suzukiblu · 1 year
comfort w tim please? (i just want some fluff dkjshekdb 😂)
Well, this excerpt isn't Tim comfort, but hopefully counts for Tim fluff?
Context: pre-identity reveal/identity porn/idiots to lovers TimKon.
"Sounds like supervillain talk, dude," Kon says. Tim resolves to dial back on that at this point in his career. He's laying groundwork, yes, but subtlety is still the wiser course of action.
"You say that like you've never socialized with a supervillain before," he says dryly.
"Well, usually ones who wear a bit less," Kon replies, grinning wickedly at him.
"So you're telling me I should invest in a crop top before I try to take over the world and remake it in my own image?" Tim asks still more dryly as he raises an eyebrow at him with a little smirk, and Kon laughs and steps in a little closer, giving him a not very subtle up-and-down with his eyes.
"Only if you're trying to recruit me for your evil plans," he says, grin turning sharp. Tim wants to lick his teeth. "So I dunno, what are your feelings on Daisy Dukes?"
"I'm going to be honest, I'm not actually that much of an exhibitionist so at this point we're just describing my ideal costume updates for you," Tim informs him.
"Oh yeah?" Kon asks with another laugh even as he visibly preens at the suggestion. Tim is all for that, personally. Both the preening and the theoretical updates, in fact. And, a little more weirdly, just the idea of having anything to do with what Kon might ever decide to wear.
Yeah, that's probably a later thought, Tim decides. Like, a private-time kind of later thought.
"You're solar-powered, aren't you?" he says reasonably. "Showing a bit more skin can't hurt."
"I wonder if Superman would buy that excuse," Kon says musingly.
"Power Girl exists," Tim says still more reasonably. "And Supergirl wears a miniskirt, last I checked."
"Valid," Kon says, putting on a mock-thoughtful expression and tapping the side of his jaw. "Maybe I'll put in some cutouts and go for a lower neckline, tell the big guy he's making the rest of us look like prudes. What do you think, bikini or high-cut bottoms?"
"I don't know the difference," Tim lies, desperately trying not to overheat and die at that question and every single accompanying mental image that his useless brain has so helpfully decided to supply. "You'll have to provide examples."
"Will I now," Kon says, grinning all over again and pointedly cocking a hip. "What, pretty boy, you want a fashion show?"
"Well I did want to be a photographer when I was a kid," Tim says, although it was definitely never that kind of photography he had in mind. Kon laughs again and shifts in even closer, though, so it's worth it. Tim is mortified, but also undeniably into just . . . all of this, really, just everything about this conversation. Robin can't flirt with Superboy, but, well . . .
He's taking advantage a little, he can admit, but it's still just . . . nice.
He's wanted to flirt with Kon for way too long, at this point. Indulging in a little bit of it isn't the worst thing he could do.
And again, it's Kon, so it's not like it's serious or anything. The guy won't even remember this conversation tomorrow, much less anything about Tim Drake.
. . . admittedly that'd be counterproductive to Tim's long-term goals here, but still. He's willing to take his time on this. There's a plan. It has steps. Layers. Processes.
"I like you, man," Kon says with a wider grin, which is in absolutely no way whatsoever in the plan. "You're funny."
It occurs to Tim, almost disbelievingly, that he might've . . . made a good impression on Kon? Somehow?
Well that's weird.
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theawkwardanglophile · 4 months
What are your top 5 Chenford scenes ever?
Ummm, Sarah, this is just cruel! 😂 This was so difficult making a list and then taking so many amazing scenes back off the list to narrow it down. But it was fun, too! I will probably change my mind on these later on, but for now, this is where we're at, in chronological order:
1) Outside Nevin's, erm, Right Start Bakery (2x13): This remains a longstanding fave. Tim turned down a promotion to finish training Lucy. The whole scene has such a flirtatious vibe to it, with those smiles they can't keep off their faces. This scene gave me so many questions, like what did they do next? Did Tim drive her there? So much so I ended up having to write a fic about this scene a few years ago.
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2) At the hospice (4x09): Honestly, it came down between this one and the hospital hug in 6x04, but this is just such a foundational moment for Tim and Lucy. It's the most vulnerable we've ever seen him up to that point. He lets all his walls down in front of Lucy, rather than Genny, or, I don't know, his girlfriend? And their hug is so beautiful. This really cemented how much Tim and Lucy were becoming each other's person.
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3) Their FIRST DANCE (4x18): This is just pure joy, the happiest we'd ever seen Tim, at least until he started actually dating Lucy. There is so much that isn't said verbally in this scene, so much their movements and expressions convey. Like, did they know they were still dating other people? Chris? Ashley? I don't know them. 😂
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4) Their FIRST KISS (4x22): GEEZ, this scene is so, so good. It's so perfectly them. Banter, awkwardness, romance, friendship, and their blindsided reactions after the kiss. How "I opened the door for you" became reality in the next episode?! That kiss gave me so many butterflies. And Tim's "Oh, I don't have anything" as he's leaving will never not be funny to me!
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5) Quality Sexy Time (5x12): Really I could list just about any scene from this episode on here, but the last scene at Lucy's...asdklfsahlkasdf! Tim's "you and I will get to see each other every day" gets me every time. The man who wanted a "personal life free zone" in the shop now can't get enough of her. Lucy being so concerned about Tim being miserable in his new job because she knows him so well. Lucy's insane amount of candles. Tim's little "I know" is honestly one of the hottest things ever. I can't explain it, it just is. And then everything else that follows is incredible. It turns out they are good at other things as well. 😏
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Thank you for the ask, my friend! ☺️☺️
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bisexualnerd · 4 months
Hii i wanted to tell you i loved that last chapter you dropped, I saw the tag major character death and immediately went ah. so it’s one of those fics. where jay dies and it’s just hurt hurt hurt as the last note. Ahhh just—they haven’t acknowledged each other as brothers yet your honor 💔 and Tim knows now (great pretending your found family aren’t also vigilantes acting from him) and Jason never knew, like peak potential. I can imagine he’s gonna go ??? who the fuck pulled my baby bird into the vigilante business and uh why?? without knowing (if this goes like we all know) that Tim was the one who wanted to honor him and keep Robin’s legacy alive. Also I can imagine the whole imaginary friend think goes back to a box at the back at his head?? Timmy was just getting warmer to the truth and Jay goes out to pull this stuff. classic. (me being annoyed) — Aww but really poor Jay I can imagine he’s never felt more spiteful of the fact that his powers don’t extend to phasing through things and not just walls. jay in my head: cursing under his breath how he just gets partial danny phantom adjacent abilities, i mean if he’s gonna have a power why not have it full pump I-can-walk-through-walls-disappear-and-fly package.
really just really excited where u take the fic, hope u don’t mind my rambling, just wanted to drop my thoughts 💜💜 also like take your time, i hope im not adding pressure or anything
Ohmygosh it's been so long since I've got an inbox on Tumblr!! And of course I don't mind because I'm ecstatic!!! I love hearing you guys' thoughts about my writing!!!
And Jay's death is like, such a constant in the fandom (and when he doesn't die, he still gets injured and traumatised so severely). And there was no way Tim would have let the Waynes know because if he had done that, they would have never, under any circumstances, let him go out to photograph anymore 😂😂
I actually did initially draft up his power to be able to phase through everything, but then I remembered all my evil plans for the series and I was like, skrttt~ STOP! And I had to nerf him 😅 Now I can picture a side story, or a small part of a fic of him cursing his power in Ethiopia 😈 (and why is partial danny phantom adjacent abilities so freaking funny 🤣)
Thank you so so much for the really fun and lovely inbox!!! I hope the direction of the series in the future will keep you interested 🥰🥰
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op81s · 3 months
Please tell me you’ve heard Alex talk about attempting to get revenge on Conor for his golf cart prank. I was dying laughing when I first heard it. This man has never ever done anything by half, committed several attempted crimes for failed revenge. He talks about it in the Off Track episode The Failed Key Heist and the 500. I cannot believe he is so casual about it all lmao
i had not heard this episode but oh. my. god. i'm dead. (i have done a deep dive into alex's eventual respone to this prank tho and you can find it here)
tagging @nico-di-genova 'cause this is very much relevant to your alib alex i feel.
my reaction below the cut 'cause it got fucking LONG.
my favorite parts:
hinch: i'm standing in the gym, minding my own business and alex just walks in right behind me, gets really close in my ear and just goes 'you're fucking dead.' + hinch: i was trying to prove my innocence, which he did not believe, it took a full hour for me to convince him to the point where i was having to show him my text messages- he was like an angry girlfriend, he was like 'sHOW ME YOUR PHONE' *alex starts cackling in the background* ... and i was finally cleared in the eyes of- alex: you were aquitted. hinch: i was aquitted in the court of alex.
poor hinchie, his bestie didn't believe him 😭
alex: i'm not gonna explain the way that i found out with complete certainty. tim: wait- why- why not? alex: well, no because- ....screw it i don't like him that much anyway, i was in the engineering office with colton herta.
lol, i'm fully convinced alex doesn't like 3/4 of the grid 😂
alex: i found her on instagram. hit her up in the dm's and said 'hey there, sorry to reach out to you kinda randomly. i really need your help with something, i'm friends with conor and some of the people you know, get back to me asap if you get this'. twenty minutes later she responds like 'hey what's up?' and i send a picture of the golf cart tyres on top of my bus and say 'i'm trying to get conor back for a prank, can i call you?' i call her and i find out when they're going to dinner, where they're going to dinner. i try and get her to see, if when she's in his car, to kinda look for bus keys and we had a whole plan that she was like gonna try and grab them and drop them outside the car. or when she got out she was gonna leave the car unlocked when she got home. so like, she was completely on board. it wasn't really going well, she couldn't find the key initially at all. so i found out conor was going to a resturant, i drove downtown to that resturant, got the valet in on this situation and got him to unlock conor's car while conor was at dinner. ... and the keyes were nowhere to be found, i was crawling through his tahoe for ten minutes, searching for the bus key. could not find them.
THEY WAY HE MANAGED TO DRAG A COMPLETELY INNOCENT WOMAN HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW INTO HIS REVENGE 😂 (which also... does kelly know you slide into random women's dm's alex?? 👀😂) AND A VALET??? just how persuasive are you alex?? 'cause that valet could lose their job???? (okay, they're friends with the valet. that makes more sense...)
cont: so then i decided to drive to his house and i tried to break into his house.
alex: colton comes up to me and he's like 'i know where conor's bus keys are. they're in his front right pocket.' and i was like '...okay, cool? how would you like me to get those?' and he was like 'i don't know man, just make a mold of them.' and i said 'uhh, you're still not explaining to me how i'm getting the keys out first of all.' and he's like 'just put a bunch of putty in their and make a mold.'
colton...............i can't figure out if you were fucking with alex or if you're just a little dumb
alex: so that night, we were just going to get him back with his golf cart ... but that night, his golf cart was nowhere to be found. so not only was he claiming to be innocent, he felt the need to hide his belongings. and when i say it was nowhere to be found, i mean i had doug boles looking for the golf cart, the president of indianapolis motor speedway. tim: and his step-dad. alex: -and his sted-dad. i had mechanics. hinch: it was a search party. there was an apb out for conor's golf cart and it could not be located on the grounds. alex: nowhere to be found. and then i was like 'okay. we're not going to do it tonight, but his golf cart is gonna be in pitlane on carb day and while he's in the car there's nothing that he's gonna be able to do.' and sure enough, conor was so concerned his golf cart never surfaced and he rode to pitlane with either his teammate or his team owner. he stopped commuting all at once. 'cause he was so concerned about what was gonna happen. tim: he went to such great lenghts to inconvenience himself to stop you from minorly inconveniencing him. you were gonna mess with the golf cart so he was just like. no golf cart!
the way i can just imagine alex going through the entire fucking ims looking for conor's golf cart and roping in everyone around him to look for it too.
tim: i feel like we could do something else to him. hinch: yeah, i mean we could burn his house down but it's attached to other houses so that's risky. alex: so literally- i literally threathened that, i was so mad at him. 'cause he also, on media day took my golf cart key and hid it. and i literally walked by him and said 'i'm literally going to blow up your house.' i was SO PISSED. hinch: ...wait...i though hunter-reay hid your key? alex: well- hinch: hunter-reay took my key. alex: -still gonna blow up conor's house. tim: i think you've admitted to a couple of felonies on this podcast. alex: i mean. whatever at this point.
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coyote-nebula · 2 months
A silly little ask from a silly little mutual~~☆
The opening scene of Tim in a Bottle is dialogue GOLD to me. Tim & Jason’s voices are on point, and all the little details feel so natural that they make it really come to life. How did you come up with the street names Tim and Jason reference, along with the Tasty Pastry business name and slogan? (Taste You Canoli Imagine™️ 😂)
Was this a ‘write down the first thing that comes to mind’ situation, or do you have a whole brainstorming process…? I guess my question is really about your writing process, and whether you’re a details first writer or a big picture first writer. (:
(I know this question is muddled, please take it as an excuse to ramble about your fic ♡ ♡ ♡)
Thank you! I feel like I'm doing one of those author interviews.
I've been party to so many "what street is this house on" conversations, and that informed their argument. It's like a dramatization of my confusion with respect to Jason's territory (is it really just Crime Alley/Park Row? Is it one road? How does he handle intersecting streets? Who decides the borders? are they submitted in writing somewhere? Is it based on vibes??). I (incorrectly) guessed at what the Bowery is named for (farms, not boughs 😂) and went with an arbor theme connecting both areas and ta-da: streets with tree names.
As for Pastry Tastry, Taste You Cannoli Imagine™, it's simple: I like puns, especially bad ones 😂I brainstormed the company name and slogan at work, where as soon as I thought of it I snuck across the building to giggle about it to a coworker, who took my self cleverness very patiently.
Also, and I'm sorry for explaining the joke, but it was so hilarious to me because the cannolis are not good. You really do have to imagine that taste, because you won't find it in the pastries.
I don't know what my writing process is. Trees are more readily apparent to me than forests, I know that. I had like two things I knew for sure when starting this fic, so I mostly improvised as I went (especially at the beginning, where there's less pressure to actually remember everything, lol. I'm being forced to plan the broad strokes carefully at the end). If there's lots of details, I'd say that's where my mind tends to go first!
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lemotmo · 2 months
Did someone order a double of piping hot 🫖 🫖
Them going after Aisha, Oliver, and Ryan right after Tim’s interview 💀 they truly are not the smartest fandom in the land. And like you can definitely see who’s a new fan only for Lou/Tommy vs long time fan because Aisha sharing Herself with Oliver and Ryan is a long standing tradition. It’s not new.
As for the other one. We already knew they didn’t understand time zones after the Lou twitter meltdown when they said he was hacked and they thought it was “highly suspicious so many buddie fans were all online at the same time” 😂
And then wanting to prove Ryan’s dad as a liar just sent me to tears laughing because they wanna prove he’s a liar but at the same time they are running around using a ss of him saying buddie isn’t happening in a comment he posted from 3 years ago (which is around the time of the shooting and fox saying No) and acting like he’s in charge of the show. Like pick a lane guys. Is he an inside scoop or is he a liar 💀💀😂
Ooooh, spilling the 🫖 Nonny? How sweet of you. :) Thanks!
Reading this it's very clear that this is once again that certain subset of the BT fandom trying to force the show to see things their way. I don't understand how one can't see that this is not the way to get what you want? In fact, none of us can 'force' the show to give us what we want. I would love to see Buddie happening in season 8 and I really want it, but you don't see me villifying actors and cast of the same show that I claim to love only for me to get my way. And, even if it wouldn't happen, I would be disappointed, but I wouldn't go around hating on Tim or the cast and crew. It's their show, not mine. I don't make the rules here.
It's come to the point where I'm genuinly afraid of these people's reaction when it will become clear that Tommy isn't sticking around. I don't mind Tommy being there myself, because I know he is there for a reason. I don't fear Tommy's presence in the show, but I do fear for these fanatic stans' reaction.
Some of these people should really put down their phone and just quit social media all together. Living a life consumed with hatred for fictional characters and actors that portray them? That is not healthy.
Finally, let us not forget: there are so many people peacefully shipping BT or BT and Buddie at the same time. They just want to ship their 'ship' and that's just fine. Let's not throw all of those people on the same pile as those fanatic Lou/Tommy stans who get blocked by the actors and crew.
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 10 months
Yes to that comic version of Bruce! 👏 (what did you think of the bale batman and battinson?) Jensen is a bloody good actor but I just can't process him as the bat I look at him and my brain just says 💗soft💗 I liked the bale batman- although I can't see him as batdad but I can somehow see battinson trying to parent lol Jon Bernthal would make a killer batman for sure. I find it soo hard to fancast and I always end up changing my mind
Who is your Alfred? I love Michael Caine Alfred and I quite liked the Alfred from the Gotham TV series
I can't unsee Brenton Thwaites as Nightwing like in my mind the way Hugh Jackman shall forever be Wolverine and Ian McKellen is forever Gandalf, Brenton Thwaites is now my forever Nightwing. I really really want a Nightwing movie so bad. Have you seen the YouTube Nightwing series?
I've never heard of Tanner Buchanan before, but yo the green eyes sealed the deal there 💚 I find Jason the hardest to cast tbh
Griffin Gluck!! Have you seen locke and key? that's the only thing I've seen him in, Felix Mallard was in it too, I can sometimes envision Felix as Jason sometimes not, I've not seen a fancast before that has made me be like yes that is 100% Jason, I liked the hbo titans version of Jason but only as the hbo titans Jason if that even makes sense, little dude did so good in that role 👏 but anyways sorry for the Jason tangent lol !Griffin Gluck Tim Drake hell yeah! This is partly crack partly not but mostly crack but I can somewhat see Rebal D as Tim Drake the energy in his YouTube videos is at times very Tim to me
I wish dc would even just make a short mini movie, like 15 mins long, about Bruce trying to be a responsible father and damian just being damian 🤣
I know the ages for this arent right but oh well lol, I think I'd fancast Chance Perdomo as Duke, Emma Stone as Steph and Violet Orlandi as Cass, for the life of me I can't come up with anyone for Babara? (I love Violet as Cass, she's not even an actress but she could sooo do it)
Thanks for giving your fancast!! And 10 000% yes to the Wayne Family Adventures it's so perfect, I need to start reading that again. But yeah if you have anymore casting ideas for the batfam or villians etc I'd looovee to hear!
Hi anon!!! This is an AMAZING ask!!! Thank you so incredibly much for taking the time to send it! 🥰
This answer is going to be a bit lengthy so I'm going to put it under the break. And I am planning on doing another post of fancasting like this one for the extended Batfam members so I might not address all your points here, but they will be coming very soon! 😘
First of all, I am a big fan of both Bale and Pattinson's portrayals. I have a hard time picking a favorite because their approaches to the character are so different and yet both valid. I am VERY interested to see what they do with Battinson moving forward since this first movie is still early in his time wearing the cowl where he is still figuring out what Batman should be. And I would LOVE to see him get a Robin in the sequel (preferably sticking with Dick like the canon) but we shall see!
I'm not sure if you've seen The Boys, but Jensen's portrayal of Soldier Boy is all the proof to me that he could nail portraying Batman. And his range in Supernatural (from being a gruff and heartless hunter one minute to breaking down in a softer, protective emotional side the next) solidifies for me that he could switch between Batman to Batdad when needed. And he's charming as hell so Bruce wouldn't be a problem 😂
I'll have my new fancast of Alfred on my next post, but from previous ones, Michael Caine is always my Alfred. I think Andy Serkis is a great version of Alfred for Battinson and is what that Bruce needs (and his performance is great as always) and I enjoyed Sean Pertwee in Gotham (once again, a great interpretation for what *that* Bruce needed). However, Michael Caine was my first live-action Alfred and he was SO PERFECT, I don't think he will ever be topped as my favorite.
To be fair, I think Brenton Thwaites had the look for Dick and I think he could have been a good choice if the show was different, but for me, I can't get over how much Titans tone and interpretation of the characters/stories rubbed me the wrong way. None of the characters felt accurate to me based on their comic counterparts and the studio just tried to be too edgy and dark. The perfect example is the "Fuck Batman" moment. It was all over the trailers and just seemed like something they wanted to push to be like "this ain't your parent's Robin" but they pushed things so far it didn't even feel grounded in the characters I love. (don't even get me started on the Red Hood plot line).
I have seen the Nightwing youtube series and they do a really good job with it! My hope for this new direction of the DC movies and the fact The Brave and the Bold will focus on Bruce and Damian's relationship is that it means they'll include Nightwing and maybe mention Tim now working with the Titans (you don't want to include too many characters in the first movie which is the problem a lot of superhero movies have made lately). And I also want a mention of Jason but not have him returned as Red Hood yet which would be its own movie later.
Speaking of Jason.... While Dick is my first Robin and will always have a very special place in my heart because of that, Jason is my favorite. I just love how complex and rich his character development and story is. I also find casting him really difficult because of that. However, I do think Tanner Buchanan has a good potential. I've seen him in a few smaller roles, but I know he is a main character in Cobra Kai so he does have experience with fighting he could bring to the role (I haven't seen the show but I did watch clips on youtube). And as you pointed out, those green eyes are a big plus!
I think Curran Walters does a good job in Titans for what the show wants of him, but once again, it's just not my Jason and I rage quit season 3 😂 (though I watched clips of key Red Hood moments from later in the season)
Tim is always the hardest member of the main Batfam for me to write or cast just because he is the one I have the least knowledge or experience with outside of fanfics. However, I still really like him as a character and think he has a lot of potential in a movie or show. And I haven't seen Locke and Key (though it is on my list because I LOVE Aaron Ashmore)
I am excited with the prospect of having Bruce and Damian together in The Brave and the Bold, but I am also very nervous about how they will characterize them. All the Batman projects since Batman Begins have skewed very dark and I don't think that works well if you bring in the whole Batfam (if they just want to add Dick with Battinson, I think that could work but not expanding it to the whole gang). But James Gunn's comments about making the new Superman movie more about kindness feels like it will be a brighter, lighter version (more like the Christopher Reeve movies than the Henry Cavill ones) which I feel is more accurate to most comics, so I am cautiously optimistic for the Batfam in these movies. However, the canon and fanon versions of the Batfam don't always match (neither does the canon version between comic writers), but I am still hopeful for the more loving version we want, and is portrayed fairly well in the DC Animated movies.
As for Duke, Cass, Steph, and Barbara, I'm going to include them in my next post so you will have to wait a little to get my thoughts on them as well as a few others😉
Though because you brought up ages I will mention that all of my castings are based on if I were making a movie or show today. There are a lot of different people I would have loved to have in these roles in the past that are unfortunately just too old at this point.
And just another shout-out to Wayne Family Adventures because it is everything I ever wanted from a Batfam comic/story!!! Plus, the art is so perfect! Yes, the comic is a lot of fan service, but it is really funny while also being deep and emotional at times. It never loses the heart of the characters and you can tell there is so much love in the project and for these characters. If we could get a show or even a web series of this version of the Batfam, it would be a dream come true!
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bi-bats · 1 year
for the ask game - JayTim obviously!! or, if that's been asked already, maybe JayRoy?
YESSSSSSSS okay I'm gonna do both ships, because neither has been asked yet!
We're going to start with Jaytim though, because obviously I ship it 😂
What made you ship it?
There was a fic by Timmyjaybird that I read that had unrequited Jaytim (different main pairing with Tim), and their dynamic piqued my interest. I decided to click into the ship page, read strange fear I ain't felt for years by sister, and then it was over for me. If you know me, you'll know I always say that all it takes is reading one good fic for a ship and I'll start shipping it. Plus I'm a Tim kinnie and Jason is so so hot, so theres definitely a projection character/attraction character thing going on
What are your favorite things about the ship?
All the ways I can play with them. They can be fucked up, unstable, unwell, obsessive (on both sides). They can be bitter and angry and fall into each other (which I tend to favor in longer works). They can be soft and sweet and gentle and forgiving. They can be blushing and nervous and uncertain. They can be petty and annoyed and really into riling each other up. It ALWAYS works. And also, there's something I find so fascinating about the way they accidentally helped create each other. Tim as Robin happened mostly because of Jason, and Jason becoming Red Hood and going after Bruce gets set into motion because he finds out about Tim. They're a feedback loop and neither of them is happy with the results. Okay, I have to stop here before this turns into a dissertation. Or before I spoil a future fic which I already had to erase a spoiler for so next question
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about the ship?
A little bit? I think my only opinion that some people disagree with (but isn't necessarily unpopular) is that I don't like the whole Pit Madness thing. When Jason came back he had a fucked up plan, and he wasn't entirely in his right mind, but he justified it. He was doing the wrong thing for the right reasons when it came to Tim (being mad at Bruce because he's going to get Tim killed and then he almost kills Tim to prove the point). It's something I explore in my fics at almost every opportunity, because I think it's too easy to let Jason off the hook by blaming it on the pit. It also frustrates me because it doesn't really matter whether or not he meant to hurt Tim, because he did. And I like watching him take responsibility for the knowledge that he wanted to hurt Tim, and being forced to confront the realization that his logic at the time involved a lot of mental gymnastics, and grapple with the idea that it might not be a thing he can fix and that even if it is, Tim probably shouldn't forgive him, and definitely shouldn't get involved with him. Okay, halfway through writing this I realized that I definitely have an unpopular opinion about them, but I'm not erasing all that, so you get both. I hate the nickname babybird. I know. I know! I hear you all disagreeing with me. I see you all throwing tomatoes at me. I just don't like it! I don't think it's cute. I like little red or little bird much better, personally.
Okay I'm also gonna do JayRoy but this is getting long, so I'm gonna put the rest under the cut.
JayRoy: I ship it!!!
What made you ship it?
I think one of my friends told me they knew it was a ship and they thought it was cute sometimes and I checked it out? I've actually been reading Jayroy since before I read Jaytim. And as previously stated, all it takes is one good fic.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Honestly I just love their relationship so much. Roy is one of the few people Jason ever really allows to get close to him after becoming Red Hood (if we're ignoring the whole being brought back into the batfamily thing which I have a Lot of Opinions about, but that's a story for another time, anyone reading this can feel free to send me an ask if you want the rant), and I really just love the way they understand each other and are there for each other. I also love that they're assholes to each other. Roy is so irritating and Jason should hate it but he can't and he doesn't because Roy is too endearing and genuine. It's sweet. It's the angry one and the sunshine one.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about the ship?
I guess? I think they work better as friends who also sleep together. Like, I don't necessarily think they should date. I think that if they ever ended up in a long-term relationship, it would be because Jason realizes he hasn't slept with anyone else in years and they've been partners for even longer than that. But when it comes to things that healthy relationships should have, I don't really see them having it. It's not healthy to start dating someone because you realize you already are after not talking about it for years. I think too much of the responsibility and emotional labor would fall on Roy, and I think he deserves better.
okay, if you're still reading at this point then thank you for reading!!! and thanks for the ask!! I had so much fun answering this 💚💚💚
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Goddamnit Reiss!!! You just here to ruin everything even more, right?
*chandler voice* Reiss, could you BE any more insincere about Amaya.
Reiss! Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up!!!! Why don't you just die.
Let Reiss in with Miles!! Yes Johnny!!! Put him in the room!
Why does it seem like empathy villains is the most useful spec there is?
Wynn as a moody teenager is absolutely amazing. I love her so much, protect the bb at all cost.
Lmaoo "I wish Neil was here, he would listen to me." 😂
The toreador have someone in torpor and are very secretive about it? I know it's not Elsa, but that's immediately where my mind went.
Oh my God. Fucking Arrabella?? What a disappointment.
Omg Britta is twisting and turning, to not say Miles made the deal, but the other toreador already know. Come on, who else could it be???
Oh no Ramirez, dead off screen. Rip.
YESSSS Delgado and Eden in the same place. That is good. That means there is a chance that Eden and Jessica lives.
UHOH! Jessica asking about Dark Selina? That is not good. SHE IS WITH THEM???!?!
Wait Selina can summon mortals??? Hot damn that's crazy. But Jessica can resist her??? Damn, that's impressive.
Johnny saying he can't resist dark Selina and Jessica saying "but dad, I need you." 😭 stop rn
Johnny babe, I'm glad you're trying to center yourself. Because you're the last one of this coterie. We fucking need you level headed!
Lmaoo Rebecca is doing such a good job on her derangement, and Johnny is the perfect victim. 😂 "You're never in the mood"
"yes go ahead, stab me" so tired, but only AFTER Johnny teases him into it.
AAAAAAAH TIM!!! I mean brilliant use of Majesty truly, but oh my God!!!
Remember when Miles was like oh a musician I will give them money and reward the mortal for their help. Well.... To be fair to Miles, he was at 0 blood.
Good lord. We're truly getting dark prince Miles rn. O.O I'm kind of scared, but also kind of excited. That was incredibly badass.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Nara??!?! Is this real life???? This is not a drill!!!!
Ohoh oh no. Nara is talking against him so much, she is talking to his sire.
SIRE?!? WHAT THE FUCK??? Neil/his sire has sire's more people?
Neil still wanting to take nara with him and run. He thinks she is still on his side? Bless 🥺
Oh no weird bows? I'm getting very much culty vibes.
Play? What? Malkavians? They're all Neil's? I mean his sire's obviously.
Oh this is not good. This sounds very bad, this book.
He is manifesting the book? What? This is some higher level shit.
WHAT???? WHAT THE FUCK?!?! they're summoning Malkav???? *cue nervous laughter*
Also did Lex call Nara his vessel? I'm not quite sure. Oh I think it might have been vasal.
Poor Neil, having to go through all of this alone.
Omg Lex, make this even more scary to decide what to do why don't you???
Oh Neil, that's so sad. Accepting that it probably meant nothing, when it did mean a lot to him.
God, listen to her wax on poetically, what a fucking Bitch.
Noooooooooo clinging to reality through the list Wynn made and gave to him.😭😭😭😭 STOP!!!
Nothing really bad happened this episode, so why do I feel so much despair? 😢
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sisterofficerlucychen · 6 months
Hi bestie!! I have a couple questions for you. 1) Do you think we are going to get a season 7 renewal? 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞Waiting for a renewal announcement is always the worst part (such anxiety) followed by waiting the next episode to air. 2)If we do get a season 7 renewal what would like you like to see happen between Chenford? Also other characters on the show?
hello ♡ oooh, great questions! thank u ♡
for your first question, 100%. i don't think it's a matter of if at this point but when. from what's been discussed in the fandom so far, it's likely they're still renegotiating contracts and that's why. i genuinely hope cast and crew get raises because of how the shows popularity has skyrocketed which i would imagine if they do, then that might take a little longer to negotiate? the earliest we've gotten a renewal was end of march (season 5) then mid-april (season 6) with the rest of the announcements being mid-may. i really do think they'll announce s7 within the next few weeks but if not, likely by mid-may we'll get that announcement. it's one of abc's most successful tv's shows currently on air, every episode for season 6 on hulu has placed within the top 15 most watched for the day, every episode since 5x10 has trended on tumblr, and they continue to have a steady social media growth — and this is all aside from actual viewership numbers because idk where to find those or understand them lmao.
for your second question, aksdlfsalf i wanna say so many things??? ngl i got v excited by the question and blanked out a little but i think —
for chenford:
chenford proposal toward the end of season 7. i think if we get a full 22 episodes, having that happen next season would be a good amount of time in between them starting to date to a proposal but if not, at the very least have them move in together.
i will always want to throw hands at vanessa and patrick chen but i need a scene with them meeting tim because i imagine that being a shit show and the angst to come out of it speaks to my soul like can you imagine tim also standing up for lucy like jackson did??? or lucy just being done with them and realizing she is enough because she now knows what it's like to be supported and loved unconditionally?????
i want chenford to baby sit the wopez little ones 😭😭😭 let me set the scene real quick: they're babysitting and jack wants to play hide and seek and begrudgingly tim agrees and when it's lucy and jack's turn to hide, tim finds lucy but they lose jack because imagine how funny this would be as a running gag? like they lost jordy at the station, then they lost celina at the hospital (she was their boot for the day, i'm counting it lol), and then if they lost jack in his house? 😂
DOUBLE DATE, DOUBLE DATE — wait, correction — TRIPLE DATE, TRIPLE DATE! gimme chenford, wopez, and jyla date night. we already saw chenford on a double date not as a couple ... how would it change now that they are one? 😉
lucy going feral over tim being hurt pls and thank u. now that we've gotten 2 hospital scenes with lucy, i say we need to get another one with tim so they're even again haha.
for everyone else:
i want to preface that the timeline is a mess so i don't know what year in school she's in but tamara graduating college and the mid-wildshire gang showing up at her graduation/celebrating her (so really whatever season this happens at).
BABY GIRL WOPEZ NAME???? i saw somewhere that it may be unlikely that we get her name this season??? which is so funny to me but yeah, eventually would love to know what to actually call her if we don't get it by the end of s6.
i know i'm in the small percentage that wants this to happen but i'm still lowkey shipping the besties. i'm a sucker for the friends to lover trope and wouldn't mind having another slow burn to squeal over.
nolan to become an actual good training officer and stop letting his ego get in the way. he's not a good to and i hate how he's been painted as "the best" when he's done it for like five seconds lmao.
IF celina is still in her rookie year, more of celina with tim as her training officer plus lucy. that trio was fun.
MORE LUNA GREY, MORE LUNA GREY!!!!! she's so underrated and i love how she's been popping up a little bit more this season. i hope they keep including her in different plots
i feel like i could go on but it feels like it's starting to become a lengthy list haha. but those are some things that come to mind ♡
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hummingbirdsinjune · 2 years
My School President Ep 12 thought dump (there are spoilers)
- The relief that Tinn's mom didn't force him to come out is astronomical. There is a very clear difference in Gun's comfort with his mom, and Tinn's reservation with his own parents. It's so so so important for him to come out on his own terms and a very big step for her to realize that when she saw how nervous he was.
- Tinn's mom forever. I'm actually glad we meet her as his mom in MSP before MLC because I have a feeling we really won't like her in MLC.
- That honest conversation queer youth has about knowing not everyone is accepting. So important coming from Gunn, to support Tinn after Tinn has supported him all this tim
- I don't know if I can watch this because Tiw's faces are too funny
- That's right Tiw take the credit you deserve
- The girlies returned!! Sob they're so cute
- Tinn entering his angry at the world arc in the last episode is wild. Now that he doesn't have Gun's success to focus on, I imagine he's going to dismantle the government.
- not the TANDEM BIKE on god that's the wildest thing in this show
- Tinn really said "you miss 100% of the chances you don't take"
- Sigh. I hope the stress doesn't last long lmao
- "Sound and I have no secrets" excuse me while I go cry
- Pat lmao right to the point. Por being so dumb. Yo finally using his 1 braincell. I love these kids.
- Gunn's friends 🤝 love, support, and happiness
-;Gun trying to help Tinn like just break my heart already
- oh yes more umbrella gays
- no I don't like crying gun I physically can't handle it
- aww so much of the school being supportive even though it's very weird to take and share photos of people without them saying it's okay but w/e you know for the sake of fiction
- literally stopping every 30 seconds to laugh at Chinzilla cooing over each other
- damn they really called us out about GunTinn or TinnGun lmao (yeah yeah Gun said GunTinn but of course he would. I'll stick with TinnGun)
- Obviously we knew from the preview that the comically bad guidance counselor is actually a close minded, judgemental person but it doesn't stop it from being shocking
- OH MY GOD IT WASNT TINN THROWING HANDS (screaming into the void)
- See this is why I refrained from saying anything bad about Kajorn. He's always been ripe for a character arc.
- Tinn's mom took her development in strides. I've been disappointed in her, and I am very proud of her. She just needed the time to adjust how she was looking
- I will live and die for happy Kajorn he's been uptight this whole series
- hehe SoundWin
- Here I was in my feeling about this being almost over and I'm not actually in part 4 yet lmao
- ep 12 is long AF lmao
- my soul. The TiwPor glances
- did they never get juniors? LOL the music club is doomed
- ayyyye Win get your man yes sir 🤭
- the contrast of kissing in this episode compared to the entire season has me like 😳 y'all I'm GROWN
- aw Pat 😂
- sound just?? Left his guitar?? that HE brought to school instead of a backpack?
- actually not hearing Tinn sing more is a crime
- Tinn's dad is such a dad lmfao
- Tinn 🤝 Tinn's Dad 🤝 The Thunder
- Gun you menace
- no official TiwPor 😭
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tim-lucy · 2 years
Episode 15 anon here, sorry I didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't care about anyone but Chenford. I love the whole cast mostly and I don't mind at all when an episode is more about some characters than others just this one wasn't working for me for the reasons I stated. Nolan isn't my favorite but I like when he works with others and I really love Angela but I wish they could give her another good storyline over multiple episodes that doesn't involve her family so it won't feel as repetitive. Anyway those are my two cents, thank you for answering! I don't really have anyone else to talk about the show.
Omg NOOOOO don't apologize!! I didn't think that!! But even if you did watch just for chenford, I wouldn't blame you! People can watch for whatever reasons they want. I definitely wouldn't watch if tim and lucy weren't in it 😂 Not because the show's bad, but because they're what keep my interest. There's too much tv out there not to be selective hahaha.
I also wish they would give Angela another storyline. First, they went after Angela, then Wesley, then the whole family, and now Angela again and I'm just ready for them to do something new!
ALSO THANK YOU FOR SENDING I AM HERE TO TALK ABOUT THE SHOW ALWAYS!! :')) (even if sometimes I reply late because life can get insane BUT I AM HERE!!)
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stoookes · 3 months
Just read the latest chapter of Omegaverse and goddamn that was one hell of a ride! 😳😳
Firstly, I loved that Stu and Ali's friend group grew closer! Stu really deserved to stop pretending for Kevin's sake, and be among people who liked and accepted him for how he was. Also, kudos to Ali for persisting with Stu!
I loved the whole scene with England finally introducing an omega to the squad, but instead of announcing who it is, like BCCI with VK, they kept it secret like NZC with Tim. Ngl I thought it would be Joe, but it being Jos threw me completely, I never saw that coming! Stuart protecting Jos (yay!) and the J2 feels are already jumping out, I hope my baby Josephs atleast escape the angst? 🥺 Nothing but good things for them please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
The Stu and Kevin confrontation was chef's kiss and then Brinn! Ahhhh that was quite possibly my favourite part of not just this chapter, but also the entire fic (okay second favourite, VK's introduction edges this out by a tiiiiny margin bc I can't resist cute baby fiery omega 🥹) I just adore Stuart and Steven's relationship, the way Stu trusts that Finny won't mind him being omega. They're so cute together 🥰
And then the last part of the chapter! Ugh I hate Kevin so much, and the dub con really made me shudder and feel so bad for Stu, being forced into such a rotten situation 😭 well done with the writing here! 😁 And then Kevin finding out Stu's secret 😭😭😭😭 please tell me he's gonna be fine?? jimmy do something, ali do something, author do something, someone do something I can't bear Stu being put through more shit please no no no no no no you can't do that to him please 😭
Can't wait for the next chapter, I'm dying to find out how the situation with Kevin resolves itself, and I'm also really eager for you to explore Brinn further. And can't wait for VK to properly show up too!
Lovely chapter, love your writing and excited for more! 💖❤️💗
ahaha - just a little bit of a rollercoaster 😂
Ali always knew Stuart was a good egg under the surface, pretending to fit in with Kevin and co for some reason. He's so grateful when Stuart opts to start spending time with them rather than Kevin and so proud when he stands up for Stevie 🥰
You just know the hiding was Ali's idea. ECB definetly wanted to make a big thing of it like BCCI did but Ali will be incredibly aware of how VK was treated/seen when he was announced. He wouldn't want that on a young player (especially one like Jos who is already having a hard time with feeling like they're good enough) so pushed HARD for the omega to be announced but stay anonymous.
It's so interesting because I was worried the Brinn would feel a bit shoe-horned in considering this is the first chapter Steve is even mentioned, but it does just work because Brinny just works 🥰 Stuart just knows; no one has ever treated him like Steve does. He can do odd things for an alpha and Steve just accepts it, accepts him. Not even Freddie did that.
Kevin certainly knows what he was and there is very little he won't do to get it 😓 It's another scene I'm glad doesn't feel forced because I obviously knew where it needed to get to, but I guess we've already established KP as a very cut throat character, so this vein of revenge on Stuart feels very natural. Don't think even he thought he was going to get this reveal though!
I'm not sure you want the author to do something... It was me who put Stui in this predicament in the first place 😅
Chp7 is already in the works because of how it flows on from this one, so hopefully the wait isn't too long for an update! Thanks again for your lovely comment and for reading - so glad you're still enjoying it 🥹
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I thought I was gonna be doing this around an hour ago but it wasn't up yet xD But!! Here I am :D
AAHHH they're actually married y'all this is wild I'm so happy for them :)
Can't imagine my joy when I see tarlos again lol- anyway xD
Awww they're so cute :')
I love this little vlogging thing ngl
Hellooo sir
Hurricanes o.o
Not the AI generated images xD
Uhh possumsss
I mean it might be but still freaky xD
Oof hey guys xD
Nahhh it'll be fine you guys have always been way weird lol
AAHHHH hi Chenford :))
My lovelies <33
Lol you will not sleep more
Bro's staging an intervention 💀 XD
Ay Lucy mind yo business xD you can definitely over prepare sljfhs
LOL he's getting her that way xD
Iconic Tim slay
OOF hey Aaron xd
I saw a clip title and- yeeeah sorry bro
Why is this room so big
This therapist is judging you xD I'm joking but yk
The mood lighting xD Aaron lol
Yeah bro you're just dependent on her
Bro won't talk about his trauma but this he wants figured out xD
"Celina rejecting me or me getting shot" 💀 SLFKDGHDKS AARON'S
A spy agency 😂
So this is the explanation of why we see all of this lol
He made sure there wasn't shark swimming lol
They're idiots I love them <3
"Hey. I'm married" XDD they really are idiots
Oof Aaron and Celina 😭
Aaron. No.
Bro's just not good at. emotions xD
I mean. . . girly. . . take the laptop- xD
Nah I'd feel guilty lol
"I'll take it" SLFKHKDS good for that lady lol
XD Smitty
"You asked for my advice" "I did not!!" XD
Oof why they all looking so stern lol o.o
Bc she did the thing?
Yeeeah xd
Oof o.o
Bestie yeeah that was dangerous
:'/ :( honey
xD the dogs lol
"Is it even really helping?" "Hey!" THIS EPISODE IS HILARIOUS XDD
"I'm kicking you out of the car" slfjdfhsk tim
OPE the guy from the promo o.o
Tbh I expected all Nolan and Bailey and while that wild help the isolated vibe (cameras do that too though) and I do love them, I'm glad we get the others too lol
Especially with a shorter season xD
Okay good glad we're disturbed xD
Is he gonna be the only other guy there lol
Okay good he's not xD
But he is there
Nolan stop stalking him
Oh so they're bandages?
Billionaire playboy philanthro-
No don't talk to him xD
Nolan why 😭
SLFJDHSL her narration xD she's an icon
She's probably also right slfhs
At first I thought he said like what is or smth but lowkey I'm glad he fully pronounced her name :)
Nahh girl's in denial
There weren't even birth charts lol!
"You didn't say we couldn't talk about boys" "That goes without saying" xDD bro is suffering
He's gonna let some of it happen though to distract Lucy lol
How do you expect her not to study xD
Bestie 💀 xD
What's with the blood though o.o?
Uh oh xD
Bro's going through it
Is he lying though-
Nahh Tim mentioned it so I bet he's telling the truth
Is Celina not going through it enough 😭😭
No puke is not good o.o that's head trauma 😬
I mean obviously it was but yk that's extra not good
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thiziri · 2 years
There's a video of them arriving at Braemar and for once Tim is visible! I love how at the end Anne check on him with a little smile while he's chatting to an elderly lady 😍
That wasn't just a check that was a double check 😂 she was like “wait, WHAT? Who's that woman kissing my husband or who's that woman my husband is kissing 😂
Tumblr media
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literali1110 · 3 years
I don't mind the fertility storyline for Lucy.
(I'm at a similar age to Lucy, and freezing eggs is something I can see myself doing in a couple years time.)
Now of course the women on the show should have storylines unrelated to motherhood (which I think they do), and a woman can not want to have kids. But I don't think that's the case with Lucy - back in 309 she seemed interested in hearing about what it would be like to give birth, and when she hesitated about getting her eggs frozen it seemed more to do with her mom and how she didn't feel like she was that old; never did she mention that she definitely didn't want kids.
And the truth is that women can want careers and still want to have kids and I find that realistic. The same way Mekia and Alyssa irl were able to navigate being on the show and pregnant/with a baby.
I like that Lucy is getting her own storylines, and hopefully we get to see more of them - and I'd like it if they continue the social justice SL from 410 and 11 in addition to the fertility stuff and Chris stuff. Of course I want Chenford but I also enjoy the smaller moments of Tim just being supportive and there for Lucy while she does her own thing.
Re this episode: I actually like it when they manage to surprise us - no one guessed that the dad emoji was referring to a different, biological dad, right? So, no, we didn't have any hint this was a possibility but I can understand that in S4 the show wants to have new SLs and they have to make them fit with what's already been written. And Lucy's explanation for why it never came up before made sense.
Now, naming them both Patrick, that I can't explain 😂
And they did seem to wrap that story up pretty quick, but maybe it will come up again, the way this was a continuation of 4x05, and they way her relationship with her parents is an ongoing story.
Poor Lucy, though, finding out she lost another person she's connected to, and then *she* feels bad that she didn't reach out to him sooner (when for all we know he wasn't interested in being her father). Will this lead to Lucy making more of an effort in her romantic relationships (with the wrong person, until she realizes who she really belongs with)? We shall see.
So all in all, I like that Lucy gets her own SLs, I don't mind it's fertility related, although I hope we get more career related stuff too, and I enjoy the chenford it gives us - I mean, she openly discussed this all with Tim, they talked about having babies, this episode they talked about baby names (Hashtag Chen Bradford has a ring to it, no?), and also this was the first time she talked to him about her parents (on screen).
Some episodes are a little Chenford lite but he was very supportive of her this episode and I do believe it's all building to something!
Also, most importantly, I do believe this means that Chenford babies can have blue eyes! 😜
Feel free to share/send me your thoughts.
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