#Disney songs!yuu
elizabethevergreen · 2 years
Once Yuu has finally had enough of Crowley's ^$&^*&
Yuu running after Crowley at an unholy speed, bellowing at the top of their lungs: HELLFIIIIIIIIRRRRRREEEEEEEE as they sprint across the campus, spewing blazes every which way without concern for the damage they cause.
Crowley: Prefect, please!
Grim: ...The henchman is finally broken
Kalim is being carried past as a makeshift fire dehydrator: I think that's fair for them
The students body and the staff: They do deserve this
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h20milk · 1 month
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"Who'd you fall for this time? I'll help out."
“────This is why I fell in love with you.”
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ashipiko · 2 months
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OVERBLOT ASHI??? ANYBODY??? the ANGST that this baby can store!!! SHEESH!!!!!!! <3 I only have one post dedicated to her and liar dance lyric analysis (the post is kinda outdated in gen) BUT…… I also have an overblot monologue as a treat 🫶 I wanted to better explain her angst and so!!! BABAM!!! enjoy
Sometimes I wonder why I ended up here.
A place named “Twisted Wonderland”, and at a school named “Night Raven College”.
At first, I figured that I was the odd one out— Y’know, the Ramshackle prefect and everything. The magicless girl at the magical all boys school? Nuts, ain’t it?
I’m known for a lot of things. Things that are different from the others. The fact that I stand out is part of the Ashi charm, something I’m known for.
But… Over time I found myself sorta feeling in place here.
Because as much as I try to believe it, I can’t safely say that I’m better than anyone else here.
I’m a fake. I make conversation and lots of friends, but for what? A backup in case something goes wrong? A sense of protection for my reputation? In what case are any of those friendships something I truly want? In what case are any of these strings more than just a tool instead of a thread made of my real feelings?
Behind this, I’m no different from any other student here. Even through my individuality, my cheerfulness, my endearing oddness… I’m still a horrible person. Using people to get what I want, toying with people and their feelings in order to gain power and gain a spot the top. All to become untouchable. It’s screwed. It’s not right.
My insides are ugly. The truth of me is something I want to keep tucked away deeply, because I don’t want people to see this part of me. A brash, annoying, selfish version of me, everything people hate to see. I don’t want this side of me to be seen because people will run away— people I don’t care much about, sures, but people I love, too. I don’t want to drive them away. So I keep quiet and give them a shallow show.
I give them a source of entertainment that’s controlled by the real me, every calculated movement translating into a marionette-like response. The only show I allow you to see is one that’s so carefully crafted by the chaotic clown backstage. The one that is shunned away from the light, the strings being the only hint of the puppet’s phony existence to the foolish audience.
But suddenly, I feel as if being here has started to let this side of me come crawling back into the spotlight.
It scares me.
It scares me to be vulnerable, let all of my faults lay out on the table like playing cards. To take the risk without the protection, to gamble everything I’ve built up away just like that. But you…
You make me feel safe. You make me feel as if I don’t need to hide anything. I can give you the key to my heart and you would have no malicious intent. You wouldn’t cut out the parts people don’t like. You would enjoy the performance in full, every bit of it.
You make me believe that I’m nothing special, and yet something so valuable at the same time.
It’s silly. You’re silly. And yet that’s something that’s helped me.
It’s helped me realize that that truly is just how people are.
We aren’t villains. We aren’t antagonists. We aren’t monsters.
We are nothing but people, with faults and feelings that should be valued.
I am more than just a jester, a sake of entertainment.
I’m a person who is entirely worthy of love. All of me.
It reminds me that I must’ve came here for a reason.
Because this is where I belong.
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fingerless-glovez · 17 days
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Twisted Wonderland Vice Housewarden Persona AU
TW mentions of death
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No beastmen, merfolk, or fae outside the Shadow World
NRC is a normal non-magic school in a modern setting (Either UK or US but probably UK)
Everyone lives in their own house 
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^ Working title
To enter, you must find the places where the most blot from one person accumulates and dive into the ink
Anyone who hasn't been in the Shadow World can't see or feel the blot. The only exceptions to this is are the Velvet Room residents and Yuu, who unlocks the ability after their first interaction with Igor
Someone who can see the blot can bring those who can't into the Shadow World if they have physical contact while transitioning between worlds (ex: holding hands or bumping into each other)
Those who get sucked into the Shadow World are brought to a place that represents the state of their hearts (aka the dorms)
Think of the dorms as Palaces
They also change into their dorm uniforms and kind of wander around until they meet their shadow (overblot) selves 
They can't leave until they either die or decide to move on from whatever turmoil they're going through that brought them here
The shadow selves manipulate their real-world counterparts into letting them take control until they use too much power and die
The shadow forms become the overblot entities when they capture and take over their host
Once a shadow is defeated, the real world counterparts can leave, but they have to get out before the place implodes on them because the shadow is gone
When someone dies of overblot, their bodies return to where they last were in the real world covered in ink
This has been happening a lot recently, which prompts Igor to summon Yuu to deal with it
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The squad is called the Vice Wardens
When they get their Personas their outfits change to their dorm uniforms 
Yuu is the wild card. Yuu's first Persona is either the Ramshackle ghosts. Their Arcana is the Fool and their weapon is a large hammer
They're a first-year transfer student that was found unconscious somewhere and has no ID or anyone to contact 
Leader of the Vice Wardens and, of course, the resident therapist 
Grim doesn’t have a Persona yet, his Arcana is undetermined, and his weapon is hand claws
Joins during the prologue
Grim is in both a Teddie and Morgana situation where he's a shadow but doesn't know it, and when he's in the real world he's just a regular cat that only the team can understand 
Trey's Persona is the Mad Hatter, his Arcana is Temperance and his weapon is a sword 
Joins during the Riddle arc
Before Kalim joined the squad, his house somehow became the team meeting spot. He did NOT agree to this arrangement
ESPECIALLY since his teammates decided it was more appropriate to climb through his window instead of knocking on the door like normal people
Ruggie’s Persona is Shezi, his Arcana is undetermined, and his weapon is undetermined
Joins during the Leona arc
Lives with his grandma and forgoes school to work and help support her financially 
Ruggie can’t afford to attend NRC, but he does sneak in to meet up with the others. And steal food from the cafeteria 
Gets his hyena features with his Vice Warden uniform
Jade's Persona is Jetsam, his Arcana is the Wheel Of Fortune and his weapon is a spear 
Joins during the Azul arc
The team weapons dealer. You give him money, he gets you upgraded artillery. Where and how does he get it? That is an excellent question.
Gets his eel features with his Vice Warden uniform.
Kalim’s Persona is the Sultan, his Arcana is the Star, and his weapon is a staff
Joins during the Jamil arc
Happy sunshine boy
His house becomes the meeting spot because it's super big and Kalim’s room is very soundproof 
Rook’s Persona is the Huntsman, his Arcana is undetermined, and his weapon is a bow and arrows
Joins during the Vil arc, but is involved with the Shadow World prior to that
This fucking guy has been following the squad into the Shadow World since Trey joined the team in the FIRST ARC
Dude is fascinated by the whole “entering people’s hearts” thing and even more fascinated the Vice Wardens
Jade is the first to realize that they’re being watched and the others are FLOORED when they find out how long he’s been following them
The only reason he’s not dead yet is because he’s a hardcore survivalist and always brings his bow and arrows with him
Ortho’s Persona is Hercules, his Arcana is undetermined, and he is the Navigator
Joins during the Idia arc, but is involved with the Shadow World prior to that
Works for STYX, an organization trying to study the blot and the deaths linked to it
Goes into the Shadow World to do field research by studying the Shadow selves and the Vice Wardens
His job is to buff, heal, analyze the opponent, and occasionally contribute in All-Out Attacks.
Being a robot, he doesn't attend NRC, but he does sneak in to meet up with the others.
Lilia's Persona is the three good fairies, his Arcana is the World, and his weapon is a cleaver
One Yuu's first allies and mentor for Shadow stuff
Joins during the prologue
Poses as a high schooler and transfers to NRC to gain access to the areas in the school that blot accumulates
Gets his fae features with his Vice Warden uniform
(Spoilers for chapter 7, scroll until the next image)
Lilia was a wildcard that used his Persona powers to protect Briar Valley against a diety, but the diety decided to play dirty and manipulated the kingdom of Dawn to start the war, thus limiting Lilia from his fighting capacity.
Lilia's Persona was unresponsive due to all the changes in behavior and the mourning over the lost lives, but years later, he gained his first Persona back, weaker, when he decided to raise Silver. So with time, his Persona could grow stronger and Lilia could realize that his time as the lone fighter is over and that he needs to train the new Persona users to team up together and succeed where he alone failed.
^ (credit to @lowkeyclueless5137 for the specifics of Lilia’s backstory)
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The Velvet Room takes the form of the Mirror Chamber 
But instead of the Dark Mirror it's Igor 
Yuu enters through a coffin in the ceremonial robes
Ace and Deuce are the Velvet Room attendants
Ace’s Arcana is Strength and Deuce’s is the Chariot
They work together to do fusions, where Ace has his playing cards and Deuce has the giant book
Sometimes they fight and cause a fusion fail, which I’m sure surprises no one
Ace can often be seen in the real world hanging out with the team or annoying people
That’s how he meets Yuu, and Trey later on
Deuce usually stays in the Velvet Room, but if he has Igor’s permission, he’ll go hang out with Yuu
Deuce has some… issues
Due to some bad experiences in the past, he’s nervous about going to the real world
Basically: Unfamiliarity with human customs/social cues + People that really suck = Pent up anger that he sometimes loses control of
Yuu tries to help. Ace does not.
That's all I have for now. Ideas and criticism are always welcome! :)
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r-aindr0p · 7 months
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To think I’m going to have to wait one year until I seize this guy by his uniform bell the second his banner is here…
Same song I took the lyrics from for a previous post. "Belle" from the french musical version of Notre dame de Paris
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pookacangetit · 1 year
Disney Song! Yuu [Disney Songs Edition: A Mouthful of Damnation]
Featuring a case of fraud; a furious prefect who was the victim of said fraud; and a lovesick student who took the word 'admiration' to a whole new level.
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It was a fine morning when the doors to The Council slammed open.
The Shroud heir was ready to duck and cover under his seat for the intruding student but he outright screeched when the furious Ramshackle prefect stormed in.
It was ethereal but utterly terrifying for an angry Ramshackle prefect to stare you down like you're scummier than dirt. Idia had mixed feelings about it.
"I can tolerate the 'protection'." Yuu started before anyone could speak. "I can tolerate and ignore the fact all of you have so much free time on your hands to start a cult and carry around recordings of my voice like they're the second coming of the Great Seven."
"But this," they hissed the word out like it pained them to do so, "this is too far."
They pulled something out of their pocket and slammed it onto the table.
Sam, whose shadows had fled the room the second Yuu had entered, cautiously lean forward with a frown, "... those are The Council's collector card set we sell."
"Yes, but why is my face on them?" Yuu asked, fingers twitching erractically for something- or someone- to hit.
"Because you're the Great One?" Bob piped up, getting smacked in the face as Beau stepped in.
"These are SSR Cards of you performing your magic as you sing in different costumes; and these are the Common Cards of Grim in various dresses after Azul blackmail- ahem, bribed, the monster to participate." Beau explained gently, as though Yuu would start hitting people any second now.
Judging by the way Yuu was despairingly staring at an empty chair, it was highly likely.
Sam blinked, "At first we were uncomfortable using these pictures as merch since you weren't looking at the camera in some of them. But Crowley said you consented and got half of the shares for the merch since then."
Yuu blinked back, "... you mean the monthly budgets and bank account that bastard crow gave me out of nowhere?" They sounded calm.
Everyone sent a quick prayer for the headmaster.
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Crowley had been in a meeting with a student representative from NBC when the door to his office slammed open.
"... WHAT." The headmaster sped towards the window in his office, ignoring his guest as he screeched in pure offense at the sight of his schoolyard on fire.
Smack dab in the middle of the burning lawn and screeching students was a large bonfire, fed by the pictures of Crowley Yuu was throwing in with utter glee while their friends did so with mild hesistation.
Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man~
Of my virtue I am justly proud ~
È̵̢̨̛̺̙̝͕͚͔̳͚̿̐̀̽̔̅̈́̇̎͜͠͠t̷̛̞̯̾̓̽́͆̉̿̐͂͑̕̕ ̶̻̗̞̱͕̺̣̥̬̩̖̋̎̑̒͋̒͋̈́̃̄̃̚͠ţ̶̛̗͈̫͉͉̦̮̖̰̜̜̘̌̀̄̏́̋͗̔̐̿ͅi̴̭̟̝̩̬̠͚̗̠̔̾͠ͅb̸̙̜̄͒͊̽͐̅͋͊́͒̀͑̃͜͝ͅi̶̢̡͙̮͇͍̻͔͚̤̊̀̉̄͌̄̎̀̈́̕͘͘͘͝t̸̪͑̓̏̎͌̄͌͂̂̈̋̊̓͝ ̶̨̛̠̻̫̲̳̻͇̠̟͉͎̭͈̋̄͂̆̓̆̈́͌̾̑͝P̶̢͍̜̺̟̹̭͎̰̳̮̻̭̤̍͜a̴̧͖͕͍̍̔́̈́̈̔̈́̊͐͑̕͠t̷̨̡̡̫̗̤͕͙̪̦̩͉͓̹͆́̅̇͛̄̓̍̚͜͠͝͠͝͠ḙ̸̺͑̉̓̍͑͌̊̔̄͌̿r̸̺͙̱̃̊̈́͒͒͊͛͒̈̓̊̿͠͝~
"We should put the fire out before it spreads out of the yard." Deuce murmured, eyeing the Leech twin who was standing in the farthest corner and clutching their jacket as though it set on fire again at any moment.
Ace elbowed him "Shut up and burn these pictures."
Epel simply cackled as he threw.
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd~
Q̵̡̨̮͈͖͖͓͙̜̙̩̾̈́͗͐̾̄͗͝Ự̶̳̯͙̎͛̂͒Į̵̧̧̳̳͚̫̩̀͒̈́̐̂̓́͜Á̴̡̡̗̪͕̼͈̥̤̩̫͇͌̔̓̌́͆́̈́̌̈́ ̷̡̼̘̠͓͉͈͔̒͊̊͝P̵̼̬͍̲͈̆E̵̦̮̱̼̥̺͆͗̅̑͘͜͠C̴̱̊̂Ç̸̡͔̣̣̼͍͓̥̩̍͐̀̂̆͒̔̔̍̋͊̑Â̴̧̡̠̒̓́̽̄̕͜V̶̨̤̯̟̭͗̉̈́͗̓I̵̧̬̹̬̪͕͕̥̬̟͓̽̏̽̀̽͆̌͑̊͘͠ ̴̡̼̦̥͚̖͔͇͔̮̜̫̱̩̂̍̊͋͛͑̂͊ͅŅ̷̤̤͖̈́̌̍͂̊̓̈́̈́̃̉ͅI̷̧͖͚̙͍̜͉̩̓̑̉͌̉̍̑̆̑̊̑̚M̷̨̳̥͔̬̯͉̲̺͉̀̊͒̒̑Ȉ̴̭̞̝̇Ś̴̟̦͙̥͚͈̲̘͂̿̃̏̍͜ ̸̹̪̝̖͓͚̺̫͊̓̍̆͛ͅ~
The panicking exclamations ensue as soon as the ghostly voices started to wail, echoing the words of the Ramshackle Prefect as someone ran off.
Something many people noticed when it came to Yuu's singing was that it was intentionally nice. When Yuu sings they would sweeten their voice into a light and airy tone, one which carresses each word they speak as the magic made its presence known. It brought the best out of the magic apparently. It was soothing, it was magical, it was the spoken of 'happily ever after' RSA prided on.
I feel her, I see her~
The sun caught in her raven hair~
Is blazing in me out of all control~
V̴̴̸̡̟̘̼͔́͑̓̽̕͠E̴̸̴̡͔̼̞͕͒͛̒̈́͘̕R̴̵̵̡͔͉̘͖͛͐̒̓̐͠B̵̵̸̡̞͖̺̺͉́͌̔͊͑͠ O̵̵̴͖͕̺͍̞̞͑̀̽̐̿̕ E̸̸̸̻͕̘͍̓͒̓̾͑͜T̵̵̴̢̢̞̻͍͇͒̈́͛͋͛͝ O̵̴̵̢͚̙̙͕̓̀̽̔͒̕Ṕ̵̸̴̝̫̦͎͔́̾͆͘͜E̵̵̸̟̪͔͖̻͍͋̔̐͊͝R̴̴̴̡̪̟͙͇͙̔͑͑̕̕͝E̴̴̵̪̞͖͕͔̘͑̓͆̿͘͝~
This was not singing. This was anger.
LIKE FIRE~ F̸̸̙͔̦̺͚̠̓͐̀̚͝I̴̵͍̺̟̻̻͉͆̿͌́͠͠R̵̸̪͉͎̙͖̝̓́̈́̿̔E̵̸̢̠̘̺̼̓̐̿̐̒͜͝~
HELLFIRE~ F̸̸̙͔̦̺͚̠̓͐̀̚͝I̴̵͍̺̟̻̻͉͆̿͌́͠͠R̵̸̪͉͎̙͖̝̓́̈́̿̔E̵̸̢̠̘̺̼̓̐̿̐̒͜͝~
It was Yuu booming their voice the loudest they could go, uncaring if the words come out hoarse or shrill. Yuu didn't care that people were wincing from the loudness of their voice or paling in terror at the unbridled fury they were shouting to the heavens.
Even the fact someone was hurriedly running towards the courtyard carrying a barrel of pumpkins paled in comparison to the sheer feral energy Yuu was busy emitting.
It was raw; it was ugly; and it was the most beautiful thing Rollo has ever seen.
"Sevens above." Dark eyes were brimming with a returning light as he stared at the cackling prefect with such adoration it made his unwilling audience take a step back, "my god has descended."
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Yuu: I do not have a favourite Dxnsey song
Also Yuu: *cackles madly as they sing and set everything on fire*
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idcfriend · 2 months
A Spoon Full of Sugar- Mary Poppins
Yuu only wanted to clean and fix up Ramshackle a bit they have no idea why everyone's freaking out...
Now the day started out normal...well as normal as a day in NRC can be anyway, it was the weekend so Yuu wanted to do some clean up around their dorm the only problem was that-
*CRASH* "I ain't gonna do it! The Great Grim is too great for chores!"
You sighed, "Grim if you're not going to help at least don't make a bigger mess" you said mildly annoyed
All you wanted was to do a little cleaning was that to much to ask? You looked around before you looked back to Grim and grinned getting an idea.
"Hey Grim, what if i showed you a fun way to clean, would you?"
Grim stopped, looking at you with a curious expression, "A fun way to clean this dump?" the way he said it making it sound like you had told him you knew the meaning of life or something
"Yeah fun" you smiled as you stood up with a broom in hand
In every job that must be done
There is an element of fun
You sang while looking at Grim with a grin while walking around the room sweeping the floor, and as you did so wherever you stepped seemed to become brand new
You find the fun and...snap!
You said snapping your fingers fixing the seating area as Grim looked around in awe watching as it looked as if time was going in reverse making everything as it was long ago
The job's a game!
And every task you undertake
Becomes a piece of cake
"Why don't you give it a try Grim?" you asked with a teasing smile
"Really? Heck ya! Let me show ya how It's done henchman!" said Grim excitedly running to the broken and snapping his...paws? And watched as the fireplace fixed itself, "Woah..." said Grim as he looked from you to the fireplace causing you to laugh
"Come on Grim, there's still a lot left to do" you said as you walked away from the fixed lounge as Grim scrambled to follow
A lark! A spree!
It's very clear to see
You continued to sing while walking unaware of the a few visitors from Heartstanbyul making their way to your dorm
"Do you guys really need to follow us to the prefect's dorm? Can't you apologize some other time?" asked Ace annoyed
"Ace! Show respect to our seniors!" said Deuce, "but I guess i agree a bit with Ace, can't you guys apologize another time?"
As the group of five approached Ramshackle Trey could vaguely hear....music?
"It is imperative that I apologize as soon as possible for my actions-" said Riddle before Cater cut him off
"Hey not to be a spoilsport or anything but do guys hear that?" said Cater in a mildly curious tone
Slowly the group made their way to Ramshackle managing to enter without being seen and what they saw was...surprising
There was Yuu singing while cleaning while snapping they're fingers every once in while causing their surroundings to be...fixed?!
"Woah..." whispered Deuce
"You can say that again juice" responded Ace
Yuu continued to tidy up the dorm while having fun teasing Grim
A spoonful full of sugar helps the medicine go down
The medice go down
Medicine go down~
"What medicine are you talking about henchman?" Grim asked confused as you walked (more like waltzed) by
You giggled, "It's a figure of speech Grim there's no actual medicine but if you pay attention maybe you can figure it out~"
Author note:
....Sorry guys i gave up on this one 😅
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m4rble5 · 4 months
A TWST musical but only Yuu/MC sings
But it’s just Yuu/MC singing that makes rizzing the NRC boys go up to more meters up
What if Yuu/MC is ACTUALLY from OUR world? Like Disney movies, shows, and songs basically exist there. And Yuu/MC is just a big fan of them, ESPECIALLY if the singer Ross Lynch (Teen Beach, Austin & Ally).
Ross Lynch’s characters from the movie and show I mentioned in the previous paragraph has a lot of fanbase in the past, he’s basically a childhood crush. Yuu/MC is no exception and they like him through his songs that they sing his songs when they have free time or a break from school or whatnot (technically, we all don’t know Yuu’s backstory. Yet.)
What if Yuu/MC sings his songs, and as they sang, the NRC boys are basically having a crush on them because of any Ross Lynch song they sang? They’re now basically the Ross Lynch-unbeknownst to them-of NRC (or Twisted Wonderland, if one of their friends (Cater and Vil are possible candidates) for exposing their singing to Magicam).
(While Yuu/MC just likes to sing when they feel like it, Azul probably tries to make a profit from their singing talent [and/or tried to make them work for him], Vil tried to make them join the Film Research Club, and the Pop Music Club [Cater, Kalim, and Lilia] basically also tries to make them join their club as their vocalist)
I would pay to see fanart or read fanfic of Yuu/MC basically singing any Ross Lynch Disney songs and the NRC boys’ reactions to any songs Yuu/MC sang.
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Self-Aware Yuu! sings Alive from the Jekyll and Hyde musical + TWST boys reactions (These are short, in no particular order and are supposed to have a Halloweeny vibe)
Yuu: If they get to commit attempted murder, I get to sing a weird song!
Jamil: Oh, the prefect's singing a song about how evil they are, ok and?
Jamil: So hypothetically if you were to get married what are all the details you would want at the ceremony?
Kalim: Doesn't pay attention to the lyrics, but is happy you seem to be having fun
Leona: Don't you know any quieter songs? (Totally not asking because he want to have you sing him to sleep)
All of Octavinelle: One of us, one of us, one of us, one of-
Vil: Thinks your voice is ... Ok (wants to perform with you)
Rook: Attempts to duet, is immediately restrained
Malleus: What is this, some human courting ritual?
*Proceeds to join Yuu in a dance, and be on the receiving end of the 'Sweetness' line*
Sebek and Lillia: Collectively freaking out about the dance between Yuu and Malleus (but for completely different reasons)
Idia: Can you please not die a tragic death because of your hubris? You're the only person that speaks to me.
Yuu: The only tragic death I'll be dying to is the one caused by our affair.
Idia, who is now public enemy number one: Wait, what?
Riddle afterwards: Do you need to talk?
Cater: *Is recording everything*
All of the first-year gang + the teachers: Could you get off the roof? It's dangerous!
Yuu: *Makes direct eye contact with any TWST boy while singing the 'Berserk and Perverse' line*
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janahanooo · 11 months
Yuu: I feel like something is missing...
Yuu: I just can't put my tounge on it...
*Chapter 5 happens*
Yuu: aaaahh
Yuu: the Disney experience with everyone singing...
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almond-t0fu · 6 months
Fic idea, what if yuu is actually dreaming the whole twst world and one day they randomly wake up to find that they were dreaming and all the memories they made in twst turned out to be fake? I need someone to write a fic inspired by the song ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine.
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h20milk · 1 month
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what if we were in love ? but also stuck in vocaloid songs ?
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somefanchick · 2 months
-Riddle Me This-
(This story is from Riddle's perspective anytime the events of book two. I only know information from the English server story and events so sorry if anything is terribly out of character. This fic is platonic and is cannon for my Yuu-sona, but I do just call them Yuu in the story. Hope you enjoy! Ps. There is a little bit of cussing. I do not own the picture <3)
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I couldn’t help but feel guilty. My overblot was the first of many, and they've had to deal with all of them. It was infuriating that I had started a trend of trouble that was pilled onto Yuu’s lists of tasks. Of course it wasn’t completely my doing. However the more it happened, the more something in the back of my mind said I needed to make it up to them.
Trey asked me to deliver a caramel apple tart to them so I was doing just that. Normally he would ask Ace and Deuce, but they had to feed the flamingos. He then looked at Carter, but I insisted on doing it myself. I had noticed that Yuu seemed distant during lunch. They were staring into the distance, clearly not looking at anything or listening to their group of friends as they slowly spooned some soup into their mouth. 
I rang the doorbell only to be met with silence. I knew that they had to be in their dorm because that’s where they always are when they weren’t doing a task for the headmaster or going to class. I admired how determined they were to improve their living accommodations with their own blood, sweat, and tears. They seemed insulted when Trey had previously offered his help in the endeavor, so I had never asked myself, but I knew Ace and Deuce had found some way to help them without them refusing or being hateful about the assistance.
I rang the doorbell once again, only to be met with silence once more. My gut told me to try the doorknob, so I did. The door opened with barely any resistance. 
“Yuu? It’s Riddle,” My voice came out weak and uncertain, I was shaken by the easy entry, “I brought a tart.”
I looked in the living room to find Grim asleep on the couch, a small fire lit in the fireplace. Yuu was still nowhere to be seen. 
“Why hello,” I jumped when the ghost started speaking out of nowhere, “You’re Housewarden Rosehearts right?”
“Yes,” I composed myself quickly, “I came to drop this off on behalf of my vice-warden. Where is Yuu?”
Another ghost made his way over, “I’d put the tart in the kitchen, Yuu isn’t exactly in the mood to see visitors right now.”
My gut twisted, "Are they okay? Where are they?”
The smallest ghost made his own appearance, “We don’t know. They kicked us out of their room. They've been there since class ended today.”
“They kicked Grim out too,” The first ghost crossed his spectral limbs, “That’s how we know they're in a bad mood, not just napping.”
“Thanks for letting me know,” I made up my mind. I had to trust my gut.
I left the ghosts and placed the tart in the refrigerator in the kitchen. The fridge was pretty empty, only leaving some juice that I knew Ace had brought last time they had a movie night and some cans of Tuna hidden from Grim on the highest shelf. I was able to place the tart on a shelf alone.
I then made my way up to her room. It was oddly quiet with Grim and the ghosts staying downstairs. I could see that Yuu was in the middle of remodeling some of the smaller rooms, airing them out and leaving their dorm as the only one closed.
“Yuu,” My gut was pushing past my manners, something told me that this was more important, “It’s Riddle.”
“Didn’t the ghosts tell you to leave me alone?” Their voice was a weak hiss, “I can’t do it right now.”
“Do ‘it’?” I was confused, “Yuu what is going on?”
 “Just leave me alone,” Yuu was a bit louder, then they mumbled something I couldn’t hear even though I was right behind her door.
“Can I come in?” I put my hand on the handle, “I need you to talk to me.”
“Why won’t you go away!?” They screamed suddenly and my body stiffened.
I opened the door.
They sat on the floor like it was the center of the storm. Windows had the curtains drawn so the room was as dark as it could be in the middle of the day. The room had clothes scattered rabidly, uniforms and other pieces of clothing that I recognized from school events scattered among the bed sheets that had been pulled from the bed erratically where they hung off the bed. I could tell that Yuu's room was normally clean but they had managed to tear everything onto the ground and wreck the place as if they were a hurricane. Something in my heart hurt when I realized the destruction reminded me of the Heartslabyul garden after my overblot. 
“Go away,” They was mumbling but now I could hear them, “It isn’t real. I have to wake up.”
“‘Isn’t real’?” I approached with caution, “Yuu what are you talking about?”
“This!” They gestured all around themselves without really thinking, “It’s not real. It can’t be real. People don’t-” They were struggling to breathe, but they weren’t crying, “People don’t care about me like this. That’s not how it works. This is all just some stupid dream. I can’t get attached. I can’t. I can’t-”
They was having a panic attack. I had not had one since I was a kid and they were never properly dealt with, so I had no idea what was appropriate. It also confused me because what they were saying didn’t make sense. “‘People don't care about me like this.’” “‘This is all just some stupid dream.’” “‘It’s not real.’”
Yuu, while somewhat blunt and egotistical, was one of the most beloved people in the school. It had become rare that people would mess with them for the sole fear of the repercussions from them or those that cared about them. They helped so many people through difficult times. They were smart, cunning, ruthless, caring, fierce, and loyal beyond most people at this school. Why wouldn’t people care about them?
“Yuu,” I tried to mimic Trey’s comforting tactics as I had seen him do with me, other students, and his siblings on the rare occasion that I saw them. I kneeled down to reach their level and tried to get them to focus on me without touching them, “I’m going to need you to name five things you can see.”
They froze for a moment and I was afraid I had somehow made it worse. But they looked me in the eye with some confusion before slowly glancing around the room.
“I see you,” They let out a breath, “I see my camera on the mantle, Grim’s bed, the cleaning supplies in the hallway, and the mess I made.”
I smiled, “I will help clean that up. Now I need you to name four things you can feel.” 
I saw their vision focus, as if their brain and eyes were realigning, “The wooden floor. The carpet. My clothes. Warm air.”
I nodded, “That’s it. What are three things you can hear?”
Their breathing slowed to a normal pace, “My breath,” they paused to listen, “That one branch outside my window banging against the building. And you.”
“Good job,” I watched as they stopped hunching over and moved to sit criss-cross, “Two things you can smell.”
They inhaled deeply, “Dust and cleaning supplies.”
I took a deep breath of my own, “And one thing you taste.”
“Toothpaste aftertaste,” They were grounded, “I haven’t eaten today.”
“I brought a tart from Trey,” I held out a finger, “Normally I wouldn’t approve of eating dessert for breakfast, but this is a special case.”
They laughed dryly, “Thanks Riddle. What kind of tart is it?”
“Caramel apple,” I shrugged, “He wanted to try a new recipe.”
“Nice,” They looked around at the mess, “Damn. I can’t believe I did this. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I motioned to the clothes on the mirror, “You had to deal with my overblot. It’s only fair.”
“Merlin,” I could almost hear them grit their teeth as they rose to their feet, “I can’t believe-”
I rushed to stand so I could keep them from tumbling back to the floor, “Don’t rush yourself. I don’t want you passing out.”
“I’m so sorry,” They pulled themself off of me and sat on the bed, “I just- No. There's no excuse. I need to stop being stupid.”
“You weren’t being stupid,” I stood in front of them, “This kind of stuff is normal. You’re under a lot of stress and you don’t really have an outlet. Trust me. I get it.”
“You don’t,” they laid back on the bed, “I’m not from here. I’m from another world that is so different from this,” They let out another dry laugh, “People here are as bad as me, ego-wise. You all seem to care about me. Isn’t that insane?” They sat up, “I went from only two people in the world caring if I dropped dead, to dozens of people seeming to genuinely give a shit about my existence. Isn’t that insane?” I could see their eyes glossing over, like the panic and dread was settling back in, “I mean, I’m the same person. Why would people care about me now when I used to be so desperate to have a single person even acknowledge my existence without hating me? There’s no way it’s real right? I have to be in some kind of coma or something and this is some fever dream where people don’t hate me for existing. Right? Why would anyone like me? Let alone do things for me. I don’t-”
“Yuu,” I had to stop her from spiraling back, “This isn’t a dream,” I found myself trusting my gut once again and taking her hands in mine, “This is real. I don’t know what it was like in your world, but we care about you,” I let go of their hands, “I know Ace would have moved out of Heartslabyul if he wasn’t able to escape here with you and Deuce. And,” I looked down, “I probably wouldn’t have lived through my overblot without you.”
That seemed to bring them back again, “It’s real. All of it.”
“Yeah,” I sat down on the other side of the bed, “I’m sorry.”
“What are you saying sorry for?” Yuu stood, this time their legs supported them, “I’m the one who made a fool of myself. You-”
“Have made more than a fool of myself,” I smiled, “I overblotted. I was the first domino in the series of troubles you’ve had to face. And then I embarrass myself by forgetting you are human.”
“Excuse me?” They turned to look at me as I stood back up.
I made my way forward, “I forget you are human sometimes. You seem so ethereal. You work hard but it looks so easy for you. You handle our issues with ease, even though it has to take such a toll on you. And I’m sorry for that. You have your own issues and I think all of us forget that.”
They stopped looking at me, “Can we go eat now?”
“Yeah,” I could tell she didn’t want to talk about it anymore.
They stood and made their way out of the room. I followed behind, watching for any sign of further distress or panic. No one in the house seemed to notice Yuu had emerged from their room. They opened the fridge, retrieved the tart, and then moved to get the proper silverware for the food. 
That’s when I really got a look at them. Her clothes hung off her body awkwardly, as if they was far too small for the pajamas. Their hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in a while. Their eyes had bags and their legs shook slightly.
“I didn’t see any other food in the fridge,” I spoke softly as they began to cut the tart, “Do you need to go grocery shopping? I could go-”
“No I’m fine,” They spoke bluntly as they placed a slice of tart in front of me and began to get their own slice, “Crowley doesn’t give me food money until the end of this week. I don’t have enough to go shopping right now. Just enough for school lunches. And some tuna so I can get Grim to help out.”
They gave me my silverware and put the remaining tart in the fridge before sitting to eat their own slice, “Don’t lecture me on starving myself. That’s not what this is.”
They kept going without my prompt, “Look. I’m not used to this. It’s not so surprising that I think it’s some kind of fever dream. I’ve gone 18 years with only a few people caring if I lived or died. Now all of a sudden I come to a whole new world where that person is gone, but almost a dozen people seem to genuinely think I’m worth caring about. It's an emotional whiplash. I know I’m going to regret this but I’ve got to just get it out. I’m a horrible person. I’m not some saint like you seem to think. I’m an egotistical asshole who is a know-it-all and who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. I’m ungrateful and spoiled. I’m just an adult who has no idea what to do and then I got sucked here and I am more confused than ever. I guess it all just bubbled over.”
“Yuu,” I took a bite of my tart and swallowed before speaking again, “If that is what you think of yourself then I think it wasn’t just your environment that changed.”
“What?” Yuu stopped eating and looked up at me, “I don’t change.”
I looked at them, “Could have fooled me.”
We ate the rest of the food in silence. Yuu was far from healed, but some part of me knew that what I had seen was sacred. It was an unspoken rule. No one else gets to know what I have seen and heard today. At least, not unless Yuu was the one telling them. I made a mental note to send Ace and Deuce here to spend some time with our magicless prefect with a large bag of healthy and nourishing foods.
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bajistadiamond · 6 months
Yuu and the Magical Power of Songs
Yuu Singer, 🎶💎Ramshackle💎🎶 (We wish you a Merry Christmas - Phineas and Ferb Version)
I couldn't think of a better idea for this Christmas than to use "We wish you a Merry Christmas" that they used in Phineas and Ferb… Well. I will do the same for this New Year... This story takes place after the OverBlots; After the near destruction of NRC, Malleus and Yuu combined their magic into a time spell that returned them all to the entrance ceremony to start things off without disaster.
The holidays are the funniest and happiest time of the year for many.
When Yuu first arrived at Twisted Wonderland he didn't imagine the seriousness with which they prepared for each celebration… what he discovered in spring and fall.
And that's not to mention the events that occurred randomly.
Anyway, at this moment the 8 dorm leaders were in a meeting.
"So we agree to decorate everything?" Yuu asked those present, who nodded at his words.
Since for some reason the entire student population wanted to celebrate the holidays at NRC, they needed to vote on whether they would decorate just their dormitories or the entire school.
Azul already had many ideas for the most fruitful season for Mostro Lounge.
"I have many selected items to order." Kalim said excitedly as he showed his cell phone to Riddle.
"Send me the links, I have my contacts so shipping will be cheaper hehehe~". Idia said with a giggle, who was present forced by Ortho.
Leona looked at the largest of the Shroud inquisitively, but he did not want to know.
"And who will pay for everything?" Vil asked, adjusting his Santa hat.
Yuu smiled and the others could swear that demon horns appeared on his head. "The director of course."
The others looked at Yuu strangely; Crowley was a cheapskate no matter how much he said otherwise, they highly doubted that he would pay for Christmas decorations.
"The director is so kind that he gave me his credit card." Yuu said taking said card out of his pocket. "Besides, when he realizes it, it will be too late."
Everything was silent for a moment before everyone laughed like "villains."
These holidays would be expensive for Dire Crowley…
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The light music club was preparing to practice; they would have a lot of work performing at Mostro Lounge and the Christmas and New Year party.
"So what should we play today?" Cater asked looking at her cell phone for ideas.
"How about it, all I want for Christmas is you~." Lilia suggested doing a riff.
"It's already widely seen." Kalim commented, much to Carter's surprise.
Kalim had been using a lot of internet tutorials to be more independent, so he also updated himself on trends on the web… Jamil still couldn't decide if Kalim being addicted to MagiCam was good or bad.
"And a classic?" Ortho suggested with a smile. The young man with the shrouds had become a member of the club shortly before the Malleus OverBlot.
At that moment, Yuu entered. "Sorry guys, the decorations arrived and I wasn't going to risk leaving Grim alone with the glass things." He explained, leaving his coat on the coat rack.
"Don't worry Yuu-kun, we're still thinking about what to play." Cater said to the white haired one.
Yuu thought for a moment; He had managed to listen to Ortho's suggestion and thought it was a very good idea.
"And if we sing, we wish you a Merry Christmas?" The others looked at Yuu, it wasn't a bad idea.
"We can use a classic, with a little tweak." Yuu explained to them grabbing a microphone.
"Alright, you're in charge Yuu." Carter said to the aforementioned before turning on a LIVE for everyone to see. Yuu smiled mischievously as Kalim started playing the drums...
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
The "voice of the gods" was instantly present. Everyone's clothes changed to a unique Santa Claus outfit for each one. For Kalim it was with two shades of red and round gold glasses, for Ortho it was blue with white and a tulle cape with snowflake embroidery, for Carter it was bright green with black and pearls in her hair, for Yuu it was the typical red and white and cool ski goggles.
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
And a Happy New Year ~
The song was heard throughout the campus; filled everyone with joy. They organized themselves in the patio to decorate. Many were singing or humming with their hands full of golden tinsel.
We wish you the best day ever ~
And hope all your Christmas endeavors ~
At Heartslabyul, Trey watched in barely concealed horror as Riddle pulled out the fruitcake the aforementioned had made. Riddle cut a piece of the cake from him and then looked nervously at the green-haired man. The one with glasses forced a smile before trying the cake… It was because of the magic of friendship and the miracle of Christmas that Trey didn't have stomach pains.
Are super-fun, amazing and clever ~
And that your New Year's rocks too! ~
Many were using their brooms to fly around NRC and decorate it. The white already contrasted the black and gray of the building beautifully, but with the gold and green tinsel it looked much more impressive. Inside the building there were white LED lights as far as the eye could see and pine trees were added in the largest rooms. Meanwhile, in the teachers' lounge, they were enjoying a good eggnog… The principal was just crying in a corner because of the receipt of everything.
Oh, come, tell me what'cha doin' ~
All my relatives just flew in ~
In Pomefiore, Vil was reflecting on his life choices. The salon was in chaos with many enjoying to "let their hair down" and enjoy themselves. Epel led the party wearing an ugly sweater with lights while he sang about his family's traditions.
From Harveston and Shaftlands ~
For the holidays! ~
Neige had been included in the party. It had been a shock to have discovered that he was distantly related to Epel and now the two got along very well. Vil had no problems with this, after meditating and having Yuu with a therapist, he was able to come to terms with himself and accept that he and Neige were unique.
Both Christmas trees and menorahs ~
It can be confusing for us ~
Strangely enough, Epel managed to bring out the most sarcastic and stubborn side of Neige. The two always ended up arguing whether it was about musical tastes, food or clothes. And now they were fighting over which decorations were better. Luckily for Vil, Rook managed to calm things down by saying that both decorations were beautiful together; and he also brought cocoa, which Vil was happy about.
When we break into a chorus ~
Of olé, Olé ~
And oy vey, Oy vey ~
In the NRC cafeteria, many were preparing a magnificent Christmas dinner; Many were grateful that Lilia was busy and not in the kitchen.
Delicious meals I will try~
Groceries A through Z ~
Leona sang before taking a big bite out of a turkey leg. The lion was in a dream when the taster of the dinner was selected, to the jealousy of many. And Leona enjoyed teasing the others with moans of satisfaction at how delicious the food they brought him to try was.
Ruggie, get away from that punch bowl ~
Ruggie pouted as he was caught drinking the fruit punch while pocketing a couple of cookies.
I'm saving that for me ~
Hyena Boy, offended that his lazy friend wouldn't share punch, threw some figgy pudding into the punch bowl.
Sorry, sir ~
Ruggie sang mockingly because he knew that of all the fruits, Leona hated the fig the most. In the yard, Silver was sleeping peacefully among a small mound of snow. No one wanted to bother the boy during his nap, but they couldn't help but decorate him; They put a headband on him with reindeer antlers and shiny spheres in his ears.
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
Yuu had changed it from "Perry" to Silver as a joke, but when he sang it he realized that the phrase was not so bad, a silver Christmas.
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
And a (ZZZ~ Silver´s snoring ZZZ~) New year ~
Azul seriously needed a calculator; His had broken strangely shortly after Jade told him she needed to rest. Now, the lens guy was in her office doing the math by hand and with an abacus.
I want a calculator ~
Slash-Earnings-English Translator ~
"At this rate I finish in the new year." Blue thought tiredly as the music from the music club's LIVE was what kept him sane. The boy was also grateful that Yuu's magic decorated his office; he hadn't had much time to do it.
To find a common denominator ~
In all my tongues! ~
Mostro Lounge was enjoying free time with good music. Some were dancing dressed as elves and others were enjoying a good coffee or hot chocolate.
I will give you good hugs ~
To all you shrimps ~
Floyd with a big smile was trying to hug whoever he could, but everyone was avoiding him because of the mistletoe that the boy had hung on his head. Everyone knew how strong the hug and joking kiss they would receive from Floyd would be.
That's how I say "Merry Christmas" ~
I ain't good with words! ~
Floyd was finally able to grab someone to hug him and kiss him on the cheek, poor thing was Jamil. The one from Scarabia walked out calmly, still in shock, to go to the bathroom and wash his face with bleach.
I wish you would let me rule you ~
I'm going to teach you about anime ~
In Idia and Ortho's room, the oldest was dancing around the room while programming the lights, preparing the gifts he had for his brother, and turning on all of his monitors for the special Christmas events in all of his RPG games.
I won't sugarcoat or fool you ~
Your New Year's looks grim! ~
The oldest of the Shroud danced in the comfort of his chair, for him it was very noob to start singing at Christmas. Although he will deny to death that he sang Christmas songs from his favorite anime in the shower.
We wish your every endeavor ~
Makes this the best Christmas ever ~
The music club put the best of their voices into the final part of the song. Carter, Kalim and Ortho could tell that this was the best version of "we wish you a merry Christmas" they had ever heard. LIVE had ranked #1 in trends and throughout Twisted Wonderland they were dancing no matter what.
And we're all so glad that we will never ~
Mention figgy pudding ~
"Pudding?". Many people asked themselves when they heard the lyrics. Although they didn't give it importance; It was the best one of the best Christmas songs. And needless to say, they enjoyed the chorus at the end.
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"Merry Xmas!". Yuu, Carter, Kalim and Ortho exclaimed into the cell phone before the LIVE ended...
Night Raven College had a good day that day and the decorations could be seen from the town on the island. And they were better than the other academy, to the envy of some in the RSA.
... As for Crowley, he stayed in his nest for the rest of the holidays…
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samyosaf · 1 year
Yuu: Oh hey Tsunotarou,what are doing with those intruments?
Malleus:Oh child of man I just have a song I wanted to sing to you and I am hoping you would not mind me playing it?
Yuu:Sure why not, I don't mind you singing to me
Malleus thinking: I hope this song Lilia gave me would make Yuu think I'm a good mate for them
Malleus:*Proceeds to sing this song*
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pookacangetit · 2 years
Disney Song! Yuu [Song Edition: Dig Down Deeper]
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Yuu had known about the existence of fairies amongst NRC for quite some time now, what they didn't know was the deep adoration those fairies had for the magicless singing human.
Just let nature have its way~
And let your little flowers bloom where they may~
A sprout popped up from Yuu's flower pot, a tiny thing with stubby green leaves still growing out.
The students looked away immediately at the sight of the prefect's bright smile.
"Tsk, cheater."
The smile on Yuu's face fell as quickly as a chime of tinkling noises sounded from the nearby bushes. Several tables behind, Deuce had smashed his own flower pot and was threatening the student.
"Haah? Did some stupid punk just insult Yuu?" Deuce sneered, holding up a shard of his broken pot.
Y̴̨̑ȏ̵̗u̷̹̇͘ ̸̜͊͘g̴͖̟̋o̵̜̺͊͐t̴̹̚t̸͉͋̉ä̸̜́ ̷̫̓͜͠d̸̡̠̒i̶͕̲͊̚g̶̈͜ ̵̰̮̎̂d̴̝́o̷͔̹͊͠ẁ̸͎̑n̶͙̤͆ ̷̺̈́͑ḑ̶̙͘e̶̗̠̓͂ẻ̴̢͂p̷̗̱̍̍e̶͇̮̍r̴̭͈͑͛,̶͍͓̍̎ ̸̭̐g̴̦͔̎͌į̷̅r̷̫̄̒ḻ̸̓ ̵̬͙̅͒y̷̱̑ó̸̥̜̎ụ̴̋̓ ̷̛̻͘ç̶̦̽̇a̴̻̎͗n̸̠̤͆~
̸̛̳̣I̸͗̒͜f̸̙̦͠ ̴̬̂͜y̴͈͆͜ö̴̞́͘u̷̦͂̏'̵̱̒r̶͎̤͠ę̴͚͐̚ ̷̄͜ͅw̶̺͎̿a̷͕͇̿ń̴̳̯̃ț̸̨̅͌i̸͑͜ͅn̶̡̒͝g̵͍̏͑ ̵̪̦̈́̕t̴̛̞̃o̵̗͒ ̸̗̩̏̇w̸͓̼͒i̴̙̔n̵̤͓͆͠ ̸̺̤̃̀t̵̡͂h̶̫̏̐ė̴̱͠n̴̘͋ ̴̠̃̃y̷̱̰͝õ̶̢͚u̷̡̫͒ ̶͙̤̾͊b̶̪̃ẹ̴̍̌t̸͙̰̊̋t̵͈̋ȇ̷̟r̶̛̪͌ ̸̬̍̓b̶͉͔̽e̵̹̔g̸͇̻̔͘i̴̡͙̕n̵̫̏͜͝~
Grimm blinked, tilting his head towards the small chorus of voices who... were singing?
I̴͍͌f̶̯̓̐ ̶̛̟̀ý̷̬o̷͖͚͝u̶̥̿'̷̤̉͝r̴̫̐e̷̝̍̚ ̸͈̀̐w̴͋ͅa̸̬̐n̴̥̳̓t̵͎̜͒i̶̯̯̾ń̵͕́ǵ̵͓̕ ̷̪̅t̷̺̯͑o̶̙̅ ̶̱͈̚w̴̲͊i̵̲͇͊́n̷͇͍͑ ̷̮̪̉̌ṯ̷̓h̴͎͋̚e̶͓̰̓͘n̴̡̋ ̵̃͜y̸̨͆͜o̶͇̟͘͝u̵̮͕̓͒ ̶̬̊b̵̥̔è̴͇̳t̶̼͙̐̑t̵̛̹̃ẽ̷̜͊r̴̢̯͑͆ ̶̝͝ͅb̵͓̗̈́͘é̸̫̤g̷͚̉ḯ̸̭ṋ̴͚̆̃~
̶̬̑T̷̗͉̽͘ö̴̩́̔ ̷͚̑g̸̫͚͐̇ȇ̸͍̩t̷̥̏͝ ̸͔̺̇a̸̧̨̽͗ ̶̨̃l̶̯̫̃i̴̙̲̊̊t̴̻̀̇t̷͈͘l̴̲̏ȩ̴̼̈́͝ ̴̗̀͘b̷̻̙͐̇i̸̯̗͂̇t̶͍̂̓ ̴̖͘d̶̻̼̄ḭ̵̓̈́r̶̥̠̀͑t̶̙͒y̷̨̭̆ ̶̖̂͠a̸̼̍̓ņ̴̦́d̸̡̻̉̔ ̴̛̲́d̶̙͆̉ḭ̴͌ģ̶̳̚ ̴͈͙̇d̷͕̻̓͊e̵͕̥̅e̴̫͇̕p̶͍̊ ̵̖́͒ͅd̶͎̠̂ơ̵̱͉͒ẃ̵̺͉n̷̩̍̅ͅ~
Going unnoticed by the rest of the class, the plants were glowing a light yellow as they slowly melded and morphed into something... big.
The student Deuce was threatening swallowed down his panic as he sneered, "What, I didn't say anything wrong did I? That magicless prefect's just a cheAT-"
Deuce smashed his head against the table.
Ś̴͓̦̄O̵͕͐̏͠.̷̱͇͗́̓́̽ ̵̨͍̯̔̈͒͜D̸̪͗̈Í̸̺̤̀̑Ġ̶̼̠́̎͌͘.̸̡̛̪͔̗̬͒͗̈́ ̴̫̒̃͜Ḏ̵̦́O̴̡̜̲̼͉̎̈́̒W̸̭̣̞͒̇̾͝N̷̺̖̞͓̚.̸̨̠̮͎̃̄́̀͛ ̵̖̬̾̄͝Ḏ̴̹̞̗̰̈́̀̓̈̕E̷̡̽Ẽ̸̼P̶̳̀̚Ę̶̨̰̬̍̓̎̚͜R̴̨͇̮̮̉̀͝.̷͈͈͚́̈́̈́͝~
Everyone's attention was drawn away by the fight by two things: the sudden singing bouncing off the walls of the greenhouse, filled to the brim which a magic unlike Yuu's but more, and the big snarling sunflower which had suddenly appeared behind Yuu.
Deuce threw his broke pot shards at the large plant, only staring as it harmlessly bounced off a light shield.
Unheard to many except Grimm, mischievious chiming sounds followed the students' failed attempts to tame the giant flower.
D̷̤͚̎̍i̸̮͉͂g̴͍̐ ̶̛̬d̶̘͛̎ơ̴̬̜͋w̸͚̙̓͝ņ̶̞̄͘ ̶͖̀ͅd̸̠́͛e̶͉͈̾̃ė̴̙p̵͙͚̈́̃ ̴̪͕͋a̸̜̐n̸̯̯̔d̸͓͙͆ ̶̝̒͜b̸͎͋̆r̵̜͉͑e̵͇͋å̴̟̈́k̷̩͉̈́͠ ̴̢́ț̸͑͝h̸͉͔͘ḛ̶̛ ̴̤̰͗͆s̴̭͗̂ť̵͍͍r̵̥̍ẹ̸̛̱͐e̷̥̐̕t̵͎͇͌~
̴̖́͠O̷̜͎̾ḣ̴̝̰̑,̷̞̝͗͗ ̴̧͆̚y̴͙͔͌͝ö̵̢́̋ȕ̸͔͕ ̷̱̠͑̀g̸̦̩͛o̴̯̮̔t̶͙̖͝͝ṫ̷̙́a̵̩̒͑ ̶̬͛̈́d̸̦̺͘͝i̸̥͒̎g̸̪̃ ̸͚͍̎̄d̷̬̦̋̒e̷͈͗͒e̴̛̙p̷͉̮͆ ̷͙͆d̸̪̖̄͊o̷̬̘̽w̷̡͎͐n̵̖̈́̒~
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Grimm: no
Yuu: *hugging the large sunflower* But Grimm, she's friendly-
Grimm: no
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