#Black brothers prompts
cat-s0ul · 1 year
What if Regulus and Sirius swap bodies sometime after Sirius runs away from 12 Grimmaluld Place and before Regulus takes the dark mark and there is a secret relationship between James and Regulus, Sirius finds out why his brother didn’t want to go with him that night, the relationship with his best friend and the hell he is going through with his parents.
So he decides to run away again from the old house in his brother’s body to the potters because what the hell is regulus doing ????
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aithusarosekiller · 4 months
Soulmate au where since birth James has had Regulus' name on his back and only a few people about what name the mark says, one of which being Sirius
Reg takes a while to realise he's trans but when he eventually comes out, Sirius instantly recognises the name as the name of James' soulmate and decides he MUST force them into a room together to sort everything out
Reg is very very sceptical ofc
James is just happy to be there (he's always liked Reg but would've felt bad if he started seeing him and then found his soulmate)
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finemealprompt · 1 month
DP x DC Prompt #22
When Jason Todd had left his little brother to watch his mom while he did a supply run, he wasn't expecting to come back to a bunch of police.
Staying hidden, he learned that his mother had died and his brother had been taken to be put in the foster system. But they were looking for Jason too.
Running away, Jason vowed to find Danny.
But when they're reunited, they've both shared one thing: death.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 65
“Oh what the fuck-” It was supposed to be a quiet night- no breakouts in Arkham and for once the asylum is actually full of most of their rogues. And the others were already taking care of Scarecrow and Penguin was- as far as he knew- doing legal things at the lounge at the time. So somebody tell him why there’s this giant… thing that could give Grundy a run for his money in should be dead a thousand times over was pulling itself out of a sewer tunnel. Like seriously, he can see the blood and infection and whatever else dripping from honestly filthy bandages all on its arms that look a hint too long the more he looks through the binoculars, and it’s glowing this sickly green that reminds him way too much like the Pits. That isn’t even getting started on the mouth- the only part visible of their face due to the wild mane of what might be white hair but was hard to tell under the amount of blood- that stretched far too wide. He even swore he could see fangs! Not to mention the cloak that he wants to say is a knockoff of B’s, but honestly he can swear he sees it moving, twisting like lashing tails of shadow, or like Ivy’s vines. Its hands are long and gnarled, tipped in claws that dig into the concrete as it pushes itself to a frankly horrifying height. And oh fuck, not only did it have some sort of giant sword, but there was a small child sitting on its shoulder without any sign of realizing the danger they were in-
Danny is having fun, his ghost-mom Amity is out on a date with another city spirit, Mr Bludhaven- so he gets to hang out with grandma? grandpa? (honestly who has time for gender when there’s curses to beat back!) Gotham! It would perhaps be better if he wasn’t unknowingly making said city spirit visible to those who aren’t death-touched or liminal… Oh well! 
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diabolichare · 1 month
Familar Stranger
DP x DC au with a dash of dimensional travel where Danny, due to his ghostly nature, looks slightly different depending on how others perceive him. 
Warning: OP has no knowledge of space other than Google and is also a non-native English speaker; proceed with caution.
Same startup kits; Danny becomes the successor to the Infinity Realm (he's a baby by both ghost and human standards, so there's a temporary council for now). Anyway, he still has some power over the ghosts, so he asks them to lessen the amount of fighting to focus on schoolwork and "princely education." 
Now here's where my brainrot begins.
The Lazarus Pits, necromantic rituals, or portals of any kind that have "death" or "soul" in them tend to be connected to the Ghost Zone. However, the zone has its own defensive mechanism, so unless someone *Fentons* actively makes a gateway or has "experienced" death, it's nearly impossible to come upon the zone. A certain furry bridage in Gotham has unknowingly ticked all the checkboxes.
During a misson, one of the bats got caught in a magic situation and got transported to the Infinity Realms. They wandered around, dogding ghosts, slowly getting insane from all these damn corridors and living paintings, before they stumbled upon a seemingly random door (CW is involved; he's having a great time testing the poor bat).
Opening the door leads them to the universe. They closed the door, then opened it again. Yep, that's an entire universe complete with its own planetary systems and, oh, so pretty stars growing and dying in a blink of an eye. Another check around shows them that this is the only door so far in the endlessly long hallway. They look down (if there's even a down, for there's only infinity) and take an experimental step. The Milky Way lit up under their feet, with stars gathering around to form a twisting path to nowhere. 
For the next couple of hours, days, or minutes, they made their way through the galaxies. Just when they were about to spiral into a midlife crisis, they heard... humming? 
Did they finally lose it? They asked themselves before noticing a glowing figure sitting on an asteroid nearby.
The figure flinched, and life paused. The blackhole by their left stopped spinning, the stars weren't twinkling, and the figure turned their head. Now it's their blood that runs cold.
"You're not supposed to be here."
Lazarus-colored orbs stared back at them with a familiar face but an unfamiliar voice. Damian tilted his head, looking at them in confusion (there's something wrong, wrong, wrong-). They blinked because, what the hell, seeing something other than a scowl on the boy's face is WeirdTM. Suddenly, that's a teenaged Jason staring at them, much closer than he(?) was before.
At this point, they realized— eyes moving over the entire regalia and the glowing crown that just appeared—they're probably in deep sh*t.
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impishtubist · 2 years
Regulus is devastated when Harry is born and his favorite person in the world ends up being Sirius, but he gets his revenge when Teddy is born and Teddy’s favorite person in the world is Regulus 🥰
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cr-amber · 1 year
for the @jegulus-microfic prompt: domestic
“Prongs, we’re heading out,” Sirius calls as he steps into his boots.  “You sure you don’t wanna come?”
“Nah, Reggie’s coming over later.  I’m already working on dinner,” James replies.
Sirius rolls his eyes, but he can’t hide his fond grin.  “So domestic, no wonder he likes you.”
“I just like taking care of him,” James says with a shrug.
Sirius nods, expression much more solemn.  “I like that you take care of him too.”
75 words!
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Halloween prompts no. 7
Danny, after the portals blew due to him doing something incredibly dangerous and stupid, landing him in the dc universe. More specifically, Gotham.
Tim might have jumped about a foot in the air when that bright light came crashing down into the alley next to him. He might be super smart and independent for his age, but he was still a very curious eight year old wandering Gotham alone at night. He crept into the alley to peek at the glowing boy groaning in the fresh crater. Tim was surprised by the boys age, he looked about the same age as himself if not a bit younger (he's a year younger) and Tim was amazed he was a hero, he didn't think they started that young.
After coming to, Phantom introduced himself to Tim and was very excited to meet and potentially befriend a human who wasn't afraid of him. Phantom convinces Tim to become vigilantes (though Tim insisted on masks) with him and learns that he can bestow some of his power to other people through jewelry. Cujo appears somewhere along the way and Jason gets added to the group after he saw them transform and wanted in.
Batman nearly has a stroke because he thinks he may have caused this by letting Dick be Robin and influencing the kids. When he asked if they were metas or aliens Phantom opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by Tim's alias blurting out, "Magical girls!" Because he was terrified Batman might try to exorcize Phantom or something.
This leads to the hilarious scenario where batman is doing research on "magical girls" and wondering why none of the three are-if fact-girls.
This is an unholy fusion between super frilly magical girls and Power Rangers so have fun.
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deadpoetsargas · 8 months
I just saw this on pintrest and everyone should know about this
(Not mine btw)
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saddramaqueensworld · 5 months
Everyone in Regulus's life knows he loves James Potter more than he ever loves himself. Regulus also knows that James will always choose Sirius and Lily over him. When James and Regulus broke up with no hesitation on James' part; Regulus left because he knew it himself that everyone he loved eventually leave him. He may love them but he has never been important or a priority to them (his brother, his cousins, his friends, and the love of his life).
Regulus gets caught by the death eaters and Voldemort because they discovered his betrayal and Reg laughs at Voldemort's face when he taunted him about killing him in public for all the wizarding world to see what would happen if you betrayed the dark lord. "I don't care if you kill me in public when no one will ever mourn me. They didn't care about me even before I was branded in your mark. You're just wasting your time."
What Regulus doesn't know is that Bellatrix and Narcissa (good cousins!!!) are making plans with his friends to save him which eventually leads them to contact Sirius and the others for help. Also, James and Sirius deeply regretted their actions towards Regulus and trying so damn hard to rescue him.
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Jegulily slow burn royalty au??? James being a prince, Lily a being the daughter of the kingdom’s head knight who he is in love with and plans to marry BUT an enemy kingdom of many generations agree to finally make peace if James marries their second born son. James agreeing to said marriage for the sake of his kingdom. Jily sneaking around the castle, Lily being possesive, James slowly falling for his annoyingly aloof fiance and developing conflicting feelings. All with a B story wolfstar happening in the background- do you see the vision???
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cat-s0ul · 11 months
Singer!Regulus ran away from his parents after turning 18 years old. Walburga declared him dead. Now, 22 years old is a newbie popular singer in the muggle world where he has been living since then.
While on a mission in a Muggle neighbourhood, Auror Sirius Black saw a poster about a rab singer playing in a bar somewhere on Friday. With a wave of nostalgia he made a copy of the poster thinking of his dead little brother who used to have the same initials as this random Muggle.
Somehow, Sirius convinced Prongs to accompany him to this guy's presentation with the excuse of trying out a new Muggle bar after his successful week of work. He felt bad about hiding his true motive from his best friend, but what could he tell him? Hey, James, I found a random artist with the same initials as my little brother who died years ago. Do you think they might look like him? I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and I need to check if they're not him because deep in my heart I don't feel like my brother is dead. Do you think I've gone mad? Absolutely he couldn't do that.
But now, looking at this boy who looks so much like Regulus Black, Sirius doesn't know how he feels. His head is a jumble of guilt, regret, hope, happiness, confusion and anger that, if it weren't for James by his side, might have collapsed.
Sirius didn't approach him that night or at any of the following shows he went to. Remus told him to talk to Regulus, but Sirius refused, some Gryffindor he is but he's afraid to know the truth. Maybe one day.
Maybe on the last day of this tour Regulus is doing.
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tadaxii-i · 1 year
There he is
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*intense screaming*
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sappy-detective · 8 months
ouma freaking out trying to pick an outfit for his date with shuichi and it’s just-
rantaro: “you have so much clothes and you don’t have one thing you want to wear?”
ouma: “everything i have is ugly! .. gasp!” *pulls out the ugliest, brightest, color clashing sweater known to man* “this is perfect!”
rantaro and miu side eyeing each other because it seems like ouma genuinely likes the sweater: “um-..”
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bimoonphases · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 13 – prompt 13: Evanesco – word count 464
Evanesco - Vanishes objects
Sirius’s hand trembled as he slid the signet ring on his finger. He had always hated it, with the heaviness of the metal and the evil glint of the emerald on it. But he couldn’t walk downstairs without it, not when his parents were hosting the Sacred Twenty-eight Gala. He was, despite now sixteen years of rebellion, the last five proudly wearing his Gryffindor tie, still heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. A nauseous feeling built up in his stomach as the gong echoed from the floor below.
“Evanesco,” he murmured, well aware that his wand was locked in his father’s office and anyway the spell only vanished objects.
“Evanesco,” he repeated, hoping against hope he could really vanish, away from that house and its ambitions.
A voice came from his bedroom door and he looked up to see Regulus, like him dressed in his best robes, the bronze medallion the second son of the House of Black always wore at grand occasions around his neck.
“Looking good, Reggie,” he forced himself to smile.
“We have to go downstairs now.”
“Wait, won’t you tell me how good I look?” Sirius got up and twirled to the door.
Regulus stayed silent, then he reached up and tucked a strand of Sirius’s hair behind his ear.
“You look so much like Mother,” he whispered before turning towards the staircase.
Sirius did his best not to let that remark sting too much. Regulus already had his impassible mask on, the one he used to navigate family functions. And it was time Sirius put his on too.
“Evanesco,” he murmured desperately, as he joined his brother at the top of the stairs.
Nothing happened, and the only thing left was to focus. Focus on the steps ahead not to fall down the stairs in front of his parents and their guests, focus on the fact that evening too would end. Focus on the only thing that kept him going in moments like these, when he was reminded of everything the people now watching him from the main hall expected and believed him to be. Moony. Moony and his smile, Moony and his hugs, Moony and his hands. Just Moony, who was waiting for him to come back in one piece for their sixth year at Hogwarts. Moony who would tell him to act, to do whatever it took not to put himself in danger. Moony, with whom he was definitely running away as soon as he turned seventeen, whatever his mother would say. Moony, his own everything.
Sirius slowly walked down the staircase, his brother at his side, his parents and their guests looking on. Ready to survive. Anything for Moony.
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vinshippingweek · 17 hours
Vague summary of this year's Vinsmoke Shipping Week!
Day 1 - Meet cute / MortalxImmortal
Overall, Yonji (most shipped with Cosette this day) took over, followed closely by Reiki (with Perona) Niji and then Ichiji, both of whom had very diverse shipping!
Day 2 - First date / DetectivexCriminal
Apparently people decided that that day was ReijuxTashigi day, and it makes sense lmao, Yonji takes second place and Niji and Ichiji share third!
Day 3 - Meeting family-friends / DevilxAngel
Yonji's day again! (Mostly with Sabo this time), closely followed by Niji (with Uta), then Ichiji, and Reiju and Zosan share fourth place.
Plus a surprise Judge w Sora in their younger days!
Day 4 - Red String of Fate / HeroxVillain
Ichiji really took over this day! (With Katakuri), then was Niji (with Usopp), Yonji took third place and last came Reiju (with Kiku) and then we got surprise Sparking Red X Sora Warrior of the Sea!
Day 5 - Love Letter / RoyalxKnight
Another Yonji day! (With Cosette), second place is shared by Reiju (with Tashigi), Niji and Ichiji (with Ace), plus some Sanami at the end!
Day 6 - Jealousy / CelebrityxFan
Ichiji, Niji (with Uta) and Reiju (with Tashigi) share first place! Yonji takes second and we got some Acesan in last.
Day 7 - Free day!
Ichiji sweep! (With Ace) Second place to Sanji (with Zoro), third for Yonji and fourth for both Niji and Reiju. And some surprise SoraxZeff!
There were some extras too! Mostly for the quadruplets and specifically the terrible 3!
Now, what ships did we discover this week?
In order from the ones we saw the most to the least.
From eldest to youngest!
Sora X Judge
Sora X Zeff
Reiju X Tashigi
Reiju x Kiku
Reiju x Perona
Reiju x Uta
Reiju x Nami
Reiju x Kalifa
Reiju x Zoro (the single dude to get shipped with Reiju! Congrats Zoro!)
Ichiji X Ace
Ichiji X Katakuri
Ichiji X Nami
Ichiji X Koby
Ichiji X Law
Niji X Uta
Niji X Usopp
Niji X Cosette
Niji X Page 1
Niji X Yamato
Niji X Yamato X Kiku
Niji X Luffy
Niji X Law
Niji X Sabo
Niji X Galette
Niji X Hawkins
Sanji X Zoro
Sanji X Ace
Sanji X Nami
Sanji X Apoo
Yonji X Cosette
Yonji X Sabo
Yonji X Luffy
Yonji X Sabo X Koala
Yonji X Drake
Yonji X Yamato
Yonji X Pudding
Yonji X Robin
Yonji X Zoro
Lots of ships had equal or nearly equal quantities of posts.
I was surprised by many ships! And what a lovely surprise they were, everyone is so creative!
I hope I'll be seeing you all (and more!) next time!
And special mention to Vinsmoke Luniju and her boyfriend Law!
This blog won't exactly be dormant, it's purpose is, after all, to celebrate ships of/with the Vinsmokes, although I will only be rebloging posts in which this blog is @
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