#yandere jade leech x you
New Homes | Platonic Yandere Tweels x Child Reader
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“From today on (Y/n), you’ll be hanging out with the Leech family so please…be on your best behavior.” 
Your father was always a little timid. Always speaking with a little quake in his voice. His eyes were always wide darting around. His softer hands like to shake as well. Always wavering even when he held you tight. 
Your father is timid. which is why he warns you when he leaves you with the Leech family. Babysitters always make him nervous. It must be because there are two this time—two babysitters with lopsided haircuts and smiles filled with sharp daggers for teeth. 
“Hello little (Y/n), we’ll be sure to take good care of you.”
“Oi (Y/n), you a swimmer?”
The twins were nice…for teenagers. Other teenagers you knew would sooner shove your head underwater than help you tread it. Other teenagers also didn’t jump at the chance to fight people but that was other teenagers. Not the Leech twins. 
“(Y/n), I told you not to look at Floyd when he’s doing that.”
“But that guy is still holding onto our ice cream.”
“We’ll have some at home. Don’t point at him it’s rude.”
Jade is the twin with his bang on the left side of his face. He’s proper and polite, always doing his best to keep you on schedule. Helping you with your homework when he notices you’re struggling or reading to you when it's time to sleep. 
“Let me blow your nose.”
“Mmm okay.” 
“Good job. Are you ready to go over the edible mushrooms again?”
“Mm okay.”
Floyd is the twin with a yellow left eye and a pitchy voice. He’s loud and silly, always doing fun things that make the day exciting like running in the halls of the manor or playing tickle-monsters when you’ve been working too long.
“I just have to finish these sheets and then I can play!”
“Boooriing!  Let’s just play now!”
“B-but Jade said–”
“Jade can make you catch up later! Let’s get our water guns!”
They were always so much fun to be around, even work wasn’t so bad with them around. They made a place for you in their giant home. Giving you a room as big as your living room back home, which you slowly filled with the larger souvenirs from your days together.
Speaking of home, it was becoming harder to recall. Trying to remember when you thought of your home if the bathroom was to the left of your room or your father’s. It was an odd feeling that sat at the back of your mind when you looked at the glow-in-the-dark ceiling art. Consciousness fading in and out it didn’t stop your brain from planting the seed of curiosity.
“Why…am I at their house so much?”
Usually, the answer would have been simple. Your father worked late so you had babysitters. But you didn’t go to their house usually. They also didn’t feed or play with you as long as they did but that was beside the point. 
“(Y/n), you’re playing with your food.”
“Oh sorry Missus Leech.”
You made quick work of the beans on your plate, enthusiastically scarfing down what you could. It didn’t feel right to disappoint Missus Leech, while she never once yelled; there was just this feeling about her. One that called for respect. 
“Take your time, (Y/n). I was only worried you’d drift off to sea.”
Looking up at her, tilted your head in confusion.
She let out a giggle. The adult kind that made you feel embarrassed. Looking at Jade, he had an amused smile too, “She means your mind, (Y/n).”
“Oh, I guess a little.”
“What’ya thinkin’ about elver?”
Floyd spoke between bites of food, reminding you to do the same. 
“I just think I miss my home a little bit.”
Taking another hefty bite you missed the disdain on someone’s face. A purposeful cough brought your attention up to the patriarch at the head of the table.
“How are those new shoes we bought together?”
Lighting up at the memory of your new shoes, you barely finished chewing. 
“So cool! Everyone at school thought they were nice too! And I got so many compliments.”
The older man laughed, nodding his head. “Good. Good. Maybe we should go shopping again soon.”
Dinner went on like usual with dessert ending your time at the dinner table. Letting Jade and Floyd lead you to your bathroom to begin your nightly routine. You fought off the urge to yawn while Jade helped you brush your teeth, failing when he told you to spit. 
“It’s always nice when Mama and Papa come back from trips.” 
Floyd spoke with his back lying on the giant bed, filled with stuffed animals and pillows. He was tossing your clowned fish stuffy in the air catching it with ease. 
Jade still smiling continued buttoning up your pajamas, “Yes, it seems like the trip went well.” 
He looked at you, reminding you to follow him to your bed. “What about you (Y/n)? Did you miss them?”
Your eyelids were feeling heavy. You rubbed them to try to wipe the feeling away.
“Uh yeah.”
Helping Jade shuffle your stuffies around to make a place for you a knock at the door was heard. Floyd must have opened it because by the time you turned Missus Leech was there.
Rubbing at Floyd’s head she waved to you and Jade.
“Hi there! I was wondering if I could join you for bedtime?”
You couldn’t tell if The question was for you but if it was Jade answered anyway.
“Of course, Mother. We were just about to read their bedtime story.”
Tucked in next to Missus Leech you let yourself lean against her as she flipped through the pages of the book. Letting her words soothe your mind with the familiar words. Jade and Floyd were close by too making you comfy enough to go to sleep.
When the story was done, everyone gave you goodnight kisses before heading for the door. With the last of your energy, you remembered something important.
“Floyd, are you picking me up tomorrow or Daddy?”
The teenager was squeezing the fleshy cylinder shape with an intensity strong enough to bend metal. The crunching and squelching of a man’s neck barely brought comfort to Jade as he continued to squeeze his hands.
“There there Jade, these things take time. It was optimistic that they’d forget by now.”
Unfortunately, the words of his father didn’t calm him down. He headed over to his next target, this time allowing them to throw a punch. Dodging the punch he cradled their hand, maneuvering his arm around until it snapped in the opposite direction. The screaming that followed would have curdled blood for most but it was a lesser result to Jade. Who ended it quickly with a firm kick sent backward and into the skull. The crunch that followed and the abrupt cut to the scream allowed the Leech twin to breathe. 
“I knew they wouldn’t forget. Despite all the work we’ve done. But they still expect him to come.”
His father stepped forward, avoiding the bodies to place a comforting hand on Jade’s shoulder.
“Perhaps he still does…to them.”
Jade’s eyes widened, the implication bringing a stark realization. He turned to his father, his yellow gaze answering the unspoken question. 
To think that with all the work he was saddled with, the sniper still hadn’t abandoned his child. The likelihood was slim but possible. There were quite a few blind spots when it came to the school. Jade had previously ignored them because of the promised security of their contract with the one who wanted him dead. But it seems that wasn’t all they needed to worry about.
“Do you think he plans to take them again?”
“I’d hope not,” entering the warehouse was Fiona Leech having traded out her evening dress for a jumpsuit and shoving a receiver of a baby monitor in her pocket, “our little elver is just about to be settled. It’d be cruel to try moving them again..”
“I don’t think he cares at this point,” Jasper Leech suggested. Pulling out a revolver, he casually aimed and shot the two people tied in the back of the warehouse. He continued, “I hear he’s been getting sloppy with the jobs that one has so graciously allowed him to fix.” 
Jade balanced himself wiping his shoe clean with a rag, chiming in himself. 
“Now he’s trying to go back on his word. Absolute scum.”
“I’d hate for us to pull them out of school, more change is not what that kid needs.”
“I wouldn’t mind limiting my club activities to partake in homeschooling.”
His mother held his face patting his head fondly as she cooed,” You’re a good boy Jade but you have your new job and all those plans I wouldn’t want you to give that up.”
Jasper sighed, scratching the well-groomed stache on his face. “Guess that means we’re ending our contracts early.”
“Seems so…..Now Jade go on get to bed you have school in the morning.”
“Yes, Mama.”
The shade was nice on sunny days. The coolness that came with the blackened space near the fence was like heaven. The spot was farther away from the plastic playground and the other children running all throughout. Minutes ago, you were just like them running wildly at a more loose game of sharks and minnows. 
Past the wood-chipped ground was the back of the school building where the teachers were chatting. Disappearing between the rectangular windows, their attention was on something inside. Distracted enough not to scold you for stepping away from the others. The triumph of your expert timing was the true prize. Relishing in the leaves of the trapezoid-shaped bushes pushing through the fence. Crunchy, tickling, and overgrown the feeling against your back was a minor trait of this sacred place. 
There was also the oddly pressing poke of something warm coming through the hole of the fences. Turning to confirm your suspicions, you smiled.
“Hi, Papa.”
“Hello, my Starlight!”
Turning around to mirror his position you laid on your tummy to look him in the eye. His tactical glasses were off and his hair had changed. His longer hair was gone, traded out for a faded cut. Different but still your father. You let his larger gruffer fingers hold your own through the fence, his hands for once not shaking. 
“Can I tell you all about my adventures?”
“Of course.”
He let you rant, smiling and nodding all along to all your different adventures. You even took off your shoes and showed him the flickering lights in its soles. He waited until you were out of breath before asking the question again.
“Would you like to come with Papa, this time?”
You hesitated kicking your feet against the wooden chips of the playground. 
“Are we going back to our home?”
Tilting your head,” Then are we going to the Jade and Floyd’s?”
The names made him shudder as he hurriedly shook his head. 
“W-we’re going someplace new….”
“Where are we going?”
He rubbed at his eyebrows. He was getting annoyed. But you knew you had to ask otherwise you’d be brought somewhere you hated. Like that one time.
“(Y/n) you’re curiosity is great but—”
“Does where we’re going have a bed? Does it have a kitchen? Are we going to be only eating the gas place’s sandwiches?”
He scrunched his hands into his hair, grasping for his non-existent flowing hair. His lips were quivering and his eyes were watering. It made you nervous, sitting up from your tummy and on your knees. You sent a look over your shoulder at the window–the teachers were still occupied. Looking down at your father, you silently sighed as you got into character.
“Hirano wherever you're taking that little Starlight, it better be the best place for a kid. Those Leech’s are makin’ sure they're on time at school, they're well-fed, and I haven’t gotten a call from protective services for a good while.”
“I know! I know Mama but they won’t let me leave. I screwed up! I screwed up really bad! If I don’t do another job for that guy, he’s going to have my head! B-but I want to go back to normal! I want to spend my days helping (Y/n) with homework and coming home and watching those silly cartoons with my Starlight–”
Your heart was aching and your eyes were getting watery. You waved a hand at your eyes and cleared your throat sticking your hand through the hole to hold his. 
“Y-you’ve got to get your ducks in order before you take your Starlight back–”
“But Mom!”
“Don’t but me…Starlight is safe. You’ve got to make sure you are too before you take them back.”
“But the debt I owe…it’s so big and their patience is thin. I don’t know if I’ll be able to come back….”
Taking a deep breath, you went back to your original position on your tummy. 
“Papa, I’m always going to be here. Safe and waiting for you. So you can go on your work trip I don’t mind.”
He smiled at that reaching through the gate to affectionately bop you on your nose. 
“That’s right…I’m just on a work trip. I’ll be back before you even notice. I’m gone!”
He began to scooch away but you stopped him calling for him to come back to the fence. You kissed his forehead and he kissed yours.
“I’ll….see you when you got back Papa….”
“Yup! You know it! If you need anything just ask your grandma, okay?”
Like that, he disappeared. 
You were left to stare at the disfigured leaves and dying branches. Burning the memory of his face into your mind.
“(Y/n)! Your brother’s here to pick you up.”
It took you a minute before you stood up again. Frantically wiping at the water streaming from your eyes, you waited until your throat was no longer croaky to finally respond.
It was all a blur, saying goodbye to your friends and packing your backpack. The memories of the sweet older lady you used to spend so much time with. She taught you how to help your father, explaining the work he was in. It made your head hurt. Thinking about it now, you can say that’s why you stay at the Leech’s house so much.
“Ready to go little elver?”
“Yeah,” you stuck your hands up while he brought you up higher supporting you with his arms. You didn’t want to but you let your gaze fall on the disfigured spot in the bushes behind the playground fence. 
Floyd glared at the spot.
“What’s over there, (Y/n)?”
Visualizing him one last time. You’re glad you could say goodbye. Curling your head into his uniform’s collar, you blinked your extra tears away. 
“Nothing anymore…let’s go home, please.”
You missed the smile on Floyd’s face, laughing to himself as he made his way to the family car. 
“As always, little elvie!”
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dystopyx-blog · 2 months
yandere jade leech x reader
You can't believe you actually won that bet against Jade. But you did. And now here he was, in your room, cleaning up your stuff, and, best of all, dressed in a maid costume. It was priceless.
Jade managed to maintain the perfect facade of indifference, and you applauded him for keeping it together. You could only imagine how someone like Leona would grumble over this.
What you didn't realize is that Jade had no issue hiding his displeasure, because he wasn't displeased at all.
He won.
He was in your room, rifling through your things, all while you admired him because of that cutesy little maid dress he let you put him in.
he's so glad he let you win that bet :)
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temiizpalace · 27 days
hi!! requesting for the fight for the prefect's love event,,,, can i have leona and jade with prompt 8, with the reader choosing leona in the end? thank you!!!!
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CHARACTERS: jade leech vs. leona kingscholar
WARNINGS: determined end couple, jealousy, jade leech is jade leech and leona kingscholar is leona kingscholar
NOTES: jade and leona beefing more often would be so funny in canon tbh. tysm for your request!
reader is g/n, reader is not specified to be yuu
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jade was delighted to receive such a peculiar piece of jewelry, especially one of pearls.
“like it? i saw it at sam’s and couldn’t resist.” you laugh, flashing him a grin before showing him the matching pearls on your wrists. “now we match.” his features softened at your enthusiasm, heart nearly melting at your smile. “indeed we do. the pearls are exquisite, i will cherish these.” jade smiles back, returning your excitement with his own, though a little more toned down.
you were practically illuminated by the purple lights shining down in octavinelle, enhancing your already enchanting appearance. the pearls on your wrist shimmer just as brightly as you did. such a shame they clashed with a leather bracelet on your right hand, and a lion beastman sitting in your booth.
“gotta thank leona for being able to help me pay! otherwise i could forget about it.” you chuckle, patting leona’s shoulder as he sips on his drink. “only cause ya practically begged for it.” he retorts, looking away from you. “is that so? your kindness is much appreciated, leona.” jade chuckles, maintaining his polite demeanor. though he acted oh so kind and understanding, his smile fails to meet his cold glare.
it was as obvious as black and white to jade. the way leona speaks with you, acts with you, acts with others around you, it was as plain as day. leona kingscholar was in love with you, and jade couldn’t stand the thought of it. he knew sweeping you off your feet would be a difficult task due to the fact that a beastman of all things already laid their claim onto you, but he was a stubborn man. leona’s courting rituals didn’t faze him, not in the least.
he’ll get you in the end, one way or another. jade is a very patient man.
“if that’ll be all, then i shall be off now. [MC], i hope to see you on campus. leona, please enjoy your evening.” jade slips the bracelet onto his wrists, admiring its beauty before clearing his throat and returning to work, giving you and leona a quick bow before walking off. before he left your side, he gave you a faint poke to the cheek before attending to the neighboring tables.
leona, while lazy, was also observant. he saw how jade looks at you all goo-goo eyed. disgusting. it’s like his obvious signs meant nothing to him (it didn’t). he stares at the pearls illuminating your wrists, not bothering to hide his obvious jealousy. before buying these stupid pearls, he was the one you matched with. your excitement was reared towards someone else, and he does not like it.
if anyone were to be the reason of your happiness, it should be him and his lovely leather bracelets. watching as you fidget with the bracelets on your wrists, leona leans his head onto your shoulder, shutting his eyes as he set down his now empty cup. “oh? what’s up with you?” you laugh, caressing his chin. “nothin.” he scoffs, leaning into your touch further.
“stop, you and i both know you’re lying.” you pinch leona’s cheek instead, earning scowl and a groan from the boy next to you. “quit it.” he grumbles, swatting your hand away from his face. “softie. it’s ok, you dont gotta hide it from me.” you tease, a hint of truth and sincerity hidden in your words. “tch. whatever.” he sighs, nuzzling into your neck.
“yeah, yeah, i knew it.” you grin, patting his shoulder. this is what leona wanted. having you, all your attention, just to himself. a scene almost too romantic for a certain eels own taste. jade nearly cracks the plate he held in his hands, scaring the nearby customers he just happened to serve.
“hey, jade, what’s got yer panties in a twist?” floyd asks, draping himself over his brother. “ah, it was nothing. just a simple thought was all.” he showed his brother a toothy grin, staring down at his wrist as a reminder to remain calm. he glances back at the table where you sat, seeing as leona now rested himself on your lap. he was supposedly asleep, but jade knew better.
leona opened one eye to glare at jade, a smirk tugging at his lips as your hand ran through his hair. the hand with the pearls brushed through each of the boys braids, nearly contaminating its beauty. “jade, you’re like totally overflowing that dudes glass.” floyd giggles, watching as the water dripped onto the poor customers lap.
the customer was the least of his worries, but he’s a refined gentlemen, tending to everyone’s needs. leona sticks his tongue out as jade walks by, knowing that he lost. you chose him. the eel was far too late.
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A/N: rip jade and his loving fantasies (not some of my best work im sorry if this disappoints)💔💔
date published: 8/25/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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kanatajelly · 11 months
birthday gift
yandere!jade leech x reader x yandere!floyd leech
author's note: it's a little late, but i wrote this for jade and floyd's birthday! i was originally gonna write something fluffier for their birthday, but then i came up with this idea and just had to write it ehe. hope you guys enjoy it~
warnings: general yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, obsessive and possessive behaviour, forced isolation, implied forced marriage, power imbalance, dehumanization/objectification (reader is referred to as a gift), non-consensual touching/kissing, biting, some mentions of blood, suggestive themes, implied non-con, reader is essentially sold to the leech twins, honestly jade and floyd are their own warnings
word count: 5582
One thing to remember about the Leech family’s two children was that, despite being twins, they had significant differences; the most obvious of which being how Jade’s polite and reserved demeanour starkly contrasted with Floyd’s brash and outspoken nature. However, another important thing to highlight was that they never wanted the same thing on their birthdays.
You often questioned why this was something you needed to remember, but your questions were always answered whenever you saw how skittish and desperate your parents were whenever the date of the Leech twins’ birthday approached. Due to owing quite the large debt to Mr. Leech, your parents always felt that they had to do everything possible to get on the family’s good side, including buying birthday gifts that catered to the twins’ differing tastes. And that was pretty difficult when they never wanted the same things. You wished they weren’t so fickle.
For several years now, your parents would enlist your help in choosing birthday gifts for the two menaces. You’re the same age as them, so you’d be able to pick out things they would like better than us, is what they would always say to you. You hated it; half because you really wished your parents wouldn’t have to live the rest of their lives in fear of upsetting the Leech family, and half because you were incredibly uncomfortable around Jade and Floyd.
Ever since you’d first had the displeasure of becoming acquainted with the Leech twins, they seemed to have taken an interest in you. During every single one of the events that your family was invited to, they were always hovering around you in some way. You didn’t know who you hated more: Jade, who always seemed to have an eye on you regardless of if you could see him or not; or Floyd, who always insisted on touching you in some way whenever you were within his line of sight. Actually, speaking of those aforementioned events, you had begun to suspect that your family had only been invited to many of those because of you.
During the past few weeks, your parents hadn’t been rushing about to try and find something to buy for the twins, despite it almost being their birthday. However, you had noticed that they seemed almost awkward around you, rarely looking you in the eye and avoiding you as much as possible. It saddened you, as you had always been very close with your parents. They were all you had, even more so since you’d lost most of your friends due to their unwillingness to associate with the Leech twins. That being said, you didn’t want to give them anything more to stress about, so you kept your mouth shut and didn’t confront them about the issue, no matter how much you wanted to.
It was the day before the twins’ birthday party that your parents sat you down on your house’s sofa to talk to you. Their fearful and somewhat guilty expressions only added to your overall feeling that something was terribly, terribly wrong. “We know that this might be difficult for you to accept…” said your mother in the smallest voice you’d ever heard her use, “But… Mr. Leech has informed us that Jade and Floyd have requested something specific from us for their birthday this year.” Furrowing your eyebrows, you replied, “Something specific? Don’t tell me it’s something expensive. I swear, those two are so…” You stopped yourself before you could say more. Your father gave you a stern look.
“It’s actually quite the opposite,” your mother continued, her voice wavering. She looked like she was about to start crying. Seeing that his wife was having a hard time, your father picked up where she’d left off, “Mr. Leech has offered to overlook our family’s debt to him if we provide his sons with what they have requested.” Instantly, your face brightened. “Then what are we waiting for?! No matter how ridiculous it is, we should find it! If we can get rid of our debt, then we’ll be free,” you exclaimed happily. However, your face fell as soon as you saw that your parents’ expressions hadn’t changed - rather, they had become even more somber.
Your mother began to quietly sob now, clutching onto her husband’s arm for support. Your father put an arm around her shoulders gently, then turned back to you and revealed, “Although it is true that getting rid of our debt is a good thing, there is… another problem. This is because… the birthday gift requested by Jade and Floyd this year is… you.” 
Suddenly, you felt like time stopped around you. You couldn’t hear the sound of your parents’ sobs, nor the ticking of the clock hanging on the living room wall. All you could hear was your own heartbeat, gradually picking up in speed and volume. “...What?” you whispered, your voice almost inaudible. That was impossible. In the first place, the twins never wanted the same thing for their birthday - but your father had specifically said that this request was from both of them. And besides, was it really possible to request for a human being as a birthday gift? That was morally wrong on so many levels… but that being said, since when had the Leech family cared about morals? You were sure that they’d done even more morally dubious things in the past, so perhaps the ethics of this situation was something you shouldn’t have even been considering.
Once you had calmed down enough to be able to reply, you questioned in a shaky voice, “...And if I refuse?” Your father’s pained expression told you everything you needed to know. There was clearly some sort of consequence set out for your parents if they couldn’t fulfill the Leech twins’ request. Besides, even if it was to get rid of their debt, you were pretty sure that your parents wouldn’t agree to sell you off if there wasn’t some sort of punishment for not doing it. They loved you. It just so happened that the price for refusing this demand that had been thinly veiled as a “request” was too steep - steeper than giving up their only child to a pair of horrible people.
You were scared, terrified, of what would happen if you accepted and walked right into Jade and Floyd’s arms; but at the same time, you didn’t want anything to happen to your beloved parents.
And the latter sentiment outweighed the former.
You forced a bright smile onto your face and embraced your parents, patting their backs in a way that you hoped was reassuring. “It’ll be alright! Jade and Floyd clearly like me more than most people, so they surely won’t do anything too bad to me. And I won’t be gone forever! I’ll still visit whenever I can, and you’ll get to see me at those dinner parties we always go to… Don’t worry. I can manage this,” you told your parents, putting all of your effort into keeping up the confident tone you had taken on despite your fear. Your parents scrutinized your beaming expression for a moment, before they attempted to mirror the smile, albeit a little shakily. Your mother whispered, “Yes… You’re right. I’m sure everything will be fine.”
So that conversation was what led you to this way-too-fancy room the next day, where a handful of maids forced you into a way-too-fancy outfit (after thoroughly bathing you, much to your discomfort) and made you put on some way-too-fancy makeup and accessories in preparation for the party. It honestly felt more like you were going to a wedding than to a birthday party. The idea made you sick to your stomach.
The party venue was lavishly decorated. You would have called it nice if it wasn’t for the situation you were currently in. This year, the birthday party was taking place on land, at one of the many buildings owned by the Leech family. You remembered the first time you had been forced to go to Jade and Floyd’s birthday party - that year, it had taken place under the sea. Seeing the Coral Sea had been incredibly awe-inspiring, despite how much of a hassle it had been to acquire the items needed to go underwater. You found yourself hoping that this year’s party would have been under the sea as well. That way, maybe it would have been easier to distract yourself from your impending doom.
…Was that a bit too dramatic of a description? Maybe. But you found it fitting either way.
You were made to sit in a room by yourself for quite a while as the party started outside. Eventually, someone would come in to get you and bring you to Jade and Floyd. You just had to wait until then. To be honest, you wished that they hadn’t left you by yourself for an extended period of time. It only made you think about everything more, increasing the intensity of the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. There were many worrying implications about being given to the Leech twins as a birthday gift, none of which you wanted to think about for too long. But all you could do right now was think.
Finally, the door opened. Your head shot up towards the direction of the sound, and you met eyes with a pair of heterochromatic ones. “My, my. Were you waiting for me? It’s quite lovely to know that you were looking forward to this as much as I was,” said the person who entered the room, hiding a toothy smile behind one of his gloved hands. It was Jade who had entered, which surprised you, as you had been expecting one of the maids from before to be the one to fetch you. Before replying, you couldn’t help but scan your eyes over his form. He was wearing an elegant suit that really looked good on him. You hated to admit it, but he was quite attractive.
“Like what you see?” Jade asked in a teasing tone, finally revealing his sharp smirk, “Heh. I must say, you look absolutely wonderful in that outfit of yours. I see that I picked well.” Stunned, you mumbled, “...You picked this outfit?” He nodded, then closed the gap between you and him in a few smooth strides. Offering you his arm, he suggested, “Well then, shall we get going? Floyd is also quite excited to see you. We shouldn’t make him wait.” Your eyes darted between Jade’s outstretched arm and his own eyes. There was a certain glint in them, almost as if he was daring you to defy him. Deciding that it would be best to go along with the situation for now - more for your parents’ sake than yours - you swallowed your refusal and gingerly linked your arm with his. He gave you a pleased smile, then began to lead you out of the room.
The room you had been in connected directly to the party venue, which you had also passed through earlier to get to said room. Most of the party guests were busy talking amongst themselves, so not many noticed your arrival to the venue. You spotted Mr. and Mrs. Leech in the far corner of the room, talking with a silver-haired lady who you remembered seeing at a few of the other events you’d been to previously. However, you couldn’t find your parents anywhere. Where were they?
Suddenly, your thoughts were cut short by someone tackling you in a strong hug. “Shrimpy! Theeeere you are~” exclaimed the person that was currently squeezing the life out of you. You didn’t need to see his face to know that this was Floyd. He was the only one who called you by that ridiculous nickname (sure, you might have looked small next to the twins, but you weren’t that short) and gave you bone-crushing hugs like this one. Once he had gotten his fill of hugging you for now, Floyd pulled away and grinned widely at you. However, despite the fact that he had stopped hugging you, he still kept an arm around your waist. You wished he wouldn’t.
Jade came to stand on your other side, placing a palm on your shoulder. You really didn’t like the close proximity that both twins had to you, but you refrained from saying anything in fear of making them upset. Leaning down, Jade whispered, “Don’t you have anything you want to say to us, darling?” While he spoke, you could feel his breath on your ear, making you shiver. He moved his body so he was facing you, and Floyd went to his side, the both of them smiling down at you eerily. You took a moment to think about what it was they wanted you to say, and eventually, you settled on saying, “Um… H-Happy birthday.” 
The twins’ expressions told you that you had indeed said the right thing, which made you relax slightly. However, you tensed up again when Floyd grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the two of them, allowing both of them to wrap their arms around you in an embrace. At first, you didn’t hug back, but as soon as you felt one of them squeeze your hip painfully (likely Floyd), you hastily reciprocated, wrapping one arm around each twin. 
The hug lasted for much longer than you wanted it to. Eventually, Jade pulled away, giving you a closed-eyed smile. However, Floyd stayed as he was, latched onto your side. All of a sudden, you felt something brush against your cheek, and then you noticed all at once just how close Floyd’s face was to yours. Your eyes widened, and you froze. However, before Floyd could do anything, Jade cleared his throat and reminded, “Floyd. Please save that for later. We should take them to see Father and Mother now.” Floyd whined annoyedly, but listened to his brother and moved away from you, instead slinging an arm around your shoulders. “Aight, let’s go then,” he responded, “I wanna get this stupid party over with so we can get to the real fun.” The implications of his words, as well as the sleazy grin he gave you after he finished his sentence, made you want to disappear then and there.
The Leech twins guided you over to where their parents were. Mr. and Mrs. Leech were still where you’d seen them, along with that silver-haired lady and a young man that looked a lot like her. You assumed that was her son, who you’d seen around the twins quite a few times. Your arrival made the attention of all four people turn to you. Mrs. Leech was the first to greet the three of you, giving both of her sons a quick hug before outstretching her arms towards you and saying, “It’s so nice to see you again! You look adorable in that outfit, sweetheart. It seems my Jade really does know your clothing taste.” 
Although you didn’t want to accept her hug, something told you that refusing it would be bad, so you forced a smile onto your face and approached Mrs. Leech. After your short embrace, you replied to her, “It’s nice to see you too, Mrs. Leech. I was very, um… e-excited to come to the party today.” She beamed at you and clapped her hands happily, exclaiming, “Oh, I’m sure you were! Also, sweetheart, there’s no need for the formalities. You can just call me mother.” 
A cold sweat ran down your back as you heard her final sentence. You opened your mouth to retort, but you were cut off by the silver-haired lady, who said, “Ah, so this is the person who Jade and Floyd are so interested in. It’s nice to meet you! You may call me Ms. Ashengrotto. My son is good friends with Jade and Floyd.” You nodded politely to Ms. Ashengrotto, desperately trying to keep the smile on your face. Then, your eyes wandered to the young man next to her, who gave you a smile as fake as your own and greeted, “My name is Azul Ashengrotto. I’ve been friends with Jade and Floyd since childhood. It’s delightful that they’ve found a suitable partner for themselves, truly.” 
As Jade turned to Azul and addressed him in a hushed whisper, you were approached by Mr. Leech, who extended a hand to you for a handshake. You accepted, saying, “H-Hello, Mr. Leech… How are you?” Mr. Leech had always been a stern and quiet man for as long as you’d known him, so you were surprised when he cracked a small smile and replied, “Good. Yourself?” You answered that you were also good, despite that being a total lie, and then proceeded to engage in small talk with the Leeches and Ms. Ashengrotto. Floyd kept an arm around your shoulders the entire time, but was oddly quiet. At some point, Jade and Azul also joined the conversation, but you couldn’t focus much on the content of it, simply autopiloting through it and trying your best to ignore your ever-mounting discomfort.
You spent a few more hours at the party, being paraded around like some sort of pet as Jade and Floyd introduced you - although you’d rather describe it as them showing you off - to the guests at the party. The guest list included many of Mr. Leech’s associates, as well as some people who had attended high school with Jade and Floyd. As pleasant as those people were (you especially liked the one who introduced himself as Kalim Al-Asim; he seemed like a very sweet person), the twins barely allowed you to talk to anyone for more than a minute at a time. 
Of course, Jade and Floyd themselves and their parents were exempt to this rule - as was Azul and his mother, though Floyd would show signs of getting annoyed whenever you spent too long looking at Azul specifically. You hated the way he would roughly squeeze at parts of your body and mumble to you in a scary voice whenever he was displeased. However, you also hated the scrutinizing way Jade looked at you the entire duration of the party, as if he was picking each of your interactions apart piece by piece to find something to punish you for later. 
During the party, you kept searching for any sign of your parents, but had no luck finding them. At some point, you asked Jade of their whereabouts, but he only shushed you and told you not to worry about it. You had been so close to blowing up at him in the middle of the venue; and you were convinced that he wanted you to, judging by the glint in his eyes and the upwards curve of his lips whenever you showed signs of reaching your limit of patience. This only further encouraged you to keep your calm, as you had a feeling that letting your guard down would only be playing into some sort of devious trap that Jade had quietly set out for you.
Eventually, the party came to an end, and you could safely say that the only thing you liked about it was the food, especially the cake. Floyd was very pleased when you expressed that you liked the cake, and attempted to force-feed you copious amounts of it until Mrs. Leech stepped in and advised him that maybe he should not be doing that. You had expected Jade to have been the one to step in, but he had simply watched with a grin. Perhaps he had also wanted to force-feed you the cake, who knows. It was impossible to read him.
After the party was over, you were led by the twins to an expensive-looking car that had been parked in a specially reserved place in the garage. The car was apparently Jade’s, as he was the one who began to drive the two of you and Floyd to some other location. Floyd was sitting next to you in the backseat of the car and was in a positively giddy mood, acting no different from a child whose parents had agreed to buy him his favourite toy. 
“Uh… So, where are we going?” you asked, finally breaking the silence that had previously only been filled by the soft jazz music playing in Jade’s car. “Home,” answered Jade simply, not taking his eyes off of the road. Furrowing your eyebrows, you questioned, “What do you mean by that? Are you driving me back home, or…” Jade chuckled amusedly, but Floyd was the one who replied, “Don’tcha get it yet, Shrimpy? You’re ours now. Your old home isn’t your home anymore! Your new home’s with us, ehe~” 
You felt tears spring to your eyes, but furiously willed them not to fall while digging your nails into your palm. You absolutely could not allow yourself to show any weakness in front of these two. They would just eat it up and use it against you later down the line. Suddenly, you felt something touch your thigh, making you jump. It was Floyd, who had splayed his palm across the upper part of your leg. He looked at you with a razor-sharp grin, drawling, “Aww, is lil’ Shrimpy gonna cry~? Thaaat’s okay! You can cry with us. You’re safe.” 
Floyd’s words finally caused the metaphorical dam holding back your emotions to collapse. You shoved his hand off of your thigh and screamed, “Safe? Safe?! How could you possibly suggest that I’m safe?! I should be at home, with my parents, doing whatever the fuck I want with my life… instead of in a car with two monsters who have no regard for my feelings! Why did you two even want me anyway?! I should be worth nothing to you, so… Give me back my life!”
Through your outburst, you hadn’t even noticed that the car had stopped and the three of you had arrived at your destination. As you sobbed and sobbed, angrily pushing away any attempt Floyd made to touch you again, Jade’s smooth voice cut through the air, “Please stop being unreasonable. We have arrived, so exit the car and follow us to your new home.” Clutching at your chest, you yelled, “NO!” Floyd frowned and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by his twin, “Floyd, can you go and unlock the door? I’ll deal with them.” Begrudgingly, Floyd complied and got out of the car, leaving the scene.
You continued to cry in the backseat as Jade exited the driver’s seat and walked over to the back door of the car, opening it and reaching in for you. You flinched away and reflexively swung your arms outwards, hitting him in the chin. He showed no reaction to your punch and leaned towards you, undoing your seatbelt and picking you up with ease. Although you struggled as much as you could, you were no match for Jade’s strength, and he was able to carry you inside the building you had arrived at with little to no trouble.
A few moments later, Jade set you down on a soft surface, and it was then that you finally opened your eyes to observe your surroundings. You seemed to be sitting on a sofa in a very fancily furnished living room. Floyd was next to you, staring at you with an impassive face. His lack of emotion scared you; you were so used to his hyper-expressiveness, and the fact that he was currently poker-faced couldn’t mean anything good. Jade soon joined the two of you, coming into the room from a hallway that you supposed led to the entrance of this house.
“I believe now is a good time to set out some guidelines that we expect you to follow,” Jade began speaking, regarding you with an expression as neutral as his brother’s, “As Floyd said during the drive here, you belong to us now. That much was established in the deal that your parents made with our father: in exchange for giving you to us, their debt would be waived. However, as I’m sure you have guessed, there will be consequences for both you and your parents if you break any of the rules that we will set now.”
Having mostly calmed down from your outburst by now, you faced Jade and asked, “...What kind of consequences?” He gave you a cold, mirthless smile in response. From behind you, Floyd rested his chin on your shoulder and answered in place of his twin, “Weeeell… Nothin’ too bad will happen to you, Shrimpy. But for your parents… You wouldn’t wanna see ‘em dead, would ya?” You froze instantly at his words. “You wouldn’t,” you whispered, fear seeping into your tone. Jade laughed and then grinned at you, showing off his inhumanly sharp teeth. “We would prefer not to, yes. After all, they will be our in-laws soon. But if the situation calls for it, we won’t deny that it is a possibility,” he declared, carefully observing your reaction.
“In-laws… D-Do you two intend to marry me? I… I don’t understand any of what’s happening!” you exclaimed. Now that you had already shown your emotions to them thanks to your patience reaching its limit in the car earlier, it was pointless to hold yourself back anymore. Floyd giggled eerily, his breath tickling your neck. You tried to move away from him, but his arms seized your waist in a vice grip, preventing you from shimmying away. “I dunno why you haven’t gotten it yet, Shrimpy. You’re kinda stupid, huh? That’s okay, though. I like you anyway~” he started, teasingly, running his lips along your neck and making you shiver. You swallowed down your discomfort and questioned, “W-What do you mean…?” 
Chuckling, Jade reached over to take your hands into his. You of course attempted to pull away, but he tightened his grip enough so that you couldn’t. Now that you were caged between both the Leech twins, you felt worse than ever (which was really saying something, considering all the mental turmoil you had been going through for the last twenty-four hours or so). 
“Floyd’s not wrong, you know. One would have to be incredibly dense to not have realized the reason behind us requesting you as our gift… But that’s alright. Your cluelessness is endearing too, I suppose,” Jade remarked in a mocking tone, then cleared his throat and continued in a more serious voice, “But since you seem to have trouble grasping the answer, it would be cruel of us to withhold it from you any longer. The reason why Floyd and I have brought you here is because we love you. And naturally, since we do love you, we wanted to have you, which is why we asked our father to make a deal with your parents. Do you understand now?”
Jade and Floyd… loved you? No, that wasn’t right. This wasn’t love. This was…
You opened your mouth to retort, but you were quickly silenced by Jade pressing his lips to yours in a kiss. Since your mouth had been open, he was able to stick his tongue into it, coiling it around your own. You tried to turn your head away from him, but one of his hands shot up to hold your jaw in place firmly. His other hand pinned both of yours down to your lap. While Jade kissed you, Floyd’s lips ran over your neck from behind. You could feel his smile against your skin, which made you sick. Suddenly, Floyd stopped at one area of your neck and bit down harshly. Your cry was swallowed by Jade’s mouth as he refused to let you pull away even though you were beginning to feel the need to breathe. At the same time, Floyd’s arms tightened painfully around your waist, and you were sure that bruises would soon form there, as well as on your jaw where Jade’s fingers held it in place. 
After what felt like ages, Jade finally pulled away from you, leaving you gasping for breath. Floyd also removed his teeth from your skin, licking at the bite mark he left behind with an airy giggle. “Now that you understand the situation, allow me to continue the topic of rules,” said Jade. He had a slight blush over his countenance as he spoke, which was quite unusual to see from him due to how put-together he always seemed. 
“First of all, outbursts like the one you had earlier will be punished accordingly. However, since the one earlier today was your first, we will let that one slide,” Jade continued, lowering the hand that he’d had on your jaw back to join his other one on your lap, “Secondly, you are not allowed to contact anyone outside of our family. Yes, this includes your parents; however, if you prove to us that you intend to be good, you may be allowed to see them again in the future. And finally, you are to stay in this house unless you are accompanied by one of us. Is that clear?”
To be honest, you had expected more rules than just three (though you supposed that those three were pretty restrictive in and of themselves). Still taken aback from the twins’ earlier actions, you simply nodded in response, figuring that it was better to agree for now. This earned you a laugh from Floyd, who commented, “Look Jade, they’re speechless! Didja like our kisses that much, Shrimpy~?” You turned back towards Floyd to snap at him, but stopped yourself midway. He smirked at you, as if challenging you to say what you wanted to - probably because he wanted an excuse to punish you. When you showed no sign of falling for the bait, he pouted.
Standing up from the couch, Jade offered you a hand and suggested, “Well, it is getting quite late, and we’ve had a long day. Shall we all retire for the night?” You glared up at him and attempted to stand without accepting his “help”, but yelped when Floyd abruptly picked you up and started walking out of the living room on his own accord. “Put me down!” you hissed, narrowly missing Floyd’s cheek with a punch. “Nah, don’t feel like it~” he replied liltingly.
Floyd brought you down a hallway and threw open a door at the end of it. Once he had done so, he waltzed inside the room and plopped you down onto a bed. Your eyes widened as you took in the room. It was furnished exactly the way you liked it. The colour scheme was exactly like the one in your bedroom at home, and there were even some of your personal items that you recognized among the decorations. The only difference was that the room was much larger than yours, and so was the bed - it was so big that it looked like it could fit three people. 
Using your confusion to his advantage, Floyd joined you on the bed and pinned you underneath him in a matter of a few seconds. The grin that he flashed down at you was downright predatory, and he declared, “Now it’s time to do what I’ve been waiting to, ehe~” You heard the door close and lock as Jade entered the room, taking a seat on the bed next to the two of you. “Surprised? I designed this room for you. I thought you would like it,” he remarked casually, as if the fact that he’d gotten the design nothing short of perfect wasn’t creepy. It was like the outfit he’d chosen for you for the party: perfectly catered to you in every way possible.
Before you could reply, Floyd crashed his lips onto yours from above, taking your breath away. You moaned in discomfort as he pressed the weight of his body down onto you, completely restricting your movement. His tongue shot into your mouth and explored every corner of it as his teeth clacked against yours and left bloody scratches all over your lips. No matter how much you struggled, you couldn’t win against him. Just as you thought you were about to pass out, Floyd pulled away, moving into a sitting position. His lips had splotches of your blood on them, and so did his teeth when he shot you a toothy smile.
You were so focused on recovering from the rough kiss Floyd had given you that you hadn’t noticed Jade approaching you and beginning to undo the buttons on your outfit. Your hands grasped at his, trying to stop him, but Floyd joined him and quickly held you down so you couldn’t do anything. “S-Stop! I don’t want this!” you shouted, putting as much effort as you could in attempting to get away, however fruitless it may be. Jade ran his lips over your now-exposed collarbone, murmuring, “You had no choice in the matter from the start, dearest.” At the same time, Floyd grabbed your jaw and turned your face towards him, all while adding onto what his twin had said, “After all, if you’re ours, we can do anything we want to ya~ Prepare yourself, Shrimpy. It’s time to have some fun!”
It had always been important to remember that Jade Leech and Floyd Leech never wanted the same thing for their birthday. And now that you were caught in their hold, unable to escape, you found yourself wishing that that fact had never changed.
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myeagleexpert · 6 months
He wants to love you forever but….
"That unlike a demon whose life doesn´t end and apparence doesn´t change...humans only live for the moment.
And changes can happen just quickly and easily as short time passes.
Like now, the words you sy can change in a instant.
That´s just how human hearts are."
175 notes · View notes
tiyoin · 7 months
fuck it predestined mate jade + jade rot
i fully think jade would date an alternative girl
not tiktok alt, but actually alternative
he meets me you
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cw : yandere coded, creepy jade, violence (to azul’s phone), jade almost getting hit by a car? 🙈,
warning this is VERY self indulgent. but i make it as reader friendly as possible. (not general descriptions of body, skin color, or a random fucking name)
tdlr: watch jade spiral el oh el
randomly one day while in town. no big pivoting place like a café or bookstore. not a too unique place like a record shop either.
nope. it’s on the corner of the street.
it was hot out, jade noted uncomfortably while floyd groaned to azul about grabbing another ice cream cone to (and verbatim) ‘beat the heat’
but azul told him to get over himself and to suck it up.
the heat of the spring day seemed to be only affecting the mermen, as you seemed to be fine. the heat the furtherest thing from your mind as you scowl at your phone.
you were wearing headphones, yet your hair was styled in a way to put some of your front pieces in front of your face.
you wore a tight brown top that hugged your upper body. it’s color played a critical role in your darker clothing ensemble.
there was a chunky, studded belt that lined your waist. it so easily contrasted with your body shape as the baggy pants you wore also swam on you. he could miss that you were drowning in the washed denim you wore.
there was a dark jacket that snaked around your elbows, exposing your skin to the spring sun. and jade is one to testify, that no matter what season twisted wonderland seemed to be in, the sun was always scorching.
he almost scowled thinking about sunset savanah and the scalding sands. mentally noting to never travel to either places in the fear of drying out.
painting a blue and dark oasis, his mind started playing tricks on him. almost had him take up the habit that belonged to his brother; deciding what sea creature you were
not floyd enough…
🐬seconding what sea creature you were‼️
normally yes, he wouldn’t partake in this unusual habit and leave that part of character reading to floyd.
yet jade made a special exception for you. i mean, could anyone blame him??
your clothes [besides your top] were swimming on you. he thought about you being an octopus with how puffy your pants made you look. but a single thought of you and azul made him throw the thought out quicker than he could swim.
he thought about a pufferfish, a jellyfish, sevens, even a shrimp. yet none of them seemed to stick.
…he paused…
what if-
he shook his head hurriedly. his eyes darted from your huffing, distracted figure and to the bickering of azul and floyd.
still about ice cream. jade could almost chuckle as the two became more mob-esque. floyd’s towering stature bending awkwardly as he sneered at azul. props to azul for not even twitching, as the silver haired male grew increasingly aggressive at his twin. finger pointed so straight he swear the two human bones would snap in on themselves.
his inner voice giggled at the imaginative scene.
albeit the public disturbance, jade was relieved that no one had caught him slipping. there were only a handful of times where jades more… eel like mannerisms would seep in.
where he’d get the rhythmic itch to… observe. he quite enjoyed it too, so he never quite minded that pesky itch. at most he used it for… say…
motivation :)
his head slowly turned back to the street. his eyes, ever slower, were back on you.
yet he quickly snapped them to the car racing intersection when he noticed a change.
you were listening.
your bulky headphones were ever so slight pushed backwards, taking a few strands of your hair with it.
sure, you two werent standing side by side, as he was closer to the street than you were. but there were… unforeseen and secret advantages mermen had that they kept secret from pesky humans.
i mean, did they really think they would hand over every little thing about them to some lesser race? as bad as it sounds, it’s just the truth. scientifically speaking, it’s facts!
jade would wonder how his classmates would realize that when his vision was enhanced, it was enhanced.
yes as an eel is eyes are less than… savvy, but as a merman compared to a human? you’re joking right.
so even from his cowards facing position he was able to watch you comfortably. the slight twitches in your frown, your softening eyebrows, your less aggressive swipes at your phone-
ah, you were looking for music. 
you were scrolling mindlessly through different artists. album covers blurred in with each other as you skipped skipped skipped.
he fought back a smirk- you must be a very picky person.
there was a noise behind him. you whipped your head back as jade watched you watch the scene unfold. floyd, was looking away sheepishly, well, as sheepishly as his wolfish smile would let him appear. azul was gasping, huffing as steam seemed to be blowing from his ears. he looked like the kettle heartslabyul’s dorm leader would use for his little tea parties.
jade hadn’t realized he tuned into this weeks episode of looney tunes, yet he met floyd’s unwavering eyes as azul chewed him out for- breaking his phone.
there was a silent pause between the two. floyd’s smile faltered as jade smiled.
jade knew he picked correctly as floyd’s eyes seemed to snap to yours. making quick and intense eye contact with you, jade saw you flinch from the scrutinizing stare of motlen gold and empty matter.
flinching back, jade heard you curse harshly under your breathe, head shooting down to your phone again, thumb scrolling mindlessly on the dark device. it occasionally lit up, receptive of your touches. only a few turn on’s did you decide to turn on your phone again to continue music browsing.
you finger stopped on a band.
he couldn’t be more elated if he tried. you had picked his favorite band! matchbox!
he couldn’t hide the slight twitches in his right leg as he saw you browsing the songs. from your profile it seemed like you liked a number of their songs- 6 total.
clicking your liked songs from them, he saw your pointer finger trail down the list of names. he could almost hear the internal squabble in your mind.
jade took this as an intermission. looking back to the street in front of him, the light was still green and the orange hand was still glowing strong. there was another group of walkers on the other side of the street.
a family of 5, two older couples, and a lone teenage boy. well, that’s what he deciphered him as as he looked at the hoodie clad male.
black hoodie over his tall stature, he didn’t have the pride of a man, but jade could tell he had the arrogance of an adolescent.
he took a deep breathe, closing his eyes slightly as he felt the quips of wind rush past him as the roaring of cars went and came. if he pretended enough, he could pretend the flashes of wind were from the deep sea currents, that the zooming of cars was from the low vibrancy tumble of the currents.
why does he feel so home sick all of the sudden?
steeping back a bit after a particularly fast gist of wind, jade was now standing side by side with you.
almost naturally he looked at you again. there was an urge to remember what you were wearing. brown topless top and black baggy jeans.
his eyes widened slightly. oh
his mind started to jumble. he was full on staring at you, you no doubly noticing his gaze kept yours glued to your phone.
his thoughts were too fast for him to grasp. to fast for him to make sense of. there was no rhyme or reason to the chaotic mess of thought. there were a few times his english thoughts would switch with his mother tongue.
just as his mind was a mess, jade had no doubt that his facial expression exposed everything going on with him.
there was a thundering voice, one that sounded so familiar… yet unlike the usual calm collectiveness of it, the familiar soft lull… had gained a friend
“sun killer” his mouth blurted out so fast he couldn’t help the hand that reflexively snapped towards his mouth. slanted eyes widened as he tensed.
your body slowly moved to face him, but only slightly as you were still on-guard, still cautious about this strangers- his fist clenched at his side- no stop this foolish thought.
he tried reasoning with the overwhelm.
though once his eyes met yours…
that was when you both acknowledged each other for the first time
that was when his mind went silent. like a conductor holding the orchestra. the audience gripping their seats, teetering in anticipation as they waited impatiently for the next musical feast.
your mouth gaped open, once, twice, as you struggled to find a way to address the stranger.
you head shot to look across the street, so did jades.
yet when jade looked back, he only saw your back scurry away from him as the intersection became clear, and the white man started walking.
he stood there, limbless as you moved your headphone roughly back on your ear. you picked at the wrist holding your phone for a second. undressing your wrist and your phone of the brown hair tie, you brought it to your other wrist, switching your phone too.
he lost you when the other group started walking, covering your retreating form almost perfectly.
his right leg’s muscle surged with longing, step foward, it seemed to tell him. use me it whispered, use me to catch up.
a hand slammed onto his shoulder. the hairs on his body standing on edge as his widened eyes snapped to- floyd.
his body didn’t ease, if anything it got stiffer at his twins touch. floyd’s mouth started to open slowly but jade’s head was already burning back towards the street.
eyes scanning every direction before he found you once again. you had already safely made it to the other side. body erect like a hare on alert, staring at the eyes of its predator- the wolf
like a hare, you didn’t bother staying to find out just what his intentions were as you already turned to make your leave.
the group of people sauntered in front of him.
he was once again in the kelp forest of home. in the tall, slimy mid section of the ocean. it’s murky waters were an excellent source of coverage and ambush hunter like him needed. the haunting environment eased his soul, he claimed whenever floyd questioned him about his frequent haunt.
floyd never stepped foot in those med section waters. because as much as floyd is his brother, and hade is his… they were both still male eels.
his body consciously bucked from floyd’s grip.
the thickness of the kelp jungle’s tendrails surrounded him, brushed against him, whispered to him inaudible words. secrets no doubt. there would always be a secret or two wrapped in the leaves gentle yet suffocating embraces.
his inner conscious giggled at that thought.
conscious? was that what this was?
the kelp purred. leaving swaying in the oceans rocking waves.
the kelp started to thin out- you
his eyes widened as he was thrusted out of the kelp jungle and stepped foward-
a voice screamed at him, at his ear as a sudden ringing noise filled his head. a sudden static-y feeling throughout his body drowned the voice out.
it pushed him. again is body staggered foward, leg doing little to catch him.
his eyes weren’t on the street, they were on your disappearing figure as you walk away on the parallel side walk.
a car rushed past his face.
then a honk
then a crushing weight on his shoulder.
with a labored gasp his body trembled. his legs couldn’t stand on their own as his upper body sagged between two hard walls.
“jade! what are you doing? you almost got hit” the wall- azul yelled, spit flying from his lips as his free hand waved around just to show how upset he was.
the wall on his other side- his brother floyd, remained silent. jade didn’t bear look at his brother.
azul’s scodling seemed to slowly die out as the dorm head realized his vice dorm head wasn’t even listening to him. wasn’t even acknowledging him in the slightest.
an irritated sigh leaves his lips. azul thought it better to use a different approach at getting information from his shocked friend.
yet the moment he opened his mouth, floyd decided it was his round for questioning. yet azul didn’t seem to have the security clearance to understand the insides of their code.
“…kinda reminded me of a grouper, don’t you think?”
jade looked to his brother. his heart was hammering against his ribcage painfully. knots were being tightened in his gut painfully. his thoughts were racing painfully. everything about you was painful so far.
and yet, there was a dopey twitch to his lips, an w relax of his brow as he answered his brother.
“it appears they do…”
my honest reaction after writing jade get so overwhelmed by being in the same proximity of reader for the first time that he almost gets hit by a car 🤭 :
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by the way… the bond already snapped in place 😻
it snapped in when you got to night raven actually!!
jade just doesn’t understand this! (none of them will actually cause they’re all emotional disturbed in their own ways. each n every one of them)
who knew meeting your predestined mate was this painful? i did. who knew that years of your body rejecting a bond, only to suddenly have a reciprocating bond out of no where…. your body would need time to adjust? i did
welcome! to twst boys being fucking whipped- so whipped in fact that they end up a little… yandere
*i gasp!* *i giggle* *imagine me making that face ^^^^
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stale-trash · 1 month
Hi, of that's, can I please have yandere Jade x reader who tries to break up with her? (Headcanon). How would Jade react and what would she do in this situation?
I am assuming you mean Jade from Honkai Star Rail. If not, I'm sorry!!
cw: yandere/possessive behavior, very questionable behavior, implied violence, possible ooc
A/N: I have yet to play any of the quests she's in (╥﹏╥). I hope I did her justice!!
Bold of you to even assume you have the option to break-up with her. No matter how you end up in a relationship with her - willing or unwilling - your fate is sealed. 
Jade knows every aspect of her desires, from their depth to their origins. When she sets her mind to something, precious little can get in her way.
How she acquired you determines how she reacts to your ill-advised statement. If you are in a contract with her, she would take some time to remind you of your position - how truly nice you have it.  
It'd start small, like having you organize paperwork in the pawnshop where you'd get a first hand look at Lady Bonajade's dealings. Many desires are laid bare in front of you; some are honorable, others deplorable, and both are equally pondered upon by the lavishly clad woman. It’s hard to understand the logic behind most of the dealings, yet you remembered the time you occupied their positions - the way your desires slipped past your lips to be scrutinized by Lady Bonajade. 
You also get to see what happens to those who step out of line - more specifically, the bureaucratic aftermath. The written records of their punishment, outstanding debt, and next steps are so clinical regardless of the situation. It doesn't matter if they were fighting for their life or attempting to pull a fast one - there was no leeway. 
There was no reason for Jade to drape you in expensive fabric and opulent jewels. There was no reason for Jade to have you by her side doing menial tasks. There was no reason for Jade to suffocate you in her cold embrace and colder favor.
There was no reason for Jade to treat you like a lover. All the contract specified in its convoluted wording was that you're hers to use as she sees fit. 
If you somehow aren't apologizing for your behavior and willingly accepting whatever humiliating punishment she has in mind within a week, Lady Bonajade has no problem pushing you further. 
You'd lose all of her "favor" slowly until you're nothing but another IPC grunt. You won't be in any threat of dying, but there are many things worse than death prowling the cosmos. Don't worry, it won't be anything Jade can't fix given the appropriate price. 
All you need to do is apologize, and beg for her favor once again. Of course, a benevolent woman such as her would be more than willing to reevaluate your contract - though, it is in your interest to note that this is a one-time offer. If you were to repeat this mistake again, the punishment wouldn’t be so light. 
If you aren't in a contract with her, that would change. This relationship wouldn’t just end because you will it. But she'll let you slip from her embrace for now.
Jade is not above dismantling every aspect of your life piece by piece until you come crawling back. You can choose how much is destroyed - your social life, finances, career prospects, or even the lives of your close ones - by walking back into that pawnshop of hers.
She doesn't ask for what you seek nor what you desire - those are irrelevant in the face of her own. No, she asks if you've come back to your senses, a pet name rolling off her lips oh-so-naturally as if she hadn't constructed your downfall.
A contract is placed in front of you, the written words melting together into an indecipherable mess. Her signature was the only legible word in the entire document, with a blank spot ready for your own. 
You may gain everything you've naively wished for many years ago with a few strokes of ink - insurmountable wealth, a lavish lifestyle, and a lack of mundane worries - but gilded chains are still chains.
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
idk if ur into more soft + toxic jadeyuu but if u aren't just ignore this plz 🙏😭 and sorry in advance this got out of hand (cw: jade purposely poisoning yuu, mentions of jade purposefully playing with yuu's feelings)
anyway, ur 'jade poisoning yuu' idea gave me thoouuuughhts and ive just been imaging jade who only ever saw yuu as like a pawn at first cuz he wanted someone to play with for a while-- and jade being jade constantly makes mushroom dishes but imagine his surprise when they actually accept his meal and eat it happily.
people usually find his mushroom obsession annoying and offputting so he's suprised but OBVIOUSLY his first thought to this yuu eating his dishes is 'now i finally have someone to test all these poisonous mushrooms on!! ^^' but his heart skips a beat when he thinks of them. jade merely brushes it off as his excitement of shrooms
so the next time he makes a mushroom dish for yuu, the mushroom is poisonous and they suffer the effects of it. he's not even trying to hide what he did and he's actually more curious to see how they'd react.
but they accept his invitation to eat dinner again for some reason??? and his heart does another weird fluttery thing when they say yes but jade takes the opportunity anyway and poisons yuu again
this continues for a while and anyone would think that jade would've gotten bored of them by now, but he's... hanging out with them even more? and taking them on even more dates that don't include mushrooms, poisonous or not?
and honestly, even jade himself is surprised because there isn't a coherent reason to why he's doing these things with them. sometimes (before all this happened) he'd hold their hand and give a kiss or 2 just to see their disappointment when he didn't act lovey-dovey the very next day>> but he's been doing these romantic actions every day as their "poison mushroom dates" increased.
he still smiles when he kisses yuu but it's a different kind of smile. his heart is fluttering more and more often, his cheeks are turning pink when they hold his hand and he's feeling all kinds of things he's never felt before.
he lays in his bed one night thinking about yuu and he realizes he's fallen in love. he never expected this to happen but he smiles and giggles and tells his mushrooms all about his newfound revelation.
now whenever mushroom dates happen (which are sometimes still poisonous ofc), he feeds them to yuu with his own hand.
You must be dreadfully lonely. That's the only reason Jade can think of for why you let him do this. Perhaps you truly think yourself to be alien, that the fleeting touches he grazes you with are all you deserve. Not that he will tell you otherwise, he's far too interested in finding out where your line lies.
But he finds his instead.
If I ever say no to more soft + toxic jadeyuu assume that is not me. they/them used for yuu, same CW from above, i don't think this is borderline anymore it's full yandere
It was supposed to be another test of your limits, a slight apology for paying some attention to a visiting student he'd previously only shown to you. Just one kiss to the back of their hand to seal a completely unnecessary deal, and you had refused to seek him out for a whole week. He was proud of you, truly he was, but not remorseful in his addition to this particular dish. Jade watches you roll the pasta around in your mouth and wince as you try to speak. The numbness spreads from your tongue to the back of your throat and you make no noise-
But eat the rest of the plate, not even rolling your eyes once. You cannot speak, but you still smile when he asks if the food his good. And for some reason now his words were stuck.
"You're a good cook, we should do this again sometime." You hoarsely say as he nods quickly, staring down at your cleaned plate. A wicked, giddy smile overwhelms him, he has a dedicated test subject now; oh how delightful you have proved to be, not at all as boring as he had first thought. ~~~~ The second attempt he has you make together and he wonders what it is laced more with, toxins or his joy at your strange willingness to let him drag you around. Up the mountains you had gone together to fetch a pail of mushrooms, and when you fell down after consuming the crown he found himself jumping after, your now flimsy body cradled in his arms.
"Oh dear, I think I added a bit too much." He has to look the very image of a devil, and though you don't really have the ability to escape anyway he still finds himself holding you quite close to his chest. "Do give me chance to make it up to you? This Saturday perhaps?"
"There's an unbirthday party that afternoon." You sound almost as disappointed as he feels angered. "Perhaps we could do Friday?"
Oh of course you could, he does hope you have your apologies prepared for Riddle; if you intend to return after this then you cannot be upset when you are much too sick to attend. Or perhaps he should try to control the dose and accompany you? The thought of you among the roses in a stylish outfit is doing odd things to his chest. ~~~~ "I don't know what it is you want but please stop." Azul is the only one who would ever be brave enough to scold him like this. "I never liked watching you tease the prefect, but since they were willing to work at a lesser rate I endured it but this is just painful."
"Oya, I take offense to that." Jade "sniffles" because truly he does not know what to do. Who would have thought a simple request for some time off would- well never mind of course it would spark a debate. But he hadn't listed the prefect at all in his note, just that his club would be going camping over the weekend and he was intending to be unavailable. Just because he has been addicted to your presence as of late does not mean anything. Sure, he has not poisoned you in a while (you almost seem disappointed, what a truly tempting little-) "I assure you everything I have done is with the prefect's consent." Has he truly been spending so much time with you that it is obvious you will be tagging along? And why does the idle thought that this could invite danger cause such a painful feeling- fear could it be fear that he is feeling? Over you?
Azul massages his temples as he lets out a truly painful sigh. "That's sort of the problem, have you even thought about what that means?" Jade increases the volume of his sobs. "Of course you haven't look, I will approve your request but please for the love of the sea do not do anything actionable?"
"I have no idea what you could possibly be implying." His cries magically dissipating as he happily goes to his room to look through his closet and prepare. ~~~~ Jade dreams of Yuu that night. He dreams of the plush of your lips and thighs, of the comforting grip of your hand as he walks down the hallway or along a trail, his mind is tortured with images of what he pictures your sleeping face to be like.
He awakes with the realization that he will soon know. Azul was right he had not thought about what any of this meant, of his actions, of yours. And if he must own the truth he still does not know what yours mean, and that scares him even if he laughs loud enough for Floyd to throw a pillow at his head.
"I love them." He whispers to the terrariums on his wall. "I love them." He vows to the mushrooms in his garden and the moon somewhere up in the sky over the seas. How unpredictable, how beautiful, how very much like him to not tell you why he insists on feeding you himself on your trip, or rests your head in his lap the next time you sleep off the poison. There is a process to these things, he thinks anyway, and Jade has been impolite enough to skip several steps. Perhaps, he idly thinks as he traces the size of your finger, you will let him skip several more? After all, there is so very much you deserve, and he is surprisingly willing to give.
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rosedere · 2 months
Bind the Heart (Mushroom fae Jade x Reader)
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CW: Soft Yandere content
I wouldn't walk near that trail if I were you.
As you continued to climb over the heavy logs surrounding the beaten path off the trail beside you, you scoffed.
I'm not lying, child; they say the fae roam past the dense forest.
and you don't want to attract their attention. the soulless desire for the gaze of any maiden.
The old woman's voice began to grow distant as you rolled over another mossy, stiff log lying in your way.
By this point, you didn't care. You were just wanting peace and quiet before your parents would look for you, signaling dinner time.Even if there were actually fae in the woods, none of them would have ever appeared near you.
Nothing really mattered to you in the moment anyway, feeling the cool shade of the trees surrounding you like a blanket, the few glimmering lights reflecting on the ground reminding you of stars twinkling around you as you went further away into the shady grove calling ahead to you.
Accidentally you stumbled upon this part of the trail when you were out trying to sketch different landscapes, eventually coming over to the secluded area because of the beauty and peace it exuded. 
Walking with caution, you stopped when you saw something different about the groove ahead.
Normally, the lush clearing around this time during the summer would maybe have a few lingering wildflowers or maybe one type of vine crawling up the mature trees dotting the area.
But a vibrant, polka-dotted mushroom was something unusual.
Walking around the fungi, you made a mental note to yourself but didn't dwell on it until you went further towards the clearing where the heavy rotten log you would sit at was sitting against the tall trees surrounding it.
Your spot had been completely taken over by the abundant red and light flesh mushrooms, which were almost perfectly placed on the ground near the log.
You swore some even seemed to be placed in different intricate designs or perfectly formed shapes in the ground.
Carefully side-stepping the immense number of fungi, you dusted your spot before sitting on top of your usual spot and lying your backpack beneath your feet.
Sighing to yourself, you grabbed your sketchbook out, touching the plain surface as you fished your pen out of your pencil bag. Grabbing the red pen from your strapped-on pouch attached to the blue cover, you turned the pages to find any clean page to practice your scribblings for the evening.
Eventually settling on the cramped page that had doodles of characters and ideas youd daydream about while in class that were covering a minimal amount of space, you began to scratch and sight a sketch of the grove today.
Busy with your pencil, you failed to notice the curious mirth of yellow and gray orbs besides you on a mushroom.
his smaller-than-life wings carefully fluttering as he looked up in wonder at your preoccupied but worn face.
The fae always wondered why you looked so lonely every time he'd stumble upon you.
It's not as if you'd be able to see the source. He didn't want you to notice him yet. 
The tiny fae moved quietly, the soft twinkle of his small aquamarine wings fluttering behind him as he began his task of collecting magic from the land around him as he began his work of meticulously placing the mushrooms as he'd been taught by many other fae.
You see, he has had his attention on you since you first decided to settle on this grove as your private getaway.
Almost getting stepped on as he slept on a piece of milk thistle, it was only then that he wanted to curse the very ground you walked on as you stomped around the grassy terrain without a care in the world.
Deciding his nap was spoiled anyway, he stealthily followed behind, curious to figure out who had some nerve to come into his territory.
His magical catalyst was ready to strike you from behind as he stalked quietly behind You only happily skipped along, eventually plopping yourself onto the wooden log.
His home.
but as soon as he began to aim at you, he could not will himself to cast.
Only the intrigue that formed when he saw your face; he had never seen any humans in his short life span, but he knew there was something about you.
Something comforting.
His cold chest feeling alight as if someone lit him within as he studied your different features and mannerisms you had in the short time before you abruptly left in a hurry.
He sadly assumed this would be it since you left with your things out of the grove. 
But then, when you returned every day with items he’d never seen before, he suddenly thought of the worst.
You must be trying to summon him.
or, at worst, trying to find him.
He had heard from the other fae humans that they sought their kind for many different motives.
To summon Fae and have the utmost control over the beings to become their servants
for their "heart.”
He observed you one of these days when he decided to perceive you further.
He laid the pieces of gold he'd collected earlier that morning around his hollow log.
Just as he finished, he heard the familiar crunch of your boots on the ground.
hiding underneath your bag settled next to his home, you sat down as you usually did.
A glimmering piece of gold lay beside your spot.
But you never reached for it.
Every day that week, you never grasped it once.
It confirmed to him what he suspected.
You enjoyed being there with him.
and that affirmed his feelings more.
To be wanted by a mortal was mostly unheard of. But it was special nonetheless.
The fae was snapped out of his reminiscing when he heard you above him digging through your pencil bag.
You were coloring your sketch in.
That meant you were close to leaving.
Grabbing more mushrooms, he hurriedly placed the perfect mushroom across your seated form. 
It was time.
The luminous speckles radiated from the grassy grove, specifically the mushrooms you were finishing coloring in, and began to rise. Frowning, you looked up at the sky, still showing the sun high in the sky, not even close to evening. Ruling out fireflies, you bent down to see the mushrooms closer.
It seemed like a perfect ring, all formed in a small circle around you.
Looking at the circle in awe, you left your sketchbook and pens on top of the grooved wood you were sitting on.
Bending over into the earthy ground, you bent down to look at one of the distinct red and white toadstool mushrooms in front of you, glowing with a light teal and gold shimmer.
As you inspected the mushroom, you noticed a distinct golden speck on the mushroom.
You thought the pattern was interesting because of the way the lines reminded you of a small eye staring back at you, the gold speckle being their iris, and the cool slate blue iris on the left looking up at you with a sharp grin spreading.
Looking harder, a small twinkle from the eye of the mushroom was heard.
And upon closer inspection, you saw a tiny guy.
A tiny human; his small torso the size of your index finger; his pants and shoes the color of a vibrant forest mushroom. 
The cherry on top was the small, iridescent magic-filled wings on his back as the teal-haired fae met your gaze.
Startled by the sudden attention, you hopped up on your two feet, freezing and looking down at the mushroom.
A sparkle began to rise, glimmering in the sunny skies above—eventually landing on top of your arm.
Moving your arm to inspect further, the small sparkle beckons for your attention.
He sat with his small red and white dotted toes crossed on your heavy jacket sleeve, his head resting on his hands as the small fae looked up at you in adoration.
“Can you finally see me?”
The silvery melodic tune in his voice was unique. A voice that was deep but also rich, almost androgynous, the little fae possessed.
You didn't respond, only bringing your sleeve up to your eye level to actually see him.
“Did you make all of these mushrooms appear?” narrowing your eyes at the small being.
“It's my gift,” he only smiled, rearing his pointed teeth, way sharper than any creature you'd seen before.
“It's only fair that I bring something to my heart.” 
Furrowing your brow, you looked down at his small body.
"Ah, my apologies. We should introduce  ourselves." The small fae stood up, being able to see the true height of the fae being a few centimeters taller than you assumed.
“My name is (name),” you replied curtly.
The small fae only smiled, baring his fine teeth once more like an angler.
You assumed he'd tell you his name in return as you looked curiously at the small being.
A dark chuckle radiated from him before he crossed his heart with his hand.
“(Name) is your name, right?”
His tone was still that of silvery bells ringing, but you could hear something sinister behind his words now.
Hesitantly, you nodded about to follow his question with one of your own until you felt the uncomfortable tightness begin.
An awareness of your clothing was followed by your layered sleeves feeling like they were getting tighter on your body before the glowing began.
A flash of gold engulfed your body before you fell hard onto the dirt.
While trying to pick yourself up, you only felt yourself being grabbed by your hair from behind, causing you to sputter out weakly.
Struggling against the strong grip, you eventually gave up sprawling against the cold mildew soil below. “Im glad you chose to give me your heart as well,” the voice tickled the back of your neck.
His hands began to wander your clothed back, tracing a lone finger up the bottom of your spine to between your shoulder blades.
“I can't wait until I mark you as mine; I wonder what wings you’d form.” 
“Get away from me!” 
Finally being able to pushback off the fae, you ran forward, not sure of where you were heading.
Just out of this clearing.
You didn't hear footsteps following you or feel his golden gaze on you as you neared a tall mushroom towering over you, casting shade underneath the glowing mushroom.
Deciding you could stop, you only huffed and puffed as you leaned against the stem of the larger-than-life mushroom.
You didn't know much about the Faes, just that they were supposedly friendly little winged things. The exact opposite of whatever that thing was.
You looked back in the direction in which you ran.
Still no sign of the fairy.
Looking down at your now-scuffled clothes to make sure you weren't injured was when you saw the small gold speckles and blue orbs begin to form around your body.
Worry seeped into your chest when those damn melodic silver bells sung around you, coming from above you.
He found you. The fae only circled you until he moved his hand above you, creating a beam of warm energy to form around you. a bubble of energy.
You tried to run out of the bubble-like structure, only to be forcefully bounced back into the mushroom you were underneath.
“Having second thoughts, my love?”
He laughed a haughty laugh before it melted into a melodic, chiming sound.
“Once you give your name out, you can't take it back from me, your beloved.”
Helpless as you watched him pick up the bubble, now swirling gold and light blue specks of magic, he carried you away to your familiar hollowed log. 
his fingers running through your hair as he quietly hummed an ancient song in a language you'd never heard before as you swayed helplessly in his arms.
Your new home, he declared as he reclaimed his heart.
Note: This was requested by a Guest on AO3 btw! my Requests are going to be open until September before I work on my huge story in october mwahahaha
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meebs-sleeps · 11 months
Hiii, and welcome to tumblr! I’d love to see what your take on Yandere octavinelle, together or separate as you please :)
P.S: I think I got a bit carried away...
TW!! Yandere content and mentions of violence!! Plus book 3 spoilers!
Yandere Octavinelle with Darling reader 💕
Note: If you see favoritism, no, no you don't.
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For Azul I'd think he would notice you after his overblot. The way you worked with your friends to defeat him was intresting considering that they were residents of the infamous Night Raven College.
Not to mention, you didn't seem disgusted at all with his octomer form nor his embarrasing past and insecurities... In fact, you forgave him of his actions and guided him into a more honest path... Sort of.
So obviously he wanted to know more about you.
Before, he never really bothered with you, he saw you as just another pawn to be manipulated.
But now...
He would find ways to spend time with you or observe you from afar... call it curiosity if you will.
And for the past few weeks now, you just couldn't help but notice that there always seemed to be a octavinelle student within your vicinity. Mostly Jade or Floyd.
Sure, that must be normal since you are in a big school and are bound to walk into other dorm members, but you couldn't help but feel... watched...
And everytime you 'coincidentally' bumped into Azul and you greeted him out of politeness... and... Oh dear... why was his heart beating so fast??
It didn't take long for him to realize that he grew to favor you more than others. At first, he was in denial, that it couldn't possibly be. But when he looked at you, your perfect smile, your perfect face and eyes... Ah...
And as time goes by, Azul's twisted love strengthened each day. He felt drawn to you, like the tide to the moon.
But just like the moon, you were out of reach. Surrounded by your friends (who basically stuck to you like greedy leeches) the octomer could feel his blood boil.
Azul had to find other ways to get you in his grasp. He did extensive research on how humans courted with one another. Day and night, the man worked tirelessly to earn your heart.
It started off small. Each day, you would come to find a small gift at your front door. Inside the little box were elaborate jewels and shells with lovely pearls shrewn about.
But as time flew by, the gifts got bigger, more beautiful and eye catching. They grew with Azul's desperation and obsession.
With you being you, a normal human from another world, you were confused. Your friends didn't help at all either, teasing you because of the gifts, saying things like 'Oooo so who is your boyfriend huuhh?~' and they always wanted to see what you got next.
But after a while, the gifts stopped. It was just... calm for a few days. Your friends were also quite confused. You couldn't help but feel a bit dissapointed.
Meanwhile, Azul was just trying to figure out other ways to woo you. He may be a patient man, but seeing you be so close with your friends...
One day, you got a letter with a lovely bouquet.
Beautiful words were sprawled across the paper, giving subtle hints of who it could be, and how they love you so...
Honestly, you didn't know how to feel about it... You were qurious about who the person was behind all these presents.
But maybe your new friend Azul could help out? He started to hang out with you and your friends for some time now until it felt almost natural to have him around.
The gifts were obviously sea themed, so maybe he could give you some insight on this situation.
Your friends were suspicious, of course, but you saw this as Azul turning over a new leaf.
But you didn't see how he started to separate you and your friends, like tentacles that swarmed over their target, to never let them see the light of day again.
Nor the lovesick look on his face whenever he watched you when you were focused on something else.
Your friends on the other hand... they did though. And from past events, they weren't going to trust Azul again.
So they tried their best to not let you and Azul be alone.
Azul, was of course, enraged by this.
How dare they..? How dare they take you from him!?
So obviously, the octomer had to get rid of these inconveniences.
Jade and Floyd are going to love their new task...
"Ahh... my dear angelfish... you look lovely as always... Hmm? You want to know where your friends are? Well they didn't want to come with us today, so it's just going to be you and me~"
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Now the mysterious Jade... hmmm...
If it were where the whole octotrio would fall for you, I'd say he would find Azul's sudden intrest in you intriguing, and when Azul requested for him to observe you, well, how could he possibly decline?
But if he fell for you separately, maybe it's because of your past?
I mean, a human from an entirely different world? He was surprised that no one else saw the golden opportunity before them.
Either way, it started with him eyeing you with curiosity. And he asked you questions. He didn't really expect to be interested in you for long. Even if you were an otherworldly presence, you were also quite plain in his eyes.
So imagine his surprise when he cannot get enough of you.
There was this thing about you that was just so addictive to him, like a drug.
And as time flew by, the eel-mer found himself to be fascinated by everything you do. The way you smiled, moved and sounded was just so... alluring.
Like his love for mushrooms, he wanted to know everything about you. What you were scared of, what you liked to do in your free time, were you an active person or would you prefer to stay in bed all day? He needed to know.
Sooner or later, you found yourself having a shadow trailing behind you.
He became more obvious with his intrest in you, and his questions changed from polite things to downright creepy.
Even when you were alone, you could still feel his eyes observing you.
Both you and your friends were uncomfortable by it...
Jade on the other hand found your peevishness amusing. He watched as you slowly corrupted his already twisted mind. Soon, everything was just you, you, you.
Jade couldn't get enough of you. Everytime he saw you, the world around him changed. Like he watched everything through clouded eyes till your rays of light caressed him so dearly...
He wanted everything about you. From your heart to your flesh down to your very soul.
Like a starved man taking a mere bite of a king's meal, he was enraptured. Intoxicated.
Even if he is the calm twin, he is still a Leech. And he doesn't like sharing...
At first, he would try to coax you to spend more time with him. To herd you away from the people you hold dear.
If that didn't work, then sly words and cold glares at your companions behind your back most certainly does the trick.
And when you are alone and desperate for companionship..?
Well, he will be waiting for you with open arms~
"I am so sorry about your friends my dear, but don't worry, I am here for you. I will always be here."
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Silly ol' Floyd with his not so silly affections... Where did it all begin?
When you looked at him with your cute little eyes, or when you faced of so many dangers so bravely? Or maybe it's when you don't seem to be quite as scared of him like other people?
What a strange shrimpy you are~
I'd say you had him interested when he first saw you, but he wasn't really in the mood to scour you out back then and just forgot about you.
Till you caught his eye again (wether it be from Azul or he just saw you minding your own business).
So obviously, being the silly man that he is, he walked up to you and just hanged from your shoulders— even if you are taller or shorter than him —and giving you and whoever you were talking to a good ol' scare.
He buzzes around you like a bee, bothering you and your companions like a little shit.
Floyd is unpredictable. His whirlwind of emotions make him hard to decipher and even harder on how to handle him. He is a pain to deal with, but you endure it for the sake of leaving this world on everyone's good side.
Sometimes he'd come barging in your group, crazy laugh in tow and squeezing the shit out of everyone with excitement (you included).
Or he would be all sad and would just droop over you like a tall sack of potatoes. If anyone asked what was wrong he would just snarl at them.
This boy wants your attention 24/7. When in a crowd, he would look for you and hope you look for him too.
When he played basketball, he would be on his absolute best to steal your attention. He would jump from high areas, do crazy things and even squeeze you super tightly.
Just look at him. Please, please, please just look at him please-
He thrives when you give him attention, even if it is just a hello wave when you see him walking in the hallway of Night Raven.
I'd like to think Floyd is the last person in the octotrio to realize his feelings. At first he will think you are just special, making him instantly happy when he sees you.
Till he notices that he gets also super excited at the thought of you.
And when he finally realizes that 'Hey... maybe you don't see them as a friend anymore.' He'd be pissed as hell.
How dare you make him feel this way! You are such a bad and annoying shrimpy! How dare you! How dare you! How dare you!
Floyd would probably come and yell at you before he leaves you alone.
You won't see him for maybe like a few weeks or months before he comes back.
During that time while he is away, he'd think of you and miss you dearly. At first he hated it. He hated seeing you from the corner of his eye, he hated how you haunted his dreams and thoughts every second of the day.
He hated this aching burn in his chest whenever he thought back to your expression when he lost his temper on you, he hated it so much that he almost cries himself to sleep every night
And with Floyd being Floyd, the whole school noticed his moping and rumors skyrocketed to brand new heights.
Even you heard about those rumors, but you didn't really go and ask Floyd himself due to his outburst a while back.
Till he barged into your life again like nothing happened. Full of giggles and smiles, the mereel tackled you and hugged you tightly and spun you around.
He was back to his normal self again!
And since he realized his feelings, he wants to keep you aaaaallllll for himself~!
Unlike Jade and Azul who used sly and downright dirty tactics, Floyd just beat anyone who merely glanced at you into a pulp.
You are his shrimpy! Only he is allowed to look at you! D:<
He disliked how almost everyone seemed to like you (his words not mine) and how they all just climbed around you like the desperate bottom feeders they are. If only he could lock you away forever and keep you to himself...
Under the guise of wanting to show you something in his room, he leads you to a trap you will find to be very difficult to escape...
"Hey shrimpyy~ I wanna show you something reeaallyy cool in my room. But shh! Don't tell anyone! It's going to be a surprise~!"
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But if they all love you? Well, these three would cheat, steal and kill whoever looks at you strangely. They may be a unit on their own, but together..?
And when they finally, finally have you? Well they might turn to each other and fight for your hand, or... well, you wouldn't mind being shared would you?
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If I made any mistakes feel free to correct me!!! :DDD Wether it be spelling, grammar or the way I wrote the characters, please let me know!
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jaylleoo14 · 11 months
TW// Dark/Yandere themes - tread carefully
So i had a little thought, something my brain just magically thought of because I was thinking of my favorite Tako man :( (hes so cute I wanna just kiss his cheeks!) and then from then on it just kept building! (I had a soda, the sugar is giving me a sugar rush) I need him to be sitting next to me on the couch right now as he tells me about what stocks to invest in as I listen and drink some tea and the TV is running in the background ARGHHHHHHHH TT
You're a quiet person, someone who doesn't usually put themselves out there and tends to keep a low profile. Not that you are shy, but you feel that it isn't necessary to be all that extroverted, at least not here in Twisted Wonderland where it is filled with many flawed people and magicians. So its only natural you have a small tight group of friends, people who you can easily let loose around and be your true self without having to hold anything back. To say in simple terms, yes you are an introvert, but you know how to prioritize your time and values. You work at a coffee house located in a pretty high standing area where you're bound to see many office workers and other overworked individuals in many different industries. You make good small talk, well known to the people who come by often and seen as a industrious coworker who keeps to themselves.
Azul Ashengrotto, the founder of Mostro Lounge who now has branches of other cafes and running businesses. Someone of power and someone not to be on bad terms with. In the light he's seen as a smooth talking and successful business man, a multi millionaire enchanter. In the shadows however, is a crafty con man who swipes up deals in his own favor and dwelling under shady businesses where far too many unimportant people go missing.
Only people who are desperate enough to seek out help even in the deepest of trenches would find themselves eventually in front of Azuls feet, begging and groveling under him. The most unfortunate type of people, the people who are at their lowest parts in their life, and the people who have nothing anymore, a lot of different types of miserable people and situations come racking up and knocking on his door. And of course, as the benevolent and kind hearted man he is how could he just not help them when they are so desperately asking for his help?
Perhaps to pay off their debts, the money they need to pay off their 3 months worth of rent, money to get rid of their ex's, money to get back at their bosses, all in how they need and use money to a variety of usages is to simply sell your organs, your limbs, or perhaps information worth his care. After all, he is a very versatile man ^^
He makes sure no one, especially the public eye, knows this side of him. Of how he runs a blood market, always making sure to stay anonymous yet still making a name for himself in those bloodied and dark waters. "Vanessa" is the name that he goes by, and "the granter" as many know him by. These people would think that this "Vanessa" is a cunning, beautiful, and frail women - making it all the more easier for people to come out of their shells and try their luck. It usually is easier to approach women after all.
Hook, Line, and Sinker.
On a not-so-fateful day you managed to get yourself in quite the predicament. As your old classmate, the Azul Ashengrotto is now here right before your eyes with his coat soiled and drenched with spilt coffee and your hands now shaking and eyes wide open as your heart sinks.
"Aaah? Looks like Shrimpy made a mess."
"It appears so Floyd, and Azuls exorbitant coat seems to have a new design fufu"
A quick apology is pulled out of you and you feel yourself getting cold. Though it was an accident! You didn't intent for this to happen at all! You are a great worker, a diligent one at that. So how could have this happened? Its not like Floyd purposely bumped into you after Jade not so meticulously called you over to position you into that exact spot where it'd guarantee right now's situation.
"Oh dear, whatever shall I do? This coat has nearly cost me a fortune!"
You could scoff at Azul's dramatic words due to him being a very wealthy and well off man - if it weren't for the amount of power he held as well and the status he carries alongside the heavy atmosphere.
For a long while now, Azul has had his eyes on you. Too long in fact. Ever since you two had graduated from Night Raven College he hasn't been able to decipher you not at the slightest. You were always so tight lipped about yourself, keeping your ground low. One could even say it bests Jamil's play of being secretive of ones self. In his words, "you were like a random and unimportant nobody who always made their unexpected appearances when something absurd happen." Yet you were always able to worm into everyones favor, burying yourself in the deepest of crevices of the organ in which pumps blood for its body. How could you have possibly pulled such a thing and yet little to none is reveled about you? At least to him, you dont show your true self. The you that you show to your little group of friends who are also very cautious and wary of what information is being shared about you. The new you that you started to recently show towards Riddle as he starts to slowly reciprocate the feelings you are starting to grow, the seeds of roses slowly coming to bloom as they are starting to get nurtured.
You've always caught his interest the moment he realized how little he knew of you. The moment he realized how you can slip out of his hold with his suckering-like grip. For only a short moment before he underwent a tremendous growth of power, he and you crossed paths when he had lost the interest and sight of you when everyone had departed to do their own things after graduation. It was only then that he remembered his interest in you.
And it was due to that encounter that his interest in you had resurfaced, even more so when he was able to figure out who you still kept in touch with.
So before he could let those pre-matured roses bloom, he's going to do whatever it takes to fish you into his arms. That being making you indebted to him, and now that he has plenty of connections and influence its all the more easier. And while he's at it he might as well take up a more difficult task of getting rid of Riddle, in which its off with his head. In fact, if he thinks about it, it may pay high as well if he were to put it in the market.
"A-ah, Azul. Long time no see. I'm sorry but I don't have enough money to compensate." You know how Azul is. You know how he works, how else have you been managing to stay low and out of his grasp during your high school days?
"Oh of course. I doubt anyone working at a coffee house is going to be able to make enough to pay this off."
He's been watching for awhile, keeping tabs on you, and finally now you'll be his. He's planned this, running different simulations in his head on how he can subtly slip into your life to make it all natural.
Looking up at you, a pleasant and dashing smile on his handsome face as he fixes his glasses, his soiled up coat now hanging over his forearm, you can only conclude and predict that this isnt going to go well.
"Perhaps we can arrange something for you then. The amount of money and sheer work being put into these pieces of clothing only for it to be soiled is something I find hard to over look."
Of course, Azul isn't going to let this go. You're now in his grip, the feeling of his tentacles slowly slithering around your limbs as you wait for him to say his signature words.
"Lets make a deal (y/n), one that I ensure would be nothing but merit for both parties."
There it was. And with the pressuring and piercing eyes of Jade and Floyd on both sides of you, you give a response to which makes Azul delighted.
And so it begins, the process of fishing you out and bagging you up. You're now in the grips of a powerful man, and as he begins to undergo his plan in making you his, "Vanessa" is going to undergo another plan to successfully weed out those pesky garden of roses settling in your heart.
He wants to know the true you. That new side of you that you were showing to Riddle. Dissecting every part of you limb by limb till he's able to see the deepest parts of you. Opening up every dark secret you hold and hide. Your soft and warm body against his as he envelopes you whole. He wants you, the only and true you. And he'll do whatever it takes to ensure that.
Truly, what a predicament you are in. A very very unfortunate one that is.
AHHHHHHHHHHH OMGOMGOMG STOP BECAUSE I WAS ACTUALLY LIKE SPLURGING AND JUICING OUT SO MUCH IDEAS FROM THIS LITTLE BRAINROT AHHHH. Perhaps I may tweak some of the things here, or maybe make Azul some kinda serial killer in disguise or something! But for now he is an organ trafficker under cover. And not only that, he is totally whipped for you so that may be a great thing for you Reader! :D
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Yandere Octorio x Octo Mer Child reader but reader lost a tentacle in a barracuda incident and is now insecure and doesn't want to come out of their hiding hole and punching the octorio with their other tentacles when they try to get reader out?
(Btw love your writing!🫶🏼)
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Nemo Child Reader | Yandere Octotrio
It’d be the same as Octo - Merchild that’s scared of Octavinelle except this one has the scars to prove it
But what about a Nemo-like Reader
Who was injured by a barracuda when you were developing in your egg
But you don’t remember that so you don’t really care about it now
All that remains is your little tail that has a deformed fin
But that doesn’t stop you 
When the Octatrio proposes taking you on a swim 
“So you’re from the sea?”
“Yup I think I haven’t changed in a looong time.”
“If you’d like we’re going to the Coral sea for break, would you like to come?”
“Oh yeah!” 
“You can’t go too far okay?”
they just aren’t prepared to see such an obvious scar
You’re such a little young fish
And you have no fear of them even as they dwarf you in their forms
“Whatya guys holding your mouth open for come swim with me!”
“I’m surprised they can swim as fine as they do.”
“Oi Clownie-(Y/n) did you lose your fin to a shark or what?”
“It’s okay it’s actually a super cool story!”
They’re actually worried that you’re not more afraid 
And that’s what they’ll decide to begin teaching you to be afraid
“Okay (Y/n) you’ll have to tell me what do you do if you see the creature on the card coming towards you, okay?”
“Mmm okay!”
“Now this.”
“Jellyfish?...Maybe a big hug?”
“No. What about this one?”
“Oh yeah he’s a friend of my dad’s so hug too!”
“Oh Sevens.”
Despite priding the deep on being their teacher for their lessons about survival 
They’re not letting you get the same lessons
“Ne Jade wanted me to teach you about running but now we’re just playing tag!”
“Is that so bad? I’m having fun.”
“I would be if you weren’t so slow. Why aren’t you faster? You know little guppies like you get eaten real easy.”
You’re obviously not fit to learn the same way they did
So they’ll get you an anemone
A perfect little way to keep you protected 
But that’s only in the sea when it comes to things on land you’re none the wiser
So they’ll be your anemone 
“Should that student ever say that to you again I want you to come to the Lounge.”
“But I can’t buy anything I’ll just get in the way.”
“No you won’t. I’ll personally handle who ever bothers you. Big Brother Jade promises you.”
“Mmm okay!” 
Moving you into the Octavinelle dorm posthaste
You’re so oblivious they’ll have to just take care of it 
Don’t you know they’ll protect you best
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
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— " WORKED UP " Suggestive / Gender neutral reader | Punk!Jade au [ Can be read as yandere or non yandere ]
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His large hands wrapped around your neck, imprinting your soft skin with red; forming a collar of sorts entrapping the two of you, together. He watched as you gasped and squirmed; a shiver crawling down his spine, as he analyzed your movements. 
You could practically taste the cigarette remains on his lips, the scent of burning ash and smoke filling your surroundings as he pulled you in all the bit closer. The air around you was suffocating, heavy pants fell from your lips, as he edged you closer, burying himself into the crook of your neck, aiming to imprint himself into your skin. Inhaling deeply, absorbing your scent; a deep sigh leaves him as he sings praises of love, a small hum following swiftly afterwards. 
He fondles your hair, grabbing it in handfuls; pulling you closer into his embrace, the warmth of your skin, the scent of your shampoo. Everything only helped grow his never ending obsession for you. He’d continue pulling you forward, till there was no more room or gap in between the two of you, till it was impossible to let go or move away, not until the scent of you outdid the ridiculously potent smell of smoke; that he only helped worsen. 
He leaves a small peck on your neck, a sharp toothy, languish grin embraces his features when he feels you shiver in his grasp. Each and every languid action enticing a different and much more amusing reaction from you. “Getting worked up are we?” 
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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merakiui · 2 years
Hello! Your work is always so good, especially for this event! May I place an order for a flower bouquet with sea salt caramels and sugar stars (lactation) for Jade Leech and a fem!reader? Thank you for your time!
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yandere!jade leech x (female) reader cw: slight yandere, nsfw, drugging/use of potions, lactation, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, brief mentions of pregnancy note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
In hindsight, it was foolish to accept the unlabeled vial from Jade. Anyone with half a mind would know to turn the other way and start running if he approached them, dressed primly in his lab coat and goggles, holding his newest creation with a twisted sort of pride mirroring that of a mad scientist boasting their prized monster to the world. But you didn’t have much of a choice, having been indebted to him ever since you failed to uphold your end of the deal you struck with Azul, and by now you’ve grown accustomed to taste-testing all of the absurd potions he concocts.
Initially, you thought you could get out of obeying Azul’s every command if you just acted clumsy and brainless, and it had worked at first. Azul had decided you’d be better off in the kitchen rather than on the floor taking and delivering orders. But then the kitchen almost went up in flames and so you were quickly demoted to inventory and then stocking, both tasks you proved to be abysmal at. Azul had attempted to pawn you off to Floyd, who was not in the mood to keep you as his own, and so you soon found yourself at Jade’s doorstep, who was so very willing to welcome you with a pleasant simper. 
You know you shouldn’t be surprised when the effects of his potions stray into embarrassing territory. He’s always had a talent for crafting alchemical mischief. Last week, it was a potent aphrodisiac. The week before that was a potion that had temporarily blessed you (or cursed you depending on how you view it) with fins and gills, and you had to spend the entire day in the Mostro Lounge aquarium while Jade fashioned a cure, deliberately taking his time just to spite you.
Today’s potion is a little different. At first you assumed he’d mixed a failure when nothing immediately happened, but within minutes you began to feel the strangest sensation in your breasts. It was a dull, uncomfortable ache; you thought your breasts had gotten fuller in the span of a few minutes and you’d even poked at them when Jade had turned away, marveling at the pudgy heaviness. Jade had asked you how you were faring; you know he only cares about the results of his potion and not what said results do to your mental and physical health. The question hardly reached your ears because, at that very moment, liquid dampened the padding of your bra. 
With eyes blown wide, you looked down your shirt and into your bra to find two wet patches, growing significantly in size the more you stood slack-jawed. 
Jade presses himself against you before you can make your escape, his gloved hands tugging your shirt up and over your head, leaving you in just your bra. He pulls it up to observe the stains and then your breasts, which are leaking thin, translucent trails. 
“Fascinating,” he mumbles, a word spoken in breathy amazement, and he gives your breast an experimental squeeze. Milk comes out in creamy spurts, and you suppress a flustered whimper. 
“N-Not fascinating!” you hiss, squirming against him. “What the hell did you give me, you creep?! What sort of magic drug—”
“I couldn’t possibly tell you. That’s why I had you test it, and from the looks of it I’ve managed to brew something very entertaining.”
You roll your eyes and swat at his reaching hand. “Well, fix it. This feels...” You swallow thickly when he pinches your perky, glistening nipple between his thumb and forefinger to coax more milk out. Your voice falters. “F-Feels weird...”
“Oh? Would you be willing to elaborate?”
Not really, you think, but if complying is the only way to move towards a cure you’ll have to enlighten him.
“It just feels...” Your hand closes around his and you lean against him, nearly boneless when he squeezes your other breast. It prompts a soft, sweet sigh from your lips. “It feels like... Like when you stretch really good and your joints pop.”
“Ah, so it’s relieving. In that case, it would be a shame to leave you in such a messy state. Allow me to help.”
You weigh his words on your internal scale. “Fine,” you eventually mutter, brows furrowed. “But I don’t owe you anything in return. You were the one who made that potion, so you take responsibility.”
“And you were the one who drank it.”
“Only because I had to! If I wasn’t stuck with you, I’d never—ooh!” A particularly rough squeeze has you arching your back against him. Milk runs down your chest in thick streams, far more plentiful than before. You slap your hands over your mouth, face flaring with warmth. 
Jade chuckles, low and husky. “You were saying?”
“S-Shut up.”
“I couldn’t possibly when you seem so keen to engage in delightful conversation,” he says with a hum, reaching over to pluck something from the shelf.
You follow his movements with a frown, soon realizing that the object in his hand is a glass jar. His intentions dawn on you at once. “You can’t be serious. You’re a freak, Jade.” It’s at that same moment when something pokes your ass from behind, and your face contorts in disgust. “Jaaade, you’re gross! I’m not helping you with that! I’m only your contractual taste-tester, not your contractual...” You trail off in embarrassment. “Y-You know what I mean.”
“I’m aware,” he says dismissively, positioning the jar under your breast. “I’m not very partial to wasting ingredients. Besides, I’m certain you taste as appetizing as you look. Shall I make something out of this and serve it to Azul and Floyd for their critique? Or shall I keep it all to myself? I’m quite tempted to do the latter. You see, I’ve always wondered...” His voice lowers into a whisper, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. You shiver, chewing your lip to muffle your groans when he twists your nipple roughly, filling the glass with some of your milk. “How would you taste if you were truly pregnant?”
His fingers dig into soft flesh, handling you with the same skillful precision a farmer might possess when milking a heifer. His grip is painfully possessive, but that’s the last thing on your mind when his words leave you speechless. 
“I suppose I can satisfy myself with this for now.” The jar is already halfway full. Your body feels as if it’s on fire; part of you wonders if he mixed an aphrodisiac into that potion because there’s simply no way you’ll find relief after just one filled jar. Perhaps you’d feel more blissful pleasure if it weren’t for his eerie admissions filling your head like a swarm of terrible flies, buzzing incessantly about how, if you were pregnant, you’d have no choice but to follow him into the future as his contractual obligation and then his wife and then a mother to lots of baby eels. “Although these games are never fun after the fact... What a pity.”
“W-What do you mean?”
“All pleasant things have time limits. I suspect this potion will only last for the day, and your milk will only stay so fresh. Truly a shame.” Jade’s teeth prick your ear; there’s a vicious smirk in his voice when he speaks next. “I wonder... Have you ever considered names? You might need them if I’m to have my fill of your milk in the foreseeable future.”
You know this is far from a humorous situation, but you still manage an awkward laugh. “Don’t say weird stuff like that.”
Jade chuckles and sets the jar on the shelf, turning you so that you can face him. Though he sounds composed, his face is flushed with arousal. He lowers to your height, taking hold of both of your leaky, milky tits with his hands, studying them with such focus it’s as if he’s been charmed.
“I wonder how many I could give you. How full you’d look. How soft you would become...” he mumbles, mostly to himself, but you catch it anyway.
“Keep dreaming, Jade.”
“I most certainly will.”
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kikyan · 2 years
Yandere Octavinelle Headcanons
TW/CW: Dark content up ahead!! Yandere content specifically, mentions of abuse, manipulation, violence towards the reader, mental instability, etc. Proceed with caution! 
Mini side note because of the comment (that is now deleted or either I’m blocked) from my Savannaclaw Headcanons. This is yandere content, granted a quick glance at all my headcanons and other pieces by creators, you’ll see how different everyone’s interpertation and writing is different. Not every yandere content out there is yandere simulator. I don’t think all of these character is gonna pick a weapon and start going to town on half the cast. I like to focus on how they’d be in a relationship, how they’d react, and what I think they are capable of. So no, a lot of my content doesn’t have someone stalking their S/O and killing potential suitors but that doesn’t mean it’s not yandere? Sorry it’s just that I tried adressing it but I guess the OP blocked me, oh well. Enjoy!! 
DISCLAIMER:  These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY  be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision!
Banner made by @herestrish​! Pls don’t steal! 
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Azul Ashengrotto 
Long overdue headcanons, but I shall deliver. Azul is complicated. I think all of Octavinelle is complicated because I can see them acting in two different ways. Azul was bullied for being overweight and it had an impact on his character. He worked hard to get people to see him as someone for his abilities rather than his appearance, even if the means were shady. Post over blot he still has some insecurities, but he doesn’t shy away from them and chooses to face them head-on. As for his yandere type, I can see him as a very manipulative person (no matter what) but I can also see him as very overprotective and clingy. 
I’m torn between seeing him as someone who loves his S/O but clings on to the fear that someday they’ll leave him. Resulting in him trying to strike a contract with you without you knowing until after you try to leave him (if you do). He’s confident and prideful, but just like his over blot, he’s horrible at handling his emotions (he just like me fr).  The manipulation at first isn’t anything too extreme, just casually bashing others to bring himself up. “He won’t pull his weight on the project, I’ll help you”, or “He’s bad news, nothing good from hanging out with them.” Little by little he’ll limit who you hang out with, and what you do, and he’ll build himself up as the ever so reliable and helpful Azul. 
Overprotective, almost all of them are tbh. He cares for you, genuinely. He just can’t express himself truthfully, he might see the relationship the same he’d see a deal. He holds himself to a high standard, the type to never break a sweat in public but deep down panicking the whole time. He’d probably have the Leech twins be your bodyguards from time to time and they’ll agree for the most part. It’s interesting to see what Azul finds intriguing about you. Besides, it’s amusing to see Azul care for you in his way, even if he gets embarrassed and fumbles the bag. Cares for your education and your reputation! 
This is where it gets me, I’m not quite sure how this happens. If you meet Azul and you guys develop a relationship, kudos! If not, he might strike a deal. I’m conflicted because I see Azul as someone who cherishes the type of relationship where they get to know each other and see their true selves, but I also see him as the type to be afraid of that. He’s worked tirelessly to build himself up but if he confessed to his S/O and they said no, I don’t think he could ever recover. To avoid being hurt, he’d probably use shady means to get his S/O. This is where he might strike a deal. He’ll catch you in a shady deal, an embarrassing situation, etc. He’ll use it as blackmail, forcing you into a relationship with him. He’s not that clingy though, don’t mistake him. He’ll wave it off as a business deal, it benefits us both so what do you have to lose? It’s confusing really, Azul doesn’t seem to care (if you happen to go down this route only) so why did he propose this deal? If his S/O just can’t stand it and proposes to cancel whatever deal they have that binds them to him, he’ll snap. 
He’ll cry, reverting to his crybaby self. He’s so insecure he can’t stand the idea of your rejection. He’s clinging, begging you to reconsider. He’ll do anything you ask of him just please, please don’t leave him. He’ll rewrite a contract, he’ll show affection, he’ll give you anything you want just don’t say that. Don’t even think of leaving him. It’s quite a sight really, you never thought the same man who once held himself up so high is on his knees begging for forgiveness and to make it right. This is why he’s a bit complicated, I feel like the very manipulative ‘read the fine print’ man suits Azul, but at the same time, he’s a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Granted you’d have to push his buttons a lot for that to happen, but it’s a possibility. 
In terms of scale, I want to say it’s a 6/10. His contracts are where he gets you hence why it’s a bit high. The contact that he can use to steal any ability you have is quite a tricky one. He’s powerful, and he knows how to use it but it doesn’t help much when he’s not so great himself. 
Floyd Leech
Run. No kidding, as a yandere the Leech brothers are fucking scary as all hell. I want to start and say this, in normal general relationship headcanons do I see the Leech brothers as genuinely loving their S/O? Yes of course, but these are yandere headcanons and while it’s not impossible don’t hold your breath. As yanderes, these brothers are out for blood. They’ll share similar traits with a few exceptions, I see Floyd as being clingy, possessive, and sadistic. 
The leech brothers don’t see their S/O as a partner for now, they’re only a pet for now. Floyd would be clingy in the sense that he sticks to you like glue. He’s always there, whenever you think you have privacy, you don’t. While they both act like gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, Floyd is that gum that’s visible but won’t come off. Meaning, you see him and know he’s coming, just that you can’t stop him. He’s always there, meaning the torment never ends. He drives people away, nobody comes to your rescue because nobody wants to mess with him. 
He sees his S/O as a toy. While both want to see your reactions, what makes you tick and you’re there for their amusement, Floyd is restless. As long as this doesn’t interrupt Azul’s work, don’t count on him for saving. He’s sadistic, he wants to hurt his S/O. At first, we’re under the impression that he doesn’t know what's wrong and that he just needs to be talked to. It spirals when you notice that he does know what he does and fully intends to continue. The type to push you to the cafeteria floor and then ask, “Is everything okay? Don’t get my shoes dirty shrimpy. . .” He hides behind that fake concern and laid-back persona. Any ‘accident’, I can assure you is not one. Your report that you worked tirelessly on is suddenly missing? Your project is in ruins? You didn’t finish your presentation? All of Floyds doing, he simply enjoys seeing you in uncomfortable situations. He smiles when you make eye contact with him mid-scolding from Trein. He offers false condolences when your project is broken, earning praise for being so concerned for you. What a nice friend isn’t he? 
Despite all his flaws, he doesn’t let anyone mess with you. He rather be the cause of your suffering. Possessive in the sense that you belong to him. You don’t belong to anyone else, your face of sadness? He’s the only one meant to see them. Your faces of anguish and frustration, he’s the cause of it and he lives for it. You can go ahead and tell someone and they’d respond the same, “Sure Floyd is eccentric but he’s not evil, you sure you’re not just making it up?” Anyone who does believe you aren’t strong enough to go against him. On the yandere scale, he’s a 10/10. He’s dangerous, if you haven’t caught his attention, run. I also want to add, that their S/O is mostly going to become stress relief. They’ll be on edge with any sudden mood shifts because they already know that they’re their go to stress ball. The Leech brothers are not the best, they’re VERY dangerous. 
Jade Leech 
Don’t bother running, you won’t get far. His are manipulative, obsessive, possessive, and sadistic. The issue with Floyd is that he makes his nature apparent, Jade conceals it. Quite frankly, Jade is scarier because he’s unpredictable. He’s seen as a super reliable and respectable person, very professional. The type to take on extra workload if needed but professional enough to stand up and know when to say no. He’s the manipulator of the two, he has a way with words that makes you genuinely think he has your best interests in mind. Masquerading his true intentions behind his smile. 
If you’ve ever seen Drrr!!, he reminds me a lot of Izaya. The type to observe you in difficult situations to see what kind of person you are. How do creatures like you work? What is your design? You’re quite a fascinating subject. He loves to see how you react to any situation. He’s quite obsessive, he wants to know anything and all there has to do regarding you. Often stalking you or inviting you out to the monstro lounge to observe you. Down to how you hold your glass he’s invested. He knows your likes and dislikes, your phobias, your friends,  your social life, and what goes down at your dorm. He needs to know after all to create your life trials. 
He’s possessive. Unlike Floyd, he lets others do the tormenting for him. Though he still believes your expressions are his alone, he would rather stay in the shadows to keep up his reliable facade a bit more. You’re his, he doesn’t like sharing and Jade makes that quite clear. The moment anybody wishes to get close to you he’d get rid of them. Either feeding them lies about you or simply scaring them away. He’s sadistic, he wants to hit you where it hurts. While Floyd prefers physical pain, Jade prefers mental pain. He enjoys the little things that bring you anguish. The betrayal of a friend, watching everyone turns against you, rumors destroying what little reputation you have left leaving Jade as your only companion. 
To add more to both, they see their S/O as a form of entertainment. They have no means of leaving you or letting you leave. The only way I can see their S/O leaving is if they got too boring. They stopped fighting. They no longer had any fight left in their eyes but while Floyd would be the first one to suggest leaving you, I think Jade would still find use. They want to light the spark. The torment stops, even for a while and you suddenly think all your efforts have paid off. Finally, they lost interest but what a scary sight it is to see them waiting for you ready to continue their torment. As far as the yandere scaling, I say Jade is an 11/10. Floyd is a danger, yes, but you already know he is. Jade hides that part of himself until he’s ready. You won’t know when he’ll strike. Both are true to their nature, suffocating. Their presence alone makes you stop breathing, they’re just too much and at some point, you start to think that maybe it was better if you met the eyes of somebody else. 
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What if in a very rare moment Jade actually kills his little sibling 🤔 heheheheheheh angst
Here's the context/part 1 to this for people who haven't read it
Please enjoy~!
Warning(s): angst, platonic yandere, strangulation, death
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So, a few months ago, you found out that when you were a child, your older brother wanted you dead.
And today, he said something to you.
He told you something that chilled you to your core.
"(Y/N), I've decided I will be killing you tomorrow. Thought I'd just let you know so you can prepare yourself emotionally."
How are you supposed to react in this situation?
Your older brother just told you he's going to kill you. Not that he just wants to kill you, no, he's actually going to do it.
You tried telling the few friends you'd made at NRC. You tried pleading with them to let you hide in their dorm to hopefully not die at the hands of your brother, but... none of them believed you. They all insisted Jade was way too protective of you, and there's just no way he would ever do that to you.
...honestly, you don't blame them for thinking you're lying to them. Jade has always tried to come off as the protective older brother, that lie even worked on you for most if your life, you know, until Floyd told you the truth and then Jade admitted to having homicidal thoughts about you...
...Jade was always very good at lying.
You pounded on the door in front of you.
"Huh? Oooooooohhh, heya (Y/N)~! Howzit going?"
"J-Jade told me he's going to kill me tomorrow...!" You said, with teary eyes.
"Damn, that sucks. Good luck though."
"W-WHAT?! NO! FLOYD, PLEASE!" You desperately yelled. You've never once hugged Floyd, Jade always told you his twin could get 'dangerous' with his hugs... but today, in your desperation, you wrapped your arms around your brother. "I-I'm scared... please don't let him hurt me..."
Floyd sighed, and pushed you off of him.
"What's in it for me?" Before you could even get a single word out, he spoke again. "That's right, nothing. Sorry (Y/N), I'm not helping."
"B... b-but..."
"Even if there was something in it for me, what do you expect me to do?" He asked. "It's not like I can stop him or anything. If he wants to kill you, he's going to kill you. Sorry." He shrugged his shoulders. "But hey, you had a good run. I'm actually surprised it took him this long to do this, I honestly thought he was gonna do this years ago, haha. Say though, (Y/N), could ya say hi to the rest of our siblings for me? Thanks! And, uh, sorry to hear you're dying tomorrow. Rest in peace in advance."
And then he closed his door.
Your friends won't help you.
Your own brother won't even help you.
You eventually resorted to going to the school store and asking if you could buy a weapon, but you were told that you couldn't.
This situation feels so... hopeless.
You're going to die tomorrow, and there's nothing you can do about it.
You felt... nothing, when going to sleep that night.
It's honestly kind of hard to believe that tomorrow is going to be your last day alive...
As you drifted off to sleep, all your worries and fears disappeared...
You slipped into a wonderful dream, one that resembled your childhood. You and your older brothers were playing together as you always would... all three of you having fun together, exploring sunken ships, looking for treasure... it felt like your mind was revisiting your fondest memories, before the inevitable happened tomorrow. "(Y/N), (Y/N)! Look at this cool seashell I found! I grabbed one for you, too!" "(Y/N), look at this thing, I'm not sure what it is... it's some kind of human thing..." "Maybe it's for brushing your hair?" You remember how Jade took that silly advice you gave him, and twirled his long strip of hair with what you now know is a fork. That part of his hair was curly for a few days before it straightened itself out. You three were so innocent back then. Or at least, you thought so... You remembered all the times Jade had either directly or indirectly hurt you. How he would get that look on his face when you were scared and clinging onto him for comfort... he always looked like he was about to laugh at you, but he was always able to keep it together so he can play the role of 'supportive, protective older brother'. He would often bite you if you told your parents something he didn't want them to know. ... Jade was never a good older brother. You realize that now. He was always horribly controlling, and kept you quiet whenever you tried crying to your parents that he'd hurt you. Just how much of his behavior have you rationalized? How much have you forced yourself to forget...?
You woke up, crying.
Today's your final day, and only now are you realizing how horribly Jade treated you.
When classes ended for the day, you locked yourself in your dorm room.
You dialed your parents phone number, cowering in the corner of your room. They didn't pick up. Yeah, that makes sense, they... they are busy people... but you would've liked to actually talk to them one final time. You left them a voicemail, letting them know what Jade was going to do to you, that you love them... and you were honestly scared to hang up because you know that, the moment you do, your life will be over. You wanted to keep this going forever...
But then you heard him pounding on your door.
"...I'll say hi to everyone else for you." You said, before hanging up.
"(Y/N), please open the door." You heard Jade demand from outside your room.
The pounding got louder.
And then, your door was broken open.
"Have you prepared yourself, (Y/N)?" Jade was holding a long rope. "I've decided I will be strangling you to death with this rope and making it look like you've hanged yourself, is that ok with you?"
You couldn't speak.
"Good, glad to know you're ok with it." He smiled.
Jade walked over to you, and began wrapping the rope around your neck.
"Is something wrong, (Y/N)?" Jade asked you. "Everything will be ok..."
Just hearing that sentence made you start crying. It reminded you of when you were a child, when you were hurt and crying, Jade would tell you "Everything's going to be ok, (Y/N)."
Hearing him whisper to you "Everything will be ok..." brought you back to your childhood, what you thought were better times.
"You were always such a crybaby..." He contently said, pulling tighter on the ends of the rope. "Whenever you were even slightly hurt you would burst into tears. It was always so... hilarious."
It was starting to hurt.
After a few minutes of slowly choking you, Jade let go of both ends of the rope.
"Ah, that was relaxing." He said to himself. "I apologize for scaring you, (Y/N). I just thought it'd be fun to see your reaction to me saying I was going to kill you! Wasn't this fun, (Y/N)?"
He got no response.
"(Y/N)?" He asked, feeling slightly nervous. Again, no response. "(Y/N), is this some kind of joke?! I understand what I did was cruel but pretending to be dead is not ok!"
He pulled the rope from the neck, and saw that he definitely pulled tighter than he thought... you had marks on your neck from the rope. And... your skin felt cold. That would be normal if you were in your mer form, but... no, you were human right now, your body should be warm...
Something's wrong.
"(Y/N)! WAKE UP!" Jade yelled, before he saw your face.
You had a face he'd seen many times before. The face of someone who has just died.
He had just meant to play a cruel joke on you.
He didn't actually want you to die, but...
What's done is done.
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