#I absolutely loved strange magic when I watched
Hope: Bad news: Alaric accidentally locked me and Penelope out of the school.
Penelope: Good news: We didn't have to wait for a lock smith!
Hope: Bad news: Caroline finds it very concerning I know how to pick locks and tried to dig into my tragic back story. I was too embarrassed to tell her the reason was because, at ten, I figured it was the kind of skill to impress cute people. 
Penelope: Good news: a cute girl saw her do it!
Hope: Bad news: It was Lizzie. Since she’s already seen me trip countless times, cry because I saw a very small kitten, and knows I know the script for Strange Magic cover to cover from memory, she’ll never think I'm cool. It's too late. She knows.
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iamanartichoke · 1 year
Last night (well, this morning, really; it was like 3am) I slipped and fell down a Loki disk horse rabbit hole and, to be frank, I am already exhausted and season 2 hasn't even started yet. I'm not gonna lie, idk if I'm going to be able to fandom-along for season 2; I might just end up quietly watching on my own and keeping my thoughts to myself. Which - isn't as fun, really, so lol fuck me I guess.
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#mood gif#loki pokey artichokey#standom frank#i'm just venting but.#idk. bitches be unhinged#and this might be a hot take but I truly genuinely 110% don't understand why#if you hated the show so much that you're still meta-ing about it three years later#why would you keep up with season 2? why are you engaging with the trailers and the gifs and the fandom reactions?#when you have absolutely nothing positive to say and instead are just regurgitating all the same things you had issue with for season 1?#i'm not trying to gatekeep the loki fandom but i'm just saying#i love loki but i hate infinity war - i hate the opening scene i hate the death scene i hate how the narrative treats his death and absence#for the rest of the film and i don't mind dr strange objectively but my opinion of him is colored to this day#due to feeling so bitter over how much magic and world-saving he got to do in iw when loki should have been part of that#if not *most* of that#but you know what i don't do? i don't fucking engage with or talk about infinity war#unless to reference it through the lens of thor's pov in post-iw/endgame fic#but i don't post about it. i don't post about the russos. i don't hop on people's posts to point out all the issues i have with iw#especially if said post is in support or praise of it#i engaged with endgame only to the extent to find out how loki would be treated. i watched the entirety of the movie once via torrent#and i moved. the fuck. on.#so i genuinely don't understand why i can't peruse loki series stuff and gifs and the tags without coming across the inevitable anti wank#from the same group of people who seem to be taking the release of season 2 as open invitation to remind everyone#how much they hated season 1 and how loki was characterized and how the narrative was unfair to him#and blah blah blah sylvie sylvie wahhh#it literally makes me not want to bother re-engaging with fandom or posting any of my thoughts or meta that i might have#bc my opinion's never been black and white but even if it *was* people are bound to misunderstand it anyway#like the playground is for everyone but if you hate the sandbox and keep talking about how much better the swings are#go play on the fucking swings then?#not sure that metaphor follows but you get it#anyway i just needed to get this off my chest
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m0nsterqzzz · 6 months
Something Stupid
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pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
summary: and then she goes and spoils it all by saying something stupid like...."I love you."
content: absolute teeth rotting fluff. pining for each other but wandas is much more intense? tiniest bit of blackhill if you squint.
a/n: had this idea for a while, and I actually kinda like it??? idk. first time for everything. reader is referred to as "sweets" like twice just because I love the nickname. it's what my boyfriend calls me. anyway. love yall!!
Wanda Maximoff loves you.
She’s known that for years.
She’s known it since she first became an avenger and felt a strange urge to gain your forgiveness over everyone else's after what her and her late-brother Pietro did during the battle against Ultron.
She knew it when you became her best friend, teaching her how to control her magic and really just how to enjoy life.
She knew it when she had to watch as you got ready for dates with people that would never live up to your standards. Not she thought she would live up to your standards- no, she knew she couldn't- but she did know she treat you better then any of those no good pigs who are just looking for a fuck buddy ever good. The witch wouldn’t go up against your suitors though, just standing on the sidelines as her heart slowly breaks faster and faster the more you don’t see her in the same light you do them.
Little she did she know, she was the only one you truly wanted.
So finally, Wanda worked up the courage to ask you out so she no longer had to cry into her pillow while you were out sucking face with someone else.
Surprisingly, you agreed easily. The only thing you had to say was that she had to promise it wouldn’t change anything between you guys for the worse. If it didn’t work, you guys couldn’t become like Natasha and Maria. (those girls can’t be in the same room as each other for more than 2 seconds without making a backhanded comment about their four week long situationship)
The Maximoff girl agreed, eagerly setting up a dinner date.
It had quickly gone wrong.
The reservation was somehow not in the book despite the fact that Wanda called the fancy dinner place with insane prices about six times in the hour-long drive there. So you told her it was fine, that you’d be happy with some food from the delicious Thai place down the road as long as you were with her. But they were out of your favorite and Wanda ate so much that she felt ready to barf as you guys walked out of the restaurant- that was before she actually did barf in the parking lot. 
Finally, you guys headed to a bar near the Avengers tower for a quick nightcap, but that quickly turned into you both downing two drinks each before stumbling onto the dance floor.
A sweet looking old man who’s been reading a comic book in the corner sees you two and decides to put his own change in the jukebox and press play on a slow, but peaceful song. He sends you guys a smile, winking Wanda's way before he continues to read about some cool looking superheroes.
Wanda’s hands fall to your waist, gently gripping them as you both sway. Your head falls to lay on her shoulder, arms wrapped around the back of her neck as the music fills your ears. Her breath is on the back of your neck, warm, but it doesn’t even begin to compare to the feeling of her lips as she places a gentle kiss in that same spot. 
Then she goes and spoils it all by saying something stupid like, “I love you, sweets.”
You roll your eyes, thinking back to how many times people have told you that during first dates just to get in your pants. Though you will admit that when you hear Wanda say it, it brings a small, warm, fluttering feeling to your chest, and you manage to let out a small giggle before you say, “No you don't. You don’t love me Wanda. You like me. There’s a difference.”
She fights the urge to tell you that she knows there is a difference between love and like. She knows that because she’s felt both those ways towards you. Why can’t you just understand that so she doesn’t have to find a way to put it into words?
After a few days of her saying the same thing and you never believing her, the witch realizes she has to put it in words. Nothing else is capable of explaining how she feels about you. How she’s felt for so long.
So she recruits Natasha and Clint for help, and they spend the day working on some speeches. By 2pm, she has this;
“Are you from Tennessee? Cuz you’re the only ten-I-see.” - A line from Natasha which she used on Maria who was passing by at that moment just to prove to Wanda it works. (Natasha left and was found leaving the agents room an hour later. Apparently that’s back on)
“I love you.” - Clint Barton, the stupidest man on earth. There is a reason people call him bird brain. They were there because the three words are not enough to describe what she feels towards you. Did he even read what was on the brunch invitation? It clearly stated; “fixing Wanda's love life; no I love you’s, no magic town in which she controls so she can make Sweets fall in love with her against their will.”
“Hey, do you have wifi? Cuz I’m really feeling a connection.” - Natasha. She once again used it on Maria and was gone for another two hours. Can someone please address this?
“Start listing facts about the baby turtles you saved. Always gets the ladies.” - from Tony, who was walking by the living room and decided now was the best time to interrupt. He has never once gotten close enough to endangered animals to be able to ‘save’ them, but we can pretend if he wants too.
“Are you a beaver? Cuz dam.” - Natasha. (someone needs to restrain Maria from jumping the redheads bones. She is literally needed at this meeting.)
So, as we can see, no one is any help. 
She decides after that to just go with her gut, and her gut is telling her that you’ll know when the time is right, and hopefully will send her a sign.
Maybe the sign is sooner rather than later.
The witch spends about an hour in her bedroom in front of her mirror, trying on every outfit from sweats and a t-shirt to the 10,000 dollar dress Tony bought her for her birthday. Which clothes would draw your attention to her? She thinks about that alot, which is why she wears different outfits everyday simply in hopes of you sending her a small compliment. She always spends countless amounts of time planning the perfect outfit just to hear you say, “You look pretty Wans.”
Why is this happening to her?
It’s when she sets up a cute little picnic under the stars with all your favorite foods and snacks and a makeshift tv screen with a projector to watch your favorite film do you realize that you are deeply and utterly in love with Wanda Maximoff.
She’s sweet, and pretty. She can always make you laugh when you truly think you no longer can.
And besides all that, she’s your best friend. The one that will stick with you through thick and thin simply because she wants to be beside you.
You can’t help but feel your cheeks beginning to heat up every single time she even glances in your direction, let alone actually speak to you. You can feel your stomach flutter with a mix of excitement and nerves as she just… exists.
You don’t tell her that though, afraid of getting your feelings hurt.
You just sit down on the nice thick blanket with her, grabbing some grapes to give a few to her and a few to herself as she presses play on the movie. It’s silent other than the sound of the movie, but she can hear your thoughts louder than any film. It’s not like she’s trying to read your mind. The witch vowed to herself to never use her magic on you unless it was necessary or life saving. That includes mind reading. Your thoughts are too loud though, and even with the amount of control she has over her powers, they still fill her head as she tries to focus on the movie.
“I love her.”
“She says she loves you.”
“She doesn’t mean it.”
“Yes she does.”
“No she doesn’t.”
“It doesn’t matter. I love her.”
Your internal battle on if she truly does love you or not breaks her heart into a million pieces, though she doesn’t want to call you out on it and make you feel uncomfortable. So you guys continue silently watching the movie. She doesn’t mention your loud thoughts, and you don’t mention that you can feel her eyes burning into the side of your face as she stares.
When the movie is over and the projector turns off, you guys sit in the darkness of the night. There are stars dressing the night sky, so you silently look at them as Wanda turns on her side so she can gently pull you closer to her. 
The moment is perfect; looking up at the stars in each other's warm embrace, your back pressed against her front and she moves around until she snuggles her head into the crook of your neck, so close to you that your perfume fills her senses and puts her into a peaceful bliss. Your truly happy as is she, and this time, as she says the tree words, you find yourself believing her;
“I love you.”
She doesn’t regret it or cringe out of embarrassment when she says it like she did last time. The witch just lets the words hang in the air. If you choose to say them back, you do. If not, at least you'll understand how much she truly means it.
“I love you.” You whisper back with new found confidence, and her chest fills with warmth and pure happiness. You finally believe her. Her words sounded so sincere and simple, not like the drunk words she said a few days ago. It’s the only reason you feel okay telling her the truth. You love Wanda Maximoff.
“I love you.” She mumbles, leaving a chaste kiss on your cheek.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
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bunnwich · 30 days
Uh just a heads up, did you read/saw the Leona and you meeting in the novel? I kinda wanna talk about it
Leona and Yuu Meeting in the Novel
ANON ANON. YOU REALLY BROUGHT MY ATTENTION TO SOMETHING W I L D BC I HAD NEVER ACTUALLY READ THE NOVEL VERSION OF THE MC MEETING LEONA???? Also, I was gonna see if the EN translation had been released but it doesn’t in my area until 8/27 so RAAAAAAAAAAAA. OKAY SO LET'S BREAK IT DOWN. (Using @/yuurei20’s wonderful translation) So as we know, in the game and manga Leona comes off as very… aggressive?
He threatens to “rip out our tooth” which, sir???? Like from the first time, I could tell that this was just a “flex” and he absolutely was saying it in a facetious manner. Though in the manga they further escalate it, even going as far to have him going to kick Yuuken.
BUT, HERE???? IMO this interaction is much more indicative of his character as a whole. There is so much more nuance to his intentions here. Protecting his dorm, deescalating, being smart. All the stuff that I’ve been saying from when I started playing twst about him just keeps being proven to me. Also that perhaps Leona, actually doesn't like fighting. These are my main takeaways.
1.) Leona is a well-respected and liked dorm leader who is looking out for his dorm's best interests.
And his dorm mates follow his word like gospel for the most part. I feel like ppl tend to gloss over this bc he is lazy or w/e but the Savanaclaw students mostly love Leona and would do anything for him. 
It’s just nice to see so much of the stuff you get reading between the lines at the forefront here. He’s so much more calm and menacing here than cranky and aggressive and that feels so much more him? Leona’s intimidation IMO doesn’t come from his physical strength per se, it comes from the authority he commands, his demeanor, as well as his magic I’m sure.
-- He is wrapped in a strange atmosphere that attracts the stares of everyone around. Even hidden under his school uniform it is clear he is well-muscled, with a scar over his left eye that lends all the more power to his chiseled face. The fists of the older students froze in mid-air at the command, completely throwing off their momentum. Now, like small animals under the watchful eye of a predator, they shrink away, murmuring, 'Leona-san'. Ignoring the confused Deuce entirely, Leona raises an eyebrow at the formerly brawling group. 'Move up a grade and the first thing you do is start a fight in the street--are you all stupid?' 'But that brat is the one who started it first.' 'Huh. And? Don't like what I have to say, then?' 'Impossible! It's not like that at all.' Leona is dressed down, wearing neither the jacket nor the tie to his school uniform, but he does wear the same yellow vest as the three students who had come so close to exchanging blows with Deuce. All three have become properly obedient in front of their fellow dorm member, Leona. --
2.) HE DID WHAT???
SO in my head I always imagined Leona stepped a bit close and sniffed the air around Yuu/MC but in this version HE SNIFFS THE NECK?? LIKE FULL ON PUTS HIS NOSE TO THE BACK OF YUU’S NECK?? WHAT THE HELL???? THATS SO WILD SIR?? I’M CALLING THE POLICE??? YUUYA ,ARE YOU OKAY??
-- ‘Hey. You.''Y-yes?' Yuuya's response leaves him in a sound that is almost a yelp, because Leona has suddenly drawn close enough to place his beautifully-sculpted nose near to the base of Yuuya's neck.Yuuya breaks out in a cold sweat. Having his neck so exposed is frightening in a way he cannot put into words: he is frozen in fear of Leona tearing out his throat at any moment. --
3.) In this Ruggie CALLED Leona over to help Yuu and Deuce fight off the Savanaclaw goons.
That just gives such a layer to Savanaclaw as a whole, that neither one wanted to see Yuu and Deuce get beat up. Leona continues to show he has a soft spot for his underclassmen perhaps. I do think it mostly was about him protecting his dorm mates and not wanting them to get in trouble bc he knew Yuu was taken in by Crowley, the headmaster.
-- 'My name is Ruggie Bucchi.' Ruggie responds, with a deliberate shake of his whole body. 'And this scary personage is Savanaclaw Dorm Housewarden, Leona Kingscholar-san. We already know you're dumb enough to pick fights with upperclassmen, but even you know you won't be winning against our Housewarden, yeah? Times like this, you gotta side with whoever will benefit you the most.' 'Benefit? They're the ones who started this fight, and now they're trying to run away!' 'My my, aren't you a hot-blooded kitten--and here you should be thanking me. I called Leona over because I saw you were in danger, y'know?'Leona looks to Ruggie. 'Tch. Patronizing bastard. You just wanted to give me more to deal with.' 'Shi-shi-shi. That's our housewarden! Settle brawls in an instant like that, and people will start relying on you.' The three students who had been scuffling with Deuce and Yuuya look down at their feet, snickering; they seem to have cooled off after being chided by Leona. As his position in the dorm would lead one to assume, Leona seems to be well-liked.) (!!!) --
4.) Perhaps, Leona’s Lazy demeanor is just a front to something more.
-- Though he has a languid stare, his narrow pupils send a shiver down Yuuya's spine. Yuuya knows, instinctively, that challenging Leona on their own would be disastrously reckless. --
Anyways its just so funny that I never read this bc I assumed (wrongly) that it was just similar to the other version of this meeting and like…whoa. 
I know it doesn't seem like much of a difference now but when twst was newer and we got less depth to Leona, andhe came off as very one-dimensional guy who was aggressive for aggressive sake and most of my HCs were really were speculation for the most part, and at that time as not many bothered to read between the lines about him.
Yes, he is scary (stop sniffing ppl) but also a bit teasing, but lowkey a caring and good leader. I do think his intimidating persona is two-fold. Like…half is so he can command respect from his dorm mates and it’s needed to be the Savanaclaw dorm leader in the first place. And the other half is a front to hide the softer parts of his personality that he denies at every turn, like being idealistic and a good mentor.
5.)  Leona sort of defends Yuu when the 3 goons make a comment implying that Yuu needs to watch who they tangle with.
-- 'Nothing wrong with having guts, but prepare well enough to know who your opponent is.' 'Hahaha! Yeah, just like the Housewarden says!' 'I'm talking to you three, too.' --
IMO He’s clearly looking out for his Savanclaw member’s well being here but I think he does some inkling of respect for Yuu, whether that bc they are strange or simply bc they are affiliated with Crowley and he doesn't want trouble, either or both is interesting to me. 
(TBH I’m still NOT over the neck sniffing thing.)
I will be interested to see the official EN translation of this scene, so I’ll update ya’ll on that once I see it! I NEED to know if they change any of it. Sorry for the ramble but YES please anon, feel free to talk about it with me! I love to yap, thank you for bringing it to my attention!!
(Thanks again to @/yuurei20 for all the translations for this scene!! Your work is so so appreciated!!)
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fandoms-x-reader · 1 month
MC Who Stims
Summary: The brothers' reactions to MC who stims a lot The Seven Demon Brothers x Reader Word Count: 1,548
I hope it's accurate enough! <3
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Lucifer was able to witness your stimming in two different ways.
The first was when you were nervous or anxious.
He kept a close eye on you when you first came to the Devildom for the exchange program, despite putting Mammon in charge of you.
He would notice that during student council meetings or in situations that weren’t the safest for you, you would pick at your skin or pull on your hair.
It was a big tell for Lucifer to know that you weren’t comfortable.
And as the two of you got closer, he worked to remedy whatever situation you were in that was causing you to feel stressed.
He also noticed you stimming when it was just the two of you alone in his study.
You sat next to him to keep him company as he quietly worked on his paperwork.
During this time, you would always quietly make noises beside him or repeat phrases from something you heard or seen.
And although it seemed strange to Lucifer at first, he thought it was cute, and so he would happily listen to you fill the silence.
And now, if you weren’t around to keep him company, he would need some kind of background noise while he was doing paperwork. 
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The first time Mammon caught you stimming, he didn’t know what to think of it.
The two of you were watching a movie together but you couldn’t sit still.
At first, Mammon thought your restlessness was a sign that you thought the movie was boring.
But, you seemed invested in the movie, your eyes watching vigilantly as your body subconsciously moved.
It started with you tapping your foot on the ground, gently shaking the couch that the two of you were sitting on.
Then he noticed you flapping your hands.
Mammon couldn’t take his eyes off of you after noticing the things you were doing and eventually, his staring got to be too much for you to ignore.
You asked him what he was staring at, and in turn, he asked you what you were doing with your feet and your hands.
You slightly blushed at how blatant his question was, but answered it nonetheless, explaining what stimming was.
Mammon was really understanding once he understood what you were doing.
Mammon had a tendency to be restless himself like when he was in class or when sitting in front of Lucifer, listening to a lecture that had dragged on for way too long.
Mammon had his own ways of stimming, and you noticed him gently tapping his thumb against you while the two of you were holding hands or lightly drumming his fingers on your knee when the two of you were sitting close to each other.
If you’re comfortable with it, partner stimming would become a big thing in your relationship.
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Levi wasn’t sure what to do the first time you stimmed in front of him.
The two of you were hanging out in his room, playing one of his all-time favorite games and just having a good time.
The more time that was spent playing the game, Levi would begin to hear you muttering something under your breath.
He’s too socially awkward to ask you what you said outright, so he just focused his ears on listening to what you’re saying.
When he realized that you were repeating the catchphrase of the main character in the game, a deep blush coated his cheeks.
Why did you sound so adorable saying those words?
Levi’s heart raced the entire time the two of you played the game as he focused more on hearing those words he cherished coming from your lips.
Hearing you mimic something he loved so much would give him so many fantasies of the two of you cosplaying as certain characters together.
And if you ever decided to start repeating phrases from “The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl”, Levi would be an absolute goner.
Dig his grave and write a nice epitaph because hearing you mimic Ruri-chan would kill him.
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Satan was used to there being silence in the library when he was reading.
So the small noises you were making beside him while you read as well took him by surprise.
He tried to listen to what you were doing, to try and understand if it pertained to the book you were reading.
But although they were repetitive, the noises seemed to be random.
Satan decided not to say anything, but after you left, he did his research.
It wasn’t that you were annoying him, he just wanted to understand why you were doing it.
He would become your resident expert in all things stimming overnight.
And once Satan understood the reasons why you were doing it, he couldn’t help but find the habit of yours loveable.
He’ll wear a small smile as he continues to read his book when he hears you start making those noises.
He isn’t afraid to admit that he hoped he was the only one who got to see you doing something so uniquely adorable.
If you choose to discuss you’re stimming with Satan, he will gladly listen to what you have to say about it, and he’ll even compliment you.
But if it was something you didn’t want to talk about then he would admire you quietly from afar and do everything he could to make you feel comfortable with opening up to him.
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You were standing next to Asmo at a rather large event, surrounded by a massive group of people and you were starting to feel nervous.
Being close to the seven demon brothers meant that you had been to several large-scale events like this one.
But, when they were all there, it was easy for you to stick to the sidelines and not have to be in front of everyone if you didn’t want to be.
When it was just Asmo with you, there was no avoiding the spotlight. You were front and center no matter what situation you were in.
Asmo thrived in that environment, but having hundreds of eyes staring at you could be a bit overwhelming.
And when you were feeling anxious you tended to pick at your skin or pull at strands of your hair.
When Asmo first noticed you doing this, he panicked, afraid you would damage either one of them.
He immediately pulled you to the side and asked if something was wrong.
When you explained that it was your way of stimming when you were feeling anxious, Asmo will offer you two options.
He’ll ask you if holding your hand or hugging you close to him would help with that feeling.
Or he’ll ask if you would rather just leave the event.
He’ll do whatever you need <3
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Beel has a hard time hiding his excitement when it comes to food.
So he understands when others have a hard time hiding their excitement for things they like as well.
But in his opinion, you have the most adorable way of expressing your excitement for things.
The way you flapped your hands or tapped your feet when you were happy about something melted his heart.
Whenever this happened, he would stop whatever he was doing to watch you in action, even if he was eating.
And Beel would definitely go out of his way to get you your favorite food or drink just to see your excited motions as you smiled at him.
His favorite is when you do it while he’s sharing food with you.
He feels like it’s an intimate moment between the two of you because you’re showing him a side of yourself that others might not get to always see.
He would always find it adorable if you happened to partner stim.
He’ll enjoy the feeling of your fingers gently drumming on his skin or fidgeting with something he was wearing.
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Belphie had a hard time taking naps with you at first because you wouldn’t lay still.
You would last maybe a couple of minutes before you would start moving, whether it be your hands or a different body part.
Belphie thought that maybe you didn’t like taking naps with him, so he would always let you go off on your own and then sulk and take a nap in his own room.
But, then he started noticing you flapping your hands and tapping your foot when you looked genuinely happy or excited.
Belphie wouldn’t be afraid to confront you about it, asking questions about what your motions meant.
If you’re comfortable with taking naps with him, Belphie will adjust to your stimming and eventually get used to it enough to fall asleep easily despite you moving around. 
As the two of you grow closer, this would most likely evolve into Belphie being used as a tool for your stimming.
He would insist on being cuddled up to you and because of that, you would be able to tap your fingers on his shoulders or back or gently poke him wherever you wanted.
Whether he was awake or asleep, Belphie would enjoy the attention and he would encourage your stimming when you were both up and around as well.
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ponderingmoonlight · 9 months
Gojo dressing up as Santa for his girlfriend, Megumi and Tsumiki
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Pairing: Gojo x girlfriend!reader; dad!Gojo x Megumi and Tsumiki
Word Count: 1,1k
Synopsis: Satoru Gojo expected a lot of things, but not his girlfriend and two rescued kids making fun of him after he put on a Santa costume only for them.
Warnings: fluffness overload, there's absolutely not enough content for the dynamic between Gojo and his kids in the manga so we'll make our own, a little bit of spicy mentions especially in the bonus material so be prepared for cheeky Gojo
„I thought I told you I don’t want you to dress up as Santa in bed, Satoru. How many times do I have to tell you that this doesn’t turn me on at all?”, you moan, eyes roaming all over your beloved boyfriend.
There he stands, wearing a bright red costume, a way too big hat and the worst fake looking beard you have ever seen. What the hell has gotten into him again?
He turns around, sly grin beaming your way. At least that pants seem to fit him pretty well, they really bring out his strong legs and well, that special part between his legs. Huh, maybe it doesn’t look as off-turning as you thought it would…
“For once, I’m not doing this for you. Don’t you ever think about the kids, (y/n)?”, he teases you.
The kids? Does he talk about Megumi and Tsumiki? No, he absolutely can’t. Out of all people, your boyfriend should know best that Megumi will probably leave and never return if he sees Satoru dressed up like this. And Tsumiki? Well, she might not be as harsh as Megumi, but even she will just stare at him bamboozled. Yes, those kids aren’t particularly joyful when it comes to Satoru’s goofy side and everyone knows.
Except for him, apparently.
“The kids will hate you for this”, you clarify, fingers getting stuck in the fake hair of his beard.
He draws you closer, arms wrapping around you tightly while the poor fabric of his costume scratches against your cheek.
“You just can’t accept that they love me more than you. Just watch and see the magic in their eyes.”
A huff escapes your lips, head shaking by itself. Oh, you’ll definitely watch as he makes a fool out of himself in front of the kids. This will be fun.
“Hey (y/n), where is that freak?”, Megumi greets you, neatly dropping his schoolbag into the same spot as usual.
“Come on, Megumi-chan, don’t call him that”, you softly reply.
“I have no idea, I haven’t seen him since morning.”
“(y/n)!”, Tsumiki cries out and runs into your open arms instantly.
What a sweet girl she is. Despite the fact that both her mother and father are gone, she always wears a wide grin on her face, embracing you in a hug whenever she lays her eyes on you. Megumi on the other hand, just stares at you from afar with his arms crossed in front of his chest. How is it possible for siblings to be this different?
“Why do you talk about him this way, Megumi? Don’t you know we would have never met (y/n) if it wasn’t for him?”, Megumi’s sister reproves him in an instant.
“Huh, you’re right about that”, the petite boy mumbles to himself, eyes set on you.
“Ho ho ho children.”
You blink a few times, the voice behind the closed door being pitched so ridiculously low that your cheeks redden. He told you he’ll surprise the kids today, you should have seen it coming after he tried on that strange suit this morning. But to be honest, you hoped it was just to mess with you, that he was just playing around a little.
Until the door swings open and reveals Satoru Gojo in a Santa costume, wearing his iconic pair of sunglasses.
“You can’t be serious about that”, Megumi mumbles in the corner.
You don’t know what to do. Dying of laughter or dying of embarrassment? By the way he steps into the middle of the room with boots that look way too similar to the ones you just bought a few months ago, you have no time to think about that.
“Since I know (y/n) is always naughty, I’m here to check if at least you kids have been good this year”, he announces.
It’s hard to keep the corners of your mouth from shooting up and to suppress the little giggle that creeps up your throat. But there you stand, smiling like an idiot while shaking your head, watching the priceless drop on Megumi’s cute little face.
“You’ve got to be kidding, right?”
Tsumiki lets go of you, blinking over and over in an attempt to understand what’s going on. Everybody just stands dead still in their tracks, staring at what’s definitely Satoru Gojo in front of them.
“I see, you’re a feisty one, little man. Watch how you speak to someone my age!”
“You’re 18.”
Tsumiki is the first one to break with a squeal, holding onto your body for hold while shaking uncontrollably in laughter.
“This isn’t funny, young lady!”, Satoru’s low voice speaks out harshly.
He sends you over the edge. Your little giggle escalates into loud laughter, making your stomach ache so badly that tears run down your cheeks.
“You look ridiculous. Take that off.”
With a swift motion, Megumi pulls down the fake beard that was set in place by a cheap elastic, exposing the pout of pure outrage on Satoru’s lovely face. Oh, how much you love that man. The man who lost it all last year, the man who cared about those kids he didn’t even knew enough to basically adopt them, the man who does everything to make Megumi’s and Tsumiki’s life as pleasant as possible.
Even if it means dressing up as Santa.
“Huh, how did you get it was me?!”
“Are you kidding? You’re even wearing your sunglasses, idiot.”
“Raised me? You know me since last year!”
“He would never admit it, but I know that he really admires Satoru from deep down”, Tsumiki suddenly hushes into your ear.
You wipe your tears away, observing the scene laying itself out in front of you with a wide smile. It’s not a secret to anyone in this room that life has its ups and downs, that everything is shitty from time to time. But precious moments of joy like this that make even Megumi turn away with an ever so slight grin make you realize what life really is about.
“I think you were quite convincing”, you comment sarcastically.
“You…It was your fault! You told them about my surprise!”, your boyfriend cries out overdramatically.
It takes him not even seconds to be by your side, grabbing you by your waist and tickling your over-sensitive spots he knows so well.
“Stop! I didn’t do anything!”, you shout between multiple giggles, tears of joy streaming down your face all over again.
“B-but…I like that suit better than I thought.”
His hands stop immediately, eyes darkening in an instant.
“Is that so, huh? Maybe I can show it off better in the bedroom.”
“Yeah, maybe…”
“Come on, Megumi. Time to go”, Tsumiki hisses, dragging her brother out of the room by his small hand.
-dirty bonus-
"Tsumiki?", Megumi mumbles muted.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Do you think (y/n) is okay?"
Tsumiki blinks into the darkness around her, trying to understand what her little brother means by his words.
"She definetely was when Satoru dressed up as Santa. Why?"
"When I went to the toilet, I heard her screaming. She even screamed his name. I guess I'm just a little...worried. Do you think we should go check-"
"NO", Tsumiki interrupts him immediately, her face heating up in an instant.
Oh god.
"Absolutely not. Just stay here and try to sleep."
"But what if-"
"NO. And never tell me about something like this again!"
Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez
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set-wingedwarrior · 3 months
My most important sapphic ships post before Pride Month ends
What the title says, studying kept (and still keeps me) busy so we gotta go fast lol
Bumbleby (RWBY)
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to the surprise of absolutely no one, they get first place (despite me not going in a particular order) because of reasons. They're perfect. Soulmates. Slowburn of all time. Yin and Yang. Eyes the color of each other's souls. Truest OTP to ever OTP in my book. ∞/10
Konosetsu (Negima!)
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I already talked about them in their own post, this scene changed my life leading to my self-discovery and it still lives rent-free in my mind.
Kyosaya (Madoka Magica)
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I'd also add MadoHomu but I'm trying to keep it to just one for each fandom. That said, they still make me mentally unwell. I love them, and I did for a long time now. I can't wait for the next movie to come out and suffer.
Ruby and Sapphire (Steven Universe)
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These bitches had the first cartoon gay wedding and kiss DO I NEED TO SAY MORE???
Korrsami (Avatar)
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Still down the queer cartoons making history path, these two made me insane back in the day because I still didn't understand I was queer and lots of sapphic couple were starting to appear in media, and I remember jokingly say how "lesbian ships were hauting me". All I can say now is "Thank you" lol. Anyway, they were incredibly important and all the people criticizing how little queerness there's in the show will never understand just how massive this scene was.
Catradora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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Friends to Enemies to back to Friends to Lovers. Iconic. I still want a movie with their adventures bringing magic back to the universe.
Hollstein (Carmilla)
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My third beloved blonde with a cat gf ship. I miss this web-series every day. Also, Natasha Negovanlis played an immense role in my gay awakening.
Ellie and Riley (The Last of Us: Left Behind)
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Ellie and Dina are adorable and I love them, BUT I just will never get over these two. That dlc fucked me up. (also, they're in the same category with Korrasami as "gay ships that hauted me before I realized I was queer" lol)
Lumity (The Owl House)
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I remember starting this show feeling it as the successor of Steven Universe, at least to me. We could say that at level of mistreatment from its parent company, it defenitely surpassed it, but at least I'm glad I was right and we got Luz and Amity becoming canon. I love these two and not a day passes without me yelling at Disney for what it did to them.
Bubbline (Adventure Time)
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I actually watched Adventure Time fully only recently, but I always loved them even when I watched the show randomly when it appeared in tv back in the day. Getting to see the progression properly just made me love them even more.
Yasammy (Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory)
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Incredibly recent addition, but I am so glad that I checked out Camp Cretaceous and got into it. It's a nice show and these two are a really cute couple, their confession and especially Yaz's internal turmoil were just so on point. I was really happy to see them go still strong in Chaos Theory, and I can't wait for next season.
Pricefield (Life is Strange)
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These two caused me pain in the best possible way. I felt literal heartbreak at the Bay Ending, and I was just as emotional at the Bae one (Bae > Bay Forever) I hope the new game will respect their relationship OR ELSE.
Wow, this is quite the list. I do have an amazing taste, if I do say so myself, ahah!
Well, I guess this is it for now, glad I could make it before Pride Month was over! Knowing myself I might have actually forgotten some though, so keep an eye out for possible updates (what makes me even think that you'd care? lol).
That would be all, be gay and do crimes! Bye!
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goldsbitch · 2 months
Hi🥹 cam I just say that I love your writing?
Would you be able to write something with Lando or oscar (his sister) of him/ them surprising her for her birthday? Possibly she likes christmas a lot so a christmas in July with lots of christmas deco.
It's my birthday soon and I don't really have anybody to celebrate with which is fine but I still wanted to ask
this is by far one of the sweetest asks I've ever read - sorry for taking such a long time! i got sick and the mind was just too cloudy
i do hope you'll like this. i've finished it just after the race, so it's not as fluffy as i intended this to be. hopefully we'll recover from that soon
anyway - happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christmas in July
2 days before Hungarian Grand Prix 2024 and Y/N birthday
"What brings her joy?" Lando asked as if he spoke of some impossible philosophical dilema. The only thing missing was a big white board for him to stare at. It was sometimes hard to decipher when he was joking and when he was being serious. But Oscar knew one thing - this guy would rather gather up a crowd before sorting out something on his own. He had currently set up a "war council" as he called it not-so-dramatically in order to figure a way how to approach the his sister's birthday. Among others present was his teammate.
Oscar had a dilema of his own, sitting there on a chair with few other people present on this strange meeting Lando held in his hotel room. While his teammate was trying to figure out how to cheer up his sister, who was suppose to be spending her birthday with her best friend in Budapest during their Grand Prix, Oscar was trying his best not to raise any suspicion. Nobody here knew it was nearly impossible to count the nights he had spend secretly texting with Lando's sister. It was innocent. Just two friends wishing each other good night every other day. Definitely not crossing the line at all.
Lando did not share details as to why he was suddenly putting himself in charge or his sister's birthday with the group. She had a whole thing planned with her best friend for Hungarian summer race weekend. Not even Lando had that many details about their falling out as Oscar had.
In a way, he was glad that Lando took this initiative and he could hide behind him, making sure her brother did not cross the line or got too carried away. And ensure that Y/N had the birthday she deserved. A girl probably too sweet for their world anyway. Once again, Oscar had to stop himself before he lost his thoughts completely. She was just a friend. His teammate's sister. Nothing more.
Sun kissed people smiling in streets older than time itself. Ancient glory still piercing through the cobblestones and some kind of magic the locals put to the water here, making it all dreamy and mystic.
Yeah, that's all great and amazing - unless you're there alone, bored and mad at everyone. Even the bloody sun was too much these days. And coffee too bitter this time.
Y/N was people-watching, while she enjoyed her scenery coffee alone. Every group of friends walking by and enjoying their summer felt like a personal attack. Somehow, every happy couple in the surrounding area must have decided to take a stroll around the city and her ever-so-single self had to watch it all happen.
Having a fight with a bestie is hard on its own, it's absolutely amazing when it happens around ones birthday. Right now, there were suppose be having a blast in a local spa and preferably talk about the latest boy they'd flirted with the night before. But no.
The dread of having a fallout with a friend is often worse than a break up.
There was only one person she truly wished to text at that moment, but their texting has been getting out of hand for the past days. She tried to avoid wallowing in the memories of her blushing at her phone last night. She was just a friend to Oscar, nothing more. It was impossible - he was her brother's teammate! A very sweet, funny and irresistable teammate. She imposed a self-ban on her, no texting Oscar during the day. At least today.
"What if I... hire a horse and have her ride on it to the paddock!" Lando said, desperation dripping from his mouth.
Oscar chuckled, this was way too much fun to watch. Lando shot him an intimidating look, making the poor guy worried for a moment. He can't possibly know, right? Oscar gulped, swallowing his next chuckle.
"Something funny, Osc?"
"No, certainly not." Never once has Oscar felt more like a school boy that right there. "Although, I would question if this is something she would truly enjoy. I imagine she is a little shy for that."
He did not need to imagine anything - he could practically see her horrified texts incoming. It has been few hours since she's responded. It was getting harder for Oscar to keep lying to himself a pretending it did not bother him.
"Yeah, you're probably right," Lando replied after a moment o thought. "Fuckin' hell. I can't just buy her a necklace. That's so lame."
Oscar agreed. Unless it was a personal one.
"I'd say you should keep it private and sweet."
Lando was getting slightly annoyed, as no clear idea seemed to come up. "No, Oscar, it needs to be an absolute bomb. Gotta cheer her up somehow."
The Australian man could not argue with that. "True. Come on, what does she like?"
"I dunno, it's hard. And like, we don't have much time. to organize," Lando sighed. He should have prepped this sooner.
Unlike Lando, Oscar had a very clear idea of which direction to go to. He just couldn't be blunt about it. "When have you seen her happiest?"
Lando frowned, his eyebrows dancing in deep thoughts. "I dunno, when she brings home a new guy?"
Oscar's stomach did a u-turn at the idea of Y/N bringing guys home. More specifically, guys that were not him. "No, I meant like - time of the year of something like that."
Silence fell over the room. "I dunno, on her birthday, maybe?! What the fuck is your point?" Lando asked bluntly. Oscar bit his lip, this was going to be painful. It was simple, obvious, hell anyone who knew her at least a bit would know the one thing she absolutely loves was Christmas - and why not have Christmas now? Get a little tree, pump it up and make it all a big jolly fun.
"Yes, but like, time of the year - what does she like the most?" Oscar tried once again.
Lando was getting impatient. "Are you hinting on anything specific or just shooting in the dark?" It sounded more like a threat than a question. Oscar had no choice but to back down, worried he might have to reveal things he wished to be private at the moment. His massive crush on Lando's sister being the main thing he had to hide.
"Nope, just trying to give you pointers..." he said and sunk deeper in his chair. For a good chunk of the next 20 minutes he had to listen to the "war council" coming up with mediocre ideas like booking up a private spa in the city centre.
1 day before Hungarian Grand Prix 2024 and Y/N birthday
Lando woke up with a vision, a genius idea and a ground breaking concept - Christmas in July! Scratched all his other plans and had his team working on the ever-so-easy task of getting a Christmas tree in the middle of summer, on a weekend of all days. Many curse words were uttered in secrecy by his assistants.
Nevermind the three Christmas themed TikToks Oscar sent him, trying to steer his subconsciousness.
Lando created a massive group chat, instructing everyone not to acknowledge Y/N birthday the following day and to wait for the celebration after the race. Everyone was invited. Including Oscar, who was skeptical about leaving Y/N guessing the whole day. But, it was Lando's call. So he obeyed.
Hungarian Grand Prix 2024 and Y/N birthday
There was a strange energy in the air the whole day. Y/N had a very little contact with her brother, as he was fully deep in prep for his race. Oscar was also completely MIA. It was all terribly, terribly lonely. She shouldn't have come here. Her secret hopes of getting some alone time with Oscar totally clashed with the fact he was busier than usual. Birthday was no big deal anyway, right? Phone calls she received from her family were precious and were enough - at least this is what she tried to convince herself with when she sipped another lonely coffee. The buzz and excited people around the paddock not helping her. Nobody seemed to care. She would have thought that Oscar would. But no.
It was supposed to be a joyous celebration. But after the very questionable race they'd all just gone through, it was all but that. Lando really tried to push his real emotions back and be there to celebrate his sister. But it was just not working at all. Part of his wished he had done this thing the evening before. He was exhausted, pissed, sad and just wanted to go home. And she could see right through him.
When she got picked up by a driver and taken to a location unknown to her, she knew what was up. But, the decorations surprised her - someone really went all out. Christmas lights and decorations covered the whole room and big banquet with enough food to last them to the next December. It was a dream come true. But sometimes, it just takes few people to make an evening special. And the one she really wished to attend wasn't there.
Happy birthday! I hope your party is all you could have wished for. I was looking forward to be there with all of you, but I think my presence would taint it today. Hope you have a blast and have a wonderful year ahead of you!
The text lingered, as she toasted with another random person. As if it burned on her phone and through her pocket.
Thank you - congratulations of your first win!
It was a dry, cold response. But she did not have more in her to write. He did left her on read for two days. She had to remember her loayality towards her brother, who did go and created the best evening she could have asked for. She saw him, sitting at a table, deep in his own head. She went to sit next to him.
"Penny for your thought?" she nudged her brother. As soon as she spoke to him, he put on his fake smile on, the one he used the whole evening to hide his real emotions.
"Just happy you're happy," he said, clouded by his own emotions too much to see that she was in fact not having a good time. But both can pretend in order to protect the other.
"It is magnificent," she said, looking around at the massive Christmas tree. "Thank you."
Lando smiled weakly, getting sick of that sentence.
"Lando, I can see you're feeling really down. You do not have to be here just to please me. It must be horrible," she said, taking on the role of the supporter.
Her brother was crunched to his seat, visibly exhausted and completely over this bloody day. He couldn't look at her, as he felt incredibly selfish by making this about him again. As he always did.
"I'm a shit brother sometimes. I just want you to be happy," he responded.
"What a long we've travelled from you hitting me with a stick everytime mom turned around."
Lando let a small laugh out and finally looked at her.
"Ok, brother, I can't have you staying here, looking like you're about to drop dead any minute. Go do what you need to do. And we both know that is to get out of sight and have some alone time," she ordered, not having it anymore.
"You're right. As always. And hey, about that annoying friend of yours...I'll be alright. I'm sure of it." Lando never liked her, but he knew that Y/N loved her, so basic respect it was from him. Y/N's bigger issue at the moment was Lando-Oscar relationship. And her little crush. After the event today, it just seemed so out of the window.
"All will be alright," she replied, trying to convince herself more than Lando. "Now get off my party, you weirdo," she said jokingly, knowing well enough with him gone, there will be no one she truly liked left on her party. Just Lando's friend and few people from his team. But that was a reasonable price to pay for letting her brother go and deal with his emotions.
A knock on the door. Y/N came to the hotel quite late, but apparently someone wanted to come to visit even later.
She slowly opened the door, only to find a somewhat drunk Oscar swinging from one side to another, having troubles standing straight.
"Ssshh," he gestured immediately upon her opening the door, making in fact a louder sound than she ever planned on making.
"Oscar!" she whispered, surprised. Her heart must have stopped temporarily. He was there, standing in front of her. They were alone, for anyone to see. He was gorgeous. Stripped out of any inhibitions, barely keeping his eyes open.
"I'll stay here," he announced, rejecting an invitation that was never uttered. "I can't make your brother mad, not today. As you know."
Y/N was in a slight panic mode - the universal panic only one's crush can induce.
"I...have. A gift for you," Oscar mumbled and finally revealed his hand which was behind his back this whole time. It was a small box wrapped in the cheesiest Christmas paper. Y/N couldn't but smile at the awkward way it was wrapped, obviously Oscar himself took the time to do it on his own. "I wanted-wanted to give it to you this evening, but you know. Racing got...dramatic," he said, tripping over his own tongue. Y/N leaned closer and tried to stable him, which he rejected. "No! I will not come to your room today, no matter how much I want to," he continued denying offers that weren't made, making her laugh a bit. Drunk Oscar was a very cute Oscar. "I value you. And our...it's not a relationship, but it's also not a friendship, so let's just call it a ship," he reasoned, burped and then continued. "I value our ship and I do not want anyone to think I'm taking ad-advantage of you, so it must be done right. Today is not the day," he said, pointing his finger up. "Take this," he pushed his gift to her hands. "Lando said a necklace is a bad gift, but I don't think so. This will look pretty on your neck."
Y/N never took Oscar as a talkative drunk. But it was sweet to watch him, no boundaries at all.
"Thank you, Oscar. This is so nice of you," she said, still fighting her own surprised reaction.
"Good. I will go now. Today is not the right day to tell you I have a crush on you," he said and marched through the hallway, hopefully to his hotel room.
It was impossible to wipe off the smile out of Y/N face. Her crush liked her back. Gave her a beautiful gift.
But he was right - that day was not a good day for them to get together. But, a ship has definitely sailed.
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yan-lorkai · 6 months
How about an undertaker with a fem Vampire s/o?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: He is such a silly little guy, I love him. And I love this rq too since I absolutely adore vampires! Hope u like it too!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, fem reader, very brief mention of the bizarre dolls, otherwise, this is just fluff <3
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Undertaker has seen thousands of immortal creatures, however, this is the first time he has seen a vampire. And even more so, one as beautiful as you. As they say in the legends, your skin is so soft to the touch, your eyes dangerous and treacherous, your beautiful smile showing your sharp fangs. And he feels enchanted by you. But what enchants him the most are your jokes, even if they aren't good, they make him laugh until his stomach hurts and he cries.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ As a Shinigami he knows how immoral it is to harvest a soul before its time, but if you want to kill some people to feed on them, Undertaker wouldn't stop you. Instead, he would cover your tracks so that no one would know who the killer was. Or, if you don't hunt people but animals, he would help you, even though he didn't have that much experience with traps.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Loves watching you hypnotize people to do something you want or just for funsies. You and Undertaker usually play with people as if they were your dolls, just another harmless play. But you two do get reckless sometimes.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He buys the best dresses to accentuate your beauty. Then he praises you, he would praise you even if you were covered from head to toe with blood. He might even get down on one knee to propose.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Absolutely melts when you kiss his scar, he might or might not tell you the story about how he got it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He makes you skull bracelets and necklaces, so you know that he is never a part. And it's imbued with his own shinigami magic so he knows where you are. Is never a coincidence when he met you at alleyways or crowded places, he wasn't just passing by, he know you never would do something to spoil your relationship with him but he is a clingy Shinigami that likes to drap himself on top of you like a cat and to fill your face with kisses.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ On the surface level he is sweet and caring, and he truly is, he loves spoiling you and acting silly to make you laugh - your laugh makes him giggle so this turn into a vicious cycle. But he is just as possessive as much as he gentle with you. He'll do anything you asked, anything you wanted, but only if he can get you whole, only if you depend on him and think only of him. Even if you don't, Undertaker has his ways to do things.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ After a while, when you two get serious, he is much more open about his past with you. He even let's you hold his scythe and absolutely love the look on your face, it's so precious how you spin it around and carefully analyze the skull at the top. You ask him tons of questions on it and about shinigamis. If you're lucky he might even tell you his true name.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ To prevent anyone from speaking ill of you, Undertaker has you working on the mortuary as his assistant. Though he hates when that butler's stare lingers on you a little longer. You're his beloved, you're beautiful but people shouldn't look at you like this, even worse, that demon shouldn't even be near you. Undertakes gets impossibly jealous when he and the little brat are gone. And of course you have to be the one to placate his burning heart, to ease his worries or else you have to deal with a cranky god of death.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You sometimes help him make his bizarre dolls and he loves it so much, guiding you to every step and explaining why he is creating them and for what purpose. It's a little strange but when you two are bonding over anything, it's bounded to be this way. Death surrounds you two daily and now it seems like a good ol' friend, welcoming.
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
determined 5yo girls are more powerful than god
As a child i did not even realize this was a little merm adaptation, but it really reads. She is sooo strange and other worldly and the movie absolutely captures that dreamlike fairy tale vibe
Ponyo a roughly five-year-old magical goldfish who can transform into a frog-type thing and a human girl. She's the eldest daughter of the literal goddess of the sea and a former human sailor given immortality. She falls in love with the five-year-old boy who cares for her and is thrilled to explore his ordinary yet magical world. She's bouncy, exuberant, and joyful. She loves ham. She doesn't have to give up her voice.
ponyo ponyo ponyo little fishie in the sea!
Little fishy
Their a bug that falls in love with a human they rescue and becomes human, but even when they don't get to keep their human body, they still get to be with their love. It's a sci-fi fairytale musical.
Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers musical starring awesome puppets and the most trans coded main character ever. Please. Please vote Bug Starship I love him. Go watch Kick it Up a Notch from Starship. Go watch Status Quo from Starship. You will understand.
He's a bug and he lives in space on a bug planet but he really wants to be a starship ranger which you can only be if you are a human and then one day a spaceship lands on his planet and so he goes to an evil bug called Pincer who then helps him become a human. And Bug falls in love with a human on the spaceship and it's very sweet. The musical and storyline are based on the little mermaid story, the creators themselves called it "the little mermaid but in space". Bug wanting to be a human/a starship ranger and achieving that and falling in love with a human is very much like the little mermaid
Starship is a musical that can only be described as The Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers. It follows Bug, an alien bug who dreams of being a Starship Ranger, a galactic explorer/soldier, but the rigid confines of bug society keeps him trapped in a job he hates. He reaches a Starship Ranger named February from the hive and immediately falls in love with her. In order to be with her and pursue his dream, he makes a deal with a giant scorpion named Pincer who through sci-fi bs gives him a human body. Near the end of the second act he sacrifices his human body and returns to his bug body, and saves the day and wins February's heart. It's truly the ultimate Little Mermaid. He has multiple songs, and his bug body is portrayed by a puppet!! Vote for Bug!!
“It's a big, big, universe So many dimensions And unanswered questions Not to mention Life What an invention Life There's no choice involved in what you are given One mind, one voice, one body to live in It's a short, small thing we lead With so much potential Pointless or essential Which one can I be? Where do I fit? Where do I stand? Who are they to say what I am? And how can I stay inside this awful world I know? I need a way out I need an escape I'd rather be dead than to live in this place I wish that something or someone could just take it all away Someone take me away” dear god….. can anybody hear me…. (song from starship)
They are the purest little mermaid adaptation done in the most unuque way. An alien insect gets turned into a human, a race he has always loved and admired, to be with the woman he fell in love with. Also just a great musical.
Bug's whole arc is so so in tune with that of the little mermaid. He is an alien who has fallen in love with humanity through a crashed spaceship and trades his place in the hive for a chance to be with both with the human he's falling for and to be a Starship Ranger. He body swaps with human in a cryogenic pod! It's literally sci-fi Little Mermaid!
Don't stick to the status quo and pick the fairy tale!! it's what HE would want!!!
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wolfiesmoon · 7 months
I like, just read your work, and I SUPER DUPER LOVE IT!!!!
(very slay)
So like, I'm so happy you're doing requests!
Could I do a request for a jealous Lilia Vanrouge? No problem if you don't do it fast, or even don't do it! No stress or pressure!
hahahah hiiiiiii!
idk why but i absolutely love ur vibes!! u seem so silly (very fitting for a lilia kisser)
i actually had a bit of trouble thinking about a plot for this, i don't see Lilia as the type to get seriously jealous (atleast not the current lilia, still in blissful ignorance abt book 7) so i made it a different, more silly type of jealous in the end
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"Ahehehe, he's so pretty..." you smiled at your phone, sat on Lilia's bed at the moment. After coming to Twisted Wonderland and obtaining a phone, you realised that you have a whole new world to explore. A whole new world of otome games.
Recently, you've been obsessed with this one guy in one of the otome games you're playing. He's just perfect, and that's all that is to it.
On the other hand, your good friend Lilia has been feeling a strange sense of unsatisfaction whenever you talk about that fictional crush of yours.
He invited you over to his room with the intent to converse with you deep into the night but you're just rolling around on his bed and freaking out over a fictional character instead of gazing at him with interest as he talks about one of his travels.
Not that he blames you for getting so worked up over video games, no no. He himself finds a lot of enjoyement in playing them. They have an appeal, and he gets it. Though he hasn't experienced an otome game for himself yet.
But he still thinks that it is quite rude you are not talking to him right now. Not to mention the strange feeling that boils inside him when you giggle at your phone for the umpteenth time.
He'll have to gain your attention in the way he knows best.
He soundlessly climbs up on the bed behind you, making sure you didn't notice him before grabbing your shoulders from behind and playfully yelling "Boo!"
"Ack! Lilia!" You yelp, turning back to see Lilia laughing heartily at your reaction.
"Hahahaha, that was quite the reaction!" He seemed very pleased with himself.
"What was that for?" You furrowed your brows, pouting at him.
"Well, I invited you to my room so we can enjoy eachother's company, is all." A subtle invitation to start a conversation. His eyes travelled to your phone screen for a moment and he saw the fictional guy you're freaking out about.
Hm... he could probably do better. Atleast in his humble opinion.
"In a minute, in a minute... just gotta finish this chapter." You turned back to your phone with excitement shining in your eyes. Excitement that wasn't directed at him.
Oh, he sees how it is. He'll just have to win you back the hard way.
He casts a spell on your phone, making it float out of your hands. You tried to reach above you to catch it but it just kept floating higher and higher, just out of your reach.
"Lilia! Stop that!" You knew it was him doing it, mainly because he was laughing joyously, watching you jump around on the bed, trying to catch it.
"Oh, but I'm enjoying myself very much right now. Is it so wrong of me to have a bit of fun?" He smiled at you mischeviously. There was a glint of something you can't quite place shining behind his eyes.
"You seem oddly worked up." You comment, giving up on the phone for now and plopping back down on the bed.
"Whatever do you mean..?" Lilia acted innocent. While you were inspecting his face to find any suspicious expressions, he used magic to poof your phone away. There. Now there's no more distractions.
"Wait... my phone! What did you do to it?!" You realised it's gone a tad too late, head whipping around the room to try and find it.
"Kehehe, don't worry. I put it somewhere safe." Lilia assured you. Now you can focus all your attention on the one who's right in front of you, on him.
"O...kay? Why are you smirking evilly at me?" you were now especially suspicious of him.
He moved next to you on the bed, wrapping his right arm around you. He seemed awfully delighted when you looked at him in the eyes.
"Now, we can talk for hours. I have lots of things I want to find out about you." he punctuated the 'you' with a playful poke to your forehead.
"O...Oh, all right. What do you want to talk about?" you were still kind of processing the entire situation, but you were glad Lilia was in a talkative mood. Conversations with him are always enjoyable, even if you didn't get to finish that chapter you were really looking forward to.
"There, now I have you. I'll make it worth your time." he seemed very satisfied at the return of your interested gaze on him. Now he just has to make sure it stays on him for good.
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1chaerry · 21 days
Thank you for answering! I got into a fairy tail vibe again these days and the lack of stuff is criminal T^T
Anyway! Could I please have Sting and Laxus ( separately) reazling they have a crush on a fairy tail member! Reader please?
Thank you!!
ok I love this, I can totally see this happening, THIS IS SO CUTE
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Realising they have feelings
summary: when realization hits, they know they're so doomed... in a good way
characters: laxus dreyar, sting eucliffe,
c.w: fluff, comedy, existential crisis, crush, local man finds out he is crushing on a Fairy.
w.c: 1.6k
Reader is called 'Saram', meaning 'Human/Person'
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Sting Eucliffe
The first time he saw Saram was when he met Natsu the night of the preliminary round. He hadn't noticed her at first, how could he? She was quiet, practically hiding behind Lucy and Natsu, but he knew she was strong. Heavy magic levels emitted from her, he was surprised that someone so strong was in Fairy Tail. At that time, he had not paid much attention and moved on, forgetting the encounter.
The second time he saw her was not in a team, to his absolute surprise, he knew she was strong, but instead in the Fairy Tail stands, watching with a soft smile from beside Fairy Tail's Master, Makarov. She was sitting on the stone railing, legs dangling over the edge as she watched the opening and introductions. When everyone booed the first Fairy Tail team, despite the shock from her own guild members, Saram was cheering them on smiles and cheers of her. Her guild followed in quest: Sting found it a bit strange how she did not care and simply supported the weakest team.
The first time she came face to face with him was on Day-2 of the GMG, after Chariot. The moving challenge had rendered him, Natsu and Gajeel immobile and sick. After the challenge was over, Saram had come on to the field and first went to her guild mates, Gajeel and Natsu, her hands glowed a maroon color mixed with black, visibly making their exhaustion lesser and easing their sickness. What surprised him was that Saram walked over to him, kneeling down in front of him and quietly placed her fingertips to his forehead, a maroon and black glow, as he felt his sickness and exhaustion disappear.
He looked at her shocked, surprised, in disbelief and confusion, even opting to glance at her guild mates to understand why she was helping him: they didn't look bothered, in fact, they looked used to it. When his eyes met her, he was surprised to see how clear they were: no deceit, no bad intentions. Only a firm resolution to help him, nothing more, nothing less.
"Why...?" That was all he could say as she removed her hand. Without a pause, she said in a quiet but firm voice.
"You're a Dragon Slayer, right?"
He finds himself nodding wordlessly.
"Dragon Slayers don't do good with vehicles. I help Natsu and the others with it always, I don't see a reason to not help you too."
Makarov simply chuckled at her actions as he watched from the stands with the guild. Always a peculiar one, that one. Saram helped Gajeel and Lucy helped Natsu back to the arena resting area: Sting couldn't draw his gaze away from her retreating figure. And when he went back to his team's area, he couldn't help but kept his eyes on the woman who took her usual place on the ledge by her Guild Master's side as his mind stayed full of her thoughts.
When Bacchus asked for Elfman Strauss' sisters as a reward for the bet if he won, Sting did not really care. Not until he spoke of having Saram as an addition, too. He didn't notice himself, but Rouge did, his hands hand broken the ledge in anger, unknowingly, a dark fury in his irises. But it was simmered when Saram simply chuckled at the bet, mockingly albeit, "And here I thought being in an all mens guild would drive some manners into you, how disgusting you are to bet on women who have nothing to do with you lot."
Her words caused a shiver down everyone's spines, the silent threat and the smile that seemed like ice, "But it's alright, Elfman will beat you quite nicely for us."
Sting felt a flare in his veins, that challenge in her eyes was not directed towards him - instead at Bacchus - but he felt the dragon instincts within him stir. When the battle of Mirajane Strauss and Jenny Realight began, no one expected it to move into this direction. A glamor battle. The whole thing had drawn everyone's attention, even Sabertooth. When all the participating female wizards began joining, the cheers grew louder. Sting's eyes looked back to the Fairy Tail stands, not everyone had joined in, his eyes landed on Saram who was cheering on her guild mates, a glint in her eyes.
She was watching them all participate, chuckling and cheering, his eyes caught on the way she cheered with her hands moving, her eyes glimmering. Then, came the wedding dresses: he watched as Saram was laughing as she was also forced onto the arena by Titania, Erza and the Celestial Mage, Lucy. His eyes widened slightly as she rolled her eyes at them playfully and with a snap of her fingers, her outfit changed.
The dress was a stunning ball gown with a romantic and ethereal design. It featured a strapless, sweetheart neckline with off-the-shoulder tulle straps, adding a delicate and feminine touch. The bodice was intricately adorned with floral embroidery, showcasing a mix of pastel and muted tones, which seamlessly transition into the full, flowing skirt. The skirt itself was voluminous, made of layers of soft tulle, giving the dress a dreamy and airy appearance. The floral embroidery continues sporadically on the skirt, creating a cohesive and elegant look.
She looked so lovely that Sting felt his eyes stuck to her as she stood there with a smile, watching her guild mates and everyone else. He surprised himself more than he surprised her when he jumped down and walked towards her, strangely abash as he rubbed his nape, her eyes watched him in wonder as he extended his other hand, "Wanna partner up? You looked alone."
And he felt his heart almost jump out of his chest when she chuckled before taking his hand, nodding with a bright smile, the sun catching onto her hair and eyes, making them shimmer. Her voice was teasing and light as she looked at him, standing by his side, "Having one of the twin dragons as my partner? I'm rather privileged, wouldn't you agree, Eucliffe?"
"Sting. Call me that." He said, a bit embarrassed.
"Alright, then, you should call me Saram." Saram smiled, "Sting, thank you for saving me from being alone." She teased again.
Sting Eucliffe turned red at the situation as realization struck him. He really, really got into trouble didn't? Because otherwise, he wouldn't have gone and develope a crush on a Fairy. And if the rapid beating of his heart was any indicator, then Sting knew.
This feeling may very well develop into something more.
Not that he would mind.
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Laxus Dreyar
The first thing he saw when he came back on Tenroujima camp was this ball of energy, practically bouncing around as she helped everyone. He eyed her in confusion and tried to comprehend if he knew her. Evergreen noticed the way he was staring at her; a smirk made it to her lips as she sat beside him, "Someone's eyes are stuck."
"Who's that?" He said, ignoring her quip.
"Saram. Our resident fireball." She hummed, tossing her hair over her shoulder.
"Fireball? She's like Natsu?" He asked, a bit confused.
He didn't understand what Evergreen meant by 'better' until a while later. His jaw dropped as Bickslow's 'babies' kept passing through her, it was like she was untouched by everything and anything. Freed noticed his look of confusion and clarified, "Saram has a kind of lost magic called Flame Logia."
"Flame Logia?" Laxus questions, his eyes constantly on her movements.
"Yeah, I think there's another official name but she calls it that."
It didn't take a few minutes before he found himself in a stare contest with her as they say face to face, cross-legged across each other on the ground. He shifted his head to the right, she did too. To the left, she followed. Freed, Evergreen, Bickslow and Makarov were watching in amusement.
"You have tattoos?" She asked, tone cheery, a bit too cheery.
Laxus, to his own surprise, found himself nodding. Her eyes glimmered as she scoots closer, Laxus eyes her in confusion. Evergreen simply chuckled, giving a knowing look to Freed and Bickslow before walking off - the two follow after her. She eyes his tattoo with interest, he almost flinched when she moved closer and looked up at him with sparkly eyes, "Can I touch it? Can I, can I?"
He blinked before nodding. She touched the tattoo and he had to stop himself from shivering from her hand's touch; it was too cold for some reason. The rest of the day went by uneventful, a silent buzz amongst the members. For some reason, Saram decided to stick close to him. Telling him all the stories of the guild, the members and the events that happened while he was away. She looked so happy and cheerful in her stories that Laxus found himself looking amused and interested.
Even the next morning, she skipped over to him holding breakfast for him and herself: she spoke of stories and missions and how everything went bad on Tenroujima till now. He spat out his water when she asked him on a date, Evergreen was laughing.
"I think you're cute. Come on." She smiled.
Laxus didn't like her. No way. Not in a way that he would crush on her. Yeah, she was cute. Her way of speaking was interesting. He found himself interested in her stories. They way her eyes glimmered when she spoke of the guildmates. How she picked out the tomatoes from her sandwich at last night's dinner— he paused.
Ah shit.
He was crushing on her.
The moment was cut short by the appearance of Acnologia, everyone scrambling and getting to safety. His eyes widened when he caught sight of Saram providing back-up Makarov as everyone ran on his orders. He could hear Natsu yelling.
"Master! Saram! Go back, you bastard!"
Natsu was yelling at him but he kept his head down. He had to listen. He had to listen. He had - oh fuck it. Everyone ran back to Master and Saram: determined to not leave them behind, Makarov yelled at them but Laxus smirked, finding it hilarious that he thought that his guild, his children would leave so easily.
"Wendy, Laxus, Natsu, Gajeel!" Saram yelled out, glow emitting from the bodies of the Dragon Slayers, "Go! I'll enhance you!"
A new profound power surged through their veins as they fought against the dragon. Yet, their power is not enough. It was sudden. The swish of Acnologia's tail was sudden and abrupt. And in it's trajectory stood –
Laxus felt himself falter.
- Saram.
Everyone's eyes widened as time seemed to stop for a moment; Acnologia's tail hit her, her body convulsed for a second before she was swatted away at the mountain rocks. Her body hit the rocks with an explosion and cloud of dust: a scream of pain before her body fell limp and unmoving to the ground.
His eyes widened and he ran to her, the others covering him, "Saram!" He yelled as he skidded to a crouch near her body.
"Ah, it's the pretty lightning dragon..." She said weakly as Laxus held her in his arms, rushing over to where everyone stood in a circle. He held her hand as she leaned her body weight on his own figure. And with a squeeze of his hand, Saram looked up at him with a weak smile.
His heart clenched weirdly, not from worry or concern, a strange warmth, "Lightning Dragon," She said quietly "Promise me something?"
"Go on, I'll try." He had small smile, a chuckle left him as he stood with his guild, his family in a circle, pouring their magic in.
"After this is all over, let's go on a date."
And Laxus smiled, used at her words, "Sure."
"And let me see your tattoos properly."
Maybe he never knew what it was like to feeling something for someone but as he stood beside this woman who he met only one day ago, he could say one thing. Laxus Dreyar somehow began to crush on a Fairy who bounced into his life with her wings.
Maybe the lightning dragon will collect this shiny fairy too.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Thankyou @swivy123 for the request and I hope you enjoy!!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Mitsuri like reader~༺}
CW: Fluff! Reader proposes! Just cuteness between a Mitsuri like reader and Lyney! Lyney calls the reader Mon amour!
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Before Lyney you'd never really gotten alot of flowers, in fact you didn't really get alot of gifts in general, but the second you had started dating the magician...that completely changed. At the beginning of every date he'd lean down and place a kiss soft kiss on your hand, then he'd pull a rainbow rose seemingly out of thin air and put it behind your ear, it's multi colored petals standing out against your pink and green strands while also accentuating your eyes.
He always made you feel so beautiful and cared for, even when you'd eat twice as much as he would, he never acted strangely about it or made you feel like a pig like others sometimes did, whenever you felt down or sad he'd do fun magic tricks just so he could see you smile and hopefully get one of your beautiful laughs. He was perfect and you'd fallen for him completely, to the point you wanted to give him a gift...something that would celebrate your relationship and make it stronger, but what?
Then it hit you, what better gift is there to give then your love being confirmed forever...and with you and his siblings being the most important things in the world to him, it felt like they should be involved as well. So you put your plan in motion, secretly meeting up Lynette and Freminet to discuss details, after all you'd grown rather close to them over the course of your relationship with Lyney and they seemed delighted to help.
After a couple weeks, you'd gotten everything in order, your heart racing as you stood in the center of romaritime flowers, (courtesy of Freminet) and next to you was a candlelit table containing your and Lyneys favourite treats, (courtesy of Lynette), but most importantly of all was the ring you held in your shaky hands. You had made up so many scenarios in your head of how this could all go, especially as you saw him walking up to greet you...
"Well hello mon amour! You look absolutely stunning tonight and this place...it's goregous...did you do all of this yourself?" He asked as he leaned down to place that signature kiss on your hand, his violet eyes twinkling with curiousity at the over the top date. You smiled sweetly at him, giving him a kiss on the cheek in return and trying your best to calm yourself which currently seemed impossible, "I definitely didn't do this myself...Lynette and Freminet helped me, without them this probably wouldn't have happened...I appreciate them so much." You glanced in the direction they had left in, wondering what it would be like if you did end up being apart of their family.
You took a deep breath, gathering all your courage, "Lyney...I love you so much, we've been together so long...and I want to stay together, to be apart of your life, hang out with your siblings... make a promise to eachother. You make me feel so happy and you're always so thoughtful and caring...I can't imagine a life without you anymore...so I...I wanted to ask, would you... would you want to marry me?" You shut your eyes tight, holding the jewelry box open to reveal a ring and panicking every second he didn't answer.
"Yes...yes mon amour!" Your eyes shot open at his response, his arms wrapping around you and you hugged him back lifting him up slightly in excitement. The two of you enjoying your perfect moment, completely unaware Lynette and Freminet actually hadn't left, they simply had gone out of view then snuck back around, so they could watch and take pictures for you to have later, both of them silently cheering you on.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Hob Gadling - A Queer Romantic?
I have been listening to The World's End chapters of The Sandman on Audible lately and just finished Hob's Leviathan. I didn't pay this story much attention when I first read the comic, as I tended to read through the stories quickly and put more focus into the stories where Dream had a larger role. But one of the reasons I like listening to the Audible book is because it allows me to absorb each story more thoroughly and take my time thinking about each one and the (usually multiple) meanings behind them.
Hob Gadling is a character that fandom has fallen in love with. I think this is clear to anyone that takes even a partial glance at Sandman fandom. This isn't a criticism - Ferdie's performance as Hob in the Netflix show has done wonders for Hob's character. He has made his version of Hob very easy to fall in love with!
But the truth is that in The Sandman comics, Hob is a minor character who we only get to know very little about. The story Hob's Leviathan appears in The Worlds End Sandman book. We only meet him twice before this, once in The Doll's House, where we are introduced to him in Men of Good Fortune, and again in Season of Mists when Dream comes to let him know that he may miss their next meeting. In both these issues, Hob is introduced via the narrator, and therefore I like to think that we are given a fairly honest representation of the kind of person he is. We watch him grow and learn throughout the centuries in MoGF, but one of the major takeaways from this I believe is that he tends to always be on the wrong side of history. He makes bad choices and can be a bit narrow minded. He is rude and selfish and also rather self-absorbed. I actually think that the performance of the voice actor who plays Hob in the Audible book emphasises these character flaws making him even more unlikeable in many ways, though I am aware that this could just be my own experience and opinion.
But Hob's Leviathan takes a different view of Hob. Literally. The narrator of this story is a young boy of 16 called Jim. Jim met Hob on a ship travelling from Bombay to Liverpool in 1914. Jim was working on the ship as a cabin boy and Hob had bought his passage back to England - though it is revealled at the end of the story that Hob actually owned the ship they were travelling on. It is clear that at this point in time, Hob is extremely wealthy.
Jim attends to Hob throughout the journey, and grows very fond of him. In Jim's tale, Hob is a good man, who is kind and thoughtful and cares about others. He saves the life of a stowaway (who turns out to be another immortal). He is shown to be patient, and funny, and very intelligent. Jim waxes poetic about how smart Hob is, and how much he impressed him. It is particularly clear in the Audible book that Jim is taken with Hob, to the point that it could arguably be a crush.
It is fascinating how much more likeable Hob is when narrated from the viewpoint of someone with a crush on him, whether this story is exaggerated through rose tinted glasses is of course something to consider. All the tales in World's End are just that, tales. There is a constant undercurrent of exaggeration and make believe to them where even the other patrons of the inn question elements to each of the stories. We are not supposed to take these stories as absolute fact, rather they are supposed to reveal to us more about the narrators as well as their own experiences existing in this magical and strange world.
When it is revealled that Jim is actually a girl called Peggy in disguise so they can get work on the ships, the quite obvious crush makes more sense to a heteronormative audience, but what I particularly like about this story is its queer potential. See in the comic, it isn't really clarified if Jim goes by Jim because they feel more themselves as a boy, rather than a girl, or if they are disguising themself as a boy just to get work as a means to an end. I would argue that the latter is the more obvious interpretation. Jim tells the other World's End patrons that they are getting too old to keep up the disguise and will eventually have to stop working in shipping, and that when that happens, they will take on a new name, a new identity and do something else, but that for now, the patrons can keep calling them Jim.
*for a lack of clarity around the point in the comic, I am going to use gender neutral pronouns for Jim going forward*
Now from Hob's POV, he figured out that Jim was a girl, and they talk about it briefly along with the sea serpent they saw. I think that at this point, Hob is impressively progressive compared to the previous times we have met him. Now whether or not this is biased storytelling from someone who has a crush on him remains to be seen, but if we take Jim's word as truth, not only is 1914 Hob a fair and honest man who is willing to pay the way of a stowaway and fully respect the secrets of a young girl disguised as a boy so they can work on ships, but he's also totally comfortable flirting with them.
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I like that he calls Jim the "handsome cabin boy". I like that this version of Hob, whether real or an exaggeration skewed by Jim's feelings for him, respects Jim's identity. Jim may be a girl in disguise, but Hob doesnt call her pretty, he calls him handsome.
It's all just a bit subtly queer and I like that for Hob (But then I would do, I'm a Dreamling shipper HA)
When Jim finishes their story, they state that they didn't see Hob again after that, but the comics later do give us a possible outcome to Jim's story...
We next see Hob in The Kindly Ones where he is mourning the death of his girlfriend Audrey. He briefly reveals that Audrey was the first person he had loved since Peggy, who was his lover until her death during the Blitz. Whilst it isn't made clear that Hob's lover Peggy is the same Jim that we meet in World's End, it is a bit too much of a coincidence. The timing adds up. If Jim was 16 in 1914, they'd be in their early 40s during the Blitz. Hob remains forever in his early 30s so I'd say its a safe bet that Jim eventually found Hob again and they were together. Hob loved them enough that he wasn't with anyone again until Audrey in the 80s. That's 50 years worth of mourning. A long time not to be with anyone, even for an immortal.
It's funny because we know so little about Hob, but one thing that I have seen commented on here a lot is that comic Hob is deemed to be as Straight as an arrow. Now I admit that the voice actor in the Audible book plays him very straight, but that is still only one interpretation.
All this is to say that I am fascinated with how the Netflix show will adapt this, since Hob in the show already comes across much kinder and more selfless than his comic counterpart. He already has an entire fandom viewing him as queer, and the comics certainly don't outright shut down such interpretations. There are moments in the comics that you have to wonder on. He does call Jim handsome rather than pretty, and when he talks to Audrey's grave he mentions his wives and loves as separate groups. He talks about finding it easy to get sex if you want it, and he talks about it in generally gender neutral terms. In Sunday Mourning Gwen reveals that she thought he was gay when she first met him, though her reasonings were that he knew so many dead people (a dark reminder that these comics were published at the height of the Aids epidemic). He reacts very badly to the news of Morpheus' death. He states on several occassions just how much he liked Morpheus, and he is one of the few people to wake up from the Wake with tears running down his cheeks. I would arguably state that its between Hob and Matthew as to who had the worst reaction to Morpheus' death, showing just how much both Hob and Matthew cared about him, and placing Hob on par with Matthew in the comics is a big deal. He seriously considers accepting Death's gift when she offers it, simply because Morpheus is dead. He doesn't, because at the end of the day, its just not in his nature to do so, and given he then dreams of Morpheus, I like to think that it was a test, that he passed.
When it comes to how the show will adapt all this, I genuinely think it will take a new approach with Jim/Peggy. I think they will be either a trans man, or at least non binary. But I think having Jim be a trans man is the better option. In the comics, Jim's tale is only very subtly queer, Jim clearly likes being Jim, but it seems like its a means to an end, a convenience in order to get work on the ships, rather than being something that is core to Jim's feelings on their gender. Besides, if we assume that Jim is indeed the Peggy Hob talks about in The Kindly Ones, then we know that Jim goes back to being Peggy when they get older and apparently continues living as a woman whilst they are with Hob, otherwise I doubt Hob would have referred to one of his greatest loves by a name they themselves rejected and only used she/her pronouns when talking about them. Nevertheless there is no reason for the show to take this approach, and if they DO decide that Jim should be a trans man, then their relationship with Hob is canonically a queer one. Trans men are men and if one of Hob's greatest loves is a trans man, then Hob is a queer man himself. I genuinely believe the show will take this route and I can't wait to see it.
Going back to my point about narrators bias, if MoGF, SoM, tKO, and TW are all narrated by a neutral third party, then this must be the true Hob. A not overly likeable rather selfish man. He has his good points, and he has certainly grown and changed over the centuries, and carries a lot of guilt for his past mistakes, but he is still quite self absorbed. Jim paints a picture of a rose tinted Hob that is far more the dreamy romantic older gentleman that took a young person under his wing. Which is fair enough.
The show is of course its own adaptation, with changes from the comics as it sees fit, but I do feel it's my duty to remind you that the show also has a narrator guiding the audience through its many stories. Dream of the Endless, Lord Morpheus, King of Nightmares and Prince of Stories himself. Take from that whatever you will.
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“you’ve bewitched me, doll”
Summary: you have the same powers as Wanda but your powers are darker. You were a villain and you fought the avenger but eventually, they helped u get rid of the dark magic and u became one of them. You are reading their minds in secret but there’s only one mind that revolved around you only, which is Bucky’s. you keep teasing each other and playing mind games until one day you get into action.
Characters: Bucky Barnes (the white wolf) X female reader
Warnings: Smut, M masturbation, mind reading, witches, unprotected sex, overstimulation, praise, teasing, multiple orgasms, creampie, almost getting caught, mind games, begging, & lots of +18 explicit smut, Y/N's pov in the middle.
Word count: +3k
A/N: this is my first time writing smut ever + English isn’t my first language so excuse me if I misspelled anything lol
P.S: Y/N is such a girlboss! + This takes place before Wanda vision and MOM! (aka Wanda didn’t get hold of the darkhold yet but Y/N did)
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You were laying in your bed in your room in the compound watching your favorite TV show, your teammates were all on a mission except for you, Bucky, Sam, and Yelena. Sam and Yelena were in the gym training for their next mission. You and Bucky only shared a wall as your rooms were next to each other. You were just laying there remembering it all, how you became the most wicked witch ever, you even almost overpowered the scarlet witch herself as you locked yourself away for a year with the dark hold learning all its secrets and spells. Your brain brought you back to the events in New York and your infamous fight with Doctor Strange and how you almost wiped him and all the Avengers out from the face of the earth but that broken small little girl inside of you stopped you before it was too late, instead, you just asked for help and they were kind enough to put all your broken pieces back together and help you.
Strange took the dark hold and hid it away from the entire world that even he, can’t even have it. You were relieved by this thought as you can’t forget all the dark awful places this cursed book took you and how it almost made you go insane. Even though, it was the reason behind all your powers and knowledge of magic. Suddenly, you got snapped out of your thoughts by the random thoughts of your next-door neighbor.
The winter soldier himself, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you don’t find him hot, you had that secret crush on him since the first time you laid eyes on him which was when he tried to stop you from crashing Sam to death when they were fighting you. You knew that some part in your dark-tinted heart wanted Bucky to hold you down and fuck all the darkness out of you. You giggled at that dirty thought and went back to exploring Bucky’s thoughts.
You kept it a secret from everyone that you can read all of their minds but you couldn’t help it, it was a new environment for you and these guys were supposed to be your enemies so you felt like you had to, just to prepared for any kind of betrayal, as you promised yourself no mistakes like that again. You will not trust anyone again. But these guys made it different for you, they showed you what true family is. Especially Bucky. As you’re in his mind now, there’s an old song from whichever decade he’s from playing in his mind as he’s polishing and cleaning his metal arm. He’s so focused and you decided to play with him for a bit.
Bucky was obsessed with you and you knew it, you loved it, you even touched yourself to the thought of it. When you started getting used to them and getting close to them after they adopted you in the compound, Bucky kept picturing you in your underwear after he saw you this one morning by accident only in your bra and panties. He noticed for the first time how absolutely hot you are and how you were definitely his type. From this moment on, he started to notice you more, even though he hid it so well but you were in his mind and you knew it.
You knew how any sound from you made him obsess over you for hours so you got out of bed and searched for that song that keeps playing in his head and you played it, knowing it will get a surprising reaction out of him.
And it did. He looked over to your shared wall and smirked, and you felt that smirk. But what you didn’t know, is that Bucky knows you’re in his head. He noticed it first when he pictured you wearing skinny leather pants that hugs your ass cheeks perfectly and saw you wearing them the very next day. At this moment, he knew it was too perfect to be just a coincidence. He wanted to test this theory of his more, as he kept picturing you and thinking of you in certain places and wearing certain clothes and him knowing your playful teasing nature, you entertained every thought and idea of his and served it to him on a golden platter. He kind of liked how you keep reading his mind, this is why he kept seeing you and imagining you in very sexual scenarios and kept fantasizing about you. He knew you loved it.
You both kept playing these mind games for a while now and keep hearing each other masturbating at the thought of you two together in one bed. He knew you loved the idea of him masturbating and touching himself to you while moaning your name, and you did the same to him. Even the rest of the team noticed that heavy sexual tension between you two whenever you are all gathered for a meeting or a house party.
Bucky knew you were playing with him the moment you played that song, this is why he smirked. “you want a reaction doll, you’ll get one” he said to himself while he adjusted his metal arm on his torso again and laid in bed thinking about dressing you slowly while his hands are between your thighs teasing your entrance and you’re moaning his name in his ear and him burying his head in your neck biting and kissing your sweet spot. You, being in his head, seeing him doing this to you made you breathe heavily and feel your cunt gets hotter and wetter. You sat in bed in silence and paused the song which made him smirk and grin more in the other room, knowing what his thoughts did to you.
Bucky couldn’t actually handle more of these mind games and wanted to taste you so badly, he was really desperate for the real thing more and needed you. He thought that if he kept that “let’s try the real thing” thought in his mind, you’d cave and ask him to fuck you. But you didn’t, which made him more craving and weaker for you. But you couldn’t help it, teasing is actually one of your kinks. Now, you can read in his mind that he’s tired of fucking himself to the thought of you and he wanted to actually do it. You actually thought of just going to his room and burying yourself in his bed, giving him permission to do anything to you but you didn’t really have the guts to do it. You were not the begging type. But little did you know, he was.
You heard him get out of bed and get out of his room, with one thought only in his mind. You. Fucking you, licking you, tasting you, burying his cock inside of you. Your heart started to beat a little faster as you heard him knocking on your door, you walked to your bedroom door slowly as you kept seeing what he was going to do to you for the rest of the day as it keeps playing in his head. You opened the door and saw heavy-breathing shirtless Bucky standing in front of you with nothing but lust in his eyes. “Aren’t you tired of these mind games yet, doll?” he said as he got closer to you that you can feel his hot heavy breaths on your forehead and you looked up to him and smirked. “Gosh, you’re killing me.” He said while moving closer making you step back and he kept moving forward until he was inside your room. He closed your bedroom door with his metal hand without breaking eye contact with you.
“What are you talking about, Barnes?” you said while trying to hide that smirk on your face as you got him where exactly you wanted.
“No, Y/N, don’t play dumb. I know you’re in my head and you can see what I’m thinking about” he licked his lips while looking at yours. “I know you love it, don’t lie to me doll” A shadow of a smirk formed on his lips which made you more turned on than ever. “I can smell the throbbing heat between your thighs baby, please don’t lie to me” Your heart kept beating more and your breaths became heavier.
“What do you want, Barnes?” you wanted to tease more and be more playful with him since you knew, this turned him on too.
“I wanna fuck you, Y/L/N. I wanna feel your body on mine. I wanna feel your wet throbbing cunt hugging my dick while it’s buried inside you.” He kept staring at your body like a prey and he’s the predator, you still can read his mind and what’s going on in his head, is a literal porno starring you, and him. He’s not lying when he said these things, you can see him actually doing it. “I know you want it too, kitten, please let me fuck you.” He did something, you weren’t expecting at all. He dropped to his knees in front of you. Lust is the only thing you can see in his eyes, and you love it. “You’ve bewitched me doll, all I want is you. Please let me at least touch you.” He made such an accusation of you bewitching him, in fact, you didn’t do anything at all, you just woke up one morning and saw him fucking you raw in his dreams out of nowhere. Jesus, this man will be the end of you as you are of him.
you moved closer and placed your left hand on his shoulder and your right hand on his head, playing with his hair, he looked up at you as he was still on his knees wearing nothing but gray sweat shorts. “Only with one condition, Barnes,” you said while pulling his hair a bit. He didn’t break eye contact and opened his mouth a little. “It has to be good” he smiled and grabbed your thighs from behind while lifting you up. “You’re in good hands doll, be sure of that” he chuckled while throwing you on the bed.
Y/N's POV:
He threw himself on me but being careful not to crash me, he started kissing me heavily as our tongues kept fighting for dominance. He obviously won this fight then he started taking my shirt and my shorts off. He broke the make-out to get a good look at my body as he ripped my bra off. He bit his lower lip hard when he saw my breasts and my hard nipples. “Just how I imagined them” he smirked while moving down to kiss and suck them and he put my life nipple in his mouth sucking and biting it and the other one is in between his fingers. I moaned hard and kept pulling and tangling his dark brown hair in my hands.
“You taste so good doll, fuck” he said between breaths then he pulled himself up to my neck and buried himself in it. Kissing and biting on my sweet spot while leaving his marks all over me. His fingers started to trace the line of my panties as he proceeded to take them off. I kept moaning in need of any attention to my lower area as it was soaked wet and needed any kind of ease. “Just say what you want doll, I can feel your heat against me,” he said while moving his hand down on my bed till it reached my swollen clit. I moaned loudly at his touch. “I know you need me, babe. I wanna hear you begging” he said while rubbing circles on my clit making me moan and scream louder. He wants me to beg just like I made him beg to fuck me.
“Know your place, Barnes, you’re the one who begged me in the beginning,” I said between moans, trying my hardest to sound confident and well put. He chuckled and looked at me “Still won’t cave Y/L/N. Fine. We’ll do it this time your way.” he said while taking off his sweat shorts and boxers and running his hard dick on my entrance, teasing. “But I promise you, next time, you’ll be the one begging on her knees, kukolka” God, I love when he throws Russian words like that. He noticed my reaction to this Russian word as I moaned at the sound of it and opened my legs more for him. He smirked and held my legs and wrapped them around his waist while adjusting himself at my entrance. “Я собираюсь трахнуть тебя так сильно. что ты не сможешь ходить несколько дней.” He said while pushing his full length inside me as I screamed his name so loud, he even put his hand on my mouth. His Russian accent, his full length inside my wet cunt, his groans in my ear, his messy hair, his slight beard tingling my neck, his neck kisses, all of these things happening at the same time making me lose my mind. If I’m not losing it from the dark hold, then I’ll lose it because of Bucky Barnes. He’s my karma.
He kept thrusting slowly at first, trying to adjust himself inside me while stretching my insides and making me get adjusted to his length. I don’t know if I should focus more on how our bodies are connected or on how he just told me he’d fuck me so hard that I won’t be able to walk for days in Russian. Gosh, I didn’t know how much I needed him until now. “You don’t know how much I’ve been dreaming of this moment, babydoll,” he said between his groans while thrusting slowly and making eye contact. “I know Bucky, I know” I moaned while he kept thrusting as he locked our lips together. This kiss felt different than the ones before, this one felt more passionate and genuine, and it wasn’t lustful. He broke the kiss while looking me in the eyes “I’m still a man of my word Y/N, try to be quiet sweetheart.” He said while holding both of my hands with his right hand and lifting them above my head.
Next thing I know, with my hands tied together with his right hand and his metal left hand around my throat, his pace and thrusts grew faster and harder as it felt like he was on a time mission and he have to finish the job fast. I can’t put my mind around how I am such a moaning mess right now. With this fast pace and hard thrusts, his lengths kept hitting my g spot rapidly and I felt the knot in my stomach kept tightening and getting closer on edge. Another person’s thoughts broke mine and Bucky’s moans as I felt a presence on the same floor getting closer to my room. My eyes widened and I stopped Bucky quickly by flipping us over so now I’m on top and he’s on bed. He held my waist as his penis is still buried inside me and I placed my finger on my mouth singling him to keep quiet. He nodded, knowing that I’m hearing someone.
Using my power, I locked the door quietly and put a force of magic around the room that would soundproof it. Bucky watched me sitting on him moving my hands and using my magic to make sure we don’t get caught which made him grin and lick his lips. When I gave the look that ‘we’re good now’. He pulled me closer “You are a fucking goddess and I’m so lucky to get to be inside you.” He whispered in my ear while playing with my dark hair and pulling it down to my shoulders and back. “You’re so beautiful Y/N” he pulled me into another passionate kiss and unconsciously I started to grind my hips on him as if he will still inside me. We moaned in each other’s mouths, never breaking the kiss. I hate how we were almost close to releasing and got interrupted by stupid Sam as he was looking for Bucky. Little does he know, his best friend Bucky is under the witch who almost killed him, begging her to let him fuck her.
Bucky held me waist so tight stopping me from grinding on him as he continued fucking me so hard. He kept thrusting so fast inside me, never breaking eye contact. He was still underneath me, holding me in place, thrusting his dick in and out of me like I’m just a sex doll he was playing with, which turned me more on. He’s so good. He makes me feel so good. I can’t even feel myself or how loud I am now as I’m so high on the feeling of him hitting my g spot, making me vibrate and shake so hard. He knew I was coming and I knew he knew so I didn’t have to tell him. He pulled me closer so now my chest is touching his and his hands are now holding my butt cheeks and he didn’t stop thrusting hard. I buried my head in his neck. Can’t stop moaning. “That’s it, baby, that’s it doll. Cream me. Cream my cock.” His words were just what I needed at that moment to push me off the edge. I let go and came all over his cock. I can feel the heat of my cum dripping down on his cock and his inner thighs and staining the bed sheets underneath us and yet, he never stopped fucking me or thrusting hard. Making me feel overstimulated that I can’t stop cumming. “Good girl. You’re such a good girl Y/N. fuck-aghhh I’m cumm-mm”
I felt a striking hot liquid burst inside me that made me scream out his name loudly as it hit my sensitive g spot which did not help my cumming to stop. He kept thrusting until he stopped cumming but I didn’t, which made me so weak that I can’t stop screaming or moaning. It felt so good. He felt so good. I hadn’t had like this before. This is the first time someone made me feel that good or made me cum this hard. The thought and the feeling of it made me want more. Made me want him more.
He stopped thrusting and moved his hands away, resting them on the bed as it must’ve been sore. Our chests are against each other breathing hard and heavy, our bodies are still connected down there with our mixed cum covering his cock and filling my cunt. I got up slowly and was going to get off of him but did it slowly as my insides are still sensitive and any move could cause another burst out of me. “No no no no no. Come here” he pulled me down on his cock again making me moan and flipping me over so now he was on top again. “Please, doll, not yet. You fit me so good, I don’t wanna leave you yet” he said while burying his cock inside me more making me squirm beneath him.
I would be lying if I said that I don’t feel fulfilled with him inside me like that. I know I’d hate the emptiness I’ll feel when he pulls it out. But I have to stay safe. “Sorry babe, safety first,” I said while kissing him on his lips. He whined and pulled it out and yes, I do hate the emptiness. I pouted at him. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s your call not mine” he smirked then held my shirt from the ground and cleaned me up before I went to the bathroom to pee and clean myself with water. I finished and stood at the bathroom door looking at Bucky while he was laying there on my bed, naked, looking at me, smiling, looking so hot and fucked out. I smiled widely at how I’d always wanted to see him like that since the first day I laid my eyes on him. Fuck, I think I’m in love. And by running through his mind, I think he is too.
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milunalupin · 7 months
Could you do some regulus for valentines writing?
thank you for your patience, hope you enjoy :) and happy valentine's day to everyone <3
— candy grams
regulus black x reader ★ 772 words
The end of January was a cold and quiet time at Hogwarts. The holiday cheer has gone and winter truly makes itself known. Regulus Black found himself sitting in a empty nook in the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower, going over his Ancient Runes essay. Shoes squeaked floors below as the other students ran outside to play. Fluffy snowflakes fell past the tall windows, Regulus' eyes flickering out the window every few minutes to watch the snowfall. If he allowed himself to, he might admit to liking this time of year. Winter meant cozy sweaters and hiding out in his dorm, reading muggle poetry books charmed to look like a spell book.
The chattering and laughter of students exiting their classes began to fill the halls, Regulus sighing softly as his peace and quiet had come to an end. He collected his things and stored them back in his satchel, making his way down the stairs past the Charms classroom. The way down to the Slytherin common room was a longer one but Regulus took his time as he was in no hurry.
A girl with a white ribbon in her hair rushed past him, but stopped and turned when she realized he was there, a smile quickly making it's way onto her face. Regulus had seen her around, a muggleborn witch with an affinity for all magical things.
"Hi! Sorry to bother you, I know you may be on your way to class or something important, but I'm selling candy grams for the upcoming holiday if you're interested in one?"
Candy gram? What the hell was a candy gram? Regulus supposed this is that 'dumb lovey muggle shit' Barty was talking about the other day. Walburga would be nothing less than disgusted if she found out he spent a single knut on a muggle object. He gives her a weird look and shook his head, declining silently.
"No worries! Have a lovely day!"
Her pretty smiled faltered but it came back up just as quick as it fell. She waved at him before dashing back down the stairs.
Regulus blinked, feeling his chest tighten slightly, shaking it off and continuing his path down to the dungeons.
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Days have passed an Regulus is still wondering what a candy gram is. His mind continues to wander back to the girl and the ribbon in her hair as he leaves his last class of the day, spotting his brother's friend walking alone down the hall. He looked around to make sure no one of importance was watching him and quickly caught up to the tall Gryffindor.
Remus turned in surprise as his best friend's little brother stands beside him. He notices what he believes to be nervousness masked by his composed stature.
"Regulus, can I help you?"
"What's a candy gram?"
Now Remus is truly confused. Why has Regulus Black stopped him and asked him what a candy gram is? He must have been making a strange face because Regulus glared up at him and crossed his arms.
"You're a half bre- blood, aren't you? If you don't know, then just forget any of this happened." He scoffed, waving his hand dismissively and turning to walk away. He only made it halfway down the hall when Remus called after him.
"It's for Valentine's Day. You buy candy for someone you care about, usually your friend, partner, or a crush."
Regulus' ears burn Gryffindor red as he walks away silently.
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Regulus sees her again a week later. She had just returned from the Hogsmeade trip, white snowflakes sprinkled in her hair. Checking his surroundings, he carefully walked up to her as she spelled the snow off of her, quickly fixing his hair.
"Would you still happen to be selling those candy grams?" He asked, entranced by the small hairs framing her face that started to curl due to the snow.
"Absolutely! They're 15 sickles." She beamed, digging through her bag and pulling out a piece of candy with a little card attached. He handed her a few coins and opened the card up, following her finger as she pointed to two lines on the inside.
"You just write your name here, and then the person you're giving it to, here."
He stared down at the empty lines, then back at her with a small smile.
"I'm going to have to get your name then."
Her eyes widened, and Regulus had hoped it wasn't just the cold that turned her cheeks pink. Safe to say he's found another reason to like this time of year, and she wore a white ribbon in her hair.
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