#trans or nonbinary poets
tommy2020 · 9 months
I’m a boy and I kiss other boys.
I’m a boy and I was not born a boy.
I’m a boy and I use unconventional pronouns.
I’m a boy and I want to live as a boy.
I’m a boy and I want to be free to say that out loud.
I’m a boy and I want to live without fear of being hurt.
Just like the other boys.
My friend is a girl and she likes boys.
My friend is a girl and she was not born a girl.
My friend is a girl and uses she/her.
My friend is a girl and she wants to be called a girl, not a slur.
My friend is a girl and she should be allowed to live as a girl.
My friend is a girl and she shouldn’t be assaulted because she is a girl.
Just like the other girls.
My sibling is nonbinary and they like every gender.
My sibling is nonbinary and they were not born that way.
My sibling is nonbinary and uses whatever pronouns they feel like.
My sibling is nonbinary and wants to be perceived as a person too.
My sibling is nonbinary and should be allowed to choose what they call themselves.
My sibling is nonbinary and shouldn’t be shoved under the rug because their gender identity “doesn’t make sense”.
Just like other people.
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earlgaylatte · 15 days
Burnt Popcorn
I never misgender myself, Unless I’m standing in the kitchen with my mom,  Cooking popcorn a bit too long So it sits on my tongue with that bitter-salt-char Only the two of us can stand. 
When I was growing up,  The kitchen was small enough to call it A confessional booth, small enough,  To keep fathers and devils out of it,  Small enough, That male intrusion felt like sacrilege. 
One of these afternoons, I just know- I’ll come home to it expanded,  Rugs pushing neatly into the living room, Cupboards organized by ingredients  Instead of color. 
I’m not a woman, but part of me Will always be a little girl twisted  Up on the floor of the kitchen chewing Mango pits and getting caught underfoot.
Sometimes I see her in the reflection of clean pots and pans,  When I’m seasoning cast iron. I make tea and the loose lemongrass in Mom’s cup Forms her daughter’s face.
Did you have prophecies too, Mama? Or  Is that something you shed like a Second skin when you started going to that Fundie church for a boy with blue-grey eyes and A haunting grin? I want to know
If the ashes from his cigarette falling Onto your pregnant belly revealed the Spiteful bitch I’d become.
I used to identify as a girl, now,  I  identify as a witch and a bastard. I call myself things You’re too disgusted to utter out loud. 
But sometimes, I miss using your wooden spoons to burn popcorn The way we both like. I’d let you kick me off your counters  A thousand times if you’d just call me your son.
Dear Midwestern Daughter, Dear Midwestern Ghost.  One of these days I’ll hand you the dread I shouldered like Judas and teach You just how I earned this name.
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yourdailyqueer · 24 days
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Siufung Law
Gender: Transgender non binary - Genderqueer (they/them)
Sexuality: Queer
Ethnicity: Hong Kong Chinese
Occupation: Prof bodybuilder, posing coach, activist, poet, public speaker
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trickstersaint · 1 year
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decomposition (dysphoria) // june 2023
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v333spertine · 1 year
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orgasming-caterpillar · 4 months
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On being trans, Madhav Solera
7th of June 2024
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monkey-papermoon · 2 days
A rising threat is killing trans writers!
it's called "work"
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poemsonmars · 2 years
i thought that the poets
were just being dramatic
like they so often tend to do
until i met you, my love.
until i met you.
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mysidaesm · 11 months
I am a fawn. I am a fae. I am the leaves in a thriving forest, the angry waters of the sea. I am the clouds, the burning stars above. I am warmth on cold nights. The moon to guide your way. I am ever changing, but always the same. I am rage and comfort, hatred and kindness. I am a warrior, a peacemaker. An anarchist, a pacifist. I am me, unashamedly me.
But for simplicities sake, I am nonbinary.
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randomsliems · 2 months
humour is such an absurd little thing.
since, no matter what, at whatever situation, in a certain point of view, or despite it all.
there's always a time to laugh even just a little.
and i think, humour strives, because with it, a hope that everything will be okay.
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nerdychildqueen · 3 months
Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.
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queerpunktomatoes · 5 months
A Trans Poem 🏳️‍⚧️
Don’t let them bury me as someone I’m not.
Don’t let them speak over me while I rot.
My lungs will fill with dirt, I will shout from my grave
“I am stronger than you said, I made my own way!”
Don’t let them bathe me in a white dress.
Lay me down in a suit, how I felt best.
Grant me the comfort I craved as I died.
Afford my corpse dignity I was denied.
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earlgaylatte · 2 months
How to Empathize with the Sad Tboy who Lives in the Dorm Across From Yours-
1) Shed everything, from the seatbelt wrapped around your core to the sheets on your childhood bed. When the sun rises in the morning and peppers your face with kisses, draw the curtains and block him out. Believe what the media says about transness, that it is a life of absence.
2) Start practicing constant fear. Wake up with shaking hands and looming dread laying over you like a blanket. Check the news. Don't check the news. Prepare to carry the burden of every sixteen year old killed in the nearest big city, even when the police say it was a suicide. Check the news. Watch the murders slowly get closer to your home.
3) Put wrapping paper up over your mirrors because you can no longer bear the sight of yourself. If anyone asks why you aren't eating or showering, make something up. Fill your stomach on the feeling of shame.
4) Daydream that you were born a boy. Replace all your childhood memories with this version of you. Your father is still around, and he's carrying the precious little boy he's raising up to bed. His feet are nimbly dodging toy trucks and legos, and in the morning, he'll wake you up to scrambled eggs and little sips of his coffee. When he talks about you with his new family, he'll say, "That's my son," instead of "Pass me the bottle."
5) When your mom starts catching on, try to ignore the sobbing you hear from her bedroom, her shaking voice begging the pastor of your church to make sense of it. Don't knock and try to comfort her. Don't acknowledge how icy your stepfather has become, how often he seems to be accessing your masculinity and finding you lacking. And whatever you do, don't start trying to track down your father, who must've seen some ghost of it on you when he left.
6) When the church gathers around you in a circle, rebuking the boyhood they call demons, don't flinch. Don't cry either. Just clutch the baggy flannel you're wearing around you tighter, like a fabric hug could heal the fractures of your soul.
7) Don't call that church a cult, even if it was. Don't go back to it, either.
8) When you get older, stand in the bathroom with scissors, hair dye, and a promise. Slowly shape yourself into something you can recognize, soft waves of hair falling into the sink. When you see yourself again, it will be a disaster. But it will feel like being whole.
9) When your mom says that the HRT will kill you, when your stepdad says that the HRT will kill your mom, don't let it under your skin like the other cruelties. Don't trade a full life for conditional familiarity, some semblance of holiness, and no sense of self.
10) Instead, tell them that you want to live long enough to tell your story. Tell them if you die, it will be in a blaze of glory: god's gift of creation is told in the generational echoes of people like us.
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What if I roll the stone away?
They're gonna crucify me anyway
What if the way you hold me
Is actually what's holy?
If long suffering propriety
Is what they want from me
They don't know how you've haunted me
So stunningly
I choose you and me
... Religiously
Taylor did me in with this one. I don't know what happened, I just burst into tears.
As a child raised in an extremely religious and conservative family, I'm familiar with "feeling the wrong way" about someone. I used to have thoughts about girls that would have destroyed my life, or so I thought at the time. I thought that my life would be so much better if I were a boy. I watched in awe while watching episodes of Maury with guests that were transitioning and then daydreamed about leaving my life and starting over as a man. I planned to never say or do anything, to marry a man, and pretend to be okay. I had been doing it for so long it seemed easy.
I didn't do any of that, thankfully, but I remember reaching this point. I fell in love, and I was so in love I couldn't compartmentalize my life any longer.
How can love be anything but right? How is love a sin? It can't be. It's not. I chose to be with her regardless of what my parents thought.
I'm not religious anymore, but being with her is the holiest thing I've ever experienced.
Thank you, Taylor, for putting my feelings into words once again.
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trickstersaint · 11 months
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elegy in which you are the creator in the laboratory // october 29 2023
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grimgoregrimoire · 4 months
Happy pride! 🖤🤎🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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Your love
Your light
Your fight
Your plight
An undying flame
Your pain is which the paths are paved
Craved, a savior who would no longer be enslaved to hate
It's all politics
But without that brick?
Without that wrath, we would have no path
After all, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
Yet we were not born void of hardships
Pardon, we continue to fight least we might die for it
In the noon of the year
Each June, may we prune our thanks to you
All our thanks to Marsha P and everyone in between
Blessed be
Please have a happy and safe pride! 🖤
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