#Clayface II
deathiscoldbatman · 8 months
Any thoughts about Matt Hagen being the Clayface DC reforms?
This post may be a bit longer than my usual affairs, as I feel he's deserving of analysis both on the comics side and the [major] animated appearance side of things. So, since I mentioned comics first, let's break it down by comics to start. That'll be a lot shorter. Also my dog is giving me a migraine rn because the air conditioner cleaner people have come over.
In the pre-Crisis comics, Matthew Hagen is a petty art/jewel thief who decided to keep thieving when he found out he could shape shift for limited amounts of time before needing to refuel himself. There's...really not much I can say about comic!Matt, as that's literally his entire character. Sure, I've personally expanded upon him in fic, but fanfiction isn't canon and that's kind of the entire point of fanfiction. Literally this man was so irrelevant that DC killed him off in the 1980's and no one batted an eye. Afaik, they never brought him back either, except in tie-in material for the Young Justice series. In which his origin is entirely different, but we'll talk about that if/when I can get Rue to stop screaming at the repairman because she's getting on my nerves. In short, I guess you could redeem comics!Matt, but there's no canon evidence that he would ever want to stop committing crimes. Maybe that would be different if he was brought back and his origin reinvented. But I don't always deal in hypotheticals.
I'll be going over his animated appearances next.
- Batman: the Animated Series/The New Batman Adventures/Justice League: first of all, I fucking hate BtAS as a whole and could barely stomach my way through Feat of Clay pts 1 and 2. It makes me ill, and not in a good way; about the only episode I tolerate is the Mr. Freeze origin. But, ignoring the fact this version of Matt's backstory is entirely lifted from what the comic books and other media would do to Basil Karlo as there was no canon basis for Matt ever wanting to be an actor [although I guess you could swing it, Matt's greatest flaw is his greed], it's a decent enough introduction that doesn't fail to make the character it's introducing sympathetic; note that I haven't watched any of the later episodes of BtAS where he appears, but I've heard things. It's not awful within the context of the canon it comes from, and I could definitely see that version of Matt becoming a hero if not some normal guy again. The accident wasn't his fault, and in later appearances he still didn't seem to be all that thrilled about the crime thing. Also what was up with "Growing Pains" as an episode. At the very least, it showed his desire for a normal life, even if he had to create an entirely separate person [who became her own thing] to experience it.
- Young Justice: first off I've never personally watched this show. My knowledge of it is still fairly comprehensive though, thanks to my friend Conner being a walking encyclopedia. And I actually really like how Matt is in this show. His relationship with Talia is dare I say almost cute if extremely one sided [as he's just using her to find a cure for his terminal cancer], and the concept of him being part of the League of Shadows is one I feel should transition into the mainline comic series proper as there's really a lot you could do with that. I like how he redeems himself, not quickly but gradually. Re. Young Justice: Targets #1; he's working as a security guard and bodyguard, and seems genuinely content with his life.
In summary; redeeming Matt can work, you just have to know what you're doing as an author. Don't hijack some other Clayface's origin to do it, because people will notice. Maybe not many people, but people will notice. I'll notice.
0 notes
youngandwild99-blog1 · 9 months
The Batman Part II: My Theories
Please take this with a block of salt because as of right now all we have are rumors. Maybe take that block of salt home to your cows :)
Theory #1: Clayface
So, word is that Clayface may appear as the main villain in Part II. I've noticed some people in various comment sections being doubtful, because a giant shapeshifting monster made out of clay is a sharp left turn from the "grounded realism" of the first movie. They make a good point, which is why I predict that, if Clayface is actually going to appear, he'll be based on the Golden Age version. This was Basil Karlo, a failed actor who took on the alter ego of Clayface, a villain he used to play, to kill various actors and was thwarted by Batman and Robin.
Now, having two serial killer villains in a row would be repetitive, so I theorize that this Clayface will take a different approach. Imagine Basil Karlo using his skills in impressions and makeup (maybe a cutting-edge prosthetic face mask called a "clay face") to impersonate celebrities in Gotham, only to purposefully get caught in scandals. The real celebrity insists it wasn't them, but it's too late, and they're effectively "killed" in the courtroom of public opinion. And Clayface didn't even need to lay a finger on them.
Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is finally trying to develop his public image after ~20 years, only to discover a villain with the ability to singlehandedly undo all his progress in the eyes of Gotham. In the comics, this would be the part where Batman and Robin are on the case, which leads me to...
Theory #2: Robin
We haven't had a well-received Boy Wonder on the big screen since Burt Ward played him in 1966. If you're anything like me, that's pretty damn frustrating (Dick Grayson appeared in the comics before the Joker AND before Alfred!). So hearing this rumor of Dick Grayson appearing in Part II is both exciting and nerve-wracking, because writing a believable child sidekick in a "grounded, realistic" superhero movie is a challenge. Just logistically, it works in stories like Logan or The Last of Us, because X-23 is immortal and can shrug off most injuries, while Joel eventually taught Ellie how to shoot. But with Batman and Robin, you have a very-much-mortal kid wearing a colorful costume going up against the kinds of people who quite literally emptied their magazines into Batman's chest last movie. How do you make that character fit believably into the world you've made?
Obviously the only ones who can answer that question are Matt Reeves and Mattson Tomlin, the writers for Part II. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice some ways that Dick Grayson might've been set up in The Batman. First off: the mayor's son. Bats interacts with him three times throughout the movie. He saves the kid's life twice, once as Bruce and once as Batman. Furthermore, the mayor's son is the first civilian to trust Batman after the flood: he walks towards Bats first, and everyone else follows. In the wise words of Red from OSP, if you can't imagine your Batman comforting a scared child, then you haven't written Batman, you've written the Punisher in a funny hat.
Second: HBO's Penguin series. The fact that they're introducing other gangsters from the comics (Sofia and Alberto Falcone, Salvatore Maroni) gives me hope that they might take the opportunity to introduce Tony Zucco, the gangster who killed Dick Grayson's parents. There are quite a few actors cast in undisclosed roles, maybe one of them plays Zucco...? Either way, setting up Zucco's extortion of Haly's Circus in The Penguin and following it up in Part II with the Flying Graysons' murders would be a good way to tie those stories together.
Third: Bruce Wayne's reappearance. Part I was all about Batman discovering that he has to be more than vengeance, and Reeves has said we'll be seeing more of Bruce Wayne in Part II. Perhaps Bruce's first major public appearance is attending a performance by Haly's Circus, and he just so happens to witness the deaths of the Flying Graysons. And we know what happens next. What better way to force Bruce to take his image seriously (aside from Clayface's shenanigans) than for him to suddenly have an angry, traumatized, highly impressionable kid in his life?
Fourth: This is the weakest reason, but at the end of the movie Selina mentions she's moving to Blüdhaven, which also happens to be where Dick Grayson goes after growing up and becoming Nightwing.
That turned out longer than I thought it would be. Again, these are all just rumors, but I wanted to put my thoughts and theories down in writing in an organized way, and to see what anyone else thinks. Thank you for reading.
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thecruellestmonth · 7 months
How many times has Jason Todd tried to murder Tim Drake?
Answer: Jason Todd has tried one (1) time to murder Tim Drake AND Damian Wayne. And it was not "The Titans Tower Incident".
Attack I: Hush by Jeph Loeb
Attack II: Teen Titans (2003) #29 by Geoff Johns (AKA the "Titans Tower Incident")
Attack III: Battle for the Cowl by Tony Daniel
Did Jason try to murder Tim in Hush?
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Batman #617 (writer: Jeph Loeb)
Jason cuts Tim's neck!
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Batman #618 [writer: Jeph Loeb]
...Oh, wait, it actually isn't that bad.
Tim could use some non-urgent stitches, but he is still fully awake and walking on his own two feet. Batman sends Tim back to the Batcave unaccompanied, and tells him to continue working on their case.
♢ Verdict: Nah, Jason did not try to murder Tim in Hush. It wasn't theatrical and climactic enough.
(*Side note: Hush reveals that this Jason is supposedly just an impersonation by Clayface. But Batman Annual #25 later changes the lore so that the real Jason did initially appear here. After the part when the real Jason takes Tim hostage, Batman chases him through a dark and rainy graveyard—and the real Jason then takes the opportunity to switch out with Clayface as his body double. It's confusing, I know!)
Teen Titans (2003) #29
Did Jason try to murder Tim in Teen Titans (2003) #29? (Also known as "THE Titans Tower Incident", as opposed to all the other Titans Tower incidents in which Titans died and the Tower was destroyed.)
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Teen Titans (2003) #29 [writer: Geoff Johns]
Jason beats up Tim with a bo staff and punches. No blades or guns involved. Tim blacks out. Tim later wakes up and gets to his feet when the other Titans come to help him.
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Raven explains, "Jason was always aggressive. He was determined to one day be better than all of us. Especially Batman." This story confirms that Jason has always been an overcompensating jerkwad, and death didn't make him any nicer—he's bullying Tim in a jealous fit to prove he's better than him, and not out of murderous intent.
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Teen Titans (2003) #47 [writer: Adam Beechen] - "The guy attacked all of us once just to prove he was better than me!"
Straight from Tim's own mouth—Jason infiltrated Titans Tower just to bully Tim, not to murder him.
♢ Verdict: Jason EXPLICITLY did NOT try to murder Tim in Teen Titans (2003) #29, also bafflingly known as "THE Titans Tower Incident". He didn't cut Tim's neck or use any bladed implements this time either.
Battle for the Cowl
(Everyone's favorite comic! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Evil Batman time!)
Did Jason try to kill Tim in Batman: Battle for the Cowl?
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl [writer: Tony S Daniel]
Jason shoots 10-year-old Damian in the chest, causing Damian to need eighty-nine stitches and a sizable blood transfusion to save his life.
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Jason later stabs Tim in the chest, drags his "rotting corpse" into an alcove in his weird sewer creature lair, crucifies Tim's Batman suit on an honest-to-God actual cross, and brags about killing him to Dick.
But when Jason and Dick come unto the "tomb", they found the stone rolled away, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus, Tim's "body" had risen on the third day vanished.
Tim apparently only survived the blood loss due to some weird technique that allows him to slow his pulse to a near-death state.
♠ Verdict: YEAH, it sure looks like Jason did try to kill 17-year-old Tim AND 10-year-old Damian in Battle for the Cowl!
So remember—next time we bring up the time that Jason tried to kill poor Tim, we ALSO need to hold Jason accountable for trying to brutally murder a ten-year-old little boy and all the trauma that totally definitely caused.
Conclusion: Jason would ONLY try to kill Tim as a dramatic cliffhanger to end the second act of a limited event series in which Jason is the main villain.
Otherwise the production just wouldn't be theatrical enough.
See also: Robin tradition by @arabian-batboy
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bruciemilf · 9 months
!!!! announced that Robin is going to be in The Batman II and also Clayface and like ROBIN they're giving Battinson a CHILD
Ladies gents and creatures WE WONNNN
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ilovewhiteroses · 2 months
LOGAN Star Boyd Holbrook Rumored To Be In Talks To Play Two-Face In THE BATMAN - PART II
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(source: comicbookmovie.com)
A new rumor doing the rounds online is claiming that Boyd Holbrook (Logan, The Sandman) is in talks to play Harvey Dent/Two-Face in Matt Reeves' The Batman sequel…
Plot details for Matt Reeves' highly-anticipated sequel to The Batman are still under wraps, but several rumors relating to certain characters that could be introduced have been doing the rounds over the past few months. DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn appeared to debunk reports that the likes of Scarecrow, Clayface, Professor Pyg, and Hush, were set to appear in the movie, but we're now hearing that Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face, may have a part to play. According to CanWeGetSomeToast, Boyd Holbrook is in talks to play the classic Batman villain in the upcoming sequel. Holbrook has quite a bit of experience portraying bad guys, having appeared as Donald Pierce in Logan, The Corinthian in Netflix's The Sandman, and more recently, Kaber in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. When the new DCU slate was announced, James Gunn confirmed that Reeves' "BatVerse" will remain separate from the DCU, so this movie, along with Todd Phillips' Joker sequel, will be considered "Elseworlds" tales. A new actor will don the cape and cowl for Batman: The Brave and the Bold, which will also feature a different take on Robin - The Caped Crusader's son, Damian Wayne. Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Andy Serkis, Jeffrey Wright, and Colin Farrell are all expected to reprise their respective roles, and characters introduced in the Penguin Max spin-off series are also likely to appear. As far as official info goes, Reeves has stated that his sequel will continue this "epic crime saga," but that's about all we have to go on. One rumor did claim that the story will be at least partially based on Geoff Johns' Batman: Earth One. Of course, the first film took a certain amount of inspiration from Vol. 1, so we assume the sequel would be more influenced by Volumes 2 and 3. For those unfamiliar with the comic, Earth One takes place in the alternate continuity and features an updated and more realistic reinterpretation of the classic Batman origin and characters. Hush does not appear, but the later volumes do feature Clayface, Scarecrow, and a female take on Two-Face in Harvey Dent's twin sister Jessica. What do you make of this casting rumor? Assuming Two-Face will appear, do you think Holbrook would be a good pick for the character?
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transpanda-1 · 8 months
Birds of Prey might feature Katherine Karlo in the near future
So for those of you not in the know, the new (gorgeously drawn) Birds of Prey is following Black Canary saving her sister from a doomsday scenario, and featuring a breakout role for Maps Mizoguchi, a character who was prominent in Gotham Academy
But, from careful observation (straw grabbing and bias), there might be another from Gotham Academy making an appearance, Katherine
Katherine Karlo is one of Maps' closest friends and her main roommate for the run of Gotham Academy (pretty sure). While not altogether that important in the run, she made a notably important role with Maps in the mainline Batman comics.
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Now Maps getting a leading role, even if for one story, in a main Batman comic probably helped keep her on people's minds before her debut as superhero from the future, Meridian.
BUT Katherine being included could be indicative of the same treatment, even if a lesser role!
Furthermore, we'd like to point out one of the characters being included in the new BOP run is Cassandra Cain, who some readers may remember as being one of the very few genuine friends made of Katherine's dad Basil Karlo, AKA Clayface
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Intentionally or not, we now have two characters on the team who have had very close ties to a shapeshifting clay Karlo. Bordering on "one of very few friends" territory, too.
(Unsure if Harley should be counted with her show heavily featuring Clayface, but just mentioning that. Clayface is sort of making a surge in relevance lately with The Batman II slated to feature him)
We're getting into stretching territory, but there's a few more things we want to mention that... *could* be something, but might not.
First, this mission involves going to Themyscira, or the islands of the Amazons that Wonder Woman originates from. Who... is made of clay
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It's unknown if Wonder Woman will appear, but they do actively talk about her in the second chapter, which may be foreshadowing. But she is a canon clay woman! (We also heard Nubia may be too?)
A lot of clay character hovering around the skirts of this story...
Second is... this specific wording from Big Barda when Maps goes back to the future(?)
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"The one from the future was made of dirt?" ...Dirt? Why dirt? She looks more like snow, or potentially electricity or static. And Big Barda is smart, she's royal and uses boom tubes to travel great distances across space. Dirt's, well, brown, Barda knows that.
"Made of dirt" is a small line but it doesn't really make sense to us based both on the visual AND the character's knowledge. Unless it's supposed to mean "We need to allude to clay/mud but can't SAY say clay or mud because that's too obvious." Made of dirt too, there's just a lot to possibly unpack there.
But the weird thing is the only thing we can really pull from that is... could Katherine is pretending to be Maps *right now*?
Unlikely, but it might explain why peppy, hyperexcitable Maps's adult self was... oddly quiet after introducing herself. Not to mention she'd leave right before the part of the mission that involves swimming...
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She at least seems to be working with someone, judging by the way her little device goes off (or hit her time travel time limit, idk...!)
(Also we're a bit curious why her superhero name is Meridian specifically. It's a geographical map term to describe lines going upwards from the north to south pole, and there's a prime Meridian, which is cute for Maps' dnd obsession but is there something more?)
We understand if Katherine doesn't make an appearance, but we hope we maybe convinced you how there could be a chance for the character to appear sometime in the story!!
Thank you for reading through this and listening to our rambles about a fellow clay girl...! (-Annie🤎)
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baambastic · 2 years
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Am I missing anyone?
Bruce Wayne: Batman
Alfred Pennyworth: Penny One
Dick Grayson: Robin I, Nightwing, Discowing, Batman
Jason Todd-Wayne: Robin II, Red Hood
Barbara Gordon: Batgirl, Oracle
Tim Drake-Wayne: Robin III, Drake, Mister Sarcastic, Red Robin, Batman, Batman Beyond
Cassandra Cain/Wayne: Black Bat, Batgirl, Orphan
Stephanie Brown: Spoiler, Robin IV, Batgirl
Damian al Ghul-Wayne: Robin V
Duke Thomas: The Signal
Harper Row: Bluebird
Cullen Row: N/A
Luke Fox: Batwing
Carrie Kelly: Robin III (Alt.)
Kate Kane: Batwoman
Bette Kane: Flamebird
Julia Pennyworth: Penny Two
Selina Kyle: Catwoman
Helena Bertinelli/Wayne: Huntress
Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe: Misfit
Terry McGinnis: Batman Beyond
Matt McGinnis: Robin Beyond
Ace: Bat-Hound
Titus, Jerry, Goliath, Bat-Cow, Cat Alfred: Damian’s Pets
Jean-Paul Valley: Azrael
Lucius Fox: N/A
Tamara Fox: “Foxy Lady”
Tiffany Fox: Batgirl
Jace Fox: Batman
Jim Gordon: Commissioner Gordon
Claire Clover: Gotham Girl
Hank Clover: Gotham
Basil Karlo: Clayface
Minhkhoa Khan: Ghost-Maker
Talia al Ghul: The Demon’s Daughter
Harleen Quinzel: Harley Quinn
Kirk Langstrom: Man-Bat
Mia “Maps” Mizoguchi: “Robin” VI
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dalekofchaos · 11 months
Gunnverse Batman fancast
Fancast for James Gunn’s DCU/Batman!
DCEU recast
Burtonverse Recast
90′s Justice League
Reevesverse Batman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Justice League
Green Arrow
Teen Titans
Suicide Squad
Justice League Dark
Batman Beyond
The Dark Knight Returns
Telltale’s Batman
Legion Of Doom
Birds Of Prey
Jensen Ackles as Batman/Bruce Wayne
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Peter Capaldi as Alfred Pennyworth
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Jon Hamm as Thomas Wayne
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Lena Headley as Martha Wayne
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Courtney B. Vance as Lucius Fox
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Laura Dern as Dr Leslie Thompkins
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Bryan Cranston as James Gordon
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David Harbour as Harvey Bullock
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Stephanie Beatriz as Renee Montoya
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Bill Hader as Jack Ryder/The Creeper
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Jodie Comer as Vicki Vale
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Jesús Castro as Nightwing/Dick Grayson
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Kiera Allen as Oracle/Barbara Gordon
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Dacre Montgomery as Red Hood/Jason Todd
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Noah Schnapp as Red Robin/Tim Drake
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Kristen Stewart as Batwoman/Kate Kane
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Huntress/Helena Bertinelli
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Riley Lai Nelet as Batgirl/Cassandra Cain
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Mckenna Grace as Spoiler/Stephanie Brown
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Izaac Wang as Robin/Damian Wayne
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John Boyega as Batwing/Luke Fox
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Caleb McLaughlin as Duke Thomas/The Signal
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Alexander Ludwig as Azrael/Jean Paul Valley
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Michael B Jordan as Azrael/Michael Lane
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Ana De Armas as Catwoman/Selina Kyle
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Brian Cox as Commissioner Gillian Loeb
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Sam Witwer as Captain Howard Brandon
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Michael Weatherly as Detective Arnold Flass
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Robert De Niro as Carmine Falcone
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Gina Mantegna as Sofia Falcone
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David Dastmalchian as Alberto Falcone
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James Carpinello as Mario Falcone
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Al Pacino as Sal Maroni
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John Goodman as Rupert Thorne
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Michael Imperioli as Anthony Zucco
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Willem Dafoe as The Joker
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Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
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David Tennant as The Riddler/Edward Nygma
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Alfred Molina as The Penguin/Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
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Oscar Isaac as Two-Face/Harvey Dent
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Giancarlo Esposito as Mr Freeze/Victor Fries
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Viggo Mortensen as Black Mask/Roman Sionis
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Jane Levy as Andrea Beaumont/The Phantasm
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Adam Driver as Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
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Kevin Grevioux as Killer Croc
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Laz Alonso as Bane
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Doug Jones as Man-Bat/Kirk Langstrom
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Peter Stormare as Clayface/Basil Karlo
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Toby Jones as Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch
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John Lithgow as The Ventriloquist/Arnold Wesker
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Natalie Dormer as The Ventriloquist II/Peyton Riley
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Dohmnall Gleeson as Hush/Thomas Elliot
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Raul Esparza as Hugo Strange
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Anya Taylor-Joy as Poison Ivy
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Pedro Pascal as Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
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Frank Grillo as Deathstroke/Slade Wilson
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Finn Wittrock as Talon/William Cobb
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Karl Urban as Owlman/Thomas Wayne Jr
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Stephen Fry as Professor Pyg
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Stephen Lang as David Cain
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Daniel Radcliffe as Anarky
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Cluemaster
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Keanu Reeves as Prometheus
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Ming-Na Wen as Lady Shiva
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Ghassan Massoud as Ra’s Al Ghul
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Nadine Njeim as Talia Al Ghul
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Yasmine Al Massri as Nyssa Al Ghul
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Michael Fassbender as Dr Simon Hurt
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Kat Graham as Jezebel Jet/Black Glove
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Christian Bale as The Batman Who Laughs
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dailycass-cain · 2 years
Cassandra Cain Reading Guide Part 2: Modern
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Part II of my reading list for Cassandra Cain. This one chronicles the current iteration of the character, and all her modern appearances.
Part I you can view here. 
Part III reading guide (Random) you can find here.
Part IV reading guide (Alternate versions) you can find here.
Part V reading guide (PAIN) you can find here.
Batman & Robin Eternal #1-8, #10-14
-  #1 features the reintroduction of the character into the Batman Universe. #10-13 is her new origin, with one section not mentioned, but you can easily put the pieces together what it is (aka Cass killed Harper's mother).
#7 is worth the price alone of Cassandra watching ballet for the first time in this universe. As is #13 with GORGEOUS art by Marcio Takara, and is the crown jewel of the entire series for Cass.
The thing is though I can't really recommend the remaining portions. If you want to understand the finale then read #14-26. But-- it isn't as strong like the first fourteen issues (well save the brief period Tim/Jason go to Santa Prisca and are jerks to Bane).
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Detective Comics #934-940
-  the "Rebirth" era where Cass joins a team that features Tim, Steph, Clayface, and Batwoman. One tiny nitpick with the opening (which I guess goes the, if it ain't broke don't redo it) is Cass is bestest friends with Tim/Steph, and only told she is.
Still, the opening arc features Cass being Cass and has some damn good action moments of her being the "tank" of the team.
Batman #7-8
Nightwing #5-6
Detective Comics #941-942
Now I know some might skip this but x-over "Night of the Monster Men" does feature some Steph/Cass moments. Plus it's the first time in A LONG time Cass is in a crossover and it's the Bat-Family vs. Giant Monsters. 
Detective Comics #943-944
-  is the foundation of Cass/Clayface friendship probably one if THE hallmark of this entire run by run writer James Tynion IV.
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Detective Comics #950-956
-  the "League of Shadows" aka the arc that focuses on Cassandra and has her take on Lady Shiva. #950 and #955 are the hallmarks of this arc with an entire issue (#950) focuses on Cass, and the later is a giant fight scene of her vs. the League.
The problem with the arc is it feels like the "Empire Strikes Back", with no real payoff to the ending of it involving the conflicts of Ra's/Cass/Shiva.
Detective Comics #957-962
- has numerous Cass moments sprinkled in this arc. Namely more Basil/Cass goodies (him teaching her Shakespeare) and Kate/Cass taking on a brainwashed Azrael in a BRUTAL battle.
Detective Comics #964 
- is the second of a two-part story involving Steph/Anarky/Bruce. But it's this issue that has the apex of Cass/Basil friendship with the later at his breaking point, and Cass is there for her friend. You might need the tissues for the feels.
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Detective Comics #969-974 
- features the return of the Victim Syndicate (the second arc's big bads) and they have their focus solely on using Clayface to tear Batman's world apart. If #964 didn't rip your heart out, this arc will. But damn is it good.
Detective Comics #975-981 
- James Tynion IV's grand finale for his Tec run and Cass is heavily featured in all the issues. But #980 is a big one for Cassandra as she and Stephanie learn of their previous lives being Batgirls and Steph’s time as Robin.
Detective Comics #983-986 
- is basically Batman & the Outsiders prelude. #984 has Cass taking on the arc's villain Karma alone. But it's #985 where we get some damn good Cass moments as she, Black Lightning, and Batman foil Karma's schemes.
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***Updated note for this section. Shadow of the Batgirl graphic novel. A spectacular reinterpretation of Cassandra's origin story that takes place outside the main continuity. It hits all the beats that are why some of us love Cass and will defend the character. It's a one and done story. Perfect for new readers.
DC: The Doomed & the Damned
Truth & Justice #16-18 (online via DC Infinite), #6 (physical copy that collects the entire story.)
Truth & Justice has a Damian story by Juni Ba that includes the Bat Family celebrating Damian’s birthday, but it is crashed by Ra’s Al Ghul. Has a really cute tiny brother/sister moment between Cass/Damian. Worth it alone.
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- A spooky story called “The Hunt” that stars Cass and Orca. The former comes across human traffickers and the fight is interrupted by Orca. A simple but sweet story by Alyssa Wong, (who’d go on to write another fun Cass appearance in Batman: Urban Legends #8). 
Batman & the Outsiders #1-17
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-  (there's an Annual and it's an amazing Katana story but no Cass insight there). This series did an amazing job showcasing why Cassandra doesn't need the Orphan identity any longer.
It also FINALLY gives us evolution in the relationship between Cassandra and her mother Lady Shiva. Because going this route adds many more layers, and more story possibilities now. Instead of the tried standard Cass/Shiva death-match, we've gotten in the past.
Besides the new layers of depth added with her relationship with Shiva, we also get Cassandra bonding numerous times with Duke Thomas aka the Signal. If you've been hungering for brother/sister moments that we haven't gotten in AWHILE.
If there's any negative, is that Duke doesn't get the same attention as Cass does throughout the comic. I still hope beyond this comic that writers remember how close these two are and have a few more adventures.
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-Batman: Joker War Zone Event --
Batman #95-98 (No Cass)
Batman #99 (Cass has entered the Joker War chat)
Batman: Joker War Zone #1 (Cass becomes Batgirl again doning a variant of her old costume, Steph slaps a Bat symbol on her Spoiler costume and goes back to a half mask but also goes by Batgirl too)
Batman #100
- For a more continuity friendly version that follows the characters specifically: Batman & the Outsiders #17 (i.e. the Bruce/Cass talk) Batman: Joker War Zone #1 (page 3) Batman #99 Batman Joker War Zone #1 (pages 1-2, 4-8) Batman #100
Cass becomes Batgirl again after more than ten years from dropping the mantle. NUFF SAID!
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Batman #103-105 
 Infinite Frontier #0 
Batman Urban Legends #2-3
- Various appearances of Cass that have her running around as Batgirl with Stephanie. #3 of Batman: Urban Legends continues Shiva subplot started in Batman & the Outsiders. The story is flawed, but still worth it for the ending. 
There are three issues I'm neglecting in Detective Comics even if two of them have gorgeous art by Bilquis Evely. But the arc is rather meh on Cass. You might see this specific arc pop up on another reading guide for Cass.
Joker #3-4, #7, #9  #11-13, and #15
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- Cassandra figures heavily into the Joker ongoing helping out both Barbara Gordon (Oracle) and Jim Gordon in their search to find the Joker and solve the mystery as to why several groups are after the Clown Prince of Crime.
Features Cass vs a Talon. 
Highly recommended reading as it is truly a stealth Jim Gordon ongoing.
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Batman: Urban Legends #7 
- “Hunter or Hunted” is a story starring Cass in the "Future State" alternate future. It's a self-contained tale that tells an exceptional fight sequence with some awing visual treats for the reader.
For those readers who've read Batgirl Vol. 1, this story is the first time in all those years we finally get a story where the artist is allowed to let the fight breathe. You take in every move and emotion.
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Detective Comics #1038 (backup story) 
Detective Comics# 1039 (one panel but it's Dan Mora drawn-Cass) 
Detective Comics #1047-1058 (Shadow of the Bat arc) 
#1061 (assists Bruce in the finale to Tamaki's Riddler arc and final issue of her run with Ivan Reis drawn-Cass)
- Mariko Tamanki’s Tec run had Cass appear in the latter stages of it. These are the key areas Cass featured or appeared in. Shadow of teh Bat was the arc she appeared most in. 
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One Bad Day: Two-Face #1
- Tamaki again writing Cass (and Steph) as they tag on a case with Bruce that involves someone targeting Harvey Dent’s father. 
- Batman: Fear State Event -
Fear State Alpha #1 (first appearance of Seer) 
Batman #112 
Batman: Urban Legends #8 (framed for murder by Seer and team-up with Batwoman)
Batman #115 (secondary story: Batgirls Part 1) 
Nightwing #85 (The Clocktower goes boom from Babs/Dick/Tim's PoV) 
Batman #116 (secondary story: Batgirls Part 2 aka Cass/Steph's PoV when the Clocktower goes boom) 
Nightwing #86 (Babs/Cass/Dick/Tim/Steph team-up extravaganza)
Batman #117 (the main story occurs during Nightwing #86 and after it)
Batman #117 (secondary story: Batgirls Part 3) - Post-Fear State set-up for Cass/Steph that leads into--
Batgirls #1!!
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Batgirls #1-6
- Cass & Steph together sharing an ongoing book with Barbara as their mentor figure?  Cass truly shines in these first six issues, but the story is hampered with a few flaws (the narration gets a bit too much, Barbara as Batgirl is treated so normal when it should be a something BIG). 
Besides Cass, the art by Jorge Corona is more than worth the read. That and the villainous Tutor. 
Batgirls #9-12
- Cass/Steph investigate the Hill Ripper, a serial killer targeting at random around the neighborhood they live. The arc has nice twists/turns you just don’t see coming. Add to that, Cass is given two good fights in this arc. A bonus is we get the long-awaited meeting/team-up of Cass with Maps Mizoguchi. Add a fun reinvention of Killer Moth. This arc is a fun read from start to finish.     
Batgirls 2022 Annual, #13-15
- Cass/Steph have a body swap episode and have to confront a parental figure of the other’s (Steph with Lady Shiva/Cass with Cluemaster). The arc steps up a rogue sect of the League of Assassins is attempting to set up in Gotham with Shiva trying to stamp it out (by also asking her daughter for help).
An unhinged Cluemaster (alive and this arc drops the Young Justice issue that brought him back) kidnaps his “daughter” in a hope to reconcile. In the end, Cass/Steph get their bodies back. 
#14 features a Cass solo story and “silent issue” where she goes on a quest to find Stephanie (now in the clutches of Cluemaster). This issue is (so far) the series best issue bar none. Focuses on the advancement of Cass is with reading and her detective skills. #13-14 features exceptional art by artist Jonathan Case.
The Annual and #13 are kind of weak (retreading plot devices we’ve seen with both Lady Shiva and Cluemaster), but the last two issues more than make up it.
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Batman: Failsafe (#125-130 for the arc, #126-128 for the Cass stuff).
- After Penguin frames Batman for his “death” a Failsafe robot is activated (one that Bruce created just in case he ever went “rogue” but Alfred kept switching off until his death) and attends to “save” Gotham and end the Batman & Bat-Family.
Cass encounters the robot in #126 with her and the entire family beaten. #128 is a flashforward where the entire Bat-Family save for Bruce, Tim, Cass, and Duke Thomas have all been captured (along with some members of the Justice League).
The arc is alright. It has a gorgeously drawn Cass by artist Jorge Jiménez. Yes, Cass is one of the few to escape Failsafe, but there isn’t much done in the arc with either her or Duke afterward. 
Things just return to normal for Gotham with the defeat of the machine in #130. This is writer Chip Zdarksky’s first arc on the comic and it’s-- alright. Zdarksky falls into the trap of listing only Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian as his “sons” in Bruce’s narration while Cass is neglected (along with Duke).
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Batman vs. Robin and Lazarus Planet Event (Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1, Batman vs. Robin #5)
- Cass skips out for most of Batman vs. Robin series until the final issue where she teams up with the rest of the Bat-Family (minus Signal and Batwoman) to take on a demonically possessed Batman. 
The Family job but Cass is the main member (besides Damian and the wild card Monkey Prince) who provides enough of a fight until mystical shenanigans occur. 
Prior to this issue Cass shows up in the Lazarus Planet tie-in teaming up with new mystical hero Xanthe Zhou as they team-up (along with a begrudging John Constantine) to deal with mystical creatures rising up due to the “Lazarus event”. Story ends with Cass getting sent to the Spirit World (see Spirit World #1-6). 
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Batgirls #16-19
- Closes out this particular series with #16 tying up the loose plot threads from #1, while #17-19 has the three Batgirls tangle with a vindictive sniper.
Has some really sweet Cass moments (and callbacks) sprinkled throughout the remaining issues.  Why'd this series end?
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Detective Comics #1069-1073
- Assists Batman in his latest case, and that's all I'll say about it because the run is underrated and you should be reading it if you aren't other than... These issues close out the first half of Ram V's Tec run.
Tim Drake: Robin #10 
Batman #136
Batman: The Brave & the Bold #4
- Various Bat Family moments with Cass assisting the family. Light-hearted and cute moments. 
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Spirit World #1-6
- Continues the story that began in Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1 with Cass trapped in the Spirit World with Xanthe Zhou and John Constantine to rescue her.
Alyssa Wong returns for a FOURTH time to write Cass and second for 海凝 Haining drawing the character.
Visually stunning from 海凝 Haining with character, set designs, and sequences. Wong ties some elements of this story from Batgirl Vol. 1, but doesn't fully answer the ideas introduced here.
  Cass gets an amazing mystical costume for the comic combining her various identities.  
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Suicide Squad Members both Past and Present (Minus both Captain Boomerangs)
Amanda Waller
Rick Flag Jr
Rick Flag Sr
Bronze Tiger
Karin Grace 
Black Orchid
Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
Parasite (Rudy Jones)
Mr. 104
Captain Cold
Shade the Changing Man
Count Vertigo
Dr. Light
Lady Liberty
Silent Majority
Major Victory
Poison Ivy
Black Adam
Silver Swan
The Writer
King Shark
Sam Makoa
Cameron Chase
Manchester Black
Sgt. Frank Rock
Big Sir
Clock King
Major Disaster
Solomon Grundy
Power Girl
Star-Spangled Kid
Double Down
Atom Smasher
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Tattooed Man
The General
King Faraday
Thinker II
White Dragon
Yasemin Soze
Black Spider
El Diablo
Harley Quinn 
The Unknown Soldier
James Gordon Jr.
Power Girl
Black Manta
Joker's Daughter
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Parasite (Joshua Michael Allen)
The Hunky Punk
Killer Croc
Mad Dog
Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow)
General Zod
Juan Soria
Lord Satanis
Master Jailer
Rag Doll
Scream Queen
Tao Jones
Baby Boom
The Shark (totally different guy from King Shark)
The Aerie
Chaos Kitten
Deadly Six
Black Mask
Film Freak
Shrike (Boone)
Ambush Bug
Black Siren
Nightmare Nurse
Heat Wave
Major Force
Victor Zsasz
Madame Crow
Black Hand
Etrigan the Brainiac 666
Gentleman Ghost
Klarion the Witch Boy
Snargoyle (deceased)
Alchemaster (deceased)
Doctor Thaumaturge 
Black Bison
Johnny Sorrow
Doctor Polaris
Emerald Empress
Doctor Destiny
Doctor Psycho
Hector Hammond
Manchester Black
Maxwell Lord
El Dorado
El Gaucho
Zachary Zatara
Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
Polkadot Man
Gotham/Bane (idk some dude named Henry Clover Jr.?)
Arkham Knight
Mr. Bloom
Mr. Freeze
Luke Fox
The Verdict
Ratcatcher II
Killer Frost (Crystal Frost)
Ten Eyed Man
@ednygmaaskme I'm sorry it's long as hell. I also want to apologize in advance if this list has duplicates. It's hard to keep track.
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mid-nightowl · 7 months
💖 & 🧠 for the fic writer ask game please? <3
hi hello!!! thank you for the ask!!! :) <3
💖 ahhhhh, tough question! i would say my fight scenes or writing action, whatever word you use to describe that type of writing lol. i once got told my fights were pretty realistic and fun to read, and i ran with it (absolutely inflated my ego ngl), i kind of pride myself on them though it also means they have to be perfect
🧠 oh man, i have a few that are just outlines but most usually have a few drabbles or scenes associated with them that i tinker with when bored. BUT i do have a spider-cat jaydick au that is only worldbuilding notes at this point (and im not actively working on), so please enjoy my notes on that :)
(stuffing it under a keep reading thingy bc its a lot, sorry!)
Spider-Cat Jaydick AU
Working Summary: After the death/retirement of Spider-Woman Barbara Gordon, Gotham hits a dark patch. But unfortunately or fortunately, another radioactive spider bites Jaye Todd-Wayne on a school field trip to Fox Corp/Wayne Tech. Knowing Crime Alley, Jaye’s home (despite being adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne), is in trouble without a Spider guardian, Jaye decides to take it upon herself to be the next Spider. 
It’s not without its…problems.
Barbara as Spider-Woman Main Cast
Barbara Gordon = Spider-Gwen/Spider-Woman aka Gwen Stacy (Earth-65)
Commissioner Jim Gordon = NYPD Chief George Stacy
Harvey Bullock = Captain Frank Castle
Renee Montoya = Detective Jean DeWolff
Dinah Drake Lance = Mary Jane Watson (of the Mary Janes Band)
Alysia Yeoh = Betty Brant (of the Mary Janes Band)
Kori Anders = Glory Grant (of the Mary Janes Band)
Ted Kord = Peter Parker (aka Lizard, Earth-65)
Luke Fox = Harry Osborn (close friend to Gwen & Peter, Earth-65)
Lucius Fox = Norman Osborn
Jaye Todd-Wayne as Spider-Woman II or Ghost Spider Main Cast
Jaye Todd-Wayne = Spider-Woman II or Ghost Spider (aka Miles Morales)
Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne = Rio and Jefferson (Davis) Morales
Damian al Ghul = Billie Morales (younger sibling to Miles)
Willis Todd = Prowler aka Aaron Davis (uncle to Miles)
Tim Drake = Ganke Lee
Stephanie Brown = Starling aka Tiana Toomes
Arthur Brown = Vulture aka Adrian Toomes
Dick Grayson = Black Cat aka Felicia Hardy
Selina Kyle = Black Fox (mentor to Felicia and Tamara)
Victor Stone = Boris Korpse
Donna Troy = Bruno Grainger
Roy Harper = Tamara Blake
Raven = Odessa Drake
Main Villains
Joker & Harley Quinn = Carnage and Venom
Cluemaster (Arthur Brown) = Vulture
Two-Face (Harvey Dent) = Green Goblin or Two-Faced Goblin
The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) = Kingpin
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley) = Doc Ock
Selina Kyle = Black Fox
Bane = Rhino
Black Mask (Roman Sionis) = Mister Negative
Mr. Freeze (Victor Fries) = Electro or Scorpion
Clayface = Hydro-Man or Swarm
Scarecrow = Sandwoman (whose sand causes nightmares from Earth 2099)
Firefly = Shocker
Mad Hatter = Mysterio
Ted Kord = Lizard I (deceased)
Killer Croc = Lizard II
Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) = Kraven the Hunter
Grant Wilson = Grim Hunter (Kraven’s first son and Kraven the Hunter II)
Rose Wilson* = Ana Kravinoff (Kraven’s daughter)
Carmine Falcone/Falcone Crime Family = Hammerhead
Maroni Crime Family = Tombstone
Moxon’s Empire/Lew Moxon = Silvermane
*Originally had Rose Wilson as Deadpool but I think she would work better as Kraven's daughter
Other Cast: (could potential appear or be saved for later)
Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) = Kate Kane
Cindy Moon (Silk) = Cassandra Cain
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) = Helena Bertinelli*
Madame Web (Cassandra Webb) = Ma Gunn
The Tinkerer (based on the game Spider Man) = Lonnie Machlin or Dana Harlowe
*Helena could either be Daredevil or Glory Brant (of the Mary Janes Band), whether you want to have her as a vigilante or just a civilian
Additional Notes:
Barbara’s main villains were Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard, Shocker, and Mysterio. The only villains present during her tenure were: Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard I, Mysterio, Sandwoman, Kingpin, Black Cat, Silvermane, Tombstone, Hammerhead, Electro, Swarm, Prowler, and Shocker. 
>>Barbara knew Kraven the Hunter was active and a villain via Dick, but never fought him personally. 
>>Barbara mainly fought her big three: Doc Ock, Shocker, and Lizard. She also handled a lot of mafia/gang related crimes, in conjunction with her father’s work. 
>>Barbara’s toughest battles were with Lizard I (mainly emotional) and Doc Ock.
Jaye’s main villains are Green Goblin/Two Faced Goblin, Kingpin, Mister Negative, Venom & Carnage. The villains present during her tenure are: Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard II, Mysterio, Sandwoman, Black Cat, Kingpin, Shocker, Electro, Rhino, Venom & Carnage, Kraven the Hunter, Grim Hunter & Ana Kravinoff, Prowler, Swarm, Mister Negative, Hammerhead, Tombstone, and Silvermane. 
>>Jaye mainly fights her big four: Two-Faced Goblin, Kingpin, Mister Negative, and Venom & Carnage. Jaye also handles a lot of gang related activity but for different reasons than Barbara--whereas Barbara acted very much like a police detective, Jaye was trying to protect Crime Alley (aka Barbara worked with the police and Jaye does not). 
>>Black Cat, Doc Ock, Lizard II, and Ana Kravinoff are technically “villains” but Jaye has good working relationships with them. 
>>Jaye’s toughest battles are Venom & Carnage and Two-Faced Goblin (mainly emotional).
>>Jaye was adopted around 12-13, and grew up with Bruce and Talia (and later on, baby Damian), but also Uncle Harvey, Bruce’s best friend. Harvey, unfortunately, will be attacked and scarred by Tombstone (Maroni) and become the Two-Faced Goblin. 
>>Unclear if Jaye knows Willis is Prowler. 
>>Madame Web and Starling are newest additions to the hero community in Jaye’s time, and did not meet Barbara. Starling (Steph) knew of her because of her father and Madame knew her through her clairvoyance, but neither of them had ever met her face to face or interacted with one another.
And the lil drabble that started it all:
Out of all the leftover characters and remnants from Barbara’s time as Spidey, Black Cat is the only one she doesn’t mind.  Granted, he’s still a pain in the ass.  But, he also doesn’t try to kill her. Maim? Maybe, if she gets on his bad side. Use as a cat scratcher? More times than she can count, for no reason beyond “he was bored.”  He’s never gone for the jugular though and that she can appreciate.   And even she can admit, Barbara had good taste in men.
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edgar-allan-possum · 1 year
It's not 100% yet but apparently Clayface may be in The Batman 2!
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dan-cyril-kingston · 2 months
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If DC Comics tasked you with creating a DC tarot deck, which character would you choose to portray on each major arcana?
Disclaimer: as I prefer to read Tarot de Marseille using the Franco-Italian meanings, my choices tend to reflect those, as opposed to the more common, Anglo-American, Waitean associations.
I. Le Bateleur – John Constantine
II. La Papesse – Death or Barbara Gordon
III. L’Impératrice – Poison Ivy
IV. L’Empereur – Lex Luthor
V. Le Pape – Alfred Pennyworth
VI. L’Amoureux – Tim Drake
VII. Le Chariot – Wonder Woman
VIII. La Justice – Two-Face
IX. L’Hermite – Batman
X. La Roue de Fortune – Sandman or Flash
XI. La Force – Beast Boy or Conner Kent
XII. Le Pendu – Bane
XIII. L’Arcane Sans Nom – Jason Todd
XIV. Tempérance – Nightwing
XV. Le Diable – Klarion The Witch Boy
XVI. La Maison Dieu – Arkham Asylum
XVII. L’Étoile – Zatanna
XVIII. La Lune – Clayface or Dr. Destiny
XIX. Le Soleil – Supermen (Clark & Jon)
XX. Le Jugement – The Lazarus Pit
XXI. Le Monde – Green Lanterns
XXII. Le Mat – Joker
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lazaruspiss · 8 months
North Gotham: Part Three
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Wayne Botanical Garden: The Wayne Botanical Gardens were first established when my great- grandfather donated the original terrarium and outdoor gardens in the late 1800s as part of the Gotham World Fair. More sections were added a few decades later to form the current building. My mother brought me here a few times when I was a child. She was proud to be a part of the family that brought joy to Gotham's citizens. Unfortunately, because of my work as Batman and with Wayne Enterprises, I haven't taken care of it as well as I should have. The city has plans to demolish the gardens and redevelop them to revitalize North Gotham, though no official date has been announced.
Dad used to bring me here all the time when I was a kid. It's a shame it's going to be demolished. - B.G.
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Gotham City Reservoir: The original reservoir was set up in the 19th century, but was totally overhauled with the construction of the North Gotham Dam in the 1930s. It was upgraded after World War II to generate hydroelectric power for the whole region, but it hasn't seen many improvements since. The reservoir was on the verge of collapse, and my confrontation with Clayface there a year ago (and the subsequent destruction of one of the turbines) has made any initiative to modernize the infrastructure difficult. I just wish things could have ended differently. Basil didn't deserve what happened to him. No one does.
Bruce was so shaken after he came back from the reservoir. I had never seen him like that before. He made me analyze what little clay he found in the turbine to see if Clayface could've survived, but it wasn't conclusive. - T. D.
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Saul Erdel Planetarium: Like the Botanical Garden, the Saul Erdel Planetarium's glory days are behind it. It's been closed for a few months for renovations, but nothing has come of it so far. It's named after Saul Erdel, a scientist who focused his studies on Mars and the mysteries of the cosmos. Some say Erdel found Martian technology and hid it inside the planetarium. I investigated the rumors as a precaution but found nothing of note. Because the building has been abandoned for so long, the Freaks have started using the space as their own. I've tried multiple times to force them out, but they always seem to make their way back. Even the GCPD have stopped sending officers. Until the planetarium re-opens, I fear crime will persist there. Notes: Include the Planetarium in patrols, but only intervene in case of emergency. Shouldn't spend too much time and resources on it.
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Old Wayne Mining HQ: These were the original offices of the Wayne Mining company when it was created by my ancestor in the 17th century. Gotham County was expanding rapidly, and demands were high. It was one of the biggest and most important companies of the time and employed hundreds of people. All mining activity in Gotham stopped after the completion of the Cauldron as there was no more land to settle and build on. So the mining offices were moved to Wayne Tower in order to expand its operations beyond Gotham City. Some years ago, someone found a small golden nugget nearby, which revitalized interest in the site for some time. A few small mining companies showed their interests, but strict Gotham mining laws drove them all away.
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Martha Wayne Art Gallery: Before it was turned into an art gallery by the Martha Wayne Foundation, the building used to be the home of a textile factory. It sold many of its products to companies around Gotham City and the world. But due to the high water pollution caused by the factory, it was ordered to close its doors by the city. It was abandoned until my mother purchased it and reconfigured it into the arts gallery it is today. In addition to the exhibition hall, the upper floors offer painting and pottery classes and free studio spaces for up-and-coming artists. The building had a very special place in my mother's heart, as it was one of the biggest projects she ever led as the director of the Martha Wayne Foundation. Notes: Reminder to send the gallery director flowers and a hand-written card for accepting to host the next Wayne Foundation event.
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calciumcryptid · 11 months
Earth-64 | Brief List of the Bat Cauldron
Important Note: The following post consists of a listing of the Bat Cauldron how they are on Earth-64, a fan-made alternate Earth of the DC universe personally made by me.
Bruce Wayne - Batman I
Selina Kyle - Catwoman I
Talia al'Ghul - Demoness
Dick Grayson - Robin I, Nightingale
Jason Todd - Robin II, Red Hood II, Redkite
Duke Thomas - Signal, Lark
Tim Drake - Stray, Robin III, Golden Aix
Cassandra Brown-Wayne: Orphan, Batgirl II, Black Bat, Batman II
Stephanie Brown-Wayne: Spoiler, Robin IV, Batgirl III, Starling
Damian Wayne-Wilkes: Robin V, Vireo
Collin Wilkes: Abuse, Sparrowhawk
Helena Sage-Wayne: Huntress
Victor 'Vic' Sage: Question II
Terry Wayne: Batmite
Athanasia Wayne: Hellhound
Kate Kane - Batwoman I, Vampire Bat
Renee Montoya - Question I
Bette Kane - Goshawk
Jim Gordon - Commissioner Gordon
Barbara Gordon - Batgirl I, Oracle
Alysia Gordon - Honorary Batgirl
Lucius Fox
Tanya Fox
Jace Fox - Flying Fox
Luke Fox - Honorary Batman, Batwing II
Tamara Fox - Lady Fox
Tiffany Fox - Batgirl IV (Retired)
Harleen Quinzel: Harley Quinn
Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan: Ghost-Maker
David Zavimbe: Honorary Batman, Batwing I
Jean-Paul Valley: Honorary Batman, Azrael
Basil Karlo: Clayface (Retired)
Harper Row: Bluebird
Colin Row: Carrier, Oracle II
Mia Mizoguchi: Maps
Carrie Kelly: Robin VI, Oriole
Nell Little: Batgirl V
Claire Clover: Lady Gotham (Retired)
Hank Clover: Gotham (Deceased)
Onyx Adams: Onyx
All characters listed have been canon characters in one way or another. Not all characters work primarily in Gotham, but have worked there at some point in time. This is to be updated as there are more characters to be added.
In the early years, the Bat Cauldron was fairly isolated from the other masks, which was one of the primary reasons Dick left Bruce. Despite starting the Titans, Dick was not told of the Nightwing and Flamebird story so when deciding a new identity Dick became Nightingale instead of Nightwing. Superman is still his favorite hero though.
The Robin and Batgirl mantles must be passed down from the previous Robin and Batgirl.
Due to the early death of the Joker, Duke Thomas' acquisition happened earlier than the comics. In the same vein, Jason's Red Hood era was a brief period in his life and he rejoins the Bat Cauldron as Redkite.
Due to Jason's death, Bruce refused to give Tim the mantle of Robin so Catwoman took him in as her first sidekick where he served as Stray. When Jason returned, he passed the Robin mantle to Tim who accepted it. Tim's time as Stray made him a bit more flirty than his canon counterpart, and he realized he was bi sooner.
Along with the tech Robin, Tim is known as the water Robin due to being unafraid to get into the toxic Gotham water. This contributed to his alias of Golden Aix, and Arthur Curry often jokes that Bruce stole an Atlantean.
Stephanie was active before Cassandra, but Cassandra was Batgirl before Stephanie. Cass passed her the Batgirl title because Cass was heading on a mission in Tokyo and it would be weird if Batgirl showed up there. That period of time made them realize their feelings for each other, and the first thing Cass did when she returned was confess her feelings.
In this universe, Bette Kane is the adopted daughter of Kate Kane and Renee Montoya.
Colin Row worked as a messenger for Oracle, and later becomes the second Oracle.
Carrie Kelly and Tiffany Fox were the first Robin and Batgirl under Cassandra's time as Batman. Tiffany would later give the mantle to Nell Little.
Terry is not the second Batman because I don't personally like the Batmam Beyond storyline, but he is still a hero under his big sister Cass!
I have some characters marked as Honorary Batmans because if I try to make some sense of that timeline my head will explode.
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volucerrubidus · 2 years
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>>Accept? Y/N...
>>Begin transmission text...
Duela Dent (@chaosmultiverse)
Colin Wilkes (@chaosmultiverse​)
Wonder Woman
The Flash II
The Flash I
Martian Manhunter
Hugo Strange
Impulse (@instigatingforce)
Zachary Zatanna (@playedbetter​)
Multiple Green Lanterns
Max Mercury
Ra’s al Ghul
Miss Martian
Black Canary
Green Arrow
Blue Beetle
Wonder Girl
>>End transmission.
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