#Damian also hate watches the show
blehhmm · 8 months
*watching the summer I turned pretty*
Damian (obviously very frustrated about everything): I SWEAR I'M GONNA BEAT THEM WITH A STICK
Jason *walking by*: That's so the biologist of you
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noisilyscreechingsong · 3 months
Alfred knows Danny from long ago during his secret service days. He always found the other odd, but his company was enjoyable enough to overlook. They were friends for a short while. Danny even saved his life once or twice. However, despite their trust in each other, they didn’t keep in touch. It was like Danny disappeared and he never heard from the jolly man again. That is until Danny showed up at the Wayne manor decades later looking the same as when they parted ways carrying the daughter he talked so much about.
Danny stood on the front porch with a toddler Ellie in his arms. She’s been behaving wonderfully. The new environment gave her curious self something to look at and distract her from a tantrum.
He rings the doorbell awkwardly with her in one arm and a bag of supplies resting on his shoulder.
If things were any different he wouldn’t be here, but he’s got to do what he’s got to do even if it’s the last scenario.
Footsteps can be heard on the other side before it opens to reveal a boy in sweatpants and a hoodie. It’s a little warm for the summer and Danny expects they have an expensive electric bill for this large place.
The kid, Damian Wayne he remembers, scowls. He gives Danny a once over with narrowed eyes.
“How’d you get through the gate?” Damian demands.
Danny blinks and adjusts Ellie on his hip.
“I walked of course.” Damian grows even more suspicious and Danny decides to change the subject. “I’m Danny. Danny Fenton. And this little monster is Ellie. Want to say hello, Ells?”
Ellie looks at Damian for all of three seconds before losing interest.
Danny sighs. Yea, he was expecting that answer. It’s her favorite word at the moment.
“Why are you here?” Damian asks.
Straight to the point then.
“I’m looking for Alfred Pennyworth. Is he around? It’s urgent.”
“What is it concerning?” Damian straightens his spine to appear taller but it doesn’t change the head difference.
Danny sets Ellie down on the brick when she won’t stop squirming to be let down. She doesn’t waste a moment wandering away to investigate her surroundings. Damian raises a brow while watching her.
“I’m cashing in that favor he owns me.”
That got the boy’s attention. He studies the adult for a moment before opening the door wider for the both of them to enter.
Danny manages to wrangle Ellie into the house with Damian’s judgmental gaze following them. The bag had slid down to his elbow when he bends down to hold Ellie’s hand to steady her.
It’s as Damian is closing the front door that a man comes around the corner in a butler uniform. The same man he was looking for.
Alfred freezes after registering who was in front of him. The older of the two sighs heavily. Shoulders back and chin high, as expected he approaches this situation with a level head and posh dignity.
“Daniel,” addresses Alfred. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
Danny cringes. He really should have called with a warning but there wasn’t time. He also always hated it when Alfred refused to use Danny’s preferred nickname, a sort of teasing that was consistent. If Alfred was anything, he’s stubborn enough to do what he wants and get away with it.
“Sorry, Alf. Next time for sure.” Danny sends a cheeky grin that doesn’t impress anyone. He glances over at his daughter to see her trying to touch the expensive looking vase on a side table.
“Ellie!” He dashes over to pull her away which immediately starts a struggle war and fussing. He knows if he lets this continue it will turn into a full blown tantrum.
“That’s not ours, we can’t touch it without permission.” She whines in frustration. “Do you want to ask if it’s okay to touch? Gently?”
Ellie thinks about it a second before looking up at him. Danny nods in understanding and turns her a bit to look at the two spectators.
“Toush?” She asks with an adorable chubby arm raised to point at the vase.
“Are you going to break it?” Damian asks with folded arms.
“Master Damian, I’m sure that’s not her intention.” Alfred turns with a smile back to Ellie. “That vase is fragile. Can you be very careful?”
Obviously her answer is a confident nod of the head and immediately trying to reach out again. Danny helps to lift her and hold her wrist steady.
She pets the vase like a kitten, feeling the raised edges of the design with her little hand. After a few long moments Danny pulls her away to set her on his hip like before, earning an annoyed huff in his direction for his efforts.
“Very good, Ellie. I knew you could do it.”
She hides her face in his shoulder and he takes the opportunity to send a look at Alfred. The older man understands immediately and inclines his head before turning to walk further into the house.
“It was nice meeting you,” Danny shoots Damian before following Alfred to what appears to be a parlor a few rooms away.
“I shall fetch some tea.”
Danny shakes his head as he sits.
“No time. I’m in a rush.”
Alfred eyes him up and down before gingerly sitting in the armchair across from him.
“Yes, so I have noticed.”
In other words, spill your guts for abruptly intruding like you have.
“Something…urgent has come up-“
“I assumed as much.”
“-and I know how good you are with kids-“
“Daniel, you cannot expect me to-“
“You owe me,” Danny says firmly. Alfred leans back at the reminder. He knows Danny would never hold that over his head without a good reason. “I have no one else to go to, to look after her. I normally would just take her with me, but I- it’s gotten dangerous. Too dangerous for her.”
He looks to Alfred with desperate eyes. Ellie tries to squirm out of his arms, which reflexively tighten securely around her middle. He can see the dark bags under the younger eyes.
Alfred sighs.
“How long?”
Danny sags and Ellie slips out of her father’s arms as soon as the chance presented itself. Alfred would need to keep a close eye on her in the future.
“A week, two, three tops.”
Alfred sends an unimpressed look and Danny cringes but doesn’t redact his statement.
“Anything I need to know?”
Danny looks down at the hastily packed diaper bag like it had all the answers.
“We’re kind of in the middle of potty training so I threw in some pull ups but those will go quick. She hates carrots. Won’t go to sleep without a bedtime story. Don’t give her any sugar after four or she’ll turn into a monster. Oh, and her powers are coming in so I packed a shield for at night.”
Alfred raises a single eyebrow.
“Could you be more specific?”
Danny waves it off like it was no big deal.
“Just the normal stuff. Invisibility, intangibility, and flight. It’s all very weak and sporadic right now. Keep calm until she figures it out on her own. She’s just learning.”
“So you are leaving a child in my care for an unknown amount of time, a child that can disappear, walk through walls, and fly. Anything else?”
Danny rubs the back of his neck guiltily.
“Why do you always have to make everything sound so…” He sighs heavily, glancing over at Ellie who has managed to take every blanket out of the basket in the corner and crawled in to make a nest out of the materials. He smiles fondly.
“I’ve probably forgotten something, but I know you can handle it. You can take care of her.”
Danny then stands and pulls out a piece of paper, handing it over.
“My number is at the top in case of emergencies. Her favorite stuffy is in the bag, she won’t sleep without it. Her favorite word right now is ‘no’. I wrote down anything I could think of, which you probably can’t even read my chicken scratch…”
Alfred gently takes the paper from his hand and Danny slowly makes his way to the messy corner.
“Hey, Elles,” he says softly, far softer than anything Alfred has heard from him. Usually he was a rambunctious, jovial loudmouth, but right now he was hesitant. Prolonging the farewell they both know needs to happen with how urgent this mysterious problem was.
Ellie looks up for a moment before going back to maneuvering her fort.
“I gotta go away for a while. Alfred here will be watching over you while I’m gone, okay?”
That got her attention. For a child that young, she knew something was wrong, but didn’t know what. And now her dad, her protector, was leaving.
Danny folds his lips together, expecting the response but still not ready to go through the hard part of leaving.
“I’m so sorry, baby girl. I am, but I have to go. I’ll be back when I’m finished.”
Danny sighs and reaches in to pull her into his arms. She fights him valiantly, but he was stronger and bigger.
“I know. I know. I’m sorry. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I promise.”
They might as well have been empty words for the lack of effect it had on the struggling toddler. Danny sways with her for a few beats until he gets an idea.
“Danielle, look.”
He makes sure she’s watching as he creates a loop of ice, infused with his ectoplasm and therefore, his signature.
“Hold out your hand,” he coax.
She does so with a sniffle and he gently moves the glowing green ghost ice around her wrist to make an indestructible, unmeltable bracelet. He shrinks it until he’s sure it won’t fall off and won’t be too tight either.
“There. Now you have a piece of me wherever you go. Even when we’re far apart.”
She pointedly doesn’t look at him.
“I love you, Ellie. I’ll be back soon.”
He kisses her forehead, breathes in her soft scent, and turns to Alfred. The older man is watching carefully and makes his arms available for a new passenger.
With a deep breath Danny hands her over, Ellie immediately starts whining and tears fall from her eyes.
“Hey, you’ll be okay. Alfred here is a mighty warrior. He’ll keep you safe. I trust him.”
He does his best to wipe away her tears but he has to physically step away when she reaches for him. Instead he looks to Alfred.
Alfred holds her securely and nods in assurance.
“Not to worry. Danielle and I will be too busy to notice your absence.”
Danny smiles at the effort but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He can’t resist petting her head one last time, her pigtails in disarray, and wiping her tears from her cheeks.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” he promises, marking it with another kiss to her head before backing away again. He looks at Alfred sending his gratitude without words. Alfred accepts it with a slight incline of the head. Danny nods once and leaves before he can’t.
The door opens and the young boy from earlier stumbles back with a glare to hide his embarrassment.
“Master Damian-“
Danny holds up a hand to stop Alfred. Of course the boy would eavesdrop, what did either of them expect?
The young father leans down to get eye level with Damian, looking him straight in the eye with seriousness. Damian straightens at the attention.
“It’s very important Ellie is safe and occupied while I’m away. It would mean a lot to me if you would help Alfred do that.”
Damian folds his arms.
“What would I get out of that useless goal?”
“What would you want?”
“Daniel, Master Bruce would not-“
“A knife,” Damian interrupts. “Not just any knife though. It has to be special.”
Danny hums in thought, studying Damian for a moment, almost making the boy squirm.
He holds out his hand and Damian shakes it after a second of hesitation. Danny nods to the boy, then nods to Alfred, and he’s finally out the door making a portal as he walks from the gentle breeze of outside to the chill of ectoplasm, transforming into his kingly attire as he crosses the threshold.
The GIW had a lot to answer for and he couldn’t hold his subjects back any longer. The United States had declared war against the Infinite Realms and he would be the one to answer.
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feefivefoe · 1 month
need to see Jason showing up at reader’s door. Or Damian’s attempts at befriending reader.
I legit think Damian shows up at their front door first. Jason acts a little like a creep at first, only sneaking through their window at night bc he's scared of their reaction.
I mean. He's supposed to be dead. And he had forgotten about you for like, 2 years! Will you be mad at him like you are at Bruce? Because he did do the same thing that he did...
There's also how he's changed, too. Sure he wasn't the easiest kid to deal with, ever, but now he's...he's kinda fucked up. Night terrors, reactions to sudden movements, more violent in general...of course he'd never hurt you, and he's better than he was at first, but you aren't dirtied like the rest of the family is.
You've never raised a genuine weapon. Your child self was fine being pushed around. Preferred it, even. Instead of blowing up at your brothers and father, you'd chosen to take the quiet way out. Hell, you don't even hate them! You're softer and sweeter than the rest of them, especially him, could ever be.
Maybe he gets too complacent, letting himself in night after night. Feeling overconfident in his ability to not wake you up. Forgetting that you also have trauma that gives you night terrors, causing you to wake up in a fit only to see Red Hood standing in your room.
It isn't pretty. You're convinced he's there to kill you, at first. As some sort of vengeance for the actions of your mother, given she wasn't here to take the divine punishment.
It's a bad move. He knows it is. He knows from experience that it isn't going to help, and will just make your panic attack worse.
But...damn it, that's his favorite sibling! It's ripping his heart in two to watch them crying.
So, without thinking twice, he ends up technically restraining you in his arms for the time it takes for you to stop struggling. It's less that you eventually gather your bearings, and more that you run out of energy to keep struggling.
Of course you don't recognize his form, or his voice. He had died while you were in high school, and now you were in your early twenties. Puberty had hit him like a truck. Or a crowbar, either or-
"Pleasepleaseplease- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry- I didn't- I didn't know, I'm sorry-"
His grip tightens, pulling a whimper of pain from you. His face cracks beneath the cowl.
"Nonononono- you don't need to be sorry. I fucked up, you're okay. You didn't do anything wrong." He tries, but you're still too far gone.
He doesn't even mean to reveal himself, but slips up when he calls you by a childhood nickname. Maybe your friends also use it, maybe it was exclusive to him. But even in your haze, you start piecing things together.
Known vigilante aligned with Batman...who knows Nightwing, Red Robin, and the new baby Robin that recently has become attached to you. Sure, maybe Bruce had picked up an older orphan you missed, but they wouldn't know to call you that unless...
He BREAKS at that. Losing grasp of his strength, keeping you so trapped against him you're half convinced you'll meld together.
There will be words exchanged later. Explanations, regrets, and even more anger directed at the rest of the family. But it takes a few...hours to get through all the conflicting emotions.
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Part 4 Miscommunication
(Damien's POV)
School had started now and a new kid came to the academy today. A girl roughly his age but a little shorter. This girl was loud and obnoxious, gathering quite a crowd of friends on her first day. That was fine though, Damian didn't exactly want to have to talk to another brainless civilian. Though Grayson did say he needed to make more friends. Explaining that not having friends would blow his cover.
Before Damian decided what to do the girl who was just with a group of his classmates was now behind him, startling him. Startling Him. Damian had been trained by assassins, by his mother, father, and siblings to always be acutely aware of his surroundings yet this girl scared him? Damian needed to understand how.
The girl who introduced herself as Dani Nightingale giggled.
Damian: "You startled me"
Dani: "yeah I do that"
Their classmates are cheering no one has ever managed to sneak up on Damian and now this new girl has. Great this girl was now going to be another nuisance to him. Then the girl frowned at him and apologized softly before avoiding him for the rest of the day. Odd.
Damian also found that this girl was very smart. She was great at science, math, and knew so many languages that it was just impressive. She was odd.
Dani avoided Damian for the rest of the day. She fucked up, she fucked up big time, even if he doesn't show it she can still feel his emotions. She wants to fall in for the floor and disappear but she can't do that. So instead she decided to focus on the school day. Answering and doing as much as she can to avoid Damian. The boy she accidentally made hate her. She can't wait for today to be over. The end of the day rolled around and Danny was there to pick her up. Just as she ran up to Danny, Damian did the same. Damian got to Danny first.
Damian: "Todd, what are you doing here?"
Dani running into Danny and giving him a massive hug. "Danny!"
Danny (confused) "sorry kid, but I'm not whoever Todd is?"
Damian now also confused and looking closely at Danny because his brother was laughing and smiling and not normal. Then he looked at the scars on the man's arms and neck and mannerisms. That wasn't Jason but just looked like him, odd.
Dick and Tim now confused that Damian didn't come to the car, walk over and react the same way Damian did though more extreme. "Jason??"
Danny (sighing): "No my name's Danny. Nice to meet you" (looks at Tim) "or re-meet you, how was your debate thing or whatever? I assume that was why you were in a suit?"
Tim (confused before remembering the coffee shop) "oh! Um yeah everything went well"
Dick smiling while internally screaming about seeing someone who looked like a happy version of his brother. "It's nice to meet you too"
Both Nightingales feeling the turmoil and odd feeling from the 3 and decided. Nope! Not my circus not my monkeys even if he does maybe look like he belongs to that circus. Not his, nope, they have enough problems, whatever this family has is not also his.
Danny: "anyways we've got to go, I'm sure we'll see you around"
Danny left with Dani and went home with her neither aware of the tracker Damian had left on Dani.
Danny and Elle having a normal night doing homework, having dinner together, all that jazz while being watched by Robin and RR who had now taken a special in this family. Especially after Tim could find almost nothing on any of the Nightingales past a few months ago when they came to Gotham or when their sister went to Stanford. They watch Danny put Elle to bed then begin tinkering with a side project (he is an engineer after all). They seemed normal but something still bugged the both of them about the Nightingales. Something was still off, they'd have to keep investigat- Danny pulled out the 2 trackers that were were placed on both him and Elle and sat them on the table in front of him. He knew about the trackers. Maybe he was a threat.
Danny had of course found the tracker on him immediately and decided to fuck around making it go absolutely everywhere far too quickly till he realized where the tracker was from. It was shaped as a bat of course it came from Batman and his spawn. SIGH he supposed he couldn't avoid the bats and birds if they were already tailing him, might as well try to make friends first. The fact that they were looking for them was only solidified when he found another on Elle's school bag. 1) how dare they put one on his little sister. 2) who the hell put it there?? Was it suit boy again? Or was it one of the others? He'd have to tell Elle to be careful around them from now on. He'll have to be more careful now. Welp might as well try to reverse engineer these trackers so he can make something to scramble them when those guys eventually try again. He and to at least protect Elle.
(Things I thought of but didn't know how to add it yet soo)
Dani goes by both Dani and Elle depending on if her brother is around. Its confusing when they're both being refused to as Danny after all.
Tim is going feral because he can't find anything on them, like they didn't exist before this summer.
Oracle is also going insane because her cameras can't pick the two up. Every time she tries to focus on them the camera feed glitches out till they're gone.
The next part will be about Jason getting caught with GIW because they think it's Danny (and Elle maybe.) Still writing.
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toast-on-dandelioms · 7 months
Hello, I really a fans of your work and always waiting for the updates. I have a question, what happen if Y/n just ignore the batfam as Y/n also turn to superfam becoming their family. It also assuming Alfred A-Okay with it. Oh, also Y/n might be have relationship with one of the superboys and she love to cuddle with the lover. Well, that's just my wild imagination thinking about.
Oh well, I hope you have great days.❤️😘
Thank you for liking my work! If you're asking for part 4, it will come out soon and probably by the end of next week!
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Well, I don't think Alfred would be totally a-okay with this and after a bit he would act to 'fix' the situation.
He wants you to stay at the Manor and be appreciated too by the Batfam even though they don't even know you exist.
He has tried before, talking about you to Bruce and the others but they always dismissed him with the excuse of being busy or forgetting about you the next day.
And seeing you giving up on being with your real family and finding love in another family that actually accepts you and he can't accept that.
You're supposed to be with him as the rest of the Waynes not with some alien family.
He would act like he supports you whenever you come to visit him since you mostly live with the Kents nowadays and come to the Manor to grab the things you needed since you were moving your stuff from the Manor to the Kents house.
After a while you start to come home, to come back to him even less before you just visit him maybe once a month before it turns into no more visiting him since you're busy with school, dance classes and the vigilante role you still have.
And Alfred hates it so he decides that he can't stand to watch his boys obsess over your vigilante persona when they can't even bother to notice you weren't living in the Manor anymore.
So he decides to call a family meeting without your knowledge and explains everything, who you were behind the mask and how dissapointed and ashamed that the people he raised didn't even acknowledge that you existed.
Their reaction, which were mostly of confusion before realisation bothered him but he stayed silent and used their reaction to manipulate them, make them think you weren't in the right place with the Kent family.
And after a week from that meeting, you started to receive texts from all the batfam and also kept seeing them everywhere, with Bruce at school or when you were patrolling the city.
He would always try to talk to you, which you ignored or gave him the finger while swinging away, preferring to not engage in his tries to connect with you.
Plus he would show up at your dance recitals when you never said anything to Alfred about them and he would always be right in first row with a smug smile since he knew you couldn't do anything.
Plus you already knew they knew who you were behind the mask, they said your name when you had your mask on so many times you wanted to punch their faces.
You had to skip a few days of school because Tim and Damian started to show up at your same highschool and sitting next to you in class, to which no one would say anything and it frustrated you since highschool was one of your safe places but not anymore.
You tried to ignore Dick and Jason's attempts at stalking you, not because it was noticeable since you never saw them but the spider sense made you aware you were being watched and after a bit you were able to notice them following you.
Yes you did feel proud since you didn't have any detective training like the others but still knew who was following just by using the things around you.
You vented your frustrations with Clark and Conner and they did help by letting you skip school and everything but you had to go back to school or it would affect your attendance and damage your reputation and curriculum for future colleges applications.
But one fateful day, you went to a mission with Conner and Clark since they needed a third person but couldn't bring Jon since he was busy with school, so you went in his place.
During the mission you got ambushed, Conner and Clark were at disadvantage since the attackers (not sure on the term, the people that attacks) somehow had kryptonite weapons.
Plus you were also fighting, using the tasers and also the objects around you like rocks or trees.
Yes, you did throw a tree at a group of them and you also got Clark telling you not to do it again. Did you listen though? No.
As you were fighting you suddenly got stung by something in the leg, and when you touched the spot where it hurt you saw a small dart there.
You opened your mouth to call for Clark or Conner but someone covered your mouth and held you as you fainted while Clark and Conner had to flee since the attackers were too strong with the kryptonite.
The last thing you saw was the smiling face of Dick before completely giving in the drug you got injected in your body, not hearing them fight about who was gonna carry you in the batmobile.
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lazycats-stuff · 11 days
Batfamily x male reader who likes to cuddle
Alright. *cracks knuckles*, Lets do this. Some nice fluff. Also, it took me far too long to find a nice GIF. Also, should I do like head cannons? Is that what they are called? And also, this is a bit shorter than normal.
Summary: (Y/N) loves cuddles.
Warnings: nothing, pure and utter fluff.
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Bruce wouldn't consider himself to be an affectionate dad. Does he hug them and provide them with advice and words of encouragement? Yes. He isn't a cruel father. His children are his priority, despite the way he might look cold in general. But he truly loves all of his children. None of his children were particularly affectionate, besides Dick.
That was until (Y/N) came into the picture. He was the youngest, a year younger than Damian. Bruce saved him from the streets and he wasn't always so cuddly. He was more cold and standoffish, the streets leaving a mark. Not trusting, not anything. Simply living there.
But as time went on, Bruce has noticed that (Y/N) became showing more physical affection. It became with leaning on his siblings if tired and with Bruce it would be reaching for his hand when in public, since he would get overwhelmed by the attention of the paparazzi. Bruce never minded, understanding how (Y/N) is still a child, not used to this. He would be scared of it, which is normal for a child. And Bruce had no issues protecting him.
Soon enough, when (Y/N) had nightmares from living on the streets, he would go to Bruce. And Bruce always lifted the blanket for him, tucking him in with it, making sure he was warm physically and emotionally. Bruce wanted (Y/N) to know that he had someone in his corner, he had a protector.
Soon enough, (Y/N) became the cuddle bug of the family. Bruce never minded it. How could he? He enjoyed it, but he would never really say it outright. He has a certain reputation to uphold. But (Y/N) cracks that reputation and Bruce allows it.
Dick enjoyed (Y/N)'s cuddling. More often than not, the two could be found together, lounging on the couch, Dick's arm around his shoulders, watching TV or just napping. Depending on the day. Sometimes, (Y/N) wouldn't be in the living room since he needed to study, since he started school officially. And if Bruce wasn't available for comfort during nightmares, Dick was.
Jason... Jason was around the middle when it came to physical affection. He didn't mind it occasionally, but he had his limits. (Y/N) tried to respect those boundaries, but sometimes he just couldn't, seeking comfort in his big brother after something. And considering that Jason grew up on the streets, who better to understand his problems than Jason?
And Jason helped his brother, even with physical affection and cuddles during the night when (Y/N) couldn't fall asleep. Whenever he had a night off of patrol and (Y/N) couldn't sleep, they would be lying down in Jason's room, either talking or just lying down together, Jason holding his brother in his arms.
And while he hated to admit it, he was starting to like it. To share and trade experiences from living on the streets... And cuddling wasn't so bad. It was nice. But would he ever admit it out loud? Nope. He would like to remain his reputation, just like Bruce. But is he ever found in public with (Y/N), arm around his shoulder? Yes.
Tim... He never minded any affection to be frank. If he was on his laptop working, (Y/N) would have his head in Tim's lap, just enjoying his time with his workaholic brother. And Tim liked the weight on his lap. It was comforting. Tim is often heard saying that (Y/N) is a great addition to the family.
Damian... He's not a fan of affection. Never have been. Being raised by the League of Assassins, under his grandfather and mother. Affection was never on the table for him and never will be. But... Being an older brother... It awoke something in Damian. He didn't know what, but he was feeling protective.
Of course, he would rather die than show it outwardly. He was cold and he would have liked to keep it that way. But then (Y/N) came into their lives. At first, Damian was kind of steering clear of him, trying to assess him. Damian is a distrustful individual and he doesn't let just anyone in.
But (Y/N) was a persistent bastard, as Damian would often say. It took some time, but soon Damian didn't mind the cuddling. If they were watching a movie and (Y/N) wanted a cuddle? He would allow it. Would he be grumbling about it? Yes. Did he mean any of that grumbling? No. He may say yes, but everyone can see that he adored his little brother. But Damian would deny it. Until the day he died.
It was a night where everyone took a night off and Bruce wanted to spend time with his sons. So he called in a family night. A movie night in specific. Alfred was invited too. There were blankets, pillows and a lot of space in the home movie theater so they could all lie down comfortably. There were snacks and everyone was just happy to take a night off.
(Y/N) came in last, assessing where to lie down. Where is the best position for snuggles and cuddles. Bruce is a most certain option since (Y/N) started calling him dad and it warmed Bruce's heart. (Y/N) moved next to Bruce and Jason, moving to be in between them. The two chuckled and Bruce pulled a blanket over (Y/N), making sure to keep him warm.
Jason put an arm over his shoulders, allowing him to lean onto him.
" So, what are we watching? " (Y/N) asked, curious about what they choose while he was gone.
" We've managed to agree on Netflix. Not a movie yet so you made it in time for the vote, " Jason explained as he watched Dick and Tim arguing over the genre of the movies. (Y/N) smiled as he leaned on Jason, who adjusted his hold on his brother.
" What's the smile for? " Bruce asked in a quiet murmur.
" I'm just happy to have a family. To be loved. Despite the chaos that surrounds this family. "
Bruce smiled at that and brought (Y/N) closer to him. Jason didn't mind it, he allowed it. Damian watched everyone with a critical eye, trying not to smile. He has heard (Y/N)'s words and he was happy to hear them. He handed (Y/N) some popcorn and (Y/N) took them happily.
Alfred finally sat down on the couch after preparing the rest of the snacks. " Still undecided? "
(Y/N) sighed quietly, a smile still on his face. This family may be chaotic, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
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tim-drake-scholar · 6 months
I just think someone should write a batfam fic where none of the kids are getting along or their training is a little sloppy so he takes them upstate to like a wilderness retreat (Clark, Conner, and Jon are also invited). Chaos ensues
Like Damian doesn’t want to admit he wants to share a room with Jon (he insists they’re NOT friends!! and that he wants to share a room with Dick.
Dick was planning to share a room with Barbara, but Jason calls dibs first (Jason is using this opportunity to undermine Nightwing and the Robins so he finally crush Batman) (ie. just annoy his family)
Bruce and Clark are so happy that Conner and Tim are really getting along and are excited to share a room? And wait- is that a hickey??
Steph was invited, cancelled at the last minute, and then showed up 2 hours late and has to sleep on the couch in the living room.
Conner sitting in a lounge chair wearing his sunglasses looking bitchy as hell while he watches everyone play in the lake. He keeps looking at Tim like he is a snack!
There’s an obstacle course and Dick does it perfectly every time. And he keeps looking at Babs for approval.
Jason gets bitten by 100 mosquitos and gets a rash from poison ivy and it turns out he actually hates the outdoors. He is a city boy.
Tim starts to get twitchy without all of his gadgets and technology. He needs a phone. A tablet. A laptop. Something!! Conner spends half the trip trying to teach Tim to relax (turns out Conner also doesn’t know how to relax)
Bruce and Clark walk around in Hawaiian shirts forcing their children to do bonding activities while they sip cocktails and gossip about the justice league.
Damian keeps getting annoyed that he has to keep doing group activities bc he just wants to work on his water colours.
Stephanie and Barbara spend 90% of the time gossiping and drinking wine coolers. They show up for group activities (they always win) and go back to girl talk. Conner joins them to talk shit.
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
First ofi love your Jason fic's, they are really great and they made me think could you write for Damian as well?
What about Damian x reader (gn or male pls) where they are really great friends but the family thinks they are in a relationship? You know the typical teasing girls usually experience as soon as she talks about a boy "oh is that you boyfriend" the same thing happens too Damian, and now he dreads bringing the reader to his house because his family always had something to say (except Alfred he's cool like that) and it also makes the reader uncomfortable. And one day Damian snaps at them for their weird behavior, telling them that they are the reason why the reader won't visit anymore
I hope this makes sense, if you don't like this, just ignore it.
Have a great day
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Damian hated when he brought you over to the Manor and it’s not for the reasons many might expect. It was more so to do with how Dick, Tim and Jason seemed to always have something to say whenever you two were in a room together, only ever doing mundane activities but to Dick, Tim and Jason, it was viewed under an annoyingly unnecessary romantic context.
They firmly believed that in due to you being able to withstand Damian’s presence for as long as you have, that there must be romantic undertones integrated in every interaction between the two of you. The classic trope of friends being in love with each other but not knowing how to cross that line without ruining everything that was pre established from your longstanding friendship; Which was factually incorrect for so many reasons.
You and Damian weren’t anything more than friends and you both were content with that conclusion. However that didn’t stop you from feeling uncomfortable whenever Dick, Tim or Jason said anything about your suspected secret relationship that you’ve been poorly keeping from them. Damian hated that you couldn’t come to the manor without wanting to leave within the first five minutes of being there, he didn’t want to either but knew that you needed him for support whenever it does happen; and it was unfortunately an reoccurring theme within the Wayne manor.
The first time this happened you and Damian were in the library, reading. Your head was innocently resting against his shoulder and all because of the lack of sleep you had from binge watching the midnight release of the latest season for your favourite show. Had you been anyone else Damian would’ve laid you out flat but since it was you, Damian didn’t seem to mind but he then choice to chastise you for your lack to keep to a healthy sleep schedule.
‘You’re helpless.’ He stats and you pouted at him. ‘But Damian it was the last season! I had to binge watch it before people start spoiling it all over social media!’ You defended yourself but it was obvious that your friend wasn’t buying it for a second. ‘Tch. So was our test today but due to your habit of binge watching, and yet you just barely managed to somewhat passable score.’ He replied, not once looking up from his book as you leaned more into him. ‘Rude.’
‘I’m merely stating the-‘
‘Spare some room for Jesus there lovebirds.’ Both you and Damian looked over to see that Jason had entered the library when you were unawares and had a wolfish grin spread across his face. You tensed up at the implication, wordlessly removed your head from Damian’s shoulder and shuffled to the far side of the couch that you were both sitting on. All the while avoiding eye contact either him or Jason.
The latter (Jason) believed that this was done out of the fact that you had gotten caught but to the former (Damian) it was because you had grown uncomfortable with the comment made towards the nature of your assumed relationship to him. So all he could do without making the situation worse for you was to glare daggers into Jason, who only took this as Damian being mad that he interrupted his quality time with you.
The second time this mistake happened was when you and Damian were in the kitchen taking a much needed break from constant studying for the upcoming test at school, replenishing your hunger by wolfing down on some snacks. ‘You’ll choke if you keep that up.’ Damian said between bites of his own snack.
‘No I won’t.’ You rebutted, swallowing down the remains before shoving another bit of food into your mouth hastily and allowing for some crumbs to cling onto you in the strangest places, though mainly your cheek. Damian sighs and reaches across the table to rub the crumbs off with a handkerchief, muttering about how much of a messy eater you are. ‘Can’t even eat properly, never less sleep the required amount needed for proper functionality.’ He mutters under his breath.
‘Will you never left me live that down?’ You asked.
‘No.’ Damian replied without hesitation and you wondered if the question was even worth asking when he answered them in such a confident and sure fire way. Before you could get a chance to speak, Dick’s voice from the doorway butted in. ‘Do my eyes deceive me or is Damian being a gentleman for his lovely partner? Has hell truly frozen over?’ Damian was quick to retract his hand but it was too late, Dick saw everything and much like Jason, took it out of complete context.
‘We should get back to studying now.’ You said uncharacteristically stiff as you pushed yourself out of your chair and walked out of the room without so much of a word, shoulders hunched and head down when you passed by Dick, who watched in slight confusion as to what just happened. Damian on the other hand was starting to reach his limit with his brothers constant teasing, for how could they not see that it was clearly making you uncomfortable even if some of the teasing wasn’t aimed at you directly.
You took it personally on his behalf and he hates that in due to this it made your eagerness to spend time at to the Wayne manor dwindle. You were his first true friend and he didn’t want his brothers to be the reason you decided that you didn’t want to be his friend anymore. Damian wouldn’t admit it but deep down he was scared that he’ll loose you because of it, and that the only way to save your friendship would one day be reliant on your interactions during school hours. Damian knew he wasn’t the easiest to get along but he had to applause your persistence in wanting to befriend him, so much so that he didn’t want you ever thinking that he didn’t bother fighting for your friendship, because he would fight for your friendship with everything he had and then some.
For you’ve become a large part of him that he doesn’t think he could ever imagine living without now that you were so deeply integrated into his very being.
The third and last time you visited the manor was what made Damian snap. All you were doing was have a slow day with the added company of Titus, who was resting his head in your lap as you petted him; The poor dog missed you and it showed with how he whined whenever you dared to stop the pets, it would be made even more difficult not to as he would then paw at you persistently on top of all that.
‘I swear one of these days Titus will follow me home.’ You joked as you reminisced about the times when Titus would try and follow after you as pup and always disregarding Damian in favour for you and your cuddles. ‘He almost did once when you had to go home after our sleepover.’ Even Damian smiled softly at the memory of seeing Titus’ little head pop out of your bag after almost tearing apart the manor for the little mischief maker. He reached over to scratch the dog behind the ear -just how he liked to be scratched- and watched as Titus kicked his back leg in response.
‘He obviously still loves me a lot to be using my lap like this despite being too big to doing it anymore.’ You chuckled, looking down at the big dog with so much love and affection. Damian scoffed. ‘Don’t flatter yourself, Titus only likes you because you pamper and baby him.’ You gasped, covering Titus ears. ‘Don’t say that! Titus is still a baby in my heart!’ You exclaimed. The fully grown Great Dane then sneezed in his sleep and you acted as though he said something meaningful before looking back towards Damian ‘see, Titus agrees.’
‘Tch. You’re such a pain.’ Was Damian’s response as he looked away from you, only to see Tim stood a few feet away, watching you both much like how Dick and Jason did and Damian knew what was about to come out of his mouth before he even said it.
And apparently so did you as you managed to stand up, waking Titus up in the process, who was trying to get his bearings back as you said sombrely to Damian. ‘I’ll see you at school tomorrow, yeah.’ Before walking back towards the manor with Titus at your heels.
Before Tim could ask Damian shot him a murderous glare. ‘Batcave. Two days from now. Make yourself useful and bring Todd and Grayson with you.’ Was all he said before storming off towards the manor himself, leaving an taken aback Tim. His limit has officially been reached.
‘Why are we here Damian? Are you going to tell us that you need help with your partner-‘
‘Stop. Just stop with this nonsense you, Drake and Todd seemed to be hung up on because this false narrative you’ve created about myself and y/n is entirely make belief. And we’re suffering from it.’ Damian cuts Dick off but Jason was quick to speak next.
‘Why? Are you lovebirds not together anymore?’
Damian clenched his jaw but couldn’t contain his anger and annoyance towards this entire situation, wanting nothing more than for it to come to an end. ‘WE NEVER WERE TOGETHER TODD!’ Damian exploded. ‘WE WERE ONLY EVER JUST FRIENDS BUT DUE TO YOURS, GRAYSON AND DRAKES’ SHARED STUPIDITY, YOU’RE MAKING THEM UNCOMFORTABLE INTO EVER VISITING ANYMORE!’
‘Why didn’t either of you say anything-‘ Tim tried to talk but was quickly silenced by Damian who still had a lot more to get off of his chest. ‘WE TRIED BUT YOU WE ALL TOO BUSY TEASING US FOR BEING SOMETHING WE NEVER WERE!’ Damian liked to think he wasn’t the type to be quick to anger and how it was such a foolish thing to do. However Dick, Tim and Jason overstepped one too many times for Damian not to speak up about it, making sure it gets into their thick skulls that their weird behaviour almost cost him his friendship with you.
Jason, Dick and Tim felt stupid now and a little ashamed that their teasing could’ve quite possibly drove you away. It wasn’t their intention to do so, but they guessed that they admittedly got slightly ahead of themselves that they didn’t take into consideration of how you felt about all this. Now they felt like right dickheads.
‘I believe they’ve got the message master Damian.’ Alfred said as he looked at Dick, Tim and Jason who looked like a bunch of kicked puppies. ‘How about we invite master Damian’s friend for dinner so that you may tell them you’re sorry for your recent transgressions?’
Dick smiled softly at the butler whom had became another father figure to them. ‘That’s sounds perfect Alfred but only if y/n is comfortable to come.’ He, Jason, Tim and Alfred then all looked towards Damian who had calmed down significantly from his earlier outburst. ‘Tch. I’ll ask but I’m not guaranteeing anything.’ He says to them as he took out his phone to text you, adding a picture of an impatient Titus sitting at the front door waiting for you to come back for added effect, knowing how you couldn’t resist him.
It didn’t take long for you to reply with; ‘fine. I’m willing to bury the hatchet but as long as Titus gets to lay in my lap. That’s my only condition.’
Yep everything was going to be alright.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Resources for non-malicious Batfanon blogs that're genuinely confused on what to watch/read/play
Bruce:The Batman 2022
Dick:Teen Titans 1966,New Teen Titans,The Titans and Outsiders 2003
Tim:Lonely Place of Dying,Robin 1993,Young Justice 1998 and Red Robin
Cass:No Man's Land,Batgirl 2000 and Shadow of The Batgirl
Damian:Son of Batman 2015,Streets of Gotham,Supersons,Gotham Academy(only gueststars but features his 1st civillian friend),Robin 2021 and Batman and Robin 2023
And i made my own complete manual for Jason which includes reading lists for Duke and Stephanie by other users
Here is pre-Morrison Talia,aka the only Talia as Morrison is a raging islamophobe
And Selina by @pyrocortex who's as dedicated to her as i am Jason(platonically that is)
When i say 'non-malicious',i mean Batfam fans who've been lied to about canon to rope them into perpetuating the mass and inherent bigotry in Batfanon and placated into fence sitters by old whites that don't understand Batman lore any better than your average fake geek guy.Bruce has 6 canon kids and isn't a serial adopter but an adopter of abused or orphaned kids only,Dick has Eldest Daughter Syndrome but actually(as stated by me and a friend)and includes tgirl swag,Tim isn't a white male power fantasy and that includes not one for white racist gays either,Cass was invented specifically to DEFY easian woman stereotypes,Damian is only a monster if you hate brown people,Jason is quite literally the other way around of everything Batfanon says of him,Stephanie is audhd bpd-coded and should be black based on personality alone,Duke is a 2000s cartoon protagonist that only gets ignored because he's black and Talia and Selina are way more than your 'haha Bruce is gay' joke,trust
Oh also,'Batman and Robin are slang for gay' isn't a thing actual comics writers did.It was purely spectulation specifically on ADULT Batman fans' part and Devin Grayson who is frequently cited on why Batcest is canon and therefore good has apologized for her Nightwing runs and said it was a bad coping mechanism on her part.Worth noting the Batrobin rumors were created at a time when they had to take out Batcat from the Adam West Batman show due to recasting Selina as Eartha Kitt and the segregation laws that were a thing back then.So take that as you will in how it reflects the mentality at the time,including regarding children's rights as child abuse was even more extreme due to it being 'normal' and 'justifiable' due to 'history'.Holy decontextualization,Batfans!!!
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alfredsolos · 1 year
One of the most frusturating thing being a Damian Wayne fan is watching people mischaracterize him so bad that people think he is a boring and bad character, without opening a single comic issue their entire lives.
Look, whether people choose to read comics or not is none of my business. But hating on a character without interacting with the original content is just unjust.
Going back to the topic, Damian has a certain trait in canon which is very much disregarded in the fanon. And this lack of trait literally changes everything in his personality and behaviour.
The thing is... Damian is fucking hilarious.
And I don't mean that he is a clown character that makes jokes all the time.
He has a very sarcastic and dark humor. And he isn't afraid to use it against anyone. Be it Alfred, Bruce, Slade, Talia or anyone you can think of.
And most of the time, he doesn't even mean to be funny. It's just natural with him.
Now of course, I didn't pull these out of my ass. I'll show you some panels as an example:
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I've put panels from different comics with their own unique plot. And Damian's age varies from each to the other.
If you still think that this is lacking, literally open a single comic that he's in, and just read his dialogues.
And for me, that's why it's so fun to read about Damian. Unlike some other members of the Batfamily, he doesn't hesitate to say the things in his mind. He doesn't care whether he fucks things up and he's expert at getting out of bad situations.
He isn't glued to Batman's side, and most of the time goes out on his own. He is very independant and does not take shit from Bruce or anyone. Hell, I can think of two seperate occasions where he punched Bruce on the face.
I just love how he plainly mocks even the most dangerous people. I like his attitude, in which he thinks that he's the best. It's so refreshing to read about. Because it deviates from the stereotypical "Hero" behaviour.
And in most fics, this trait of his is entirely erased. And not just the ones where he's the "evil" side character, also the ones where he's the main character.
He's written as being a copy of Bruce which frusturates me to no end.
And if you're reading this as someone who just found this out, please take this post into consideration when characterizing him.
He's such an interesting character, so please don't write him off as a mini-Bruce.
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
For the Danyal Al Ghul AU: How would Danyal react to other canon events like when Sam wishes she never met Danny, Tucker wishes for powers, the christmas episode, or other DP canon events?
(Also, I assume Danyal's cover is blown by the reality Gaunlet event.)
Ohooho I love this question. So im only gonna respond to the episodes you mentioned, since it's been a while since i actually watched the show and I don't remember all the episodes. And also since I don't remember them fully, I'm gonna get details wrong. I am fine with that, it still gets the gist down lol. I've got the tvtropes recap page pulled up, so i'll be using that to try and hit the major points it mentions.
So, Memory Blank! Man I've thought about that one, and its the one I'm frankly most excited to answer because it gets to show just how much of a positive impact being friends with Sam and Tucker had on Danyal. So where to start? Their fight goes differently than in canon, but I'm going to start from after Sam makes her wish.
Firstly; she and Tucker are friends, but the two of them are not friends with Danny. He's on his own. In this au, the three of them became friends when they were 11 and Danny's been in Amity Park for about a year.
They met in the beginning with Sam trying to befriend him at first because she realized that they shared similar ideals on environmentalism, but he rebuffed her pretty harshly due to a combination of grief over leaving his home, trying to process the fact that he can never return and will never see his brother again or meet his father, and just plain League arrogance lmao. He really hated being in Amity Park just in general because it wasn't his home and it was the city too.
So he was really rather unapproachable in the beginning. People kept a pretty wide berth of him due to Fenton association and his own vibes.
But Danny's still a kid, and they want socialization with their peers. At 11 he didn't have any friends, and was frankly quite lonely. He decided to approach Sam and Tucker after deeming them "acceptable allies", although Sam wasn't really interested at first up until he did the equivalent of apologizing. Tucker warmed up first afterwards, but Sam really wasn't too far behind.
So thats how they became friends, post-wish though? Lets say that Sam didn't accept the apology and rebuffed Danny, and kinda intimidated Tucker into doing the thing. Danyal closed down, backed off, and then never approached them again because he decided right then and there he wasn't going to chase it. Wasn't worth his effort or time.
Then he just. never approached another person after that because he didn't want to get rebuffed again (he wouldn't admit that it hurt a bit), and he could already tell his efforts wouldn't work. He turned his attention to other stuff. In this timeline it wasn't too difficult to find him at events dedicated to combatting climate change, deforestation, light pollution, animal cruelty, etc. the LOA is an environmentalist group, after all. They just also happen to be eco-fascist assassins-for-hire.
In summary, Sam and Tucker helped Danyal realize the flaws in some of the League's beliefs (the fascism) to the point where he could deconstruct it on his own. Being friends with them made him realize that, frankly, genocide was not the answer to environmental equilibrium, and that the people outside of the League had lives worth living. They also helped quell his arrogance, and just in general influenced him to become kinder even if it doesn't look like that all the time to other people. Sam and Tucker make him laugh, and smile, and just happy.
OG Danyal: wears pretty casual teen clothes. More punky-aesthetic. Has multiple ear piercings. These were self-done. Will have a lip piercing by the time he reunites with Damian, mark my words. Can and will wear muscle tees. Makes puns, jokes, is generally sassy with his friends. Can, will, and has climbed shit he shouldn't be because he enjoys the challenge of scaling a building. It's also very funny seeing Tucker and Sam reenact the "Gregory! HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE?!" meme. Still has a questionable moral compass, but like, he's not an eco-fascist.
This Timeline Danyal: dresses much more sophisticated; dark academia vibe. Closed off, cold. Is 2x more likely to kill someone than OG Danyal, who was frankly, pr kosher with murder already but only if he deemed it extremely necessary. Still an eco-fascist.
Danyal without Sam and Tucker? Still believes in the teachings of the League because he has not been really challenged on them. In fact, he has doubled down on it, actually. Living in the city, growing up estranged and ostracized by his peers, has only strengthened his resolve that all of humanity minus the league (and the Fentons) deserves to be wiped out. He is disgusted by the people around him and desperately wants to go home, even more than the last timeline. The only reason he hasn't is for Damian's sake, but he's been checking in with mother whenever she visits and asking to find a way to come home. She's been steadily wearing down on it; her child is miserable here.
This version of Danyal should not have powers, and is, essentially on the fast track of rejoining the league -- doubly so when he hears Damian is living with father. Clearly it's safe enough for him to be with father, if mother allowed it, and father has become safe enough for Damian to live there. Good. With the threat of two heirs being in the League gone, Danny can return with Mother's permission. And. he probably takes Jazz (and the Fenton parents) with him. Forcibly if he has to.
So Sam has her work cut out for her here, a lot more than in canon, because even when she does tell him that they used to be friends in another timeline, and he believes it, he is not going to give a shit. Clearly they were not as good of friends as she thought they were, if she had wished they never met in the first place. Good riddance, then. This Danny is cold, incredibly hurt, and very closed off.
He is a cave wall in comparison to the Danny Sam knew, and talking to him feels like walking into one. Because he is looking at her with just utter disgust and disdain, keeping a distance like he is revolted by her presence and allergic to her and everyone else's touch.
Which really, really fucking hurts when she knows that in their last timeline, he would actively seek out her and Tucker's company and affection. Sam could read her best friend like an open book, and now its like she's trying to read one in another language she barely speaks. This boy used to smile at her, he used to laugh at Tucker's jokes, and he was so passionate about the things he enjoyed. Now he looks at her like he wants nothing more than for her to drop dead on the spot.
It hurts even more knowing that her last words to her Danny were the words, 'some days i wish we never met'; the way he looked at her afterwards haunts her. For a split second, he looked completely crushed and heartbroken, before his entire body language and expression shut off and he totally closed down on her.
Because by this point in his friendship with her and Tucker, he's told them, he has told them, in a very intimate moment of vulnerability, that they are one of the best things that's happened in his life -- right there alongside the day he first met his baby brother. They are very important to him, and he has finally felt comfortable enough with telling them. There's not a day that goes by that he isn't grateful for their friendship.
So to hear Sam say that some days she wishes they never met? well. That breaks his heart. Just- just a little bit. Sam regrets it the moment it leaves her mouth, and she immediately tries to apologize, but Danny immediately spits back; "Well. I hope you get your wish." and then stalks off.
I'm warring with myself here trying to decide whether or not this new timeline Danyal is at a "point of no return", where nothing Sam says is going to make him attempt to reignite that friendship. Clearly that will end badly anyways, if this is the result of that friendship. He's cut all ties from these people; he feels no prerogative to fix things she broke.
Like, the version of Danyal I'm thinking of here has no close bonds with anyone in the city sans Jazz -- and she? has her own life outside of Danny. She is not his keeper, not his caretaker, and certainly not his therapist. (which i have beef about too, considering how she gets boiled down to 'therapist with no life of her own' but im not going into that.) She has some influence on him, but frankly not enough to really make him challenge his beliefs. Danny cares about her that, if he returns to the league, she is coming with him. Or at the very least, will be spared from the League's goals.
Mmmm. I can't make it a total point of no return though. Sam's very stubborn, and she knows Danny. And while this Danny is still very different, he is still Danny. She'll try and befriend him insistently in a way that might annoy him, but at least not push him away further.
(Tucker, meanwhile, is just soo confused about Sam's very random, very abrupt switch up. Cuz girl he thought you hated this guy? Why are you suddenly trying to get all buddy-buddy with the terrifying Fenton kid. Have you been possessed? Is this some kind of crisis?)
(Sam drags Tucker into befriending Danny because he is the only person she knows that can get him to belly laugh. Tucker is mildly terrified but going along with it.)
Anyways this does end with Sam befriending Danny, or at least getting him to like her long enough that he'll pick up a ghost weapon and face off against Desiree. There's no way in hell he's walking into that portal, that last timeline might have been a 1/billionth chance of it happening and he's not dying for the chance to get powers. And frankly with his training -- which he's probably kept up with even more than the old timeline because he had no one to spend his time with -- he doesn't really need them to be good at fighting them. Just show him how to ghost proof a weapon and he'll handle the rest from there.
But Sam does end up undoing the wish and getting back to her own original timeline in the end. It's the morning after her fight, and the literal first thing she does that morning is get her shoes on and fucking sprriiint to the fenton house. Bursts into tears when she sees Danny and apologizes over and over again. She swears she didn't mean any of it, and to please believe her, and Desiree's still loose and they need to stop her, and she's had the worst time.
She does tell him about the other timeline she just went through, and she hopes that, if it still exists, that that Danyal manages to find friends in the Sam and Tucker there after this. And if not them, then anyone.
Danny's still pretty hurt by what she said, it cut really deep, but he forgives her.
Tucker getting his powers! Frankly things gooo... relatively the same as canon, I think? Actually, no. Danny probably figures out the whole Genie "i wish you would go back into your lamp" thing faster than canon danny since he's not a C student lmao. TV.Tropes doesn't give me too much specifics for a recap on the plot, so we're gonna wing it. For the plot I'm going to say that Tucker gets his powers before Danny figures out the "i wish" thing, which happens relatively quickly.
Danny tries to be... rather supportive of his friend getting powers? Especially since, in comparison to Danny, it was rather painless. However, he's also very suspicious. He doesn't trust the source of Tucker's powers, and warns him to be careful and to let Danny know if he feels off in anyway.
Tucker does end up helping Danny a few times, but the quick progression of his powers and Tucker's willingness to use them more often than not worries him. He reminds him a handful of times that Tucker shouldn't rely on his powers to help -- not even Danny does that. He prefers to use his weapons and martial arts to fight instead. Tucker doesn't listen.
And they end up fighting anyways. Things get resolved, everything turns out okay!
Christmas episode straight up just. doesn't happen. Danyal doesn't care enough about the Fenton arguing or about Christmas to be upset about said arguing. He thinks its really childish, but he's not a grinch about all of it.
Okay it wasn't explicitly mentioned but i have thought about TUE. And I'm trying to think how that would go because it's the result of Danny getting his hands on the math answers and cheating. Which Danyal would not do.
And someone mentioned in the comments on my ao3 under the oneshots there that TUE might just straight up not happen. Which makes sense, Danyal is so different from canon that things don't have to always happen like it did in canon. So that's something I need to chew about, cuz if it does happen, then I'm going to figure out a different way for it to.
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i-yap · 4 months
hi!! could you write for tim with a reader that just gets him. like they both understand each other, dont have to communicate (verbally at least) to know how the other is feeling. also, she works at damian’s school as an intern/assistant for an art teacher (and brings her pet to school every day. maybe it’s a more exotic animal that piques damian’s interest.). so her and damian are close before tim introduces them (which he really didnt want to do LMAO. he probably let it slip that he was dating someone and now all his brothers want to meet them) so now every time you’re at wayne manor damian barges into tims room to tell you to hang out with him instead. basically fluffy tim x reader with platonic damian. sorry this was a long ask… 😭💞
I love this ask so much!
Tim drake x y/n x platonic! damian
y/n has a gecko as a pet named fluffy ( ik gecko's arent fluffy)
you prolly brought fluffy as an optional muse for your students. And since you are an art teacher at such a prestigious school means you are an amazing artist so damian for sure has a lot of respect for you.
in a couple comics its mentioned that dami is a loner at school so a loner art kid who loves animals hits close to home for you. You guys start bonding really strongly and for once dami has an adult figure who isn't cold as ice or hates his guts ( at least pretend hate) . You become his Didi (I'm indian and I couldn't find the proper arabic term for older sister so I'm just using hindi term for older sister aka didi).
Now when Tim finally opens up about the whole batfamily and how he is like "adopted brother" sort of to Damian, and the whole dynamics between the batfam, you are a little worried. Tim probably has seen you interact with Dami and realized how close you guys are ( dami didn't stab you when you patted his head)
Tim wants to keep you away from the whole batfam , maybe he tells alfred but nothing beyond that. He says its for your safety and he doesn't want you involved in such dangerous vigilante work but it's also because he wants to keep you to himself and being an rich single child...he sucks at sharing .
But nothing remain hidden in a family of detectives and ofc everyone finds out that tim has a secret girlfriend .
Damian probably invited you over to the manor a couple times because you are one of his favorite persons and he wanted to show you his art work or his pets. Everytime you came over, Tim obviously acted like an idiot. Sneaky ( but not sneaky enough glances), innuendos, inside jokes and secretly pulling you away for a mini "tour " of the manor even though Dami insisted he has already shown you everything(non batman related). Maybe everyone found out you were dating when you guys got caught on one of your tours? Damian for sure chased Tim with one of his Katanas till you stepped in.
Damian also doesn't know how to share- rich single child
since the batfam already knew you so well, you were over much more but ofc tim expected it to be for him. He is the boyfriend , the love of your life so why is damian getting your attention huh? Why are you doing an art challenge with dami when there are other more fun "challenges" you could be doing with tim?? WHY ARE YOU WATCHING A DUMB ASS FILM WITH DAMI WHEN YOU SHOULD BE WATCHING DUMBASS FILM WITH TIM?
to be fair, tim does love watching the soft motherly-ish side of you( makes him wanna give you more kids that steal your attention from him) But babyboy wants his cuddles and how dare you deny him of that. you think you are being fair and you are really good at reading tim's feelings so you are able to tell when he needs you attention and therefore excuse yourself politely from damian.
But one day tim is just feeling extra needy and damian and you are in a middle of an activity. you give him a look saying you'll come to him as soon as this activity is over but tim has no patience that day so he just runs into the room, throws you over his shoulder and runs away to his room and locks it. He has installed strong wind blowing thingie so when dami tries chasing him, he just turns the wind blowing things and he cant come close to the door. It then becomes a whole ass hiest while the rest of the batfam just watches and eats popcorn. you obviously have to step in AGAIN.
So you divide up a schedule and ground rules, (steph helps you dw), both tim and dami complain but you just give them both a look and they accept their fate.
Tim likes how much closer you have gotten to his family and damian likes the idea that you guys could actually become sort of related once you marry tim. The rest of the batfam love you ofc but they also love that fact that tim and dami don't try to kill each other( at least not as much as before) because of you. so it all works out( sort of)
I havnt gone exactly by the request and Ive changed up some stuff, I hope that's okay.
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zyhkoo · 28 days
☆ you bewitched me
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Jason Todd x GN!singer
Jason knew that he should keep his distance, but he cant help but fall of Gotham’s most beloved singer. part 1
Jason was currently on patrol with Nightwing, jumping and running between rooftops.
“You seem pretty hyper today” Nightwing commented as he landed beside Jason on the edge of a building.
Jason rolled his eyes under his helmet.
Dick often teased him whenever he was in a particularly good mood. And today, he was very much in a good mood.
“Shut up” he retorted back at him. “I’m just on a good roll today, is all.
“Are you going to go see your girlfriend again after patrol?” Dick asked, grinning as he eyed Jason’s happy demeanor.
Jason glanced over at Dick. He had to resist the urge to just smack the grin right off his face.
“None of your business” Jason grumbled, keeping his eyes focused on the city below.
“Who’s your girlfriend?” you peeked from behind.
Jason whirled around, his heart nearly jumping out of his chest.
His eyes widened as he saw you standing behind him. His mind was going crazy wondering how in the world you’d snuck up on him like that.
Meanwhile Dick was just laughing maniacally beside him, completely amused by Jason’s reaction to your surprise appearance.
Jason had to resist the urge to glare at Dick.
He focused his eyes on you, who was looking at him with a cheeky grin.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Was on patrol and wanted to see you boys.” you answered.
Dick chuckled again. “You just wanted to see this one” he said, gesturing at Jason.
Jason was about to snap at Dick but managed to hold himself back.
“Oh,” you frowned, “guilty as charged.” you joked back.
Jason could feel his cheeks heat up a bit as you admitted it.
He glanced over at Dick to see if he was going to say anything and thankfully he didn’t.
He turned back to you, trying to act casual. “You couldn’t have waited until we got back to the Bat-Cave?” he asked, crossing his arms.
You crossed your arms “Came all the way to find at least one of you then you want me out?” you huffed “Okay, I see.”
Jason couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at your little act.
“Don’t put words in my mouth” he said, a bit amused. “I didn’t say I wanted you out, I just said that you could’ve waited instead of sneaking up on me” he replied.
Dick was watching the whole interaction and found it absolutely hilarious. He could clearly see that Jason was trying so hard to act like his usual grumpy self, but failing miserably.
Jason glanced over at Dick who was clearly trying to hold back another laugh. He was getting fed up with how amused he was getting by the whole situation.
He let out a small huff before looking back at you. “Look, you’re here already so you might as well just hang out with us until patrol’s done” he said.
You unfolded your arms “Sweet.” you moved to look at the city down below.
Jason kept his eyes on you as you walked closer to the edge.
He kept a close eye on you, as usual, making sure you didn’t accidentally do anything stupid.
Jason had no doubt that you were a great vigilante. He had seen firsthand how strong and smart you were during patrols.
But there was also another side of you that Jason adored just as much.
He loved watching you perform.
He didn’t know how you managed to perform in front of large crowds or how you were able to do it so confidently and effortlessly.
He couldn’t relate to that at all, he hated having the spotlight on him.
But you? You were completely in your element while you were on stage.
The bat-family was gathered together in the audience, watching as you performed on stage.
Steph and Duke were fangirling over you, while Babs and Cass were all smiles and singing along to the songs they knew. Tim was tapping along to the beat while Dick enthusiastically sang along to the lyrics.
Even Damian was somewhat enjoying the show, even if he was trying hard to hide it.
Jason’s eyes were still glued to you as you continued performing.
He felt a slight nudge and he glanced over at Dick.
“What?” he grumbled.
“Earth to Jason,” Dick said with a smirk. “You’re completely drooling!”
Jason quickly snapped out of it and realized he’s been openly staring at you this whole time.
He felt his cheeks heat up as he quickly looked away.
“I’m not drooling” he mumbled.
Dick heard this time and time again.
“Yeah, and you’re not in love with her either, right?”
Jason rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath.
He knew Dick already knew about his feelings for you (almost everyone did), but he still hated dealing with his teasing. But at the same time he didn’t mind.
“Shut up.” he hissed.
You tapped your mic then strummed your guitar “Okay, I haven’t released this song on any platforms. But I figured I’m going to sing it here first before I release it.” you told the crowd.
The crowd cheered as you announced a new unreleased song.
As you strummed your guitar, Jason recognized it a bit. As you sang, he definitely knew where this came from.
He knew this song, you had sung it to him before.
He felt his heart thump in his chest as he listened to you sing, singing the very same lyrics you sang to him in the privacy of your apartment.
Jason couldn’t believe you were actually singing the song you sung to him all those months ago.
The memory of your late night singing session in your apartment was still fresh in his mind. He could still recall the warm and intimate atmosphere, as you sang so softly just for him.
He couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his chest as he thought back to that moment.
As you stopped the song you smiled at the crowd. “Um, I wrote that for a friend.” you nervously chuckled as you scan at the VIP area up above where the bat-family was.
The crowd cheered and applauded as you finished the song.
Jason’s heart beat faster as he heard you say it was written for a friend.
He knew damn well it was for him. You didn’t sing those lyrics for no reason.
The rest of the bat-family was glancing around at each other, clearly all knowing you were talking about Jason.
Dick was grinning widely, obviously enjoying Jason’s reactions.
Jason just sat silently, trying to maintain his stoic demeanor but failing miserably as his cheeks turned slightly red.
He could feel everyone’s eyes on him, and he knew they were all enjoying this moment a bit too much.
“What?” He looked at his family.
His family members all had amused smiles on their faces.
Dick was still grinning, while Steph and Duke were both squealing loudly. Babs had a knowing smirk, and Damian even had a tiny bit of a smirk on his face.
“Yeah, yeah laugh it up” he muttered, folding his arms and looking away.
The bat-family made their way backstage, eager to see you and congratulate you on your performance.
As they made their way deeper backstage, they eventually found you talking to the stage crew and the backup dancers.
As soon as you saw the bat-family approaching, you brightened up immediately.
You hugged all of them but noticed that Jason wasn’t there.
“Where’s Jay? you asked “I’m right here,” a voice said from behind you.
Jason suddenly appeared from behind you which made you jump a bit.
You turned your head with a smile and immediately pulled him in a hug.
His arms automatically wrapped around your back, pulling you closer to him.
He tried to play it cool and act nonchalant, but he couldn’t help the small smile that formed on his lips as he held you.
“Ah- Jason, wait I can’t breathe!” you wheezed.
Jason didn’t realize he was hugging you so tightly until you spoke up.
He immediately loosened his grip, but still held you close to him.
“Sorry” he mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed that he was getting so affectionate in front of his family.
You let go of his grasp and faced everyone “Why don’t we all go eat somewhere?” you said as you specifically eyed Bruce.
Bruce, on the other hand, let out a small sigh, realizing there was no way he could say no to you.
"Alright, where do you want to go?" he asked, everyone started brainstorming.
The bat-family members all started throwing out different ideas
“Thai food..
“Burger place.”
Jason stood silently, just watching his family members all debate where to eat.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly overwhelmed by the different suggestions.
“How about we let Jason decide?” Dick says.
Oh, great.
All eyes turn to Jason as they try to convince Jason to choose their option.
“Jason say steak please.” you pleaded.
Jason felt all eyes on him, everyone eager for him to make a decision.
He heard your pleading tone as you begged for him to choose steak, and the way you said his name sent a small flutter to his heart.
“Steak” he finally said, the word slipping out of his mouth without even thinking twice.
Everyone let out a mix of groans and cheers.
Bruce looked relieved that a decision had finally been made, while Damian just rolled his eyes.
“All of you are like children.” Damian says.
Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to Months.
Jason had come to look forward to your constant presence in his life. From your regular hangouts to your late night phone calls and everything in between, he craved it all.
Jason found it harder and harder to deny his feelings for you, but he still somehow managed to keep it under wraps.
He knew his family members were getting fed up with him holding back, especially Dick and Tim.
They both kept pestering him, saying how painfully obvious it was that he was completely smitten with you. But Jason just brushed them off, pretending like he didn’t know what they were talking about.
You were walking in the batcave then saw the three of them talking about…. you.
You hid behind a wall listening in.
“Why can’t you just tell her?” Tim asks as he crosses his arms.
Jason grumbled a bit as Tim asked him the same question again.
“Because,” he replied, “It’s not that simple. Do you think dating a star is gonna be easy?”
“You’re just making excuses, Jay” Dick chimed in. “You know they like you, so why are you holding back?”
Jason grumbled, feeling frustrated as he knew he couldn’t deny what they were saying.
“I just can’t, okay?” he snapped back. “It’s not that easy to just confess to someone like them.”
You felt your heart sink a bit as you heard Jason's words.
You couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that. Was the idea of confessing to you really something that he thought was so impossible?.
“Why does it have to be so complicated?” he asked. “You like them, they like you. It’s not rocket science, just ask them out.”
“It’s not that simple,” Jason mumbled, folding his arms. “They’re a star in the industry, they could’ve had anyone they wanted. Why the hell would they want me?”
He felt like he wasn’t good enough for you, that he wasn’t worthy of your time and love. He was worried that his own issues and past baggage would only drag you down and make your life worse.
“I don’t want them to love me, I’m not someone worth wanting.” Jason said.
Jason’s words were completely contradictory to his own thoughts and feelings.
Deep down, he knew that he desperately wanted your love and affection. He longed to be with you, to hold you, to love you.
But his own self-doubt and insecurity kept him from accepting or even acknowledging his own feelings.
His words punched you in the gut, your eyes clouded with pain as you clenched your fist.
Tim’s eyes widened as he saw you around the corner.
Both Jason and Dick turned around, following Tim's gaze and freezing as they saw you standing there.
Jason's face paled as he realized you had been eavesdropping on their conversation.
You were still reeling from what you had overheard, your heart aching at Jason's words about not wanting your love.
Feeling overwhelmed, you stormed out of the batcave, leaving the three men speechless and stunned.
Eventually, Jason snapped out of his frozen state and began running towards the entrance of the batcave.
Dick and Tim both watched him go, knowing that he was going after you.
Soon enough, he found you in the gardens outside the manor, sitting on a bench with your head buried in your hands.
He cleared his throat, trying to get your attention.
"Hey," he mumbled softly, taking a seat on the bench next to you.
“Gah!” you exclaimed, surprised by his presence.
Jason flinched as you exclaimed in surprise, not meaning to startle you so much.
“Sorry.” he apologized softly, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
You looked at him then softened “It’s okay.” you said as you pulled your legs to your chest.
He knew it was his fault for making you feel like this, and he hated himself for it.
The two of you stayed silent for a while.
He knew it was his fault for making you feel like this, and he hated himself for it.
He took a deep breath, knowing he owed you an apology.
“Listen, about what you overheard-” he began.
“So, everything I did was all just casual to you?” you cut him off.
Jason looked taken aback by your question.
“No, no, it wasn’t casual” he protested, shaking his head. “I genuinely enjoyed every moment I spent with you. You don’t have any idea how much I-” he cut himself off, suddenly feeling too embarrassed to finish his sentence.
“Jason, I tried to give away my schedule just to hang out with you. I wrote songs for you. I gave you presents just to show how much I care. I tried to show you that I loved you, but you wouldn't let me that’s why I didn’t say anything.” you said
“But, I wasn’t too sure if you actually didn’t want my love so I just waited till you said something.” you looked at his gaze.
Jason was speechless as he listened to your words.
He felt a pang of guilt in his heart as he realized the extent to which you had gone to show him your feelings.
He had been so focused on hiding his own feelings that he hadn't been able to appreciate all the gestures and efforts you had made to show him how much you cared.
He stared back at your gaze, his expression unreadable.
“I know I’m affectionate to my friends, but it’s different with you Jay.” you looked away, staring at the red flowers in front of you.
“If you want me to stop loving you just.. say the word.”
Jason's heart skipped a beat as he listened to your words.
He knew he should say the word, should tell you to stop loving him. It would be the easy thing to do, the logical thing.
But the words just wouldn’t come out of his mouth.
"I…. I can't," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't ask you to do that."
Your head turned to him “What?” you blinked.
Jason avoided your gaze, feeling conflicted and vulnerable.
"I can't ask you to stop loving me... because I don't want you to," he admitted softly.
He knew he was risking everything by admitting his feelings like this, but he couldn't hold back anymore.
He took a deep breath, gathering all his courage to continue.
"The truth is, I’ve been a complete dumbass for months," he said, finally looking back at you.
"Every time you tried to show me how you felt, I just couldn't accept it. I was scared, okay? I didn’t think I was worth your time or your love. So I kept pushing you away, pretending like I didn't care."
For a moment, you just stared at him. Then you felt your body move towards him as your arms pulled him in a warm hug.
Jason was taken by surprise but he immediately wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tight.
He buried his face in your shoulder, feeling an overwhelming mix of emotions.
All the tension and guilt he had felt for months slowly began to melt away as he held onto you.
"I’m sorry" he mumbled against your skin. "I'm sorry for being an idiot. For making you doubt how I feel about you."
Your hand slowly caressed his hair “It’s okay, I’ll always forgive you either way.” you softly replied, trying to soothe him.
He looked into your eyes, searching for any signs of doubt. But all he saw was sincerity and love.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and he felt a warmth spread throughout his chest.
Your hand moved up to cup his cheeks when you saw his smile “There’s my Jason.”
He leaned into your touch, feeling a sense of comfort and peace wash over him. "Yeah, I'm still me," he said softly, his eyes locked with yours.
He gently placed his hand over yours, holding it against his face, feeling the warmth from your touch.
"I'm sorry for being such a dumbass," he mumbled, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "I won't push you away again, I promise."
"I just.... I’m not good at talking about my feelings, y'know?" he added, "But I'll try, for you. I’ll try my best to show you how much you mean to me."
Your expression softens “And I’ll give you everything I have.”
Jason felt his heart melt as your expression softened and you spoke those words.
He felt undeserving, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but believe you.
He leaned his forehead against yours, "You already have my everything," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
Jason's lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss.
When he started dating you, he felt more at peace.
Though he often hung out with you, this was different. Everything felt so intimate and lovely.
He’s usually composed, that is until he touches you and he can't pretend he loses himself again.
You made him a sappy, stupid something out of him. The kind he swore he’ll never be. He feels awake inside a dream.
Jason couldn’t believe the effect you had on him. He had never thought he could feel this way about someone, so vulnerable and exposed.
He used to pride himself on his stoicism, his ability to maintain control. But when he was with you, all of that went out the window.
He found himself craving your touch, your attention, your love. He was like a man possessed, completely bewitched by you.
But Jason especially loved your voice, he could listen to you sing for hours on end.
There was something about the way you sang that captivated him. Your voice, your expression, the way you poured your heart and soul into every lyric.
He loved watching you perform on stage, seeing you shine and shine, but he had to admit that he loved it even more when you sang for him alone.
Those moments, when it was just the two of you, felt like a secret little world that only they shared.
He loved how, after each and every song, you would turn to him with a smile, seeking his approval and praise.
He would shower you with compliments and applause, telling you how beautiful you sounded and how privileged he felt to be the one to witness your talent.
But sometimes, he preferred to show you how he felt. He would pull you into his arms, holding you close and kissing you deeply, hoping to convey all his appreciation and love through his actions.
He wanted to do more than just say it. He wanted to show you how much he loved hearing you sing.
He would pull you into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest, his head resting on your shoulder.
"Sing for me again," he’d murmur, his lips pressing against your neck.
Jason was not one to broadcast his relationship with you to the world.
He liked to keep things between the two of you as private as possible.
He was protective and territorial, and didn’t like the idea of other people knowing intimate details about his life, especially when it came to you.
Your life was constantly put under a microscope, with fans and paparazzi following your every move.
You didn't want that kind of attention to affect your relationship with Jason.
You wanted to keep him away from the public eye, to protect him from the spotlight and the scrutiny that came with it.
But that didn't stop you from longing to tell people that he was yours.
Jason would often feel embarrassed when you would brag about him to the bat-fam or your friends.
He wasn't used to being talked about in that way, and he didn't like being the center of attention.
He would often stand there, trying his best to keep a straight face, while secretly enjoying hearing you talk about how awesome and amazing he was.
The bat-fam found it all too easy to tease Jason, and they often did so, much to his annoyance.
However, they quickly discovered that it was practically impossible to tease you.
You rarely got flustered or fazed by their taunts, and it drove them insane.
Jason would sit back and watch, feeling a mix of admiration and amusement as you effortlessly shut down any attempts to poke fun at you.
Jason's eyes eventually settled on the shelves, where a collection of vinyl records were neatly displayed.
He walked over, taking a closer look at the records. Some of them were of your own albums, but there were also records from other artists that you seemed to enjoy.
He picked up one of your albums, admiring the cover and running his fingers over the title.
As Jason browsed through your collection, he noticed the wide range of genres.
There was pop, rock, jazz, R&B, country, even classical. It was clear that you had a taste for variety.
He picked up a jazz record and held it up "Who knew you were such a fan of jazz?"
You were sitting in an armchair, your guitar on your lap as you strummed a soft melody.
You looked up as Jason spoke, a small smile playing at your lips.
"You don’t know this but I’m a sucker for Jazz.” you replied.
He let out a soft scoff at your response. "I’m learning more and more about you every day," he said.
“The more you know.” you said, taking the record from him.
Jason watched as you took the record from him and opened your record player, placing the vinyl on it.
The music filled the room, a smooth and sultry jazz melody that oozed with elegance and charm.
You turned back at him, then you had an idea “Hey, dance with me.” you offered your hand.
He took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, a smile playing at his lips. "Alright, I'll dance with you.”
Jason treasured every single moment he spent with you.
He adored the way you held his hand, the way you looked at him with those sparkling eyes, the way your laughter would ring out like music to his ears.
He loved the way you would pull him close, the way you would sing for him, the way you would kiss him as if you couldn’t get enough of him.
And in those moments, everything else faded away. There was only you, and him, and the love they shared. He was bewitched.
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Guest in the Relationship part 2
Damian Wayne x reader
Words: 1789
Summary: Damian keeps forgetting about your dates and this night is the final straw
Warnings: unedited, angst?
Part 1
I hope you guys enjoy the second and final part - I tried my best. Any criticism is welcomed as are any ideas for further stories :)
Worried was an understatement. I hadn't heard from Damian in a week. Jon hadn't heard from Damian in a week. None of your mutual friends had heard from Damian in a week.
Monday morning I walked into Gotham Academy expecting to see Damian in his normal seat next to mine. It would be awkward, I still wasn't sure what I wanted to say to him or what I wanted to do about the situation. He'd been lying to me for years both as Damian and as Robin and I had every right to be angry about it. Eventually we would talk - how the conversation would end depended on if I was hurt by his lying or angry. What I hadn't expected was for him to not show up at all.
I was too stubborn to text him. He'd been active on his social media, so I knew he wasn't dead, he just didn't want to see me. I could understand why, I hadn't been the most reasonable when he revealed his secret identity to me. However, my apprehension over his disappearance was growing. I was walking around with a knife in gut every time I entered a classroom and he wasn't also in it.
Robin had also been missing. The Gazette's headlines questioning why he'd gone into hiding. I think I might just be the only person who knew the real reason the bird hero wasn't aiding Batman the past few nights.
I'd finally given in to my anxiety. After pacing outside the front steps for far too long, so long that Alfred definitely knew I was there and was just being polite by waiting for me to announce my arrival - I pressed the doorbell to Wayne Manor. I needed to find out for myself if Damian was okay and I needed to talk to him about our situation. As much as I preferred to wrap myself in his clothes and cuddle my wolf, pretending everything was okay with the world. I couldn't do that anymore. Mostly because his hoodie had stopped smelling like him.
Alfred opened the door practically immediately and said my name, he'd definitely been waiting since I arrived 20 minutes ago. "How may I help you?" His voice was as always, polite and soft, I hoped this meant Damian didn't hate me as much as I feared. "I'm here to see Damian." Alfred opened the door wider for me to enter, still not sign of hostility upon his face. "Master Damian is in the music room." I thanked Alfred and headed towards the music room. I knew exactly where it was. It was my second favourite room in Wayne Manor, the first obviously being the library with its mass amount of books. The music room was on the same corridor as Damian's room, it had dark wood floors like the rest of the house with matching wood panelling covering the wall half way and green Victorian style wallpaper covering the rest. In front of the window lived a grand piano, which I had never seen played and throughout the room is an abundance of instruments, ranging from a drum kit to a harp. I found Damian in the corner of the room playing Clair de Lune on his violin, facing away from the sofa that had been placed in here just for me to watch Damian practice. Keeping my steps as quiet as possible I settled down in my usual spot, wrapping my blanket around myself. The Manor was always fairly cold due to its size so Damian had started to keep blankets around the house in rooms we frequented to avoid me catching a chill.
Damian was beautiful when he played violin. If I had any artistic abilities, drawing Damian playing his violin would probably take up the majority of my sketches. The way he played his violin was a dance, it was so practiced and so precise, but he looked so free while doing it. Playing the violin was when Damian was at his calmest. Especially when I curled up on the sofa and watched him play for hours, Damian once said that was when he was happiest.
Part of me was glad Damian had been so focused on his music that he hadn't heard me come in, but the other part knew I couldn't just sit here in silence, I had to make my presence known and get this conversation over with. I waited till he played the last note before I called his name. He spun around so quickly it was almost comical, my name a whisper on his lips. "Hi." I said, an awkward smile on my face. The plan of everything I was supposed to say to the boy in front of me now vanished from my head. "Hi." He replied while scratching the back of his neck, he always does that when he's unsure of something. I take a deep breath before saying "you haven't been at school and neither Jon nor I had heard from you, I just wanted to see if you were okay." Damien looked away from me before responding "I'm okay." I rolled my eyes, did this boy ever tell me the truth? "Damien" I said more angrily than I intended "I need you to tell me the truth for once." He opened his lips to defend himself, but I cut him off. "Sit down so we can talk properly."
My body ached at the distance he placed between us by sitting on the opposite side of the sofa. Damian looked at me terrified, like he was scared I would hurt him. I really hoped this conversation wouldn’t go there. I cleared my throat “I’m not sure where to start” my hands begin to look more interesting than Damian’s face for the first time since I’ve known him. “I guess I just want to know why you lied.” A long sigh escaped him “I couldn’t tell you my identity because I need to protect you, knowing that I’m Robin puts both of us at risk, but especially you.” I looked at my boyfriend, or I assumed still was, in disbelief. He thought I was mad about him not telling me he was Robin? Sure, it stung a little that he hadn’t told me sooner, but I understood why. “I don’t care that you didn’t tell me you were Robin, I want to know why you came to me as Robin, pretended like you didn’t know who I was and have kept that act up for years.” Damian isn’t one for showing his emotions, not to other people at least, but how stunned he was painted his face. He stumbled over the beginning of his sentence, so I butted in again. “Me knowing you’re Robin also doesn’t make up for all the missed dates and unanswered texts, even if you’re a superhero I deserve the bare minimum.” This just causes Damian to act even more panicked, the back of his neck being scratched raw. He takes a deep breath and then another before he spoke. “I’m sorry.” I finally look up at his face. “I never intended to hurt you in this way, or any way at all. When I was on patrol I can’t help but spend extra time in your area, I need to ensure you’re safe. Your safety is my priority, the idea of anything happening to you-” Damian’s hands form fists while his jaw clenches as he glances at the healing cut on my neck from my attacker. I can’t help but place a reassuring hand atop his. “Whenever I see you when I’m Robin” he continues “I can’t hold myself back from talking to you. I just want to spend all of my time in your presence, even if it is as Robin. I know it was wrong to pretend I was someone else, but I just couldn’t help myself from you.” I nod my head “okay.”
Damian smiles at me, hesitantly. “Okay?” He manoeuvres our hands so he’s now holding mine. His green eyes carry so much hope “does this mean we’re going to be okay?” I have to remove my hands from his, the smile vanishes as does the hope in his eyes. “Not just yet.” I say “just because you’ve apologised for lying to me doesn’t expunge your lying nor does it remove how you’ve made me feel so alone and unwanted throughout this relationship.” Damian looked like a kicked puppy. “I don’t know how to make you feel that I love you. Knowing you don’t feel how much I care for you and want you in my life physically pains me.” He cups my cheeks and makes me look at him in the eyes. “I love you Habibti. I love you so much and I don’t know how to make any of this up to you, but I will figure it out. I do not want to lose you.” I can feel the burn behind my eyes as they become glossy. “I don’t want to lose you either, but I also don’t know how we can get past this if I continue to feel like you don’t want me around.” Damian nods his head as he deliberates his next words, his thumb starts drawing circles on my cheek. “How about you tell me what you need from me, how do you want me to show you that I love you?”
So we do, we sit on the sofa in the music room, nothing but our voices creating a melody discussing what we need from each other. For Damian to tell me the truth about why he’s late to one of our dates and visit me when he’s on patrol. For me to tell Damian whenever I feel slightly unsure of his feelings so he can reassure me and not hide if I’m feeling upset from him. Before visiting the manor today I was unsure how this conversation would go. I didn’t know if this would be the last time we would speak or if the argument would spiral out of control. It was going to tough, I was dating a superhero after all, but at least now we had a plan, a plan which made me hopeful for our future together.
During our conversation I’d ended up in Damian’s lap, head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. The mix of rosin from his violin and the jasmine of his shampoo was so calming to me, it was sending me to sleep. An I love you left my lips, a promise being made with Damian as he repeated it to me, kissing my temple, sealing our promise.
We were going to be okay.
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asmrrpaddict · 1 month
More random head canons. Some funny, some sad, some sweet, some spicy.
Guy and Honey were each other’s first time.
Darlin’ was Sam’s first post turning.
FemSH can’t have kids.
As a human Porter had a dog named Sebastian who he nicknamed Bas.
Vincent’s favorite place hang out as a teen was the arcade.
Freelancer loves Avartar: The Last Airbender and will randomly call the D.A.M.N. crew by the characters, Damian=Zuko, (Iroh if they are training), Hux=Toph and he loves it! Dear soon became Katara, but they make a clear distinction between Aang and the Avatar. They call Lasko Aang for being an airbender, but they call themself the Avatar for using multiple elements. They also call Gavin Appa for the fact he can transport them, but Gavin pointed out that that’s not the only reason. 👀
Lasko surprised the whole crew once by greeting Damian with a Flameo Hotman! Hux and FL laughed for 10 minutes.
Asher belts Adele full volume while driving.
Hush would love pineapple pizza.
At previous Summits, if someone asked Vincent about his life before turning, he would often use plots from 80s movies.
Gavin has a secret love of anime and only Freelancer knows. Although Hux also loves anime, Gavin is still reluctant to talk about it.
Freelancer likes true crime documentaries, but turns them off if Caelum drops in.
Porter and Treasure don’t know that both of them like taking walks in the rain.
One of Angel’s favorite movies is Teen Wolf. David doesn’t know this and is confused when he finds Angel going through his yearbooks to see if he was on the basketball team.
Vega is grateful Warden stayed, but feels like they’ll never fully trust him or care about him. He doesn’t know he’s wrong.
Post Inversion effects head canons for those not in the arena:
Angel doesn’t go to bed until David gets home. They may fall asleep on the couch, but they won’t go to bed without him.
Darlin’ keeps at least one hand on Sam all night.
Baabe wakes up every time Asher gets out of bed.
Lasko, after realizing his friends still care about him and he works on not comparing their traumas, sends random checking in texts to the group chat they share.
William also sends check in texts to Sam, Vincent, and Lovely.
SH will sometimes ask Milo to shift just so they can hug his wolf form. Milo doesn’t understand why, but they love seeing him able to shift at will and is grateful his shifter form was strong enough to break the barrier and save their family.
When Milo starts to panic about anything, he goes back to SH holding him when he had his breakdown. He feels their arms around him. His heart syncing with their’s and he feels better.
Porter watched videos and got updates from William regarding the Inversion, but no matter how much he and Vincent hate each other, he still felt bad for him and Lovely for Lovely’s turning. He was surprisingly grateful Sam was there for them. The first question from his mouth however was if Lovely’s turning was consensual.
One very long sappy one to finish out so the Inversion ones aren’t the last.
When they were younger, right after Darlin’ moved to Daliah Gabe took them, David, Milo, and Asher to a movie, ice cream, and out to a place where they could shift. This gave the kids bonding time both as humans and wolves. He held races and watched Asher show Darlin’ play fighting. It took Darlin’ a while to get the hang of being around wolves their own age, but once they did they had a blast. Darlin’ started running too fast and wasn’t watching where they were going and trip hurting their leg (not bad). David ran to them and through their link kept telling them it was ok. They were ok. Darlin’ was too panicked and shaken to shift back so David stayed in wolf form with them. Gabe watched the whole time to see how David handled it once he realized Darlin’ was fine and not in any danger. David calmed them down by laying next to them and just being there listening to each other’s heartbeats. Milo and Ash on each side checking on their pack mates. Ash gave Darlin’ a little lick on their head which made them smile to themself. After they were better, David nuzzled up under Darlin’s front leg and helped them stand. Darlin’ whined as they stepped, but David had them, reassuring them the whole time as they got back to Gabe who reached into the truck and grabbed sets of clothes for each wolf. David helped Darlin’ into a covered area and once they were stable he left them to change, but came back when they were both dressed to help them to the truck. Gabe had a first aid kit ready. They got back into the truck when the teens started to go silent. Gabe glanced in the mirror to see Milo leaning on Ash’s shoulder and David and Darlin’s heads together, all sound asleep. He chuckled and drove home.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Hey, I wanted to ask if you could do a bat!bro who’s Australian? And very aussie, like they go bogan (look it up if you don’t know) when they are mad and every second word is basically just a swear word of some kind (especially c*nt)
Also showing everyone Kath and Kim, it’s a classic and I recommend it to everyone.
Okay, sure thing. I love Aussies, but the spiders and snakes scare me. Also, I looked up Kath and Kim and I think I will watch it. It looks fun. If there are aussies reading this, have fun. Back in my short era lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is Australian. Everyone is done.
Warnings: cursing, aussie behavior, swearing, Kath and Kim showing, mentions of bogan culture
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(Y/N) is an interesting person if you ask his family. Bruce and Alfred like his easy going personality, but they absolutely hated his cursing. Absolutely hate his cursing. Alfred wasn't afraid to threaten him with punishment. Bruce just said not in public.
Dick loved the egalitarianism he had for people. He never judged the people and he considered everyone equal. He is also authentic and never changes himself for anyone or anything. At galas, he was himself and so he was in public.
Jason liked his common sense. He thought that people lacked it now a days and he enjoyed it. A new perspective for Jason. He loved his sense of humor and the way he would get mad. It was funny to see his accent thicken up to the point where they can't understand him and the way he goes bogan, made Jason cackle every time.
Tim loved the common sense more than anything and the informality he has. In America, there is a certain level of formality, but with (Y/N)? There was no such thing known as formality. He didn't even know the meaning of the word. And there is something that (Y/N) has called mateship. Tim knew that it was friendship between them all and it made him happy knowing that he loves them so much.
Damian loved (Y/N)'s optimism. It was bigger than Dick's and that's something. Damian couldn't pinpoint it, but it felt nice. And those two are polar opposites. They both grounded each other with their opposite views. But that didn't mean (Y/N) was naive. He knew that it wasn't that easy. And Damian knew that the world wasn't so bad.
But the one thing that annoyed the absolute shit out of everyone was the fact that he showed them Kath and Kim. They loved the show, they have agreed that is a good tv show, but they didn't want to have it shoved down their throats.
" Oh you fucking cunt! "
Bruce looked up from his coffee at the insult. He raised his brows and Alfred sighed in complete disappointment. They looked at one another. What is going to happen? More so, what has happened?
Who pissed him off?
" No cursing! " Alfred yelled back and there were thunderous steps going to the kitchen. Jason was running from (Y/N), ready to get out of the manor. Bruce guessed that he was running to the garage to his motorbikes.
" What happened? " Bruce asked as Jason his behind him. Alfred glared at (Y/N), still mad about the cursing.
" This cunt went into my room! "
Alfred was absolutely fuming at this point. Bruce sighed as Jason used him as a human shield. Did he love his sons? He did. Would he protect them at every given opportunity? Yes. But when they are arguing amongst each other? Nope.
" And why did you go to his room? " Bruce asked, trying to find some middle ground with them both.
" Because he took my shirt! " Jason said and Bruce glanced back at (Y/N). (Y/N)'s eyes widened and Alfred had to grip the counter in order to control himself a little bit. He can't really run anymore so the way to reprimand is going to be throwing stuff.
" I didn't you cunt! I have told you, talk to Dick, you fucking dickhead!" (Y/N) yelled back and Alfred cracked his neck from side to side. Bruce glanced at Alfred and he looked mad at all the swearing that was happening.
" And why would Dick take it?! " Jason asked, peaking his head from behind Bruce.
" Cause he wanted it for a while you stupid cunt! "
Alfred looked up. Somebody is going to die today. Bruce might have a no kill rule, but Alfred didn't share the same code. He wasn't above it.
" Okay, you promise not to chase me if I go talk to him? " Jason asked, looking like a little child.
" Go. " (Y/N) said, seemingly tired from arguing.
Jason booked it out of the kitchen. Alfred took a deep breath, glaring daggers at (Y/N).
" Master (Y/N), you are my grandson, but I won't allow cursing here. " Alfred explained in a neutral voice, but (Y/N) knew that there was a layer or threat underneath it.
" Alfred, it's a necessary thing. " (Y/N) defended himself and Alfred raised a brow, clearly telling him that he wasn't having it. (Y/N) sighed walking over to Alfred, giving him a hug as an apology.
" I'm sorry Alfred, but I can't really help it. It only happens when I get really mad. " (Y/N) mumbled and Alfred just grumbled before giving him a hug too.
" Well, I stil love you none the less. " Alfred said, ruffling up (Y/N)'s hair.
" Hey mate! " (Y/N) said, trying to duck from the hand. " What mate? " Alfred teased with his own accent and Bruce chuckled. (Y/N) gave Bruce a hug too before running off.
And there it was. That aloofness.
" I still don't believe that he is your son. A complete opposite of you. " Alfred noted and Bruce just took a sip of his coffee. Why does this happen to him?
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