June of Doom Day #26
"I made a mistake." | Ambulance | Hopelessness | Numb |
June of Doom Prompt List
Cw: Death, murder, blood
The two stared at each other, eyes equally as wide, as Hero's blade slid into Villain's body.
Hero looked just as shocked as the person they'd just stabbed.
Slowly, Villain slid backwards, off of Hero's knife, collapsing to the ground. Blood already seeping through their clothes, dripping down their chest.
Hero could only stare for a moment, before collapsing next to them. "No no no no no- Villain I- I didn't mean to, I wasn't thinking-"
Their earlier anger and need for justice gone, Hero quickly covered Villains wound, as if trying to hold the blood inside of them. Tears welled in their eyes as they looked up at Villain's pale horrified face. "No, I didn't mean to, this- I- I shouldn't have gotten so mad I- I made a mistake, Villain-"
Villain opened their mouth to say something, but all that came out was a strangled gurgling as blood dripped from their lips.
"Villain, no! No no no-" Hero let out a sob. They'd never hurt anybody, they'd never killed anybody- this was all wrong. "Stay with me, I'm so sorry- I'll call for help! I'll get an ambulance, you're going to be fine-"
Villain's eyes finally met Hero's, tears welling there. "H-Hero..." more blood pooled in their mouth, painting their teeth red.
"Villain, Villain I'm so sorry, you're going to be fine, I'm going to get help-"
"Hero," Villain whispered.
Then they gasped,
and were still.
Hero collapsed over the body of their dead enemy, their shoulders shaking with sobs.
"Villain I'm so sorry."
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
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She hardly eats anything anymore.
Context: Au where T'Pel was pregnant when Tuvok left for his Maquis mission (unbeknownst to them) and she had a daughter. After the dominion war broke out 3 of their children died and now it is only T'Pel, the daughter (named after her 'late' husband), and Sek. Sek made a dessert for them all that Tuvok used to make with the hopes that it would spark something in his mother, who is in a near constant meditative trance as a coping mechanism against her grief, but it doesn't seem to have worked.
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st0rmyskies · 5 months
My heart breaks for champion now omg 😭 poor thing had such a horrible life. All the abuse, control, being kept from proper education, etc. He has absolutely no idea who he can trust.
Well, he's fairly certain that his too-kind roommate with the odd scars on his face is trustworthy.
At least until Twilight finds out what he really is.
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diabolikpersonals · 1 year
I found it, Yumas from the “Unknown Clan” his code name is the Unknown. Chapter 19 along with 18 is out btw
[shaking] did u see!!! looking into ruki’s eyes will cause a demon pain!! did u see that??? reiji wont be able to look at ruki’s face without suffering…!!! hahaha!!!
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galaxicalswriting · 11 months
lose everything
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typhoonvash · 1 year
" didn't see that coming, did you? "
@millionsnife | the cost of victory
The shooting finally stopped.
...But no bullets found purchase in Vash's body, and no bullets grazed his prosthetic arm. He should've been riddled with holes by now, so... where...?
The sharpshooter managed to dislodge his leg from the rubble of a fallen wall that was destroyed by an explosion nearby. It was in pain, but he didn't think anything was broken—maybe it was the adrenaline talking.
As he turned and stood up, however, a grizzly scene awaited him.
An obscene amount of blood and gore painted the area where the gunmen fired at him, each one meticulously sliced to pieces. Their guns weren't spared from the violence either, pieces of gunmetal littered the street like confetti.
And directly in front of him...
"Nai! You killed them, you didn't need—!!"
Wait. This blood didn't belong to the gunmen. This was...
It seemed that while Knives was using his weapons to shield Vash and attack the gunmen, he left himself wide open. His icy-mannered brother knelt on one knee, his blood dripping in weighted splashes against the dirt road. With a cough, he sputtered out,
"Didn't see that coming, did you?"
Knives didn't bother turning his head to face his brother.
maybe he didn't want to see the tears welling up
Yes, Vash was crying. He was crying out of grief, he was crying for the gunmen, he was crying for his brother, he was crying over the violence of the world...
He understands Millions Knives now.
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quixoticemo · 2 years
i love heartbreak and angst and sacrificing yourself for the one you love and being unable to convey how you feel about the other person before it's too late and leaving in the middle of the night to save them from a horrible fate and breaking voices as you confess your love but it's too late
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the-overanalyst · 8 months
it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.
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bebx · 9 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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mcntsee · 2 months
The real barbie is Y/n.
Y/n’s a doctor, a cop, a scientist, an agent, vet, hero, villain, astronaut, lawyer, spy, criminal, artist, chef, engineer, psychologist, architect, journalist, firefighter, event planner, mechanic, photographer, musician, actor, interior designer, bartender, fashion designer, barista, florist, forensic scientist, flight attendant, profiler, tour guide, translator, etc.
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feeling called out today
credit: _ADWills
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ato-dato · 11 months
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Piss off!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!! :)))))
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greykolla-art · 4 months
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My blog has become infested with angst goblins, and they must be fed with some hypothetical scenarios!🙏💚
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juiche · 5 months
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a moment of peace before the whole world shatters 😇
get your own print here ❤️
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abyss-ak · 6 months
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Credits to @UQUOOZZ on Twitter
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candaru · 8 months
no no. you don't get it. the reason I injure my blorbos until they can't walk is because that's the only way they'll ever let someone else carry them. the reason I curse them to be sick and feverish is so that they'll finally open up about their emotions while delirious. the reason I force them to overexert themselves to the point of exhaustion is so that when they pass out they can finally rest.
I'm doing this for their own good.
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