#Bruce Frame
obi-pap · 1 month
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Forgot to post for Jason's birthday here jsjs
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popping-greenbean · 5 months
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flinging your friends over your shoulder like potato sack. dangling them by the scruff stacking them up in your arms like laundry shoving them into your purse etc etc i love it
from this screenshot from 'starcrossed'
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Do you have any idea why you need to start with the end in mind? Do you know what you want it to be? If you don’t have the end in mind, how do you know what it’s going to look like when you’re finished? If you want to have a great business and a great life but don't know how to do it. Check this out to learn more.
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ohposhers · 7 months
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troll who isnt allowed caffeine or she'll reenact the Hammy energy drink scene from over the hedge clay prefers tea anyway
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bittwitchy · 5 months
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The Batman (2022) dir. matt reeves
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spicy-apple-pie · 3 months
I’m thinking about a “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” au. I think it works a little too well.
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bluerosefox · 5 months
"OMA, kill meeeee" Ellie, aka Wrath complained as she allowed her head to 'thunk' on the cafeteria table in the Watchtower she phased into in order to sit in next to a boy dressed in red, yellow, and green.
"Aren't you already halfway there?" Came Robin's response as he took a drink of his water, eyeing his teammate with a raised eyebrow, though it was difficult to tell with his mask in place.
"OMA?" Asked Superboy on the other side of the boy.
"Shush you." She said towards Robin before answering Superboy "Oh my Ancients, it's like OMG but like for us ghosties."
"Tt" "Oh!" Came both their responses.
"So..." began Superboy after a few minutes of silence between them as he looked at Ellie like a confused puppy "Why?"
Ellie groaned and just stayed slumped on the table as she said "Da's dumb Observants council is hosting another dumb ball to try to get him or me hitched again, and like always I'm forced to attend because I'm Da's heir. We both hate it with a passion, most are just stuck up, power hungry, social climbers trying to get into our pants for the royal titles... Espcially if they become our Forevermores."
"Tt, why not just get rid of them? Or simply have your Father dismiss the ball." Robin said, his eye twitching in annoyance just at the thought of it. A ball sounded even more annoying than the gala parties he is made to go to.
"Sounds stressful... Also Forevermores?" Superboy asked, he was always curious of Ellie and her ghost culture but never knew what could be asked or not, he had been warned to never ask how a ghost died after all and that question is normally asked in every ghost hunter video on the internet.
"Forevermores is our term for the ONE. The one and only we will ever be with. Till our final end takes us we are always to be with them only. We are core creatures and bonding on that level is like sacred, we don't rush into bonding like that though. But everyone in the Realms hopes to be either become mine or Da's. And the ball is their best chance at meeting us on neutral grounds." Ellie explained as best as she could for Jon, it was hard trying to explain the type of level a Forevermore was "And to answer you Robin, Da can't. The Observants, despite how annoying they can get with their dumb demands, are part of the system council for the Realms, they're sadly needed to keep things in check hence their name. Da and his friends are still trying to find a loophole to get rid of them though. They were only created when they put Tyrant King to sleep and they still sadly have some backings from other powerful ghosts in the Realms, even an Ancient or two and in order to fully dismiss them we need all Ancients on board. And the ball keeps a lot of ghosts, especially the more powerful ones, errr I guess happy? Most just use it to gossip on neutral grounds, others just like to dance, network, or other junk like that. Basically, when it's not about them trying to get mine or Da's hand in ghost marriage, it's fun so Da can't dismiss it, it'll ruffle to many feathers."
"Wow..." "Tt." Were the response from her teammates.
"Yeah. Da really isn't happy because someone suggested inviting powerful people from a few Mortal Realms this time. Somehow it got approved. So... here." She said as she reached into her own chest, phasing her hand in, and pulled out two green envelopes and placed them on the table in front of them. Both boys stared in surprise to see their names written in dark purple ink and the stylized DP on it.
"CW let me invite you guys personally. Everyone else should be getting theirs in about a few minutes complete with a blaze of green fire and spooky vibes." Ellie said with a strained smile, both happy to invite them but also dreading the questions she'll no doubt have to answer once the invites were sent.
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superbat-love · 1 month
“I wanted to create a dialogue about equality by taking the two most alpha male superheroes and placing them in this embrace.” — Rich Simmons
“It shouldn’t matter who a person is, who they love, what they believe or where they come from, being a hero transcends all that. We should judge our fellow humans by the way they treat others and not by who they share a bed with."
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Works on canvas
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Mural in London
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chara-55 · 9 months
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Trolls Night
(Or hairball. I prefer Trolls Night it sounds better chokes-) I've been dying to draw that one framed picture back at their house so badly xD. And I noticed no one hasn't done a redraw so let me do the honors.
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psalmsofpsychosis · 10 months
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dogs unleashed;
—in continuation of this collaborative meta on the nature of Batman's relationship with pain.
// mitski - cop car // Emily Skaja, Brute // Batman: Europa // Sally Wen Mao, Mad Honey Symposium // Lingua Ignota, Pennsylvania Furnace //
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hehether · 2 months
The way Heartless get jumped that night
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bruciemilf · 2 years
One thing I wanna do more is include Battinson's complete lack of filter.
That scene at the funeral where Falcone tried to push that 'your father saved me for a reason' fantasy, which Bruce ended very quickly with his '' He took the Hippocratic oath" line
It can sure read as snarky, and in some parts, it was, -- Falcone's antourage surely saw it as that, -- but Bruce was completely serious.
It wasn't a diplomatic move on his part, but that's why it works. 'No filter' doesn't generally entail being rude and bold, it's your thoughts being faster than your mouth without considering how it'd sound out loud
Not to mention, Bruce wouldn't process sarcasm the same as everyone else. He's good at dishing it, for sure, but we've seen he's completely oblivious to obvious social ques,
If somebody were to be like, " haha maybe YOU'RE batman" him, the go to reaction would be " haha good one"
Bruce? Would start shaking on the spot. It's raining nerves out here. " No I'm not." With a blank face, " I'm not. I'm scared of bats. I hate bats. I wish bats never existed. I wish YOU never existed. Im sorry. Goodbye." Before taking off in a hurry.
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mittland · 2 months
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clarence clemons & bruce springsteen by peter cunningham, 1973
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martiniluvr · 2 months
computer, how do I get people to stop using non-universal physical descriptors in reader insterts. quickest route no freeways
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robintherobiner · 7 months
need more de-aging fics.
specifically i need everyone finding out Dick was an angry murder baby or realising just how obsessed with Dick Tim was.
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martyrbat · 1 year
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legends of the dark knight (2021) #6
[ID: Bruce Wayne entering Wayne Manor by his cave entrance. He's in his Batman costume and, frankly, looks like shit. He has a fresh, gaping bullet wound in his shoulder, he has blood around his mouth and is dripping from rain (and possibly sweat). His costume is battered and torn, exposing his cut and bloodied legs. He's bracing himself against the doorframe as Alfred cries out, “My word, Master Bruce! What have you done to yourself?!”
He rushes to support Bruce's weight, his arm wrapped around his back as he leads him down the corridor and away from the platter and cup of tea he was going to bring him—which is shattered on the ground because he dropped it in shock. Alfred repeats, “What have you done?” Bruce weakly and insufferably responds, “You... should see... the other guy...” Alfred responds, “Sir, the essence of comedy, is timing.” END ID]
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