#world's end club demo
Been thinking about sans x reader a lot lately because it's so fucking funny but like why is everyone making horrortale sans a big soft boy who has never done anything wrong in his life
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coliemoongaming · 1 year
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Played the World’s End Club demo and it was pretty fun! Might get the full game at some point. Has anyone else tried it?
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anim-ttrpgs · 2 months
The Kickstarter for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is Live!!
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is our team’s debut TTRPG, over three years in the making! The campaign will run from April 10th to May 10th!
How far would you go to learn the truth?
Play amateur detectives caught up in things they barely understand, and explore how the lives of your characters unravel as they push themselves to dig deeper into the unknown!
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Tense investigations!
Delve into an investigation-focused mystery and horror system that lets players take initiative and use their characters’ unique strengths to find clues and deduce conclusions themselves. A few bad rolls won’t get the party hopelessly stuck, but at the same time Eureka respects their intellect and lets them take charge of solving the mystery!
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Character-driven gameplay!
Stats and abilities are based on who your character is as a person. Freeform character creation allows you to build a totally unique little guy, and have a totally unique gameplay experience with him! This is supported by the backbone of the Composure mechanic. Stress, fear, fatigue, and hunger will wear your investigators down as they trudge deeper into the unknown. Food, sleep, and connections with their fellow investigators are the only way to keep them going!
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Secrets inside and out! 
Any investigator could be a monster, helping their friends while trying not to reveal their true natures. The party will learn to trust and rely on each other, or explode into a tangled net of drama!
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Intense, tactical combat! 
Hits are devastating, and misses are unpredictable–firing a gun will always change the situation somehow, for better or for worse!
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Now in Technicolor!
Evocative artwork from talented femme-fatales @chaospyromancy and @qsycomplainsalot and the mysterious @theblackwarden paint a gorgeously-realized portrait of a world with shadows lurking in every corner.
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Elegantly designed and thoroughly playtested, Eureka represents the culmination of three years of near-daily work from our team, as well as a lot of our own money. We are almost at the end, we just need some financial support to put the finishing touches on it and make the final push to get it ready for official release!
With every stretch goal we meet, the game gets better and better. Tons of beautiful new artwork, new options for gameplay, and even two entirely new playable Monsters could be added to the book, so visit the Kickstarter and secure your copy today!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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dawnholde-if · 5 months
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Hello, and thank you for applying to the Dawnholde Institute, located in Solador, Land of Eclipses. We're pleased to offer you acceptance to the Institute as a first-year student. During your time here, you'll strengthen your specialty magic, as well as branch out to other types to diversify your skill set. We boast the top magic programs in the land for students, with fulfilling extracurriculars and a competitive environment designed to help every young mage and magician thrive, as well as students from a variety of backgrounds as a testament to the diversity of our world.
We look forward to your arrival, and hope that your years with us will be filled with enlightenment.
Praise be to the Sun,
Eruless Chromavere, Head of Magical Studies
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You are the firstborn child of the Monarch of the island nation of Sparia, located in the treacherous Sacred Sea. You're set to inherit the throne once the current Monarch has passed on, but you could want nothing less. Becoming the greatest mage in the land is your end goal, so one night you flee to Solador, home to the Dawnholde Institute for the Arcane, the best magic school in the realm. It's been your dream to go there ever since you were young.
Keep your identity hidden to stay out of prying eyes and out of the way of your parent's spies trying to bring you back. Make allies and enemies while keeping up with your studies, join a club (or not), and... fall in love ? That's not part of the plan, but things happen, just don't let it distract you.
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Play as male, female, or nonbinary and choose your pronouns
Decide which magic to specialize in, be it elemental, healing, object manipulation, or a number of any other kinds.
Meet 6 RO's, 3 of which are gender selectable
Take lessons in various magical subjects on your quest for greatness
Academic Rivals to Friends (to Lovers ?)
There is a dragon guy :)
Summon one of 4 familiars
Avoid the drama that plagues all schools
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Name: Finch K. Lorelai
Pronouns: They/Them Heritage: Half-Elf Magical Specialty: Necromancy Year: 2nd Brief Description: Finch comes from a long lineage of necromancers, is widely considered one of the only child prodigies to come out of that field, and possesses the ability to speak to the dead. They're ambitious and your self-proclaimed academic rival. They don't like sharing the top spot and is antagonistic towards you, even more so if they learn your true identity. The lines between disdain and affection are very fine, however, and there's the possibility to sweep their feet out from under them when they least expect it.
Name: Desily Bramblecove
Pronouns: She (default)/They (selectable) Heritage: Faefolk (Pixie) Magical Specialty: Shapeshifting Year: 3rd Brief Description: Desily is a difficult spirit to pin down, often doing what she wants when she wants to. She loves playing hard to get and causing general uproar, then slipping away to let others deal with the aftermath. She's fickle, even for a fae, but obsessive. If you're not careful, you may fall into her grasp without even realizing it. If you so choose to spend time with her, be prepared to partake in any schemes she may cook up.
Name: Merrick Midae
Pronouns: They (default)/He/She (selectable) Heritage: Merfolk (Anglerfish) Magical Specialty: Light Manipulation Year: 1st Brief Description: A shy, not-very-little merperson who came to land to study all manners of magic. A jack of all trades, Merrick is a little good at most magic, but they wanted to learn more about what was beyond the sea. They're not the bravest, but they'd do anything for a close friend. Perhaps they'll take a liking to you.
Name: Caidrith, Ruler of Rime
Pronouns: He (default)/She/They (selectable) Heritage: Draconic Royalty Magical Specialty: Ice and Temperature manipulation Year: 4th Brief Description: Caidrith, or simply Caid, as you know him, is the only person at Dawnholde who knows of your past. Caid is the second-born to the rulers over northern dragonkin. Though his chances of accquiring the throne are low, it's better to be safe than sorry. He enrolled in the school to learn self defense, then stuck around for the people. You've known him since childhood, as your parents often had strategy meetings together. He can be stoic, but you know Caid cares for you, though maybe not in a way you know of.
Name: Rycharde, Knight of the Tainted Lands
Pronouns: He/Him Heritage: Catfolk Magical Specialty: Protection and Healing Year: 3rd Brief Description: Rycharde hails from a plague-ridden kingdom on it's last legs. Catfolk are usually able to use magic due to distant Fae ancestery, but Rycharde has no innate magic. Instead, he draws on the patron deity of his city for his power, making him a magician instead of a mage. He's proud of his failing homeland and devoted to his city, but that's not the only thing he could turn his attention to. After all, temptation is one hell of a motivator.
Name: Cere Quicrow
Pronouns: She/Her Heritage: Manifested Air Elemental (Birdfolk appearance) Magical Specialty: Divination Year: 1st Brief Description: Cere takes the form of a birdfolk, but is a manifested elemental in reality. She takes great pride in her appearance and is quite vain, but hates being the center of attention and keeps to herself. She's flighty and a perfectionist, leaving herself conflicted on what she really wants, be it freedom and impulsive decisions or to finish her "secret project." Maybe she'll let you in on it if you're nice to her?
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Latest Update: Chapter 1 released on 08/25/2023
Your story starts like any other. Your life was normal, until it wasn’t. Two years after an invasion ravaged the Earth, you’re struggling to find purpose. The lonely life of struggle and survival is not for you. You’d promised yourself that if there was an apocalypse, you’d end it. That was then. That was when hypotheticals existed. Instead of dying, you lived against all odds and continue to do so.  Why? You don’t know. You wake up fortunate to be alive. Everything between the sunrise and sunset is white noise. Insignificant. Now, your normal shifts again. You’re surrounded by a group of strangers, their faces unfamiliar except for the exhaustion in their eyes. There's something coming, something worse. It isn't hard to believe. After all, still water is an infested one. For the first time in two years, you aren't sure who is a predator, and who is prey. Caught between a millennia-long war, the human race is but a spoke in the wheel, narrowly avoiding being crushed by powers beyond your comprehension. At the end of the world, there is only one question. Who is running from whom?
Customize your MC. Play as male, female, or nonbinary. You can determine their appearance and personality, updating it (voluntarily and involuntarily) as the story progresses. Are they charming or intimidating? Do they use their fists to solve problems, or their keen mind and deductive reasoning? Can they talk their way out of trouble, or do they avoid it in the first place? 
Become an asset to your group. The perfect team has balance. Choose your MC’s strengths and weaknesses; develop them as you see fit. Make decisions that change the lives of your found family, or sit on the sidelines and watch chaos unfold. Do you believe in fate, or will you change your future by force?
Engage in romance, or keep it purely platonic between 5 love interests. There are two options for short term flings, and one poly option available.
Survive. Easier said than done.
For each of the romanceable characters, there will be options to increase flirtation, friendship, or antagonism. 
☾. Ayana Tsosie (F)
Compassionate, intelligent, tactical, and ambitious, you have no doubt that A is a natural born leader. Despite her warm, welcoming demeanor, A is reluctant to pursue close relationships for fear of it interfering with her sense of responsibility to the group. You catch her crying in the early hours of the morning. Whose ring adorns her necklace?
☾. Cecelia/Chase Quinn (F/M)
Always up for a laugh, C isn’t interested in the doom and gloom. That doesn’t mean they lack competence. C is damn good with technology, able to rig up electricity seemingly from their back pocket. They take their friendships seriously, and will be the first to defend you when trouble comes knocking. Still, you wonder why they flinch at any sudden movements.
*C is demisexual; it takes a high friendship for them to reciprocate any romantic/sexual feelings.
☾. Delphine (F)
A succubus alien from the planet Cypress Velo, Delphine has been on Earth long before the Nion 8 invasion. At the end of the world, the seedier clubs and places of indulgence stand; Delphine works as a bartender and dancer at said places. Wealthy, gorgeous, and playful, Delphine can flash her fangs and have the world on it's knees. You can't help but gravitate towards her. Is she using her powers on you, or is her magnetism all natural?
☾. Zero Chevalier (M)
Having been plagued by night terrors since they were teenagers, Z can't close his eyes without hearing things. Seeing things. His parents, friends, and psychiatrists tell them that it's all in his head. Z prefers the shadows to the spotlight; at least the nightmares hold him close.
*Zero is locked in a v-type polyamorous route.
☾. Xa'eks/Xa'veed (F/M)
X never wanted to be in the military; they didn't know that until their species invaded Earth and they realized that others have a choice. Those words: choice, love, want, fear, longing, regret. It is all foreign to them. X knows their people cannot hide forever. The time for war is coming; but what sort of militia would they be if they couldn't see a lost battle a mile away?
*Memento Mori is a 18+ interactive fiction game that is best suited for the genres of sci-fi, romance, and horror. Wrecked and ravaged by an alien invasion, Earth is on the brink of war. War with who? That is yet to be determined, as no one knows who is the predator, and who is the prey.
Thank you all so much for your interest and support. It means the world to me!! ♡ ♡
All my love,
Cheye (she/her) :・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・
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reinekes-fox · 1 year
Interactive WIPs w Demo
Grey Swan I - Birds of a Rose
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The Divine Flock. Some call them crazy, some even dangerous. Some even say the cult is hiding dark secrets. But, in all your life you have yet to find one. After all you should know should there be any dark secrets: you are a member after all! A member, not only of the Divine Flock, but also of the Avis Academy, the best school the cult has. Your life is quiet and follows a strict routine, at least until two Strays from the outside, the normal, world are allowed in the normally so closed off grounds and as a newly appointed Wing it is your job to keep an eye on one of them. With their arrival some of those dark secrets may finally come to light…
You ARE not playing as a BIRD!!!
DEMO https://dashingdon.com/go/13119
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Dark Academia.
Moniker for MC: Wing MC.
Genderselectable MC: cis male or female, trans male or female. However due to growing up in a cult, MC wont know that trans is a thing/what it means, this is something MC can learn about. The same goes for sexual orientation: play as gay, bi, straight, aroace or ace, but be prepared for consequences.
Pick your level of devotion: be a devout follower of the teachings of the Divine Flock, reject it partly or wholly, or simply not care. All of it will have consequences.
Choose one of various school clubs, your volery, and get an unique storyline. Ranging from dance to school security, to managing your social media page.
Important people: Your flock, a group of younger pupils you were responsible for before the Strays arrived. You may not be their Wing on paper anymore, but you still hold a special place in their heart! They do miss you and are looking forward giving you a present on your birthday!
Your volery: whichever volery you joined, you are going to met pupils that are just as enthusiastic about your chosen interest as you are! Some more than others.
Your parents. It’s another question if the relationship between you is good, but important it surely is!
ROs: Fuchsia King
Chase Watson
Wing Droznik Juschka
Wing Astoria Rapace
-only for Peacocks: Marter
-only for Swans: Elrond/Estelle Falkenflug
-Vampire route: Sebastian Voss
-AMAB Raven RO: Marcel Rabenschlag
Grey Swan II - Hawks and Doves
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Unless otherwise stated you are playing as a normal human! Two legs, two arms, internal organs, hopefully a brain too. We will see how much of this organ stays intact after state propaganda, will we?
Someone once said that you were the most happiest youth in the world after the Great Heartbeat, that had shattered the old world. Earlier you would have agreed in a heartbeat, wearing the light green uniform of your state youth organisation. But now? When war has come to Avistrions shores and news reels show only destruction ?
Choose your gender, way of thinking and stance while growing up in a religious dictatorship on the giant island Avistrion. Be a devout follower of the Divine Flock, the only thing that survived the earthquake that devastated the earth. Or be the Vulture, trying to rip it to shreds, while wearing the badge of youth leadership… where will you be when war strikes your so closed off country? Which side will you be on when it ends? Will you even survive long enough to see the outcome?
Moniker for MC: Fugol MC.
Agon Falkenflug Adler/Weihe Habichtklau
Johanna/Nikola Arra
Grey Swan III - Wisteria Birds
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Wisteria Birds (fantasy, drama, angst)! Currently on pause.
You are beautiful, trained in art and music. You are deadly, trained in the unique weapons that no one except you can use. You are dying. Kept alive by the very same thing that keeps you save from others abusing their power over you… You have no rights. But you can do whatever you want, even kill, without having to fear any consequences. You are the most pleasant death that anyone can wish for. You are an artwork. And all you are supposed to be is look pretty, show of your owners wealth. But oh, you could become so much more…
You play as a highly specialised trained entertainer… an Artwork, expensive companion to the rich and noble ones in Aklant, a country with rigid rules and unspoken laws, strict class divide and obsessed with anything that shows how rich they are… or at least let them appear rich. Artworks themselves are outside of this all, freed from all those social chains, but not seen as human… maybe its time to change that? Or leave the status quo as it is, up to you!
Moniker for MC: Artwork MC.
Fauconniers, your potential buyers:
Chevalier Armand Sanson Alexandre Desrosier Others, you may work together with one or more of them? “Mouette” Sanglant du Verdier
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You have been a Hound, the human companion of a vampire, for years.
Until you find yourself among the undead and masterless after a night where everything went wrong… leaving you with no other choice but to move back in with your parents.
ROs (will expand)
Theo Grimm
Agent Rosa Caleb
Marian Viorel
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Ghibli inspired! Mainly Howls moving castle.
You play someone from our world who ends up in another world! Since this is an aspect I greatly enjoyed in the book and was really sad they didnt include in the movie, there will be chances of jumping between the worlds (and of course becoming a magician too!).
ROs, some are locked into specific magic combinations:
Opera Job and changing into Animals: Santu Cajarin
Changing into Animals: Rosalind Eagledancer
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lifeafterdeath-if · 1 year
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Life After Death is a Slice of Death Romantic Drama that takes place within the afterlife. It’s rated 18+ for depictions of violence, sexual themes, alcohol use, explicit language, and, of course, death.
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You’re dead.
It’s still something that you have to get used to. That you were happily, or at least you told yourself anyway, living your life within the world of the living only to end up in the world of the dead by nightfall— Elysium isn’t exactly what you were expecting, the bustling city being an eclectic mix of various points in history, but you’re certain you could be in worse places.
Making a new “life” within the walls of the ever-growing city seems an almost impossible task.
That is until a kind stranger, garbed in Victorian-Era clothing, offers you a place to stay at the Silver Towers; an apartment complex that has all walks of life seemingly crammed into its well-structured walls.
Will you be able to find your place among the new ensemble of people? Will you be able to find a connection with someone that you had never been able to create in life?
Only time will tell as your afterlife commences.
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Customizable MC: Name, appearance, gender (female, male, and non-binary), sexuality, smattering facets of your life before death, and more!
Detail how your MC feels about their death and the world that they’ve left behind? Happy, sad, angry?
Discover all that Elysium, and its many Districts, have to offer as you meet more and more people.
Engage in a romance with 1 of 6 romantic options— from the kindly stranger to an ancient warrior. Each one gives you an insight into a world that seems so far from your own.
Forge friendships that will last through time.
Follow your MCs journey as they discover what their Life After Death will truly entail.
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Edward/Elizabeth Clarke: A soft-spoken individual, with a heart of gold, and a penchant to help those in need. They also happen to be the very individual that offers you a place to stay within the Silver Towers. [PROFILE]
Kaspian/Kassandra Drakos: Hot-blooded and slightly obtuse, Kas is an individual from Ancient Greece; a Spartan Warrior that still has some of their old teachings ingrained in their very being, even after all these years. [PROFILE]
Jace/Jade Reed: Your new roommate who, fortunately for you, seems to have come from the same time as you. With a sunny smile and excitable disposition, they’re clearly a person that anyone could go to if they needed a shoulder to cry on. Only time will tell if they have one as well. [PROFILE]
Yvan/Yvonne DeLuca: The owner of the most influential club within all of Elysium— Afterlife. A rather on-the-nose name, of course, but that doesn’t stop the lines from forming throughout the night. With ambition running through their veins, and a silver tongue, nothing has ever made them slow down. [PROFILE]
Gabriel/Gabriella Caelius: An Angel sent from Heaven to watch over Elysium— a post that seems to have been subjected to for quite some time if their total apathy towards the city at large is anything to go by. It’s clear they want nothing more than to leave, but aren’t able to. [PROFILE]
Celian/Céline Keres: The Mayor of Elysium, maintaining order within a place that is simply a waiting room for most of the inhabitants within, who has a reputation for being cold; not wanting anything to mess with the city they love so much. Of course, another moniker is commonly attached alongside their name— The Grim Reaper. [PROFILE]
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darkacua · 9 months
Weird headcanons of the guys that are just hanging around in my head:
They can be very good on instruments, but they sound like a dying animal begging for God's mercy when they sing. Sadly for our freshman group, they love to go to karaoke.
They can't ride skates. You won't find someone with worse balance than them.
There is an eternal discussion about whether he is a girl disguised as a boy or just a very effeminate boy. Ruggie has a lot of money attached to Yuu being a boy and constantly begs him to tell him that's the truth.
He is allergic to peaches, they discovered it when they put him on a diet for having gained 4 kilos in a week. Use this as an excuse for not eating healthy.
Somehow, he's good at origami. He surprises many with his paper cranes.
He wears braces, hardly anyone notices them because he rarely smiles in front of someone he doesn't consider his friend.
He likes to make collages with papers that are no longer of use to him or someone else. Her favorite is one of a rose that she made from history notes for a subject that was taken out of the syllabus.
Can't weave even if his life depends on it. He tried, thought it would be cute to make some place mats to put his baked goods on, but failed miserably.
He tends to hum a lot when he's baking. Has a specific tune for each dessert he makes.
He usually wakes up on the opposite side from which he falls asleep. He moves and kicks so much that it's impossible to share a bed with him without getting hurt.
Hates talking to his sisters on the phone because they always end up complaining about their exes.
He has the palate of a 5-year-old. If there are no burgers and fries or nuggets on the menu, he simply won't eat anything.
Can't whistle. He would say yes, but if you ask him for a demo he will fake an urgency and run off.
He called Professor Trein dad on one occasion. Trein didn't say anything for a good 5 minutes and poor Deuce wanted to jump out of the window in embarrassment.
It is the teachers' favorite. He's not the smartest, but he's one of the few students who really tries to pay attention in class.
He cried like a baby the first night at NRC over the fact that he left his mother home alone. He didn't calm down until I called him around 3 in the morning.
He has slammed himself into a glass door at least 2 times for being more asleep than awake while skipping class.
Although he does not like vegetables or greens, he is a keen lover of fruits in any type of presentation. He almost bites Ruggie when he tried to steal his mango milkshake.
Have had lice more times than he can remember. You know he got them again when he completely shaves his head.
The first time he ate at NRC he cried. He cried because for the first time in a long time he wasn't hungry after eating and because it was unfair that his grandmother couldn't enjoy that privilege.
Didn't believe Ace about Riddle's rages until he saw them for the first time. Now he fears him as much as he respects him.
Firmly believes that if he doesn't exercise for a day, all his performance will go down the drain. He tried to go to training once with a bent ankle.
It's a mama's boy. They talk to each other every day and even have video calls scheduled on the weekends for her mother to give him business advice, sometimes his stepfather participates.
He had a lot of trouble adjusting to the surface air. Occasionally he still has trouble breathing, especially in places with a lot of dust or dirt in the air.
Has costumes of all kinds in his closet, from the most common to the most extravagant and bizarre one can imagine. He has used each of them on at least one occasion and won't tell anyone why or where.
He likes to talk to Silver about the mushrooms that can be found in the forest, he treasures one that was given to him by one of Silver's rabbit friends.
It is lightweight. One drink of alcohol and he's dead to the world.
He joined all the clubs (excluding Jade and Malleus) for at least a week. He got bored with everyone and is only in Basketball because he was given the ultimatum that he will no longer be allowed to join anyone else if he gets out of it.
All of his siblings are from different mothers and many of them do not officially consider themselves to be members of the Al-Asim family. He completely ignores this and treats all of them the same.
On one occasion a business associate of his father called one of his sisters a whore and Kalim almost beat the man to death. It was the first and last time anyone saw him get into a physical altercation with such intensity. He has also thrown out many party guests for such comments towards his siblings and their respective mothers.
His hair color is the cause of Marie Antoinette syndrome.
Because of him there is a massive fumigation in Scarabia once every two months.
Secretly hates Vil's food so much that he gave him a recipe book along with a set of spices.
He has a large scar on the palm of his hand from an assassination attempt.
He sets aside a couple of hours a week for his “stress deportation” session, taking pictures of the people who have pissed him off that week and throwing darts at them.
Vil indeed knows his mother. He met her at the age of 15 and she tried to emotionally blackmail Vil for money, his father placed a restraining order after that day towards the woman.
He loves his family more than anyone can imagine. Once one of his younger brothers came back pretty beaten up by a bully and Rook went to said bully's house to "talk" to him. The boy and his family moved within a week.
Will go out with anyone who asks him to, his motto is that anyone can be the ideal. Whether the relationship lasts more than a week is another story.
His family nicknamed him “Macaron le glouton” because more than once he was caught eating the cookies and cakes they had stored in the middle of the night.
He has a recurring dream in which he is on a raft along with a zebra, an astronaut, and a ballet dancer. He always wakes up scared and without understanding the dream.
He firmly believes that it shouldn't look bad to hit an old man, if you make fun of him he'll punch you in the house he doesn't care how old you are.
Tried to crash some women-only event for some kind of collectible figurine. He was discovered instantly and kicked out.
He's totally gone on a personal hunger strike because some anime/manga doesn't have the ending he wants. Ortho always ends up breaking down the door to force him to eat.
Once a girl he met online confessed to him and asked him to be her boyfriend. He instantly blocked it because he thought it was a scam.
He has at least three certificates and trophies as a winner of cosplay contests. They are contests that he did not sign up for and he was not wearing a cosplay.
Once tried to eat something out of curiosity as to what the act of chewing and swallowing would be like. It took 4 days to get all the food residue out of his system and gears.
Its body is covered in dark green scales, almost reaching black. They don't sting or anything, but sometimes they get caught in his clothes and it's hard to get them off without hurting him.
It has eaten 3 cell phones. This was a method of revenge against Lilia.
He often has a nightmare in which Silver's biological family shows up to take him away, leaving him completely alone in his cabin. He always ends up sneaking into his son's room to calm his nerves when he wakes up from this nightmare.
More than once he has bumped into random women who end up slapping him even if he doesn't talk to them. Whenever this happens, he reminds the Diasomnia group that they should end their love affairs correctly and not make careless promises about getting married.
Another guy who wears braces. Sebek's father put them on because his mouth looked like a shark's with how crowded his teeth were. He always receives a star sticker on his visits for being a very calm patient.
He has calluses on his hands from his practice with the sword.
He has so little interaction with women that prior to joining NRC his only female acquaintances were Mrs. Zigbolt and Sebek's sister. So at the first event where girls showed up at school he just didn't know how to interact with any of them.
As a baby he had a wooden stick which he bit when his teeth barely came out. He has it in storage and still uses it when he is stressed.
His appetite isn't hereditary or something fairies have, he's just a glutton and has a fast metabolism.
His horse threw him many times because he scared him with his screams.
He'll never admit it but Riddle terrifies him when he has a fit of rage. This fear only increased when the latter had to be electrocuted TWICE in order to kidnap him in chapter 6.
Español bajo el corte
Headcanons extraños de los chicos que solo estan por ahi dando vueltas en mi cabeza:
Puede ser muy bueno con los instrumentos, pero suena como un animal moribundo rogando por la misericordia de Dios cuando canta. Tristemente para nuestro grupo de primer año, le encanta ir al karaoke.
No pueden andar en patines. No encontrarás a alguien con peor equilibrio que ellos.
Hay una discusión eterna sobre si el una chica disfrazada de chico o solo un chico muy afeminado. Ruggie tiene mucho dinero puesto en que Yuu es un chico y le ruega constantemente que diga que esa es la verdad.
Es alérgico a los duraznos, lo descubrieron cuando lo pusieron a dieta por haber subido 4 kilos en una semana. Usa esto como excusa para no comer saludable.
De alguna forma, es bueno con el origami. Sorprende a muchos con sus grullas de papel.
Usa frenos, casi nadie los nota porque rara vez sonríe frente a alguien que no considere su amigo.
Le gusta hacer collages con papeles que ya no son de ayuda para él o para alguien más. Su favorito es uno de una rosa que hizo con los apuntes de historia de un tema que fue sacado del plan de estudios.
No puede tejer aunque su vida dependa de ello. Lo intentó, pensó que sería lindo hacer unos manteles en los que poner sus productos horneados, falló miserablemente.
Suele tararear mucho cuando está horneando. Tiene una melodía específica para cada postre que hace.
Suele despertar del lado contrario al que se duerme. Se mueve y patalea tanto que es imposible compartir una cama con él sin salir herido.
Detesta hablar con sus hermanas por teléfono porque siempre terminan quejándose de sus ex parejas.
Tiene el paladar de un niño de 5 años. Si en el menú no hay hamburguesas con papas o nuggets el simplemente no comerá nada.
No puede silbar. Él diría que sí, pero si le pides una demostración fingirá una urgencia y saldrá corriendo.
Llamó al profesor Trein papá en una ocasión. Trein no dijo nada por unos  buenos 5 minutos y el pobre de Deuce quería saltar de la ventana por la vergüenza.
Es el favorito de los profesores. No es el más listo, pero es uno de los pocos alumnos que realmente intentan prestar atención a las clases.
Lloro como un bebe la primera noche en NRC por el hecho de que dejó a su madre sola en casa. No se calmó hasta que le marcó alrededor de las 3 de la mañana.
Se ha estampado al menos 2 veces con una puerta de cristal por estar más dormido que despierto mientras se saltaba las clases.
Si bien no le gustan los vegetales o verduras, es un amante vivido de las frutas en cualquier tipo de presentación. Casi muerde a Ruggie cuando este intentó robarse su batido de mango.
Ha tenido piojos más veces de las que puede recordar. Sabes que volvió a tenerlos cuando se rapa por completo la cabeza.
La primera vez que comió en NRC lloró. Lloro porque por primera vez en mucho tiempo no se quedó con hambre después de comer y por lo injusto que era que su abuela no pudiera disfrutar de ese privilegio. 
No le creía a Ace acerca de los ataques de ira de Riddle hasta que los vio por primera vez. Ahora le teme tanto como lo respeta.
Cree firmemente que si no hace ejercicio un día todo su rendimiento se irá al caño. Intento ir a entrenar una vez con un tobillo doblado.
Es un niño de mamá. Se hablan todos los días e incluso tienen videollamadas programadas los fines de semana para que su madre le de consejos de negocios, a veces su padrastro participa.
Tuvo muchos problemas para adaptarse al aire de la superficie. De vez en cuando aún tiene problemas para respirar, sobre todo en lugares con mucho polvo o tierra en el aire.
Tiene disfraces de todo tipo en su armario, desde los más comunes hasta los más extravagantes y extraños que uno se pueda imaginar. Ha usado cada uno de ellos en al menos una ocasión y no le dirá a nadie porque o en donde.
Le gusta hablar con Silver sobre los hongos que se pueden encontrar en el bosque, atesora uno que le dio uno de los conejos amigos de Silver
Es de peso ligero. Un trago de alcohol y está muerto para el mundo.
Se unió a todos los clubes (excluyendo los de Jade y Malleus) por lo menos una semana. Se aburrió de todos y solo está en el de Basquetbol porque le dieron el ultimatum de que ya no se le permitirá unirse a ningún otro si se salía de este.
Todos sus hermanos son de diferentes madres y muchos de ellos no se consideran oficialmente como miembros de la familia Al-Asim. Él ignora por completo esto y los trata a todos por igual.
En una ocasión un socio de negocios de su padre llamó a una de sus hermanas puta y Kalim casi mata al hombre a golpes. Fue la primera y última vez que alguien lo vio entrar en un altercado físico con tanta intensidad. También ha echado a muchas invitadas de reuniones por ese tipo de comentarios hacia sus hermanos y sus respectivas madres.
Su color de cabello es causa del síndrome de Maria Antonieta.
Por él hay una fumigación masiva en Scarabia una vez cada dos meses.
Odio secretamente tanto la comida de Vil que le regaló un libro de recetas junto con un conjunto de especias.
Tiene una gran cicatriz en la palma de la mano de un intento de asesinato.
Tiene apartado un par de horas a la semana para su sesión de “expulsión de estrés”, toma fotografías de las personas que lo han hecho enojar esa semana y les lanza dardos. 
Vil de hecho si conoce a su madre. La conoció a los 15 años y está trató de chantajear emocionalmente a Vil por dinero, su padre puso una orden restrictiva después de ese día hacia la mujer.
Ama a su familia más de lo que alguien se pueda imaginar. Una vez uno de sus hermanos menores regresó bastante golpeado por un matón y Rook fue hasta la casa de dicho matón para “hablar” con él. El chico y su familia se mudaron a la semana.
Saldrá con cualquier persona que se lo pida, su lema es que cualquier persona puede ser la ideal. Que la relación dure más de una semana es otra historia.
Su familia lo apodo “Macaron le glouton” porque más de una vez lo atraparon comiéndose las galletas y pasteles que tenían resguardados en medio de la madrugada.
Tiene un sueño recurrente en el que él está en una balsa junto con una cebra, un astronauta y una bailarina de ballet. Siempre se despierta asustado y sin entender el sueño.
Cree firmemente que no no debería de verse mal golpear a un anciano, si te burlas de él te dará un puñetazo en la casa no le importa tu edad.
Ha intentado colarse en algún evento solo de mujeres por algún tipo de figurilla coleccionable. Fue descubierto al instante y echado a patadas.
Totalmente se ha puesto en una huelga personal de hambre porque algún anime/manga no tiene el final que él quiere. Ortho siempre termina rompiendo la puerta para obligarlo a comer.
Una vez una chica que conoció online se le confesó y le pidió que fuera su novio. Él la bloqueó al instante porque creyó que era una estafa.
Tiene al menos tres certificados y trofeos como ganador de concursos de cosplay. Son concursos a los que no se inscribió y no llevaba un cosplay.
Una vez intento comer algo por la mera curiosidad de como sería el acto de masticar y tragar la comida. Tardaron 4 días en quitar todos los residuos de comida de su sistema y engranajes.
Su cuerpo esta cubierto en escamas de un verde oscuro, casi llegando al negro. No le pican ni nada, pero a veces se atoran en la ropa y es difícil de soltarlas sin lastimarlo.
Se ha comido 3 celulares. Esto fue un método de venganza contra Lilia.
Suele tener una pesadilla en la que la familia biológica de Silver aparece para llevárselo dejándolo completamente solo en su cabaña. Siempre termina colándose en la habitación de su hijo para calmar sus nervios cuando despierta de esta pesadilla.
Más de una vez se ha topado con mujeres al azar y estas terminan dándole una bofetada incluso si no habla con ellas. Siempre que esto pasa le recuerda al grupo de Disomnia que deben terminar de forma correcta sus relaciones amorosas y no hacer promesas sobre casarse despreocupadamente.
Otro chico que usa frenos. El padre de Sebek se los puso ya que su boca parecía la de un tiburón con lo encimados que estaban sus dientes. Siempre recibe un sticker de estrella en sus visitas por ser un paciente muy tranquilo.
Tiene callos en las manos por su práctica con la espada.
Tiene tan poco interacción con las mujeres que antes de entrar a NRC sus unicos conocidos del sexo femenino eran la Señora Zigbolt y la hermana de Sebek. Así que en el primer evento en el que se presentaron chicas a la escuela él solo no supo cómo interactuar con ninguna de ellas.
De bebe tenía un palo de madera el cual mordía cuando sus dientes apenas salían. Lo tiene guardado y aun lo usa cuando está estresado.
Su apetito no es nada hereditario o algo que las hadas tengas, él solo es glotón y de metabolismo rápido.
Su caballo lo tiró muchas veces porque lo asustó con sus gritos.
No lo admitirá nunca pero Riddle lo aterra cuando tiene un ataque de ira. Este miedo sólo  incrementó cuando este último tuvo que ser electrocutado DOS VECES para poder secuestrarlo en el capítulo 6.
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vapolis · 1 month
D’s reaction to that last question is quite interesting. They’ve known Merc the least amount of time (Supposedly. Maybe they have a hidden shared past like last demo iirc). Their reaction was more personal than Orla who just took their hypothetical death as a “great, now I have to find a new one”. I have to wonder if it’s Merc’s sorta infamous reputation that has shaped their perception or something more involved for D’s reaction.
On another note I find Orla’s detachment to Merc fascinating. Similar to another anon question she’s known Jax and D for less time and I understand roles and all that but it doesn’t make sense for the distance. Jax is an employee too. D is something. Yet they seem to hold much more value to her. Is it just because of their roles? Or does she just think Merc is a bad/unimportant person?
Talking about D would probably be spoilers but Jax, would her reaction to his death be more personal than “now I have to get another body guard/business partner”?
orla doesn't think the merc is unimportant or bad, she just recognizes them for what they currently are. which is a mercenary. they do have a special ability orla has come to rely on on jobs she sends them off to, but she knows if things ended in the death of the merc, she could get a different mercenary to do similar work.
their history is complicated and will be touched on, but it also means that orla can't afford to grow too attached or to put more stake on the mercs life than she does right now. in an ideal world, orla could trust the merc to stay by her side as an asset the same way jax is, but she's not delusional enough to believe that.
the merc has the more dangerous life out of all the characters you named. jax is protected by the gang and respect he wields as part of the mirage and the club. there's no fear that he can end up dead in a ditch like the merc could and leave orla without her right hand man.
if that happened, however, she'd be shaken by it. she trusts him with her business, and he is seen as her stand-in by everyone. if someone were to get to him, she has to fear that someone could come for her as well.
dante/delilah is a different matter entirely. their relationship appears physical as of now but orla has a different fondness for her dancers due to her own history and therefore would be more rattled if something happens to them because she knows they're not like the merc. able to defend themself against people coming for their head.
she trusts the merc to do what must be done and values their abilities but knows that if the merc's life is on the line, the merc could come out on top. if she's proven false in that belief, she'll ofc mourn the loss of what the merc could do and the way they were but as of right now, it wouldn't stop her from continuing on to follow her own agenda.
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▪︎ Links:
☛ {[DEMO]} | Chapters 1-3
☛ {CHARATER PORTRAITS: ["Book Club"], [Part 1]}
☛ {SHORT/SIDE STORIES: [Marcel's Past], [Trick or Treat], [Suprise Party]}
My Inner Sins is an interactive fiction game series being made with SugarCube (previously Harlow) on Twine. It has an urban supernatural theme where you will discover things about yourself, your family, and maybe even the hidden truth about your town. In this tale, you will meet new people, but beware; you don't know who you can trust or who has a knife to your back. 
☛ Content Warning: My Inner Sins is an interactive fiction game for players 16 and older that focuses mostly on NPC interactions and character growth. It will feature violent scenes, sexual themes, mental illness, suicidal thoughts, and strong language and is meant for older audiences.
☛ About the Author: Hello, I go by Florence (she/her), and this is my first interactive fiction; however, this world has been in my mind since I was thirteen and watched Twilight for the first time. I plan for this to be a three-book series; however, I am a full-time college student. If you want to support me, then please send me words of encouragement via Tumblr or Itch.io. I want to make a series out of this story and the characters I created, but I want to make sure people enjoy this world and this story as much as I do. 
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Four new people end up coming into town, and while that might be a little strange for the small town of Lockwood, Massachusetts, they seem to be keeping a watchful eye on you. But why should that matter? You have other things to worry about, like the feeling that you are being watched....
But everyone is welcome in Lockwood.....
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Simple. Those were the words that once described your life, and you would’ve nodded your head in agreement. Your day was a never-ending cycle of the same thing. Wake up, go to work downstairs at your Aunt Zinnia's tea shop, try not to fall asleep at the cash register, sneak yourself a few muffins, go to sleep, have weird nightmares, and repeat for another day. So, it would be an understatement to say that you didn’t expect your life to be turned upside down by demons. 
While most normal family secrets are mediocre or maybe a bit surprising, those of your family, the Oleanders, are mind-blowing. You find out that your family is best known for being monster hunters, or were until your mom fell in love with a demon, making you not only have the most profound hunter blood through your veins but also make you a cambion, a half-human, half-demon spawn. 
Now, with an ancient evil coming after you, you have demons coming back to the mortal plane once again after already dying to guard you. Will you dive headfirst into this supernatural world, or will you crumble under the pressure this new world puts on your shoulders?
▪︎ Features:
☛ Play as a male, female, or nonbinary
☛ Customize your appearance
☛ Pick your MC's first name
☛ Pursue romance and/or friendship with 6 different characters.
☛ Have wholesome moments with the characters and maybe even babysit a seer.
☛ Discover lasting romances or friendships with the champions of the seven hells.
☛ Define and refine relationships with a variety of characters, including friends, family, or dream demons.
☛ Decide how you will choose a skill from stealth, knowledge, athletics, or charisma.
☛ Play matchmaker
☛ Name your cat familiar, pick their breed, and personality!
☛ Shape your MC’s future and some of their past
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💙 Lust
☛ Rosemary “Rosie” Brown | F | 5’2 | 22 years old???
Rosie is a figure of beauty, with a charming personality that could make anyone swoon and a love for all things fashion. Growing up in the "Jazz Age" has equipped her with an easygoing attitude that didn't stop after she died, taking up the position of Courtesan of Lust and later joining Hell's Champions. Now, on a mission to protect you, she starts to feel again, not just lust but love.
☛ Description: Her skin is a rich cocoa brown, with dark brown eyes and thick eyelashes. She has short, black, and curly hair that is loosely styled. Very short in stature with a slender build. 
☛ Warning: Past Abusive Relationship, Trust Issues, Talk of Receiving Racism
☛ Trope: Optional Friends With Benefits to Lovers, Sworn off relationships
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❤️ Wraith
☛ Owen O’Conner  | M | 6’4 | 32 years old???
With titles granted to Owen by King Alexander the Third, it was no secret that he was the best fighter even with his brash attitude, in the knighthood however his honor was stripped away after losing the person that mattered the most to Owen. His losses carried with him into the afterlife, becoming the Warrior of Warth and later a Hell's Champion and has sworn to his master to protect you (even with your Aunt Ziannia on his "Kill List"). Will you start to become more to him than just a job?
Description: A Scottish man with freckles, pale beige skin, light blue eyes, and faint scars all over his arms and chest. He has long ginger hair, usually styled in a man bun, so it is out of the way. Tall in stature with firm muscles and broad shoulders.
☛ Warning: Past Alcohol Abuse
☛ Trope: Emotional scars, Learning to Love again, Forbidden Love
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💛 Greed
☛ Marcellus “Marcel” De Rosa  | M | 5'9 | 20 years old???
Marcel always believed the gods left him; growing up on the streets, the death of his best friend, and the sickness that was killing his brother didn't leave much room for hope. However, through all the loss, Marcel had a golden heart that showed everyone kindness even if they might not have deserved such. In the afterlife, he earned the title of Advisor of Greed and later became the leader of Hell's Champions, which were sent to keep a watchful eye over you.
Description: He has a warm, olive skin tone and light brown eyes that complement his lithe build. He has curly, dark brown hair that seems to have never been touched by a brush. There are burns on his feet.
☛ Tropes: Widow/widower, Golden Boy
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🧡 Gluttony
☛ Marguerite “Margaret”  Badeaux | F | 5'8 | 21 years old???
Growing up in a high-class society, it was no surprise that Margaret was unaware of the revolution until it was too late. Dying at the hands of people who saw her as "scum," she carried the burden of never knowing the harm her family had caused until Margaret crossed over. Burying her sadness under the aura of sunshine, she started helping as many people as she could in the afterlife, earning the title Healer of Gluttony and later joining the ranks of Hell's Champions sent to watch over you. Will you be Margaret's first love?
Description: She has a pale skin tone and dark blue eyes that complement her slender build. She has light brown, choppy hair. There is a horizontal scar on the back of her neck
☛ Warning: Eating Disorder
☛ Trope: First Love, Sunshine RO
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🩵 Sloth
☛ Tai Huang | M | 5'6 | 20 years old???
Being the child of a Chinese immigrant during the Industrial Revolution, Tai learned to be determined and have a good work ethic. When a tragic accident left him taking his last breath, Tai used his direct and intelligent personality to earn the favor of the Princess of Sloth, giving him the title of Spy Master of Sloth. Tai is keeping a watchful eye on you as the only doctor in Lockwood. What is he hiding behind those tired eyes?
Description: He has a pale skin tone and green eyes that complement his slender build. He has chin-length black hair. Scars all over his chest and legs.
☛ Warning: Talk of receiving Racism
☛ Tropes: Grumpy RO, Lover in Denial, Honesty...he is a total tsundere
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💚 Envy
☛ Zane Blackburn | M | 6’1 | 25 years old
Forgotten. Alone. Anger. That's all Zane has ever felt; when everyone seemed to abandon him, Zane placed his loyalty in the being that wanted you dead. Through nightmares, you can communicate with him. You seem to find that behind his sarcastic and crass attitude, Zane is hiding his broken past.
Description: He has a pale skin tone and gray eyes that complement his swimmer build. He has styled, platinum blonde hair that seems to have too much hair spray. There are no scars on his body.
☛ Warning: Received emotional and physical abuse through Guardian, (Early Relationship) manipulation, suicidal tendencies
☛ Tropes: Rivals, Forbidden Love, Enemies to Lovers
416 notes · View notes
hairmetal666 · 1 year
Steddie Notes Part 4 (Welcome to Steve's POV)
CW//small instance that could be viewed as internalized homophobia
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
In the bottom of Steve’s closet is a Nike shoe box. It’s full of a year’s worth of torn notebook pages, paper menus, receipts, envelopes, sticky notes, notepad sheets, invoice carbon copies, discarded things from dnd, and whatever else they could find to write on.
It's this box that contains every bit of Steve’s heart. 
Steve’s at the school to pick up Dustin, Mike and Lucas, but they don’t appear at 9pm on the dot like they promised. Grumbling and annoyed, Steve heads down to the drama club room.
He hears Eddie’s voice even before he walks into the room. The low baritone, all husky and threatening, sends shivers down Steve’s spine. 
Steve strides into the room, ready to berate his kids for their tardiness, but he stops literally in his tracks when he sees Eddie. Eddie looming over the table, all that long curly hair framing his face; his expression uncharacteristically dangerous, his eyes flat and promising violence.
He can’t do anything but stare, mouth shocked wide. Eddie lifts his gaze, locks it on Steve. Eddie’s looking at him with such intense command, such focus, that Steve knows he’d drop to his knees for that look, give Eddie anything he asked, everything.
He wants. So hard and so fast it makes him a little nauseous. 
Eddie’s gaze flicks away, while Steve reels from the striking clarity of feeling that rewrites the year of their friendship frame-by-frame.
Steve hardly listens, still trying to come to terms with his sudden realization, with how right it is, with how obvious it’s been this whole time. He remembers, after Starcourt, the way Eddie made him feel safe, cared for. The way Eddie calling him baby echoed for hours, days, weeks after. 
Of course Eddie doesn’t miss Steve's distraction. He leans into Steve's space, murmuring softly, “You okay, sweetheart? Sorry we ran late. Lost track of time.”
“Just tired, I guess.," he says. And he is distinctly not okay, because Eddie is calling him sweetheart and how did it take him this long to realize how much he loves the pet names? 
He tries to tell Eddie. Can’t. Too afraid of losing his friend.  He keeps going out with girls; nice girls, pretty girls, but wishes that Eddie was the one sitting beside him in the movie theater, in the passenger side of his car, across from him at the restaurant. 
Eddie…I think I really like you
You’re my favorite person in the entire world
Some days you’re the only thing I can think about
I want to wake up in bed with you everyday
I can’t stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss you
Do you like me? Yes or No
Steve’s in the Wheeler’s basement, leaning against Eddie's shoulder, waiting for the kids to finish up.
“What are they talking about?” He scribbles at the edge of Eddie’s campaign notes.
Eddie scowls at the note placement, responds anyway. 
“Halloween costumes.” 
“Wanna dress up together, Munson?”
“No way, Harrington, I’m not dressing up as Danny Zuko for you.”
“…obviously you’re Sandy.”
Eddie makes an offended noise. 
“I could do end of the movie Sandy. But face it, baby, you’re the pretty, fresh-faced innocent and I’m the bad boy.” 
Steve strangles back the sound he wants to make when his brain supplies him with an image of Eddie in those black, skin-tight pants.
“I could be a bad boy.”
Before Eddie can reply, the kids start shouting, and Eddie climbs on the wobbling card table, clapping his hands for attention. 
“Jesus, Eds." He grabs Eddie’s ankle to keep him stable. 
“I think a trip to the pumpkin patch is in order, what say you?”
There’s a blip where the whole room stills, every single one of them, aside from Eddie, remembering rotted fields and fetid tunnels filled with Upside Down spores and demo dogs. 
“Oh, yeah, we don’t go to the pumpkin patch anymore. You know, since the tunnels—”
Steve shoots Dustin the most intense silencing looks he’s ever given anyone, which is really saying something. 
They’d agreed, back in July that they would never tell Eddie what really happened at the mall. Eddie is too good, too gentle, brimming with too much pure kindness for Steve to want him anywhere near the Upside Down.
Eddie cackles. “Tunnels, Henderson?” 
Lucas laughs, says, “He means the maze. Don’t you remember? They set it up one time a few years ago.”
“We got really lost. Took us hours to find the exit,” Dustin adds. 
“Mike cried,” Lucas says. 
“Hey! I did not!” 
Mike’s anger at fake crying about a made-up crisis is enough to have them all in stitches, even Eddie who doesn’t know it’s a lie.  
“What about that apple orchard?” Steve suggests.
Eddie pokes him in the cheek, excited. “Ooh, yes, apple orchard!?”
The orchard is a mad dash of fighting over wheelbarrows, shrieking sprints into the trees, Steve stressing at the kids throwing themselves across branches with zero regard for personal safety. 
Eddie nearly sends him into a coronary at the ripe old age of 19 by walking down a branch like he’s doing a tightrope. 
“Munson! Get your ass down from there!”
“I’m fine, Stevie! I’ve got reflexes like a cat.”
“The hell you do!” Steve shouts as Eddie wobbles. 
“Don’t worry, baby, I know you’ll always catch me,” Eddie yells back. He winks and Steve blushes about all of it. 
“You’ll just get us both hurt,” he says right as Eddie shimmies easily back to the ground. 
“You worry too much,” he scolds. “All this beautiful hair is going to go grey,” Eddie shuffles his fingers through the strands.
“You’re a menace,” he growls. Pushes Eddie playfully away. 
They pick apples and drink cider and it’s the best time Steve’s had in a while. He kids are spread out around him, Eddie and Robin on the quest for an apple that’s perfectly red, like you could poison Snow White with it, and he’s content. Happy. 
He lets himself bask in the moment, but it’s cut short by a familiar whooping yell and the crash of Eddie Munson clinging to his back.
He groans, almost loses his footing, but quickly hoists Eddie’s legs higher against his sides.
He runs and Eddie screams, giggling, and clutches his fists into the fabric of Steve’s sweater. 
“Can’t believe you caught me, sweetheart,” Eddie says once Steve slows to a walk.
“I’ll always catch you, Eds,” he promises.
Eddie makes a little noise, almost like a whimper, pressing his cheek against Steve’s.
And for just a second, the barest hint of a moment in time, Steve swears he feels Eddie’s lips pressed against the sensitive skin right beneath his ear. 
It’s right then that Steve knows he doesn’t just like Eddie. No, he’s positively, totally, and completely in love with him.
(Part 5)
Thank you all so much for your comments and reblogs and likes! I appreciate it more than I can say and am still so honored that so many people like this little series. Please let me know if I missed you in the tag list, and I'll make sure to get you added for future updates (I think we're looking at 3 more)!
@gaysonthefloor @little-gae-shit @ineffablecolors @mojowitchcraft @hiscrimsonangel @thegingerrapunzel @adelicioustragedy @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @im-sam-fucking-winchester @rainydays35 @gobbledy-gluk-gluk @gay-stranger-things @sherilitchi @gezell-igg @leather-and-freckles @bornonthesavage @ramyayaya @awkwardgravity1 @chaoticvictorianspirit @thosemessyvibes @beeing-stuupid @silentiumdelirium @freyaforestafay @thatbitchgayasf @sapphirecobalt-1 @sahh-dude @adorkfromnewyork @ollie-in-gray @extralegobrick @snapshotmaestro @fandomgenderz @nuttychaosface @thatcottagecorewitch @idoquitelikebread @shinekocreator @savveth @mackfrfr 0@yourebuckingkiddingme @steddieassheg0es @gamerdano @thebig-smoke @questionablequeeries @zerokrox-blog @thegingervulcan @charlies-candid-corner @perpetual-trashcan @sleepy-rainedrop @marvelous-musicals @hoffmannwrites @fromapayphone @courtjestermunson@juicinmyjams @daydreaming-mood @aceflavouredyougurt @emly03 @pille1983 @darcyshandflex @anteaterballs @adankrivervalleynearyou @didntwant2come @kittsu-makes-glass @alienace
@somewhereatdawn @5pac3g1r7 @thequeervibes @paperbackribs @bitchysunflower @knitsforthetrail @wrenisflying @plasticcrotches @demoniccorvid @em9515 @savory-babby @loverliner @aceacebaby42 @trainchomp @anaibis @sharkruption @quickenedheartbeat @fandomcartographer
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openlategames · 1 year
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Open Late Games released its first teaser for Speakeasy last week on April 25th, 2023 via a Reddit post, a Twitter announcement, a trailer release on YouTube, and making our Speakeasy itch.io link live.
Up until this point we've kept the development of our game hush hush. So who are we and what's this game all about?
Open Late Games is an independent development studio founded in 2020 with several projects in the works. Our focus is on creating games for women and the LGBTQ+ community, with an emphasis on immersive stories and quality gameplay. Our two member team is small but mighty, with experience in both creative and management fields.
As for Speakeasy, this is an erotic visual novel that might be new to our audience, but has been in production since 2021. Here's the quick info:
Join Old Hollywood heiress Cora West for a whirlwind of forbidden romance in the depths of a decadent illegal jazz club in Prohibition-era Los Angeles. Direct the heroine’s actions and determine whether she will make it out with her heart intact or lose herself in the glamor and excess.
Will you fall in love? Rule the city? Or damn it all and descend into ruin? The choice is yours.
Now come closer and we'll let you in on a little secret...
The script is complete, the demo will be ready soon, our Kickstarter will launch this summer, and our goal is to release the game before the end of the year!
Okay, that was more than one secret. When we started development on this project we made the decision not to release information until there was a solid body of work to present. As our debut title, we knew we would have a lot to prove and wanted to do this right. With the script complete, phase one of the character art finished by the amazing artist who signed on for the project in 2022, the game demo programming underway, and all the little details being drawn together, we knew it was time to let the world know about Speakeasy. 
As fans of independent games ourselves who have supported studios/individuals and watched the development of titles we were excited about, we know how it feels being on the side of the end user who's clinging to updates and waiting for the game to come out. There's a fine line between foreplay and just being a tease; we want to get all of you excited for the main event, but also for you to know that a release is within reach.
Thank you for coming on this journey with us and we can't wait to show you what comes next. 
Aura, Founder + Creative Director 
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a-silent-symphony · 2 months
The 4 songs Nightwish have only performed live once
They’ve been around for two-and-a-half decades and played nearly 1,000 shows, and through it all symphonic metal’s superstars have only performed these songs one time
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You can’t talk about symphonic metal without mentioning Nightwish. Not long after forming in the mid-1990s, Tuomas Holopainen’s majestic mavens became the measuring stick for the genre. They scored regular chart success in their native Finland while at the same time earning critical acclaim, thanks to their unencumbered, all-instruments-blaring vision.
Nightwish have written upwards of 100 songs since they started, and most of them have serenaded fans during their litany of live shows in that time. Hammer’s already listed the tracks that these maximalists have never once performed, but an even more exclusive club is that of the ones they brought out once then immediately scrapped. Below are the four songs Nightwish have only played live on a solitary occasion, according to setlist database setlist.fm.
Moondance (Oceanborn, 1998)
Nightwish’s debut, 1997’s Angels Fall First, was written and recorded with the intention of it being a demo, not a fully fledged studio album. As a result, it’s far more raw, rough and ready than anything else the Finns have ever unfurled. Followup Oceanborn swiftly chartered them down more grandiose avenues, and the instrumental Moondance is indicative of the more heroic sound the band craved: keyboardist Tuomas busts out a bombastic melody as his fellow musicians gallop along.
However, maybe because it would leave Nightwish’s vocalist with nothing to do for a bit, this segue’s only ever made the set once. It was at Club Feeniks in Turku, Finland, on February 13, 1999, performed as part of a broader instrumental suite towards the end of the night.
Sleepwalker (2000)
Oceanborn marked Nightwish’s commercial coming out party. Its lead single, Sacrament Of Wilderness, was the band’s first song to top the Finnish charts, then the album’s cover of Walking In The Air repeated that feat in 1999. Because of such success, the maestros decided to battle for a spot at the 2000 Eurovision Song Contest, hoping to represent their home nation with a newly written piece, Sleepwalker.
Sleepwalker won the public vote when Nightwish made their case on national TV to stand for Finland, but the scores of a judging panel brought them down to third place overall. The bid was disappointingly dashed, meaning that the sole performance of this song was to those stuffy judges in Helsinki on February 12, 2000.
Meadows Of Heaven (Dark Passion Play, 2007)
Nightwish brought the tour for 2007’s Dark Passion Play to an end in poetic fashion. Meadows Of Heaven is the final song on album six (the first to feature Anette Olzen behind the mic), and it ends 75 minutes of cinematic metal in appropriately operatic form. Its live debut was saved for the very last show the band played before retreating into the writing room to dream up Imaginaerum, aptly closing the main set.
Nightwish didn’t return to the stage until 2012, by which point they had 75 more minutes and 13 more songs in their arsenal. Unsurprisingly, then, Meadows Of Heaven became a one-and-done, but it served its role beautifully the one time it did rear its head.
Pan (Human :||: Nature, 2020)
Like many, many other metal bands, Nightwish saw the pandemic through by replacing the touring they should have done for 2020’s Human :||: Nature with a livestream. Actually, strike that: they hosted two. The band played a two-night set, dubbed An Evening With Nightwish In A Virtual World, which marked the debut of numerous songs from the preceding album, including Shoemaker, Tribal and Noise.
The only one that didn’t make it onto real-life stages was Pan. It’s a shame, as not only does the song continue Nightwish’s overblown ways unabated, but it flaunts some pretty gnarly riffs to boot. Sadly, though, the fact remains: this anthem was dispatched following its livestream debut. And, given that Nightwish are currently gearing up to release Human :||: Nature’s successor, it’s unlikely it’ll get its time in the sun.
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fhrlclln · 2 years
eddie munson’s masterlist
༊*·˚ main masterlist
**, nsfw/smut
: ̗̀➛ personal fave
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hellfire club** : ̗̀➛
SUMMARY : mike and dustin are begging for you to play as a stand-in for DnD at their club tonight. you accept, not wanting to watch the championship. yet, who knew arriving early and meeting hellfire’s infamous club president would ensue one hella of a night for you as well, hm?
i’m here
SUMMARY : you’re worried and scared searching for your missing boyfriend, eddie munson.
SUMMARY : you’ve been feeling burnt out lately but eddie has the solution to that. which he totally didn’t expect.
stuck upside-down
SUMMARY : who knew being chased by demo bats, split from nancy and the group, and being almost lost in the upside down would ensue feelings being brought out.
ways to say dipshit
SUMMARY : you’re in a bad relationship with your boyfriend since middle school. wanting something to get your mind in ease you meet with hawkin high’s dealer. which changed your world entirely.
daredevil** : ̗̀➛
SUMMARY : spin the bottle truth or dare was a harmless idea for passing time inside of the hellfire club. but who knew it became much more than a game with eddie munson, hm?
it’s always you
SUMMARY : eddie broke it off with you the moment the big misunderstanding arise. tensions high, emotions completely in the air, the day the news broke out about chrissy’s death lead you to hoping your relationship with him would resolve. just with the upside down coming into play.
skull rock**
SUMMARY : eddie and you have a quiet (not so) moment together in skull rock.
come back to me
SUMMARY : the aftermath of it all.
deep dive
SUMMARY : eddie does not want you to dive in but you couldn’t let that happen.
what happens next**
SUMMARY : after escaping from the upside down in eddie’s trailer, the rest of the gang sleeps in your house after that traumatizing experience. leaving you to ponder in fear and the anxiety regarding what just happened and what could happen next. luckily, eddie’s a good & observant boyfriend.
carved memories
SUMMARY : the sweetest love will always be the sweetest pain.
bottled up
SUMMARY : hellfire’s leader has been ditching them a lot lately. confrontation ensues as well as hidden feeling are brought out and eddie is left to choose in the end.
what’s a what?** pt. 2 : ̗̀➛
SUMMARY : eddie offers to help you ease your innocent curiosity.
you’re already a hero
SUMMARY : eddie leaves you behind to save you all, but you couldn’t let that fucking happen. not on your watch.
steve’s big dream
SUMMARY : steve should’ve kept quiet knowing you and eddie are literally behind him. his fault.
dear diary
SUMMARY : dear, diary. developing a crush on your own best friend is the hardest feeling to suppress in the world especially with eddie munson. xoxo
innocent touches**
SUMMARY : in which eddie and you innocently fool around with each other in the heat of the night.
lust for life**
SUMMARY : you should’ve listened knowing that jock was no good, leaving you hanging the morning after. now here you are, concealing the fact that you still like your bestfriend eddie.
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dracula! eddie**
older! mechanic! eddie** pt. 2 pt. 3
eddie finding out you have a praise kink
eddie munson with bilingual! reader
rockstar! eddie & wife! reader pt. 2
older! mechanic! eddie eating you out while on the phone w/ your parents**
older! mechanic! eddie eyefucking you while eating dinner with your parents
eddie munson x shy! reader mutual pinning + chrissy (my girl) secret wingman
rockstar! eddie x wife! reader him talking about reader in an interview about his sex life
older!mechanic! eddie phone sex**
older! mechanic! eddie where he picks you up from a party
rockstar! eddie x wife! reader buying his first mansion and fucking the reader in every room**
older! mechanic! eddie where he’s insecure about his age and the reader comforts him
older! mechanic! eddie making an excuse to see you before the hook-up
eddie munson x bilingual! reader accidentally using ‘po’ in a sentence + meet-cute
older! mechanic! eddie where reader’s dad reacts to them being together
rockstar! eddie x wife! reader where he gets jealous of his own fans
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The Modern Lovers - Sword in the Stone, Boston, Massachusetts, 1972
People! It's 2024 — and there's still no definitive boxed set collecting the complete works of the original Modern Lovers! This seems like a major oversight ... there are probably an array of dumb business reasons it hasn't happened, but some enterprising reissue label has got to put all the puzzle pieces together in chronological / cleaned up form, telling the story of this still-so-unique and ahead of its time band. The demos, the live recordings, all of it. Paging Numero Group?!
Until then, why not enjoy a new-to-me audience tape of the gang in their hometown of Boston, playing the Sword In The Stone coffeehouse on Charles St. One more stoney night — another killer Modern Lovers recording comes from the Stonehenge club up in Ipswich.
It's a bit unclear what the actual date for the Sword In The Stone gig is, but I'm thinking it's late in the year, after the band went out to west coast to record demos with John Cale (and apparently hang out with Gram Parsons). Prove me wrong! This is the classic quartet — Jonathan Richman, Jerry Harrison, David Robinson and Ernie Brooks — and they sound terrific. Messy, brilliant and beautiful, with Jonathan leading everyone across the astral plane. The only bummer is that the "Plea For Tenderness" here is only a fragment, and the tape ends before the final song, which I'm guessing was an epic jam on "Roadrunner." Otherwise, a sweet trip back to the Old World.
Ernie Brooks: At some of the early shows Jonathan would set up an easel, and he’d place his drawings on it. I don’t know if you’ve seen any of the drawings, but I have a copy of a poster that he drew; it’s of the Modern Lovers—a cartoon of the four of us with a heart flying over the band. It’s got the highway in the background and stuff. And he had this picture of a girl in the suburban town in Massachusetts where she lived and a picture of the hospital she ended up in, and while pointing to the drawings he’d recite the lyrics before he did the song. 
Photo: Jeff Albertson
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headingalaxys-spicy · 4 months
America's Master List
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The First of the new Master Lists for 2024! It still needs to have all of the newest works but some of them are on here already! Thanks for reading! There are so many of there crazy things their might be multiple for America XD jebus. But this is for you, like me, Alfred F. Jones simps, who need their content.
America and England with an S/O (Human AU)
Cardverse Senario
Cardverse Scenario: White Queen Taken from a Different Kingdom
Yandere America Cardverse
Yandere Demon America Headcannons
Demon Games: America
Spicy Yandere! Demon America  
Yandere Demon America w/Strong Escapee S/O 
Yandere Demon America with a Priestess S/O 
Yandere Demon America w/ a Yandere S/O 
Demon America w/ S/O that won his Bloody Money Game 
Demon America w/ Jealous S/O  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins pt.2 (Spicy) 
Yandere Demon America w/ S/O who has awful parents  
Yandere Demon America w/ Demon Princess  
Yandere America x Reader (That has traits similar to Francis)  X Yandere France 
Yandere America with a Metal Head Darling with a Guitar
Yandere Mob Boss America 
Yandere Spain, Germany, America, North and South Italy with a wife who just found out that they're a mob boss
Yandere Demon America, England, Russia w/Ghost Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Smart human 
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere Demoness S/O that captures him  
Yandere Demon America w/ Ancient Monster Darling 
Yandere Demon America w/ Angel Darling  
Birthday Drabble Demon America Club 27  
Yandere Demon America w/Dark Witch Darling 
Yandere Demon America: Family life with S/O
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Canada that love the same S/O 
Yandere Demon America & Russia w/ Supernatural Hunter Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Witch Darling pt.2  
Yandere Demon America x Right Hand Demon Darling  
Yandere America X Male Reader X Russia Captive  
Yandere Demon America x Dumbass reader 
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
Yandere Demon America x Dark Witch Darling p.3  
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Russia  
Yandere Demon America with Chaos Lord p.2
Yandere Demon Germany & Russia with a Chaos lord 
(I'm sure you're tired as hell from seeing the word 'Yandere' aren't you? America vs Russia as demons 
Yandere Demon America X Doomguy reader 
Yandere Demon America with a Succubus reader 
Yandere Demon America x Chaos Lord 
Yandere Demon America with an escapee human 
Demon America w/ Pervy Sage like S/O  
Yandere Demon America with a Heathen Goddess darling 
Yandere demon America with a Nephilim Darling 
Yandere Demon America and Japan with an Oni darling 
Demon King America with an experimental dragon darling 
Yandere America with Platonic Yandere Demonness 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader : Someone tries to assassinate you 
Yandere Demon America with a Half Human / Half Demon Darling 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right-Hand Woman p.2 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right Hand Woman P.3
Demon America with a Fem! S/O and a box of Chocolate
Yandere! Angel America & Germany in Luv with a demon 
America X Reader X Britain p.1  
America x Reader X Britain p.2 
America X Reader X Britain p.3 America Ending 
America x Reader X Britain p.4 England Ending  
Epilogue w/America  
Yandere Alpha 2p! America Headcannons 
Yandere America rejecting his Omega S/O only to realize that he misses them
What dog breeds that the Allies and the Axis are in the Omegaverse
Omega America Headcannons 
Yandere Alpha America and Germany w/ a darling that committed suicide 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling p.2
Omega America tormenting his darling 
Differences between Yandere Alpha America and Yandere Omega America
The Emperor for Evil America 
The Sun, The Devil, Temperance, & Tower America, France, Romano, Spain, & Russia 
The World and High Priestess with the Allies 
Justice and the Devil 2p America
Club-27 pt. 2
The Longer Series (Or Lore within the stuff I write) I'm trying to work on: The Golden Nightingale, Peacekeepers (Omegaverse) and possibly Mating Season (Demon AU however that's likely to be more headcanons than storytelling)
Golden Nightingale Intro
Chapter 1: Tourmaline Daydream
Chapter 2: The Chaos
Mating Season
Yandere Demon Kings Lands 
Just more ramblings about how the Omegaverse AU is written 
Explanations on how you’re categorized in the Omegaverse 
Omega America on suppressants 
When two Alpha’s fight over an Omega 
How the capturing process works in the Omegaverse 
The successful Omega Rebellion hypothetical
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