#yay crossovers
snufkins-boot · 3 months
Dc x Do prompt: co-parenting but one party doesn’t know it’s co-parenting
So when Damian first became Robin he would purposefully hide injuries, thinking it was a sign of weakness. So he was bleeding out and then just some… guy?? Walks up and is like ‘hey kid you’re bleeding, you want me to bandage that?’ And at first Damian says no but then the guy says that he won’t tell anyone… and well.
So Danny moved to Gotham with a de-aged Dan and Ellie and just found some kid bleeding on his roof. So he bandaged the kid up and keeps the door unlocked so he can leave when he wants.
Side effect: this kid will also come through the open door. Even when Bruce returns Damian will go to Danny when he’s injured or upset because unlike Drake and Grayson, Danny has no judgement to anything he says. You could tell Danny you killed someone and he’d just say ‘real’.
Dan and Ellie also love him and have been attempting to learn to sword fight from Damian with those styrofoam swords you get out of flying tiger for a fiver.
Does Bruce know? Probably not at first. And then he finds out, and then it’s the grumpy grunts because his son trusts this guy more than him and he’s a little butt hurt. So he tried to replace Danny and Damian isn’t having it and will still go to Danny.
Anyway this is just a long way to say Danny and Bruce kiss 👍
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cvmcicle · 14 days
im robbing from you a odypen doodle with baby tele
oh they're so doomed by the narrative oh god
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
Danny smiled from his place on the clocktower roof. He'd been in Gotham for a while now, two years to the day exactly, but he'd never get tired of the view. Sure, he hated not being able to see the stars at night, but there were worse things. He did make sure to leave the city every night to see them, though.
He liked being up high. It reminded him of, not simpler times, but times when he wasn't as alone. Jazz had made her way to Harvard, Tucker was MIT, and Sam was at Pomona. Danny was nowhere.
They say after he turned fourteen, he died. It, to say the least, wasn't a pleasant or painless death, though it didn't hurt past the initial shock and revival. When he was sixteen, he realized he wasn't aging. Sure, Danny Fenton aged until he was sixteen, but Danny Phantom stopped at fourteen. Good for keeping a secret identity, but horrible for wanting to half live normally.
The day after he turned eighteen, exactly four years after he died, Danny disappeared. He left everything behind and hid out in the one place he'd always said he'd avoid. It was the one place no one would look for him. The one place where he was just another face in the crowd.
Gotham City allowed Danny the anonymity that normally came with death. Instead of just another headstone in the graveyard or a body in the harbor, though, he was just another kid on the streets in a busted hoodie and jeans. No one looked twice and no one asked questions.
In the two years he's spent on the streets of Gotham, he's learned a lot. Survival was something all humans are born with, but growing up with neglectful parents amplified that instinct. Dying and becoming an unwilling hero honed those instincts. Living in Gotham gave him a chance to learn more.
Learning the lay of the land was another thing he learned very quickly. Batman is over all of Gotham except for Crime Alley. That's Red Hood's haunt. Gotham Proper was split into blurry lines and shared between Batman and Robin, Red Robin, Orphan, and Spoiler. Nightwing is over Gotham's sister city, Bludhaven. Signal is the only day shift, so he had the most ground to cover in the least amount of time.
Of course, the Rouge's all had their own territories drawn with hard, barely flexible, lines. Black Mask was really the only one to breach those lines by trying to take Crime Alley, but Red Hood had been keeping him in check.
Learning the rules for each territory and how to interact with each person, Rouge or Vigilante, took time, but he managed. His own experiences had probably helped with that.
The next thing Danny had mapped out was where the neutral stations were. Every territory had them. They were places no one attacked because the important ones have standards. In Crime Alley, it's The Club. In Penguin's area, it's the Iceberg Lounge. Ivy marked off Robinson Park. Etcetera. The Joker is really the only major Rouge without a neutral mark on his map, but that's because he's more of an asshole than the rest. An asshole with standards, but an asshole nonetheless.
Very few of those neutral areas were available to spend the night in. Even fewer we're hiring. So, the homeless population of Gotham City stuck to the streets and back alleys.
However, there were two places Danny knew he could go where he'd be safe from scrutiny if someone looked too close at him. The Club in Crime Alley where all the working girls and boys checked in and reported any Bad Johns or Bad Janes, and The Iceberg Lounge in the richer parts of Gotham.
The clocktower was where Danny liked to spend his nights when the streets were too loud and the lights too bright and the fights too close for comfort. Oracle, who was Batman's eye in the sky and ear to the ground, worked from the clocktower, but he made sure to avoid her. It wasn't easy with what's basically super hearing that he can't turn off, but he found a spot near the very top where he could block out all Bat Business. Plausible deniability and all that.
Danny misses the stars. He misses being able to peek his head out of his bedroom window and name of each constellation he could see. He can't do that in Gotham because of the light pollution that clung to the sky like black mold. It was part of the reason he'd sworn to never go to Gotham.
There are Shades in Gotham. Shadows of people who have died but aren't quite ready to move on. He helps them as best he can, but there's so many that he sometimes feels like he's cutting off a Hydra's head. He gets to see results, though. Some days the parks are more colourful, the clouds have drifted enough to let natural sunlight through, and the graveyards are buzzing with thankful energy.
Danny forwent the thought of trying to get a job a while ago. As far as the world is concerned, Danny Fenton is missing, likely dead. Being dead, in case it wasn't well known, is a legal barrier. Sure, most jobs in Gotham didn't do background checks, but Danny didn't really want to join the Goonion. He's just fine living on the streets.
Ectoplasm is scarce compared to Amity Park, but that's to be expected. Besides, the miasma crushing the city like a weighted blanket was enough to sustain his basic abilities. Food was a bit harder to come by, but, like sleep, he could survive longer without it than a living being can. If anyone were to ever ask - though the likelihood of anyone even finding out - how he was alive, his answer was "Photosynthesis, but for ghosts."
Danny liked being just Danny. No name, no responsibilities outside of keeping himself alive.
Danny Fenton, the loser nerd who fell to the bottom of all his classes, who's obsessed with space and everything in it, who could tell you exactly how long it would take to get from Earth to Betelgeuse and back, is dead. He died the day after he turned fourteen.
Danny Phantom, the hatefully loved vigilante who appeared with the throngs of ghosts, who grew more powerful with every fight, who won more fights than he thought he could because there was no other option, is gone. He disappeared after exactly four years.
Danny just exists. He lives on the streets of Gotham City, staying away from trouble because he learned how to recognize it as soon as he could walk. He loves space and finds every opportunity he can to get out and watch the stars and moon and planets. He likes heights because being up that high reminds him of when he was living and not just surviving. Was there really a difference anymore? He hangs out in graveyards and the docks because the dead are so much more tolerable than the living.
Danny liked being just Danny because Danny doesn't have the world of Infinite Realms and Possabilities on his shoulder.
Danny likes to be able to just be for once.
Storyboard Part 2
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tangledinink · 7 months
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sometimes i just like drawing silly babies on silly playdates... gemini!donnie's babies ft. @abbeyofcyn and @cupcakeslushie's babies
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beebfreeb · 11 days
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So you see I am really regular
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fistfuloflightning · 7 months
The moment Luo Binghe is shoved backwards into the Endless Abyss, he knows he will never return. No one comes back from the Abyss, the rift torn through reality. Doubly so, now that the seal upon his demonic heritage is shattered.
He sees Shizun’s face twist in something complicated and horrible, even as it grows smaller and finally disappears.
But he doesn’t ever hit the ground. Instead, warm water closes over his head and the force of his fall drives him deep. The water seems too thick around him and eventually even his cultivator’s lungs need a reprieve. And when he involuntarily opens his mouth all he tastes is blood.
Luo Binghe panics, gasping for air that is not there and searching blindly for the surface. And somehow he finds it, clawing his way out of the blood like some half-dead thing. There is blood in his eyes, he’s completely coated in it. He probably looks like a monster.
Somewhere to his side there’s the sound of people jumping to their feet, cries of shock and fear.
“Jiejie! Get Wei-gongzi! Now!”
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hitwiththetmnt · 4 months
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Hello my dear Cabin member!! 🍀
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Bringing Sammie’s to go! Thank you for the snacks♡
Cabin #7 (7 Wonders of the Turtleverse)
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swati-art · 11 months
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gla-ssstar · 4 months
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um .. mixing my basic boy interests together because I've been sick in bed from a fever for three days
Hiii Mando Jason Todd u r so cool<3
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moeblob · 6 months
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lil meow meow (affectionate)
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surrealsunset · 1 year
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delirium!charlotte dressed as nagisa momoe :> nagisalotte! <3
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winger · 5 months
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ugly springy sketches (idk how to draw him help) and some bot stuff frim school again. decided to draw my fave characters (airy and bot) togetherrrr!!!!! YAAAYYYY!!!! i know the dialogue sucks i am not a writer guy i do not write i do not understand characyers .don’t get mad….
editing photos to look cooler is fun ^-^
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
a little dp x dc art ;))
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gotham in the ghost zone
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Part 3 - If you could’ve seen
Dp x DC: Regent!Jazz, Vigilante!Jazz
Masterlist Part 2
“If you could’ve seen how I looked yesterday, a hopeless disaster, but I’m getting better at being faster.” -Never Look Back by The Nearly Deads
Jazz wasn't so proud to admit that she had many regrets about her life choices.
Taking the Crown was a fine line between terrifying and glorifying, with the many scars and callouses Jazz now bore from the hours of training (at Pandora's behest) a misgiving that was required for the sake of survival.
Hurting her little brother was the heaviest weight on her chest.
It hadn't been that Jazz meant to cause Danny pain from escaping Amity Park, but he'd already died there once from the portal and almost a second time when her parents the older Fentons captured Phantom in a thermos and strapped him down.
They had crossed a line, the point of no return, and Jazz was done trying to fix her broken family. The moment they cut into Danny while he screamed "I'm alive, I'm alive!" was the renouncement of their right to their own lives.
Jazz had enacted Vengeance for her little brother, the hero in death he shouldn't have had to become. For all the Unquiet Dead and Neverborn ended by the Fentons.
For her lost childhood. For her lost humanity.
Slash, slash, slash went the Regent's sword. Blood spattered the walls of the lab, mixed with the ecto already there from a fight for one's existence.
One slash, two, three Blood is on your hands already. 
Frostbite would later, admist the ice and snow of the Far Frozen, that as a Liminal Jazz had triggered a rage state due to both her emotions and her unintentional ecto-starvation.
It wasn't enough to absorb it from the environment anymore, not with the Crown and summoning her ecto-sword. She would have to consume raw ecto to replenish her levels and diminish the chances of another blackout rage.
(Frostbite and Danny would never know that Jazz was fully aware of her actions.)
(She just didn't care anymore, Danny was more important.)
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Danny had healed over the few months they were in Gotham, his incision wound now a grotesque Y-shaped scar over his scrawny chest that would never fade. His ecto-levels were improving with constant exposure to a natural portal, corrupted as it was, and slowly he was gaining back his sense of self.
Jazz didn't talk much anymore, but Danny was all too happy to argue with her- about her ripping him away from his haunt, killing his parents, his friends, and going out as a vigilante almost every night.
(As she had guessed, Danny was relieved that the Joker was dead and not a ghost.)
(He'd never know that Joker had returned as a ghost, but the Regent crushed his core before he could even form words.)
(Both Sam and Danny approved of her trophy though.)
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At the other end of Crime Alley, tucked away in a safe house, Jason Todd was dying.
Well, so he thought, as his heart ached in his chest and beat so fast it could almost rip itself from his rib cage.
(If he was a lesser man, he might’ve gone crying to Bruce for help, but not in this life.)
Jason had collapsed on his bed in full gear, sans helmet, as the pain began to wrack his body. Was he truly dying again?
(He wasn’t ready to. Not again.)
And to think his night started so well.
He’d woken up a few minutes before his alarm went off, the hazy dregs of sleep trying to lure him back in, back to the rather nice dream he’d been having.
(Feminine build in bloody armor, a teasing grin, soft lips against his own.)
He didn’t even have patrol that night, his one day off a week he could just relax as Jason, not Jay Peters or Red Hood- only for it to be ruined by the emergency alert on his phone announcing that his murderer had broken free again.
Fucking Joker.
Old familiar rage simmered low in Jason’s gut, but much to his surprise, his vision didn’t tint neon green. No haze of being on the verge of a blackout rage at the mere thought of his murderer.
(What was going on?)
It wasn’t as if the Pit Madness could just be gone, right?
(Jason Todd was no a fool, the Madness was still there.)
(Just… sedated. Like it didn’t need to boil to the surface anymore where it concerned his murderer.)
And for the first time in a very long while, Jason felt like himself again.
Until the agony began.
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{I swear I try writing something that’s not angst for once and this is what I get. Great. Well as long as someone likes it, right?}
{Oh and sliding in an AU for Jason too! Not Halfa!Jason, because I’m not a particular fan of how I would write it. But something more akin to what he was when he dug himself out of his grave pre-dip in corrupted Ectoplasm ala League of Assassins.}
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imsmallfry · 4 months
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I am very excited to do a Twin Peaks/Alan Wake mashup!! Here's Alan and Rose enjoying a cup of Bright Falls blend coffee at the Oh Deer Diner :3 I referenced a Twin Peaks poster and I'm super happy with how it turned out
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haro0o · 2 years
Finally a deserved holiday!
Hmmm let's see my to-do list
*open a scroll*
continue the “another red spot” fic maybe later
Rest mmm nah
sleep already done that
Oh! What's this?
make another au of raphs!!!
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So yeah... I still have some idea of aus to make but yknow...one each day!
Also this is heavily inspired by Hamatos Umarekawari au by @pillowdrawz (I hope you don't mind, by if you are please to tell me right away😅)
I love big raph but short small angry Pomeranian raph will always in my ❤️
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