alive at the very least. It’s not like you can’t make do on such a promise either, you loved calling him just to take a break from work for a little while. Even just hearing his quiet grunts of agreement while you gossiped about your subordinates was enough.
He wakes you up… like really early. Super early. Like at least a few hours before you call in for work. His reason? To get enough time with you before you go to work. It’s adorable. You two could be just lounging at the balcony, sipping coffee or tea while you both watch the sunrise.
Speaking of which, with him comes a package. His aforementioned family. Kafka and Silver Wolf’s visits are a must. They are a part of him and now they are a part of you. Kafka could be dropping by just to chat and gossip with you (somehow both of you know a lot about people’s own businesses) or Silver Wolf would just barge in and hog all your game systems (she says no one plays them since you’re both old men so she gets the privilege). Either way you’re already used to it, and one guest room is always at the ready.
Getting married to Blade is honestly the best thing you’ve ever done in your life. You still don’t know how you pulled him, but with him resting on you while the both of you watched shows, showing you his vulnerability tells you that doing so is not an accident or a mistake.
“…Would it kill you to step back a little? It’s hard to cook.”
“But you’re so warm. So soft… so…”
Quite possibly out of all the forms of affections that you’ve expressed towards him, Blade finds your nosy hands cupping around his chest from under his clothes the least practical. Especially when you’re doing it while he’s cooking your breakfast before you’re off for work.
He flipped the omelet with ease despite his claims of difficulty just seconds ago. Of course, it wasn’t as hard when he’s standing still. But on times where he had to go get some things, you in your sleepy daze had to trudge behind him like a shadow just to persistently warm your incredibly cold hands.
Regardless, other than the difficulty in moving, Blade finds it even harder not to burn the kitchen down as his concentration dwindled with every kiss you pressed against his neck, unrelenting and incredibly soft, so filled with love in every individual peck that met his skin. His face turned a rather dark shade of scarlet while you busied yourself with him.
“Keep this up and you’re going to be late.”
“At least it’s extra time with you~” you cooed.
Blade only sighed before leaning against your back, using his free hand to softly knock into the side of your head as his form of half-assed discipline.
Well. Maybe he wouldn’t mind that extra time too.
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He’s not so much as a reluctant househusband. In fact, he relishes in the idea of just staying home and doing his work there. He likes the comfort of being able to sit things out for once after having to look after his two gremlins for friends. However, he does want to make sure that you’re always safe when you’re working.
After a lot of reassurances, he finally decides that you can handle your own. He will compensate for it by taking an extremely good care of you and your shared home. And this man does not play around. He’s sort of like Blade, excelling at everything that needs to be done not just because, but it’s to keep you safe. He cooks you healthy meals and scrubs any dirt off the face of the world.
Easily one of the greatest househusbands in the list. Dan Heng has the right temperament and while he’s often aloof to most people, when it comes to you, you could already feel how he seems more lenient, a little softer on you.
He does all his work efficiently to get them over with as fast and as best as he can so he can have time to visit you in your work. If he knows he has time, count on your beloved husband to come and bring you some freshly cooked lunch in your office. Almost everyone in your company already knows who he is. He’s the elusive husband of the big boss, coming in just to bring you some lunch.
Speaking of which, might wanna keep your subordinates in check. Dan Heng is a looker, and the fact that he’s just as considerate, combined with his mysterious nature, people are bound to be more attracted to him. Though honestly, none of their little admiration could measure up to Dan Heng’s love for you.
In his eyes, you are the only one important, right next to his own family with Himeko and the rest. And he will do all that he can to make sure that you’re alright in any aspect of your life. However even with that dedication, it’s also your job to keep him intact. He focuses so much on you that he sometimes forgets to wind down.
Taking him out on something with a serene atmosphere usually does the trick. Bring tons of books to entertain yourselves, and if the stories get too old, you chat about things you have yet to tell each other. Dan Heng really appreciates the effort you put in, investing your time in him despite the fact that you’re running a conglomerate, but even then just a little gesture from you is enough for him to know how grateful you are for his own efforts as well.
Old married couple 2.0. March said so herself when she decided to barge into your home to show you her pictures from her recent travels. She and the raccoon are tied at the tally of visits. Often they just crash just to make sure Dan Heng hasn’t driven you insane yet with his very… unromantic nature. Safe to say March still couldn’t believe that dear old Dan Heng was the first to pop the question in tying the knot.
Speaking of unromantic, your husband does come off as one, often giving you practical solutions than giving you any words of comfort when you’re stressed. And perhaps it’s because you understood that’s his way of romancing you that you and him ended up married in the first place.
Exhaustion was more of a friend than a foe after having to bury yourself in the tower stacks of paperwork. It’s times like these that you had to wonder if running the family company is even worth it.
“I’m too tired to driiiiive,” you whined, looking at the spreadsheets in exasperation.
And as if he had a sixth sense, a knock on your door was heard and you gave the green light with little regard for the person behind the door. You then looked up and almost cried at the sight of your beautiful husband, with two coffees in hand.
“Come on, I’ll take you home,” it was all he had to say to prompt what little motivation you had left in your system, letting your sluggish self spring back to life. You bound to him with a grateful smile on your face and greeted him with an embrace.
You took one cup from him and graced him with a kiss on his cheek, “Hang on, let me get some take home work. I need to at least finish a good third of this.”
Your poor husband was a lot more worried than he could let on with his stoic face — seeing you on the ropes, completely hard at work and barely functioning at the sheer exhaustion was almost enough to tempt him into stopping you from bringing home your work. Alas, he supported you regardless and only thought to compensate for your extra work with an even better dinner.
“Anything you want for tonight?” He asked, thoughtful as always.
“Mmm… chicken fried rice?”
“Chicken fried rice it is.”
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Not a single soul expected for this man to get married. Everyone thought he’d just end up on the streets willingly, constantly rummaging through trash can after trash can, falling in love with one and settling down with it in his own odd way. Surprise surprise, he is now a househusband that digs through the high end trash cans placed inside your shared home.
Quite frankly, if Caelus was being honest, he also did not expect to trip into you and quite literally fall in love. And for you to reciprocate it. He always thought you two were just the best of friends, with you supporting his hobbies with little to no judgment. So imagine his surprise that he keeps feeling every time he wakes up right next to you (and right next to his five foot pillow of a trashcan, but it’s a separate affair on its own).
Moving aside your husband’s very odd addiction of living the life of a trash panda, Caelus is actually a pretty decent househusband. His specialities are mostly the meals he makes for you. They’re always so delicious and is often the highlight of your day even without him around.
He’s very active around the neighborhood and is always armed with the latest news around town. The other stay at home spouses love him. And you were quite surprised to find out that he’s far more connected in the very place you both live in than you could ever be. When you’re free, you’d sometimes accompany him to the market and somehow end up staying very late because a lot of people recognize him and seem to want to chat with him.
Caelus parades you around as his beloved husband and people are just dropping jaws when they realize you have definitely been interviewed in one of those famous magazines about businesses and all that jazz.
Surprisingly, just like Sampo, Caelus is your man when it comes to spending wisely and learning how to haggle. He knows his way around almost everything and even you couldn’t help but be proud of yourself of fishing out such a dashing man that is wise in finances. Good man, honestly.
One fact about him that you like are his skills in caring for children. There’s something so wonderfully domestic whenever you would come home early and see him playing with the children — Hook and Clara, if you can recall. He’s mostly just babysitting for them on days that he’s not completely hammered to death with housework.
His favorite thing to do with you is grocery shopping at night. Just the two of you cruising around every aisle, more often than not, you’d push the cart with him in it getting gradually buried by every item you decided to purchase. It’s a good way to spend some time together while getting something productive done. And perhaps coax you into buying a little more food than you and him intended in the first place. Dan Heng always advices you not to be too swayed by your husband antics… but it’s clearly not working.
Caelus is a silly little man, with his weird eccentric jokes and his equally strange fascination for all things related to trash cans. But it’s probably because of this that you found yourself enamored. He is your respite in the suffocating world of your workforce. He pushes you in situations you never thought would be fun unless he was with you.
“If you loved me, you would’ve gotten ten more boxes of cookies.”
“And if you loved me, you wouldn’t be willingly burying yourself in that cart instead of helping me pick between chocolate or strawberry milk.” You quipped back with a snarky grin, not even bothering to look at your childish husband who continued to be sprawled out in the cart at ten in the evening while you shopped.
Caelus pouted, you always did make good points. It’s why he could never win an argument against you. Or maybe he could… if he wasn’t so completely smitten at the sight of you. You were always seen as the dignified boss of your company, dressed in three piece suits that could suffocate anyone and their wallet.
But here you were, dressed in a loose shirt (likely one of his just judging from the fit) and some pair of joggers that you haphazardly threw on.
Absolutely breathtaking.
He lent out a hand to reach for the carton of flavored milk that you finally chose, adding it onto the pile. He waited until you were at the end of the cart, getting ready to muscle your way through pushing an incredibly heavy cart, courtesy of your husband.
Caelus looked up at you, “Don’t I at least get a kiss for helping out?”
“Cae, I’m dying from pushing you. How ‘bout we entertain that incentive once you got out of the cart and started helping me, hm?”
Maybe he’s just a simp, but how could he deny his demanding husband’s whims?
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This old man is the definition of a reluctant retiree. Well, it’s not actually a retirement for him. He still gets to be the voice of reason, only that he won’t actually personally animating. Who’s to blame? You. To be accurate, this old man officially decided to step down from his hands-on job as an animator so he can be a househusband. You’re a priority after all, and only the heavens know how bad you need to be taken care of.
Welt joins the ranks of a godly househusband. He knows his way around almost every single thing that needs to get fixed. His cooking? Top tier. His housework game? Absolute perfection. Floors are swept, counters are wiped and dusted, sheets and clothes are washed and pressed. He is perfect.
And on top of that, he still manages to balance his work from home as the consultant for any new anime that is about to be produced and can still care for you without even breaking a sweat. Old man Welt is always pulling through.
So let’s get this out of the way — actual old married couple. Not just vibes. You two are old men who look at the screen with squinted eyes. Well, only Welt does that while you laugh at him and then proceed to forget where you placed your own phone despite being on it just a few minutes ago.
Regardless, you live a much more balanced life, just two husbands cruising through life with little worries. You live on a good neighborhood, living comfortably and get a lot of visits from yours and Welt’s friends/family. Most of which are from the trio and Himeko. You and Welt always host these family dinners on weekends where everyone is free. Life is good.
However despite all the glamour of living a comfortable life in this marriage, there is one glaring difference between you and Welt — mostly it’s the fact that you have worse time management than he does and often gets the short end of the stick, always pummeled to death with your paperwork that could leave anyone in a fit of raw despair. Welt looked at your work the one time you left to answer a phone call from office and shuddered at the heavy load.
Welt is essentially your clock when it’s time to unwind from work. You have a tendency to overwork at times and it’s something that Welt always makes sure to keep an eye out for. He just wants what’s best for you, and oftentimes, what’s best is for you is to finally get some shuteye after suffering through another overnight that you pulled.
Also, there is an unspoken rule of not letting any man with long blonde hair inside your home. It’s just a house rule. The top of all other house rules in fact, as it takes the most priority in fulfilling.
Regardless, Welt is so… househusband-shaped. He knows what to do as one and does a damn good execution of it all. Maybe it’s because of his compassionate self that you were quick to fall for the old man. He didn’t even have to try and show off, all he had to do was be himself and you’d still give him the world with every penny you’ve earned from your job.
A taut frown tugged onto Welt’s lips as he squinted on the labels from the spices that Himeko sent from her recent overseas trip. Not that he didn’t trust his good friend’s tastes in any form of flavor, it’s only that he wanted to make sure none of it had any ingredient that could probably send you into an anaphylactic shock. Yes, he is this meticulous when it comes to you.
Alas, his cautiousness grants no extra clear sight in viewing the labels and he struggled, holding them in different proximities. Are the characters really that small intentionally or are they so incoherent because they manufacturers made an error in the sizing the font before printing it on the packaging.
Fortunately for him, you came into the rescue as you plucked the packaging from his hands. Welt didn’t need to look up to see the same smug smile plastered on your face whenever you’d catch him doing the same thing to his phone. Well, he loved looking at you so he did it nonetheless.
“Having trouble again, old man?” You teased and Welt only had to sigh in response. “Is this from Himeko’s package?”
Your endeared husband nodded, “Of course. I had to see what else she gave us. And I’m looking over the ingredients so I can keep you out of the hospital as best as I can.” He turned to the stove and lowered the heat. “Now kindly read it for me, dear.”
You only nodded, flipping over the packet, “Sure thing.”
There was a silence that followed, with Welt expecting you to run your mouth about the ingredients already. He looked back to you…
…And saw you squinting at the same bundle of text that he’s been staring at.
Welt scoffed, playful and light in nature, “And you call me old.”
“It’s the manufacturer’s fault…!!”
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fob4ever · 7 months
i was at a bookstore yesterday that had a copy of the kerrang: living loud book that featured the FOB watergun fight article i've never seen transcribed anywhere so i made a transcript of it for archival purposes. enjoy! from kerrang, may 2005.
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For a man staring down the barrel of a loaded gun while wearing just underpants, Fall Out Boy bassist Peter Wentz looks remarkably chipper. Especially when you consider the person about to unload in his face is guitarist and vocalist Patrick Stump, grinning madly despite the fact that fellow six-stringer Joe Trohman has a pistol to his temple. He in turn is firmly in the firing line of drummer Andy Hurley, cackling loudly with his finger hovering over the trigger.
Passers-by stop and stare, waiting for the inevitable, messy climax of this "Reservoir Dogs" scenario. The tension mounts, onlookers brace themselves, the band get ready to open fire. Suddenly it happens.
"Argh!" screams Wentz as several litres of icy water soak him. "That's fucking cold!"
No, Fall Out Boy aren't about to blow each other away, They're having a water fight for K!'s benefit in a car park at the Chicago stop on travelling punk circus Warped Tour, where they're knocking out their "softcore" wares ("We're basically a hardcore band that couldn't cut it as a hardcore band," laughs Wentz) on the main stage alongside big hitters like The Offspring, Avenged Sevenfold and My Chemical Romance. The Windy City is more than just another stop for them; Chicago is Fall Out Boy's hometown, the place where they formed out of the ashes of their old hardcore bands, and where they still live with their parents- who are here for today's show - during the few weeks of the year they're not on tour.
It all started for Fall Out Boy here in 2001 when the members wanted a break from playing in their various bands. Long time friends Wentz and Hurley got together with hardcore associate Joe Trohman to do something a bit less heavy. Following a conversation about avant-metallers Neurosis in a bookstore, Trohman introduced Stump to the rest of the band. When their other bands folded, they took on Fall Out Boy full time.
"We wanted to do things before we were ready," chuckles Peter Wentz fondly of the early days of DIY tours for the benefit of the one or two people who would show up. "We'd plan two-week tours, just to see the world. Nobody would book us, so we had to do it all on our own."
"A lot of bands have scenes to go into and surround themselves with those people," says Stump. "We had no scene, so we would just play anywhere, with whoever."
FOB have come a long way from their humble roots. Right now they're America's fastest rising band. Radio smash 'Sugar, We're Goin' Down' has placed them squarely in the mainstream, having spent three weeks as the Number One song on MTV's 'TRL', a prime-time show usually devoted to pop acts like Maroon 5 and Ashlee Simpson. So dizzying their Stateside assent has been, they had to cancel their recent European tour in order to play the MTV Music Video Awards, where they are also nominated for 'Sugar...'. Thankfully, FOB haven't let the screaming adoration turn them into big-headed twats.
"A piece of shit with legs on it could walk onto 'TRL' and people would still go crazy," laughs Wentz. "That stuff just goes straight by me. With the fast turnover in the music industry, how can anyone have an ego"
Andy Hurley chips in. "You can be today's main stage and tomorrow's trash."
That's to find out tomorrow, though. Today among the madness of trying to plan anything on the Warped Tour - stage times are decided daily by lottery - Fall Out Boy have to try and find time for hanging out with family and friends.
"Three weeks on Warped is like three months on a normal tour," says Peter Wentz.
"Home becomes like Atlantis on tour, you wonder if it actually exists after a while," adds Patrick Stump.
Now FOB are big stars, a lot of old 'friends' have been coming out of the woodwork. Joe Trohman and Peter Wentz have polarised views on those who didn't give a toss back in the day suddenly becoming your pal once you've made it.
"The way I look at it is if someone's a dick to you and you don't know them, so what?" says Trohman. "Just care about who did support you, keep those important people close, not the people who five years ago called you a loser."
"I work the opposite way!" Wentz counters, before adding darkly, "The people I think about most are enemies. My brain works on revenge!"
Though a tight knit group of close friends, Peter Wentz is clearly Fall Out Boy's spokesman. He does most of the talking during the interview and writes the lyrics, and seems like the most driven one of the lot. As well as doing Fall Out Boy, Wentz has also written a book with tattoo artist Joe Tesaure, 'The Boy With The Thorn In His Side'. It's a dark, twisted tale that could have come straight from the brain of Tim Burton.
"I've always been into Roahl Dahl and people like that, and I was friends with a tattoo artist at the time and we came up with this idea to do a book together," he explains. "It wasn't something I felt fitted in with what Fall Out Boy is, I hate when bands do something that's not 'them'. The book is what it is, and Fall Out Boy is what we are."
Despite all thise talk of nightmares and revenge, FOB are upbeat individuals, enjoying their newfound success, while refusing to allow success to go to their heads. They'll tell you they don't like the shallowness of groupies or industry parties, and that the trappings of rock stardom hold no appeal.
"I don't feel like I deserve it," says Wentz in closing. "It's not like, 'this amount of time and this amount of shows = this kind of bus'. I appreciate what we've got. We've toured in a tiny van and it was cool, but now we're having new adventures living like this. I don't feel we deserve it more than any other bands do."
He surveys the sumptuosly appointed tour bus for a moment before chuckling heartily.
"Actually, that's a lie, we totally deserve it more than anyone else! Ha ha!"
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fandomfix13 · 8 months
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Get Him Back - Rafe Cameron 18+
* This is so super long and also completely filthy at parts SO MDNI and pls read warnings
* little bit of fluff? Def some pretty smutty smut. This did not start out as smut but here we are
* WRITTEN IN Y/N’s POV, lots of dialogue
*anything in italics is your inner monologue
Word count: 4K
WARNINGS: MDNI!, mentions of cheating (not rafe), toxic ex,  oral (giving and receiving), fingering, rough-ish??, p in v sex, hair pulling, light choking??, not rated e for everyone
The rain is pouring down in sheets. Falling harder than it has in a while. My head is pounding from holding back tears, that I might as well let out. I never thought that I would be in this situation. Forced out of my boyfriend's car after a fight at nearly one in the morning, with a dead phone, left to walk home alone in the pouring rain. How cliche. Not to mention the fact that I’m just over three miles away from home. What a dick. Some “man” he is to leave me like that. For all he cares, I could be kidnapped out here. However, it's highly unlikely being that I’m wandering in one of (if not the nicest) neighborhoods in this entire state. Constantly guarded by a neighborhood watch, with gated community after gated community.
 I can see the the sharp rain plummeting down in the glow of the street lights. Unlucky for me, the wind has picked up too making this walk even more miserable. At this point, I have two options; 1. I could continue to walk home in this miserable weather OR 2. I could lose all dignity and show up to Sarah’s house after not talking to her in months. Seeing as this storm is showing absolutely no sign of stopping, its looking like the second option is better. As I turn the corner, I approach the Seabrook Gated Community. A little ways down is the fence that Sarah and I used to hop all the time when we would sneak out. That’s my in. It’s an old rusty fence that is hidden behind some overgrown hedges behind some wildly overpriced house that rarely ever has anyone living in it.         
After nearly slipping off of the slippery fence, I make my way down the street to Tanny Hill. Mentally preparing myself for the absolute humiliation that will occur if Sarah opens the front door. We had our falling out about 3 months ago and we haven't spoken since. We have tried our best to avoid each other at all costs. At least I’ve tried avoiding her, that is, until this very moment. 
As I approach the front lawn, I genuinely consider turning around and quite literally braving the storm and walking home. As it is, I’m already soaked from head to toe and probably on the verge of pneumonia. However, I shake off my thoughts and walk towards the front door. I knock three times in hope that someone will hear. I don’t ring the doorbell out of fear of waking up the entire Cameron household which is the last thing I need to do. After a few seconds, nobody answers. This house is huge maybe they are coming. I convince myself that nobody is answering the door so I turn accepting my fate and I walk away. Suddenly, I hear the front door unlock and my breath gets caught in my throat when I hear his voice. 
“Y/N? Is that you?” Fuck. Me.
“Hey Rafe.” I choke out. God I probably look insane.
“What are you doing here?” he looks at his phone “at 1:26 in the morning.”
“Um. Is Sarah home?” I spit out, trying to avoid conversation.
“She’s not…but I am.” He leans against the door frame looking me up and down in a ‘you good?’ way. “You also didn’t answer my question.” He adds.
“I uh…I didn’t know where else to go.” I say quietly. I was right. This is in fact humiliating. He just stands there and stares at me. Clearly unamused at the fact that I still haven't answered his question as to why I am standing on his front porch looking like a wet dog. I would stare too. “Are you gonna let me inside? Or are you just gonna keep staring at me in silence.” I add.
“That depends.” He says lookin back into the house then back at me. “Are you gonna tell me why you’re here? Or are you just gonna avoid the question.” Touche. We stand here in silence for a moment as he watches me get pelted in the face by the rain and I chatter my teeth. He finally pushes the door open further and gestures for me to come inside. Thank go Sarah isn’t home because I would be shitting myself out of embarrassment right now. I walk in and Rafe opens a hallway in the closet as he reaches in and grabs a towel that he throws at me. “If You get anything wet, Rose will lose her shit.” 
“How kind.” I say with strong notes of sarcasm.
“Hey I didn’t have to let you in. I could've just left you outside on your own.” he’s right.
“Well you wouldn’t be the first guy to leave me outside tonight, so I probably would’ve been fine” I blurt out without thinking. What happened to me tonight is none of his business. Plus I’m sure he will hear about it anyway. However, he did let me inside which he did not have to do, so I could at least pretend to be grateful. 
“Damn. That's rough. Sorry about that.” he almost sounded embarrassed.
“No, it's fine. Thanks for the towel.” he nods and sits down at the kitchen counter. We stand in silence for a bit as I ring my hair out into the sink. This couldn’t be more awkward. Here I am standing in my ex best friend’s house with her older brother, who was in fact my first kiss in a game of truth or dare years ago, and who happens to be the best friend of my boyfriend who just dumped me on the side of the road in the middle of the night. This is just grand. “Do you have a phone charger? My phone is completely dead.” 
“Uh yeah its upstairs. Do you wanna-” he cut himself off before speaking again. “Do you just wanna come up with me so you can change?” Right. So. Apparently this absolutely CAN  feel more awkward. Whatever. I need to charge my phone and honestly a change of clothes sounds devine. I silently follow Rafe up the stairs and into his room. “If you want you can take a shower to warm up. Your teeth haven’t stopped chattering since you got here.” he’s being frighteningly nice. 
“Um sure.” I say hesitantly as I am incredibly confused by his nice attitude. I plug in my phone and Rafe hands me one of his old t-shirts and a pair of booty shorts that were surely left here by some random girl, but honestly I don’t care. I have to get out of these clothes. “Thanks.” I say taking the clothes and entering his bathroom, closing and locking the door quickly behind me. Literally what the fuck. There is no way this is really happening. 
I take my time in the shower as I let the steaming hot water warm me up for a while. When I’m done, I put on the clothes that Rafe gave me, and open the bathroom door seeing him sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone.
“Hey Topper called you like five times when you were in the shower.” He says unfazed. My attitude shifts almost immediately. 
“You didn’t answer it did you?” I blurt out. Nice job y/n! That wasn’t suspicious at all!
“No…why would I?” he laughs clearly confused as I let out a sigh  of relief. Once again. Awkward silence. I take a seat on the edge of the bed going through my phone. “Are you gonna call him back?” he asks. Before I could answer him, his phone starts to ring. Toppers name is displayed on the screen. Rafe looks at his phone, then back to me, then back to his phone. 
“I am NOT here. Answer it. Put it on speaker.” I say frantically. Now he's intrigued.
“Hey Top!” Rafe answers. “Rafe! I fucked up man. I fucked up BAD! I’m coming over. I need a drink asap.” I am immediately shaking my head and mouthing ‘no’. “Top I can’t tonight man. My dad is on my ass and if Rose finds out I have someone over, I’m dead bro.” Is he seriously helping me right now? 
Topper scoffs on the other line. “Since when have you given a shit about what Rose thinks? I’m already on my way!” 
“Then turn around and go home man. I can’t tonight.”
“What is up with you dude? You never turn down a drink” its silent for a minute “Oh shit do you have a chick over right now?” Im disgusted at the change in tone in Top’s voice when he  brings up Rafe having a girl over.
“Yeah bro I do. And she’s alone right now in my bed so I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow.” Rafe responds, very quick to go along with Topper’s question.
“That’s my man!” Topper laughs “is she hot? She better be hot!”
Even Rafe rolls his eyes at Topper’s comment. “Yeah she’s hot. Okay gotta go man.” Rafe responds as he hangs up the phone. Is that true, does he think I’m hot? I don’t care. Do I?
I let out a huge sigh of relief that we dodged the bullet of Top showing up here. 
“So. Are you gonna tell me why I just had to lie to my best friend?”
I shift nervously. “Well technically you didn’t lie. There is a ‘chick’ here and she is sitting on your bed.” I try to make a joke avoiding this conversation at all costs. 
“Y/n.” He says, raising his eyebrows. He clearly wants an answer. 
“I broke up with Top and he didn’t take it well.” I say on an exhale. He doesn’t say anything because he’s not stupid. He has probably figured out that much already. I let out a heavy sigh. “He kicked me out of his car in the middle of the road three miles away from my house in the fucking rain because I accused him of cheating on me. He told me that I had no idea what I was talking about. He said I was crazy, and that I was making shit up. But I’m not. I know for a fact that I’m not. It’s not the first time either. He’s done it before, which I’m sure you already know since you’re his best friend and he probably tells you everything.” I make that realization as I’m rambling my story out to him. Rafe is probably well aware of Topper’s lack of loyalty. 
“I uh. I knew about it the first time.” He admits. His honestly with the situation makes me laugh a little as I roll my eyes.
“Of course you did. Being that it was with your sister. I’d be shocked if you didn’t know.” The look on Rafe’s face instantly changes. It’s almost like he’s holding something back. “Unless…Sarah wasn’t the first girl was she. There was someone else.” Tears that I have been pushing back for weeks start to well in my eyes. Not because I’m sad, but because I’m furious. Even Rafe doesn’t know what to say. Without thinking, I grab my wet clothes and my barely charged phone, and head towards his bedroom door. “I should go. Thanks for the shower and-” 
“Y/n don’t be ridiculous” he says quickly following me. “You can’t leave right now that storm is getting worse” He puts his hand on the door, shutting it. 
I turn and he is standing close enough to me to create an odd sort of tension. 
“Why don’t you get him back?” Rafe suggests as I roll my eyes.
“I don’t want to get back with him Rafe I’m so ov-” he cuts me off.
“That’s not what I’m saying. I mean get him back. As in revenge.” he says as he steps closer to me. Jesus Christ I’m an absolute idiot.
“Revenge…right.” I laugh awkwardly. He continues to inch closer, creating an even bigger amount of tension. Not that tension is an unfamiliar thing with Rafe and I. There has always been a weird tension between us. Ya know…the whole best friends brother thing. I’ve known Rafe for almost 10 years. Something about his cocky attitude has always been attractive to me. Call it toxic. I don’t care. It’s just the truth. Rafe and I are standing right infront of each other. He is towering over me as my back is still to the door. 
“You know…They say that one of the best ways to get over a guy is to get under another.” He almost whispers while moving my hair out of my face. I can’t help but blush. The thought of getting back at Topper crossed my mind the second he cheated on me. The thought of getting back at him by hooking up with his best friend? That’s even better. Rafe leans down and starts to kiss my neck. “Rafe we probably shouldn’t do this” I whisper clearly enjoying it.
“Of course we shouldn’t. But I do shit that I shouldn’t do all the time.” He stops kissing my neck to look me in the face.
“Me too” I nod letting out a breath as I crash my lips onto his. The kiss is instantly filled with an insane amount of intensity. Rafe backs me up against the wall as he deepens the kiss. He moves from my mouth to my neck, leaving hickeys all over. He is making sure that I can’t hide what we are doing. And I’m totally here for it. His hands move from my hair, to my hips, to underneath the hem of my shirt. Well. Technically his shirt. I’m braless since my bra got soaked in that rain earlier. He quickly realizes this as his hand grazes over my tits. He starts to grip them while kissing me, making me moan softly until he stops for a second. 
“As hot as you look in my shirt…it’s coming off” he nearly growls. I lift my arms as he lifts the shirt over my head and throws it across the room. I reach for his shirt to take it off. Once he takes it off his mouth is back on mine. Our foreheads are pressed together as our bare chests are rising and falling against each other. He hoists me up, grabbing my ass as I throw my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. We don’t last long against the wall before we move to the bed.
He lays me down on the edge of the bed as he hovers over me kissing me yet again. Each kiss gets more aggressive. We bite each other's lips between kisses. He moves his mouth from my lips to my neck leaving more marks. Slowly, he makes his way to my chests. The marks he makes get darker and darker. He puts his mouth over my nipple, making me moan as he slightly bites down. He quickly moves his hand up to cover my mouth.
“Shhh. Baby we gotta stay quiet.” He says as he moves from one nipple to the other. I moan into his hand as he stifles the sound that comes out. His hand moves from my mouth to my throat as he wraps his hand around it lightly. His lips meet mine again. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” holy shit. I moan into our kiss as his hand is on my throat. His hand travels down my body until its hovering over my shorts. He’s moving his hand from one thigh to the other. Barely grazing the spot where I need him the most. I breathe into our kiss as his hand stops at the waistband of my shorts. He’s such a fucking tease. He hovers his hand there for a minute sensing that I want more. 
“Oh my God Rafe” I moan out of anticipation.
“You want more baby?” he smirks against my lips.
“You know I do” Smartass.
“Say less” he moves from his position above me, to kneeling on the floor at the edge of the bed. He hooks his fingers around the waistband of my shorts, pulling them down, revealing my bare pussy. He pulls me closer to the edge of the bed and spreads my legs in one swift motion, causing my breath to hitch. He leans down and attaches his mouth to my clit. This of course causes another accidental moan to slip from my mouth. I immediately throw my own hands over my mouth to quiet the noise. His tongue is swirling circles over my clit as he inserts two fingers without warning. As hard as I am trying to stifle my sounds, nothing could stop the groan that I let out at this moment. He moves his fingers at a faster pace that matches what his tongue is doing. 
“Holy Shit Rafe.” I whine.
“You like that?” he smirks up at me. I nod and roll my eyes to the back of my head before shutting them tightly. But suddenly Rafe stops. “Open your eyes y/n. I want you to look at me when you cum. I want you to see who is making you feel this good.” I do as he says and open my eyes as I prop myself up on my elbows to get a better view. “Atta girl” He smirks before burying his face into me yet again. He adds a third finger as I throw my head back while remaining eye contact. He curls his fingers as he eats me out and I want to scream at the pressure building up inside of me. I reach forward and tangle my fingers through his hair as he grins up towards me. 
“Rafe! Oh my God” I let out a string of other soft noises and words.
“Go ahead baby. Cum for me,” I look Rafe in the eyes as I jerk my hips and arch my back, completely unraveling in front of him. As he removes his fingers from inside of me, he brings them up to my mouth. “I want you to see how good you taste.” he says as I take his fingers into my mouth until they are clean. He removes his fingers from my mouth and laces his hands through my hair as he devours me with a kiss. 
“That was incredible.” I breathe heavily.
“Oh we aren’t done yet princess.” the sound of him calling me princess was enough to nearly send me over the edge again. 
“I’d hope not” I tangle my tongue with his as he deepens the kiss by pulling my hair back. I reach for his pants and I undo his belt. 
“Eager are we?” he scoffs, pulling away for a moment. He removes his belt and  his pants. Leaving his boxers for me to remove. I gesture for him to sit on the edge of the bed where I just was. When he sits, I climb onto his lap, straddling him over his boxers. I can tease too. I lean in kissing him as I slowly start to rock back and forth on his lap. I can feel him getting harder by the second. To be honest this is doing just as much for me as it is for him. I start to kiss his neck, leaving marks similar to the ones he left on me. I start to rock faster back and forth until he is letting out moans the way I was. I cover his mouth.
“I thought we had to stay quiet.” I give him a sly smile before kneeling on the floor and removing his boxers. I come face to face with his cock as I run my tongue up the side, looking up at him while I do it. I move my tongue to the other side slowly, taking my sweet time. 
“Fuck y/n” Rafe groans as he places his hand in my hair. 
I wrap my mouth around the head of his cock and start to suck slowly, using my hands to work the rest that I can’t fit in my mouth. I bob my head up and down while I look up at him, my eyes are starting to water. He grabs my head and slightly pushes me down further, and I can feel his tip hit my throat. When it does Rafe lets out a deep moan with a mumbled string of “oh fucks”. After a few minutes, I can sense that he is going to cum. I don’t bother asking where he wants to finish before he finishes in my mouth. I swallow and look up at him with a smile.
“Holy shit. You really know what you’re doing.” He lets out a heavy content sigh. “We still aren't done yet. I need to be inside you.” He says laying me back down on the bed. I still cannot believe that this is happening. 
Rafe wastes no time climbing on top of me leaving sloppy kisses up my chest and meeting my mouth with his. “You sure about this?” He looks down at me.
“Never been more sure about anything.” I nod. 
“Good” He says as he grabs a condom from his nightstand and puts it on. Seconds later, he is lining himself up at my entrance. His tongue plunges into my mouth as he enters inside of me. His cock stretched my pussy perfectly. He moves with smooth motions leaving us both moaning into each other's mouths as he starts to pick up the pace of his thrusts. He brings his hand to my throat once again,barely applying pressure, making me let out a moan that was too loud to be stifled. He doesn’t seem to care. 
“You like when my hands are around your neck?” He whispers in my ear.
“Yes! Oh my god yes” I am starting to get louder. He moves his hand from my throat to my mouth to keep me quiet again. I moan into his hand as his thrusts hit the perfect spot inside of me. He can tell that he has hit the spot when my hips start to buck in perfect rhythm with his thrusts. I am almost screaming into his hand. As he leans down to kiss me again. 
“You gonna cum with me?” he asks, pressing his forehead against mine. I nod unable to speak, to stop myself from screaming. “Words y/n. Use your words” 
“Fuck yes. I’m gonna cum!” I whine out. He thrusts in and out a few more times, hitting the spot perfectly making me squirm underneath him. With one final thrust, I arch my back as I scratch my nails down his, definitely leaving scratch marks. We cum simultaneously as we let out deep and hungry moans into each other's mouths. He just gave me the best orgasm I have ever had. He pulled out and laid next to me.
“Holy shit. I’ve waited so long to do that.” he says looking at me out of breath.
“Me too. I always had a crush on you ya know.” I say looking at him equally as out of breath.
“Yeah I know.” He smiles and lets out a soft chuckle.
“Took you long enough to do something about it.” I laugh back.
“Thank God I did. And I plan on doing it again. Just so you know.” I winked at me 
“I’d hope so.” I smile, laying there next to him. He was right. That was the best way to get over someone. 
** hi! I really hope you liked this. If you did and want to see more let me know what you want to see! I had fun writing this and in my many many years of writing fanfics this is somehow my first time writing smut so I hope it was okay lol ❤️
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forfucksakesniall · 11 months
Hi bestie, when you have the time could you make something for lewis, like just domestic vibes and/or he being a complete simp
Domestic Vibes and being a Complete Simp
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Trigger Warning/Content Advisory: Too much fluff
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He doesn't show it much, but Lewis is a huge cuddler. When it's a lazy morning, he would bury his face in the crook of your neck and wrap his arms around you. It's a force of habit by now.
Lewis doesn't mind being the "little spoon," wrapping his arms around you as you both cuddle. His reason is because he can hear your heartbeat, but you know why he lays on your chest. You can feel the way he nuzzles his face and leaves small kisses.
He would turn the TV on and watch your favorite shows together while your koala of a boyfriend cuddles under a cozy blanket.
He talks about cooking pasta in an interview, but in reality, he is a menace in the kitchen.
But you enjoy spending time "trying" to cook something decent with him in the kitchen.
"No, Lewis. You need to add the water after." He does his old man laugh. "Oh well, we can just do it again. I guess."
When working out on his balcony in Monaco, he would encourage you to join him, making him your personal trainer. "Just one more, baby," he whispers in your ear. "I can't anymore, Lew." you try to catch your breath. "But you've only done one squat, baby."
When he did have work, he would wake up early and give you a kiss on the head before getting ready. Before he leaves the house, he would give you a kiss goodbye while you were still asleep and leave a message on your phone to see when you get up.
Good morning, baby.
Didn't want to wake you up.
You deserve some rest after last night ;)
I'll see you later.
I love you so much!
I love you too!!
If you ever did wake up before he left, he'd make breakfast for you and make sure to use all the time he has with you.
"You'll be late!" you tell him while he has you caged under him. "I still have some time, baby. Just let me take care of you. Don't want you feeling neglected."
When he comes late, you would wait for him in bed watching a movie or reading a book.
"Hey, baby. Why are you still awake?" he asks you. "I wanted to wait for you. You've been gone all day."
Both of you would end up in long, late-night conversations about life and dreams, making sure you always feel listened to and supported.
There may be times when you feel under the weather or when your hormones are acting up. He would stay with you longer and even call in sick if needed.
"You shouldn't have done that... This will pass. I'll be fine later anyway," you say as you cradle his face while lying in bed.
"I don't want to leave knowing that you're not feeling okay. I would be thinking about you even if I leave. Might as well stay here and take care of you," he says, leaning in close to give you a sweet kiss.
Lewis is known for being fashion-forward. While he shops for himself, he would go to the women's section to check out anything that you might like.
He would come home with dozens of bags from different brands."Looks like someone had Christmas early," you tease him. "Oh baby, this isn't even close to Christmas for you," he tells you while setting all the bags down on the floor. "I need you to be a good girl and try some things for me," he winks while getting more bags from the car.
He is seen on all your social media posts. He can't resist leaving flirty comments and adorable emojis, making sure everyone knows he's head over heels for you.
Lewis is known to be very private with his life, definitely with you. So, whenever you guys were in public, he would always take you to a place where there's a private area to be with you. Being this protective also had its perks. He knows that after they serve your food, no one would come over to check on you two again unless you both are done with your meals. He would be really handsy under the table. Light touches on your arm, the way he looks into your eyes then lips and at the same time leans in closer to you. At this point, the only thing stopping him was the table between you.
But when you're with him or your friends, he doesn't shy away from PDA. He would hug you from behind, holding your waist, have you sit on his lap, kiss your cheek from time to time, and whisper sweet nothings.
Lewis loves taking pictures with you or of you, creating a personalized gallery of your love story.
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schrijverr · 6 months
Works Alone
When trying to pull the team together, Bruce’s ideas are dismissed, because he works alone. He goes home to his kids to pout about it.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Bruce isn’t pouting. He isn’t! He’s not even a little bit miffed, because he doesn’t want the Justice League to succeed anyway. He doesn’t trust them, hell, he’s not even a full time member, he’s only playing along to keep the others in check. So why would he care?
However, attempting to convince himself doesn’t mean it is working or not clear on his face. The second he steps into the Cave, Dick comments: “Someone is pouty. Did anything happen with your new friends, B?”
He sounds a little too jovial about the whole thing for Bruce’s taste, because despite what he’s telling himself, he is pouty.
“Ridiculous. Father would never stoop so low as to pout,” Damian sticks up for him.
Damian had been sparring with Dick when Bruce arrived, but is now taking a break to drink some water. Seeing the two of them work together makes Bruce both feel better and more prissy, so he just grunts.
“He’s totally pouty,” Jason crows, from where he’d been ruffling through Bruce’s equipment. He would gladly give Jason all the stuff he needs, but Jason insists on stealing it, even if he’s stealing it in plain sight, which is more closely to just taking it.
“Take it back,” Damian frowns.
“Nah,” Jason says. “You know how he gets when y’all don’t come by enough. I mean, you shoulda seen him when Dickface first moved out. Man’s a pouter, I dunno what to tell ya.”
“What’s B pouting about now?” Steph asks, falling into the conversation since she’s only just arrived to start getting ready for patrol tonight.
“We don’t know yet, he’s still denying he’s pouting,” Tim calls out, not having looked up from where he’s working on the Batcomputer all throughout. “Though it’s likely something with the League, since he just got back from giving back up.”
Heads turn his way and Dick concernedly frowns: “Are you okay? Did they do something?”
There is a dark, yet gleeful glimmer in Damian’s eyes as he asks: “Do we need to go out there and vanquish these super powered morons, father?”
“No,” Bruce sighs, still a little miffed, though his mood has definitely been improved by his kid’s banter, as well as their worry for him.
“Then what happened, old man?” Jason demands. “Stop that vague bullshit you always do.”
“Oehhh, Jason swore!” Steph immediately chimes in. “I’m telling Alfred.”
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare,” Jason whips around to her, pointing his knife at her.
“Knock it off, I wanna hear why B is being pouty,” Tim interrupts them.
“Yes, cease this chatter,” Damian adds, a rare show of agreement with Tim. They’ve all been growing, Bruce thinks proudly.
“So what happened then?” Steph asks, rolling her eyes, though stopping her fight with Jason.
Jason luckily also lets it go for now, so Bruce can answer: “They aren’t working as a team. It’s just a group of skilled individuals now and it’s becoming a problem.”
“You’ve been observing that for a while, B. Why suddenly the long face about it?” Dick asks.
And now the embarrassing part, Bruce thinks as he admits: “John is trying to do something about it now. I offered my help, but he refused, stating that I don’t know how, since I work alone, while he has been in the army.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Then, the whole group bursts out in laughter.
“What?” Jason wheezes, while Dick cackles: “He actually said that? Are you for real? Oh my god.”
“I’m going to loose my shit,” Steph snorts, Tim chuckling in the background.
Even Damian is looking amused, although also slightly judgmental. He disdainfully comments: “They are not very bright and must lack observational skills, father. Are you certain you wish to proceed in sponsoring them?”
“Yes,” Bruce sighs again. He’d already had that conversation with himself. Many times. “There is a lot of potential there too. Which is what makes them dangerous. However, out there is dangerous too. They can protect like an army can. Like we can’t.”
“Tt, we can take on extraterrestrial threats and some villains,” Damian huffs, obviously displeased. Out of all his siblings, he’s been the most vocally against the Justice League.
“The brat has a point,” Jason surprises him by backing him up. “I mean, between us here and those still on the streets or running late, you basically have your own little army right here. Just recruit Wonder Woman and I’m sure we’d have a chance.”
“You just wanna work with Wonder Woman, don’t you?” Dick says, sounding a little smug as he slides up behind Jason to make a kissy face at him.
Jason just pushes his face away as he blushes and exclaims: “Shaddup, Dickhead.”
“Yeah, shut up! That’s the most sensible thing he’s said all his life,” Steph hollers.
“Kids, kids, calm down. We’re not disbanding the Justice League and adopting Wonder Woman,” Bruce interrupts, wondering how his life ends up with him saying sentences that he never thought he would be saying.
“I never said nothin’ ‘bout adopting her,” Jason scowls.
“Cuz you want to kiss her!” Dick sing-songs.
“Isn’t she like a few thousand years old or something?” Tim asks.
“Also not marrying Wonder Woman. Any of you,” Bruce says. “Why don’t we all just stay away from Wonder Woman. And the rest of the Justice League, which will continue to exist and not fall apart because they struggle at teamwork. Maybe John’s idea will work. It’s too early to say.”
All of them are giving him a judgmental look now and Bruce struggles to not react to it. It’s always harder when he agrees with them.
“But Green Lantern’s plan is hinging on esprit de corpse,” Tim says. “And that will never work, because it’s a military mentality and while you’ve been working together, there is no real interdependence outside a few emergencies.”
“Yeah, what Timmy said,” Dick agrees, gesturing towards Tim.
“I loathe to admit it, father, but Drake has a point,” Damian nods and that truly shows that it is a hopeless mission for John.
“We’ll just have to see,” Bruce says, deciding to end the conversation there. “Now get ready for pre-patrol brief. We have a few open cases to assign. Cass and Harper will soon be reporting from their early rounds, so get suited up.”
There are a few groans around him, but his kids grant him the mercy of dropping it. They probably know as he does that this won’t be the last time they discuss it.
Indeed a few days later, Bruce comes walking into the Cave again, trying not to let the thunder cloud above his head show too much. However, he knows his kids notice, some sending him a raised brow or an inquiring look. Bruce is glad that he’s come far enough as a parent that not even Dick or Jason are put off by his bad mood.
Dick is also the one to tentatively ask: “Not a good training session with the Justice League?”
“John has us running drills,” Bruce grunts. “It’s showing us each other’s moves and how to play into each other, but…”
“It’s not turning you into a team?” Dick suggest.
“Yeah,” Bruce says, sighing.
“Esprit de corpse,” Tim sing-songs, walking by with a steaming mug of coffee that he went upstairs to refill, ready to start working on the case he’s in the middle of.
Bruce ignores Tim, knowing he’s right, and pulls the cowl off to card a hand through his hair. “We don’t need to run drills, but we need to do trust exercises, talk with each other, get to know each other better, be- be-”
He doesn’t know how he wants to end that sentence, but Cass does, materializing out of the darkness in her sweats, she says one word: “Family.”
“I thought you didn’t like the Justice League,” Duke asks. Luke is covering his day shift today since the last few days have been busy for Duke, but as a true Bat, he doesn’t really know what taking a break means, so he’s in the Cave training.
“Hn,” Bruce replies, thinking. “I mean, I do like them, I just-”
“He doesn’t trust ‘em,” Jason says. He wasn’t supposed to be at the Cave, but it’s clear why he’s there when Bruce looks his way in surprise. He’s holding a box of files, likely stuff he needs for his organization, Bruce wouldn’t know. They’re at a point where Jason doesn’t kill and Bruce doesn’t ask.
“What? Why?” Duke asks. “You fund them and go on missions with them. Even share intell and use them as backup, despite the fact that there are metas and aliens among them. Why do that if you don’t trust them?”
“’Cause he’s also paranoid,” Jason answers for him. “He’s monitoring ‘em.”
“But also befriending them,” Dick says, defending Bruce. “He just needs to vet them closely first, before he does that.”
“Right, ‘cause he’s paranoid,” Jason says.
Duke looks at Bruce, who sighs: “They’re not wrong. The Justice League has a lot of potential to do good and they’re showing they want to be that goodness. But they also have the potential of mass destruction. We need to be sure they won’t be a threat and that we have the right contingencies, before we let them in.”
“Like I said, paranoid,” Jason repeats.
“But trying,” Dick adds.
“And is stepping in to help them get better teamwork going to backfire?” Duke wonders. “Like are we scared we’re going to teach them how to destroy everything as a team? Is that it?”
“No,” Bruce answers, before the peanut gallery consisting of Dick and Jason can. “I offered help to John, he didn’t want it. I don’t think they’re willing to listen to my opinion on it, since I work alone, so have no expertise.”
Duke snorts loudly at that, then suddenly says: “Wait, you’re serious?”
Bruce grunts as conformation.
“Why?” Duke asks.
“Paranoid,” Jason says, rolling his eyes, before hoisting his box up again, before walking off.
Meanwhile, Bruce actually explains: “I haven’t mentioned you, like I said I would. It’s best if they don’t know we’re connected, nor that Gotham hosts more heroes. Connections like we have could be exploited by them and Superman can do a lot more damage should he so choose than Killer Croc or Bane.”
“But they’re good guys, right?”
“For now,” Dick answers morosely. “I’m not saying I agree with B’s paranoia, I mean, I was doing team ups before him and it worked out fine for me without the layers of paranoid he has. But a lot of things can go wrong, especially when working with people that powerful. I also maintained a semblance of mystique just to be safe.”
“But you can try to tell them this isn’t working, right? They must see that it’s not,” Duke says.
“From what I’ve seen both Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman are warriors like John, so they think the same about this. Superman and Flash are office workers, they’d think of horrid team-building days. While J’onn is used to working together with people who can read minds,” Bruce answers. “Out of all of them, only J’onn might listen.”
Cass nudges him and signs: ‘You are not saying something. There is hiding in your shoulders and a bit of guilt in your jaw.’
“What are you hiding, B,” Dick prods, a little bit of genuine judgment and worry coming through the tease.
“It’s a risk to tell them,” Bruce answers sulkily, knowing it’s a little silly, but unable to stop his brain from providing pop-ups of all the ways it could backfire.
“B,” Dick whines, throwing himself to hang over him. “You can at least try.”
“I will, I will,” Bruce says, placating yet also meaning it. He wants to do right by his kids and they want him to have friends, most of them encouraging him with the Justice League.
And, he does. Tentatively he suggest doing some trust exercises among the drills they’ve been running. As expected he gets weird looks and even a scoff from Wally and a frown from Clark. But he manages to play into John’s ideas brotherhood, which means the others are forced to give it a try.
It’s not perfect, of course it isn’t. They still have to deal with the fact that they never agreed on a strategists or a leader of sorts. They still have to build an organization, a system, a proper way of working as a unit.
However, they are getting somewhere. Some prodding here and there helps and the more it helps, the more others prod.
Though it’s not until years later, when Damian is nearly outgrowing the Robin mantle, that Bruce finally allows them to meet his kids. To let them in on the inner workings of Gotham vigilantism.
Then John will point at him and exclaim: “You son of a bitch, you lied to me! You let me struggle on my own to pull these idiots together.”
And at that point, Bruce will be comfortable enough to ignore everyone’s protests and smirk: “I offered you to help, didn’t I? Too bad I work alone.” Making his kids – though they’re adults at that point – laugh like the day they first heard.
I think the League thinking Batman works alone is hilarious, especially if they establish later than the batfam
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zombholic · 9 months
𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗻 𝗮𝘂, 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗼𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗯𝗯𝘆, 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗶𝘁𝘇𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿, 𝘀𝗳𝘄
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“when i kill myself imma make sure to add this job to my suicide note” you rolled your eyes as you and your co-worker cleaned the spilled caramel frappuccino off the table and floor.
“we don’t get paid enough for this shit honestly” your co-worker, jesse, exhaled from his nose in annoyance throwing the rag in the sink. hearing the bell jingle indicating a customer just walked in to order the most outrageous drink known to man.
“im going on my fifteen, don’t call for me” jesse took his apron off, walking onto the back. turning to the register you looked at the customer only to be greeted with the most gorgeous woman you have ever laid your dull eyes on.
“hi, what can i get you started on?” ripping your gawking eyes off the tall woman to look at the register. “just a large black coffee please” she smiled taking out her wallet “guessing that’s going to be hard to take off the floor” she chuckled referring to the spilled frappuccino.
“oh my god i know! i don’t get paid enough for this” you put in her order “you probably get paid so damn good” you clicked your tongue looking at the scrubs and white coat she was wearing. getting a laugh out of her she nodded “yeah, well i am a doctor.” “well doctor can i get your name for your, don’t take offense nasty coffee decision.”
“abby, and none taken it’s the only thing that keeps me awake for twenty-four hours” she pays for her drinking before going to sit down to wait for her order. jesse arrives back with the most irritated expression plastered across his face, you start brewing hot coffee as you looked around making sure no one would hear what you were going to say to him.
“that lady over there” you nudged his arm while pouring the coffee in a plastic cup “i already planned our wedding and how many kids we’ll have” he scoffed, shaking his head, grabbing a mop to clean off the coffee on the floor “why do you always have a thing for the milfs” giving him a menacing smile as you called her name for her to get her coffee.
“have a great shift doctor abby” you handed the coffee over, feeling your face get hot just by looking at the goddess “you too sweetheart” she shot you a wink before walking out the door.
groaning loudly as you threw ur head onto jesse’s arm “if i don’t see her again i will actually throw myself off a bridge” he pushed the mop handle into your hands “im going to send you to a mental facility y/n” he laughed watching how you were so mesmerized by someone who is possibly straight and married with three kids.
you had the opening shift today so it was just you all by yourself, you contemplated throwing yourself out your moving car but decided not to. opening the glass door you had at least an hour before the cafe was open, going on with your usual opening routine you went by the door to flip the close sign to open.
leaning over the counter scrolling on your phone since it was a small coffee shop and not many people come in at 7am on a sunday. hearing that god annoying bell ring you put your phone away only to see the love of your life walk in. “doctor abby, i remember you” you gave her a giggly smile.
“i remember you too ms…“ she squinted at your name tag “ms. y/n, i’ll just get a-“ “black coffee?” you finished her sentence “great memory” she let out a soft laugh “not really, i have the worst memory known to man actually, it’s just no one really orders black coffee” you started brewing up her a new batch.
“so doctor, can i ask how old you are?” you wanted to make conversation with her, “i’m thirty-two actually, what about you?” “twenty-one” yes you had a thing for older women but who wouldn’t? “how long does it take to like become a doctor? also what kinda doctor are you?” you handed her the coffee leaning over the counter, your hands holding up your head.
“i wish my interns asked as many questions as you do” she copied your leaning on the counter but on her side “i’m a cardiologist and almost 14 years, i had to graduate high school early” she took a sip of her coffee before looking at her watch wrapped around her wrist.
“oh a heart doctor, you must be so damn smart, must be nice” you both laughed “have you ever done a heart transplant?” you had a lot of questions for her, not like you weren’t interested, you just think asking questions is flirting.
“yes, i’ve done a lot of heart transplants. i’m gonna be late for work but i’ll talk to you next time sweetheart” she waved you a goodbye before leaving out the door again.
should i ask for her number next time?
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AUTHORS NOTE: hey :) im back, dont worry, im already making a part 2, my first series ever!! also my inspo goes to @eightstarr i love their doctor!abby txts!!
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
Once innocent. (sully family x reader)
Hi! Just a reminder that this is a mini series to show the deeper sides of Y/n’s life BEFORE “The chore” :) I did add some twdg scenes and put it into their situation because I loved the idea and I hope you do too! 💗
Ronal and Tonowari weren’t the only ones who took care of Y/n. There was once Rey’akana. He fought alongside Jake, he had always noticed how Y/n was often not watched or talked to. He also noticed how she would sit from a far watching how people worked and then running into the forest giggling and excited. He did not know what she did after she left but today he’d follow.
She was walking around the war party group after they had came back from fighting, viewing how healers went to work. She became interested on how the warriors fought, how they protected themselves. Protecting yourself was very important step to learn as a child but Y/n’s parents never taught her. So Y/n asked questions “what is your arrow made of? Who made it?” Or “when shooting what did you aim for?” Majority of the warriors smiled and turned an eye, not Rey’akana. He actually told her every detail for her question and she smiled sweetly with a ‘thank you’. Instantly she ran into the forest to retrieve her 2 arrows and old bow she had stolen from her mother. She was in her own world when training, pretending every situation was real. It was escape to Y/n.
“What are you doing little one? I can assure you that is not how you handle a bow.” He found amusement in her determination. Y/n smiled shy, scared not wanting to get in trouble by her parents but also curious as to if the man was willing to help. Why not just ask? “How should it be held then? Can you teach me? Please” and he did. When he asked about who took care of her and why they hadn’t trained her, his heart broke at how the girl hadn’t realized what was going on or why it was wrong for her parents to not pay her mind, she thought it was normal. “My story is actually very funny! Since I am a child my dad always insists we play hide n seek as soon as I approach him. And I’m alwayssss it! He’s tried hiding everywhere and I’ll alwaysss find him! Every time I did, he’d jus brush it off, saying he’s doing something important and walks away. Since we’re always playing he doesn’t really have time to train me neither does my mom, they kinda just train the boys and Kiri but it’s ok! I’ll figure it out!” The young girl let’s giggles out as if it was normal..? Her heart and mind is so innocent and was too kind to be treated the way she was “I need to practice more! I’m gonna be a warrior and healer some day!” And Rey’akana smiled and gave the girl a hug providing a promise to Y/n.
“I’ll train you. We will meet everyday. I’ll protect you.” Y/n was so excited to have someone teach her. “Ok! Thank you! We can meet tomorrow and I’ll even bring a surprise! I should head home now, eclipse is coming soon!” Rey’akana offered to take the little girl home safely and when she was entering the home he had noticed how everyone was laughing, her parents playing with her siblings as if the little girl wasn’t out by herself and not apart of the family. He watched her walk in and no one even greeted her or spared a look.
That night Y/n beaded a bracelet with pretty purple sequences, something she found in her adventures and grew to always use when beading, it somewhat became a signature for her. When the time came for Rey’akana to train her again the next day. He was gifted the bracelet and had swore to wear it everyday for her. They always had conversations at the end of their training. It soon became a routine.
Last night he heard Jake scolding Y/n about Kiri’s Bracelet being broken…? During training it was obvious Y/n was in her own head. She was still confused as to what happened last night, why was she yelled at for Loak breaking Kiri’s bracelet and why didn’t Jake listen to her when she said it wasn’t her who broke it..? As they walked home in comfortable silence, he watched Y/n while she observed the forest as if it was her first time seeing it. The way Y/n observed life always amazed him. He decided it was the perfect time to bring up what happened “…did you so happen to break your sisters bracelet?” Y/n looked up surprised with slight sadness in her eyes “no…did my dad say I did? He’s just always blaming me for stuff.” This makes him immediately more curious as to how Y/n’s home life really was. “Like what?” Y/n answers the question immediately “putting a bug on Loak’s pillow…?” He looked at her in amusement. “Did you do that?” She laughs and gives a satisfied answer “yes! But only because he didn’t admit that he was the one who broke Kiri’s bracelet and he just let me get yelled at. Even though I told dad Loak did it!” He gave a saddened smiled but soon laughed with her as she discussed the story of how she even placed the bug in his pillow perfectly in his face. She returned home and now he was walking back to his. He couldn’t help but think how Y/n should learn at least another level of survival. Like learning how to shoot a gun, just the basics. If he wasn’t teaching her this who would..? He knew all about survival. He also knew how being a warrior himself he went out to war risking his life every time, he wanted to come to a stop and maybe it’ll buy him time with the innocent child he now took care of.
He met up with Y/n at the same time they always do everyday. “When your older and want to become a warrior like you said you were going to…your gonna need to know how to protect yourself.” Y/n giggled and said “I know how to shoot arrows already!” Rey’akana smiled at the excited girl in front of him “more like shooting a gun Y/n…it’ll just be a one time thing for now, it’s just to get you used to it ok? Then when your older you will handle it on your own.” Y/n shares a nervous look as he hands her the gun. “…it’s heavyyyy.” Y/n says. Rey’akana then gives her tips and shows her how the gun should be handled. Their couple of practice shots came to an end as Rey’akana said she should be good enough to try again in a couple years, this was just to get her comfortable and not scared of the gun. “How do you feel about the gun?” Y/n looks down at her hands taking in her next words “…well my hands hurt and my ears have noise in them like eeeeeeeee” He laughed as they went about their conversation agreeing to meet each other tomorrow like normal.
However the next day Y/n rushed to him as soon as he about to leave the healing aid area “Rey’akana! I got invited to play with the girls over there! Is it ok if we skip training today?” Says the girl with the most widest smile ever “Of course Y/n anytime.” He watched as the little girl ran away and the Tsahik smiled at the scene, finally seeing a smile on her granddaughter’s face.
An hour later from seeing Y/n he hears girls laughing while hearing Y/n say “it’s not that bad! My mom just doesn’t have time to do my hair…” One girl laughs and says “So why is Kiri’s hair always done? Ha maybe she just doesn’t want to do your hair because of how messy it is!” Y/n shakes her head and walks away immediately jumping at the sight of Rey’akana “oh, what are you doing here? Do we have time to train? Can we?” Rey’akana agrees especially after witnessing what he just saw. Maybe he can help you?
20 minutes of training goes by and Rey’akana can’t shake the feeling that you were being made fun of, for the hair your mom let go on too long despite you asking for help. “Let’s take a break yea?” Y/n looks up unsure but still agrees “so your probably not gonna like this” y/n gives a saddened look “oh no, what happened?” Rey’akana is quick to reply with “Nothing, we have to talk about your hair. I heard what the girls said to you.” Y/n gave a mad look as she said “that’s not nice! Are you saying it’s messy and ugly too..?” Rey’akana returns a saddened smile and says “no-“ y/n cuts this off by saying “cause it is…kinda” he looks at her worryingly “I could do it for you so they don’t upset you anymore” y/n gives a sigh but agrees although Y/n suggests they get flowers and beads to add onto the hair and he complies. As they are searching for the perfect flower, Rey’akana reaches towards a pretty neon flower that glows until Y/n puts him to a stop “Wait Rey’akana! Don’t touch that one! It makes you have this weird reaction and it’s gross!” Rey’akana looks up amused at the child “…Did you touch it?” Y/n looks down with an ashamed face “…i don’t know” they’re search comes to a stop since they got enough materials for the hair. Settling down to start y/s hair.
A worried y/n manages to ask the question that’s on her mind “…do you know how to do this?” He considers it, I mean he has had his own mother do his hair many times, and he watched her do it to his sisters “How hard could it be?” Y/n looks down while shaking her head “I’m gonna look like an animal.” He laughs and says “shush child you’ll be just fine.” Time passed and Y/n loved her hair she jumped around with the biggest smile “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your the best Rey’akana!” They share a hug and Rey’akana drops her off home telling her she’ll still be able to meet him after he goes to battle. “Ok! Then you can tell me all the things that happened it’d be cool to learn from what you saw others do! Good night Rey’akana!”
The next day come and the war party was returning back and this time Y/n waited for Rey’akana instead of meeting them at their training area. The injured were taken to the healing tent but Y/n hadn’t seen them since she turned around to pick up the new necklace and beads she was ready to show Rey’akana as her gift to him. She turned back as the people emptied out but no Rey’akana..? Where was he? So she asked around “have you seen Rey’akana? Do you know where he is?” That was until she got to Rey’akana partner that he works with and she smiled and said “you must know where Rey’akana is! Can you tell me?” The man looks down giving her a saddened look, knowing Rey’akana took great care of the girl that he now knows an entire backstory of because that’s all Rey’akana ever talked about now. “He’s in the healing aid tent kiddo, you shouldn’t go” Y/n smile quickly falls as she ran into the healing area frantically searching, quickly passing all tables until she saw her grandmother who had agreed to stay with Rey’akana who’s shot in the chest trying to hold onto his life, as there is nothing she can do anymore.
“Rey’akana! No, no please. I need you.” The little girl comes close holding onto his hand. “You’re strong Y/n ,you can do anything. Your gonna see bad stuff but it’s ok.” She gets teary eyes scared that he’s parting away so soon “M-my parents it’s so horrible” he replies with “oh I can just imagine sunshine.” Sadness in his voice. “…a-and now you. Please. Please don’t leave me . Please don’t go.” His heart breaks as he holds her hand trying to get the strength to talk to her during his last moments “Keep practicing sunshine, I need you to enjoy your life ok? Don’t let anyone push you around. I’ll always be there with you. I’ll watch you at the same time everyday while you train. I’ll be there every step of the way while you become the great warrior you were always meant to be, the role you’ve been working so hard for. I need you to live Y/n. I need you to that for me Y/n that’s your job now. Oel ngati kameie, sunshine. You made a great impact on me.” He said that before the lights went out and Y/n’s life flashed seeing the adult who took care of here for a good couple of months and kept her safe, slip away in her hands. There it was the most painful cries and no one even knew why the once happy curious girl stopped coming around. Only the soldiers who had paid her mind because of all the great words Rey’akana had spoken of her. The sweet child who had all the strength and determination to keep going. Her eyes, were once innocent.
This is not the finally part of this series this is just the beginning! 💓 hope you enjoyed sweet moments of young Y/n!
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype
@zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll
@abbersreads @tsireyak @aimsro
@elegantkidfansoul @neteyamforlife
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lenny-thequeen1 · 1 year
Flames Ignited. Leon X F!Reader
You go to a bar after a mission to unwind and you see Leon, who catches your eye.
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author: i made this really long and tried to add as much detail into it and make it as realistic as possible. minus a couple of surprises! i appreciate comments too along with all the reposts!
FLUFF, some smut, talks of drinking, dates, (redacted) ;) 14.9K words! 18++
You walked into the dimly lit bar, the sound of glasses clinking and people chatting filling your ears. It had been a long day, and you were looking to unwind a little. The bar itself was a cozy little place, with warm wood paneling and flickering candles on every table. The smell of roasted nuts and spicy cocktails filled the air, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. You remember feeling a little out of place when you first walked in, still dressed in your combat gear from the mission. But as soon as Leon's eyes met yours, you felt a sense of ease wash over you. As you approached the bar, you noticed a man sitting at the end of it, nursing a drink. He looked up as you approached, and your eyes met. There was something in his gaze that made your heart skip a beat.
"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, a charming smile on his lips.
You smiled back, feeling a thrill of excitement course through you. "Sure, I'd like that."
The two of you struck up a conversation, and before long, you were laughing and flirting like old friends. The chemistry between you was undeniable, and it wasn't long before you found yourselves lost in each other's eyes.
As you talked, you realized that you both worked for the same type of job, but in different departments. You couldn't help but feel a little surprised, but also thrilled that you had found someone who understood the demands and dangers of the job.
"So, what kind of missions have you been on lately?" Leon asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"Oh, just the usual stuff," you replied nonchalantly, not wanting to give away too much. "What about you?"
"I've been sent on a few solo missions, but my last one was a team effort. We had to infiltrate a high-security building and retrieve some important documents. It was pretty intense, but we managed to pull it off."
You were impressed, and couldn't help but feel a little envious. "That sounds exciting. I haven't been on a team mission in a while."
"Well, if you ever need a partner, I'm always up for it," Leon said with a sly grin.
You laughed, feeling a spark of attraction between you. "I'll keep that in mind."
As the night wore on, the two of you continued to flirt and exchange stories. It felt like you had known each other for years, and the connection between you only grew stronger.
Eventually, Leon leaned in close and whispered in your ear, "You know, I can't stop thinking about you. I don't want this night to end."
Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt a rush of desire wash over you. "I don't want it to end either," you replied, your voice husky with emotion.
The two of you shared passionate kiss, the heat between you intensifying with every passing moment. You feel his rough hands cup your cheek, your hand moves to rest on his chest. His lips felt soft against your own, making you want more of him. As you pulled away, you couldn't help but feel like this was the start of something special.
Leon's hand trailed down from your cheek to your neck, his fingers lightly grazing your skin as he leaned in to whisper in your ear. "You know, (Y/N), I have a feeling we might have more in common than just our love for a good drink."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh really? Do tell."
He chuckled, the sound sending shivers down your spine. "I happen to work for a certain organization that handles some pretty top-secret missions. And I have a feeling that you might just work for the same company."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "No way. That's crazy."
Leon grinned, looking pleased with himself. "I thought you might say that. Let me buy you another drink, and we can talk more about it."
The two of you continued your conversation, talking about your experiences on various missions and sharing stories of near-misses and narrow escapes. You found that you worked well together, and before you knew it, you were throwing flirty lines at each other and making plans to work together on your next mission.
As the night wore on, you found yourselves lost in each other's company, and when it was time to leave, Leon walked you to your car. As he leaned in to kiss you goodbye, he whispered, "I can't wait to see what kind of mission we'll get sent on next."
You grinned, feeling the same excitement that he did. "Me too. And who knows, maybe we'll end up working on it together again."
The next day, you received a call from your boss, informing you that you were being sent on a mission. As you packed your bags, your mind kept drifting back to the night you had spent with Leon. You couldn't help but wonder if you would see him again.
When you arrived at the location for the mission, you were surprised to see Leon waiting for you. It turned out that you both worked for the same company, and you were being sent on the same mission. The two of you couldn't help but exchange a knowing look, the sparks still flying between you.
As you worked together on the mission, you found that your chemistry only grew stronger. You worked seamlessly together, anticipating each other's moves and finishing each other's sentences. There were moments of danger and tension, but you always had each other's back.
It was a high-stakes operation, one that required you and Leon to work closely together to achieve success. You were tasked with infiltrating a heavily guarded facility, and the two of you spent weeks planning and preparing for the mission.
Finally, the day arrived, and you and Leon found yourselves crouched behind a dumpster outside the facility. Your hearts were pounding with adrenaline as you checked your equipment one last time and exchanged a look.
"Ready?" Leon whispered.
"Ready," you replied, feeling a surge of excitement and fear.
You both made your way stealthily through the facility, avoiding guards and security cameras as you went. The tension was palpable as you approached your objective, and you could feel your heart racing in your chest.
Suddenly, you heard a loud alarm go off, and you knew that you had been made. Without hesitation, you and Leon sprang into action, taking out guards and clearing a path to your objective.
As you worked your way deeper into the facility, you encountered unexpected resistance. The guards were better trained and better equipped than you had anticipated, and you found yourselves engaged in a fierce firefight.
Despite the danger and chaos around you, you and Leon worked together seamlessly. Your movements were fluid and synchronized, and you were able to take out the guards one by one.
Finally, you reached your objective, and you quickly completed your mission before making your escape. As you fled the facility, you felt a rush of triumph and relief, knowing that you and Leon had succeeded against all odds.
The two of you collapsed against a wall, catching your breath and grinning at each other. You felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over you as you caught your breath. You and Leon worked seamlessly together. You moved like a well-oiled machine, anticipating each other's moves and working in perfect harmony. The danger of the mission was palpable, and the adrenaline rush was intense. The air was thick with tension as you navigated through the enemy territory, moving stealthily and silently.
As you finally reached your objective, you both let out a sigh of relief. However, your joy was short-lived as you suddenly found yourselves surrounded by enemy soldiers. The two of you fought fiercely, back to back, taking out the enemy one by one. The fight was intense, and it seemed as though the odds were stacked against you.
But you and Leon fought on, never giving up, even when it seemed like all was lost. The two of you moved like a well-oiled machine, each anticipating the other's moves, and together, you overpowered the enemy. As the last enemy soldier fell to the ground, you and Leon looked at each other, panting heavily. The relief was evident on your faces, but there was also a sense of satisfaction and pride at a job well done.
Exhausted and covered in sweat, you and Leon exchanged a look of triumph. The mission was a success, and you had made it out alive.
That night, as you sat by the campfire, Leon handed you a cup of hot coffee, his eyes twinkling with warmth and admiration. You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your heart as he sat down next to you.
"Great job today," he said, a smile playing on his lips.
You smiled back, feeling a sense of camaraderie and connection with him that was hard to explain. "You too, Leon. We make a great team."
Leon looks up at the stars that are shining with a newfound beauty. "Tomorrow we will go to the extraction site. Tonight lets celebrate." He glances back over to you, his eyes showing a playful yet mischievous glint to them.
You couldn't help but smile at his playful expression, feeling a sense of relief wash over you at the thought of the mission being over. "Sounds like a plan," you replied, feeling grateful for the chance to unwind after the intense mission.
Leon led you to a nearby clearing, where a small campfire was already burning brightly. He had set up a makeshift table with a blanket on the ground, and there was a bottle of wine and two glasses waiting for you. You took a seat across from him, feeling your heart race as he poured you a glass of wine.
As you sipped your drink and enjoyed the warmth of the fire, Leon regaled you with stories of his past missions. You listened intently, hanging on his every word, feeling drawn to him more and more. You found yourself sharing stories of your own, opening up to him in a way that you hadn't with anyone else.
The night wore on, the two of you lost in conversation and laughter. The stars twinkled above you, and the sound of crickets filled the air. You felt a sense of peace and contentment that you hadn't felt in a long time.
As the fire died down, Leon stood up and held out his hand. "Dance with me," he said, a soft smile on his lips.
You took his hand, feeling his warmth seep into your skin. You moved together, swaying to the music in perfect harmony. His hands rested on your waist, and you felt a surge of desire run through you at his touch. You looked up into his eyes, seeing the same desire mirrored back at you.
The night passed by in a blur of dancing, laughter, and conversation. You couldn't believe how easy it was to be around Leon, how comfortable he made you feel. As the sun began to rise, you both knew it was time to leave the peaceful sanctuary of the clearing and return to reality.
But as you walked away, hand in hand with Leon, you couldn't help but feel like this was just the beginning of something special.
The next day, you and Leon made your way to the extraction site, both feeling a sense of relief that the mission was over. The two of you walked side by side, sharing stories and jokes, the tension from the previous night completely gone.
As you arrived at the extraction site, you saw the helicopter waiting for you, its rotors spinning in anticipation. You climbed aboard, feeling the rush of excitement as you took off into the air. You couldn't help but smile as you looked over at Leon, feeling grateful that you had such an amazing partner to work with. As you sat in the helicopter, flying back to headquarters, you found yourself thinking about what the future held for the two of you.
As the helicopter soared through the sky, you watched as the terrain below shifted and changed, the scenery becoming more and more familiar. Before you knew it, you had arrived back at the headquarters of your company.
Once you were back at headquarters, you and Leon debriefed with your superiors, discussing the details of the mission and what had transpired. The rest of the day was a blur of paperwork and debriefings, but you couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction at a job well done. You and Leon had worked together seamlessly, and it showed in the successful outcome of the mission.
As the sun began to set, you and Leon found yourselves alone in the break room. The tension between you was still palpable, and you couldn't help but wonder what might happen between you. As you both reached for the coffee pot at the same time, your hands brushed against each other, sending shivers down your spine.
"Hey," Leon said, his voice low and husky. "I know we've got a lot of work to do, but do you want to grab dinner tonight?"
You felt a flutter of excitement in your chest as you looked into his eyes. "I'd like that," you said, unable to hide the smile on your face.
As you left the break room, hand in hand with Leon, you couldn't help but feel like the future was full of endless possibilities.
As the helicopter soared through the sky, you watched as the terrain below shifted and changed, the scenery becoming more and more familiar. Before you knew it, you had arrived back at the headquarters of your company.
As the day drew to a close, you and Leon made your way out of the building, both feeling a sense of exhaustion but also elation at the successful completion of the mission. The two of you shared a knowing smile, the kind that only comes from experiencing something intense and life-changing together.
As you walked out into the fresh air, the sun setting behind you, Leon turned to you and said, "I couldn't have done it without you."
You smiled back at him, feeling a rush of warmth and affection. "Likewise," you replied, feeling grateful for the bond that the two of you had formed.
The two of you parted ways, promising to keep in touch and work together again in the future. As you walked away, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the next adventure that the two of you would embark on together.
The next day, you woke up feeling energized and refreshed, despite the previous night's mission. You checked your phone and saw a message from Leon, asking if you were free that evening. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized that he was asking you out on a date.
You quickly replied that you were free, and he suggested that you meet at a trendy new restaurant in the city. You spent the day getting ready, trying on different outfits and experimenting with your makeup until you found the perfect look. You stood in front of your full-length mirror, taking one final look at your outfit for the evening. The velvet black dress clung to your curves in all the right places, the slit teasingly revealing just enough of your toned legs. You paired the dress with a pair of sleek black heels that elongated your legs even further.
As you turned to the side, you couldn't help but admire the way the dress flattered your figure. It was classy yet alluring, the perfect combination for a date with Leon.
You spent the better part of the afternoon experimenting with your makeup, wanting to create a look that was both sophisticated and sultry. You settled on a subtle smokey eye, using shades of taupe and black to accentuate your eyes. Your lips were coated in a deep red lipstick, adding just the right amount of drama to your overall look.
As you stepped out of your apartment, you felt a surge of confidence wash over you. You knew that you looked amazing, and you couldn't wait to see the look on Leon's face when he saw you.
The restaurant itself was a sight to behold. The walls were adorned with vibrant murals and paintings, and soft jazz music filled the air. The dim lighting created an intimate atmosphere, making it the perfect setting for a romantic dinner. When you arrived at the restaurant, you saw Leon waiting for you at a cozy table in the corner. He looked dashing in his suit and tie, and you couldn't help but feel a little nervous as you approached him.
"Hi," you said, trying to keep your cool as you went to sit down before Leon stopped you and pulled out your chair for you. "Thank you handsome."
"Hi," he replied with a smile. "You look beautiful."
As you perused the menu, your mouth watered at the descriptions of the gourmet dishes. From the seared scallops to the perfectly cooked filet mignon, every dish sounded like a work of art.
When the food arrived, you were not disappointed. The flavors were rich and complex, each bite a tantalizing combination of tastes and textures. You and Leon shared the dishes, each sampling a bit of everything and savoring the flavors together.
The wine selection was equally impressive, and you found yourself entranced by the sommelier's descriptions of the different vintages. You and Leon shared a bottle of a smooth, full-bodied red that paired perfectly with the meal.
As the night wore on, the restaurant became more and more alive. The soft buzz of conversation and laughter filled the air, and you could feel the energy of the room building. Yet despite the lively atmosphere, you and Leon were lost in your own world, enjoying each other's company and the moment.
As dinner came to a close, Leon leaned in close to you, his eyes sparkling with a mix of playfulness and desire. "I had a wonderful time tonight," he said, his voice low and husky. "Would you like to do this again sometime?"
You felt a thrill of excitement run through you at his words, and you couldn't help but nod eagerly. "I would love that," you replied, your heart racing with anticipation.
The two of you parted ways that night, but you couldn't stop thinking about Leon and the amazing time you had together. You knew that this was the start of something special, and you couldn't wait to see where your relationship with him would take you next.
As you walked out of the restaurant, you couldn't help but feel like you were walking on clouds. The night had been magical, from the delicious food to the intimate atmosphere, but most of all, because of Leon. His charm and wit had left you spellbound, and you knew that you wanted to see him again soon.
As you stood outside the restaurant, Leon turned to you and took your hand, sending shivers down your spine. He gazed into your eyes, and you felt as though he could see into your very soul.
"I had a wonderful time tonight," he repeated, his voice low and husky. "You're amazing, and I can't wait to see you again."
You felt your heart skip a beat at his words, and you couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. "I feel the same way," you replied, your voice filled with warmth and affection.
The night air was cool and crisp, but you hardly noticed as you stood there, lost in the moment with Leon. You felt as though you were in a fairy tale, and you couldn't wait to see where this story would take you next.
As you walked home from the date, you couldn't help but replay the evening in your mind, every detail still fresh in your memory. The way the candlelight flickered and danced across Leon's face, the sound of his laughter ringing in your ears, the warmth of his hand as he guided you through the restaurant - it was all so surreal, like something out of a movie.
The city around you seemed to glow with a new light, as if the world had shifted and everything was different now that you had experienced such an incredible night. You walked with a sense of purpose, your steps light and buoyant, as if you were floating on air.
As you turned the corner onto your street, you saw a shooting star streak across the sky, and you couldn't help but smile, feeling like the universe was somehow in alignment with your newfound happiness.
As you turned the key in the lock, the door creaked open to reveal the cozy interior of your house. The familiar scent of your favorite candles mingled with the aroma of fresh flowers, making you feel at home in an instant. You stepped into the foyer, where the soft glow of the chandelier illuminated the walls adorned with family photos and artwork.
Walking past the hallway, you peered into the kitchen, which was still and quiet, with pots and pans stacked neatly in the sink. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of the rose bouquet that you had left on the kitchen table earlier that day. You smiled to yourself, realizing that the night was not yet over, and you had plenty of time to relive every moment of your unforgettable date with Leon.
As you entered the living room, you sunk into the plush cushions of your sofa, surrounded by soft blankets and pillows. The room was dimly lit, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. You stretched your legs out in front of you, the silky fabric of your dress brushing against your skin.
You closed your eyes, replaying the night's events in your head like a movie, savoring every detail of Leon's touch and every word he spoke. The feeling of his hand in yours was still fresh, and his husky voice echoed in your ears. You felt a shiver run down your spine, and you knew that you were falling for him more with each passing moment.
As you opened your eyes, you gazed up at the ceiling, feeling content and happy in your own home. You knew that the memories of this evening would be etched in your mind forever, and you couldn't wait to see where your relationship with Leon would take you next.
You leaned back into the cushions and closed your eyes, feeling the weight of the day slowly lifting off your shoulders. The thoughts of Leon and the amazing night you had together were still fresh in your mind, and you couldn't help but replay every moment in your head.
You reached for your phone to see if he had messaged you, but there was nothing new. A small twinge of disappointment hit you, but you quickly brushed it off, telling yourself that he was probably just as tired as you were.
As you lay there, you thought about all the possibilities that lay ahead, and a wave of excitement washed over you. What if this was the start of something truly amazing? What if Leon was the one you had been waiting for all this time?
The uncertainty of it all was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. You knew that there were no guarantees when it came to matters of the heart, but you felt confident that whatever happened, you were ready to face it head-on.
After a few minutes, you got up from the couch and made your way to the kitchen. You poured yourself a glass of water and took a sip, the cool liquid soothing your parched throat. As you stood there, you gazed out the window at the cityscape, the twinkling lights of the buildings stretching out as far as the eye could see.
You felt a sense of gratitude wash over you, for all the wonderful things that had happened in your life up to this point, and for the endless possibilities that lay ahead. And with Leon by your side, you knew that the future was looking brighter than ever.
You took another sip of water and made your way to the bedroom.
As you walked towards your bedroom, you took in the comforting details of your home: the framed photos of your loved ones on the wall, the cozy blankets draped over the back of your armchair, and the soft glow of the bedside lamp. You changed into your pajamas and crawled into bed, still buzzing with excitement from the night's events. You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh, replaying every moment with Leon in your mind, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you as you slipped under the covers. You closed your eyes, feeling the warmth and safety of your home surrounding you, and drifted off into a peaceful slumber, your dreams filled with visions of all the adventures that lay ahead.
The next morning, you woke up to the sun streaming in through your window, casting a warm glow across your room. You stretched and smiled to yourself, feeling grateful for the amazing night you had with Leon and the comfortable home that surrounded you.
As you got ready for the day ahead, you felt a sense of excitement bubbling up inside you. You knew that the journey ahead might not always be easy, but with Leon by your side and your cozy home to return to, you were ready to take on anything.
As you finished your breakfast and got ready for work, your mind still buzzed with the excitement and possibilities of the previous night. You dressed with a renewed sense of confidence, feeling as though you could take on the world with the memory of Leon's touch still fresh in your mind.
As you got into your car and started driving to work, the morning sun rose steadily over the horizon, casting a warm glow over everything in its path. You felt the cool breeze on your face as you drove, your windows down, the sweet scent of blooming flowers wafting in through the open windows.
You couldn't help but smile as you thought about the night before, replaying every moment in your mind. The way Leon's eyes had locked onto yours when he spoke, the gentle touch of his hand on the small of your back, the way his lips had felt on yours when he kissed you goodnight - it was all still so vivid and fresh in your memory.
As you pulled into the parking lot of your workplace, you took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. You knew that the day ahead would be busy and full of tasks to complete, but you felt ready to face anything that came your way, fueled by the memory of the amazing night before.
You stepped out of your car and walked towards the entrance of your workplace, your heels clicking against the pavement. The world seemed to hum with a new energy, as if anything was possible now that you had experienced such a magical night.
As you walked through the halls of your workplace, you felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. You knew that with Leon by your side, you could tackle anything that came your way, and that the possibilities for your future together were endless.
As you walked into the break room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. You had been looking forward to seeing Leon all morning, and the thought of being able to spend some time with him during your break was enough to make your heart skip a beat.
As you scanned the room, your eyes landed on Leon, who was standing near the coffee machine, his back to you. You took a moment to appreciate the way he looked in his crisp white shirt and navy blue blazer, his hair styled perfectly as usual.
"Good morning," he said, turning around as he heard you approach. "You look stunning today."
You felt your cheeks heat up at his compliment, but you couldn't help but smile in response. "Thank you," you replied, feeling a surge of happiness at the sight of him.
The two of you chatted for a while, catching up on each other's weekends and sharing stories from your personal lives. You couldn't help but feel a sense of ease and comfort when you were with Leon, like you had known him for years instead of just a few short weeks.
As your break came to a close, Leon gave you a warm smile. "I'm looking forward to our date in two weeks," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I know just the perfect place for it."
You felt a thrill of anticipation at his words, unable to wait to see what the evening had in store for the two of you. "Me too," you replied, feeling your heart skip a beat at the thought of spending more time with him.
As you walked back to your desk, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twist that had brought Leon into your life. You knew that whatever the future held, you were excited to face it with him.
The rest of the workday passed by in a blur as you eagerly anticipated your next date with Leon. When the clock finally struck five, you practically ran out of the office and hopped into your car, your mind already racing with possibilities for the evening.
As you drove home, you couldn't help but replay the events of your last date in your mind, reliving each moment in vivid detail. The way Leon had looked at you, the sound of his voice, the way his hand had felt in yours - it all felt like a dream.
When you arrived home, you quickly changed into a cute and casual outfit that you knew Leon would appreciate. You applied just the right amount of makeup to accentuate your features, and took one last glance in the mirror before heading out the door.
A few weeks pass and each day he wasn't at work, you noticed you missed his presence. But before you knew it the week was coming to an end and the next one was starting.
As you entered the building where your office was located, you spotted Leon waiting for you in the break room. He was wearing a sleek black suit that hugged his toned body in all the right places, his tie a deep shade of blue that brought out the color of his eyes. He looked like something straight out of a magazine, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your stomach.
"Hey," he said as you approached, his smile widening at the sight of you. "You look amazing as always."
You blushed at the compliment, feeling a rush of warmth spread through you. "Thank you," you replied, feeling a little tongue-tied in his presence.
The two of you chatted for a few minutes, catching up on the latest office gossip and sharing stories about your week. It was easy to talk to Leon, his playful sense of humor and genuine interest in your life putting you at ease.
As your break came to a close once more, Leon gave you another warm smile. "I'm looking forward to our date next week," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement just like the first time.
You felt a thrill of anticipation at his words, unable to wait to see what the evening had in store for the two of you. "Me too," you replied, feeling your heart skip a beat at the thought of spending more time with him.
As you walked back to your desk, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twist that had brought Leon into your life.
The rest of the workday seemed to fly by as you couldn't stop thinking about the upcoming date with Leon. You were eager to find out more about the surprise location he had in mind and couldn't wait to see him again.
As the day drew to a close, you packed up your belongings and headed out of the office building, the fresh air and sunlight of the early evening feeling invigorating after a long day of work.
You decided to take a detour on your way home, stopping at a nearby park to enjoy the scenery and clear your mind. The leaves on the trees rustled softly in the breeze, and the sun cast a warm glow over everything around you.
As you wandered through the park, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You took it out to see a message from Leon, and your heart skipped a beat as you read it.
"Hey there, just wanted to check in and see how your day was. Thinking of you. Can't wait to see you next week."
You couldn't help but smile at his thoughtfulness and the excitement that his message brought you. You quickly typed out a response, telling him about your day and how much you were looking forward to seeing him again.
Feeling energized and content, you continued your walk through the park, taking in the beauty of the surroundings and feeling grateful for the unexpected turn your life had taken. As you made your way back to your car, you couldn't help but feel that everything felt brighter with him in your life now.
You couldn't wait to spend more time with Leon, and the anticipation only grew as the days passed. Finally, the night of your date arrived, and you found yourself carefully selecting the perfect outfit and putting the finishing touches on your makeup. You decided on wearing a stunning black cocktail dress that hugged your curves in all the right places, paired with a pair of strappy heels that made your legs look miles long. Your hair was styled in soft waves that cascaded down your shoulders, framing your face perfectly. Your makeup was light enough to look somewhat natural, your lips a soft rose color.
As you stepped out of your car and made your way towards the restaurant, you caught sight of Leon waiting for you outside, looking handsome and dashing, wearing a perfectly tailored charcoal gray suit that fit him like a glove, paired with a crisp white shirt and a dark silk tie. He looked every bit the handsome and sophisticated gentleman, and you couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by his impeccable style. His eyes lit up as he saw you, and he stepped forward to greet you with a warm embrace.
The restaurant was dimly lit, with soft music playing in the background and candles flickering on the tables. You and Leon were seated at a cozy booth, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy as you chatted and laughed together.
The food was delicious, each dish more exquisite than the last, and you savored every bite. But the real highlight of the evening was the company, as you found yourself completely engrossed in conversation with Leon, his wit and charm captivating you at every turn.
But as the evening wore on, you found that Leon's charm and warmth put you at ease, and you were able to relax and enjoy the moment. The conversation flowed easily between the two of you, and you found yourself laughing and joking like you had known each other for years.
After dinner, you took a leisurely stroll through the city streets, hand in hand, taking in the sights and sounds around you. The world seemed to slow down as you walked, lost in your own little world.
As the night drew to a close, Leon took you by the hand and led you to a quiet spot by the river. The stars twinkled above you as he leaned in to kiss you, his lips soft and gentle against yours. It was a moment of pure magic, and you knew that this was only the beginning of a beautiful journey together. As the night drew on, you felt a sense of longing as you said goodbye to Leon, not wanting the evening to end. But as he leaned in to kiss you again, you felt a sense of reassurance that this was only the beginning of something special.
As you made your way back to your car, you couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and gratitude for the amazing night you had shared with Leon. You knew that there would be many more adventures to come, and you felt excited and ready to face them all, hand in hand with the person who had captured your heart. Driving home, you couldn't help but replay the evening in your mind, smiling to yourself as you relived every moment. You felt grateful for the unexpected twist that had brought Leon into your life, and you knew that this was only the beginning of an incredible journey together.
Once you made your way inside your apartment, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement still lingering from your amazing date with Leon. You slipped off your heels by the door, setting them carefully down before grabbing your phone.
Just as you were about to put it away, a notification popped up from Leon, asking if he could stop by your house for a moment. He explained that he had forgotten something important to tell you on the date, and he didn't want to wait any longer.
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity at his message, wondering what it could be that he forgot to mention during your wonderful evening together. You quickly replied, telling him that he was welcome to stop by.
A few minutes later, you heard a soft knock at the door, and you quickly made your way to answer it. There stood Leon, looking as handsome as ever, a small smile on his face.
"Hey," he said softly. "I'm sorry to bother you so late, but I had to tell you something. Can I come in?"
You nodded, stepping back to allow him into your cozy apartment. You couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness as he followed you to the living room, taking a seat on the couch beside you.
"I know this might sound a little crazy," he began, his eyes locking with yours. "But I just wanted to tell you that I think I'm falling in love with you."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, the world seeming to slow down as you processed what he had just said. You looked at him, taking in the sincerity in his eyes and the vulnerability in his voice, and you knew that he meant every word.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took his hand in yours, feeling a rush of emotion wash over you. "I think I'm falling in love with you too," you whispered, feeling your heart swell with joy. "I just wasn't sure how I should tell you."
Leon's face lit up with a wide smile as he heard your words. "You don't have to say anything else," he said, pulling you in for a tight embrace. "I'm just happy to know that we feel the same way."
You spent the rest of the night wrapped up in each other's arms, talking and laughing and reveling in the joy of your newfound love. As the hours slipped by, you knew that this was only the beginning of an amazing journey together. "Hey, (Y/N)?" Leon looks down at you in his arms.
You look back up at him with a loving smile. "Yes?"
"Would you like to become officially Boyfriend and Girlfriend? " He looks nervous asking you, but he smiles through his anxiety.
The following days and weeks were filled with endless adventures, from lazy Sunday mornings spent cuddling in bed to spontaneous road trips to far-off destinations. You found yourself falling more deeply in love with Leon with each passing day, and it seemed that he felt the same way.
As your relationship continued to blossom, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twist of fate that had brought Leon into your life. He was everything you had ever wanted in a partner and more, and you felt a deep sense of contentment whenever you were with him.
Together, you explored new hobbies and interests, from cooking gourmet meals together to hiking in the mountains. You supported each other through difficult times, and celebrated each other's triumphs with joy and enthusiasm. Your love only grew stronger with each passing day, and you knew that this was the real deal.
One day, as you were out on a hike together, Leon turned to you with a serious look in his eyes. "There's something I need to ask you," he said, taking your hand in his.
Your heart raced with anticipation as you looked up at him, waiting for him to continue.
"Will you marry me?" he asked, as he knelt on his knee. Pulling out a small velvet box from his pocket to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. The ring itself is a stunning piece of jewelry, made of white silver and adorned with a large sparkling diamond in the center. The diamond is cut in a classic round shape and glitters brilliantly in the light, catching your eye from across the room. The band itself is sleek and modern, with a minimalist design that complements the elegance of the diamond perfectly. The overall effect is breathtakingly beautiful, and you can't help but feel a sense of awe every time you catch a glimpse of it on your finger.
Tears streamed down your face as you nodded your head, unable to speak as you threw your arms around him in a tight embrace. It was the happiest moment of your life, and you knew that there was no one else in the world you would rather spend the rest of your life and work missions with.
As you walked hand in hand back down the mountain, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected journey that had led you to this moment. Life was full of surprises, and you knew that with Leon. He shown you life was beautiful.
The next day, as you walked into the break room to grab a cup of coffee, you noticed Chris, one of your colleagues, waving you over. "Hey, congratulations!" he said with a big smile on his face.
You felt your cheeks flush as you realized that the news of your engagement had already made its way around the office. "Thanks, Chris," you replied, feeling a little self-conscious. "I appreciate it."
"I'm so happy for you both," he continued, clapping Leon on the back as he walked into the room. "You two make a great team, both at work and in life. Plus (Y/N) Kennedy has a perfect ring to it."
"Thanks, man," Leon replied, beaming with pride as he looked down at you. "I couldn't agree more."
You spent the next few minutes chatting with Chris and a few other coworkers about your engagement, sharing the story of how Leon had proposed and showing off your beautiful ring. It was a heartwarming moment, and you felt overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from your colleagues. It was rare in the line of work you all shared to have happiness like you and Leon shared.
As you left the break room and headed back to your desk, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the wonderful people you worked with. They were more than just colleagues; they were friends and family, and you knew that they would be there for you every step of the way as you embarked on this new chapter of your life.
Leon and you had a brief moment to celebrate your engagement before you were summoned by your boss, who had just received news of a critical mission that required your team's expertise. It was a delicate operation, with high stakes and potential danger, but as always, you were ready for the challenge.
You and Leon quickly gathered your gear and headed to the briefing room, where your team leader outlined the mission's objectives and the plan of action. You and Leon were tasked with infiltrating a high-security facility to obtain sensitive information that could potentially save countless lives.
The mission was intense and nerve-wracking, but you and Leon worked seamlessly together, each of you relying on the other's strength and skill to navigate the dangerous terrain. As the hours ticked by, you found yourself more and more grateful for the training and experience that had brought you to this point, and for the unwavering support of your teammates.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you and Leon emerged from the facility victorious, the information you had obtained safely in hand. As you debriefed with your team leader and exchanged high-fives with your colleagues, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Although the mission had delayed your wedding planning, you knew that there would always be more missions to undertake, and you were happy to share the excitement and adrenaline of the work with the love of your life.
As you and Leon made your way back to the base in the helicopter, you couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of planning your wedding. You turned to Leon with a grin, "I can't believe we're engaged! We need to start planning the wedding!"
Leon smiled back at you, "I know! I was thinking we could have it on the beach, maybe in Hawaii. What do you think?"
You nodded eagerly, "That sounds perfect! And maybe we can have a small, intimate ceremony with just close family and friends."
As you continued to discuss your wedding plans, Chris, who was piloting the helicopter, chimed in, "Hey, if you need any help planning or organizing, let me know. I have some great contacts and can even help with the catering."
You and Leon exchanged a glance and smiled gratefully. "That would be amazing, Chris! Thank you so much," you said, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. Planning a wedding was a daunting task, and any help was greatly appreciated.
Leon nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we could definitely use some help. We want to make it a special day, but we're both pretty new to all of this," he said, squeezing your hand reassuringly.
Chris laughed. "Don't worry, I've got you covered. I'll make a few calls and see what I can do. And of course, I'll be there to celebrate with you both on the big day!" he said, grinning.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Chris. He had always been a supportive colleague, and now he was going above and beyond to help make your wedding day special. You knew that with him on your team, the planning process would be so much smoother.
As you gazed out the window of the helicopter, you felt a sudden wave of inspiration wash over you. The breathtaking view of the sun setting over the horizon was a stunning sight, with its warm hues of pink and orange painting the sky like a masterpiece. It was as if the beauty of the world was aligning with the beauty of your love for Leon.
You turned to him with a smile, feeling your heart swell with happiness. "I can't wait for our wedding day," you said, your voice filled with excitement.
"I know," Leon replied, taking your hand in his. "It's going to be perfect."
Chris chuckled from the cockpit, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You guys are so cute," he said, teasingly.
You laughed along with him, feeling grateful for his lightheartedness. It was a welcome respite from the high-stress situations you all faced at work.
"So, have you guys thought about the venue yet?" Chris asked, turning towards you both.
You shook your head, "Not really. We were thinking something simple and elegant, maybe a garden or a beach. We want to keep it small and intimate."
Chris nodded thoughtfully, "I know of a few places that might be perfect for what you're looking for. I'll send over some options to you guys later tonight."
You thanked him, feeling relieved to have someone with his experience and expertise to guide you through the wedding planning process. It was a weight off your shoulders to know that you had his support and guidance every step of the way.
As the helicopter began its descent, you leaned your head against Leon's shoulder, feeling content and at peace. You knew that the journey ahead of you wouldn't always be easy, but with your love for each other and the support of your friends and colleagues, you were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
The rest of the flight back to the base was filled with excitement and planning as you discussed every detail of your dream wedding. You couldn't wait to start making arrangements and turning your vision into a reality. It was going to be a beautiful day, and you knew that with the help of your colleagues and, most importantly, Leon, it would be the perfect celebration of your love.
As the helicopter landed back at the base, you and Leon exchanged a kiss before climbing out of the aircraft. Chris gave you both a wave before taking off again, and you knew that the next few weeks were going to be filled with wedding planning and excitement.
You turned to Leon and grinned. "I can't believe we're really getting married," you said, feeling a surge of happiness.
"I know, it's crazy," he said, wrapping an arm around you. "But it's the good kind of crazy."
You smiled and leaned into him, feeling a sense of peace and contentment. No matter what the future held, you knew that you and Leon were in it together.
As you made your way back to your quarters, your mind buzzed with excitement as you mentally planned out every detail of your special day. You couldn't wait to start looking at venues, picking out dresses, and tasting different cakes and appetizers. Everything had to be perfect, and with the help of Chris and your colleagues, you were sure that it would be.
Leon squeezed your hand as you walked, and you looked up at him, feeling your heart swell with love. He was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, and you couldn't wait to start this new chapter together.
As you arrived at your apartment, you settled in on the couch, ready to dive headfirst into planning. Leon grabbed his laptop from his overnight bag, and together you began scouring the internet for venues, photographers, and florists.
Hours passed in a blur as you sifted through countless options, each one more beautiful than the last. You debated over color schemes, seating arrangements, and centerpiece options, and even discussed potential honeymoon destinations.
Just as you were about to call it a night, Chris sent you a text message with the contact information of a highly recommended wedding planner. You smiled gratefully, feeling a sense of relief knowing that you had even more support for your big day.
As you crawled into bed that night, exhausted but exhilarated from all the planning, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the amazing people in your life who were helping to make your dream wedding a reality. The bathroom light softly glowed into your bedroom as the sound running water filled the air. The bathroom door was opened up by a small crack allowing you to see your fiancé who was brushing his teeth, standing in just sweatpants in front of the mirror.
You couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked, with his strong jawline and chiseled features. As he finished brushing his teeth, he caught your eye in the reflection of the mirror and gave you a mischievous grin.
"What are you looking at?" he asked, jokingly raising an eyebrow.
"Just admiring the view," you replied, winking at him. "The one I'll always get to see."
He chuckled and walked over to the bed, climbing in next to you. The bed shifting with his weight. You snuggled up to him, feeling his warmth and the steady beat of his heart.
"I can't wait to marry you," he said, his voice filled with love. "but how about we destress from the day today before we sleep baby." He gently turns your head up to look deep into your eyes, his thumb gently resting on your chin.
"Me too," you replied, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes. "And that sounds nice."
He leaned in and kissed you gently, and you felt a rush of passion and love. As he leaned in to kiss you, you felt a familiar warmth spreading throughout your body. The way his lips touched yours was always gentle yet passionate, making your heart skip a beat every time. Your hands instinctively found their way to his hair, pulling him even closer to you as you deepened the kiss, his hands slowly glided down your body, you shivered with anticipation. The feeling of his touch was electrifying, sending waves of pleasure through your entire being. You couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he pulled you closer to him by your hips, his body pressed against yours in a way that felt both comforting and exciting.
You feel his lips travel down from your lips, leaving kisses down your chin to your neck as he gently rolls to pin you down to the bed. His lips never leaving your neck, which made you softly gasp at how he had you.
He continued to kiss his way down your neck, his hands exploring every inch of your body. You felt his fingers gently caress your skin, sending shivers down your spine. He knew just how to touch you to make you feel alive and loved, and you savored every moment of it.
As he made his way back up to your lips, you could feel the intensity of his desire for you. His eyes locked onto yours, and you knew in that moment that he was all yours. You ran your hands through his hair, pulling him closer to you as your lips met once again in a fiery embrace.
The two of you lost yourselves in the moment, the passion and desire between you growing with every passing second. The world faded away, and all that mattered was the love that you shared with each other. His hands pull off your shirt as slowly takes in how you look beneath him. His eyes wide as he realized you weren't wearing a bra underneath your shirt, your breast grabbing his full attention. Leon slowly leans down and takes your budded nipple into his mouth, softly sucking and flicking it with his tongue. You couldn't help but let out a pleasured groan.
You arched your back in response to his touch, feeling the warmth of his mouth on your skin. The sensation was overwhelming, and you felt your body respond in ways that surprised even you. Your fingers traced patterns over his back, feeling the muscles tense and relax under your touch. The world had faded away, and the only thing that mattered was the love and desire that you shared with each other.
Leon's lips continued to work their magic on your body, leaving a trail of kisses down your chest and stomach. You couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability and intimacy with him, knowing that he was exploring every inch of your body with his lips and tongue. The feeling was almost too much to handle, but you didn't want it to end.
As he moved his lips back up to yours, you could taste the sweetness of his desire on his lips. His hands pulling off your shorts as he stays kissing you. He breaks the kiss to gently toss your shorts off the side of the bed before he stood up and took off his sweat pants. His bulge was huge underneath his boxers. You felt your core grow more wet with desire for the man before you. His hands gently take off your panties as he admires your bare body. "(Y/N), you're so breath takingly beautiful." He softly spoke. His voice full of love as he took off his boxers.
His dick springs up under his belly button, as he climbed back onto the bed, you couldn't help but admire the sight of his chiseled body, every inch of him oozing with raw masculinity. His touch was both gentle and rough, and you loved the way he made you feel. He kissed you again, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth as he slowly pushed himself inside of you, filling you up completely. You moaned into the kiss as he slowly started to pump in and out of your hole, making sure you stretched out to his length. The sensation was almost overwhelming, and you moaned loudly as he started to move, each thrust driving you crazy.
You clung to him, your nails digging into his skin as you surrendered yourself completely to the moment. He moved faster and harder, his breathing growing more ragged with every thrust. You could feel the tension building inside of you, and you knew that you were about to come undone.
Leon's hips moved with a steady rhythm, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your body. His hands gripped your hips tightly, his fingers digging into your flesh as he increased the intensity of his thrusts. You could feel his muscles contracting with each movement, his abs rippling beneath your fingers as you clung to him. He slowly moved his left hand to press on your lower belly and rub your clit with his thumb. You couldn't help but let your eyes roll back and let out a louder moan with his name thrown into it.
As he continued to pump in and out of you, his lips found their way to your neck, nipping and sucking at your skin, leaving marks that would remind you of this moment for days to come. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of you, wanting to feel every inch of him.
The heat between you grew more intense with each passing moment, and you could feel your body responding to his every touch. The sensation was almost overwhelming, and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. You reached up to grab onto his shoulders, pulling him closer to you as he pounded into you with increasing force.
Leon's breath was ragged and hot against your neck as he whispered words of love and desire in your ear, his voice deep and husky with passion. "You feel so good, baby," he moaned, his thrusts becoming more urgent. "I can't get enough of you."
You could feel your own release building inside of you, your body trembling with anticipation. You became undone underneath him as he continued to pound into you. With each thrust, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge once again, the pleasure almost too much to bear. Leon seemed to sense it too, his movements becoming faster and harder as he pushed you towards the brink of ecstasy.
"Oh god, Leon," you moaned, the pleasure becoming almost unbearable. "Don't stop, please don't stop."
He responded with a deep, throaty growl, his movements becoming even more frenzied as he took you to the edge and over it. And then it happened - a wave of pure ecstasy crashed over you, every nerve ending in your body exploding with pleasure. Leon didn't slow down, driving you higher and higher until you finally felt him explode inside of you, his body shuddering with pleasure as he found release. You felt your whole body shake with the force of your release, waves of pleasure washing over you again and again. Leon followed close behind you, his own release triggering a cascade of fireworks behind your eyelids.
The two of you lay there, panting and spent, wrapped up in each other's arms. It was moments like this that made you feel grateful for the incredible love and passion you shared with Leon. You knew that whatever the future held, the two of you would always have each other.
As your breathing returned to normal, Leon leaned in to kiss you once more, his lips still tasting of desire and passion. You could feel the warmth of his skin against yours, and it was a comfort to know that he was there with you, in that moment.
As you lay there, entwined in each other's embrace, Leon began to softly whisper words of love and adoration in your ear. His voice was deep and husky, sending shivers down your spine with every word.
"I love you," he whispered. "You're everything to me."
You smiled, feeling your heart fill with warmth at his words. "I love you too," you replied, running your fingers through his hair.
The two of you lay there, wrapped up in each other's arms, lost in the afterglow of your passion. The world outside faded away, and all that mattered was the love that you shared. You knew that no matter what challenges the future held, the two of you would face them together, with a love that was strong enough to conquer anything. You felt him pull out of you, both of your climaxes flowing out of you once he was fully out. He softly chuckled as he kissed your forehead before he picks you up out of bed. "Lets get you cleaned up again before we sleep princess."
Leon's voice was gentle and full of love as he held you close, his strong arms cradling you as he carried you towards the bathroom. He set you down on the edge of the bathtub and started the water, making sure it was just the right temperature before he carefully helped you step into the shower. He stood behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he held you close, the warm water cascading down over your bodies.
As he helped you wash, his touch was gentle and loving, his fingers tracing every curve of your body with a reverence that made your heart swell with love. He kissed the back of your neck, his lips soft and warm against your skin as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear, telling you how much he loved you and how lucky he was to have you in his life.
You turned to face him, your eyes locking onto his as you leaned in to kiss him again. This time, the kiss was slow and tender, a soft exploration of each other's lips that spoke volumes of the love you shared. As the water continued to flow over you, you felt his arms tighten around you, pulling you close as if he never wanted to let you go. The warmth of the water enveloped you both, soothing your skin and relaxing your muscles. You felt his hands moving up and down your back, massaging you gently as you basked in the warmth of the shower. Eventually, the two of you stepped out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed.
After the shower, he dried you off gently, his touch as soft as a feather as he wrapped you up in a towel. He led you back to the bedroom, tucking you into bed with a kiss on the forehead. As he settled in beside you, he pulled you close, his arms wrapping around you as he held you tightly, his love a comforting cocoon around you. You felt safe and loved in his embrace, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, the two of you would face them together, with a love that was strong enough to conquer anything.
As you drifted off to sleep in his arms, you couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment and for the beautiful life that you were building together.
You spent the morning snuggled up in bed, talking about the future and all the possibilities that lay ahead. As you sipped coffee and nibbled on pancakes, you began discussing wedding plans, imagining the perfect day that would celebrate your love. Leon listened to your ideas, offering suggestions and thoughts, his eyes sparkling with excitement and joy.
You spent hours brainstorming, jotting down notes and making lists, discussing everything from the flowers to the menu to the music. As you talked, you could feel your love growing stronger with every passing moment, the prospect of spending your lives together filling you with warmth and joy.
After breakfast, you decided to take a stroll through the park, hand in hand, talking more about your vision for the big day. You discussed the venue, the guest list, and even the color scheme, imagining every detail down to the last petal on the bouquet.
You settled on a bouquet of soft pink and ivory roses, with a few delicate sprigs of baby's breath tucked in between. The roses were arranged in a cascading style, with the stems wrapped in a pale pink satin ribbon that trailed gracefully behind.
As you envisioned the bouquet in your mind, you could almost smell the sweet fragrance of the roses and feel the soft petals against your skin. You knew that carrying this bouquet on your wedding day would make you feel like the most beautiful and cherished bride in the world.
You and Leon had discussed many ideas for the wedding venue, but eventually, you settled on a charming outdoor garden that was surrounded by trees and blooming flowers. The vibrant colors of the flowers were incorporated into the color scheme, with shades of pink, lavender, and ivory taking center stage. The ceremony would be held beneath a beautifully decorated archway, with delicate ribbons and flower garlands draped around it.
The reception would take place in a nearby ballroom that was adorned with twinkling lights and hanging lanterns. The tables were set with elegant ivory linens, and each place setting was accented with a single pink rose. The food would be a delicious blend of local cuisine, with fresh seafood and seasonal produce taking center stage. For dessert, you had decided on a tiered cake decorated with fresh flowers and drizzled with a light glaze.
As you walked, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love for Leon, the thought of spending the rest of your life with him making your heart race. The day seemed to pass in a blissful haze, filled with love and laughter, until the sun began to set and you found yourselves back in bed, wrapped up in each other's arms once again.
As the days passed, the excitement for your wedding continued to build. You and Leon finalized all the details, from the flowers to the food, ensuring that everything would be perfect for the big day.
The day before the wedding, you went to the venue to do a final walkthrough with the event planner. As you walked through the space, you could see your vision come to life. The colors were vibrant, the flowers were arranged beautifully, and the tables were set perfectly. You took a deep breath and smiled, knowing that everything was going to be perfect.
The morning of the wedding, you woke up to a beautiful sunrise, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. You and your bridesmaids got ready together, sipping mimosas and laughing as you helped each other with hair and makeup. The bouquet that you had designed with the florist was delivered, and it took your breath away with its beauty.
As the time drew closer, you slipped into your wedding dress, a stunning creation that flowed around you like a dream. The ivory lace shimmered in the sunlight, and the delicate beading sparkled with every movement you made. You twirled around in front of the mirror, feeling like a princess in your own fairytale.
Your bridesmaids gasped when they saw you, tears welling up in their eyes as they took in your beauty. You smiled at them, feeling grateful for their love and support on this special day. You locked your eyes with your mom, who looked so proud and happy. Her mouth opens and closes as tears well up in her eyes.
As tears welled up in her eyes, your mom took a deep breath and stepped forward to embrace you. "Oh my darling, you look absolutely stunning," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I can't believe how grown up you are now, and how beautiful you look in that dress."
She pulled back and looked at you with such love and pride that your heart swelled with emotion. "I just know that you and Leon are going to be so happy together," she continued, her eyes shining with tears. "You make such a wonderful couple, and I am so grateful to have you both in my life."
You hugged her back tightly, feeling overwhelmed with love for your mom and gratitude for all she had done for you. "Thank you, Mom," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. "I couldn't have done this without you."
As you and your mom hugged, your bridesmaids gathered around you, their own eyes glistening with tears. It was a moment of pure love and joy, one that you would treasure forever.
The final touches were added to your hair and makeup, and then it was time to make your way to the ceremony. You took a deep breath and stepped outside, feeling the warm sun on your face and the cool breeze in your hair.
As you walked down the aisle, you could feel all eyes on you, but your focus was on Leon, who was waiting for you at the altar with a look of love and adoration in his eyes. You reached him, and he took your hand, his fingers lacing with yours.
The ceremony was beautiful, with the gentle breeze carrying the fragrance of the flowers all around.
As the ceremony began, Leon's eyes locked onto yours and he began to recite his vows. His voice was strong and steady, filled with love and devotion.
"My dearest love, from the moment I met you, I knew that my life would never be the same. You are my best friend, my confidante, and my soulmate. I promise to stand by your side through thick and thin, to support and encourage you in all that you do, and to be your rock when life gets tough." He pauses and looks up at you, tears welling in his oceanic blue eyes before he continues.
"I vow to love you unconditionally, to cherish every moment we share, and to always put your needs before my own. You are the missing piece of my heart, and I am so grateful to have found you. I promise to always be honest and faithful to you, to make you laugh when you're feeling down, and to hold your hand through the ups and downs of life."
"I vow to build a life with you that is filled with happiness, adventure, and love. Together, we will make the most of every moment, creating memories that will last a lifetime. I love you more than words can express, and I promise to spend the rest of my days making you happy and loving you with all of my heart."
As he finished his vows, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. The ceremony was a beautiful testament to your love, filled with laughter, tears, and moments that you would never forget.
As Leon looked at you with tears in his eyes, you felt your own eyes well up with emotion. You took a deep breath and began to speak your vows.
"Leon, from the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one for me. You've shown me what true love means, and I feel so blessed to be standing here with you today. I vow to love you, to cherish you, and to support you through all the ups and downs that life may bring. I promise to be your rock, your partner, and your best friend for as long as we both shall live." You smile as a stray tear rolls down your cheek. "I promise to hold your hand through the good times and the bad, to laugh with you and cry with you, to be your home and your sanctuary. I vow to support your dreams and aspirations, and to always push you to be the best version of yourself. I promise to listen to you, to respect you, and to cherish every moment we have together. I love you more than words can express, and I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me. My love, you are the sunshine in my life. From the moment I met you, I knew that I had found my soulmate. I promise to always love you, to always support you, and to always be there for you. I will cherish every moment that we spend together, and I will work hard to create a beautiful life for us. You are my everything, and I vow to love and honor you for eternity." As you finished speaking, you felt a wave of emotion wash over you, the love and support of your family and friends surrounding you like a warm embrace.
Finally, the officiant pronounced you as husband and wife, and Leon leaned in to kiss you, sealing your love for all eternity.
As you kissed, you felt a wave of joy and contentment wash over you. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, the sound echoing throughout the venue. You broke the kiss, turning to face your guests with tears of happiness streaming down your face.
You could see the pride and love in your parents' eyes, as well as the joy and excitement in the faces of your friends and family. You hugged your parents, feeling grateful for their unwavering support and guidance throughout your life.
Leon's parents also stepped forward, wrapping their arms around you and welcoming you into their family with open hearts. The two families merged into one, sharing in the love and joy of the moment.
As you looked around the room, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness. You had always dreamed of this day, and it was even more perfect than you could have ever imagined.
Leon took your hand, and the two of you made your way down the aisle, surrounded by your loved ones. You were officially husband and wife, and you couldn't wait to start your lives together as a married couple.
The reception was a joyous celebration of your love, filled with laughter, dancing, and memories that would last a lifetime. The décor was breathtaking, with elegant centerpieces and twinkling lights creating a romantic ambiance that perfectly captured the love that you and Leon shared.
As the night went on, Chris, one of your closest friends, stepped up to the mic to give a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds. With a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye, he began to speak.
"To my dear friends, Leon and (Y/N), I can't express how happy I am for the two of you. Seeing you standing here together, surrounded by love and happiness, brings tears to my eyes. You both are a shining example of what true love is all about, and I know that you will have a lifetime of happiness together. I'm so glad you two have allowed me to help you with planning this wonderful night out. Its truly an honor."
He turned to Leon, a grin on his face. "Leon, my man, I've known you for years, and I can honestly say that I've never seen you as happy as you are now. (Y/N) brings out the best in you, and I know that you will continue to make her feel loved and cherished for the rest of your lives together."
Chris then turned to you, a smile on his face. "And (Y/N), my beautiful friend, I can't imagine anyone more perfect for Leon than you. You are kind, loving, and endlessly patient, and I know that you will be an incredible wife to him."
He raised his glass. "To the happy couple, may your love continue to grow and flourish with each passing year. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy!"
As the crowd cheered and clinked their glasses, you felt your heart swell with love and joy. This was truly the happiest day of your life, and you knew that you would cherish every moment of it for the rest of your days.
The food was delicious, with a variety of dishes that catered to all tastes and preferences. The cake was a work of art, with intricate details and flavors that made your taste buds dance. You spent the rest of the day celebrating with your friends and family, dancing and laughing and enjoying the beautiful wedding that you had planned together. As the night drew to a close, you and Leon slipped away from the festivities, hand in hand, ready to start the rest of your lives together as husband and wife.
As the night wore on, you and Leon stole away for a moment alone, looking out at the stars and reflecting on the amazing day that you had just shared. You felt so lucky to have found each other, and you knew that your love would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
The night ended with a final dance, surrounded by the people who meant the most to you. As you held each other close, you knew that you had found your happily ever after, and that you were truly blessed to have each other.
As the final notes of the music faded away, Leon held you tightly and whispered in your ear, "Let's go home, my love."
You smiled and nodded, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. The two of you said your goodbyes to your guests, thanking them for sharing in your special day. As you made your way to the exit, Chris stepped up and hugged you both, his eyes glistening with tears.
"You two are meant to be together," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I am so happy for you and I know that you will have a lifetime of love and happiness together."
You and Leon hugged Chris back, feeling grateful for his support and love. As you walked out into the cool night air, hand in hand, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and joy. Leon quickly scooped you up into his arms and walked the rest of the way to the car.
The ride home was quiet, filled with contented sighs and stolen glances at each other. When you finally arrived home, Leon scooped you up in his arms and carried you over the threshold, kissing you passionately as he did so.
As you settled into your new life together, you knew that your wedding day was just the beginning of a lifetime of love and happiness.
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining through the window. It was your first day as a married couple, and you couldn't wait to start your new adventure together. You and Leon spent the morning packing your bags for your honeymoon, carefully choosing the perfect outfits and accessories for your romantic getaway.
You were both so excited to explore the beautiful city of Paris, with its iconic landmarks, charming cafes, and rich culture. You had always dreamed of strolling hand in hand along the Seine River, visiting the Louvre Museum, and indulging in delicious French pastries and wines.
The hotel you had chosen for your honeymoon was a luxurious five-star hotel located in the heart of Paris, boasting stunning views of the Eiffel Tower and top-notch amenities like a spa, a rooftop bar, and a Michelin-starred restaurant. You couldn't wait to soak in the luxurious surroundings and create unforgettable memories with your new husband.
As you boarded the plane, you felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. You and Leon snuggled up together, watching romantic comedies and sipping champagne, feeling grateful for the love and happiness that you had found in each other. You wondered how Chris managed to land you guys a first class private trip to Paris but you were thankful for his actions.
As the plane soared through the clouds, you both felt a sense of adventure and wonder. You had always dreamed of visiting Paris, and now you were finally going to experience it together as husband and wife.
As you landed in the City of Love, you were immediately struck by the beauty and romance that surrounded you. The quaint cafes, charming architecture, and iconic landmarks took your breath away. You and Leon checked into your luxurious hotel, complete with stunning views of the Eiffel Tower.
As you arrived at your hotel in Paris, you were awestruck by its grandeur and beauty. The lobby was adorned with sparkling chandeliers and opulent decor, and the staff greeted you with warm smiles and impeccable service.
As you made your way to your room, you were filled with anticipation for what awaited you inside. The room was spacious and luxurious, with a plush king-size bed adorned with soft, fluffy pillows and a cozy duvet. The windows overlooked the city, providing breathtaking views of the Eiffel Tower and the sparkling lights of Paris at night.
The room was equipped with modern amenities, including a flat-screen TV, high-speed internet, and a fully stocked minibar. The bathroom was a spa-like oasis, with marble countertops, a deep soaking tub, and plush robes and slippers to wrap yourself in after a relaxing bath.
A bouquet of fresh flowers sat on the nightstand, filling the room with a sweet and fragrant aroma. A tray of macarons and champagne awaited you, welcoming you to the City of Love in the most delicious way possible.
Overall, the room was a perfect blend of elegance, comfort, and romance, setting the stage for an unforgettable honeymoon with the love of your life. "Wow, Leon, this is so.." your voice trails off as you look around the room. "its perfect!"
Leon grinned as he watched you take in the beauty of the room. "I wanted to make sure our honeymoon was as special as our wedding day," he said, pulling you into his arms. "And I think this is the perfect place to start our new life together."
He led you over to the plush king-sized bed, adorned with silky soft linens and fluffy pillows. "How about we take a quick nap and then explore the city?" he suggested with a mischievous grin.
As you cuddled up together on the bed, you felt the warmth of his body next to yours and the soft sound of his breathing lulling you into a peaceful sleep.
When you woke up, the sun was just beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the room. Leon had ordered room service, and the aroma of freshly baked croissants and strong coffee filled the air.
As you sat down to enjoy your breakfast together, Leon took your hand and looked deeply into your eyes. "I want this honeymoon to be about us, about our love and our future together," he said. "I love you more than anything in this world, and I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."
With those words, he leaned in and kissed you deeply, his love for you filling every inch of the room. You sighed happily into the kiss as he slowly broke it.
Leon took your hand and led you towards the balcony, where you could see the breathtaking view of the city of Paris. The Eiffel Tower twinkled in the distance, and the lights of the city illuminated the night sky.
"Let's go out and explore the city," he said with a smile, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
You nodded eagerly, feeling a sense of adventure and excitement wash over you. You changed into something comfortable and warm, taking a coat with you, and you set off into the city, hand in hand with Leon.
The streets of Paris were bustling with people, each one seeming to have their own story to tell. You walked hand in hand with Leon, taking in the sights and sounds of the city, stopping to take pictures in front of the iconic landmarks and indulging in the local cuisine at cozy cafes and restaurants.
As you walked through the charming streets, you felt your heart swell with love for Leon, and you knew that this honeymoon would be the start of a lifetime of adventures together. The love that you shared filled every moment of the trip, making it even more special and unforgettable.
After a long day of exploring, you returned to the hotel, tired but happy. You and Leon cuddled up in the plush bed, watching the lights of the city twinkling outside the window. You talked for hours about your hopes and dreams for the future, and the adventures that you wanted to have together. As you drifted off to sleep, you knew that your love for each other would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
The next morning, you woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and warm croissants. Leon had ordered breakfast in bed, complete with a variety of pastries, fruit, and delicious coffee. As you enjoyed your meal, you talked excitedly about your plans for the day. You both decided to visit the famous Eiffel Tower, and explore the city's many museums and galleries.
As you walked hand in hand through the streets of Paris, Leon turned to you with a smile. "I'm so happy to be here with you, my love. You make every moment of my life so much better." His words made your heart swell with love and joy.
"I feel the same way, Leon. I'm so grateful for you, and for this amazing adventure that we're on together." You replied, looking deeply into his eyes.
As the day went on, you and Leon shared countless new experiences and made unforgettable memories. From sampling local cuisine to taking romantic walks through the city, every moment was filled with love and happiness. And as the sun set over the city, you knew that your honeymoon in Paris was a dream come true, a true celebration of your love and commitment to each other. The honeymoon slowly came to an end as you turned to look at the hotel entrance, your bags heavy with souvenirs and memories you made.
You and Leon shared one final romantic dinner in the hotel's elegant restaurant, savoring every bite of the exquisite French cuisine. You talked about the highlights of your trip, reliving your favorite moments and promising to return to Paris one day. As the night wore on, you grew more and more reluctant to leave, wishing that you could stay in this beautiful city forever.
But all good things must come to an end, and the next morning, you packed your bags and made your way to the airport. As you sat in your first-class seats, holding hands with Leon, you looked out the window at the beautiful city that you had fallen in love with. You knew that you would never forget this honeymoon, and that the memories that you had made would last a lifetime.
"Thank you for the most amazing honeymoon, Leon," you said, turning to him with a smile.
"It was my pleasure, my love," he replied, his eyes sparkling with love and adoration. "I'm so grateful to have you as my wife, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life making you happy."
You leaned in to kiss him, knowing that your love for each other would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day. As the plane took off, you closed your eyes and smiled, feeling grateful for the love and happiness that you had found in each other.
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thornpixie · 11 months
I am Team Jeremiah, but that doesn’t mean I hate Conrad. However, I find it very hard to feel any sympathy for him: an essay.
I truly hope Conrad finds happiness. I just don’t think he and Belly are right for each other. And no, I haven’t read the books (you can read my feelings on that argument in another post I’ve done lol), so I’m just going off the show.
I am Team Jeremiah, I make no secret of it. But that’s because he is just the better choice for Belly. Not because he is better than Conrad, full stop. They both have their flaws. Should Jeremiah have made out with his brothers ex girlfriend like that, without at least talking to him first? Hell no. But come on - the guy tried to resist. He tried so hard. Belly kept pushing. And let’s remember what Conrad said to Belly at the start of the season after they kissed - ‘Do you want to be with him?’ ‘Being with you is all I’ve ever wanted.’ ‘Okay so be with me then.’
Belly choosing Conrad over Jeremiah was all that mattered back then, not how it affected anyone else, even though she was quasi-dating his brother for most of the summer. He didn’t give a fuck about Jeremiah and if it wasn’t for Belly saying no, he would have flaunted her immediately, even knowing she had kissed Jere a few times. When he asked Jeremiah for his blessing, I don’t believe he did that for any other reason than Belly would continue to distance herself from him until she believed Jere was over it. Conrad did not go to Jeremiah to make sure he truly was okay. He was ticking a box for Belly. Jeremiah was quite obviously not okay with it but Conrad chose to ignore that because he wanted Belly. We saw that in what he told Belly about it afterwards. He took the parts of the conversation that suited his narrative and the outcome he wanted, and he ran with it. And it worked. Jeremiah got hurt, and Conrad didn’t care, because he had Belly.
Their relationship wasn’t this epic love story. I still don’t understand where it came from. I understand Belly’s crush. But when and how and why did Conrad start loving her? The writers of the show seemed to just say ‘he just does’ and we are supposed to say ‘okay yeah sound makes sense.’ I just don’t understand the timeline. Besides that though… Look, I understand and empathise with the fact that his mom was dying while they were dating, and that he was struggling with his mental health. It was a lot for an 18 year old to deal with. (Of course, Jeremiah was dealing with it, too, but Conrad stans conveniently forget that). But Belly suffered in that relationship because of it, and no one should have to do that. To me, it seemed like she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for him to pull away. Scared. Maybe Conrad wasn’t going to break up with her at prom, and she jumped the gun, but it says a lot about how she was feeling that she immediately assumed that. A relationship shouldn’t be like that.
Jeremiah, though… from day one he was open and honest with her. He asked her straight up if she could ever love him like she did Conrad and she said YES. Belly said herself - Jeremiah is always there when she needs him. That’s what you need in a life partner. And fuck me, the passion they have. A perfect blend of supportive and passionate. Tie that man DOWN. He is supportive, he defends her, he speaks his mind, he is honest and reliable (the only time we saw him ‘let her down’ in any way was when he missed the dance at the Deb Ball and jeez, he had a damn good reason so no one can blame him). He makes her laugh. They can have fun together, but can also have the serious conversations. I married my best friend and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s honestly amazing to know you have that person who truly sees you, loves and supports you. Who is your comfort. Jeremiah is that for Belly. Honestly, I could go on and on about how Jeremiah is the perfect match for her - and the chemistry between Gavin and Lola definitely adds to it, but it isn’t the only factor - but everyone has probably given up reading by now…
Both boys have been dealt a shit hand, losing their mother. Both boys have made mistakes and have flaws. But they both have incredibly good qualities, too. Personally, I just think that Jeremiah is more suited to Belly, and they will have a happy, healthy relationship.
Also, the way she kissed him back in that episode… I’m sorry but there’s no way she’s not jumping his bones when they start officially dating. It wouldn’t make sense to me. She was smiling against his mouth and knotting her fingers in his hair, and it was ‘Wattpad level hot’, as Taylor would say. Considering she’s already done the deed, I can’t see any logical way for the writers to incorporate a ‘no intimacy’ storyline for them. Especially after that scene in particular, but also their first kiss in the pool back in season one, and the booby fondling in the car - WHERE BELLY STRAIGHT UP SAID SHE WAS NOT NERVOUS BECAUSE IT WAS JEREMIAH. Sorry, but let’s be real - there’s not a chance in hell those two are not banging the brains out of each other. And good on them. So I hope that is a change made to the books. Furthermore, show-Jeremiah cheating? I cannot see it happening. I really really hope it doesn’t.
IF Bonrad must be endgame, then please, Jenny Han, I beg of you to right your wrongs and not assassinate Jeremiah’s character to reach that ending. There are better ways to do it. But I maintain that the better choice for Belly is Jeremiah. And Conrad should meet someone new who is more emotionally mature and able to deal with his very obvious mental health problems. Someone he feels he can open up to about them. Because, as a sufferer myself, you need that support. Belly doesn’t provide that for Conrad and, as a result, Conrad doesn’t give Belly what she needs either.
One last parting thought - what the fuck happened to Jeremiah and Steven’s friendship? Jeremiah told Steven how much he cared for Belly in season one. Why did literally no one listen to him? And how did no one see it in the way his entire personality seemed to shift in season two. He’s lost his sparkle. YES most of that is because of his mom, but is everyone really that blind to him? No one notices that poor guy. He’s completely overshadowed by Conrad in every aspect. Everyone just expects Jeremiah to roll over and let everyone else have their happy ending while he gets trampled on because he’ll ‘just get over it’. Come on. WRITERS - DO BETTER. There is too much phenomenal acting talent in this show to let bad writing and tropes ruin it.
In conclusion, I haven’t written this much on one topic since I did my degree and I am obsessed with this show. Goodbye.
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bat-writer · 1 year
I was wondering if you would be able to write something were dick and jason fight over the reader in a way ?
A/N: i added my own twist! Also very sorry this is late!!!
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 ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
“Ugh stupid car can’t get it-“
"I got it!" "I got it!"
The two young heroes cut you off in offering to help you. Their eyes narrowing at one another. Now here was the dilemma between three of you. Had a major crush on you and so did Jason and they were usually neck at neck with each other trying to get your attention. They will offer their services, possibly save you in a situation or even just grab little things here and there and leave them around the house trying to gain "points".
Now Dick's argument was that he was the oldest so he was more cheer for you but Jason's argument was that she was just the more macho man for you which is what you needed. It's not that you were oblivious to what they were doing or when they were flirting however you really didn't know how to go about this. They were both great and both of them meant law but then the day if you did pick a side you'd break someone's heart. It was difficult to say the least
"come on guys I just need it open, it's just a jar" you butt in trying to show how meaningless the argument was. Jason grabbed the jaw quickest and opened it for you and slid it back across the counter.
"thank you~" Dick simply pouted his lips and narrowed his eyes at Jason as if saying 'It'll be me next time!'
Of course Alfred and Bruce have taken notice of this. However, they were both old and mature enough to talk this out or come to some type of conclusion. This had been going on for about 4 months or so. It's clear to say each party wanted an end to it, and for a choice to be made. They had made plans for weeks by now, arranging times, locations the entire thing! Now all that was left, was you.
That night you had a note on your bed with two bouquets of flowers. One held red roses the other blue lilies and baby's breath.
"Be on the roof once you read this" you read out loud "Huh...wonder what those two are up to now" you shook your head going out into the hallway of your building and climbing the stairs to the roof.
There you find the two young men dressed in their hero attire.
"Alright so what do you two have planned exactly" you walk over to them and lean to one side.
"This is the end, Y/N" Jason spoke
"No more arguing, fighting, you make a choice tonight." Dick filled in "We know you feel the same thing we feel. But we all know there can only be one in the end."
"Guys....I don't..." you still felt so lost! This was very hard. Because at one point you did have strong feelings for Dick but in another instance you did have strong feelings for Jason. Feeling as though you'll break one of their hearts made the pressure all more heavy on your shoulders. You didn't know what to do or what to say
"Don't feel any kind of way Y/N, you make a choice simply based on what you want and feel alright?" Jason adds in "So, Dick is going to start it off. I'll be over there until you're done" Jason explains As he starts to take steps backwards and far enough where you and Dick can have a private conversation. Dick comes forward and takes your hands in his he takes his mask off so that he's able to look into your eyes and yours into his.
"Y/N, the moment I saw you I could feel my heart bursting through my chest. You're the most beautiful woman I have ever met. On top of that you're selfless, your gentle and kind and smart as hell! I know for a fact your just a perfect woman...my perfect woman" he smiles "I swear to you...I'll protect you, keep you safe, keep you happy and supported. Whatever you need me to be, I'll be that. Anything, any time, any where......I love you Y/N" he gentle finished with a kiss to your cheek. He pulls away with a small smile and signals for Jason to now speak with you
taking his mask off he towers over you with a intimidating yet alluring look in his eyes "Y/N, you are just a badass. In every way, shape and form. I can't lie to you, I suck at feeling, words, and you know this. But I do know, I can make you happy. I can make you feel like the queen of Gotham. No one would even lay on an eye on you, anything you want is yours, I'm yours. I just want you," he brings your hands up to his lips for a kiss to your knuckles "to be mine...please"
You felt like your lungs were being emptied of their air supply. How could it be that you felt so much emotion for both people??....But making a choice now?? You were pulled out of your thoughts when one of them asked you a question. You see the two young men standing in front of you waiting for a response.
"what was that?" you asked
"You have to choose Y/N....who is it? Me or Dick" jason asked again
Looking between the two you had no idea how to respond or whose name to say. He'd taken a breath hold it for a couple seconds and release again to steady your racing heart. You think hard and clearly on what you're about to say and what effect the choice you make will have on all three of you. This can destroy friendship, and a brotherhood. Opening your mouth slowly and surely you say
Opening your mouth slowly and surely you say
"I chose...."
to be continued...
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crepesuzette2023 · 2 months
So whats like the general consensus about Stu and John? Do we think they ever messed around or not?
Ooooh, I won't burn and scar my typing fingers on anything like "general consensus," and my cop-out answer is: depends on who you ask. I mean, if you're living in a world where 'a man being with a woman' = straight, or 'a man who never came out unequivocally as queer' = straight, then John and Stu very much never messed around, and, more importantly, didn't feel the desire to.
But I think if you look at it with an open mind, without being afraid of the possibility, you'll see it's more likely they did than that they didn't.
First, you have John, with his life-long romantic idea of being in love with your creative partner (see: his comments on Yoko and Paul)—an idea that fits Stu seamlessly, and perhaps even started with him. In the Hunter Davies bio, John (in '67) calls Stu Paul's predecessor in the 'my trusted partner in art' role.
There is also this conversation with Stu's girlfriend, Astrid Kircherr, as related by Backbeat director Iain Softley:
Paying tribute to Astrid this week, film director Iain Softley revealed her moving words from his interviews with her when he made 1994 movie Backbeat about her and Stuart’s romance.
They hint at a complex relationship between her, Stuart and John. She said it was only after Stuart died that she and John “took a load of pills” and talked for 12 hours about “all the things on our minds about Stuart”. “‘He was jealous when Klaus and I fancied Stuart more, and took him home and left John out,” she told Iain.
“He told me he really loved Stuart, but was afraid of the feeling.”
Iain adds: “I think she thought he meant as a friend, I don’t think there was any suggestion they were in a relationship. But Stuart had always been John’s best friend, they shared a flat in Liverpool. John would write to Stuart as ‘Jesus Christ to John the Baptist’, in the sense Stuart was showing him the way. He looked up to him.
“There was a sense John didn’t want Stuart taken away from him, he didn’t want Stuart to stay in Hamburg.
“At the same time he was very fond of Astrid, but I think there was a conflict there.”
If John was afraid of the feeling, then I'm thinking he felt something that, at the time, and probably still today, was a scary thing to feel. I'll leave it at that.
Also, they were, what? 18, 19, 20 years old? At that age, odds are you do fool around, even if you regret it afterwards. Nothing wrong with that.
Look at this picture of Stu (r.) with Astrid and Astrid's ex, Klaus Voormann. Klaus, who later said he and Astrid didn't work as a couple because she wanted him to be exactly like her image of him, and whose marriage (to a woman) was a platonic marriage of convenience, according to himself. We have now reached the beautiful stage of come onnn! "Straight" was at the party, but so were many others. These relationships were messy! That's awesome!
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And how do we feel about John feeling up Gene Vincent, while Paul and George look on knowingly, and Pete Best blanks out? We feel joyous and unsurprised.
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A word about Paul vs. Stu, since we're (sort of) at it.
It's possible (what an understatement) to think of their rivalry as sexual rivalry. This is, once more, hinted at in Backbeat, where Stu is more or less giving away John to Paul.
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And yet. I think it was more than that. I think everyone, back then, was fighting for more than a bed-partner. They were fighting for their future, for a life unlike their parents'. Paul was fighting for the band, Stu was fighting for John to join him on his artist's way (even giving 'rock'n'roll' a try), and John..
John was, on the one hand, the person either of the others felt he needed in order to realize his dream. But on the other hand, he was the least decided of the three. He may have perceived that, within the trio, he had the fewest fall-back options: Stu had his obvious, much-mentored artistic talent. Paul had a possible academic future bwxt to his musical talent, plus a clear determination to make it in music. John had talent in spades, but perhaps less of a clear-cut idea of where and how to apply it. So he tried keeping both of them close...?
With fun scenes like these as a result:
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John sure is feeling campy/cuddly, while Paul is incandescent with rage. A hot look for both of them.
In the end, we don't know if they ever did fool around. My usual reply in those cases is: I hope they did, if they both wanted it. I hope it was good.
I need to check out this book:
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John and Paul look happy.
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reimenaashelyee · 5 months
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The World in Deeper Inspection UPDATE Read: (Chapter 1: Pages 57 to 68) (COMPLETED)
About the comic
Grimsley confronts the man who set him on this goose chase.
And with that… that’s the end of the 10th Anniversary revamp!! Can’t believe it took me almost a year to get this short project done, but blame my school and day job for that! *drives the nail into the TWIDI IS NOT DEAD sign deeper into the wall*
It was enlightening to reinterpret my first ever completed comic (more complete than the strips and unfinished or one-off shorts I had done prior) – basically the one that started me down the road to a career as a published author. I was happy to see how much my style had improved – not just in the layout, flow and pacing – but in how my characters have become more expressive and energetic, and how comfortable I am with the cartooning. Here is the proof that drawing comics helps you get better at comics!! It only took 10 / 11 years!
Plus, after a long while of drawing with a more reserved, professional approach (see: Seance Tea Party, Alexander Comic), I enjoyed the abandon and whimsy of TWIDI. The lettering is inconsistent all over but that only adds to the handmade whimsical charm of TWIDI, so lol.
Anyway – I have the 10th Anniversary ebook edition up on my Ko-fi and itch.io! This edition carries both the original and revamped versions of Chapter 1. No new cover or illustration for it this time; I think they are perfect as they are.
I have been meaning to make a continuation of the end of TCM that bridges the start of Chapter 1. It’s a long time coming: a story that had somewhat existed since the early days of TWIDI in 2010. Hopefully I will find that stability in my life to return.
Open the cut below to see my notes.
There’s also nothing exciting here, EXCEPT I severely cut down on the number of panels (and the verbiage).
As with the previous spread I cut down and distilled a lot of the verbiage. I shifted the dialogue slightly so that the reveal that Mr. Brown is a Lord comes from Grimsley (in 2013, Mr Brown never admitted he was an aristrocrat until this page) – it made more sense since Grimsley had gotten the info independently from the newspaper article and Andrew, and Mr Brown not mentioning it himself fits with his whole lying thing. For this spread and the next couple of them I am zooming out the panels to include more scenery. The 2013 layouts felt very claustrophobic, with the over-reliance on bust shots of the characters to carry the tension of the conversation.
Some more dialogue trimming and background scenery. I decided to change the setting for the chase sequence to be within the cemetery – just ’cause it makes more sense than if it was done all around Brookham. The panelling for it is a bit more dynamic too – look, Grimsley is parkouring!!
I have no idea why 10 (actually, 11) years ago I had so much trouble conveying and pacing this sequence of Mr Brown being set on fire. That’s the hindsight of experience, I guess??? Anyway I added a few more panels for actual build-up, and the blocking is way better now – there’s more energy (especially Skeleton’s expressions) and clarity (omg we can finally see where and what’s happening to the lamp). The last panel is a new addition to better connect with the next spread. Also… I am excited to see how much further I can draw Mr. Brown’s demise.
Man, the difference some changes in pacing can make. I added some panels with witnesses to the fire, just to emphasise why Grimsley and Skeleton have got to run. It’s crazy enough if a Brookie has got to witness immolation in the middle of the Night, but two paranatural spookies??? Also human fat has such a colour hdsjkfhsdkf the things that come out of an immolated body are so eerie….
The 2013 spread is almost perfect. 18 Year Old Me got it.
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mugentakeda · 5 months
some random lighthearted hcs ^_^ 👍👍 cus all ive been posting is angst shit tralalalaaa
-iroh and lu tens biggest beef (satirical exaggeration) was always over tea preferences. they both love it- but in just wildly different ways. lu ten liked tea with milk and ginger and cardamom and sugar and black pepper and all kinds of other spices and shit (aka saffron chai). meanwhile his father is, as we all know, one of those snobs that dies on the hill of appreciating tea with its delicate and natural flavors alone. even if it just tasted like grass. one time, though, iroh was overjoyed to hear lu ten found a tea he liked just on its own (aka hibiscus tea), without add ons. but then was dismayed to immediately discover that lu ten liked it served cold (aka karkadeh). later, just to fuck with his dad, lu ten announced that he discovered its even better with the additions of citrus juice, honey, and mint. iroh just cant ever win with his boys
-azula is the youngest so its like instinct to be annoying. like shed get genuine urges to go and annoy zuko somehow someway. not all the times shes annoyed him are malicious- sometimes shed go in his room and if he was at his desk shed pluck the brush out of his hand and throw it across the room and take all the candles out and leave without closing the door behind her. or if he was laying down shed pull his socks halfway off throw his blanket on the floor and leave. she did it all wordlessly for comedic effect until he was like “why.” and then shed start cackling like a maniac
-lu ten enjoyed engaging in little kid activities with azula and zuko. hed sit on his stomach and kick his feet while finger painting. hed play whatever the fire nation version of hopscotch is with them, along with mai and ty lee. when azula covered his mouth before he said something to embarrass her in front of ty lee hed lick her hand and shed start screeching. hed make jokes about zuko being short even though lu ten could legally drink and zuko was like 10 so it didnt even make sense
-lu tens azula nicknames: lala (naturally), pumpkin, crab cake, sweetheart, baby (the last two only come out when its just the two of them or if shes upset. she has a reputation.)
lu tens zuko nicknames: zuzu (naturally), turtleduck (also naturally), princeling, squirt, shrimpmunk (note how most of these are a cute joke about him being Tiny and Small)
the kids called him lulu when he called them zuzu and lala. when he was teaching azula how to talk she called him baba for like a week to his dismay and panic, even if she didnt know what that meant, until he got it through her head that he wasnt the one to be called that. and ozai wasnt either because unfortunately he isnt the casual type
(he also called ursa auntie in front of anyone. to his great joy, ursa told him that ozai complained about it to her. thus, he continued to do it)
-lu ten made time for the kids not by ignoring his duties in their favor but by overachieving and overworking to stay as far ahead of his duties as possible. the faster he got shit done the more time leftover he had. his favorite thing to do with them aside from ember island was sneak them out of the palace and into the town during the evening, when they had all the best street food and outdoor theater set out
-roughhousing and chasing each other around was always a thing iroh and lu ten did before things got awkward and sour. their pai sho games- when they werent using it as a vessel for serious conversations- were loud, dramatic, and funny to witness. like iroh would be swearing and lu ten would be laughing hysterically. the servants would come and go with refreshments while giggling
-iroh and lu ten also engaged in Old Man Activities together. like you know how old folks just sit on porches for hours for no reason??? iroh and lu ten would do that together in the palace garden. they also did morning meditation and prayer at the ass crack of dawn
-before zuko was born and it was for the most part just ursa and lu ten, she got homesick a lot, and taught lu ten some of the stuff she did before marrying into the family. so lu ten knew how to make shit like jewelry, clay masks, and embroidered fans
-on ember island trips the three did a lot of cooking together. azula liked making sweet treats and fruit platters, zuko liked making kimchi and fried snacks. cleaning the mess is just as much a bonding activity as making the mess
-lu ten managed to keep whatever the hell he had going on with zhao a complete secret from iroh and ursa, zuko was just oblivious, but azula… is perceptive. and nosy. and protective. so one day when zhao leaves the palace azula approaches lu ten from out of nowhere and is basically like “(Katt Williams voice) You have an unnatural allegiance to losers and its not like you 😐”. he has no clue what to say to that
(it was not to azulas knowledge that zhao was harassing zuko constantly during his banishment. had she known, she wouldve done something about it. Not something that would inconvenience her father or the navy, obviously, but she wouldve definitely done something. #Trust.)
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