#Brooklyn Simons
18starkitten · 1 year
So, I got into Team Fortress 2 lately, so I decided to make some Ocs for both the RED and BLU teams. And one that is Neutral.
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I hope you like them, and I’ll get into their backstories later on when I have time.
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dollyswan · 2 months
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sgt-tombstone · 2 months
Ghoap but make it that one bit from B99
Ghost: are you trying to “Monty Hall” me?
Roach: …
Ghost: that’s unbelievable. I don’t need Monty Hall ruining my place of work when Month Hall has already ruined my home life
Roach: *regretting every life choice*
Gaz: come on sir, the math thing isn’t the problem. Solo ops have been keeping you and Soap apart. You two just need to bone
Ghost: what did you say?
Roach: don’t say it again
Gaz: I said you two need to bone
Ghost: how… dare… you… Sergeant Garrick. I am your superior officer!
5 minutes later
Ghost: BONE!
10 minutes later
Ghost: what happens in my bedroom, sergeant, is none of your business
21 minutes later
Ghost: BONE!?
40 minutes later
Ghost: don’t ever speak to me like that again
Roach: why did you do that?
Gaz: dude was pent up. Now he knows. Problem solved
and then, of course, Ghost and Soap bone and the problem is solved lmao
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Simon: I’m sorry you had to witness such a vicious fight.
Anthony: Oh? Was that a fight?
Simon: Are you kidding? Daphne said, ‘You’ll have to excuse me’ instead of ‘Please excuse me’.
Simon: She might as well have spit in my face.
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harveywritings92 · 10 months
[Ghost and Price are playing a heist game with (reader name), and think they’ve won and out smarted R/n by using Roach to get her champion cummerbund, they have little celebration until Price gets a closer look at it.]
Price: Wait a minute! This isn't the championship cummerbund. This is some common cummerbund.
[They get a good look at “Roach” and realize it’s just a random recruit wearing a similar uniform.]
Ghost: And you're not Garry. You're just some common bitch.
Fake Roach, sad: Hey…
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u5an5 · 2 years
Ghost and Soap dynamic lately really do be like:
Ghost: Do you want to know how I actually hurt my wrist?
Soap: Yes.
Ghost: I was hula hooping. Price and I attend a class for fitness and for fun.
Soap: Oh, my God.
Ghost: I've mastered all the moves. [Shows photos on phone] The pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion, the oopsie-doodle.
Soap: Why are you telling me this?
Ghost: Because no one will ever believe you. [Deletes photos from phone]
Soap: You sick son of a bitch.
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mikotv · 7 months
Price: just leave the paper work on my desk when you’re done. Nice work.
M!reader: Good. Thanks Dad.
Price turned around to face M!reader, as well as the rest of the team
M!reader: ..why is everyone staring at me?
Ghost: You just called Captain Price “Dad”. You said “Thanks dad”.
M!reader: What, no I didn’t? I said “Thanks man.”
Price: so you see me as I father figure m!reader?
M!reader: No! If anything I see you as a bother figure cause you’re always bothering me.
Soap: Hey! Show your father some respect!
M!reader: I didn’t call him dad!
Price: oh no no no m!reader..I take it as a compliment.
Gaz: You just called Captain Price ‘Daddy.’
M!reader: hey Daddy is not on the table here.
Graves: but you did call him dad dude.
M!reader: you shut up, you’ve done nothing but lie since you got here.
Graves: alright alright I was lying about not helping Shepherd. But the dad thing? That happened.
M!reader: Aha! He admitted he was helping him. It was all a trap. All part of my..crazy and devious plan.
Price: I believe you.
M!reader: thank you.
Price: ..son. You wanna talk about it later over a..game of catch?
M!reader: ..I’d like that.
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girlstalkmichael · 2 months
Some green flag characters in tv shows/movies in no particular order
Part 1
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
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Loyal till the very end
Carries the whole show on his back
His bromance with Scott is ICONIC (literally the no. 1 bromance in teen dramas)
Do I need to say more
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
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Husband material right there like his love for Amy is the healthiest out of this world love
Immaculate sense of humor
Amazing in his job
Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
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A literal cinnamon roll
Took a beating from his mum to give Katniss a loaf of bread so she won't die of starvation. Selfless king
Michael Cordero Jr (Jane The Virgin)
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Husband material alongside my man Jake Peralta
Supportive af
Loves Matteo like he is his own kid
Literally besties with his wife's dad (aka drama king Rogelio De La Vega)
Loyal and as you know loyalty is super sexy
Manuel Gutiérrez (Bia)
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His romance with Bia is the healthiest non toxic romance in DCLA main ships
Nice & kind
So sweet
He can sing and play piano (his voice is sooo good)
Símon Álvarez (Soy Luna)
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Sees the best in others (aka his whole relationship with Ambar)
Will do anything for his friends (literally traveled from Mexico to Argentina on his own to be with Luna)
Can sing and play guitar AND roller skate (like what can't he do)
Wrote bops like Eres & Valiente
Gaston Perida (Soy Luna)
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He's a super nice jock
Always tries to knock some sense into Matteo (just really his bromance with Matteo)
Super supportive of Nina/Felicity and her boundaries (like when she asked him to dance with her blindfolded as she was not ready to reveal herself to him yet and he accepted)
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Federico Paccini (Violetta)
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Always there for Ludmila and helped her through all her mother's abuse
Really nice and cute
Has the voice of an angel
Sarcastic and funny
My first childhood crush (and better believe I'm not over him yet)
Dustin Henderson (Stranger Things)
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The cutest human being to ever exist
The smartest person in the whole of Hawkins
Super funny
His bromance with Steve & Eddie is brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, complety never been done before
Has the cutest laugh ever
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blue2black · 9 months
I’m obsessed ngl.
Here’s some more COD incorrect quotes based on the game of Class Of 09. Both of them:
(Also, Cheshire is my COD OC, she only appears once.)
Gaz: You’re a whore.
Graves: Excuse me? I have a girlfriend and a purity ring!
Gaz: For real? How do I get one?
Graves: Little late for you.
Gaz: No, it’s never too late to have your girlfriend fuck every person but you.
Graves: Ugh, I don’t need to take this! I’m on the honor roll, something you’ll never do.
Gaz: Bitch, why don’t you shut the fuck up before I slit your throat and watch the honor roll out?
Graves: Are you threatening me?? 😡
Gaz: No, I’m hitting on you, flash me a titty bitch. 🙄
Soap: Fuck that shit! Do you even know how I got involved with this bitch?!
Shepherd: Language.
Soap: Do you even know how I got involved with this hoe?!
Shepherd: Slightly better.
Laswell: Actually, I may or may not have been covered in baby oil…
Gaz: Ugh…well, I guess racism wins.
Ghost: Can we see the pictures?
Laswell: Get out.
Graves: I’m getting real tired of you picking on me! It won’t be so fun when the shoes on the other foot!
Rudy: Are you threatening me? Are you threatening me in SKETCHERS?
Shepherd: Is there something between the two of you that you may not realize?
Farah: What does any of that even mean?
Valaria: He’s asking if we’re lesbians.
Shepherd: You’re excused, cap’n. But work on that foul language.
Price, under his breath while walking away: Work on getting a fucking therapist, holy shit.
How Ghost’s father could’ve died:
Ghost: And get this!
Ghost: His suicide note was stuck to the fridge with a Cookie Monster magnet.
Ghost: All he wrote on it: SIMON’S FAULT.
Ghost: I’m Simon by the way, hi!—WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO HIM?!
Graves, walking away: I hate talking, talking’s for gay people…
Gaz: What a theory.
Laswell, furiously knocking on Price’s door: Come on, come oon…trying not to get blamed for a hate crime…!
Price, opens the door: I’m watching football, this better be really fucking good.
Laswell: It’s actually really bad!
Price: Oh, well see you later.
Gaz: Dude, we'll look the other way on your minor fetish and get you a pizza, okay?
Cheshire: Does he have a major fetish?
Gaz, looking at Cheshire: No, his major fetish is a minor fetish.
Cheshire: So, what's the fetish?
Gaz: I told you, a minor fetish.
Cheshire: I know it's a minor fetish, what's the fetish for?
Gaz: Minors.
Cheshire: Like, guys that dig coal?
Gaz: Not those minors.
Cheshire: So, shitty baseball players?
Gaz: What? No!
Cheshire: Then what's the fetish??
Gaz: ...
Soap's mom: Excuses, excuses!
Soap: Weren't you supposed to be happy or something?
Soap's mom: Ugh...I'm gonna go up to my room and read up how to fold the pastrami.
Soap's mom, walking away: You better find a way OUT of those remedial classes!
Soap: You better find a real fuckin' job, bitch.
Shepherd: What's your T-cell count?
Gaz: Uh.
Alex: I-I don't get it; we don't take shop.
Shepherd: You don't take shop...?
Alex: Yeah, they use T-cells in shop class, what's that have to do with AIDS?
Gaz: That's a T-square, Alex--FUCK!
Alex: What? No--if you knew why'd you look at me??
Gaz: I didn't know how much we were supposed to say!
Alex: How the fuck would I know?!
Soap's mom, walking in: Ugh, today was hard but still rewarding.
Soap: What was?
Soap's mom: My day working at the Deli?
Soap: Oh...I wasn't asking, but alright.
Soap's mom: You don't wanna hear what happened?
Soap: I think I'm good.
Valeria: There's something I've been wanting to say lately.
Alejandro: Oh, what's that?
Valeria: The n-word.
Valeria: For a week it’d be kinda fun. You wanna be sexed up abusive lesbians?
Farah: Fuck no.
Valeria: Why not?
Farah: ‘Cause you’d be doing all the abusing.
Valeria: Oh like what? 😒
Farah: Just weird shit. You’d like…put a cigarette out on my neck and lick the burn mark.
Valeria: …so, you wanna try it?
Farah: No!
Norris, walking away: Let’s see how the General deals with your abundance of comebacks.
Ghost: Soap, we’re not even a week in and you’re getting sent to the General’s office.
Soap: New record, don’t be jealous.
Gaz: For real, I don’t like how he talks to you, Simon. You’re actually like, really cool and smart and you should be treated as such.
Ghost, flushing: Wow, that’s uh…
Gaz: What’s wrong?
Ghost: People tell me that all the time and I just say “I know”. But now that you are saying it, I forgot how to take an actual compliment.
Gaz: We’re friends, don’t worry about it.
Ghost: Are you trying to have sex with me?
Gaz: Not really.
Ghost: Yeah, I have no idea how to process this.
Gaz: Does the General ever compliment you?
Ghost: No. 🙄
Gaz: ‘Cause he can’t appreciate what he has..and seriously, like, seriously, Ghost…
Gaz: If I ever see him talk to you like that again I will rip his beating heart out and hand it to you on a silver platter.
Ghost: 😳…a-and you don’t wanna have sex with me?
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mayflora-18 · 3 months
Incorrect CoD Quotes #10
Sherlock: Sarge, I am way too sleep-deprived to deal with your negativity right now.
Gaz: -_-
Soap: We gotta get to the hospital and we gotta get there fast.
Ghost: Then, I should drive.
Soap: Why you?
Ghost: I've got nothing to live for and I drive like it.
Soap: Okay, let's do it.
Ghost and Soap in the car: AAAAAAHHHH!!!
Sherlock: What if…
*Sherlock frowns in concentration*
Roach: Ooh, Sherlock's wheels are turning. Your brain baby is crowning.
Gaz:: Roach, please, that's disgusting.
Sherlock: No, it's helping, I am having a brain baby.
Gaz: Then push, babe, push.
Roach: *lets out deep breaths* Breathe.
Gaz: You can do this, you are so strong.
Sherlock: I got it!
Price: Quick, you're losing a lot of blood! What's your type?
Nikolai: Smart, brunette, British, you-
Price: Your blood type, Nik.
Nikolai: Oh! Red.
Nikolai: Sherlock is taking the day off so I'm gonna light something on fire.
Laswell: ...Why?
Nikolai: She's like 80% of my impulse control.
Price: Naw, bitch. I'm not being petty.
Gaz: You just said, "naw, bitch."
Roach: Okay, here are the ground rules: you can punch me, kick me, pull my hair. I am a-okay being stabbed. Biting and scratching are ON the table. You CAN use fire.
Soap: 😰 These are the ground rules? Is there anything off limits?
Sherlock and Gaz: 🤨🤨
Roach: Damn, man. You got something really sick you wanna do, huh?
Soap: What- Uh-
Roach: Oh, you little pervert. Alright, I like it. Don’t tell me. Surprise me. Ooh, this is gonna be fun!
Ghost: 🤦‍♂️
Sherlock: Did you just eat all of the powdered donuts?
Nikolai: …No.
Sherlock: Дядя, I can see the powder on your pants.
Nikolai, brushing off his pants: That’s cocaine.
(Дядя = Uncle in Russian)
*Sherlock’s phone rings*
Sherlock: Sherlock’s authentic stolen military police badges. How can I help?
Gaz: Hey, it’s Garrick.
Sherlock: Oh, hey Kyle.
Gaz: Hey, do you carry a hairdryer in your purse?
Sherlock: Of course, I’m not an animal.
Gaz, on the other end: Told you! You owe me 20!
Farah: …
*Graves escapes from the 141*
Price: This isn’t over! I will hunt you to the ends of the Earth!
Graves: I love you, too! 😘
Ghost: All right, you’re clearly not listening to me. I can say whatever I want.
Price, paying attention to something else: Tell me about it.
Ghost: I murdered Johnny this weekend.
Price: I feel you.
Ghost: Now that I have the taste for blood, I can’t stop murdering.
Price: Been there.
Gaz: Well, remember when you told me not to burn down the base?
Price: You burned down the base?
Gaz: No! I had the fire put out immediately. This is a success story.
Price: …
Alejandro: I need some 141 drama, stat!
Ghost: I don’t think we’re that dramatic.
Alejandro: We’ve been gone for one week. Gaz and Sherlock are dating, and they’ve killed a person.
Sherlock: This is where we came the night that I won our bet and you fell in love with me.
Gaz: Sherlock.
Sherlock: The night that you flirted with me for 20 seconds and I became obsessed with you forever.
*preparing to infiltrate on a mission with Ghost zip lining through a window*
Soap, over the comms: Is the equipment secure?
Ghost: Check.
Soap: Weapon loaded?
Ghost: Check.
Soap: Did you have breakfast?
Ghost: What? That’s not on the checklist!
Soap: I added it because I care about you.
Ghost: No, I did not have breakfast.
Soap: Unacceptable! Look in your pocket.
*Ghost fumbles through his pockets until he finds a granola bar and unwraps it*
Ghost: Hey, there’s little chocolate chips in this.
Soap: Yeah, I’m not an idiot, I know how to trick my best friend into eating his fiber.
I’m posting again! 🥳 Still working on the other fact drop, but I will post it ASAP. On a different note…
🎵Tomorrow, tomorrow! I’m 21, tomorrow! It’s only a day away!!! 🎵
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dollyswan · 1 month
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౨ৎ My bf's in the band, he plays guitar while I sing lou Reed ౨ৎ
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octopusoptimusprime · 2 years
me, talking about grown men: he’s so babygirl
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abraincellandahalf · 3 months
Rate My Favs
Challenge: make a poll of your fave characters of all time, then tag five people to do the same.
Thank you for the tag @penna-nomen
This is going to be interesting, I have too many, so I'll just do my favourite men for now, and maybe do another one for my favourite women?
There are so many more I want to add but had to eliminate because I can only add 12 options 😭 have fun y'all. (No Doctors on here because they're all my pookies, and they're canonically gender fluid.)
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Daphne: Can you keep track of Anthony? I think he’s going to do something stupid and get punched.
Simon: Sure, I love when Anthony gets punched.
Daphne: Try again.
Simon, grumbling: I will stop Anthony from getting punched.
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
Ghost: I want to show you a picture from last night that really upset me.
R/n: Okay, but in my defense, Soap bet me 50 cents that I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.
Ghost: That’s not what I wanted to—
Ghost: You drank SHAMPOO?
R/n: What, No! That wou- *hiccups as bubbles float out of her mouth.*
R/n: That, was...extremely bad timing.
Ghost, sighs grabbing his car keys: Let’s go the hospital.
{R/n got her stomach pumped again.]
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ms-rampage · 1 year
Y/n: "The auction for..." *pulls out a suitcase*
Soap: "The suitcase of mystery."
Y/n: "Exactly Johnny, this puppy's been in the lost and found since 1976. No one alive today knows its contents. I'm happy to say Captain Price has finally given me permission to auction it off!."
Soap: "I'll let you give me a spray tan! Any shade you want!."
Y/n: "Soap willing to sacrifice his dignity. Who can top it?."
Rudy: "Massage!. I'll give you a massage!."
Y/n: "Rudy, going in the wrong direction, and getting himself disqualified. Interesting approach. Orange Soap! Going once! Going twice."
Ghost: "I'll show you a picture of me in high school. No mask."
Y/n: "Oooh, Ghost coming in hot! Ghost coming in hot!."
Soap: "I'll also give you full control of my hair and wardrobe."
Graves: "I'll go on a date with you!."
Y/n: "Sold! To Soap, not to Graves, that really freaked me out, and I just want this to end now."
Soap: "Wooo!."
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