#urban areas have. like ok
robotpussy · 1 year
love going to a area that was labelled as dangerous and run down and basically a UK ghetto only to find out it is now a gentrified artsy town where all the food is overpriced and everybody lives in overly expensive warehouses converted into studio apartments
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soldier-poet-king · 2 months
To be clear I do not think rural living is the same as suburbs!!! I am a suburb hater, but I am not trying to be a pretentious city folk person shitting on rural areas!!! Different areas are suited to different modes of life, which is fine and good. I am SPECIFICALLY shitting on car dependent idealized white picket fence suburbs. The mirage of the American middle class. The perfect white nuclear family with 2.5 kids and a large lawn and who only ever interact with people like them. The way this leads to a very insular castle doctrine type mentality. The endless urban sprawl. The WASTE.
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jade-curtiss · 10 months
French people: we have immigration problems, if only people took it more seriously 😡
Problem: don't worry we'll be gone in 60 seconds, don't even stress. 🥱
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 4 months
Safe and Sound
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Request: I really like the idea that Jack always leaves his girl in the "care" of one of his inner circle whenever he gets pulled away at an event. Like he's gotta go on stage or go to another area of the venue and she can't come, so gets his good luck kiss and when he says bye to Like Clay or Urban, he just whispers in his ear "keep an eye on her" or "keep her close" or "watch out for my girl". Like she probably doesn't even know that he does it, and that's kinda what makes it all the more heart warming. Like yes, the area is private and there's probably security around, but the fact that when he can't physically be there to protect her, he turns to his best friend or brother to keep the most important person in his life safe.
Warnings: language
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For as long as Jack could remember, the only thing he wanted to be was a rapper. He ate, slept, and breathed music for over a decade trying to make a name for himself, and while it took a while, everything he poured into himself and his career came back to him tenfold, and sometimes he couldn't believe how lucky he was. The good: amazing fans, financial security, and getting to live his dream definitely outweighed the bad, so he took everything in stride.
There were definitely times where he wished he could leave the house without being recognized, or didn't have a security team on his heels wherever he went, but that was the name of the game, and he'd make the sacrifice over and over again to be where he is now.
He didn't hold the same expectations for the ones that he loved, though.
While his friends and family understood that Jack Harlow was no longer just a kid from Louisville, and their lives were going to change along with his, Jack wasn't willing to put them in harms way for his sake. He could deal with the crazy fans, the big crowds of people, and the lack of privacy, because that's what he signed up for, but his people were off limits.
It also meant that the circle of people that he could trust was incredibly small, and honestly, he liked it that way. He knew that he could count on the people that stood to the left and the right of him, and that made all of the craziness a lot easier to deal with.
When you and Jack started dating, you were so caught up in the whirlwind of being in a relationship with someone you respected and cared for so much, you hardly noticed how much your life was changing. You'd never been with someone famous, let alone someone as famous as Jack, and while you were still getting used to the security team who accompanied you on some of your dates, waiting in the wings while you ate dinner or watched a movie, for the most part, your life was surprisingly normal. You were always a very headstrong person who valued their independence, and you were glad that your relationship allowed you to hold onto a semblance of control or Jack's lifestyle might have sent you running for the hills.
You thought it was a testament to the type of person Jack was and the life he led, down to earth and understated, but you had no idea how creative he had to get to keep you safe.
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"What do you think of this top?" You twirled in front of your phone that you had propped up on your dresser, with Jack on FaceTime. He let out a long yawn before he narrowed his eyes to get a better look at the sheer blouse you were holding up to your form. "Looks good", he mumbled out, throwing himself on his hotel bed. It was only 8:15PM in Louisville, but 1:15AM in London where Jack currently was for work, and he was struggling to keep his eyes open while the two of you caught up on your days.
"Only good?", you asked as you gave it a second look in your mirror, a frown on your face. "I don't want to just look good tonight."
Jack ran a hand down his face as he let out a deep chuckle. "Ok, you look very good. Was that more convincing?"
"No", you answered curtly, tossing the top onto your bed before going back into your closet. You came back out wear a simple black sweater. "What about this one?"
"Uh, maybe just lift the bottom up a little bit." Jack directed you with his hand in an upward motion, and you lifted the shirt up around your belly button in a makeshift crop top. "Just a little more." You pulled the shirt over your bra, not quite understanding. "Jack, what are you doing?"
"Just a little bit more." You pulled it up over your head, your arms held up in the air. "Good now take it all the way off so I can see you without anything on." You let out a huff when you caught onto his joke, flipping him off in the camera. "You're an ass, you know that?" Jack could barely hear you over the roar of his own laughter, tickled with his own joke. "Where are you going anyway? I thought you were staying in tonight?" You could hear the apprehension in Jack's tone.
"Please, Jack, don't start." You let out a huff, knowing where he was going with this. "I'm going out with a couple of friends to a bar to celebrate Gigi's birthday, and then coming home, okay?" You had a run in with a crazed fan while out one night a couple of weeks ago, and while you were shaken up in the moment, the incident was long forgotten, in your mind at least. Jack was away from work, and the fact that he wasn't there to protect you, and you had no security around made his stomach turn.
"I can call Dave and he can be at your apartment in like 10 minutes. I'd feel a lot better if you let my security team go with you." Jack was trying his best not to be overprotective, but he couldn't help it when it came to you.
"And I'd feel a lot better if you trusted me." You gave him a pouty lip and he folded immediately, letting out a exasperated sigh. "Fine, but please text me when you get there and get back home, okay? Even if I don't answer right away."
"Okay promise. I love you, babe." You threw on a graphic tee and leather jacket before blowing a kiss to Jack, hanging up with him, and grabbing your purse to head out the door.
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The bar was packed for a Thursday night, pop music blasting over the speakers as you made your way through the crowd, finding a table at the back of the room. You weren't scared to run into another fanatic, but you also wanted to play it safe, knowing it would give you and Jack piece of mind. You snapped a selfie of you and your friends and sent it off to Jack as confirmation you made it safe.
"Well look who it is!' You lowered your phone to see Urban and Clay smiling back at you, beers in both of their hands.
"What are you two doing here?", the inflection in your voice signifying your genuine confusion to see Jack's best friend and brother standing in front of you. You were very surprised to see them here, considering that a dive bar was neither of theirs scene.
"Can't two people enjoy a couple drinks at a bar on a Thursday night?" Urban slid into the booth next to you, wringling into his spot, Clay following in behind him.
"Two people, yes, you two, no. If I remember it correctly, you said "bars like this are contributing to the collapse of Louisville's culture." You held up your fingers in quotations. Urban went on a very long rant during dinner last month when you asked him if he knew of any knew any new places to go out downtown, and you hadn't brought it up since.
"I made him come out with me", Clay cut in, knowing you'd get the truth out of Urban sooner or later, "I was going stir crazy at home." He avoided eye contact with you, taking a swig of his drink.
You narrowed your eyes at both of them and they squirmed under your scrutiny, awkwardly shifting in place. You were incredibly intuitive and knew something else was going on, and Jack definitely had something to do with it. Something was off, and while you wanted to get to the bottom of it, this night wasn't about you, so you put it to the side until later, letting Urban and Clay join your group for the night.
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Jack came home from London a couple days later, but was so wrapped up in prepping for his performance in New York, you didn't get the opportunity to ask him why his best friends just happened to be at the same location you were last week. You didn't want to assume he was sending his friends to check in with you, instead of just trusting you to be careful on your own, but it was just too much of a coincidence.
The night of the show you hung around the greenroom for a couple of hours while Jack was doing soundcheck and and running through last minute changes with his team. Jack had security posted at the door of his dressing room and didn't let anyone pass through the hallway where he was getting ready, but you didn't think much of it because that was protocol for him and his team's safety.
Clay and Urban found Jack as he was walking off the stage, Jack adjusting his in ear as he went through the motions of his performance in his head. The crowd was roaring behind them, growing impatient for the show to start.
"How did last week go?" Jack asked as soon as he spotted them.
"I don't know why you asked Urban to check in with Y/N, he's a terrible liar", Clay scoffed, earning an eye roll from the blonde. "I'm a terrible liar? Mr. "I can't make eye contact with her", Urban mocked Clay with exaggerated motions.
"Can you two stop it? I asked you to make sure she was safe, discreetly, but its obvious the two of you don't know what that means. What the hell am I paying you for?" Jack pulled at the collar of his shirt, the air around him stifling. Your safety was the only thing on his mind lately, and he couldn't focus on anything else.
"First of all, you're not paying us at all", Urban retorted, but Jack just sighed, pushing past them to go back to the dressing room. "And second of all, she's smart, man, its only a matter of time before she figures out you've got us going undercover. You should just hire a security team for her."
Jack leaned against the wall, letting a few crew members walk by before continuing. "I've tried that, but she is so damn stubborn, says she doesn't need security. She doesn't realize how important all of this is, the crazy fan approaching her was just the tip of the iceberg. You guys have seen how wild people can be." Urban and Clay nodded in agreement, but it did nothing to calm Jack's nerves.
"Dude, just talk to her. Tell her how important the security team is, I'm sure she'll understand." Jack stroked at his jawline, watching as Neelam came rushing down the hallway. "Five minutes, Jack." You got up from your chair at the announcement to give Jack a good luck hug and kiss before he went on stage.
Jack lowered his voice to Urban and Clay so you couldn't hear him. "The two of you keep an eye on her tonight, okay? Don't let her out of your sight. I can't have anything happen to her."
Jack trusted his friend and brother with his life and knew they'd never let anything happen to you. He grabbed your hand as he pressed a kiss to your temple and you followed him out to the side stage.
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Most of the way though the show, you could feel your voice start to go from yelling and cheering for Jack over the music. Urban was in the crowd getting some action shots, which left Clay to watch over you. He glanced over at where you were posted all night, as you started to walk back to the greenroom to grab a bottle of water. He intercepted you before you got past the curtain, stopping you in your tracks. "What's up? Going somewhere?"
"Just gonna grab some water really quick." You motioned to your dry throat.
"Uh, I'll have someone get it for you." He looked around for a PA.
"Clay, its fine, I can get my own water", you chuckled, gently pushing past him. "Cool, cool! I'll join you, I could use some water too."
"Okay, you're being weird. Everything okay?" You crossed your arms over your chest as the two of you walked backstage. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just realized, you and Jack have been dating for a while and we never really got a chance to get to know each other."
You grabbed a bottle from the craft services table, looking over your shoulder at him. "And tonight seemed like a good time to do that?"
"Yeah, tell me about your childhood. Did you wet the bed?" He wasn't sure how he got to that line of questioning, palming his face in embarrassment. "I didn't mean to ask you that." He plopped down on the couch, letting out a deep breath. "This is harder than I thought it was going to be."
"What is? What the hell is going on, Clay? You, Urban, and Jack for that matter, have been acting so strange lately." You sat down next to him, taking a big gulp of water.
"He doesn't want to overstep, but you're a lot harder to keep track of then we thought you would be."
You gave him an incredulous look. "Is this about Jack and the whole security thing? I told him I was fine." Clay nodded, shifting to sit up and face you.
"I know how much he cares about you, Y/N, and that whole fan interaction scared the shit out of him, even if it didn't bother you." You tightened the grip on your water bottle as Clay spoke, the plastic cracking in your hand. You were so caught up in how you felt, Jack's feelings didn't even cross your mind. "He just wants to make sure you're safe, but since you won't take the security team, he had to take matters into his own hand."
"I knew you two showing up a the bar last Thursday wasn't a coincidence? How did you two figure out where I was anyway?"
Clay ran a hand over his buzzcut hair. "Jack texted us that night and told us to get our asses over there. You wouldn't take Dave, so we had to improvise."
"So he sent Dumb and Dumber to look after me, huh?", you said in jest, playfully shoving Clay in the shoulder. "We prefer Scooby and Shaggy, but whatever", he shrugged, making you giggle.
"I guess I can let Dave follow me around every once and a while." The thought of a 6'5", 300 pound man standing in the corner of your pilates class was kind of funny.
"Listen, I know that your life has changed so much since you met Jack, trust me, if anyone knows its me, and if you know my brother at all, you know he does not play about the people he loves." You nodded, smiling to yourself. Jack loved his family and friends so deeply and openly, it was honestly refreshing to witness it first hand. You could tell how much he cared about everyone, and wanted to see them succeed. It was one of the things you loved the most about him.
Clay smiled, jumping to his feet and extending a hand to help you up. "C'mon, lets watch the end of the show."
"Wait, who's Shaggy in this duo?", you asked, grabbing the offered hand. "Obviously Urban", Clay answered. "Shaggy gives off major stoner vibes."
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You stood off to the side of the stage as the show ended, and Jack ran down the stairs, immediately searching the backstage crowd for you. You watched on as his team surrounded him and helped him get unhooked from the sound equipment, as Clay gave him a quick rundown of your conversation, Jack's gaze never leaving your face.
He slowly approached you, half expecting you to be pissed, but you just wrapped him up in a tight hug, your cheek rubbing against his scraggly beard. "Everything okay?", he chuckled, nuzzling into your hair. "Yeah, everything's fine." You pulled away with a smile, grabbing his hand to walk back to his dressing room and away from everyone else. You turned to him as he shut the door, giving the two of you privacy.
"Did something happen?" You were quiet, and that made him uncomfortable. He hooked his eyebrow as he searched your face to try to gauge your reaction. "Look, I know that Clay told you everything, and I know you asked me to trust you, and I promise I do, but-". You stopped him with an abrupt kiss to the lips, your chests colliding with each other. You were the first to break to take a breath, Jack pulling you in tightly to his body so you couldn't walk away. "What was that for?", he asked with a giddy grin.
"I owe you a thank you, baby. I was fighting you so hard on this security thing because I didn't want my life to change anymore, but I know now you were just worried about me, and I appreciate that so much." You reassuringly ran your hands up and down his chest, feeling his muscles flex underneath your palms at your touch.
"I just love you so much", Jack explained, grabbing your hands and pressing a kiss to your knuckles, "and I can't do what I have to do unless I know you're safe. I know its a lot, but I need you to do this for me."
You nodded, giving him a small smile. "I know, just give me some time to get used to it. I'll come around to the whole idea that my boyfriend is an celebrity, eventually." You drug out the last word sarcastically.
"So that's a yes to the security team?" Jack ducked down to make eye contact with you. "Uh, no, not a whole security team, just two bodyguards." You motioned over to the door, and Jack turned around to see Urban and Clay standing in the threshold. "These two dumb asses?" Jack threw a lazy thumb their way with a disappointed look.
You both chuckled at the rumble of objections that came from the two of them. "Hey! Is that any way to talk about your girlfriend's security team?" Urban threw an arm over your shoulders, pulling you in for a side hug. "Yeah, these two will blend in a little better than your security team, plus they are a very good time."
"Yeah, you hear that? We're a good time." Clay threw his arm over your shoulder as well, sticking his tongue out at Jack.
"Whatever." Jack threw his hands up in surrender with a smile. "You should know that a twelve year old girl beat him up when he was a freshman in high school." You stiffled a laugh as you looked at Clay, who was visibly upset.
"She was really big for a twelve year old!", Clay bit back as everyone in the room burst into laughter.
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elliespeach · 1 year
no chances part four | ellie williams
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˗ˏˋ"you still wanna ask me those questions?" ´ˎ˗
pairing: ellie williams x afab reader synopsis: you and ellie are on rival volleyball teams and after letting your competitive nature get the better of both of you, tensions are high on and off the court. warnings: 18+ we made it yall it's smut time. mentions of weed, foul language, explicit sexual descriptions, r! receiving fingering/head, thigh riding, scissoring, slight choking kink, fight then fuck kinda deal wordcount: 3.1k author note: hi hi lets pretend that the car ride actually took an hour they do it in minutes but lets just pretend ok? ok. i have been in a slump this week my brain is attacking me so i hope this is well enough for yall i didn't wanna leave u hanging!! i have plans i cannot share w you guys ab this series n i am hype asffff but anyway enjoy
when her car left the parking lot it was silent. the radio played softly but you or ellie didn’t utter a word. suddenly the reality of what she had offered sunk in, you two had an hour drive together. ellie focused on driving while you stared out into the window at the dark road. she had almost kissed you again and for the first time it didn’t raise any alarm bells in your head. everything was calm in those moments inches from her face, as if the world had been swept away from underneath the two of you. hearing the song on the radio dim out, your head turned to face her. ellie’s eyes were fixed on the road, one arm at the top of the wheel with the other resting on the gear knob. she caught you in her peripheral and her head turned slightly. 
“we don’t even know wh–” 
“i think you played–” 
you both spoke over each other, attempting to awkwardly break the silence that had enveloped you. ellie laughed lightly and it was probably the first time you had ever heard her laugh, “you go,” she said, turning the wheel to make a left and you caught a glimpse at her hands, gripped firmly around the wheel and a memory of them doing the same to your hips flashed in your mind before you cleared your throat to rid of it. 
“i was just gonna say we don’t even know who won the game,” you recalled, your hands placing themselves in your lap and pressing your legs together slightly. 
“oh, yeah–” she swiveled her head to catch a quick glance at you before focusing back on the road. “my money’s on my team.” she said cockily, again turning the wheel with only one hand. 
“only cause i wasn’t playing, right?” you banter, remembering her somewhat of a confession from your walk. she rolled her eyes but a small smile crept on the sides of her lips as she did. 
“oh my god, that is not what i fuckin’ said,” she laughed again, another quick glance at you, who was smiling proudly earning another eye roll from her. 
“what were you gonna say?” you asked her, peeling off your knee pads from your legs as they started to itch. 
ellie glanced down at your movement, quickly pulling her eyes back up to the road, “oh uhm–” she readjusted her grip on the steering wheel. “just that, your coach was stupid to pull you, you were doing fine.” 
your head snapped towards her, a dramatic shocked expression on your face. “a compliment? how did you not just implode spontaneously?” 
ellie shifted in her seat, bringing her hand that was previously on the gear shift to the bottom of the wheel and leaning on the window with her now free arm. “just say thank you like a normal person?” her tone had a hint of annoyance but the sly smile on her face gave her away, and instead of prying it out of her you just accepted it. 
“thanks–” your eyes darted back out to the road, out of the seclusion that was the community center and into a more urban area with street lamps and business on either side of the road. your eyes caught the highway sign right as you passed it and you sat up, your head turning to see it fade back into darkness as her car kept moving. “that was the highway,” you turned to her, her head snapping back as if to see the sign herself but her eyes returned to the road in front of her within seconds. 
“fuck,” she uttered under her breath. the car started to slow down, taking a quick look around the road. “one sec,” she turned her car to the left, placing it as close to the curb as she could, then shifted the car into reverse. her arm swung around to the back of your headrest and her body moved with it. you couldn’t help but stare as she did, her eyes fixed on the road behind you. because of her positioning, you could see the outline of her muscle filled arm, as if she was flexing them. the movement of her upper body made her shirt ride up in the front, exposing some of her toned stomach and before any thoughts could come to mind you darted your eyes away. 
ellie could feel as you watched and when she turned her head to meet your eyes they were already gone and she swiftly put the car back in drive before pulling away. the radio was the only thing audible in the car as she turned on the highway, picking up speed as she did and her car revved over the radio. you waited until she was comfortably cruising in the fast lane before speaking again, hating the words that came out of your mouth but not being able to do anything to stop yourself, “so can we talk about the big fat elephant that's in the car?” 
ellie sighed while checking her rearview mirror then looking at you briefly, “if you want to,” 
“why wouldn’t i?” 
“i dunno,” she shrugged, keeping her eyes on the highway in front of her. it was quiet again but only for a moment before she continued. “i can’t give you an explanation, if that's what you want.” she almost sounded disappointed in herself. 
“why not?” 
ellie rolled her eyes, taking a deep breath in. “why don’t you give me an explanation?” 
“because you kissed me, you cuddled with me, you almost kissed me again.” you listed off your reasons, using your fingers to count them off and she looked annoyed. 
“i didn’t do it alone–” her tone was harsh, as if the conversation was treading on thin ice. 
“yeah, but you started it.” you returned her attitude, feeling a familiar fight coming on. 
“do you want me to sit here and tell you that i did it for a reason? there was no reason–” ellie used her hand that was resting on the gears to emphasize her words, feeling agitated that you brought this up when the ride was going smoothly. the high was wearing off between the two of you and with it went the calm that had settled too. 
“why are you being so cagey?” your voice raised slightly. ellie switched lanes, seeing the exit she had to take in the distance. 
“why are you asking so many fucking questions?” she returned your raised voice, turning the wheel to take the exit. the ramp was long and curved and she slowed to a stop at the red light at the end of it. taking the time to turn to you, a grimace on her face.
you groaned, crossing your arms and leaning your knees against the car door away from her. “just thought we could have a legit conversation, but that seems out of your capabilities.” 
ellie pressed on the gas when the light turned green, making a turn towards your campus. the drive had felt like the longest and the shortest in your life, and now you kind of wished you took the bus. she remained quiet as you did, noticing your position in her passenger seat. “jesus fuckin’ christ,” she breathed out as the welcome sign to your campus came into view. 
you started again, “i just think its funny becau–” 
the car came to a halt on the deserted road sending you forward and you looked at her in disbelief. she quickly put the car in park and as you looked at her face only illuminated by the orange dashboard in front of her, you couldn’t read her. “what the hell, ellie?” you questioned, looking around and you thought she wanted you to walk the rest of the way. 
her hands came up to your face, redirecting your focus to her. she cupped your cheeks and brought your lips to hers. although the anger for her in you was still firmly in your chest, you didn’t fight her instead leaning further into the kiss. her tongue found yours like it had in the bathroom weeks ago, slipping it’s way over your tongue harshly sending shivers throughout your body. butterflies danced in your stomach as her hand left your face, wandering down your body to explore. 
you wanted to be closer, the middle console blocking any other physical contact you two could share. while still letting her tongue roam your mouth, you moved over the console and placed yourself in her lap. it was uncomfortable, but her hands instantly wrapped around your hips and slid down to grab your ass. you rocked your body against hers, liking the feeling of her underneath you and she squeezed your ass tightly. your lips disconnected from hers and instead found her neck, leaving sloppy wet kisses all over it. ellie’s breathing was barely recovering and as you kissed her neck, incoherent mumbles and short quick breaths filled your ears. 
her hands that had been running up and down your back found their way in between you two, groping your tits firmly and you hummed against her neck at the feeling. the pressure formed between your legs all the faster as she massaged them, keeping one hand placed on your breast, squeezing as much as she could, she used her other hand and traced it up your chest to your neck, wrapping her fingers lightly around it. this pulled you back from her neck, making eye contact with her green eyes. though the green had vanished, replaced with dilated eyes glossed over with every touch you placed on her. 
she studied your face, her hand still around your neck. her head tilted, taking you all in while you straddled her lap and a sly smile formed on her wet lips, “you still wanna ask me those questions?” her voice raspy, hoarse even and she tightened her grip on your neck ever so slightly. way different than it was before and it took everything in you not to melt in her lap. 
“shut up,” you groaned, bringing your face back down to kiss her again, rolling your body against her. you could feel her smirk against the kiss, retreating her hands back down to your hips to move with them against her. the smirk didn’t diminish and this time it was you who snuck your hand up to her neck, gripping with the same firmness she had, you broke the kiss but hovered over her lips as her eyes opened to meet yours separated by only millimeters, “you are insufferable.” 
a light chuckle came from her, sinking her fingers into your hips, “and yet here you are,” her neck extending to allow your grip to remain. there was a beat of silence, both of your heavy breathing over powering the radio that still played lightly in the background. you let go of her neck, sliding your hand down her torso and feeling her tits through the layers of clothing. she attached her mouth to your neck as you had done, sucking a little too hard and you worried about hickeys but it felt too good in the moment to tell her to stop. but she did and her words bounced off of your now sensitive skin, “do you have a roommate?” 
that’s how you ended up barging into your dorm with her hands all over you, slamming the door shut behind her without ever breaking the kiss. she pushed you against the closest wall, gripping your skin in her hands before trailing kisses down your neck to your stomach, getting on her knees as she slid off your shorts to reveal the very small underwear you had on. she kissed your pussy through your underwear and you had to stop your knees from buckling at the feeling. a wet spot was very obviously noticeable on your panties and it only intensified ellie’s efforts. using her teeth she bit down on the top of your underwear, pulling it down as much as she could before your dripping cunt was in front of her. she used her fingers to move your panties down further, running her hands back up your legs as she looked up at you with lustful eyes. 
she lifted one of your legs, slinging it over her shoulder before plunging her tongue into your folds. you bit down on your lip to keep from moaning and your fingers laced themselves in her auburn hair, her tongue already better than anything you could do to yourself. it traced circles on your clit and as she shoved herself deeper into your pussy, you couldn’t help the moans that slipped out of your mouth. with hearing this, ellie was brought back to the bathroom and her brain went into overdrive. she removed her tongue only to then suck on your clit, feeling your leg shake on her shoulder and she brought a finger up to run through your slick. 
she looked at you as she did, her mouth a wet mess and you were in shambles above her. her finger teasingly ran up and down your exposed cunt, giving you just enough but not nearly anything close to the feeling over her tongue. your head leaned back against the wall and your eyes shut tight and she tsk’d, still moving her finger lightly, “eyes on me–” she breathed out, waiting for you to look back at her. when you did, a small smile formed on her lips and she brought her slender finger down your cunt. she slid her finger in, never taking her eyes off of you and watching as you crumble before her. when your chest started to heave as she thrust her finger in and out of you, she brought her mouth back to your clit. 
you were a mess. dripping on her face and bucking your hips as she went to work, the sensation feeling too good and you felt the familiar twinge below your belly button. you were saying her name between breaths and it only made ellie go harder, pumping her fingers as quickly as she could and revolving her tongue through your slick. without warning she retreated, kissing your stomach while she stood back up. your hands found her face to drag her into a long kiss, she pulled you off of the wall and backed you into your own bed. your elbows propped you up as you watched her tower over you, you used this time to yank off your shirt and sports bra, leaving your chest bare for her.
ellie slipped off her own shorts, her underwear with it before climbing on top of you, reconnecting her lips to yours. you tugged on her shirt and it was off in seconds thrown god knows where. she sat up, tracing her fingers along your body as you laid beneath her and it looked like she wanted to say something but refrained herself. instead, lifting up one of your legs and placing herself so her own drenched pussy was atop of yours. she rocked her hips back and forth, feeling the wetness from both of you spread. mumbles left her mouth as she held your leg in the air, covering her own moans by placing soft and sweet kisses on your leg. ellie steadied herself by clutching onto one of your breasts. her pace began to be ragged, feeling herself come nearly undone. she looked down at you, mouth open and eyes in a haze as you gazed back up at her and despite nearing her finish she leaned down so that her thigh was now pressed against your cunt. you whined into her mouth as she kissed you, the tipping sensation leaving as quickly as it came. 
she shuffled off of you, leaning her back to the wall and patted her lap. while you sat down on her lap, she removed her sports bra. her hands fell to your figure and she gazed at you, that unreadable expression still plastered on her face. she looked down at you on her lap and shook her head lightly, “like this–” she moved your body, lifting your leg to move her own out of the way so you were just sitting on her thigh. she tucked your knee in between her legs and her green eyes focused back on you. 
moving your hips on her thigh, ellie kneaded on your tits. she enveloped them in her hands while your knee rubbed against her cunt. your hands rested on her legs behind you, back arching and tits out. ellie wasn’t able to conceal her moans at the sight of you and the feeling deep in her stomach. her hands dug into your thighs, pulling them with every thrust of your hips. “h-holy fuck,” she tossed her head back. the sound of her voice was enough for you to start moving faster, and as you did ellie straightened her posture. she wrapped her arms around your back, pulling you closer while you rocked desperately against her thigh. 
your foreheads crashed, heavy and hot breath spread across each of your faces. with this, you unraveled. cursing coming out of your mouth along with her name in pants while you shook around her thigh, feeling on top of the world. ellie’s hands moved to your tits, watching you cum on her and feeling your tits in her hands she tipped over the edge as well. her breathing was ragged against you and her forehead left yours while she tipped her head back, eyes rolling. you fell on her chest, while both of you tried to return your breathing back to normal. 
she sat with you for a few minutes in silence, you had moved off of her thigh and laid beside her, arm draped over her stomach. her arm was on your back, rubbing small circles. after a bit more of quiet, which seemed to be one of your specialities, you sat up and her eyes followed you. and again, you both spoke over each other. 
“i should go to bed–” 
“i should probably go–” 
without much less, ellie pulled herself off the bed and collected her clothes that had been scattered. you pulled on your own shirt and the awkward silence was heavy in the room. after she had dressed she moved towards the door, hand on the handle. “i’ll see you at the next game?” her eyes scanned your face. 
“yeah, i’ll see you then,” you said painfully and without so much of a second glance she left, the door swinging shut behind her. 
part five
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clonerightsagenda · 12 hours
Had a dream that I got hired to deal with a haunting and I was like you know my blog is a bit right, I don't actually believe in ghosts unfortunately, but it turns out the place was actually haunted and the ghost was pretty pissed off at me for sticking my nose into it. So I went ok, they hired me for *my* skillset, so I started looking shit up and eventually found one oldish book on local urban legends speculating that the ghost was a woman who lived on the property when it used to be a low income lodging house who lost a baby and buried it in the yard, so I dug around and found the remains, which were in an area that the place I was hired by (I think it was a branch of NARA? which is weird, why would they need to hire an outside researcher) was planning to build a new addition on. So by the end of the dream I was going 'yeah ok I have two proposals, one you put these remains in a silver box, rebury it, keep on with your construction, and hope that'll do it, OR you add a covered walkway to your building plans, connect the old building to the new building, and have a nice little courtyard area with a plaque where we rebury the remains, maybe that would make her happy' except I was hired to do research at a history and records institution so I couldn't just write that report based on Vibes, so the rest of the dream was consumed with me trying to figure out which local newspapers would help me confirm the ID and make my case better than one speculative sentence in a trashy book. So yeah. Dreamed I was a ghostbuster but the real core of the dream was the challenges of public history when working with regular people who don't make the historical record very often. Wish you well, dead lady. I was really trying to get you that courtyard.
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khaire-traveler · 1 month
🌲 Subtle Pan Worship 🌿
Take a walk/hike in nature
Take regular breaks from screens; get some fresh air
Go camping out in nature; focus on the wildlife around you; look at the constellations at night
Learn how to safely forage
Get a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Pick wild flowers; press or dry them
Start a garden; tend to a plant
Decorate your space with vines, leaves, and the like; maybe fairy lights with bugs, flowers, or mushrooms on them
Have imagery of fauns, goats, forests, meadows, pan flutes, sheep, wildflowers, or mountains around
Have a stuffed sheep or goat animal; have a stuffed animal of any forest, meadow, or mountain creatures
When you're anxious or afraid, go to the forest or to nature; spend time outside, and breathe; you will be ok
Learn about local fauna and flora
Collect animal bones from nature (please thank the animal's spirit beforehand); make sure to safely handle them; link to some safety tips when handling fleshy remains
Cook with homegrown herbs or produce
Drink a natural herbal or produce beverage; fruit juice works but has high sugar content, so just be aware in case that's an issue for you
Fall asleep/meditate to the sounds of a forest or general wilderness
Pick up trash in your environment
Support environmental preservation organizations, animal sanctuaries, or animal shelters/rescues
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
Volunteer at an animal sanctuary or animal shelter
Go outside of your comfort zone; if you're afraid of doing something, do it scared; it could work out far more beautifully than you ever imagined
Learn how to play panpipes; own panpipes in general
Light a bonfire with friends in the wilderness (SAFELY!!!!); share scary stories, especially those y'all have directly experienced
Plant seeds, especially the fruit of vegetables you've eaten; give it new life
Research coping skills for stress, fear, or anxiety; try some for yourself
Keep a dream journal specifically dedicated to nightmares; try to interpret them; what are they trying to tell you?
Explore the areas nearby you, be it nature or otherwise; acquaint yourself with the unfamiliar
Get comfortable with the concept of the unknown and uncertainty; remind yourself that you need not know everything in order for it to work out in your favor
Address the uncertainties in your life that cause you the most stress; find your own answers; topics like death, the afterlife, the long-term future, etc.
Play with your pets; spend time with them
Keep your pet healthy; feed them good food, take them on regular walks/exercise them, keep them up to date on vaccines, etc.
Do something fun and new with your partner (or alone); try something exciting or scary that you've always wanted to try
Use natural herbs and remedies to address minor health issues, such as stomaches or sore throat
Try urban exploring - the practice of visiting abandoned places, especially those that have been reclaimed by nature
Face your fears; learn to work through them
Recycle; reuse things that don't need to be immediately disposed of; use compost for your garden or nearby plants
Take time to be alone and decompress, especially after a long day
Cook a good meal for someone in need
Cook a good meal for you or your loved ones
This list still feels pretty short to me, so I'll likely add more in the future. For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Pan. I hope this is helpful to someone, and take care! 💚
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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ghosties--writing · 8 months
Farmer! 141 members + konig, alejandro, and rudy x reader (What they farm)
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Cw: Fluff
After I posted about farmer! Call of Duty characters, I started thinking about what type of farmer they are. Meaning if I think they are a crop farmer, livestock farmer, rancher, dairy farmer, family farmer, industrial farmer, kitchen gardener, organic farmer, regenerative farmer, or an urban farmer. Also keep in mind that I imagine them being farmers around 1776 so it's not modern time.
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First off just so you know what each farmer does here's a list:
Crop farmers- They grow crops such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and cotton.
Livestock farmers- They raise animals such as cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep.
Ranchers- They primarily raise livestock, often on a large, open range or pasture.
Dairy farmers- The specialize in producing milk and other dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
Family farmers- They own and operate farms as sole proprietorships, partnerships, or family businesses.
Industrial farmers- They use large-scale, mechanized, and intensive methods to produce crops and livestock.
Kitchen gardeners- They grow vegetables, herbs, and fruits for their own consumption or scale.
Organic farmers- They use natural and sustainable practices to grow crops and livestock without synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms.
Regenerative farms- They use practices that enhance soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem services to grow crops and livestock.
Urban farms- They grow food in urban areas, using spaces such as rooftops, balconies, backyard, or community gardens.
Ok, back to what I was talking about:
Price- I feel like he would be an industrial and dairy farmer. He would have farm hands since he's getting older and he need help around the farm but that doesn't stop him from going out into the feild to do what he can. At the end of the day after all of the men finish their duties and after they bring you all of the eggs, milk, even meat that was slaughtered that day for you to make them a meal. They would bring you everything and then sit either inside the house relaxing or out on the porch talking with eachother smoking while you cook. If they are inside in the living room relaxing you would have to tell them all multiple times to take their boots off of the rug or off of your blankets, even going as far as to threaten them with no food as John sits their and laughs.
Ghost- Rancher. That's all I'm going to say he seems like a rancher. He seems like he would enjoy being on a huge farm with his little wife surrounded by nothing but feilds. If you want to go to the market it takes almost all day to get there and back so you better plan a day to go because you know he's not letting you go alone. He also seems like he wouldn't have many farm hands just because he doesn't want to put you in danger. What if one of the farm hands disobey his duties on the farm and head over to the main house you are in and gets handsy with you while he's not there to protect you? He would feel horrible. But he caves in and let's maybe 2 or 3 farm hands work under him after you told him that he shouldn't have to do all the jobs on the farm since he came in every night complaining that his body ached.
Gaz- He seems like a family farmer and a rancher. Maybe he lived on the farm all of his life and once his father passed away he had control of the farm and inherited the house. Once he met you he felt like his life was complete, he had a pretty wife beside him who kept the house smelling like sweet baked goods. He has quite a few farm hands solely so he could spend time with you in the early morning and so he could come in early and spend time with you before the other men came in looking for a big warm meal to fill their empty stomachs. I see Kyle living more closer to town so he's not secluded like Ghost but it does take a bit of time heading to and from the market in town. He also trys to come with you every time you go into town or he sends a trusted farm hand with you.
Soap- You can not tell me that soap is not a dairy and livestock farmer. He absolutely lives in the Highlands of Scotland with a bunch of cows, both regular dairy cows and the fluffy highland cows. He does own other animals but he prides himself of how well his cows are taken care of, he keeps a good eye on all of his cows to make sure none of them get sick or hurt. I also believe that he does trim his cows feet himself but since he has so many cows and other animals he has farm hands to help out with the hoof trimming and other things like that. Since he is in the highlands almost everything would need to be made by hand since the markets are far away so he also has a lot of sheep so his sweet wife can make all of them (herself included) warm clothes for the winter. The only thing she really needed from the market was fabric and other things that weren't as easily obtained at her farm but good ol' Johnny would make sure she had water she needed. And he would take you with him so you have a say on the fabrics you get and whatever "unnecessary" items you needed.
König- I see him just as a industrial farmer. He obviously lives in Austria and he owns a pretty large farm and just like Ghost it takes a while to get to and from the market in town so you have to choose a day so you and König can go with eachother. Maybe you both go together because half of the time he needs something from the market too so he takes you with him so you can get what you need. He also has a lot of farm hands, but he need it because he can't take care of a large farm that is mass producing to feed the town all by himself, he needs a little help. But you make sure that all of the men have clean linens to sleep on and clean clothes to wear and you make sure that they have big warm meals to fill their stomachs at the beginning and end of the day. You also go into the feild every once in a while to suprise them with warm freshly baked sweets that you had just made which they always seem thankful for. König makes sure you have everything you need to make yourself, him and the other mens clothes or the farm hands bring you their clothes to men after the accidently rip it on a nail, just for them to find it perfectly mended and folded on their bed when they get to their rooms.
Graves- This American man is most definitely a rancher have you heard his southern accent. Anyways, he lives on a decent sized farm with a couple of farm hands and he's pretty close to town but not close enough where you could walk there. He always insists that he goes with you to the market and he always insists you buy something even though you both know you don't need it. You're always in the house cooking and baking so when your husband comes in with his farm hands they have warm fresh food and treats to feast on after a hard day's work. Graves always makes sure that you are happy and safe, if he ever finds out that something is bothering you he will find out something is bothering you he will sit you down and talk with you until he gets to the bottom of it. But he's nice about it, he doesn't want to make you sad, he just wants to keep you happy.
Alejandro- He's most definitely a crop farmer. He lives in Mexico in a semi secluded area with a pretty big farm that mostly only grows crops and there are only a few animals. You have a pet dog that stays with you in the house, Alejandro claims that it is to protect you while he is out in the feild. It takes a while to get into town but if you ever need to go into town Alejandro is right there with you, anytime you need to go. As long as it is not to late in the day or in the middle of the night, he will go with you whenever. He has farm hands that get up and work early so he doesn't have to leave your side in the morning. He loves any food you make and will drop everything if he hears that you have made food. Him and his farm hands always try to finish with all their chores on the farm as if it was a race between them because they want to be the first one to eat the food you make.
Rudy- I see him as the type of man to be a livestock farmer. He most definitely has a bunch of animals but his favorite animal is horses. He love you so much and would hate if something happened to you. Again like all the men on this list he wants to keep you happy and healthy. You do some things on the farm like gathering the eggs, but you don't do much than that. You mostly stay home washing and making clothes or cooking/baking. Occasionally you do go over to your friends house to keep eachother company or she comes over to you. If you do go over to your friends house either Rudy or one of his farm hands will come with you to make sure you stay safe. The market isn't far from home but again it takes a while to get there and almost all the time when Rudy accompanies you he manages to sniff out Alejandro. So you stay at the market much longer than you intended because they will talk for hours catching up with eachother. At the end of them chatting he invites Alejandro and his wife over to have dinner with the 2 of you. So you have to make even more food for dinner but don't worry because you are at the market so you can buy extra food for dinner.
Keegan- He doesn't own a huge farm like the others, instead he owns a decent sized house but he only really has a enough room on his land for a decent sized qarden. He grows fruits and vegetables but only enough for the 2 of you. He doesn't have any farm hands and he works as a blacksmith and a silversmith while you stay home and you tend to the garden. Since he doesn't really own a farm you both are really close to the market so if you really wanted to you could walk to the market. He does insist he comes with you whenever you go to the market to make sure that no random man trys to start anything with his pretty wife. You both also have a pet cat and dog, the cat is yours and the dog is his. The cat is a orange tabby cat and the dog is a spaniel. You stay home making different foods for the 2 of you to enjoy when he gets home along with taking care of some other things around the house that need to be done. (He definitely hand made your wedding ring since he is a blacksmith and a silversmith)
Roach- He is an industrial farmer. He does have many farm hands to help out with his farm and he also likes to invite Ghost and John over to his farm just so he can hang out and chat with them. He also will take you with him and travel over to one of there farms to hang out and you also get to chat with their wives and gossip about your husbands, as all women do. Again he loves your cooking and doesn't know what he would do if he ever had to make a meal for himself and his farm hands, you are the life line of the farm (other than the farm itself). Most of the time you make your own dresses but you and Roach do go into the market for the fabric because it's not something you can get from home, and while you are out you also pick up fabric for him so you can make him some clothes. Occasionally Roach works as a blacksmith but only really for making horse shoes for his horses. So whenever he's out making horse shoes almost all day you always bring him a snack like a couple of cookies to him as he works.
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Please give me more to write about them, I am literally obsessed with the idea of Farmer! CoD characters.
Feed back is welcomed.
I do not condone my work being published on any platform or to be translated in any way.
Reblogs welcome.
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ave661 · 11 months
since you said that he doesn't have his sleeve tattoo and his body is different (specially his private area) got me thinking... maybe it's König's body? But like a shorter version
Ok, so i did a little comparison of the models
At first I thought that Senpai skin is based on Fender model, because he is HUGE, but it turns that's not true! Jacket in Senpai skin just gives that impression
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don't mind that Fender has no head, I only used his body for Gym Ghost asaksjajks
Next I compared Ghost model from the campaign (Urban) to Konig. Their bodies aren't much different. The only thing I see is that Ghost has a bigger ass, and Konig bigger pp lmao
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and finally, I compared first Ghost model from the campaign - Urban, to the latest one - Senpai.
What surprised me the most was that THEY ARE NOT MUCH DIFFERENT. Once again, this jacket makes him look bigger because of these weird shoulders
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All I can see is they gave him a bigger back, thighs, tiddiess and butt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
side note: character heights are the same due to hitboxes, so let's not take them seriously and stick to headcanons ;)
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“Missouri has some of the most open, liberal gun laws in the country. Anyone can carry a long gun, anywhere. Police departments in urban areas are challenged by the laws, because they limit what law enforcement officers can do if they see citizens carrying weapons of war openly on the streets of cities like St. Louis and Kansas City.
Meanwhile, the Missouri state Legislature has been dominated by rural leaders — Republican leaders who think guns are OK because they are thinking of them solely in a rural context, and not about what happens when you mix gun violence with a densely concentrated urban area. The damage these weapons can do, especially long guns that can be fired rapidly, is catastrophic.
Today, we have witnessed another sad chapter in America’s love affair with weapons designed to kill and maim a lot of humans in a short amount of time.”
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oxceen · 17 days
Alterhuman alphabet!
(credits to @/local-xenogender-icon)
A - awakening
When did you realise you are an alterhuman? At what age, how long ago?
I awakened around two years ago, when I was 12. My neighbour/friend and I were hanging out outside our houses and he asked if I knew what a therian is. I said no, and he explained it to me, and told me that he is one. I was really interested, because I've felt very cat-like since I was a kid, and often saw myself as a cat, and afterwards I researched more about therianthropy and asked my friend a ton of questions and around a week later I confirmed that I am indeed a therian!
B - balance
Does your identity affect your social life (school, work, etc.)? Does it cause troubles or not?
It doesn't really affect my social life much, but I get phantom ears very often and it gets uncomfortable sometimes, and my friends often ask me if im ok bc I'm aggressively rubbing my palm against my head to try and get rid of my phantom shift :,)
C - city
Do you live in a city? If yes, is it hard for you to be away from nature? Does your therio/kintype even need nature?
I live in a sub-urban area (thankfully) because cities are pretty overwhelming for me. The area I live in has plenty of trees and bushes but it's mainly just in people's front yards and I wish there was a small forest nearby that I could walk around in, but sadly there isnt't :(
D - diary
Do you have a diary about your alterhuman experiences? If not, do you want to start one?
I used to, but I kept forgetting to add entries to it so I gave up lol
E - experience in the community
What is your experience and thoughts about the alterhuman community?
So far, everyone's been really nice! Everyone seems to be really supportive of eachother and I've only seen discrimination in the community once or twice. I'm also a little concerned about the nonhumans who are severely struggling mentally due to their nonhumanity.
F - friends
Have you told your friends about your identity?
My three closest friends know, and they're very supportive!
G - gear
Do you have any gear? If yes, is it handmade or bought?
I have an ear headband that my neighbour gifted me for christmas, and although the colours are wrong, I love it and wear it pretty often. I also have a half-finished yarn tail that's been a WIP for a couple months now because I can't find the time to finish it. And I also have a necklace with a green gem, a rainbow and a wolf pendant! It was originally just the gem to match with my best friend's purple gem, but then I added the rainbow (bc LGBTQ+) and the wolf pendant came from an old necklace I got alongside a book (Wolves of the Beyond, I def recommend) that I got in 2nd grade.
I - identity
What is (are) your therio/kintype(s)?
Vancouver coastal grey wolf, Turkish Angora, Western jackdaw, orca and banded linsang!
J - jokes
Do you like to make little jokes about your identity or is it rather serious for you?
Both! I don't really make jokes about it myself, but my friends often joke around about my nonhuman behaviours (in a nice way) and I laugh along :)
K - knowledge
In scale of 1-10, how big do you think your knowldege about alterhumans is? Are you new to this topic?
I'd say around a 6-7. I know pretty much all the basic stuff, but the more complicated stuff like physically-identifying nonhumans and otherlinks I don't really know much about yet, mainly because I've only recently heard about them.
L - liking, loving
Do you like your therio/kintype(s)? Do you love or dislike it/them?
I like my theriotypes a lot! I find my theriotypes really interesting, there's always something new to learn about my kind.
N - nature
Does your therio/kintype live in the wild, or rather not? (E.g. it's a house pet, or it's a robot.)
All my theriotypes are wild, except for my domestic cat theriotype.
O - otherhearted
Are you also otherhearted? If yes, what is your kithtype(s)?
I'm snakehearted!
P - popularity
Is your therio/kintype "popular" or is it rather rare?
I'd say my wolf theriotype is very "popular" if you just look at it like a wolf, but I've only seen one or two therians who are coastal wolves like me.
I see domestic cat therians everywhere so it's needless to say my cat theriotype is pretty "popular"
I see crow therians and raven therians a lot, but I've never met another jackdaw like me. I wonder why /gen
I used to think orca therians are rare, but after joining tumblr I found that there are quite a lot like me!
I've never seen another linsang therian, which makes sense because barely anyone knows asiatic linsangs even exist. They were discovered only in 2013 and we know next to nothing about their reproduction, social behaviours, and diet.
R - real body
Do you feel good about your physical body? Do you experience gender dysphoria?
I don't get gender dysphoria often, but I do get species dysphoria. A lot of the time I wish my legs were shaped differently, or my face was longer, or I had a tail, wings, etc.
S - sex
Does your therio/kintype have a different sex than you?
Yes! I identify dpecifically as a male dominant/"alpha" (I dont really like using that word to describe it)/pack leader wolf because I do not feel maternal instincts toward young wolves. I know this because when I look at pictures of kittens, or see actual kittens, I feel a strong urge to look after them, clean them up, protect them from danger, etc. Aside from these two theriotypes, I don't identify as a specific sex.
T - traits
What are your alterhuman traits? (E.g. a need to hunt, bark, ect.)
I get extremely aggressive toward people who wrong me or people close to me, and my typical response is to growl/snarl at them.
If a friend gets their hand close to my face, I try and play-bite but they always draw their hand away (understandably).
When I'm in a group of people, or I see a group of people, I can often tell who the "pack leader" is within a couple seconds, even if it's not obvious to a human.
Very wide smile during tense/awkward situations or any situation where I feel threatened. It's basically a snarl but bc im physically a stupid human, no one notices >:(
Sometimes I raise my shoulders and then shake myself all out (usually involuntarily), which is like the human equivalent of feather rousing
I sometimes also bump/rub my head on my (close) friends' shoulders as a way to greet them
U - urges
If you have a theriotype, are you good at controlling your animalistic urges? Do they bother you?
I'm fairly good at controlling my urges, but when I get angry I feel like I'm gonna lose control and just go feral on everyone. It's never actually happened though.
W - wondering
How do you think you would look like, if you could physically shapeshift into your therio/kintype? (Describe or put an image here!)
I think I'd just look like any other member of my species.
Y - yarn
If you wanted to buy/make a tail, would it be real fur or fake/yarn fur?
I prefer real fur, but I'd only buy it if I'm 100% certain it's not from a cruel fur farm. But if I'm unable to buy it, I'd make my own, from yarn (which I've already started doing).
Z - zoo
How do you feel about zoos (a place, not z00philes)? Are they good or bad in your opinion? Do you want to go there to meet your theriotype (if you are a therian).
I think zoos are okay (only ethical ones), I enjoy going to them and seeing all the cool animals there. Sadly none of my theriotypes are at any of the zoos I normally visit.
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cy-cyborg · 9 months
What kind of worldbuilding would you expect from a world where amputation is really common? (NOT a cyberpunk thing. The technology is somewhere between Bronze Age and Middle Ages, which I know is really broad but I’m indecisive). Also the most common cause of amputation is disease, not war or anything like that, in case it makes a difference. So far all I’ve come up with is that assistive technology isn’t limited to more urban/populated areas, and people treat amputations as commonplace. Sorry if this is too random
Ok, so my answer to this will depend of what kind of tone you want. Do you want it to be normalised in a more idealist/optimistic way, or do you want to do worldbuilding around the new problems that would likely arise and take a more pessimistic approach? Either way there's a lot you can do with a setting like that and I absolutely love world building stuff like this! I was actually working on another post kind of similar to what you're asking for, so I have a lot prepared lol. apologies for the long post in advance.
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Here are some questions/suggestions I would consider:
What are the views around Amputation in this setting? Do any stereotypes or beliefs appear around it?
Just because a disability is common, doesn't always mean it's accepted, or accepted unconditionally, nor does it mean people won't make odd assumptions about it. Obviously, if you want something more optimistic, you'll want to go with "it's just a normal part of life, most folks don't really think about it much" but in that case, even accepted disabilities get weird assumptions, stereotypes or even religious beliefs surrounding them. The best example of this in the real world is people who wear glasses. Most folks wouldn't even consider it a disability because it's just so normalised, but it is - glasses are a type of accessibility device. But what comes to mind when you think of someone who wears glasses? Chances are, it's someone smart, maybe a nerd? Glasses have nothing to do with intelligence but we associate people who wear them with it anyway. From what I found, that association formed in the middle ages, as monks and priests wore them to read, and those were people who studied religious texts and passed that information to the public. the common folk saw these people as a source of information and wisdom, forming the idea that glasses were worn by intelligent or wise people. If amputation is common and/or accepted, this kind of thing will probably happen with it too. If amputations are more common in some lines of work than others (either because that job leads to more amputations, or because a lot of people go into that line of work after their amputation) people will start to associate qualities needed for that job with amputees. For example, If the most common reason for amputation is illness, and if that illness is contagious, you might actually end up with a similar belief, that amputation is a sign of intelligence because doctors/healers, who people view as intelligent, are more likely to catch the illness, resulting in more amputations among doctors.
On the flip side, a lot of cultures have disabilities at the heart of many of their beliefs. For example, they idea of the fey replacing children with other fey, is thought to have been people's way of explaining neurodivergence like autism, ADHD and personality disorders before we had words for those disabilities.
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Likewise, some European Christians believed people born with disabilities (including limb differences) could be explained by their mothers participating in witchcraft or deals with the devil. These disabilities were pretty common at the time due to malnutrition and a general lack of understanding about how to be safe while pregnant, but they lacked the medical knowledge to be able to explain it, and so superstition took over. If your setting has a similar level of medical knowledge/understanding, something similar might occur. Not every example of this is negative btw. It's thought that early ancient Egyptians believed disabilities such as blindness, especially if it was from birth, were the result of the gods calling them to speak for them. Similar lack of understanding about where the disability came from but this time it has a much more positive outcome.
Also, consider that if it's so normalised, people are going to be much less likely to be afraid of becoming amputees. This can be a positive thing, but it could have run on effects, both in the sense that people are less likely to care to take precautions to avoid things that could result in amputation, and that people may underestimate the impact it will have. Even in the real world, as being an amputee has become less stigmatised (though we are still far from normalised), some people have started underestimating how it will impact you. My prosthetist says the hardest part of his job is watching the realisation that a prosthetic won't be a magic cure hit his patients in real-time. this isn't to say being an amputee is always a terrible and awful and all the other things people think about disability, but it is a BIG adjustment that a lot of folks are unprepared for. In a setting where it's even more common, this is even more likely. It's also more likely that non-amputees will underestimate this impact, and say things like "but I know someone with the same amputation and they're fine!" when someone tries to say they can't/struggle to do something because of their amputation - something that also already happens to me irl lol. People are going to take to being amputees differently, they'll have different limits and different capabilities, how well does your society as a whole understand this?
Finally, think about if there are certain types of amputations that are more accepted/normalised/understood than others. In the real world, leg amputees tend to be more accepted than arm amputees in my experience, and larger amputations/multi-limb amputations carry more stigma and have a lot more bizarre misinformation and stereotypes about them. Is this the same for your world?
What is the general populations view of other disabilities?
Just because one disability is more common or accepted, doesn't mean they all are. This is especially important to consider for comorbid disabilities (disabilities that are connected to, are caused by having, or are usually seen alongside being an amputee). For example, a lot of leg amputees choose wheelchairs over prosthetics, but the degree of acceptance for that in your world will depend on people's view of wheelchair users as a whole. In real life, it's an unfortunate reality that the use of a wheelchair is looked down on and there are a lot of negative stereotypes about wheelchair users which deters a lot of leg amputees from using a wheelchair, even when they really need one. When leg amputees specifically use wheelchairs, we are often said to be giving up or even lazy for not "pushing through" or "trying hard enough" - I have another post here talking about that. This has resulted in a lot of amputee-specific spaces being completely inaccessible wheelchair users. An example of this would be a camp I used to attend specifically for amputees being held in a non-wheelchair accessible location until recently, or amputee clinics (where you go to see doctors who specialise in treating/rehabilitating amputees) having equipment needed for taking measurements essential for getting quality prosthetics, being unusable to people who can't stand up. If they do accept other related disabilities though, there's more stuff to think about (which I'll come back to in the next few points)
Of course, how your world views unrelated disabilities is important to consider too, because chances are there's someone out there with both. How does the general view of disability affect those people? Are people more or less likely to accept that having this other disability means they won't be able to things other amputees can? I'm autistic for example and find it nearly impossible to wear my prosthetic when I'm in burnout, both because it's a lot of energy I don't really have, but also because when I'm in burnout, I'm very sensitive to certain textures, and the feeling of wearing my prosthetics when I'm like that is unbearably uncomfortable.
What has the acceptance/normalisation of amputees done to influence beauty standards?
You see this a lot in cyberpunk but it's worth considering for other settings too. Amputation can be a very visible disability if you want it to be, but in the real world, there is a big emphasis on "looking normal" because beauty standards. This isn't just a modern thing either, there are many stories of real-life knights who lost arms during battle and had armour made for them that hid their missing limb. They were functionally useless (except for maybe backhanding people lol) but the desire to look "normal" outweighed the need for functionality to many.
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If amputation is common though, this might not be the case in your setting. This might mean people are freer to explore prosthetics that put function over aesthetics, meaning they might have more advanced prosthetics than you'd typically expect to see in that time period. Alternatively, it might go the other way and you could end up with people who still favour aesthetics over function, but they try to make it look as outlandish and unique as possible.
Beyond how it effects amputees though, if prosthetics are seen as fashionable, do non-amputees try to mimic the look of prosthetics in their outfits? Consider the first point I mentioned here too. If there are certain desirable characteristics associated with amputees, would people trying to present themselves a certain way try to make it look like they're an amputee, even when they are not? Kind of like how people wear fake glasses to look smart or just as an accessory. Alternatively, how dose being an amputee play other beauty standards and expectations? Another real-world example, is that there is a lot of fatphobia in amputee circles, to the point where most teenaged amputees I know have/had eating disorders. Part of it comes from the general fatphobia in the wider population, but its amplified by the fact that many prosthetic components have weight limits on them, and many prosthetic companies refuse to make components for bigger people, not because they can't/it's too hard, but because they say there's no demand for it. So Doctors push the importance of staying below a certain weight so their patents can have access to better tech and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If there are a lot more amputees though, this might be different, but it's worth considering.
How will it impact architecture?
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When we think of medieval or even older structures, "accessible" isn't the word we usually think of. Most buildings had stairs, and the needs of people with different bodies was rarely, if ever considered. But if amputation is more common, this might not be the case, especially if things like wheelchair use are also common/accepted (told you I'd come back to that). Buildings will be more likely to use ramps, lifts (even in ancient times - this could be achieved via pullies or something similar, though it would need to be usable to arm amputees too) or forgo multiple levels entirely where possible. Roads would probably be paved or at least smoothed to allow for easier travel via wheels and cities would be laid out in way that would make traversing them from a wheelchair easier. This would likely have a run-on effect and lead to cities being more accessible to people with horse-drawn carts, wagons, carriages etc too. things would be made with the idea that someone lower to the ground, or someone who needs to use their feet to grab things (and therefore can't reach as high) needs to be able to access the thing too, and a lot more. Even small things, like the way doors are opened might be altered to make it easier to use for someone missing an arm/who's arms are occupied with pushing a wheelchair. Making spaces more accessible in these ways also has run-on effects. I already mentioned the carriages in cities, but it also means you might start seeing small changes to the world, like chairs being made to be more comfortable, or single-handed versions of tools/weapons being more common.
What type of illness is the most common cause? How do people view it? Is it understood?
You mentioned illness is the most common cause of amputation in this setting. In that case, consider what kind of illness is usually the cause. Is it a single disease? if so, is it contagious? How high is the mortality rate? Who does it mostly impact? I lost my own legs to an illness, one that is well-known where I live, but poorly understood - most people just know it's contagious and acts kind of like the flu. This has resulted in some very bizarre interactions with non-disabled people when they find out how I lost my legs. There was a rumour about me in school that I still had the illness, and so because of that my amputations were contagious. It wasn't just children who believed it either lmao. Now as the public has been better educated, those ideas are less common, but weird stuff still comes up occasionally, like the lady who thought my illness was a government conspiracy theory made up to control people and scare them into getting vaccinated, apparently my amputations were unnecessary and all a part of the plot lol. I don't know if I talked about that on this account yet but I think it's probably my favourite weird interaction lmao.
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You can also look at how people reacted to COVID for ideas about how people react to wide-spread illnesses that have a high chance of disabling you. Diabetes is another good example too, while it's one of the most common causes for amputation in the real world, people are still very weird about it and a lot of people insist it either doesn't exist or can be treated without medicine (insulin). Does the disease in your world have a lot of untrue information about it too? are there people peddling fake "cures" to take advantage of people who are more at risk?
How has this impacted Medicine as a whole
In medicine, advancements in one field are rarely isolated. When advancements are made in one area, other areas usually follow or are at least influenced. As much as the modern medical industry structure likes to pretend otherwise, it's all connected. In the real world, amputees were a lot rarer (not unheard of mind you, but rarer) because well, bronze-age understandings of things like infection and disease in general wasn't great. people would often die from the side effects of the amputation or the surgery itself (e.g. infections, going into shock because the surgery was preformed while the person was awake, blood loss during surgery, a general lack of understanding of how important hygiene is post-op/a lack of access to proper hygiene etc). So if amputees are more common, that would imply their understanding of medicine is at least a little better than real-life bronze age folks. This won't just stop an amputees though, like i said, it's all connected. Having a better understanding of, say, how infection happens in an amputee, means they will probably have a better understanding of infection in general, which could stop a lot of deaths in other ways. Likewise, sewing a stump closed in a way that won't cause immense amounts of nerve and phantom pain implies a decent understanding of the nervous system in general, which will have run on effects in how a lot of other conditions can be viewed and maybe even treated.
There's a lot more you could consider, but I hope this gave you some additional stuff to think about (sorry for the long response, but like I said, I was already working on a nearly identical post so this was perfect timing lol). Let me know if you need more help, I love this kind of worldbuilding stuff! Also, just to be clear as well, as long as you aren't just ignoring the fact so much of your world is disabled or being super ableist about it, there's no right or wrong answers here. You can have more positive answers to these questions than what I've given as examples, you can go darker, you can have a mix of both, whatever you like. Depending on the tone you want, you don't even have to answer every question if you don't want to. If you have a rather light-hearted setting for example, you probably don't need to know how all your amputees are surviving infections and unmedicated amputation surgery lol, but if its a darker tone where the illness you mentioned is a central focus, then it's probably a good thing to think about at least. At the end of the day, just ensure your answers aren't based on stereotypes or misinformation and you're all good for the most part!
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graysonshmayson · 5 months
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OK HEAR ME OUT but I think I finally cracked the code on who these wackos are, and that is none other than the WAYNE FAMILY OF GOTHAM. 
Everyone and their mother has heard about Bruce Wayne, but a lot of people forget how lowkey fucked up his family life is! Starting from this beginning, Bruce Wayne tragically lost his parents, socialites Thomas and Martha. He was a total recluse for a while until he emerged eventually as a charming playboy. He can be a bit of an airhead, but he takes his company, Wayne Enterprises (WE) seriously and it's an old FAMILY BUSINESS. The ages are a little off, but very close to the ages Bruce was when he took in Dick Grayson after his parents died. The records are kept super private, but there was a leak a few years back and it came out that Wayne never technically adopted Grayson. He always called him his “ward”, which is a little outdated, but just means that Wayne was granted custody of Grayson. They’ve never spoken publicly about this. The only rub here is Grayson’s role in the company? Publicly, he took no such role aside from occasional trips to WE, press tours, and attending charity events. But WE is an incredibly vast private company with more sectors than I can count. It’s perfectly reasonable that he might have fulfilled a role we just don’t know about? Like maybe being Wayne’s assistant, or charming people into investing? All we know about the role is that it is dangerous, and doesn’t have to be a child but would be slightly strange if it wasn’t. Sort of stumped me, but I’ll get to it.
According to paparazzi and friend’s social media posts, Grayson moved out of Wayne Manor at 18, probably to go to college, because we know on his LinkedIn that he has several degrees. He kind of went dark during this time, which was hot gossip because he was a big teen heartthrob in Gotham and in the media and he just disappeared. Later that year, Wayne adopted Jason Todd. They kept his family history out of the papers for the most part, BUT I was able to do some digging and ask around Gotham because I know he was adopted from somewhere near the Crime Alley neighborhood (IK, it's like the most Gotham name for a neighborhood, sue us). According to some of Todd’s childhood friends and neighbors, his bio dad was out of the picture and his mom was an addict that OD’d ages ago. He abused, and everyone knew it, was functionally homeless for a time. We don’t know how long the adoption process was or exactly when it happened, but it is pretty self explanatory why Wayne, seeing a dark haired kid without parents in the same area where his parents were killed would fastrack that adoption, especially after Grayson just moved out. Also OP’s comment about J’s room situation tracks because how many people are well off enough to have several empty rooms? PLUS, Jason = J! It just makes sense. Jason later died when he was a teenager in a terrorist attack overseas on WE BUSINESS. Wayne fell out of the public eye for a while, understandably so. The only problem at this junction is that Jason Todd is still dead. Or IS HE? 
My loyal theorists know that I talk about a lot of urban legends/events in my hometown of Gotham and this is one that I haven’t been able to touch on a lot. What if Jason Todd is still alive? Here’s some evidence: Wayne was incredibly quiet about Todd’s death. We’re talking closed casket, no PUBLIC FUNERAL (the dad not inviting OP? Ringing any bells?). Plus, no public funeral for the young son of BRUCE WAYNE is crazy optics-wise!! Plus, there's lots of speculation about some photos that look suspiciously like Todd. This is around Gotham, and AT WAYNE FUNCTIONS. There is this guy in Gotham that has maybe vitiligo or something (which, admittedly, we don’t know if Todd had, but this guy just has a white streak in his hair), but he’s built like a tank and has all these scars. Very scary looking, very RBF. Definitely could be a vengeful person that survived an accident. He has been seen at Wayne events, usually not very social, and has been seen with the Wayne boys around Gotham. A lot of people thought he was a bodyguard, but it could totally be Todd!
I’m not sure exactly why they wouldn’t have announced his return, but it could have something to do with how he got involved with crime. It is no secret that violence, drug trafficking, and just like all crime are rampant in Gotham. It’s also well known that the Wayne family had plenty of mob connections in the past, the most recent being Thomas Wayne’s association with Carmine “The Roman” Falcone, the biggest mob boss in Gotham at the time. Is it so hard to believe that Todd could have utilized these connections to start and continue his life of crime? If he really wanted to get back at his dad, using these connections would be the ultimate spit in the face as Wayne has declared public disdain for the mobs in Gotham. Even if this disdain isn’t true, something we have to keep in mind is that J expects OP’s dad to KILL the man that was behind his death. He believed Bruce Wayne capable of murder and EXPECTED him to do it. It's not hard to speculate how a billionaire could have someone killed, but for Bruce Wayne to kill someone is unthinkable to many. He’s the shining star of our city, Gotham’s certified babygirl and daddy wrapped into one. His philanthropy is staggering and life changing, especially compared to other billionaires and elites. We’re talking about a man known to pay off his barista’s student loans and provide housing to entire homeless camps. I doubt anyone could get away with framing Wayne for murder, so what does J know that we don’t? Perhaps he was expecting him to use his family mob connections to avenge his son's death? But he didn't, OP's dad is someone capable of finding and killing criminals, but refused to. Sounds like a billionaire philanthropist to me.
Here’s where I make a couple leaps. We just don’t know enough about T in the story to make too many connections, but we do know this: T’s father was in an accident and later died. T spent a lot of time with OP’s dad. Then T was then adopted. That brings me to Tim Drake, the third adopted Wayne boy. Note the T in Tim, there. Drake’s biological father was indeed hospitalized and confined to a wheelchair. Classmates and teachers in his high school confirm that Drake was acting out a lot in school and had a strained relationship with his dad. Drake often showed up to school with bruises that he didn’t explain away very well, and it was known that he spent a lot of time with Bruce Wayne. There was actually some concern about it! After Tim’s father died, he was adopted by Bruce Wayne. The problem here is that we don’t have anything that corroborates Tim being T when it comes to interpersonal stuff with OP and his dad. 
OP  says he had established a life in another city by the time T came around asking him to come back. At the age OP was in this post, Dick Grayson was living in Bludhaven, and joined the police force there, a city less than an hour away from Gotham. Totally feasible for a 14 year old kid. He also said that “our line of work” was dangerous, implying that he’s still involved with the occupation he worked with his dad and with his friends after he moved out. It’s possible that he had some sort of side hustle going, but honestly the hardest part about this theory is figuring out what the hell he actually does independent of WE. There’s also Wayne’s mental state to consider. Wayne has never spoken about his own mental health as an adult and OP makes some pretty serious allegations to his fathers mental state and self destructive behavior. We don’t see Wayne exhibit these things. The closest thing we have is anecdotal evidence from many sources that Wayne is incredibly flaky and cancels last minute to events all the time. Could this be him neglecting himself and throwing everything he has into WE?
Moving onto the “Stealing my dad’s son” post, this has SO MUCH INFO. D enters the scene as  a young kid, after an old fling drops him off, which is so clearly DAMIAN WAYNE. Come ON people!!!! We don’t know a lot about how Damian came into his father's custody, but we do know that he was 10 years old and that Bruce Wayne sleeps around. It’s really not surprising that a surprise baby came out of that. We have next no info about Damian’s previous family situation, but he was kept out of the public eye for SO LONG and first hand interactions found him to be abrasive, violent, cocky, and note his overly formal vocabulary. Definitely the type of person to tell his adopted brother to “remember who the blood son is”. Plus, classmates of Damian have expressed how truly odd he is to talk to because of his vocabulary, that is if you can get through a conversation without him threatening to end your bloodline. Typical kid stuff. Sounds very culty to me personally. The whole thing about reconciling his image of his grandfather who he idolized (could have been the cult leader), Wayne seemingly going NC with Damian’s mom, and how hush hush his past is matches very neatly to the cult idea. And there’s like no records at ALL of Damian before he was 10 years old. It could also explain why the dad didn’t trust D for so long, after all that cult brainwashing
Plus some little details lineup here. T being “too much like him”? Tim was literally CEO for a time. OP scorning him? Dick was not seen in Gotham for like a year after he moved out. D is mouth and precocious? Damian is described as a child genius with a very sharp tongue. Around the time of the post, Drake was seen in Gotham less and less, eventually moving to Bludhaven, matching up with how he is no longer working with his father. Plus, Grayson was spotted in Gotham a lot more right before and for a while after Wayne announced Damian Wayne, which correlated with OP sticking around to help train D.
Now for the hard part: OP’s dad was presumed dead and Bruce Wayne is not. Oh, did I say hard? I meant super EASY. I’m not going to bore you with too many corporate details, here but in short Bruce Wayne was missing and Wayne Enterprises COVERED IT UP. Oh, you want evidence? 
March 25th. Bruce Wayne leaves the country on a BUSINESS TRIP. There’s no records about exactly what he’s doing overseas. Bruce Wayne does not step foot on american soil for MONTHS. The public line for the company was that he was on a work trip negotiating a deal and then decided to extend the trip for a long overdue vacation, but emails among board members speculate otherwise. There was a lot of concern about his well being and that his excuses were flimsy. They needed him to come back and he refused. If you look at WE market fluctuations, you can see that stock took a decent hit during this time. Company emails also confirm that no one had talked to Wayne outside of his general statements and very rare board meeting. So, Wayne wasn’t appearing in public, no one spotted him overseas, and he wasn’t running his company. So where was he?
Well, if he disappeared “on the job” like OP said, it makes a lot of sense. We know he was negotiating some sort of deal, and any Gothamite knows that if there's one thing Bruce Wayne is gonna do, he’s gonna get kidnapped. This man is kind, a little stupid, and insanely rich. He is the PERFECT candidate to hold for ransom, but the Bat couldn’t save him overseas. The stock was already taking a hit from his absence, and if they announced he was missing, it would have gotten SO much worse. There’s also the fact that Damian and Wayne’s butler moved out of Wayne Manor and to the penthouse on Wayne Towers. Why would they move out if he was just on vacation? Dick Grayson also left Bludhaven around this time, and there are tons of paparazzi shots of him with Damian in Gotham. 
ONTO THE FAQ. The details added on OP’s updated, answering questions, only support this case, so I’ll do them rapid fire. The dad took therapy consistently when he was young, and I know this is a stretch, but possibly Brruce Wayne’s grief counseling? The only people that live with OPs dad are 2 of the 6 kids and their grandpa. RIght now, Bruce lives with Damian, and his new adoptee Duke Thomas. Them along with OP and his two other brothers only account for 5 of the Wayne children. If only Wayne had another adopted child- OH WAIT HE DOES. She’s not mentioned in the posts (probably because she's an unproblematic queen), but a few years back, Wayne adopted one Cassandra Cain. The grandpa is admittedly a tough one to explain away, but I think it could mean Alfred Pennyworth, the Wayne Family butler. We all know that Wayne’s parents are dead, BUT Pennyworth was granted custody of Wayne after his parents were killed, meaning he raised him since childhood. He would totally be a grandfather figure to the Wayne kids,a dn the phrasing is sort of odd; “he has no family and lives alone now except for 2 of us kids and our grandpa”. No family but the kids have a grandpa? Sounds like a surrogate father to me. 
The only difficult thing to account for in the FAQ is Bruce Wayn being a “haven for wayward teens”. It is no secret that Wayne picks up orphans off the street of Gotham like nobody’s business, but the phrasing seems to imply that there are teens that he works with that aren’t legally his kids. I couldn’t find anything about Wayne working extensively with any youth groups, youth shelters, or nonprofits that would put him in consistent contact with young people. There are some individuals that hang around the family a lot though! Stephanie Brown dated Tim Drake and despite their breakup, still is with the family a lot . Brown is also from the streets of Gotham, went to school in Gotham Heights (so, lower tax bracket). Classmates said her father was in prison and there were rumors that her mother was an addict. She got pregnant as a teenager before giving up the baby for adoption. The point is, she definitely fits the wayward teen bill. Harper and Cullen Row also seem troubled, emancipated from their father and often appearing in public with bruises. Tons of rough looking teens are seen with the Waynes. Yeah, it’s a bit of a tough fit, and these could just be the kids' friends, but I think it's completely plausible that even if they are friends of the Wayne kids, Bruce took some responsibility to help them out. 
The most difficult part of all of this is trying to figure out WHAT the job is that OP made. It’s gotta be something nonessential, but helpful (because it didn't exist before him), would be weird if an adult did it, and can be fulfilled by children. I cannot at all wrap my head around what WE needs for all these teens and sometimes literal children to help with? Is it just like, intern work? My first idea was that it was to use the child card to get investors or cooperation with other entities but I honestly can’t see Wayne pimping out the kids like that. Which leads to the final twist in my theory: the Waynes are still linked to the Mobs in Gotham, and BATMAN. 
Think about it. Thomas Wayne and Carmine Falcone were close associates, and the Waynes are the oldest and wealthiest family in Gotham that we have on public record on being corrupt. Those ties go VERY deep. Thomas Wayne was a good egg, but it's a known fact that Bruce doesn't approve of his mob connections. But criminals are persistent, so I think that Bruce Wayne is trying to take down the mob from the inside. He gets insider information, funds things here and there and then gives the information to Batman, in exchange for protection. This is why he gets saved so fast by Batmans whenever he gets kidnapped, held hostage, etc. It would make sense how Dick, as a child, was able to sneak around or appear innocuous while gathering information. As he got older, he also got very charming, something that would help him get out of binds when he lost the baby factor. It makes sense why kids should take the job, even though it's dangerous, and why wayward teens, often with first hand experience with the violence and issues created by criminals, would give insight and street smarts where Wayne lacks it. It could also explain why he was hesitant to take T on; Tim Drake is from a wealthy family, so he had to prove he could do the job. How did he know about the Job? Probably from a gala or something, high society gossip. Drake was no Wayne, but he was RICH RICH. Again, these connections also explain how J was easily allowed to slip into a life of crime and why he was so mad at the dad for not avenging him. 
These also support my working the idea that Batman is a soldier for the elites of Gotham and our shadow government! If Bruce Wayne is giving information to Batman, it makes sense that he’s also funding him. As many jokes as we make about Wayne being Batman’s sugar daddy, I really think this idea has merit. BUT I am from Gotham, and I center a lot of my theories around my city so maybe some of this is wishful thinking? But I think a LOT of this stuff adds up objectively!!! Anyways, I stand by it, let me know what you think!
⇧ 20k 
SuperFun1229 OP
Oh…. oh my god. Congrats on being my favorite reply because the fuck dude, you are insane for this one. 
⇧ 8k
⇧ 14k 
uhhhhh hey dude. It’s me, you know, T. my lovely boyfriend showed me this post and i IMMEDIATELY made this account to. dude, i cannot BELIEVE you made a reddit AITA thread about us 😭😭😭. i promise u guys im not a victim lmaoooo
my brother, dear OP has neglected to share some interesting details about D, like how he LITERALLY TRIED TO MURDER ME. like pushed me off a roof and tried to stab me multiple times, he wasn’t just sad he was so dangerous.
everyone here says we need boundaries (so real) but i’m gonna tell everyone and J will probably kill you <3
can't wait to hear more updates on our wackadoodle life from you 👍
P.S. some of ur ideas are spot on yall should be detectives
⇧ 18k 
SuperFun1229 OP
He’s told you that?
⇧ 8k
SuperFun1229 OP
It’s been implied 
ASHDHJDHJK OP T SHOWED ME THIS I CANT BELIEVE U FRFR…. Didn't even mention me 💔💔. I just wanna say that we all forgive D for trying to kill T that was soooo forever ago we’re all passed it, he just liked being bitter. Anyway NTA, ur dad can be soso mean and harsh, especially back in the day. But like so can you? Idk you can do the same things when it comes to not trusting people so keep an eye on yourself 💕 
⇧ 15k 
SuperFun1229 OP
I always knew you would find this. 
⇧ 5k
 U were seriously beefing with 12 yo me 😂grow up
⇧ 11k 
SuperFun1229 OP
You CANNOT make fun of me for this shit you’ve fr tried to shoot me for no reason and tried to kill T at like 15 for the same thing 😭 you have no place to talk 
⇧ 11k 
And i’d do it again
⇧ 9k 
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I think A LOT about Soap trying to give back the childhood Ghost lost. (Part 6)
Task Force 141 were sent to take care of a dangerous individual sighted in an urban area. It turned out to be a false alarm, but now they were scattered in pairs around the whole neighborhood. 
Soap and Ghost were walking mindlessly around apartments, waiting for the info about an exfil location. It was a chilly night, almost 3 am. And Soap thanked the Gods for not putting some drunk individuals coming back from pubs on their way. He could imagine the panic they would cause. Two fully geared-up men with guns having a walk around. Nothing weird.
They passed by a playground and Soap was suddenly struck with an idea.
"Let's sit down, Lt.. There is no point in walking around."
"I guess." Ghost went to sit on a bench, but Soap had different plans. He grabbed him by the handle on his backpack and gently tugged in the direction of swings. "The fuck are you doing, Sergeant?" Ghost growled.
"Let's sit on the swings."
"Why would I want to sit there, when there is a perfectly fine and stable bench?"
Soap smirked and took out his gun and shot the bench. "It's broken." A few windows lighted up, people probably got startled out of sleep by the loud sound.
Ghost looked at him absolutely bewildered, eyes wide behind the mask. "You are insane."
"Just desperate." 
Now Ghost let himself be led to the swings, because everyone knew that Ghost was ruthless but no one knew what an absolute menace Soap was. Ghost decided not to test it for his own good. They sat down, Soap immediately started to swing himself.
"God, ah' didn't do that for years, forgot how fun it is." He swung higher and higher, while Ghost sat perfectly still. "When was the last time ye were on a playground?"
Ghost laughed bitterly and ducked his head. Soap was so innocently unaware of how really bad Ghost's childhood was. Ghost only told him snippets of information, when he felt generous or sometimes the sergeant just made him feel like sharing. No one else had that influence on him.
"Probably never." Ghost sighed.
Soap stopped swinging and looked at him, eyes filled with an emotion Ghost couldn't place. He just hoped it wasn't pity, that was the last thing he wanted Soap to feel for him.
And the Scott wasn't pitying him at all, he was on a mission. He got off his swing and stood behind Ghost pulling on the swing's chains to pull the man back. He was honestly impressed by himself that he managed that, with Ghost being a huge lad with heavy gear on him.
"Don't." Ghost said sternly.
But he should know by now that Soap always does and gets what he wants- Soap pushed him.
"Soap!" It had to be a very sturdy swing since it didn't break under his weight, but he could feel the whole construction pivot slightly. From all of Soap's ideas, this one did not make him feel good.
"Johnny stop!"
And he did, immediately after he heard his name he grabbed the chains- stopping the swing. Ghost stood up and hunched over, putting his hands on his knees. The motion made him sick.
"Simon are you ok? I didn't mean to-"
Ghost took a couple of deep breaths and then gestured for Soap to come closer to him.
"Ghost, are you going to be sick?" Soap panicked. But when he got to his lieutenant's side and put his hand on his back Ghost met him with a furious glare. He got kicked in the shin with a heavy boot.
"Fuck! For what?!" John grabbed his leg, which is going to bruise so badly.
"You asked for it."
"Ok, yeah, yeah… I did. Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"I know, just don't do that anymore or it might be your last day." Ghost wanted to be mad, he really did but he also knew that he would let anyone else even put him on the swing in the first place. 
"Understood, sir."
"I need to sit down, Johnny."
"Yes, right. Come on." Soap led Ghost to a small desk over a sand pit- since, you know, his bullets split the bench in half. They both sat on it. "Man, Gaz would never believe me if I told him you get motion sickness." Soap chuckled and bumped their shoulders together.
"You tell him and he will have to die, Soap."
"Your secrets are safe with me, Lt." Soap shuffled the sand with his shoes. "So you probably never build a sand castle, huh?"
Ghost shook his head.
Soap buried his hands in the sand and started to form something. The shape looked pretty miserable since he didn't have any sand buckets. 
It was so nice to sit together with the chilly breeze ruffling Soap mohawk. As his superior, Ghost should tell him to trim it shorter but Ghost also really wanted to run his hands through it. So he never did. 
Ghost looked at Soap for a second and buried his gloved hands in sand as well.
Soap smiled, he was always ecstatic when he didn't have to prompt Ghost to do something just 'because'. It was nice to see the man let go for a moment. What they created looked… questionable to say the least. But the sand was dry and Ghost didn't really knew what to do. 
"Looks like shit." Ghost stated.
"Aye, but it has the spirit." Soap desperately tried to defend their sand 'castle' when suddenly their coms cracked.
"Ghost, Soap exfil will be in 5 on street 12." Price's voice sounded from the speakers.
"We are coming." They both got up and started walking.
"I promise to take you to a beach once we get a leave. We will build a proper sand castle." 
And even if Ghost knew that going on leave was the last thing he would do, the sheer idea of it made him smile under the mask. Soap wanted to spend his leave with Ghost which made him irrationally happy.
Hope you all like it <3 I for some reason struggled a little with that one as I had a problem with figuring out how to put them both in this situation- hence bench-crushing bullets :D We don't care too much for realism in this house.
Idea from @u5an5 <3
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max1461 · 10 months
I grew up in a moderately physically isolated area (not actually far from more populous areas, but completely non-walkable such that I couldn't possibly get anywhere as a kid without my parents driving me there). This was bad for me socially and, in retrospect, was an obvious contributor to my unhappiness at that age, and it's one of the reasons I'm so vehement in my desire for walkable urban planning.
But, ok, presumably there will always be rural areas and physically isolated areas.
Should people not be allowed to live in physically isolated areas? I would find that quite unjust, since there are plenty of people who clearly desire that kind of isolation and dislike dense cities. In order to serve their needs, people need to be able to live in isolated areas if they want.
Should people who live in isolated areas not be allowed to have kids? That strikes me as an obvious violation of reproductive rights. It also seems plainly unjust to me.
Should children born in physically isolated areas be condemned to isolation? After all, this isolation inherently seems to give their parents greater ability to exercise arbitrary authority over them, it seems detrimental to the goal of expanding the autonomy of children and adolescents.
My instinct is to try to square this circle with an engineering solution. Maybe the right application of transportation technology or communications technology or the right social institution or government policy can eliminate the seeming conflict here. That's why I like engineering solutions: sometimes, they mean that we don't have choose. Everyone gets what they want.
And my hope is that for every apparent trade-off like this there exists an engineering solution. But that probably isn't true. I don't really have a point with this post other than to make clear where I am in my political and social thinking right now. I am constantly grappling with trade-offs like this.
I guess the point is that pluralism is hard. Believing, as I do, that any just world must accommodate the preferences of diverse types of people implies an infinite number of conundra like this. It's easier, I think, it requires less work, to believe that there is one right way to live and if everyone is simply made to live that way we'll all be happy (or those of us that won't be happy are outliers not worth worrying about). But I don't think this is true. And if you take seriously the idea that this is not true, politics and justice start to look like very complex things indeed.
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spamgyu · 3 months
Omg! You work in fashion ? Hypothetically speaking, if you had to be a brand ambassador for any fashion brand what would it be? What fits your aesthetic? Also don't be shy, drop your perfume recs 💅
AHH YESS hehehe aside from kpop it's the reason why im broke
omg brand ambassador ok ok ok ok wait i have like A MILLION but right now im so so obsessed with Diesel (which is also good that they're really big rn bc many affordable brands are copying their style — like Urban Outfitters, Princess Polly, Motel Rocks)
My aesthetic is a mix of grunge/casual y2k (think of bella hadid euro trash aesthetic with a bit of hailey bieber and olivia rodrigo lololol) Like looove mixing both gold and silver jewelry and i love a good baggy jean tiny shirt combo or tiny skirt baggy shirt combo
Burberry HER — sweet flowery notes and she lasts long on the skin (good dupe of this is Ariana Grande's Cloud lololol)
CHLOE — flowery/rosie scent also lasts long and if u like to pair perfumes she pairs well with sweet perfumes
LE LABO SANTAL 33 — this one might be more of an acquired taste bc to me, i love the smell and would drench myself but my brother and mom HATES the smell of it. Its a good unisex scent .. sweet musk hehe PAIRS WELL WITH BURBERRY HER
LE LABO The Matcha — also an acquired taste i think but if u want like a soft sweet scent that's not too overwhelming she's amazinggg (DUPE: Gourmand Eau De Perfum The Matcha found at urban outfitters)
ANYTHING JO MALONE — more specifically orange blossom (i think one of the boys use this too)
GUCCI BLOOM (the yellow bottle) — this one i recommend you def pair with a sweet perfume and only spray a little bc she's got strong notes of citrus but also musk?? she's good but def not a good stand alone
MARC JACOBS Daisy Dream — this was the scent that i cant go near bc of my ex BUT she's still so so so so good she's floral with soft hints of vanilla/sweet and smells so good in hair lol
For pairing perfumes I usually get like a perfume oil/balm to put on the skin where i would spray so it stays longer (I use FRENSHE and Glossier Perfume Balm) And i know people said not to spray on ur neck but i spray behind my neck and my wrists and oof this gets people's head turning 🤞🏼😌
ANYWAYS I LOVE talking about clothes and fashion and anything in that area so pls feel free to talk about it with me lololol this is my kpop outside of kpop
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