#I’m a dc bitch
swugflower · 6 months
I cannot tell you the disappointment I just experienced.
I had the most intense high after reading that a Loki x Morbius ship exists on the tumblr ship list only to be now crashed with sadness that this isn’t about Jared Leto Morbius but apparently Owen Wilson (????) in that Loki series.
Morbius has been the biggest meme between my former co-worker/bestest of homies for years now, to the point that I swore to name a cat Morbius.
I am,,, devastated right now.
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meowkn · 1 month
Jason loves going on patrol… or to be specific he loves coming home after patrol. He loves coming home to you, who kisses he wounds better and stays up with him until he falls asleep. He knows that his night schedule inconveniences you, and he begged you not to stay up for him, yet he won’t admit that he loves it when you do. Maybe that was selfish of him, to hope that you’d stay up for him, but you’re his ray of light in the dark of the night.
He loved the nights where you'd rush to him, your hands gently tracing the bruises and cuts that marred his skin. Each touch was a balm, each kiss a salve that not only healed his physical wounds but also soothed his weary soul. He'd watch as you tended to him, your face etched with worry and love so profound it made his heart ache. He loved the moments where he could just rest his head on your shoulder until he fell asleep, the weariness and the exhaustion from the patrol kissed better by you.
But.... He also loved the nights where he would come home sweaty, the smell of gunpowder and leather practically radiating off of him, his hair stuck to his forehead and his body all tense, those were the nights where you'd really take care of him. You'd sit him down on the couch, before straddling him, your knees pressed against his thighs.
"I'm sweaty..." He'd mutter breathlessly, his voice low and raspy from his long night. He could feel your soft lips against his neck, pressing featherlight kisses trailing up to his jawline.
"Don't care... You smell good." You murmur against his skin, nibbling right above his adams apple.
He chuckles lowly. "Yeah? You like the smell of gunpowder?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow at you, glancing down through his eyelashes as you continue to press kisses to his neck.
"Mm..." You mutter already distracted with your ministrations. "It's sexy."
"It must be the leather." He says, his breath catching in his throat as he feels your hand slip underneath his shirt, tracing one of his scars.
"God, you're needy tonight, huh?"
Yeah, maybe this patrol thing isn't so bad after all.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Inspired by this post.
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I love when they’re freaks about eachother so
Bruce Wayne who literally falls apart every time he argues with dick. He can’t bear the thought that his Robin and partner and son and friend and family and savior and favored, hates him.
It made him physically sick the first time dick got mad enough at him as a teenager to stop talking to him for a few days. It’s only when dick came back from wherever he was and asked if he was okay with real concern in his voice that Bruce could breath right again. Dick didn’t hate him. Everything else could be delt with as long as he didn’t hate him.
Dick Grayson who learns just how much Bruce depends on his presence in his life after he leaves Robin behind and Alfred calls him back to the manor. When he goes to investigate he finds Bruce pouring over their early case files with such a lost and longing look on his face dick almost felt he shouldn’t look. He hates how loved he feels seeing Bruce’s pain at his “loss.” Hates how much he likes feeling needed.
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mybatfamshit · 2 years
Batfam memes:
Thanksgiving edition
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minty364 · 9 months
DPXDC Prompt #56
Danny gets kidnapped on a family trip to Gotham. The kidnapper thinking that Danny is one of the Wayne’s because of his appearance. He gets saved by Nightwing and unfortunately for him the eskrima (I’ve also seen it spelt with a c so someone please correct me if I’m wrong) sticks that emit electricity mixed with the super condensed scarecrow toxin cause him to relive the accident. Unknown to him that the Joker is being extra and broadcasting the whole thing to live TV.
His rings flicker in and out as he struggles to get a hold of himself, does it work?
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danothan · 1 year
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you guys remember when barry said this abt bruce
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gumyfish · 3 months
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2 more weird teenagers 🖤❤️
I needed to draw this because seeing people like/reblog my shitty doodle of them made me feel like there was an injustice abound…. I can do better…. and hence this was borne :] inspired by things Real Life Teenagers do !
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bruciemilf · 1 month
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The hoes gonna lOoOove THIS
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roseworth · 1 year
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intricate rituals
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to-the-stars8 · 11 months
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trophy-male-wife · 2 years
mentally ill bitches will look at a fucked up asshole and be like “that’s my little guy right there!” “he’s just so scrunkly and small” “i love my baby so so much”
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zodiac-senpai · 2 years
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"People are gorgeous. All of them. Why restrict myself to an archetype when this world is full of beauty? Gorgeous, gorgeous people everywhere. Including the ranks of Gotham's Elite."
- Bisexual Dick is canon, folks, it’s official. I don’t make the rules 😶
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gothicprep · 24 days
something that often bothers me about my whole “I’m anxious talking to you in a personal setting until I can feel you out” thing is that people think I’m being a bitch because I didn’t act like that when I had my part-time bartending job. you know you’re a different person at work than you are in social settings. come on!
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teddy-tastic-the-toon · 2 months
Disadventure Camp Rant 🚧(spoilers for EP 8 below)🚧
Ok, SO- I had already expected Ellie to get the boot this episode, pretty much since the last episode. And, honestly? I'm glad she’s gone- but not because I dislike her!
First off, HUGE Ellie defender and lover of her character here- she's actually part of my top three and man do I love her design and motivation! She’s so real and desperate in a way I think many people can relate to nowadays. She’s obviously portrayed to be kind and caring person to all those who’ve met her outside of the game, even mentioned by Kai in one of his greetings! It’s also obvious how much she adores Gabby and I thoroughly believe that she would ultimately choose her if it came down to it.
Still- I can’t deny that her cut-throat competitive nature would have gotten the better of her at some point. She was becoming really harsh and Tess has a really good point, one I 100% agree with. The game was NOT good for her, and she honestly would have permanently burned so many more bridges if she’d have continued. Plus, it would be silly for her to win as she’s displayed her competative nature again and again, so it was she’d likely have been soon to go anyways. If she, by the slimmest chance, made it to the merge? She’d have been either an early vote if most of yellow didn’t make it, or an easy Villain boot if they did make it. The only one of the four remaining that would possibly want to keep her in would be Alec, but after last season’s finale? It’s be a long shot. The point is that there’s literally no way she would have won, so better now than later.
To get back on topic though- the biggest reason I’m glad she’s gone though? (hoping for) More Gabby character development/screen time! She was a pretty early boot during the first season and her character has been mostly revolving around Ellie thus far in All Stars. I'd simply love to see some more of her interacting with the other contestants and even just her on her own! She’s obviously got something up her sleeve, and highly potential allies to back her up! Villain Gabby arc? Uh- YES PLEASE-
All in all, a bittersweet ending for my girl Ellie- really hoping Gabby gets far! (Gabby for the win lol) Going to cross my fingers for a Gabby vs Grett ending, though that's 100% wishful thinking. Also though- SO psyched about the confirmation that they use pet names! I wasn't sure how cringy-cutesy I could get away with being when writing them but I'm glad it's cannon lol. They're so adorable- can't wait to see Ellie again in the finale! (kinda sad we didn't get her reading off the patrons, though hoping that it means there's a chance she’ll be back?? MAYBE???)
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mistergreatbones · 1 month
Yes i think joyfire would be a horrible ship in execution especially with how dirty RHatO did Kori and Roy. Yes i want to bang my head against the wall every time I remember it wasn’t canon even if it was just Kori dating both Roy and Jason but them not dating each other because dc always has to make being gay a big deal. I contain multitudes.
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