#I have been hanging out with water birds too much can you tell?
ladder-ghost · 5 hours
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I made him more monstrous 🧍‍♂️
Size comparison to his twin sister in this form lmao
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Lore dump✨ lowkey making this whole bit his actual canon cuz I can😤
In short, Connor is a changeling trope
Initially there was a human twin to Cara (sick/dying), who got swapped with Connor through a dealing between their mother and the fae near their home. Of course there’s general disdain for fae, in a know don’t speak on them type way. The twins dad is pretty iffy towards Connor because of this. He doesn’t really consider him as one of them but Connor is a mommas boy and she stay defending him so not much dad can do bout him now.
He grows up in his human form, mostly for convenience, but the relationship with his parents strains over time with his father’s growing hostility toward him and his mom kinda just, not doing anything about it. Like she’d just tell him let him yap but like, that doesn’t fix the fact that you’re unwanted in your home. Silver lining is he’s close with his sisters. But they do NOT know he’s a fae. Mom makes sure he thinks oh, it’s for the best, you know how people are, it might be uncomfy to have to keep up his form all the time but it’s better than causing a fuss. Plus it makes him fear that they’ll stop loving him and follow after their dad if they did find out, considering they’re both very much idolized by the dad.
Turning point comes where big fight happens, bro gets outed, wants to leave because at a point there’s only so much u can take and also the fear of oh shit, Cara and khipz know now. Mom tries to beg him to stay and sort it out, he refuses, she gives him the documents to the farm their grandpa left in pelican town. I’d like to imagine the grandpa has a good relationship with the fae, hence why they were willing to make a pretty non hostile deal with the mother, especially since pelican town itself is pretty rooted in magic with the Junimos and like, the wizards whole bit. So Connor probably would feel pretty comfortable moving to his old land, no animosity with grandpa he was chill.
He continues pretending to be human after moving to the farm, partly out of habit, partly out of fear of the locals reactions considering his hometowns attitude towards fae. Game plot yada yada
In terms of the gaulin myth, he’d be uncannily good at farming and fishing, especially fishing. Because haha, water bird good at fishing.
Relationship wise I choose to believe he’d grow close with Willy as like, the father he wished he got. I also like the idea of Willy and their grandpa having been pretty good friends when he ran the farm, so he probably vaguely knows about the fae shenanigans, and seeing the openness to it encourages Connor to be up front about himself for the first time really.
By nature of being at the beach often for fishing or to hang around Willy and work on the boat, babe falls head over heels for Elliott because frfr who wouldn’t🔥🔥. But in a horribly slow burn way where he wants more than the friendship they make but like, avoidance because that lingering fear of a negative reaction to being inhuman.
His sisters come to visit like, the summer in year 2 after he moves to the farm, they fix their business, and decide to stick around, so they get some cabins built to stay long term.
Willy encouraging him plus reconciling with his sisters gives him the balls to not have to hide so much, and he finally decides to reveal his full gaulin creature™️ form to Elliott. Very cute very slay, they make their relationship official not too long after
At some point he’d like, trickle reveal to everyone else. I’d like to think this big monster form is his fully fae appearance, but the last one I posted that’s like midway between this and human is what he defaults to more interchangeably with fully human, for convenience with infrastructure because big boy. I imagine he’d enjoy fishing like this though. ✨enrichment✨
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literaryartisan · 11 months
Trick or treat! 👻💀🎃 (I'm dressed as a an elephant, complete with a tea pot hat)
Oh what an adorable costume! For that I shall give the treat of an adorable little bird!
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Oh no, what's this?
It looks like the poor bird may have an injury! Maybe if you catch it you can help?
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So... close... almost... got it... WHOA
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You just got
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wondersinwaynemanor · 3 months
what if the batkids decided at the same time to bring their partners to the Manor and they argue about it?
[i can't stop writing long scenes]
scenario 1:
Duke has his arm wrapped around Izzy's waist as they make their way to the movie room.
Duke: Have you decided which movie you want to watch tonight?
Izzy, grins: The Notebook?
Duke, opening the door of the room, chuckles: But we've just watched that two weeks ago. Besides, Dick and Jason love that film, I've watched it a lot of times by now.
Izzy, turns the switch on to illuminate the room: What's the harm in rewatching-
they stop in their tracks as Steph and Cass enter the room from the other entrance of the movie room.
Steph giggles and leans towards Cass' face to kiss her. they don't even notice that the room is now bright with the lights on.
Duke, clears his throat loudly: Uh. Just to let you know, there are other people in the room.
Izzy: Sorry! We didn't mean to interrupt.
Steph and Cass, still holding each other, look at Duke and Izzy at the other side of the room.
Cass waves to them.
Steph: What are you two doing in here?
Duke: To watch a movie? Clearly.
Steph: But we started an hour ago.
Duke: I don't see a sign in the door that says it's occupied though.
Duke has really been hanging too, too much with Damian and Jason.
Cass, covers Steph's mouth before she speaks more: Maybe we can watch together.
Izzy, smiles: What were you guys watching earlier?
Steph and Duke, say at the same time: But this was supposed to be a date!
then Steph and Duke glare at each other, suddenly arguing over random things.
Cass shakes her head and leads Izzy outside the room so they can get some food from the kitchen.
scenario 2:
Dick continues to lead Wally to the private pool that was just newly built.
they just came home from a mission and some dip in warm water under the bright stars sounds so good right now.
by the time they both strip down to their boxers, Dick is a giggling mess as Wally bridal carries him on the stairs down to the water.
Wally, still carrying Dick on his arms, backing both of them on the pool wall: Have I told you today how beautiful you are?
Dick, blushes, wrapping his arms on Wally's neck: You always remind me. But tell me again-
then out of nowhere, someone shouts, "KABOOOOOM!" and a large splash of water hit both of them.
Dick, rubs the water off his eyes: What the actual fu-
and it's Roy from across the side of the pool, leaning against the wall with a smug grin on his face. on his side is Jason with the same kind of smile.
Roy, brings Jason closer to him: Oh, isn't it my two best friends of all time?
Jason, laughs: Ocupado, Dickface. Sorry.
he wasn't sorry at all.
Dick, groans, coming down from Wally's arms: You lied, Jay! You said you were out of town.
Jason, shrugs: Plans change, Dick.
Wally, rubs Dick's arm soothingly: A little warning next time, guys?
Roy, grins: Not our forte.
Dick, grumbles: You guys are assholes. Go to another area or something, I don't care.
Jason: I'm sorry, what was that, Dick?
Dick: Asshole, I said go to another area. Period.
Jason: Why you-
then the two brothers are moving forward towards each other on the water, aiming for a fight of sorts. one minute, Jason has Dick under the water and the next, it's Dick chasing Jason in the water like ducklings. like birds.
Wally hides Dick's escrima sticks, while Roy hides Jason's guns. just in case the fight escalates.
scenario 3:
Roy, whines: Jaaaaaybird, can we sleep now?
Jason: I said give me a minute, Roy. I need to grab a book.
Roy leans his weight on Jason, closing his eyes.
Jason: And I'm not carrying you, idiot.
although, he wraps his arm on Roy's waist, supporting him as they walk to the Manor library.
Jason, opens the door: Give me a few, kay? Then we can- WHAT THE SHIT?
Roy feels more awake than awhile ago as they both stare at Kon, shirtless on the couch and his hair a mess.
Jason: Clone, what are you doing here????
Kon, flushes, embarrassed: I... I... Um.
then Tim appears from behind the couch too, his hair also a mess, but thankfully his clothes still on. or else Jason would have threw up on the floor.
Roy just has a grin on his face the entire time, amused.
Tim, grins: Hey, guys.
Jason, pinches the bridge of his nose: I swear, Timmy, I fucking swear, if you and clone boy don't fucking take your hormones upstairs to your own room, I will-
Tim: You will what, Jay? I mean... You don't own this place. Doesn't mean you spend most of your time here, it's yours.
Jason: I never said I owned this! I just fucking said, don't do funny business on the library couch.
Tim, scoffs: As if you don't do funny business here.
Roy, grins even widely: The boy's got a point, Jaybird.
Jason, now even more upset: Go, go upstairs!
Tim: But-
Jason: Now, Tim!
Tim: You're not my mom!
Jason: And you're not being responsible!
Tim: As if you're any better!
then the two boys continue to argue, leaving Roy and Kon to shrug and make their own conversation by the door.
Roy: Hey, kid. How's the Young Justice?
Kon, smiles: Pretty good. How's the Outlaws?
Damian and Jon are in the game room, playing some Mario Kart when they hear voices outside the room.
Steph: We were here first!
Dick: I thought I told everyone in the groupchat that me and Wally will be having the Game Room.
Jason: I already called dibs in the room.
Duke: I arrived earlier than any of you, so technically, me and Izzy get to use it first.
Tim: Hey, I never had the Game Room this week!
Cass, suggests: Can we just all share it?
Damian, opens the door, annoyed: Will everyone just keep their mouths closed? I have settled in the room already.
as the batkids continue to make their points, Jon exits the room and flies to the main living room where the rest of the partners are talking.
Jon, settles beside Kon: I guess this is a regular occurance.
Roy, chuckles: You have no idea, kid.
Wally: As long as I can remember, yes.
Kon: You'll get used to it, little brother.
Izzy: With a house so big, they still argue on who gets a room first.
Izzy, sees the Monopoly game under the coffee table, smiling: Anyone up for Monopoly?
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heavenbarnes · 4 months
okay hear me out— softness and gentle topics aside, how would older bf!simon go about discussing his mom & Tommy? would it ever occur? Would it be a vulnerable and gentle discussion with sins laid on the table or would it be like pulling teeth— panic attack arises and the words are spewing.
at first I’d have headcanoned it that maybe we innocently question the clinginess but I’m not so sure anymore; feels like that would just be second nature for the two.
i’ve never ventured into this topic because it’s literally so devastating that i almost considered writing it out of canon for him- but it’s time 🫶🏼 (massive tw for family loss)
the day older bf!simon tells you about his family, it’s at breakfast.
he’d made the food and you’d made the coffee, both expertly passing each other in your kitchen until you’d settled at the table.
when he told you, you had toast hanging out your mouth.
“i had a family”
you weren’t really talking about anything in particular, so you made quick mental work of skimming over your conversation until you found where this was coming from.
sunny outside, nice day, should go to the farmers market, get groceries, it’ll be crowded, family day-
i had a family
your heart had start to speed up in your chest and part of you was scared simon’s military precision hearing would be able to tell.
judging by the look on his face, distant, quiet- he couldn’t hear the thrumming against your sternum.
you were thankful, it meant he kept speaking.
“my mum and my brother, tommy- he had a missus too and a kid”
oh god.
he wouldn’t look at you, his gaze drifted out the window and onto the birds that were floating over the fruit tree in the backyard.
you couldn’t say there was much of you to look at, a hardline of your mouth and eyes that were willing themselves not to water.
“they weren’t in a good way- but i helped them get better”
the corners of your lips quirked reflexively but it fell away just as quickly, unable to escape the voice in the back of your head that kept saying the same thing.
why is every thing in the past tense?
probably for the same reason this is the first time you’re hearing this story. when is the right time to get to this part?
the moment he cuts the rope, lets you down from where he’s had you hanging- you wish you could react in any other way.
instead, your mouth hangs open while your hand does its best to cover it.
the toast goes cold, so does the coffee.
the tears break through of their own accord.
and he still won’t look at you.
“oh, simon”
your mind races in a way you’ve never felt before, thoughts you’d never had before rising to the surface.
first, you want to hurt someone, anyone- whoever you can blame for doing this to simon.
(you quickly realise he’s probably already done that)
second, you want to take him by the shoulders and tell him that this was never his fault.
that there was nothing he did or could’ve done to deserve this.
and you’re sure that there’s layers to his job and things he’s done and seen that’d make him think that cannot be true.
but you don’t care- there is no human alive that could ever deserve what you’ve just been told.
you don’t care.
you love him.
third, you start to make sense of some of simon’s behaviours.
the way he calls your name when you’re at the other end of the house, just to know where you are.
the way you can turn around at any given moment and find him closer than your shadow.
the way he calls you on deployment only to hear you tell him you love him and you’re still home waiting.
the way he cannot exist without a hand on you, without knowing where you are, without knowing you’re still his.
and there you go again, wanting to hurt whoever put him in this position.
grateful to be able to love him how he needs but angry- blind rage in knowing what he went through to get to this point.
it’s why you’re out of your seat and wrapping your arms around his shoulders the minute you hear even a sniff.
you let him ruin your shirt with tears as strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you so close into him you wouldn’t be at all surprised if the particles shifted just enough for you to become one.
as if you weren’t already.
you’d never, never ever, questioned simon’s ever present need to be close. you’d come to accept it, enjoy it, miss it when he was gone.
it was never overbearing, never out of line, always right when you needed it.
reminding you that he was there.
that he loved you.
that he needed you.
just as much as you needed him.
and god, did he need to be needed.
did he need you to pass him the pickle jar (even when you could open it just fine)
did he need you to make him take the rubbish out (when you could do it yourself)
did he need you to call him when the car was making a funny sound (when you knew it was the fan belt)
did you need him to pull you into his lap at the end of a long day and rest his lips against the crown of your head as he rubbed slow circles into your back.
like you were doing for him now.
“simon, i just need you to know- i’m not going anywhere”
you made it to the farmer’s market, eventually. it was crowded, meaning simon’s arm never let your waist.
not that you mind.
not that you ever mind.
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Can I request a drabble where Arthur comforts a female reader who has a broken heart? The reader's ex-boyfriend cheated on her and left with another woman.
Here we go! I took the liberty to name Reader's ex Jim (pretty random name for that place and time so I thought it would fit alright.)
I hope you'll like it anon!!🙌
࣪ ˖✧ The World is living.
✦ Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader ✦ Warnings/Tags: Mention of cheating, reader's ex is a loser (boo him), reader is in a pretty bad mental state but Arthur is here to save the day, cursing cause he's mad as hell someone hurt you. ✦ Words: 1,5k ✦ a/n: As Anon had requested a drabble I tried to keep this short! Takes place in Clement's Point because the lake is so good for that kind of work, reader is part of the gang. Clearly this drabble is a big hug to all my sis out there who have been poorly treated by their ex🫶🏻
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You were sitting by the shore, just behind camp. Flat Iron Lake was always beautiful at that time, just before dawn. Frosty, pastel colors on the sky and the water surfaces, melting into a soft shade of pale lavender and teal blue. You could only hear the occasional chirping of birds, splashing of an adventurous fish jumping out of the water, and lonely howls of coyotes.
The World was living.
You couldn't understand how. How did the World was still turning while you were hurting that much? It should have stopped. It should have. This was the only option after what you had been through.
You felt tears watering your eyes again. You couldn't sleep, as often lately, so you just had decided to come and sit here in the sand to do something, anything else than just lying in your cot, alone in the cold night, alone in the cold silence, alone in the cold emptiness. Alone, so alone even though you were surrounded by people at camp; it didn't mattered. He was gone now, and everything felt tasteless without him, everything looked drearier, even the beautiful morning scenery under your eyes.
You were now crying hard. Damn it, you didn't even knew you still had water in your body for it. You had cried so many times in the past few days your eyes were permanently red, your cheeks scarred by two trails of dry tears; you felt like one of those oranges that people squeeze to get the juice, leaving behind only a corpse of fruit devoid of all substance.
You couldn't do it anymore, it hurt too much. You buried your face in your hands, sobbing once again, trying to let out the sorrow that was eating you up from inside like a noxious parasite since he had left you.
"Y/N? Is everythin' okay?"
You tilted your head up, a slight feeling of panic and shame crashing on you as you searched for your interlocutor.
It was Arthur. He was a few meters away from you, empty bucket in his hands. He probably was on his way to the lake to fill it, but had heard you crying. You weren't too surprised to see him this early, Arthur had never slept much, he was always up before you in normal time, already helping everyone around camp.
He looked at you in the eyes, waiting for an answer. He seemed genuinely concerned; you realized you hadn't seen him for a while since he had been on a difficult job for weeks, he probably should have came back during the night, but you were far too deep in your own dark thoughts to have noticed it. He was clearly clueless and surprised about your state, his arms hanging awkwardly by his sides, his blue work shirt's sleeves rolled up carelessly.
"N-no..." You only answered, trying to wipe what you could of the literal torrent of tears flooding out of your eyes, but it just wouldn't stop, you felt even more ashamed. You must have looked pitiful right now.
Arthur let go of the bucket, letting it fall on the ground without an ounce of care. He then slowly approached you, and sat down in the sand next to you, leaving a little space between your two bodies. He didn't look disturbed or annoyed, but almost as stoic as usual. Except for his eyes. His eyes were telling a hundred stories even if he didn't wanted it. Their azure color bright and deep, you almost recognized a hint of sadness in them, as if he was pained seeing you like this. 
"What's happenin' to ya, miss?" He inquired, voice deep and maybe a bit more empathetic than usual. He wasn't extremely expressive in usual times, so yet you could feel just by his presence how he cared about your well-being.
"It's Jim... He... He slept with one of these pretty girls from the Parlour House and he left me for her..." Saying it was making it all even worse. It was making it all too real. You struggled to get those words out, your tone cracking up as if they were crushing your vocal cords.
More tears, your eyes shutting close in a pained expression, the ache in your heart physically hurting you, as if someone had opened your thoracic cage and was crushing it with his bare hands. In a way, that's exactly what he had done to you.
"Goddamn piece of shit..." Arthur mumbled before looking at you, his intense indigo stare fixated on your face. He felt genuinely sorry, and outraged for you. Who in the world could have to audacity to hurt such a sweet girl like you? He was starting to clench his fists, feeling his blood boiling, a silent kettle on a burning fire. After a few seconds of hearing you cry, he couldn't hold it anymore, empathy getting the better of his rage, and opened his arms to gently pull you against him.
His strong, wide body enveloped you, and you let him. You buried your face into his chest, not really thinking about it, your hands wrapping around his waist, and gripping tight on his shirt. Looking clingy or odd was your last concern, you were way too blinded by your pain. You started crying loudly, wanting to make everything go out of you, your pain, your sadness, Him, everything.
"Yeah, that's it girl, let it all go..." He encouraged you, in a calm and quiet whisper. One of his hands had found its place behind your head, gently caressing it, the other resting around your waist. He carried you, as you screamed your pain to the World, as you poured all these gnawing feelings outside of you.
"He's a damn fool, Y/N. You deserve way better than him, lemme tell ya." Arthur murmured to you, voice still deep and caring. You could also hear behind that a hint of genuine anger in his tone, as he truly was pissed at Jim for having harmed you like this. "And you're gonna be okay, alright sweetheart?"
You slightly nodded into his chest, barely able to answer something properly. His scent and warmth were enfolding you, and you felt like you were somewhere else now, somewhere sunny. Somewhere pleasant. Somewhere better.
As the minutes went by, and his embrace didn't loosen, you slowly started to get out of your personal darkness, breath calming, thoughts clearing. You were taking in the fact that usually, Arthur wasn't frankly fond of hugs or other physical attention, and you felt thankful. He was doing this just for you.
"You're gonna be okay." He repeated like a silent vow. You felt like he was going to make sure of it. And for the first time in days, you honestly believed these words. You were going to be okay. It would take time, of course, but you just knew you would, as certain as the Sun was rising and setting every day.
You gently pulled back, both of you still holding each other in your arms, sitting on the sandy shore, but not as close, so you could look at this face. Your tears had soaked his shirt. You tried to apologize for it, but he quickly opposed it, telling you he had been covered in far worse than your tears. You smiled a bit, knowing he was right.
"Thank you so much for that Arthur..." You told him, genuinely feeling so grateful.
"Eh, I may be a cold-hearted killer, but I wouldn't have let a sweet lil' flower like ya cry..." He asserted, a slight grin on his face. You noticed how he looked a bit reassured himself, less worried. Maybe, just like his affection towards the other members of the gang, Arthur actually cared much more about you than what he was letting everyone see.
He carefully wiped the last tear from your cheek, thumb feeling rough but gentle against your skin, before getting up, his hands leaving your body but not going too far away as he proposed one of them for you to take and help you get up. You gladly took it, enjoying the warm contact of your fingers on his skin.
"I just feel like... I'm not enough..." You concluded with a pained tone, your eyes looking down at your feet. The fact that on top of having broken up with you, Jim had left you for another woman, was absolutely destroying you, making you feel like you were worthless. It was also this feeling that was so hard to handle; so hard to live with.
"Listen t'me." Arthur told you a bit more firmly, his eyes searching for yours. He knew how you felt, he felt bad about himself every day of his life. He didn't wanted you to feel like this in any way, ever. "Don't let this bastard make ya feel shitty. You're a beautiful, sweet, kind young woman, that is the truth." He asserted, his hands squeezing yours in a comforting gesture before letting go of them.
"Thank you, Arthur..." You said once more, feeling like you were repeating yourself, but he didn't seem to mind. He was walking back to where he had left the bucket, grabbing it to finish his chore.
"Ah, no worry, miss." He said to you with a smile, now feeling better as you felt less depressed. "Let me tell ya, this piece of shit better be far by now, 'cause I'm goin' to beat the Hell out of him if I ever see him again." He added, still smiling, but you knew he was being dead serious, and he was way more than capable of it. You almost chuckled, thanking him for the third time and telling him you wouldn't mind if he did.
He noticed the little grin that had curled up your lips. He loved it. His days at Clement's point weren't the same without your bright smile and your pleasant presence.
The Sun had completely risen now, the camp slowly emerging from its slumber. The first drowsy voices of your companion softly filling the air, yawning, saying greetings, some already teasing, merging with the sound of nature around you.
The World was living.
And now, so you were.
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twst-drabbles · 7 months
Floyd 10
Summary: Sometimes when Crowley irritates you, you like to throw Floyd right at him.
(Really like the thought of slinging this eel around like a ferret.)
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Ever since Crowley installed a number of automatic systems that basically did his chores for him, he's been coming over more and more often out of sheer boredom. He pops over in your house unannounced, hogs your television when you want to use it, and has even taken over a lot of your chores just as you were in the mood to do them.
And right now, he's watering your berry bushes like he didn't take the hose from your hand.
"Neglecting your berry bushes like this, how awful!" Crowley complained loudly like you weren't right there in your backyard, splashing your feet about with Floyd chasing after your toes. "But, because I am very kind, I shall do it for you at almost no cost!"
You pinched Floyd between your ankles and threw him to the end of the pond. He flailed and squealed as he went sailing.
You yelled back, "No Crowley, you're not watching your shows on my TV! And I'm not making you snacks!"
He has his own television! And you know he can make his own snacks! You've seen him on a cooking show once at 1 AM! He knows this stuff! He doesn't need you to do any of this. And besides, when he gets too into whatever drama he got himself into, he whoops and hollers just as you're about to enter the realm of sleep.
Seriously, you already have issues with sleeping at a consistent time and this bird-brained man is not making things better for you. You have things to do! Pets to take care of and entertain when their solo enrichment wasn't enough.
"Oh come on," Crowley scoffed in that way that never fails to irritates you. That specific scoff like you're some silly kid that's claiming things for themselves because they haven't digested the concept of sharing. "Don't tell me you have forgotten basic manners. You haven't been an adult for that long and already you don't want to show appreciation for all these things I'm doing for you."
"I don't need you to do shit for me, Old Crow," your whisper came out as a hiss.
Crowley was struck by nickname he probably thought was dead on your tongue. "Old-!"
"What I need from you," you smiled and dunked your entire arm into the pond. You grabbed Floyd just as he was about to nip at your calves. "Is for you to get a hobby!"
And like a rocket being launched, you threw Floyd directly to the back of Crowley's head. You may have thrown this eel one too many times. His posture was perfectly straight, arms sticking right out like he's one of those superheroes in a cartoon, and his face was perfectly pensive as though you're sending him off on a mission.
You didn't really mean for him to land perfectly on the back of Crowley's head. You just wanted Floyd to get, like, around his back but oh well. Too late now.
Floyd gripped his teeth and claws into Crowley's hair just as he tipped forward at the new weight.
"What in-" Then, Floyd slipped his tail under Crowley's collar, then whipped it around with no mercy! "Mmmah!"
"Ah, Floyd's slime wiping attack," you noted with a chuckle. You've been victim of that move a few times before. You're pretty sure it's not any sort of territory marking so much as he wants to gross people out. "I am not sorry."
Seriously, just because he's bored, Crowley thinks he can annoy you and not face any of your antics. If he wants to spend time with you so much, he should at least call or text ahead. Or go hang out with literally anyone else in this neighborhood. There's not a single person here that doesn't know him by name.
"Get him off!" Crowley sprinted right past you, trying to grab Floyd but his poor hands are covered in slime, "Get him off!"
"Hmm," you splashed around the pond some more. "Nah."
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erendur · 9 days
Maedhros needs a hug.
I think we all agree (well, most of us at least), that Maedhros needs a hug, at the very least.
So I was thinking, what if he was adopted by a group of lesser fire spirits after he threw himself in the chasm (I could bet good money on the fact that a fanfic has already been written based on that idea, but am too lazy to check).
The chasm he threw himself in is probably a major, big-ass one - he’s a Fëanorian after all, I think he would leave in style. So there were bound to be at least a few lesser fire spirits hanging out there, with not much to do. Corrupted evil spirits have plenty to do, what with torturing people, murdering them or creating monsters, but the non-corrupted ones probably have plenty of time on their hands.
So suddenly, there's this gorgeous Elf throwing himself in their chasm. And they’re super thrilled, because the Ainu of Valinor get plenty of pretty elves hanging around them, but the lesser spirits of Middle-Earth, not so much. Plus, when they get closer, they notice that it’s not just any Elf, but a Fëanorian, a super-fiery one, one they’ve probably sneakily had a look at when he was in his Father’s forge at some point (I’m convinced fire spirits regularly sneaked into Fëanor’s forge fire to have a good look at him and his family of fiery hotties).
I’m imagining a kind of Monthy Python’s Holy Grail’s Castle Anthrax situation there : they all jump on his fëa as fast as they can, to make sure he doesn’t escape towards Mandos’s halls or any funny business like that, and of course Maedhros doesn’t put up much of a fight given that :
He’s super tired, even in disembodied fëa form ;
He very much does NOT want to go to Mando and, as far as he had planned ahead, was determined to give him the slip. He’s already been imprisoned once, thank you very much, he’s not doing it again.
So when Mandos finally comes looking for him, the fire spirits hide him in under a fire blanket and pile of throw pillows or whatever the equivalent would be in a fiery chasm, put on their most innocent look, and say they’ve seen nothing.
“An Elf ? Why would there be an Elf in a fire chasm ? We haven’t seen any Elves around here. And even if we had, they’d been gone by now. In this direction, yes, over there. Nothing to see here, no Sir, certainly no murderous fiery Elf.”
Mandos doesn’t press the matter too much, because he’s got a group of Avari Elves that have eaten poison berries to take care of, and he already feels the start of a headache coming.
Maedhros spends the next age or so being absolutely pampered by the fire spirits, who can’t believe their luck. They braid his fëa hair and make him fiery buttered crumpets. They chill on the fiery sofa and they make him laugh by telling mean jokes about the water spirits and making funny impersonations of Ulmö. I’m picturing an Odysseus/Calypso situation there. He’s having a nice time. He’s got no one to manage, he’s not in charge of any siblings, he’s got no hopeless war to fight and no Oath to fulfil. He can finally relax with his fire spirit pals.
Eventually, someone spills the beans to Mandos. Of course, it’s a water spirit. They’ve been eyeing Maglor for an age, holding their breath as he gets closer and closer to the water, hoping - surely, this time he’ll go in !- but he never does, so since they can’t get their hot pet Elf, it’s unfair that the other ones do.
Mandos decides to kill two birds with one stone on this one, and sends Fingon to get him. He’s been trying to get rid of Fingon for almost as soon as he’d arrived - “You did a magical rescue ! Manwë sent you his eagle ! You waged a war against Evil ! You died a heroe’s death ! You have nothing to do here !” - but Fingon has always stubbornly refused to be reembodied until Maedhros had at least arrived. He’s got five other Fëanorians plus a bunch of their followers who also refuse for the same reason. He thinks he’s finally got a solution.
So by the time Fingon arrives in the fiery chasm, Maedhros has chilled and relaxed enough that he is able to consider the whole atone for his sins in Mandos in a more sanguine way. It will be mostly fine. He did some terrible things. He won’t be tortured. He’ll be ok. Fingon will be there. So he only puts up the bare minimum of a fuss before following Finno.
“I can’t go back, I’m an accursed kinslayer. Everybody there reviles me. There is no hell so profound that is sufficient to punish the tenth part of my sins…” (He has spent hundred of years hanging out with Maglor, who has some serious Drama-Queen tendencies, and also came up with that last line before Marguerite de Navarre).
“Come on, Mae, not everyone reviles you, there are many people who are waiting for you there, and you’ll get reembodied eventually…”
“Do not insist, dear friend, I am the most accursed of the accursed, I’ll never finish atoning for my sins, I'll be cast aside, universally hated, like I deserve…”
“Maitimo Nelyafinwë ! Stop it this instant ! You’re going to Mandos now, and you’re going to be reembodied, and you’ll give a kiss to your Mom you’ve been waiting for you all this time !”
So he leaves, much to the chagrin of the fire spirits. Well, at least, they all had a good time.
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jazjelspen · 1 year
leaving on wild charted waters [pt.4]
(what if our mc got tired of Night Raven College and all it's inhabitants?)
(what if our beloved mc has...(voluntarily) been helping with decorating for the ball that will be happening in the next few days!?)
(just a “filler” chapter but it's just pure fluff and our mc having a great time with their new RSA friends + fleshing out some RSA students that I may use in future chapters/will get back to angst but as many of you know: our mc needs to be happy!
p.s Neige is actually a nice person in this series, he just doesn’t mean to come off as fake. I just wanted to write a nice version of the character for this!)
(fluff/splash of angst but it's very short)
the ball: part 1
you couldn't be more relaxed. you are currently chilling with your new friends and Rielle on the same shore you stepped your shoes in on your first day here. you all decided that after a long day of studies, activities, and fun ballroom decorating that it'd be a great idea to just relax beside the waters with everyone having each of their favorite snacks and drinks.
you and your friends were quiet since all you could all do was take in the refreshing sea air and the feeling of the breeze kissing your faces, the sound of the water sloshing and splashing also added to the calm ambience of the scene, and of course it wouldn't be complete without the screech of a seagull or the cute chirps of birds. I just can't forget to mention the same beautiful sunset that came upon your first day here also appearing in this exact moment, it really did always take your breath away. 'god, nothing could beat this view' you thought.
you noted how this time when you volunteered to help out with ballroom decorating, that no one actually ever left you on your own or ditched you. everyone did their part, some mishaps here and there, but it wasn't anything none of you could fix. you actually felt as if the work was much less with everyone actively doing their job and not slacking off or disappearing when they have the chance... these guys actually sticked by you and didn't let you down in the slightest. it was as if a splash of the freshest water just hit your face and took off a lot of stains that you had from NRC.
you all reveled in the moment until someone finally spoke up, "today was no joke." your friend, Alex Underlan, spoke in an exasperating tone as he laid with his arms and legs spread as if he's about to make a snow angel in the sand. "it felt as if this day would never end."
the next to speak was Neige Leblanc "we did take awhile to set up the decorations for the ball. thankfully we managed to finish just in time before the setting sun left!" he spoke with a smile as he looked up to see his little blue bird friends sitting comfortably on his hat. "we have to admit we did do a pretty good job on the decorating."
Chenya, an acquaintance from NRC and now very good friends with in RSA, stretched his limbs out in the sand with a loud yawn "beats me, I'm just glad that the hard part is over and we can now nap like kittens!~..."
"I agree with Neige though, we did do a pretty great job with decorating! along with the help of our fellow animal friends too it made the whole thing a bit more hectic yet fun." Rielle chirped in "I do have to admit-- Raps and _____ did an amazing job painting the ceiling and walls for the occasion! it's like those really detailed murals from waaay back then!"
Raps then replied with a bit of a sheepish smile "aww thanks Red, but obviously I wouldn't have been able to get it done in time with my favorite assistant _____ here!--" Raps shook your shoulder gently with the entire group chuckling with each other.
"hey! I'm your only assistant!" you replied with a light giggle "Raps I seriously have no idea how you're not afraid of falling from such a height-- you have immense trust in your hair." you paused " but then again i was hanging onto your hair while painting-- so I actually can tell why you have immense trust in your hair." you all just fell into a fit of laughter together in harmony at the hilarious memory of you freaking out a bit while clinging onto your friend's hair over how high you were to then feeling confident and relaxed while painting the ballroom walls and ceiling with Raps.
after you all calmed down the excitement for the ball started rising in your chest once again "honestly... i'm so excited for the ball. mostly because it's the one ball where I most likely won't have to deal with any people that have underlying personal issues that I have to deal with." you let out an almost happy sigh.
Chenya snickered, knowing well what that referenced to "nahh, no overblots here. don't remember there ever being one since I first came to this rabbit hole." he then closed his eyes as to take a light cat nap.
"me either!" chirped in Neige "but no need to fret or fear, in case an issue does come up we won't ask you to have to take care of it for us. with what you've told us you have seemed to have gone through so much already--" he spoke this next part more lowly " I should've... noticed it back when the VDC event was happening..." Neige sulked a bit but then gave you a small smile "I'm just glad you still came all this way to give RSA a chance _____!.."
"thanks Neige, that's actually... very kind of you to say." you smiled back as one of Neige's little blue birds landed on one of your knees and chirped a small song for you.. how cute and charming. "actually back then at the VDC event I honestly thought you were probably hiding under some super cute and friendly facade but turns out that it's really just you being naturally kind and well... friendly!" almost everyone either choked on their drinks or giggled, basically all collectively agreeing that everyone else thought that too in the beginning of meeting Neige at some point.
Neige paused a bit and looked at you with wide eyes and a genuinely confused smile, processing what you just said as he let out a very confused "huh?--"
"Raps Belleflowe!"
a loud interrupting and snarly voice boomed from behind the group of six, so loud it caused the little birds that rested on you and Neige to fly away! you all simultaneously turned to look at the tall and dark figure with voluminous black curls awaiting for one of you.
Raps sighed in immense disappointment as he packed up any snacks he had out back in his satchel, now looking all gloomy. "well- I'll see you guys tomorrow!.."
Chenya then turned to look his long haired friend with an almost disappointed look too "leaving so soon blondie? not staying over to grab some full grub with us?"
Raps shook his head "ahh...not today guys! maybe next time--" he was about to walk out before he quickly faced the group who all groaned in disappointment together " hey how about to make up for it I treat you all to lunch at school!" everyone still seemed disappointed yet each still gave Raps a thumbs up at his idea.
you all watched him scurry to his father who seemed to be less than pleased, almost scolding him before they both walked seemingly back to the dorms.
"I don't like Raps's dad... always gave me the heebie jeebies, keeps Raps from us outside of school-related stuff, and always gives me low scores on my biochem tests!..." Alex grumbled as he looked up at the sky.
"he is an intimidating individual.. but he seems to be very attentive to Raps and always seems to help him with all the countless hobbies he has!.." Neige tried to seem a bit positive, but he does agree with Alex on the first two things.
"a bit too attentive, I know a helicopter dad when I see one." Rielle huffed before he yawned. "well let's get a meal before we all head our separate ways and sleep like sleeping beauty."
Chenya and Alex both seemed to agree very much with this idea with how quickly they both to stood up in a weirdly comedic way.
you chuckled at this "guess we don't have to tell you two twice."
Alex laughed at your comment "you really don't!"
while the other three got up Neige gently tapped on your shoulder before you got up as well. "hey _____! if you don't mind-- could we take a photo together for my Magicam? I've posted photos with everyone except you, and I wouldn't want to leave you out!" he gave you these puppy dog eyes as he asked, you couldn't help but chuckle at this and nod.
"of course Neige, I'd love to be in your Magicam." you spoke before a bright smile grew on his face and you both set up a pose together in front of his phone's camera.
"1...2..!" and right when he was about to say three he clicked on the camera button and now he has a memory of you two! he looked over the photo "look at us! we look great!"
you nodded in agreement, genuienly impressed with how good you two looked "huh!.. we really do don't we!"
you both giggled together before a loud and sharp 'ahem!' interrupted you both. both pairs of eyes looked up to see all three of your standing friends waiting for you.
Chenya groaned "let's get going slow pokes! Im starting to mistake Alex's stomach growls to that of a lion's roar." the cat tittered before Alex gasped and punched him on the arm, not hard enough to actually hurt him.
"no they do not! fleabag.." Alex sneered.
"awwe! that hurt, blondie #2..." whined the cat.
the rest of you three lightly laughed at the scene before you as Neige and yourself got up together. once the two wrapped up their play fight you all as a group started walking to the nearest shop for a quick meal.
guess you didn't realize that with Neige posting the picture of you two later on in the day that it'd rise hell onto the campus of Night Raven College-- unbeknownst to all of you.
(really short compared to other parts but next chapter will be when the actual ball will happen and all the silly funzies stuff too. as mentioned once again this chapter and the next are basically just fluff and "filler" and to flesh out most of mc's new friends +adding sprinkles and splashes of angst here and there to at least keep it interesting!)
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alwritey-aphrodite · 9 months
pookie first of all: CONGRATS ON 1K OMG!!! SO PROUD OF YOU🫶🫶
also: loving all the arranged marriage fics they’re all soso good I’m so happy and grateful ❤️
anywayss, I have a new idea!!
-either a new girl reader, and sejanus is immediately infatuated w her
-orr more of a peacekeeper!sejanus with a district/covey reader bc it’s literally stuck in my head so badly rn😭
thank you so much, congrats again🫶🫶
ps: wish me luck on midterms this week, I’m dying🙏
AHHH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH 🥰🥰🥰 im sorry this took so long, but im sure you did amazing on your midterms <3 also, peacekeeper!Sejanus and covey!reader mean the world to me (as does matchmaker Lucy Gray hehe)
The Covey are a flashy people, performers to their very soul and the most lively bunch you’ve ever seen. With a love of bright colors and music, it’s hard for any of you to fly under the radar when compared to the rest of the citizens of District Twelve, the people who will never claim you as their own but are happy to dance to your songs and send your cousin to fight to the death.
You, however, aren’t built for the stage. Your voice is better suited to singing lullabies than it is to performing on stage, and even the thought of that many eyes on you makes you feel like you’re on the verge of throwing up. Still, you contribute where you can, helping your cousins write their songs and being a willing audience when they need to test out something new, and you still work, sewing new clothes and patching up the old.
Lucy Gray is something of a momma bird, despite the fact that she’s only a handful of weeks older than you, and she’d rather see you set up and happy before running off with Coriolanus. Luckily for you, he has a friend who, in your opinion, is much kinder and cuter than his blonde counterpart. You’d tell him that, if only your tongue didn’t tie up in knots every time you made eye contact.
Walking towards the lake, Sejanus is sure to push any low-hanging branches out of the way for you, holding out his hand to help you over loose rocks and tangles of roots. The two of you talk the entire way there, almost oblivious to the people surrounding you and the feeling of Lucy Gray staring at you. If you turned around, you’re almost certain you’d catch her grinning.
When you finally make it to the dock, you try not to stare as Sejanus pulls off his shirt, turning away to pull off your own clothes, completely unaware of the way he blushes as he turns back towards the water, for reasons unrelated to the beating sun. No matter how obvious Sejanus makes his affection, it seems impossible to you that somebody like him could love you, and even just friendship seems a little unbelievable sometimes.
The two of you wait for your younger cousins to go splashing into the water, certain that if you had jumped in first, you would have gotten pummeled with water and flying limbs. Launching yourself into the water, you resurface with a giggle as you watch Lucy Gray leap into the lake with Coriolanus hot on her heels. Sejanus is treading water next to you, and the two of you share a smile as you watch Lucy Gray out of the corner of your eye.
“They’re something else, aren’t they?” You wish you were as trusting as Lucy Gray, able to just accept affection like you deserved it, but you’re too busy daydreaming to realize that Sejanus is looking at you like you’re something to be admired.
After about twenty minutes of Maude Ivory’s splashing, you grow tired and heave yourself onto the dock, drying off in the sunshine and dangling your feet into the water. Sejanus sits next to you, claiming that he’s never been the strongest swimmer and he’d rather sit with you on mostly-solid ground, but from the way Lucy Gray winks at you, you’re almost certain it’s just an excuse to sit next to you.
The rest of the afternoon is spent lying side by side with Sejanus in the sun, talking about whatever comes to mind and kicking at your younger cousins whenever they decide to try and tug you back into the water. It’s all sunshine and giggles, and there’s a strange feeling forming in your chest, right in the center of your ribs, a feeling that grows whenever Sejanus looks over at you, eyes half-closed from the sun but still full of a sort of adoration that’s completely foreign to you.
These are always your favorite days, your favorite moments, little pockets of sun dappled peace for you to hold close to your heart and revisit whenever you’re feeling down. The way Sejanus looks at you, smiles at you, laughs at your jokes, places a gentle hand on the bottom of your back to guide you over rough terrain, catapults today to the top of your heart, a precious little jewel to hold onto.
In those moments, replaying the day over in your head with a dreamy smile on your face, you don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing or reading too much into the way Sejanus seems to orbit you like you’re the sun, you just get to smile at the memory of the way his eyes crinkle with the intensity of his joy and the ghost of his warm palm on your back. And, no one can scold you for replaying these moments over and over, even though you’re much too nervous to ever say anything to Sejanus about the way your breath catches and your heart constricts whenever you see him.
Tagging my beloved @beybaldes because it feels illegal not to at this point
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jadeee · 10 months
Push and Pull
Things were going well with Kento which is exactly why you broke up with him, but he won't let you go... he can't.
Warnings: break-up scene, angst, fluff, 18+ scene (MDNI) Word Count: 3.8k Tagging: @imnotsureaboutwhatimdoing @nanami-s-sunshine @daisynik7 it's here! @majestickitty this is how one fumbles Kento.
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It'd been a few months since you met him through a friend and things were going well... too well. You noticed how you'd perk up whenever you saw his name pop up on your phone or how you'd think of him whenever you heard a song or watched a show. Most of all, how hopeful you'd get waiting for a call or text. Once you were even bold enough to reach out first, so that's how you ended up where you are now. Turning down his invite to hang out because you didn't "feel good". 
Kento: I can bring you soup. Is it a cold? 
You: No, I don't want you to catch wtv this is :( I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days!
You tossed your phone aside then rolled over hoping that would be the end of it; but, of course it wasn't. Kento was eager to spend time with you once you felt well enough and he let you to pick the venue. The air was crisp as you stepped on the autumn leaves. Wisps of the fresh water from the lake filled your nostrils. When you glanced at him, a sudden heat crept up your neck. The sun shone behind his head as if that were it's only job to make him look like a perfect angel. Your golden haired boy, if only you would have him.
"Are you ok?" his voice pulled you from your thoughts.
"Yeah, I'm good!" 
Despite your convincing tone, your body language said otherwise. The nervous smile and hidden hands were enough. Kento looked straight ahead and narrowed his eyes as you filled the dead air by pointing out a nearby bird. Your half-hearted smile was another piece of evidence for him to study later. 
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That night, you lay in the dark thinking about how you'd do it. Public place. Face-to-face. One sentence. Tomorrow at 7, after he got off work. Your thumbs hovered over his name as you stared at your phone. Your eyes flicked up at his contact picture. The picture you took of him on your third date. The corners of your lips turned downward as you relived the details in your mind's eye. A pit formed in your stomach. After another minute of bring paralyzed by anxiety and her siblings, you lay your phone down and decided to sleep. What you hoped to be a decent night, turned into tossing and turning.
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You: Hey, can we meet after you get off work? 
Kento: Sure, just tell me when and where.
You stumbled throughout your day. Forgetting steps to the simplest things, putting your orange juice in the cabinet and your spoon in the trash. Now, as you walked up to the door you repeated the script in your head: I really like you, but I can't do this. I'm sorry. You intentionally showed up early, hoping you could steal a few minutes to give yourself a pep talk but you spotted Kento scanning the menu. 
When his eyes met yours, a nervous smile crept onto your face while your feet unwillingly led you to him. 
"What are you getting?" 
"I think I'll get some chamomile tea and a pastry. You?" 
"I'm actually not hungry." 
He glanced at you, "Oh?" 
"I haven't had much of an appetite." 
"What's wrong?" 
You tried to steady your breathing so you didn't crack under his gaze "I think I just.. I'm thinking too much." 
The barista cut him off before he could offer you any comfort, "Next!"
He placed his order then waited for you. You decided to get a drink so you weren't awkwardly looking at him when he enjoyed his own along with his pastry.
"Do you want to talk about it?" 
"No, thank you though." 
He took note of how your eyes bounced from him to the menu then to the floor. His jaw clenched as he sat across from you. He could've called you out but he wanted to let you speak. You'd been thinking it over, obviously, so you had an idea of what you wanted to say. When you both got your orders, you didn't bother waiting another second. You knew how he hated to waste time and secretly hated yourself for even remembering that when he previously complained about a coworker's disregard for it. 
"I really like you..." your hands fiddled with the paper wrapped around your cup as you fought tears. 
A hole formed in his chest. It seemed that all the color and life you managed to bring to his face drained instantly. He was devoid of any and everything.
"I'm sorry, I can't do this." 
A tear fell and you wiped it from your eye then cast your eyes down at the floor. 
"So that's it then?" he bit his tongue in an effort to hold back everything else he wanted to say and ask. 
"I'm sorry," was all you managed to get out before the tears took over. Your cup was still full when you walked out of the cafe and so was his.
The body and mind are complicated things — the body wanted to follow but the mind told him to leave you be. So he did what most fools would do. He waited a minute only to get up and see if you were still outside. If he'd only looked down the alley, he would've seen that you didn't even make it to your car since you were crying behind the building. 
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You scrolled through your texts and pictures, torturing yourself: "Delete?", hover, "Cancel". If you could've said anything to make it better it would've been: You deserve better. Yet, you were being a coward so you deleted the message. Kento was doing the same thing at this moment. Except his unsent message read: How can I make this better?, I want you, Please tell me what I can do differently. However, he wasn't known to pine for anyone so he never sent it. Maybe it could be different but you were being stubborn and adamant about pushing him away, which meant, he should give you space ... right? 
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Hearing your moans bounce off the walls felt weird. A part of you cringed at how you clutched onto the sheets as the knot in your core tightened — Golden Haired Boy. You suppressed a whimper as you shut your eyes, feeling the nerves at your bud go numb from the force of your vibrator.
"Oh, f-' the toy went silent as you fell from your climax. Your fingers pressed the button once, then twice, and repeatedly when it didn't turn back on. You dropped your head onto your pillow "Fuck."
Sex may have been a priority for you then but food sits at the top of Maslow's pyramid. The low growl of your stomach reminded you of that as you frowned from your unmet satisfaction. You needed food which required grocery shopping, which meant cooking, which you had zero energy for. While standing in the Frozen Meals section, you saw the back of his head in the distance. That familiar pit formed in your stomach as you looked straight ahead at the various bags of pasta in front of you. Without thinking about it any longer, you grabbed the first one within reach then dashed to the registers. You headed for self check out since that was the shortest line and kept an eye out for the next available station. 
As you watched like a hawk, you got a whiff of his scent. You glanced back and judging by the soft blush in his cheeks, he didn't expect to see you here either. 
Heat crawled from your feet to your head as you thought about what to say or do. Automatically, you wanted to smile at the sight of him but you couldn't ... you shouldn't. He was an ex now. 
His face had a stern softness "Hi." 
In the next few seconds, you each got a glimpse at the other person's basket. You had your frozen pasta, cookies, and batteries ... how odd, he thought. He only had bread and a bottle of wine, since he drunk the last one with you and never went out to get more. 
"Excuse me," a stranger interjected "are you two together?" 
You pinched your brows while Kento tried to keep a straight face. "No!" you said, overlapping Kento's "It's complicated." 
The stranger looked at you both dumbfounded. "I meant ... for self checkout. Are you two together?" 
It felt like your soul dared to leave your body, 
"No." you answered before heading over to the next available station. 
Of course, with your luck, Kento took a station that just so happened to be next to you. After catching a glimpse of you, he opened his mouth then shut it. His hands placed his items into the brown paper bag then grabbed his receipt. He moved slowly as his brain worked overtime in thinking of what to say, "I'll see you around?" 
When your eyes met his, it felt like it should be. Soft, warm, comforting. The pink hue you grew to love and had to part with covered his cheeks. It took everything in you to not smile like a lovesick puppy, so you gave him a nod and a buried smile.
A lump hardened in your throat as he left you for the first time. The sky was gray once you walked to your car. Rain trickled from the sky and you were thankful because no one could see you crying.
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Ten minutes. 600 seconds he spent, sipping wine, breaking off bread and his attitude bit by bit as he watched his phone anticipating a text or call from you. He picked up his silent device then set it back down after seeing "No New Notifications". 
A sigh fell from his lips as he unlocked his phone, hazel eyes focusing on your name. The wine started to taste sour in his mouth. If only your lips could be his anecdote. His thumbs danced across the screen while he poured his heart out. After reading the sappy paragraph, he made some edits and came up with: I miss you. It was simple but it was the truth. He hit send then stared at his phone, waiting for a response.
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It wasn't like the movies. You weren't crying over a pint of Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream, because the market was all out, but also because you were lying in bed. Of course, you were thinking of him the whole time. How his hands would feel, what he'd be saying to you and his lips on your skin. You buried your face into your pillow and let out a medley of noises. You were so lost in your own needy state, you didn't see the text from Kento. 
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It'd been an hour and he still hadn't heard back from you. The half empty bottle of wine stared back at him. He bit his lip as he looked at the message he sent earlier. His thumb tapped away at the screen: Can we at least talk about this like adults?
His stomach grumbled. The bread wasn't enough and he meant to get more but he couldn't force himself to walk down the freezer aisle when he saw you, so he made a beeline for checkout where he ironically bumped into you anyway. He didn't like ordering takeout but he'd rather hide in his home than risk running into you right now. 
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You turned onto your back and panted into the stale air of your place, trembling from the fading feeling of your orgasm. Out of habit, you checked your phone even though you were suddenly tired. Your eyes blurred at the sight of Kento's name in your notifications. Surely, you were dreaming.
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When you woke from your somewhat peaceful slumber, your eyes landed on the mountain of clothes piling in the corner. It could be considered the accent piece of your hectic home. Wrappers were littered around your room, along with a few plastic bottles and trinkets intentionally misplaced. In an attempt to ignore your responsibilities, you checked your phone. A blank expression stared into your eyes as you tried to power it on again. 
Left without an alternative, you placed it on the charger then climbed out of bed. After a few minutes, your place started to look like a home again and not a hole of heartbreak. It wasn't until you started to hum in the shower that you realized you hadn't spoken all morning. You chuckled at the thought only for your smile to fade when you realized the song you were humming was one Kento recommended. 
You tugged your clothes onto your body as if they were the reason for your sour mood. DING! your phone came back to life. Your heart jumped to your throat when you read: 
I miss you. 
Can we at least talk about this like adults?
Your thumbs moved back and forth before clumsily typing out: Sorry I missed this. I was busy last nigh—  you shook your head as you deleted the text.
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He wasn't prone to hangovers but he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel a thing now. Kento took some aspirin along with his morning shower. When that didn't do, he drank some tea to ease his headache and heart. 
DING! his ears perked up: I'm sorry about the late response. I went to bed without checking my phone last night and missed this. I want to explain but I can't... you should be with someone better. 
A mixed state of shock and confusion painted his face: I don't want anyone else.
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The sounds of his smooth and steady voice filled every inch of you when you read his text. Tears stung the corners of your eyes until you let them flow. 
Intermission is known as a waiting period between act one and act two but you asked yourself, what happens next? Days went by. You were operating from second nature. Constantly fluctuating between autopilot and the bare minimum. You wanted to go out yesterday but every little thing overwhelmed you. Glances and low conversation between strangers made your palms sweat. Today seemed better though so you got dressed and headed to a new bookstore that recently opened up. 
The smell of the pages calmed you as you walked in. Only a few people were there and your shoulders eased as you explored the shop. You were scanning the spines of nonfiction books when you bumped into someone. 
"I'm s-" your face dropped when you turned around. 
The wide hazel eyes softened at the sight of you "I'm sorry. Are you ok?" 
An awkward silence eased its way between the two of you then.
"... are you following me?" 
 "No," Kento's brows pinched "I get what this looks like but I can assure you I'm not. I've been meaning to come here but haven't had the time until today." 
"Plus, it's Sunday so there's less people." 
He nodded in agreement then studied your face before speaking again. 
"Please, don't."
"I don't mean to pry, I just want to understand." 
"Kento, please." 
He had a look of disappointment on his face but that changed when he noticed you tearing up. 
"I can't," you wiped your nose which stated to run "I can't do this and I swear it's not you. You're perfect," your half-hearted chuckle made the corner of his lip turn up. 
"I... you need to be with somebody else." 
"But I want you." 
The longer you looked at him, the tighter your chest felt. As if you were trying to cage all the love and affection you had for him. Your eyes fell to the floor and you made a small noise which caught in your throat. He reached out for you then frowned slightly when you stepped back.
"I didn't mean to—" 
"It's fine," you wiped your face "I should go." you stormed off without allowing him to get another word in. 
Tears filled his eyes as he glanced at the nonfiction books sitting on the shelf. Love's Bite was staring back at him, a black spine with bold white letters. He blinked back tears then moved to towards the back of the shop so he could be alone.
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Kento didn't want to be that guy but he didn't know what else to do. He tried reading, cooking, watching tv, talking with friends, doing a puzzle, and he still thought of you. So that's how he ended up in the gym on a Tuesday night lifting weights. If his limbs were burning maybe he'd think about the pain and not your face. Truth be told, your face flashed across his mind when he did push ups. It was a double edged sword. The thought of you under him made him sweat. The soft pants from doing pushups morphed into something primal at the image.
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Five days... was that too long, you asked yourself while swaying side to side with a basket in your hands. A carefully curated collection of his favorite things and that which reminded you of him. After a moment of silence, you knocked on the door again. When no one responded, you cursed under your breath. 
Kento slowed to a stop when he made it to his floor. He watched you scratch your head and mutter something to yourself. Though his face was placid, his heart beat ten times faster. The cold metal from his key heated up in his hands, "Yes?"
"Kento, hi." 
Within that brief moment, your eyes scanned him from top to bottom. The jacket hanging over his arms along with the hard crease in the dips of his shirt indicated that it was a rough day. His cheeks burned as he hoped you'd ask him about it. His mind was filled with notebooks full of things he'd been dying to tell you. Questions he wanted to ask in hopes of getting to know you more. Quips he wanted to share just so you could laugh and say "that's so corny".
"I brought you this," you held out the basket "as an apology. I also wanted to talk if you have time." 
"Of course."
When he stepped in front of you to open the door, your eyes glanced at his undercut. You tried to compose yourself when he turned around and gestured for you to go in first.
He noticed how you hesitated to take off your shoes and make yourself comfortable.
"I have some extra slippers if you want those."
"I'm okay, I'm just a little nervous." you placed your shoes next to his.
"I'm just afraid you'll hate me after I say what I have to say." 
"I could never hate you." 
"You're just saying that." 
"I'm serious," he placed the basket you gifted him onto the table then walked toward the kitchen. 
"I'll be right there. Do you want a drink?" 
"Just water, please." 
You fiddled with your hands until he came back with your cup. The both of you took a seat and sipped from your cups. It didn't occur to you that he was waiting for you to speak until you found yourself just staring at him. 
"Right, I should at least give you an explanation. I really do like you... a lot. Which is why I wanted to break up. I could tell that my feelings for you were real and it scared me because... well," you looked off as if the answer would appear in thin air, like something from a script or teleprompter. "I find it hard to believe that you'd really like me as I am. I feel like I'm not good enough for you and I don't want you to be disappointed later on." 
You blinked away at incoming tears when you heard the truth being spilled from your heart. 
"You're good enough for me." he answered in a simple tone. 
"Darling, if this is what you really want, I'll respect it but know that I'll always choose you." 
You tried to steady your breath after hearing his words. It was hard for you to compose yourself long enough to speak. 
"What do you want?" seeing you were still speechless, he walked over to comfort you. "If you really want me to leave, just tell me and I will." 
The eerie silence threatened to loom over you, but you decided to stop thinking for once and simply speak.
"I want you to call me darling again ... and again. I want to hold hands and kiss. I want to walk in the park and dance in the kitchen at 1 a.m.," a smile broke through as you locked eyes with him, "I want to be with you." 
Your mouth twisted as you tried to hold back tears but it didn't work. The caged animal known as your heart finally roamed free. Kento held you close to his chest, his warmth enveloped you like a blanket.
"That's it then. We'll walk in the park and talk until midnight and do whatever else you want to do, my love." he kissed the top of your head. 
"You don't have to change for me by the way. I'd prefer you don't." 
You wiped your face "What?" 
"I like you as you are." 
"... I like you too," you buried your face in his chest "have you been working out?" 
Kento's singed, "Yes." 
You chuckled "Was this part of your plan to get me back?" 
He laughed lightly at the half-truth "Maybe." 
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The air was warm, not only because the heater was on, but because that's what you two had cultivated over the past year: a warm home. Granted, you spent the last few weeks perusing houses available in the area, without much luck, yet you had each other and that was enough.
"You won't believe how cold it is outside!" you shucked off your shoes then wiggled your toes in your socks. "Hey, don't you work tomorrow? If you do, you should wear your coat." 
As you went on with the Mother Hen act, you glanced around the apartment and pouted when you didn't see him.
"Kento, sweetheart?" your hands hooked your jacket onto the coat rack then you sauntered around the space.
You nearly jumped out of your body when he appeared out of the hallway. He took you in his arms and kissed you without saying a word. The smell of amber and citrus wrapped itself around you with each second you spent in his embrace. His thumbs caressed your cheeks. The warmth of his hands brought your cold body back to life.
"Welcome home."
The sound of his voice saying those words made your heart melt. You placed your hands over his then rested your head on his chest. His heart beat steadily as he held you close to him.
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Author's Note: I love this pairing. He loves you. You love him. It's simple and as it should be. It took me forever to get this out but I'm glad I waited. I actually, really, really like this... a lot.
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winterrrnight · 6 months
go on without me - #28 w/ drew 💐
thank you for such a sweet req anna! 🫶🏼 and thank you to my 🦚 anon who's request I combined w this one! I hope you like this <3
PAIRING: drew starkey x gn!reader
SUMMARY: you surprise drew with a daisy bouquet.
WARNINGS: fluff!
EDITH SPEAKS: I'm writing for drew after so long omg, I need this man I can't even put into words UGHHHH he's so cute 🫶🏼🥹 please comment and reblog!! 💐
PROMPT REQUESTED: “I don’t need a reason to bring you flowers, I just wanted to.”
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It’s a nice beautiful spring afternoon, the sun quite bright and warm as its hazy rays fall down on you. You continue to walk with a certain prep in your step, and a huge daisy bouquet in your hand.
You’re on your way to your boyfriend’s apartment, deciding to take a walk instead of your car because of the warming weather and the soft chirping of the birds surrounding you. It’s just about the most perfect weather you can have; not too hot or too cold, the breeze whipping past you is fresh and sweet, accompanied with the warm aroma of the breads being baked at the bakeries you pass by, and little butterflies flying all around you.
It’s been around two weeks since you last saw him because he got busy with some movie shootings locally. If he was at home, he was either home extremely late at night or extremely early in the morning, and that time too was also spent in sleeping or practicing his scripts over and over again, which led to a lack of time being spent between the two of you.
However, he finally gets the time to call you up and tell you that he has a free day, and he doesn’t wish to spend it with anyone except you. You were beyond ecstatic to receive the phone call, practically already out the door before you can even hang up.
You reach his apartment and just as you ring the bell, the door is opened as if he was waiting at the door for you, and you are quickly engulfed in the most warm hug you’ve ever known. You sigh against his shoulder, closing your eyes as your arms wrap around his torso firmly, letting out a sigh as you let his scent encase you completely.
“Hi baby,” you mumble against his shoulder, the bouquet you’re holding in your hands behind his back.
“Hi bubs,” he mutters as he presses a kiss to your forehead, before gently cradling your face in his hands and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
Your grip only tightens around his torso as you gladly oblige to the kiss, exhaling deeply when he parts from you. A small smile rests on your face as you unwrap your arms from around his torso and show him the bouquet.
“I got you a little something,” you grin, showing him the fresh bouquet of daisies. He softly gasps at the sight and takes the bouquet from you.
“You got me flowers?” He asks, his eyes wide and a certain glint in them as he looks from you to the flowers.
“Yeah,” you smile, “do you like them?”
“I love them,” he whispers, moving the bouquet closer to him as he takes a sniff, the fresh herbal and grassy aroma of them filling up his nose. “But you didn’t have to, you know?” He says, smiling softly as he steps aside from the open door to make space for you to enter inside, following you.
“Why not?” You ask as you watch him walk to the kitchen as he gets a glass vase and starts to fill it with some water. “I don’t need a reason to bring you flowers, I just wanted to.”
He looks up from the daisies with a smile on his face, one which is genuine, one which is laced with happiness, one which is reserved only to show you how much he adores you.
“You’re the cutest you know that?” He says softly as he puts the flowers in the vase and makes his way to you, wrapping his arms firmly around your waist. “Thank you, they are absolutely wonderful,”
You smile at him and press a soft kiss on his lips. “You are welcome baby,”
It’s safe to say that you surprised him with flowers a lot more often than just this one time, a different kind of flower each time, and his apartment always lights up with the clean aroma of flowers all the time, wafting around with the sweet memories of you.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @shores-kayla @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment
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differenteagletragedy · 9 months
Hi, if you're willing, could I request some clingy Cove headcanons? Thanks
Clingy Cove is the best! Love him to bits.
-- When it comes to you, the boy just does not need personal space. It's not a requirement. Totally unnecessary.
-- If you do need it, that's fine! He'll absolutely give you as much as you need with zero complaints! Being clingy often has a negative connotation, but that's not what it is with Cove. He fully supports you doing whatever you need to do emotionally, having friends, being with your family, all of that OBVIOUSLY.
-- But if it was entirely up to him, he'd just rather be with you always. You are home to him, you have been for almost his whole life. With you he feels safe and comfortable, he feels like himself. He feels seen and accepted and loved, and it's the best feeling in the whole world.
-- So if you need some time to yourself, just tell him, ok? Because otherwise he's going to want to be right there.
-- You don't actually have to DO everything together, parallel play is wonderful! If you work from home, he'd just want to hang out in the same room if he's home too. If you're cooking dinner, then he can help, or at least sit on the counter looking pretty. If you need a nap and he's not sleepy, maybe he'll lie down with you anyway and read. And when he's older and more settled, why take two showers when you can just share one?
-- For real on that last one though especially, he's in ORCA, he's going to be about water conservation. Baths/showers together are very very important quality time.
-- It's like he just sort of doesn't understand the appeal of being alone if he could be with you. Again, if you do, that's great, he's more than willing to work with it.
-- I am going to be lazy and copy and paste something from another ask because it fits here too and I was thinking about this one when I wrote it lol
-- The whole thing about Cove is that to him, you are the best person in the world. And that's not just something to say, he literally thinks you are the best person in the entire world. He doesn't know most of the other people, sure, but he doesn't have to because how could anyone else be better than you? Remember, when he was little he thought you were actually made for him, and even though he's grown up and he's realized that's not how people work, the general belief is still there. You are the only person for him, and in that way, you were made for each other.
-- When you live together, if you like to sleep in or if you just sleep a little later than he does, every day is going to start with him trying to figure out if he should get his day started or just cuddle you for longer.
-- Sometimes if he really needs to get something done and decides to get up while you're still sleeping, he'll feel bad and try to sneak back in bed without waking you up. This, or if he really is just too busy, you have to get in bed earlier to make up for the lost time.
Cove: Come on, it's bedtime!
You: It's 8:30.
Cove: Yeah, and there's a cuddle deficit that we need to address.
-- He knows the exact math on this, don't try to argue with him.
-- I could genuinely do this all day.
-- What if after Step 3 you move away? Man is that gonna be hard.
-- I don't generally like the idea of taking Cove away from the beach, but I think if it's between the beach and you, he's going to pick you every single time.
-- So it may take him a little bit if plans are made more last minute, or if you don't confess right away, but if he knows you're going to college for FOUR YEARS far away, or if you get a job in another state? He's going to have a hard time just letting that be that.
-- When you are apart, he will text all the time. He's not expecting a conversation every time, he's fully aware of how clingy he is, but if he sees something that reminds him of you, he'll send you a photo, stuff like that.
You: *checking your phone on your lunch break to see several texts from Cove*
Cove: Do you remember when that bird stole dad's sandwich lol *sends video of bird*
Cove: I wish we were at the beach
Cove: Can we make fudge tonight
Cove: I miss you
-- This is obviously cannon, but when he gets settled he doesn't care that everyone knows how clingy he is.
-- Why would he? He is SO PROUD to be yours!
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bots-and-cons · 4 months
Arcee and female human reader pls?
Reader is a girl but she's thought, adventurous and a trouble maker she often hangs out with the other male soldiers from the military and with the kids as well but sometimes likes to do dangerous or radical things for example jumping off of a really high water fall and diving on the water and often dreaming out of base, and cuz of that and (the lost of her old partners) Arcee had become protective of her because it's not rare that reader often comes back with some cuts or slight injuries
Then one day reader sneaks out again to go and explore a forest that had been having a lot of decepticons Activities or energon signatures recently (being the curious she is goes to explore) and Arcee quietly following her, then when really deep into the forest arcee picks her up and walks back scolding reader but she then just sighs not being able to stay mad at her for to long and just goes back to base with her.
(Sorry for being annoying and sending 3 messages your writing is so good btw)
A/N: I’ve been kinda ignoring this request until now, Idk why to be honest, just didn’t feel like paying attention to it. Now that I actually read it again, I wanted to write a scenario for it. This is set in the last season of the show, so they’re not in the bunker base or whatever anymore. I did this with the usual they/them pronouns, it's just a habit at this point. Also thank you! :D
“Has anyone seen (Name)?” Arcee asked as she looked around the hangar.
“Nope” Miko said.
“Not in a while” Jack shrugged.
“They left a few minutes before you guys got here. Ratchet opened the groundbridge for them. I don’t know where they went exactly” Raf chimed in, pushing up his glasses. “But I can find out”
Raf opened his laptop and started trying to locate your phone. It took a moment, but then the laptop made the little “ping” sound it made whenever it found the device it was looking for.
“Where are they?” Arcee asked a tad impatiently.
“Remember where we had those decepticon sightings a while back? They went there” Raf showed Arcee the laptop screen.
“Oh for Primus’ sake” Arcee muttered.
You’d told Ratchet where to bridge you and, to your luck, he seemed to have forgotten it was where the decepticon sightings had occurred just last week. You wanted to investigate what was going on over there, because of the numerous sightings and such, but you didn’t really have any other easy way to get there. Ratchet forgetting was very convenient for you, and you knew Arcee was going to be pissed, but you went anyway.
You were walking around the woods, but there didn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary. The birds were singing and the insects were making their own little noises. There wasn’t anything weird going on, which was a bit of a disappointment. You didn’t want to end up face to face with a vehicon or anything, but you did want to find out what was going on.
After a while of wandering around, you heard the sound of an engine. You couldn’t tell which direction it was coming from, so you just hid behind a big boulder, as the sound got louder. You were really hoping the sound was coming from behind you, so the boulder would hide you, but you still weren’t sure.
You heard the telltale signs of someone transforming, and then it sounded like whoever had transformed, was standing on top of the boulder. You were a bit under it too, since the huge rock was at an angle.
Arcee had your latest location from Raf, so you should have been right there. Had you dropped your phone? A small thing like that would be much harder to spot than a whole human being. She was standing on a big rock and looking around, but according to Raf, you should have been right there. Arcee dropped down from on top of the rock, and the noise that followed almost made her jump back up.
“Holy shit!” you shrieked.
“What in the name of Primus is wrong with you?!” Arcee whisper shouted.
“You spooked me, besides, I wouldn’t have yelled if you were a decepticon”
“Alright, I’m taking you back” Arcee rolled her optics and picked you up.
As she picked you up, she noticed you seemed disheveled. Your pants were ripped on your right knee and your knee had dried blood on it.
“Did you hurt yourself?” Arcee asked cautiously.
“Oh this?” you motioned towards your knee. “I just fell and skinned my knee on a rock, stung like a bitch to be honest”
Arcee just stared at your bloody knee for a while. Rationally, she knew that even a fragile human such as yourself wouldn’t die from such a small injury, but what if… Suddenly she found herself feeling angry towards you, why did you always have to pull these stupid stunts and disappearing acts?
“You’re a reckless idiot, you know that, right?” Arcee snapped.
“Where’s this coming from all of a sudden?” you asked, tilting your head slightly.
“You hate it when you pull these disappearing acts on me. I’m supposed to keep you safe, so how can I do that if I don’t even know where you are?!” she raised her voice.
The whole thing clicked for you quite quickly. You hadn’t realized how much your way of coping messed with Arcee. You would rather go off on your own, so no one would get hurt because of you, but because you went off on your own, Arcee couldn’t make sure you were safe, which was clearly bothering her.
“I won’t do it again, I promise” you suddenly pledged.
Arcee was quite taken aback by your sudden promise, because that was the last thing she had expected you to do. She had expected an argument at least, probably even another yelling match. She didn’t know what to say to you. You were looking at her with such an honest expression, you really meant what you had said.
Arcee just sighed, and placed you on her shoulder.
“Is that it? You sure you don’t wanna yell at me a bit more?” you smirked.
“I would love to yell at you more, but I’m worried the cons might hear me, so I decided not to” Arcee rolled her optics.
“So there are decepticons here?” you exclaimed.
“(Name)” Arcee sighed
“Shut up, please”
You just chuckled, and made a motion in front of your face as if you’d closed a zipper, but you were still smiling at her.
Arcee wasn’t angry anymore, she never could stay angry at you for long. Now all that was left was getting you back to the base. That should be the easy part, right?
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jankwritten · 8 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge: love letter
A sheet of paper, folded into thirds, dotted in places with what must be water and grass stains. The handwriting is legible in some places, and shaky in others. In the margins are small doodles of birds, clouds, trees, and other miscellaneous, abstract shapes, as if the writer’s mind kept wandering. 
TO: Nico di Angelo 
FROM: Jason Grace 
Hey, Nico. If you’re reading this, something probably happened to me. Maybe I hit my head again and lost my memories, or something, and you went through my stuff to try and find things to remind me of who I was. Maybe this fell out while we were hanging out, one day, and you saw it was addressed to you and you picked it up. Maybe I died—
However you found this, I guess, surprise! :) 
First thing’s first: I’m sorry for leaving. I know I begged you to stay, and then turned around and left, and I really hope you understand - I didn’t leave because of you. I needed to find Leo, and leaving with Piper was the easiest way to do that. I had to try and get him back. 
I wanted you to come with, but you were still healing and things were going really well with you and Will. I hope things still are, in fact. Wherever I am, I’m so proud of you for how far you’ve come, and how much I’m sure you continued to grow even after I left. 
I really love you, man. I never got to tell you that, but you’re one of my best, closest friends. You mean so much to me. You showed me a side of the world that I never would’ve seen otherwise, and gave me a space to be myself, and I will never, ever know how I deserved that. How I deserve you. 
Is that out of left field? Haha it definitely is. Sorry. 
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Nico. I didn’t want to leave. I’m so sorry for leaving you. I’m sorry I had to go and I’m sorry it had to be me, but it couldn’t be her, Nico, it can’t be her, it can’t be. It has to be me. 
It has to be. 
Here, some of the words are smeared from the water marks. Lines cross through some words that have then been re-written, as if in after-thought the author realized they were too important to delete. 
If you really are reading this, after the worst case scenario, I understand if you’re angry. I understand if you never want to think about me again, after what I’ve done. I’ll understand if you storm to your father’s palace and demand I be placed in the worst of the worst punishments for being so stupid. 
Gods. Gods, Nico, I’m never going to get to tell you how I really feel. About all of this, about everything I’m going through, I’m never going to be able to tell you and that hurts. It hurts more than knowing I’m going to die, it hurts more than getting stabbed and poisoned. I’m going to die loving you and you won’t even know until it’s too late. 
Maybe this is a stupid bad idea. Maybe I should let it die with me. Is it cruel, to tell you how I feel if I’m gone? Does this make me an awful person? 
Shit. I think I’m an awful person, Nico. I’m awful and I’m selfish and I can never choose things for myself, it always has to be for the greater good, so this is it. This is as selfish as I can be. This is all I can be for you. 
I want to see you on the other side. I want you to punch me for getting myself killed and hate me for being a hero and I want you to know that I didn’t want this but it needed to be me. It has to be me. 
I’m still wrapping my head around it, but it has to be me, okay? So if I’m really gone when you’re reading this, okay, you have to let me stay gone. Please. If you get hurt, if you die, and it’s my fault, I could never— 
Here, the letter abruptly stops. Then, it continues: 
That’s all I wanted to say, anyway. That I love you. I love you in any way I can, and even if I’ve done it silently, and stupidly, from a distance, just know that it was there, the whole time. It’s still there, wherever I am. Dead, or lost, or whatever. I love you, Nico. I’m sorry.
-- Jason Grace :)
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delopsia · 1 year
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Thinking about Rhett looking after you during storms...
Wabang. A tiny excuse for a town that grows closer and closer to being downgraded to a village every year. Forgotten by many, tucked away into the southwest corner of the Teton range, you’ll miss it even on the most detailed of maps. First driving into town, it’s hard to understand why the town has been practically abandoned; with vast pastures, a scattering of crystal clear lakes, and a breathtaking view of the mountains, Wabang is the very definition of picture perfect.
Rhett’s always referred to Wabang as a siren. She’s beautiful until you get too close. You’ve never understood what he meant by that, but to be fair, you never thought to ask him to elaborate. Even as you made the life-altering decision to pack up and settle into a comfy rental home on the edge of town. Even as Rhett quietly asked if you were absolutely sure that you want to go through with it, meekly volunteered to leave Wabang to come to you instead.
Spring arrives a week after you settle in, bringing with it all of its infamous trademarks; chirping birds, flowers re-emerging from the ground, bearing colorful buds that haven’t quite bloomed yet. The atmosphere is as cozy as a cheesy Hallmark movie; you find yourself waking up late in the morning to sunshine peeking through the curtains, bathing your skin in its warmth. Somewhere past noon, your new neighbor stops by to gift you a freshly baked pie and some of her homemade jam. She says she made too much and has no way to get rid of it, but you get the sneaking suspicion she's gone out of her way to do something nice for you.
When you see her out the door, you don't think too hard about the dark clouds rolling in from the west. Spring showers. No big deal, you've dealt with them before, and you shall deal with them again. But then thunder booms, ear-splittingly loud as your home shakes so hard that a newly hung shelf comes clean off the wall. The shining sun is gone within an instant, replaced by low-hanging, almost black clouds that carry squealing winds and an ocean's worth of rain. Distant sirens wail to life, screaming wordlessly about a potential tornado, but you can barely hear it over the screeching of wind beating around the corners of your house.
You hardly know what to do; this house is laid out strangely; every room has a window, and you haven't the slightest clue where the safest point in your house is. The electricity has long since been knocked out, leaving you to your own devices in a house you're unfamiliar with. You don't even have a kitchen table to hide beneath because it's currently on backorder for the next week. You've just resigned yourself to accepting your fate from the comfort of your couch when the front door bursts open.
Your first instinct is to think that a tornado is on the ground and it's right on your doorstep, but then a familiar form comes stumbling in, chasing down the door handle that escaped his grip.
"Rhett?" Lifting your head from the stiff, decorative pillow, "Rhett, what the hell—"
"'s bad out there, ain't it?" Discarding his dripping jacket in the middle of the floor because there's nowhere else to put it. Water drips from the messy curls that poke out from beneath his ears, leaving tiny spots in his gray t-shirt as he crosses the room.
"Don't tell me you drove all the way here while those sirens were going off," but you already know the answer to your own question.
"'course I did," pride leaking from his tone as he settles into the gap of space next to you, arms open wide, welcoming you into his warm, safe chest. "Can't let some mean ol' twister get my baby, now can I?"
Even as the sirens begin to wail once more, hail beating against your windows as the wind shrieks, threatening to break in at any moment, it's hard to feel scared at all. So carefully secured in Rhett's arms that it feels as if nothing can get to you here.
"You don't seem frightened in the slightest," you find yourself whispering, the slow thump of his heart loud in your ear.
"'Ts normal 'round here," those are words you certainly do not want to hear, but he says it so calmly that it hardly gets a rise out of your nerves. "You'll get used to it after a while."
When the storm clears, the most damage you find is a dent in Rhett's truck bed from the hail and a few downed branches. Branches that wind up getting hauled down to the ranch, fodder for a fire, exclusively because you both are having cravings for S'mores as of late.
There's plenty of space for you to sit, there are fold-out chairs in the barn, and Rhett's just got done building a third wooden bench, but you're snuggled up in the same damn Adirondack chair. Sharing the same S'more because your eyes were bigger than your stomachs, and now you've got too many.
"'Nother storms a'comin'," he observes aloud, in between pressing a chocolatey kiss to your temple.
But you don't see a single dark cloud in the sky. "How do you know?"
Your question goes unanswered for some time; Rhett's too busy licking the pad of his thumb and trying to wipe off the mess he's left on your skin. Eventually, he bites the bullet and just licks it off you with his tongue. "Y'remember that time I fell off that bull and broke my collarbone?" Pitifully pawing at the wet spot on your head, you nod. "It starts hurtin' every time one rolls in."
Mother Nature allows you a solid five minutes of giggled bickering before she douses you in a downpour. Zero to a hundred in a split second, effectively ending your fire and sending you scurrying toward the Abbott house like a pair of roaches. It's not a good idea for you to go upstairs, but you go anyway because testing your luck with potential tornadoes is better than Cecelia fussing at you for being too touchy.
Thunder booms just as you stumble into the tiny little room, sends you jumping so high that you're surprised your head doesn't hit the ceiling. Rhett settles himself into a small rocking chair in the far corner of the room, beckoning you closer, "Pick a blanket 'n get over 'ere."
Later, you'll have to ask him why he has so many blankets. For now, you're content to steal a brown-striped one from the foot of his bed and curl into his lap once more.
"Why are Wabang storms so violent?" You mutter, mostly to yourself, as you settle into his broad frame.
"This place's cursed."
And he's not kidding. On top of the storms, a freak swarm of locusts takes over the town for the entire last week of April, only thwarted by snowfall. Two and a half feet of it in one damn night. It's gone before the first week of May is over.
The storms only grow worse as summer rolls in, never doing a lot of damage but so violent that you catch yourself thinking that this is it. This is the storm that has a bite as strong as its bark. They show up at the crack of dawn, during high noon, sunset, and in the middle of the night, without warning or indication beforehand.
But, somehow, Rhett always finds a way to you.
A storm catches you by surprise while you're out on a nature trail with a friend; rain comes down in sheets so thick that you can hardly see where you're going. A dark mass appears a few feet in front of you, and what do you know, it's your soaked cowboy hunting you down. All because he saw the clouds and knew there wasn't enough time for you to get back in time.
He turns around on his morning drive to the ranch just to sit next to you while the storm rages on because he fears something bad happening to you while he's gone. Once, he's home playing a game that he's been dying to start, but he puts it on pause the moment lightning flashes. "It can wait," he tells you as he snuggles up behind you, chin resting on your shoulder as he watches what you're doing.
You get used to it, just like he'd said you would, but those visits never cease. It doesn't matter where the two of you are or what's going on; he's there. A quiet, sturdy presence that grounds you just by being there. During his rodeos, he herds you toward the chutes, uncaring of rules because he'll be damned if you stand in the storm alone. During his brief rides, his buddies, even the least observant of them, are careful to keep you close. "Just in case the wind snatches you up," he always says.
Once, he calls you while you're visiting family, "You know, I just caught myself drivin' home because I saw lightnin'."
And as you lay here in bed, listening to rain beat against the roof and wind scream around the corners of this old rental home, you can't help but smile when you hear the door creak open.
"I thought you were supposed to be in a hotel two hours away," yawning as you peer over your shoulder, marveling as he lifts his t-shirt from his gently toned body.
"I'm s'posed to be," the bed dips as he settles in, legs tangling with yours, lips peppering kisses to your neck while he settles in. "Had a feelin' my baby might need some protectin'."
Because he might not be the strongest man in the world, but he's forever ready to take on anything that could hurt you. Even if that's just a silly old downpour.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Part 2
Steve backed into his case of a bed as he was met with two toads.
"Where am I? Who are you?"
"I'm Carol and this is Tommy", one toad gestured to herself and then the other. "We've decided to graciously welcome you into our home~"
"After we saw that fairy pestering you all night, that is", Tommy croaked.
"Eddie?", Steve's face scrunched a little at the insinuation. "He wasn't pestering me or anything like that." Last night had been the most wonderful night of his life and now his morning was sour.
"In fact, I need to get home." He crawled out of his bed, fully awake now, realizing he had been kidnapped in the dead of night. "I'm supposed to be seeing him again today."
"Again?!" Both toads exclaimed.
"Now that would be a bad idea", Tommy said, shoving Steve back into the case as Carol sat next to him.
"If you hang out with that prince, he'll actually get the idea you like him or something."
Steve blushed. It was a lot more than just like at this point. Apparently they could tell just by looking at him because they just laughed.
"Listen, you obviously don't know, but those fairies are freaks", Tommy sat on Steve's other side, boxing him in between them. "They're always flying around, like little flies."
"Delicious, but annoying", Carol added. "And so high and mighty."
"Ooh~ Look at me, I change the seasons."
"If you run in with their crowd, you're gonna be too busy for any fun."
"Busy?", Steve questioned.
"With all their busy-body fairy stuff. Getting involved in everyone's business", Tommy scorned.
"And keeping to themselves too much. They hardly go anywhere."
Steve didn't know how you could be a busy-body AND not go anywhere at the same time.
"Well, Eddie said he could show me the world. And I want to see it."
"Tommy and I have already done that! We could show you all the good spots~"
"And you won't be tied down to some prince."
"The bakeries of France, the monuments of Greece-"
"The shows in Spain, the art in Germany-"
"We'll take you there, free of charge."
The constant back and forth had him swiveling his head and losing his way and the more they talked, the more it sounded like a good idea to go. After all, seeing the world was what he wanted, wasn't it?
"The decision's made then", Carol decided without a word from Steve. She grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet. "And to seal the deal, let's have a little party."
"A party?"
Tommy grabbed Steve by the waist and before he could protest, was set down on a lily pad.
"Of course a party", he said. "Gotta celebrate your nuptials."
"My WHAT?!"
"We're gonna get some other toads. Then we can really get crazy", Carol grinned. "While we're gone, you can decide which of us you're gonna marry. Fun fact, Tommy burps when he croaks."
"And Carol's tongue lashes out in her sleep."
"Hey wait a minute!"
"See ya soon~!", the two toads crooned as their boat skuttled down the stream, in search of the rest of their friends.
Steve looked at his surroundings. On a lily pad, no dry land in sight. He sighed, ran a hand through his hair and then jumped in. Better start swimming. Hopefully Eddie wouldn't mind that he was late and also soaking wet. He wasn't quite sure of his direction, but all water had to lead somewhere and eventually get to land. As he swam, a bird flew overhead and noticed him.
"Uh, hey, quick question, what're you doing?", the bird asked, flying low.
"Swimming", Steve answered shortly, not having much room to talk.
"I can see that, but why?"
"To get home."
"Mhm. And you thought this was a good idea because?"
"What's it to you?!" Steve finally paused and floated in place while the bird landed on a cattail.
"Just seems like there's better options than swimming back. Like some sort of vessel."
"Yeah, well, my kidnappers took the boat, so this is my only choice."
"I mean you also could've just waited for someone to come by and help you."
"Who are you anyway and where were you when I got stolen?"
"Name's Dustin and if your kidnappers operate like most, it was probably night. So I was asleep."
"Well Dustin, I'd love to talk but I've got a date to keep. So bye." Steve started to swim again only to hear the bird call out once more.
"So were you planning on getting out before or after the waterfall?"
Steve didn't have time to ask before the current suddenly got faster, pulling him without even trying. He let out a shout before it took him under. He tried grabbing onto a stalk, a rock, anything to root him but his hands were too slippery and he was too disoriented. Dustin rushed after him and tried to pull Steve out himself but he wasn't strong enough. It wasn't until the other animals got involved, herding Steve away from the precipice that they were able to save him and get him out of the water.
Steve choked up what he swallowed and let out a shuddering breath. He looked around and tried to gather himself.
"Thanks. I owe you guys one. I'm...I'm Steve, by the way."
"So what're you gonna do now?", Dustin asked.
"I'm trying to go home, but..." Steve looked up at the grasses that surrounded him, much taller and keeping him from seeing any path that led back to his mother, back to Eddie. "It's looking kind of hopeless at this point."
He didn't even know which direction the toads had taken him. And then that stunt in the stream had him even less sure of where he was.
"So you're just gonna sit here and mope then?", Dustin asked.
Steve glared. "It's not that simple. I have no idea where I am or where to go!"
"Sitting here isn't gonna change anything. The way I see it, you got four choices."
"Yeah, go east, west, north, or south." Steve rolled his eyes as the bird continued. "Eventually, you'll either find home, or find someone who knows the way. Maybe you'll even run into that prince guy."
"How do you kno-"
"I think half the forest saw you two last night. Really gross by the way, you should get a room."
"I had one." But Dustin was right. He had to get moving somehow. Maybe Eddie had already gone to his house and saw that he wasn't there. Maybe he was already looking for him. Steve got to his feet, he took off his shirt and wrung it out as best as he could but made do with the fact he'd be wet for a little while.
His determination renewed, he started on his journey home, again.
Eddie had gone through a plethora of emotions in the past few hours. Anticipation and elation when he returned to Steve's abode. Confusion when he found his mother crying. Heartbreak and anger when she said he had been kidnapped. Anxiety as he tried to figure out how to find him. Knowing it was toads didn't exactly narrow it down.
In his frenzy, he did remember to stop by home to speak with his uncle. If looking for Steve was going to take a while, he had to be sure he actually had the time.
"First you shirk off your duties last night to go gallavatin' and then you come in here tellin' me you found the boy of your dreams and now he's just disappeared into thin air?"
"Kidnapped. Kidnapped is what I said. And I need to find him."
"Doesn't seem like the helpless type", Wayne said, stroking his chin. "You're the one who said he parried you with a needle."
"Yeah", Eddie swooned a little. "But he's probably unarmed and he can't fly. Even if he gets free, it could take him ages to find his way home."
"So what do you want me to do about it?"
"Hold off on the chill. Just until I find him."
"Hold off? Summer's nearly done, son." Wayne knew he was in love but messing with the seasons was a tall order for just one person.
"Please. If things freeze over I'll never find him. He could die!" Spurred on by the urgency, Eddie hopped onto Honey and left before he could get a response. He'd find his Steve. Or he'd die trying.
Part 4
Tag team:
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