#But I love that he refers to himself as though he is
gay-dorito-dust · 2 days
hii!! I don't know if your requests are open but I love the way you write for the Batboys so I thought I'd request something ^-^
The batboys reacting to their s/o not saying "I love you" back when they end a call. This tiktok for reference.
(In case the link doesn't work https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLW4JWj1/)
Idk if you'll see this but thank you!!
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‘I’ll see you soon honey, I love you.’ Dick said on the other side of the phone.
‘See you soon, bye.’ You said cheerfully as you hung up the phone, trying your hardest not to break down with laughter. You could clearly see Dick’s face within your mind, looking down at his phone with the expression of a confused husky dog, head tilted to the side and a pout spread across his face.
For not once had you ever not said ‘I love you’ to Dick when ending a phone call, even when you were annoyed with him you still told him that you loved him, so this was completely out of the ordinary for you and you knew that Dick knew that too.
Which is why he was quick to call you back.
‘Hi! Yeah this is your BOYFRIEND speaking, you know the one you love and are devoted to loving for all of eternity, so do you not love me anymore now or?’
‘Of course I do what makes you think that sweetheart?’ You asked, trying not to laugh at Dick’s dramatics.
‘Well it doesn’t sound like it.’ You could practically hear him huffing. ‘I just want to be loved is that so much to ask for?’ He asks rhetorically.
‘Dick, you’re being dramatic.’ You tell him and he gasps on the other side. ‘Me dramatic? Never! All I ask is for my beautiful, stunning and perfect partner to say they love me before I go kick some ass, but no I’m asking too much apparently.’ Dick then huffs. ‘How mean.’ You heard him mutter under his breath.
‘Fine I love you! I love you very much so go kick all the asses for my honey! I love, love, love you!’ You practically shouted down the phone. ‘How was that for you mr dramatic?’ You add.
‘Mr dramatic loves you too very much.’ Was all he said before hanging up.
Dick never liked it when you didn’t say I love you, he gets very upset and doesn’t want to do anything else until you concede and tell him you love him as though your life depended on it. He was indeed a dramatic man.
‘Don’t stay up too late for me, I’ll be home soon I love you.’ He said.
‘Okay bye.’ Was all you replied with before hanging up the phone.
Tim knew damn well you weren’t doing much but hold back your laughter when you put down the phone after not saying ‘I love you’ like you normally did, and so through the process of elimination did Tim eventually come to the conclusion that this was all an elaborate prank.
‘I know this is a prank, you can cut it out now.’ Tim tells you the moment you picked up the phone.
‘Prank? Why would you think this is a prank?’ You asked.
‘You’ve not once forgot to tell me you love me in our past calls, so for you to do it now only is an indication of two things, one it’s a prank or I’ve done something wrong.’ He told you with certainty in his deduction.
You raised a brow. ‘And what makes you think that you didn’t do something wrong and I’m not mad at you?’ You were the one to ask this time as you could practically hear him think.
‘Because I didn’t.’ Was his only reply and you couldn’t help but giggle as you ask again. ‘Are you sure?’
Silence for a couple of second were what you were greeted with before being greeted with a ‘I’m a hundred percent certain.’
You sighed. ‘You’re right, it’s a prank, I’m sorry but I hope this I love you will set things right. So here it is: I love you Tim Drake.’
More silence and you were worried for a second before you heard him say ‘I love you too, don’t stay up too late for me please, we both can’t be sleep deprived that’s only reserved for me.’
Tim knew, he always does so there’s no point trying to prank him because he’ll know unless he’s caught off guard, though he won’t tell you is that he nearly shit himself when you didn’t and though he did something when he begin to think logically.
‘Okay I’ve got to head out on patrol now with Roy, I’ll see you as soon as I’m done chipmunk, I love you.’
‘See you soon jaybirdie, bye.’ You replied before quickly putting the phone done but as soon as you did, mentally counting down from three and when you got to one, your phone flashed with Jason’s contact almost immediately.
You knew he wasn’t going to let that slide once you started this little prank and he played right into your hands.
‘What was that.’ He asks.
‘What was what.’ You replied, acting as though you were confused.
‘You know what, the whole not saying I love you. it’s kind of out thing and so for you to not saying it is kinda throwing me off my grove, and Roy won’t stop saying how much of a simp I am. What even is a simp anyway?’ You couldn’t help but feel your smile grow wider at Jason’s rant and let out a small chuckle.
‘I’m sure Roy can tell you what a simp is, but I don’t see how me not saying I love you once is enough to throw you complete of your game.’ You replied as you could almost hear Roy laugh.
Jason sighs and you could imagine him rubbing his forehead. ‘Can you, can you just say it so I’m not thinking about it for the rest of the night, I don’t feel like bleeding out on our bathroom floor tonight.’ He says and you couldn’t help but feel yourself bend to his will a little before completely yielding entirely.
‘Fine, if it’ll make you feel better, I love you.’ You said and you could tell that took the weight off of his shoulders.
‘Thanks chipmunk, I love you.’ He said before hanging up, finally content to see the patrol through with a clear mind.
Needless to say Jason internally overthought himself when you didn’t say I love you once, it nearly drove the poor man insane and into doing something reckless. So it was good that you did say it when you did.
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madelynraemunson · 2 days
ex-husband!eddie headcannons
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inspired by this universe (18+)
• ex-husband!eddie who flips you the bird via doorbell camera… before gently placing your mother’s day flowers on the porch 💐
• ex-husband!eddie who calls you out on things whenever you piss him off. “you love me though,” you joke snarkily, almost angelically. “i do,” is what he replies. he means it every time.
•ex-husband!eddie who refers to himself as “eddie the banished” bc you were the one to kick him out 💀
• ex-husband!eddie whose lap you're perched on at the family function. your kids send pictures to their friends and caption it, "they're divorced by the way". your kids and their friends are rooting for y'all.
• ex-husband!eddie who can never keep a girlfriend because every time the two of you pose for a family photo, they end up thinking you're better for him and dump him.
• ex-husband!eddie who still changes your oil and rotates your tires (free of charge of course)
• ex-husband!eddie who is the first person on speed dial, because no matter what, and no matter where you two stand, if you need him — he’s there.
ex-husband eddie 🥺🫶🏼
@joshlmbrt cherry this is for you! 🍒 also tagging some peeps who may have wanted a part 2 hehe (except this time it took an angsty turn)
🏷️ : @eddiesxangel @mediocredreams @nailbatanddungeon @potatobeans99
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readychilledwine · 2 days
✨️ACOTAR Hands Handcanons✨️
Warnings - sexual references
A/N - "But liz! Where is Az?" I didn't include Azriel because I don't think some people understand how brutally scarred his hands are. A lot of people headcanon him wear rings and watches to distract from his scarring, but his scarring would be so brutal from his hands being set on fire with oil that wearing jewelry for him would be nearly impossible and more than likely very uncomfortable both physically and in the sense that jewelry will draw attention to his hands, something we know canon Azriel hates. If it is wanted, I will do a reblog with Azzy's hands, but they will be accurate, not pretty.
Also, if you're a hand whore like I am, you have to go look at this post from the lovely @thehighladywrites about asking for hand pics 🥵🥵 it's one of my favorites.
✨️ Acotar Body Headcanons Masterlist ✨️ Master Masterlist ✨️
Rhys is a firm believer in hands speaking of how well you care for yourself, so the man have perfect hands.
Rhys keeps his nails neat and trimmed, his cuticles cut, and his nail bed moisturized.
Rhys has fine hand creams imported from across the seas. It's made with water from some river you don't remember the name of. It matches his skincare line. Very spoiled Illyrian baby.
Rhys does have calloused hands, but they are not rough and dry. The calloused mainly rest towards the top of his palm near where his fingers begin. It's one small sigh of his skill with blades.
Rhys like to accessorize, but not too much, a few unique rings and a bracelet
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We're just here to make sure @sarawritestories can't sleep without dreaming of Cassian.
These are some of my favorite hands in all of Hollywood. Say hello to the hands of Alexander Skarsgård. His hands are massive.
Cassian does have rougher hands, but he can not help it. He's tried Rhysie little princess routine, but it doesn't work. That is more than likely due to the fact that he's constantly training and teaching someone.
You truly do not mind, though. Cassian's callouses and small scars in his hands remind you that you are safe. That no one will ever harm you as long as he is around.
One of Cassian's favorite acts of service you provide for him is little at home hand care sessions. You will soak his hands in warm water and then wash and care for them. You trim his nails, apply cuticle oils, and then use a very expensive lotion that helps keep his hands softer.
Cassian's hands are constantly on you. His favorite placement is when he gets to cup under your breasts. Preferably below your shirt. And he doesn't care who sees him doing it. His second favorite placement is your hips or ass.
Cassian does not accessorize since he rarely does not have his hand siphons on. The only jewelry on his hands is his wedding band
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Soft, warm, and gentle. Lucien's hands are a personification of the male himself.
They are not too large, but they're definitely big, and Lucien has strong hands.
Lucien tries his very best to keep his hands very soft he is constantly greeting and meeting new fae as an emissary, so he ensures his hands are covered while training.
Lucien also knows you appreciate how soft his hands are. He loves watching as you lean into his touch. He loves watching you shiver when he runs them along your body.
Lucien will wear jewelry for special occasions. Otherwise, he tends to avoid it. You never know when he will need to fish with his hair and bare hands to impress you. He had a reputation to maintain there.
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Eris is constantly wearing rings and fine jewelry. His hands are part of his mask of cruelty only you and a few others get to see beyond.
Eris hates his hands. He hates how they've been used to cause pain. He hates how they remind him of his father's, he hates the small scars on them.
It almost confuses him when his hands bring you pleasure. When he watches as you fall apart under his touch.
He has started to care for them more now that he has you. His beautiful wonderful you.
You have noticed the rough skin getting softer. How his nail beds seem healthier. You catch him one night with his expensive hand creme and cuticle oils and your heart melts.
Soon, the jewelry becomes a little less and less, but you told him it would be a lie of you ever said you didn't love the way rings sat on his slender hands.
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Nail, simple, and with a touch of sparkle.
Nesta keeps her hands very pretty and very soft.
Her nails are also always professionally done on Rhysand's dime.
Nesta goes to the salon once a month. She gets the works. The expensive manicures. Rhys owes her, and she wants pretty hands.
Her grandmother and mama told her hands can make or break a marriage, and this is something she can not shake.
She loves clean, simple polish. Neutral colors or a French tip, that's all. For special occasions, she will do an iridescent polish.
As Lady Death, she tries not to wear too much jewelry, but she does have two favorite rings she wears. One from you, one from Cassian.
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I am a garden hobby girl, so this one was fun.
Elain keeps her nails very short. She is constantly struggling with dirt under and around her nails, so she figures keeping them short is best.
Elain has surprisingly rough hands. A garden is a lot of manual labor, and she refuses to wear gloves, so she constantly dealing with little cuts and callouses.
You bought Elain a nail brush and special soaps meant to help her keep her nails clean so it doesn't interfere with her love of baking or... other activities involving you.
Elain's hands are very small, but they fit perfectly into yours.
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This is the hands I identified most with.
Feyre's hands are constantly covered in paint now that the lands are in a time of peace.
She's been known to wipe her palette knife off on the back of her hand or dab a paint brush on them if she picks up too much color. Or use them to swatch shades as she's mixing.
It is messy, but you adore it. You love helping her peel off the bigger chunks and helping her scrub them clean.
Underneath that paint, her hands can be a little dry, so you two have been caught many times sneaking into Rhysand's room to steal his hand creme.
Feyre keeps her nails a medium length. She will paint them for fun every so often, but she sees no point since they are typically covered in her medium of choice.
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The baddie of the group.
Mor keeps her hands ready to greet royalty. They are so soft, so well kept, and constantly being pampered.
Mor used hand creme at least once and hour.
She keeps her nails longer, minus two on each hand. Iykyk.
Her nails have to be red. She will not paint them any color but her power color.
She is constantly wearing a ton of rings and jewelry as well.
I personally see Mor as a gold tone girlie.
The only ring she consistently wears is her wedding ring. Otherwise, all her other jewelry is subject to change.
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Nails sharp enough to rip your eye out. Sorry, Lucien.
Amren sees her hands as weapons and her nails as weapons as well. But like all powerful weapons, they need to hidden.
She hides them using fae beauty standards. Manicures, jewelry, nail polish. Amren fully believes she's fooling other fae with those daggers attached to five small fingers but she isn't.
Amren does not do two curtesy nails. Amren is a starfish. You should be spoiling her. Not the other way around.
Finding out she could do jewels on her manicure was a life changing moment for her.
She practically purrs when she gets a fresh set now.
You swear she is secretly a fire drake with the amount of jewelry she has for her hands and on her nails.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp @itsswritten @milswrites
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xrollingmyeyesx · 3 days
⌯The Second Wife Sneak Peak⌯
As you all know, I have several works in progress, but the one taking up space in my mind right now is a Jake Sully x Reader, so here's a sneak peak! Also this has not be edited and is subject to change :)
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Jake did not want another wife. 
He’d been happily mated to Neytiri for more than 15 years. She was the love of his life. The mother of his children. His wife.
And now he would be forced to take another.
”You must set an example for the people,” His mother-in-law, Mo’at, had urged him when he sought her counsel. “They will do as you do.”
She was right, of course. 
Jake sighed, laying his head in his hands. “Who will it be?”
Mo’at rested her hand on his shoulder assuringly. “I have spoken with the Great Mother. I know the girl.”
He nodded, refusing to face his wife’s mother. Mo’at had to know how this new decree would affect her daughter? Neytiri wouldn’t take this easily. It would anger her, and more than that, it would hurt her heart, which was the last thing Jake wanted to do.
It didn't help that he had gotten himself in this predicament. After all, it was he who ordered the men in his clan to take second wives. 
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You hissed at the harsh tug, grabbing at the meddlesome hands tangled in your braid. 
“Ma! It’s fine, my hair is fine.” You groaned, pulling the long braid across your shoulder and out of her hands. 
She sighed and you heard her stand up from behind you. “I just want to make sure you look your best for him.”
The “him” she was referring to was Jake Sully, the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya and your new husband. 
When the humans returned to Pandora, death came with them. Your tribe was one of many that had been decimated. A tribe centered on spirituality and healing, many had been unable to fight off the demons and had been forced to run. Thankfully, the once-human leader of the Omatikaya had taken in refugees. 
At the time, you had just been happy to be safe and protected from ravages of war. You had never expected to be that same man’s wife. 
You turned to face your mother, grabbing hold of her hands comfortingly. “I am sure the Olo’eyktan will not care how nicely my hair is braided.”
Your mother laughed softly, squeezing your hands. “I’m sure that’s true. I just worry for you, my sweet.”
You smiled at her softly, although you were sad to be leaving her. “Jake Sully has done so much for us, mother. He saved us from those demons. We owe it to him, to the People, to do our part.” You pulled your mother in your arms, comforting in a reversal of roles. “If this is what I have to do to help, then I am happy to do it.”
“My sweet girl,” She crooned, pulling back. “We must get you to your new home, yes?”
It had been determined early on, though you don’t know who decided, that the marriage ceremony between you and Jake Sully would be small and private. 
You had thought this strange, as a marriage with the Olo’eyktan would surely be an important occasion. Now, sitting in the Sully family home, you think the reason for this private ceremony must have been to your benefit.
Jake Sully and his wife were both late to the wedding, a clear sign of how unwanted you truly were. 
“Neytiri is aware of your marriage, she knows how important this is for all The People,” Assured Mo’at, Neytiri’s own mother. “Your marriage is not just to Jake Sully, girl. You must all work together as a family.”
A quiet hum was all you could manage. 
You had been waiting for nearly a whole hour in the Sully family home, so you’d had plenty of time to take it all in. It was clean, but cluttered with the toys and bedrolls of 4 children. You knew the kids, of course, but you had never met them. You hoped they at least liked you, even if their parents couldn't be bothered to be on time. 
“Ah, finally.”
You turned quickly to the door, expecting the Olo’eyktan, only to meet the sharp gaze of his wife. 
Neytiri was beautiful, there was no denying that, but she had a hard exterior. She was a warrior, and with her skills came a warrior's mentality. With her accusing eyes and pressed lips, you couldn't help but think maybe you were the prey in her eyes.
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navree · 2 days
still on this, THE THING IS the bones of this aren't even actually that bad.
bruce has done something horrendous, something objectively heinous, to his child, and to his child who has already suffered so egregiously in such a short lifespan (until they start letting dick grayson be a man in his thirties jason cannot be older than early twenties, like, college age early twenties, at max he's only barely legally allowed to drink). and he has the perfect out he could use if he wanted to deflect responsibility, it was zur, it wasn't really him, so he cannot really be faulted for what he's done. but he doesn't take it, he chooses the hard path but the right path, and takes responsibility. he acknowledges that even if he wasn't in his right mind, it was still him, a version of him anyway, that did something really, really bad to someone he's sworn to love and protect and who did not deserve anything like that. bruce taking the ownership for his shitty decisions rather than trying to find the loophole, that's good. and it can even work with jason attempting to brush it off, like i mentioned before, jason is canonically a forgiving person who does not prioritize himself, and will continuously turn the other cheek to those who hurt him if they happen to be people he loves. i can absolutely see jason trying to give bruce that out (though not with that fucking therapy speak bullshit, jason todd has never been to therapy because people with healthy coping mechanisms don't create the fucking red hood plan at the big age of sixteen).
the thing is, the thing that could have made this good but didn't because instead they decided to continue making this story shitty from start to finish, is that bruce can't take it. it's good that bruce is owning what happened and bearing the responsibility and referring to it as "what i did to you" rather than passing it off in a bid to get jason to move on. and it can work that jason would try to go "it's fine it wasn't really you" about it. but you lose any good when bruce agrees with him and just goes "yeah you're right. anyway!" what's the point of bruce taking responsibility for a horrific deed in a symbol of growth (and we know it's supposed to be about growth because he prefaces it with talking about how his kids are his family and he needs to acknowledge that to them and let them know what they mean to him) if it's immediately smoothed over? it's utterly meaningless, he might as well have just told jason that he can't be blamed and jason could have just nodded and agreed. the bones were there but then ya fucked it, it literally doesn't mean anything at all. it's the narrative equivalent of going "i have a lit stick of dynamite" only for someone to immediately pour water on it. it has no impact now and it loses any catharsis for the readers, let alone deflating that emotional beat in narrative and making everything just seem stupid. even if jason attempts forgiveness, it doesn't work if bruce accepts it. he needed to say that even if jason is trying to absolve him, he still did it, he still needs to own up to it, jason is still entitled to whatever feelings about it, and he still needs to fix it along with actively working for a redemption and acknowledging his responsibility in that regard. not just go "yeah you're right it's in the past hakuna matata never gonna blame myself for my own shortcomings ever again" and promptly move on to more bullshit.
and like, you're nerfing your own ability to write good stories in the future! for one, it's good if bruce grows from this whole debacle, and does consistently put effort for future issues into not just reminding himself he needs to acknowledge his family, but that he can't take the easy way out and he needs to own up to things even when they were done when he wasn't totally himself. for two, you could have a story where bruce doesn't just have to atone, he has to actually fix his mistake. jason's got this chip in him, bruce has acknowledged that this is something HE did and needs to take responsibility for, have him be the one to fix it! have him be the one to try and find a solution, a way to undo it or nerf it or get it out. have him work to fix this issue that he caused, have him be the one to attempt to mend it and do right by someone he did wrong.
not to mention, it can work from a narrative perspective. batman is a detective, have the search for a cure/fix/whatever be a detective story. false leads, dead ends, red herrings, clues that need to be uncovered, new twists and turns. and for another thing, it works to have bruce try to right a wrong he did to jason specifically. bruce's big failure, in his mind, his greatest unforgivable sin, is that he did not save jason. that jason needed his help and bruce failed him, bruce wasn't there. so it makes sense that, when given the opportunity to make up for that in a way, to be there when he's needed, to help him when he needs it, to essentially make it in time in a way he couldn't on the day jason died, of course he'd throw himself into it with 110%. of course he'd decide that, this time, he won't fail. jason is hurting and in need of help because of him but this time it won't end in the worst way imaginable. this time, bruce is gonna fix it. it would make for great storytelling, and good character moments for bruce AS a character.
but i never get the things i want so instead i got some decent legs to build on that were immediately hacked out from under me in the same fucking panel and the chip thing is likely gonna be solved off-page without any real introspection into bruce doing this really horrible thing to jason or growing from his fuckups or growing in his relationship with jason or jason dealing with this and the two of them actually putting in some work to come back together strong than ever and build a new, better baseline as bruce accepts accountability and jason offers forgiveness once it's earned, for once in his life. and this entire plotline will literally never be brought up again except to explain why tim has a clone-damian suit that looks ugly as shit.
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This might seem like a weird thing to get hung up on, but in reference to your post about Wyll's hairstyling, someone made the comment that they imagined Mizora used magic to braid his hair as part of their pact. You replied that this was a racist idea and offered to explain why, but they never commented back. If you're still willing to discuss it, I actually would like the explanation. I'm not disagreeing that it's racist, I just think I'm missing some of the nuances/reasoning.
The only explanation I can think of is the way that Wyll's relationship with Mizora is treated, both in and out of game, just makes the joke really not funny. I hate that Mizora is treated as a quirky, love-to-loathe-her side villain when she's essentially Wyll's abuser. She should be treated with the same gravitas that the writers treat Astarion's relationship to Cazador, or Karlach's relationship to Zariel. Then you've got the fans, who can write loads of rants and analysis of Mystra "grooming" Gale on what I would consider very little basis (adults can have teachers too), but stay pretty mum about Mizora, who started manipulating Wyll when he was 17, isolated him from any support systems he might have had, and literally tortures him with the torments of Hell for disobeying her. I forget which conversation it is, but Wyll even describes her visits to him after he completes a task for her as her "saying all the right words" and "touching him in just the right ways."
Maybe I just haven't seen people talking about it because I'm not looking in the right places, I tend to keep most fandoms at arm's length so I'm not swallowed whole by their nonsense. I'm sorry if this turned into an extra long vent message, but I hope it shows I care about Wyll as a character and the work you're doing in general to improve the portrayal of black characters in fiction and fandom.
I mean, you pretty much said it all. I mentioned in my hair lessons that hair is very important to Black people, and that it's also a matter of consent. You wouldn't want just anybody touching your body, and that includes your hair, yes? So it would be incredibly violating for some white person that is essentially your abuser touching your hair, your body, something that is important to you! How can there be real consent if someone OWNS you? Hair is something that requires trust and intimacy. Especially with the idea that a white person would know better how to do your Black hair?! No thanks.
It's also something that ties into my most recent lesson with stereotypes, plus issues with how men are perceived with abusers. The idea that a boy should be "grateful" that a woman is attracted to/attached to them, even when it's inappropriate. For me, what I see when I see Mizora is a white coded woman allowed to mistreat a young Black boy into his adulthood, and treated as though he brought it on himself, as if he deserves to be mistreated by someone who took advantage of him. I see that people won't take that violation seriously, bc no one cares about the dignity of Black bodies nor do we offer them grace under fire.
Whereas if this were a young white girl, and an older Black coded male demon had done these things to her, all hell would break loose. Fans would immediately understand that that sort of relationship is not appropriate and we should not just assume that "oh well it's just sexy".
I mentioned in the last lesson that this sort of "attraction" has gotten Black boys and men killed at the whims of white women. It's not "funny" to me to think that some white coded woman is allowed to treat Wyll that way and everyone is just... Cool with it. I'd be very nervous to ask your opinions on real Black people.
It's honestly why I felt uncomfortable getting interested in the fandom to begin with, in addition to everything else involved with Wyll and his VA Theo. BG3 doesn't seem like a welcoming place fr, and I too have to keep fandom at an arms length for racism reasons, but as I've done with fandom before this: that's my chance to maybe create something that's missing. 👍🏾
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coopersmilkshake · 1 day
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Million Dollar Man (Ghoul Cooper Howard x wasteland reader)
Part One of Million Dollar Man
Rating: Angst | Sexual Innuendos | Assault | Violence | Cursing | Torture | Fluff
Summary: A girl born of the wastelands finds an unlikely partnership in a man who still follows a shadow of himself… And though being in love was in your cards, it wasn’t in his. But you know what they say, you don’t know what you have lost until it’s gone.
You were raised in the wastelands.
Used to the scorching heat of the sun, the lack of water and the bitter chill of the night air, but you weren’t miserable because you had them, your family. Wonderful and chaotic as they were. They were your home and gave you a reason to wake up. They were there until one day… They weren’t. Taken from you by the cruelty of the desert lands, by men who wore metal with a fake code of honor.
And for the first time in your life… You were alone.
You trudged through the sands, dragging your feet, face fallen and life barely clinging to your hollow shell. You felt as lost as the tumbleweeds that rolled from the warm breeze.
You thought you would be on your own forever and then suddenly you weren’t.
You haven’t know him for long, Cooper Howard he called himself. His radiating red skin and puppy eyes that could do some damage if he stared long enough. You didn’t even think he liked your company, as unannounced in his life as you were.
“You… You saved me.” The words came out in a form of confusion and awe. Your shirt was ripped down your shoulder and blood dripped from your nose, “Why?”
“You told him no, that’s word alone is enough sweetheart.” He replied and then he was gone, walking out of town, his spurs clicking with every step.
You followed after him with no thought and only the clinging feeling of hope in someone that wasn’t as cruel as the dessert.
“Why you followin me?” He never looked back, you never even realized he knew you were following him. You thought you were being careful. Apparently not.
“You’re a bounty hunter.” You spoke, not slowing down in your pace.
“Do you have work for me then?” He stopped walking and turned to face you.
Heat rose to your cheeks, “No but—“
He raised his non existent eyebrow, “Look here sweetheart, you look about one short dime away from kickin the bucket.” He stated as a matter of fact, “Why don’t you go die somewhere else.”
“I… I want you to mentor me.” You spoke quickly, “I want to be a bounty hunter like you.”
He laughed at that, a forced and gruff one as he shook his head at the absurd idea, “No.”
“Please—“ You pleaded, “I’m not a child. I can hold my own weight. And I’m good at scavenging for things. I can be useful to you.”
He cut you off with a scoff, “You’d do better as someone’s pretty wife. Now scram.”
“But—” You pulled out your last resort, “I have caps. You can have them all, please.” You held out a hefty bag of caps in his direction, “Please.” Your hope was dwindling but you refused to give up. You needed to learn how to be strong on your own and becoming a bounty hunter will help you do just that.
His defeated sigh gave you the answer that you needed.
And so never did scram, years later you were still clinging to him like a lost puppy. At least that was how he referred to you, a lost kicked puppy. A reckless and softhearted woman he spent most of his nights in bed with for the past three years.
“Your hat… Have you always had it?” You words were as soft as the low crackling of fire against the setting sun. You had stolen the cowboy’s hat hours ago and wore it proudly on your head. It was a feeling that you would take to your grave, but you thought wearing his precious hat meant that you belonged to him just as much as he belonged to you… You hoped at least.
Cooper grunted his answer, a short nod as he stoked the fire. You became a good bounty hunter with time, albeit a little clumsy and short sighted at most, you were a good shot and you watched his back. Something that he hasn’t had in over two hundred years.
You moved to sit in his lap in hopes to get his mind off of whatever he has be thinking about for the past hour, “It looks good on you.” That brought a smirk to his face, something that you inwardly congratulated yourself for, “But you would look good in anything… Or without.” You mumbled softly as you brushed your lips against his.
He pulled you closer by your waist and kissed you like a starving man in the dessert, something that he was very familiar with. As he kissed you, he took his hat back and placed it on his head.
You hummed happily as you pulled back from his intense kiss, “What are you thinking about cowboy?”
“Nothin you need to worry yourself with darlin.” He replied in the seductive drawl of his. It always had your knees shaking when he dropped his voice down a notch.
You hummed decided not to press him about it. He will tell you when he’s ready. Instead, you pressed light kisses all over his face, a perk that you have been able to get away with recently… Another win under your belt.
“Well, I have been doing some thinking recently.” You spoke lightly.
“That ain’t good.” He teased moving his lips to your neck.
“Oh hush.” You smacked his chest lightly causing him to grin.
“I’ve been thinking about your age and I think I figured it out.” You mused wrapping your arms around his neck and playing with the back of his collared shirt.
A soft chuckle left his lips as he pulled back and placed his hands on your hips, “Really now? And what did ya figure out darlin?”
“Your mannerisms gave it away over time.” You peered up at him with a smile, “You act tough and violent, but you weren’t raised that way.” You explained with a thoughtful look on your face, “It’s in your eyes really, they become soft when you think no one is watching you…” You held his cheek and gently traced his cheek bone with your thumb, “Your gentle and you still care about things, I would like to hope that would include me because you are all that I care about.” You chuckled as you moved your hands to the top button of his shirt, “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before until I met you all those years ago.”
You didn’t notice the way his head tilted down to hide his darkening expression, “But I am pretty confident in my deduction skills that you were here before the bombs. Before this place turned into a wasteland… I bet it was beautiful then with colors and life when there were such things as meadows…” You muttered as you traced your fingers lightly over the exposed skin on his chest. He didn’t speak up, but that was something you were used to. He was always the quiet one while you talked his ear off.
“Why I bet you were a million dollar man.” You joked with a lovesick smile, “But I hope one day that we could find a place like that to settle down.” You rant about the daydreams you’ve been having lately, “Maybe we could find and raise these birds I saw in a book about farms once… I think they were called chickens? I would love to live that life with you because I love you.” You giggled lightly in thought as you waited for him to speak, “But I’m right aren’t I? About your age?” You smiled waiting for him to join in on your little dreams.
You didn’t expect the rough shove that sent you crashing into the ground beside him. Your head had hit against one of the stones on the ground cause you to gasp in pain as you stared up at the stars confused and hurt. Had you gone too far? Did you offend him somehow?
“Coop?” Your head spun as you carefully looked towards him, “I… Didn’t… I’m sorry.”
“What are you doing?” He asked, his accent twinged with a hint of disgust.
You flinched at his harsh tone. You slowly sat up and rubbed rubbed the back of your head, “What?”
“You really thought it was a good idea to spill all that shit onto me?” He scoffed.
“I don’t understand? It was just a thought… We don’t have to raise chickens…” You spoke timidly wondering if he may have had a farm in his life before…
“It’s not about the damn chickens!” His voice boomed and you sucked in a breathe.
You felt lost, not sure where everything had went wrong. He was fine just a second ago, “Did I… Say something wrong? I know we haven’t verbally said I love you, but we’ve been together for so long, I just couldn’t help but say it because I—”
You yelped as he dragged you to him by the ankle. He was on you in an instant, hovering over you as he wrapped his large hands around your throat and squeezed. You couldn’t take your eyes off of the way he looked at you with such anger. You had seen this look before to others, but never you.
“You don’t love me sweetheart.” He sneered, “And I sure as hell don’t love you.”
Well that hurt… More than you cared to admit to yourself.
“But— I do love you—” You gasped out as you struggled in his grip, “I would do anything for you… and I know you love me too! You wouldn’t fuck me if you didn’t!”
His snarky laugh made your stomach turn with unease and dread, “Honey I’ve fucked a whole lotta women for less.” He tightened his grip around your throat with a sneer, “You don’t know me.”
You clawed at his wrists as he squeezed tighter, restricting you from air, “Loved— Three years— I kno— you.”
His voice grew darker as he spoke, “You really expect me to care for you sweetheart? Settle down with what… You? To live some fucking fairytale farm life with a bunch of chickens?”
“Y-yes?” Tears sprung to your eyes at his hurtful words, “I love you.” You gasped out again trying to convince him of your truth, “Cooper please—” But he wasn’t listening to you.
You felt yourself begin to fade and a red blearing flight began to set off in your brain as you kicked him as hard as you could.
That seemed to work as he fell off of you and you sat up gasping for air as tears streamed down your face. You didn’t get much of a chance to collect yourself before he was lunging at you again with a knife gripped firmly in his hand.
Your eyes widened as you turned and tried to move, struggling to get up. Your hands clawed at the sand to get away from him, but tripping over yourself did nothing to stop the knife tearing into your leg. Your scream echoed into the dessert as you curled up into yourself when you felt him hover over you. You didn’t know what stopped him from tearing into your neck like an unhinged ghoul. Maybe it was your scream, or the tears, or the way you shook in fear. Something made him stop, something that had him hover over you as his hot breath hid your skin. It was a silent pause before he spoke.
“I have spent two hundred years looking for my family…” He admitted to you for the first time, it made your heart stop beating in your chest, “For my wife… And not even you will keep me from that.” He muttered lowly and you could feel your entire world around you fall to pieces with him, “I did want to raise chicken once.”
You hated the way he laughed at the thought, it felt cruel.
“Live my life on a farm with my daughter… With her… Not you.” He Pushed himself off of you. His back turned towards the fire.
That broke you.
There was a pause that made you wish he would just end your misery now, kill you so you wouldn’t have to feel this pain any longer. You couldn’t bear the pain he was feeding you, you didn’t want to.
“You’re not her.” He spoke quietly with words that tore into your heart in two, worse than what the knife embedded in your skin had done, “And you never will be.”
You didn’t move as he got up and walked away. Your eyes just squeezed shut to avoid seeing the disgusted look he gave you earlier, a look that you never tho if he you would see on a man who you thought loved you as well... You felt… Empty. As if a part of you was ripped from your body and burned in front of your eyes. Everything you were breathed Cooper Howard and he didn’t even…
It was silent for the next hour except for the dying crackling of the fire and your sniffles as you cried. Blood flowed from your leg leaving you lightheaded with each passing minute and you knew he wouldn’t think to take care of it. Why would he? He was the one stabbed you… You never imagined that he would… Yes he was cruel and down right hideous to others, but never to you… Never like that. The feeling made you want to throw up. Your mama’s words echoed loudly in your ear like a bell. Never trust a shadow of a man.
You sat up slowly, flinching from the pain as you assessed your wound. Cooper was lying across from you, his back turned from you. He wasn’t moving and you were scared to make any more noise in case it would set him off. You took the collar of your shirt and bit down on it as you gripped the handle. You winced, groaning in pain as you swiftly tugged the knife out. It hurt, but not as much as your heart did as you struggled to clean and stitch up your wound on your own.
You had only ever tended to superficial wounds your siblings would get when they were alive, but never on yourself… Cooper always did that for you…
Your hands shook from the shocks of pain rippling through your body, but it was the last stitch that had your eyes rolling back as you hit the ground, darkness consuming your vision as you faded into a state nothing.
You never felt the faint feeling of a hand pressing gently against your leg.
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shakingparadigm · 1 day
(this is copy-pasted from a ramble I had in sleepy's dms like months ago so please forgive the inconsistent grammar/punctuation etc!)
till's feelings are akin to an edelweiss, persevering despite the horrid conditions and all the forces that should have brought it down. it's around the same meaning as the clematis flower. both flowers are defined by their ability to bloom in harsh conditions, which mirror the behavior of loving and finding meaning within each other amidst an inhumane society. edelweiss are more associated with devotion though, and in My Clematis the clematis is seen as a source of hope and strength. mizisua and till to mizi are symbolized by flowers because they have (or, well, had) hope. their feelings bloomed as a result of an extremely human response to seeking some sense of companionship, connection, some belonging in such a strange and otherworldly civilization where it's incredibly easy to feel used and alone. which is why it interests me that even though he has this same desire, ivan's love is symbolized not by an earthy, organic piece of life, but by pieces of cosmos, falling stars. meteor showers are ivan's signature. (putting on my pretentious cap because once again I am going to apply meaning to something that probably isn't that deep)
Ivan is incapable (quite a strong word for it, but it's their words, not mine) of feeling proper human emotion, that much is stated in the patreon posts regarding his character. Why? I have no idea. I theorize it to be his harsh and ruthless upbringing that caused him to close himself off completely in order to protect himself. it started off very early too. or maybe ivan just had no concept of proper human emotion in general. I imagine that while he was growing up, there wasn't exactly any room for the humans he was surrounded with to exhibit any emotion lest they were targeted or punished somehow. Or maybe he was just born that way. anyway it's established that ivan is different from the other humans in this way, that's a similarity he shares with only one other character: Luka (Luka actually does have a stated reason as to why he seems so artificial however). It's why Ivan just goes limp in the grasp of the alien that held him over the edge, despite tears welling in his eyes he remains emotionally vacant and quiet. This moment is his first sight of the meteor shower. Ivan associates meteor showers with very significant experiences in his life (mainly near-death experiences according to the posts). Perhaps those meteor showers gave him some sort of relief, too, an escape from the hell he was living in. maybe he was just fascinated by them, the way they were so far beyond his reach yet burned so brilliantly. just like Till. he saw till's incredible resolve, his refusal to back down and remain passive. Ivan goes through the motions of his "life" doing whatever it is someone wants him to do. they want to sell him? okay. they want to throw him off a building? okay. sing this song, enter this competition, behave and pose for the picture. okay. But Till would rather be beat over and over again than to have his autonomy taken away. He doesn't even sing the songs he's assigned for the competition, he writes his own. His individuality is a blazing, passionate thing that's only bolstered by his natural talent. And to once again refer to the posts: Ivan is deeply fascinated by those who have qualities that he lacks. When he saw Till pick himself up off the ground, he saw stars in him. He saw the blazing fire, the brightness, the fascinating qualities that were far beyond his grasp, something he could only ever admire and hold onto in his hardest moments, but never to hold.
There's also the fact that meteor showers are fleeting. They're beautiful, ethereal spectacles, but they don't last. They're not meant to be held gently in your hands and cultivated like a flower. They appear in bursts of light and leave a lasting impression on whoever sees them, but eventually they disappear. Just like Till leaves Ivan behind, the palm of his hand disappearing from Ivan's grasp, his departure leaving a lasting impression. Ivan knows what they have together will not last, he knows Till's heart belongs elsewhere, yet he clings onto the imagery of the meteor shower because it's all he has. Even if Till doesn't love him back, he's the sole reason Ivan is able to feel to this extent at all. It's a blessing and a curse, so even if it hurts, Ivan continues to hold on. He even includes meteor showers during his performance in ROUND 3, sparkling gloves seemingly made of stardust reaching out to them as he desperately sings to his very own star. VIVINOS and QMENG said themselves that Ivan was persistent. He holds no anger towards Till's feelings for Mizi, he won't drive a wall between them because he respects Till's feelings and Mizi as a person, but he won't let go, either. Falling stars are fleeting, but the impact they leave behind? Not so fleeting at all. That feeling could last forever if it truly meant something to someone.
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penelopepine · 1 day
Forever In Your Gaze
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Fem Reader
Part 1
Summary: Night at the museum AU. Gaz and Reader are both paintings directly across from one another, and have been in love for many years now. The only thing is that they are unable to actually leave the confines of their canvas, and have never felt others touch.
I wrote a blurb about this already here!
Word Count: 2,050
Content: Established relationship, fluff, light angst
"This class is the painting of the Duke of Hersling, Kyle Garrick, though he was often referred to as Gaz to his close friends." The teacher says while pointing at a large, full body painting of man dressed in his finest. The most striking things about the painting is the sword on his hip, and the intense straight forward stare. "He was a swordsman and a scholar during his life." 
"How did he die?" One of the boys in the back of the group yells out. 
The teacher smiles at hearing a question and says, "He actually died in battle; this painting was done only months before his death in 1545. Any more questions?" Hearing none, the teacher directs them to the painting directly opposite of the Duke. "This painting here was actually done in 1545 by William Bahr. A very prestigious portrait painter in his time.” 
The painting showed a woman sitting in a field of flowers with a bright smile. The sun is shining bright behind her while she looks lovingly straight ahead. Upon looking at both paintings it is clear that they are at eye level with one another; staring into each other's eyes. 
A girl this time raises her hand, and once receiving a nod from the teacher she asks, “What about the woman in the painting? Who is she?” 
“She is an unknown figure, the painting was never picked up by its buyer, and no documents containing that information were ever found. She is assumed to be the daughter of a nobleman though.” 
"Do you think she and the duke knew each other?" Another girl asks, looking between the two paintings, "I think they'd make a cute couple!" 
The rest of the students laugh at those words, and once they’ve calmed down the teacher says, “It’s funny that you actually say that! When I worked here during college my coworkers and I would always refer to these two as the forever gazing lovers.” 
“Mr. Sanderson, I didn’t know you used to work here,” a student exclaims, “I couldn’t imagine working at a museum. Wasn’t that boring; staring at the same stuff everyday?” 
“You’d be surprised how wild a museum can get,” He gives a light chuckle to himself, and looks up nostalgically at the art around him. “My favorite part was working as a night guard. It turns into a whole different world here, but enough about that let’s continue to the next room.” 
It was later in the evening when everybody was in the lobby getting ready to board the bus did the teacher see his old mentor and friend walk through the doors. 
“John Price!” He proclaims with an extended hand out. 
“Gary Sanderson!” John calls back, and shakes his offered hand. “It’s good to see you here again, lad.”
“It feels as if I never left, sir. How is everyone around here doing?” 
Price looks at him knowingly, “Everyone’s been good, they miss you, but they’ve been good. You’ll have to come and visit sometime.” 
“I will, promise.” Gary looks to where his students are just as the bus pulls up before whispering, “tell everyone I miss them as well. I’ll call later and plan a visit with you later.” 
“You better keep your word with that. Ghost and Soap will go and hunt you down if you don’t.” 
Gary gives him a laugh and one last nod before rushing back to his class, and leading them outside to the bus. 
With that Price turns and continues further into the museum. Telling folks that they will be closing in just a bit, and getting everything ready for the night to begin. 
It’s only half an hour later when Price is locking the door. He knows things are going to be very active in here in just a couple hours so he takes this time to get some of his actual work done. He sits in the lobby behind the reception desk until the sun has fully gone down, and the moon is high in the sky. 
He knows that the magic is about to begin when the moonlight that shines through the doors starts to have a more unnatural silver glow to it. Price watches as the silver moon rays slowly morph into a ball. In a matter of seconds the glowing sphere has finished growing in size, and suddenly it darts forward. Leaving Price where he was sitting as it flies past him, and travels down all the halls inside the museum. 
As it passes a piece of art it’s clear that the art then, as if waking up from sleep, slowly comes to life. It quickly passes the gazing lovers' paintings; arising them from their slumber. 
When Kyle awakens for another night the first thing he sees is you; which is exactly how he wants to start every night for the rest of time. Life was perfect for him with you, and the only thing he wished for now was to someday feel your touch; even if it was only once. "How is it that everytime I wake up and see that you just appear more and more perfect?” 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, handsome.” You giggle at his flirtatious words. He always makes sure to say words of endearment to you first thing upon waking up. 
“Well I would hope so! Otherwise what are these museum workers doing besides making sure my varnish is still in prime condition?” 
“Probably keeping the rest of the building from falling apart!” 
"I think Price is the one that does that." Kyle argues with mischief clear as day on his face.
"I'm gonna tell Laswell next time we see her that you said that." You say with a small chuckle before bringing your hand up to the invisible border keeping you inside the frame. 
Kyle watches as you bring your hand up, and does the same with his. This is the closest the two of you have come to holding hands with one another. Conversations from this point continue as normal for the two of you. Talking about whatever comes to your mind with one another. 
Occasionally talking with the other paintings around the room, or anyone that passes by. Farah, a statue of a queen who led her kingdom to victory in battle, and Alex, a wax figure of an American WW2 pilot, make sure to stop by and say hello. The two of them always stay for a few hours talking with you both before continuing on their way. 
It was only a few minutes after they left when Price walked into the room, a grim expression, coming to stand between the two of them.
“Price, everything alright?” Kyle asks with a worry in his voice.
"I'm afraid I've got some bad news for the two of you." Price runs a hand through his beard; he's clearly trying to already come up with a plan for whatever is wrong, "This area is getting a complete makeover tomorrow. You two would be very lucky to even be around each other come tomorrow night." 
Kyle immediately looks to you after hearing those words; he couldn't imagine being away from you. He's been facing you for years now, and Kyle is not in any way ready for that to change. "How do we fix this then?" He asks, directing his question towards Price. 
“I’m going to talk to Laswell tomorrow, but it’s Shepherd who is changing things around.” 
“Fucking Shepherd.” Kyle cursed the man to himself. That man was always making decisions about the museum that seemed to bring nothing but pain for everyone here. 
It was you who asked the next question, “Will she be able to go around him, and keep us together?"
"That's the goal. Shepherd isn't around very often, and even when he is he doesn't bother walking around the area. We'll try and switch a couple things around tomorrow night." Price huffed; he clearly didn't like what Shepherd was doing either. He was most likely going to be hearing a lot of complaints from the others in the area as well. "I've got others that I still need to inform, but trust me when I say you two will remain together." 
With that Price continues on his way leaving Kyle and you to dwell on the information he just told.
"Kyle I'm scared; what if they can't do anything, and we end up getting split up?" 
"I'll find you, love." Kyle is very serious as he says this to you, "This will not keep me from you. That I can promise." 
Kyle and you continue to discuss what this will mean for you both, and possible solutions to stay together. When the time comes to go to sleep again he finds a small amount of comfort looking into your eyes. For in your eyes that is where he finds peace. Kyle's last thoughts before the sun comes up is that he loves you. 
When Kyle finally realizes that he is awake once again it takes only a moment for him to know that it is not you that he sees. Instead he is in front of a painting of an older man with a dark background around him. 
Despite knowing that this would be his reality Kyle is still hit with the panic of not seeing you. He is quick to look around hoping that at the very least that you wouldn't be far, and could still talk to you right now. 
He bangs on the barrier, and calls out your name when he doesn't see you. Every time his fist hits the barrier a magical sheen ripples around where he made contact. Kyle does this for several moments even asking the others around him if they can see you.
Before he can continue once more yelling for you Soap appears seemingly out of nowhere in front of him. Following closing behind him is both Price and Ghost as well. Soap and Ghost are both bronze statues, who once the sun is up are two soldiers fighting one another in one of the Anglo-Scottish wars. It took Price a lot of effort to eventually get them on civil terms with one another. 
Which is why it’s almost surprising looking at where their relationship is now.
“Gaz!” Soap’s voice calls out. His friend brings his hand up to the canvas, placing his hand where his shoulder would be if they could touch. “Mate, you’ve got to calm down.” 
“Where is she? She was meant to still be in the area; she’s gone!” 
Price readily steps forward next to Soap, “She’s most likely been moved downstairs to storage. We’ll go and find out where she is, and carry her up once we do.”
Those words brought so much relief to him, but at the same time this situation was meant to be very different. “Why is she not here though? What did Laswell say about all this?” 
“Shepherd refused to let Laswell know anything that was happening. She’s trying to figure out what all he has planned, but some things may not be so easy to undo. All we can really do right now is wait.” Price calmly replies back to him. 
It’s Ghost who actually says the most comforting thing to him though, “Your girl has been moved, Gaz. She has not gone though you’ll see each other again, at most, in a few hours.”
The three give him a few more words of comfort before rushing out to find you. 
This time away from you has really made Kyle think about the first time he met you. It was just another night for him. He knew from Laswell that a new painting was going to be added, and would be placed opposite of him. Nothing could have prepared him for you though. 
The first time he woke up to see you had truly taken his breath away. You were the most beautiful person he had ever seen, and once he had started talking to you his heart had been yours. 
With that in mind Kyle starts to push against the invisible barrier holding him inside the frame. He thinks of you as he pushes and pushes and pushes. Until suddenly, like a rubber band snapping, he's out.
Taglist: @zarsghost
Note: I finally wrote it!!! I hope you enjoyed reading this; feel free to let me know your thoughts!
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theshy1sout · 2 days
Okay, so
I finally got my bf into reading Homestuck. I was on a phone call with him as he read it at loud, voice-acting and stuff, while I was drawing. Today he reached the Dave first appearance and he discovered Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
You have to understand that I always thought that this comics was just a stupid joke that only Hussie understands and finds funny. Bc the moment I saw the page with the dog (you know which one) I left the comics and never looked at it again. Until today.
My boyfriend read every single page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff in complete silence. I asked him what's wrong, and he said "This is extremely sad". I was confused so he started explaining to me how this comics is a way little Dave was coping with trauma of living with his abusive brother. I didn't believe that, so I started reading the comics again and you know what?
Imagine adult Dirk, being completely under Lord English control, going shopping with little Dave and destroying supermarket in frustration of not finding anything that Calliborn would recognize as a food, being arrested by police in process and leaving little Dave alone hidden somewhere in the shop.
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Imagine little Dave being pushed from the stairs so many times by his bro, he drew a caricature of himself pushing his bro off the stairs in revenge. Or being regularly beaten so hard and often, so he drew comics in which his brother got beaten up, shitted on and even brutally killed.
Imagine little Dave being so hungry (bc of course brother didnt give him proper food) he literally threw himself at a Subway sandwich machine during idk a walk with his bro (probably) and tried to steal some food or even just smell the actual normal food and while doing so got abandoned by his brother. Again.
Of course we can't interpret this way every single page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, but come on, if you start seeing it, you cant stop sensing that every single page is either a way Dave coped with a traumatic experience or a way he kind of got revenge on his brother in a way his brother wouldn't understand and notice and beat him up for doing so.
I searched internet for so long and can't find a single person who would interpret it this way. Am I wrong though??
It gets better. As we know, Dave from universe B also drew this comic. And we even got a directly explained to us interpretation: he started drawing it as a simple comic (probably to cope with the loneliness). Then when Batterwitch became a real danger and he saw that but couldn't react directly, he started using his comics as a way to show what Betty Crocker was really like. So we also had this two characters, one represented Betty Crocker and the second one represented society, and they had this very abusive relationship that had references to situations in real life in Universe B.
So my theory (or more like my bfs theory) is that Dave from universe A was using his comics for the same exact thing. He drew situations from his life in a unreadable for others way (and also no one taught him how to draw or write, and maybe later he kept the shitty format so it's unreadable and too shitty for his brother to read) to cope with trauma. We see in this comics that Sweet Bro is shaving himself above Jeffs face while he sleeps, a thing that Dave's bro could definitely do. We see some pages of Dave trying to understand sport, economy and politics in his own way, bc his brother of course didn't teach him shit. And we even got a page that might suggest that Dave was sexually molested by his bro. There are many scenes of Bro being abusive to Jeff or Jeff getting his revenge. We also have Geromy, a possible interpretation of John, and on one page Jeff (Dave) tries to come to Geromy's (John's) place to visit him, but he can't and he drowns instead (which is so sad???).
I could go through every single page with this interpretation. I think some pages being a foreshadowings for what is happening later in Homestuck is just an additional joke, Hussie loves having layers of meta twists and many unrelated things relating or referencing each other for no reason. I don't think the comics is Dave's unconscious traveling through time and revealing the future, bc if so then we would see every single page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff being a foreshadowing, and they are not. I also think that the huge wink to the audience was the scene of Dave being pushed by his bro down the stairs and we see him falling with accompaniment of a little panel of Jeff saying "I warned you about the stairs, bro". For me this is a visible hint that this is what this page of the comics was about, it was a way of coping with trauma, it was Dave drawing his brother falling down the stairs and himself saying probably a line that his brother irl was saying to him a lot.
Dave drew his life. His own horror of a life and it was probably more terrifying than he revealed in act 6.
Do you remember the iconic "bro hug" from Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff? A hug from his bro, sth that Dave really needed and wanted, a simple hug that he was very nervous to asked for, he literally drew himself hugging his brother in his second comic, and then we have the very same scene of Davepeta and Arquius hugging (part of them was Dave hugging Dirk, even if artificial), and then we have the exactly opposite of the scene between actual Dave and Dirk, when instead of enthusiastic "we're doing it bro, its happening, were making it" it's Dave saying "fuck forgive me for what I'm doing, this is so messed up fuck" and it's not even full embrace like in his comic, it's awkwardly side by side hug when they didn't even sit on the same level (like in the comic or with sprites), no, Dave is lower, he's smaller, he's scared, he cant face his brother, he wants to but he can't and this is just aaaansnanbska dmnsksnsdkydykdky
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Can someone talk about this comic more? This flashy shitty documentary of Dave's life drawn by idk maybe 8 years old Dave ? The more I read Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, the more depressed I am, cause this is so sad if I'm right about it. I really wish it was just stupid colorful comic without any deeper meaning, just faking to have one or sth....
Also I think Geromy is black bc either Dave didn't know how John looks like so he imagined him being somewhat similar to his fav president Obama or maybe he was just trying to make John's character as unlike John as possible so no one would suspect a thing. Or maybe he just imagine himself being friends with young Obama, who knows.
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After editing this chaotic rambling I have two more things as a prove for my theory. One is picture above, and second is what Hussie said about Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff:
“SBaHJ is absolutely inseparable from HS, and has been almost from the start. If you don't understand this, then you don't understand HS very well. SBaHJ is like the mentally handicapped step brother of MSPA, requiring special attention, but no less cherished as a part of the family. It was originally intended as the chief source of in-house memes for dialogue, but this is ultimately a superficial purpose. Though it only has 20+ strips, it contains a pretty dense and internally consistent language of recurring symbols and typo-driven grammars, applicable as a rich sub-cognitive lexicon for highlighting elusive elements woven into the mythology of the story which tend to be shrouded in the unconscious.”
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finniestoncrane · 1 day
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Dano!Riddler x Fem!Reader, word count: 1k giveaway commission: thank you @cml-san for an excuse to get back to this loser boy!! eddie is released from arkham on advise of his psychologist and is transferred into the care of a stranger from his past who has been inspired by him in their own life as an aspiring actress/singer🐀💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: it's kind of unhealthy attachment fluff i guess!!
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He'd been granted parole, much to his own surprise. Edward was smart though. He'd studied psychology, books upon books in his apartment, trying to figure out what he might say in order to convince them he was sane, that he was safe to be returned back to society. And he'd tricked the psychologists, his doctors, the warden. The one hurdle, however, that he wasn't sure how he had navigated it, was the supervisory element of his freedom.
There had to be someone on the outside who was willing to take responsibility for his wellbeing, to facilitate his reacclimating to the world, and Ed had no one.
But someone out there had agreed to take him on. A gesture he'd never known. No one had offered to take him from the orphanage. No one had offered to take him out of the low level position he'd slaved at for years. So why would someone offer now?
Long gone were his hopes that it might have been Batman, looking to help Eddie find redemption, to have him as his assistant, finally understanding what it was that Eddie was doing for him.
As he was ushered out through the last of the doors that kept him prisoner, Eddie looked out towards the wrought iron gates. The last threshold. And just beyond them, a woman standing by a car. Someone vaguely familiar.
He had managed to place you by the time he was walking out of the Arkham grounds. You had gone to college with him. His quiet, unspoken crush. There you were, reaching your arms out to hold him, pulling him into a warm embrace.
"Eddie! I'm so glad to see you. I don't know if you remember me, but-"
"Of course I remember you."
You blushed at his words, a warm smile spreading into your cheeks. For a brief moment, Eddie wondered if he was actually dreaming. Freedom, reconnecting with a cute girl he'd been madly in love with? It didn't feel real. Even when you had driven back into the city, settling in at a booth at the back of a diner, he was certain he was going to wake up at any moment. But he kept himself invested in the conversation.
"So... you know what I've been doing lately..."
The topic was a difficult one, but he had to at least reference it, quickly, before changing the subject.
"... What have you been doing since school?"
As awkward as the topic might have been for him, it was just as uncomfortable for you.
"Well... truthfully, not much. There was a lot that I wanted to do. I wanted to act, but I never made it past any local commercials. And then I thought I could sing, but I'm kind of stuck at the lounge right now, doing late nights... only on week days."
You twiddled your thumbs, trying to turn things around, not wanting to sound so down on life now that Eddie had his back.
"I have a radio show too! In fact, I was inspired by you... by your words. Your streams."
Eddie choked on his sip of coffee, completely surprised by not only his effect on you, but the fact you were so casually bringing it up.
"Yeah! I uh... I usually just talk, play some music, break some stories where I can. When I came across your streams, though... I knew there was more I could be doing. Like you. You're kind of my muse, Eddie."
You reached over the table, taking his hand in yours. It was warm and clammy, and you could see the nerves on his face, in his eyes.
"You know, I haven't done what I wanted to in life either. And anything I have done, it's been because of your inspiration. When I'm singing, it's like I'm serenading you, making a promise to you. And I owe you for all of this."
Eddie's eyes were wider now, dark pupils almost covering the iris as he watched your lips move with your words, not quite believing what he was hearing. Deciding that the silence couldn't get any more awkward, you made the choice to confess a long held secret to him.
"You know... I had a huge crush on you in college. I think we only shared two classes together, but those were my favourites. You never reciprocated though, which is fine of course, I just-"
"I thought it was a joke."
Your hand was still on his, but you let your grip loosen just a little, surprised by his statement.
"Eddie... I would never..."
Making up for the slight lack of contact, Eddie found it in him to squeeze your hand back.
"I know that. Now."
Another prolonged silence, one that felt a little more comfortable this time. You both finished your coffee, picking at the food on your plates as you both tried to figure out what to say next. Eddie was still wondering why you had offered your time up for him, and you were wondering how to tell him why. It was you that broke first, realising that he was vulnerable, confused, and deserved to know the truth.
"Eddie, you and I have a lot of work to do."
"What... what work?"
"I know what you want from life, Eddie. You want to complete your goal. Your mission. And I want... well, I want you.
He was staring intently, unblinking, a slight smile crossing his lips as the understanding sank in.
"You don't get many second chances in life. At love. At fate. At revenge. But I think if we work together, we can make it work for us. Don't you?"
Eddie nodded, his hand squeezing yours tighter than ever now. A giddy feeling pulsing through his chest. He'd been offered a second chance at everything, and he wasn't going to fail twice.
"I think we can. Just you and I. Real partners. Together."
Grinning, you sipped the last bit of coffee from your mug and held his hand as you left the booth, pulling him after you.
"Let's go get started then."
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inchidentally · 2 days
also like, as I always say I love the carland0 and dand0 content SO much like it got me into f1blr and I rewatch some of those every week to make me smile <3
but whenever Lando was with those guys - or tbh with any driver older than him - there's always this reverting to baby brother thing where he lets the older guy answer everything more seriously or in detail and then Lando just pipes in w something funny or cute or getting flustered and everyone being like oh that's classic Lando etc etc. and it's always great content lbr!
but him and Oscar being on that freakish wavelength together and automatically sharing responsibilities based on individual strength to do w knowledge/skill (and Lando's mood that day) means we actually get to see Lando's competence and knowledge way more than we used to. bc it's always been there as much as the other guys it's just the ~divergence~ brain making certain environments or certain pressures shutting parts of his brain (and literally do I relate to that).
and not to get too deep but it parallels the fact that when Oscar showed up and everyone was saying how he was Lando's rookie and his protégé etc it threw Lando for a while bc openly said he didn't feel comfortable being in that role to someone else/not having someone older and more experienced to lean on. which I think if Oscar had actually needed that himself it would've not worked at all well - fortunately Zak and Andrea both knew enough of Oscar to know that wouldn't be the case.
BUT !! Oscar knowing cough so much about Lando before joining McLaren meant that even though he rly never needed Lando to be in that guidance/leader role for him, he picked up on Lando genuinely wanting to try and like - that's where the wavelength was established. bc Oscar did put himself in the role of following what Lando chooses and learning Lando's preferences and behaviors which in turn ! fulfilled Lando wanting to do the team and himself proud and be there for Oscar as basically the existing face of McLaren and the popular driver who was able to win over fans and media to Oscar who were not only reluctant to like Oscar at the time, they were actively rooting for his downfall and reveling in McLaren's tough start to 2023. because Lando pushed for such solidarity and included Oscar so much in his social media back then, Oscar returned the favor by learning and copying from Lando how to engage w media and fans on the F1 level of scrutiny. and because Oscar went so unusually quiet and observant with Lando compared to Oscar with the guys in F3 and F2, Lando kept complimenting how "calm" Oscar was and how it was rubbing off on him.
like I know there's the rpf of it all but it's why I feel like we all latch on so hard with landoscar as it exists just in reality bc there's been the opposite of bromance and convenience for them that their dynamics w other drivers have had (similar personalities, interests, being invested in PR - or not, in Oscar's case) and they also didn't even have fans rooting for them to be friends or even be great teammates bc of Alpine drama and being bitter about Daniel AND add to the fact that Lando himself was resistant to the idea of being the older guy. yet despite having that uphill battle and their personalities in superficial/social ways being diametrically opposed, they're the teammates that are known for their freakish mind-reading/twinning and they naturally form to the same car requirements and preferences and after just one season together have the narrowest margins between them on track. and Lando was truly one foot out the door at points last season and while most of him being swayed was loyalty to McLaren, I think if Oscar had been just as competitive as he is BUT wasn't as perfectly matched for Lando as he is then... idk drivers have left teams that felt like 'home' for less reason than that !!
idk Lando twice catching himself referring to Oscar as if they've been teammates for years instead of barely even a season and a half and Oscar having this metamorphosis that's been visible on camera based on using Lando as his pole star for coping with the leap from F2 success->languishing at Alpine->F1 in a rollercoaster season for McLaren. to now watching them in all their content easily swapping duties with unspoken agreement and picking up the middle of each other's thoughts seamlessly (and Wired deciding to have both of them do it instead of just one like usual) and Lando looking to Oscar every time he forgets a word bc Oscar will have it for him immediately. they sit back together and enjoy watching every other team and driver go through chaos bc they've both committed to their team already and don't have to worry about all that for a good while.
sure a lot of us would prefer if they had the shared outside hobby to ensure hanging out even when they're one day no longer teammates but askgsajfglafg honestly for me that's a future concern that idc about !! there's something so we didn't just become teammates against the odds we became one of the best teammate pairings against the odds about them that's compelling in a sports/competition sense but also in the way they hold something fairly special between them as drivers - and undeniably at least in part as people - and them not choosing to advertise for fans when they travel together or hang out or have their own little debriefs and decompresses together - like them being so proud of their new privacy door to their drivers rooms and emphasizing how it's their own place to be private private and away from everyone (even Jon and Kim!) but it's so shared between them that Oscar still hears all of Lando's music
it's such a massive, conscious commitment to each other in a career that is basically most of their lives every year and it's just so !!!! all on it's own as it is for me <3<3
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loverboy-radio · 3 days
pride headcanons TWST
i got this idea from @foxglovepng when i saw a post on this so if you wanna know where i got this idea go see their post.
RIDDLE= straight-trans masc
now for riddle i see him as someone that was taught that gender and sexuality is normal and it is something he was told to defend if someone is disrespectful to it.
i say this in my post about riddles mum and how she is a huge supporter and stuff.
when he figured out that he wanted to be a boy he was crying cause his mum said he would have a period when he was older.
he said that means he has to be a girl all his life.
he may not get sexuality and stuff but he still finds it interesting to learn more about with his mums help.
TREY= gay-cis
now for trey i feel as though his parents may not be the biggest supporters.
like they don't care if they exist they aren't transphobic or homophobic but they just don't want to see it.
they will however be pissed if someone were to be disrespectful and physically harmful to people for it, is when they aren't afraid to beat someone.
and trey gets that so they may not like the fact he is gay and won't actively support him but if someone were to be rude for it, they'll step in.
he found out he was gay when he realised he had a crush on chenya and asked his parents about it.
they explained it but told him they would rather not acknowledge it.
in the end it is complicated for him.
CATER= cis-aroace
now he is very much a flirt that i can't deny but he doesn't even realise it yet as he just never cared to put a label on it.
he is sorta supportive as one of his sisters are trans and the other is a lesbian.
so he goes to pride stuff with them but he just doesn't care about it.
like he could know someone for awhile and he casual mentions one of his sisters gender/sexuality and be asked if he's ok with that and he'll just say "yeah, it's not like it's any of my business."
now he may not be part of the community but he still supports it and stuff even when he was a bad boy.
cause he was taught to never hurt someone for something they have no control over. AKA sexuality and gender.
he may be a bit confused about that stuff, but he'll learn is someone wants him to.
ACE= closeted gay-polygender
yeah he has no clue he's gay yet but doesn't care if he is.
with the gender thing he also just doesn't care about what he's referred to.
thats all i have for him to be honest.
LEONA= bicurious-non-binary
now his family aren't really all that happy with his sexuality and stuff.
the only reason they tolerate it is because of his sister-in-law.
she will beat anyone that thinks they can say shit about that. as she has a pan brother and won't let this stand.
he was ridiculed for this for a bit before she came to the rescue.
but now that he's older he is very comfortable with himself.
he also respects trans people especially when they want to be treated like the other boys, he will treat them like that.
RUGGIE= transmasc-Doesn't know yet.
now the boys in savanaclaw with always have stuff like pads and tampons for their trans boys.
and that also means ruggie can feel more comfortable with his body when leona told them to treat him like everyone else.
as he is very poor so when leona said he would pay for top and bottom surgery he literally cried.
the fact that he was finally able to be the boy he knew he was made his so happy.
it is one of the reasons he is so loyal to leona.
JACK= gay-cis
now jack has a very supportive family with this kind of stuff.
so when he realised his sexuality he felt no need to really come out but they just know he is.
as a wolf he will have one partner his whole life and stuff so polyamory is not something he quite supports if its his partner.
AZUL= straight-cis
despite his background with jamil he isn't gay.
he is very supportive of polyamories as a lot of merpeople have multiple partners.
he doesn't quite get same sex love but will not really care is it's there.
JADE & floyd= aroace
i have no words as i can't explain my thought prosces
KALIM= polyamorous-straight-agender
too tired to explain.
JAMIL= gay-cis
also too tired to explain.
VIL= transmasc-straight
i feel as though he fought hard to be seen as this and has been trying to blur gender lines and stuff.
he did get a lot of shit for it but he believes it was worth it.
his dad is very supportive and has a boyfriend at the moment.
he will always make sure people are comfortable with themselves and their gender before but else.
ROOK= cis-aroace
you don't need an explanation for this one.
EPEL= gay-cis
he has some internal homophobia from the people from his family, but other than that he is comfortable with his sexuality.
he can and will fight someone if they this they can be a dick about someone being gay.
IDIA= straight-genderfluid
family are very supportive about this as they just want to have a happy family.
nothing else to add.
MALLEUS= genderfluid-pan
i believe that all fae have both sets of genitalia and develop when they have a child so gender and stuff ain't something that matters.
and that gender roles isn't something they care about.
LILIA= genderfluid-pan
read malleus one
SEBEK= cis-gay
one word.
SILVER= cis-bi
one word.
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coffeexxlord · 22 hours
Hola, Here's My Ph1LzA Minecraft™ Family Tree:
So okay this is -mostly- going off of what the man himself said about his Hardcore world, SMP Earth, DSMP, and Qsmp (In that order, then back to Hardcore) all being the same guy. I also take into account some instances outside of the SMP's.
(Keep in mind, I don't know everything about Ph1LzA's Hardcore world lore when it comes to the relationships so anything to do with that is me guess-timating. Feel free to correct me with some sources if I mess up ヘ(・ _|)
(Also I'm not Ph1L so don't take this as canon, think of it more as an AU of mine i guess?)
Non-Colorcoded Version at the bottom If this Makes your eyeballs bleed.
I finished this at like 1AM so there's probably some spelling errors or smth.
-----WARNINGS: Wilbur Soot is included exclusively for story telling purposes. I will only be calling him [Redacted] because I no longer consider him apart of the family.
So Ph1LzA starts in his hardcore world by being spawned in by Rose (Earth/Overworld Deity?), shes his Spawn Deity. Shes kind of his Mother in the sense that he exists there because of her, but shes not his ACTUAL Mother and they don't refer to her as such. But since shes ~kind of~ his mom Ive included her on this list.
Kristin/Miss Trixtin:
Shes the Goddess of Death and his Wife (Romantic). due to her job being literal death itself, they don't get to see each other that much when hes in a SMP, they see each other when he goes into his head, the void/underworld or when she possesses him to see the living world.
They're relationship is both a romantic marriage and like religious worship, an Angel fully devoted to his Goddess. a lot like Gomez and Morticia Addams and the song Take Me To Church by Hozier.
The Legend Himself, he was the vessil for The Blood god, giving him the same status as a demi-god. They meet when Techno is like a teenager, say 14-16. They stay together through out SMP Earth as the Emperors of The Antarctic Empire, separate for a bit as Ph1LzA goes back to his hardcore world, then reunite for the last time on the DSMP.
Technoblade and Ph1LzA are what I would call Platonic Soulmates. whether it be as Father and Son, best friends, or as brothers. No matter how you choose to see it they are family either way. He's also Ph1LzA's favorite.
He was considered as Technoblade's younger twin by a few minutes despite there being no biological relation. He was Ph1LzA's only biological child and was the father of Fundy and Tallulah. Was married to his now Ex-Wife Sally The Salmon.
[Redacted] is not Kristin's biological child. [Redacted] was born from Ph1LzA and Samsung Fridge. A Literal Fridge.
Met Ph1LzA through SMP Earth and attempted to assassinate the man, after failing Loony-tunes style a bunch of times he eventually annoyed Ph1L and Techno into liking him. Techno and Tommy have a more brotherly relationship despite Techno rejecting the family canon in DSMP.
Tommy is the Father of his adopted son Shroud, a spider, and is Kristin's favorite Son.
The Child of [Redacted] and Sally The Salmon, Fundy has a rocky relationship with his family other than his son Yogurt. Hes siblings with Tallulah though he has never met her.
Tommyinnit's adopted son
Fundy's adopted son.
Hes a Mexican artist and musician. He and Ph1LzA met on the QSMP and were partnered to take care of they're adopted Egg Chayanne. Missa is Ph1L's Husband (started as Platonic, though labels don't seem to work for them anymore), though they don't see each other much due to Missa's job as a grim reaper. Later Missa adopts Tallulah as well.
Missa's brother is SpreenDMC and his Mother is Dama Muerte (Lady Death). His "Boss" Is Kristin.
He was adopted by Ph1LzA and Missa, with his favorite parent being Missa. He loves cooking and sees himself as a responsible older sibling to all of the other eggs.
His younger sibling is Tallulah and he heavily idolizes Technoblade.
Was the adopted Egg child of [Redacted], and was later adopted by Ph1LzA and Missa when [Redacted] left her. Her favorite parent is Ph1Lza and she loves animals, flowers, and music.
She doesn't know Fundy and is unaware that he is her brother.
Dama Muerte (Lady Death):
Missa's Mother (this isn't her actual name, I couldn't find anything for her so I gave her one.) and the Goddess of the underworld. She rules over the land of the dead but isn't actually death, Kristin is. Think Hades and Thantos, God of the Underworld and God of death.
Hes Missa's Brother (I don't know the exact relation). Hes a fighter that prefers PvP to RP, he was the unwilling partner of FitMC and father of Ramón. he left and went "missing" for months. He was later revealed to be dead.
He may come back due to his Mother though.
Father of his Egg Ramón, Widow because Spreen died, Is dating Pactw. Old friend of Ph1LzA's since SMP Earth and a Veteran from 2b2t. Adopted Richarlyson.
Brazilian man dating Fit and adopted Ramón. Half of Tazercraft and Platonic Soulmates with MikeTheLink. Father of Richarlyson.
Son of Fit and Pac, Has a Mustache and he loves CreateMod. Hes friends with Chayanne and Tallulah. Adopted brother of Richas.
Platonic Soulmates with Pac, Married to Barbmine, Goddess of Creation. Father of Richas.
Goddess of Creation and Wife of Mike and Mother of Richas.
Brazilian Egg, loves chaos and is the son of Pac, Mike, Felps, Cellbit, Barbmine, and recently Fit.
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I could have gone farther with the Family Tree but ill save it for another post, this one is long enough as is. ill link it when I get it done.
Again this isn't exactly canon, take it as an AU more than anything.
I Mostly just made this cause I saw someone else's post on this that excluded Missasinfonia entirely but included Chayanne and Tallulah and it kinda pissed me off especially since some people like to exclude the Spanish speakers on the Qsmp cause they didn't play as often and only referenced them as relationship pieces to their Egg partners.
Well... you can, I can't control you and you can do whatever you want and this isn't meant to be an attack on anybody I just needed to say smth about it.
Anyway Non-Colorcoded below.
Hola, Here's My Ph1LzA Minecraft™ Family Tree:
So okay this is -mostly- going off of what the man himself said about his Hardcore world, SMP Earth, DSMP, and Qsmp (In that order, then back to Hardcore) all being the same guy. I also take into account some instances outside of the SMP's.
(Keep in mind, I don't know everything about Ph1LzA's Hardcore world lore when it comes to the relationships so anything to do with that is me guess-timating. Feel free to correct me with some sources if I mess up ヘ(・ _|)
(Also I'm not Ph1L so don't take this as canon, think of it more as an AU of mine i guess?)
I finished this at like 1AM so there's probably some spelling errors or smth.
-----WARNINGS: Wilbur Soot is included exclusively for story telling purposes. I will only be calling him [Redacted] because I no longer consider him apart of the family.
So Ph1LzA starts in his hardcore world by being spawned in by Rose (Earth/Overworld Deity?), shes his Spawn Deity. Shes kind of his Mother in the sense that he exists there because of her, but shes not his ACTUAL Mother and they don't refer to her as such. But since shes ~kind of~ his mom Ive included her on this list.
Kristin/Miss Trixtin:
Shes the Goddess of Death and his Wife (Romantic). due to her job being literal death itself, they don't get to see each other that much when hes in a SMP, they see each other when he goes into his head, the void/underworld or when she possesses him to see the living world.
They're relationship is both a romantic marriage and like religious worship, an Angel fully devoted to his Goddess. a lot like Gomez and Morticia Addams and the song Take Me To Church by Hozier.
The Legend Himself, he was the vessil for The Blood god, giving him the same status as a demi-god. They meet when Techno is like a teenager, say 14-16. They stay together through out SMP Earth as the Emperors of The Antarctic Empire, separate for a bit as Ph1LzA goes back to his hardcore world, then reunite for the last time on the DSMP.
Technoblade and Ph1LzA are what I would call Platonic Soulmates. whether it be as Father and Son, best friends, or as brothers. No matter how you choose to see it they are family either way. He's also Ph1LzA's favorite.
He was considered as Technoblade's younger twin by a few minutes despite there being no biological relation. He was Ph1LzA's only biological child and was the father of Fundy and Tallulah. Was married to his now Ex-Wife Sally The Salmon.
[Redacted] is not Kristin's biological child. [Redacted] was born from Ph1LzA and Samsung Fridge. A Literal Fridge.
Met Ph1LzA through SMP Earth and attempted to assassinate the man, after failing Loony-tunes style a bunch of times he eventually annoyed Ph1L and Techno into liking him. Techno and Tommy have a more brotherly relationship despite Techno rejecting the family canon in DSMP.
Tommy is the Father of his adopted son Shroud, a spider, and is Kristin's favorite Son.
The Child of [Redacted] and Sally The Salmon, Fundy has a rocky relationship with his family other than his son Yogurt. Hes siblings with Tallulah though he has never met her.
Tommyinnit's adopted son
Fundy's adopted son.
Hes a Mexican artist and musician. He and Ph1LzA met on the QSMP and were partnered to take care of they're adopted Egg Chayanne. Missa is Ph1L's Husband (started as Platonic, though labels don't seem to work for them anymore), though they don't see each other much due to Missa's job as a grim reaper. Later Missa adopts Tallulah as well.
Missa's brother is SpreenDMC and his Mother is Dama Muerte (Lady Death). His "Boss" Is Kristin.
He was adopted by Ph1LzA and Missa, with his favorite parent being Missa. He loves cooking and sees himself as a responsible older sibling to all of the other eggs.
His younger sibling is Tallulah and he heavily idolizes Technoblade.
Was the adopted Egg child of [Redacted], and was later adopted by Ph1LzA and Missa when [Redacted] left her. Her favorite parent is Ph1Lza and she loves animals, flowers, and music.
She doesn't know Fundy and is unaware that he is her brother.
Dama Muerte (Lady Death):
Missa's Mother (this isn't her actual name, I couldn't find anything for her so I gave her one.) and the Goddess of the underworld. She rules over the land of the dead but isn't actually death, Kristin is. Think Hades and Thantos, God of the Underworld and God of death.
Hes Missa's Brother (I don't know the exact relation). Hes a fighter that prefers PvP to RP, he was the unwilling partner of FitMC and father of Ramón. he left and went "missing" for months. He was later revealed to be dead.
He may come back due to his Mother though.
Father of his Egg Ramón, Widow because Spreen died, Is dating Pactw. Old friend of Ph1LzA's since SMP Earth and a Veteran from 2b2t. Adopted Richarlyson.
Brazilian man dating Fit and adopted Ramón. Half of Tazercraft and Platonic Soulmates with MikeTheLink. Father of Richarlyson.
Son of Fit and Pac, Has a Mustache and he loves CreateMod. Hes friends with Chayanne and Tallulah. Adopted brother of Richas.
Platonic Soulmates with Pac, Married to Barbmine, Goddess of Creation. Father of Richas.
Goddess of Creation and Wife of Mike and Mother of Richas.
Brazilian Egg, loves chaos and is the son of Pac, Mike, Felps, Cellbit, Barbmine, and recently Fit.
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I could have gone farther with the Family Tree but ill save it for another post, this one is long enough as is. ill link it when I get it done.
Again this isn't exactly canon, take it as an AU more than anything.
I Mostly just made this cause I saw someone else's post on this that excluded Missasinfonia entirely but included Chayanne and Tallulah and it kinda pissed me off especially since some people like to exclude the Spanish speakers on the Qsmp cause they didn't play as often and only referenced them as relationship pieces to their Egg partners.
Well... you can, I can't control you and you can do whatever you want and this isn't meant to be an attack on anybody I just needed to say smth about it.
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faustandfurious · 3 days
Master and Commander liveblog: Chapters 1-2
Apparently the Locatelli C major quartet that kicks off the entire series isn’t even a real piece of music??? Locatelli exists, but his C major quartet sure doesn’t
I’d honestly forgotten how young they both are at the beginning of the story
I love that the first interaction between these two is Aubrey being excited about music and Maturin being a bit of an asshole. Truly excellent golden retriever/black cat character dynamic
Aubrey’s first impression of Maturin is extremely funny in light of everything that is to come: “The ill-looking son of a bitch, to give himself such airs”
Honestly my only frame of reference for money in this time period is Mr. Darcy with his ten thousand a year, so Jack making 5 pounds 12 shillings per month really puts that amount of money into perspective
Implication that Jack Aubrey slept with Molly Harte?
“I am to be found any morning at Joselito’s coffee-house” Maturin being broke and hanging out in coffee shops is a vibe
“the velvet softness of the April night, and the choir of nightingales in the orange-trees, and the host of stars hanging so low as almost to touch the palms” I’m absolutely in love with these small snippets of atmospheric writing
Teniente (Spanish) = lieutenant
I’ll have to pay more attention to the dates this time around, to keep track of the progression of time and the historical events. Anyway, we have our first time point: 1st April, 1800 - Jack Aubrey is made captain, though he receives the news later the same month
I won’t go into all the naval terminology here, because I don’t actually think that you need to understand every single word in order to get the overall gist of what is happening on the ship, but I’ll try to make some notes every now and then
First-rate = Royal Navy term for the largest warships
“May I propose a cup of chocolate, or coffee?” AUBREY/MATURIN COFFEE SHOP AU
These two being nerds about music gives me so much life
Boccherini (which I’ve actually played on violin at one point)
Upupa epops
Maturin remarking on Aubrey wearing only one epaulette and asking if he has forgotten the other one, and Aubrey saying that he’ll put them both on by and by, because you’re only allowed two epaulettes with at least three years seniority as a captain. Stephen knows jack shit about naval ranks
Well, Captain Harte is a piece of shit
Mr. Baldick really said “there’s too much buggery on board” and Jack is like “I don’t want people to be hanged for being gay”
And here comes the naval terminology
“It’s the price that has to be paid” I don’t know why Jack reflecting on the way his new role as captain sets him apart from the rest of the crew, hits so hard, but it does
Stephen being a language nerd <3
Meanwhile Jack gets putain (whore) and patois (nonstandard language) mixed up
“looking at Stephen Maturin with candid affection”
Stephen does math in Catalan because of course
Phthisis = pulmonary tuberculosis, apparently
“‘Surgeons are excellent fellows,’ said Stephen Maturin with a touch of acerbity” average internist describing surgeons tbh
“and when I told you, some time ago, that I had not eaten so well for a great while, I did not speak figuratively” Stephen Maturin poor little meow-meow confirmed
For the ominous way James Dillon is mentioned by Stephen here, I can’t actually remember from my first readthrough what that was all about
“‘Christ,’ he said at last. ‘Another day.’” Stephen continues to be a mood
The way Stephen thinks Jack sailed without him, as if he would ever do that
First appearance of nickname “Goldilocks”
Jack giving Stephen money in a way which leaves his pride intact is such a sweet moment <3
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ak319 · 1 day
Yan General sister x fem reader (Platonic)
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(So I actually wrote 2 different stories regarding this Yandere OC. I will release the second story soon. Much love and enjoy😊💗)
Warnings: ( Possessive themes, references to assault/rape. Animal abuse, language, violence)
"Shit! Why today?!" I whined as I wandered through this thick forest. The Sun was about to set and my body was sweating,  not because of the heat but due to nervousness and fear. My sister, Jara, would be coming back from the battle. I didn't know it was today or maybe I had forgotten otherwise, I wouldn't have done the foolish act of coming to hunting in the Redwood forest with my dog, Tic.
My sister was the General of the army, not forgetting that our father was the previous one, and after his death, Jara was chosen as the next General. Our family was very close to the imperial family, hence I was a noble. I had five sisters and Jara was the oldest and I was the youngest so including me, we were a total of six. I still don't know why she treated me like a kid out of everyone? Even though I was an obedient child I still had to face so many restrictions and I feared that a day would come when Jara would probably lock me in my room. Three of my sisters had been married off to good families and now Flora and I were left. She knew how much I loved being outdoors and so assisted me secretly to escape the mansion in a cart of hay so I could hunt. We both were unaware that Jara was to return today. I had only found out when I was strolling through the market, as people were getting ready to celebrate her homecoming and chatted about the victory in the battle.
Despite being an expert in hunting and always returning safely home, unfortunately, today when she had to come back, the ribbon which I had tied to the tree probably flew away or an animal tore it and now Tic and I were roaming aimlessly like fools to find our way back. So far, no success or maybe wait...
"YES! I hear the stream! Let's follow the sound Tic."  We both trudged through the foliage and luckily found the stream, by now the sun had almost set and seeing this I quickly lit up the torch which I carried in my bag after filling up my bottle.  Tic had also fully satisfied himself with enough water and I got up to continue our search way back.
However, I almost screamed seeing three buff men standing near the tree line above the stream, staring down at us, smirking.
"What?" That's right, I am not afraid.
"Why did you get up honey?. We were rather enjoying the view." UGH! Disgusting creeps. 
"I have important things to do. Come on , Tic."
I grabbed his leash and began to walk the other way instead of going up, but the sudden sound of their boots sliding across the sand caught my attention. Seeing this. Tic began barking at them and I had to turn around as he was being angry at the men and constantly pulling on the leash. However, my mind screamed to just get out of here and run. I couldn't fight these buff men and judging from their appearance, it was evident that they were bounty hunters as they had a specific way to dress. How did they get the permission to enter the forest is unknown to me. I will make sure they don't ever if I get back safely because this forest was deemed to be safe for hunters like me from such people.
"Tic , let's go!"
"Woah , don't know which is more feisty one , you or your bitch." I turned around , taking a dagger out of my belt , and in just these milliseconds , Tic was shot by one of the men's arrows.
"HAHAH! One down, the other to go." I had to be strong right now so I maintained my stance as they circled me like wolves. It was clear what their intentions were but I was not going down like a failure, I was Jara's sister after all.
"You have no idea who I am. I am Jara Armani's sister and if you dare touch me , she'll skin you alive assholes."
"Hmmm, General Armani, that wrench. Thanks for telling  us sweetie."
" Yeah , this is a cherry on top. Hey , Storm , imagine her face when she discovers her little sister all naked and covered in blood."
Geez. Someone grabbed me from behind in a tight hold and I tried kicking his shins but the other one grabbed my legs. I screamed as loudly as I could to grab someone's attention if there was any other hunter present in the forest. In reply, I could only hear birds chirping as they flew back to their trees. Was this my end? I couldn't even get to meet my sister even though I hated her because she was too protective but now, I needed her. I realized she was right about the cruelty of this world.
They started chuckling as one of them tore my skirt. 
"Even if we did-" The man named Storm who was taking his belt off in front of me was struck by an arrow right in the head which came from behind and the other two instantly got up to fight whoever did this but soon they too fell to their deaths by none other than my sister who came riding with her men in tow.
"Take their bodies to my basement."  Is she really back? She looked so different compared to months back. She silently walked over to me and without saying anything , picked me up and carried me home. I could tell she was pissed and didn't know if I should hug her or thank her. 
"I-the weather was great today and Tic-
She had been yelling constantly and Flora, my sister was also grounded for not taking 'care' of me properly.
I stood like a statue as she took out her steam. Suddenly I was pushed on the wall behind and I could sense her fuming breath on my face. Her rough hands can nearly break my arms from the force she's holding me.
" This was the day I warned you about. Always! But you never listened. " She rubbed her temple and continued. "You will not even step out of your room for as long as I say. And I am shifting you to the top floor." 
"The attic? Jara...please no," I whimpered her name. How can she do this? The attic is cold and said to be haunted by my own parents' ghosts!. I don't know if it is true or not but I am not going there. Her eyes were still cold, unwavering as if only filled with the desire to cage me which was the thing I had nightmares about. I prayed that my tears would somehow melt her heart.
"No, please. Sorry. I won't go out. I promise!"
"I trusted you when I left you here but not now. " Surprisingly she hugged me as I cried. "You will stay there ... forever my baby sister. Nobody will see you, except me. "
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